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Causes of the First World War – I

The First World War broke out in 1914.

It marked an end to a long period of
peace. This war was a result of many
political tensions among the European

The causes of the First World war are :

Secret Alliance

Some countries in Europe made secret

alliance with each other. The secret
alliances are of two groups

Tripple Alliance

Germany entered into a secret pact of

friend ship with Austria-Hungary in 1879
it is called as Dual Alliance.
In 1882 Germany and Austria signed a
pact with Italy to increase their stregth.
This pact is called as Tripple Alliance.
These three together called Axis or the
Central powers of Europe.
According to this pact any country is
involved in war the other countries
should help them.

Tripple Entente

France , another great power of Europe,

signed a pact with Russia in 1894.
Tripple Entente was the alliance linking
the Russian Empire, the French Third
Republic, and the United Kingdom of
Great Britain.
Anglo-Russian alliance was signed in
1907 followed by the Triple Entete
between Britain, France and Russia.
Some more Causes of World War I
Some more Causes of World War I are:


By the end of 19th century Germany

gained control over few German speaking
states of Europe. Bismark made it more
stronger by the German unification. The
united Germany king william II took
measures to improve the Navy, industry
and commerce of Germany.The growing
strength of Germany got threatened
Britain. The armies of France and
Germany had more than doubled. There
was fierce competition between Britain
and Germany for mastery over the seas.

Imperialism, a country takes over new

lands and makes them subject to their rule.
The British Empire extended over five
continents and France had control of large
areas of Africa. Germany, entered the
scramble to acquire colonies late so, it had
only small areas of Africa, this increased
the rivalry with Britain and France. The
increasing competition and desire for
colonies led to an increase in
confrontation. Countries also needed new
markets due to Industrialization.

Balkan crisis

Balkan Peninsula was named after the

Balkan Mountains, extended from the east
of Serbia to the Black Sea at the east of
Bulgaria. Albania, Bosnia & Herzegovina,
Bulgaria, Croatia, Greece, Macedonia,
Montenegro, Romania, Serbia, Slovenia,
and European Turkey consist of this
region. Austria announced the annexation
of Bosnia & Herzegovina to its empire.
Serbia appealed for Russian help. In 1909,
Germany gave an ultimatum that Austrian
annexation of Bosnia. After this Russia
began to reshape its army.

Immediate cause

On 28th June,1914 Archduke Ferdinand of

Austria and his wife Sophia
were assasinated at the Bosnian capital,
Sarajevo. The assasin was a Bosnian
student,Gavrilo Princep, Changed the
course of European history. This was
planned by a Serbian terrorist organization
called as Black Hand or Union of Death.

When Austria remained indecisive then

Germany pushed Austria to attack Serbia.
Austria declared war on 28th July 1914. In
the war Russia supported Serbia. Germany
attacked Russia as it was signed on secret
alliance with Austria-Hungary. France as it
was allian of Russia attacked Germany.
Germany attacked Beligium a nutral
country so, Britain attacked Germany.

All most all countries of the world directly

or indirectly took part in the First world
war. Two important events occured in
1917, changed the course of the war.
• Entry of the US in the war
• The Russian Revolution
Due the civil war Russia withdrew from
the war in 1917 and Us entered in the
war because Germany began to advance
and sink various American ships carrying
munitions and reinforcements.
The First World War
Austria announced the annexation of
Bosnia-Herzegovina to its empire. On
28th June 1914, Archduke Ferdinand of
Austria and his wife Sophia
were assasinated at the Bosnian capital,
Sarajevo. Austria declared war on Serbia
on 28th July 1914 exactly after one
month after the assasination.

Germany – Russia

Germany supported Austria-Hungary

because it was a German speaking State.
Russia came to the aid of Serbia becasue
Russians and Serbians belong to a
common race.
Issue between Germany – Russia

Russia started militarisation in 1914

which was a threat to Gemany so,
she warned Rusia against continuing
military but Russia had not stopped.
Germany declared war on Russia in
August 1914.

