810.001.751-01 EMS Platinum ME Manual

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Lyngsø Marine A/S

EMS Platinum-ME
Engine Manoeuvring System
MAN Diesel ME/ME-C Engines

User Manual

Doc. No.: 810.001.751-01

Lyngsø Marine A/S

Lyngsø Allé
DK - 2970 Hørsholm
Telephone: +45 45 16 62 00
Telefax: +45 45 16 62 62
Engine Manoeuvring System, EMS Platinum-ME Page 1 of 116
User Manual for MAN Diesel ME/ME-C Engines 2010.06.28


SUBJECT INDEX ............................................................................................................................................... 4

1. EMS PLATINUM-ME INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................... 8

1.1 REFERENCES .................................................................................................................................... 10
1.2 DEFINITIONS AND ABBREVIATIONS ...................................................................................................... 10
2. EMS PLATINUM-ME SYSTEM OVERVIEW........................................................................................... 12
2.1 EMS PANELS FOR REMOTE CONTROL................................................................................................ 13
2.1.1 EMS Panel Functions.................................................................................................................. 14
2.2 MANUAL ECR CONTROL EQUIPMENT ................................................................................................. 19
2.3 LOCAL OPERATOR PANEL FUNCTIONS ................................................................................................ 20
2.4 SAFETY SYSTEM FOR THE MAIN ENGINE............................................................................................. 22
2.5 MAIN ENGINE SPEED MEASUREMENT ................................................................................................. 23
2.6 TELEGRAPH TRANSMITTER AND RPM SETPOINT CONTROL ................................................................. 23
2.6.1 Electrical Shaft System ............................................................................................................... 23 Bridge Centre and Wings Control Transfer ...................................................................................... 24
2.6.2 Emergency Telegraph System.................................................................................................... 24
3. EMS PLATINUM-ME FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION ............................................................................. 26
3.1 CONTROL POSITION CHANGE-OVER ................................................................................................... 26
3.1.1 ECS Control Station Priority ........................................................................................................ 27
3.1.2 Operation of Control Station Transfer ......................................................................................... 27 From Bridge Control to ECR Control ................................................................................................ 28 From Bridge Control to Local Control............................................................................................... 28 From ECR Control to Bridge Control ................................................................................................ 29 From ECR Control to Local Control ................................................................................................. 29 From Local Control to ECR Control ................................................................................................. 29 From Local Control to Bridge Control............................................................................................... 30
3.1.3 Forced EMS Control Transfer ..................................................................................................... 31 Forced EMS Transfer from Bridge Control to ECR Control .............................................................. 31 Forced EMS Transfer from Bridge Control to Local Control............................................................. 32 Forced EMS Transfer from ECR Control to Local Control ............................................................... 32 Forced EMS Transfer from Local Control to ECR Control ............................................................... 33
3.1.4 Forced ECS Control Transfer ..................................................................................................... 34 Forced ECS Transfer from Bridge Control to Local Control ............................................................. 34 Forced ECS Transfer from ECR Control to Local Control ................................................................ 35 Forced ECS Transfer from Bridge Control to Manual ECS Control in ECR ..................................... 35 Forced ECS Transfer from Local Control to Manual ECS Control in ECR ....................................... 36
3.1.5 Setpoint Levers Alignment .......................................................................................................... 37 From Bridge Control ......................................................................................................................... 37 From ECR Control............................................................................................................................ 37 From Local Control .......................................................................................................................... 37 Cable Failure on Setpoint Levers ..................................................................................................... 37
3.1.6 Control Station Selected at Power-Up ........................................................................................ 38
3.2 SUBTELEGRAPH ................................................................................................................................ 39
3.2.1 Conditions for Finished With Engine ........................................................................................... 41
3.2.2 Conditions for Standby ................................................................................................................ 41
3.2.3 Conditions for At Sea Mode ........................................................................................................ 41
3.2.4 Subtelegraph alarm ..................................................................................................................... 42
3.2.5 Subtelegraph status selected at Forced Take-over of Control Station ....................................... 42
3.2.6 Serial communication to ECS stop working ................................................................................ 42
3.2.7 Subtelegraph status selected at Power-Up................................................................................. 42
3.3 MAIN ENGINE START/STOP ................................................................................................................ 44
3.3.1 Automatic Bridge Control ............................................................................................................ 44
3.3.2 ME-Engine ECS System Responsibility ...................................................................................... 44 Manual ECR Control ........................................................................................................................ 45 Local LOP Control ............................................................................................................................ 45
3.3.3 ME-Engine Slowturning from EMS.............................................................................................. 46

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User Manual for MAN Diesel ME/ME-C Engines 2010.06.28 Automatic Slowturning ..................................................................................................................... 46 Manual Slowturning .......................................................................................................................... 46
3.3.4 ME-Engine Start blockings in EMS ............................................................................................. 46 ME-Engine Ready to Start Indication in EMS................................................................................... 47
3.4 MAIN ENGINE SHUTDOWN .................................................................................................................. 48
3.5 MAIN ENGINE SLOWDOWN ................................................................................................................. 49
3.6 SETPOINT SYSTEM ............................................................................................................................ 51
3.6.1 Setpoint lever adjustments .......................................................................................................... 52
3.6.2 Main Engine RPM Governor Setpoint ......................................................................................... 52 Constant RPM Setpoint.................................................................................................................... 52 PTO Minimum RPM ......................................................................................................................... 52 Panel Fine Adjustment of RPM ........................................................................................................ 53 PMS Fine Adjustment for Frequency Control ................................................................................... 53 Slowdown RPM Setpoint .................................................................................................................. 53 Shaft Generator Waiting Station Hold .............................................................................................. 53 RPM Setpoint Slope ......................................................................................................................... 54 Maintain Speed Function ................................................................................................................. 54 Critical Speed Protection ................................................................................................................. 54 Speed-Droop Compensation of Setpoint ......................................................................................... 54 Governor Output Scaling.................................................................................................................. 54
3.7 ME-ENGINE RUNNING MODE SELECTOR ............................................................................................ 55
3.7.1 ME-Engine Running Mode alarm ................................................................................................ 55
3.7.2 Serial communication to ECS stop working ................................................................................ 55
3.7.3 ME-Engine Running Mode selected at Power-Up....................................................................... 55
4. EMS PLATINUM-ME PANEL OPERATION DESCRIPTION .................................................................. 56
4.1 CONTROL RIGHT FOR EMS CONTROL FUNCTIONS .............................................................................. 56
4.2 BASIC MODE OVERVIEW DISPLAY ON EMS PANEL.............................................................................. 57
4.2.1 Setpoint System Alignment ......................................................................................................... 58
4.2.2 Other EMS Panel Indications ...................................................................................................... 58
4.3 OPERATION FROM EMS PANEL .......................................................................................................... 58
4.3.1 Select of Machine Control Groups .............................................................................................. 58
4.3.2 Main Engine Start/Stop Operation .............................................................................................. 59 Main Engine Start/Stop Status List .................................................................................................. 60 Main Engine Start/Stop Adjustments ............................................................................................... 60
4.3.3 Select Main Engine Control Functions ........................................................................................ 61 ME-Engine Running Mode Control................................................................................................... 61 ME-Engine Running Mode Status List ............................................................................................. 62 Main Engine Setpoint Fineadjust ..................................................................................................... 62 Main Engine Setpoint Fineadjust Status .......................................................................................... 63 Max RPM Limit Adjustment .............................................................................................................. 63 Max RPM Limit Adjustment Status ................................................................................................... 63 ME Tacho Selector........................................................................................................................... 64 ME Tacho System Status List .......................................................................................................... 64
4.3.4 Shaft Generator Interface ........................................................................................................... 65
4.3.5 EMS Panel Status Lists............................................................................................................... 66 ME Control Transfer Status List ....................................................................................................... 66 ECS Interface Status List ................................................................................................................. 67 Main Engine Governor Interface ...................................................................................................... 67 Main Engine Startblockings List ....................................................................................................... 68 Main Engine Shutdown List.............................................................................................................. 68 Main Engine Slowdown List ............................................................................................................. 69 ME Setpoint System Status List ....................................................................................................... 70 EMS Platinum-ME Sub-Telegraph Status List ................................................................................. 71
4.3.6 Input/Output Adjustments ........................................................................................................... 72 Adjustment of Governor Output ....................................................................................................... 72 Adjustment of RPM Telegraph Levers ............................................................................................. 73 RPM Setpoint Adjustment Status List .............................................................................................. 73
5. EMS PLATINUM-ME PANEL ALARM AND MAINTENANCE FUNCTIONS.......................................... 74
5.1 BASIC MODE ..................................................................................................................................... 74
5.2 HARD - AND SOFTKEY OVERVIEW ....................................................................................................... 75
5.3 ALARM LIST MODE ............................................................................................................................ 76
5.4 ADDITIONAL LIST MODE ..................................................................................................................... 78

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5.4.1 Selecting the List Type ................................................................................................................ 79

5.4.2 At the List Level .......................................................................................................................... 80
5.5 DISPLAY CHANNEL MODE .................................................................................................................. 81
5.5.1 The Text Entry Screen ................................................................................................................ 81
5.5.2 The Stepping/status Screen........................................................................................................ 82
5.5.3 Channel Status Screen ............................................................................................................... 82
5.5.4 The Entry Selection Screen ........................................................................................................ 83
5.6 ADJUST CHANNEL MODE ................................................................................................................... 84
5.6.1 Entering of Numerical Data and Texts ........................................................................................ 86
5.7 MAINTENANCE MODE......................................................................................................................... 87
5.7.1 Display Time and Date ................................................................................................................ 88
5.7.2 View Program Version, Load Sequential Date and Number ....................................................... 88
5.7.3 Set Time and Date (priv. access level 1) .................................................................................... 89
5.7.4 Lamp Test ................................................................................................................................... 91
5.7.5 Select UTC or Local Time (priv. access level 1) ......................................................................... 92
5.7.6 Enter Commissioning Mode (priv. access level 4) ...................................................................... 92
5.7.7 Change Password - Level N (priv. access level N/N+1) ............................................................. 92
5.7.8 Enter System Password Level (priv. access level 4) .................................................................. 93
5.7.9 Select LOP-UCS Control ............................................................................................................ 93
5.7.10 Watch Dog Activation (priv. access level 4) ........................................................................... 94
5.7.11 Store Setup (priv. access level 4) ........................................................................................... 94
5.8 DIMMER MODE .................................................................................................................................. 95
6. EMS PLATINUM-ME ALARM INDICATION AND TROUBLE SHOOTING ........................................... 96
6.1 MONITORING CHANNELS FOR DISPLAY AND PRINTING PURPOSE ....................................................... 105
6.2 EMS MODBUS INTERFACE TO ME-ENGINE ECS SYSTEM.................................................................. 107
7. EMS PLATINUM-ME CUSTOMISING TOOL PRINT-OUT .................................................................. 110
7.1 INPUT/OUTPUT LIST TERMINAL BOARD REPORT................................................................................ 110
7.2 OUTPUT FUNCTIONS LIST REPORT ................................................................................................... 111
7.3 EMS PLATINUM-ME FUNCTION BLOCKS LIST REPORT ...................................................................... 112
8. EMS PLATINUM-ME COMPONENTS AND SPARE-PARTS............................................................... 113
8.1 HARDWARE COMPONENTS LIST ....................................................................................................... 113
8.2 HW MODULES LAYOUT AND JUMPER SETTINGS................................................................................ 115
8.3 SPARE-PART LIST ............................................................................................................................ 116

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Subject Index

Many of the entries in the subject index are the exact EMS ALARM TEXT appearing at the
Operating Panels on the Bridge and in the ECR.

ECS Engine Blocked .........................................107

ECS Engine Bridge RPM Setpoint ....................109
Additional List ................................................ 18;78 ECS Engine ECR RPM Setpoint .......................109
Adjust Channel ......................................... 18;49;84 ECS Engine Fuel Index .....................................109
Adjustment ECS Engine Index Margin .................................109
Fineadjust RPM Setpoint ........................... 62;63 ECS Engine Line Alive Counter ........................109
Governor Output............................................. 72 ECS Engine Local RPM Setpoint ......................109
Max RPM Limit ............................................... 63 ECS Engine Not Ready.....................................107
RPM Telegraph Levers .................................. 73 ECS Engine Ready ...........................................107
Alarm Acknowledge .................................. 17;76;80 ECS Engine Running Mode ..............................109
Auxiliary Blower ............................................. 41;47 ECS Engine Starting air press ..........................109
Auxiliary Systems................................................ 47 ECS Hydraulic Pressure Low ............................108
ECS Limitations Increased................................107
B ECS Load Limitation .........................................107
Bridge Telegraph El-shaft fail ............................. 99 ECS Local Control.............................................109
ECS Local Forced Command Take-over ..........107
C ECS LOP Lamp Test Request ..........................108
Cancel ECS Main Starting Valve Block .........................108
Limits .................................................. 17;46;100 ECS Modbus LineAlive Handshake ..................108
Shutdown............................. 16;21;22;48;68;101 ECS near Limit ..................................................109
Slowdown .......................... 16;21;49;69;101;102 ECS Pitch Backup Control ................................108
Slowturn.......................................................... 46 ECS Pitch Not in ZERO Position.......................109
Start Blocking ............................................ 46;47 ECS Preparing Start..........................................107
Control Location ECS Repeated Start..........................................107
................... 13;14;15;17;28;48;49;56;60;66;104 ECS SG Disconnection Failed ..........................108
Control Transfer ECS Shaft Generator Permission .....................108
8;14;19;21;23;24;26;27;28;31;32;33;34;35;36;3 ECS Shaft Generator Request..........................108
7;38;66;107;108;109 ECS Slow Command ........................................108
Crash stop .......................................................... 44 ECS Spare Modbus Address 10071 .................109
Critical Speed ......................................... 54;57;100 ECS Start Blocked ............................................107
ECS Start Failed ...............................................107
D ECS Startair Distributor Block ...........................108
Dimmer ......................................... 14;18;74;95;107 ECS Starting Air Pressure Low .........................108
Display Channel ........................................ 18;49;81 ECS TC CutOut Load Limit Activ ......................108
DPU 40 ECS Turning Gear Engaged .............................108
Comm. To PCS Panel 1 ................................. 96 EMS Alarm Output to Alm.System ....................105
Comm. To PCS Panel 2 ................................. 96 EMS Line to EICU-A, ANA SuperV .....................97
EMS Line to EICU-A, BIN SuperV ......................97
E EMS Line to EICU-B, ANA SuperV .....................97
ECR Sub Panel ................................................... 19 EMS Line to EICU-B, BIN SuperV ......................97
ECS Actual Pitch Feedback.............................. 109 EMS SIO Channel 1, ECS EICU-A .....................97
ECS Ahead Command ..................................... 108 EMS SIO Channel 2, ECS EICU-B .....................97
ECS Astern Backup Mode ................................ 108 EMS1T01 Overspeed .........................................96
ECS Astern Command ..................................... 109 EMS1T01 Pickup 1 fail........................................96
ECS Aux. Blower Failure .................................. 108 EMS1T01 Pickup 2 fail........................................96
ECS Bridge Control .......................................... 109 EMS-Alarm Syst. Interface Fail ...........................96
ECS Control Air Vented .................................... 108 EPS Emergency Stop Supply F15 ......................98
ECS Delayed Start ............................................ 108 EPS Platinum 8;10;12;16;21;22;48;98;100;101;114
ECS ECR Control ............................................. 109 EPS Safety System Switched Off .......................98
ECS ECR Forced Command Take-over .......... 107 F
ECS Engine Actual RPM Setpoint .................... 109
ECS Engine Actual Speed ................................ 109 Fine Adjustment ..................................................53
Finished With Engine .................15;39;44;55;61;71

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Forced Control Transfer ME Slowdown input 10 ......................................102

............................... 14;19;26;31;32;33;34;35;36 ME Slowdown input 11 ......................................102
ME Slowdown input 12 ......................................102
ME Slowdown input 13 ......................................102
Governor Setpoint.......................................... 52;67 ME Slowdown input 14 ......................................102
ME Slowdown input 15 ......................................102
L ME Slowdown input 16 ......................................102
Limits Cancel ................................ 17;46;54;67;100 ME Slowdown input 2 ........................................102
Local Control ME Slowdown input 3 ........................................102
10;12;20;27;28;29;30;32;33;34;35;36;37;39;42; ME Slowdown input 4 ........................................102
55;59;61;105;107;109 ME Slowdown input 5 ........................................102
Local Control Box .......................................... 12;20 ME Slowdown input 6 ........................................102
LOP Control ............................................ 15;45;105 ME Slowdown input 7 ........................................102
ME Slowdown input 8 ........................................102
M ME Slowdown input 9 ........................................102
Maintenance .............................. 18;49;74;87;93;94 ME Slowdown Prewarning ................................102
Manual Control ................................................... 42 ME Stand By .....................................................106
Manual Slowdown, Reduce RPM ....................... 98 ME Start Block Cancelled .................................102
Master DPU ME Start Blocked ..............................................102
Status of DPU 40............................................ 99 ME Stopped ......................................................106
MCS Platinum ........ 8;10;12;17;18;78;79;80;93;113 ME Subtelegraph Alarm ....................................102
ME Alarm Cut-Out in Stop ................................ 105 ME Tacho 1 Error ..............................................103
ME BRG TLG CMD ............................................ 99 ME Tacho 2 Error ..............................................103
ME BRG TLG CMD Failure ................................ 99 Module EMS1AI01 (AEM402) Error ..................103
ME BRG TLG El Shaft fail .................................. 99 Module EMS1C001 (SIO2010) Error ................103
ME BRG TLG Mis aligned .................................. 99 Module EMS1C002 (SIO) Error ........................103
ME BRG TLG Misaligned ................................... 99 Module EMS1C003 (DSN) Error .......................103
ME BRG TLG Setpoint ..................................... 105 Module EMS1M100 (IFM2200) Fuse ................103
ME Bridge Control ............................................ 105 Module EMS1M101 (BSM2200) Error ..............103
ME Control position fail ..................................... 100 Module EMS1M102 (BXM2200) Error ..............103
ME Critical Speed Range 1 .............................. 100 Module EMS1M103 (BXM2200) Error ..............103
ME Critical Speed Range 2 .............................. 100 Module EMS1M104 (AOM2200) Error ..............104
ME ECR Control ............................................... 105 MSB ..........................................................10;53;62
ME ECR TLG CMD........................................... 100 P
ME ECR TLG CMD Failure............................... 100
ME ECR TLG Mis aligned................................. 100 PTO ...........................................................11;52;65
ME ECR TLG Misaligned.................................. 100 R
ME ECR TLG Setpoint...................................... 105
ME Emergency Stop ......................................... 100 Reset
ME Emergency TLG CMD Failure .................... 100 Fine Adjustment RPM ................................53;62
ME Finished With Engine ................................. 105 Shutdown ...................................................21;48
ME Governor Load Lim Cancelled.................... 100 Slowdown ........................................16;21;49;50
ME Limit Status................................................. 105 Slowturn Timer ...............................................46
ME Local LOP Control ...................................... 105 Start Blocking..................................................46
ME LOP TLG Setpoint ...................................... 105
ME Malfunction Startblocking ........................... 105
ME NON Cancellable Slowdown ...................... 101 Sea Mode ............................15;39;41;42;55;71;106
ME Overspeed .................................................. 101 Shaftgenerator ..........11;12;52;53;58;62;65;70;108
ME RPM ................... 14;21;22;57;59;60;63;67;105 Shutdown 8;11;16;21;22;46;48;49;53;58;68;96;101
ME Running ........................................ 101;105;106 Slowdown
ME Running Failure .......................................... 101 .8;11;12;16;21;49;50;52;53;57;58;66;69;98;101;
ME Running Mode Fail ..................................... 101 102;108
ME Running Status for Display ......................... 106 Slowturn ..................................................21;46;107
ME Sea Mode ................................................... 106 Standby .........21;39;40;41;42;47;55;61;71;107;108
ME Shutdown Active ......................................... 101 Start blocking .......................................46;59;66;68
ME Shutdown Cancelled .................................. 101 Stop Horn ..................................................17;48;49
ME Shutdown Prewarning ................................ 101 Sub-Telegraph .......................................8;21;39;71
ME Slowdown Active ........................................ 101 System Description ...................................10;18;22
ME Slowdown Cancelled .................................. 101
ME Slowdown input 1 ....................................... 102

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T Telegraph System ..................................8;12;23;24

Tacho Selector.................................................... 64 U
Telegraph Lever
UTC time .............................82;85;87;88;89;90;92

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1. EMS Platinum-ME Introduction

The Engine Manoeuvring System - EMS Platinum-ME is an Engine Manoeuvring System
used for remote control of a ship’s Propulsion Line, with a MAN Diesel two-stroke low speed
ME-Engine connected to a Fixed Pitch Propeller (FPP).
The EMS Platinum-ME is operated by means of Telegraph Levers and standard EMS Plati-
num-ME Panels with build in four-line display.
The EMS Platinum-ME is operated as a completely independent stand-alone system, with all
information and internal alarms displayed on the EMS Operator Panels.
When the EMS Platinum-ME are delivered as an integrated part of the Monitoring and Con-
trol System MCS Platinum, the systems can be interconnected by means of a communica-
tion network, so that alarms, indications and measurements values from the EMS Platinum-
ME can be displayed on the Graphical Operator Station (GOS) and alarm Panels in the
Alarm and Control System also.
The EMS Platinum-ME can be configured to provide complete control for:
• Main Engine Remote Start/Stop from Bridge
• Start Blocking indications
• Main Engine Setpoint System
• Main Engine Shutdown Indications from ME Safety System
• Main Engine Slowdown System
• Main Engine Speed Measurement and Indication
• Control Transfer for Bridge/ECR/Local Change-over
• Sub-telegraph Control with Finished With Engine (FWE), Stand-by and Sea-mode
• Main Engine Running Mode Selector (Economy mode, Emission Mode etc.)
• Dual Serial Interface to the ME-Engine Electronic Control System (ECS)
• Alarm Announcement and Indication
The EMS Platinum-ME can be extended with the following options:
• EPS Platinum Engine Safety System (independent system for Shutdowns and over-
• Communication Telegraph System for Bridge order communication to ECR/Local
• Bridge Wing Control (Wing Panels Optional) and Electric Shaft on Telegraph Levers
• Manoeuvring Order Printer integrated in the system
• Integration with Lyngsø Marine Alarm and Control System
• Serial interface (Modbus) to other types of ships alarm system
This User Manual gives an overview of the hardware and describes the functionality of the
EMS Platinum-ME Engine Manoeuvring System, and includes wiring diagrams etc.
Also the Monitoring and Control System, the Safety System, the Telegraph Lever System
with Electric Shaft for the Bridge Wings and other related system and options are described
to give a complete overview of the remote control system.

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Br id g e Win g Po r t Br id g e Win g St a r b o a r d

Figure 1: Engine Manoeuvring System, EMS Platinum-ME layout.

