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AAC - Roles & Responsibilities of SLP

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Roles & Responsibilities of SLPs With Respect to Alternative Communication: Statement

Position Statement 1 - 2005

Roles and Responsibilities of Speech-

Language Pathologists With Respect
to Augmentative and Alternative
Communication: Position Statement

ASHA Special Interest Division 12, Augmentative

and Alternative Communication (AAC)

The American Speech-Language-Hearing Association It is the position of the American Speech-

(ASHA) Special Interest Division 12: Augmentative and Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) that commu-
Alternative Communication (AAC) prepared this position nication is the essence of human life and that all people
statement. Members of the Working Group for Division 12 have the right to communicate to the fullest extent pos-
included Stephen Calculator (chair, document revisions sible. No individuals should be denied this right, irre-
committee), Amy Finch, Susan McCloskey, Ralf Schlosser, spective of the type and/or severity of communication,
and Cassie Sementelli. Tracy Kovach and Rose Sevcik, mem- linguistic, social, cognitive, motor, sensory, perceptual,
bers of the Working Group, provided input to an earlier draft and/or other disability(ies) they may present.
of this document. Alex Johnson, 2002–2005 vice president Provision of AAC services is within the scope of
for professional practices in speech-language pathology, practice of speech-language pathologists (ASHA,
and Celia Hooper, 2003–2005 served as monitoring vice 2001). The speech-language pathologist (SLP) who is
presidents. Roseanne Clausen and Michele Ferketic, ex offi- practicing within the area of AAC shall:
cio members of the committee, provided additional support.
· Recognize and hold paramount the needs and
interests of individuals who may benefit from
Position Statement AAC and assist them to communicate in ways
Augmentative and alternative communication they desire.
(AAC) refers to an area of research, clinical, and edu- · Implement a multimodal approach to enhance
cational practice. AAC involves attempts to study and effective communication that is culturally and
when necessary compensate for temporary or perma- linguistically appropriate.
nent impairments, activity limitations, and participa- · Acquire and maintain the knowledge and skills
tion restrictions of individuals with severe disorders (ASHA, 2002) that are necessary to provide
of speech-language production and/or comprehen- quality professional services.
sion, including spoken and written modes of commu-
nication. · Integrate perspectives, knowledge and skills of
team members, especially those individuals
who have AAC needs, their families, and sig-
nificant others in developing functional and
meaningful goals and objectives.
Reference this material as: American Speech-Language- · Assess, intervene, and evaluate progress and
Hearing Association. (2005). Roles and responsibili- outcomes associated with AAC interventions
ties of speech-language pathologists with respect to using principles of evidence-based practice.
alternative communication: Position statement. · Facilitate individuals’ uses of AAC to promote
ASHA Supplement 25, in press. and maintain their quality of life.
Index terms: augmentative/alternative communication
(AAC), non-verbal languages, service delivery mod-
· Advocate with and for individuals who can or
els, severely disabled people already do benefit from AAC, their families, and
Associated document: Technical report significant others to address communication
Document type: Position statement
needs and ensuring rights to full communica-
tion access.

2005 - 2 American Speech-Language-Hearing Association

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (2001).
Scope of practice in speech-language pathology. Rockville,
MD: Author.
American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (2002).
Augmentative and alternative communication: Knowl-
edge and skills for service delivery. The ASHA Leader,
7(Suppl. 22), 97–106.

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