Unit 1 - Performing Arts - CPE
Unit 1 - Performing Arts - CPE
Unit 1 - Performing Arts - CPE
Performing Arts
1) What do you think of when you hear the expression The Arts?
Multiple Choice
This is a text about 700-750 words followed by six four-option multiple-choice questions.
The focus of this task includes an understanding of the writer’s opinion and purpose for
writing through attitude, tone and implication, together with an ability to grasp the
significance of detail and text organization features.
Task Strategy
➢ Whenever you answer questions on a text, it is important to keep the overall
context and the writer’s intention in mind.
➢ Read the multiple-choice questions before you read the text. This will give a focus
to your reading and ultimately save you time.
➢ Read the question stern carefully, plus all the options. Then read the relevant
section of the text to find the answer.
➢ All of the options will seem possible answers to the question but only one will
match the information in the text or the view of the writer. Check that the option
you choose does both.
Word Formation
This is a task with eight gaps, based on a text between 150-170 words. The focus is on
vocabulary and the formation of words from a stern, making use of affixation (prefixes and
suffixes), internal changes and compound words. There may also be a grammatical
element (plurality, verb tenses, participles, etc.) to the changes that need to be made.
Some of the words you have to form may be part of fixed expressions or collocations.
Task Strategy
➢ In order to find the correct word, remember to read each sentence in the context
of the paragraph and the text as a whole.
➢ Use your knowledge of grammar to understand what part of speech the missing
word is (noun, verb, adjective, adverb) and think through the range of possible
affixes, including particles and negative prefixes or suffixes.
➢ Look carefully at the way the sentence is constructed to decide whether the
missing word should be positive or negative.Look for evidence of antithesis (two
opposing ideas)
➢ When the stern presents several possible derivatives, look at the context carefully
to check that you have the derivative with the correct meaning.
➢ Remember that more than one change to the stem word can often be required.
● Tatty gymnasiums: in a bad condition because it has been used a lot or has not been
cared for well
● Hustled: hustle somebody + adv./prep. to make somebody move quickly by pushing
them in a rough aggressive way
● Sartorial style: relating to clothes, especially men’s clothes, and the way they are
made or worn
● Lousy: [only before noun] used to show that you feel annoyed or offended because
you do not think that something is worth very much
● Jaded: tired and bored, usually because you have had too much of something