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EBI§ §&MT§I!ff
TBM A§R&'{§M

Student's Book & Workbook



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E Richmond
D tanguage Map - SB
Question Syllabus Voeabulary Grannmar Speaking & Skills
in an apartment? .Rooms in a house .There + Be (Past) Talk about rooms & furniture in a house

- Do you live
- Where were you last night? ' Party items -Verb Be (Past) . Describe a party you went to
6.t 'Past time expressions "Recycle past forms of Be - Inter,¡iew a partner about their past
'How was your last NewYear's Eve? Celebrations , Prepositions of place . Talkabout a memorable party
ó.3 - Saying years 'Describe positions of objects
" Were there trams in your city? , Recycle places in town . Prepositions of piace 'Compare your town back then & now
6.1, . There + Be (Present vs. Past)

- Do you enjoy the Oscars? - Speclal events - Predict from conlext

, How about a BBQ on Sunday? - Tlpes of parties " Make invitations
ReYiew 4 p. 72

'Past Simple 0 regular . Talk about past events

7"1 " When did you start school? DluEr aPrll

.what did you do last weekend? - Recycle saying years , Past Simple 0 O rrregular ' Tell a famous musician's bio

'Where did you go last vacation? 'Dates & ordlnal " Past Simple I , Ask & answer about your last vacalion
r-3 . Say when people were born
numbers 'Prepositions
. When do you listen to music? . Recycle routine verbs " Sub;ect vs. Object " Talk about past routine
7 .!+
- Sounding impressed Questions 'Ask & answer about cultural facts
Can I use your phone? " Phone phrases ' Understand & tell a story

75 - Could you help me, please? , Can / Could. , Ask for favors
\l/ill (unplanned responses)


. What do you have in your fridge? 'Food & drink Talk about what you have rn your fridge

" Are you on a diet at the moment? ' Portions of food . Countable vs. Uncountable l¿ lk abouL poi ion, o[ fooo

oa Nouns . Talk about your own diet

Quantifiers (some / any)

" How often do you eat chocoiate? " Nutrition facts " Quanlifiers (a lot of, a few & - Say large numbers
" Large numbers a little) " Talk about your atlitude to food

- How much meat do you eat? - Recycie nutrition facts -How muchvs.How many Ask & answer aboui quanl Lies
B./r - Recycle Quantifiers - Talk about eating habits & lifestyle

Are you hungry? . Alllteration Make vs. Do . Scan a menu

- "
- What would you like for lunch? .llik¿vs. ldiike . Order food

Review 5p 94

'How did you get here today? , Means of transportaüon .How da / drdyouqetLa...? . Talk about how you get to places

4,, - What's your occupation?


What do you do? /)obs
More jobs
. Suffixes

Wh questions about jobs
, Talk about your occupation

" Talk about unusual habits / ways-to

9.? commute to work
TalkabouL obs oc.upat-ons
oa . Where are you going to be in 2O22? " Future plans - (Be) Goíng to . Talk about future plans / predictrons

are you going to do next year? Life changes -Gaingto vs. Present '1a'k abo*t p-ans & inlenlions
'What -
Continuous for plans Talk about New Year's resolutrons


. Would you like to be a nurse? 'lobs of the future " Comparatives . Look for conneclions
" Do you mind if I borrow your pen? " Bo¡row / lend - Ask for permission
- Do you look like your mom? 'The body & face - Irregular p1ura1 forms - Talk about parts of the body & face
. Adjectives (appearance) - What does she look likeT . Describe people's appearance
@,0, , A.u you like your dad? - People's descriptions - Comparatives . Express oprnion about an athiete
1il 2 , Compare appearance & personality
' Adjectives (character)
10.3 " What's the prettiest city you know? , Personality adjectives . e,,¡arlntir¡ao Descnbe personalitv & places

. " What's the best place in the world? ' Geographical features ' Recycle Comparatives & , Talk about lhe wonders of nature
Superlatives - Talk about travei ambitlons
, What's your blood type? - More parts of the body . Understand facls
' Is your English better than a year ago? " Adjectives
- Make choices
R€view ó p. 11ó

lD Café p. 143 Yr'riting p. 151 Pronunciation p. 154 Audio Script p. 1ó1

:+ D Language Map - \fB
Question Syllabus
Do you live in an apartment? Rooms in a house .There + Be (Past)

"I Where were you last night?


Party items 'Verb Be (Past) Talk aboul parties

How was your last New Year's Eve? Celebrations Prepositions of place
Saying years

Were there trams in your citY? Recycle public places Describe a town ln the

How about a BBQon Sunday? Make inütations

When did you start school? Biography

What did you do last weekend? Past Simple *

'Past Simple #
Dates & ordinal .Past Simple @ Talk about pasl events
Where did you go last vacation?
numbers Prepositrons

When do you listen to music? Reclr¡ls routine verbs Subjecl Queslions Talk about past roriline

Could you help me, pleaseT Can / Could

What do you have in your fridge? Food & drink

Are you on a diet at the moment? Portions of food Counlable vs. Talk about a daily diet
Uncountable Nouns
Quantrfiers (some / any'1

How often do you eat chocolate? Nutrition f acts .

Quantifiers (afeLu /
alittle / alot ofl

How much meat do you eat? Recycle poriions of food -How much:ts.
How many

i vs I7

What would you like for lunch? Courses & ways to cook líke like

How did you get here today? \,leans of transporlatton Recycle Past Simple Talk about how you get
lobs to places

. What's your occupation? rvlore IODS Talk about occr.rpalions

Where are you going lobe in 2022? Future plans (Be) Going to Talk about future plans /

What are you going to do next year? Lrfe changes Gaing to vs. Present
Continuous for rlans

Would you like to be a nurse? Borrow / Lend Ask for permission

Do you look like your mom? The body & lace Irregular Plural Forms
IO People's descriptions

Are you like your dad? Ad.lectives (appearance Comparatives

& personality)

What's the prettiest ciry you know? Personalily adjectives Superlatrves Express opinions about
peopie & p1ac..s

Geographical features

N4ore parts of lhe body Recycle comparative &


Audio Script p, 57 Answ¿r Key'p. .62 Phrase Bank p. ó7 :\Xrord:L¡st-p. 71

Finally, an English rourse
rffirwelcometo hUIishD you can understand!
Famous song lines
illustrate language
from lessons.
Contextualized Picture
Lesson titles are questions you learn Dicüonary to presenl
.! You are not alone,
lo answer during the lessons. and review vocabulary
I am h¿re with yos.'5

Word stress
in pink on
new words.
Btl\ol Mq rañe\ M{rq t ¿u¿q
rD13Mate ü€ ¡.eeüd6 t the c@nd€e,
1-3. oues ü. pMumü6m. k¡ to &
tñ t.añ N.w York t M.xi.¿ a¡rq t qu6úfttuE.F/m Fne b@
! A,sliila¡
!- endh Common
a chh"* - l-l slai§
!¡p**" ¡ ehh ---- Mistakes
I Di.rMarrflacsLsioüeou¡id6.L*tento
D t I 4 LÉen to rne .ónphE san¿ ánd /.kr anticipate
the Fme b chect. Mat! ,ou¡ <oE?
ilA.s,h. irh-
the eisht quefions and .nse67
and prevent
your errors.
! np* .!l ft¿

i The md comron sffix lor natioñ¿In6 in

\ñ/orld of English: / l > Fo¡ .xanplet lhlbn, Chilean. RBb. ttuiil. l:rlrllall"q,
No, r r\ i!nsú
interesling facts
and sludy tips. C Or.?üsen rochee arealyou

tiu *n*r.*r,*."' ***".,r r.s§l

a o, 4 L*l6 b M oeaFÉ ¡¿ .Ld

.¡*-.F'á-Nr lrünli6"¿ ü"'k.

l¡riÁ.q, lft,alelerd

B O''Lúr!ldErer úr dh(drs6

;i;;k; -;ñ;ñ

D skills: extra listening D in Acüon: communicatron

and reading practÍce

§§§ffi ii kcxcer¡entx¿un¡on

..1!4l Yr:f'"'

a coüprete 13 wri ¡h¡ core{ wo¡d

A complete Grammar
reference with erercises
B r;rr-14¡r9uL.s*tyouopilDno.daso

H Reviews
D café:-sitcom videos systematically
to consolidale language recycle language.
Cyber English: the English
of digitai technology.

, 1.3 How do you spell your last name? : 1.3
'rbles: m
tisten;ng Svocabularyr ¡.'..',, !!i:li :l'l.i' .,¡ 'i!'ri
-:,. ior §
A {lr 13 Lkt¿n to fiv? dialoss and.t.le the names you nea. @M{ffi A M.t.h O,e-ords ¡nd oUe.G e k Patr.h¿.:.

! a.x,hi

\,4ar,n'o"". ?: LgtHI
\ i thesymbol@=ai

' ;_ ño @
D :.rls¡.r.¡r¿ ii,¡b.¡rhr.nre.sin,.inrhe.¡¿.ry.Lh:arih:n.i11 @ boxes: extra
O r.5Gr ard.rrFi{sthe rÉn.ath. lialoE vi¡Ldn.ltr¡ rheprcLle,n
grammar and
wó¡.n uhati BNr d.¡tl¡dq,r¿¡dl
¿ big
Grañm¡r: vrh b¿i*
E quesLio¡s

Á ..rdrrhaemds a iorn or¿ni..r uila:1¡erL r. ¡i..rsr

':l- ir:-:'' ':r:

it sBúmsed
,:-.:i-zed ¡¡AK.EERsot¡¡n*t{
iir(osh:' @ &amm-p. rl3 ;.ripr¿:¿{r¡rrhis thai thos¿1r,.,!..i,.:reinrÁsr! fhese s o n g/i:/+,'zi.
. -rto

rkt.r.!.k ¡.r::!¡rs.i:1,.9:herrt:ra¡.¡als.h..lr:i.sli:i

,vour e.
,-.'in {J oGmnarP lr3

rÁ(: i.ERsoñar Inpais

¡: P.irt io an rb..r h ilr.hssroom a.d:!rwhals rhis/that/ tfi€*/tfiose:
e wodbook¡.6
*l t,,

D Iasy Autonomous Learning system IDEAL integrates

all components for comprehensive autonomous study.

tflhat's your full name?

the forms and answer a-f-

O To fsten to these words and sounds, and practice üem, go to t¡e ] Workbook to
vowels praclice and

-q/,- \.
'\-.'.,; I


v0 Y".# l.;i... l
'-' -!
Phrase Bank to
practice common
Pictures to present and
practice Pronunciation.

j¡.Aud¡o Scr¡pt
fl r*D
O1.17 Notic¿ the stiess in the ñumbers.


ffi 1 fm:rghylivetodayr¡lpytr:¡hdaytom€

rr-r gt.2
My sidress is seventx Bluervé¡ue

Audio Script
Norc€s=z/ I ¡ave aL.ven br.the6 and sisteEl
( ft is¡oólisri.éty ni¡edólIá¡s.
5 Hm6, I ihinl its fift:e. mil€ io hs A.Bélés
activities to
ó fte ¡nñber arter th!ty.bine b Lrty
tm 7 lhamsixi.rnclassúabsi¡ñylnelisldas
re 3 ftir:erhou¡sonap1ane.. tmleryti.ed!
¡i§ P5ffi"'ffi
01,18 Not c€ the si€ss in the ques¡ons
¿ r"i T¡:r. r p.,,rii
A How¿L/!rs?etlrhili
B ¡n...k Lj. n ii.

-l.' .::.i -tal: practice aci r,rties, games,

exrra audio, r,,ro.os... ard moro. *
The ideal opportuníty
E( €J EnslishD for you to learn English!
Do you live in an apartment?

gVocabulary: Rooms and Furniture

& S¿ r Match clues 1-9 to the rooms. Listen to a guessing game to check'
I9 the basement D3 the kitchen
1 You sleep in... 6 Wekeep our cttr in.,.
I4 abalhroom- - n7 the lrr,,ing room
7 wcrlchfv in...
n5 -
Peoysle usuallS edf in.,, We

3 You cún cookin-. 8 You wash and drg clothes in... I abedroom the office
4 fake a shower in... 9 Storethings you don'Íneed,in., I2 rhe dining Ioom
- D8 the utility room
5 People workin... I6 tne garage

SA.Z Listen to Tom showing his house to Anna, a potential housemate. Number the rooms in A in the
order you hear them, 1-6. Which three rooms in A are not mentioned?

Match the familiar words and furniture, a-i. Then match j-r to the second group. In pairs, decide which
items are essential and which are optional at home. Make two lists.
[] abed I asora I ,r armchair I shelves
I a cnair f- a tab]e I abathtub n asink
I 'r'"
ln my opinion a
i_] acloseL I aTV i I storage space bed is essential.
i] arefrigerator I atoilet ! a fireplace i-''] a stove
[] a shower ! a microwave

e m S¿.2 Listen again. List the furniture in each room. Do you think Anna likes the house?
.)Our house in the middle of our street,
our house in the middle of our...'r 6,1

p Reading
AD'ó.3 Look at the photo, read this ad and answer 1-3.
What are riny houses?

2 Whal's good about them?

I J Find four things lay does.

;h My name is Jay Shafer and I make tiny houses. I like them because they
don't cause problems for the environment. And also because I don't want more
things than I need. I draw the plans, design the houses and make them. I sell
the plans too, so you can make the house yourself. Dream big. Live small.


B eó./- 8r Grr"r, which four rooms there are in his tiny house. Listen / watch to check.

C eó.4 flr Listen / watch again and complete the ad with these words. Is his house comfortable?
bed chairs oven rl:¿qeraftr shower sink space storage stoue table loilet window

ln the living room there are two and a fireplace. There's

space for your computer and there's a four people. ln the kitchen
there's a bar a double-burner , a little refriéeralor and a
toaster . The bathroom hasa and a The loft is
above the kitchen. The loft has storage -for for clothes and a
and there is a-,
small for air.

fi rhere u)as / There were

A SO.S Listen to Anna and her partner Leo after visiting the tiny house. Who wins the argument?

B Look at the common mistakes and complete the table.

There was /There were

I !oi o
ua+<re bathtub in,our old house.
lThere werc no
| ¡p*"ochairs in our'old house. ;;;;;;;|;;;;; I
There was no...

;;;;;;;; I
I!l-e-19..w-q-s-l l-!..e,,.,.. ...

'ii'.r"1*r\r r¡ntz
;;;;, |.
There weren't any...

@ Grammar p. 128

C O¡lfE]!?Efs0N[D Imagine you're now living in the tiny house. Compare it to your "]ast home."

ln my last apartment there was a... and there were...

ln this house there's n0..., there's a... and there are... Workbook p.29
§;t, Where were you last night?
bauoons n fireworks
Il-.-] r-^^. I napkins
Vocabulary: Party ltems f'lt_J glasses I plates
I acake n invitations I snacks
I In pairs, point to these items in the picture. l l candles L_.1 lemonade I wine


B f O.e Listen to Liz describe how to give a good party. Order the items, 1--\2, as she mentions them.

c f Listen again. Which five extra items (beginning with these letters) does Liz consider essential in
a party that are not in A?

ColChlCh. M. S... to d...

p In pairs, compare your last party. which of the items in A and C were(n't) there? I ivas at a fantastic
party last month.
There was a lot of ...

rverb Be - Past simpteO C O

A ry6.7 Listen to Martha and Rob and find Martha (1), Rob (2), Jane (3) and Rick (a) in the photos.

.) i wanna rock 'n roll all niqht ,
6 ' ^¿
and party every dayl')

B O¿.2 Order these words to make sentences. Who said them? Martha or RobT Listen again to check.
I was / il / birlhday / Jane Foster's / .

2 a iol of / lhere / were / people / ?

3 about 50 / were / there / .

ú. a / there / was / lol/ food / of / ? :

5 enormous / an / was / cake / there / chocolale / .
Xour brotherGra)at the partythe Iast weekend?
ó there / Jane's / was / partner / , ,
? t^/as

7 parents /)ane's / lhere /were / ?

I Were you alone? Yes, I r¿ers.
B they / no / weren't / .

9 boyfriend I I / beforelJane's / Rick /was /

10 parly / great / lhal / the / wasn't /

§ Complete this table. Use contractions where possible.

Yerb Be - Past Simple

io o Short Answers

j She .. he WAS.
Singular He was he : they
home. home. ' home?
Plural I They We were Were they No, -.
they weren't
Complete the e-maii with the verb be. Where were Martin and Stacey yesterday?

aoG :

To: Mart n

ar.,"t"l, R u oK?

Hi, Martin!
Where you yesterday evenrng? lt Lina's party and it There .,
greatl great
music and dancing and the food deliciousl you at home? Your cell phone on, so
I couldn't talk to you, You at school and you at the party Where you??? @

I hope you're OK. -

Write back,
Stacey .:.:4.:,/:,,rorark
about past times, use:
* yesterday + morning / afternoon / evening / night (+ at + time)
2 last + night/ Monday/weekend /week/ month /summer/year

@ Grammar p. 128

E M,A,KE l"i PERS0NAI In five minutes, find out aiI you can about your partner's past. Use Were you...?

or When / Where were you...? + past time expressions. Mime what you can't express in English.

Were you at
Yes, I was, all evening. Where were
home last night? you at (time) yesterday (morning)?
@ Workbook p.30

ó.3 How was Your last New Year's Eve?

Look at these photos. What is this celebration? What can you
see in the pictures?

feelings? Read and'write

B f wfro has good memories of New Year's Eve 1999 and who has negative
O or C next to what each Person saYS'
Billions of people around the world welcomed the New Millennium
some of the most spectacular celebrations ever. How was it for you?
It was a',',rr:somel Our city was the f irst place to Iwas three and I only remember the f ireworks' They
f irst bables of made me cry, I was terrif iedl
'eaL y celebrate the New Year' The
m lenn um were born herel L1ndsev, Anoeles,Tle
rhe fos -Uto
Kerry, Gisbourne, New Zealand. It was lust another day, lt wasn't really the
n.-l"ri.gl l;rr ;;;;;i;;s"t it rhere were f antastic beginning of the new millennium and so much
flreworks in Sydney and there were hundreds of nnoney was spent for nothing
ru11v] s'n]lug":
boats on the waterl
-t l1l I
Dave, Sydney, Austral ia. Th-ore were f our tons of conf etti f alling on Times
It was dangerous and lt was cold I There were two Square, lt was a f abulous sight
million people along the RiverThames and there Kevin, N¡wYolulrnl rto.
was no organization!There weren't any toilets We were anxious, worried aboutY2K, but it was all
and there was no food, OK and it was my birthday Suddenly I was 12 and
Kirsty, London, England' we were in the new millennium,
Iwas at the concert at the pyramids of Giza lt Jodie, Berlin, GermanY'
was magical! Fantasticl l was on the beach all night There
Habibah, Cairo, Egypt. was dancing, drinking and then there was a
There were 20,000 lights on the Eiff elTower' lt terrif ic sunrise.
was absol irtely beaut if ul I
Luis, Guadalaiara, Mexico,
Sabine, Paris, France,

Say years as two numbers. 19-99

c Answer these questions with one or more names' (nineteen ninetY-nine).

Who.. Where... From 2000-2009, saY them as

complete numbers: two thousand, two
1 was cold? 1 were the first babres born?
thousand (and) nine.
2 was in a big citY? 2 was there music? You can also saY 2K9 (K = 1000).
3 was a child at the time? 3 was there no organization? After that you can choose! 2010 is two
4 saw the sun come up in the mornlng? 4 was there confetti? thousand (and) ten or twentY ten'

.::;t D uow was New Year's Eve 1999 for you? Write a post to the website'
.!oh, what a night¡ Late December back in 63. what - t 4
a special time for me. As I remember, what a nightl') O. J

E üAGlIlE!§g!!áÜ In small groups, talk about aparty you remember. Answer 1-6. Which do you think
was the best party? Why?
1 What kind of party was il? 4 What krnd of drinks were lhere? A party I remember
2 Where r,vas it? 5 Who was there? well was my wedding!
3 Was there food? 6 Why was it specral?

fl Prepositions of Place

A Q* C Where's the mouse? Match mice 1-l-0 to the prepositions. Listen to Mike to check.

i] above the TV [j i" the box

I uerrina rhe TV I next to the sofa
f] between the sofa [] or the bed
and the table [j opposite lhe people
Il in front of the TV I under the table
I in the bed

@ Grammar p.128

i .:: pairs, practice in three ways:

A: :ay whete the molse is. The three most common preposttions are to, of and in.
B: Poirt to Lhe cortecL p'ctlre. Prepositions of place can have one, two or three words. For
T - A: Point lo a piclure.
example, next to, in front of.

3: Describe where lhe mouse is.

- --:.se books and rememberl 1@:W@É
: ln texting we also use numbers Ru@homeor@school?
- ::ad Cyber English and say the text
to represent prepositions. Here'sagift4u!
,r-.:ssages in standard English. Write .2=lo Wan2come2aparty?
= srort text message to a partner. ,4=for UÜ

@ Workhook p. 31


6.1+ Were there trams in your city?

g Listening
ü¿.lO Listen to the couple and circle the seven mice
they mention in 74.

d)¿.ro Listen again. Draw the mouse's route on the

picture. Describe it to your partner to check.
First, the mouse was under the table, then it was...

Memory game. In pairs, put five objects on your desk and memorize where they are.
Take turns moving an object and playing.
A: Don't look.
The pen was next to the book,
B: Move an objecl. now it's under the book.
A: Look and say where it was and where it is now

A ffi¿.f 1 For two minutes, read and remember all you can about Pat's history of Lasso Lake. Compare in pairs.

Lasso Lake-Back Then and Now!

About twenty-five years ago, my hometown, Lasso Lake, was
a calm, clean little place. There wasn't a lot ofr-.;:.ffic downtown
and there were no stoplights. Today, it's a busy city and there
are lots of pedestrians, cars, stoplighcs and poliution.
Believe it or not, there was no supermarket in this area before
1990. There were only two small stores and one restaurant.
Now there are three big supermarkets, two international
restaurants, a lot of stores, and lots of people too!
There was also a movie theater next to the bank and a
theater opposite the park. Well, now there's a cinema cornplex
across from the bank, there's no theater anymore, and there's
a parking lot in the same place where rhe park was @.
But there are some good things! For example, there were no
secur"ity carneras in 1990 and now there are security cameras
And finally one of rhe most important changes: in '1990,
there was only a small bus station in Lasso Lake, now there's iH
also a subway station O.

a lot of / lots of large quantity II
.)The city, she loves me. Lonely as I am, togetherwe cry. I don't
¿v€r wanna teel like I did that day. Take me to th€ place I love...'.' 6"tr

B fft.ll Listen and re-read. Try to notice what you didn't remember. Any surprises in pronunciation?

c Re-read the blog and, in picture 2, circle five differences that are mentioned. Then complete the table.
Back then Today
There a lot of fráffic There a lot of
¡ There was supermarket. There three ones.
The movie theater next the bank. a cinema complex near there
There was a opposite lhe park. There's no and-.there's no
There security cameras. There lots of-
There was just - sialion. There's - stalion too.
- - -.
@ ,." -
one and ones to avoid unnecessary repetition. -.
>' ls there a bank near here? Yes, there's one on this street.
w Can you pass me those keys, please? Sure, which ones?

D Do you think Pat feels more positive about the city as it is now or as it was before?

talk about your town 20 years ago and now. Mention the traffic, the buildings,
E !y!-_4!fElfP_EB§9!!f, In pairs,
the landmarks. Identify two positive and two negative changes.

Twenty years ago there was a park near And near my house there
my house and now there's a swimming were lots of trees, now there
pool complex in the same place. are only two on my street. s€+úrgLo u"ur#
@ Workbook p. 32 ntHáttir" rgo.

tnere ardfifi of cars.(a lot of = Iots

ó.5 Do you enjoy the Oscars?

Predicti from context

A tvtatch the four events to photos L-5. What's the extra photo? What do you know about the five events?
i_i The Live Aid concert I Prince William and Kate it4 ddlelon's , dding
rl The first Oscar Ceremonv
r- -l I The 1970 World Cup

B 8¿.lz Read and match the reports to the photos.

was at the 'orIw-lll.*":=.?;:';nlli"*.J". private

i-. e., . r icketsbis
I"I:,: :i.:ir.il' Já" á"";';;hotel were
vTith 36 :::j;-árili.á the in
five dollar=' A:t:l^-^ r^,ére many
""- rans present to
I:::'.',.;ffi: ?t",::'::.-i: :f::?i"'x;ademv of
tX:1",i :i:::,,Hi "''':;' :::; I--I Hii"::: t:,;
and the cÉremonY wdb Juee

:l -4: There were about 2,000 guests at at
,á:- wes,;.minster Abbey in ¡,ondon. There \^/ere another
n:,ll-ion people i_n
li: nl:1ion i-n London between rha Abbey
hetweon the ¡¡Á the
ahl.ra¡r and
4; Sueen's residence, p¡alace.
Buckinoham ral
euckingham Mi .t I i nre more
l ar:é - Millions mn-
,: p:?91" watched the wedding live on rv. April 29,
2011 was even a blic liday and there were E
over 5,000 street parties in the United Kingdom
cülebrate the er.elt.

t""*"l"n"' I' =""tJ;# "tt""""l'

r rom
rl'-,1t ?'
in North
or Europe'
o'-o'.^-" ';:'; trre
rrnal, beatins
ft was their
rrtnt or
il:;;;-i-in cup --"I*pn-u'lo it yi:
third world rnl Brazirian ?"3i::li' una
' -'"?*'::?''
::::;;;;;Pelé's to'-titn-""O final world cup'
it was

l1¡as .j:ganized to colle5t money for the 1985

- fami-ne. There were t\^ro simultaneous
concerts. one in uiembley Stadium in London, the
other j-n JFK Stadium in Philade1phia. There were
72,000 people at Wembley and 100,000 at JFK. On the
same day, July 13, the event insnj-red concerts in
Aue+-t:a1ia and Ger:many. About 1.9 bíIli-on people, in
150 nations, watched it all 1i-ve on IV.

C Cover the text. Read only line 1 and guess what comes next. Uncover line 2 to check, then guess the
first word in line 3. Continue like this until the end. How many of your guesses were right?

Race the BeeplListen to L2 numbers from the text. You have only l-0 seconds to Got itl There
D O¿.1: were 36 tablesl
find the number and say what it refers to. =__\--
My favorite event is the World
Cup because I think Pelé was the
É Choose your favorite of the five events and s ay why.
best soccer player in the world.
7n! ---\-
How about a BBQ on Sunday? ó.5

A Od.ltr Read the invitations. What kind of event is each one for?

re(Fl('st tl'te plccrsure of your tutttpanL::l

at tlrc weddirtg of their claughter
; Cristinct to.Jtutrt' Do you want to come to a
tá barbecue on Sunday? 1 pm at my
On Nlarr'lt at 2 Pm at
house. Please bring something
$ St. lliclruel's Chtu"ch, " lTamPton eat and drink.
to follow ctt 4 pm «tJluntington'flall
F foce ¡ttion

tr _a* {
u ¡6USEWARlvllNc

'%. You are invited to

IT'5 LUCY'S B¡RTHDAY Our n-ew address: :á-: Laura's
come 95 Winton Drive
on FridaY, so Please

sn Diego §h0,',¡tr
celebrate with


St W hen: atu r d ay Septemb er
Nlhere: B4B Hudson

'1¡1 , on SundaY
at 3 pm.
from 9 Pm I
- lzon andlg Where:
lr§ Laurq's house ,te
E ü
t I,

sE Common Mistakes
ts 0¿ l5 Listen and match dialogs 1-6 to the invitation.
Diar.os 1[ 2A 3n 4a) 5n óE How about
W§ out?

s C O¿.lS Listen again. Who accepts the invitation and who refuses it? Check or cross.
il'¡ Diatos 1 ll 2:) 31 4,) 5I óI
D O¿.tS Listen again and complete the expressions with these words:

fl about can can't caurse good great have like loue think \)rant

*B Inviting Accepting Refusing

É Do you to come? Sure. That sounds I Thanks for lhe invitalion. Sorry, I

T How going...? Id tol Thanks. I'm sorry. We already p1ans.

you come? Sounds Whal can l bring? Thanks for inviting us.
Would you to come...? Of we can. Maybe next time
Do you you can come?
N4AKE l_T lqBS0t{At In pairs, imagine an event and write an invitation for it. Go around the class and
invite others. Note if they accept or refuse. Who has the most people going to their event?
@ Workbook p.33,67

Grammar Vocabulary

E tr¿atch the two parts to make activities'

A Picture dictionary. Cover the words on the pages
below and remember. cleaninga online / out with 'riends / to rhe gvm
b"_"b \\ vldeo games / soccer / cards
7 places around town ,'*".'.-...Ó\
¡¡¡:trhino museums/relatives/afriend
\ t the house / the bathroom / the car
6 vacatlon activities nler¡ino
Y'"f ""ó
6 lraffic signs taking TV/amovie/tennis
9 rooms and 18 furniture words doing a ciass / a shower/ a course
10 preposittons visiting the dishes / the laundrY / homework
5 differences between the plctures
F 0¿.1 Complete with a pronoun' Listen to check'
16 picture words for rows 1 & 2 of consonanls
1 Hi Mike, how are }lou ?

¡r pCnsou¡-t 'Think of examples for 1-6' 2 These are Nick and Steve, I work with =-'

Compare with a partner. Any surprises? 3 Your coat is on the floor. Please put ..- '- on
your chair.
1 One dangerous animal.
2 One polite Phrase 1n English. 4 That's ]essica. 1 was at school with _=-'
3 Two cheaP restaurants. 5 This is David's phone. Can you give it to
4 lwo messy Places. G Correct the mistakes. Check your answers in units
5 Three boring activities. 5 and 6. What's Your score, 1-10? -?
ó Three relaxing Piaces.
U Circle the correct alternative to complete 1-10'
1 bar near here?
a 1 Has one problem with my computer' ""11iiti"iii':)
a There is b Is there c Have 2 I love to walking in the beach' 1.'-t]1it1'zits'i
2 -40 years ago, no cell Phones'
3 To swim rs good for You. i1 mat2,ir:;
a there-- b there was c was
4 I enjoy to do the dishes. i; rritz.;'-ti
3 Are lhere cookies in the kltchen?
ba c any 5 Do you know where is the club? 'i*tx\zí*)
a have
ó When I was 15, had one cinema in my town ;iititlz\':'i
4. How manY PeoPle at lhe PartY?
a were theY b there were c were there 7 You were at school loday? ntitai*': ',1

5 a great store on lhe corner' B A, Were you on vacation the last week? i: :*n¡'av'*';

a There is bls c ls there B: Yes, I were. '11 ttÉt*:r*':

ó -It _- my sister's birthday yeslerday 9 Five years behind, there were a lot trees here' ''i'tli-\letet
als b were C WAS
10 A lot of time ago, my dad was young' í1 i1tt""e:?'s':

7 ---you at school last week?

a Are b Were c Was
B I don't like watching TV and my dad doesn't
a also b either c too
9 I love going to the gym and shopping
a also b either c too

10 I hate cooking and I hate washing the dishes ]i

a also b either c too I

- in

D It's Monday morning' Put time expressions 1-8

the timeline. u§ ,fi

1 Saturday morning 5 lonight 'i:


2 tomorrow afternoon ó next Thursday § {§} 4

3 Tuesday evening 7 yesrerday nighl


4 last lridaY B last ThursdaY

,rl Monday morn tng

S killc Wr*cLzxx

Listen to the texts on p. 56, 58, 66 and 70. Then D Look at the photo on p.72 and idenrify the bold
go back and read them. Was your iistening words from the text.
S*.: I-isten and foliow the directions. Write the
ir FER§&ttAt Do you like doing these activities?
',r.i',1 letter in the correct piace on the map.
In pairs, compare. Anything in common?
,4 The bookstore C the mall
B The movie theater D The gym
-3te don't mind lika love
bathroom tidy my roam shop
clean the ffi
¡ video qames exercise cook do the dishes
I B¡¡!4:U I

Lo the laundry go online sunbaLhe read ffitÉ#


6reen St.

I don't mind doing the N

Oh, no! I hate

laundry, what about you?
doing the laundry.
l.ead and answer true (T), faise (F) or not I-ffi
:rentioned (N). L&
-here weren't any women in the first Olympics.

fhere were more sports than countries in Athens, 1895

-n 1930, there weren't World Cup games in dlfferent cities
\rgentina won the first World

Cup. lEi:fffi

lhe winner's cup is lhe only award teams can get.
- here is the same number of countries in the World
rp [irars as -n Lhe O,ymp cs. :ffiffi F
-te Alymp\e*
--= irrst modern Olympics were in Athens, in 189ó, but iüAlI ir PERSOi¡AL Are 1-5 true or false for you?
' - : .'e many differences between In pairs, compare.
the early days of the
. -:s and the Olympics today. In the first games there were
'1 There's a very good restaurant near my house.
-: , , - '-smen from only 14 countries, and there were only 2 There are two nice parks at the end of the street
- : rerent sports. Nowadays the whole world parlicipates 3 There's no shopping mail in my town.
'r .-.Te are approximately 17,000 competitors from 205
-:- es-that
4 There are no inleresting museums on my street.
is a big change! Another big social change
-:-: numberof women involv-.d. In 189ótherewere no
5 There aren'l any modern clubs near here.
=- at all. Today there are sportswomen in all 2ó Olympic
- - .: cut men still win more medals because there are stili There are a Iot of excellent
Really?! Lucky
for men' restaurants near my house.
,.'t :""1:: you! There aren't
--'e WorEd üup
any near mine.
-- : rst World
Cup was in 1930 in Uruguay. There were
- =' i :eams and all of the games were in Montevideo. In G O¿.¡ PER§_0-!¡AI , euestion time.
"=' -. , Uruguay beat Argentina 4-2. These days, over 200 'l Lislen to and answer the l"2lesson tities in units 5 &
:: -': .ry to enter the competition, but only 32 teams get
2 In pairs, practice asking and answering. Use the
-:- to the finals. There are other differences too. Until map of the book on p 2 3 Where possible, ask
: -ere were no red or yellow cards. Nowadays teams
. ttl't get many cards can win the Fairplay award and -
fo11ow up questions loo. Can you comfortably
answer them all?
:': 3'e other awards too. ln 1930 there were only the
' - -- s cup and the Golden Ball for the best player.
ls there a mall
= - -. also the Golden Boot for the top goal-scorer and on your street? Do you go
= -: goalkeeper can win the Golden Glove. there often?

No, but there's a

big one downtown
When did you start school?

Identify the seven musicians and say what re
you know about them based on items 1-3.
l nationality 2 instruments 3 problems

i --_l amy Winehouse , , limi Hendrix

Brian Jones Kurl Cobaln
i Janis Joplin Roberl lohnson
.lim Morrison



Photo E is Robert
Right. He was American
J oh nson.
and I think he was a
guitar player.

And a singer. I remember his

problems were drugs and alcohol.

í:,J ' Match pictures 1-10 to the phrases

Each / = a missing word. Guess the
compiete phrase, then listen to check.
I get di ced / 2009
pe t inp s LaL Loos
get married / Blake
be born / 1983

receive / Grammy Awards

L receive / first guitar
dte / 27

record / first album

slarL / professional career
srudy / rhea Le r sc hool
..'Ihey tfled to make me so\to .l /,
rehab/ I said "no/ no/ no"'. I . ,

C Al.Z Read and listen to Amy's bio. Pause after each paragraph, cover the text
and, in pairs, remember all you can. Any surprises about pronunciation?

**Éd 4G{-} É UÉffiS¡
'--*fl#il¡fuÉ !)
Famous for her great voice, big hair Fielder-Civil, a music video assistant,
and bad habits, on July 23, zott, Amy in May, 2o07. But their marriage
Winehouse joined rcgends Robert didn't Iast long-they got
Johnson, Brian Jones, Jimi Hendrix, divorced at the end of zoo9.
Janis Joplin, Jim Morrison and Kurt Amy's ,r:pact was inii-e dible.
Cobain in the "Died at z7 CIub." Millions loved her and copied her
Amy Jade Winehouse was born look, but others didn't accept her
on September t4,t983, in London, because of her drug and alcohol
England. From the age of rz Amy abuse. Musically, Amy developed
studied at theater school, and at rj, a new style, mixing jazz, soul, pop,
she received her first guitar. Always reggae, world beat and R&8. 5he
a r-ebel, she got her first piercings transmitted incredible emütion.
and tattoos at 14. Amy died of alcohol ,r i soning
At only t6, she recorded herfirst alone at home in Camden. "We
demos, and three years later, she only said goodbye with words."
recorded Frank, an album that the Coodbye, Amy.
critics really loved. Young Amy Iived
very fastl Only five years later, in §ffi§§§ffi
zoo8, she received five Crammy §x*Jeweffi
r ',1! ro rr.r
Awards, inclLiding Best New Artist Amy Lo=rnedun 1983.
and Record of the Year for Rehab. a¡ 27
She died urúMÉyeáf-s. .