Issue between Germany – France

Germany also declared war on French

for stationing an army along the German
boarder. Germany asked permission from
nutral Belgium to pass through it to
attack France . Though Belgium refused
Germany continued. As a result Britain
declared war on Germany . Germany
started submarine warfare on Britain.
Other countries

In 1915, Montenegro, Bulgaria and

Turkey joined with Germany and
Austria- Hungary forces while Japan,
Romania, portugal joined hands wiht
Britain, France and Russia.


Italy signed treaty with central powers

and remained nutral. In 1915, it signed
Triple Entete and declares war on
Austria-Hungary, entering World War I
on the side of the Allies—Britain, France
and Russia.


In 1917, Tsars were overthrown and new

Bolshevik government came into power
due to internal problems of Russia.
Bolshevik government signed a treaty,
Brestlithovesk with Germany handed
over a few Russian places and also
pulled out from Triple Entente.When
Russia withdrew from the war Britain
and France became weaker.


USA didn't participate in the war at the

beginig but provided food and weapons
to entete group. When Germany began
to advance and sink various American
ships carrying munitions and
reinforcements. America asked not to
continue with the submarine war fare but
Germany didn't hear.
Defeat of the Central powers

On 6th April,1917 US joined with

Britain and France and declared war on
Germany .The entry of US in the war
made the Entete group stronger. As
America was not participated from the
begining of the war the forces of
America were fresh and Germany
couldn't defend it. Bulgaria surenderd
1918. Turkey was defeated, Austria-
Hungary also surendered in Nov 1918.

German Republic

German king William II ran away to save

his life. He was under so much of
pressure due to the defeat of the Entete
countries in the war. Internal strive broke
out within Germany. It was declared
as republic when the king left. Germany
finally admitted defeat on 11th Nov ,

Effects of the war.

Nearly 80 lakh people were dead and and

many were injured. Except America all
most every country left bankrupt. The
government . It was huge impact on
common man and countries participated
in the war experienced loss of property
and trade.

Peace Treaties After the First World

Peace Treaties

After the first world war to bring peace

among countries five peace treaties were
signed. The main Peace treaty was the
Treaty of Versailles signed on 28th June
1919. This treaty was signed in the hall of
Mirrors at Versailles in France. British
Prime Minister lloyd George, the French
premier Clemenceauan the US president
played an important role in framing this

Treaty of Versailles

This conference was held with 70

representatives from 32 countries. The
defeated countries Germany, Austri-
Hungary, Bulgaria and Turkey were not
invited to it. Russia was also leftout as it
was experiencing political conflict.So, the
victorious countries would decide the

The treaty was held Versailles becasue the

birth of German empire was announced
here. The basis of the treaty was insult,
humiliation and revenge.The terms of this
treaty include the provisions like military ,
economy and territory.
Territorial provisions
• Germany had to return the places
captured during the war.
• Alsace , Lorraine were returned to
• Morcnate, Malmedy and Eupen were
returned to Belgium.
• Schleswig to Denmark.
• The Saar coal mines were handed over
to France for 15 years.
• Germany lost her colonies in Africa
nad china.

Military provisions
• Germany was not allowed to
manufacture war material.
• German army could not exceed 1 lakh
in number.
• Airforce nad Navy were reduced.
• Submarines were banned.
Economic provisions
• Germany was made responsible for the
• It had to pay war indemnity.
• Germany had to give coal, chemicals
and other resources.

The other treaties are

• The treaty of saint-Germain was signed
with Austria
• The treaty of Neuilly with Bulgaria
• Treaty of Trianon was signed with
• The treaty of Turkey was signed with
Terms of the peace treaties are
• Disarmed both Austria and Bulgaria.
• Had to pay war costs.
• Austria was left without sea port.
• Hungary was recognised as a separate
• Turkey lost its control over all non
Turkish races.
• Britain got command over Palestine.
• France got Iraq and Syria.
• Turkey possess Constantinople and

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