The Correlation Between Students' Motivation and Their Speaking Ability

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(A Study in the Third Semester Students of English Department Hasanuddin University)

A Thesis

Submitted to the Faculty of Cultural Sciences of Hasanuddin University

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements to obtain Sarjana degree in English Department








Fatahillah Syamsu (F21112300). The Correlation between Students’ Motivation

and Their Speaking Ability (A Study in the Third Semester Students of English
Department Hasanuddin University) (supervised by Nasmilah and Marleiny

This research aimed to know the motivation of students in learning how to speak
English and also to find out the extent to which the correlation of students’
motivation and their speaking ability.

The method used in this research were qualitative and quantitative method with a
correlational technique. The writer collected data by doing classroom observation
and distributing questionnaires to assess students’ motivation. The questionnaires
were adopted from The Attitude/Motivation Test Battery (AMTB) by R.C.
Gardner. Besides, in assessing students’ speaking ability, the lecturer conducted
oral test to the students. The lecturer was the assessor of the oral test. Then, the
writer collected students’ score from the lecturer. Furthermore, the data from
students’ motivation and students’ oral test were analyzed by using Pearson
Product Moment formula to find out the value of coefficient correlation between
students’ motivation and students’ speaking ability.

The result of this research shows two points. First, students’ motivation in
learning how to speak English was high. It can be seen that 20 out of 33 students
have high score motivation on questionnaires and classroom observation. Second,
there was a positive correlation between students’ motivation and students’
speaking ability. It is proved by the value of coefficient correlation (r xy) is 0,562
and rxy (0,562) is bigger than “r” table (rt) in the degree of significance 5% (0,344)
and 1% (0,442).


Fatahillah Syamsu (F21112300). The Correlation between Students’ Motivation

and Their Speaking Ability (A Study in the Third Semester Students of English
Department Hasanuddin University) Dibimbing oleh Nasmilah dan Marleiny

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui motivasi siswa dalam belajar

bagaimana berbicara bahasa Inggris dan juga untuk menemukan sejauh mana
korelasi motivasi siswa dan kemampuan berbicara mereka.

Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kualitatif dan
kuantitatif dengan teknik korelasi. Penulis mengumpulkan data dengan melakukan
observasi kelas dan menyebarkan kuesioner untuk mengetahui motivasi siswa.
Kuesioner yang digunakan diadopsi dari The Attitude/Motivation Test Battery
(AMTB) oleh R.C. Gardner. Selain itu, untuk mengetahui kemampuan berbicara
siswa, dosen mengadakan tes oral kepada siswa. Dosen kelas berbicara
merupakan penilai tes oral tersebut. Kemudian, penulis mengumpulkan nilai siswa
dari dosen kelas berbicara. Selanjutnya, data yang berasal dari motivasi siswa dan
tes oral dianalis menggunakan rumus Pearson Product Moment untuk
menemukan nilai koefisien korelasi antara motivasi siswa dan kemampuan
berbicara siswa.
Hasil dari penilitian ini menunjukkan dua poin. Pertama, motivasi siswa dalam
belajar berbicara bahasa Inggris tinggi. Dapat dilihat bahwa 20 diantara 33 siswa
mempunyai skor motivasi yang tinggi berdasarkan kuesioner dan observasi kelas.
Kedua, ada korelasi positif antara motivasi siswa dan kemampuan berbicara
siswa. Terbukti dari nilai koefisien koelasi (r xy) sebesar 0,562 dan rxy (0,562) lebih
besar dari rtable pada signifikan 5% (0,344) dan 1% (0,442).