Her lifestyle provlked a lot of
¡nterest, too. She married Blake Kurt Cobain got married ¡*itlr Courtney Love.
I startedlhtrschool in 1989.

Re-read and write T (true), F (faIse) or N (not mentioned).

'l All the othersin the 27 Club were also singers.
2 Amy recorded Frclnk seven years after she slarted lheater school.
-2 Amy got flve Grammy Awards when she was only 21 years o1d
L Her husband worked with her
Á 1 Sne d v oed p-bl c opirron.
* á She died because she mixed alcohol and dru.ss.
r Read World of English. In pairs, reteli the story from the pictures. Add all
the extra information you remember.

.J » World of

Silent vowels are an important aspect of spelling and pronunciation.

> musically, guitar, goodby*, mor*, etc.
With -edendings, don't pronounce the eas an extra syllable: lived, died, tired, eic
Exceptions: verbs ending in ldl or lIl - started, recorded, transmitted (box 3 in 1B)

F PERSONAT) Answer the question in the lesson title.

Workbook p. 34 §75
§fhat did you do last weekend?

p Gramma Íi Past simpte Q o

A t¡atch the rules and find three examples of each in Amy's bio.
1 verbs ending in e?

2 verbs ending in y? I change the form / noted *

3 most regular verbs? [T-l +/ 4

4. irregular verbs? l) -y +ied +
Past Simple O O
Look at the highlighted words in Amy's bio and complete the c forms. Answer a-c.
@ Grammar p. 130
a What is the auxiliary for the O Past Simple?
b ls it followed by the past or the inf initive form of the main verb?
c Didn't

B fetlrim Morrison's bio. Use these dates and facts.

Iim 's bio


MAKE IT PERSOI{AI Write your own short bio using six of these verbs. TeIl your "stoly" to the class.
be (born) start study finish get (a job / married / divorced)

{ *as bont i,t\og,oto.. I stwtoá.solooa( i,tlggT . {vlg par"xts g,at dinarse{ a,.¿.tloat *as a di$$ionlt g,"ar $0,"
itr 2a02,
$;r;st rÁ lu;glo iuboot
;,< 20@ . ( st, ¿íod.6rs¡¡¿^ss ix oo10ogo, b,ú qüt a$t* a g*o. ( g,ot ng' ffrst i,ob i« 2Ü11 .


p neading
She was n a trip to Turkey
A G;.: Quickly read a radio show interview and order the pictures, L-5.
We got l,r the airport early.


-'avel the World; Next call, please. Ms. R: Yes. There was no flight untrl the TtW: But why did it take so long?
i,'s. Riggs: Hil My name's Pamela Riggs. next dayl Ms. R: Well, Cappadocia is about 140 km
-:',V: Hi, Ms. Riggs. So, can you tell us TtW: Oh no! And what did you do? from lstanbul by car. And Semir knew the
, ,.r a bad ex¡ri,nence you had on a trip? way very well, so we stopped .rveral times
Ms. R: Well . At first, Ijust criedI But then and I saw some really interesting places. We
i,'s. R: Well, I usually don't have big a nice man came and said, "Excuse me. also had a great Turkish meal at a fantastic
-. erns on my trips, but here's an Can I help you? My name is Semir. l'm a restaurant in Ankara. We ate, drank and
=':sting story for you. Two years ago businessman and I also had a ticket on that talked for hours. lt was greatl
=-t to Turkey. lt's a fantastic country- flight. But I need to get to Cappadocia TtW: Wow .. So the company cance ed the
-.' :rropean, half Asianl tonight, so I rented a car. Do you want to
-:!V: Yes, it's lovely. Who did you go with? fllght, but your tr p to Cappadocia was not
come with me?" bad.
n,'s. R: Nobody. lt was a business trip.
TtW: Wowl And, uh... so, drd you accept Ms. R: Not at all. On the trary, I thought
-' . 'iay,l got to lstanbul .., r'port early in the
the offer? it was greatl lt was one of the best trips
' ,-^ ng and I had a ticket to Cappadocia,
Ms. R: Of coursel I had no choice. But the of mylife And, um... bytheway, l'm
.re company 1.,: rceled the flight now married to Semirl Thanks to that bad
-, . se of bad weaLher. trip took us around thrrteen hours.
-:W: Really?

B Re-read and complete 1-6 with two words. Do you know any similar travel stories with a happy ending?
1 in Istanbul to ɀt
She arrived a flight.
2 She cr ed because the company the io Caopadocia
Yes, I had a similar experience
3 Semii offereo Lo
lwas on vacation in...
4 The trip to Cappadocia took around
5 She had some Turkish with in Ankara

Q Read Worid of English and find 10 of the listed verbs in the interview.

The 72 most frequent verbs are irregular in the past tense:

1. be was / were 5. go - went 9. think - thought
2. have - had le.l 6. get - gof lol 10. take - took
3. do - did 7. make - made /e 11. see - saw l>l
4. say said /e/ 8. know - knew 12. come - came /r

IEB_S_9.U¡_!_, Tell the class two things you did last weekend.

I went to the beach and played soccer. Workbook p. 35 É

§ c.7
7.3 Where did you go last vacat¡on?

AGramma fi Past Simple Questions

Past Simple Questions

ln the Past Simple, for all persons:
Use did + subject + infinitivetor yes / no questions WffiN§X
Use question word + did + subject + infinitive for object questions ffiffi
How is this different from the Present Simple?
For questions in the Present Simple, use or
S Grammar p. 13&
ij Complete 1-6. Then listen to a short interview to check. In pairs, Common Mistakes
remember her answers.
i you ever afraid of flying? + you land safely? *n",."(it,ráir
I V'/hen lhat start? 5 And, the passengers applaud?
He ¡¡¡as to Miami.
3 you say anythrng lo hrm? o l-1ow yuu ree - after thaLl

.; Listen again and mark the stress on these words. Were you ever afraid of flying?
a¡ráia nervaus lerrified turbulence b,"útd,íngs miracle

Complete the blog post with these verbs in the correct tense.

, be d,rink eat go have meet see stay take trauel walk

Last vacation my sister and I ,.,,,er¡ to llha Grande-that's Big lsland in Englishl
We by car and then the ferry.
There are no cars there, so we a lotl The islandt incredible, the forest is really
beautiful andthesmellof natureisfantastic.We --lotsof lovelybeachestooand
I three dolphinsl We lots of fish. lt very hot and I

alotof coldsodatoolWe - - inasmall hotel and somenicetourists

from Argentina. We a lovely time and I can't to go there again.

D ,D 7.5 Look at the flowchart. Listen and point to the questions you hear. How do you pronou nce díd you?

What d,id. you d,o last aacation? j

I uent out of toun. I stayed here.

\Arlere / go? Why ,/ sta1, here?

Who / go -"l,ith? ,/ relax?
How get t Irere? What time / rvakc up?
Where ,/ stal,? / eat well? What ,¡ do every clay?
/ meet anyone interesting? / dri¡k a lot? / visit anvbodl,?
/ c1o a 1ot of shopping? / have a good time? / watch a 1ot of TV?
/ take rnan,v pictures? / go out a lot?

What did you do last vacation?

?_E_B§_q-U¡!.-lln pairs, ask and answer about your last vacation.
7B I traveled. / I stayed here
.!l'm beautiful in my way, 'cause God makes no mistakes, .l a
l'm on th€ right track, baby, I was born this way.l / . \)

p Vocabularyi Dates

A G: ¿ Match the members of the Died at27 Club to their dates Listen to check. Who got the most dates right?

t Died on
RobertJohnson November 27,1942 October 4,197o
Brian Jones - \ May 8, tgtt April5, t994
Jimi Hendrix -r January 19,1943 August t6,t938
Janis Joplin February 20,i967 September 18,197o
Kurt Cobain February 28,t942. -luly 3, t969

§Z.O Listen again. What sound do you hear at the ':=/Z lrdinal numbers:
end of the days? Which one is different? 1-3 are irregular: 1* - first, 2nd - second, 3'd - third.
Other ordinal numbers add -th: fourth, sixth, eleventh.
Read World of English.In pairs, take turns saying Over 20: twenty-seventh, thirty-first.
complete sentences with the information in A.

There are two ways to say dates: Robert Johnson

> My birthday is on the first of March / March (thd first. was born on the
Sth of May, 1911.
> In the USA, they write dates mm/dd/yy.
Be careful with prepositions: i::,ii,fl:"31
> He was born in May, but on May (the) twenty-fourth. 1938.
> She was born in 1943.

: Ol I Complete the bio with the correct preposition. Listen to check.

U ' t 0;"x
**. r,/L/ú F*
Janis Joplin was born 1943, on January 19.
Sre was an only child unül the age six. 1962,
-colin left home to study at the University of Texas. She left
:cllege January, 1963. Janis Joplin died 27,

''cm an overdose, October 4, !970.

go to P. 151 / ^§

"iE lT PERS0NAI Ciass Birthday Line!
: ,and up and ask "When's your birthday?" to form a class birlhday line, from Jan. 1't to Dec. 31't
- :--erview five ciassmates lo complele the chart.
Name Birthday Activity Wh en's your What did you do on
birlthday? your last birthday?

It's on December 1't I went to a nightclub

with friends.

@ Workbook p.36
7 .4 \flhen do you listen to music?
A Guess what rapper Jay-Z did yesterday.
Order his actions L-13.
www wwww
Which singer won six Grammys
T in2012?
a Rihanna
b J.Lo
c Adele

dor,vnloaded some music

Which band composed the songs
gol up at around 8 o'clock for Spider-Man, the Broadway
had a meeting musical?
had dinner a Coldplay

had some breakfasl bu2

lislened to some music c Green Day
ran a mile
Who wrote, sang and danced
read a bunch of e-mails the official song of the 2010
read some more e-mails World Gup?
j went lo sleep a Shakira

wenl to lhe Nets game b Madonna

e Gloria Estefan
went to the office

wenl lo the sludio Which animated movie included

the song "Accidentally in Love"
*r.a Listen / watch to check your
by Gounting Crows?
guesses. How many did you get right? In
a Kung Fu Panda 2
pairs, try to remember his day. b Toy Story 3
e Shrek 2
What was the f irst thing he did?

He got up at about 8 o'clock.

5 yffi;rded more songs?

What about the second? ll Elvis Presley

e Michael Jackson

He had breakfast. And the third?

c *r.t Listen to an interview and number

the phrases in the order you hear them, l"-5.

"¿' , ":. r-" :; il*1.,

"¿i:,: :,_",t: ',",:':..
Wow, so early!
No!! I can't believe it!
That's greatl
Fa nta sti c I

lncredible! What a fantastic routine!

Play "Sound Impressed." Interview ';i. /.'..:.

about yesterday. lmagine 7 is very famous

and be impressed by his / her routine.

r §e

AG ra m ma f i subj ecteuesrions
'.,_) Do you know much about music? Take
the ID Pop Quiz and find outl

; Listen to check. How many did you get


Which of these musicians Subject Questions :,t

plays the bass guitar in his
Match the columns to make rules.
a Dave Grohl (Foo Fighters) 1 Questions 1-8
b l\4atthew Followill (Kings of Leon) 2 Questions 9-10
c Flea (Red Hot Chili Peppers) I refer to the subject of the question.

lYhich famous rapper Go-wrote, produced and

I refer to the object of the question.
I need an auxiliary verb.
appeared on Beyoncéb "Grazy in Love"?
I don't need an auxiliary verb. @ Grammar p. I30
e Eminem
I b Jau-z
I c DrDre

What -d.irf happeMon J uly 14?

I 8 $/ho died in bed? who died in the bath?
¡l lt/ho died on the bathroom floor? Who
!.rCryrité lhe Harry Potter books?
; Janis Joplin
w .wi1
I Whitney Houston r¿*itfr.,¿rfro did )ay-Zsing "New yorXV
-: Michael Jackson

L What did Bob Marley say to his son, Ziggy,

c In pairs, take turns to ask and answer subject
F Jusr Derore he dred? and object questions about facts l_-5.
a "Love one another,"
"No woman, no cry!"
c "Money can't buy life,"
I ilf g
r8 §il ¡1U f fi ct5 I
Which boy band did Ricky Martin belong to? landed on the moon ln
a Menudo
b New Kids on the Block 2 di led The Avengersin
c Boyzone
3 blished The Da Vinci Codein

4 became U.S. sident 2008.

td won six dals in

Z 0Z Jopuor- /, sd aqd iee.lo t \l 9 u /' eueqo )JetEE t :AAZ

/ utu\o.rE uec Zl0Z / uop3rlA,l ssof ¿

696 t 7 6uotlsrury I oN L :sraMSuV

Who landed on the moon?

I I thrnk it was Neil Armstrong.

' In groups, write five
questions for a ciass quiz. Inciude at ieast three
subject questions. Then exchange with another
group. Which group got more answers right?

Workbook p. 3i

Understanding a story

Oo you remember the last time you said

phrases 1-5?
* r*r.:rxr:* r;tTi*** 1i &r*tl
{ lv T}r.
The line's terrible. Can I call you latet?
Oh no! MY cell ;tterY's dead'
Yeah, t often saY number 1
at home. I can't usuallY get
a signal in mY kitchen.
3 I have no credit. Can I use your phone?

4 Aaaaghl I can't get a signal, Can You?
5 ls there a Public Phone near here?

B *:.'¡: Listen tothisdialog.Who'stalking?Wherearethey?What'stheprobiem?

Predict what happens next'

c * r.t: Listen again and complete the dialog'
Assistant Hello, can I help You?
Customer yes, I so. There's a .-wilh my phone' It -- work'

Assistant I see. What is the Problem?

Customer Well,it'sanewphone,butwhenl --itonlhebatleryassoonasi--
making ca11s. l----
Assistant Hmmm. You try recharging
friend' but the
Customer yes, T away, butit- '.-work. I mean, r
phone again afler two minutes'
end of the dialog. How does she solve the
problem? -a
D &z.re Listen to the-rhatrlght
A: You're the shop assistant' B: You're the customer'
E In pairs, role-play the complete dialog.

Order pictures, 1-5, to make a story' Then listen

to check
F *:.:¿

ask Chris? n'i :l-¡ne in a taxi one day and"'

G &l.ltrlisten again. What four questions does Mike Yes. I lefl

trl óo yo, know anY ceII Phone stories?

Could you help ffi€, please? 7,5

A Sz.ls Match pictures 1-5 to favors a-e. Listen to five dialogs to check. Which favors, a-e, did not happenT

,ñ8 ffi

3 *: :5 Listen again and complete requests 1-7. Then match them to the responses.
Requests Responses
1 you
Could the dishes? i'm rea11y sorry, bul I can't.
2 Could you the for me, please? Sure. There you go.
3 Could you who it ? Come on, I can do il tomorrorv
I Could you please the ,.lim? Don't worry. I'i1 get it.
5 Could you this afternoon, please? Sorry, il's Brian's turn today.
á Could I you a ? That depends. \Mhat do you want?
7 Could my son r,vith you lhis weekend? OK, I'11do it now
:.-: ::',:..
Use can or could to ask for favors. ':,''.. Use will + verb
for unplanned
Can I
responses or decisions.
^ .llusevourohone?
Could Could youl.erhelp me?
I'll e-mail it to you right now.
Could is a little more polite. do
Could you .m¿kg me a favor? Don't worry. We'll help you.
'll = will

: ' F§*§*N&L Role-play. 1:.,: Ask a favor, 1, to 4.7: Respond and ask questions. Swap roles.
i You're having a party next week, but you don'l have any good music.
Hey,, l'm having a party next
2 You can't read French and you gol an e-mail from a customer in French
week Could )uuyou transfer
Lr or tJtEr
3 You bought a new dog, but you're going away for the weekend. somee music to my computer?
4 You have to go to the airport rea11y early tomorrow morning.
Sure, l'll do that, no problem.
What type of music do you want?

@ Workbook p.38, §7, S8,69

\fhat do You have in Your fri dge?







m ",tI

") We gotta install microwave ovens. Custom kitchen deliveries. ar 4
lle gotta move these retr¡gerators, lfle gotta move these,.,') O . I

fiVocabulary; Food, and. Drink

A D8.1 Match the food on the counter to these eight words. Try to pronounce them (the
highlighted letters are all pronounce d /a/). Listen to Jeff making a shopping list to check.

T bánanás
T chocolate
T oil Did you know that /a/ is the most common sound in

n salt English? lt even has a name - the schwal

For example, there are e¡ght /a/s in this list:
T spághetti A computer, apizza and a banana.

l Lea Over 10% of all sounds in spoken English are lals.

T Liima[oes
D vinegrir

B Rate how the eight words compare for spelling and pronunciation to your language.

D =ueU different S = similar V = uerl similar

C D8.2 Match the food in the refrigerator to these words and try to pronounce them. Then listen
to Jeff completing his list to check.
f --lr:r
I apples L I llsr]
I bread /bredl I lettuce /let¿s/
I butter /b¡tar/ I milk /milk/
I carrots I onions
I cheese I oranges
! chrcken n potatoes
I "gg. I sugar /[agar/

0 Listen to Sandra and leff and answer 1-3.

1 \A¡ho did the shopping?
2 Who's not happy and why?
3 Why did he buy so many bananas?

d) a.¿ Listen to part 2 of the dialog. Which two items from the fridge are not mentioned? Do you
keep ali these items in your fridge?
World of English
"Not all of them, no. For example, I don't keep..."
Two of the most obvious differences
between American and British
QS.S Listen to the end of their dialog. True (T) or false (F)? pronunciation are the letters T and R.

1 Sandra s su'pr iseo Compare these words in American

and British English.
2 )eff's copyrng his mother. z butter o party
3 He knows why his mother puts bread in the fridge . artist
" potato
4 Sandra likes it when Jeff cal1s hrs mother. z refrigerator
5 Sandra forgives him.
Pronounce them as you prefer, but
you need to understand both forms.
QA.O Listen and read World of English. Does the sound of
T in these words exist in your language? Do you usually
prefer American or British pronunciation? @ Workbook p" 39

t al
fi Countabi,e &.rs.tJncountabie & Nauns
A underline eight plural words in 1A and 1c. why aren't the other words in the plural?

Read sentences 1.-2. Dowe usually count these six

food items? Which word indicates "an unspecified
quantitY of"?
1 "There's some salt, some tea', oil and vinegar here'"
2 "I also got some chicken and fish;'

two more items to each list'

c uncount able &nouns can be organized in groups. Add
Items that come in (small) Parts Items You eat onlY a Part of
rice br¿ad
i,\J.l;i,l-, ica-:
Grammar p. 132
,,, The concep¡ s¡ 71,; and 4Z: doesn'l only
refer to food! Other iV, nouns include: I coi?6read, some chickeng and
news money
That waszbad news.
information raln
We need some informatlotl.gr

homework traffi c

1-3' Mime or draw what You can't saY'

D @E"[TEls lt4n In smal] groups, ask and answer
1 What do you usuaily have in your refrigeralor? I always have some water
L Whal was lhere in it the lasl lime -v¡¡ looked? and fruit. How about You?

J Who has more.

; healthy food? There's usuallY some beer in mine!

I C liqulds?
; junk food? unusual items like Jeff's mom?

Vocabulary: Portions of food @

F %&a

new diet and match Photos

{)e.Z Listen to Sandra recording DaY One of her
A .,'

1-10 to the diet items. Which item doesn't have a Photo?


This time, be Pafienf!


( ) t ooññuotwatur --
r ¡ t bowl of nce
'' of beans
üqo§"tt ', "oon () I bowl of salad
( )tcupofcoffee \'¡" *n of diersoda () I /2 pound of meaf
( )tsliceofbread Ayuvqea§!^rr () I glass ofjuice
( ) t piece of fyu¡¡ ( )l granolabar

B Oa.g Listen to Nelly and Sandra and answer §1

'tr Which lhree items can't Sandra eat?
2 Why is she on a diet?
3 What's the best Part of her diet?
4 Do you lhrnk she's going to lose weight?
.!R littte patience, yeah, yeah. Need a l¡ttle palience, yeah,
yeah. Just a little patience,yeah, yeah. Some more patience..|

TGramma ri Quantifiers
A üe.s Listen and complete extracts 1-5 and the rules with some or any. Listen again to check.
1I just have rice and beans for lunch. á-e
W t ur" in O phrases Common Mistakes
2 I can't eat
meat for lunch.
and when you I expect asomeO
3 I never have- answer.
sugar. Z Do you want aaywater?
4 Is there -
pasta in your diet? 2 Use in é phrases ;
5 Doyouwant-Coke? and @. ,
@ Grammar p.132

B OS.tO Circle the correct form. Then listen and check. Is her diet really going to work?

Nelly So, Sandra, what do you have when you get up?
Sandra I only have some / any water.
Nelly Wowl Don't you eat some / any food?
Sandra Yeah, I have some / any bread and some / any fruit two hours iater, for breakfast
Nelly Two hours later? And can you drink some / any beer or wine?
Sandra Never! I can't drink some / any alcohol. Why?
Nelly We're going out on Saturday nrght, but you're not drinking some / any beer!
sandra wel1, I can have a / some break from my diet on special occasions!

c MAKE lT PERsgilAt) Look at the photos and, for two minutes, plan how you can describe your daily diet.
Then compare with a partner. who has a diet that is more similar to sandra's?

I also drink a small bottle of water when I wake up. Uh-uh. Not me. For breakfast I usually
have a cup of coffee and eat some bread.

@ Workbook p.40

f&, ffi E

= ,l


8.3 How often do you eat chocolate?
FReading six different words that relate to
Read NellY's biog and underline


A Little Chocolote Goes o Long

more thon o lot of cheoP condies'

fruit the next doY. How obout You?
night I hod o fiqht with
Me too. Ex when thinqs qet reolly bod! Lost

I Forevtr Racher
internet acronyms include:
t called acronyms. Common new
i z BF * GF =girlfriend = OMG = oh my God

;" IMHO = in m! humble oPinion
¡ I
Do U know NE others?

Do you know anybody like these

two women?
::r Re-read. True (T) or false (F)?
1 NeLIY o"ll/ ,ovoc swee 'ens
2 In her opinion, large porlions aren't necessary
the next day'
,l When she eats chocolate' she comoensates
l¡. She ,i[P: Dotsl 't L'' a.to salad'
Then comPlete rules 1-3'
C Circle alittle, a few and alot oJ in A'
I Use w\lh €3 nouns.
w\ih * nouns'
, R littt. + {D means a smallcan quantitY:
2 Use : I have a little money Go I lend you somd'
3 Use wilh & or -fé nouns'
i ';;;;;
R t"* + @ noun means a small
, aia tew students in ctass hot just me!)'
@ Grammar P. 132

about you and

lot I alittle I a fewto have very short convelsations
In pairs, use the words in 1-6 + a
your friends. Any surprises? My father has afew Last weekend I only

1 have / English-speakrng friends tiános in the U'S' spent a little money

2 spend / moneY Why was that?

ReallY? WhY's that?
3 do / exercise
á download / songs I didn't go out.
Because he goes
5 receive / texts 1n English there for work.
ó take / Photos
f;Sugar, oh honey, honey. You are my e \,
candy girl, and you got me wanting ^ (,
you,'- "

fl ustening
A €e.t z Listen to Jeff and Sandra and write J or S.

1 wants to eat a burrito for lunch.

2 can'l see without glasses.
- suggesls the chicken burrito.
L lhinks lhe vegetarian burrilo is the best option
- has problems with cholesterol.
- decides to have the chicken burrito.
7- chooses the meat burrlto.
- justifies lhe choice in two ways.

B Aglzlisten again and complete the nutrition table. Then answer questions 1-4.

Serving Size: 1 burrito (198 g)
' Amount Per Chicken, Beans Meat, Beans
Beans & Cheese
Serving & Rice & Rice

Calories 390

Total Fat sg 4g 4g
Cholesterol 35 mg mg mg

Sodium 880 mg 890 mg 730 mg

Fiber 6g 5g 9n

Protein 1Bg 199 149

d . . ......::.'....'..,'..'..-..

"i Do you think Sandra chose lhe best option?

2 When was lhe last lime you ate a burrito?
3 Can you live wilhout meal? I read them a lot because I To be honesi, I never
need to watch my calories. look at them.
4 Do you ever iook at nutrition tables?

ü Cover the table. In pairs, try to remember all the information there.

DIn pairs, read World of English, then say these numbers:

1 1,275
Common Mistakes
I 3+,912
.) People sometimes say "and" before the last Two thousand and five
two digits: four hundred and f ifty-six. hundredr= 2,500
4 911,354

E l-l{ (ElIlEB§q!4!.) In trios, compare attitudes to food. Is there a "Sandra" in your group? Do any of you...?
. worry a 1ol aboul food contenl
I eat everything. Don't
, think healthy food is boring worry, be happy!
.,' count calories I have absolutely no
- reguiarly go on a diel (and then break il) lduu.lb:'] :ul,o-ll"' . @ workbook p.41

8.t+ How much meat do you eat?

fi Hott¡ Muchus. How lllany

A ñe.r¡ Read the dialog and circle the correct option in the @Uoxto complete 1-5.

Sandra How much protein does the meal burrito have?

Ieff Just a iittle, I think. Er.. only nlneteen grams.
Sandra I see. And hor,v many grams of fiber?
Jeff Only a few. Let me check. Yeah, just five.

'-'";' 1 Use how much / how manv with 4jz nouns.

2 There's always a plural noun afler how much / how many.
3 A few is an answer lo how much / how many.
4 A little is an answer lo how much / how many.
5 A lot (of) / A few can be used wjth both 7:3 and;z nouns.
@ Grammar p.132

GA.t¿ Complete with how much,how many, alot of, alittle or a few.Then iisten to check.
Sue Hi, Sandra. I heard you're on a diet.

That's true. Againl
Sue ._ calories can you eat a day?
Sandra Only ¡ust 1,200.
Sue Wowl That sounds hard. Can you eat any spaghetti?
Sandra No, but I can eat rice.
Sue -:
How aboul meat? meal do you eat a day?
Sandra Only too, but i can eat ofvegetables. And I love carrotsl
Sue -
Wel1, good luck, then.

i" - choosing a burrito. Use this model and the table on p. 89. Swap roles.
In pairs, role-play

Do you want a
icken burrito? 370. Five grams. 0nly six.
, 9h

l'm not sure. How many And how much And how many grams
calories does it have? fat does it have? of fiber does it have?

Compiete 1-10 with How much or How mqny. Ask and answer in pairs
1 bedrooms are there in your home?
?- furniture do you have in your irvrng room?
i people do you live (work / study) rvrth?
L hours did you work (study / exercise) last weekend?
i tlme do you spend studying English (r,vatching TV) a week?
ú water (mi1k / soda) do you drink a day?
? meal (rice / fruit) do you eat a week, on average?
8 phones (computers / TYs / cars) does your family have?
* texts (e-ma11s / tweets), on average, do you send a day?
iü trmes did you go (out / to the beach / skiing) last month?

i.ry!¡lF Choose a topic, L-10, and do a class survey. Twelve of us have apartments
Share your answers with the class. **"-§-
with two or more showers.
Do the quiz. Listen to check your answers and score. Any surprises?

I §O YOU KNOW -.-,é

r. 7
Which 0f these tems has the most calories per 100 grams?


a po to b butter c banana d chocolate :.?;i


ry Which of these drinks de drates the body?


I\I\ a tea b wine c ffee d milk

w Which of these drinks is really a food item?
a tea b wine c coffee d milk
él How many calories does 100 g of ttuce have?
a zerj bB cl8 dZB
? Which of these etables is rich in protein?
a beans b carrots c nach d onions

l;@ Which of these items is NOT rich in tamin C?

a berry b pear c wi d to to

in pairs, ask and answer 1-6. Are your answers similar?

1 Approximately how many calories do you eat a day?
I'm not sure. Around
2 Do you eal a iot of meals at home? 2,000 | guess"
I How much money do you usually have in your pockel?
ri- Do you give a 1rttle money lo charity each year?
I usually have no money
5 How much free lime do you have to surf lhe Internel each week? with me. Just a credit card.
ó How much homework does your leacher give you every week?
Workbook p.42
L''r'' /ar.' vL'u ¡rurrl{rvr
l. FfñIil s.unninsurunu
A Scan the menu and answer 1-6.
1 what o" & u,.,a
@ mean? & How many main courses and desserls are there?
2 How many non-vegetarian dishes are lhere? 5 What's special about lhe names of the dishes?
3 What are the two kinds of starlers? 6 Write the price of each dish on the photos.

Special Soup
taliy Tomato 6.2e
Pri :on etoes rrv i:l fiesl cTeam. ned r¡,'iih tons.
&|:* Salads
Going Green o95
Lettuce and spinaci topped with t¡e best salad ,;r.essing in L.A.

I Chopped Chicken
LettLrce and tofirato iopped wlt¡
ped gril ed chicken

Al come \ /it¡ a c¡o ce of Daked potato, fr es or steamed vegetables.

cial Steak 426s

i,i2 ?) becL:ec steak tcpcec ,¡/iin a irgi.t ci'eaTi,l & pper sauce.

Fish Fillet 314e

Gr ied mc. i orar'rge salce topped wtn sau , , trtotatoes.
ta Pomodoro 202e
Spa tri to¡ ato and
\¡/rtl.r o gano sauce.


Chocolate Chunk 5 ee

Cl^occ ate cake witl chccolate ice cream aird fresl cream.

Annie's Apple 4ee

'ira ito¡a va ia ce cream i
a0D e ilie \/ ih sugar-free vanilia

sonal Salad 7 4s

Srrawo.or-rli go, on, giapes and ktr¡1.

vegetarian I &* /ow-calorie

It's best to learn words together, not alone,

one-by-one. Alliteration (the repet tion of a
sound at the beginning of words) can help
you to remember phrases.
.' make a mistake o do the dishes
* ó.2q

B § e. t * Listen to this ad for Top Toppings and check the dishes you hear on the menu.

c Re-read the menu. True (T), false (F) or not mentioned (N)?
I All the vegetarian drshes are low-calorie 4 They serve potatoes 1n two different ways
2 All Lhe main courses ate gr ied 5 There are 10 drfferent fruit and vegetables
3 All the drshes have different topprngs. ó You can pay b¡ check ot creoit caro.

§ For my starter
e2Á l-E!-§-9!!-t-L.,In pairs. Imagine you're at Top Toppings. choose a complete meal l'm having...
\flhat would you Iike for lunch? 8.5
Orderi food
A GS.f : Imagine you're a waiter. Listen to check the ' Soups
D tomato
couple's order. D ontbn
D croutons D green p¿pp"r,
B G * Listen and order part two of the dialog,
g. f 1-10.
:!1 tomato
.red Peppers
Write the food they order too. D chicken
ú frurt jube
Ieff t'11 the
have , Please. O soda
A beer
Ieff \Me're fine with , lhan ks
-'* |
Sandra Great, thanks.
Sandra Yes, please. I'd like the , pLease

Sandra No, I'11 have a , Please.

,,) Server OK. And You, sir?
Server Sure. Any drlnks with your meal?
Server OK. lust a moment, PLease.

) Server OK. How al:e Your starters?

'._- ) Server Would you iike lo order your main course no-'v?

.:ij':i lg g¿¡gf¡l
The most common ways to order at a restaurant are:
> l'd like the soup, please.
,. I like pizza. (= generally)
? Can I have a glass of red wine? ' I'd like Pizza. (= now)
'd = would
w l'll have a steak, please.

fra.tf Listen and check their hot drinks and dessert order. What's the last thingJeff asks for?

Hor oe¡urcs
DEssrR rs
ü cappuccno
J Seasonat Satad
LJ regu/ar
D decaffenabd i';,i;:3,i:;,r!,,0
tL sugar_free
Ttq vanilla ice cream
D mnt
ü chamomile

§§§tI#§§i Restaurant Role-play! In groups. ?., ? & t"--.'. You go to Top Toppings for lunch.
: r're the server. Role-play ordering the fulI meal.
@ Workbook p.43, 6S

Grammar Vocabulary

'-) Listen to Brian lones' bio and write all you

Picture dictionary. Cover the words on the pages
below and remember. can remember. Compare in pairs, then listen agai..
I Complete with some or any. Listen, check,
10 verb phrases '-f
i then practice in pairs. Use different food items rr.
I Ms. Rlggs'story
your dialog.
5 favors
I 22 food items
Tina I'm thirsty Is there juice in lhe
10 food portions fridge?
16 picture words for rows 3 & 4 of consonants Carl No, we didn't buy iuice this wee<
But, look, lhere are oranges. Do

ComPlete stories L and2 in the

you want me to make you -- ;uice?

Past Simple. in pairs, compare. Do you know any

Tina Yes, thanks. Uh, and did we buy
similar stories?
Carl No, but there are still cookies in
the cabinet.
I ove Gnarls Barkley, so when | (read) Tina Nicel

about a writ ng competttion to win tickets for his show I

(b") rea y e>cited. (write) about Circle the correct forms.

how his- songs mal<e me happy or sad and I sent the etter,
I - (not th nk) about it anymore, but i g ne Dan Do we have a lot of / many homework for
my surpr se when, two weeks ater, a letter nexl class?
(arrive). I couldn't be ieve tl (w n) two tickets Lee No, just a few / a little
to their show. | (tal<e) my sister and we Dan Hor'v many / much exercises?
* Lee
(have) a really good time. ,& I'm not sure, Dan. Only a little / a few. Why

do you ask?
a two years
Dan I have a party lonight and much of / a lot of
| (see) Radiohead about
my friends are golng, so I don't have many /
ago when they (vls t) my crty, and the best thing much time lor homeu,orkl
was | (have) a VlP passl The band
- on and they
(come) (start) with "Bloom" from
their new album. Not everybody (know) the Correct the mistakes. Check your answers in units
words, but | ,- (do) and (sing) realy 7 and 8. What's your score, 1-10?
loudly, They
- (finish) wth an old song "Karma
Police." Alter the show, | (go) stage and
(meet) the band. They (be) fantastic,
- I finished the school when I had eighteen \QOts. ...,.ri;;2,:',:.

- 2 Kurl borned on '67. He didn't born in NY. r.iit:.,.';r?.í:.,:

Reorder the questions about these members of the
3 Amy got married with Blake but the marriage didn't
"Died at 27 Club" and write one more. lasted long. ,2 rr.;az'/,:1",

4 What did Ms. Riggs saw in her trip to Turkey? :'t:::,;:;".;:;::.:

Bobert Johnson was born in Mississippi on May 8. 1911. 5 How did she got in Cappadocia? ,::it'i,,2i.,:.:
on ,/ May 8, 1 91 1 / born / who / was? 6 What did happen to her there? ,.iri..l.it?..:
was I born / where / Robert Johnson? 7 With who did she traveled? t?,.liii.t.,':
\Vhen ?
B Could you to open the door for me? .".:,,1'.,t/.2;

9 Sandra ate a bread and a few yogurt. t: i4a'...iit,::,,

10 You look tired Do you want any coffee? .'1 ,i1,:,zt':;
Brian Jones founded The Rolling Stones with Mick Jagger
and Keiih Richards in 7962.
Brian Jones / do / what / did?
{ound ,/ Rolling Stones i dld / v¡hen / he / the?
Who with?
Skil§s *raeti*,a H3

Listen to the texts onp.77 and 90. Then go back D S 5.a listen to five statements about Elvis. Based
and read them. Was your listening sucessful? on the text, are they true (T) or false (F)?
Do you know much about the "King of Rock 'n'
Roll"? Circle your guesses then read to check. This was Elvis'basic daily diet before he died. i":
1 Elvis dled at the age of 27 / 33 / 42. Cover table 2. Ask 7 questions to complete the
missing information .'Z: Do the same with table 1.
- Elvis was born in Memphis / Tupelo / New York
: .lrris was / wasn't ln the army.
- -,e started singing in 1950 / 1954 / 1960. Ebís Sandaiches Í
: C a 3 Number the paragraphs 1-4 in the correct
-::er. Listen to check. Any pronunciation surprises? bread 2kq
peanut butter ó00 g
strawberry jam

Snocks I


Elvis octed in 33 movies, sold over one [¡illion

, : -rms ond won four Grommyowords, His tolent ond peanut butter
-- l mo oudiences oround the g obe,
. .:.:tivoted strawberry jam
- -- ne wosn't o hoppy mon. Elvis wos odi'r cted to
il €
'- ond ote oround '100,000 colories per doyl E v s
t =l qt the young oge of 42 ot his Memphis home,
How many bananas did
.-:celond. on Augusl 1ó 1977, ofter yeors of drug Elvis eat every day?
t ,:::¡se ond o terrible diet. #
t: He ate...
.1935 G-
.l'ruory 8, His fomily moved to Tennessee in "G

':jB, ond Elvis finished high school there in .l953, F" Restaurant role-piay.
l- l'":'{ou want the Elvis sandrvich, but it's not on the
: He wos o celebrity, but thot didn't stop him from
menu. Erplain exactly what you'd like to eat.
: ring the 'rrlitory in Elvis went to Germony for
á Z', You're the server. You don't have all ingredients.
r{ '
i : months with the ormy, ond there he met Prisctllo in Suggest others and agree on the sandwich.
! She moved to the United Stotes to be with him, !b *
-- -t they only got morried in 1967. Their r:^c,l rioge didn't 4 (? Q 5"5 itrirr ir F,ERSnNAL Question time.
i :st very long: they got divorced tn 1972, when their 'l Listen to and answer the 12 lesson titles in units 7 &
I{.- : : -ghter, Liso Morie, wos only 4 yeors old, B.

