Cirrus SR20, SR22 and SR22T: Owners' & Pilots' Guide
Cirrus SR20, SR22 and SR22T: Owners' & Pilots' Guide
Cirrus SR20, SR22 and SR22T: Owners' & Pilots' Guide
It is designed to answer many common questions about ownership and operation, but
mainly from a cosmetic and aesthetic care standpoint.
As mentioned on the cover, it is NOT a P.O.H. nor a substitute for one; nor does it
replace or in any way supersede any information provided in the P.O.H., the
manufacturer’s guides or any Cirrus training materials. If you find anything in here that is
contradictory, the official documentation will always take precedence.
Please take what you think is useful from this and skip over the rest!
When it comes to flying your aircraft the new interactive Cirrus iFOM or Flight
Operations Manual is available as an iBook from Apple’s iBook store. On your iPad
under the iBooks app, search for “Flight Operations Manual” published by Cirrus
Aircraft. This is an amazing training tool that truly revolutionizes the flight training
Naturally we’re very interested in your feedback too, so please do let us know if you
have any suggestions to improve your flying experience…and of course feel free to tell
your friends how much fun it is to fly a Cirrus!
At Cirrus Aircraft a key component to our success has been our continuous innovation
from year to year. This document has been created for our very latest product offering,
so while the majority of the sections herein apply to all our aircraft, you may see some
features that are different from or not included in your aircraft. Nonetheless, we think
you’ll still find this to be a valuable addition to your ownership experience.
Make sure you remove these four items, if they are present: Cowl plugs, pitot tube
cover, tie-down ropes, chocks. No gust lock is used in Cirrus aircraft because the trim
cartridges are sufficient to prevent a gust from slamming the controls to the stops.
Beware of leaving a chock
behind a wheel. While it
may appear to be clear as
you pre-flight, once you add
weight to the plane this
chock could easily get
trapped and damage the
wheel pant as you taxi
away. The plane will also
tend to “Rock Back” once
the engine starts,
increasing the risk of
trapping a chock
If there is a canopy cover on, carefully remove it making note as to how to reinstall it. Be
careful not to scratch the paint as you remove and/or reinstall the canopy cover.
Whenever possible, store the canopy cover in its bag in the baggage compartment.
Use your best judgment if the cover is wet: A wet cover stored in its bag will go moldy; a
wet cover simply put in the baggage compartment will get the interior wet; a wet cover
left behind during a local flight could get wetter or dirtier, or could blow around on the
ramp causing a serious safety hazard.
Get under the flaps and look at the push rod that drives
the flaps. Look carefully at the arrangement of the
ends of that rod and of the center safety-wired
turnbuckle arrangement. If that fails, you could have an
asymmetric flap situation.
Tire inflation is such that the length of the tire flattened as it sits on the ground should be
about a US dollar bill. Or, four fingers should fit comfortably between the wheel fairing
and the ground. Third option is the fuel tester from the pocket in the baggage door. The
"cup" should stand upright and fit comfortably under the fairing. If the dollar bill test
and/or the cup test fail, the tire(s) needs air.
Fuel: Be careful when you look into the fuel tanks to check levels, especially at night if
you are holding a flashlight. As you pour the “sumped” gas back into the tank make sure
you don’t drop the fuel tester into the tank and be sure to check the security of the filler
cap locks once you’re finished with the fuel checks.
There are five fuel drains to the check. Two under each wing and one just behind the
nose wheel. Be especially cognizant of the inboard (collector tank) drains: they can flow
very quickly.
A smooth "clean" composite wing will lose lift with EVEN THE SLIGHTEST FROST!
For cold weather engine operations please refer to the Continental Motors operating
manual for the best procedures
SR22 and SR22T with Certified Flight Into Known Ice (FIKI)
Adhere to the "Never fly with a contaminated wing" rule as discussed above. Once
you are airborne the FIKI system can cope with icing, however, it is VITAL that you
have studied the on-line Cirrus Ice Awareness course and passed the quiz at the end.
This must be completed every 24 months or the FIKI certification will no longer apply!
