70+ Communication Based Projects For Engineering Students

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70+ Communication Based

Projects for Engineering Students

Here, we have listed out some important and useful projects based on
electronics and communication. These projects are mainly helpful for final
year engineering students. These project ideas include projects based on
various categories like DTMF, GSM, RF, RFID, Smartcard, etc.

If you are interested, you may check the list of various communication
based projects given below. You may write your comments and new project
ideas also in comments section. If you have any opinions and suggestions,
you are always welcome to visit our contact us page.

Table of Contents
 Communication using MATLAB
 Communication Projects using Labview
 Bluetooth Communication Projects
 GSM Communication Projects
 DTMF Projects
 Zigbee Projects
 Miscellaneous

Communication using MATLAB

1. Intelligent approach to video transmission over 2.4 GHz wireless
technology : This paper researches a new method for the
transmission of MPEG video over a 2.4 GHZ network using MATLAB.
It implements neural-fuzzy controller and a rule-based fuzzy controller
in the design. Results show that this method improves the data loss
and improves the image quality.
2. Grasping money game used in wireless channel resource
allocation: With the increase in communication technology
many wireless communication devices have been introduced, which
crowded the wireless channels. Grasping money game is a technique
used for allocating resources in wireless channels. This paper
researches on this technique.

Communication Projects using Labview

1. Design and Development of Virtual Instrumentation System for
Disabled using Labview: This paper develops a virtual system that
aids deaf and dumb to communicate with the world. It collects the
hand gestures from the user and converts it into a voice
using Labview.
2. AES-256 Encryption in Communication using Labview: This
paper studies a new scheme to enhance security of WPN network.
Here AES technique is implemented for encryption algorithm.

Bluetooth Communication Projects

1. Bluetooth Controlled Electronic Home Appliances: This project
shows controlling of home appliances using Bluetooth technology.
This project uses AT89c51  microcontroller for controlling the
appliances by taking commands from Bluetooth.
2. How To Make Arduino Based Home Automation Project via
Bluetooth?: This project shows home automation using  arduino via

GSM Communication Projects
1. GSM Based Home Security Alarm System Using Arduino: The
project shown here provides security to the home. When any intruder
enters home it sends a message to the owner using GSM. Intruder is
detected using PIR sensor.
2. GSM Controlled Robot using Microcontroller: Here is project
showing robot controlled using GSM .Here AT89c51 microcontroller is
used for controlling the robot.
3. GSM Interfacing with 8051: The main principle of this circuit is to
interface a GSM modem with the microcontroller. The microcontroller
used is AT89C51 microcontroller.
4.  Wireless Electronic Notice Board using GSM: This wireless
electronic notice board using GSM Technology and microcontroller
circuit is used to display the data on LCD whatever we sent from the
5. Remote Industrial Security System: A wireless based industrial
security system is designed here. The system is based on GSM
communication and the main component is a microcontroller. The
main reason for choosing GSM as the mode for communication is the
range of GSM is very large and can send and receive signals or
messages from any remote place. Some of the sensors used in this
system are proximity, light, gas and smoke sensors.
6. Centralized Monitoring System for Taxies: Taxis are one of the
common modes of transportation in cities. For the safety of the
passengers and accurate information about distance and fare, a
system is proposed for monitoring taxis. Using this system, police can
monitor all the taxis without any hassle. It is based on GPS technology
and also uses GSM for sending messages to the customer.
7. Wireless Weather Monitoring based on GSM : A wireless weather
sensing and monitoring system is proposed here. It consists of
different sensors like temperature, humidity, light etc. and displays this
information on an LCD. Also, a GSM module is used so that the
information can be sent to a remote system via SMS. Using this
system, weather can be monitored without actually being present in
that place.

DTMF Projects
1. DTMF Controlled Robot without Microcontroller: Here
a DTMF controlled robot without any microcontroller is shown.
2. DTMF Controlled Home Automation System Circuit: The system
shown here automates the home using DTMF technology. This
system can control only 16 devices  at  a time as there are only 16
DTMF tones available in the mobile.