I 2 In pairs, practice asking and answering. Use the

" He storted singing in Memphis in 1954. By 195ó, map of the book on p. 2-3. Where possible, ask
. -e wqs on internotionol success. His style wos o follow-up questions loo. Can you comfortabiy
answer them all?

l¡:ffi'r[*,:,[.E;';j:ru When did you

start school?
Did you go to a
good nursery first?

I started school in 1998

when I was f ive years olj.

How did You getheretodaY?


I came to Jhlschoollffoot.

we came tlLorur.
F=- "! oh, I want to get away. I wanna
fly away, yeah, yeah, yeah!') 9.1

I Vocabulary i rransportation
* I O. How did everybody get to the NYC music festival? Match
.-.,- :f
the photos to the words in the first column. Then match
The verb get has many uses and meanings:
É - - cther six to the second column. Listen to check.
= get an e-mail (= receive), gef tired (= become),

- bike (rode a. .) by boat (took the ..) gef home (= arrive), etc.
r-.- ,us (took the. .)
I by ier-ry (took the.. To ask about transportation we often use gef in

r'. car (drove)

-- on foot (walked) ) the question, but not in the answer.

rrelicopler (f1ew)
-l by plane (flew) z How do you get to work? By car.
> How did you get here? I took the bus.
1.,-rrctorcycle (rode a...) , by sllDway (took rhe...)
: train (took the...)
by lruck (drove)
@ Grammar p. I34

3 :.ir testl á: Point and ask "How did (they) get there?" 2 Answer. A: Confirm and rephrase.

He went by motorcycle. I came (back). = here ::

That's right, he rode.
I went (back). = there -r.'

l*E_LS*0-lt¡!, In pairs, ask and answer questions 1--2

,.,rhal's the besl way for you to gel tol 2 How did you gel:
EfI a work / college / school? ; here today? By car. I live twenty
kilometers away, so
: lhis English class? * to school when you were a child? I always drive.
: your: usual supermarkel? c to your last hohday destination?

Arirt ning
I -.',/hat
are these occupations? Match the words to the photos. I Are you a cooker?.


No, l'm an unemployed

a cook a tist o noqü a assistant

':.tj r-J

rt Job:
b Gelsthere: §
*\ B G*.2 Listen to two dialogs at a party and complete the information about the people in §.
c8 ¡9.2 Listen again and match the questions and answers.
,l I
1 How do you do? T'm a d-^nlist
World ol

Professions often end with:

H 2 What do you do? I'm great, thanks
. -er I -or = designer; actor
J Whal's your occupationi Nice lo meel yol1.
jÉ l+ Hor oo)orqe-rneie Imacook
> -ian = musician; optician
. -ist = journalist; dentist
&-: Ho,'v are you? I'm the managel:ln a restauranl
'i ó What's your job? I usually take lhe 14 bus.
But we don't stress the suff ix.

* nole-playl Imagine you're at a party. Invent a character and role-play one of the party dialogs in pairs.

Hi, Bob! Great to see you! How's it going? Jane! I'm so pleased you came! Workbook p.44
9.2 What's your occupation?

F Reading
A fts.s Guess the answers to questio ns 1-4. Then read the article
quickly to check'
I What's the man in lhe Photo doing? How far is his commute to work and home?
a He's going lo work. a Eight miles.
b He's tralnlng for a maralhon' D Four miles.

2 What's his job? Why does he commute like this?

a He's a sPorts teacher. a He can't drive and is afrard of cycling'
b Hesactoclor. b He wants lo stay ln shaPe.

An Unusu I Comm
Most people commute by bus, or they drive, but Dr. Houk eats a lot of fruits and vegetables

notTed Houk, from Maryland. Dr. Houk always runs because he believes fruits are good for you and

to his internal medicine practice f rom his home in he says that vegetables help with the memory' His

Lutherville, and back again every day. It's about full bag weighs about ten pounds. For many years
four miles there and four miles home, but he runs Dr. Houk rode his bike to work, but he started to
gain weight, so he decided to run instead'
when it's sunny, when it's raining and even when
it's snowing. He runs if it's hot or cold, if it's light When Houk gets to work he uses alcohol to
or dark. remove the perspiration. But sweat is not really a
problem, he says, because "your sweat is clean'"
He always runs with a big bag in his hand. In the
bag are his clothes, his stethoscope, his phone and
about two pounds of fruits and vegetables.

The USA uses Pounds (lb) and miles.

1 lb = about half a kilo (0.454 grams to be exact)
1 mile = just under two kilometers (1.62 km)

Re-read the article. True (T) or false (F)? Do you aglee with the doctor's ideas?

1 Dr. Houk lives in a different town from his workplace'

2 He takes lhe bus lo work if it rarns or snows'
I like the idea of running
3 The bag he carries is emPtY. to work but...
4 Dr. Houk likes to eat fruit and vegetables'
5 The doctor went by bicycle lo work before he starled running.
é The sweat on his body is dangerous.

C - _i1-l¡1§_91!Jq) Oo you know any people with unusual diets or ways to get exercise?

Yeah, me! I never use elevators. My aunt swims five kilometers every day'

.),ct the oflicewhere the papers grow, she takes a break, . At t ,L
drinks another coffee and she finds ¡t hard to stay awaKe"'

Evorabularyi Jobs

I O v.* Match photos a-h to the jobs. Listen to check.


a tv techl r'al I a flighl attendant

- a cab driver I a freeiance journalist
3 COrllplrLler: p fo gl:ammeI ! a personal secrelarY

- a fire-'fighter I a police officer



.:§* l


B *s s Look at the picture in the center. What job do you think each person has today? Listen to check'

In pairs, decide which of sentences 1-5 apply to the jobs a-h' Which are the best Professions?
I vou can can L make a lol of roney
2 It's interesting / boring / dangerous work' male I earn
Doctors)ui+ra lot of moneY.
3 You work with other people. / You work alone' a- at
¿ You have to work long hours. / You don't r'''ork long hours' I'mVstudent,rrl St. Mary's school.
5 You help a 1ot of people. / You only help a tew peopLe

I think computer' programmer is the best job, because

you can make a lot of money and it's interesting,

D ü¡IElIit!§glUÜ what's your occupation? what do you like about it? what don't you like?

l'm student. I enjoy it because my teachers are good, but I don't have any money! @ Workbook p. 45


Where are you going to be in 2Q22?
p Listening
.i '

A Os o Listen to Kelly's and Michael's plans and complete the tablb:.

§) Y N


B Os ¿ Listen again. who says 1-8, Michael (M) or Kelly (K)7 Which of the jobs do you prefer? Why?
'l 1L sou nds boring. 5 You can help your parents.
: 2 You can make a lot of money. 6 i don't wanl to be a veterira, ian. I think I prefer the pet
3 Yo.r he-p ¡ .op1e. 7 We're both going lo be rich. psychologist, because
I love animals.
/+ You are your own boss. I Teil me what that dog rs thinking

.l r: @e) soins to
A study the grammar box and Common Mistakes. Write a true$andaQexample
for yourself and a ffi to a partner.
Going ta
,i & Subject + be + going to + infinitive ifnot going to be rich.
Q Subject + be + not + going to + infinitive Are you gonna "td be famous?
(} ge + subject + going to + infinitive

@ Grammar p. 134

E Op ¿ Listen to Keliy and Michael again and complete 1-8.

lr I. I l'm to to grad school.
I i ? Your parenls
, going to happy.
!r 3I goingro- aceruificareinanimaloehavior. \]
a- | t+ Il - going be easy.
5 Ir going lun
óI going people happy
-'. 7 eut your parents going to be happy.
¡ a both going to be rich.
C tt¡ark sentences 1-8 in E either with i (intentions) or P (predictions).

ffi Order these words to make questions. Practice asking and answering
Going to is usually pronounced
using gonna. Can you find someone who has the same answers?
gonna. E.g., in fast speech,
"i you / / what/ ? /evening/lo/ going / do / lhis /
are What are you going to do?
2 ? / youl going/tonight / are / TVlwatch / to / any becomes Whatcha gonna do?
Can you remember any song
3 year/going /you/? /lo/ golvacalion / are/ on/nexl/ lines or song titles wrlh gonna?
lu are /how/celebrale /? /nexl/birthday /going/you/to /your /

.) l've got a feeling that tonight's .t
sonña be a soá night.)- ^Y .ó

,l Q i.: Read the plans and predictions beiow and write the name of the person who mentions each topic,l-7.

dings 5 technology
ó transportation
7 video

Th e FuruRE?
What is work going to be [ike for young people? We asked some high
school graduates for their plans and predictions for the world of work.
This is what they told us.
- ,,--

"l'm not going to be like my parents ]]. fney have a DVD rental store. I'm going to change
the l¡usiness so that everything is online - "

"We're al1 going to Live on the moon i* , so l'rn going to be a space p lot and fly people to the
moon and back r,-."
Mariana, 16

"We're not going to ducate our kids in the same way in the ture . We're gonna use
LfrÉíe, 1& >,{y
"Humans are not going to use cars forever -. I tnin« we're going to be able to teleport
pretty soon f-."
Margar¡ta, 17
"l'm not going to work in an r.lffice :- Wlth new technology everyone is going to be able to
telecommute r ."
'l , ¿;;;;; lhat;i ',ól gólrá tá , ná.s" _ iuói 'r vó, oón;i l'r" póLi .'uni, i',ii lt ,
sa{e job and this is wrar l'n go rg to oo
*á óá. ó'iii ; $ .ów róó' *á;." iot cóiic tó -ó;; ;ó;: ¿tió1 wá;K;;; ;ná
we'l be able to 'print' new houses. l'm going to work in this business."

B Re-read and mark which going to sentences are predictions (P) and which are pians or intentions (l).

c ü|[Eji--r--lls il which predictions do you agree /disagree with? In pairs, compare answers.

I don 't agree with Mariana, We're not I'm not so sure. The future is a long
goi ng to live on the moon in the future time and the population is growing fastl
@Workbook p.46


9 .[+ lfhat are you go¡ng to do next year?
g Vocabulary: Life Chanses

¡t. *t Listen to Mr. James and complete phrases

1-11. Listen again to check.Which six can you
see in the pictures?
1 leave callegp_.
2 find a p-.
3 gele
/ 1-___-
-+ 1--av--

5 get m-.
ó slar L a rnewr j
7 start a f
I getd
? m-.
1ú lose a j
'li relire (from a j )

il; put them in a logical order, 1st-11th. Compare in

groups. At what age do people usually do these
things in your culture? Do you ai1 agreeT

People usually Ieave college when they're 22 or 23.

.e *t * Quickly read his son Alex's blog. What eight changes is Alex going to make?
Well, I had a long talk with Dad the other day and he con me, l'm going to make a
few changes in my life. And anyway, today is a new year, time for a new startl First, I'm going
to exercise more. I ate too much over the holidaysl Then l'm going to get a new job soon. I'm
a waiter in a restaurant and I hate my boss because he's really mean. He makes me stay late
and he keeps mytipsl lwantto be a web designer, so l'm gonna go backto school and get my
bachelor's. l'm going to learn a new Ianguage too. I always wanted to speak Chínese.
l'm also going to move out of my mom's house and get an apartment with some friends
and l'm going to buy a new car. l'm thirty-two-l thínk it's timel And l'm going to find a new
girlfriend-l'm so lonelyl So... "How are you going to do all this?" I hearyou ask. Here's my plan:
Well, after lunch, l'm going to exercise with my friend, Carl, and then tonight, l'm having
dinner with my mom to tell her I'm leaving home. Next week l'm talking to a career specialist
and l'm starting a Chinese class. And... l'm going on a date tomorrow night. Wowl Wish me luckl
What do you think of my plan? How's your New Year going to be?
Hi Alexl I think this is a good plan. B
Büt why are you going to learn Chinesel Why don't
you learn Spanish or Portuguese?

,: Re-read and complete the table. What do you think of Alex's plan? Write a comment to encourage him.
Plan Reason
1 do more exercise irs afe lco rniich ov¿r ihe hr,-iiriatrs
I llcL a lrcw ]uu ^___ I ^l^

3 go back to school
& get a new girlfriend
5 have dinner r,vilh mom eo to p.152{
102 E

I .{+

p e rammar; Going to us. Present Cantinuous for Plans

Pn : -3 ta vs. Frescnt e *ntinu*us

Use the Present Continuous for
-=, Are these sentences from ?A in the Present Continuous (PC) or Going to (GT)? future arrangements that you

can control. Sometimes, there is
PCGTFP I only a tiny difference between a
'- going to get a new job soon. plan (Present Continuous) and an
intention (going to), so you can
-=:er lunch l'm going to exercise with my friend. Carl
choose. E.g., I'm getting a taxi home
-,r or lh going to get a taxi home.
- -i ght l'm having dinner with my mom.

s the meaning a fixed plan (FP) or an intention (l)? ro' u" n:t::::.' use soing to
)j- Grammar p.134

Alex's blog, underline four more examples of Present Contínuous and eight more of going to. Mark
I .:--
.:em FP or I.

m .--:-e these examples appropriate? Correct the wrong ones. Then, in pairs, make them true for you. Ask
-: more details too.
:n meeting a frlend 1ater. Im flying to Istanbul on Monday I'm not meeting a friend
tonight. l'm going to stay in,
- n gorng to lhe denlisl's nexl rveek I'm sleeping early lonight
- m washlng my hair afler dinner.
Are you going to watch TV?

fl ustening
A És.lo Listen to four phone messages What are these people going to do? Match answers 1-4.

w i Carla.'s brolher move lo a warm place

,l lohn's parents gel engaged
3 .lulia go back to school
4 Marlin 1lve rn tfance
) M

-t )

b*.. n
§§:+.1:. Listen again and choose the main reason, a or b, why each person is caliing. Who's going to be
the most surprised by the news in their message? Why?
i Carla wanls Ronnie. .. e ... lo cook dinner. ll ... to help r,vith packrng
.'rohnwan->Mei..-¿... l . . o give inlorma or h ... lo move to Costa Rica
3 Julia r,vants to tell her mom... ij . that she finished school r . <ome,-po,LarLrerc
,,, Mar-jn \\ a n s Lrcy .. ... to go to rvork. r1 ... lo go oul lvith him.

i¡4 !!E-lfPl[S9!!Ltj Imagine it's New Year's Eve. Write a blog post about the changes you are going to
make in your life next year.
Well, next year l'm going to... Workbook p.47

FlfrTil LooLing to,..onnu.,,on, ru s'

A ry9.11 Match 1-6 to their area of work. Listen to the ,¡

taiking dictionary to check. Which jobs are in the photos?

'i a civrl engineer I i
2 a denl sL i_-) money and ílnance
3 a financial advisor l_l leeth
4 a raikel research analysr = heallh and medicine
bridges and roads
á a software developer - what people buy

B* s.l z Read the articie and write the job name, 1-6.


We need more people to heLp the millions of OLd peop[e are going to keep more of their real
workers who are going to retire in the next I0 years. teeth for more time. So there are going to be
Many people are going to ask experts to help them more professionats to clean their teeth and keep
to p[an what to do with their money. them hea[thy.

rllB IHT What are we going to do about atl the cars and
With more traffic we need more roads and bridges,
Companies need peopte to help them
understand what customers want to buy. Ther

What profsssiona[s are
example. We need more people who can buitd
Large structures.
these want peopte who can analyze what customee
want and tetl them what products io make.

we going to need in the

future? Here are the People with a bachelor's in computers and peopte There are going to be a lot more old people
predictions for six jobs who know how to use computers are going to be because of progress in medicine. This means we
that are going to be in in high demand to make new software. are going to need more peopte to Look after them.
dermand in ten years time

in the U.S.


Re-read the article and circle the best answer 1-6. Do you agree The two most common comparative forms
with the six predictions in the article? are better and worse.
1 When people relire they don't need / need help r,vith their money Adjective Comparative Example
2 Old people now usually have false / real teeth. My grades are
3 We need to build cars
/ roads because of more traffic. good better better than
your grades.
1+Companies want information about why people buy / sell things.
5 You need a degree or / and experience lo make software. bad worse MY iob is worse
than your job.
ó Medicrne is better / worse than it r,vas before.
I completely agree with number 1.

Asking for permission

I ;:-3tos a-d show peopie asking for permission. Guess what they want. Use these ideas.
:r rOW SOme money
,- -.row the car
-: se a windor,v
=r.!.e work early
. <e lhe day off
-.r n on the A/C

:hink in photo "a" the man is asking t0...

Q I t: Listen to dialogs 1--4 to check your answers to ,4. and match them to pictures a-d.
2- - - ll

O i.l: Listen again, compiete the questions and circle the responses you hear.
Asking for Giving permission Saying no

-,n I ask you something? Thal's fine. No, I'm busy.

-: ¡.ld lake the day off ? Sure. Go ahead. Maybe nexl time.
,,n I the car? Of course. No problem. No, I'm sorry, you can'|.
,:uld lend me some ? Help yourself I'm sorry, bul...
-: you mind I turn lhe air conditioner? Not at all. I'm sorry, bul rl's too cold.

Can lborrowya,rapeY
Could youtrcr+om'me a pen?

) !.ole-play conversations for pictures 1-4. Swap roles. Be difficult sometimes.

Do you mind if I

borrow your laptop?

l'm sorry. l'm

usrng rt. N-

Think of something you could ask permission for in the class. Go around the class
and ask. How many positive responses did you get?

a cookie a candy glasses a kiss a phone a tablet an MP3 player to sithere

Could you lend me your phone to make a call?

_ Sorry, I have no credit. Workbook fi . 4&, *V, *&, 7:*

§ 10s

Do you look like your mom?

fl I

toes l

I need warm socks because my fLq€ersare cold.

I broke Ht,", ¡n lrree Xffif '

4áj Íregular plurals of body parts
a foot - two feet
a tooth -some teeth

6 Vocabulary: The Body and Face

A 8tO.l Label the photos with these words. Listen to a sports science class to check. Point to the part(s
of your body as you hear it / them.
arms back chest fingers feet hands head legs stomach/k/ toes

B In pairs, say which parts of the body you need to do activities 1-8.
1 to think 5 to play soccer
2 to run ó lo write You need your legs
and your feet to run. And You need
3 to swim 7 to do yoga your arms too.
4 to ride a bicycle B to learn English
.)l feel¡t in my f¡ngers, I feel it in my toes. The love
that's all around me and so the feeiing grows." I0.1

o i ¡.: Match parts of the face 1-8 to these words and guess their
pronunciation. Listen to a TV assistant to check.
EAIS eyes lips nose
evebrows hair mouth leeth

Match the part of the face you associate most with these verbs
eal hsten read smell
4 t'¡
kiss look see speak

p§§ Say which part of your face you like most and why.

I really like my ears, because they're

not big and they're not small.

Match the description items below to suspects 1-3
There are four items for each suspect. l.90m r

average build
Interd l.8Om r

s 111'l I.5Oñ *
!.sOtn *
average height
tal 1.3ü r
t,?8 n
] blue eyes
ü§Om r
-l brown eyes
---i green eyes l.OOm
O.?Om r
-l tong dark hair O,8Om r
short dark hair O,7Om r
-l short fair hair ry
@E@E@, O,5Ol|t r
O,AOm r
He hasalong hair.

firo.s Listen to the three descriptions and write the suspects' names, Adam, Charlie andMark, under
the correct picture.

Spot the suspectl i.,,: Describe one of the suspects. 11: Close the book and say who it is. Swap roles
D llyl llE-ll r,EB§ 0it/Fii. Describe a "suspect" in your cIass. Use this person, not he or she. Can your classmates
guess who it is?

This person is tall, has long dark hair and black eyes. This person is wearing.
Workbook p.4§

Are you like your dad?

Aü I O.¿ Read the article and complete the information about Kelly

Full name: Keily

Date of birth:
AN tion:

E»<traordinqry Hobby:

Athlete Occupation:

no is tall and sLim the New York City triathlon
i wth long dark hair and brown in 2008. Kelly is also a medical
eyes - she loves sports and she's student. Her lather was a doctor
an excellent lete. She looks like and he inspired Kelly to study
a lot of young women. but Ke lY is rnedicine. She began her studies in
different. Born in North Carolrna 2009. but in 2010 her father died
on March 23. 1984. Kelly was six in the earthquake in Ha ti. He was
months old when part of her leg working there for an organization
was putated. Three months called "Food for the Poor."
later she got a pros tic leg and What does Kelly think about
began to walk at the age of only her leg? "lts jJSt an obstacle:
13 months. She was good at eryone has the r
sports at school, es ctally baseball own obstacles.
soccef and running, and she is now What ver yours is,
a tri tri
pion lete. In a lon just don t quit." .
she has to swim 1 500 m. cycle \
40 km and run 1O km She won

B# f O.S Re-read the article and complete Kelly's timeline. Listen to a conversation to check.

6 months old g months old 13 months old 20a8 2009 ?,010

pa'r^1 oi her ie$

!,rái ámlriiáiúd

ü§[E[_pJE§g!!ü,What do you think of Kelly? Choose the three adjectives that best describe her. Find
someone who chose the same words as you.

liue ath tíc cou geous determined enerqetic heroic ordinary strong

Which words did you choose? I think she's strong, determined and heroic. What about you?

.! We are the world, we are lhe children. We a{e the
/l erammar: Comparatives

A OlO.¿ Match photos 1 and 2 to the adjectives. Listen to Maggie

&-w1 w
and Steve to check. o;t '

So is one of the 20 most common words in
interesting English. Look:
sad I'm tired, so I'm gorng to bed. (- a conc usion)
short You're so rntelligent! (= an intensif er)

B: l.* Listen again and complete 1-4 with the word you hear.

si:.orter happier nlor? tnLerestlnq taller

Scott is than lake. 3 It doesn't malter that he's lhan Scott

,lake is lhan Scolt. 4 Scott is than Jake.

I .atilñr{j:- j!.j.:ti :
-:ok at li and match the columns to make comparative rules. l'm Dpre stronger than my
. -,djectives of one syllable: good -: better: bad -.:' wots€ brother, but he's E€ré bigi
then me.
- -,djectives of two syllables (ending in -y): use more + ad¡ective
. -djectives of two or more syllables: doub e the fina consonant + er
"egular comparaLives: take off y and add -rer @ Grammar p. 136
. idjectives ending consonant - vowe - consonant: add er

Who's better for Maggie, Jake or Scott? Use the adjectives in A to give your reasons.

I think it's Jake because he's...


p tistening
G : *": Listen and identify Brad's sisters Zoe and
Rebecca in the photos.

B Gl,:.: Listen again. Complete these sentences

with Z (Zoe) or R (Rebecca) based on what you hear.
is friendiier than
2 is more generous lhan
: is shver lhan
t' is calmer lhan
; is more intelligent than
r is more organized than

l!!_§_0_!¡_t-: Use the adjectives in 44 to compare yourseif to someone in your family.

My dad was friendlier than me. He liked to go to parties

and meet people. l'm shyer than him and l'm calmer too. Workbook p.50 '109
What's lhe prettiest city you know?

S *tü"8 what is the enneagram? Read the introduction to the website and choose the best answer.
i An o1d, sym lic name for an online o.ating site. ,. !' agram that represents nine personaiity types

an ancient symbol used to describe personality

The enneagram is

types. lt with nine points. Each of them represents

is a circle

a different personality type with both negative and positive
lvoe ore characteristics. The enneagram says that we move between

you? these negative and positive characteristics. All of us have one of

nine basic personality types. Here an example of each type:


l'm type 1. l'm a perfectionist and l'm idealistic. My negative
ffi\ffi side is that sometimes l'm very cr tical of other people.

fff;"w I love to help people and l'm very Well, l'm type 3. I am am tious and

:1i.nerous, but if you're my friend I good at things. lf I do things well I can
don't want to share youl I can be very become more rogant-this is my

po::r.ssive. l'm type 2. negative side.

Type 4 people are ron¡artic and want to l'm a litary person and I want to try
understand other people. That's mel I to understand what's happening in my
like to understand how people feel, but world. That's type 5. Sometimes I feel
sometimes I can be moody. depressed and that's my negative side.

W l'm very ic.,,al to my friends and l'm very I love to have fun and to be spon neous.

responsible. My negative side is that I can l'm type 7 and l'm usually happy, but
be su:,¡:icious. This is type 6. I can get more disorganized when l'm
trying to have funl

Type 8 people are strong and they want l'm type 9 and I hate conflict, so I always

to do important things for the world- try to be calm. The negative part of this
that's me. My negative side is that I can is that I ac things I don't like, just

get angry when you don't agree with mel because I don't want any problems.

ffi work in trios.Each student reads about three C O t 0.9 Ask and answer in trios to complete the
different personality types and completes the table. tabIe. Listen to check.
Student Type Positive side Negative side
What's the negative
1 side of type 1?
D MAKE lT PERS0I{AL What are you like? Compare
yourselves using adjectives from this unit. Which
enneagram type are you?



Jl erarnma r: superlativ es

r]t --t lr what can you see in photos a-e? Read the quiz, match each
, =siion to a photo, then answer them. Listen to check.




1 What's the second highest tain in the world?

" \1 a l\,'loL-r¡t (l l¡¡¿n ro b \lou¡t l,erest c K
2 What's the second longest river in the world?
b" =%
a tl.e b tne mazon River c the Missl ppi

3 What's the second most pulated city in the

a Sáo Pa r o b New York Cit.v < N4exico City

4 What's the second largest country in the world?

aRussa bCa¡ada cChlna
-é. 5 What's the second most suc ful national
[É soccer team?
a Brazll b Germanyr c lta y
r'" *i i !

-t Match sentences a-d to the rules.
: world.
Salzburg is the prettiest city in the lrregular: good - the best; bad the worst.
L Who's the tallest person youknow? One syLlable: fhe -esú.
; That's the most beautiful place I know. fwo sy lables ending rn -y: fhe -iest.
I What was the best movie you saw last year? Adjectives with two or more syllables: the most

§ Wtr¡ctr rule a-d do the superlative forms in the quiz follow?

1[l 2f]l 3Tl 4

Grammar p. 136

5_E_ lt_tiB_SqN_4lrl Order these words to make questions. In pairs, ask and answer them.
I the /what/ oldest/your/is / city / country / tn / ?

': the / in / expenslve/ are/what/most/your/supermarkets /town/ ?

Home is the perst nice
3 biggest/what / lhe / country/your/is / stadrum / in I ? placezf,the world.
,1 most/in / country / popular/beaches / yourlwhat / lhe / are / ?
5 youngest /your /ln/who /lhe /is/class /person/ ? Idori, k..-Dril think it's...
. mosl/worid/people /famous /tIrc /in/ are /who /the/ ? ".ily
7 possessron/imporlanl/you/most/what /the / have/is / ? Workbook p. 51
- 1A,& What's the best place in the world?

F Pro n u n ciatio n : Comp ar ativ es and

Ary 10.11 Listen and underline

Sup erlativ es

the stressed words in each sentence.

We normally stress words
that carry the message. Other
1 Everest is the highest mountain in the wor1d. words are often unstressed,
reduced and said faster. lf
I And K2 is hrgher than Kihmanjaro. you don't hear them, You can
3 The Nile ,s rhe ,ongest 'iver. still understand the meaning.
4 The Amazon is ionger lhan the Mississippr.

Describe the 1-,t, 2,d and 3,d f.oÍ questions 3-5 in the quiz on p. 1-11. Write a superiative and
a comparative sentence for each question as in the models in A'
The most populated...

Q In pairs, compare answers and practice using stressed and unstressed words.

.,'i gReading
llr'l A no you know the places in photos 1-9? Find examples of these
things in the photos.
ill a canyon a caue flotaers an island alake
a lizard a mountain top rocks an underground river
a volcano a waterfall

B :,.1¡ , ,: Quickly read the article and match the places to photos 1--9'

c Re-read the article and answer 1-9. Which place:

I is in nine differenl counlries?
? has many differenl flowers?
i: 3 has caves and lakes?

i; 4 has an underground river?

5 ,sinl\ oco-nrt-es.
lr 5 conlains a rrolcano?
----r is a very deep canyon?

B is home to a famous animal?

? is a mounlain over five kilomelers high?

D frf O.f S %q];irt"n/ watch and say which two of the nine places are not mentioned.

Ef lO.f S &<titt"n/ watch again and number the places 1-7 in the order you hear them. -J

f ,UlfÉ:Í_i_r¡.1_o¡¡t.; po you agree with the choices? Which of the places do you most want

to visit? Why?

I want to visit Table [Vlountain. I really want

to go to South Africa and I love flowers.
@ Workbook p.52 ur'#i'trá/ J
112 i
.)Tropical the island breeze, all the nature wild and
free. This is where I lons to be, la isla bonita'.


E '-:¡
-?. -

lha Naw §avaa darc o( tma

:s. r.t -:
:.{il-! ;',; -*
v-i-.:! 9r:l::a-U
ln 2007 Bernard Weber started a project to find the seven most beautiful
places in the world. People from all five continents voted for their favorite
place. Here are nine of the finalists,

J}ru:i:Jii[:'J.'XT I
Amazon rain rorest is the - lrhe crand H,ki'# iiJ
in l to protect the largest in ihe world. lt's located Canyon in the
Komodo dragon, the largest in nine differeni countries and
it's home to the world's biqgesi
USA is more than
km deep, lt
thousands of
rocks and islands
lizarcl in the world. in clifferent sizes
river, the Amazon River. has many canyons

and shapes.
and caves'
f-rante in
Mountain lt also has
South Africa is flat beautiful caves
groups of
the top and contains i Th.. lguazu Falls is one of the largest and lakes,
.. m0re ihan I ,470 waterfalls in the world,There are 275 different waterfalls

[j¡eju is the largest island in South ! IVount Kilimanjaro in !fne Puerto Princesa
Korea. lt's home to Hallasan, a dormant Tanzania is one of the hiqhesi National Park in the
volcano that's also the tallest mountain mountains in ihe world.The top Philippines has the world's
in South Korea,There are 360 other of Kilimanjaro is at 5,895 m largest underground river,
volcanoes around Hallasan. above sea level. at 8.2 km.

10.5 What's your blood type?

A l¿atch these words to pictures a-g. Which two words rhymeT

.bearc booo bar olor,- a ,ng tge'a '

7.The brarn is
more active at
night than during
: The most the day,
,i: Hair grows
common fáster on your
I blood type in face than on
the wor d rs other parts of
Type A your body,

The tongue ''.2.Toenails

is one olthe
strongest rrr-scles
grow faster
n the human than fngernails
li body,

Food is more ,:.::,,On average,

important to women's hearts
humans than beat fáster than
sleep. l.',Your right men's.
l lung is smaller
than your left



* lC.l¿ In pairs, do the quiz. Listen to check. Which fact is not illustrated?

* t*.r¿ Listen again and complete the words in 1-8. Which is the most interesting fact?
i Your I '- vo,) _ r¡he. vOU -
2 It says that if in don'l shave, ai can,: to mole than 10 metersl
3 Your 1 grol slo'¡er than your I
4 Women are ! lhan men. so their i needs to move lhe blood í
5 The h needs a lot ofq
is 11 i For me, number 6 is the n:,
á The . lime a person can go with no : ti.
interesting. I didn't know
I Wnen)o,eaLo' \o,dre LSn-' --\-
* The most c blood tYPe is
I think number 7 is more interesting
Is your English 5etter than a year ago?

Making choices

A BlO.lS Listen and match dialogs 1-3 to three of these four photos. Check the option they choose.
_E_ *

O I O.l s Listen again to check. Then read AS 10.15 on p. 167 for two minutes and try to remember aII you can.

-:- pairs, look only at the photos in A and practice the three dialogs from memory. Create a similar one
::: the fourth picture.
: (E lr PERSONAI , In pairs, decide which gig you'd like to go to. Use any adjectives from this unit and
::-ake a decision.

- - r no
: - tino
' -'l
- -:resting
-- : lern

'":::. I think we have to

;: see the Rolling Stones.
--.,J're the best.

',:, the Rolling Stones

:-: so old. I prefer Bruno
r,':'s. He's more exciting.

@ Workbook p. 53, 69

G rarnmar and V*ea*a\*ry

Picture dictionary! Cover the words on the pages 1,ni,.. ' Order these words to make requests. Thin,'
below and remember. of a verb for each gap. Listen to check.
i you/mrnd/.- / do/your/if /bike/l/r
12 means of lransportatlon
B jobs
6 life changes 'l a/ /Pen/me/Yots/?
4 short dialogs for pholos a-d
:i door/I/
---lcould /the/can/?
10 parts of the bodY L mind./I/- /pizzallhls/you/do/if/
B parts of the face i your / can/ /laPtoP/I/?
descriptions ofthe 3 suspecls á earlier/home/- /I/could/todaY/?
/ more porfs ol LI-e DoaY In pairs, practice the conversations. Vary the wa"
1o p cru'e fot tow, 5 & 6 o[corsondo : you ask and answer.

B Read the table and circle the correct alternative in 1-5. Can I borrow your bicYcle?
Sorry, but I need it not',
l Canada Ghina Russia
Size in km'? 9,984,670 9,598,086 Ü,a98,2+2
34 million 1,346 million 142 miilion G tr¿atch the opposites.
1 kind 2 tall 3 calm
81.4 years 73.1Years 67.8 Years
-': lazY
i- l rude f'-¡ mean
Highest point Mount Logan, Mount Everest, Mount Elbrus,
oa/Qm 11I qAL)ñ
5,959 m OJOTO
Fi Correct the mistakes. Check your answers in un
1 Canada is larger lhan Russia / China. 9 and 10. What's Your score, 1-10?
2 China / Canada has a bigger population lhan Russia s§§üffi§FrffiE§
3 The population of Canada / China is smaller than *HJMI§i¿WI§§
t he pop-taL on o- R tssia i My mom is a great cooker' .1 ,11,.1-r;'-'i

1¡ People live longer in China than in Russia / canada. 2 l'm student in UCLA and I'm an unemployed.
5 Mounl Logan is higher than Everest / elbrus. 3 Sales assistants don't win a lot of ffiora\- tt =
, :' Complete questions 1-4 with
á | not going to be famous.
superlative adjectives. In pairs, answer them. 5 Are you gonna to go io the parfy? i3.*.i:.:'-rrci
'i Which country ls the (sma11)?
ó Could you borrow me a book? ".1,-t2:¡'.a?.+':

? Which country has the (large) population? 7 I broke the fingers, so I can't walk. t;z.ir,.r'..t;

3 Where do people live lhe (1ong)?


4 Whlch is the (hlgh) mountain? 9 l'm more big then my father. t?-i*itzalí:.'l
1Ü lt's the most old city of the country ' ';tí1"'2'/:'':'''
S look at the picture. In pairs, ask and answer 1-6.

1 what's Mark golng to do?

2 Are fred and Rory honest? WhY?
3 What's Scolt going to do? What's Laila going to say?
! 4 Is the floor going to gel messy? WhY?
5 What's the dog going to do?
¡ What are Rachel and Owen going to do?

