Grade 8 English Lesson Plan

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Some of the key takeaways from the lesson plan are discussing opinions on important issues, learning how to use opinion-marking signals, composing a persuasive essay, and delivering a speech while paying attention to features like stress, pitch and juncture.

Some of the important issues discussed in the lesson plan include war, violence, peace, the impact of war on people, and changing culture to reduce wars.

The three speech features discussed for producing coherent English utterances are stress, pitch, and juncture.


At the end of 60-minute discussion, Grade 8 students should be able to do the following with at least 75-
80% proficiency level:
1. Share ideas and opinions using opinion-marking signals
2. Compose a persuasive opinion essay or speech
3. Deliver a persuasive speech using the correct stress, pitch, and juncture
4. Create an appropriate documentation of a persuasive speech

The learner demonstrates understanding of: Southeast Asian literature as mirror to a shared heritage ;
coping strategies in processing textual information; strategies in examining features of a listening
and viewing material; structural analysis of words and propaganda techniques; and grammatical
signals for opinion- making, persuasion, and emphasis.

The learner transfers learning by composing and delivering a persuasive speech based on an
informative essay featuring use of properly acknowledged information sources, grammatical signals
for opinion-making, persuasion, and emphasis, and appropriate prosodic features, stance, and

 Share ideas using opinion-marking signals (EN8RC-IIIa-10)
 Observe the use of correct stress, pitch, and juncture when delivering a persuasive speech
 Use appropriate documentations (EN8c-IIIc-11)
 Compose an informative essay (EN8WC-IIId-2.2.16)
A.) Topic: Opinion-Marking Signals, Correct Sounds English/ Stress, Pitch & Juncture
B.) Materials: English in Perspective 8 worktext, Computer/Laptop, TV, PowerPoint
A.) Reference/s:
 English in Perspective 8 worktext, pg. 415-418, 447-448
 Curriculum Guide

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Preliminary Activities

a. Greetings
Good morning Class! Good morning teacher Kimberly!

b. Prayer
Colin, please lead the prayer.
You may now take your seats Thank you ‘Cher!

c. Checking of attendance No one ‘Cher!

Let’s check your attendance, who’s absent?
Very good! You’re all present.

d. Review Yes Ma’am!

It was all about…………
Do you still remember our previous lesson?
What was our lesson last time?
Okay Glaydia, kindly recap our lesson last
B. Developmental Activities

1. Motivation

Day 1. Reflect on some important issues that affect

you, your family, community, and country. Give your
opinions/ beliefs on these issues and introduce them
using the following expressions.
1. In my opinion
2. It is my belief that
3. There is no doubt that
4. In my mind
5. I think that
For your activity, please be ready to reflect on some
important issues and I have here a rolled piece of
paper, once you’ve all picked one and whoever got
those rolled papers with the written expressions, he/she Yes ‘Cher!
will give his/her opinion and once you were able to use
the expression in your opinion then you’ll
automatically got 10 points but to those who were not
able to give their ideas or opinion, I will give them at
least 2 seconds to pass the responsibility to anyone that
he/she thinks can help him/her. Is that clear?
Day 2.
In groups of three, express your opinions or views
based on the given situations. Use introductory and
concluding opinion expressions to convey your ideas
clearly and meaningfully.
Situation 1
Hundreds of thousands of children die or direct
violence in war each year. They die as civilians caught
in the violence of war, as combatants directly targeted,
or in the course of ethnic cleansing.
Situation 2
Children are exposed to situations of terror and horror
during war—experiences that may leave enduring
impacts in posttraumatic stress disorder. Severe loses
and disruptions in their lives lead to high rates of
depression and anxiety in war-affected children. These
impacts may be prolonged by exposures to further
difficulties and violence in refugee situations.
Situation 3.
Millions of children and young people worldwide are
affected by armed confronted with physical harm,
violence, danger, exploitation, fear, and loss. Many
children are forced to flee. Some witness the death of
loved ones. Some are force to pull the trigger
themselves. Communities are ripped apart and can no
longer provide a secure environment for children.
Adults are busy surviving, parents have little time for
their children. Schools and playgrounds are damaged
or taken over by armed groups.

C. Presentation In sharing opinions, we can used these signal

words or phrases to connect our ideas logically,
Day 1. We are now going to have our discussion on the clearly, and creatively.
Opinion-Marking Signals.

In the activity that you did, you were able to use

such expressions in giving your own opinion or
beliefs and these are considered as Opinion-
Marking Signals.
Day 2. As youth of today, your opinion is important
because you need to build strong foundation of your
generation, most especially our nation. You have your
power to make the world or our country enjoy not to suffer.

