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DLL ENGLISH Q1 W4 Joy in Learing English 5

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GRADES 1 to 12 School Unson Elementary School Grade Level Five

DAILY LESSON LOG Teacher Ranelyn A. Tudtud Learning Areas English

Teaching Dates and Time July 2-6, 2018 Quarter Q1 W4

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

I. OBJECTIVES Realize the important of being polite at all times.
Express tactfulness when communicating with others.

A. Content Standards The learner... The learner... The learner... The learner... The learner...

Demonstrate understanding of Demonstrate understanding of Demonstrate understanding of the Demonstrate understanding of the Demonstrate understanding of
the various forms and the various forms and various forms and conventions of various forms and conventions of print, the various forms and
conventions of print, non-print conventions of print, non-print print, non-print and digital non-print and digital materials conventions of print, non-print
and digital materials and digital materials materials and digital materials
Demonstrate understanding of various
Demonstrate understanding of Demonstrate understanding of Demonstrate understanding of non-verbal elements in orally Demonstrate understanding of
various non-verbal elements in various non-verbal elements in various non-verbal elements in communicating information various non-verbal elements in
orally communicating orally communicating orally communicating information orally communicating
information information Demonstrate understanding of various information
Demonstrate understanding of linguistics nodes to comprehend various
Demonstrate understanding of Demonstrate understanding of various linguistics nodes to texts Demonstrate understanding of
various linguistics nodes to various linguistics nodes to comprehend various texts various linguistics nodes to
comprehend various texts comprehend various texts comprehend various texts

B. Performance Standards The learner... The learner... The learner... The learner... The learner...

Evaluates effectively the Evaluates effectively the Evaluates effectively the message Evaluates effectively the message Evaluates effectively the
message constructed and message constructed and constructed and conveyed in constructed and conveyed in various message constructed and
conveyed in various viewing conveyed in various viewing various viewing texts. viewing texts. conveyed in various viewing
texts. texts. texts.
Orally communicates information, Orally communicates information,
Orally communicates Orally communicates opinions and ideas effectively to opinions and ideas effectively to Orally communicates
information, opinions and ideas information, opinions and ideas different audiences using a variety different audiences using a variety of information, opinions and ideas
effectively to different effectively to different of literary activities literary activities effectively to different
audiences using a variety of audiences using a variety of audiences using a variety of
literary activities literary activities literary activities

C. Learning Competencies/ Objectives Identify the elements of Infer the meaning of unfamiliar  Infer the meaning of unfamiliar Compose clear and coherent sentences (EN5VC-Id-6) Distinguish among
Write the LC code for each literary texts (EN5LC-ID-2.17.3) words ( affixed) based on given words ( affixed) based on given using appropriate grammatical various types of viewing
Use formal and informal context clues (synonyms, context clues (synonyms, structures: -Modals (EN5G-Id-3.6) materials
English when appropriate to antonyms, word parts) and antonyms, word parts) and other
task and situation (EN5OL-Id- other strategies ((EN5V-Id-12 strategies ((EN5V-Id-12 and 13)
3.9) and 13)  Read with automaticity (EN5F-Id-
Summarize narrative texts
based on elements -Theme
-Setting -Characters (Heroes and
Villains) -Plot (beginning, middle
and ending) EN5RC-Id- 2.23
Observe politeness at all times

II. CONTENT Listening to a poem Reading selection: “Say ‘Thank  Inferring meaning of unfamiliar  Recognizing modals and phrasal  Photographs Says a
Using appropriate language you’ Often” suffixed and prefixed words forms Thousand Words
 Summarizing narrative texts Spelling prefixed and suffixed  Using modals for making requests
words  Using modals for giving advice
 Photographs Says a Thousand Words
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages Joy in Learning English 5 pp. 25- Joy in Learning English 5 pp. 25- Joy in Learning English 5 pp. 25-35 Joy in Learning English 5 pp. 25-35 Joy in Learning English 5 pp. 25-
35 35 35
2. Learner’s Material pages Joy in Learning English 5 pp. 44- Joy in Learning English 5 pp. 45- Joy in Learning English 5 pp. 48- 54 Joy in Learning English 5 pp.54-56 Joy in Learning English 5 pp.54-
45 47 56
3. Textbook pages Joy in Learning English 5 pp. 44- Joy in Learning English 5 pp. 45- Joy in Learning English 5 pp. 48- 54 Joy in Learning English 5 Joy in Learning English 5
45 47

4. Additional Materials from

Learning Resource (LR) portal
B. Other Learning Resources Power point presentation Power point presentation Power point presentation Power point presentation Power point presentation