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1.1 References
[1] MAN Diesel ME-Engine Interface & Requirements to External Control Systems
[2] MAN Diesel ME-Engine Engine Control System – I/O Specification
[3] MAN Diesel ME-Engine Engine Control System – Available Options
[4] MAN Diesel ME-Engine Serial Interface – Requirement Specification
[5] Propulsion Control System, PCS2200, System Description
[6] Engine Protection System, EPS Platinum, System Description and User Manual
[7] Monitoring and Control System, MCS Platinum, System Description and User Manual

1.2 Definitions and Abbreviations

AEM Analog Input Module - type 402 (8 channel analog input)
AI Analog Input
AO Analog Output
AOM Analog Output Module - type 2200
BAP Basic Alarm Panel
BRG Bridge
BSM Binary Solid-state Input Output Module – type 2200
BXM Binary miXed input and relay output Module - type 2200
BT Bow Thruster
CPP Controllable Pitch Propeller
DG Diesel Generator
DI Digital Input
DNM Dual STELLA NET communication interface Module
DO Digital Output
DSN Dual STELLA NET communication interface
DZM DrehZahl relais Module - speed relay module type 402
ECR Engine Control Room
ECS Electronic Control System for MAN Diesel ME-Engine
EMG Emergency
EMS Engine Manoeuvring System - Bridge Manoeuvring System
ENT Enter key
EPS Engine Protection System - Engine Safety System
ER Engine Room
ESC Escape key
EXH Exhaust
FPP Fixed Pitch Propeller
GOS Graphic Operator Station
IFM InterFace Module adapter, DPU 2010 CPU to Input/Output module bus
I/O Input/Output
I/P Current to Pressure converter
LC Local Control
LCD Liquid Crystal Display
LED Light Emitting Diode
LOP Local Operator Panel
LP Low pass Filter
LM Lyngsø Marine
MCS Monitoring and Control System- ships alarm and control system
ME Main Engine
MEP Mean Effective Cylinder Pressure
MOP Main Operation Panel for ME-Engine ECS
MOS Monitoring System - ships alarm system
MSB Main Switch Board
MXM Multiplexer Module type 402 (16 channel analog input)
NA Not Applicable

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PCC Propulsion Control Cabinet

PCS Propulsion Control System - Equivalent to EMS
PFM Power Filter Module for 24 Vdc Power Supply – type 2200
PLC Programmable Logic Controller - DPU 2010 PLC
PMS Power Management System - ships generator control system
PS Port Side
PTO Power Take Off
RPM Rotations per Minute
SB Star Board side
SG Shaft Generator
SHD Shutdown
SIM Serial Input/Output Interface Module
SIO Serial Input/Output Communication
SLD Slowdown
ST Stern Thruster
TAM Tacho Adapter Module - type 401
TC Turbo Charger
UCS Equivalent to MCS
UMS Equivalent to MOS
UPS Uninterruptible Power Supply

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2. EMS Platinum-ME System Overview

The EMS Platinum-ME control functions for a Propulsion Line existing of a MAN Diesel two-
stroke low speed ME-Engine with Fixed Pitch Propeller are handled by one EMS Platinum-
ME DPU 2010 PLC mounted in the EMS control cabinet, together with the units for an EPS
Platinum Engine Safety System.
The Main Engine Safety System is completely independent of the EMS. The Main Engine
may be equipped with a standard Safety System from the Main Engine manufacturer. If the
Main Engine manufacturer supply does not include a Safety System, the EMS can be deliv-
ered together with an independent Engine Protection System, EPS Platinum Safety System.
Other DPU 2010 PLC's in the MCS Platinum Monitoring and Control System handles the
alarm and monitoring part of the machinery components controlled by the EMS Platinum-
ME. In case that alarms from the Main Engine are connected to the EMS DPU 2010 PLC, it
must be alarms relevant for the Main Engine controlled by that particular EMS DPU only, be-
cause they will be displayed as EMS alarms on the EMS Panels, such as e.g. alarms initiat-
ing a Slowdown/load reduction, startblockings etc.
The EMS Platinum-ME and the MCS Platinum Alarm and Control system are independent
systems, each with its own DPU 2010 PLC’s, only connected by a network to transfer alarms
and information to the GOS and printers (Manoeuvring Order Printer). The network will also
be used for automatic operation of the Power Management System (PMS) e.g. in case of
mode change to/from a mode where the SG is connected to a Bow Thruster (BT) and/or
Stern Thruster (ST).
Slowdowns for the Main Engine and optional RPM up/down signals from the Power Man-
agement System (for frequency control, load sharing and synchronising purposes) are trans-
ferred as hardwired signal lines for safety reasons. The Slowdown inputs to the EMS Plati-
num-ME are defined as supervised inputs, i.e. cable break can be detected.
All hardware component and logic circuitry of the EMS Platinum-ME and the MCS Platinum
Alarm and Control System is independent. That means it will still be possible to control the
propulsion machinery even in case of a total breakdown of the Alarm and Monitoring Sys-
The power supply for the EMS Platinum-ME as well as the EPS Platinum and MCS Platinum
must be Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) protected. There must be a separate fuse for
the EMS Platinum-ME DPU, the EPS PLC and the remaining hardware connected to this
The following parts of the remote control system are described in this section:
• EMS Platinum-ME Main Cabinet (DPU 2010 PLC, I/O Modules etc.)
• EMS Platinum Panels for remote control of the propulsion machinery
• ECR Components for Manual ECR Control of the propulsion machinery
• Local Operator Panel for Local Control of the propulsion machinery
• EPS Platinum Engine Safety System
• Telegraph Lever System
• Electric Shaft for Bridge Wings control
• Communication Telegraph System
• Main Engine Speed Measurement

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2.1 EMS Panels for Remote Control

For operation of a ship’s Propulsion Line, the EMS is connected with EMS operator panels
on all control locations, including instruments for RPM and Start air pressure indication and a
pushbutton for Emergency stop:
• one in the Engine Control Room (ECR)
• one on the Bridge
• two panels on the Bridge starboard and Port Wings (optional)
• a fifth panel can be mounted on an Aft Bridge (optional)
The EMS Panel is mounted together with a Setpoint Lever on all Control Locations with EMS
Control, i.e. normally Bridge and ECR, and optionally on the Bridge Wings.

Figure 2.1: EMS Panel, Telegraph and Instruments for Bridge and ECR Control Locations.

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2.1.1 EMS Panel Functions

The following main functions are available on each control location for the Main En-
gine/Propulsion Line:

Analog instruments for indication of ME RPM

Analog instruments for indication of ME Start Air pressure

Dimmer potentiometer for illumination of the analog instruments (Bridge


[ Emergency Stop ] push-button with cover

Forced [ Take Command ECR ] Control Transfer push-button with cover connected directly
to the ME-Engine ECS (ECR only)

[ Increase Limit ] with cover connected directly to the ME-Engine ECS

(ECR only)

EMS Platinum-ME Operator Panel with the following functions:

ME: <Runstat> 100.0 RPM, StAir 30.00 BAR
TLG BC: ±120.0 ECR: ±120.0 ECS: 20.0 RPM
<Oldest unacknowledged alarm/Alarm stat>
Four lines display with 40 characters on each line

Softkeys [ S1 ] - [ S4 ] for operation of EMS functions

Six selection keys: [ ESC ], [ ENT ]

and four [ Arrow ] keys

[ Select ] of EMS control functions of

[ Status ], [ Control ] and [ Settings ]

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Control location selection and indication for:

[ Bridge Ctrl. ] key for indication and Request / Acknowledge of Automatic

References: Chapter 3.1.

[ E.C.R. Control ] key for indication and Request / Acknowledge of ECR

Control Station (Automatic ECR or Manual ECR Control).
References: Chapter 3.1.

[ Local Ctrl. ] key for indication and Request / Acknowledge of Local
LOCAL (Emergency) Control Station. (Manual LOP Control)
References: Chapter 3.1.

SUB-Telegraph selection and indication for:

[ Sea Mode ] operation and indication key:

SEA Activation of this key commands Sea Mode and alarm for this is released.
Mode conditions: Control air on, Safety air on, Main start valve not blocked,
Starting air distributor not blocked and Turning gear not engaged.
When unacknowledged or conditions not fulfilled, the green LED is flashing.
When Sea Mode is present, the green LED is ON.
References: Chapter 3.2.3
[ Stand By ] operation and indication key:
STAND Activation of this key commands Stand By at the Main Engine and alarm for
this is released.
Mode conditions: Control air on, Safety air on, Main start valve not blocked,
Starting air distributor not blocked and Turning gear not engaged.
When unacknowledged or conditions not fulfilled, the green LED is flashing.
When Stand By is present, the green LED is ON.
References: Chapter 3.2.2
[ F.W.E. ] operation and indication key:
F.W.E. Activation of this key commands Finished With Engine and alarm for this is
Mode conditions: Control air pressure off, Safety air pressure off
and Main start valve blocked.
When unacknowledged or conditions not fulfilled, the green LED is flashing.
When Finished With Engine is present, the green LED is ON.
References: Chapter 3.2.1

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Slowdown operation and indication for:

[ Slow Down ] operation and indication key:

Activation of the key invokes the Slowdown status list at the LCD display.
When Slowdown is active, the red LED is ON.
References: Chapter 3.5.

[ Slowd. Cancel ] operation and indication key:
SLOWD. Slowdown may be cancelled, when in Automatic Bridge or Automatic ECR
When in Manual ECR Control, operation takes place from the EMS as well.
When Slowdown prewarning is present, the red LED is flashing.
When the Slowdown situation is cancelled, the red LED is ON.
References: Chapter 3.5.

[ Slowd. Reset ] operation and indication key:
SLOWD. Slowdown may be reset, when in Automatic Bridge or Automatic ECR con-
trol and the slowdown condition is neither present nor cancelled.
When in Manual ECR Control, operation takes place from the EMS as well.
When Slowdown may be reset due to Slowdown condition back to normal
or cancelled the red LED is flashing.
References: Chapter 3.5.

Shutdown operation and indication for:

[ Shut Down ] operation and indication key:

Activation of the key invokes the Shutdown status list at the LCD display.
When Shutdown is active, the red LED is ON.
References: Chapter 3.4 and EPS Platinum User Manual

[ Shutd. Cancel ] operation and indication key:
SHUTD. Shutdown may be cancelled, when in Automatic Bridge or Automatic ECR
When not in Automatic EMS Control, operation takes place from the EPS
Platinum Operator Panel in ECR, or from the LOP.
When Shutdown prewarning is present, the red LED is flashing.
When the Shutdown situation is cancelled, the red LED is ON.
References: Chapter 3.4 and EPS Platinum User Manual

The [ RESET ] and [ CANCEL ] keys for Shutdown and Slow Down keys are only working
on the EMS Operator Panels which are in control, i.e. on anyone of the Bridge Operator
Panels in Bridge Control and on the ECR Operator Panel in Automatic ECR Control, how-
ever the Slowdown Reset can be configured to always require reset from the E.C.R. Opera-
tor Panel.

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Startblock and Limits Cancel operation and indication for:

[ Start Block ] operation and indication key:
START Activation of the key invokes the Startblocking status list at the LCD dis-
When Startblocking is present, the red LED is ON.

[ Limits Cancel ] operation and indication key:

LIMITS Activation of this key Cancels the RPM Max Limit and Load program of the
EMS Platinum-ME as well as raising the Index Limiters in the ME-Engine
ECS System.
When Cancellation is present, the red LED is ON.
The [ Limits Cancel ] key is only working on the EMS Operator Panels,
which are in control, i.e. on anyone of the Bridge Operator Panels in Bridge
Control and on the ECR Operator Panel in Automatic ECR Control.

EMS Platinum-ME keys for alarm functions:

[ Stop Horn ] operation key:

Activation of this key stops the buzzer in the EMS Operator Panel.

[ Alarm Acknowledge ] operation key:

Activation of this key acknowledges the alarms present at the LCD display
of the EMS Operator Panel.

The [ Stop Horn ] and [ Alarm Ackn. ] keys can be configured to work on several different
1. Both keys are always working in the ECR, e.g. when the Chief Engineer always wants
to be able to acknowledge alarms. Buzzer and [ Stop Horn ] are working on anyone of
the Bridge Operator Panels for all alarms announced on the bridge (configurable), but [
Alarm Ackn. ] will not be possible on the Bridge.
2. Both keys are working on the present EMS Control Location, i.e. working on anyone of
the Bridge Operator Panels in Bridge Control and on the ECR Operator Panel in ECR
In connection with an integrated MCS Platinum Monitoring and Control System, where the
Watch Station can be changed to the Bridge, the function of both keys is following the MCS
Watch Station.

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[ Alarm List ] operation and indication key:

References: Chapter 5.3.

[ Additional List ] operation and indication key:

References: Chapter 0.

[Display Channel ] operation and indication key:

References: Chapter 5.5.

[ Adjust Channel ] operation and indication key:

CHANNEL References: Chapter 5.6.

[ Maintenance ] operation and indication key:

MAINTE- References: Chapter 5.7.

[ Dimmer ] operation and indication key:

References: Chapter 5.8.

[ Alarm ] indication lamp for EMS Platinum-ME Alarm detected.

Any EMS Platinum-ME alarm in chapter 6 activates this indication.

[ Fault ] indication lamp for EMS Platinum-ME Operator Panel in Faulty

e.g. missing communication to the DPU 2010 PLC or missing EPROM
inside the panel.

Please refer to chapter 5 and the MCS Platinum System Description for further information
about the alarm system functions.

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2.2 Manual ECR Control Equipment

All indications and operations, such as Aux. Blowers control and indication of Main Start
Valve position etc. in the ECR Control Console which used to take place on the ECR Sub
Panel are now included in the MAN Diesel supplied Main Operator Panel (MOP), please re-
fer to the MAN Diesel instruction manual.
Beside that the following facilities are available:
1. EMERGENCY STOP, i.e. when Emergency Stop is ordered from this pushbutton, then
the red lamp indication is ON. The pushbutton is protected with a plastic cover against
unwanted operation. The pushbutton is connected to the Safety System.
2. TAKE CONTROL, i.e. when this pushbutton is activated, the ME-Engine ECS Control
System makes a forced control transfer to Manual ECR Control. This button overrides all
other Control Transfer functions except the similar Take Control pushbutton on the LOP.
The pushbutton is connected directly to the ME-Engine ECS System.
3. INCREASE LIMITS, i.e. i.e. when this pushbutton is activated in Manual ECR Control,
the ME-Engine ECS will raise the limiters in the Governor System. The pushbutton is
connected directly to the ME-Engine ECS System.
4. For Manual ECR Control the ECR Telegraph supplied with the Engine Manoeuvring Sys-
tem is equipped with:
• Two 4 – 20mA set points connected directly to the ME-Engine ECS System
• Two Stop Switches connected directly to the ME-Engine ECS System

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2.3 Local Operator Panel Functions

The ME-Engine Local Operator Panel (LOP), mounted locally at the ME-Engine is used for
fully electronic control from the Emergency Control Stand.

Figure 2.2: ME-Engine Local Operator Panel

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The ME-Engine start/stop and setpoint signals are operated from the Emergency Telegraph
receiver mounted close to the LOP, with signals similar to the ECR Telegraph receiver:
• Two 4 – 20mA set points connected directly to the ME-Engine ECS System
• Two Stop Switches connected directly to the ME-Engine ECS System
The EMS Platinum-ME do however control the Sub-telegraph, the normal Control Transfer
and the Slowdown indications, and the EPS Platinum Safety System control the Shutdown
indications, but the ME-Engine ECS System will still be able to control the ME-Engine, even
in case of the EMS Platinum not functioning.
The following main functions are available on the ME-Engine Local Operator Panel:
• Analog instruments for indication of: Hydraulic Pressure
• Analog instruments for indication of: ME RPM
• Analog instruments for indication of: Starting Air Pressure
• EMS Subtelegraph [Finished With Engine], [Standby] and [At Sea] selection and indi-
• EMS Control transfer [Bridge], [ECR] and [Local] control selection and indication
• [Forced take Control] selection and indication
• [Manual Slowdown Request] indication
• EMS [Slow Prewarning] and [Slow Down Active] indication, [Cancel Slow Down] and
[Reset Slow Down] operation and indication
• [Shutdown Prewarning] and [Shutdown] indication, [Cancel Shutdown] operation
and indication
• Start Conditions [Turning Gear Disengaged], [Start Air Distributor in Service], [Main
Start Valve in service], [Engine not ready] and [Start Blocked] indications
• EPS [Emergency stop] activation and indication
• [Aux Blowers running] and [Aux. Blowers Warning] indication
• [Fuel/Load Limitation Active] indication and [Increase Limitation] activation and indi-
• [Start Failure] indication
• [Lamp Test] pushbutton
• [Air Run], [Slowturn] and [Auto] switch
• Shutdown Reset is done by putting the LOP Telegraph in stop position. The ME-Engine
ECS system will activate the reset signal to the Safety system by means of the LOP Tele-
graph setpoint and Stop switch.

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2.4 Safety System for the Main Engine

The EMS Platinum-ME is normally delivered together with an independent EPS Platinum
(Engine Protection System) Safety System for Main Engine Emergency Stop, Overspeed
and Shutdown protection, which are interfaced to the EMS with hardware connections.
The system is based on a DZM 402 PLC with built-in functions for overspeed protection and
speed indication to instruments, and inputs for two speed pickups. The system is then ex-
tended with one, two or three BSM 2200 Input/Output Modules, with 16 DI (Digital Input)
channels and 12 DO (Digital Output) channels each for Shutdown inputs and Shutdown so-
lenoid valve outputs.
The Digital Input channels are all with cable supervision, i.e. the Shutdown sensor must be a
normally Open Contact (OC) contact, connected with an 8k2 Ohm resistor across the con-
tact, and a Closed Contact (CC) will then activate the Shutdown input.
The Digital Output channels are a solid-state relay output, with jumper selection of cable su-
In the ECR, the EPS Platinum Safety System has its own EPS Panel, where it is possible to
see the relevant information for each Shutdown input channel, actual Main Engine RPM etc.
on the display, and it is also possible to make adjustments and cut-outs on the Shutdown in-
put channels.
Two keys with LED indication on the EPS Panel are used for Shutdown indication and Shut-
down Cancel function. At the Bridge, the corresponding functions are shown on two keys on
the EMS Panel.
The following functions are included in the EPS Platinum Safety System:
• Shutdown stop output for the ME-Engine ECU units (2 normally open outputs)
• Shutdown stop output for the ME-Engine Fuel Cut-off Valve (1 supervised output)
• Shutdown stop output for the ME-Engine CCU’s (n normally open outputs)
• Overspeed stop of the Main Engine (2 pickup inputs)
• Shutdown inputs (20 supervised inputs )
• Emergency stop of the Main Engine (5 supervised inputs)
• Alarm outputs to the alarm system (8 outputs)
• Tacho output for ME RPM to instruments (9 +/-10V instruments)
• Cancel and Reset inputs from EMS System, ME-Engine ECS and LOP (5 inputs)
• Local/Remote and EMS Control feedback (2 inputs)
For further information about the EPS Platinum Safety System, please refer to the EPS
Platinum System Description and User Manual.

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2.5 Main Engine Speed Measurement

As standard the EMS Platinum-ME is only using the Tacho 1 signal received on the dual se-
rial interface from the ME-Engine ECS, and because it’s the ME-Engine ECS responsibility
of Start/Stop-Running detection and Repeated start as well as the Load Program, this tacho
signal is sufficient for the EMS.
Optional, the EMS Platinum-ME can use a Tacho Adapter Module (TAM401) to interface to
its own Tacho Pickups for Tacho 2.
The pickups are mounted close to the turning wheel on the main engine.
The TAM401 is connected to one of the CPU’s on the Serial Interface Board used for meas-
urement of the Main Engine speed.

2.6 Telegraph Transmitter and RPM Setpoint Control

The Bridge is equipped with a Telegraph Transmitter with built-in setpoint potentiometer on
the Bridge Centre Console, as the Bridge main operation station. As an option the Telegraph
Transmitter at the Bridge Centre can be interconnected by means of an Electric Shaft Sys-
tem to Bridge Wing Control at:
• Starboard Wing Panel
• Port Wing Panel
As standard the ECR is also equipped with a similar Telegraph Receiver and the LOP is
equipped with a watertight Telegraph Receiver.
Bridge Centre Telegraph Levers are equipped with potentiometer and stop switch with hard-
ware connection to the EMS System.
ECR and LOP Telegraph Levers are equipped with dual 4-20 mA Setpoint Transmitters and
Stop Switches connected directly to the ME-Engine ECS System.
The Bridge - and ECR Telegraph Levers are also used as engine telegraph system, when
running in manual ECR control.
The Bridge - and LOP Telegraph Levers are also used as engine telegraph system, when
running in local LOP control.
For alignment during control transfer and for printing on the manoeuvring order recorder
printer, the EMS receives the ECR and LOP Telegraph RPM Setpoint on the serial interface
from the ME-Engine ECS System.

2.6.1 Electrical Shaft System

Ships with Bridge Wing Control, can as an option be equipped with an electrical shaft system
interconnecting the Bridge Centre Telegraph with the Bridge Wing Control Telegraphs.
The electrical shaft system is an integrated part of the complete remote control system, but it
is based on components completely independent of the EMS DPU and all other items of the
overall system.
The Electric Shaft System is a so-called synchronising system, in which non-activated con-
trol levers are following the active control lever, chosen at random, i.e. when the Bridge Cen-
tre is master, then the two Bridge Wing levers automatically follows the master lever in the
Bridge Centre.
The system has been designed in such a way, that by means of a pushbutton switch, a cho-
sen control unit is activated as master.

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Each Telegraph Transmitter on the Bridge’s Electrical Shaft System is equipped with three
indication lamps and one pushbutton for control transfer:
• Pushbutton selection of which position is the master control unit
• Lamp indication with dimmer for which one of the three control positions are the master
control unit
To change the control position between the three Control Units on the Bridge, press the
[ Take Over / ON Service ] pushbutton on the new master control position, and it will
change immediately, indicated with steady light in the [ Take Over / ON Service ]
As the levers are already synchronised by the electrical shaft system, there are no need for
further alignments before pressing the [ Take Over / ON Service ] pushbutton.

2.6.2 Emergency Telegraph System

For backup communication of telegraph orders from the Bridge to ECR during ECR Control,
and/or to the engine side in the Engine Room during local control, the system can optionally
be extended with a separate Emergency Telegraph System, which is completely independ-
ent of the EMS Platinum-ME Engine Control System and the normal communication Tele-
graph Levers.
By means of a rotating switch or a pushbutton for each telegraph order, and lamps for each
telegraph order, the Communication Telegraph indicates the requested order.
On the Bridge, the switch is turned to the new order/the pushbutton for the new order is
pressed. The lamp for the new order will start flashing, and the buzzer on the Bridge and in
the ECR and/or a telegraph bell local on the engine side will start sounding.
To accept the new order, the switch on the receiver (ECR or local) must be turned to the po-
sition with the flashing lamp/the flashing lamp must be pressed, which will go into steady
light and the buzzer will stop.
By means of a pushbutton on each of the receivers; it is possible to select between the ECR
and the Local Communication Telegraph as the active receiver, i.e. the location from where
it is possible to acknowledge the telegraph order from the Bridge.

