I J O L A I A R R A E ' R R: Part A:Assistant Editor's Information

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Part A:Assistant Editor’s Information

Editor’s Name Subhashni Kumari

E-mail [email protected]

Institution National University of Study and Research in Law

Evolution of Rohingyas as Stateless Ethnic Community


Date Sent to Reviewer

Date Expected from Reviewer 24th October, 2019

Manuscripts’ Area of
International Law

Part B: Assistant Editor’s Evaluation


1. Introduction (50 words)

Terrible condition of Rohingyas, the tribe of Myanmar, is the talk of the town and the
author has tried to coruscate on it through his manuscript. The author has brilliantly tried
to garner the detrimental sitch of the concerned tribe with context to its national and
international scenario. The paper has tried to portray the post colonial Rohingyas
condition and their evolution from a minority tribe to a stateless tribe. The catastrophic
acts of the people of Myanmar and its government against the Rohingya people have
been shown as the basic cause for their dreadful situation, like not including them in the
list of citizens which results in making them void of citizenship rights, lack of religious
harmony, etc. Meanwhile the intervention of UN and other international organisation to
smoothen the tribes’ condition was also broached, along with giving the relevant
recommendation. Lastly, the author sums up by concluding that rohingyas should be
given citizenship rights and religious freedom.

2. Review Remarks (250 words)

The topic of the manuscript was ‘Evolution of the Rohingyas as Stateless Ethnic Community’,
but the author has more discussed upon their detrimental condition in their post-independent
period; rather than firstly firmly establishing the history of the Rohingyas in the pre-
independence period. Therefore, the author has failed to give proper justice to the term
‘evolution’ from the topic and also lacks proper background context. But, the manuscript
contains a good connection between the title and the abstract. The abstract has beautifully plays
its vital role to attract the reader to read further. The paper contains accurate content size, written
with plain and simple English which makes the comprehending easy. The question identified
from the paper i.e. what is the condition of rohingyas with context to its national and
international scenario was answered by the author through factual data. But some of the data was
not reliant because of lack of authoritative citations. The major problem which need to be
addressed in this paper is that the paper lacks its originality. Somehow, it was evident that the
content was directly copied from the site and need much paraphrasing and appreciation of the

authority. The presence of abrupt and random numbers in between the content shows that it is

3. Structuring of the Discussion or Arguments (100 words)

The manuscript has been divided into 6 parts. Each part has successfully established the
connection between the section’s title and its content. The research question, i.e. what is the
condition of rohingyas with context to its national and international scenario, was very well
presented through the structured sections and sub-sections. Had the condition and status of
Rohingyas in the pre-independence period would have been included as one of the section, then
the presentation would have been more structured and would have justified the title of the paper.
Otherwise, the paper was organized and structured. The author has done the doctrinal research
and based his/her premise on factual argument and numerical arguments. Almost all the
numerical arguments, like “there are between 800,000 and 1,100,000 Rohingyas in Myanmar
today, 80% of whom live in Rakhine state” were not backed by any authority. The complete
argument which would have otherwise answered the research question and proved the premise
the author wanted to make, now could not have been possible because of lack of any proper and
authoritative source.

4. Contemporary Relevance or Conceptual Importance (100 words)

The topic of the research paper has the contemporary relevance as to the extent that it has
been the current and hot international topic. The author has beautifully moulded its paper
with contemporary textures. The section ‘Contemporary Developments’ deal with the
present situation of the rohingyas, what efforts the international organisations have put
and there aftermath. While dealing with contemporary development, the author has only
focused the Myanmar and International Organisations but has failed to focus on the
contemporary relation of Myanmar with other countries with relation to the Rohingyas
refugees. This was one of the probable missing points in the paper. Otherwise the article

grabs the sight of the readers because the topic and its relevancy in the international law
with relation to repatriation and refoulement.

5. Citation and Sources (Mention the style of citation used in the paper)

The paper contains good number of references and authority citations. Author has completely
used the reference tools like Id, Supra, etc. But some of the citations need to edited properly and
more of the information like edition number, publisher need to be fed. For instance, “Warzone
Initiatives, Rohingya Briefing Report, October 2015.” Citation need more editing. The major
problem with the citation was re-refering. For e.g. footnote number 14,15,16 and 17 are all Id at
footnote 13 which says that “In 1992, for instance, more than a quarter million fled to
Bangladesh, where they once again confronted a familiar hostility as well as beatings and the
denial of food rations, after military personnel burned its way through villages, killing
hundreds.” This shows lack of authority and irrelevant citations. The author somewhere fails to
acknowledge the relevant and proper citations. In reiteration, the data given in the content needed
some citation for its backing and holding its value. Altogether, the author has been neglecyted to
cite many of his work which needs to be supported by reputable authority. For e.g., “As a result,
entire Muslim Rohingya villages were destroyed; an unknown number of people were killed,
beaten and injured; and approximately 35,000 people were displaced”; “most experts outside of
Myanmar agree that the Rohingya have been living in Rakhine state since at least the 15th
century, and possibly as early as the 7th century. Claims that the Rohingya are recent immigrants
from Bangladesh are simply untrue.”

6. Grammatical Errors

There was no direct and silly grammatical errors, but there were hidden verbs mistake which will
be done correct if the author gets chance for proofreading.

7. Final Comments (200 words)

Part C: Please rate the following: (1= Excellent) (2= Good) (3= Fair) (4= Poor)
(5= Extremely Poor)

Originality of the Content 3

Contribution to the
International Academic 3

Flow of the Content 2

Clarity of Presentation 2

Knowledge and Depth of


Part D: Recommendations (Please mark with an ‘x’)

Accept as itsubmitted

Requires Minor Corrections

Requires Moderate Revision

Requires Major Revision X

Submit to Another Publication such


Reject X

1. Please specify the changes required by the author(s) (If any)


2. If manuscript is rejected, please mention the reasons

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