Ground Water Table Value As Per CGWB Data: (Refer Appendix A)

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Contract DC-04:

Between Chainage 14480 to 18760m of

Aerocity to Tuglakabad Corridor of
Phase-IV of Delhi MRTS


1 Total exploratory well locations in South Delhi district = 42 Nos.

2 Exploratory well locations with GWT record till Year 1996 to 2004 = 8 Nos.
1. Bhati-1, 2. Bhati-2, 3. Molarband, 4. Khanpur, 5. Gwal Pahri, 6. DhobiGhat, 7. Ayanagar, 8. Satbari1
Site near to our alignment -Khanpur (1996 to 1998) GWT Trend (m) - 24.2 to 21.32 1 Nos.
After 1998, Khanpur well did not have the record. 7 other borewell from 8 Nos locations are far from our alignment.
3 Exploratory well locations with GWT record between Year 2005 to 2010 (New borewell added) = 38 Nos.
4 Exploratory well locations with GWT record between Year 2011 to 2015 (Some borewell with no new reco 25 Nos.
From Year 2005, new well location were added. 8 borewell locations were within 5km radius of our alignment.
1. Saket D, 2. Pushp Vihar, 3. Madangir, 4. Tuglakabad, 5. Asola, 6. Jamali Kamali, 7. Hauz Khas, 8. Satbari
5 Exploratory well locations with GWT record between Year 2016 to 2018/2019 = 14 Nos.
From 8 borewell near to DC-04 alignment, 3 borewell did not have record after Year 2014.
1. Saket D, 2. Madangir, 3. Tuglakabad
Remaining 5 borewell record are used to tabulate the GWT value.
Out of 5 wells, 2 well locations, 1. Pushpvihar, 2. Asola are near to our alignment. Same is used to finalise the GWT val

No Bore Well name Distance from station of DC-04 Alignment GWT Trend (m) Year of Record
Bore well sites near to Alignment
1 Pusp Vihar Pz 1.35 km from Ambedkarnagar Station 58 to 49 2005 to 2019
2 Pusp Vihar Pz 1.87 km from Khanpur Station 58 to 49 2005 to 2019
3 Pusp Vihar Pz 1.56 km from Saket G Station 58 to 49 2005 to 2019
4 Asola Pz 2.5 km from Sangam vihar station 40 to 52 2005 to 2019
5 Pusp Vihar Pz 2.8 km from Sangam Vihar Station 58 to 49 2005 to 2019

GWT Report for DC 04_08-07-2020

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