Rachel rOwen

s Prmet!ce Rá

in pairs, use the table to ask and
.:en to the texts on p. 98, 104 and 112. Then go
-- =:k and read them. Was
your listening successful? answer 10 superlative questions. Do you agree
with your partner?
-,-- :eams, play the guessing game. Team A cover card (bad)
- :eam B cover card 1. Give the clues one at a time. food
singer ln the world?
studied a lot for their job. Who '/ (l tltlltv
actor in this country?
usually wear a white coat to work What (goo0)
, .l'

writer in this
work with animals. is the stlldent neighborhood?
ople in this job: (good-looking)
wear a uniform. (interesting)
model 1n our class?

have a dangerous profession. cook

look for criminals. politician Who is the funniest
3 actor in this countrY?
; common in big cities.
i:: a kind of lrain.
r, undeT the slreets. § Read Laila's e-mail and answer true (T), false (F) or
4 not mentioned (N).
.: good for You.
r-, f ree. eoa
faster tnar walLing.
5 .: You have two of lhem. Hi Jenna!

-- They're part of your head. Well, l'm finishing grad school soon and I have to start making plans
r- You listen with them. nowl First, l'm going to take a vacation. I'm gonna go to Thailand with
Scott fortwo weeks, I can't wait! But, l¡efore that, l'm moving out of
mg apartment, so l'm busg packing evergthing. l'm looking for a new
apartment at the moment. Do gou know angwhere I could stag? ;-J
,:, WeaT a maSk. Then when we get back from vacation l'm going to f ind a job. Wish me
l, are often unpopular wilh children luck! 0hl And I almost forgot mg big news. Scott asked me to marru
l. care for our teeth.
him-and I said "gesl" We're getting married next gearl At lastl How
People in this job:
are Uou and Nando these dags? When are gou go¡ngto get married?
a serve people.
b travel a lot. Love,
c work on a plane. La ila

This type of transportation:

a is large. 'l Scott is lenna's boyfriend.
b carries people. 2 Lailas in grao schoo'.
c travels on the road.
This type of transportation: 3 After her vacation she's leaving her apartmenl.
a travels on the road. 4 She's going to live alone.
b is dangerous. 5 She's going to get a job after her vacation.
c in heavy trafñc, is faster than a car.
a You have ten of them. ó Laila's engaged.
b They are shorter than fingers.
c They are on your feet. F $S": Listen to Laila and renna and answer l--4.
i Where did Scotl ask Laila to marry him?
2 Which room does Jenna offer to Laila?
0K, number one. Um. I don,t know.
The clye,l¡,, 3 When is Laila going to fly to Thaiiand?
filst what's the next clue?
4 How long does she need the room for?
I ',iiil :i püRsüN*¡" In pairs, ask and answer 1-3. Do S6.3 ,,,i,t.:'t FER§&§A¡" Question time.
you agree? 1 Lislen to and answer the 12 lesson titles in units 9 & 10.
1 Which profession from the quiz is the best paid / 2 In pairs, practice asking and answering. Use the
the mosl interesling / the most difflcuil? Why? map of the book on p. 2-3. Where possible, ask
2 Do you use the means of lransportatlon from the foilow-up questions too. Can you comfortably
quiz? Which do you prefer? Why? answer them all?
3 Which is more important
I think your eyes are the I drove.
) How did you get here today?
your eyes, ears or hands? most important because

; 1,"
There Was I There Were * &
o c
There was no gas in lhe tank.
Singular There was a car in front of the house There wasn't any gas rn the tank.
There were no parking sPaces.
Plural There were two cars on the street There weren't anY Parking sPaces

Use There was / There were for "existence" in a place in the past
The form is: There + past tense be + determiner + noun phrase'

There Was I There Were@

Past of Be O C Object Short Answers O C
Was r Wasn't
. agasstalionnearhere? Yes,therewas /No,lherewasn't'
a iot of people at lhe parly?
Tnel e / No, there u¡eren'l
\Á/er e / Wet en t Yes, there were.

Note: Use a lot of / lots of + noun for .arqe quanlittes

2 Verb Be - Past Simple {3&
Subject Past ofBe O Past ofBe C Object Phrase

I/He/She/lt was was nol / wasn't

at lhe party yesterdaY.
We/You/They were were not / weren't

Common past time exPressions:

She was here a few minutes ago.
I wasn't at home last night.
We were út tile cor'lc€l't last Saturday
'éa{* #x * **st §irr.',p\* €é
Question Short Answers O C
Past of Be Subject Phrase
Was / Wasn't 1 rn your class? Yes, I was. / No, I wasn't.
,) Were / Weren't you al lhe party? Yes, you were. / No, You weren't.
he al the gym? he he
Was / Wasn't she in class? Yes, she was. No, she wasn't
it a good parly? ir it
w-ó in your class? Yes, you r'vere. / No, You -,^/eren't.
Were / Weren't you rn school? Yes, we rvere. / No, r¡¿e weren't.
they at the hotel? Yes. they were. / No. theY u/eren't

3 Prepositions of Place
The armchair is betu)een the windotu and the fteplace
The box rs on the armchatr
The cat's in the box.
The niclure's above the T\l
The skate's under the armcltair
The sofa's opposite the TV
The phone's in front of the T\'
The Jveplace's next to the armchair.
The fan's behind the T\¡

Order 1-5 to make sentences.
l'lo had television when dad was a child. I rasn':, iu¡r-i lu,e i anv r'her i in,'aparimeni / there /
,r my lasl house, there wasn't any closets. ,l balloons i -here .i no r at,1 partl¡ i his ,, birthday,r t ere /
-here no was food in lhal kitchen on weekdays. -i snac¡s ,' iable , l-1e ,' on ,'-,\¡etae ,,' '.here ./ ?

i,'ere not there two bathrooms and a toiiet downstairs? ; -¡as i <rtchen i' ihe i l:moiLade.,'ther:e ,/ in ,/ .

l,ao was there couch or chair in that hotel room? 1, napkins r' ar-,, lhelo i on ,/ l¿l-.ie 1/ the /'1.\,eren't / .

..,.:r 1-5 to make questions and cross out the Complete the dialog with the past of verb be.
. ,-'a word in each. In pairs, take turns asking and ¿, '!¡,¡hen j¡olt in Seatile? I there lasl
':'.'';eling. r, earl
' -r=e./ ai .l park i on ,/ 1,,¡¡ i lasl ri,e eken¡. ,, the ?
'1-, l,\¡o-.¡u
L I rhere loo. you at lhe
..terday i ¡hal r"¡ere r 5 p.m. rr:.iere 'at,'1'or-t,' i nr-rsic festi.,,,a1i
-:re / rvho i'-¡i:l: r'\¡on ,i .¡hele ,'rlas , ? ;': Nc, I L lhere anli good bands at
t: -.VaS
/ mO.¡jeS ,, .hele i,anir /i..¡,efe ,/ last n ght rre iesii',,a.r-
-resrlng 1 ,, Yes, :r.i¡o 1ocal Sands and one
:,. /in iri¡here,'lasi i,¡eekend. -,r,el-e ,i i lrom \e,¡ f'ork.
?, Real l¡i' Cocl. Wnat the ¡Lame ol tl-re band?

-:ck ai the picture. True (T) or false (F)? Correct the Look at the picture and choose the correct
,..-Se OneS. preposition.
¡c cell phone is ur.cer ihe desk. i The lamp is in front of / behind the alarm clock
re bed is opposrte t-he desk 2 The poster is above / on the bed.
eel -hc ¡eo and
:rere are sl-roes be¡,.l l1-re cesk li There are tlvo boxes under / behind .he d.esk.
r-renight iable rs nert lo :he desk. ,i The bed is next to / opposite ihe night lab .
]lere are bco.<s on tha Dor. ! Th-. socks are on / under the bed-.

Past Simple **
c Use ihe Past Simple to talk about compleled pasl events
o Common pasl time expressions include:
Amy studied at a lheater Sl-re didn't study there in
afelu rtoments ,,'miniltes aqo, an hoilr e9o
school in 1996. 1995
She received ',^¡ 1" , gli .a r She didn't receive il when lasr niglrt ,'tr4orroiny / week i mot:.th / ve¡l.r / century
'- ,oo 1o|l'.,
when she was 13. she was 12.
5¡a got married Lo Blake in She didn't get married to fi 2a12, it 19/4
2007. him in 2006

Regular Verbs Spelling Rule

They played lennis yeslerdaY. Mosl verbs: verb + -ed.
She danced a 1ol al the party yeslerday Verbs ending in -e + -d.
The car stopped before lhe accidenl verbs ending tn consonant-vowel-consonant (cvc) = double final c + -ed
They tried to lalk to you lasl Monday Verbs ending in consonant + -I - cul -y + -ied.

o c
1 a loi, ye5¡¡¡¿3i,.
You .¡itl-r me last night.
irom / a.m. lo 9 p.m. 1as: Frioal'. The form ol the verb is the
He studied didn't study
at nigl-rr- last week. same for all persons.
worked didn't work
went out didn't go out t,ith them last 1'ear.
You tcgether on :his project ,as¡ monlh
They lilr i2 p m. lasr McnoaY.

Irregular verbs don't end in -ed. Lookl

Most Frequent Irregular Verbs Most Frequent Irregular Verbs
Infinitive Past Infinitive Past Infinitive Past Infinitive Past
become became go went lose lost see saw
bring brought have had mean meant sit sat
buy boughl hear heard meet met --^^t- spoke
do did hold held pay paid stand stood
feel felt keep kept put put take took
1UI HC L forgot know knew read read te11 lold
get got make made run ran think thought
oir¡e gave leave left say said wrlte wrote

Irregular verbs have no formation rules. For a complete list of those in ID1, go lo lhe ID Portal

V Pasl Simple ێ

E EII (o) EIItr

lasl weekend?
Did she go lo the concert? did go
you visit what she last night?

Did your mom? did do
Did they call him before the class? When did they get uP yesterday?
Did Fred buy a new laptop? why did he stay lhere?

I To ask* questions rvith lhe Past Simpie use the conlracled lorm didn't
Short answers are lhe same for all persons.
Yes, ure did / No, they didn't.
Why djCñi you go on vacation last year?
Yes, she drd i No, he didn't

3 subject Questions
Wh word Past Simple Object Subject questions ask for / about the subject of the answer
happened yesterday? Use Wh words. but don't use the auxiliary did.
What that noise?
broke the glass?
Who wrote the book?
went with youi


rcle the correct verbs in 1-5 about actors Bruce and Brandon Lee.
3rl1ce Lee taught / teaches marliai arls in the 1970s.
,r¡andon Lee didn't liked / didn't like school and he dldn't finlsh it.
l-ie takes / took a special lest to gel his high school diploma.
l::andon Lee study / studied acting and makes / rnade a lew movies'
lrandon Lee gets engaged / got engaged before he dies / died

- ::nplete 1-5 with the Past Simple * ot &

:ri Cobaln
: (record) his first album when he was in his early 20s

- -::-r1, winehouse (die) because of drugs and alcohol abuse

::re famous singers (live) to see lheir 2B'i'birthday

- :r: Morrison (get) his first guitar when he was a leen.

. .:--s Joplin -- (get engaged), but she (gel married)'

', J Ffqlq?á4l 'order 1-5 to make questions' Match answers 1-5 to the questions.
-,::: turns asking and answering. 1 I lvenl oul of torvn last weekend.
,: you / did / SaturdaY / last / what / ? 2 I hung out with tr,vo PeoPle I knew.

- -.: / go / with / did / lriends / You I ? 3 I reaily didn't spend any lime rn the cily
.'=rt l did / tosleep/whal/do/you /before / yon/ 4. lt rained all weekend, so we slayed inl
- - - ,' eat / last / whaL lyou / night / ? 5 We watched TV and ate at lhe reslaurant.
. ,-alion I lasl / did / go / where / you / ? i] what did you see downtorvn?
I: What did you do at the hotel?
! wno did you meel up with?
L where did you go for lhe holidaY?
i- What happened when you were there?

,:::plete the questions in 1-5 with the Past Simple of Write S (subject question) or O (object question).
,--.=e verbs. Which are subject questions? I When did The Bealles start playing?
2 Who invented the name of the band?
announce gíve go haPPen PaY tell
3 what lype of music did they plaY?
1+ why did the band finish?
.r :ey, what t heard lhey canceled your
5 who composed the hit "Helpl"?
-: they canceled it because of bad weather' Who
-? that?

- .i Sj,lvia saw it on TV. When the company

3 - hey didn't do it untll 6:30 p.m. And my flight was ar 7

.i lhat's terrible. So, where You

-: rter that?
3 - rook a laxi -- all my bagsl
back home with

- .i 3ee... And who for the taxii

a lh, at least the airline company paid for it.

, -i lhey You a new ticket?

-:'ep, -
3 they gave me one for tomorrow morntng.

Countable @ vs. Uncountable S Nouns

Countable nouns
Singular Plural Singular Irregular Plural {-* nouns can be singular or plural,
a banana three bananas a child trvo áhildren regu.lar or irregu"lar.
a bottle two bottles a lady lhree ladies Singular {Z no¡ns need a determiner or
an apple ten apples a man five men article (4, an,the).
a cake two cakes a mouse len mice
a box eight boxes a person tlvo peopie

Uncountable nouns
Food-related: beer, breao, butter. cheese. chocolai¿, colfee Substances, materiais: alcohol, deodorant, delergenl, gasoline,
coke, ice, meal, milk, oi1, pepper. rice, salaC, sait, soup, gold, paper, perfume, plaslic. melal, money, oil, rvood.
spaghetti, sugar, lea. v,/aler:. yogurt.

To count * nouns use a / an or number + portion + of: My jeans aÍe neLü.

:ooa¡,o¡).. Aa 0 .r,. : These shoes are i..ot tt:.ti:.e.
5 lilers of gas; a cup ol crl,t't'ee,/ Ieil; rl .Lirtol1 cji miik Some nouns onl]¡ har¡e a piural iorm and take a plural verb:
10 krlos of qold; a poce ctf paper , three perrs of,iea'ts bulocr.ii¡,'s, qio.sses, gio;es,,ieans, pnnts, shoes, etc.

Spoken English
"Two coffees and three teas, please." = two cups of. coffee and three cups of tea
When we order drinks, we often pluralize (D items.


? Quantifiersi Somet Any, a Few, a Little, a Lot of, No
Countable 0 Uncountable O
I can only eal a few frles on weekends. (< 5) There's a little cereal in the kitchen
We have some apples on our tree. (< 10 or unspectfied) I still have some money for lhe mo,,'ies.
There were a lot of donuts in the box. (> 10) We cooked a lot of pasla lasl nighl.

Countable O Uncountable 0
Do you $,ranl any potatoes with your dinner? Do you want any meat for lunch?
Did she eat a few cookies at lunch? Dld she eal a little ice cream after lunch?
Does he grow a lot of tomatoes in his garden? Does she eat a lot ofbread for breakfasl?

Countable C Uncountable C
There aren't any children in lhe playground. There isn't any water in the bottle.
There are no cookies in the box. There's no cheese in lhe fridge.

Use any to make 6 senlences with the verb in lhe negalive. Use any lo make *
sentences u¡ith the verb in lhe negali' =
Use no to make @ sentences with the verb in the affirmative. Use no lo makeZ sentences r'vith the verb in lhe affirma-.

3 How Much Ys, How lv1any

Question (How Many) Answer O
How many dresses does she have? I heard she has a lot of dresses. More lhan 20. Use hou-r many to ask
How many eggs are lhere in the fridge? Only a few. One or lwo, I lhink. aboul plural & nouns
How many people were there in the meetrng? A lot. There were eleven or t¡,velve in the rooml

Question (How Much) Answer O

How much information did you lind? There was a lot of information on the web. Use how muchfo a.s',:.
How much sugar do you want? Just a little, please. abortlV:j nouns.
How much exercise do you gel? I work out a lot.

Question (How Many / How Much) Answer O

How many apps did you buy loday? I bought no apps / I didn't buy any apps. In?¿ ans'¡¡ers, use a)i',
How much meat do you want? I don't want any meat. / I r¡,,ant no meal. 'é verb, and no r't,ir: . il
How much exercise do you gel? Not much. i'm always trred. \¡¡ifh{É nouns, us. a?.
How many friends do yoLL h¿r.7 Not many. I guess I'm nol a popular guy. .,f lr^ our.r ;-
How many games did you lose? None. I always win.
,: correct option in 1-5. C or U? Cross out the odd word
. .r: some chocolates ,i chocolate for desserl. I bread ü¡ater: apples cheese
-:- :,rr-le information / informations before 2 information books computers magazines
3 paper metal children rice
=:. ,: buli some cheeses I cheese. please. 4 men women perfume bananas
-., some breads / bread in the toasier? E ^--" money dollars euros
: :,:-re egg / eggs for breakfast

:he correct quantifier. Complete 1-5 with some, any, no.

=::ay I bought a few / a little sugar because I didn't I I looked for organic pasta al the supermarket, but I
= many / much 1eft. didn L lind
:,' ¡ anted lo cook some / any potatoes, but she had llere -ras- cheese ibr our sarc-¡iches, so lve
none. ate onll!¡ rrea:.
:r: :'as rnany / a lot of meat, but not much / many 3 ihere '¡asn'i infcrrnalion aboul the
. : ihe refrigerator. res:a Jr;.nt online.
:::akfast, I like a little / afew eggs, but I don't L She sa'¡ de,icio..rs and healthr¡ dishes on
., much / many juice. the nenrL.
:--c no / any fruit after dinner, just a few / a little 5 Thelr'¡¿ on a die: oi rneat, 3ul ihelr can eal
::-ate. iisr

.: ihe correct option in 1-5. Complete 1-5 with how much or how many.
, lruch sugar / apples do you want? 1 s1lces of pie did they order?
'-,- lany pies
/ bread is she baking for dlnner? 2 Look at this! chocolale did you buy?
-,:- ¡ know how much / how many coffee you drink, 3 Please, teIl the baker cupcakes you'd like
,- - nade a big pot. L- ice would you like in your drink?
, ¡, much money / dollars did all this chocolale cost? 5 Let me know people you're bringing to
:-roughtalotl the party.
= :rdn't know how much /
how many eggs were in
: refrigerator.

ru &
*.---'¿:. 1

I l al

Transpor tation - Prepositions and Verbs
How did you get here today?
We came by subr,vay / bus / train / ship / boat / ferry. (We took the...)
How did lhey come to the festival?
They came by helicopter / plane. (They flew.)
How do you go to work every day?
I go to vrork on foot (1 walk.)
I go to work by bike / motorcycle. (l ride )
She goes to rvork by car. (She drives )
'. get come go .6¡.51-6r .

To answer, use by + means oftransportation excepl on foot, or use the correspondent verb.


Subject oc Infinitive + Object

1 m 'm not r,vinlhis game tonight.
You 're aren't sing with the band tonight.
He S isn't going to get engaged when he finds ajob
We aren'l vislt you next week.
They re aren't study English next year.
Going to is the mosl common future íorm in spoken English.
Pronuncralion ol going to is usuall1r gonna.
Gonna is also common in informal texts and messages, bul not in formal u'r iiing

Be * &oirzg t**
Verb Be Subject Infinitive + Object Short Answers
Am 1 linish this project nexl month? Yes, I am /No, I'm nol
Are you go out tonight? Yes, I am. / No, I'm not.
Is she going to find a job? Yes, she is. / No, she isn't
Are \,\/e travel to lhe USA nexl vacation? e.
Yes, w. a r No. we a'er |

Are lhey work this weekend? Yes, they are. / No, they aren't

wh Verb Be Subject Infinitive + Object

What are you do tonight?
When is ^L^ going to travel to Europe?
why are they study German?

3 Going to vs. Present Continuous for Plans

Going to
I think they're going torrin ihe eiection. (prediction)
I'm going to do all my homer-uork rhis tueeketrd. (inlenlion)
Ted's going to try to take lhe day o¡ on Fnday (inteniion)
Use be + going to + infinitive for predictions and intentions

Present Continuous for Future

I'mleaving (fixed plan = I har.e a ticket)
on the midnight tr'ain tomorroru.
She's having dinn¿i' tomorroul (arrangemenl with other people)
r-uith her mom
-úre'rebuying Terry's car next lueek. (arrangemenl ivilh olher people)

Use the Present Continuous (present of be + verb + ing) for fixed plans, or arrangemenis wilh other people
To differenliale from aclions thal are happenrng no..v, use a future time expression.
I'm leaurnq. (no-,v)
I'm leauing rn haf an hour (future)

:.: :he correct preposition. tB ti¿atch 1-5 to the correspondent sentence.
: '.iork by / on foot 1 You came by car. i-, St," took the
- :',.er travel by / of plane 2 She went on foot. -.1 He rode.
. .-rng to school on / by bike. 3 Jack went by motorcycle. ,l rhey llew.
. ..rd dad came by / with bus 4 Harriet came by bus. ,-i You drove.
... = 1cn't come by / in car. 5 Our friends went by plane i,- She walked.

'!.7 took at the picture. Are predictions 1-5 true (T) or

, = :he correct form. Mark 1-5 I (intention) or P
: -.-iion). false (F)? In pairs, take turns asking and answering
:- ,: is / are going to buy flying cars in 10 years about the picture.

=rr going to / am going be a pilot.

1 Charlie's going to cook dinner.
- , - is not / are not going to be more expensirre in 2 The cat's going to eal lhe fish.
- . aal:S. 3 Tina's going to have dinner.
: -:s are not going / are not going to ha,,,e a saiar y. 4 The kids are going to play video games.
-..rC Walter andJen is,/ are going lo lra.,,el to Europe 5 Jack and lane are going to sleep.

What's Charlie going to do?

I think he's going to have dinner.


Compiete the dialog with be + going to or the Present .: ::: ?i:l:L':..1 .?€*9*ryeLl In pairs, talk about:
1 your arrangements for this week / weekend;
Jake Hey, Sam! How-? (do)
2 your pians for this r,veek / r,veekend (nol arranged yet);
Sam Fine, and you? So, to Lisa's party on
Saturday? (come)
3 predictions for your future (jobs / marriage / reliremenl).
Jake I don't know. Do you lhink she me?
(invite) m visiting
l'm visiti my parents this
Sam -
Surel Check your e-mail. Lisa invitatrons weekend . I think they're going
tonight. (send) to make a barbecue there.
Jake Well, OK. I - later tonight. (check)
my e-mail
Sam Um, do you need a ride? Pat and Sue us Well, l'm going out with my
there (drive) girlfriend on Saturday. And maybe
Jake No, don't worry I the subway. (take) we're going to eat out on Sunday.

Her husbrnd is stronger than ttine.
X,{y sonis more íntelligent than r¡.¡ dau.gl,t-er.
Quito is hotter than Bu¿itos Aires.
Comparative adjectives usuallY go before than.
One-syllable Two-syllable adjectives ending ín -ed, -ing
high higher This movie is moreboring than the last one.
long longer High School studenls feel more bored today than 20 years ago
short shorter Adjectives ending -ing describe lhings or people
Mrke s taller than his brother Adjectives ending -ed usually describe feelings.
One-s-rrllable adjecrirres + -er + than.
Adjectives with more than two syllables
One-syllable CVC Sue is more beautiful than )ane.
bis bigger New York rs much more interestinq than Boston
hot hotter The opposrte of more... than is less... than.
thin thinner lane is less beautiful lhan Sue.
Augusl's slimmer than RorY.
One-syllable adjectives ending CVC do,-rble lhe finai Irregular adjectives
consonani + -ef. good belter
had worse
one / two syllables ending in -Y far farther / further
lriendly frrendlier
I lhink The Auerqers is worse than Sprder-Man'1.
heavy heavier
pretly prellier
My morn is funnier than mY 6¿i.
Adjecllves rvilh one cr lwo svllables ending in -y. uul -y + -ier'

2 Superlatives
Usain's thefastest othletP, in the uorld.
Raquel's the most intelligent stud¿nt in the class.
He's the uorst soccer player rn the luorld.
Superlatives usually go before a noun.
Adjectives with more than two syllables
Ner,v York is the most interesting city in lhe U. S
high the highest
Kelly is the most determined person I know
long the longest
short the shortest The ooposite of ihe most = lhe leasi
She is the ieast inl:ereslinq person in the room.
The Burj Khalifa is the tallest building in lhe world .

One-syl1able adjectives use the . + -est

Irregular adjectives
good the best
One-syllable CVC
hio bad the worst
the biggest
far the farthest / the furlhest
hot the hottest
thin lhe thinnest Stevie Wonder is the best singer in the r'vorld

The Lut Deseri in lran is the hottest ptace on Earlh.

One sy11able adjeclir,es ending CVC: double lhe final
consonant + -est.

One / two syllables ending in -Y

friendly the friendliest

heavy the heaviest
pretty the prettiest

When he won the lottery, he was the happiest man on Earth

Two-sy11ab1e adjectives ending -y: cut -y, + -iest
1-5 with a comparative.

u,s friendly large small tall

'l ;:,
| ¿f.5
the ages of 13 and 18, boys usually grow than girls t I --l Ir
ial for one side of the body lo be a bit lhan the other
: rrain is about six limes lhan a human s brain ')\AÜ
. ,: - night is than during r1-re da1,'.- ll
.: :sual1y lhan cats. E\ it

:-.te 1-5 with a comparative.

' : ai txarh lhan olher su-l;ects. lgooor
-: is lhan rer crlssn-ates trger- zea)
--:'nath teacher is lhan ¡heir science teacher. iiunnl')
--,:s lhinks science is than Engirsh iir:eresr-ing)
. : -rs's mrnd is lhan his fi iend's. (actt-',e

::plete facts 1-5 with a superlative

frrendly hrgh l.ong populated

- :: dej Salado. between Argenlrna ard Chire. is ,¡olcano on Earlh.

: - entists believe Cnimborazo ir Ecuaco¡ is p-ace from lhe Earth's cenler.
Andes Mountarns in South Alnerica
::-. are trlounlail.L range on the planei

-:,ifornia is state in lhe U S

. re Abyssinran cal is car in lhe -¡orld.

pairs, use the most or theleast plus these adjectives to describe people A-D.

Ittentiue bored. interested talkatiue ¡rreri

Read the article and correct seven mistakes.

f n r93r, the Empire State building was first building with more than 1oo stories. But now it is among the
Ishort of the world's skyscrapers. Today, atB2g.84m, the Burj Khalifah in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, is
tall building in the world. The second high is the Makkah Royal Clock Tower Hotel at 601m. Burj Khalifa
has a nightclub on the r44th floor. To get to the nightclub, you take one of long elevator rides, but the üew is
also one of spectacular in the world. Far you can see from Burj Khalifa is about 95 km.
, lD Café Rules

Before watching
Where are Andrea and August going?
& in pairs. What's your house like?
t;:,,,¡:',.,,;.y*w*pt*a{ &.
Do you iike old houses or new ones? Are your i1 a house on lhe ocean
opinions similar? - a house on lhe lake
a hotel on lhe beach
My house is very old. I like it 'cause
it's a big old house with a lot of space
* Check all the rules theY mention.
1 Don't sil on the furniture in the large living room
* }y',atch photos 1-5 to these words 2 Don't touch anything in lhe museum'
anlique furnllure 3 Don't go in the ce1lar.
; an attic ,* Yor,, cd nr ol go -r r ne art'

i- a cellar 5 You can sleep in the master bedroom'

1-- an indoor Pool ó Don't swim in the lake
1 alakehouse
i 7 Absolutely no PartiesL

* True (T) or false (F)? Correct the false sentences

'i August calls his lriends
2 He invites PeoPle lo a Party.
3 August can change hls status update'
Á Daniel tsn't rvorried about the party
5 Andrea's very trorried about the party'

& -Nhat kind of partY was it?

It wasn't a small PartY.

Look at the photo and complete 1-6 with these There were a lot of PeoPle.
prepositions. .

* Complete 1-5 with was /were.

1 There probably a 1ot ofpeople at the part]'
2 There a lot of food and there a loi
of drinks.
3 Lucy at the PartY. -
1+ Everyone asleep in the living room'
5 All the rooms very messy.
at in on next to behind in fronl of
u Order the events,
- 1-6.

1 Augusl has a comPuler his laP. _-] The cleanirg crew a"t ives.
2 Andrea has a cellPhone her hand. _.1 fhe cIe\ goes uPsta-rs.
J August'ssitting Andrea on the sofa' I August sends an e-mail to someone.
4 The window's =- - the sofa. I august says he is selling his car.
E Andrea and August are -
-- home. - A-tgust hires a creanirg ct ew

6 The sofa's the window. I Everyone goes to the beach.


H::":,,, After watch¡ng
iat's August doing? z Number the phrases in the order you hear them, 1-8.
Ca 1 r-ne :ac-<, OK?
Co-r.d jrou do t-¡ie a fer,cr?
Col,d ,,¡olr do scl'relhing fo, n-re?

He said n-rayl¡g \,ou reeded heip?

I need. a iav¡1.
I rearlli leed 1r¡¡¡ li¡]p.
Is rrrere an.u'lh.ng I can help Jror-r r,l,ithi
-.e's waiting for a call. *-hal do i ¡¡ need me lo c-o firsl?
ie's playlng a game.
'ie's checking his voice mai1.
,-; Who said iti August (A), Genevieve (G), or Rory (R)?

{e's reading lhe news. AGR

: f ll,,r¡¡¡-r-.,'-¿¿¡ii.
:..:', ?Z?':2*'¿.?z-
In pairs. Do friends sometimes
=.k you for favors? Any interesting stories? ': E-¡er-r¡rrit-rg s iine.
.: lell her I rr scr rli.
'/y friend asked me
4 Sounds simplel
.o help him move to When I was in school, my
^ s new apartment. 5 Thanks a lot.
friends always asked for
my help with homeworkl 6 I'm a little busy here
Oh, I see.
Thanks anyways...
lüle watching B
o What do you mean?
-:rnplete the dialog with the Past Simpie of 10 Thank you so much.
::e verbs. 11 I reaily appreciate it.
12 You did me a favor!

7-) Now check the things they did.

2 called solr.eore 1-.ack.
'] irxeo a call!r-iler.
,, -' ¡
Genevieve Hi, Rory Whal's up?
Rory Oh, h'ey, Genevieve. It's Rory Oh, bul r:ight.
, r:,,,,
Youjust Sorry I
you my number. (say) (nol / 5 neeced rcrnpu:er he1,:.
know) (have) I tharked a irierd
Genevieve 1'm a little busy here. Is there anylhing I
-Lo l r--n. n
can help you lvith?
Rory Augusl jusl me He 7; Take turns asking and answering about what the
maybe you help? Wilh a muslc characters did.
program or somelhing? (cai1) (say) (need)
Genevieve Oh, I see. Yeah, I do need computer he1p. What did Rory do?

Order 1-5 to make sentences and questions.

He called Genevieve.
I do/favor/me/could I you i a / ?

I you / something / do / for / me / could / ?

3 know / I / had/ my / didnt/),ou,' number/.

;l thanks / just / I / exercised /but/ anyi,",ays /.
7 you/me/a/favor/didi

ffi Party Planners

Before watch¡ng Vj Complete 1-5 with a lot of, a bowl of, a cup of, pieces
of or a slice of.
&" Match expressions 1-4 to their meanings i I'd also hke rice and a salad p1ate.
7 I r¡'ill have the r.vhlte chocolate cake. And also
tea, please.
3 That r,¿a.s deiicious But those plates were
¿ I'11 have Black Forest cake and a coffee.
I Can Jrou believe r,l e;usl afe two main courses, lu¡c
side aishes, and some of t-n o huge cak:
i split n be certain
2 tasling T sha¡e After watching
3 make sure n not knor¡,' al all 2 True (T) or false (F)?
4 have no idea l lrlri¡= 't August and Andrea ar:e at their favorite reslaural-
?4 In pairs. Where are August and Andrea? What do 2 They're plannrng a surprise for their parenls.
you think they are going to do? j o rd r.a -o\. .het .i^ .

4 Augusi orders a slice of Black Forest cake.

I think they're... 5 Their bili's very 1orv.
7 l¡atch questions 1-6 to the respons
While watching 72:1%,2
*" Listen and complete the extracts with like,love,
would like or utill have.

August OK. I to try the beef, for sure.

B.rLtdo- chicken.
Andrea That's And I
OK. You gel those. Are you ready lo order?
to try the fish and vegetarian dishes.
I'd also a bowl of rice and a
What are you having?
Can I take your order?
salad plate. So you could get the pasta and
potatoes, OK?
- What can I gel you?
Can I get you anything else?
Would you like to see the menu?
I'11 have lhe chicken, please.

Server you to order dessert? Spaghetti and meatballs, please

Andrea wo. n-a-ca - the r¡ n_Le cnocolare
1to, PlruJL. Sure. Could I get the beef, please?
cake. And also a cup oftea, please. Thank Yes, thanks.
August And I
a slice of Black Forest cake
Yes, I am. I'd like the fish.
\o. ran*s. --.t rh- bi1l. please.
and a coffee. Thanks.
2 Complete 1-5 with expressions from the video.
- I they don't know it's a surprise part-

# Complete 1-5 with how much or how many. In pairs,

take turns asking and answering 1-5. 2 We have lo lry all those things to
they're good.
i food do they order?
3 I'd l1ke to try lhe beef,
7- dlfferent dishes are lhere?
+ Here comes lhe server...
3 slices of cake do they order?
5 Dessert? rve have to try those too.
4 cups are there on the table?
; d - re. coá -\nc'eo o. d'r .
v* What was the problem? Why did they eat a lot
pay too much?
How much food
They order a
do they order? They thought the menu they used was a...
115 lot of food!
llc Sky's the Limit 9

We watch¡ng B Check the tasks Daniel's doing now, or in the future

Tasks Now Future
- -::plete with the words in the box.
1 talking on a video chat
climatology internshiP
2 lee-ir q nervous ¿bout Lhe -rte'v-ew
-ornado alley meteorologist
3 sitting at the computer
having an lnlerview

sludies weather Patterns. He's a

5 talking about this slorm tracker
,- :he Mldwest of the U.S. they call lhe states of
:-.,.,a, Kansas, Nebraska because of all 6 going to graduate school
ra strong wind storms. 7 sending Dr DiChrislina his program
...sappi¡inglor an - inas.jence o
starting an internship afler school
-.=:arlment. 9 getting an e-mail from Dr. DiChrislina
- - re study of the Earth's climale ls called

think After watching

-:- pairs. Look at the photo. What do you
'-:'niel is doing? A Check all that happens in the episode


I don't think
so. lthink

,ircle the correct form in 1-5. Daniel's nervous.

. -le's going to / going talk on lhe phone.
Dr. DiChristlna's interviewing Danlel.
She's not ln her office.
- She's going to / going home afler work.
Daniel thinks she's OK.
: We're going to / goinguse vldeo chat for our
interview. Dr. DiChristina's in Kansas lor a month.
Daniel lived in Mlssouri and then Kansas
- They're going to / going slart internshlps in the fall.
: I'm going to / going get a job after I graduate. Daniel's going to be a meteorologist.
Dr. DiChristina will see Daniel in five years
Complete 1-5 with the Present Continuous of She gives Daniel a paid lnternship.
:he verbs.
' p Make five Wh questions using the words in 1-5.
I to meet with you on lriday. (plan)
: We , on the weather tonlghl. (report) 1 you / plan / after school
3 He a presentatlon next u'eek. (make) 2 ',n e ). ar- :re hc irter'r ierv
- --
i She him a package tomorrow. (send) 3 he / wait / for the phone call
: - you her alrel voL ge- ,i rhey / do / after / their conversalion
home? (cai1) 5 you / talk to / thls afternoon

* :': ?í*§E#AL In pairs, take turns asking and


rtrile watch¡ng answering the questions ín *.

Complete with going to / Present Continuous. What are you planning

'l lhe phone in a few minutes. to do after school? l'm going to the library.
- (ta1k) on
2 Dr. DiChristina (track) a tornado.
3 tracker
His storm (be) useful for scientlsls :...1.,,.?.::_:',: ?l?.**?,éaL In pairs. what do you think

4 Dr. DiChrlstina
- (recommend) for an you're going to do five years from now? Any
internship. big differences?
5 She (e mail) hlm the address.
Five years from now
ó Daniel (start) his lnternship after the l'm going to work at I think l'm going to be
semester ends. a big company. in graduate school.

