Consumers Behaviour Towards e

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Consumers behaviour towards e-retailing and m retailing

Plesssis, P., Mostert, P., North, E. (n.d).Period of internet usage: An indicator of the buying
behavior of internet users? SAJEMS NS Vol 7 (2004) No 1.

Plessis, P., Mostert, P., North, E. (2004). Studies Period of Internet Usage: An Indicator
of the Buying Behavior of Internet Users. They study the relationship between the Period of
Internet usage and Online buying pattern of Consumer. They use data collection method and
1005 responses were received. They find that the period of Internet usage significantly
influenced the decision to purchase via the Internet. Another finding was that the period of
Internet usage significantly influenced whether those shopping on the Internet searched for,
or considered searching for, product and service information online prior to purchasing from
non-Internet-based sellers.

jeong, N., Yoo, Y. and Heo, T.-Y. (2009), “Moderating effect of personal innovativeness on
mobile-RFID services: based on Warshaw’s purchase intention model”, Technological
Forecasting and Social Change, Vol. 76, pp. 154-64.

Various studies examine the impact of individuals’ innovativeness in new technologies on the
adoption of mobile services (Jones et al., 2003; Jeong et al., 2009). Chen et al. (2009)
found that innovativeness influences satisfaction in the context of self-service technologies
(such as internet banking or electronic funds transfers).

Faziharudean, T.M.; and Li-Ly, T. (2011), “Consumers’ Behavioural Intentions to Use

Mobile Data Services in Malaysia”, African Journal of Business Management, 5(5):1811-

Faziharudean and Li-Ly (2011) use theoretical framework to examine the effect on
customers’ behavioural intention to use mobile data services from the various identified
factors has been presented in this research. The work conducts a survey in Malaysia in the
form of questionnaire. Hypotheses have been framed and Multiple regression analysis has
been deployed for the purpose. The various factors such as: Perceived usefulness, perceived
enjoyment, perceived mobility, social influence and perceived ease of use, all have been
found to have significant positive influences on consumers’ usage intentions for mobile data

Je, H. C., & Myeong-Cheol, P. (2005) Mobile internet acceptance in Korea. Internet
Research, 15(2), 125–140

Je and Myeong-Cheol (2005) studies mobile internet acceptance in Korea by developing

an extended version of TAM to better reflect M-internet context. They finds that attitude
toward mobile internet is the most significant determinant followed by the perceived
playfulness and the usefulness to use M-Internet. Further, they established the positive
role of the perceived playfulness and the negative role of perceived price level in
developing the attitude as well as the intention. Nor Shahriza et al. (2006) in their study
explores the utilization of mobile phone services in the educational environment and
found positive perceptions towards the application of wireless hand services in the
context of library and information services that led to the extensive usage of mobile
phones applications among Malaysian students.

Valentine, B. D., & Powers, L. T. (2013). Generation Y values and lifestyle segments.
Journal of Consumer Marketing, 30(7), 597-606.

B. Valentine & L. Powers, 2013; Lazarevic, 2012). Although few researchers start to examine
the state of e-commerce in Bangladesh over the past few years, there is a gap in market
research to learn the expectations of the consumers from online retailers. This study aims to
be the first of its kind investigating the current online purchase behaviour of Generation Y in
Bangladesh with the intention to receive future directions from the demography. In the short
to medium term the outcome of this research should pave the ways of new entrepreneurships
and the application should help existing online businesses operating in Bangladesh to realign
their strategy with consumer demand. In the long-term the effort of online retailers will create
a much desired online purchasing experience for the next generation of buyers which will be
the key to achieve a sustainable growth.
Ling, K. C., Chai, L. T., & Piew, T. H. (2010). The effects of shopping orientations, online
trust and prior online purchase experience toward customers' online purchase intention.
International Business Research, 3(3), 63.

Chai, L., Piew, T. (n.d.). study The effects of shopping orientations, online trust
and prior online purchase experience toward customers’ online purchase intention. The aim
of their research is to evaluate the impacts of shopping orientations, online trust and prior
online purchase experience to the customer online purchase intention. They conduct a survey
of 250 respondents by using convenience sampling. They find that impulse purchase
intention, quality orientation, brand orientation, online trust and prior online purchase
experience were positively related to the customer online purchase intention. Further they add
that E-retailers may offer loyalty programmes or club memberships for those online
customers who exhibit strong brand orientation to increase the level of online trust. E-
retailers must provide honest and trustworthy information to the potential web shoppers at all


Dawn, S. K., & Kar, U. (2011). E-Tailing in India: its issues, opportunities and effective
strategies for growth and development. International Journal of Multidisciplinary
Research, 3, 101 -115.