D. Discussion

Day 1. Every time people engage in interaction or

conversation, the interactions are always laden with

What do you think is the importance of these

Opinion-Marking Signals in sharing your opinions?

Yes. You’re absolutely correct!

Listed in the table are phrases that you can use

to start your conversation and discussions.
Expressions or Signals to Introduce Opinions
In my opinion From my point of view
I believe It seems to me that
It is my belief that I question whether
There is no doubt that I (dis)agree with
I maintain that In my mind
I think that As far as I know
As far as I am concerned I am convinced

Expressions or Signals to Conclude Opinions

For the reasons above As I have noted
As you can see In other words
On the whole

Day 2.
In expressing your opinion you can also write an (Day 1)
opinion essay. In writing your persuasive essay, you 1. Possible Answers:
may use the following structure. I believe (that)
Paragraph 1- INTRODUCTION It is my belief that
-state your main idea or the point that you In my mind
are trying to prove and give two reasons for your I think that
taking this stand. 2. Possible Answers:
Paragraph 2 and 3- BODY In my opinion
-explain in detail the reasons you have I believe (that)
stated in your first paragraph. Develop a paragraph for It is my belief that
each reason you have cited. In my mind
Paragraph 4- CONCLUSION As far as I know
-Sum up your position by restating your As far as I am concerned
main idea and finishing with a “call of action.” 3. Possible Answers:
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ From my point of view
~ In my mind
In delivering your speech, it is also important for you In my opinion
to learn the Correct Sounds Of English. As far as I am concerned
The English Language possesses a measured flow 4. Possible Answers:
that creates a harmonious pattern of sounds and rhythm I believe (that)
of the English Language. In my mind
Furthermore, there are certain speech features that I think that
can greatly help learners and speakers of English to From my point of view
produce utterances that flow steadily, spontaneously, In my opinion
and coherently. These features are: As far as I am concerned
1. Stress- it is the emphasis given to a certain syllable 5. Possible Answers:
of a word, a phrase, or a sentence. A change in stress In my opinion
affects its meaning. In my mind
Examples: As far as I am concerned
EXport (n) exPORT (v)
OBject (n) obJECT (v)
PREsent (n) preSENT (v)
PROject (n) proJECT (v)
Record (n) reCORD (v)
2. Pitch- relative highness or lowness of a tone or
3. Juncture- it is a transition or a period of change
between successive speech sounds or between a speech
sound an silence. In pronouncing the twin words with
identical sounds, you observe a juncture or a pause or a
silence between the words to make them clear.
Night rate Nitrate
Ice cream I scream
Heal eyes he lies
Keep sticking keeps ticking
We’ll own we loan

E. Application
Day 1. Grammar Practice:
In my opinion From my point of view
I believe (that) It is my belief that
In my mind I think that
As far as I know As far as I am concerned
Directions: Choose an appropriate signal or expression
from the list above to introduce each of the following
opinions. Rewrite the sentence and include the
expression you have selected.
1. To gain peace, humankind must accept the pain that
war brings.
2. War is unnecessary. Peace and goodwill are what
the world needs.
3. It is improper to call our soldiers “troops.” Troops
are an abstraction. Soldiers are human beings who
bleed and die when they are wounded.
4. Wars are generated by the whole culture. Our task is
to change a whole culture. We must change the
ideational aspect of the war culture, its beliefs and
values, and its institutional structures.
5. Violence is needed to bring peace.

Day 2.
(for 15-20 minutes.)
Write an opinion essay on the topic “The Great
Impact of Wars on People.”
Cohesiveness____ 30%

F. Generalization
Do you have any questions/clarifications?

Who wants to give a brief summary of our

discussion for today?

V. Evaluation:

Day 1. (Day 1)
Directions: Express your own beliefs or opinions on Answers:
the following and conclude them using any of these 1. As you can see
expressions. 2. As I have noted
3. For the reasons above
For the reasons above As I have noted 4. On the whole
As you can see In other words 5. In other words
On the whole

1. War is necessary for humanity to evolve and

progress in the world we live today.
2. War is waged because of different religions,
beliefs, and ways of life.
3. To gain peace, humankind must accept the pain
that war brings.
4. War is unnecessary. Peace and goodwill are what
the world needs.
5. Violence is needed to bring peace.

Day 2. (Based on their written essay)

VI. Assignment

Directions: Use your written persuasive opinion essay in delivering a speech. Take note of the use of
stress, pitch and juncture in your delivery. Submit a video of your speech.
Delivery________ 35%
Cohesiveness____ 15%

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