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3. EMS Platinum-ME Functional Description

3.1 Control Position Change-over

The electronically controlled ME-Engine can, when operated together with the EMS Plati-
num-ME for a Fixed Pitch Propeller (FPP), be operated in [BRIDGE CTRL.] directly from the
Bridge Panel, and Telegraph Levers with optional Bridge Wing Control operating in parallel
to the Bridge Centre. Please refer to section for a description of the change over be-
tween Bridge Centre and the Bridge Wings.
When [BRIDGE CTRL.] is selected, the Main Engine's speed and direction is controlled by
the position of the Bridge Telegraph Lever. The DPU 2010 PLC located in the EMS Plati-
num-ME main cabinet convert the Bridge Telegraph Lever Setpoint into a speed setting sig-
nal which is sent to the ME-Engine ECS System via the serial line interface.
The ME-Engine ECS System then takes care of start and stop the engine and controlling the
engine speed by means of the build in Governor Functions.
Manual [E.C.R. CTRL.] from the ECR Telegraph Receiver is bypassing the EMS, i.e. the
start/stop and setpoint signals from the ECR Telegraph are hardwired directly from ECR to
the ME-Engine Control System.
[LOCAL CTRL.] from the Local Operator Panel (LOP) and Emergency Telegraph receiver is
bypassing the EMS, i.e. the start/stop and setpoint signals from the LOP and Telegraph are
hardwired directly from the LOP to the ME-Engine Control System.
The EMS is however responsible for the control transfer between all three control stations,
i.e. between [BRIDGE CTRL.], [E.C.R. CTRL] and [LOCAL CTRL.], and the active control
station is then informed to the ME-Engine ECS-system via the serial interface line between
the EMS and ECS. Please refer to section 4.0 showing the layout of the EMS operator panel.
For this purpose, the Local Operator Panel includes lamps and pushbuttons for [Bridge],
[E.C.R.] and [Local] Control Position indications similar to the EMS panels, but instead of
the serial interface to the EMS panels, they are hardwired directly to the EMS in order to be
able to make a request/acknowledge control transfer to/from Local control also. Please refer
to section 2.3 showing the layout of the local operator panel (LOP) for the ME-engine.
Beside the serial interface to the ME-Engine ECS system, the EMS also has hardware out-
puts to inform the Safety System about the active control station. In case the slowdown sys-
tem is not integrated in the EMS, this system must also be informed about the active control
If there is no operator available on the old control station (Bridge or ECR) to acknowledge
the EMS request for Local control or if the EMS system is no longer operational, the ECS is
able to make a forced control transfer from EMS control to ECS control on the local control
stand by means of a [Forced Take Control] pushbutton on the LOP.
As the EMS Platinum-ME for FPP always has ECS control from ECR, the ECS will also be
able to make a forced control transfer from EMS control to ECS control in the ECR.

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3.1.1 ECS Control Station Priority

The ME-Engine ECS control system has a priority of the control stations where the control
station closest to the engine has the highest priority:
1. Local ECS Control, highest priority
2. Manual ECR ECS Control
3. EMS Bridge Control, lowest priority
If the ECS loose the signal for the active control station, it will release an alarm and react as
• In case of lost signals, the last active control station will apply
• In case of disagreement between two or more signals, the control station will block so that
the last valid control station applies.

3.1.2 Operation of Control Station Transfer

The active control station can be transferred between the three control stations, Bridge, ECR
and Local Control on request from either the active control station, e.g. the Bridge Panel(s),
or on request from the new control station, e.g. the ECR or LOP panel without a previous re-
quest from the Bridge.
This means that the control station making the request for transfer does not have to be the
present control station.
The control station (Bridge, ECR or Local Control) requesting the new control station (ECR,
Bridge or Local Control), must first press the corresponding EMS Panel key:
• [BRIDGE CTRL.] if transfer from Local or ECR - to Bridge Control is requested
• [E.C.R. CTRL.] if transfer from Local or Bridge - to ECR Control is requested
• [LOCAL CTRL.] if transfer from ECR or Bridge - to Local Control is requested
As soon as the request for the control transfer is initiated from the Bridge, ECR or LOP, the
buzzer in the Panels involved will start beeping, and the LED indication in the key for the new
control station will start flashing, both on the Bridge Panel and in the corresponding LED in-
dication on the ECR Panel and in the LOP. The EMS panel buzzer sound for control transfer
is making two short beeps followed by a 5 sec pause.
If there is no buzzer available in the Local Operator Panel, the EMS has an optional output
for activation of the Telegraph Bells in the engine room, which will be activated during control
transfer to/from local control.
The LED indication for the present control station will remain in steady light, until all condi-
tions for the new control station are fulfilled, upon which it will be switched off.
When the control transfer is acknowledged by pressing the flashing key on the EMS Panel at
the acknowledge location:
• [BRIDGE CTRL.] if Local or ECR - to Bridge Control Transfer is acknowledged
• [E.C.R. CTRL.] if Local or Bridge - to ECR Control Transfer is acknowledged
• [LOCAL CTRL.] if ECR or Bridge - to Local Control Transfer is acknowledged
The control station will be changed, if the Setpoint Levers are aligned.
The flashing LED indication for the new control station will stop flashing and go into steady
light. The LED indication for the previous control station is switched off, and the buzzers will
stop beeping.
If the Setpoint Levers are not aligned, control transfer will not take place. The LED indication
for the new control station will continue flashing and the two-beep sound will continue until

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the control transfer request is either cancelled, or the Setpoint Levers have been aligned.
If the Bridge and ECR setpoint levers are not aligned, a changeover display will show up on
the Bridge and ECR Panel with alignment barographs for the two set points, making it easier
to align the set points.
Note: the changeover display will only show up if the EMS Platinum-ME Basic mode over-
view display is active. If the Basic mode overview display is not active press the [ ESC ] key
several times until the outermost display level is reached.
If the request for control transfer is not acknowledged on the acknowledge location, the [Re-
quest] key or the old [Control Location] key at the request location can be pushed again to
cancel the control transfer request. If the control station has not changed (Setpoint Levers
not aligned), the flashing is stopped and the buzzer is silenced without further conse-
Transfer of control will not take place before the Setpoint Levers are aligned and acknowl-
edge is received from the acknowledge location. From Bridge Control to ECR Control

The LED indication for Control station at transfer from Bridge Control to ECR Control is indi-
cating in the following way:
• [BRIDGE CTRL.] LED indication, i.e. the old control station LED indication on the Bridge,
ECR Panel and LOP are in steady light until transfer has taken place.
• [E.C.R. CTRL.] LED indication, i.e. the new control station LED indication on the Bridge,
ECR Panel and LOP are flashing, if the Setpoint Levers are aligned, until acknowledge
has taken place or the request is cancelled.
If the Setpoint Levers are not aligned, the [E.C.R. CTRL.] LED indication will continue flash-
ing until Setpoint Levers are aligned or the request is cancelled. During this alignment pro-
cedure, the EMS setpoint display will automatically show three barographs, with digital read-
ings of the telegraph lever set points, until the levers are aligned. From Bridge Control to Local Control

The LED indication for Control station at transfer from Bridge Control to Local Control on the
engine is indicating in the following way:
• [BRIDGE CTRL.] LED indication, i.e. the old control station LED indication on the Bridge,
ECR Panel and LOP are in steady light until transfer has taken place.
• [LOCAL CTRL.] LED indication, i.e. the new control station LED indication on the Bridge,
ECR Panel and LOP are flashing, if the Setpoint Levers are aligned, until acknowledge
has taken place or the request is cancelled.
If the Setpoint Levers are not aligned, the [LOCAL CTRL.] LED indication will continue flash-
ing until Setpoint Levers are aligned or the request is cancelled. During this alignment pro-
cedure, the EMS setpoint display will automatically show three barographs, with digital read-
ings of the telegraph lever set points, until the levers are aligned.

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User Manual for MAN Diesel ME/ME-C Engines 2010.06.28 From ECR Control to Bridge Control

The LED indication for Control station at transfer from ECR Control to Bridge Control is indi-
cating in the following way:
• [E.C.R. CTRL.] LED indication, i.e. the old control station LED indication on the Bridge,
ECR Panel and LOP are in steady light until transfer has taken place.
• [BRIDGE CTRL.] LED indication, i.e. the new control station LED indication on the
Bridge, ECR Panel and LOP are flashing, if the Setpoint Levers are aligned, until ac-
knowledge has taken place or the request is cancelled.
If the Setpoint Levers are not aligned, the [BRIDGE CTRL.] LED indication will continue
flashing until Setpoint Levers are aligned or the request is cancelled. During this alignment
procedure, the EMS setpoint display will automatically show three barographs, with digital
readings of the telegraph lever set points, until the levers are aligned. From ECR Control to Local Control

The LED indication for Control station at transfer from ECR Control to Local Control is indi-
cating in the following way:
• [E.C.R. CTRL.] LED indication, i.e. the old control station LED indication on the Bridge,
ECR Panel and LOP are in steady light until transfer has taken place.
• [LOCAL CTRL.] LED indication, i.e. the new control station LED indication on the Bridge,
ECR Panel and LOP are flashing, if the Setpoint Levers are aligned, until acknowledge
has taken place or the request is cancelled.
If the Setpoint Levers are not aligned, the [LOCAL CTRL.] LED indication will continue flash-
ing until Setpoint Levers are aligned or the request is cancelled. During this alignment pro-
cedure, the EMS setpoint display will automatically show three barographs, with digital read-
ings of the telegraph lever set points, until the levers are aligned. From Local Control to ECR Control

The LED indication for Control station at transfer from Local Control to ECR Control is indi-
cating in the following way:
• [LOCAL CTRL.] LED indication, i.e. the old control station LED indication on the Bridge,
ECR Panel and LOP are in steady light until transfer has taken place.
• [E.C.R. CTRL.] LED indication, i.e. the new control station LED indication on the Bridge,
ECR Panel and LOP are flashing, if the Setpoint Levers are aligned, until acknowledge
has taken place or the request is cancelled.
If the Setpoint Levers are not aligned, the [E.C.R. CTRL.] LED indication will continue flash-
ing until Setpoint Levers are aligned or the request is cancelled. During this alignment pro-
cedure, the EMS setpoint display will automatically show three barographs, with digital read-
ings of the telegraph lever set points, until the levers are aligned.

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The LED indication for Control station at transfer from Local Control to Bridge Control is indi-
cating in the following way:
• [LOCAL CTRL.] LED indication, i.e. the old control station LED indication on the Bridge,
ECR Panel and LOP are in steady light until transfer has taken place.
• [BRIDGE CTRL.] LED indication, i.e. the new control station LED indication on the
Bridge, ECR Panel and LOP are flashing, if the Setpoint Levers are aligned, until ac-
knowledge has taken place or the request is cancelled.
If the Setpoint Levers are not aligned, [BRIDGE CTRL.] LED indication will continue flashing
until Setpoint Levers are aligned or the request is cancelled. During this alignment proce-
dure, the EMS setpoint display will automatically show three barographs, with digital read-
ings of the telegraph lever set points, until the levers are aligned.

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3.1.3 Forced EMS Control Transfer

As forced control transfer from Bridge to ECR control is a demand from some of the classifi-
cation societies, it will be possible by means of the Integration Manager to include this func-
tion as an option. Forced EMS control transfer can be available from:
• Bridge to ECR
• Bridge to Local
• ECR to Local
• Local to ECR
Forced control transfer is when a control station close to the main engine takes the control
from a control station with a lower priority without a previous transfer request, e.g. the
[E.C.R. CTRL.] can take the control from the [BRIDGE CTRL.] or [LOCAL CTRL.] can take
control from [E.C.R. CTRL.] and [BRIDGE CTRL.].
As soon as the ECR engineer has pressed the [E.C.R. CTRL.] button on the EMS ECR
panel, the control station will transfer to ECR control, without waiting for the navigator on the
Bridge to accept the control transfer.
Forced control transfers within the machinery control area, i.e. between [E.C.R. CTRL.] and
[LOCAL CTRL.] and vice-versa, is done in the same way as when changing between the dif-
ferent control positions on the bridge, because most probably the engineer making the trans-
fer will be alone on duty in the engine room. It means that as soon as the key for the new
control position is activated, the control position will transfer to the new position without any
request/acknowledge indications on the old control position, and no buzzer will sound. Forced EMS Transfer from Bridge Control to ECR Control

When included, the engineer can make the forced control transfer from Bridge to ECR con-
trol by pressing the [E.C.R. CTRL.] key on the ECR Panel, without a previous request from
the bridge.
The LED indication for forced EMS control transfer from Bridge Control to ECR Control is in-
dicating in the following way:
• [BRIDGE CTRL.] LED indication, i.e. the old control station LED indication on the Bridge,
ECR Panel and LOP are immediately switched off, to indicate that the transfer already
has taken place.
• [E.C.R. CTRL.] LED indication, i.e. the new control station LED indication on the ECR
Panel and LOP are changing immediately to steady light (if the setpoint levers are
aligned) as soon as the forced control transfer is initiated. The corresponding LED indica-
tion in the Bridge Panel is flashing and the buzzer is beeping until the operator has ac-
knowledged the forced control transfer. This is just to tell the bridge operator that the con-
trol is no longer on the bridge, the bridge acknowledge has no actual influence on the
control transfer.
If the Setpoint Levers are not aligned, the [E.C.R. CTRL.] LED indication will continue flash-
ing until the ECR engineer making the forced control transfer has aligned the setpoint levers.
During this alignment procedure, the EMS setpoint display will automatically show three
barographs, with digital readings of the telegraph lever set points, until the levers are

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User Manual for MAN Diesel ME/ME-C Engines 2010.06.28 Forced EMS Transfer from Bridge Control to Local Control

When included, the engineer can make the forced control transfer from Bridge to Local con-
trol by pressing the [LOCAL] Control pushbutton on the LOP Panel, without a previous con-
trol transfer request from the bridge.
The LED indication for forced EMS control transfer from Bridge Control to Local Control is
indicating in the following way:
• [BRIDGE CTRL.] LED indication, i.e. the old control station LED indication on the Bridge,
ECR Panel and LOP are immediately switched off, to indicate that the transfer already
has taken place.
• [LOCAL CTRL.] LED indication, i.e. the new control station LED indication on the ECR
Panel and LOP are changing immediately to steady light (if the Setpoint Levers are
aligned) as soon as the forced control transfer is initiated. The corresponding LED indica-
tion in the Bridge Panel is flashing and the buzzer is beeping until the operator has ac-
knowledged the forced control transfer. This is just to tell the bridge operator that the con-
trol is no longer on the bridge, the bridge acknowledge has no actual influence on the
control transfer.
If the Setpoint Levers are not aligned, the [LOCAL CTRL.] LED indication will continue flash-
ing until the LOP engineer making the forced control transfer has aligned the setpoint levers.
During this alignment procedure, the EMS setpoint display will automatically show three
barographs, with digital readings of the telegraph lever set points, until the levers are
aligned. Forced EMS Transfer from ECR Control to Local Control

When included, the engineer can make the forced control transfer from ECR to Local control
by pressing the [LOCAL] Control pushbutton on the LOP Panel, without a previous control
transfer request from the ECR.
The LED indication for forced EMS control transfer from ECR Control to Local Control is in-
dicating in the following way:
• [E.C.R. CTRL.] LED indication, i.e. the old control station LED indication on the Bridge,
ECR Panel and LOP are immediately switched off, to indicate that the transfer already
has taken place.
• [LOCAL CTRL.] LED indication, i.e. the new control station LED indication on the Bridge,
ECR Panel and LOP are changing immediately to steady light (if the Setpoint Levers are
aligned) as soon as the forced control transfer is initiated. There will be no flashing and
beeping on any of the Panels, because the engineer making the control transfer will most
likely be alone in the machinery space.
If the Setpoint Levers are not aligned, the [LOCAL CTRL.] LED indication will continue flash-
ing until the LOP engineer making the forced control transfer has aligned the setpoint levers.
During this alignment procedure, the EMS setpoint display will automatically show three
barographs, with digital readings of the telegraph lever set points, until the levers are

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User Manual for MAN Diesel ME/ME-C Engines 2010.06.28 Forced EMS Transfer from Local Control to ECR Control

When included, the engineer can make the forced control transfer from Local to ECR control
by pressing the [E.C.R. CTRL.] key on the ECR Panel, without a previous control transfer
request from the LOP.
The LED indication for forced EMS control transfer from Local Control to ECR Control is in-
dicating in the following way:
• [LOCAL CTRL.] LED indication, i.e. the old control station LED indication on the Bridge,
ECR Panel and LOP are immediately switched off, to indicate that the transfer already
has taken place.
• [E.C.R. CTRL.] LED indication, i.e. the new control station LED indication on the Bridge,
ECR Panel and LOP are changing immediately to steady light (if the setpoint levers are
aligned) as soon as the forced control transfer is initiated. There will be no flashing and
beeping in any of the Panels, because the engineer making the control transfer will most
likely be alone in the machinery space.
If Setpoint Levers are not aligned, the [E.C.R. CTRL.] LED indication will continue flashing
until the ECR engineer making the forced control transfer has aligned the setpoint levers.
During this alignment procedure, the EMS setpoint display will automatically show three
barographs, with digital readings of the telegraph lever set points, until the levers are

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3.1.4 Forced ECS Control Transfer

The intention of the forced ME-Engine ECS control transfer is to be able to transfer the con-
trol to the Local control station on the engine, in case the EMS system, which is normally re-
sponsible for the control transfer, is not operational.
Forced ECS control transfer can be available from:
• EMS Bridge control to Local ECS control
• EMS ECR control to Local ECS control
• EMS Bridge control to Manual ECS control in ECR
• Local ECS control (forced take control on LOP not activated) to Manual ECS control in
The forced control transfer to local control is done by activating the [Forced Take Control]
pushbutton in the ECR or on the LOP at the local engine control stand, which is hardwired
directly to the ECS.
When activated, the ECS will immediately transfer the ECS system to local control, without
any acknowledge from the old control station.
To avoid that a running engine is stopped, when making a [Forced Take Control] transfer,
the telegraph receiver must be aligned to actual speed / telegraph order from the Bridge
If the EMS is still alive on the serial interface, the EMS will be informed about the new control
station and then update the panel indication according to the new control station. Forced ECS Transfer from Bridge Control to Local Control

The forced ECS control transfer from Bridge to Local control is done by activating the
[Forced Take Control] pushbutton on the LOP Panel, without a previous control transfer
request from the bridge.
If the EMS is still alive on the serial interface, the LED indication for forced ECS control
transfer from Bridge Control to Local Control is indicating in the following way:
• [BRIDGE CTRL.] LED indication, i.e. the old control station LED indication on the Bridge,
ECR Panel and LOP are immediately switched off, to indicate that the transfer already
has taken place.
• [LOCAL CTRL.] LED indication, i.e. the new control station LED indication on the ECR
Panel and LOP are changing immediately to steady light as soon as the forced control
transfer is initiated. The corresponding LED indication in the Bridge Panel is flashing and
the buzzer is beeping until the operator has acknowledged the forced control transfer.
This is just to tell the bridge operator that the control is no longer on the bridge, the bridge
acknowledge has no actual influence on the control transfer.
Because the control transfer takes place as soon as the [Forced Take Control] pushbutton
in the ECR is activated, no alignment procedure will take place. To avoid that a running en-
gine is stopped, when making a [Forced Take Control] transfer, the LOP telegraph receiver
must be aligned to actual speed / telegraph order from the Bridge telegraph.

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User Manual for MAN Diesel ME/ME-C Engines 2010.06.28 Forced ECS Transfer from ECR Control to Local Control

The forced ME-Engine ECS control transfer from ECR control to Local control is done by ac-
tivating the [Forced Take Control] pushbutton on the LOP Panel, without a previous control
transfer request from the ECR.
If the EMS is still alive on the serial interface, the LED indication for forced ECS control
transfer from ECR Control to Local Control is indicating in the following way:
• [E.C.R. CTRL.] LED indication, i.e. the old control station LED indication on the Bridge,
ECR Panel and LOP are immediately switched off, to indicate that the transfer already
has taken place.
• [LOCAL CTRL.] LED indication, i.e. the new control station LED indication on the Bridge,
ECR Panel and LOP are changing immediately to steady light as soon as the forced con-
trol transfer is initiated. There will be no flashing and beeping in the ECR Panel, because
the engineer making the control transfer will most likely be alone in the machinery space.
• However, if the [Forced Take Control] in ECR is included, and it is activated at the time
for the [Forced Take Control] on the LOP is activated, the [LOCAL CTRL.] LED indica-
tion, i.e. the new control station LED indication on the Bridge Panel and LOP are chang-
ing immediately to steady light as soon as the forced control transfer is initiated. The
[LOCAL CTRL.] LED indication in the ECR Panel is flashing and the buzzer is beeping
until the operator has acknowledged the forced control transfer by deactivating the
[Forced Take Control] button in the ECR. This is just to tell the engineer that the control
is no longer in the ECR, the ECR acknowledge has no actual influence on the control
transfer, because the Local [Forced Take Control] has higher priority than the one in the
Because the control transfer takes place as soon as the [Forced Take Control] pushbutton
in the ECR is activated, no alignment procedure will take place. To avoid that a running en-
gine is stopped, when making a [Forced Take Control] transfer, the LOP telegraph receiver
must be aligned to actual speed / telegraph order from the Bridge telegraph. Forced ECS Transfer from Bridge Control to Manual ECS Control in ECR
Forced ME-Engine ECS control transfer from Bridge Control to Manual ECS Control in the
ECR is done by activating the [Forced Take Control] pushbutton in the ECR, without a pre-
vious control transfer request from the bridge.
If the EMS is still alive on the serial interface, the LED indication for forced ECS control
transfer from Bridge Control to Manual ECS Control in the ECR is indicating in the following
• [BRIDGE CTRL.] LED indication, i.e. the old control station LED indication on the Bridge,
ECR Panel and LOP are immediately switched off, to indicate that the transfer already
has taken place.
• [E.C.R. CTRL.] LED indication, i.e. the new control station LED indication on the ECR
Panel and LOP are changing immediately to steady light as soon as the forced control
transfer is initiated. The corresponding LED indication in the Bridge Panel is flashing and
the buzzer is beeping until the operator has acknowledged the forced control transfer.
This is just to tell the bridge operator that the control is no longer on the bridge, the bridge
acknowledge has no actual influence on the control transfer.
Because the control transfer takes place as soon as the [Forced Take Control] pushbutton
in the ECR is activated, no alignment procedure will take place. To avoid that a running en-
gine is stopped, when making a [Forced Take Control] transfer, the ECR telegraph receiver
must be aligned to actual speed / telegraph order from the Bridge telegraph.