1. Reviewing previous lesson or Show the pupils pictures of Have all the pupils read the Oral reading fluency practice. Show the pupils the following sentences:
presenting the new lesson scenic spots in our country. high-frequency words on page  Explain how pupils will work on 1. Vincent’s dad must pay for new tickets Talk about the assignment
Can you say that our country is 45 aloud. Then call some pupils the third practice for oral to the circus. given yesterday.
beautiful? What makes you say one by one to read the words reading in this lesson. It is 2. Elephants can dance ballet.
so? What words would you use aloud. Take note of the words expected that the number of 3. Danny may give away hos tickets if he
when you meet people and they have difficulty reading. difficult words encountered wants to. 2.
telling them to make our world Have them practice reading the should have at least decreased. Do you know what modals are?
beautiful? words aloud repeatedly until Provide ample time for the Can you spot the modals in the
they get it. pupils to do the practice sentences that were just presented?
Present the words using cards
displayed on a pocket chart.
Have pupils read the words 1.
aloud. Draw out the meaning of
the words using context clues
and/or pictures. Then, have the
pupils practice reading the
words with automaticity until
they get it right. Have pupils
read phrases and sentences
from the text containing the
1. I went to her room and
chatted about everything she
wanted to talk about.
2. My suspicions were right.
3. As her visits progressed, I
noticed how she entered my
room almost panting.
4. And there she was, just as if
decades folded into mere days.
5. I never saw my mom get tired
of fussing over me.
6. In my pride, I don’t show it as
much as I should.
7. She tearfully shared with me
her emotional realization.
4. Establishing a purpose for the lesson Read each pair of sentences. Have the pupils say something  Show the words management, Show the pupils the following sentences: Have the pupils recall the
Take note of the differences about their mothers. Ask: How decision, misty, awesome. Ask: 1. Vincent’s dad must pay for new tickets picture shown to represent the
between long/formal do you know that your mother Can you find another word to the circus. scenic view of our country. Tell
expressions and short/informal loves you? Do you show her the “hidden” in these words? 2. Elephants can dance ballet. them how photographs can
expressions. Get a partner in same love in return? Proceed to  Show following words to the 3. Danny may give away hos tickets if he convey a message even without
reading the sentences. ask the questions page 45: Do pupils: act, cover, fair. Use flash wants to. using words.
Formal: May I introduce to you you say “Thank you” often? cards or ppt. Ask: What do these Do you know what modals are?
my teacher, Mrs. Dela Cruz? When do you usually say these words mean? Show the words Can you spot the modals in the
Informal: Please meet my words? How do people react again but add the prefixes re-, sentences that were just presented?
teacher, Mrs. Dela Cruz. when you say “thank you”? Tell dis-, um-, respectively. Ask: Do
Formal: It was nice meeting you. the pupils to find out what the these words still mean the
Informal: Nice meeting you! narrator in the story is most same? Why? Why not? What
Formal: Hi! I would like to join thankful for? changed their meaning?
you this Saturday.
Informal: Hi! I’d like to join you
this Saturday.
Formal: Was that not exciting?
Informal: Wasn’t that exciting?
If you are about to meet friends
what will you use, formal or
informal English? Why?
Why is it important to be
tactful/careful in saying words
whenever we communicate with
other people?