Before watch¡ng While watch¡ng

§ Complete 1-5 with these words A Check all that you hear in the episode.

atttlude gentus horoscoPe

tottoo twins zodíac srgn

1 She has a bad She thinks she

doesn't have to work hard
2 I read my in lhe newsPaPer.
3 Her friend has a on her arm
1 Lucy loves the salon.
4 My is Gemlni. I'm
2 Andrea reads magazines to learn about fashion and desigr
5 Those brothers are . TheY look
3 Lucy likes the piclures of celebrities.
/r Lucy sees the ugliest outfit in the magazine'
& Whal are Andrea and Lucy doing? Where 5 They see an actress rn'ith big lips in the magazine'
are they? In pairs, take turns asking and
answering. Complete with the comparative or superlative you hear'
Andrea Can you believe her? That is ("Cly)
oulfit. No, no, thls is (ugly) outfit And
this is (bad) nose job ever!
Lucy Or,look at this one. -
Andrea ridiculous looked way
No, no. That's She
(good) before.
Lucy I know Her lips were already big and now she has
(big) liPs in HoilYwood

Where are they? After watching

True (T) or false (F)?
'1 August is not shy
I think theY're at a salon.
And what are theY doing?
2 Marlena was nol nice to August in school.
3 Marlena had the most annoying voice
4 Andrea knows why x,'larlena was mean.
Complete the sentences with the adjective 5 Lucy sees a picture of a big nose, llke Marlena's.
or the superiative.
ó The giris see Marlena walk bY.
annoyinq awful bad bíg 7 Andrea and August were born in July
brllliant t'unnY scary uqIY 8 Marlena broke August's science experiment
Order 1-5 to make sentences.
That was song ever. lt was 'lworst/ the / thls / nose / ever/is / job / .

rea11y bad.
2 She has - voice!
2 Hollywood/ in /lips / and / now/ she /biggest/ the /has
3 I feel about that!
3 at/the/when/noticed /I /we /were /Augusl/tattoo,''
has/1ake /that/.
That movie- r,vas rea11y . I don't
4 brilliant / cool /the / is / genius / now /

like horror filmsl

Last year a dog won a Prize for
5 realiy / most / awful /voice / the / she /had /the / and /
attitude / annoying/ a /
dog in lhe wor1d.

6 She had a nose job and il was so ?;;l:.,;.,1', ?$'$§§tr4,!' ' In pairs. Do you know anyone who had

7 They had attitudes of all the kids plastic surgery? Or tattoos? What do you think about the¡:-'
al school. -l
most genius in the I think Megan Fox Yes, you're right. Her
He was the
had a nose job. nose is smaller now.
A Biography Writing
A Guess the correct option in 1-6. Then read the biography to check.
1 Michael Jackson was born in the 50s / 60s / 70s.
2 He started singing at the age of 5 / 6 / 7.
3 He released Thriller in 1982 / 1985 / 1989.
4 He got married once / twice / three times.
5 He died in 2008 / 2009 / 2010.

"Tragic Genius!"
Michael Jackson was born on August 29,1958 they had their first hit with "I Want You Back." his performances. For example, in 1979 he
in Gary, Indiana, USA. He had three sisters and In the 705, the group had many hits like"I'll Be broke his nose in a dance routine and in 1984
five brothers. ThereAlthough Michael stayed with the group pyrotechnics burned Michael's hair and head. He
In 1964, Michael started singing with four of until 1984, he also released solo albums like didn't have much luck in his personal life either.
his brothers in the Jackson 5. He soon became "Thriller" (1982), the most popular album ever. He married and divorced twice, and suffered
the principal attraction in the group because of Michael had a lot of success with his music, from a numberof illnesses. Michael died on June
his voice and talent as a dancen Five years later however, he wasn't always so lucky with 25, 2009 from an accidental overdose.

B Re-read and label the timeline with these phrases.

Thriller! married first hit went solo was born

died joined the Jackson 5 accident with fireworks broke his nose

Don't know when

1958 964 1969 1:979 982 1984 2009

C How is the information in the biography organized? Choose the best description, 1-3.
1 The information is completely chronological.
2 Paragraph 2 describes positive aspects of his life and 3 describes negative ones.
3 Paragraph 2 describes Michael's personal life and 3 describes his professional life.

D Read Write it Right! and use connectors to complete the biography.

Ronaldo joined Cruzeiro in 1993 at the age of 16 and 21Write it Right!

became their top goalscorer. He played for European clubs Connectors have many functions.
Barcelona, and A.C. Milan. He played in Europe This text includes:
2008, when he returned to Brazil and joined Corinuhians. reason (because of)
his first World Cup was 1994, he stayed on the bench in that > examples (like, for example)
tournament. He played the 1998 World Cup final, he didn't > similarities (either, also)
score and Brazil didn't win Four years Ronaldo > contrasting information
finally scored in a World Cup final and won! (however, although)
> time phrases (soon, until, later)
In 2011, he retired from soccer a back injury. Ronaldo won
many awards in his career, , two World Cups, a UEFA Cup
and a Copa do Brasil.

E Your turn! Write a biography for a celebrity in about 150 words.

fletare While After

Use the Internet to make a timeline. Give examples and contrast Check the past tense verbs
Make notes but don't copy full sentences. information to make your and linking words, then
Decide how to organize your information. writing more interesting. share your biographies.
5 A Blog Rep

&" aeadJay's blog entry and answer ,L-.).

'1 Why did

lay have a bad day? 2 Whal does he want people to do? 3 What advice can you give him?


Today was terrible, seriously, one day to completely forgetl I got to work a
rttle late, OK it wasn't the first time, so, o{ course, my boss didn't believe
a word I said and fired me immediately. Yes, I lost my job! Can you believe
it? Well, I hated that job anyway, but the thing is-what am I going to do
now? l'm an intelligent guy (l graduated {rom college three years ago) but
Ijust don't know what to do now. Come on blogosphere, give me some
Jay'n tslory advice and tell me your plansl Maybe I can get a {ew ideas from you guys!

'* Read three replies. Which advice do you agree with?


Hi Jay. What a horrible day, are you OK? | think you need to find
QJr dreáfurand work hard
for itl That's what I'm doing. I iant to go bacÉto college to stu¡l-méJiáine. r'. working
as a secretary and living with my parents so I can save for it. When I graduate, my dream
is to work as a doclor for a charity in Africa. Why not do ihe same?
[egan, i9

Sorry to hear about your job. I don't like mine either. Why don't you take a course in
your free time? l'm taking one in the evenings so I can get a promotion or do something
different. You see, I work in a bank and spend all day, every day there. But I want to work
with foreign customers and, forthis, I need to improve my English. That's why l'm taking
an evening course. Go for it, Jay! lorge, 28

Man, that is bad luck. I know how you feel, I really can't decide what l'm gonna do either.
My teachers say l'm good at most school subjects. They say l'm ready to go to college
but I don't wanna go right now. l'm going to Europe in the summerl lwanna travel there
and try lots of different jobs so I can see which ones I like, then... who knows? Do you
want my advice? Take a break and go traveling too Lionel, 20

{}, Re-read the replies. Circle the words or phrases that:the bold words refer to and complete rules 1-5.

and all refer back to a thing or a situation. and give mc

emphasis and inlroduce new informalion.
2 and refer back to more than one person or thing ts Write it Right!
J refers back to a-p1ace. -
Use pronouns to avoid repetitior
4 or replace countable srngular or p1ura1 nouns. I like red apples, but I don't like
5 replaces my + noun. ,
green ones.

D Vour turn! Write a reply to Jay.


Use your ideas from A. Use one of the highlighted "Post" your ideas around
Don't forget to include your phrases to introduce your the class. Which is the
own experience. advice. Use pronouns to refer best advice?
back to nouns and ideas.

I Holiday Message o

I -ook at the pictures. Where is this vacationT Quickly read the e-mail to check.


-ti Mom and Dad,

This is just a short e-mail to tell you I'm OK. The hotel is very baslc, there's no air-conditioning, and it's very cheap!
--: food's great too-very hot and spicyl And the weather's exce lent-it's much hotter than back home.
m having a great time-there are so many things to do. Last weekend, Laura and I visited a Buddhist temple in the
We had to walk for two hours through the rain forest before we arrived, Trees are grow ng on the ruins and there
too-it was beautiful. I took some fantastic photos, you can see them on my blog. After that,
=-e monkeys everywhere
= rode an elephant that was really cool.
cmorrow we're gonna go kayaking in the bay-one of the most beautiful places in Vietnam, maybe the worldl There
. = thousands of
islands and secret beaches to explore-it's gonna be greatl
{nyway, I have to go. Please say "Hi" to everyone and don't forget to walk Toby
-ots of love and see you soon,
: .: le, XXX

Re-read and answer questions 1-5.
' Is their room hol?
: Is it easy to gel lo lhe lemPle?
: How do S eve and L¿ u r'¿ feel a oour kaya <ing lo- orrow.
- Who s Toby
I What does XXX mean afler Steve's name?

It/hich paragraphs answer questions 1-6? Complete the table.

1 What are you going to do? / How do you feel aboul it?
What is the place / food / weather hke?
Are you havlng fun?
What did you do before norv? / llor'v rvas it?
Why are you writing?
Do you have any olher things lo say?

ReadWrite it Right! How does Steve start and end his e-mail7 How does he start paragraphs 1. and 4?
Underline five added comments.

§wr¡t, it Right!
Try to remember short phrases to start and end
e-mails or start paragraphs.
Use to add opinions or comments to a sentence.

=- Your turn! Write your e-mail home in 100-150 words.


Choose a location from Use starting and ending Use all the Write tt Right!
p. ii2-113. Use questions phrases and write in boxes in the book and
in C to help and imagine paragraphs. check your e-mail, then
y0ur answers. send it to a classmate.

| 'u'
& Difficultsounds for Spanish speakers
@ oiffrcutt sounds for Portuguese speakers

f to üsten to these words and sounds, and practice them, go to the pronunciation section on the portal'


.i \v,
ll : it-)

I 1 \,,\

' ='7*O)-
"\. r-
-)1 íÉlx'
1t-Yrá - :q:\
Wl E '-r§^A'>ü;

li:l three, tree. eal, receive, believe, key, shirl, skirt, work, lurn, learn, verb
six, mix, il, ear, beer, England, women, here door, four, 1-aik, aulhor, law
book, cook. pul, cou1d, lour, woman man, fan, bad, apple
lu:l two, sL oe, -ood 'ew oup -'ue u sun. run, cul, umbrella, counlrY, love
pen, ten, heavy, pair, area, lheir, sock. clock, car. heart, PoP, on,
l¿l bananas, pajamas, confuse. minule


)I loys, boys, oil, coin

lerl plane, train, made, stay, they, A, I-I,l, K nose. rose. home, know, toe, road.
/arl nine, wine, night, my, pie, buy, eyes, 1, Y
lau/ house, mouse, town, cloud



jt-r {ñm,
X*"b .>;§jd »'(L,J
t(-ílj -
lftt z--É1J,¿
'<\t/_/ '-

f :))

>=J--ry Ñv lY\g.- \áET

úñe -wF^
,/\ ..2'\>t -= ¡+
W nu ¿=7

íD- @
,, \\ @Ffr
"P J¿I\
t\\_-,?-> ffi{ff#.
rd l-,-r

, xs\
't:\ ll

{1 É4<\
\."-\ P)"t¿
\\ r^, l:/ tr-----1
\\\'t rll

pl pig, pie, open, top, apple snake, skate. kiss. cilli, sclence
bt bike, bird, describe, able, ciub, rabbit zoo, zebra. size, 1 azz, ).ose
ml meda1, monster, name, summer shark. shorts. action. special, session, chef
wl web, watch, where, square, one teler,,ision, ireasure, usual
tfl fish, feet, off, phone, enough cal, cake, back. quick
vel, van, five, have, video galg. ggu X¡:
0t teeth, thief, thank, nothing, mouth king, ring, single, oank
6t mother, father, the, other hand. hat, unhapplr who
,tl truck. taxj, hot, stop. attractive chair. cheese. kitchen, future, questior-r
dt dog, dress, made, adore, sad, middle jeans, jumo. gener ous bridge
nl net, nurse, lennis, one, sign, know red. rock, ride. ma.rrled, wrile
tll lion, lips, long, all, old ye11c,.v. yacht. unrversilv
Audio Script
I've got the sleeping rvith the bed. It sleeps A Yep, there were about fiftY.r"
U¡rit 6 two really fortably. So thrs rs my bed and B WowLT Was there a lot of food?z
I've got a window at lhis end and a fan vent A Oh yes, and there was an enórmousZ
bel-rind the shelves at the olher, so that if it olate cake.:
ev-^r gets hot I can just turn this whoie lhrng B Hmmm... And... Was iane's Partner
G*.t Notice letl vs. lal sounds. into a wind nnel. A Yep, he was. Rick and.lane make a Pe
couple:L He's so attractive \, they were
T=Tom A=Anna
so beautifull toteilier and the ¡lrLsic rvas
T This is the vlng room. Si..n Notice the sentence stress. greatz everyone was dancing, you know
A Hmm... It's very small. A=Anna L=Leo B He sounds nice7. Were lane's parents
T There's a place and a nice TV with there i7
able... and,uh, chairs, and, uh, '"vhat A So, what do you think? Do 1'ou like the
o, A No, the]¡ weren't\. Do you know them?z
e1se, ah, we love this fa it's the ter of tiny housei B Yes. Hmmm... I was.Jane's boyfriend
lhe house. L Nol Not at all. There was no storage space be Rick.\
A Hmm... I never watch TV and the A There was storage space in lhe living room A oh, I'm sorry\ .. 1 didn't know that\ . In
sofa's old. and in the bedroom. fact, the party wasn't that\ great.. . and
T Oh, this is the chen-it has a gas stove L There was no dining roomL new boyfriend was not really that nice.. .\
and a crowave and You can wash A There rvas a table in the living room-Íor B No probleml. It's fine. Don't rry about
the dishes in the sink here. Here's the four people. A .. . Helr, there rvas a great shorv on TV lasr-
re gerator. 1t's new. And, uh, there's a L Yeah, but there wasn't a bathtub. nlght. Did you see it?z
.'ble and two chairs here if you want to A You don tlike taking a bathl
eat in the kitchen. L There weren't an1' windows. It was dark'
A Hmm .. rt s Klncl OI gly. a There were three windows and there were
T Here in the ning room we have this lots of little lamPs.
Is that... Cheese? Mm. It isL Where is it? Is
big table with eight chairs. Good for L nna, it',vas very small. We can't live in a
nner parties. it in the box? No... Maybe Lri-rder the table...
tiny house. Fnm*? Wnore's i . .. Peop'. O'. no Non
A No, I don't think so. I don't cook for A OK. Maybe you're right. quietly between the table and the s6fa
other Ple.
neri to the sofa... Where are the people?
T Now for the room just a let and
Where is lhe cheese?l OK, let's gol In lhe
er, lhere's no tub, I'm a ;
G6.6 Notice /er/ and /¿/ sounds. Notice on the bed. .. and iumpl AhL There they arel
A Oh... I reallylike to take a bath. how they follow the stress. Ahl I'm opposite the peoplel I'm opposite the
T Thrs is your room-you can see it's large peopleL QuickL OK, centrate, r'vhere IS
and it has a large bed and a table and a big He1lo, my name's Liz li,lar shall and I'm an
cheese? It is somewhere on the left. Hmmm.
et and plenty of age space and there e.¡.:rts planner. To¡.av I want to talk to you
In front of the TV? No. Behind the TV? N6.
is a fan, so you don't get hot at night. about how to give a great party. well, it all
here. Ah, there it isl Now. How can I get
A Hmm.. . il smells bad. starts with the rnviiation. Send the invitations
the TV? Hmmmm.
T Here's the u lity room there's more storage iarly three weeks before the party-and
space on these shelves here. So, whal do you
inil¡-r¡e all the impcrtant inforlration. Where?
Wher . What -ype of narLv? üO.tO Notice stress to emphasize
think? Do you like it?
A We,.neeo'o f rq¿[¡1r'l Now... what you need for the party. First,
T Sure. Give us a call to rrow. food and drinks: We1l, for drinks you need M=man W=woman
some coke, maybe some homer¡:ade
M See that?
lemonaC,e-and then you need some alcoi.lolic
W What?
**.§ Not¡ce the contractions. drinks. I like to keep it :i:::p1e: just wine and
M There was a mouse under the table.
beer. You can have cham¡';-grle loo if it's a
a'si ^y r)'ou é omeorin. -rpi:cla1 cele ::-a tion.
W Oh, nol Where?
two M Over thereL
Just in the lronl door I've got these l\Á¡o For food, I reco:t r-r-i'td chips and one or
puffy chairs ing this 1itt1e faur place. other snacks. Don't for:.,rt the plates, glasses W oh, now 1 see itL ]t's next to the sofa.
It's a very tiny fireplace, but it's a tiny house. and n:pkins too. If it's a iir ir- day party, a cake It's movingl
Closet storage and binet space below this is ess. ntial. M Where did it go?

desk. Com er slorage space and there's a Next-decoL ¿tions-again keep it simple with W Ahhhirl It was in front of the TV, no$,'it's
little table down here. when I pul1 this table ballo¡¡ s. You can d¡:corate the house with behind the TV.
out, be it or not, as long as I have tinY cardles too this gives a nice a.mosphere. If M Let me see if I can get it.
plates, it seats four people. Like that. you have a yard, why not have some:l--works W Ahhhhl lt's on the bed. It was in the bed a
Here in the kitchen I've got a bar sink, a too? :veryone loves fireworksL norv il's on the bedl
ble ner stove, a llttle refrigerator Now for enterl-aitlment-music is es:.'ntial M There il goes. It was on the bed, but now
and a ter ven. for a good pa'-y rna k" "ure -nere s bDace fo' in that box.
The bathroom is the shower, so when I want to people to dance. W Quick close the box and take it out to
take a shower the zzle's on the ling and OK, so it's time to start planning. Have funl the garden.
verything would get wet, ex for M Good ideal
I've got these ttle ding doors that keep
things dry, umm... and l can put this tic $i :.= Notice 7 and \ intonation.
tain in here over the toilet which is right a ' Notice the pronunciation of to,
down here. A i was at a greatT party yesterday, Robl\ at, for.When are lheY stressed?
A the kitchen I've got cess to the loft B Oh. that's nice, Martha. What kind of party When are they unstressed?
the loft is nothing was it?l,
-that's where I sleep. So 1 A Hello, Morganl
more than storage and sleeping. 1've got all A It was lane ter's birthdaY.r"
the storage at this end and then at thLs end B Ohl Were there a lot of PeoPle?z B Hi, Maral
161 §
: i o ahav.ng. v"rrn.ng The gym is on Green St. between the died-on july 3'', L969. The incredible: limi
ln Sunday. Can you and dy supermarket and the French restallrant. L-'¡drix was born on November 27r',1942
- and died on September 18th, 197A, The pearl,
-r- .orry, we ready have plans for 'q l'n. wa boln o" I¿r -¿-y a . 1943
.' and died on October 4th, 19l0. Finally, Nirrana
:--. never mind. Unit 7 1,.¡der Kurt Co:....1n was born_on February
2A'h,1961. And he died on April 5*', 1994. A
. .,:. íor in ting us and I hope the
corrrcidence or a curse?
.: es well.
:,:.. gan.
Ói.i Ñ.i¡." the silent e of the -ed
endingsr why do these /ad/ Or.ri
sound different?
':::r-<ieL How about going to the
lnt =interviewer )=)ay-Z
:: iO I 1 Amy r¡/as born in 1983.
lnt What's a typical.lay Z day?
: - :: jnds good. What time? 2 She slirdied at theater school.
J Mmm... Typical...
. :':- :rie starts at eight p.m. 3 Snp,e ed l" l-. "1 g .i ,
lnt ob.".iously. .. give me your day yesterday.

4 She got her first pier-cings and tatioos. obr",iously you flew out here late last night
. -
D¿vid. W^'o hav'1g a 5 She srarted her professional career. or early this morning. What was your day
- - -e tomorrow. Do you wanl ó She recoroed her first aiburrL. like? From lhe time you got up to the time
: : :::-¿? 7 She recerved five Grammy Arirai:ds. vou v/enl to lhe Nets game last nrght.
.. ,:: for the invitation, but sorry, I I SLe got o'"ied ro Blak^ ) I got up at around eight, had some
: m away all weekend, not back 9 She got divorced in 2009. breakfast, I ran a mile, it was really tough.
. lnoay. 10 Amy died at 27. lnt A mile?
,'--1. Maybe next time, then.
) You knorv, I just wanted to touch it.
:. initely. lnt Quite a marathon. A mile.
- - vou like to come to my ter's {} ,- .* ¡61¡s¿ the sent¿nce stress.
) Yeah, one mi1e. Everyone can't be like you,
---:lg with me?
TtW = TraveI the Wortd man. Ran a mrle. Then I went to the offrce,
-:, is it? read a bunch of e mails, read some more
I :.rch 28'i. ML = Ms. Lane e mails, downloaded some music 1ega11y
-., ,ime? Um... uh.. . had a meeting rvlth some great
TiW And let's welcome our next guesl, Ms.
::.r:s at two p.m. people, I don't want lo say any names yet.
Lane h- travel guide -'or
. -., 1 d love to. Thanks. \ -o co*e -ru5'-,
'r o' T lisi^ned w-
o, e .-,ce¿* \ e-evou vó-a

io the studio, had dinner, wenl to the Nets

:oZ W-relo'r!o r
of ing?
:: '.'for Lucy's birthday. Are you free game, we won, we're up 3 2, thank you
ML a ry vous er. In fact,
Yeahl I'm
very much, lvent to sleep.
:. .: ,day? I'm rrified ofplanes.
:.- time? TtW lly? But you re a travel guidel
: .rout seven thirty. ML Yes, but I prefer city tours. I hate planes.
- r:ras greatl What can I bring?
*-t.S Not¡ce the intonation in the
TtW And when did that start? "impressed" words.
: .r favorile snack, maybe? ML Well, once I was ing from Ma la
i sure, see you there. lo Hong Kong and there -.\¡as a lot of A So, rvhat's your pical day like? Let's
:,-c, Kitl We're throwing a by shorver bulence. 1 n'thold the hand oflhe see. What time did you get up terday
::: ra and chael on Saturday. Do man next to me. but I 1Á¡as so nervous I ning?
: -. ihink you can come? really led tol B I got up at about six.
. :ourse we canl Whal time? TtW Did you say ything to him? A Wow 7, so earlyl Did you have breakfast?
. r?e p.m. at Laura's. M L No. I didn't. He ver knewl B Yes, I had an egg and some coffeel
l:aL )ee yOu LIlele. TtW I see. But did you land fely? A Fan stic ¡L Andwho didyouhave
¡.'lL Wel1, at least when we got to Hong breakfast rvith?
Kong port, we didn't crash into the B My mom was with me.
dings, but for me, um, that was a A That's great 7! And what did you do
racle. The turbulence was really strong after that?
and the buildings are so near the airportl o I took a sh..r,er and went to work!
TtW And did the ssengers ap ?
A Noll I can't beh.r¡e 7 itl And then what
ML Yes, some of them. I didn't. I was just rrappened?
so tenseL B After work I went back home, played a video
-. ; there a bookstore around here? TtW Rightl How did you feel after that? game, had dinner and went to sleep.
:. ihere rs. Go strarght for two blocks. ML WeIl... rrified of planesl A Incr-dible 2l What a fantastic z rouii :el
- :re's one on the left, opposite the theater. Thanks a lotl
:r:: me. How do I get to the movie theater?

-r1 left at the stoplight. It's on Brown St.,

*?.é Notice the connections to
prepositions and the pauses
: . ,he right, next to the hbrary.
between the dates and the years.
At.tt Notice the -ed endings and /a/
, - '¡rou know where the mall is? in was.
r -.e. Turn right at the corner. Go straight These lented mu cians all died at the age of
T=teacher 5=student
:-: one block. The mall's on the corner of 2 . Blues singer and gui ist ert son
. :wn and Liberty. was born on May 8'h, 19'L:. and died on August T So veryone nished? Time for the srvers
:.,,:use me. Is there a gym near here? 16th, 1938. The o ginal 11ing Brian N rmber I ¡¡a: in fact A
Go stralght for two blocks. Turn right. ]ones was born on February 28'h,1,942 and S Yesl We got that onel

á 162

OK... the Spider-Man musical was composed C Wel1, I was at work, right, and I had my Ñotice the silent letters.
by the famous lrish band U2. phone in my jacket pocket. My boss was
Another one rightl like-"Chris, can you clean the bathroom?" J = Jeff : 5 = Sandra
T Madonna did... So OK, I cleaned the bathroom. But I'm like,
S JeffL I'm home, baby.
cleaning behind the toilet when... SPLASHI
5 Nol
M Oh, nol Disgusting!
J Hi, hon.
T Nladonna did NOT write the song for the S Oh my Godl
2010 World Cup. It was in fact Shakira.
C Well, at least I cleaned the toilet firstl
M Phewl Dld you get rt out? J What? What's the problem?
I knew it. Three pointsl
C Yeah, of course. That phone cost $200, man. 5 What's all this food on the counter?
OK, question 4. Acciriently iit Loue was in the
M What did l¡ou do? J what do you mean "a11 this"?
movre Shrek 2.
q C Well, I put it under the hand-dryer in the S Well, to be precise, one chocolatebar,
That is correct. I love that song.
bathroom but it still doesn't work. tomatoes, uh, some spaghetti...
T OK. A difficult one now. Which of these
M Geel That's bad 1uck. J Oh, that?
three recorded more songs? Was it: A)
S I'm not finishedl There's also some sa-:
The Beatles, B) Elvis Presley or C) Mrchael
some tea, oil and vinegar here...

I knou., I know, I've gotit, I know the answerl
0;.iü üii.e the connections. J I can explain...
It was The Beatles-my dad has all of their 5 And-S, 9, no, l0bananas. Youknow i
1 C oh, no! Look at this mess. Sophie!
records. He has :rr-rldreds of them. eat bananasl
D Yes, Mom?
T Well, actually it wasn't The Beatles. They C Could-you please wash the dishes? J There was a special offer on bananas,
only recorded about 250. Elvis recoroed darling. We can always freeze theml
D Uh, sorry, it's Brian's turn today.
between 700 and 1,000 songs. S Freeze bananas? Are you crazy?
C OK, forgei it. Brianlll
Sldotbe i.No.^. ^iu" 2 E Excuse me. Uh, could you open the door
The Beatles.
T Well, l'm sorry. On to question 6, Flea plays
for me, please?
Oó.; ü;" thl sentence stress
F Oh, sure. There you go.
the bass guitar, and for question 7 that
E Thank you so much. 1 Jeff,'rs'r'-' veling tcrncrro.,v. Why .::
is Jay-2.
3 A Dan, there's someone at the door. l¡.r bul" all thLs food?
5 Hmm.
B Could-you see who it is? I'm br-rsY. .lrs- some fruit for l¡our et: apples
T Now, on to famous deaths. JanisJoplin the
A Don't worry, I'11 get it. arlil oranges.
great'60s singer dred on the bathroom
floor. Whrtney Houston díed in the bath and
4 H llml ; I d.r't like app es.
Michael Jackson died in his bed.
r uh? i But.,¡cu like oranges. ,Lnd I got somE
5 I didn'tknow that.
H Could youpleasecutthe grass,Jim? onions and potatoes toc.

T And Bob Nlarley's last words were "Money

I Uh, but... the game... Come on, I can do , Potatoesi I can't eal them. i'm on a
it tomorrow. diet, helloocl
can't buy life."
§ Rea11y?
H Could you do it this afternoon, please? ) OK, but I also got some chicken and fish.
YoJr motne' , com'ng lo v-s-1. 5 Well, u¡e can freeze those. But what
T Yep. And finally Ricky Martin sang with G

Menudo before he went s¡lo.

I Oh, oh, uh, OK, I'11 do it now. do v¡ith the milk. cheese and buttera
Could_l ask you a favor? Sorry, Sandra... That's not all... I got
K Hmmm, that depends. What do you want? lettuce and carrots for your salad, too
Cz.iá Ñáii.e the stress in the questions, J Could I leave my son with you this Hm, I guess I can make a salad for or
And-rtr.,.a11 those eggs I

A OK. So when did you buy this phone? K Oh. I'm really sorry, but I can't. I have J an eletl
\¡'¡ell. I can m...ke
C Uh... last week. two parties to go to this weekend, so I 1eah, right. Your cialty ,eff, darlin:
A Oh, rt's really new. And where did you buy it? can't be with your son. Sorry.
re ber Never rritat-. a man ar :

C I bought it in this store. The assistant was J Oh, no problem. Thanks anywayl dietL ¡e c¡.n re gerous But, wait
very helpful. .. that q re gerator
A That's goodl We11, did you keep the receipt?
C Yes, Ilhinkso...AhL Hereltlsl
A OK. Can you leave your phone with me? Unit 8 f8.5 Not¡ce /ul vs. lu:/.
C Uh..., but, um..., how long?
A Maximum two days. We either repair it, or
) In the refrigerator? Where?
S HereL Lookl You put lread and
give you a new one. Ca.t sugar in the refrigeratorL What are ii^.:
C Phewl Thanksl
Let's see. We need bananas and chocolate... oil doing there?
and salt... uh... maybe some spaghetti? Yes, J Uh, I don't know.
*Z.lt. Notice the expressions for definitely some spaghetti and some tea. Oh, S You don't know?
responding to a story, and I have to get tomatoes and vinegar. J Well, my n ther ahvays puts sugar
and bread in the refrigerator, but I do.
M=Mike C=Chris
knor,v rvhy. So I called to ask but she
M Hey, Chrisl How's it going? I tried to d)8.2 Notice s= /zl or lsl. didn't :.: :slver.
phone you.
J We need some milk, fish and crr c<en... oh,
5 Not your mother, not again. We're tn.
C Hi, Mike, I'm not happy at all. now, remember? You don't have to ask
and some apples and carrots, Sandra loves
M ¡ "yi¡&¡¡r "pps-le-dl carrotsl Then some eggs and lettuce. Oh, your mother.
C Manl I'm so stupid. I dropped my cell phone and bLtter and crrions. Oh, final1y, some Yes, b..rt I 1o..¡e yo'.1 and I ].rsr r';ant
in the toiletl cheese, oranges, poi¿.toes... do we need eyerl-':hing to be perfect for l¡ou, darlr :

M You're kiddingl How did that happen? surgar? Oh, yes, and some sugar. -:. l.L úJ o .
How many calories does it have? I can't see -Pi I

'totice /av/ connections and the Qg.lt Notice the alliterations.

:lher /a/ (schwas). anythrng withoul my glasses.
Um, let's see. It only has three hundred This ls \t¡onderful Weekend at Top Tcp,cingsl
jr dal¡ arnc of
. :--, I haye
a rtle of reral
rLel. A:'-¡t
seveniy calories.
Awl That's a 1ot.
Special savings on our fabulous favoritesl
Our special s:arter is the Chcpped Chicken: a
.::i thai': a1ll Forr:reaklas¡. I car-. J Then the vegeiarian burrito is the best. nice salad made with fresh lettuce and tomato. .gl
. .r, oicolfee.asl:ce cfrreadan¡a It only has beans and cheese and three Topped with gnlled chicken. Ei
-r'.ltl \¡,'or¡l For luncl, il's a t¡,:,1 of hundred and fifty calories. This week we offer you two choices from -;
: spoon
of beans
r- h -.n
aril i'.r si one ltttl:
S Ughl Beans, beans, beansl I'm living on
beans now. The doctor told me to watch my
our rralvelous main courses: Fish Frilet, our
delicious grilled salmon in orange sauce
., ,rlkL gra la l¡ar. Thert for
Hurrahl A and sa¡-rtéed potatoes. Or the Speciaj Steak,
cholesterol, too. How much cholesterol does
: iÉl a bo.¡l cf sa-ac, h:1i a plulil the vegetarian burrito have? sllcculent % pound barbecued steak topped
. and a giass oÍ turce. Arrd tiet's :t J Only five milligrams. with a light cream and pepper sauce. Fina11y,
. :m-o it's gorng tc work. there's nothing like a 1ight, refreshing desser-';:
5 And the others?
our Seasonal Salad, which includes slrarrberry,
J Thirty-five and t'lventy-five milligrams.
lango, meIon, grapes and kiwr topped with
'.ctice /far/ and /ov/. S That's a lot, but, like, do I have to eat the
fresh fruit juice. Al1 for a fixed pricel Come to
borrng, healthy option?
Top Topplngs and check 1t outl
: . §=Sandra J Babe, thrs diet was your idea. And you know
the vegetarian burrito is perfect for you.
a. \\,.anl some chocolatel
. ...s. I'm on a diet.
S I guess you're right. Oe.ii Ñáti. e the /r/and /i:/ sounds.
J Well, I'm having the chicken burrito.
Iirl,,. l lo\r's i: goingi
5 And I'm havrng the meat burrito. Ser=server J=Jeff Sa=§andra
:l <eeling a -iioeo arl¡. It reaiLl,¡
J But... darling. Ser Hi, my name's Melissa, your server today.
5 I can't live without meat, Jeff. And we just Are you rea.y to 3rder?
, ic 1r¡¡ usual11". ha,ie for iunch i
spen a lot o- calorres eh" t i g or. lhe¡e
: some ric-o and bears for lunih. J Yes, please.
numbers, darling, so 1 think it's OKI Ser What would you hke as a starrer?
. reansi That s... un su¡1.
rrf,¡ I can't eai enl,, meal- for Lr.rr:h.
J I'11 have the tomato soup, please.
lr- er. 5er OK. With .routons and oarmesan
: Oa.i ü Ñáiilu tnu ¡hr ,ouno.

.. ícr lunch? ll1orl I Tr¿rt'." ncr eas\,1 J No cheese, please.

.. .-, need a 1ot of pa1 ierce W = woman M=man Ser OK. How about you, madam? Whai would
:ut, t have to lose r¡,¡elght. 1 gained you like?
W OK, number 1. Whai do you think?
' d rp, Sa What is in the chicken salad?
M Chocolate?
. r.t - oD g ! W Yep. Chocolate has one hundred and
5er The Chopped Chicken Salad is lettuce,
. ::.r anl," sirgar. I don r like sr¡eets green peppers, red peppers and tomato.
.."" forty-flve calories per hundred grams. The
healthy option is potato-only seventy six
It comes with sliced chicken.
Sa Can I have only the salad, and no
calones. Next?
chicken, please?
rt:.,'ai a no-nc tco :\nd 1lo.,,e spaghe:l: M Tea?.. . Or coffee?
- d ^-oi J You and your diet.. .

W No, you don't know much about food. Tea

: :oursc. J¡ou are 10: a anl¡ Sa Shush, Jeffl
and coffee can help hydrate you. Alcohol
.,. r.ighti dehydrates the body, so the answer 1s rvine.
J Sorry.
Ser Uh, cer-tainly, madam.
Sorryl Question three?
- :orry. Do you -"vant scre Cokei M Mi]K?
W Yeahl
Wow you know somethrngl Milk has
lot of nutrients, and is a food, a food that
Aa.ü Ñái¡.i t"
rinur-rnd in th€se
words ls/ and th€ conn€ctinq
-s, please. I can on11' drinr one car you can drinkl Notv lettuce-the ultimate sounds.
.a da1r, bur it's the besl Parl of mx diet food.
::ersl M Zero? J Excuse me, miss?
..' W Sorry, rt actually contains eighteen calories Ser Yes, sir?
per hundred grams. Question 5? J Can_l have some decaf coffee, please?
M Spinach? Ser OK. And_you, madam? What would_you
' 2 Notice the dark lvs. normal I W Nol Lke ,o drin<.
.:" S = Sandra
M Bul what about Popeye? Sa 1'd like some tea, please. What kind_of
W Maybe Popeye didn't know anything about tea do you have?
. jandra. Ready for lunch? food eitherl lt's beans. They have a lot more Ser e* on and mo- i 1.. .

. . hon. I'm so gryi protein than spinach. OK, do you know Sa I'11 have some chamomile tea,
. ¡nl Ler:'s go tc :hai xicaL rca.iaur.-rrt anything aboul r¡itamin C? then, please.
o r.'.. l, .o o M Uh, yeah, it's good for youl Ser Anythrng else?
, think that s a good i \,il¡ dret, W Yes, but which f¡uit doesn't have a lot of J No, that's all, thanks.
.. lber? vitamin C? Sa Uh, actually, I'd like some dessert.
- :r1ing, bur r itos are ]th1,
1 ,r. M Strawber¡ies? J Sandra? Nol!
..a t o I ,o W No. The answer is pears. But the good news Sa leff, relax. Can_l have a bowl of sugar-
:ate rhose listsl is pears contain no fat and a lot of fiber. So, free vanilla ice cream, please?
.:e1.. ha.re im tant infor ¡:ir¡nl Seei Just one point? Norv, do you want something J Phew-for a moment there I was afraid,
: -ken burrito is bar:11,. ih-- best tion to eat? honl Oh, and excuse me again, miss. Can
J:1, M LIh, no, thanks. I'm rea11y not hungry. you bring_us the check, too, please?