Dawn and Kar (2011) provide a clear picture about the e-Tailing in India and its various
issues, opportunities. And suggest that customer care should be a top priority as with leading
online companies. Online customers are more aware, more sensitive and therefore more
difficult to retain and the industry should ensure that customers must feel safe and secure
while transaction online

Benedict et al (2001) in his study on perceptions towards online shopping reveals that
perceptions toward online shopping and intention to shop online are not only affected by ease
of use, usefulness, and enjoyment, but also by external factors like consumer traits,
situational factors, product characteristics, previous online shopping experiences, and trust in
online shopping.

jeong, N., Yoo, Y. and Heo, T.-Y. (2009), “Moderating effect of personal innovativeness onn
mobile-RFID services: based on Warshaw’s purchase intention model”, Technological
Forecasting and Social Change, Vol. 76, pp. 154-64.

Various studies examine the impact of individuals’ innovativeness in new technologies on

the adoption of mobile services (Jones et al., 2003; Jeong et al., 2009). Chen et al. (2009)
found that innovativeness influences satisfaction in the context of self-service technologies
(such as internet banking or electronic funds transfers).

ACNielsen (2007),Perception towards online shopping .An empirical study of Indian

Consumer, Abhinav National Monthly Referred Journal Of Reasearch In Commerce &

Donald Rogan (2007) explains the relationship between consumer behavior and marketing
strategy. He states that strategy is about increasing the probability and frequency of buyer
behavior. Requirements for succeeding in doing this are to know the customer and understand
the consumer's needs and wants. The expectation-confirmation model (Oliver 1980), on the
other hand, focuses on the post-purchase behavior. It is a widely used model in the consumer
behavior literature, particularly in explaining consumer satisfaction and repeat purchase.
Satisfaction is the central notion of this model and it is formed by the gap between
expectation and perceived performance (Oliver 1980). The expectation-confirmation theory
suggests that if the perceived performance meets one's expectation, confirmation is formed
and consumers are satisfied. Bhattacherjee (2001) stated that satisfied users are more likely to
continue the IS use. Thus, we point that adoption and continuance are connected to each other
through several mediating and moderating factors such as trust and satisfaction
Walczuch, R., Seelen, J., & Lundgren, H. (2001, September). Psychological determinants for
consumer trust in e-retailing. In Eighth Research Symposium on Emerging Electronic
Markets (RSEEM 01), Maastricht, Netherlands.

Walczuch, R., Seelen, J., Lundgren, H. (n.d.). do their study on Psychological

determinants for consumer trust in e-retailing. They have studied Personality-based factors,
Perception-based factors, Experience-based factors, Knowledge-based factors;
227 and Attitude. The major findings are Consumers seem to make their decision to trust an
e-retailer on a rather rational basis. They find that Knowledge base factors and Experience
Base factors plays a vital role to consumer at a time to purchase from ERetailer.

Kierkegaard, P. (2008). Fear of e-shopping? anxiety or phobia?. International Journal of

Technology Transfer and Commercialisation, 7(1), 83-90.

Kierkegaard, P. (n.d.). describes Fear of e-shopping – anxiety or phobia? His study focuses
on finding the reasons behind the reluctances from consumers to purchase online. He finds
that a number of people fear online shopping and mistrust the technology. So service
providers must develop the trust to reduce the perceived risk.

Hassanein, K., & Head, M. (2007). Manipulating perceived social presence through the web
interface and its impact on attitude towards online shopping. International Journal of
Human-Computer Studies, 65(8), 689-708.

Hassanein, K., & Head, M. (2007), explore how human warmth and sociability can be
integrated through the web interface to positively impact consumer attitudes towards E-
Tailing. This study investigates the impact of various levels of socially
rich text and picture design elements on the perception of online social presence and its
subsequent effect on antecedents of attitudes towards websites. Higher levels of perceived
social presence are shown to positively impact the perceived
usefulness, trust and enjoyment of shopping websites, leading to more favourable consumer
attitudes. Implications of these finding for practitioners and future research are outlined.


Sahney, S., Shrivastava, A., & Bhimalingam, R. (2008). Consumer Attitude Towards Online
Retail Shopping in the Indian Context. ICFAI Journal of Consumer Behavior, 3(4).
Sahney, S., Shrivastava, A., Bhimalingam, R. (n.d.). conduct study on Consumer Attitude
towards Online Retail Shopping in the Indian Context. The objective of the study was to look
into the various aspects of online shopping in modern day environment and to identify those
factors that affect the development of attitudes towards online shopping. They use
questionnaire as data collection tool and done the survey of 160 respondents. They study
aspects which were reliability and trust, security, aesthetics, continuous improvement, access
to foreign goods and post purchase service related to online retail store. Their sampling units
are educated middle and upper class people who were aware of online retail shopping. They
find that reliability and trust were the most important criteria as per Indian consumer for
online retail store followed by information and post-sales service and security. They also find
that aesthetically well-arranged site will improve their mood of consumer and motivate them
to browse through the site.