Even the FIKI system has its limitations and it is NOT a superman cloak! Treat icing
conditions with respect at all times!
If you need to refill the de-ice fluid tanks, you can ask the FBO to do it for you, but be
aware it may be a maintenance department function rather than a line crew function and
may incur a minimum labor charge.
If you have spare fluid available and chose to fill yourself, use an appropriate funnel and
NEVER use a dry cloth on a dry windshield and if you drop the cloth on the ground DO
NOT continue with that cloth. Dust and dirt in a dry cloth will create scratches and swirls
in the windshield. Use the Prist™ liberally to ensure a damp surface and wipe in straight
lines up and down, not in a circular motion as this too can create “swirls” in the
A good product for general cleaning is a spray foam called “PowerFoam” made by
Jetstream products. It is easy to use, leaves few streaks and is safe to use on TKS
deice panels.
Preventing Paint Scratches: Be very careful when leaning over the cowling or the
wing to check fluids as your belt buckle can easily scratch the paint, so try to cover this
or any other sharp objects on your clothing.
For Ice Equipped Aircraft: The leading edge of the wing uses a titanium panel with
over 820 holes drilled per square inch. To prevent clogging these tiny holes DO NOT
USE ANY WAX ON THE LEADING EDGE! Refer to P.O.H. for more details on
cleaning the TKS panels.
As you prepare to enter the aircraft, take one more look under the airplane to make sure
that nothing is hanging/dangling—tie-downs, pitot tube cover, chocks. Take one more
look to see the baggage door latch is secure.
Before attempting to close the doors, look to make sure all belts, buckles, headset
cables and fingers are clear of the door frame. Doors do require a solid pull but they do
not need to be slammed.
Practice closing the door a few times and BEFORE the engine is running so you
have a smooth technique. DO NOT COMMENCE YOUR TAKE-OFF ROLL IF THE
If you are using Bose headsets with the single multi-pin connector, be sure the indicator,
either a red dot, a white dot or a pair of white arrows, is aligned towards the tail of the
aircraft or “6 O'clock” position.
DO NOT FORCE THE CONNECTOR INTO THE SOCKET. If it's properly aligned it will
slide in and latch easily
Using ANY chemicals will DESTROY the screen coating and this is item is NOT
covered under warranty.
Finger Prints: To
avoid the build-up of
finger prints, avoid
touching the screens
If you need to point out something on a screen we recommend using either the end of a
pencil or pen with the nib retracted or the tip of your nail with your finger reversed.
7 O’clock daylight mode 5 O’clock manual bright mode 2 O’clock manual dimming mode
With the dimmers rotated all the way counter-clockwise to the 7 O’clock position they
will dim automatically. This is the best setting for daylight operations. (Left picture)
As it gets dark, turn the dimmers all the way clockwise to the 5 O’clock position. This is
the brightest “Manual” setting. (Center picture)
As it continues to get darker, start to rotate the dimmers counter-clockwise and continue
to adjust down as your eyes adjust to the darkness. (Right picture)
Note: It’s important to return the dimmers to the full counter-clockwise 7 O’clock
position (Left picture) for the next day light flight, otherwise the screens will be
too dim to see in daylight.
You may also use the grab handle on the roll cage.
Consider helping your passenger into the right seat; show them where to grab (and
where NOT to grab!) getting their seat adjusted, getting them buckled up; and closing
their door from the outside.
If you have started the system with a different pilot’s profile and you make changes to
the displays, those changes will be recorded into that other pilot’s profile.
To avoid making these unwanted changes to other profiles, try the following:
1. The first time you fly behind the Garmin system, use a generic profile
2. Immediately go into the systems page and record a new profile with your name
3. Make all the adjustments, tweaks and changes you would like
4. Always select your profile for future flights
5. As you learn more about the Garmin system or if you are flying in different
environments, you may wish to make changes to the profile and as long as you
started with your profile those changes will not recorded in someone else's
6. You can change profiles after the system has been started if you forgot to do so
at start-up. This is done on the systems page.
Audio Panel
Cirrus uses the Garmin® GMA350c audio
panel, now with Bluetooth connectivity.