Zigbee Projects
1. Restaurant Management System Project: Here is project that
shows automation of restaurants. It uses zigbee for communication
between the user and server in the restaurant.
2. Zigbee Based Defense Robot: This video shows a zigbee
controlled  defence robot. It is controlled using a PC .This robot
collects the information about the enemies and sends  it to control
room. It then takes the necessary actions like gun shooting  according
to the instruction given from the control room.

1.  Wireless Power Transfer: This circuit mainly works on the principle
of mutual inductance. This circuit may be used as wireless power
transfer circuit, wireless mobile charger circuit, wireless battery
charger circuit, etc.
2. Street Lights that Glow on Detecting Vehicle Movement: This
article describes about the circuit that switches the street lights on
detecting vehicle movement and remains off after fixed time. This
system controls the street lights using light dependent resistor and
PIR sensor.
3. DTMF Based Home Automation System Circuit: This is a simple
and very useful circuit in our real life named DTMF controlled home
appliances system. It helps to control the home appliances using
DTMF technology.
4. RFID based Attendance System: This simple RFID based
attendance system is designed using ATmega8 Microcontroller and is
mainly used in educational institutions, industries, etc. where
authentication is needed.
5. Density Based Traffic Signal System using Microcontroller: In
this system, we use IR sensors to measure the traffic density. We
have to arrange one IR sensor for each road; these sensors always
sense the traffic on that particular road. All these sensors are
interfaced to the microcontroller. Based on these sensors, controller
detects the traffic and controls the traffic system.
6. Remote Control Circuit through RF without microcontroller:
Here we have used RF434 MHz modules to make wireless remote.
Using this remote, we can control the appliances within the range of
100 meters. It is used for remote control applications like burglar
alarm, car door alarm, calling bell, security systems, etc.
7. Remote Operated Spy Robot Circuit: This is a simple spy robot
circuit which can be controlled by the remote. The maximum
controllable range is 125 meters. It is used to observe the behavior of
wild animals where human beings cannot reach.
8. Cellphone Controlled Home Appliances: This mobile controlled
home automation system is designed without using microcontroller.
We can also control a robot using this technology by making some
9. Remote Password Operated Electronic Home Appliances: This
circuit explains you how to control the electrical appliances using an
Android device. Here, Bluetooth module is interfaced to 8051
microcontroller. This Bluetooth receives the commands from the
Android application device using wireless communication.
10. Metal Detector Robotic Vehicle: Land mines buried under the
ground causes threat to the lives and affect the economy of the nation.
Detection and removing of these mines manually is a dangerous task.
So, we use a metal detection robot which works on RF technology
11. Car Parking Guard Circuit Using Infrared Sensor: This circuit
helps the person in the driving seat in such a way that it gives an
alarm if there is any obstacle or a wall while parking or while driving in
reverse. It is very useful in our real life.
12. Wireless Switch Circuit using CD4027: This is a simple circuit
which needs no physical contact with the appliance. In this circuit, all
you need is to pass your hand above LDR to ON or OFF the switch.
13. Cell Phone Detector: This is a simple circuit which helps to detect
the presence of an activated cell phone by detecting the signals in the
frequency range of 0.9 to 3GHz. It helps in mobile phones tracking
which are used for spying.
14. FM Transmitter Circuit: Here we built a wireless FM transmitter
which uses RF communication to transmit the medium or low power
FM signal. The maximum range of transmission is around 2 km.
15. TV Remote Control Jammer: This proposed TV jammer circuit
confuses the infrared receiver in a TV by producing the constant
signal that interferes the remote control signal. If you switch on the
circuit once, the TV will not receive any command from the remote.
This allows you to watch your own program without anyone changing
the channel or volume.
16. TV Transmitter Circuit: The main principle of this circuit is to
transmit the audio and video signals. Here audio signals are frequency
modulated and video signals are PAL modulated. These modulated
signals are applied for the antenna.
17. Transistor Intercom Circuit: This transistor intercom circuit is a
simple two way intercom circuit which is used for the dual purpose of
sending as well as receiving signals.