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User Manual for MAN Diesel ME/ME-C Engines 2010.06.28 Forced ECS Transfer from Local Control to Manual ECS Control in ECR
The forced ME-Engine ECS control transfer from Local control to Manual ECS control in the
ECR is done by activating the [Forced Take Control] pushbutton in the ECR, without a pre-
vious control transfer request from the LOP.
If the EMS is still alive on the serial interface, the LED indication for forced ECS control
transfer from Local Control to Manual ECS control in the ECR are indicating in the following
• [LOCAL CTRL.] LED indication, i.e. the old control station LED indication on the Bridge,
ECR Panel and LOP are immediately switched off, to indicate that the transfer already
has taken place.
• [E.C.R. CTRL.] LED indication, i.e. the new control station LED indication on the Bridge,
ECR Panel and LOP are changing immediately to steady light as soon as the forced con-
trol transfer is initiated. There will be no flashing and beeping in the ECR Panel, because
the engineer making the control transfer will most likely be alone in the machinery space.
Because the control transfer takes place as soon as the [Forced Take Control] pushbutton
in the ECR is activated, no alignment procedure will take place, presumed that the [Forced
Take Control] on the LOP is not activated. To avoid that a running engine is stopped, when
making a [Forced Take Control] transfer, the ECR telegraph receiver must be aligned to
actual speed / telegraph order from the Bridge telegraph.
However, if the [Forced Take Control] on the LOP is activated at the time when the
[Forced Take Control] pushbutton in the ECR is activated, this forced control transfer will
actually take place like a request/acknowledge control transfer. This is because that as long
as the Local [Forced Take Control] is activated it has higher priority than the one in the
• [Local Control] LED indication, i.e. the old control station LED indication on the Bridge,
ECR Panel and LOP will remain on until the Local [Forced Take Control] in the LOP is
• [E.C.R. CTRL.] LED indication, i.e. the new control station LED indication on the Bridge,
ECR Panel and LOP are flashing and the buzzer is beeping until the operator has ac-
knowledged the forced control transfer by deactivating the [Forced Take Control] button
on the LOP.
If Setpoint Levers are not aligned, the EMS setpoint display will, as long as the [E.C.R.
CTRL.] LED indication is still flashing because the Local [Forced Take Control] on the LOP
is not deactivated, automatically show three barographs, with digital readings of the tele-
graph lever set points, until the levers are aligned.
The control transfer to [[E.C.R. CTRL.] will however take place as soon as the Local
[Forced Take Control] in the LOP is deactivated, regardless of if the Setpoint Levers are
aligned at that moment or not. During this alignment procedure, the EMS setpoint display will
automatically show three barographs, with digital readings of the telegraph lever set points,
until the levers are aligned.

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3.1.5 Setpoint Levers Alignment

To be able to transfer the control station between Bridge, ECR and Local, the Telegraph
Levers for the two control stations involved must be aligned. For this purpose a setpoint dis-
play with barographs and digital readings of the setpoint from the Telegraph levers involved
are automatically displayed during the control transfer, if the levers are not aligned.
An adjustable dead-band around the exact commands for transfer without change of RPM
makes it easier to transfer control.
Please refer to section 4.2.1 for a description of the setpoint system alignment display. From Bridge Control

From [BRIDGE CTRL.] to [E.C.R. CTRL.] or [LOCAL CTRL.]:
• ECR or LOP Telegraph Lever Setpoint adjusted according to Bridge Telegraph Setpoint
Lever From ECR Control

From [E.C.R. CTRL.] to [BRIDGE CTRL.] or [LOCAL CTRL.]:
• Bridge or LOP Telegraph Lever Setpoint adjusted according to ECR Telegraph Setpoint
Lever From Local Control

From [LOCAL CTRL.] to [E.C.R. CTRL.] or [BRIDGE CTRL.]:
Bridge or ECR Telegraph Lever Setpoint adjusted according to LOP Telegraph Setpoint
Lever Cable Failure on Setpoint Levers

The setpoint potentiometers on all setpoint levers are individually supervised for ca-
ble failure, with an alarm for each potentiometer.
In case of cable failure on one of the setpoint potentiometers involved in a control
transfer, the demands for alignment of the involved setpoint levers are cancelled.
It is not possible to transfer control to a Control Position, which has cable failure on
the setpoint potentiometers.

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3.1.6 Control Station Selected at Power-Up

When the EMS is powered up, or the CPU is reset by the operator or after download of a
new software program, the active control station will be preset according to the active control
station status received on the serial communication line from the ME-Engine ECS.
As long as the ECS is working, it will have an active control station, either one which has
been selected as the last valid control station when it lost the communication to the EMS, or
one that has been selected by means of the [Forced Take Control] push-button on the LOP
or from ECR.
If the EMS does not receive a valid control station from the ECS, or if the serial interface to
the ECS is not working, the EMS will power up with an invitation for the operators to select
one of the three control stations as the active control station.
This is done by means of flashing lamp and control transfer buzzer beeping at the corres-
ponding control station.
• [[BRIDGE CTRL.] LED indication on the Bridge panel
• [E.C.R. CTRL.] LED indication on the ECR panel
• [LOCAL] Control indication on the LOP
The operator at the control station, which first acknowledges the corresponding flashing LED
indication, will be selected as the new control station.

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3.2 Subtelegraph
The Subtelegraph is used to give an order to the engine staff. The Subtelegraph is a one-
way communication system, i.e. the Bridge makes an order and the engine staffs acknowl-
edge it by pressing the panel key associated with the order. The following orders can be sig-
[Finished With Engine]: Finished with engine (FWE), The Main Engine is stopped, and
cannot be started.
[Standby]: Main Engine is ready or running, but engine staff is needed on
standby duty.
[At Sea]: The Main Engine is running normally, and engine staff is no
longer required for Main Engine operations.
There will always be one of these orders present in the System.
When the navigator wants to change to a new order he must press the desired panel key on
the Bridge Panel. The LED in the panel key will start flashing, both on the Bridge and the
corresponding LED in the Engine Control Room Panel as well as the LED indication in the
Local Control Panel. The changeover buzzer (2 short beeps - pause - 2 short beeps etc.) will
also sound. The LED indicating the old order will remain as a fixed light.
When the engine room staff has pressed the flashing panel key – either at the ECR Panel or
at the Local Control Panel - the change-over buzzer will stop and the new order request will
be transmitted to the ME-Engine ECS, but the LED will continue flashing until all the condi-
tions for the order has been fulfilled. When the condition for the order has been fulfilled, the
LED will switch to a fixed light, and the LED indicating the old order will be switched off.
If the order is not acknowledged in the ECR or LOP, the Bridge Panel key with the flashing
LED indicating the requested mode, or the key with fixed light LED indicating the old mode
can be pressed again to cancel the change of order.
The following changes are permitted (please refer to figure 3.2.a).
Note: Direct change from FWE to At Sea Condition is enabled because the ECS do not dis-
tinguish between Stand by and At Sea Mode, i.e. the Standby request output is activated in
both Standby and At Sea mode.

Stand At
by Sea

Figure 3.2.a: Sub-telegraph change of status

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Changing between FWE and Standby state is handled as shown in figure 3.2.b below:

FWE request FWE request FWE request FWE request FWE condition
RCS: not completed Regretted Ackn. & Regretted failure

FWE request

FWE request for ECS

FWE state

Standby request

Standby request for ECS

Standby state

Ackn. flashing LED



Standby LED ON





Engine blocked

Engine ready

Standby request Standby request Standby request Standby request Standby condition
RCS: not completed Regretted Ackn. & Regretted failure

FWE request

FWE request for ECS

FWE state

Standby request

Standby request for ECS

Standby state

Ackn. flashing LED



Standby LED ON





Engine blocked

Engine ready

Figure 3.2.b: Sequence diagram for changing Subtelegraph state.

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3.2.1 Conditions for Finished With Engine

The ME-Engine ECS uses the FWE request to stop the hydraulic power supply and the Aux.
The following conditions are necessary for FWE:
• Control air vented
• Starting air distributor system blocked
• Main start valve blocked.
These conditions are gated by the ECS into the signal “Engine Blocked” (figure 3.2.b), which
is received by the RCS via serial communication.

3.2.2 Conditions for Standby

This command orders a manned ECR for the preparation of the engine for sea going or, if
the engine is ready to start or running, where a manned ECR is required.
The ECS uses the Standby request to start the hydraulic power supply and the Aux. Blow-
The following conditions are necessary for Standby: 1
• Control air pressure OK
• Hydraulic supply system OK
• Main start valve in service
• Starting air distributor system in service position
• Turning gear disengaged
• Auxiliary blowers operational
These conditions are gated by the ECS into the signal “Engine Ready” (figure 3.2.b), which
is received by the RCS via serial communication.

3.2.3 Conditions for At Sea Mode

This mode indicates that there is no need for a manned engine room.
Identical conditions are necessary for Standby and At Sea-condition – please refer to the
previous section.
The ECS do not distinguish between Standby and At Sea Mode.

The conditions for the Subtelegraph can be customised from the Integration Manager, but the con-
ditions mentioned in the previous description is the normal standard conditions for a MAN Diesel
ME/ME-C main engine.

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3.2.4 Subtelegraph alarm

An alarm is released when one of the following conditions is present
• The “Engine Blocked” condition is not achieved within a certain time (adjustable) after
FWE is requested
• The “Engine Ready” condition is not achieved within a certain time (adjustable) after
Standby is requested
• The “Engine blocked” condition suddenly disappears during FWE mode
• The “Engine Ready” condition suddenly disappears during Standby or At Sea mode
• The serial interface to the ME-Engine ECS is not working

3.2.5 Subtelegraph status selected at Forced Take-over of Control Station

When a forced take-over command is issued from the Local Control Station or from the
Manual Control in ECR, then the Subtelegraph status is set-up to Standby condition.
As plain information for the navigator the Standby LED is flashing, and the buzzer is sound-
ing at the EMS Bridge Panel until acknowledged, if FWE was previously selected.
Please refer to figure 3.2.7.

3.2.6 Serial communication to ECS stop working

If the serial interface to the ECS stops working, the EMS will invite the navigator to select
Finished With Engine. When the communication is re-established, then the status of the
Subtelegraph will be preset according to the present status of “Engine Blocked” and “Engine
Ready” received on the serial communication line from the ECS.
Please refer to figure 3.2.7.

3.2.7 Subtelegraph status selected at Power-Up

When the EMS is powered up, or the CPU is reset by the operator or after download of a
new software program, the status of the Subtelegraph will be preset according to the present
status of “Engine Blocked” and “Engine Ready” received on the serial communication line
from the ECS.
If the EMS does not receive a valid Subtelegraph status – “Engine Blocked” and “Engine
Ready” – from the ECS, or if the serial interface to the ECS is not working, the EMS will
power up with an invitation for the navigator to select Finished With Engine. Please refer to
figure 3.2.7.

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Forced Take-over Power-Up with Power-Up with Serial Comm. to ECS

of Control Station Serial Comm. to ECS Serial Comm. not O.K. stops working


FWE request

FWE request for ECS

FWE state

Standby request

Standby request for ECS

Standby state

Ackn. on Bridge



Standby LED ON



Timeout Timeout


Engine blocked

Engine ready

Figure 3.2.7: Sequence diagram for abnormal Subtelegraph situations.

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3.3 Main Engine Start/Stop

3.3.1 Automatic Bridge Control

When [ BRIDGE CTRL. ] is selected and the system is not in [ F.W.E. ] mode; starting,
stopping and control of the Main Engine speed is controlled by the position of the Bridge
Telegraph Handle.
Moving the Telegraph Handle from Stop to Ahead or Astern will cause the starting sequence
in the ME-Engine ECS System to be activated, i.e. it will supply starting air until the Main En-
gine RPM has reached starting level. At this point Start Air is removed and fuel is injected.
If the Main Engine start attempt failed, the ME-Engine ECS System will automatically make a
new repeated start. After three failed start attempts a start-blocking occur, and the navigator
has to move the Telegraph Handle to stop before a new start can be performed.
If the Main Engine is ordered to turn in the opposite direction whilst running, the ME-Engine
ECS System will automatically apply starting air until the Main Engine speed has decreased
below reversing level. This may take several minutes, depending on the ships speed, propel-
ler size, loading condition and other ship parameters.
The EMS will not take care of start failure, repeated starts, counting of the 1½ revolutions for
the slow-turning etc. but it will not be possible to make a start attempt from the Bridge Tele-
graph unless the engine ready signal is present, i.e. all start blockings, Shutdowns etc. must
be OK (or cancelled) before it is possible to start the ME-engine from the Bridge Telegraph.
The speed may be set to any speed between minimum and maximum, however the scale is
normally divided into 9 speedsetting orders: “dead-slow”, ”slow”, “half” and “full” in both direc-
tions in addition to "stop".
During commissioning, the rpm for each of these telegraph orders plus minimum and maxi-
mum in each direction are adjusted by the commissioning engineer in accordance with en-
gine builder data, yard and owner requirements. One or more of the limitations, which are
mentioned in section 3.6.2 might limit the speed.

3.3.2 ME-Engine ECS System Responsibility

Please note that it is the ME-Engine ECS System which is responsible for the timing of all
the signals actually starting and stopping the engine, e.g. activating the starting air and
changing over to fuel at the firing speed.
The EMS Start/Stop functions are limited to sending the positive RPM setpoint on the serial
line to the ME-Engine ECS System when the Bridge Telegraph is ordering an Ahead set-
point, a negative RPM setpoint when the Bridge Telegraph is ordering an Astern setpoint
and a zero RPM setpoint when the Bridge telegraph is in stop position.
This means that ME-Engine ECS System besides the normal Start/Stop functions also takes
care of the timing of all the signals for all Slowturning, Reversing, Repeated Start and Crash
Stop functions.
When the ECS System begin to start the Main Engine, indicated by <PREPARING> on the
EMS Panel as long as starting of the Aux. Blowers are taking place, changing to <START-
ING> when start air is applied until the engine is running, and then the indication will change
If the Main Engine has been stopped for more than a certain time, with the Aux. Blowers
running and Stand-By condition still present, the ME-Engine ECS System will stop the Aux.
Blowers automatically, indicated by the <DEL.START> in the ME Start/Stop display, i.e. next
time the ME is started it will take a little longer, because first the Aux. Blowers has to be

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If this happens in Bridge Control, the Aux. Blowers can be started again by means of the
“PREPARE ME” softkey from the Bridge Panel, i.e. it will be possible to have a faster start
when the Bridge Telegraph later on is moved to start the engine.
A wrong operation beep will appear, if the “PREPARE ME” is activated on the ECR Panel
when in ECR Control – the MOP must be used instead.
Stopping the ME-engine from the EMS system is working in a similar way by putting the
Bridge Telegraph to stop position, and the EMS will send the stop setpoint (zero RPM) to the
ECS-system via the serial interface line between the EMS and the ECS. The ECS-system
will then again be responsible for stopping of the engine by inhibiting the fuel injection.
Both <STaRt FAIL> and <REPeated START> are handled by the ME-Engine ECS system,
but the information is send to the EMS and displayed on the Start/Stop menu on the Panel.
Any failures in the ECS system, e.g. a start failure, which requires a reset from the EMS, can
be reset by putting the Bridge Telegraph in Stop position, before a new start attempt can be
executed. Manual ECR Control

When [ E.C.R. Ctrl. ] is selected the starting, stopping, reversing and speed-control of the
Main Engine is handled from the E.C.R. Telegraph Handle placed in the Engine Control
Room control console.
The ECR Telegraph set points and stop switches are directly connected to the ME-Engine
EICU-A/B units, and the operation is completely independent of the EMS.
When the Bridge staffs wants to change the running condition of the Main Engine, they order
the Main Engine direction and speed by moving the Bridge Telegraph to the corresponding
position. This will initiate the Telegraph alarm.
The engineer moving the ECR Telegraph Handle to the same order as that received from
the Bridge Telegraph then accomplishes this from the Engine Control Room. This will at the
same time acknowledge the Telegraph alarm.
All the operation from the Engine Control Room is completely similar to the operation from
the Bridge, except that the operation is normally carried out on request from the Bridge
Telegraph. Local LOP Control

When [ LOCAL Ctrl. ] is selected the starting, stopping, reversing and speed-control of the
Main Engine is handled from the LOP Telegraph Handle placed on the Engine close to the
Local Operator Panel.
The LOP Telegraph set points and stop switches are directly connected to the ME-Engine
ECU-A/B units, and the operation is completely independent of the EMS.
When the Bridge staffs wants to change the running condition of the Main Engine, they order
the Main Engine direction and speed by moving the Bridge Telegraph to the corresponding
position. This will initiate the Telegraph alarm.
The engineer moving the LOP Telegraph Handle to the same order as that received from the
Bridge Telegraph then accomplishes this from the LOP. This will at the same time acknowl-
edge the Telegraph alarm.
All the operation from the LPP is completely similar to the operation from the Engine Control
Room, and the operation is normally carried out on request from the Bridge Telegraph.

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3.3.3 ME-Engine Slowturning from EMS

Slowturning of the Main Engine is normally used before the engine is started after a longer
period of standstill, and is done by turning the engine for a minimum of 1 revolution on re-
duced starting air. The slowturning can either be automatically or manually executed. Automatic Slowturning

When Starting the ME-engine from the EMS system, the ME-Engine ECS System will auto-
matically slowturn the engine, if it has been stopped for more than, e.g. 30 minutes.
In case the operator does not want the engine to be Slowturned at the next start, it is possi-
ble by means of the [Limits Cancel] key on the EMS Panel to reset the slowturn timer in the
ECS by sending the Increase Limitation signal to the ECS-system via the serial interface line
between the EMS and the ECS.
If the slowturning is not completed within a certain time, 15-20 sec (adjustable), the ECS
stops the engine again, and a <STaRt FAILure> alarm is released giving a startblocking,
which must be reset by the operator (setting the bridge telegraph in stop position) before a
new start attempt can be executed. Manual Slowturning

Manual Slowturn is NOT available on the dual serial interface between the EMS and the ME-
Engine ECS system, i.e. it will not be possible to make Manual Slowturn from the EMS but
only from the MOP in the ECR or from the switch on the LOP.

3.3.4 ME-Engine Start blockings in EMS

If the engine is not ready for start, i.e. Start Blocked, the [ Start Block ] LED on the Panel is
on and a <Startblok> indication is displayed on line two of the Start/Stop control display, i.e.
on the line above the softkeys.
When the engine is ready for start, the indication change to either <Stopped> or <Del.
Start> indicating if the Aux. Blowers are running or not.
At the EMS Panel, it is possible to select a status list, displaying status for the different start-
blockings for the Main Engine. Please refer to section 4.3.5 for a detailed description of how
to display the Start Blockings List.
The following startblockings are relevant for the ME-engine EMS System:
• ME Safety System Shutdown or Emergency Stop
• Start failure (Slowturning or Startair time-out or Max number of failed start attempts) from
ME-Engine ECS
• Main Starting valve blocked
• Starting air distribution system blocked
• Control air vented
• Turning gear engaged
• Start air pressure low
• Aux. Blower Failure
• Engine running (not indicated)
Some startblockings are cancellable by means of the [LIMITS CANCEL] key on the EMS
Panel, and the EMS is then sending the Limits Cancel signal to the ECS-system via the se-
rial interface line between the EMS and the ECS.

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As the EMS does not know which startblockings are cancellable, all startblockings are con-
sidered cancellable seen from the EMS point of view, i.e. if cancelled in the EMS, the start
signal is send to the ECS, and it is then up to the ECS to decide if the startblocking can be
cancelled or not.
Activation of [LIMITS CANCEL] will normally activate an alarm in the EMS System, to pre-
vent the operators from using it when it is not necessary. To remove the cancellation of
startblockings again, activate the [LIMITS CANCEL] key once more. ME-Engine Ready to Start Indication in EMS

For the indication “Ready to Start” in the Startblocking Status list, the EMS also receives an
“Engine not ready” signal from the ECS, which is set high if the conditions for “Engine
Ready” used for the Standby condition in the Subtelegraph are not fulfilled, including the
additional signal “Auxiliary systems OK”.
The “Engine not ready” thus includes the following signals:
• Main Starting valve blocked
• Starting air distribution system blocked
• Turning gear engaged
• Control air vented
• Hydraulic supply system not ok
• Auxiliary blowers not operational
• ECS not ok
• Auxiliary systems not ok, are optional inputs to the EMS which are send to the ME-Engine
ECS system as one common signal, and can e.g. be customized to include the following
• Lubrication oil system not ok
• Fuel oil system not ok
• Cooling water system not ok
• CPP control system not ok

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3.4 Main Engine Shutdown

The EMS Platinum-ME is normally delivered together with an EPS Platinum Engine Safety
System, which is mounted together with the EMS in the same cabinet. The EPS Platinum
safety system takes care of the engine Shutdown in case of a Shutdown -, Overspeed - or
Emergency stop alarm, by activating the emergency stop valve directly. All the Shutdown in-
puts are connected directly to the EPS, and then send as group alarms to the EMS, for indi-
cation on the EMS panels.
The EPS Platinum Panel is mounted in the ECR console, where all relevant information for
each Shutdown input channel, actual Main Engine RPM etc. are displayed. Furthermore ad-
justments and cut-outs on the Shutdown input channels are possible from the panel.
For a more detailed description of the EPS Platinum Safety System, please refer to the EPS
Platinum User Manual.
The three keys on the EMS Platinum-ME Panels are used for the following functions:
• [ Shut down ] indicating Shutdown activated (steady light) and activates the Shutdown
status list display
• [ Shutd. Cancel ] indicating Shutdown prewarning (flashing light) or activates and indi-
cates if the Shutdown is cancelled (steady light)
• [ Shutd. Reset ] activates Reset of the Shutdown memory (not MAN Diesel engines)
In case of a Shutdown, the operator at the Bridge and ECR can get a Shutdown prewarning
alarm, an adjustable time delay before the Safety System executes the Shutdown.
During the prewarning delay for the Shutdown, the LED in the [ Shutd. Cancel ] key on the
EMS panel will flash. After the prewarning delay time-out, the LED in the [ Shut Down ] key
on the EMS Panels will go to steady light and the Safety System will stop the Main Engine.
To silence the buzzer the [ Stop Horn ] key must be activated, and to acknowledge the
[ Alarm Ackn. ] key. If more alarms are present, press [ Alarm Ackn. ] again until all alarms
are acknowledged.
During the prewarning delay the operator has the possibility to cancel/override the Shut-
down, by pressing the [ Shutd. Cancel ] key, which is then indicated by steady red light in
the key.
If the ME is already stopped, before the [ Shutd. Cancel ] key is activated; the Shutdown
must also be reset before it is possible to start the ME again.
To remove the cancel/override Shutdown function, the [ Shutd. Cancel ] key must be acti-
vated once more.
Further information about the reason for the Shutdown can be seen in the Shutdown List on
the EMS Panels, which is selected by pressing the [ Shut Down ] key. Please refer to sec-
tion for a detailed description of the Shutdown List.
When the Shutdown memory has been activated, the reason for the Shutdown must be re-
moved and the Shutdown reset, before a new start of the Main Engine is possible again.
When the reason for the Shutdown has been removed, the Shutdown must be reset from the
present control location, which means that in Bridge Control the Bridge Telegraph must be
placed in Stop position to reset, in ECR Control the ECR Telegraph must be placed in Stop
position to reset, and in Local Engine Control the LOP Telegraph Receiver must be placed in
Stop position to reset the Shutdown.
The Emergency Stop function is also a part of the Safety System, with independent push
buttons on the Bridge and in the ECR, each wired in parallel to the Safety System.
Activation of one of the push buttons will cause an emergency stop of the Main Engine even
if the panel is not in control.