There is no words can express the writer’s thankfullness to the Almighty God,
Allah SWT for His blessings and mercies especially during the completion of this
writing. Peace and blessing on the final prophet, Muhammad SAW and his family
and companions.
First and foremost, the writer expresses his sincere thanks to his beloved
parents, Syamsu B. Cangnga and Darmi Hamid for their everlasting love and
support throughout his life, the writer’s brother and sisters, Ika Fauziah Syamsu,
Iskandar Zul Karnaen Syamsu, Asri Ningsih Syamsu and Ainun Zaskia Syamsu
for their love, help, support and care.
The writer expresses his deep appreciation and unlimited thank fullness to
Dra. Nasmilah, M.Hum, Ph.D, his first consultant and Head of the English
Department, for allowing to do this research in her class and also for giving
precious guidance, advice, suggestions and corrections. This also goes to Dra.
Marleiny Radjuni, M.Ed, his second consultant, for her precious guidance, advice,
suggestions and corrections.
The writer also expresses his sincere thanks to Prof. Burhanuddin Arafah,
Ph.D as the Dean of Faculty of Cultural Sciences, to the Deputies Dean of Faculty
of Cultural Sciences, to Abbas, S.S, M.Hum as the Secretary of the English
Department, to Dra. Andjarwati Sadik for become my inspiration to conducted
this research and to all lecturers, the academic staff and the librarians for their
help and support during his study at the Faculty of Cultural Sciences Hasanuddin
His thanks also go to the students of English Department batch 2015 who
were taking Speaking 1 subject (academic year 2015/2016) especially class A for
their participation so that this research could be done successfully.
Last but not least, the writer also expresses his love and thankfullness for
Jojoba’ group members, Kaka Eks, Kaka Auls, Mams Rusa (beauty pageant
lovers), Miss Dallas (my partner crime in Dallas), Cici Desga, Rio Mister

Mappaoddang, Ipphie (another sista from another mother), Kak Bels, Bunds Ning,
Bunds Nana, Hamid, Acca (2nd ru Miss Dallas), Om Gals, Om Buds, Om Bon and
Asho. There are many things done during the years of our togetherness. To the
writer’s good friends, Gina, Iwan, Juanita (Miss BTP), Anti, Riri, Lencha, Efri,
Adibs, Nelli and Edar. Thank you very much for being cheerleader in his life.
Without all laughs, tears and stories we have shared each other, the writer’s
college life would be so boring. To the writer’s great second family, Scarecrow
2012, thanks a million for your foolishness, weeping, happiness, experience,
friendships and many more. The writer cannot mention your entire name but you
made the writer have much great things while studying in English Department.
Not anyone will understand us, keep remind the taglines “stand strong againts the
fear”, so stay cool forever.


TITLE ........................................................................................................ i

LEGITIMACY........................................................................................... ii

PAGE OF APPROVAL ............................................................................. iii

AGREEMENT ........................................................................................... iv

ABSTRACT ............................................................................................... v

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ......................................................................... vii

TABLE OF CONTENTS ........................................................................... ix

LIST OF TABLES ..................................................................................... x

LIST OF APPENDICES ............................................................................ xi

CHAPTER I : INTRODUCTION ............................................................. 1

A. Background ...................................................................................... 1

B. Research Questions .......................................................................... 3

C. Objectives of The Research .............................................................. 4

D. Scope of The Research ..................................................................... 4

E. Significance of The Research ........................................................... 5

CHAPTER II : LITERATURE REVIEW ................................................ 6

A. Previous Studies ............................................................................... 6

B. Theoretical Background ................................................................... 8

CHAPTER III : RESEARCH METHODOLOGY................................... 24

A. Method of Research.......................................................................... 24

B. Population and Sample ..................................................................... 24

C. Technique of Collecting Data ........................................................... 25

D. Technique of Analyzing Data ........................................................... 26

CHAPTER IV : FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION .................................... 29

A. Presentation of Students’ Motivation in Learning How to Speak

English ............................................................................................. 24

B. Presentation of The Correlation Between Students’ Motivation And

Their Speaking Ability ..................................................................... 34

CHAPTER V : CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS ........................ 41

A. Conclusions ...................................................................................... 41

B. Suggestions ...................................................................................... 42

BIBLIOGRAPHY ...................................................................................... 42

APPENDICES ............................................................................................ 44


Table 1 Score of Students’ Motivation .................................................................... 30

Table 2 Output SPSS of Students’ Motivation .......................................................... 31

Table 3 Score of Students’ Speaking Test ................................................................ 35

Table 4 Output SPSS of Students’ Speaking Score ................................................... 36

Table 5 The Calculation of Questionnaires of Motivation and Speaking Score ......... 37

Table 6 The Simple Interpretation of r xy ................................................................... 38


APPENDIX 1 Score of Students’ Motivation

APPENDIX 2 Questionnaires of Students’ Motivation

APPENDIX 3 Score of Students’ Speaking Test

APPENDIX 4 Output SPSS of Students’ Motivation

APPENDIX 5 Output SPSS of Students’ Speaking Score

APPENDIX 6 Output SPSS of Correlation between X variable and Y variable




English is known as a second or foreign language that is learned by people in

the world. This is because English was claimed as International language and

demanded people to learn this language. Then, English is not only learned by

people for business and other purposes, but also by the students in all stages of

school. In the Indonesian formal education, English has been taught and learned

from primary school up to university.