18. FM Remote Encoder/Decoder Circuit: This is a simple post which
shows you how to design FM remote encoder and decoder circuit
using RF600E and RF600D ICs. This pair of encoder and decoder ICs
establishes the communication with high level security. The operating
voltage of these ICs is from 2V to 6.6V DC.
19. Interfacing GPS with 8051 Microcontroller: In this interfacing of
GPS with 8051 circuit, GPS module calculates the position by reading
the signals that are transmitted by satellites.
20. IR Audio Link Circuit: This simple IR audio link circuit is used to
transmit audio signals wirelessly. This IR audio link is able transmit
audio signals up to 4 meters.
21. Wireless AC/DC Device control for Appliances Using Remote
Control: A simple, small and cost effective equipment for device
control is developed in this project. It is a microcontroller based
project, which can control both AC and DC appliances with the help of
a remote control. It is an RF based communication, so that there is no
need for line-of sight contact between the transmitter and the receiver.
22. PC Regimented Defense Android Using ZigBee: A ZigBee
wireless communication based robotic system has been developed for
the usage in military applications. It is a microcontroller based system
with wireless camera. This wireless controlled robot assists the
defense as a mini-search robot which can detect any unauthorized
23. Wireless AC Motor Speed Control Using TRIAC: The application
of this project is to wirelessly control the direction of rotation and
speed of an AC motor. The wireless network used for the purpose of
communication between the transmitter and receiver is DTMF. Since,
it is an AC motor, a TRIAC and a TRIAC driver are used.
24. Wireless Stepper Motor Control using IR
Communication: Stepper motor is one of the frequently used motors
in process control, robotics and machine tools. But the wired control,
when used in the application of robotics, is not a good idea. Hence, a
wireless control of stepper motor is developed here. It is based on
infrared (IR) communication with a limited wireless range. The range
of the remote can be increased by employing an RF communication
25. ZigBee based wireless remote weather station monitoring
system: The aim of this project is to implement a ZigBee based
wireless weather station monitoring system so that it can be monitored
remotely without or less human intervention. The reason for using
ZigBee technology is it has a standard data rate and the battery life is
26. Two-way Wireless Data Messaging System for Rural Areas
using ZigBee Technology: Using this project, data can be
transmitted securely using ZigBee technology for the application in
rural areas. The communication can be two-way communication and
the security of the data is of no concern as the protocol of ZigBee
communication allows encryption and decryption of the data
27. Wireless Stepper Motor Control using RF Communication: This
project describes a method for wirelessly controlling the direction and
speed of a stepper motor. RF communication is used to control the
stepper motor wirelessly. RF transmitter and receiver form the
communication link. Because of the RF communication, the range of
the wireless network will be significantly larger and the signals can be
transmitted even in the presence of any obstacles.
28. Wireless DC Motor Speed and Direction Control using IR (PWM
and H-Bridge):The goal of this project is to wirelessly control the
speed and direction of a DC motor using IR based communication. A
combination of PWM and H-Bridge (Motor Driver) is used to get the
necessary DC motor speed and direction. A microcontroller is used to
generate the PWM signals and also continuously monitor the data
from the IR sensors.
29. Wireless Electronic Notice Board with Multi Point Receivers
using RF Communication System: Notice board is the primary
means of communication in public utility places like airports, railway
stations, institutions etc. In this project, an RF based wireless
electronic notice board is developed. In order to ensure that the data
is secure, an encoder and decoder module is used so that the
communication is only between the transmitter and the receiver
30. ZigBee based Secured Wireless Data transmission and
Reception: In this project, a microcontroller based wireless data
transmission and reception using the ZigBee protocol is developed.
ZigBee uses a 128-bit key security mechanism so that the data
transferred using system this will be secure.
31. Intelligent Wireless Controller for Oil Wells: The monitoring at oil
pump units is mainly manual. In this project, a wireless monitor and
control system for oil pumping unit in oil wells is designed. It is a
microcontroller based system with ZigBee transmitter and receiver. A
network of sensors include, level sensor, voltage sensor and current