4. Presenting examples/instances of Formal English -it is signalled by Direct the pupils to the reading Point out suffixes and prefixes Modals or modal auxiliaries are helping Direct the pupils to the
the new lesson complex and complete sentence. selection on page 45-47. Have found in each word direct pupils to verbs with a principal verb. They photographs on page 58. Have
It avoids slang vocabulary pupils take turns reading the the suffix and prefix chart on page indicated the mood of the verb. Mood pupils describe what is seen in
and written in a long form. story paragraph by paragraph. 48 and pages 50-51. refers to the form of a verb telling that each photograph as well as how
-it is used during business Discuss the suffixes, prefixes and the speaker regards what he or she is the concept of appreciation is
meetings, while giving public their meanings. Have pupils give saying as a fact, possibility or desire, or a evoked.
announcements, or while examples for each. command.
presenting a report or delivering Emphasize how suffix and prefix Modals may be single words or phrases
a speech. change the meaning of a word. as in:
Informal English -it is See Chat on page 54
characterized by a simpler
grammatical structures, personal
expression and slang vocabulary.
-in using informal, combining
words will require knowledge of
-is used when you are around
people you know, ones that you
are close to, such as friends or
persons you regularly speak
5. Discussing new concepts and Tell the pupils to listen to “ A Have pupils break into groups Discuss the suffixes, prefixes and Discuss Using modals for making Discuss how photographs are
practicing new skills #1 Beautiful World” by Vincent and discuss questions 1-7 then their meanings. Have pupils give request. able to capture significant or
Godfrey Burns. share the group’s answer with examples for each. relevant emotions, actions, and
the class. Emphasize how suffix and prefix moments.
Have them pay attention to the change the meaning of a word. Do
different literary elements. Guided Practices on pages 49-50
Afterwards, discuss the
questions in Talk About These
6. Discussing new concepts and Another essential element is a In Lesson 3, you learned that a Do Guided Practices on pages 49- Discuss Using Modals for Giving Advice.
practicing new skills #2 poem which poets use to create summary restates only the main 50
vivid pictures in the readers’’ points of a text without giving
minds are figurative language or examples or details such as
figure of speech. dates, numbers, or statistics.
A figure of speech is a phrase or When you summarize, you keep
word having different meanings in mind the answers to the five
than its literal meanings. It (5) Wh’s and How questions.
conveys meaning by identifying
or comparing one thing to Look at how the story ‘Two
another, which Were Left’ has been
has connotation or meaning summarized. (Please see page
familiar to the audience. Figure 52).
of speech can be a metaphor or When summarizing a narrative
simile that's designed to further text or a story, its elements must
explain a concept. Or it can be be considered- who refers to the
the repetition of alliteration or characters, where refers to the
exaggeration of hyperbole to setting, why and how to the plot
give further emphasis or effect or series of events from the
That is why it is helpful in beginning to the end as conflict
creating vivid rhetorical effect. arises and then solved.
How is the summary of “Two
Were Left” compared to the
7. Developing mastery Read each sentence. Decide if Summarize the story Say Thank Do Guided Practice on page 51 Identify if the modals use in each
(Leads to Formative Assessment 3) the figure of speech used is a You Often by answering the sentence to make request or give advice.
simile, r metaphor or questions below. Write REQUEST or ADVICE.
personification. Write your ____1. Will you buy me a gift on my
answer. 1. Who are the characters in the birthday mama?
________1. The ball like a bullet story? ____2. May I leave the room now?
came at me. 2. What is the profession of the ____3. You shouldn’t know her secrets.
________2. The moon is a son in the story? ____4. You don’t have to buy me these
dancer 3. Where was the story foods.
on the silver trees. happened? ____5. Could I turn on the lights?
________3. Lydia de Vega can 4. Why did the son like to be
run like the wind. sick?
________4. The wind blew 5. How did the mother realize
kisses on my cheeks. she’s getting older?
_______5. Above the sky, the 6. Why did the son write to his
clouds are crying relentlessly. mom?
8. Finding practical applications of Form a group of five with your Do Guided Practice and and Form new words by adding re- to Do Independent Practice
concepts and skills in daily living classmates. Do these steps: Independent Practice A. the following words.
A group member reads the See page 53 See page 51
poem aloud; you listen.
As you listen, make sketches of
the things you imagine in a
beautiful world. Do this on a
piece of drawing paper.
Show and tell. Take turns in
sharing as you show your
9. Making generalizations and What is figure of speech? What is a summary? What are What is prefix? Suffix? How does How is modals use in sentences? Read the Remember on pages
abstractions about the lesson the elements that must be affixes change the meaning of a 55 and 56.
considered when summarizing word?
10. Evaluating learning Identify the figure of speech Summarize the story The Ant Fill in the chart below Complete the sentence with modals. Do TEST YOURSELF found on
used in each sentence. Write on and The Grasshopper by Word Affix Sentence page 58-59 on a long pad paper
your paper personification, answering the questions below. Achievement ment 1. You ____ not disregard your parents’
simile, or metaphor. In a field one summer's day a attention
attention to you.
__________1. The rainbow is Grasshopper was hopping about, reproduce 2. I ______ to know the truth.
like a miracle we see after chirping and singing to its heart's sensible 3. We _______ climb those trees when
rainstorm or problems. content. An Ant passed by, we were younger.
_________ 2. A lamp will light bearing along with great effort 4. You ____ watch the afternoon show
our pathway throughout the an ear of corn he was taking to after you finished your homework.
night. the nest. 5. Hen. Douglas Mac Arthur said, “I ____
_________ 3. Good friends are "Why not come and chat with return.
treasures we have to keep. me," said the Grasshopper,
Study each expression below "instead of toiling and moiling
and tell whether it is formal and away?" "I am helping to lay up
informal. food for the winter," said the
_______4. I am afraid I will not Ant, "and recommend you to do
be able to attend. the same." "Why bother about
_______5. Sorry, I can’t make it. winter?" said the Grasshopper;
"we have got plenty of food at
But the Ant went on its way and
continued its toil. When the
winter came the Grasshopper
found itself dying of hunger,
while it saw the ants
distributing, every day, corn and
grain from the stores they had
collected in the summer.
Then the Grasshopper knew to
work hard so he can benefit
1. Who worked hard? Who
played too much?
2. When does the story take
place? When did the ants collect
grain, and the grasshopper sing?
3. Why didn't the grasshopper
work hard?
4. How do the ants feel about
the grasshopper?
5. What do the ants say will
happen to the grasshopper

11. Additional activities for application Collect photos of your love ones whom .
or remediation you want to thank for. Paste it on your
notebook. Write something about it.

A. No. of learners who earned 80% in
the evaluation

B. No. of learners who require additional

activities for remediation who scored
below 80%
C. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of
learners who have caught up with the
D. No. of learners who continue to require

E. Which of my teaching strategies worked

well? Why did these work?

F. What difficulties did I encounter which

my principal or supervisor can help me
G. What innovation or localized materials
did I use/discover which I wish to share
with other teachers?

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