Module 4 Task 4 PDF

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Sources of Learning

Model Answer

This model answer has been designed to help you critically evaluate what types of
learning activities deliver the most value for you. Extensive research in the field of
learning indicates that learning comes from a range of sources, but experience is the
best teacher. The best learning comes about from doing – not simply knowing. Do your
responses align with this? Learning from experience through critical reflection of our
experience and a commitment to improving performance contributes to greater
confidence and competence.
Microsoft Intern Program

In relation to building our knowledge and skills in

the workplace, did you know that approximately:
• 70% of learning occurs through challenging experiences, making mistakes and
learning by doing.

• 20% of learning occurs through coaching, feedback, interactions and

relationships with others.

• 10% of learning occurs through formal instruction such as classroom or online

learning interventions and reading.

By understanding this, you can maximize the effectiveness of your learning through the
types of activities you choose to engage in. It may also help you to bring a learning and
growth mindset to each experience you have, every day.

We have also provided extra guidance in the model answer to help you identify your
personal learning style preference. You may find this useful for understanding why you
are drawn to certain types of learning activities and how you can extract benefit from
those activities that you least prefer.

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Step 1:
In the table below, place a tick in column 2 against all the types of learning activities
listed, that you have engaged in that have built your knowledge and skills. Feel free to
add any that have been missed.

Step 2:

Now work through your ‘ticked’ list and in column 3, rank them from 1 (where you
learned the most i.e., it was the most helpful, relevant, meaningful and worthwhile)
down to the activity that you learned the least from.

Step 3:

Record any key themes you see emerging from your ranked list. Are there certain types
of learning activities where you felt you learned the most? Was the value you
experienced impacted by any other person involved in that learning activity? Why do
you think you learned the most from these types of activities? What does this tell you
about where the best learning investment is for you?

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Type of Learning Activity Where it fits in the 70:20:10

learning model
Attending lectures 10
Attending face to face training 10
Reading and researching 10
Observing others 20
Attending interactive online learning events 20
Receiving coaching 20
Experience on the job 70
Working with a mentor 20
Sharing experiences with others informally either 20
online or face to face
Watching videos 10
Seeking out ‘stretch’ opportunities 70
Gaining a formal qualification 10
Accessing subject matter experts 20
Undertaking work experience 70
Using a learning journal or reflective log 70
Networking 20
Taking on a challenging task outside of your comfort 70

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Key themes:

Use these questions to critically evaluate your

responses and how to maximise your learning
1. How did your responses align with the 70:20:10 learning model indicating where
most learning occurs?

2. What types of learning activities have you spent the most time engaged in? Do
you need to consider different learning activities to build your knowledge and
skills? Are you staying within your comfort zone?

3. How can you diversify the types of learning activities you engage in to extract the
most learning?

4. How can you optimise workplace experiences to ensure you receive the most
learning from them?

5. How will you build your personal brand, so others want to collaborate with you,
work with you and provide you with workplace experiences that stretch and build
your knowledge and skills?

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Learn more about valuable 70:20:10 workplace

learning activities

Read this article to learn more about 70:20:10 and the types of learning activities in the
workplace that you can engage in to maximise your learning investment.

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Microsoft Intern Program

Learn more about your preferred learning style

Everyone has a preferred way to learn. These are known as Learning Styles. The most
famous study on Learning Styles is by Honey and Mumford. Learners often operate with
the same learning methods for years, without any thought as to whether it is the most
effective way to absorb and retain information.

There is no single "most effective" way of learning; it varies from person-to-person and
also depends significantly on the task or the information. Once you know the different
approaches to learning, you can consider which is most beneficial for you and when
each style is appropriate.

• Use this questionnaire to help you identify your preferred learning style.

• Read this article to learn more about the different learning styles.

• Watch this video to understand another type of learning style you may identify

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