sensor will form a wireless sensor network that can be monitored
32. Wireless Transformer Monitoring System: Transformers are one
of the most common and important electrical equipment. They are
located everywhere and are used in consumer as well as industrial
purpose. Hence, maintenance of transformers is a huge task. The
system developed here will help in monitoring the transformers
wirelessly. A network of sensor are integrated to a microcontroller and
are communicated via RF communication .
33. Wireless Motor Monitoring System: A microcontroller based
wireless monitor and control of a motor is developed on this system.
Such systems are often used in industrial automation process. The
wireless communication is based on ZigBee protocol. The use of
ZigBee network will reduce the usage of any wires in the monitoring
34. Wireless Traffic Light Controller: In this project, an intelligent traffic
light controller based on wireless communication is proposed. The
system works in two modes viz. automatic and manual. A set of
patterns are defined in the system so that there is smooth flow of
traffic in all the directions.
35. Wireless Audio Communication System: The growth of wireless
technology in consumer applications is rapid. One such are is audio
transmission and reception. In this project, an efficient and low cost
system is developed through which audio is transmitted wirelessly
using IR communication. The range of the wireless link will be around
36. Cryptographic Secured Communication Between Army
Stations:Communication between army stations should be very safe
and secure from alien systems. Hence, the data should be encrypted
while transmitting and the same should be decrypted at the receiving
station. Cryptography is the best form to encrypt and secure the data.
An algorithm is proposed for secured communication between army
stations over long distance.
37. Remote Controlled Dish Antenna: Antennas are an important
equipment is the field of communication. Dish antenna or parabolic
antennas are frequently used in many areas of applications. The
requirement of the dish antennas is its positioning with respect to the
satellite. A system is developed in this project which helps in
wirelessly controlling the position of the antenna. A microcontroller is
used to control the position of the motors with the help of IR
transmitter and receiver.
38. Video Signal Transmitter: A system, which can transmit video
signals wirelessly, is developed here. The transmitter section
transmits the signals in RF range and there can be multiple receiver
systems, for example, multiple TV’s can receive the same signal
without any wires. The range of the RF communication is about 40
39. Wireless Security System: A microcontroller based home security
system is developed here. It uses RF signals as the wireless
communication standard. It includes a group of sensors like IR sensor,
window/door contact sensor and a buzzer. Such system, with
additional sensors, can also be used in industrial security applications
40. Wireless Voting Machine: Vote is our voice as a citizen of the
society. Recent developments in technology has helped in organizing
elections in an easy and efficient manner. The aim of this project is to
implement an intelligent wireless EVM (electronic voting machine).
The communication between the EVM and the records unit is through
RF mode.
41. Remote Home Security System: The proposed system involves a
microcontroller based home security system with remote monitoring.
The system includes passive IR sensor, temperature, gas & smoke
detector. All these sensors form a wireless sensor network and can
communicate with the authorized person via GSM network.
42. Wireless Camera Position System: A wireless communication
based camera positioning system is developed here. An RF
transmitter and receiver are interfaced to a PC and the positioning of
the camera is controlled by a microcontroller with the help of a motor
driver unit. The communication between the microcontroller and the
PC is through RS232 cable.
43. Accident Identification System: An intelligent accident identification
system location display unit is designed in this project. A
microcontroller is used along with ultrasonic sensor, vibration sensor,
temperature sensor, accelerometer, fire detector, heart rate monitor
and seat belt warning system. All the data from the sensors is
collected by the microcontroller and in case of any emergency, the
exact location is captured by a GPS module and sent via GSM
44. Vehicle Tracking System: Vehicle tracking system is becoming an
important part in city life for safety and security. This project
implements a GPS/GSM based vehicle tracking system. The GPS
module continuously monitors the location of the vehicle. The GSM
module will transmitted the data in case of any request from the user