This audio panel has some amazing new features such as “3-D” audio and the option to
connect audio devices such as phones and MP3 players via Bluetooth. We recommend
a thorough tutorial, review, practice and check out before flying with this for the first
Just like any new technology, it’s great once you become familiar but to get all the very
best features from the system it does have more of a learning curve than the older
audio panels.
Then, switch on battery 1 in addition to battery 2. Drop full flaps. Switch on the lights
and, if appropriate, pitot heat (make sure the pitot cover is removed first!). Quickly walk
around and check them. When you come back, both Garmin screens should be on. You
can check to see that the electronic charts are up to date on the MFD splash screen at
this time.
Right now, looking in at the pilot’s knee-well and foot well is the best time to check all of
the circuit breakers.
Limit battery use before starting the engine to 5 minutes. If you and/or your CSIP
instructor need to practice programming the Garmin Perspective panel, then
consider using an external power source. These are generally available at the FBO
or from a maintenance shop.
Passenger Briefing: Make certain your passengers have received a thorough safety
briefing including how and when to use:
Ground Handling
The SR20 has a max take-off weight of 3,050 lbs. and a Generation 5 SR22 or SR22T
tops out at 3,600 lbs. so it can be a challenge to handle without assistance. ALWAYS
use a tow bar for controlling the nose wheel as you move the plane around. Make
certain that the tow bar is between prop blades as shown here. If a blade is pointing
straight down, turn the prop 60⁰ counter-clockwise, looking from the front at the prop.
When moving forward you can pull the tow bar or the prop. If you have help, ask them
to pull from in front of the wing by grabbing the door frame. When moving in reverse DO
NOT PUSH WITH THE TOW BAR. There is a risk that the lugs will jump out and
damage the wheel pant. Instead, push on the inner most part of a prop blade and use
the tow bar to steer the nose wheel. NEVER PUSH ON THE PROP SPINNER!
Remember also that the nose wheel is free-castering, so if you have someone helping
you ask them to push with you on the base of another prop blade, as close to the center
line of the fuselage as possible. If the person helping pushes backwards on a wing,
even at the root, the plane will start to pivot quickly and get off line. Of course if you’re
Tugging: When stopping at FBOs other than your home base, especially larger
facilities that handle larger aircraft, it’s likely that you’ll be tugged. Talk to the line crew
and make sure that have experience and the correct tow bar adaptors to hook up a
Cirrus. Using the wrong adaptors can easily damage the nose wheel pant. Be very
careful if they use a ride-on “Lektro” tug. These must ONLY be used with the correct
Cirrus “Fixed Gear” adaptor installed.
At the end of the flight make sure you turn off the
air conditioning, the re-circulator and the fan
BEFORE you shut the engine down. This removes
the A/C system as a load on the engine and the
starter for the next flight and extends A/C life.
Flat Tire: If the aircraft requires jacking up, make sure you remove the tie-down eye bolt
from the jack point screw and replace it with the one of the jacking lugs which are
usually kept in the center console or the storage pocket inside the rear baggage door.
If the jack lugs are unavailable, simply remove the tie-down rings and replace them with
a standard bolt of the same thread size.
Dead Battery or Stuck Starter: These can be simple fixes, but be aware of some
issues if you have to remove the cowling.
• Protect the prop spinner and the windshield. It’s very easy to scratch the polished
or painted prop spinner when removing or reinstalling the cowling
• Like many composite components the cowling derives its rigidity from being
screwed together. Once you start to remove the screws the cowling becomes
“floppy” and can easily twist and damage surrounding parts
• Take part of an old cardboard box about 18” x 24” and cut a “mouse hole” about
4” in diameter in the center of the lower edge
• Place this piece of cardboard between the back of the prop spinner and the
cowling with the mouse hole sitting over the crankshaft
• Keep this in place for both removal and reinstallation of the cowling
• Also, be aware that there are environmental air ducts that attach to the lower
cowling and these need to be reattached during reinstallation
• When re-installing the cowling make 100% sure you have replaced the screws at
the 9 O’clock and 3 O’clock positions in the air intakes just behind the prop