Max Efforts Upper Body

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The document outlines sample workout routines that include max effort and repetition exercises for both the upper and lower body.

The max effort upper body workout includes exercises like bench press, incline bench press, weighted chin-ups, flat/incline dumbbell bench press, and chin-ups/pull-ups.

The repetition upper body workout includes exercises like flat or incline dumbbell bench press, push-up variations, chin-up variations, and barbell bench press.

Max efforts upper body

A. Max-effort exercise - Work up to a max set of 3-5 reps in one of the following
exercises: 2 warm-up / 5 sets
 Bench press
 Incline barbell bench press
 Weighted chin-ups

B. Supplemental exercise (no rest after max-effort exercise) – 2 sets of max reps.
Weight you can perform 15-20 reps on the 1st set. Same weight for both sets and rest
3-4 minutes between sets.
 Flat DB bench press
 Incline DB bench press
 Barbell push-ups
 Chin-ups (don’t perform these if you chose to do weighted chin-ups first)

C. Horizontal pulling / rear delt superset. Perform 3-4 supersets of 8-12 reps of each
exercise. No rest.
Group 1:
 Barbell rows
 Seated cable rows
 Chest supported rows
Group 2:

 Rear delt flyes

 Scarecrows
 Face pulls
 Seated DB power cleans
 Band pull-aparts

D. Traps – perform 3-4 sets of 8-15 reps

 Barbell shrugs
 DB shrugs

E. Elbow flexor exercise – perform 3-4 sets of 8-15 reps

 Barbell curls
 DB curls
 Seated incline DB curls
 Hammer curls
Max efforts lower body
A. Max-effort exercise - Work up to a max set of 3-5 reps in one of the following
exercises: 2 warm-up / 5 sets
 Box squats
 Free squats
 Deadlifts

B. Unilateral movement – 3 sets of 6-12 reps:

 Bulgarian split squat
 Reverse lunge
 Step-up variation
 Walking lunges

C. Harmstring / posterior chain movement – 3 sets of 8-12 reps

 Pull-throughs
 Swiss ball leg curl
 Romanian deadlifts
 Hyperextensions

D. Ground-based, high rep abdominal circuit - 4 exercises perform 10-20 reps and go
through the circuit 2-3 times. Rest 1-2 minutes between circuits
 Sprinter sit-ups
 V-ups
 Toe touches
 Hip thrusts
Repetition upper body
E. Repetition exercise – perform 3 sets of max reps OR 4 sets of 12-15 reps – rest 90s:
 Flat or incline DB bench press
 Push-up variations
 Chin-up variations
 Barbell bench press (55% of 1RM)

F. Vertical pulling / rear delt superset. Perform 3-4 supersets of 8-12 reps of each
exercise. No rest.
Group 1:
 Lat pulldowns
 Chin-ups (don’t perform these if you chose chin-ups for your first exercise)
 Straight arm pulldowns
Group 2:

 Rear delt flyes

 Scarecrows
 Face pulls
 Seated DB power cleans
 Band pull-aparts

G. Medial delts – perform 4 sets of 8-12 reps

 DB lateral raises
 L-lateral raises
 Military press
 DB side press

H. Traps / arms superset – perform 3 sets of 8-10 reps

Group 1:
 DB shrugs
 Barbell shrugs
 Behind the back barbell shrugs
Group 2:

 Barbell curls
 DB curls
 Triceps pushdowns (15-25 reps)
 DB triceps extensions (10-15 reps)

I. Grip / Forearms arms

 DB holds 2-3 sets of max time or plate pinch gripping

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