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When the Main Engine has been stopped by use of the emergency stop function, restart of
the engine is blocked until the emergency stop pushbutton has been released again, and the
Shutdown memory is reset from the present control location.

3.5 Main Engine Slowdown

In case of Slowdown, the Slowdown memory in the EMS is selecting the Slowdown RPM
limitation in the Setpoint system, limiting the Main Engine RPM after a certain prewarning
time delay (adjustable), e.g. when a Shaft Generator has been disconnected.
The Main Engine Slowdown system is an integrated part of the EMS System. The Slowdown
inputs are normally connected directly to the EMS. Both binary and analog inputs are avail-
able. In both cases the Slowdown input(s) to the EMS are supervised inputs.
Alternatively the Slowdown inputs can be connected to the Alarm System, and outputs from
the Slowdown group alarms in the alarm system are then connected to Slowdown inputs in
the EMS System.
The Slowdown information are shown on three keys at the EMS Panel, both on the ECR and
on the Bridge Panels. It is also possible to see the status information about each Slowdown
on the Slowdown status display, and [ Display Channel ] information and use [ Adjust
Channel ] for adjustments and cut-outs on the Slowdown input channels. The Slowdown in-
puts are treated like an alarm input to the alarm system. For further information about alarm
channels and adjustments, please refer to chapter 5, for EMS Platinum-ME Panel Alarm and
Maintenance Functions.
The three keys on the EMS Panel are used for the following functions:
• [ Slow Down ] key indicates Slowdown activated (steady light), and activates the
Slowdown status list display
• [ Slowd. Cancel ] key indicated Slowdown prewarning (flashing light) or activates and
indicates if the Slowdown is cancelled,
• [ Slowd. Reset ] key activates Reset of the Slowdown memory.
In case of a Slowdown, the operator at the Bridge and/or ECR can get a Slowdown prewarn-
ing alarm, an adjustable time delay before the EMS System executes the Slowdown.
During the prewarning delay for the Slowdown the LED in the [ Slowd. Cancel ] key on the
EMS panel will flash. After the prewarning delay time-out, the LED in the [ Slow Down ] key
on the EMS Panel will go to steady light, and the EMS Setpoint System will reduce the Main
Engine RPM setpoint to Slowdown level.
To silence the buzzer the [ Stop Horn ] key must be activated, and to acknowledge the
alarm presses the [ Alarm Ackn. ] key. If more alarms are present, press [ Alarm Ackn. ]
again until all alarms are acknowledged.
During the prewarning delay the operator has the possibility to cancel/override the Slow-
down, by pressing the [ Slowd. Cancel ] key, which is then indicated by steady red light in
the key.
Further information about the reason for the Slowdown can be seen in the Slowdown status
list on the EMS Panels, which is selected by pressing the [ Slow Down ] key. It will show a
status line for each individual Slowdown input to the EMS system. Please refer to section for a detailed description of the Slowdown List.
To remove the cancel/override Slowdown function, the [ Slowd. Cancel ] key must be acti-
vated once more.
When a Slowdown has been activated, the reason for the Slowdown must be removed and
reset, before the load of the Main Engine can be increased to the command level again,
which are determined by the Setpoint Lever position.

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When the reason for the Slowdown has been removed, which is indicated by flash in the [
Slowd. Reset ] key, the Slowdown memory is reset by pressing the [ Slowd. Reset ] key on
the EMS Panel in control, or by moving the setpoint lever in command down below the limit
for Slowdown and then increase again.
A Slowdown is also reset, if the engine is stopped by putting the Telegraph Lever in stop po-
sition or it can be customised according to the MAN Diesel specification to make an auto-
matic reset when the Slowdown condition disappears again.

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3.6 Setpoint System

The Setpoint system converts the potentiometer set points from the Telegraph Levers
mounted on the bridge and in the ECR, to Main Engine RPM setpoint output for the Gover-
nor. This conversion is done in accordance with the speed request curves set-up in the EMS
System. The Setpoint System is illustrated by figure 3.6 below:

RPM Maximum Limit from Operating Panel

RPM Fineadjust UP/DOWN from Operating Panel

Telegraph Adjustment from Operating Panel

Constant SG RPM Setpoint *) RPM Maximum Limit
Max Min
PTO Minimum RPM *)
select select
Slowdown Limit
Lever RPM Demand from lever Fine RPM Demand Fineadjusted
Adjustment Adjustment


Constant SG RPM Min Limit *) Constant SG RPM Max Limit *)

Max Min
select select
Variable SG RPM Min Limit *) Variable SG RPM Max Limit *)

RPM Demand incl. Sl.d. & RPM Lim

Maintain Speed Function *) Maintain RPM Setpoint

Critical Speed
Slope Droop
Unit Unit Function

Main Engine RPM

Analog Governor Setpoint

Governor Output Adjustment from Operating Panel

*) Only in use, if shaftgenerator is in operation.

Figure 3.6: RPM Setpoint System lay-out.

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3.6.1 Setpoint lever adjustments

The setpoint lever inputs are first going through an input scaling block, making the first rough
scaling from 0 - 2 kOhm to the internal scaling 0 - 100.00 %. Normally the setpoint lever is
not using the whole range on the potentiometer, requiring a re-scaling of the used part of the
input range so that this is covering 0 - 100 % internal in the EMS.
To make it easier for the engineer to readjust the Setpoint Lever inputs, the EMS also in-
cludes the possibility to make a re-scaling from the EMS panel (password protected), where
it will be possible to adjust the following setpoint inputs:
1. Telegraph Lever RPM setpoint Bridge
2. Telegraph Lever RPM setpoint ECR
Please refer to section for a detailed description of the Setpoint Lever input adjust-

3.6.2 Main Engine RPM Governor Setpoint

The Main Engine RPM is controlled either by an Electronic Governor or by a mechanical
speed governor with a speed setting unit. The output for the Electronic Governor, or the
speed setting unit (e.g. an electrical-pneumatic I/P converter) for a mechanical governor, is
normally a 4-20 mA current signal corresponding to the requested RPM range.
Speed drop, which enables parallel operation of two or more engines on the same gear, or
between the Shaft Generator and one or more diesel generators, might be included in the
governor. It is supported by the EMS, with interconnection to frequency control inputs from
the Power Management System.
The following strategies for the RPM speed setting are included in the Engine Manoeuvring
System. Constant RPM Setpoint

Constant RPM for PTO operation is possible from both Bridge and ECR Control. The RPM
setpoint for the Governor is a fixed value corresponding to e.g. 50/60 Hz for Shaft Generator
The Constant RPM setpoint corrected for load variations on the Shaft Generator in case of a
speed droop governor, is converted to a Governor setpoint signal without any limitations, ex-
cept for Slowdown which might limit the RPM setpoint also (optional).
As long as a constant frequency Shaft Generator is connected to the Main Switch Boards, it
will not be possible to select another mode than Constant. PTO Minimum RPM

During e.g. SG operation, the speed demand can be limited to the minimum RPM, required
from the connected SG or from other equipment connected to a Main Engine PTO output.
If the setpoint request from the setpoint lever is going down below the minimum RPM limit
for one of the connected PTO’s, the limit from the PTO with the highest minimum RPM will
be the resulting RPM setpoint. The limit for each PTO is predefined from the Customising
Tools. When the operator increases the setpoint again, the function is removed.
Minimum RPM for a PTO connected SG will be handled by locking the setpoint in constant
speed mode as long as a constant frequency SG is connected, or selecting the limited vari-
able combinator mode for SG, as long as a variable frequency SG with frequency converter
is connected.

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The variable frequency SG might also use the maintain speed function, to maintain the
minimum RPM. Panel Fine Adjustment of RPM

As an option, the operator can be able to fine-adjust the RPM setpoint from any one of the
EMS operator panels, independent of the control position.
This adjustment is done by means of two “Raise” and “Lower” softkeys, located on the
control display for the Setpoint system. The adjustment is limited to, e.g. +/-5 %, which is se-
lected in the Customising Tool.
By means of the Fine Adjustment “Reset” softkey, it is possible to reset the adjustment
back to zero. Moving the Telegraph handle will also reset the fine adjustment gradually back
to zero. PMS Fine Adjustment for Frequency Control

As an option, the RPM setpoint for a constant speed Shaft Generator can be fine-adjusted to
compensate for the propeller - and Shaft Generator load, to be able to maintain 50/60 Hz on
the Shaft Generator.
This adjustment is based on hardwired RPM Raise/Lower signals from the Power Manage-
ment System, and is limited to the adjusted speed-droop range, e.g. +/-5 %, which is se-
lected in the Customising Tool. Slowdown RPM Setpoint

When the Main Engine Slowdown is active, the RPM setpoint is limited to the adjustable
Slowdown limit after a certain time delay (adjustable), or when a Shaft Generator has been
disconnected from the MSB. Shaft Generator Waiting Station Hold

The SG waiting station hold is activated by the EMS when the rpm setpoint is lowered by the
operator, or in case of a RPM Slowdown, where the setpoint will be maintained on a prede-
fined level until the shaft generator is disconnected.
After a predefined time-out the setpoint will be allowed to decrease down to the requested
setpoint. In case of a MAN Diesel 2-stroke engine, this time-out, without the SG being dis-
connected, will result in a Shutdown of the engine.

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User Manual for MAN Diesel ME/ME-C Engines 2010.06.28 RPM Setpoint Slope

Acceleration and deceleration slew rates are specified by a fixed setting adjustable by the
Customising Tool, and specified in shaft RPM/sec. Another adjustment is selected when [
LIMITS CANCEL ] is activated, which is adjusted to give a faster response on the RPM set-
point. Maintain Speed Function

The Maintain speed function is activated by means of an input from a variable speed shaft
generator (e.g. connected with a frequency converter) running on a full range (50-100%)
rpm, but not able to maintain the full load below e.g. 60 % rpm. When the setpoint drops be-
low 60 %, the shaft generator activates the maintain speed function, and then the EMS se-
lects the present setpoint as the minimum setpoint. When the operator increases the set-
point again, the function is removed. Critical Speed Protection

The Critical Speed function protects the Main Engine RPM from running inside a pre-defined
window (adjustable) for barred speed range, where the Main Engine are not allowed to run
due to torsional vibrations on the Main Engine or in the Propeller Shaft.
Two independent Barred Speed Range windows can be defined in the EMS System. Speed-Droop Compensation of Setpoint

As an option, the RPM setpoint for a Speed-droop Governor can be fine-adjusted to com-
pensate for the propeller - and Shaft Generator load, to be able to maintain 50/60 Hz on the
Shaft Generator.
This compensation is based on the RPM feedback signal, and is limited to the adjusted
speed-droop range, e.g. 5 %, which is selected in the Customising Tool. Governor Output Scaling

The RPM scaling internal in the EMS is RPM*10, and this RPM value is then rescaled in an
output scaling block to a 0/4 - 20 mA or 0/2 - 10 Volt output for the Governor. This scaling
can only be done by means of the Customising Tool, and requires a reload of the EMS pro-
gram to the DPU 2010 PLC.
To make it easier for the engineer to readjust the RPM output for the Governor, the EMS
also includes the possibility to make a re-scaling from the EMS panel (password protected),
where it will be possible to adjust the RPM setpoint/mA relationship for the following five val-
1. Minimum RPM, e.g. 20 - 25 %
2. Dead Slow or Slow RPM, e.g. 25 - 40 %
3. Half Ahead RPM, e.g. 45 - 55 %
4. Full Ahead RPM, e.g. 75 - 85 %
5. Maximum RPM, e.g. 100 - 105 %
Please refer to section for a detailed description of the Governor Output adjustments.
This governor output scaling adjustment is not relevant in case of the ME-Engine ECS with
serial interface to the EMS Platinum-ME.

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3.7 ME-Engine Running Mode Selector

The running mode of the electronically controlled ME-engine can be requested by means of
softkeys from the EMS panel(s) on the Bridge, when in Bridge control.
During ECR and Local Control the actual running mode is ordered from the MOP of the ME-
Engine ECS.
If the operator activates an actual running mode request on an EMS panel, which is in con-
trol, then the command is transmitted to the ECS at the serial interface. Thereupon the ac-
tual status for the ME-engine running mode is fed back from the ECS to the EMS on the se-
rial communication line.
If the operator activates an actual running mode request on a panel, which is not in control,
nothing will happen, but a warning is given in the form of a short beep at the buzzer.
The selection of possible actual running modes can be customized from the Integration
Manager (IM Platinum), i.e. a maximum of four possible modes can be set-up with individual
texts for the four softkeys. At present two actual running modes are possible:
• “ ECONOMY MODE “ The Main Engine is operated in an economical manner.
• “ EMISS’N MODE “ The Main Engine is running with e.g. low NOx emission.
During normal operation there will always be one of these modes present in the System.
Please refer to section for a detailed description of the Running Mode Selector op-

3.7.1 ME-Engine Running Mode alarm

An alarm is released after a time delay (adjustable from the IM Platinum), when there is
mismatch between the requested and the actual feedback status of the actual Running

3.7.2 Serial communication to ECS stop working

If the serial interface to the ECS stops working, the EMS will not indicate any running mode
at the Operating Panels.

3.7.3 ME-Engine Running Mode selected at Power-Up

When the EMS is powered up, the CPU is reset by the operator or after download of a new
software program, and then the status of the running mode will be preset according to the
present status of the actual running mode feedback received on the serial communication
line from the ECS.
If the EMS does not receive a valid running mode feedback from the ECS, or if the serial in-
terface to the ECS is not working, then the EMS will power up with no indication of running
mode at the Operating Panels.

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4. EMS Platinum-ME Panel Operation Description

The EMS operation from the ECR and Bridge Panels is similar, and made by means of soft-
keys, where the function is displayed on the 4-line display, and operated by means of four
keys [ S1 ] - [ S2 ] - [ S3 ] & [ S4 ].
Up to five EMS Panels can be connected on an EMS System with:
• one panel in ECR
• one panel on the Bridge
• two panels on the Bridge wings (option)
• one panel on the aft bridge (option)

Figure 4: EMS Platinum-ME Operating Panel lay-out.

4.1 Control Right for EMS Control Functions

It is always possible to view the information on the different [ Status ], [ Control ] and [ Set-
tings ] displays, independent of the present Control Location.
The Softkeys on the different EMS Control Functions are only working on the EMS Panels,
which are in control, i.e. on anyone of the Bridge Panels in Bridge Control, and on the ECR
Panel in ECR Control.
Activation of the Softkeys, for an EMS Control Function on a panel, which is not in control,
will activate the buzzer for a short time, to tell the operator that the operation, which he is try-
ing to execute, is not allowed at the moment.
The Bridge Centre, Port - and Starboard Wing Panels are working in parallel, i.e. when in
Bridge Control, any operation can be done from any of the Bridge Panels without taking the
present control position for the Electric Shaft on the Setpoint Lever in consideration.

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4.2 Basic Mode Overview Display on EMS Panel

The Basic Mode overview display shows general status information for the EMS System.
Basic Mode is the display selected, when the [ ESC ] key is pressed one or more times from
another display, until the outermost level is reached.

ME: <Runstat> 100.0 RPM, StAir 30.00 BAR

TLG BC: ±120.0 ECR: ±120.0 LOP: 20.0 RPM
<Oldest unacknowledged alarm/Alarm stat>

Indications for Main Engine on the first line include:

• <Runstat> STOPPED ME is Stopped and ready for start (RPM < limit)
PREPARING ME is preparing Aux. Blowers for start (from ME-
Engine ECS)
DEL START ME have delayed start due to Aux. Blowers
Stopped (timeout) by ECS (from ECS)
STARTING Main Engine is Starting (from EMS)
REP.START Main Engine Repeated Start (from ECS)
START ERR Main Engine Start failure (from ECS)
RUNNING Main Engine is Running (RPM > limit)
STOPPING Main Engine is Stopping
• <Indic1> NO LIMIT RPM Setpoint unlimited
MAX RPM RPM Max Limit active
GOVERNOR RPM/Fuel Index Limited by ECS
LOAD PROG Load program actively limiting RPM Setpoint
SLOW DOWN Slowdown actively limiting RPM Setpoint
CRIT. SPD Critical Speed limiting RPM Setpoint
• <ME RPM> ±120.0 RPM Main Engine RPM
• <StAir> 0 - 40.00 BAR Main Engine Start air pressure

Setpoint indication on the third line include: Bridge RPM setpoint ±100.0 %, ECR RPM Set-
point ±100.0 % and ECS manual lever setpoint 0-100.0 %
• Bridge Tlg ±100.0 Bridge Telegraph setpoint
• ECR Tlg ±100.0 ECR Telegraph setpoint from ME-Engine ECS
• LOP Tlg ±100.0 LOP Telegraph setpoint from ME-Engine ECS

Indications on the fourth line will show the alarm status with the number of present alarms
when no unacknowledged alarms are present, the information of any alarm channels in
manual suppression, or the oldest unacknowledged alarm if any of these are present.

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4.2.1 Setpoint System Alignment

When the operators are changing the control position between Bridge, ECR and LOP, this
Barograph display for aligning the Telegraph Levers is automatically displayed.


BRIDGE TELEG:-_-_-_-_-_Xmmmmmmmmmm ±100%
ECR TELEGRAF:-_-_-_-_-_Xmmmmmmmmm- ± 92%
LOP TELEGRAF:-_-_-_-_-_Xmmmmmmmmm- ± 92%

As preconditions for the control position change-over, the Basic Mode overview display must
be active, if not press the [ ESC ] key until the outermost display level is reached.

4.2.2 Other EMS Panel Indications

Indications on other EMS Control Functions might use the following standard definitions:
• <MODE> Local Function Block is in local control mode
Remote Function Block is in manual control mode
Auto Function Block is in auto control mode
• <Feedback> No Feedb. Function Block has no feedback activated
Disengage Function Block is Disengaging/Closing/Stopping
Engage Function Block is Engaging/Opening/Starting
D.engaged Function Block is Disengaged/Closed/Stopped
Engaged Function Block is Engaged/Open/Running
2 feedb. Function Block has two feedback signals
• <Interlk> Interlock Function Block is Interlocked by external input
Blocked Function Block is Blocked due to failure
• <Status> Off/Normal/etc. i.e. Feedback not activated
On/Active/Shutdown/Slow Down/St.Block, i.e. feedback is activated

4.3 Operation from EMS Panel

4.3.1 Select of Machine Control Groups

To operate an EMS Control Functions by means of the Softkeys on the EMS Panel, the op-
erator must first activate the [ Select ] key on the EMS Panel, after which the machine con-
trol groups including EMS control functions are displayed.



The requested Machine Group is selected by means of the [ Arrow ] and [ Enter ] keys, and
the EMS Control Functions in that particular Machine Group are shown.
If a Machine Group includes only one EMS Control Function, such as the Main Engine
Start/Stop control, it is shown directly when the machine group is selected.

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4.3.2 Main Engine Start/Stop Operation

Selecting the “EMS START/STOP” will go directly to the Softkeys for Main Engine Start/stop
[ CONTROL ] display, because the Start/Stop Group only contains one Machinery Control
The display will show the ID and Text for the function block on the first line, and information
regarding the EMS Control Function, which can be operated by means of the Softkeys on
the second line.
To execute one of the commands, activate the corresponding softkey. Only one function can
be operated at the time.

<Mode > <Runstat> <ME RPM>
|1| |2| |3| ME |4|

When Machine Control Group x1 for ME1 Start/Stop are selected, it is possible to “PRE-
PARRE ME” i.e. ask the ME-Engine ECS System to restart the Aux. Blowers by means of
the [ S1 ] .. [ S4 ] softkeys.
Indications for Main Engine on the second line include:
• <Mode> LOCAL Main Engine in Local Control
ECR Main Engine in E.C.R. Control
BRIDGE Main Engine in Bridge Control
• <Runstat> STR.BLOCK Main Engine is Startblocked
STOPPED ME is Stopped and ready for start (RPM < limit)
PREPARING ME ECS is preparing Aux. Blowers for start
DEL START ME have delayed start due to Aux. Blowers
Stopped (timeout) by ECS (from ECS)
STARTING Main Engine is Starting (from EMS)
REP.START Main Engine Repeated Start (from ECS)
START ERR Main Engine Start failure (from ECS)
RUNNING Main Engine is Running (RPM > limit)
STOPPING Main Engine is Stopping
• <ME RPM> ±120.0 RPM Main Engine RPM

If the Aux. Blowers has been running for more than a certain time, with a stopped Main En-
gine, the ME-Engine ECS System will stop the Aux. Blowers automatically, indicated by the
<Del.Start> in the ME Start/Stop display, i.e. next time the ME is started it will take a little
longer, because first the Aux. Blowers has to be started.
If this happens in Bridge Control, the Aux. Blowers can be started again by means of the
“PREPARE ME” softkey from the Bridge Panel, i.e. it will be possible to have a faster start
when the Main Engine later on is started by means of the telegraph.
A wrong operation beep will appear, if the “PREPARE ME” is activated on the ECR Panel
when in ECR Control – the MOP to be used instead.

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User Manual for MAN Diesel ME/ME-C Engines 2010.06.28 Main Engine Start/Stop Status List

Pressing the [ STATUS ] key when an EMS Control Function is selected, will show the avail-
able status indications for that particular EMS Control Function, and if it includes more than
the four indications, which can be shown on, line two together with the softkeys, they can be
found here.
The display for Main Engine Start/Stop Control etc. includes the following information:

ME RPM ±120.0 RPM
ME START AIR PRESS 0-40.00 bar

Indications for Main Engine <Mode> and <Runstat> see previous section. Main Engine Start/Stop Adjustments

Because the ME-Engine ECS System is responsible for all timing and RPM limits for
start/stop of the Main Engine, these adjustments must also be made in the ECS System.

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4.3.3 Select Main Engine Control Functions

The actual EMS Control Function in the “EMS CONTROL FUNCTIONS” group is selected
by means of the [ Arrow ] and [ ENT ] keys, and the selected EMS Control display with
Softkeys or Status list will show up.


ME1TIF ME TACHO SYSTEM ME-Engine Running Mode Control

Selecting the “ME RUNNING MODE“ from the EMS Panel’s “EMS CONTROL FUNC-
TIONS” group, will go to the Main Engine Running mode control showing information regard-
ing the Running Mode request from the EMS and the actual running mode feedback from
the ME-Engine ECS.
Running mode request can only be issued from the EMS Bridge Panel during Bridge Con-
trol. When in ECR and Local Control the <Request> indication mirrors the actual running
mode feedback from the ECS as ordered from the MOP.