or accident.
45. Fire Fighting Robotic Vehicle: A voice controlled firefighting robot
is proposed in this project. The system is capable of detecting fire and
alarm a buzzer. The voice commands are transmitted via RF
communication link. It is a microcontroller based system with wireless
video feed with the help of a camera.
46. Tampered Energy Meter Information Conveyed to Concerned
Authority by Wireless Communication: The aim of this project is to
send a notification to the authority in the event of tampering of energy
meter. Energy theft is a serious problem and has to be prevented. A
microcontroller based system is designed which monitors the energy
consumption and sends a message to the concerned authority using
GSM technology. The information about normal energy reading as
well as tampering of energy meter is conveyed.
47. Wireless Audio Transmitter for TV: The use of wireless technology
in household applications brings mobility to the user. One such system
is a wireless audio transmitter for TV. In this project, audio signals
from TV (or any other device like computer, music player etc.) are
transmitted wirelessly using 2.4GHz RF communication to
headphones. The range of the designed system is approximately
48. War Field Spying Robot with Night Vision Wireless
Camera: Terrorism is a serious issue the World is facing. The aim of
this project is to design a spying robot which can fight terrorists and
also in war field so that the human victims can be reduced. This robot
has a wireless night vision camera that transmits the video signals
even in night time to the base station using RF communication.
49. Automatic Wireless Health Monitoring System in Hospitals for
Patients: Care of critically ill patients should be spontaneous and
accurate. In India, many lives are affected by heart attacks as they do
not get timely treatment. The project helps in monitoring the necessary
parameters like heart beat rate, body temperature etc. The data is
continuously monitored by a microcontroller and can transmit the
information using a ZigBee network.
50. Wireless Over Temperature Alarm: In this system, the temperature
is monitored continuously by a microcontroller and in the event of rise
in temperature over the predefined reference level, the alarm goes off.
Such system are very useful in industries, where precise temperature
should be maintained. The data can be transmitted over wireless
communication system like RF or GSM
51. Wireless Message Communication Between Two
Computers: The main aim of this project is to enable wireless
communication between two personal computers. The protocol used
for communication is ZigBee. The advantage of ZigBee is that the
data transmitted will be encrypted and can be decrypted only by the
appropriate receiver.
52. Wireless Temperature Monitoring on Remote Seven-segment
Display using RF:A wireless temperature monitoring system is
proposed here. The main advantage of this project is that it can be
used to display the readings on a 7-segment or LCD wirelessly over
RF links. The system is a low cost and easy maintenance temperature
monitoring device that can be used in industries.
53. Wireless Hospital Management System: A Bluetooth based
wireless hospital management system is proposed here. With the help
of this system, the communication between doctors and nurses’ about
patients’ data will be very easy. A dedicated Bluetooth server will
collect all the data. The programming is in Python script. The
advantage of Bluetooth over Wi-Fi is that there is no chance of any
interference with sensitive medical equipment.
54. Simple Radar Communication System: A simple radar
communication system based project is designed here which has an
important application in reducing accidents. A radar system captures
the speed of the car and if the vehicle is moving above the speed limit,
the number plate is captured and the information is transmitted to the
concerned authority. The advantage of radar based system is that it is
fast, accurate and also can recognize the number plates very easily.
55. File Sharing Using Bluetooth: Peer-to-Peer file sharing helps in
sharing data between two devices without any hassle. Bluetooth is
one such protocol which is used in P2P file sharing. A system is
proposed here which enables all the Bluetooth enabled devices like
cell phones, audio players etc. to transfer data. This system allows file
sharing with minimum inquiry and connection time.
56. Wireless Process Controller: Process in an industry is a method of
changing the raw materials in to finished goods. Process control is a
method of controlling the process variables. A wireless process
monitor and control system is proposed here which is based on
network of sensors. The advantage of such wireless sensor network is
