Language Map - SB: Question Syllabus Vocabulary Grammar Speaking & Skills

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Language Map – SB

Question Syllabus Vocabulary Grammar Speaking & Skills

Are you addicted to TV? TV genres & Talk about TV habits
➤➤ ➤➤ ➤➤

6.1 expressions
➤➤ Compound nouns
➤➤ What’s your favorite TV show? ➤➤ Turn phrases ➤➤ Relative Clauses 1 ➤➤ Talk about famous people &
entertainment options

6.3 ➤➤ What are the last three movies you saw? ➤➤ Relative Clauses 2 ➤➤ Describe movies & music
➤➤ Where do you usually watch movies? ➤➤ Movies & videos ➤➤ As / Like ➤➤ Make a list of movies & Internet
6.4 clips
➤➤ Create a story for a movie
➤➤ When was the last time you did something crazy? ➤➤ On / In ➤➤ Understand details
➤➤ When were you last embarrassed? ➤➤ Express surprise
Review 4  p. 70
Does technology drive you crazy? Car parts Talk about your habits
➤➤ ➤➤ ➤➤

7.1 ➤➤ Phrasal verbs

➤➤ What was the last little lie you told? ➤➤ Say vs. Tell ➤➤ Reported Speech 1 ➤➤ Share stories about being
➤➤ Are you confident with technology? ➤➤ Operating machines ➤➤ Indirect questions ➤➤ Ask & answer questions about
electronic devices
➤➤ Are machines with personality a good idea? ➤➤ Reported Speech 2 ➤➤ Talk about machines with
7.4 personality
➤➤ Send text messages
➤➤ Do you spend too much time on social networks? ➤➤ Discuss a book
➤➤ Do you enjoy a good argument? ➤➤ Debate a topic

8.1 How important are looks? Appearance Reflexive pronouns Talk about appearance
➤➤ ➤➤ ➤➤ ➤➤

➤➤ Do you like to hear gossip? ➤➤ Modal perfects – must ➤➤ Role-play for a photo
8.2 have, can’t have, may /
might have
➤➤ Have you ever cut your own hair? ➤➤ Have vs. Get ➤➤ Causative form ➤➤ Talk about the things you do &
the things you get done

8.4 ➤➤ Do you have a lot of furniture in your room? ➤➤ Furniture ➤➤ Tag questions ➤➤ Check information
➤➤ Is your listening improving? ➤➤ Make predictions
➤➤ What’s the hardest part of language learning? ➤➤ Both, either ➤➤ Express preferences
Review 5  p. 92
9.1 Does crime often worry you? Crime & violence Review of verb families Talk about crime
➤➤ ➤➤ ➤➤ ➤➤

9.2 ➤➤ How could your city be improved quickly? ➤➤ Passive voice ➤➤ Talk about a city’s transformation
➤➤ Where will you be living in five years’ time? ➤➤ By ➤➤ Future Perfect / ➤➤ Discuss ways to protect yourself
Continuous from cyber crime
➤➤ Have you ever been to court? ➤➤ Crime & punishment ➤➤ Decide on the right punishment
for crimes
➤➤ What was your best birthday present ever? ➤➤ Talk about stupid crimes
➤➤ Are you good at making excuses? ➤➤ Just ➤➤ Give excuses

10.1 What makes you angry? Moods Binomials Talk about temperament
➤➤ ➤➤ ➤➤ ➤➤

➤➤ Do you have any pet peeves? ➤➤ Common ➤➤ Gerunds ➤➤ Talk about pet peeves
10.2 expressions with ➤➤ Role-play an anger management
for & of session
➤➤ How assertive are you? ➤➤ Verb + gerund or ➤➤ Test your assertiveness
➤➤ Would you say you were bossy? ➤➤ Phrasal verbs ➤➤ Separable & inseparable ➤➤ Talk about toxic people
phrasal verbs
➤➤ What’s your most common mistake in English? ➤➤ Nouns + infinitive, ➤➤ Talk about your mistakes in
10.5 gerund or base form English
➤➤ Are you going to take an English exam? ➤➤ Make recommendations
Review 6  p. 114

Grammar  p. 126 Irregular verbs  p. 136 ID Café  p. 143 Writing  p. 151 Pronunciation p. 154 Audio Script  p. 162

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