A Oh, rea11y? That's teresting. .. Anc how dú t¿a rr Notice the go¡ng to / qonna
you get to work?
B I always drive to work, but there's so K=Ketty M=Michaet
much fficl
K What are vou gorng lo do when you finisl:
§ñ;;. s.i A I knowl lt's rriblell Last week...
school, Michael?
M We11,first I'm gonna go lo grad school an:
M Brian Jones formed the Rolling Stones 2 Not¡ce the final consonants. then I'm gonna be a fi cial ad sor.
in 1962 and he gave them iheir name.
K Real1y? Why? That sounds boring.
He played the guitar and many other C Hr, Manlynl How are you?
i nsu u- enrs. Bu h- > ¿' reo ro ha ¡e
M ,\ ell. . ou can mdke " 1o' of r o e7 as a
D I'm great, thanks. 1'm so happy you're financial advisor.
serious drug problems and left the band in here, Ken.
K I seel
June 1969. The next month he died in his C Cool party. And, worv, thrs is a beautiful
swimming pool. He was only 2/ years o1d. .h M But rrously, you get to help people and
ho_se... d.^you a. n r,or
can be your own boss.
de er?
K That's cool. Your p¿rrents are going to be
D No,butthanks... I'masalesa tantina
-6*§ ¡tev 5. * happy. You can give them financial adv
clothlng bou ,,
¡4 What about you?
1 Elvrs was originally from Tennessee. C Oh, realiy? Whrch one?
D It's called bience on Church Street. Do
K mise not to laugh if 1 lell you?
2 Some parents didn't like Elvis' dancing.
M Of course not. C'mon, tell me. What
you knor,v it?
3 Elvrs met his wife in the United States. gonna
4. Priscilla and Elvis had no children.
C Yeah, I cle to ,,vo¡k and I ride past 1t

every dayl K I'm going to be a pet psychologistl

5 Elvis had a healthy dlet. What? How?
ll"* grea&thaáyou go by biEe. I usually M

ta§e the subway. An4what'$-yottr joS? K Stop laughingl You promised not to laugh.
C I'ffi a coo&íffi afultaliafurestauran!. l'1 Sorry!
D Mmmmm... I love rra liaá food. . K Yeah, I'm going to go to grad school anc
'udvp v rog. ano.mgo1groge-a
cer ficate in rmal be vior and ther
ü;.i a pet psychologist. It's not going to be

ü;.i Ñ;ti." tná *áro rtr"r., OK. Prcture A, the guy rs a firefrghter. The
but ii's what I rvant.
M That's greatl But, uh, why, rvhy do you
lnt: Hello and rr'-.lcome to the NYC r¡sic
flght attendant is picture B. Next, picture lo be a pet psychologist?
C.... Yes, he's a police offlcer. OK, prcture
Iestivall So, how did you all get here? Well, first because 1 love animals, but I
D. .. He's a cab driver. Norv look at picture
1 I came by bike. I rode 30 miles.
E. What does she do? She's a freelance
want to be a veterinarian. I wanna work
2 We took the train. -¡ith animals. It's going to be fun and
journahst. Next, the guy wlth the glasses and
3 We took the bus. the computer in picture F. .. He's a computer
gQ!]le meet lots of People and
4 I came on foot. programmer. Picture G.. . She's a beaury make people happy.
5 By mctorcycle. technicran. And fina11y, the grrl in picture H M Sounds good. But your parents are 4ei
é One of thebands came byboatl is a personal secretary. gonna be happyl. ..

7 By car. 1 drove. K but we're both gorng to be rrch.

I knor,v,

8 The crews all came by truckl 1.4 That's truel OK... tell me what that

9 We came by f erry.
* ?.§ Not¡ce the article a la/. dog is thinking.
10 K Don't be ri culousl
I flew. I'm from Japan and my plane landed S=Simon J=James
this morning.
11 Most of the bends came by helicopter, S Look at this old ture of us from school,
I think. Jamesl What are :hey all doing now? *9.8 Notice three pronunciations of
12 I came by sltDway. J Well, I'm a cab driver. letter o- Ed,la/ and ial (
S you ways loved drivingl
J And Valerie is a ty tech cian. She does Weil, Alex, maybe you can learn a few

0;.; I Notice the sentence stre§s and make up, hair, you know-she loves it.
S And cos is a fighter. He was so strong
lessons from your §1d man. I left cc-.Ilege
in 1975 before graduatrng. I couldn't
weak forms in the questions,
in high school. wait to get irarried, sE I found a partnel
immediately and got engaged after six
A Hi, are you...? J I knorv. What about Kristina? What does
r,veeksl I left h§me and we got married
B Hi, 1'm Jane. Who are you? she do?
a month later. At the same time I starte.
A I'm Jake, rilyn's brother. How ao you S She's a flight a dant. She loves to travel!
new job as a phÉitographer in a
do? J And I heard that Lrsa is a nalist.
dr§. And we slarted a familyl But as
B Oh, nice to meet you. Er... rna what ao you S Rea11y? Well she ,,.r,as a good writer in
kn[¡ü things didn't r,vork and your morr
do, Jake? high school.
and I got divorced when you were five. S:
A I'm the nager at Marga tas bar J What about rry? Do you know anything I moved. Then I lost my job, because of
in town about him?
digital photography, s@ I changed caree-,
B I don't know Margaritas. How ao you S Yesl He's a police officerl
and became a computer programmer
get there? .) Wow, and,lane? boring, but it paid the bi11s. I finally re
A I usually take the 14 bus. It takes you S She's á personal secretary to a singerl You from my job last week and now I thlnk
right there. What about you? What's know how she loves to or-ganize peoplel time for you to make a few changes in
your... uh... occu tion? J Yeahl That's Janel Nice jobl lile I d§n't want you to make the samÉ
B I'm a tist. S I know and I'm a complrter programmer. mistakes I did.
1ó5 §
. \ot¡ce the future verb forms 4G Can I'¡crrowthe car, Mom? C Uh,longdarkhair andhehadgreen
H No, I'm, sorry, you can't. I need_it eyes, I ihink.
: It's 1a. lvly brother's moving to this_afternoon. P0 OK. I think I know who you mean.
. . . He's going to fly there and he G Oooooohl Why not? You never let me That's Adam. We know where he hves.
:-: lo help him pack all his stuff. Can borrow the car... ThanksL Let's gol
. : is too? it's going to take
us weeks,
- re really good at packing. I hope --
" ;¡: And I promise to buy you dinnerl
ii r i:.= Notice the /3rl.
rLs. Call me back Unit 10 A What are you reading?
. ..a, rt's John.
ten, you knorv I told
Dd.aI, d-go:,9_o,e. B lt's an ticle about a ner with a

,.: ,-. We11, they've decided that they're pros tic leg.
: rr:cve to a w place-so they're 8 ró.1 Ñot¡. e M, /g/and /€/ sounds, A Oh, OK. So, what does it say?
:avel through tral and South B Well, her leg was putated r,yhen she was a
important parts of the body we
.. So the
r .. and I wonder ifyou could help .
by-only six months old.
are going to sl,Lldy in thrs [purse are: 1 the A Ohl That's thingl
you lived in Costa Rica with your rib1e. Poor
head; 2 the arms; 3 the legs; 4 the chest; 5 the
. ,r a long time. What do you think? B I knorvl But she goi a prosthetrc leg at nrne
s:omaffi; 6 the ba$] 7 the hands; 8 the :rngers;
urlt! It's ,uiÍa. Umm... Are you sitting 9 the feet; :10 the toes. We're going to look
months old.
¡:l We have some big news. Guess whatl A Wolvl
at how each one is important in sports. Any
=.:ting engagedl We re not going to B .. . And four months later she started to
- .:::ed until we finish school, so don't @uestions? u,alk. She's in dible.
::. umm, call me back when you get ,-..,,, A Oh, my Godl My niece is the same age and
..sage. Ciaol
it's Martin. I got inl lt's olliciall
A$.2 Notice /ar/, iaul and,@l/, she can't ven walkl
-_.', B But that isn't verything. In 200 she
::: changing careers at last. I'm Well, my job is to get people ready for the actually won the New York Tri lon. Can
.,idy dicine and 1'm going to camera. I have to think about all these you be it?
= : ior. A doctorl Woohooool I just got things: first, the hair, then the eyes and A No wayL She's so de ::'mined...
:-=;r s-they accepted me at the med the e1:¡l¡6q/s, then I quickiy check the ears B \1,/e11, yes, I guess so. Then she started
: - rn so excitedl Call me back, we a' d tre n§se. --nalh Lot( on n^ mourh. uni .,:sity in 2009 just like all her friends.
.ebrate. I'm going ro be at rvcrk ail and this means working on the lips, and But poor her...
r:oon, but then I"W"Wéhome, so give checking the teeth. I want people to look A Whati
::a11 and let's go out! Love youl Yeah! absolutely perfectl ::::
B Her falher died in 2010 in the quake
in Ha ti...
' Notice two pronunciations of Ú iB.3 Noiice Úre connectinq sounds.
A No u,ayl
letter e - /¿/ and /i:/.
pfl = poLice off icer A, B and C = victims
.rleer: an engineer that builds pubiic * : i . Notice the schwas /a/,
. éX"fl-ro ^ b,'dges of rooo
1 P0 OK, and what does the sllspect
_--,: a person look like? M=Maggie S=Steve
that takes care of other
:. -eeth.
A Well, he's short_and slim. And he 1.4 I need some help, Steve.
said his name was Char-lie, but, well, S What's up, Maggie?
- -r-l
-::1 advisor:
-r..i-^-. a person rL-+
that L^l--
helps -^.
who knows. M Two guys rvant to take me for dinner on
P0 Uh-huh? What else do you relember? Saturdayl And I don't krow r,vhat to do.
., research analysl: a person that studies
- -::s people buy certaln products
A Hmm, uh... Hehas shortdarkharr and S Well, rvhich one do you like tter?
: person that takes cale of sick people. brown_eyes. M Well, Scott rs ller than Jake and you lnow I
P0 O<. I "r k 1o.. mdodm. sual1y like men.
rre developer: a person that writes ta11
-:r programs P0 OK, can-you de the suspect, S Yes, so go out with Scottl
please? You said his name rvas Mark, M But Scott is always so sad. Jake is ppier
right? What does he look hke? than Scott.
' : Notice the connections, B Well, he's tall and a lrttle over S withJakel That's more important.
So, go out
Like_youl It doesn't
tter ihat he's s ter.
r*h, do_you mind if I turn_on the A/C? P0 Hmm, right and what lor-is hrs hair? 14 I knorv. but Scott is more interestlng than
:. not_at_a]l. It's really warm_in here.
B Uh, I think he has short fair hair and ]ake. Jake is a bit boring.
.:-:\v, thanks. blue eyes. Yes, definitely blue eyes. S Why don't you go out with both of them?
:ate to ask this, but could you lend me Like you. And then see which one you like more?
.:r.ne noney? i left my money at home- P0 OK, thank you. Oh, and don't worry. I'm M Good idea. I can go to the movies with Jake
::-i I need to get:.ctnething to eat. not Markl and then have dinner with Scott.
:r sorry, but_l don'thave any money P0 So, the man who took your bag. What S blem soivedl
.:,h me_at the moment.
did he look like?
- e, OK, I'11_ask Jeff. Thanks_anyway. C Hmm.. . he wasn't tall_or short. He
.:,:cuse me, Jane. Can I ask you was. . um_ erage height. And he
. 0ió.i Náii.u'lo,.o stress in the
.:nething? wasn't fai or slim, he was-average und€rlined words.
lrat's fine, Len. What_is_it? build I think
,¡uld_l take the day_offtomorrow? I P0 And can_you re ber the color_of
B=Brad L=Louise
-:ed to take my son to the doctor. his hair? B These are my twin sisters, Zoe and Rebecca.
::re. Go aheadl C Yeah, he, uh... He had dark hair. L Wow, Brad! They look identical.
l:ark>. lane. Pheu. Tn"l s greatl P0 Long or short? B Yes, but they're very different. §
1 166
L what's Zoe like? Halcng Balr ir Viet E We]], I don't know. I can't dectie.
B She's friendlier than Rebecca and she's more lgu zu Falrs rn Arqen na :.r:c, Bla A OK, why don't we go to the beach? We
l'= ,lej¡-r islard Lll SoLlh Ko a need to have some funl
lU generous. She likes to be with other people
,gr) and she's always giving people presents. K! do ir Indc sr¡ B That sounds great.
L What about Rebecca? What's she like? Puelo Princesa dergro;ni1 i,ier il
o B timid than Zoe, and she's the r rpires

She's more
calmer. She likes to be alone, but she's more anci Tal¡le ¡arn rr Souih frica.
intelligent and more organized than Zoe. Rev§ew &
:- Notice the sentence stress and
CIió.; the weat forms.
*m--. ¿.:
A Type is a perfectionist. They're idealistic,
1 I CK, .,r let: see h¡r.-'¡.¡e did.
L Hi,Jenna,howareyoui
but sometimes they're critical of other \urrber 1 ,, true entists dcrr'i knc-.,i why
people. Dr.ri i,,i, brain is very -ire'rherr .',, sleep J Hi, Laila. I'm great, thanks. Hey, I gotyoul
e-mail. Great newsl I can't believe you're
B And what about type 2? What are they like? il OK,: knew that or-ie r¡-rr¡l-.,-r 2i
gettrng marriedl
A They're generous people, but they're Í True : sa1i.s , .r if rren lor'r shave .. beard
also possessive. L l knowl I'm so ercitedl
ailrl Pla1,I I mole:!:r" ten telsl
B And type 3? il Wow! What ¡.1-.o'-r- ber 3i
J So tell me all about it. How drd he ask yo-
marry hrm?
A They're ambitrous, but they can become i: Ttat s false ',' ., nails gro,r. er , :.i,!
arrogant. Can you tell me about type 4? gernails less
L Oh, it was so romantic. He took me out
. :. to dinner and then he went down on one
What are they like? 7.1 Err¡rr. teresting. ber 4?
knee and proposed in the mlddle ofthe
B Type 4. Umm, they're ro{ant1c, but i riis:: true, !e men:.iÉ ller -,.,,,
sometimes they can be nocdy too. men, :o ::,: heart l¡cds , move :r. blood
J Oh. That's beautifull But listen, Laila. M¡
A What about types 5 and 6? ter . : elent palts :::.- dy.
brother went to work in Los Ange.les anc
B Type 5 people are solitary and they try :'a Crhhhl , didn'tLl¡u that. What air!J: room is empty. You can stay there until .

to understand the world, but sometimes lllllllrl-ól 5l go to Thailand.

they feel depressed. That's type 5. lype 6 F False. r -: heart ree¡ir . lot .i space, s¡ r. Ieft
Your brother's rooml Real1y? Oh that's '
people are loyal and responsible, but also lrng is er.
kind of you. Are you sure he doesn't mi
suspicious. l-'1 Reallyl OK. uhat abo-rr ber 6i No problem at ali. But when exactly are
A OK, the last three. Type 7 people are f Thal': false 1.¡' e car live rlr r month rr e1.'ell going on vacation?
spontaneous, happy and fun. But they are two rron:hs ,,','r:ho-rr food, Dui rr: est
very disorganized. L Wel], I finish school on June 20'h and I't't:
timr ,jeisarn c:.L go r r:¡ no sl,-ep ':. 17 t::'¡.:
gorng to fly to Bangkok on July 16 r'.
B Yes, and type 8 people are strong and try Sleep rs more important ¡ ,.', food
to do important things. The bad side is that J So you need a room for about two weeks
ll Wow rhr: is lly terestingl ir. number 7?
they get angry. F Tlis is true. r.,\,he r j¡.-1 eat or talk
A And the last one, type 9. They are calm and
l.¡o'-1're L Umm, let me check.. . No, about three ar -
using , - tongue, sa lt gels :, lot:i ercise.
half weeks actually
avord conflict. The negative side 1s that they 1.5;- so. B aSlebla \',,'rat ab¡ul 8?
accepl things they don't 1ike.
J Three and a half weeks. No problem.
I This rs false ¡he most lxon ll'pe .a
L Thanks so much, Jenna. OK, now tell me
blood is ,1,,1e o. aooL \.r do q,érouguysgoi.g.og^l
lr :hiLk I'm t1,,pe O. Ho,r abolil youi married?

The highest mountarn in the world is Mount

Everest, the second hrghest is... answer C, K2. Notice the connectins sounds.
The Nile is the longest river, the second longest
1A So, what do you think?
is... the Amazon. D I'm not sure, Chinese_or_lralian?
The most populated city in the Americas is
A Hmm, I prefer the Chinese r:estaurant,
Sáo Paulo, the second most populated city rs...
but it's more expensive than the ltalian.
Mexico City.
B Yes, and_in the Italian restaurant the
Russia is the world's largest country and..
service is faster than in the Chinese.

Canada is the second largest.

A I can't decice.
The most successful nationai soccer team is
D Well, we're not_in_a hurry, so 1et's go to
Brazil, with five World Cups. The second is
the Chrnese restaurant.
Italy, with four.
A OK. Sounds good.
ZL Hmm, which one is the best?
*tO.tS Notice the word stress. A Well, chocolate and coconut are the
sweetest ones, they're actually too sweet
Ladies and gentlemen, adults and chrldren, for me. And I'm not a fan of strawberry,
citizens of the world, welcome to the so I like banana best.
announcement of the first count and L OK. I'11 have a banana ice cream, please.
provisional results of the global vote to elecl 3A So. w'e'e do vou wan- -6 96'J6 ihe
the ne\M Seven Wonders of Nature. bea."_o loihe ta-nsl
The moment has come and I now proceed to B Well, the beach-is-rarmer than
announce the provisional new Seven Wonders the mountalns.
ofNature in alphabetical order. A Yes, but_it's_more peaceful in the
Amazon - South America mountains.

l: you live in an apartment? &"1

Circle the "different" item in each group. Write Read the program information and answer a-c,
the room in the last column. true (T) or false (F).

b"pseTrÉ?ft bathroom loedroat"¡

dining room gataqe kitch¿n

liuinq roont cffice ritrlity i'oom

' . .?c: storage

@ tools b*semenf

M f irepiace bathtu tr
'. --air stove microwave
ilr . :) computer oven Prolect Renovation is about individuals who take
It old, dílapidated buildings and turn them into theii'
bathtub shelves

ideal home. ln tonrght's episode, presenter Kelly
t bed sofa Fogañy visits an ambitious renovation prolect tc
talk with a young couple about their new house,
@ bike fan
and film the progress.
iü¡lr chaii's shovuer ñ-
ffi Pro ect Benovat on is the name of a TV show.

li s about groups
of people building new

Or ton ght's shor¡r, the presenter goes to
ro,e I'a- oI e o'o]e( L
vfatch a-i to a room in X.

: This is my It's a 1itt1e sma1l, but I only *G +.: Listen and complete a-d with was I weye
come here to sleep. s= s=
; Welcome to-.my favorite room. It's the
I love sleeping on the sofa or watching TV here.
: I love cooking, so my favorite room is my
- ,.,'l,-,a,;t ;'ii::: i i:lti:=;:

i There's a under the house with a lot of

.: There bathroom, or toilet, so this is
a big part of the project.
storage space.
'. I only come here once a week i: The toilet in the yard.
: Thls is the
to wash and dry my clothes. i- There a big kitchen.

I work from home a lot, so I have an wrth

,:i And there windows in the
a computer.

; I don't have a , so my car is in front of my

{§ +.: Listen again and complete a-f with roorns
r The is rea11y small, just a shower and a toilet.
or furniture.
We have dinner parties in the there's
space for about eight people Lo eaL.
-, Hi,-,.-,;
i Today they are ¡,n,orhing on the
€é *.'; tt¿ake sentences. Follow the model.
h The bathroom is above the
Model: A ;.cfh. J iir, iir¡ii;ál :'¡lrr. r The kitchen and the are together in
You: T"i'iúi'é'( r itfo irr irir. iioini '"oi,:rr one room.
Model: {r:ni* sir*r.i. Tlr. L:¡:'h"irib. ii The and the refrigerator are coming
next r,r,ee}<.
You: Ti-;*r',r. *i^¿ th¡e,s ir ih¿ h:;iir:L¡i:
* Thev are using the to cooir.
i Phillip is excited about his ner,r,


ó.2 tülhere were you last night?

I na¿ vowels to the incomplete words to make S i:*é:§_iieggq$ry*1..: write a short note about
common party items. your Iast party. Use the questions in 3 to help.

§+E§ E§ §§É§§É §** Use the questions to interview a friend about his / her
[cffccl [afly! last party. Record your interview and send it to another
pair to listen.
* You have to wrrte
: nv r t.r t, r': nsbyhand.
Take the music quiz. Match the song lines to
** You don't need to decorate the room with
the artists.
b 1l ns.

* When it's a birthday, you have to make

"i kne-¡ that it was ncw or
a never'
c k c ndl
and put s on it. oi m'rr iire-
r;;;;;"." lhe bes'r daYs "
S You don't need sn cks

You need non-alcoholic drinks like

ir.* rrt the sunmer oí'69
i.: "il sta.rted out u,irh a kiss Ho-¡.
I m n d orc k dld it
end up like this? It was only a kjss, 1i

E You don't need alcoholic drinks like was onl1-a kiss.,'
b r,w n or
ch mp gn "\'esterdaY, iove was such an easY
§ You don't need pl t s, n pk ns game i-o P1a1'
or gl ss s.
r: "Lislen io me iúen I say, l,m beauliful
*Youneedf r w rks. lt '..) t,';t. Bl a;se =
Cto -r .^?5 to
$ You don't need m s c. misiakes. i'm cti the right track bab1,,,
I was born ihis rvay " ' ,.

''.¿': L \\n '\61 O 'O . ^l;
$E:1*]|4§_$Le-§&Li Re-read sentences a-i in i. 'l vo I 0 sa\ 'r'l'l
Add or remove don't to make your own ruies
for a good party.
, *rrrr', .t1... .vi'

"Doq't yor-i "wish your girlfriend


to, .'ke -l :)

Record at www.vocaroo.com and send to a friend. "Lock al lhe slars Look how
'4, vlu
,:..1e ,o' voL. a d eve '¡-h
Do you have the same ideas?
l."H trr".t were aii ¡iel1orv-l'
"There was a time rihen I was
# Add one word to questions a-h to make
them correct in the past. Listen to check. Lo.,,e wasn't much of .,,

1rv;i§ a friend of nrine.'' :.:

a when'vfiari's party?
b How was? , mili,vishyouwerehere
C \Mhere il?
was the wealher like? T
Was there a lol food?
f there fireworks? li
g Was a cake? Ii
h How people were there at lhe party? li
si # *.; Listen again and repeat the questions. I
# *.¿ I-isten to a conversation and answer the =
questions in .i.
]bw was your last New Year's Eve? /4

Q a.S Complete a-e with a date. Listen to check. Any surprises?

1943 i912 7994 2AA7 2072

Farncus Fi rStS and Lrst§

a ftihanna's ülmbrel 'la was a #l- internationa! d George, the lasi Galapagos Giant
b The first air plane llight with a pilat was in _ í*rtnis*, ilietj in
c The first su CCESS fui communication on the e , f-.: iit¿',,: s;''" ji, 3r,r: .lst
was in was in
-=ad about these events and answer a-f.
evenl has ihe most people? d Which evenl 1s good for shopping?
'.-lich tr'vo events have music? \Mhich lwo events harre special colors?
evenl has food that people don't eat? f Circle your favorite

*_aÉ _

::_ 1 , ,,,

WhoI Tomoiino
Where: Buñol, neor Volencio, Spoin
When: Lost Wednesdoy in August
More: The first tomoto fight in Buñol wos in 1945. Now, up to 40,000 people come
every yeor ond throw opproximotely 150,000 tomotoes. Weor old cloihes!

Whot: New Yeor's Eve

Where: Rio de Joneiro. Brozil
When: New Yeor's Eve
More: Moybe the mosl exciting New Yeor's event in the world. Over 2 million people
come.to enioy the porty ond the fireworks disploy, over 22,OOO fireworksl Weo"
something whitel

Whot: Mordi Gros

Where: New Orleons, USA
When: End of Februory or the beginning of Morch
More: Almost o million people come to enioy the porodes, the costumes ond the music.
Weor something exirovogontl

Whot: Queen's Doy

Where: Amsterdom, Netherlonds
When: April 28'h - Moy 1"
More: The entire city is full of morkets, music ond mogic for the Queen's offic¡ol
birthdoy. Weor oronge clothesl

3* ¿.¿ Match comments a-d to the festivals, then complete them with u)q.s or were. Listen to check.

ffi )anuaty3,2012 Julianne E May 3,2012 Johan

That an amazing partyl And the Great weekendl The parties on the canals
fireworks beautifult Tnanks, I love the n.rost exciting part. And
this crtyl everything . orangel
ffi February23,2012 Lauren § septerbe'2,2012 Lucas
The atmosphere _._ rncredible, the music l'm still washing rny c othes after the fest va I tt
fal¡ulous, the people __- so s0 rnessy and my shoes
cool! l'm deflnite y coming back next year. rurned, but Lt good fun.

ó.4 Were there trams in your c¡ty?

Match the two halves of famous quotes. What are your favorite onesT

as the truth,
d There were three of us in this marnage, Let there be lightl" And there was hghi
Book oJ Genesis
e There is no "1"
or a bad peace. BenjaminFranklin
f Do or do not.
in "team". Unknown

Read and complete the blog about the picture with these prepositions

above behínd between i, {xd in front of next to opposite under


l'm ltolion but I live l:-:o smoll town 4go¡J Me MY P",(5

Austrio. There's o big church

downtown. The church hos o fomous clock
the door, it's over 800 yeors
old. There's o lorge squore the
church where the tourists toke phoios. There's
o toll monument - , the squore ioo,
the birds like to sit his heod!
the church, ihere ore o lot of
restouronts ond bors, they're very expensive
becouse of oll the tourisis ond the food is
often bqd so I don't eqt there. There's olso
o river in my town, it runs the
church. ln the summer people go to ihe pork
the church ond the river. There
qre some big old trees the river
people like to sit lhe trees ond
hove picnics.

Re-read and answer a-c. S i::Sif:eggg§ry-+E.:Are a-e true (r) or false (F)

a Where do tourists take photos? for your town?

b Are the restaurants in the square good places to a There were trams here fifty years ago.
eat? Why / Why not? b There was a lot of pollution, but it's ciean now.
c Where is a good place to eat in the park? c There were a 1ot more clnemas a few years agc
d There wasn't anywhere for children to p1ay, no
# picture in
¿.r Use the 2 to make sentences. there are some play areas.
Follow the model. e There were some beautrful old buildings, but
Model: Parl,. Church. Riv¿r. they aren't there now.
You: Thr, park is b¿tw€.¿n the chur"ch afld th¿ river.
Model: €ir-ds. Monumenf.
You: The birds ars on the monument.
*. dre now, eni€rtain us, I feel stup¡d and
How about a BBQ on Sunday?
contagious. Nerewedre now entertain us,') #.*
t Read the text and answer a-d. 3* ¿.4 Listen and match the numbers to the

: Where is Glastonbury? phrases to make statistics for Glastonbury

2011. Listen again to check.
c When is the festival?
: What stopped the festival in 2012? days

i How can you buy a ticket? 5 hours to sel1 all the tickets
60 people in the audience
1,300 performances
GLA'TONBUPY FE§TIVAL Over 2,200 recycling volunteers
3,225 ci, ooc
Glastonbury is a small, old, historical 170,000 toilets
town in the heart of southwest
England. But every summer, at the end * ¿.g Listen again and write down three more
numbers from the audio. What do they refer to?
of June, around a quarter of a million
people arrive there to celebrate the
* t.* Circle the correct word in invitations
Glastonbury Festival, making it one a-f. Then listen and complete them with the
of the 20 biggest cities in Britain. The phrases from the box.
world-famous music and arts festival
has something for everybody, and some
a barbecue a soccer game a party
a restGurant the mouies Lhe park
very big stars. To many people it is
simply the best festival in the wor1d.
There was no festival in 201,2 because
a Would you like to go /going to ?

IJ Do you want / like to go to thrs
of the Olympic Games, but the 2011 weekend?
festival was fabulous, as usual. To get Do / Would you like to come lo on
a ticket for next year register online at Saturday? -
www. glastonburyfestivals. co.uk. d How about go / going to after lunch?
I'm having on Fnday. Can you
make / do it?
We're going to for our 25th weddino
anniversary. Can you go / come?

Send a text or e-mail invitation to a friend.

§ Read the song line on this page. What's the

connection with the language of this lesson?
Find the connection between the lessons and
song lines in the Student's Book for this unit.

:.' 9 rooms in a house? :* ., ¡. §:

. 18 items of furniture? ss É. §:
" 12 things you need for a party? x§.,¡.s€
." 10 prepositions of place? s§ , ¡. *i
:" how to talk about changes in a town? s* .jr.*"$

' how to invite a friend to a party? s* . ¡.:i

,,. ::: ':,::

'7 tffhen did you start school?

t Write words to complete a-g about Amy *= Re-read the biography. True (T), false (F) or not
Winehouse. Copy the letters and discover the mentioned (N)?
secret sentence. ; Tupac's parents were singers too.
a She oot i"i - r: rr I i., -r le Blake in 2007. c Tlpac wa) an ¿ctor and a rappet.
20 ló l0
e His flrst album was a success.
l,: She was in London in 1983. d Tupac had a vrolent 1ife.
8 t5 2l
* Tupac worked on his 4t'aibum in prison.
r The name of her firsl
t9 5 t3
was Frank i Tupac's friends died loo.

Her music moved very fast

14 617 § * :.: Listen and make sentences about loe.
Follow the modei.
She was a and wanted to be
22122 Model: iil:ill; Il:*li::f: I iaii r'L'¿¿l':.i';,j
You: -j,;¿ lir,idisii Et:ei;;ll i¿;i t'"'.'-.Er-snJ..
Her personal life a lot Model: ilsr^Í s¿ii*ci ¡'ir: lü.1*
ofinterest. I
You: .-j¡¿ ilÉi^i¿* iiri¡*l l¡ i¡-i'!*.

she a new musical styIe. Write Whitney Houston's bio using the
734 t8
information in a-g.

345ó 78 9 t0 il 12 13

t5 tó tó t4 tó l7 18 19 2A


16 21 23 l3


§ # r.: Read the biography and circle the correct

verb forms. Listen to check.

Tupac Shakur borned / was born on June 16,

t971in New York City. His parents was / were
militants in political movements, and their ideas
influence / influenced Tupac's music. He starts /
started to work as an actor at the age of 13, and
studies /stud¡ed at Baltimore School of the Arts =
until he turn / turned 17. He release / released
his first solo album in 1991, but success arrive /
arrived for him after his second album, with the
songs "l Get Around" and "Keep Ya Head Up".
a born / August 9, 1-963 / Newark, New lersey
Tupac's legal problems start / started after he
establ¡sh / established his rap career. He use / b record / her first aibum / 1985
used a gun against a police officer in October 1993, and in
November 1993 a woman accuse / accused him of sexual
assault. A jury sentence / sentenced Shakur to serve time c receive / her first Grammy / 1986
in prison. Then, in November 1994, two armed men attack
/ attacked him. He didn't stay / stayed in the hospital for a d gel married / Bobby Brown / luly 18,1992
long time, contradicting doctor's orders. He serve / served
his sentence in prison until October 1.995, and then he
release / released his 4th album, which is considered one of e slar in the movie The Bodyguard / 1992
the best rap albums of the decade.
On September 7, 1996, Tupac and his frlends was / were in
Las Vegas to see the boxing match between Mike Tyson and i produce / the movie Sparks / September 2011
Bruce Seldon. After the match, he and his friends was / were
in their car when another car stop / stopped near them and its
occupants fire / fired many gunshots at Shakur and his friends.
g die / in a holel / February 9,2A12
Shakur die / died in the hospital that afternoon, at the age of 25.
what did you do last weekend? 7.2
' Lead about Mary and circle 13 past tense verbs. *;.* Use the information below and correct
Jomplete the spelling rules boxes. these sentences. Emphasize the part you're
correcting. Follow the model.
Mary studied history at the university, but Model: ihr i::ii : ii;rir tiii"¡;.
after she graduated she decided that academia You: (n¿ ¡.i:.il-ri i:;:',:: :r i.*i,¡ iill-,:1. .'ir¿ hss r
',','asn't for her. She wanted to travel and see the f?lÉfi5r iai
-.iorld, so she worked for one year and then paid a plane ticket
-or a trip to Nicaragua. * a ride
When she arrived in Managua she traveled r Turkish food
:y bus to Leon and started volunteering as an i interesting things
inglish teacher. She loved it so much that she * wonderful time
:xtended her trip and stayed for ayear.
* f.¿ Use the verbs in the past tense to complete
the puzzle. Listen to check.



Last weekend my girlfrrend say (3) she wanted to

go to a different place, So I make (2J) a reservation
for d nner at a new restaurant in town. We go (7) in
separate cars and meet (2-) there.
Now put these verbs in the past and add them The food was very good, We eat (1)good ltalian pasta
to the boxes in l. ¿nd drink (6) ¿ bolr.e of frne w,ne.
At the end, when the check come (4), we had a bg
buy cry do finish qeL ltave surprise: rt was only one dollar!
inuire play rccard see take
I know (5) thai was wrong so I called the manager.
The manager say (3) that we were therr 1,000th c ient,
so that was a present for us. lt was a perfect dinnerl

Re-read the text on SB p.77. Correct the

information about Ms. Riggs' trip.
¡ She went lo Turkey with her husband.
ii:¿ *i,lr'J gr.r r';iÍIr i:¡:- i:is!¡¡q¡!!q 4r¡qsl!
She ¡yenl to TJr(ey or vacarior

¡ She took a plane to Cappadocia

i"j The trip to Cappadocia took six hours


* They stopped al a restauranl in Istanbul

Answer a-d about the blog paragraph in
i They ate Japanese food a Why did they go lo a new restaurant?
h Did lhey go to the restaurant together?
c She didn't like lhe trip. r How much did they pay for dinner?
* Why did they pay that much?

?ls Vhere did you go last vacation?
-r #:r Notice the pronunciation of did you (/dtüa/). Listen and repeat. Listen again
and answer.
a What did you do last weekend? Where didyou go?

b What time did you get up on Sunday? f Didyou go to the movies?

c What did you eal? g Did you stay at home?
d Who did you see? h Didyou have a good time?

§ Imagine a friend went to Paris on vacation. Write questions for the underlined parts of the sentences.
a I went with ml¡ wife and kids
b ? We stayed at the Hótei San Rágis.
C ? Yes, we did. We met a nice couple from Finland.
-? ? No, we didn't. We don't usually take a lot of photos
o ? We bought souvenirs and perfume.

§# :.* Circle the correct preposition. Then listen to check.

Bob Marley r,r,as born on / in February 6. 1945 on i in the rillage c1'Nine Mile in Jamaica. He lefi sch¡
at / in the age for i of 14 to make rlusic. On i In 1962. he recorded his llrst tri'o singles, but the songs dii:'
attract a lot of attentlon. With his stepbrothel and some fl'iencis. he created the band The Wailels in i on 19'r
On / In 1966, he got married to r'rvith Rita Anderson. The Whilers only released their first rnajor album ai
in April of 1973. On,'In Jr.rl-v, 1977, doctors discovered that Marley had cancer. He stlll released a nerv albi -
in / on May 1980. He died at a hospital in Miarni in,i on May I1, 1981.

S Complete with the correct ordinai number.

a Bob \,{arley's (2) name was Roberl.
b Ziggy is his (1) child.
c His (11) child, Damian, was born on luly (21),1978.
d His final concert happened on September (23), 1980, in Pittsburgh.
e -
]n 1999 Time magazine chose The Wailers' Exodus as the best album of the (20) century
# ;.f Look at the birthdates of these singers
- and answer the questions. Follow the model.
Model: Wh¿n lryas Eir,,ir Prr,Ei¿y horn? -
you: l.re ,vár born on January 6t 1q35.

ffiffire ffi
+S *3

i -..
Elvis Presley
102( =§ Snakira
T ¡c-¡ Caga
- 'r
Iggy Pop
19+7 -

ffi ffi

LJ \i------'
€r c-§

Adele Paui L{cCartne.,¡ N,4ick Jagger

* -i94? - 1943

ffi ffiffi
t'i\. ñ r.: *É€
\--.-j SJAJ *-*
Pink Katy Perry Biliy Idcl Rrcky Mar'iin
- 1979 - 1984, t!qq , L91L

do you listen to music? ?=&

G : * Remember Ginny Lomond, from SB p.24? Listen to this interview and check the actions
..^.e mentions.


start school record first album move to Los Angeles

go to school record second album move to New York
leave school record last album move to Paris

€ f.a Listen again and answer questions a-f about the interview.
'."hen did she slar*. he r ;¡tee,l
- :tere dici. she s1-r.l;.lr?