<Request> <Modestat>
|1| MODE |2| MODE |3| |4|

When “ME RUNNING MODE” is selected, the Main Engine can now be ordered to
“ ECONOMY MODE “ or “ EMISS’N MODE “ by means of the [S1] and [S2] softkeys re-
spectively, but only from the EMS Panel on the Bridge when in Bridge Control.
Indications for Main Engine on the second line include:
• <Request> - Undefined
• REQ. EMIS Emission request from EMS Panel
REQ. ECON Economy request from EMS Panel
MODE 3 MODE 3 request from EMS Panel
MODE 4 MODE 4 request from EMS Panel
• <Modestat> - Undefined
EMIS. ON Emission mode is active in the ECS
ECON. ON Economy mode is active in the ECS
MODE 3 MODE 3 is active in the ECS
MODE 4 MODE 4 is active in the ECS

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User Manual for MAN Diesel ME/ME-C Engines 2010.06.28 ME-Engine Running Mode Status List

The “ME RUNNING MODE” Status list will display the Main Engine Running Mode status list
as shown below:

REQUEST <Request>
MODE <Modestat> Main Engine Setpoint Fineadjust

Selecting the “RPM FINE ADJUST” will go to the Main Engine Setpoint fine adjustment [
CONTROL ] display, with the possibility to fine adjust the rpm setpoint, e.g. to be able to ad-
just the SG frequency to 50/60 Hz.


<FadjStat> ±95.6 ±96.7 rpm
|1|LOWER |2|RAISE |3|

Indications on the second line include:

• <FadjStat> RAISE RPM Fine adjust Raising rpm is activated
LOWER RPM Fine adjust Lowering rpm is activated
FADJ MAX Fine adjust Maximum rpm limit is reached
FADJ MIN Fine adjust Minimum rpm limit is reached
MAX RPM Maximum RPM setpoint limit is reached
MIN RPM Minimum RPM setpoint limit is reached
• <±95.6 rpm> ±0-120.0 rpm Selected rpm setpoint from telegraph
• <±96.7 rpm> ±0-120.0 rpm Adjusted rpm setpoint including fine adj. add-on

Each keypress on the “Fineadj Raise” softkey will e.g. increase the RPM setpoint with 0.1
RPM for a slow speed 2-stroke engine (configurable from Integration Manager), and vice
versa for the “Fineadj Lower” softkey.
On the left side of the display is shown the setpoint from the Telegraph Levers or constant
speed setpoint, and on the right side is shown the setpoint including the added fine adjust-
ment value.
A third key “Reset” makes it possible for the operator to reset the fine adjustment value,
which is added to the setpoint back to zero.
The fine adjustment of the setpoint is limited to e.g. +/- 5 RPM (configurable from Integration
Manager) for a 2-stroke slow speed engine.
This fine adjustment is working in parallel to the optional fine adjustment inputs from the
power management system, used when a constant speed shaft generator is connected to
the MSB.

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User Manual for MAN Diesel ME/ME-C Engines 2010.06.28 Main Engine Setpoint Fineadjust Status

Pressing the [ STATUS ] key, when the “RPM FINE ADJUST” is selected will go to the Main
Engine Setpoint fine adjustment Status display.


FINE ADJUST STATE <FadjStat> Max RPM Limit Adjustment

Selecting the “MAX RPM LIMIT” will go to the Main Engine Max RPM Limit adjustment [
SETTINGS ] display, where the ship’s crew is able to limit the maximum RPM for the Main
Engine during Password Level 1.
A new list showing the present adjustment will show up.


Max RPM Limit 0-150.0 RPM

To make the adjustment, select the ECR MAX RPM Limit from the list by means of the [ Ar-
row ] and [ Enter ] keys.
Then key in the appropriate password when asked for it and the display will show the old
value on line 3, and the new value can be typed in on line 4, which is also showing the mini-
mum and maximum values for the adjustment.
The actual Main Engine RPM feedback is shown on line 2.


New Value: 91.7_ [ECR HalfAH; MAX AH]

To change the adjustment, type in the new value, and accept with the [ Enter ] key. The Max
RPM Limit adjustment is limited to the range ECR Half Ahead to Maximum Ahead. Max RPM Limit Adjustment Status

Pressing the [ STATUS ] key, when the “MAX RPM LIMIT” is selected will go to the Main
Engine Max RPM Limit adjustment status display, where the ship’s actual RPM for the Main
Engine is shown.



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User Manual for MAN Diesel ME/ME-C Engines 2010.06.28 ME Tacho Selector

Selecting the “ME TACHO SYSTEM” will go to the Main Engine Tacho Selector
[ CONTROL ] display, with the possibility to manually “Select Tacho 1” from the EMS Ta-
cho System or “Select Tacho 2” from the ME-Engine ECS Tacho system. Default should
during normal operation be “Autoselect Tacho” where it for safety reasons will automati-
cally select the tacho with the highest RPM.


<TacMode> <TachSel> <TacFail> ±120.0
|1|TACHO 1|2|TACHO 2|3|TACHO |4|

Indications on the second line include:

• <TacMode> AUTO Auto-select highest tacho RPM
SELECT 1 Tacho 1 Manually selected, (alarm on Tacho 2)
SELECT 2 Tacho 2 Manually selected, (alarm on Tacho 1)
• <TachSel> TACHO 1 Tacho 1 selected, (manually or auto)
TACHO 2 Tacho 2 selected, (manually or auto)
• <TacFail> T1 FAIL Tacho 1 in failure
T2 FAIL Tacho 2 in failure
T1 TOO HI Tacho 1 signal larger than 110% of overspeed
T2 TOO HI Tacho 2 signal larger than 110% of overspeed
T1+2 FAIL Tacho 1 and 2 both in failure condition
• <±120.0> ±0-120.0 rpm Selected tacho RPM ME Tacho System Status List

Pressing the [ STATUS ] key when the ME Tacho System is selected will go to the Main En-
gine Tacho System status list showing some more detailed information about the ME Tacho
system, than are available on the Control Display.


TACHO 1 ±120.0 rpm
TACHO 2 ±120.0 rpm

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4.3.4 Shaft Generator Interface

Selecting the “ME SG INTERFACE” will go to the Main Engine SG Interface [STATUS] list,
showing the status for the signals going between the EMS and an external power consumer,
using a primary PTO, e.g. the Shaft Generator.


It is showing if the PTO is ready for SG operation, if the SG is requested and online in con-
stant or limited variable mode, if a standby diesel generator is requested to start or if a SG
with frequency converter is asking the EMS to maintain the present speed.

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4.3.5 EMS Panel Status Lists

Beside the Status indications displayed on the EMS Control Functions, the Machinery Group
X5 for Main Engine Status Lists includes some additional EMS Control Functions including
indication lists corresponding to the alarm groups for Shutdowns, Slowdowns and Startblock-
ings in the EMS, and other for general indications of Analog and Digital Inputs in the EMS,
which are not shown in other lists.
If an alarm or event is active in one of the first two groups, the LED in the corresponding key
on the EMS Panel will light up.
Selecting the “EMS STATUS LISTS” will go to a new softkey structure with the EMS Control
Functions included in this group:


ME1STG ME SUB TELEGRAPH ME Control Transfer Status List

Selecting the “ME CTRL POSITION“ will go to the Main Engine Control Position status list
showing information regarding the Control Transfer between Bridge, ECR and Local LOP


Indications for Main Engine Control Transfer include:

• <CtrlPos> BRIDGE Bridge control selected from EMS
ECR ECR control selected from EMS
LOCAL Local LOP control selected from EMS
• <CtlPosECS> BRIDGE Bridge control feedback from ECS
ECR ECR control feedback from ECS
LOCAL Local LOP control feedback from ECS
• <CtlPosBC> CENTER Bridge control from Centre control station
SB WING Bridge control from Starboard control station
PORT WING Bridge control from Port side control station
AFT Bridge control from Aft control station

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User Manual for MAN Diesel ME/ME-C Engines 2010.06.28 ECS Interface Status List

Selecting the “ME ECS INTERFACE” group will go to the ME-Engine ECS Interface status
list showing the common status of the auxiliary systems as calculated by the ECS, e.g. Lu-
brication Oil-, Fuel Oil- and Cooling Water Systems.


*1 These “Aux. Systems Ready” signals are optional inputs to the EMS, which are send to
the ME-Engine ECS System as one common signal on the serial interface. Main Engine Governor Interface

Selecting the “ME GOVERNOR” will go to the Main Engine Governor Interface List showing
the status for the governor interface signals, and the values for the analog EMS settings to
the Governor, because it contains no control functions

ME RPM FEEDBACK ±120.0 rpm

The Governor Setpoint displayed, is the adjusted setpoint without the RPM regulation com-
pensating for the Speed Droop loss.
The physical output for the “Governor Setpoint” is the sum of: Governor Setpoint + Speed
Droop Compensation.
The line for Speed Droop Compensation is optional.

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User Manual for MAN Diesel ME/ME-C Engines 2010.06.28 Main Engine Startblockings List

Selecting the “ME START BLOCKINGS” will go to the Main Engine Startblocking List show-
ing the Startblocking conditions, because it contains no control functions. The Main Engine
Startblocking list can also be selected directly, just by pressing the [ Start Block ] hard-key
on the EMS Panel. The status display for Main Engine Startblockings include information
whether the Main Engine is ready for start on the first line, or startblocked on the second line
and whether the startblocking is cancelled. The following lines show what has caused a
Startblocking of the Main Engine.


EMS MALFUNCT. ALARM OFF/ON Main Engine Shutdown List

Selecting the “ME SHUTDOWN” will go to the Main Engine Shutdown List showing the
Shutdown conditions, because it contains no control functions. The Main Engine Shutdown
list can also be selected directly, just by pressing the [ SHUT DOWN ] hard-key on the EMS
Panel. The status display for Main Engine Shutdown includes information whether the Pre-
warning is active, and what has caused an Emergency Shutdown of the Main Engine:


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User Manual for MAN Diesel ME/ME-C Engines 2010.06.28 Main Engine Slowdown List

Selecting the “ME SLOWDOWN” will go to the Main Engine Slowdown List showing the
Slowdown conditions, because it contains no control functions. The Main Engine Slowdown
list can also be selected directly, just by pressing the [ SLOW DOWN ] hard-key on the EMS
Panel. The status display for Main Engine Slowdown includes information about what has
made a Slowdown of the Main Engine.


Note:The number of Slowdowns required depends on the Classification society.

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User Manual for MAN Diesel ME/ME-C Engines 2010.06.28 ME Setpoint System Status List

Selecting the “ME SETPOINT SYS” will go to the Main Engine Setpoint System showing the
Status List for the Main Engine Setpoint System with Setpoint system status, and the values
for the analog settings in the setpoint system of the EMS.



The Bridge El-shaft control position is optional.

The SG interface signals are optional.

Indications for the Setpoint System include:

• <SetpStat> NO LIMIT RPM Setpoint unlimited
RPM LIMIT RPM Setpoint is limited for some reason
• <ElShStat> CENTER Bridge Centre in control
SB WING Bridge Starboard Wing in control
PORT WING Bridge Port Wing in control
AFT Bridge Aft in control

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User Manual for MAN Diesel ME/ME-C Engines 2010.06.28 EMS Platinum-ME Sub-Telegraph Status List

Selecting the “ ME SUB TELEGRAPH “ will go to the Main Engine SUB-Telegraph status
list showing information regarding the Sub-telegraph request from the bridge, actual Mode
and external sensor feedback signals on the following lines.



Indications for Main Engine Subtelegraph include:

• <Request> FWE REQ Finished With Engine request from bridge
STBY REQ Standby request from bridge
SEA REQ Sea condition request from bridge
• <ReqECS> FWE REQ FWE request from bridge to ECS
STBY REQ Standby request from bridge to ECS
• <Modestat> FWE MODE Finished With Engine Mode active
STBY MODE Standby Mode active
SEA MODE Sea condition Mode active

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4.3.6 Input/Output Adjustments

Selecting the “EMS I/O ADJUSTMENTS” on the control group display, will go to a new soft-
key structure with the Machinery Control Functions, with inputs or outputs, which can be ad-



Installation dependent optional EMG RPM SETPT ADJ. Adjustment of Governor Output

Selecting the “GOVERNOR OUTPUT ADJ”ust for adjustment from the ”EMS IN-
PUT/OUTPUT ADJUST” on the group display, it will be possible to adjust the mA output for
e.g. the following speeds listed in the display (corresponding e.g. to min, Slow, Half, Full and
Max on a 2-stroke engine) and then of course, it must be checked if the main engine speed
changes to the corresponding RPM setpoint, or if the output needs further fine-adjustments.
The adjustment is password protected at Level 2.



To make the adjustment, select e.g. the Manoeuvre Full Speed Output for 75% RPM (i.e.
Output table Y4) from the list by means of the [ Arrow ] and [ Enter ] keys.
Then key in the appropriate password when asked for it and the display will show the old
value on line 3, and the new value can be typed in on line 4, which is also showing the mini-
mum and maximum values for the adjustment.
The actual RPM setpoint is shown on line 2, which for the Constant Speed adjustment re-
quires that Constant Speed is selected, and the internal RPM adjustment for Constant speed
is correct (CT adjustment only).
The Governor Output request from the EMS is the setpoint, which is transformed to a mA
signal for the Main Engine Governor.

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Note: this adjustment is not relevant in case of ME-Engine ECS System.


New Value: 78.9 [ 0.0; 3200.0]

To change the adjustment, type in the new value by means of the arrow keys, and accept
with the [ Enter ] key. Adjustment of RPM Telegraph Levers

Selecting the “BRG, ECR OR EMG RPM LEVER ADJ” for adjustment from the ”EMS IN-
PUT/OUTPUT ADJUST” on the group display, which will contain an entry key for the input
from all the Telegraph Levers, it will be possible to offset adjust the setpoint in the three po-
sitions: Stop-zero/100% Astern and 100% Ahead RPM, just by pressing the right key, when
the setpoint lever is in the corresponding position. The adjustment is password protected.


± 0-80 % ± 0-100 %
|1| ZERO |2|100% AS|3|100% AH

On the left side of line two, the un-scaled input from the input scaling block is displayed, e.g.
for a 0 - 1000 Ohm potentiometer scaled 0 - 100%, only the mechanical range 100 - 900
Ohm corresponding to ± 80% is used, and this is then rescaled to ± 100% for internal use in
the system. All three lever adjustments are similar. RPM Setpoint Adjustment Status List

On the setpoint adjustments status list, the un-scaled setpoint input and the scaled setpoint
is displayed.





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5. EMS Platinum-ME Panel Alarm and Maintenance Functions

The Operating Panel can operate in a basic overview mode or in one of the 7 main modes.
This section describes these modes in further detail, that is:
1. Basic overview mode
2. Control Functions mode, please refer to chapter four, for description of Control func-
3. Alarm list mode
4. Additional list mode
5. Display channel mode
6. Adjust channel mode
7. Maintenance mode
8. Dimmer Mode

5.1 Basic Mode

The Basic Mode overview display shows the status for the EMS Platinum-ME, the actual rpm
and starting air pressure values as well as the present settings from the telegraph handles
on the bridge and in the engine control room and the Manual RPM Speedsetting in ECR.
Indications on the fourth line will show the alarm status with the number of present alarms
when no unacknowledged alarms are present, the information of any alarm channels in
manual suppression, or the oldest unacknowledged alarm if any of these are present.

ME: SLOWT.REQ 0.0 RPM, StAir 25.0 BAR

TLG BC: 25.0 ECR: 25.0 ECS: 30.0 RPM
11 Alarms CH(s) SUPP.
<Oldest unacknowledged alarm >

The basic mode is meant as a "standby mode". By pressing [ESC] a finite number of times
(normally once, in some menus twice), the basic mode is obtained.
In the basic mode, the panel displays in the fourth line:
• The "*" indication if unacknowledged alarms are present in the EMS Platinum-ME.
• The "S" indication if the alarm is simulated in the EMS Platinum-ME.
• The number of alarms and unacknowledged normally alarms in the EMS Platinum-ME.
• If manual suppressed channels are present in the EMS Platinum-ME (i.e. simulated or
manual cut-out).

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5.2 Hard - and Softkey Overview


Alarm List
[Local PLC Alarm list] Display Channel

Display Channel
S1: STEP ALL {all sequence}
S2: STEP ANALOG {analog sequence}
S3: USER ID "USER ID:" Adjust Channel
(requires password)

Additional Lists


S3: ALL ALARMS Display Channel

Dimmer Adjust (off-sets)

S1: LCD Display
S2: View Angle
S3: LED Display
S4: Back Ground

S1: Display Time S2: Version Control S3: Set Time L1, S4: More
S1: Lamp Test S2: Select Utc/Lt S3: Commis Mode L2, S4: More
S1: Change PW Lew1 S2: Change PW lev2 S3: Change PW lev3 L3, S4: More
S1: Change PW Lev4 S2: System PW lev S3: Lop-Ucs Control L4, S4: More
S1: Watch Dog tst S2: Store Setup S3: L5, S4: More

Figure 5.1: This overview shows the entry hardkeys to the different main modes, and how the Soft
keys S1..S4 are used to select the different functions when one of the main modes is active.

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5.3 Alarm List Mode

The Operating Panel enters the Local PLC alarm list mode for EMS Platinum-ME, when [
ALARM LIST ] is pressed. Other lists in the system are accessed by pressing [ ADD. LIST ].
The ALARM LIST LED is illuminated, when the panel operates in the alarm list mode.
The alarm list includes all standing and unacknowledged alarms. The alarms are placed
chronologically in the alarm list.
When [ ALARM LIST ] is pressed, the EMS Platinum-ME LCD displays:

<no> Alarms Alarm LIST <alarm system> ^v

S*<channel name > <stat >
S*<channel name > <stat >
S*<channel name > <stat >

Activating the [ < ] key brings forward mode 2:

<no> Alarms Alarm LIST <alarm system> ^v

S*<id> <value> < mes txt >
S*<id> <value> < mes txt >
S*<id> <value> < mes txt >

Activating the [ < ] key brings forward mode 3.

NOTE: Mode 3 displayed below is not shown in a standalone EMS Platinum-ME system:

<no> Alarms Alarm LIST <alarm system> ^v

S*<id> < text > < stat >
S*<id> < text > < stat >
S*<id> < text > < stat >

Line 1 of the LCD is used to display the total number of alarms and the name of the selected
list "Alarm LIST". The next line(s) is used for display of standing- and unacknowledged
alarm(s). The newest alarm is at the bottom of the display, i.e. entry of the alarm list is al-
ways from the <END OF LIST>:

• <no> XX Number of standing and

unacknowledged alarms
• <alarm system> LOCAL PLC EMS Platinum-ME System PLC
• S Simulated channel
• * Unacknowledged alarm
• <channel name> Alarm text Text describing the actual alarm
• <stat> ALM Alarm condition is present
FAIL Sensor failure
NORM/CA Cut-out of alarm is active
(Manual or automatic cut-out)
NORM Alarm condition has normalised
!! Gone Alarm acknowledged and normal
? Device failure

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• <id> Alarm ID The channels user identification

• <mes txt> - Explaining text with examples below:
NORMAL The alarm is non-standing
SENS FAIL Sensor failure
ALARM Alarm is present
COMM. OK Communication is OK
• <text> Located in PLC: X Alarm originates in PLC number X
• <value> Optional Physical value of analog channel

If a channel, which is displayed, is acknowledged and returns to normal, it is not removed

from the display. It will first disappear when the operator steps in the list, or enters the list
By means of the [ ^ ] / [ v ] keys, the operator can select the previous / next 3 alarm in the
alarm list. This means that [ ^ ] will display older alarms, and [ v ] will show newer alarms.
When the operator reaches the start/end of the list, this is indicated by:
<END OF LIST> respectively.
If no alarms are present in the list, the No. of alarms is 0 and the line(s) used to display the
alarm(s) is blanked.
Example: When [ ALARM LIST ] is pressed, the EMS Platinum-ME LCD displays:

13 Alarms Alarm LIST LOCAL PLC ^v


"TACHO 2 ERROR" is the newest of the alarms, “DPU 40: COMM. TO PCS PANEL 1” is
non-standing and “CONTROL POSITION FAIL” is non-standing and acknowledged.
Further information like User Id and signal whereabouts may be obtained by activating the
[ > ] and [ < ] keys. A total of three modes are available.

13 Alarms Alarm LIST LOCAL PLC ^v

ME1_POS !! Gone
13 Alarms Alarm LIST LOCAL PLC ^v
*G1_LOP1 Located in PLC : 1 NORM
ME1_POS Located in PLC : 1 !! Gone
*ME1_RPM2 Located in PLC : 1 ALM

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5.4 Additional List Mode

An EMS Platinum-ME Operating Panel enters the additional list mode when [ ADD. LIST ] is
pressed. The [ ADD. LIST ] LED is illuminated as long as the panel operates in this mode.
During operation the following lists are supported:
• List of simulated monitoring channels.
• List of monitoring channels in manual cut-out
• List of monitoring channels in automatic cut-out
• List of monitoring channels in sensor fail.
• List of monitoring channels in device fail.
• List of monitoring channels in alarm or fail, priority 1
• List of monitoring channels in alarm or fail, priority 1 + 2
• List of monitoring channels in alarm or fail, total.
When [ ADD. LIST ] is pressed, the operator must first select LOCAL or GLOBAL LIST - if
the EMS Platinum-ME is fully integrated with the MCS Platinum alarm system - and there-
upon the actual list type is chosen.
Entry at the Alarm lists is at the <End of list>, i.e. the newest alarm, while Entry at other lists
is at the <Start of list>, i.e. the lowest channel number.