Yashaswi. (n.d.). E-retailing: Is India ready for it? Retrieved from

Yashaswi(n.d.). study e-Retailing: Is India ready for it? He says that the ultimate aim of the
e-retailer is to develop a sustainable competitive advantage. Further he discusses various
advantages and disadvantages of e-retailing from consumer side. He also discusses various
challenges faced by service providers such as e-customer 225 retention, customer service, and
secure payment. He finds that infrastructure which is required for providing e-retailing
facility from service provider side such as architecture of the website-payment system, supply
chain management, troubleshooting help desk, customer data base management and so on.
Further he adds that Internet is no magic wand, it is yet marketing tool, and like all other
marketing tools, it will work only if used wisely.

M comm-

Vrechopoulos, A.P., Constantiou, I.D., Sideris, I., Doukidis, G.I., and Mylonopoulos,
N.The Critical Role of Consumer Behavior Research in Mobile Commerce,
International Journal of Mobile Communications, Vol. 1, No.3, 2003, pp. 329-340.
Vrechopoulos et al. (2003) compares adoption rates and consumer behavior toward
mcommerce among Finland, Germany and Greece and found significant difference
among consumers in three countries. The study indicates European consumers’ are
high in adoption and diffusion due to better quality mobile devices, user-friendly
shopping interfaces, more useful applications and services, lower prices, better security,
better coverage and higher speed.

Kini, R. & Bandyopadhyay, S. (2006) Adoption and Diffusion of M-commerce,

Encyclopedia of Mobile Computing and Commerce, IDEA Group Inc., Hershey, PA.
Kini, R. B. (2009)

In a similar study in Thailand, Kini and Bandyopadhyay (2006) finds "good pricing", "quality
of service" and ubiquity of mobile device as critical success for higher usage for mobile

Park, J., Yang, S., & Lehto, X. (2007). Adoption and Usage of Mobile Technologies for
Chinese Consumers, Journal of Electronic Commerce Research, 31(3), 196–206.

While Park et al. (2007) finds performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence,
and facilitating condition as major factors that influence the adoption of M-commerce in
China. Researchers use the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology
(UTAUT model) to m-commerce adoption.

Kini, R. B. (2009) Adoption and Evaluation of Mobile Commerce in Chile. The

Journal Information Systems Evaluation, 12(1), 75 – 88

However, Kini (2009) conductes a study among MBA students in Chile and found that
despite this community an extensive user of electronic commerce, they are not contented
using mobile commerce owing to mobile access speed, service quality and price factors.
Alkhunaizan, A., & Love, S. (2013) Effect of Demography on Mobile Commerce
Frequency of Actual Use in Saudi Arabia. Advances in Information Systems and
Technologies, 206, 125–131

Alkhunaizan and Love (2013) in their research analyse effect of demographical factors
(gender, age, education level) influence on mobile commerce usage in Saudi Arabia.
Findings of the study indicates that age affect statistically significant on the actual usage
while gender and education level do not have impact on the mobile commerce actual

Park, J., Yang, S., & Lehto, X. (2007). Adoption and Usage of Mobile Technologies for
Chinese Consumers, Journal of Electronic Commerce Research, 31(3), 196–206.

In contrast, Park et al. (2007) finds moderating factors such as gender and education level to
have a significant influence but interestingly, internet usage experience have no significant
effect on m-commerce adoption.

Jih, W. (2007) Effects of Consumer-Perceived Convenience on Shopping Intention in Mobile

Commerce: An Empirical Study, International Journal of E-Business Research, 3, 33-48.

Jih (2007) examines the relationship between perceived convenience and shopping
intention of college students in Taiwan and established a significant relationship between
the two constructs, and a positive effect of convenience perception on shopping


Thakur,R. & Srivastava,M. (2013) Customer usage intention of mobile commerce in

India: an empirical study, Journal of Indian Business Research, 5(1), 52 – 72

Thakur & Srivastava (2013) in their study in India investigates the factors influencing the
adoption intention of mobile commerce based on constructs from the technology acceptance
model and innovation resistance theory Results of the study indicates perceived usefulness,
perceived ease of use and social influence as significant determinants for adopting this new
technology platform for conducting business. The results also indicate security and privacy
risks negatively related with usage of mobile commerce.

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