,., . \o C
'-.-ho \¡¡qf
no-,'ea- ¡¡ ¡i.-r,r'r
' h,or fiis: a i:,,11¡ L 3 st-,la:s:r'
r-ren dii- she rcito,,:i. it¡r':.':tr ;. a1!,iill:'

k questions for the underlined part of the sentences.

Time Magazine elects the 100 most influential people every year

Ashton Kutcher divorced Demi Moore tn 201L.

Stella Mccartney studied fashion design in the 1990s.

Serena Williams won four Olympic gold medals in lennÍs

Steven Spielberg mel Kate Capshaw while filming the

secono. Indiana )ones movie.

G Look back atJim's morning routine on

Z.c SB p. 18 and tell it in
Listen to check.

Yesterday Jim
woke up at...

.=:*Li:§§.&§_qffiéL i What did you do yesterday? Record it at www.vocaroo.com and
send it to a classmate or the teacher.
I woke up early and...

1., I -t
l#js Could you help me, please? , *Helpt I need,somebody. Helpl Not just a¡ybody.
' HelplYou know I need somaone. Help!4 ' r'

# r.:t Read the e-mail and correct the 14 Use the information below to write an e-mail
mistakes. The numbers show how many like the one in T. Add more details. Send it to
mistakes per line. Listen to check. your teacher or a friend.

**§ *::- battery only lasts

new cell phone
l5 minutes
From: -jj [email protected]!.9r., - tried recharging it
To: ggslgmeJ [email protected] -.j doesn't work
called support
' v]n * got a new battery
"uol""l: ,*'ooll'" . .:-
same problem
To Customer Service,
called technical support again
bou$hf promised a solutron
I btl.yed a new 40" flal screen TV from your
no solutlon
store on June I2 this year. And I regret this a new phone
decision every single day.,.

The delivery were late. lnstead of three days, :

S :.:: Complete requests a-i with these verbs.
Listen to check and repeat each request. Be
I haved to wait one week. But then I finally -= careful with the pronunciation of could you
get my TV. To my surprise, the sound didn't t /kud3a/ and could I /kadai/.
worked. The image was beautiful, but
there were only noise. So I called technical
borrow have help hold lend

supporl. A person come and he sayed the

apetl púlss speak use
TV needed a new paft, but he didn't had it .:

there. a Could you the window, please?

That was two weeks ago. I called technical
b Could you please me the salt?

support again but they didn't knew anything

c Could you the door, please?

about the par1. So another repairperson

d Could you please me your phone?

came, look at the TV, sayed that he didn't

e Could you me, please?
f Could I your bathroom, please?
haved the necessary part and left-without
g Could I your pen, please?
fixing the TV again.
h Could I the menu, please?
That was one week ago. Now l'm afraid of i Could I to Mr. Green, piease?
calling technical supporl again and getting -
another useless visit. Could you please * r.t'¡ Listen
- again and note the replies.
helped me? Could you please check the
repofts from your repairmen and make sure
* Read the song line on this page. What's the
connection with the language of this iesson?
the next one brings the necessary pan? Find the connection between the lessons and
song lines in the Student's Book for this unit.
Thank you very much.

James J. Harrison ;

True (T) or faise (F)? " the auxiliary verb for the Past Simple? §8,,-*.i§

* The buyer is happy thal he bought this TV

' 12 common irregular verbs in the Past Simple? s§., i:...:-
,' 10 questions about past events? s8,F.Tt
l; The dehvery look 7 days, not 3 as promised.
t he image of -he TV wa . oer fecr.
' ordinal numbers 1-20? ss ::..;t
" , 10 actions from Jay-Z's morning routine? §§ ,
d The repairmen couldn't repair the TV because

4 phone problems? .t , ;.
they didn't have lhe proper parl.
" 7 favors and responses? ;* , +.¡:
* Three different repairrlen came lo his house.


do you have in your fridge? *"1 :.j


-'.¡rite food items a-j and reveal the mystery sentence. ffi

: *=:=€:W
3530 5


t5 232
,:* ffi
3ó : )4 ==€

4 21 3', 32

t6 t9 37

c | 25 28

23.1 5ó 12 13 14 15 1ó 17 18 19 20

': ),

122 23 21 25 32 33

G *"i Pronounce the bold letters /a/. Listen §* e.: Look at the photos and answer the
.nd repeat. questions. Pay attention to the verb in the
. i/alencia oranges are famous around lhe world. question. Follow the model.
- ltalian spaghelti is delicious. Model: liVhaf diC ;rou liuy af fhe etore?
- Americans usually eat hamburgers rvith lettuce vou: í bou¿1ht ¿e rrols *n¿{ onions.
and tomato.
- My favorite Mexican food is chocolale chrcken

* *.; tisten to the dialog and write the

shopping list.

Ls P i Listen again and complete a-e.

= They need tea because Hannah
- They are going to eat for
, The mother is going lo cook lhe -. with
: The mother wants some .. because she
hkes to eat lhem for
ffi .::=:: .i1:=
= The molher doesn't want because she

lo go on a diet. t-

8-2 Are you on a diet at the moment?

t tr¿atch photos to these words.

a can a glass a pound a spoon
a boltle I

a borvl a cup a piece a slice

ffiw {"tr.-
.rc :
ffi §§




.f :

§8re =
ffii t

# g.¿ Compiete with some, any or a(n). Listen to check.

Gina Hi, Mona. Would you like cookies?
Mona No, lhanks, Gina. I can'l eat cookies today'
Gina Why not? Are you on diet?
Mona No, l'm not, but I have test loday and I can't eal sugar or I get very nervous
Gina Really?
Mona Yes. Last lime I had a -tesl I ate chocolate before and my heart wenl crazY! And there was
- remember. So, I don't eal
information thal I was sure that I knew but couldn't
sweets before tests anYmore.
Gina Well, that's funny. That's what -happens to me when I drink coffee before important test'
Hmmm, maybe next time i'm not going to drink coffee or tea and I will get -
a better grade

§ Read this paragraph and classify all the food items as countable or uncontable.

¿ ,iei=¡leqq§q.ry4Ü Write a similar paragraph about your daily diet

WIhy don't you record your daily diet on

www.mailvu.com or www.mybranshark.com?
lf you have a camera, you can make a video
recording there.

S* g.S Look at the shopping list and talk about the things you got or didn't get at the supermarket.
Follow the model. g
Model: ol¿T Eoia
You: lSct ;cme d:ei sona ts
Model: be¿r E -ona I o r',6. .c: t''

You: I d:Ct,Í $ct tnv cie: ruEi bee'' f. str$a'

l¿1iuc¿ Past'a \
a", .f nrln¿ralr'"ate'r X
n'"r, { b¿6'rs 7<

H cw often do you eat chocolate? #.3
:; .-=..i Read the blog post and circie the correct forms. Listen to check


Last night was HaLLoween so I decided to go

to a nightcLub with a tittl.e / a few f riends. We
only had a tittte / a few money so we decided
to go to a pLace near our houses, The Tacoma.
The cLub was reaLLy crowded, but there were

ffi only a tittle / a few handsome guys, and

they aLLseemed to have girlfriends @. They
ffi= pLayed a tittte / a few rock music, at least, so
we got to dance a Lot. I posted a tittLe / a few
photos here for you to take a Look, Write beLow
what you thinkl Hope to see a tittte / a few
comments next time I Log on! O

ffi ffi tg comments

2 Complete the sentences about the blog post.
a They went to a nightclub in lheir neighborhood because
The guys at the club weren't or they had
: The writer likes music
d The wrlter asks the readers to

Do you know what these technical words mean?

= calorie - jl a substance that can block arleries

: cholesterol i-- l a chemical element found in salt
: protein i*_1 a substance in foods such as meat, eggs, and milk that people need to grow
i sodium ¡---j the parts offruit, vegetables, and grains that ourbody cannot digest
: fiber I a unit used to measure how much energy you get from food
Complete extracts a-e from SB units 1-5 with afew / alittle.
: I need information from you.
3 No, I don't exercise. I'm _\azy.
: I need to ask you questions.
j I speak Spanish.
: Just things to remember: \A/hen you come in...

.§:i::Lil.fl-flS§§ry&L-: Complete a-e with a Jew / alíttle / alot of so they're true for you. Add a frequency
adverb when necessary.
I eat _ bread during the week.
I _ eat _ calories at lunch time.
There are nice places to visit in our country.
I travel wrth money.
- lunch, I
After eat _ dessert.

ú G e.; Answer these questions about Mike. Follow the model.

- Dici Mi[e i:uy a lot of coiatos*?
Model: Model: Did he. buy a ict of c*fise?
- +nly a f¿yv.
You: hJo, he b*u$ht You: lJo, he bou$hf only s l!Ítie.

How much meat do You eat?

# * Marion is at the doctor's. Complete the

g .E # * c Listen and complete the ingredients'
questions. Be careful with the verb tensesl Tasty Tomato Sauce
Listen to check. #=l=l
-q 2 cans sauce
S*t=B 1/2 cup soup
t/2 cup dry f
-€ E'-+
#.,* 1 tablespoon oregano t

ffi 1 teaspoon
#-* =l
=i:=E ingr*di**is:
s:.re= I
CEۤ 2 pounds
1_ I
+=É-e I
F-S€ 4 cans _
ffi. 2 cans Paste I

D How can I helP You, Marion? € ;ack and -Tracy are going to make the sauce'
M Wei1, I feel fine, bul my husband told me to Complete with how much,how many, afew,
come here. He says I har¡e a very unheallhlr or a little.
lifestyle. J Tracy, I have a surprise for you. Tonight 1'm
D Do you?
makrng dinnerl
M maybe. I mean, I smoke a littie.
T Sounds rvonderfull Whal are you making?
D A little? How clgarettes Spaghetti with tomalo sauce.

a day? T Uh, do you need heiP?

M Uh, one or two .. Packsi J We1i, maybe you can
read lhe recipe to me'
meal do I need?
D That's 40 a dayl And do you gel any exercise?
M Uh, a litlle. T Tlvo pounds.
I Hmm, we only have meat.
D How exercise everY r'veek?
M Well, thls u¡eek I was busy, so 1 didn't gel any' T Well, how about we don'l use meal lhis lime?
Good idea. OK. I gol
-- - cans of tomaloes.
D Fine. So how hours exeicise J

last week? cans do we need?

M Nlaybe, uh, one? T Four.
D Uh. How aboul healthY food? Hou' ) Four? Thal's a lotl I onlY got lwo.
salad usuallY eat? T And lomato Paste did You get?
M Wei1, t hate salad J I didn't get any, but I got cans of
D How about fruit? How pieces of fruit lomato
- sauce.
eal last week? T OK. we on y need lwo.
M Last week I was busy, so I only ate fast food J OK, I got that. onlons do I need? i got
D How fast food usuallY ,- because I know You love onions'
eat, Marion? T Oh, that's sweet.
M Uh, a 1ol, I'm afraid. I OK, what else? Wine, right? - while
D Marion, you-r husband is right. You have to wine do i need?
change your lifestYle. T Hmrn, no, Jack, red wine. You need rel
M Bul I feel finel Is that really necessary? wire ror *h,s reciPe.
I --
D That depends. How Years Oh, nol
sliil want to live? T You know what? Why don't we drink the whrte
wine and call for Ptzza?
True (T) or false (F)?
* * s.:t Imagine you're going shopping for your
¡ Marion doesn't think she needs a doclor'
family. Ask questions. Follow the model'
h She smokes one or t'¡¡o cigarettes a day.
Model: sLi$;r
r She doesn't usually eat fruits or vegelables'
You: ile¡ mi;ch iii$nr" Cr','':tnt*i,?
d She only eats fast food wheri she's busy.
Model: bcfiies oi l'riine'r-ai l';at¿t-
* The doctor thinks she can continue wrth the itd:'
same lifestYle. You: {-ioi¡; rrsrY bciii*s cf i'nin¿rai 'u'"'aie:" dt:tí'

4lam sitting ¡n the morning at the d¡ner. I am waiting A \,tr
tüfhat would you like for lunch? at the counter for the man to pour the coffee;' fJ.

: Look at the pictures and complete the puzzle # *.t: order the words in the ulderU4ed
phrases to complete the restaurant dialog.
Listen to check.
Gary Good evening. Welcome lo Tom's Diner. My
name is Gary and I'11 be your selver tonighl
ñ' April I /menu/have/ can/the, please?

Iffi 6

Gary Sure youl to /
a / like / slarter / would /

April Yes, thanks. lhe / have / chicken / I'11 /

salad, please

Gary drink / anl¡thrng / to?

I Put the words in the right columns. April Uh,yes 1/like/soda/diet/a/would,

pureed Lettuce grllled
main courses
beuerages barbecued sautéed sleamed
slúrters desserts baked leman Gary Just a minule, please.
melo,t peors carrols onions April Oh, excuse me?
Gary Yes?
April ya! l alre / could / bring /pi@tetleqn?
This one is drrly

Gary Oh, sure. Sorry aboul that.

April No problem.

¡-n ^ --
# a.:*: Imagine you're at a restaurant. Order
some items. Fo1low the model.
Model: al;lrrir, - ¿;"littc r,r:iCi.:,;-,
You: i'ii i:r,.: ii:1.;i'r:le r; :iii¿i,:.n. üi¡.*r;l-..
# *"r: Circle the correct forms. Listen to check. Model: lti,¡:. - ir;:-l¡.ri-iir.f ii!'lili
Liv Hmm, I'm so hungry. You: i'i; ltl',:. i::l ¡4"¡ri.a,i.i¡.i ii¿:¡:-, lrir,li¿.
Ned Well, there isn't much in the frrdge... Let's see Model: :el * iiih :'.ii:i
Would you / Do you like an orange?
You: C:.:r¡-i I irsi".r. ihe i:ti: iii,l.i, !i:;:.-et
Liv Oh, no, lhanks. 1 wouldn't / don't 11ke oranges
Do you have any apples?
Read the song line on this page. What's the
Ned I think so Would you / Do you like one? connection with the language of this lesson?
Liv Sure. Find the connection between the lessons and
Ned Here it is. song lines in the Student's Book for this unit.
Liv Uh, Ned, lhrs apple looks rea11y bad. I would
like / like apples, but not thal much
Oops, sorry aboul lhal. Hey, would you / do you 22 food items? s* . ¡r. *c
like some pizza? There's some in the freezer. 10 uncountable food items? .tB *.§s
No, thanks. I wouldn't / don't like any 6 uncountable non-food items? ss , r. an
pizza now.
10 portions of food? ss . p. *§
Ned Why not? i thoughl you really would like / 4 quantifiers? s§ , §. E*
liked ptzza
3 starters, 3 main courses and 3 desserts? sx .,
¡:. t:
Liv Yeah, but not for breakfasll

How did you get here today?

t lr¿atch the types of transportation to descriptions a-l.

i I a Ott<e *
§ aboat
I : : ::

fl abus
a car #
i] aferry *
[j on foot ts

I a helicopter *
l--l a motorcycle =É
fl a plane

a subway
[j a train
[] a truck

# q.'1. which of the underlined letters has a S Complete the jobs with -e¡ -or, -ist or -ian.
different sound? .: Iniesta is an incredible Spanish soccer play
a tqqk flew fqqt i-: I K. Rowling is a r'vorld famous children's aulh
b lqved drqve rode ¡: I need a compuler lechnic lo check my laplop
c bike hiq ride d My husband is a lerrible acl . I always know
d hour house helicopter v¡hen he's inventing something!
e ferry train came u My wife's a special 1n economics.
f Our uncle is lhe manag in a burger
# t.: Complete the dialog with two words in reslaurant, so we always gel a discount!
each blank. Listen to check. Is lhere a manicur or a pedicur avarlable?
A Heilo. How do
B Er... Hi, nice lo How + 'I..., ..' ==s=*=+s.- Order the words in a-f to
make questions. Write short answers to them.
A Great, thanks. What do? to / didl class / you / ? / get/how
B bus driver. {-{ou,_dd+qué4lq slp!§J- ]?ir&01 -
A Oh, really? So, how do you work? do / youl work / ? / tol usually / get / how
B Haha. We1l, I don't bus
I always bike. c you / do / school / ? I the I bus / to /take

Complete 1-3 with the past form of the verb.

ii ? /ride/motorcycle / a / You / can
I A Whal drd yor,r do on youi vacalion?
B I fe-nt9{- (rent) a car and (drive)
I ? / to /the / get
€ you / normally/ supermarket
from New York to Las Vegas.
do / how
A Wowl How dld you get to New York?
B L- (fly) with YouAir, the food was greatl
i your I.rvay l ? l to l rvhal/lravel/'slfavorite
A Your face is red, are you OK?
B I'm hotl L_ (ride) mY bike here.
A Sorry, I'm 1ate. I --- (take) the train and F# *.: Practice the sentences. Follow the mode-
there was a -
problem with the 1ine.
Model: lflew I Model: {he i,"aii,¿ri I it:-
B i heard about that. I --- --- (come) by bus.

The traffic was terrible! You: I came by piana. You: fh¿ cairir. *n f;i:-

\fhat's your occupation?
Read the magazine article and answer a-e.


Almost everybody hates their world. There are two cables across
commute. The bus or rhe train is the valley, one to get out and one
full of people, or there is a lot of to get back. They are four hundred
traffic on the road. For most people, meters long and three hundred and
commuting is uncomfortable and fifty meters high and you can go
boring, but at least it is safe. For the over 60 kilometers per hour! VerY
residents of Los Pinos, Colombia, young children use the zip-line to
things are a little different. People get to school and their parents use
in the viliage have a choice of a two- it to take products to market. The
hour walk through the mountains government doesn't want to build
or a one-minute trip on a ziP-line a bridge because not many PeoPle
across the canyon that seParates live in the village.
their homes from the rest of the

a According to the arllcle, whal is one posilive thing about the average commute?
b How long does it take to walk through the mountains?
c Do villagers use the same zipJine to go to and from lhe village?
d Are there any age restrictions on using the zipJine?
e Are the authorilies planning to build a bndge?

Match words a-e from the text to the definitions.

ñ to commute j I a 1arge, strong line made of melal that connects t\Mo pornts
l'u @
vflleÉL ,- an excursion, a voyage or a journey
c a trip []to construct
ri a cable - a small community
e to build l] to travel regularly to the same place

=E Complete the puzzle with professions. Example: B = |:i'.

* BR, / - Ur e ,l e // C., Ha N,- .,' ¡, I=-A-

.r.- P o e E,t R==

C I I Sa T.
d Lr 5)

F+ ó G*
I a ii! F.

. O- +

€# g.¿ Listen to check. Write the seven questions you hear.

l_+:i*r_:_gggp-C§Sq Check the jobs in 3 that make a lot of money and circle the dangerous jobs.

# f.* Practice the sentences. Follow the model'

Model: doctor r'fhey Model: rieniist I I

You: They áre. dücforl. You: l'ni á dr,nf!§f.

'9Es Where are you going to be in 2022?

Correct the mistakes in a-f.

* What lime you going lo finish',vork lomoirowl
b Which leam going lo rvin lhe nexl \Mor1d Cup?
..: r When are you go lo go on your nexl vacalion?
d Where are you going have lunch tomorror,v?
* You are going to do lhe homer,vork?
f Whal are you go lo do next weekend?
€*= +.¿ Listen to 1-6 and circle the pronunciation you hear. Match them to questions a-f in i.
I I'm going to / gonna have lunch in a reslauranl.
? I'm going to / gonna sta.Y home.
3 No. I'm nol going to / gonna have time. I have lo lvork lonrght'
á I'm going to / gonna frnish early loday, aboul 5 o'clock
5 We're going to / gonna go on vacation at Chrislmas.
r: I think Ilaly is going to / gonna r,vin lhe next World Cup
Record your answers at
:.: s:=:'::=i=i,'E§i,. Answer the questions in .
www.vocaroo.com and send
them to your teacher or a frienc.

=t Read the article and match the predictions to the photos.

nce upon a time the 21't century

was the future. This ls how People
imagrned it.
ln 1939 a newspaper made this prediction
"in the future we are gotng io have llght'
weight, solar powered cars We are not
golng toneed garages because people
are going to fold their cars and store th.'rn
. ', .,',/.

under the bed "

in 1909 people predtcted tlis' "ln the
future all important cities are gorng to
have a roof to protect tl.lem against ra n
and snow."
There are a lot of predictions about cheap
and easy air travel. Thts is an example
f, on rl-e 19óOs. "l- LTe '-LUre eve'yorc i"

going to have a flying car. Travel ls gotng to

be very easy and very cheaP."

..= Re-read and answer true (T) or false (F) according to the predictions.
a People are going lo keep their cars in the house. d It isn't going to snow in the future.
b Cars in the fulure are going to use the sun for power. e Flying cars are going to be expensive
c All cities in the future are going to have a roof.
What are you going to do next year? ?.4
' Cross out the item that doesn't collocate with the verb. Which two aren't usually life changes?
¡ Get / married / divorced
€o++ege d Move house/engaged /yourbag
b Leave college ,/ home / house e Lose a job / a train / your keys
C Start anew job /a friend/a family f Find married,/ a partner / alob

t Read the article and answer a-e, true (T) or false (F).

Resolutions -Make or Bre --+E

friends about it,
evetybody celebrat-es the Neu plan your resolution, tell ¡rour
verywhere. That's your best
rvays' kcep a diarY and staY Positire'
Yearl And we all do it ir-L different
but there's one ritual that's common
in many chance ofsuccess!
We love theml
cultures: Nelv Year's resolutions'
But how long do our resolutions usually
Á ,t"*' study in the USA shorvs that after
*..L, 75% tf people still keep their resolutions'
üurby Febmary the number is 50%' Six
401" still keep their resolutions' Not
bad. huh! You can make a resolutíon at,
secret to
So, the BIG question is-lvhat's the ány titrre of year, not jilSt
success? And the answer is"'
planning! Yes'
January 1,il Do you have any
resolutions? follow the advice
in the ¿rtícle, make a plan and
a It{any nationalities make resolutions at the New Year
b Ir4ost people keep their resolutions for half a month.
:::: T :"1_1g*! . :::, !

d Half of resolutions fail before February.

d Only a few people keep their resolutions after lune.
É Nobody has any advice to help keep a resolution.

== # g": Match resolutions a-f with the pIans. Listen to check.

* I'm going to get fit and exercise more, so Frrst I'm going lo ,,vrile a lisl. Number one um?
h I'm going to save money. [-l t'- taking cooking classes in the evening.
e I'm going to be more organized I t'- not going to buy unnecessary clothes.
d I'm going to volunteer. I I'n', having a session of hypnosis soon.
e I'm going to eat better. I next week T'm joining a gym
f I'm going to stop smoking. i*l UV friend and I are heiping at a homeless charity next week.
Read the sentences again. Which ones are about plans with another person or organizationi What
verb structure do these sentences have?

# t.* Practice the sentences. Follow the model.

Model: :i,Ji, ri¡itÍ"..v r^ir.:{i ,!,i:.;i j' :hÍ
You: , .

Model: iiirr r irgii'_ii:i: i'a:ir-r;:rr¡i,i i' i

You: i'ril SCin;. fi: i'i;l: ¡t ii':,,i .ti;t ir:litiii:'lii.

'!Lend me your ¿ars and l'll sing you a song and l'll try not to \
tülould you like to be a nurse? sing out of key, Oh, I get by with a little help from my friends "

E Read and match skills a-e to the reasons.

TForld. of YForI-
(ilobalizatioll and the inlcrnel at'" chattgittg the rvorlrl [a:1 . Arrai¡rsl-s and exp
pr:eclict that certain ski11s are going to become more important in the tttture'
In the future \\'c are going to neeci:

.: peopie rvho speal< more than one language because' t: eople *t o.

:::.=É .-ffi

:, pecple who are creative because... people rvho catr select ancl use dala because..

. people wiro can use social media to work because' '

corrpanies are not going to have offices ancl people are going to rvork irom home.

organizations are goitlg to need people to communicate between different countries'

machines are going to do all the routine jobs.

the quantity of inlbrmation on the Internet is going tu incre'asi:

people are golng to have to do more than one job irl ih'ir life'

3 Check the skills you have, a-e, in I. * p.ra Listen again and repeat the questÍons.

§ # t"* Order the conversation, 1-7. Listen to & * r Listen to the compiete dialogs. Check or
check. Who's the boss, A or B? cross a-f in & when they accept or don't accept.
A Fine, thank you. Lislen, can i ask you
something?' l # r.t: Practice the questions. FoIIow the model
AOh.OK,, Model: 'norro,¡r thr. car { | i **n
B Sure. Co ahead. You: Csn ! borrci,v the, car?
A l- horv ate you? - Model: o
A I' iL OK I I rake rhe cia¡ ofi on Il crayi You: Dt:
B Friday? I'm realiy sorry, but I'm going lo go lo a
meeling on Friday and 1 rea1ly need you here Read the song line on this page. What's the
B Cooo. rlanks.1ou? connection with the language of this lesson?
Find the connection between the lessons and
song lines in the Student's Book for this unit.
& # c.1* order the words in a-f to make
questions, then complete them with these
words. Listen to check.

air condiLtoner maney car 12 means of transportation and the past verbs for
slt questron pholo them? :¡ r.::
8 professions? l¡ r.=:
11 important life changes? ;.¡r ii li:l
a /could/-/borrow
I/the /? /Piease
2 ways to talk about Plans? ri: ii :lai
b I/ask/?lyou/a/can/- 6 important professtons for ihe f uture? :E i]. 1*'i
C ? / youl some / couTd / / me / lend
the difference between borrow and /end? !* i:. *:
d if /it loff / oK /r /is /turn / ? / the / how to ask permission wtth could? i4 *. i-!i
mind/you/ ? / if /I / do I /here how to ask permission with mind? i* i:. J"'ii
? /you /your / mind / \f / I /do / take /
- -
,tl -
Do you look like your mom? 1S.1

I Use the codes chart to find parts of the face, a-e. Then answer the secret question.
:..,,,r,1{:,,,, :IJ,i: :{ E.g.:h*ii
B¿ AI CI D4 EA D2 c3 D2 D2 c3 ct c2
I á'.a b c d eCLñ)E2ErP¿
E3 C2 Bt AI

¡S,rre f g h b 81, E4, B1, E1 ...

e. I k 1m
82 AI C4 D2 E3 EI D3 BI D¿ E1 D2 DI

* c 81,,\1, D4,EI
unopf d C3, C1, D3, E1
! .trsLuy
e DL,D2,E1,,Bl

Add the words in '! to groups a-e and cross out the odd word.
a kiss, see, hpstick, smile,
b screens, watch, ta1k, photos,
c TV. food. ear. speak.
d radio, lislen, music, read,
e perfume, movies, Eskimo kiss, smell,

Complete the labels on the picture.

bc s
cf g s

f 1e
g s., m c
jt h

* rO.r Look at the picture in 3. Complete descriptions a-e using the phrases. Listen to check.

average build. average height fair hair long darkhair old

: ' 'yaung
overweight 'shart'grsy hair slirn tall '

a Amy is about 45 and has She's Jay's daughter.

b Carmen is from Colombia. She's and She has
c Jay is married to Carmen. He's and he has
d Joseph is Jay's son. He's and
e -. She's
Cameron is /oseph's partner. and
- -.
* f t.Z Practice the descriptions.- Follow the model. -.
Model: Amy /fair hair -.
Model: Carmen lslim {lon$darlhair
You: This is Amy. §he has fair hair. - You: This is-.
Carmen. §h¿s slim and has ion$ dark hair.

, ,',: , PERS*§*§B. E-mail a photo of friends / family to your teacher or a classmate and describe one
person in the photo. Can they guess who the person is7

'lü.2 Are you like your dad?

J G Read the article and compiete the table

Nick and his dad.
with three more similarities and three differences between

E l{iC[ JOhnSOn is B4 a,d a successfLrl authr,r. He nrites suspense n9rlels ancl his
rnost recánt book is The Dark Forest. Here he tells us ahout the influence of his father.
Mv father certainly inspiretl nie to be a ruriter. He lor,es reading and.he ahval's,reacl lo
,-,ré."her',I was a.hild-all ki¡ds of'book-*, 11e\\r'qpapers. poelns" evervthing' I think that's
E rv[¡, I love reacling so much nolr-. My fáLher inventecl stor]es for nte a1d. m-r brother.r'r-hen
we l\rere voung, a]rd sornetimes he'n-rote them so he dicln't fcrrget. I keep thern in rny
riffice non, and l sti[] read them.
I lr,rote mr. flrst storv lr-hen I u,as nine. but really I copierl it from one of mv {ather's. M1' l

teacher ar clrtln t knuu

school ditln't
at scircol ancl she gar.
k}l0u that and ll]e a g,,ot[
gave nre gl'atrel (Jf c,our.-.e" I wlite stories
gootl glatlel
nOU, anCl puhlish
nou,ancl Unlol'tullaielY
thelll. Unf«rrtunalelv
pUbIlStl them. flther
rnv IleVtrI
ner,er publishecl 1I¡. I think
PLturlsrttiLt his. Im
rtt going
trlrlrN !'m á\'rrrá to
publish tÉern fbr hinr one dav, before he'dies. He's over 70 norv. so I neecl to clo iL soonl
Phy.sically we are a ljttle ciiflerent. \\¡e are iroth tall. but Iin a little taller tl-ran he is.
He has dark hair Jtut ntine is fair. like rnv mother's. He l"-as r,et--r athletic and rt¡aliv
str«rng $hen he \ras younger. he played a iot of sports. l¡ul I am lrot athletic at all.

Thev both lov¿ r¿ad

Correct the mistakes in a-g. There are two mistakes in each sentence.
* I or* %-lL t!"rf
.: 9k{.d¡** l-h.p- r^/r-c.p-. ["WA'*tt aÁ^,lbt.
^o,a ^g &"..t|nn".
t -3"* *"fn^-. * &¿dd-pn U"r* ,{,5t r,i% ' D*f oJl-e, &uzt\A!{'tl"* cat».
:- Wtg Z$^bl- i,) ma-q¡-
S-*d,A** * ff* kk^" I Wt @t5 gP)\* -oü-6P.\,U"r* ^8 ^*'*

o Wt u&nn * e,1!4e"ü^u. ^n.

§ * ru.: Listen to the descriptions and label Compare the players. Use each of these words on-
the players in the picture.
Michael Lewis
h,appy inLelligent overtueight *shúri

Phil Peter
slim slronq tall Yaung

e Rory / Phil Rory is
b Lewis / Peter
c Michael / Steve
d Peter / Wayne
e Phil / Lewis
f Wayne / Phil
g Sleve / Rory
h Frank / Sleve

=E *:*.* Practice the comparatives. Follow

the model.
Model: l..ji;:rl I lili;'ii.',ia¡ i,¡¡^¡-
You: r"Liisll¡i ,1 i,lii--.:- ii¡i:¡-: l..i¿i.'' '/¡ii:-'
Model: g;:i!ir:rir:¿ ,' ii:ii,i'*:.i.iin¡ I f'¡si:iná
You: lilr'll:r:ti:¡ ii itl:': , -'l''l'-- ,":'r,' "'-llilÉ1

tlflhat's the prettiest city you know? 103

* ra"x Listen to the adjectives in 1-5 and check the syllable / stress pattern they' fc-.c"'.' .-=
E.g.: cri lr cal = A
a Ooo b oOoo c ooOo d ¡Oo e Oo
Ir l)z []: i-l+ -5

§ Wfricn word in each group a-d has a different sound pattern?

a possessive, arrogant, negalive, solrtar1, c calm, moody, loya1, angry
D respolisible, rdealistic, perfeclionist, disorganized i suspicious, sponlaneous, generous, romantic

3 Read the newspaper dating ads and match the people together.

Hi,I',m. Mario, 26. Hi, Camilla Hi, I'm Lisa,

ale,45. here. I'm Successful Wánt to
I work a lot, romantic arnbitious businessman meet Prince
and kind of a
I enjoy Italian. Want wants to meet Charming.
life. Want to to meet a determined, Buy me
W¿lnt to meet
Ineet a man lady to travel a similar,
organized flowers and
to share all the world successful woman. sing to me
I have. with. man! in Venice!

Then answer a-9.

e who's thg q'iqaieii person you know? (crazy)
b What's program on TV? (bad)
c Who's person in your family? (old)
d Where's -.--- supermarket? (near)
Record your answers
at www.vocaroo.com
e Which's soccer team in your country? (popular)
and send them to your
f Who's person in your country's hislory? (famous) teacher or a friend.
g What's word to pronounce in English? (difficull)

§# ra"¿ Complete a-e with these words. Listen to check.

bottle nightclub park subway station thing

a Excuse me, I need to get to the city cenler Where's the nearest ?

b Wow, there are so many trees herel Is ll-iis the biggesl - in the city?
c What's the most important - in the museum?
d So, 1el's go dancing tonight. What's the best in the crty?
e Waiter! Can you bring me a of your oldest wine?

&* 'lo"¿ Listen again. Are a-e true (T) or false (F)?

a The subway stalion is next lo lhe shopping ma11.

b Green Park is next to the river.

c The most imporlanl artifact in lhe museum is on lhe third floor.
d They are in Venom now.
* The oldest wine is the best wine.
lflhat's the best place in the world?

1* f O.Z Complete facts A-E. Listen to check. Are the words you wrote stressed or unstressed?
o I LaXe Superior biggest lake world.
:¿ lfl Aconcagua is the - -

ilffi E biggest circumference world Mexico.

Il -fee
ootprr¡ns -- more intelligent monkeys.

lll R cat is almost times - than a mouse.

3 * rn.a Practice the superlatives. Follow the model. -
Model: §ally i $ood *in/ler lthe city Model: letanbul / b¿autiful city { theworld
you: §*lly is the best sin$er in ihe city. You: lstanbul is fhs most beautiful city in fhe world.

§ Look at the postcards. Where can you see a-h?

§ffi ffi

k lSaüeira
=.*§e*é' §§
§ §#'§
a a big canyon Arizona d an ugly hzard g an extinct volcano
b a beautiful island e a high mounlain h a fantastic waterfall
C a small lake f large rocks

* ra.p Listen to Mary and Tess and answer a-c. # t o.c Listen again. True (T) or false (F)?

a When did Mary go on vacation? a Tess is probably not Mary's boss.

b Did Mary go to Arizona, Madeira or Thailand? b Mary likes active vacations.
c Where is Tess going to go for her vacation? c Tess likes lizards.
d It was sunny every day on Mary's vacation
e Tess is going on vacation next week.

,)Work ¡t harder, make it better, do it faster, make n tr
ls your English better than a year ago? us stronger, more than ever, hour after hour.'J {I Lr'rJ

* '¡f"'l* Do the quiz. Order facts A-E. Circle the correct word in F-J. Listen to check. How many did you
get right?




* IS / f HAN./ A soccER ptrcH ,/ THE AREA oF THE LUNGS,/ BIGGER / .







A* to.'11 Listen and answer a-c.

a When is the fight?
b Which person is David Silver and which is Danny Belching?
c Did Danny win his last fight?

3# rc.r1 Listen again and complete descriptions a-g.

a Danny Belching is s than David Silver. e David Srlver h- a b technique.
h Danny Belching d- get L. f Danny rs a I f- than David Silver.
c Davrd Silver is L than Danny Belching. § Danny w- his last L fights.
d David Silver has I a

§" F§§e*§,§.il Write a short paragraph

comparing yourself to a friend or relative.