that there is no need of any cabling, which reduces the time involved
in maintenance of the controller and hence more production can be
57. RF based tsunami detection and remote alert system with 60dB
siren: The aim of this project is to design a system which helps in
tsunami detection and alerts a remote area. A pressure sensor, which
is anchored to the sea floor, is used to read the pressure of the water.
This data is transmitted to the control station over RF communication
link. The advantage of RF communication is there is less interference
from other signals.
58. Wireless Electrical Apparatus Control System using IR
communication: Home automation is a rapidly growing area. An
infrared communication based control system for electrical appliances
is designed. A microcontroller and a set of relays are used to
implement this project. As the communication is based on IR
transmission, all the apparatus can be controlled using a remote. The
range of the system is limited due to the low range of IR
communication. But can still be effective.
59. Streetlight Power Cable Monitoring System Based on Wireless
Sensor Networks using Zigbee communication: A Zigbee based
remote monitoring of street lights is developed. It is a system which
provides safety at night time for pedestrians. The proposed system
contains a microcontroller, a sensor network and a solar panel
associated with ZigBee network. It automatically does the actions of
ON/OFF/DIM. In case of power failure, the power from the solar
panels is used.
60. Zigbee based Wireless Device control for Industrial
Atomization: Industrial automation is a very important process as it
helps in increasing the production and also maintenance can be very
less. This project aims at device control using ZigBee communication.
A microcontroller is connected to the ZigBee receiver and controls the
associated relays. A similar system using Bluetooth can be
constructed but the advantage of ZigBee over Bluetooth is its low
power consumption. “
61. Wireless DC Motor Speed and Direction Control using RF
Communication: The uses and applications of DC motors are huge.
They are used in various home, consumer, industrial and research
applications. The aim of this project is to provide a wireless speed and
direction control of a DC motor. It is a microcontroller based system
with H-Bridge for driving the motor. The communication between the
user and the controller is via RF link. “
62. Wireless Attendance Recorder: The normal way of recording
attendance in institutions is either by calling out the name/number of
the student or by passing a sheet for signature of the student. It is a
time consuming and cumbersome process and the chance for false
entries is more. A system is proposed where automatic entry of
attendance is provided using Near Field Communication (NFC). The
electronic attendance register will start to capture the attendance as
soon as the instructor enters a class room. The NFC devices must be
with the students.
63. ARM Hardware Platform for Vehicular Monitoring and
Tracking: The aim of this project is to monitor and track different
parameters like location, speed etc. of a vehicle using the GPS
module. The tracked data can be sent to a control or monitor station
and also to a registered mobile via SMS using GSM technology. Such
system can be installed in heavy vehicles like cargo trucks to small
cars and bikes for the purpose of security, tracking and surveillance.
64. Air Pollution Monitoring System Using Zigbee and GPS
Module: The degree of automation in all sectors in increasing rapidly
with the growth in technology. In the proposed system, a wireless
sensor network of gas sensors are used to monitor different pollutants
like Carbon dioxide, Carbon monoxide, Nitrogen dioxide and Sulphur
dioxide. A ZigBee based communication is used to transfer this data
to a control station along with the locations captured from GPS
65. Wireless Material Handling Robot Controlled through
Zigbee: Manual material handling is a time consuming process and
requires more man power. This might affect the production or delivery
time of the goods. The purpose of this project is to implement a
wireless material handling robot which is controlled via ZigBee
network. This system uses flex sensor, ultrasonic sensor,
accelerometer and electronic compass.
66. Assistance for Dumb and Illiterates in Airline Based on Touch
Screen and Zigbee: A touch screen based assistance system for the
dumb and illiterates travelling in an airline is designed here. Services
like coffee, tea, drinks, food etc. can be requested using this system.
The communication between the interface and the control unit (located
at the air hostess) is done through ZigBee protocol. Both the
transmitter and receiver sections require microcontrollers.

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