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5.4.1 Selecting the List Type

When [ ADD. LIST ] is pressed, the EMS Platinum-ME LCD displays:



NOTE: This LCD display is omitted, if the EMS Platinum-ME is not fully integrated with
the MCS Platinum alarm system.
Please refer to the overview in figure 5.2 for the complete softkey hierarchy.
When the system is chosen the selection of list types are presented:


<no> <no> <no>
|1|PRESSED|2| |3|

Above each softkey indication, the number of entries <no> is displayed for the Local PLC.
The following LCD displays are an example of how to get to the wanted list – in this case the
Manual Cut-out-list:
When the suppressed list type [ S1 ] is chosen the actual sub-list is pointed out:


<no> <no> <no>

Finally the chosen Manual Cut-out-list [ S2 ] can be viewed:

3 Manual Cut-outs LOCAL PLC ^v


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5.4.2 At the List Level

When alarm system and list type has been specified, the Operating Panel displays the list
entries using the following layout:

<no> <list type> <alarm system> ^v

S*<channel name > <stat >
S*<channel name > <stat >
S*<channel name > <stat >

The first line contains the list count, the list type and the alarm system:
• <no> XX Number of items in chosen list
• <list type> Simulated Channels Simulated channels list
Manual Cut-outs Manual cut-out list
Automatic Cut-outs Automatic cut-out list
Sensor Fails Sensor fails list
Device Fails Device fails list
Alarm Prio 1 Alarms priority 1 list
Alarms Prio 1+2 Alarms priority 1 and 2 list
Alarms Prio 1+2+3 Total alarm list
• <alarm system> LOCAL PLC EMS Platinum-ME System PLC
EMS ALM SYS MCS Platinum Alarm System
• S Simulated channel
• * Unacknowledged alarm
• <channel name> Item text Text describing the actual item
• <stat> ALM Alarm condition is present
FAIL Sensor failure
NORM/CA Cut-out of alarm is active
(Manual or automatic cut-out)
NORM Alarm condition has normalised
!! Gone Alarm acknowledged and normal
? Device failure

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5.5 Display Channel Mode

The Operating Panel enters the display channel mode, when [ DISPLAY CHANNEL ] is
pressed. As long as this mode is on, the display channel LED is illuminated. In this mode it is
possible to display and change the channel specification for all monitoring channels in the
EMS Platinum-ME.
Selection of the channel to display can be done in the following ways:
• By entering the monitoring channel ID (user ID)
• By browsing in a list of all monitoring channels.
• By browsing in a list of all analog monitoring channels
• If the display displays monitoring channels when [ DISP CHANNEL ] is pressed, the op-
erator can select between the displayed channels (e.g. in alarm list mode, the operator
can select between the displayed alarms).
Please refer to the overview in figure 5.2 for the complete softkey hierarchy including where
to activate Display Channel.
When a channel is entered pressing [ > ] or [ < ] causes the <next>/<previous> channel to
be displayed. By next/previous is meant:
• If the channel is selected by entering user ID, the next/previous channel - sorted after
user ID - is selected.
• If the channel is selected by browsing between all channels, the next previous channel -
sorted after user ID - is selected.
• If the channel is selected by browsing between analog channels, the next previous analog
channel - sorted after user ID - is selected
• If the channel is selected from a list, the next/previous channel - sorted after user ID - is

5.5.1 The Text Entry Screen

If [ DISPLAY CHANNEL ] is pressed while the Operating Panel does not display any alarm,
the following layout is displayed:



|1| ALL |2| ANALOG|3| ID

The user ID is initialised to the last displayed ID. First time after a restart of the EMS Plati-
num-ME, ID is initialised to the lowest ID.
By pressing [ ESC ] the panel returns to basic mode. By pressing [ ENT ] the current chan-
nel number is selected and the panel enters the "channel status screen".
By pressing the softkeys [ S1 ]/[ S2 ] it is possible to browse through channels of the EMS
Platinum-ME. The [ S1 ] key allows stepping through all existing channels while [ S2 ] allows
stepping through all existing analog channels. Once the [ S1 ]/[ S2 ] keys are pressed, the
panel enters the "stepping/status screen".

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5.5.2 The Stepping/status Screen

When the [ S1 ]/[ S2 ] softkeys are pressed in the "text entry screen", the panel allows se-
lecting of channel addresses by browsing. This is illustrated below:

<ID> <channel name >


By use of the two cursor keys [ < ] and [ > ] it is possible to select the previous/next channel
on the EMS Platinum-ME. By each key-press, the panel displays the new channel ID and
channel name. The stepping procedure is meant as a fast way of selecting related channels
while the "text entry screen" provides the initial channel address.
The type of stepping (i.e. all channels, or all analog channels) is determined by which soft-
key that caused the "stepping/status screen" to pop up.
By pressing [ ESC ] the panel returns to the "text entry screen", by pressing [ ENT ] the
panel enters the "channel status screen" displaying information about the presently selected
monitoring channel.

5.5.3 Channel Status Screen

The "channel status screen" is used for displaying information about a valid selected moni-
toring channel:


ME1CFG01 -5.05 bar DEV. FAIL
UTC TIME : 00-08-22 08:13:26

At this level of the display channel mode there are additional lines of information.
By the use of [ ^ ] and [ v ] the operator can select new lines of status information.
Hence, the vertical cursor keys [ ^ ] and [ v ] selects new lines of information while the hori-
zontal cursor keys [ < ] and [ > ] select new channels. By pressing [ ESC ] the "text entry
screen" is displayed, that is, [ ESC ] must be pressed twice to reach the basic mode.

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5.5.4 The Entry Selection Screen

When the panel operates in basic mode, for instance, the LCD displays information about
the eldest unacknowledged alarm. When there is at least one unacknowledged alarm in the
alarm list, when [ DISPLAY CHANNEL ] is pressed, the panel switches directly to the "chan-
nel status screen" showing information about the actual monitoring alarm.
If [ DISPLAY CHANNEL ] is pressed while the operating panel displays more than one
alarm, the LCD displays the "entry selection screen" prompting the operator to choose be-
tween the displayed alarm entries.


S*<channel name > <stat >
*<channel name > <stat >
*<channel name > <stat >

The information of each line depends on whether alarm list mode 1, 2 or 3 was selected prior
to pressing [ DISPLAY CHANNEL ]. Mode 3 is not available in a standalone EMS Platinum-
ME system.
The dynamic values are not updated in the “entry selection screen” mode.
The cursor is placed at the first alarm. The cursor can be moved by use of [ ^ ] and [ v ].
The operator can select between the displayed alarms only, that is, it is e.g. not possible to
scroll an entire alarm list after the [ DISPLAY CHANNEL ] has been selected.
If [ ENT ] is pressed, the channel, which is pointed out by the cursor, is selected, and, the
panel enters the "channel status screen". By pressing [ ESC ] the panel returns to basic
The following modes support the "entry selection screen" (active prior to pressing [ DISPLAY
• Basic mode.
• List mode.
• Suppressed list mode (cut-outs or simulated channels).

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5.6 Adjust Channel Mode

Adjust is a sub mode to the display channel mode. Adjustments can be carried out from
anyone of the EMS Platinum-ME Operating Panels. [ ADJUST CHANNEL ] is only active
when the panel displays the "channel status screen" of the display channel mode, i.e. when
a channel parameter, which can be adjusted, is displayed.
If [ ADJUST CHANNEL ] is a valid keystroke, and the panel is not in a privileged access
level, the panel prompts the operator for a level 1 password. The adjust channel and display
channel LEDs start to flash when the password is entered successfully. The display channel
LED continues to flash as long as the panel is operating at the “channel status screen” and
the timeout of app. 2 minutes has not expired. After timeout or leaving intentionally the
“channel status screen” the password for [ ADJUST CHANNEL ] must be re-entered unless
still in privileged access level.
With the legal password entered, or if the system is already in an access-privileged mode,
the panel prompts the operator for a new value, when a parameter is selected by pressing [
ENT ]. When the adjustments of new values have been finished [ ESC ] is pressed and the
panel returns to the "channel status screen" of display channel mode, i.e. the panel has left
the adjust mode, but the display channel LED continues to flash.
The adjust mode can be used when:
• A manual cut-out is made on a channel.
• An Input channel is applied a simulated value.
• An analog channel changes its limits.
• A channel changes its delay-times, i.e. the time a signal must have passed the high/low
limit (analog) or opposite value (binary) before the EMS Platinum-ME system regards it as
a change of state.
Other fields, which are displayed in the channel status screen, are not to be adjusted; e.g.
the crew on board the ship cannot change the alarm priority.

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ME1CFG01 -5.05 bar DEV. FAIL
UTC TIME : 00-08-22 08:13:26
L1: DELAY (SEC) ON: 8 OFF: 8
ALARM GROUPS : - - - -

Example: The analog value for a channel is displayed together with the high and the low
alarm limit.
By use of [ < ], [ > ], [ ^ ] and [ v ] the operator may scroll through the different parameters
in the channel set-up. The available parameters are listed below:
No: Presentation lay-out at the LCD display: Explanation:
1 L1: LOW PRES LOW LIMIT <value> Alarm low limit 1 for
Starting Air Pressure
2 L1: DELAY (SEC) ON: <value> Alarm delay time for turning ON
3 L1: DELAY (SEC) OFF: <value> Alarm delay time for turning OFF
4 CUT-OUT: MAN: <value> Manual cut-out can be
selected ON or OFF
5 SIMULATION: <value> Simulation of starting air press.
selected ON or OFF

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5.6.1 Entering of Numerical Data and Texts

Numerical data and text are entered via the alpha/numerical keys.

If the operator has to enter a numerical value, only the numerical part of the alpha/numerical
keys is active. The entry procedure is as for a normal pocket calculator.

If the operator has to change a text, both the numbers and characters can be entered. The
entry follows the standard principles used for mobile telephones.

If a key is pressed, the first stated character on the key is displayed. If the key is pressed
again, the second stated character on the key is displayed. If another key is pressed, the en-
try is accepted and the cursor moves one position to the right. If the operator has to enter
the same character twice in a row following each other, he must press [ > ] to accept the first
entry and to proceed to the next.

Example - Text Entry:

The operator has to enter G11X.

Operator Enters Display Shows

[3 GHI] 3

[3 GHI] G

[1 ABC] G1

[>] G1

[1 ABC] G11

[8 VWX] G118

[8 VWX] G11V

[8 VWX] G11W

[8 VWX] G11X

The [0 #] is used to enter space, special characters and national characters (e.g. _,Ü,Æ). I.e.
the number of characters and which characters that are hidden below the [0 #] key depend
of the national language selected.

The [<] and [>] is used to step backward/forward in the entered text, without clearing the al-
ready entered characters.

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5.7 Maintenance Mode

Maintenance offers a wide range of different functions. Most of them are related to the re-
stricted access levels one to four, where four is the highest priority level of the EMS Plati-
num-ME. Only Lyngsø Marine Service Engineers have access to the items protected by ac-
cess level four as indicated in the overview list below.
When [ MAINTENANCE ] is pressed, the Operating Panel displays the first of several main-
tenance functions:



|1| TIME |2|CONTROL|3| TIME |4|

The operator can now browse through the headings of the maintenance functions by using
the softkey S4. To select the displayed maintenance function, the actual softkey S1 to S3 is
pressed. Pressing [ ESC ] makes the Operating Panel returns to basic mode.
The Maintenance LED flashes while the system is in either commissioning mode or LM
password level four.
Dependent on the panel location and functionality, a restricted set of the following mainte-
nance functions are available, i.e. the Bridge Panel of the EMS Platinum-ME only includes
display/set of time, version control and lamp test:



|1| TIME |2|CONTROL|3| TIME |4|
|1|TEST |2|UTC/LT |3|MODE |4|
|1|PW LEV1|2|PW LEV2|3|PW LEV3|4|
|1|DOG TST|2| SETUP |3| |4|

• Display time and date.

• View load sequential date and number.
• Set time and date (priv. access level 1).
• Lamp Test.
• Select between UTC and Local Time (priv. access level 1).
• Enter/Leave commissioning mode (priv. access level 4).
• Change password - level 1 (priv. access level 2).
• Change password - level 2 (priv. access level 3).
• Change password - level 3 (priv. access level 3).
• Change password - level 4 (priv. access level 4).
• Enter/Leave system password level (priv. access level 4).
• Disable LOP control of UCS - Global disable (priv. access level 3). Optional.

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• Watch dog activation (priv. access level 4).

• Store Setup (priv. access level 4).
The functions/sub-screens are described more in the following.

5.7.1 Display Time and Date

This facility is used for displaying the actual time and date. Next to these values, the actual
formats are specified; hence, the operator will know whether the date is May 10th, or Oct


LOCAL TIME : 08:40:05 00.08.18
UTC TIME : 08:40:05 00.08.18

By pressing [ ESC ] the Operating Panel returns to the maintenance screen.

5.7.2 View Program Version, Load Sequential Date and Number

Is used for viewing the release number and sequential date/number of the EMS Platinum-ME


VERSION/TYPE NO. : 5.71 / 970.413.701
DATABASE/SEQ : 20041213 / 37
SHIP NAME : Name of the ship

By pressing [ ESC ] the Operating Panel returns to the maintain screen.

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5.7.3 Set Time and Date (priv. access level 1)

If set time and date is selected, the operator first has to enter a password and then select lo-
cal or UTC time:




|1| UTC |2| LT

When UTC or local time is selected, the operator has to select between:
• Set the time.
• Set the date.
• Increase/Decrease the time with xx minutes. This can be used when passing on to a new
time zone. Only relevant for local time.
When UTC Time is selected the following display appears:



|1| TIME |2|DATE

Set Time (only valid for “Set UTC” Menu):

When [ S1 ]/SET TIME is pressed a new UTC time can be entered:


ENTER NEW TIME : 11:15:35

CURRENT TIME : 11:16:55 (HH:MM:SS)

The entry of a new UTC time follows the guidelines of entering numbers, see section 5.6.1.
Once the selection is finished, the operator enters [ ENT ] and the Operating Panel updates
the date, and returns to the “Set UTC time & date”-screen. By pressing [ ESC ] the Operat-
ing Panel skips the date correction and returns to the “Set UTC time & date”-screen.

Set date (only valid for “Set UTC” Menu):

When [ S2 ]/SET DATE is pressed a new date can be entered:


ENTER NEW DATE : 00.08.18

CURRENT DATE : 00.08.18 (YY:MM:DD)

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The entry of a new date follows the guidelines of entering numbers, see section 5.6.1. Once
the selection is finished, the operator presses the [ ENT ] key and the Operating Panel up-
dates the date, and returns to the “Set UTC time & date”-screen. By pressing [ ESC ] the
Operating Panel skips the date correction and returns to the “Set UTC time & date”-screen.
When Local Time is selected the following display appears:



|1| TIME |2|ADJUST |3| +60 |4| -60

Set Time (Local Time setup):

When [ S1 ]/SET TIME is pressed a new offset value can be entered relating local time to
UTC time:


UTC TIME : 09:51:40
NEW OFFSET : 10:00

The entry of a new time follows the guidelines of entering numbers, see section 5.6.1. Once
the selection is finished, the operator presses the [ ENT ] key and the Operating Panel up-
dates the time, and, returns to the “Set Local Time”-screen. By pressing [ ESC ] the Operat-
ing Panel skips the time update and returns to the “Set Local Time”-screen.

Zone Adjust:
When [ S2 ]/ZONE ADJUST is pressed a new adjust value can be entered:




The entry of a new time follows the guidelines of entering numbers, see section 5.6.1. Once
the selection is finished, the operator presses the [ ENT ] key and the Operating Panel up-
dates the +/- time, and, returns to the “Set Local Time”-screen. By pressing [ ESC ] the Op-
erating Panel skips the +/- time update and returns to the “Set Local Time”-screen.

Change Time Relatively:

If [ S3 ]/TIME+<Zone Adjust> or [ S4 ]/TIME-<Zone Adjust> is selected, the following display
appears respectively – xx is the current value of <Zone Adjust> described above:


|S| |S|

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|S| |S|

The value of xx or <Zone Adjust> is the number of minutes that the present time will be in-
creased/decreased when pressing [ S2 ]. The value is displayed in the standard format. The
value is normally set to 20, but it can be customised to any value between 1 and 60.

5.7.4 Lamp Test

Activation of the Lamp Test softkey results in sounding buzzer, flashing indication field
“FAULT” and all LEDs of the Operating Panel turned ON until [ ESC ] is pressed.
The following picture appears during Lamp Test:


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5.7.5 Select UTC or Local Time (priv. access level 1)

If select UTC or Local Time is chosen, the operator first has to enter a password and then
select local or UTC time:



|1| QUIT |2| LT

5.7.6 Enter Commissioning Mode (priv. access level 4)

Commissioning mode means that activation of [ ALARM ACKN ] - when in Basic or Alarm
List mode - will acknowledge all alarms, even though they are not displayed on the LCD.
To enter commissioning mode the operator must enter a password successfully. Hereafter
the following display appears:


|S| ON

The maintenance LED flashes as long as the system is in commissioning mode (or in Sys-
tem password level). Once the commissioning mode is entered, it is maintained until it is de-
selected from this menu or the DPU 2010 PLC is reset.

5.7.7 Change Password - Level N (priv. access level N/N+1)

If one of the password changing functions are selected, the following display is presented:


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When a correct existing password is entered for level N or any higher level, the operator is
prompted for a new password as well as confirmation of the new password for level N:


A valid password may consist of any number of characters from two to six.
Each character must be a digit from zero to nine. Any character is echoed as * at the LCD
display of the EMS Platinum-ME Operating Panel.
A password entry is finished by pressing [ ENT ].

5.7.8 Enter System Password Level (priv. access level 4)

If the system password level is selected, the following display is presented:


Enter system password level (level 4) means that all Operating Panels enter the highest
password level. The password level is maintained until it is deselected again. This means
that a service engineer can set the system in the system level and then perform all functions
without entry of password. To enter the system password level the operator must enter a
password successfully, thereafter, the following display appears:


|S| ON

The maintenance LED flashes as long as the system is in system password level. Once the
level is entered, it is maintained until it is deselected from this menu or the DPU 2010 PLC is

5.7.9 Select LOP-UCS Control

NOTE: This function is only included with the Maintenance functions in a fully integrated
environment including the EMS Platinum-ME and the MCS Platinum Alarm Sys-

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5.7.10 Watch Dog Activation (priv. access level 4)

Entering watchdog activation the operator is prompted for the highest priority level. When
this is entered the following display appears for 15 seconds. Thereafter the EMS Platinum-
ME system is restarted with the same functionality as if the reset button had been pressed at
the DPU 2010 PLC:



The watch dog activation resets the EMS Platinum-ME system, however, the database re-
main intact, i.e. definition of channels, names of persons, passwords, etc.

5.7.11 Store Setup (priv. access level 4)

When entering S2: “Store Setup” activation the buzzer sounds for one second and the op-
erator is prompted for the highest priority level. When this is entered the present setup of the
EMS Platinum-ME is stored, the Operating Panel returns automatically to the Maintenance
Menu and the buzzer sounds for one second:




|1|DOG TST|2| SETUP |3| |4|

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5.8 Dimmer Mode

In dimmer mode, the operator is able to control:
• The LCD displays background light
• View angle adjustment of the LCD display
• The LED illumination.
• The folio background light of the keys.
When [ DIMMER ] is pressed, the LCD display prompts the operator to select what he wants
to dim:




When the function is selected, the intensity is adjusted by use of the [ ^ ] and [ v ] keys. The
intensity is updated immediately, and the LCD display indicates the present selection as
shown below:


SETTING: ****..

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6. EMS Platinum-ME Alarm Indication and Trouble Shooting

New alarms in the EMS are activating the internal buzzer in the EMS panel, and shown in clear text on the Basic Mode Overview Picture when they
come up, i.e. the oldest unacknowledged alarm is shown on line four. When the alarm has been acknowledged by first pressing [ STOP HORN ] and
then [ Alarm Ackn. ], it will disappear from line four (it can now be found in the Alarm List selected by means of the [ Alarm List ] key), and the next
unacknowledged alarm will show up on line four.
A Customising Tool database printout containing all included alarms in this actual EMS Platinum-ME configuration is appended at the end of this chap-
ter. The following table contains a description and a trouble shooting description for all possible alarms in the EMS Platinum-ME, but please note that
only the alarms in the appended print-out is included in this system. The alarms are sorted alphabetically according to column EMS ALARM TEXT:


D040LOP1 DPU 40: Comm. To PCS Panel 1 Communication error from DPU 2010 PLC Check power supply to panel, if OK check
to ECR panel connection from DPU 2010 PLC SIO con-
nection to ECR panel.
D040LOP2 DPU 40: Comm. To PCS Panel 2 Communication error from DPU 2010 PLC Check power supply to panel, if OK check
to Bridge connection from DPU 2010 PLC SIO con-
nection to Bridge panel.
EMS1T011 EMS1T01 Pickup 1 fail Cable failure on the optional EMS1T01 Ta- Check the connections for Pickup number 1
cho Adapter Module Pickup number 1 on the Tacho Adapter Module
EMS1T012 EMS1T01 Pickup 2 fail Cable failure on the optional EMS1T02 Ta- Check the connections for Pickup number 2
cho Adapter Module Pickup number 2 on the Tacho Adapter Module
EMS1T01O EMS1T01 Overspeed The EMS has optional stopped the Main The Overspeed shutdown must be reset by
Engine due to an Overspeed Shutdown putting the Telegraph to stop position, be-
fore it is possible to start again
EMSTOUMS EMS-Alarm Syst. Interface Fail Optional, only if Serial Modbus Interface to Check wiring from EMS SIO module to
foreign Alarm System Alarm System serial interface input module

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MBLA_AAL EMS Line to EICU-A, ANA SuperV Timeout on Analog 0 – 1000 counter super- Check if the EMS Platinum DPU 2010, SIO
vision between EMS SIO interface no. 1 and 2010 channel no. 1 or ME-Engine EICU-A
ME-Engine ECS EICU-A has stopped calculating or communicating.
Check wiring.
Try reset EMS and/or EICU-A.
The EMS – ECS interface will automatically
change to channel 2. If both channels are
failing change to Manual ECR or LOP con-
MBLA_BAL EMS Line to EICU-A, BIN SuperV Timeout on Binary On/Off status supervision As for MBLA_AAL
between EMS SIO interface no. 1 and ME-
MBLB_AAL EMS Line to EICU-B, ANA SuperV Timeout on Analog 0 – 1000 counter super- Check if the EMS Platinum DPU 2010, SIO
vision between EMS interface no. 2 and ME- 2010 channel no.2 or ME-Engine EICU-B
Engine ECS EICU-B has stopped calculating or communicating.
Check wiring.
Try reset EMS and/or EICU-A.
The EMS – ECS interface will automatically
change to channel 1. If both channels are
failing change to Manual ECR or LOP con-
MBLB_BAL EMS Line to EICU-B, BIN SuperV Timeout on Binary On/Off status supervision As for MBLB_AAL
between EMS SIO interface no. 2 and ME-
MBSIO1AL EMS SIO Channel 1, ECS EICU-A Communication failure/timeout on EMS As for MBLA_AAL
Platinum-ME SIO interface no. 1 to the ME-
Engine ECS System EICU-A
MBSIO2AL EMS SIO Channel 2, ECS EICU-B Communication failure/timeout on EMS As for MBLB_AAL
Platinum-ME SIO interface no. 2 to the ME-
Engine ECS System EICU-B

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EMSTPSUP EPS Emergency Stop Supply F15 Supervision of 24Vdc supply for the directly Check fuse F15 in the EMS Platinum main
connected contact on all the Emergency cabinet
Stop switches
EPS_OFF EPS Safety System Switched Off EPS Watchdog/Power failure output to EMS Check EPS Platinum power supply and run-
Platinum no longer activated ning status.
Try resetting the EPS Platinum DZM402
MANSLOWD Manual Slowdown, Reduce RPM Manual Slowdown Alarm input is activated Reduce manually the RPM setpoint to Slow.
Telegraph MUST be set below reset limit for
the Load Down program.