In foreign language class, the students learned some language skills. These are

listening, speaking, reading and writing. This research focused on speaking skill

so the writer elaborates more on this specific skill. Speaking is an activity

conducted by a person to interact with others in order to express ideas, feelings,

opinions, etc. It is also used to share information among people, to negotiate, to

solve problems, etc. Therefore, it is an important skill to be learned by the

students in learning language especially English.

The students are hoped to be able to express their ideas using English in daily

activity. But in fact many students lack the ability to express their ideas through

speaking. Producing spoken language has often meant a difficulty for them as the

statement of Hinkel (2005 : 485) stated that speaking is complex and difficult skill

to master. Besides, it is because speaking skill is not only learning about the

language itself, but also learning how to speak in real communication.

Based on the writers’ experience, it was found that there are some difficulties

that the students find in improving their speaking skill. Firstly, many students lack

of vocabulary as not knowing what to say in English. They often complain that

they are unable to think about anything to say. Besides, the students also lack of

practicing English both in the classroom and outside the classroom. In the

classroom, students have limited time to learn speaking, so they cannot practice

well. While outside the classroom, they prefer to speak their mother tongue rather

than English because almost all people around them speak Indonesian language.

Beside that, the other factors that cause students finding difficulties in learning

speaking is that the students are afraid of making mistakes and being shy to speak

up in the classroom. On the other hand, to get successfull in learning speaking,

students should be at the situation in which they are willing to speak in English. In

other words, many factors affect student in learning speaking.

One of the factors affecting students in learning speaking is motivation.

Dornyei (1998 : 117) states that motivation is one of the factors that influences the

rate and success of second or foreign language (L2) learning. Besides, Harmer

(2001 : 51) stated that motivation is energy of students which come from inside or

outside encouraging themselves to do something. Motivation will give strength to

students in learning speaking in order to speak up. Therefore, motivation seems

have an important role in developing students’ speaking ability.

Based on the explanation above, it is assumed that many students have low

motivation in learning how to speak English. Actually, all students have different

motivation in learning speaking. Some of them are highly motivated. Students

with high motivation will push themselves to speak up. They will face obstacles

which come to them with strong strength from inside. Morever, motivated

students often get the best result because motivation will improve their

performance. However, not all highly motivated students have good speaking

ability. Beside that, low motivated students do not always have low speaking


Therefore, the writer conducted this research to know students’ motivation in

learning how to speak English and to know whether or not there is a correlation

between students’ motivation in learning how to speak English and their English

speaking ability at English Department students.


From the background above, the writer identifies some problems as follows:

1. Many students lack the ability to express their ideas through speaking.

2. Many students consider that speaking is complex and difficult skill to


3. There are some difficulties that the students find in improving their

speaking skill.

4. Motivation seems have an important role in developing students’ speaking


5. All of students have different motivation in learning speaking.

6. It is assumed that students with high motivation in learning speaking will

be more successful to speak rather than students with low motivation.


To avoid that this research will be too broad, the writer limits the analysis of

the research on:

1. The motivation of students in learning how to speak English.

2. The correlation between students’ motivation and their speaking ability.


Based on the scope of the research above, the writer formulates the research

questions as follows:

1. How is the motivation of students in learning how to speak English?

2. To what extent does motivation correlate to the speaking ability of the



By seeing the research questions above, the objective of the research are:

1. To know the motivation of students in learning how to speak English.

2. To find out the extent to which motivation correlate to their English

speaking ability.


Theoritically, this research is expected to provide useful information about the

teaching and learning English at English Department, especially in students’

speaking ability related to their motivation. Practically, by knowing students’

speaking ability related to their motivation, the teachers can be more creative to

teach their students and improve students’ motivation in learning speaking. For

students, they are expected to improve their motivation and their speaking ability.

Beside that, the result of this research is expected can be used as reference for

other researchers who are interested in conducting similiar research.

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