Read the song line on this page. What's the

' 8 parts of the face? ts ¡, ¡¡;

connection with the language of this lesson? 12 description words or phrases? :"ü ::. tIr
Find the connection between the lessons and 8 adjectives? :-= ::. :i.t
song lines in the Student's Book for this unit. '' 16 personality adjectives? iF ,: I j"1

What's your favorite song iine from all of 1D1? 10 geographical features? -:* ji i:j"
Audio Script
A Really?L You were there all night?L Unit 7 ii::rr.]+
Unit 6 Weren't you cold?
il No, no, the night'J,¡as warm, so rt lvas OK.
*0.: A That's cooll
P= presenrer J = lude A=.Ai1r-sa $-{l¡rinr¡
B Yeah, il was great. There rvere firer'r¡orks
P Hello and r,r,elcome to anothet episode of at midnight, and a 1ot of pizza for the rx Welcome to Celebrity Present and Past.
Project Renovatron, the program r,vhere guests. Mari doesn't jike cake, can yoll 1'm Alyssa Meyers. Today in our studio
rve visit people on the project of a lifetime believe it? we're interviewing pop srnger Grnny
as they rebuild, reslore and renovate old A What? No cake? At a birthdaY Party? I Lomond. Ginny, thank you for berng here
houses. Today we're in Springfield, rvhere can't believe itl Well, rvas it a big partl,i today.
Philiip and Jude are rvorking on their B Hmm, there rvere about 30 people at the ü Hi, Alyssa. t
house. Jude, what are you doing today? begrnning, but there rvere only f i.re on a Our r,'iewers are so curious about your
, Hi. \\¡e11, today we are working on the Sunday morningL 1l was a great night, but life. So, when did you start your career?
baihroom. Uh... In the original plans i am feeling it todayL And I have to workl 3 At the age of 12, actual1y. I was part of
there was no bathroom, or toilet, so this ,lr Oh, -,velt, drink a iot of coffeel my school glee club.
is a big part of the project. A Rea11y? And rvhere dld you go to school?
F What? No bathrooml No toiletL Thal's G I went to school. here, in Ner'v York City.
unbelievablel óu.a
Á Oh, so are you originally from New York?
Wel1, there was a bathtub next to lhe The organizers sold all the tickets in'1
-l C No, l was born in Los Angeles, but mY
fireplace in the hving room and the... uh... hours. The tickets were f,195 each.
mother and I moved to New York when I
the toilet rvas in the yard. We1l. obviously, The fesiival is 5 days, but there's mustc on
rvas a baby.
we want a toilet and a bathroom in only 3 days.
¡i when rild you record your lirst album?
the house, so Phl11ip is making a ne"r., There r,vere 60 stages.
balnroon aoove he u,tjl'ry roon. 0 When I was 18, but il was a drsasterl
. 300 recy. n 'et ,
l. ng vol u
P I see, and are there any olher big ¡. No, that's not possiblel
There lvere over 2,200 performances.
differences? I B-r ' w¿:l Toen I reco'ded rry -" ond
There rvere 3,225 toilets and there were 300
i Oh. yes, of course. In the originai plans album in 2008. And I have to say, that on:
people cleaning them.
there rvas a kitchen and a dining room, was a big successl
There were over 170,000 people in the
olr rhe¡ ¡/'' e oo n ve'v. \ ety s-na11. li We know it was. Wel1, our lines are oper
Oh, and there were no windou,'s in the If ,rrou have a question for Ginny Lomond
kitchen, so it was very dark. Uh... now call now. She'11 answer the questions
we have one big room-the kitchen and ñ¿.p after the break.
the dining room are together and new M=man W = woman
windows, so there is a lot of iight. B-boy G = girL
F That's great. So now you can cook a h¡'l Would you like to go to a soccer
Yesterday Jim woke up at around 6:30 a.rr
here and... game?
but he didn't get up immediateiY. He
-, Wel.. no. \'p ¿n cook here ye-. There , lü? Sure, that sounds great. W'hen is it7 stayed in bed for three ol: four minutes,
no stove and no refrigerator, they are
Saturday afternoon.
I..,1'l then he got up and made his bed. Then he
comlng next week, I hopel Uh, at the
lrrZ SaturdayT Oh, nol I have lo work on exerclsed for 30 minutes. After that, he
moment we are using the microwave and
Saturday. Sorry. took a shower, shaved, gol dressed and ha-
eating a lol of pizza.
h trl Do you want to go to the movies this breakfast: coffee, juice and cereal. Then h,=
i-' Hmm... heaithy. So u,hat do you like mosl
weekend? brushed his teeth and, fina11y, left home "
about thrs house? around 8 a.m.
W Uh. I'm free on Saturday night. Is that
i Well, I kno-,v thal Phillip is very ercited
good for you?
about his new office. And I really love
the yard. There's space for children to
:¡ Yóq Sep vo . S¿tu da' lhe-. flr.t'¡
run and p1ay, ,,vhen we start a famrlY, c V{] \A/ould you like to come to a party on W = woman M=man
of course. Saturday? Et _ h..,, G= girl
F Great. Well, thank you for talking to us, f¡,i2I'd love to. What can I bring?
a W1 Could you open the window, pleasei
Jude. I'li visit again rvhen you linish the ltu1 Nothing. Just yourself.
S/2 Of course. Are you hot?
house. Bye. d B Horv about golng to the park after hM Could you please Pass me the salt?
j Yes. please doL Thanks for coming. Byei lunch?
W Here you are.
G Good rdea. Let's go.
C¿.1 c M1 Could you hold the door, Piease?
e f,l I'm having a barbecue on Friday. Can
F42 0K.
A Wow, you look tired. What were You you make it?
doing over the weekend? Fridalr? I'm sorry. I'm going to a party.
d lv1 Could you please lend me your pho:r:-

Maybe next time. W I'm sorry. I don't have it with me.

E Yeah, I ar¡ tired. I was at Mari's pariy on
Saturday until real1y 1ate. fM We're gorng lo a reste.urant for our 2Str'
* W1 Could you help me, Please?
w^orring a n. . et sa r. an yo.. om^2 W2 Sure. What 1s it?
A Oh, geel Was it a good party?
S Yeah, it rvas greatl It was on the beach Oh, congratulatronsl Of course I can f W Could I use your bathroom, Please:

¿nd ua, tne'e Lnl.l re morn.'9. come. I'd lor¡e tol M Yes, it's the second door on the 1eí:
-:, Could I borrow your pen, please? M I'm an electrician. B Do you mrnd lf I sil here?
Sure. There you go. M Are you a student? G I'm sorry, but my friend is sitting here
Could I have the menu, please? W No, I'm a flight attendant. t¡Vl Do you mind if I take your pholo?
'.1 Of course, madam. _lust a minute. W1 Do you study here? BJz Not at a1l. Cheesel
'.j Could I speak to Mr. Green, please? W2 No, I work here. I'm a librarian.
Who's speaking, pleaseT W Nice uniforml Are you a firefighter?
M No, I'm a police officer. Unit f 0
W Oh. Sorry.
Unit 8 ñtc.t
ee.i This is Amy. She's about 45 and has fair
s.? W=woman M=m¿n hair. She's Jay's daughler. And this person
. i,1¡r¡ H = Hannah
a Wi Dld you make a resolution this year? is Carmen. She's from Colombia. She's
t{ Hannah? W2 Yes. I'm going to get fit and exercise slim and young and she has long dark hair.
$ Yes, Mom? more, so next week I'm ]oining a gym. Nexl lo her you can see ray. He's married lo
tl Could you go to the store for me? The Or maybe in two weeks. Carmen. Jay is old and he has short gray hair.
i refrigerator is empty. bM What's your New Year's resolution? On the other side of the picture you can see

h ut,, I guess. Do you have a list? W ]'m going to save money. I'm not going Joseph and Cameron. Joseph is lay's son. He's
average height and average build. Cameron is
ft{ Not really. but we can
write one rea l1y to buy unnecessary clothes. I have so
loseph's partner. She's tall and overweight.
I ouicklv
oK, so what do we need? c
many shoes anyway.
M1 Do you have a resolulion this year?
milr I'm going to be more organlzed.
I Some and, uh. six eggs. M2 Yes.

or of-r, and we need some tea Loo.
useo First, I'm going to write a iist. Number Thls is a picture of my soccer team. So,
I thelastbaglastnight. one... Hm? the player at the front, the slim one, that's
Hrnm doyouwant some r sh for dinner? d WI What's your New Year's resolution? ltlichael. He's slim and he's very fastl And
ff the player nexl to him is Lewis. We call
sure. W2 I'm going lo volunteer. My friend and
ftt him the Mad Scienlist because he looks like
so g". a pound otfish three I are helplng at a homeless charity
ft Loo. Oh, and
Aibert Einslein. But he's clever, he's more
I onions and four oo[atoes to cook the next week.
ri.rr *1 r,. e W What do you want lo change this year?
intelligent than the olher players. Uh...
Who else? oh, yesl This is Wayne, he's more
|t Y,r-*y. tvl Wel], I'm going to eat better. I'm
overwelght lhan lhe other piayers, but he's
taking cooking classes in lhe evening.
ln ves. anything else you wanr? stil1 a good playerl And this one's Frank. He's
Jn we oon't have any fiuit. can I get some
f W Are you going to try ouitLing again happier than all the others. Frank's always
this year?
apptes and oranges? happy. even when we lose.
and some bananas loo. I like lo eat M Yes. def'nite"y. t'rr going lo sLop
And this is Phil, he's only 17. He's younger than
I Yes, smoking. I'm having a session of
I them forbreakfast. the rest of the team. Then, at the back you can
hypnosis soon.
h , ono*. so, is that rt? also see Peter. He's so tall, over t'wo metersl
Read it to me. He's taller than everyone else in the leam. And
t¿9.11 there's Steve too. He's stronger than lhe other
Milk, six eggs, tea, fish, three onions, four
potatoes, apples, oranges and bananas. is W=woman M-m¿n players and he's not very friendly. Then this
it OK if I get some chocolate as well? B=bcy G=girl one is little Rory. He's shorter than everyone,
bul he's a very good player!
Just a bar for you. I'm lrying to go on a diet. a B Dad, could I borro\M the car tonight?
OKI Then off to the supermarket I go. Call M Uh... where areyou going?
me if you remember something e1se.
B Oh, only to loe's house. We need to.. .
I will. Thanks, hon. hmm. .. work on our school project. a Perfectionist, spontaneous, disorganized.
M Sure, go ahead. But drive slowly! b Cenelous. moody, loyal.

b Ml Can I ask you a question? c Possess ve. romanric. suspicious.

'.Uait,9 M2 Yeah. Go ahead. d Idealistic.
M 1 Do you make a lot of money? e Arroganl, negative, posiLive.
[42 I'm sorry, but ] don't like to talk about
money. eia.¿
Wl Excuse me. What do you do? e WI Could you lend me some money for W=woman M=man
W2 Oh, I'm a beauty technician. I work in the drink machine? G=girL B=boy
a salon. W2 No problem. Here you are.
a W Excuse me. I need to get to the clty
W Are you an engineer? d w ls oK il I turn off lhe air
1t center. Where's the nearest subway
M No, I'm a carpenter. conditioner? station?
W1 What's your profession? lü Oh, are you cold? h.{ It's a couple of blocks from here.
W2 I'm a dentist. W Yes! Reaily coldl Just keep going straight. It's in the
W What's your job? l't OL. sor ry. Co ahead. shopping ma11.

bü Worv, there are so many trees here.
Is this lhe biggest park in the city?
0i;., 8ta.n
T = Tess M = Mar-y M1 = rrrar 'i
No, ihe biggest one is Green Park.
It's next to the river. : Hi. Mary. whet' wete vou -ast w^'k? ¡rii Do you hke wrestling?
What's the most imporlant thing in You weren't at work. Yeah, it's greatl Are you going to watch
CB 1.,1?

the museum? M Oh, Tess, didn'l I tell youi I rvas on the fight next weekend? Davrd Silver
vacation. against DannY Belching.
We have some Egyptian artifacts on
lhe second f1oor. They are very rare. T Oh, lovely. Horv rvas it?
r"ii Of coursel Who do you think is gorng
i'lOr,i \\aSDe--lil- t'-¡t.w'r to win?
dM So, iet's go dancrng tonight. What's m.ng
the best nightclub ln the crty? i!,:2 That's a difficult question. I think
in the ocean and did some sunbathlng
maybe Danny Belching. He is stronger
Sorry? What did you say? on lhe beach and I wenl walking in the
and he has a lot of energy, he doesn't
M The best nightclub. mountarns. There were lots of lizards
get tired.
Oh. Thal's Venom. It's behrnd the sitling on the rocks in lhe sun. they were
¡'ll That's true, but Davld Silver is taller
movie theater. so cu-- I enjoy"d .r ¿ 6t
and his arms ar.e longer. I think his
l'.i OK, 1et's gol T Lrzardsl Ughl I hate lhem. But the ocean technique is better too. I think he's
¡,i1 waiterl Can you bring me a bottle of sounds nice. Was it hol? gorng to u,in.
your oldest lvine? iv Oh, the weather was perfect, rt only l,iI lt's true that he ls taller, but Danny
lvl2 Of course, sir. rained once. How about you? Are You is a little faster. And remember,
Would you like to taste it, slr? going on vacation this year? Danny won his last trvo fights, but
i',11 Yes, please. T Yes, I am.I'm golng to Thailand next David lost his. I think it is going to be
lg . -¡dl s nor.:o ". Bl .ng ^r" month. 1'm rea1ly excitedl Danny's night.
something else. l'4 I can imagine. Everyone says Thailand ¡'i'i Hmm, maybe you are right. Let's wait
i.¡ 1 Ah, this one's better than the oldest one is amazing. and see.

"'AnsweÍ Rey
1,300 recycling volunteers At the age of 1,2. '* In New York City. § In
Unit 6 Aver 2,20A performances
Los Angeles. d Ginny and her mother moved
3,225 toilets to NewYork. No. : In 2008.
..iitiir 5.1 =
170,000 people in the audience
t oddword Room 3 Which magazine elects the 100 most
3 The tickets were fl195 each. =
influential people every year?
h fireplace bathroom
There are only J ddys of r-s c. * Who did Ashton Kutcher divorce in 2011?
s armchair kitchen 300 peopie cleaning the toilets.
d oven office r Who studied fashion design in the 1990s?
* to go / soccer game *+ i¡ant / the movies d Who won 4 Olympic gold medals in tennis?
ebathtub bedroom =
: Would / a party s going / the park
+ Who did Steven Spielberg meet while
i bed .l-v ng "oo'r * abarbecue/make § a restaurant/ came
filming the second Indiana Jones movie?
§ fan garage r WB: Song line 6.5: Par rying ¿¡i 6ig qvenls.
l shower d n i'g roon 4 Yesterday, Jim woke up at around 6:30 a.m.,
SB: Song line 6.1: Houses.
but he didn't get up immediately. He stayed
i TV utility room Song line 6.2: Partying. in bed for three or four minutes, then he got
3 = bedroom * livrng room : kitchen Song line 6.3: Special nights, dates.
up and made his bed. Then he exerclsed for
s basement + utiiity room : office Song line 6.4: Cities.
30 minutes. After that, he took a shower,
g ga r¿ge ¡ barlr oom " d-n.ing room shaved, got dressed and had breakfast-
§ sT hF sF Unit 7 coffee, juice and cereal. Then he brushed his
teeth and, finally, left home at around 8 a.m.
§ e was no was i wasn't s $/ere no '.::i::ir
= 7.1 * Personal answers.
é * bathroom utility room h e dining room
I.oorn a-oLm -'career -rebel
r srove r m.icrowave i o[f ice l¡¡::¡i;: 7.5
i provoked 5 developed
3 The correct form of the uerbs are in bold.
..::':.:,' 6.2 People loved but criticized Amy Winehouse.
To the Customer Service,
t *balloons <cake/candles dsnacks É was born, were, influenced, started, The delivery was late.
+ lemonade / coke É beer / wine / studied, turned, released, arrived, started, InsLead o'3 days, I had Lo ,¿'t...
champagne g plates / napkins / glasses established, used, accused, sentenced, But then I finally got my TV.
:: fireworks : music attacked, stay, served, released, were, were, ... the sound didn't work.
stopped, fired, died ... but there was only noise.
É Personal answers.
§ +F bT .F *T sT :N A person came and said the TV...
3 b Howwas it? rWherewas it? $Whatwas ... but he didn't have it there.
the weather like? * Was there a lot of food? 5 * Whitney Houston was born on August 9,
... but they didn't know anything...
i Were there fireworks? ¡ Was there a cake? 1963 in Newark, New lersey.
... another repairperson came, looked at the
a: How many people were there at the party? * She recorded her first album in 1985. TV, said thal he didn't have the necessary
5 ¡ On Saturday. * Great. = On the beach.
* She received her first Grammy rn 1986. part...
'Walm. F Yes. lhere was ptzza. * She got married to Bobby Brown in Could you please heip me?
i Yes, there were. § No, there wasn't. Jtiy 18,1.992. É ¡F !T .T §T *F
* About 30. * She starred in the movie The Bodyguard
\n 1992. § Personal answers.
é Personal answers.
i She produced the movie Sparks in 4 eopen lpass {hold ilend +he1p iuse
F h,c,a,g,e,b,d,i,f September 2011. borrow * have ! speak
6.3 ü She died in a hotel in Febrüary 9,2012. § : Of course. Are you hot? b Here you are.

a2OO7 h1903 r 1990 é2012 *1912 7.q i OK. s I'm sorry. I don'thave ltwith me.
-t ::,:,::,
+ Sure. What is it? a Yes, it's the second door
§ e New Year's Eve in Rio. * Mardr Gras and -§ I wanted / worked / traveled / started / on the left. g Sure. There you go.
Queen's Day. r: Tomatina. $ Queen's Day. extended i graduated / decided / arrived / i Of course, madam. Just a minute. ! Who's
* New Year's Eve Ín Rio and Queen's Day. loved Sstayed/paid áwas speaking, please?
i Personal answers. É ¡ finished / recorded i invited 3 played / S WB: Song line 7.5: Asking for he1p.
3 ¡ulianne was, were cried + took / did/ saw/had/ got/ bought SB: Songline 7.1: Past lense and Amy
Lauren was, was, were lE + She didn't go to Turkey on vacation. She winehouse.
Johan were, was went on business. : She didn't take a p1ane. Song line 7.2: Regular and irregular verbs in
Lucas was, were, was She got a ride. S The trip didn't take six the past.
':;i.:ir hours. It took them thirteen. They didn't Song line 7.3: Be born.
ó.4 =
stop at a reslaurant in Istanbul. They Song line 7.4: Subject questions and Adele.
t * "Let there be light!" And there was light. stopped at a restaurant in Ankara. i They
Book of Genesis i or a bad peace. Benjamin didn't eat Japanese food. They ate Turkish Unit 8
Frankiin ¡ and often nothing so strange. Daniei food. g She liked the trip.
Webster d so it was a bit crowded. Princess .:!:.:r:. 8.1
Diana * in "team". UnknoLLTn f There is no
* : ate imade/met §said +came 5knew
t drank ? went t =chocolate
ifish ¡lettuce dspaghetti
lry. Yada s oranges lomatoes g vinegar
é ¡: Because his girlfrlend wanted to go to a - potatoes i chlcken j sugar
§ in, above, in front of, in, on, Opposite,
d'lferent place. t\o. LLey wenL ' separaLe Sentence: We went to the supermarket and
behind, between, next to, under
cars. :On1y$1. +Becausetheywerethe bought a lot of thrngs.
3 * In the square. restaurants in the
i¡ The 1000rh client.
square are not good piaces to eat because 'l::l:::i. § Some milk, six eggs, some tea, some fish,
they are expensive and the food is bad. 7.3 three onions, four potatoes, apples, oranges,
r A good place to eat in the park is under t Personal answers. bananas. chocolate.
the trees, by the river. 3 ¡ Who did you go with? b Where did you * =usedthelastbaglastnight bfish/dinner
* Personal answers. stay? . Didyou meet anyone? § Didyou : fish / onions / potatoes * bananas /
take a lot of photos? =
What did you buy? breakfast §= chocolate / is trying
.,;¡,:,::. O.S
3 on, in, at, of,In, in, In, to, in, In, in, on .,:1,:.9.2
§ s Inthe southwestof England. b Inthe
summer. r The Olympics. d You have lo é .: second h first ¿ eleventh / twenty first t --acan *acup rapiece *aslice
register online at i twenty-third -. twentieth
=apound iaglass saspoon +abottle
www.glastonburyfestivals.co.uk. i a bowl
i 5 davs i : go to school : record first album, record 3 some, any, a, a, any, some, some, any, an, any
OO stages second album : move to New York 3 Countable: potatoes, app1e, cheese sandwich.

Uncountable: coffee, milk, bread, butter, 4 what do you do? .+:i+ to.q
meat, chicken, Pasta. Are you an engineer? t Similarities: write stories, tall.
§ Personal answers. What's your profession? Differences: Nick publishes his stories. Nick
What's your job? has fair hair. Nick's father was sporty.
.,::,1::¡. 8.3 Are you a student?
3 * I am taller than mY brother.
§ a few, a little, a few, a little, a few, a few Do you study here?
* The weather is worse than yesterday.
Are you a firefighter?
E * they only had a little money b handsome / t My English is better than a year ago.
girlfriends r rock ¡! write comments § Personal answers. Suggested answers:
ei My sister is more intelligent than me.
Dentists make a lot of money. Being a police
3 (Second column sequence) b, d, c, e, a e Children are hapPier than adults.
officer is a dangerous job.
4:alittle *alittle cafew :ialittle *afew '::::;¡.g.3 § Dogs are friendlier than cats.
S Personal answers. * My grandmother is more generous than
t =
What time are you going to finish work mymom.
.,i:,:,i:'a.+ tomorrow? b Which team is going to win
* Front, left to right: Michael, Lewis, Rory,
t many, do you smoke, much, do you get, many, Lhe nexL Wor-d Cup? r When a-e yo- going
Phil, Wayne, Frank.
did you, much, do you, many, dld you, much, to go on your next vacation? * where are Standing left to right: Peter, Steve.
do you, many, do you you going to have iunch tomorrow? * Are
you going to do the homework? I What are 4 Lewis is more intelllgent than Peter.
E =T bF iT +F EF
i= Michael is slimmer than Steve
you going to do next weekend?
* meat, onion, tomatoes, tomato, tomato, i Peter is taller than WaYne.
chicken, red wine, salt É I going to i gonna -3 gonna § going to
i5 d1 *3 i2 ¿ Dhi- is you^geI Lnan Lewis.
Sgoingto §gonna e4 b6
4 How much, a litt1e, a few, How manY, how i Wayne is more overweight than Phil.
much, a few, How manY, a few, How much, * Personal answers.
Steve is stronger than RorY.
a little * Prediction 1: picture 2
i: Frank is happier than Steve.
Prediction 2: picture 3
picture 19.3
Prediction 3: 1 .;:;.::,
T Down: i pepper plneapple 3 grapes §d Éc la
E +T bT iF dF sF t:b
§ steak S spinach =e
Across:Áonions SstrawberrY ?Pie .:i:{:'9.4 3 + solitary + idealistic * calm ¡i spontaneous

3 Courses: s-ar.ers. bever¿ges, main courses § bhouse eafriend dengaged =atrain § a-f, b e, c-d

desserts É married é * the worst . the oldest $ the nearest

How it's cooked: pureed, gril1ed, barbecued, Losing your keys and moving your bag aren't É the most popular i the most tamous
sautéed, steamed, baked usually life changes. the most difficult
Fruits: lemon, melon, Pears =
É eT *T {T §F +F § subway station E park € thing s nightclub
Vegetables: e-'uce. caltoLs, onio^s = * bottle
3 (Second column sequence) c, e, b, f, a, d
* Would you, don't, Would you, like, would
é =F bT {F {iF *F
you, wouldn't, liked € Next week l'm joining a gym.
M]¡ friend and I are helping at a homeless .:a¡:.;i:. 10.4
& Can I have the menu, Would you like to charity next week.
order a starter, I'11 have the chicken saiad, É is / the / in / the b highest / mountarn /
l'm taking cooking classes in the evening. = South Amenca The / wrth / the / in / fhle /
Anything to drink, I would líke a diet soda, -
m h¿r¡ing a session oIhypnosis soon.

Could you bring me a clean Plate. These sentences all have Present Continuous.
is / in :i are / than s follr / faster
* WB: Songhne 8.5: Restaurant and food. 3 + Madeira ¡ Arizona + Madelra * Madeira /
SB: Song line 8.1: Fridge.
,:iiF 9.5 Thailand f Arizona/Thailand gMadeira
Song line 8.2: A little and some. .! c,a,b,e,d ii Arizona
Song line 8.3: Sugar and sweet food. E Personal ans\ /ers. 4 e Lastweek. * Madeira. * Thailand
Song line 8.4: How many.
§ (Dialog order) 3,7, 4, 1, 5, 6, 2 * =T i:T ¡F dF +F
' ',,, ''t ",,.'',,.:l '.ljnitt9,,',,.-,,1,t,= " '1, ,,",,:' á =
Could I borro\M the car, Please? .:::,::i. 10.5
* Can I ask you a question?
t é Biondes have more hair than people with
.i:;,;:.9.'¡ t Could you lend me some moneYl dark hair. F Nerwe impulses can travel faster
i =ahelicopter {acar saplane *abus * Is it oK if I turn off the air conditioner? than Formula One cars. * Men's hair is
Íasubway s atruck & aferry * Do you mind rf I sit here? thicker üan women's hair. * A soccer pitch is
: abike jatrain iamotorcycle ionfoot i Do you mind if I take your Photo? bigger than the area of the lungs.
É *flew bloved ebig *hour *ferrY S *./ + * <,/ d/ +Jc :/ § A dolphin is heavier than an average

* youdo, meetyou, areyou, doyou, I'm a, get persor. F Yout hearirg.s worse afret yorr
* WB: Song line 9.5: Lending and borrowing. edL. Worren have a stronger sense o'
to, take the, ride my SB: Song line 9.1: TransPort smell than men. ii MondaY is the most
4 t drove/flew ?rode 3took/came Song line 9.2: lobs. dangerous day of the week. I We are taller
5 +player *author ;technician dactor Song line 9.3: Future with gonna.
in the morning. : The heart beats slower
{ spec-arist fma'ager q rranicurist. Song line 9.4: Future with gonna.
when you s1eep.
é b How do you usualiy get to work?
Unit l0 3 = Nextweekend. b DannYBelchingis
stronger and he has a lot of energy, he
r Do you take the bus to school? .::i;:, 10.1 doesn't get tired. David Silver is taller and
hrs arms are longer. ¡ Yes, he did.
* Can you ride a motorcycle? I ¡ mouth b eyes i ears ri liPs + nose
§ How do you normally get to the Secret queslion: Do you look like a famous § +itronger bdoesn't/tired ¡taller
supermarket? person? d longer arms * has / better I little faster
i what's your favorite way to travel? É *lips/see beyes/td,k ;mouth/ffi
g won / two
¿ ears / read e nose / FÍioy+es d wB. song l'ne 10.5: ComDa-at-ves.

rfingers $feet SB: Song line 10.1: Parts of the bodY.

I + Itis safe. bTwohours. {No, there are2 3
=chest =hands Song line 10.2: Comparatives and charity.
cables. d No. Very young children can use it. i legs s stomach * head ! arms i teeth
Song line 10.3: SuPerlatives.
+ No, because not many people live there * a fair hair Song line 10.4: Beautiful places around
§ (Second column sequence) d, c, e, b, a b slim / young / long dark hair the world.
*E e beauty technician b carpenter { dentist e old / short gray halr
d electrician * flight attendant f hbrarian *,average height / average build
q police officer e tall / overweight
This Phrase Bank is organized by topics.
fl ffre audio is on the D portal, unit by unit. Phrase Bank
lnvitations D¡tes
Unit 6 Unit 7
Do you want to come to a barbecue? When did you finish_lnghsqhoal?
I'm sorry. I already have p1ans. I got my first job in [anuary 2013.
How about going to a movie tonight? I had mv first child when I was 23.
Sure. That sounds good. V/here and when were you born?
I'm having a party on Saturdal¡. Can you come? I was born in Atlanta on March 16.
Of course I can. \Mhen's your birthday?
Sorry, I can't. But thanks for the invitation. It's on December the 9tu.
Maybe next time. Mv oarenLs sot divorced in 2012.
It's my birthda]¡ this week. Do you think you can come?
Sounds greatl What can I bring?
faYür§ , ''' ,

Unit 7
Houses Could I ask you a favor?
Unit ó Could you do me a favor?
This is my house. Come in. That depends. V/hat is it?
This is the living room and that's the balhroom. Could you open the door for me, please?
Sure, 1'11 do it now.
Could you please do the dishes for me?
My town I'm (really) sorry, but I can't. I don't have time.
But I can do it tomorrow.
Unit é
There wasn't a lot of traffic downtown. Unit 9
Twenty years ago there was a park near my house. Do you mind if I turn on the A/C?
No, sorry, you can't. I'm cold.
Sure, go ahead.
I hate to ask this, but can l borrow some money?
Parties Yes, ofcourse. Here you are.
Unit ó Thanks. I really appreciate it.
What kind of party was it?
It was lane's birthda]¡ part]¡. at her house.
Was there a lot of food?
Yes, there was.
Were lane's parents there? Unit 7
Yes, they were. i can't get a signal.
I dropped my phone.
Unit 9 I have no credit.
Hi! I'm so pleased you came. Is there a public phone near here?
Cool party, and this is a beautiful house. My cell battery's dead.
Help yourself. The line's terrible.
How are you going to celebrate your next birthday?
Let's go out and celebrate.

Past express¡ons
Unit ó
I was at a great party last month.
I was ternfied!
It was awesome!
Were you (at) home last night?
Yes, I was, all evening.
Where were you at 7 o'clock yesterday morning?

ftaactiqRs,':,'.': ,: '
Can I have a soda, piease?
Can you bring us the check, Please?
Unit 7 OK. iust a moment, Please.
Fanlastrcl l
Whal do you have when You get uP?
I can't believe it! Yes, I can. But onlY a llttle.
Oh no, rea11y?!

Wow! What happened?
You're jokingl
Unit 8
Unit 10
Do you have any mone)¡?
Realiy? I didn't know that.
Yes, a little. I have a few coins. / Not much.
Some people are so unluckY. with I
How much money do you usually have ]¡ou?
That sounds great. Problem solved! (

That's terrible! Poor thrng! l

Giving news
Vacations Unit 9
Are you sittlng down?
Unit 7
Guess what!
Did you have a good time?
I have some big news.
Yes, I did. It was great. / No, I didn't. It was...
l just got the news. I'm so excitedl
How did you get there?
They accepted me at the med school.
I went b]¡ car.
V/e're gelting engaged!
I went to the beach.
Who did you go wlth?
I went with my family.
What did you do last vacation? lntentions
Unit 9
Are you going to go to college or get a job?
Food Do you think you're going to be rich one day?
Whal are you going to do when you finish school?
Unit 8
Do you ever look at nulrition tables?
I have absolutely no idea about calories.
How many calories do you eat a day? .Jobs :

I don't know. About 2.000. Unit 9

For breakfast i can only have a bottle of water. I can make a lot of money.
I can't eal any meat. I'm on a diel. I help a 1ot of people.
I don't like oranges. I work alone.
There was a special offer on bananas. I'm unemployed.
There's some milk in the refrigerator. Listen, you know I told you I'm retiring. Well'...
You have to work long hours.

ln a restaurant
Unit 8
'LeavÍns a rncssas€'
Are you ready to order? Unit 9
What would you like for yourslarler? Call me back when you get this message.
I'11 have the soup, please. Could I ask you something?
Would you like to order the main course now? Could you lend me )¡our Phone?
i'd like the chicken, please. Hr, Ronnre: It s Uarla.
Anylhing eise? I need to make a call.
No, that's all, thanks.
And you, madam? What wouid you hke to drink?
I o*l
Trensportatien , ,: lv{a.king sheices.
Unit 9 Unit 10
Did you get the subway today? Where do you want to go?
No, I didn't, I came on foot. i can't decide where to go.
How do you usually get to school / work? What do you recommend?
I go by car. / I walk. I'm not sure, but...
I take the subway. Why don't we go to the beach?
OK, let's go to the beach.

.Dascrjbin$ pۤple
Unit 10
Can you describe yaulbrcther? Unit 7
He's fun and spontaneous. Did you keep the receipt?
She has long¡lark hair. How dld that happen?
She's short and siim and has brown eyes. I weri to Halva rd Universitv.
They're both energeLíc and very strong.
Unit 9
What color is her hair?
Creat to see youl
What does she iook like?
How do you do?
What§he like?
How far is it?
Your sisters look identicall
I never use elevators.
lha- souncLs bor-ng fun

,tvlaking compariicn$ ,, " ," , ' .,,

. ., r',.

Unit l0
I'm nrcre¿ll:lCtre than hrm, but he's taller
I prefer ltalian food, but it's ncre expels¡C.
What's the prettlest place you know?
This is a reference list. To check pronunciation of any individual words, you can use a talking dictionary.

11tr'eleventh car heroic

Unit 6 12ih tweifth ferry ideahstic
Parts of the house 13:h thirteenlh helicopier 1oya1
14rl' fourleenth motorcycie moody
bathroom T J I11 LCC11L1T plane ordinary
bedroorll 16'r'sixleenth su-brvay perfectronisl
drning ror:i'll 17tr'sevenleenth trarn possessirre
garage 1B':'eighteenth truck responsible
kitchen 19'r'nineleenlh romantic
living room 20'r'twentieth solitar:1r
actor spontaneous
cfiice beauty technician
utiiily room strong
Unit 8 cab driver
civil engineer
Food computer programmer: Geographical features
bathtub apple dentrsl canyon
bed banana desrgner CAVE

chair beans financial adr,,isor island

close1 beer iireíighter lake
fan bread flight attendant mounIatn
fireplace bulter freelance journalist rock
cake journalist undergrouncl river
candies market research anaiyst l,olcano
AIIOT muslcla1t waterfall
refrigerator C

cheese NUISE
chicken oplician
chocolate personal secr:eta Ly
collee police oílicer
software der¡eioper
storage space
slove fish
toiiei granola bar Unit l0
TV set grapes
The body and the face
r,vindow lce Cream
julce arm
Party items kiwi back
balloons lemon chesr
beer CAIS
cake mango eVebro-¡s
candles meat eyes
firer.,¡orks melon fingers
glasses milk loot
invitations oil hair
lemonade onion hanci
napkin s olange head
plat-.s pear lug
snacks pepper lips
wine pineapple irouth
p).zza nose
Adjectives to describe stomach
places and events leeth
amazing salad loes
awesome saLt Description words and
bea.utiful soda phrases
dangerous sou.p
fabulous average burld
spaghettl arrerage herght
fantaslic spinach
magical overweight
steak sl-iort
terrilic strawberry slim
sugar tall
Unit 7 tomato Adjectives
vegetables aclive
Ordinal numbers vlnegar ambilious
1'L firsl -,,\¡aler angry
2''' second wtne arrogant
3'i third athletic
5,. fifth
Unit I calm
critic a1
7fn seventh Transportation determined
8ir'eighth bike disorganized
9tr'ninth boat energeirc
10'r'tenth bus generous


is an innovative four-level young adult series that quickly

teaches students to express themselves both accurately and
fluently, thus building their own identity in English.

A range of innouatiue features Eomponents

' A question syllabus: Every lesson begins with a question Student's Book - Fult Ediiion
that students learn to answer in that lesson.
Workbook - Fuit Edition
- Song lines: Unique to English D, tnese have a direct
link to each lesson, providing an authentic hook to help
Student's Book & Workbook 1A - Ccmbo [d.

students remember its language or theme. Student's Book & Workbook IB - Comno Ed.

- Picture Dictionary: Embedded in core lessons with Teacher's Book

contextualized listening and engaging texts, the lD Picture Class CD
Dictionary system provides rich input and systematic
review to accelerate vocabulary learning.

" Speaking: English D offers fluency and accuracy Digital Book for Teaehers
opportunities everywhere. These are clearly marked with Learning Platform
speech bubble models in every lesson.
, IVake it Personal: Each phase of every lesson in English l!
ends with .N¡rq l¡ pERsoNAr , so students can talk about
themselves to personalize what they have studied.

" World of English: ln a chatty style, these boxes present

interesting facts about English and how to study it.
- Common IVlistakes: Highlight what to avoid in order to
maximize opportunities for accuracy.

- lD Café: A sitcom-type video series that helps consolidate

and further practice the main contents of each unit.

- EnglishD fasy Autonomous Learning: This program

provides a self-study route, linking all components, to
help students catch up, review, practice and develop their
English outside class.
Paul Seligson
With over 30 years of global teaching and teacher-training
experience, lead author Paul strongly believes we can accelerate
our students' learning by acknowledging and embracing their
existing linguistic backgrounds and knowledge. This is exactly what
our groundbreaking series does. Welcome to English p!

R Richmond
www.richmondeng lishid.com
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