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D040STA Master DPU: Status of DPU 40 The loaded database and software program For: <SLS Error>, <DB Error> and <SW
in the DPU 2010 PLC Flash Prom is dis- Error> message text, try reloading the DPU
turbed/wrong version 2010 PLC software from the connected op-
or Network Communication line(s) failure to erator station if possible.
Master DPU and/or operator station. In case of a standalone EMS Platinum, call
Lyngsø Marine for service or order a new
Please note: in case of only communication spare DPU 2010 loaded with the correct
failure the EMS Platinum-ME will continue to database and program.
work OK as a standalone system, only For: <Seg M Err> check the Ethernet 1 ca-
Slowdown alarms from the alarm system will ble from DPU 2010 X4 to the MOXA Tur-
not be able to activate an automatic Slow- boRing switch (only if both Ethernet 1 & 2
down connected to DPU)
For: <Seg R Err> check the Ethernet 2 ca-
ble from DPU 2010 X5 to the MOXA Tur-
boRing switch (only if both Ethernet 1 & 2
connected to DPU)
For: <Comm. Err> all communication lines
stopped working, check Ethernet cabling to
MOXA TurboRing switch and further on to
the Master DPU and operator stations.
Check power supply to MOXA switch. Try
resetting DPU 2010 and MOXA switch.
ME1_BRGC ME BRG TLG CMD Failure Bridge setpoint potentiometer cable failure Check the wiring of the Bridge Telegraph
alarm setpoint potentiometer
ME1CT09 ME BRG TLG El Shaft fail Only if Electric Shaft failure alarm is going to Check the Electrical Shaft system for the
the EMS instead of directly to the alarm sys- Bridge Telegraph for failure indications or
tem power failure
ME1_BRGA ME BRG TLG Mis aligned Compares analog Bridge stop setpoint with Check that the Bridge Telegraph stop switch
binary stop switch is activated when the Bridge Telegraph is in
stop position

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ME1_POS ME Control position fail The Control Position feedback’s are incon- Check wiring and activation of:
sistent with the present Control Position Remote pressure switch P9,
Manual ECR/Auto Bridge changeover switch
in ECR console and corresponding EMS
Local pressure switch P2,
Governor remote engaged switch S6
ME1_SCR1 ME Critical Speed Range 1 Main Engine running inside critical speed If RPM setpoint from EMS to governor is
range 1 outside the critical speed limit, check the
Governor, otherwise check the EMS setpoint
ME1_SCR2 ME Critical Speed Range 2 Main Engine running inside critical speed If RPM setpoint from EMS to governor is
range 2 outside the critical speed limit, check the
Governor, otherwise check the EMS setpoint
ME1_ECRC ME ECR TLG CMD Failure ECR Setpoint cable failure alarm Check the wiring of the ECR Telegraph set-
point potentiometer. Only used for Order
ME1_ECRA ME ECR TLG Mis aligned Compares analog ECR stop setpoint with Check that the ECR Telegraph stop switch
binary stop switch is activated when the ECR Telegraph is in
stop position
ME1_SHES ME Emergency Stop The EPS Platinum has stopped the Main Se on the EPS panel-Alarm List, which
Engine due to activation of one of the Emergency stop is activated. It must be de-
Emergency Stops activated and the Telegraph lever put in stop
position to reset, before trying to start again
ME1_EMGC ME Emergency TLG CMD Failure Emergency Telegraph potentiometer cable Check the wiring of the ECR Telegraph set-
failure alarm point potentiometer. Only used for Order
ME1_LLC ME Governor Load Lim Cancelled Main Engine limits has been cancelled by Press the [ Limits Cancel ] key once more
pressing the [ Limits Cancel ] key on the to remove the Load Limit Cancel again
EMS panel

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ME1_SLDN ME NON Cancellable Slowdown A NON-Cancellable Slowdown, e.g. the When the NON-Cancellable Slowdown con-
Oilmist Detector, has been activated dition has been cleared, it can be reset the
normal way
ME1_SHOS ME Overspeed Shutdown The EPS Platinum has stopped the Main The Overspeed shutdown must be reset by
Engine due to an Overspeed Shutdown putting the Telegraph to stop position, be-
fore it is possible to start again
ME1_RFAL ME Running Failure The ME has made an unintended stop, and
will be automatically started again by the
ME-Engine ECS System
ME1RM ME Running Mode Fail Mismatch between the requested running Bring the feedback conditions in accordance
mode and actual running mode feedback with the actual Running mode
from ECS
ME1_SHDA ME Shutdown Active EPS Platinum has stopped the ME due to a When the Shutdown condition has been
Shutdown cleared, put the Telegraph lever in stop po-
sition to reset, before trying to start again
ME1_SHDC ME Shutdown Cancelled The EPS Shutdown has been cancelled Press the [ Shutd. Cancel ] key once more
from the [ Shutd. Cancel ] key, either from to remove Shutdown Cancel, when it is no
the EPS panel or from the EMS panel in longer necessary
ME1_SHDP ME Shutdown Prewarning A Shutdown Input to the EPS has been acti- If necessary, press the [ Shutd. Cancel]
vated, and will activate the Shutdown and key to cancel the Shutdown before it is
stop the engine in a few seconds. stopping the main engine.
ME1_SLDA ME Slowdown Active EMS has reduced the RPM setpoint to the When the Slowdown condition has been
Governor to Slow due to a Slowdown input cleared, press the [ Slowd. Reset ] key on
is activated. the EMS panel or reduce the Telegraph
Press the [ Slow Down ] key on the EMS lever setpoint on the active control position
panel to display the list of possible active below Slow position to reset, before increas-
Slowdown inputs ing the speed again
Note: the EMS can be configured to accept
reset only from ECR
ME1_SLDC ME Slowdown Cancelled The EMS Slowdown has been cancelled Press the [ Slowd. Cancel ] key once more
from the [ Slowd. Cancel ] key from the to remove Slowdown Cancel, when it is no
EMS panel in control. longer necessary

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ME1SLD01 ME Slowdown input 1 ME Slowdown input 1 is activated and will When indicating cable failure, check the
reduce RPM setpoint to Slowdown RPM or wiring from the BSM2200 module to the
sensor/cable break failure censor contact and the 8k2 kOhm cable fail
ME1SLD02 ME Slowdown input 2 ME Slowdown input 2 is activated or fail As for input 1
ME1SLD03 ME Slowdown input 3 ME Slowdown input 3 is activated or fail As for input 1
ME1SLD04 ME Slowdown input 4 ME Slowdown input 4 is activated or fail As for input 1
ME1SLD05 ME Slowdown input 5 ME Slowdown input 5 is activated or fail As for input 1
ME1SLD06 ME Slowdown input 6 ME Slowdown input 6 is activated or fail As for input 1
ME1SLD07 ME Slowdown input 7 ME Slowdown input 7 is activated or fail As for input 1
ME1SLD08 ME Slowdown input 8 ME Slowdown input 8 is activated or fail As for input 1
ME1SLD09 ME Slowdown input 9 ME Slowdown input 9 is activated or fail As for input 1
ME1SLD10 ME Slowdown input 10 ME Slowdown input 10 is activated or fail As for input 1
ME1SLD11 ME Slowdown input 11 ME Slowdown input 11 is activated or fail As for input 1
ME1SLD12 ME Slowdown input 12 ME Slowdown input 12 is activated or fail As for input 1
ME1SLD13 ME Slowdown input 13 ME Slowdown input 13 is activated or fail As for input 1
ME1SLD14 ME Slowdown input 14 ME Slowdown input 14 is activated or fail As for input 1
ME1SLD15 ME Slowdown input 15 ME Slowdown input 15 is activated or fail As for input 1
ME1SLD16 ME Slowdown input 16 ME Slowdown input 16 is activated or fail As for input 1
ME1_SLDP ME Slowdown Prewarning A Slowdown Input to the EMS has been If necessary, press the [ Slowd. Cancel]
activated, and will activate the Slowdown of key to cancel the Slowdown before it is re-
the engine in a few seconds. ducing the RPM setpoint to slow
ME1_BLC ME Start Block Cancelled Main Engine Start Blocking has been can- Press the [ Select ] key/EMS Start Stop
celled by the operator System” and use S1-Cancel Off to remove
Cancel Start Blocking again
ME1_BLA ME Start Blocked Main Engine is Start Blocked Press the [ Start Block ] key on the EMS
panel to browse the list of startblockings
ME1STG ME Subtelegraph Alarm Mismatch between the requested Subtele- Bring the feedback conditions in accordance
graph mode and actual Subtelegraph mode with the actual Subtelegraph mode
feedback from ME-Engine ECS

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ME1_RPM1 ME Tacho 1 Error ME-Engine ECS Tacho signal more than 5 Press EMS panel “Select/EMS Control
RPM (configurable) lower than ECS RPM Functions/ME Tacho System” to select be-
signal tween Tacho 1 (EMS) and Tacho 2 (ECS)
and Auto select.
From this display press “Status” to browse
the RPM inputs and fail indications for both
Tacho 1 and 2.
ME1_RPM2 ME Tacho 2 Error EMS RPM signal (Optional) more than 5 As for Tacho 1 Error, just opposite
RPM (configurable) lower than EMS Tacho
EMS1AI01 Module EMS1AI01 (AEM402) Error Error on Analog input module AEM402 Check ribbon cable from DPU 2010 PLC to
AEM402. If OK change module.
EMS1C001 Module EMS1C001 (SIO2010) Error Error on the first Serial Interface module Check ribbon cable from DPU 2010 PLC to
the SIO 2010 module. If OK change module.
EMS1C002 Module EMS1C002 (SIO) Error Error on the optional second Serial Interface Check ribbon cable from first SIO 2010
module module to second SIO module. If OK
change module.
EMS1C003 Module EMS1C003 (DSN) Error Error on the optional Dual STELLA Net Check ribbon cable from first/second SIO
module. Only in case of Alarm/Control inte- module to DSN module. If OK change mod-
gration via Stella Net to MOS/MCS 2200 ule.
EMSM100F Module EMS1M100 (IFM2200) Fuse 24Vdc supply on IFM2200 module Check the fuse on IFMM2200 module
EMS1M100 missing EMS1M100
EMS1M101 Module EMS1M101 (BSM2200) Error Error on the Input Output Module for digital Check ribbon cable last SIO/DSN module to
supervised input and output IFM 2200 adapter and from the IFM 2200
module to BSM2200 module. If OK change
EMS1M102 Module EMS1M102 (BXM2200) Error Error on the first Relay output and digital Check ribbon cable from BSM 2200 to the
Input Module first BXM 2200 module. If OK change mod-
EMS1M103 Module EMS1M103 (BXM2200) Error Error on the second Relay output and digital Check ribbon cable from the first BXM 2200
Input Module to the last BXM 2200 module. If OK change

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EMS1M104 Module EMS1M104 (AOM2200) Error Error on the Analog Output Module. Check ribbon cable from the last BXM2200
to the AOM2200 module. If OK change

The buzzer is activated for a short time “Beep” at Bridge Panels or ECR Panel dependent on control location when:
• Activation of EMS Panel Hardkeys on a panel which is not in control
• Activation of EMS Control Functions Softkeys on a panel which is not in control
• Start request for Main Engine with one or more start blockings.

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6.1 Monitoring Channels for Display and Printing Purpose

The EMS Platinum-ME also includes a number of Monitoring channels, used for displaying on the Operator Panels Basic Display, and for printing on
the Order printer, which are not making alarms.
The Customising Tool database printout appended at the end of this chapter will also include these Monitoring channels. Most of them can be distin-
guished as “Priority 4” channels. The following table contains a description explaining the status of these channels. The alarms are sorted alphabeti-
cally according to column EMS ALARM TEXT:


EMSALARM EMS Alarm Output to Alm.System Internal event activating the output relay for
alarm output
ME1_SUPR ME Alarm Cut-Out in Stop Engine Stopped Monitoring channel for activation of alarm
ME1_BRGL ME BRG TLG Setpoint Bridge telegraph setpoint Monitoring channel for Order printer
ME1_BRGM ME Bridge Control EMS Platinum-ME in Bridge Control Monitoring channel for Order printer
ME1_ECRL ME ECR TLG Setpoint ECR telegraph setpoint Monitoring channel for Order printer
ME1_ECRM ME ECR Control EMS Platinum-ME in ECR Control Monitoring channel for Order printer
ME1_LOPL ME LOP TLG Setpoint LOP telegraph setpoint Monitoring channel for Order printer
ME1_FWE ME Finished With Engine EMS Platinum-ME in FWE Mode Monitoring channel for Order printer
ME1_LIMS ME Limit Status RPM Limitation Status for Operator Panel Please refer to 4.2 for a description of the
Basic Display indications on the Basic display
ME1_LOPM ME Local LOP Control EMS Platinum-ME in Local control Monitoring channel for Order printer
ME1_MFSB ME Malfunction Startblocking Monitoring channel used to generate a Another malfunction alarm will specify what
Startblocking in case of a Hardware Super- caused the startblocking
vision Alarm
ME1_RPML ME RPM Main Engine RPM Monitoring channel for Order printer
ME1_RUN ME Running Engine Running Monitoring channel for Order printer or other
purpose in an integrated system

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ME1_RSTA ME Running Status for Display Start/Stop System status for Operator Panel Please refer to 4.2 for a description of the
Basic Display indications on the Basic display
ME1_SEAM ME Sea Mode EMS Platinum-ME in Sea Mode Monitoring channel for Order printer
ME1_STBY ME Stand By EMS Platinum-ME in Stand By Mode Monitoring channel for Order printer
ME1_STOP ME Stopped Engine Stopped Monitoring channel for Order printer or other
purpose in an integrated system

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6.2 EMS Modbus Interface to ME-Engine ECS System

All signals received by the EMS on the Serial Interface from the ME-Engine ECS System, are allocated to a Monitoring channel in the EMS (normally
an event channel, but during commissioning it is possible to change it to an alarm if requested), before they are used in the different EMS Function
Blocks. This makes it possible to make a display channel on each specific input, and even make a manual cut-out or simulate the input for a faulty sig-


MB_10001 ECS Engine Blocked Used for Subtelegraph FWE Condition
MB_10003 ECS Engine Ready Used for Subtelegraph Standby Condition
MB_10005 ECS Engine Not Ready Indicates Ready to start in Startblocking
Status List
MB_10007 ECS Start Blocked Indicates Startblocked in Startblocking
Status List
MB_10009 ECS Preparing Start Starting of Aux. Blowers in Progress during
a normal start
MB_10011 ECS Repeated Start The ME has made an unintended stop, and
will be automatically started again by the
ME-Engine ECS System
MB_10013 ECS Start Failed Slowturn or Startfailure (timeout etc.) Put the Telegraph lever in stop position to
reset, before trying to start again
MB_10015 ECS Load Limitation One or more ECS Load Limitations are ac-
MB_10017 ECS Limitations Increased ECS Load Limits has been raised (Can-
MB_10019 ECR Forced Command Take-over Used in EMS Control Transfer to automati-
cally update the EMS to ECR Control
MB_10021 Local Forced Command Take-over Used in EMS Control Transfer to automati-
cally update the EMS to Local Control

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MB_10023 ECS Main Starting Valve Block Making Start Blocking in Bridge control

MB_10025 ECS Startair Distributor Block Making Start Blocking in Bridge control
MB_10027 ECS Control Air Vented Making Start Blocking in Bridge control
MB_10029 ECS Turning Gear Engaged Making Start Blocking in Bridge control
MB_10031 ECS Starting Air Pressure Low Making Start Blocking in Bridge control
MB_10033 ECS LOP Lamp Test Request Input to EMS Activating all Lamp indications
on LOP
MB_10035 ECS Shaft Generator Request
MB_10037 ECS Shaft Generator Permission
MB_10039 ECS SG Disconnection Failed
MB_10041 ECS Modbus LineAlive Handshake Pulse On/Off handshake from ME-Engine
MB_10043 ECS Pitch Backup Control CPP System Pitch Backup Mode selecting Not used in EMS, only in CPP systems
Constant speed. Used in EMS Control
Transfer to automatically update the EMS to
Bridge Control
MB_10045 ECS Astern Backup Mode CPP system running Astern in mode with Not used in EMS, only in CPP systems
Fixed Pitch Propeller (FPP)
MB_10047 ECS Hydraulic Pressure Low Making Start Blocking in Bridge control
MB_10049 ECS Slow Command Slowdown request from ME-Engine ECS to
MB_10051 ECS TC CutOut Load Limit Activ ME running with a TC cut-out for reduced Optional, if included making an indication on
power the EMS Panel display
MB_10053 ECS Aux. Blower Failure Making Start Blocking in Bridge control
MB_10055 ECS Delayed Start Aux. Blowers stopped in Standby Mode Wait for the blowers to start first when start-
ing the engine, or start the blowers again in
advance from the Bridge panel start/stop
MB_10057 ECS Ahead Command

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MB_10059 ECS Astern Command
MB_10061 ECS near Limit Not used in EMS, only in CPP systems
MB_10063 ECS Pitch Not in ZERO Position CPP System Startblocking Not used in EMS, only in CPP systems
MB_10065 ECS Bridge Control ECS Selected Control Station memory Used during EMS reset/power up to preset
active control station
MB_10067 ECS ECR Control ECS Selected Control Station memory Used during EMS reset/power up to preset
active control station
MB_10069 ECS Local Control ECS Selected Control Station memory Used during EMS reset/power up to preset
active control station
MB_10071 ECS Spare Modbus Address 10071
MB_10073 ECS Spare Modbus Address 10073
MB_10075 ECS Spare Modbus Address 10075
MB_10077 ECS Spare Modbus Address 10077
MB_10079 ECS Spare Modbus Address 10079
MB_30001 ECS Engine Running Mode Engine running mode feedback from ECS 1 = Emission Mode, 2 = Economy Mode
MB_30002 ECS Engine Local RPM Setpoint +/-400.0 RPM LOP Telegraph setpoint used for alignment
at control transfer
MB_30003 ECS Engine Starting air press +/-40.0 Bar Used for indication on EMS Panels
MB_30004 ECS Actual Pitch Feedback +/-400.0 % Not used in EMS, only in CPP systems
MB_30005 ECS Engine Index Margin +/-150.00 % Not used in EMS, only in CPP systems
MB_30006 ECS Engine Actual RPM Setpoint +/-400.0 RPM Not used in EMS, only in CPP systems
MB_30007 ECS Engine Fuel Index +/-150.00 % Not used in EMS, only in CPP systems
MB_30008 ECS Engine Bridge RPM Setpoint +/-400.0 RPM
MB_30009 ECS Engine ECR RPM Setpoint +/-400.0 RPM ECR Telegraph setpoint used for alignment
at control transfer
MB_30010 ECS Engine Actual Speed +/-400.0 RPM Used as EMS Tacho input
MB_30011 ECS Engine Line Alive Counter 1 – 1000

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7. EMS Platinum-ME Customising Tool Print-Out

7.1 Input/Output List Terminal Board Report

This section contains a Terminal Board Report printout from the Integration Manager IM Platinum
Customising Tool, listing all Input and Output channels on the EMS Platinum-ME Input/Output

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7.2 Output Functions List Report

This section contains an Output Functions report print-out from the Integration Manager, listing all
Output channels which are made as a software function by the Integration Manager.

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7.3 EMS Platinum-ME Function Blocks List Report

This section contains an EMS Function Block Report print-out from the Integration Manager, with a
page for each of the software Function Blocks that are used in the EMS Platinum-ME, and for
each Function Block all Inputs to and Outputs from the Function Block is listed.

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8. EMS Platinum-ME Components and Spare-parts

8.1 Hardware Components List

The EMS Platinum-ME contains the following hardware modules:


Panel EMS Platinum Operator Panel 2 815.001.202
DPU 2010 DPU 2010 PLC (CPU Module) 1 810.001.660
SIO 2010 Serial Interface Module with four channels for con- 1 810.003.200
nection to the ME-Engine EICU-A and EICU-B, op-
tional Tacho Adapter, optional Serial link to alarm
system and optional Manoeuvring printer
SIM401 Serial Interface Module with two channels for connec- 0 or 1 962.002.300
tion to the Tacho Adapter and a service/load channel
DSN401 Dual Stella Net module for optional integration with 0 or 1 962.002.600
MCS Platinum Alarm- and Control System
TAM401 Tacho Adapter Module for RPM pickups 0 or 1 962.015.000
AEM402 8 channels Analog Input Module, Resistance, Voltage 1 962.004.200
or mA inputs
IFM2200 Input/Output Adapter, DPU 2010 to digital I/O mod- 1 815.001.240
BSM 2200 16 Digital Input and with cable supervision 1 815.001.230
12 Digital Output with cable supervision
BXM 2200 16 Digital Input and 8 Relay Output 2 815.001.220
AOM 2200 4 channels Analog Output Module, 0/4-20 mA or 0 - 1 815.001.420
10 Volt
PFM 2200 Filter Module for 24 Vdc Power Supply 1 815.001.410
Phoenix *1 QUINT PS-24DC/24DC/10A Power Supply for EMS 0 or 1 814.000.478
Phoenix *1 QUINT PS-240AC/24DC/10A Power Supply for EMS 0 or 1 814.002.369
Phoenix *2 QUINT-DC-UPS 24DC/20A Uninterruptable PSU 0 or 1 814.000.430
Phoenix *2 QUINT-BAT/24DC/12AH battery for UPS 0 or 1 814.000.431
Bender *1 UG-Isometer UG140P 0 or 1 814.000.097
MOXA *3 Ethernet TurboRing Switch 0 or 1 814.002.092
*1 Optional Power Supply Configurations with Ground Failure detection relay
*2 Optional Power Supply Configurations with UPS
*3 Optional Ethernet Switch if EMS Platinum integrated with UCS Platinum

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The EPS Platinum Safety System included in the EMS Platinum-ME Main Cabinet is made by
means of the following modules:


Panel EPS Operator Panel 1 962.019.000
DZM 402 PLC/CPU Module with RPM and Overspeed Tacho 1 962.003.110
BSM 2200 16 Digital Input and 12 Digital Output, both with cable 2 815.001.230
BRM 2200 16 Relay Output 2 815.001.210
PFM 2200 Filter Module for 24 Vdc Power Supply 1 962.004.100
Phoenix *1 QUINT PS-24DC/24DC/10A Power Supply for EMS 0 or 1 814.000.478
Phoenix *1 QUINT PS-240AC/24DC/10A Power Supply 0 or 1 814.002.369

*1 Optional Power Supply Configurations with Ground Failure detection relay

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8.2 HW Modules Layout and Jumper Settings

This section contains a Layout drawing for each module included in the EMS Platinum-ME show-
ing jumpers, set-up switches, LED indications, EPROM positions etc.

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User Manual for MAN Diesel ME/ME-C Engines 2010.06.28

8.3 Spare-part List

The appended Spare Parts List show the fuses and lamps, which is included in the standard
spare part set as required by the Classification Societies.
Of course we will be glad to offer you a bigger or full set of spare parts. All units mentioned
previously in this chapter could be relevant. Please contact our Spare Parts department for
price and delivery time.

End of document.

810.001.751-01 Lyngsø Marine A/S

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