The 1st, 7th and 10th Astrological Houses of Jerry Garcia: Ryan Kurczak A U G U S T 1 6, 2 0 1 7 1 Comment

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The passage discusses the astrological houses and charts of Jerry Garcia and Queen Elizabeth II, analyzing influences and life experiences based on their birth charts.

The passage analyzes Jerry Garcia's first house of Libra and how factors in his birth chart indicated he would be successful, famous, and have a leader-like role, which aligned with his career leading the Grateful Dead band.

Regarding the Queen's fourth house, the passage discusses indications of support for the house but also mentions three unexpected events or losses related to homes she experienced that could be explained by Saturn aspecting the house.

The 1st, 7th and 10th Astrological Houses

of Jerry Garcia

The birth chart of an individual is essentially the blueprint of how their unique life experience will unfold.  
These particular life experiences can be seen as one begins to look at the confluence of the houses, planets,
and signs within a chart.  It is important in astrology to be able to locate certain patterns or dominant
influences based on the placement of planets in houses and the particular sign a house is in.  It is within
these placements where we can begin to see possible trends and karmic influences occurring within a
particular area of a chart.  This can show where there are dominant tendencies, ease and support, or
hardships and lack of support within a person’s life, depending upon where the planets, signs, and houses are
located relative to each other.  To continue there will be a birth chart of Jerry Garcia provided, along with a
brief explanation of the 3 most dominant houses that I chose within his chart and specific indications and
examples to show if each house is supported or troubled.  The houses that will be covered are 1, 10, and 7.

The 1st House

The first house is one of the most important houses within a chart as it is the dominant house that begins the
foundation for how the rest of the chart will manifest.  This house is associated with self-projection, ego, and
can also relate to the body and head.   It is through this initial self or ego that allows the influences of the
other planets to relay their qualities through our consciousness.  The way we see and work with the layout of
the other planets in the chart is greatly dependent upon our first house and the ascendant as they act as our
link to life experiences within the world.
The first house or ascendant in this chart is Libra.  Although there are not any planets present within this
house, it can still be shown by other means that the individual will be successful, famous, and have a leader
like role.  Using the prosperity and annihilation formulas from Brihat Parashara Hora Sashtra it was
concluded that the first house had a 60% prosperity and 40% annihilation.  The house lord Venus is in the
10 , with a benefic, rasi aspected by Mercury, is the winner of planetary war with Jupiter, and is with

Jupiter.  The first house lord is also in Vriddhavastha (old state), does not aspect the first house, and is with
an evil house lord Jupiter, owning the 3  and 6 .
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This person is already setup for success, but the main thing that showed this persons success, fame, etc., was
the set-up of the first house lord (Venus), in the 10  with Jupiter and the karaka for the first house, the sun, is

in its Moolatrikona of Leo with Mercury.  The 11  house of Leo which contains the Sun and Mercury is also

rasi aspecting the first house.   All of these factors are going to be mostly expressed through Libran qualities,
the energy of trade, exchange, lyers (musical instruments), and caravansaries.  This makes complete sense
when looking at this person’s life, as they were the main leader for the Greatful Dead.  Playing shows city to
city, in different countries and providing this ultimate sacrifice to bring comfort to people through the beauty
of music.

Although this person was very famous and successful on the outside which is backed up by a strong Sun, I
believe that they were quite the opposite on the emotional level which can be shown by the Moon.  The
Moon is in an enemy dignity, adult state and is also unconscious giving it some hardships within this chart. 
The Moon also rules the 10 and is in the 7 .  This can show that their status or success hurts their ability to

connect with others outside of the career.

This was very true for this individual.  Their fame and success was so great that they were not able to go out
into public often and had to live a secret life.  I believe that this is what turned this person to drug use, the
lack of that emotional support left them with a void that needed to be filled.  I brought the Moon into this
because it is in the sign of Aries which is the first sign of the zodiac and represents the head.  This can show
that even though this person was very successful and happy with their main purpose in this life, that they
didn’t have a complete sound happiness from within.  I can now see why he turned to scuba diving in his
later years.  I believe it was to connect with the energies of the Moon, those watery emotional energies.

The 10th House

The next house I would like to bring attention to is the 10  house.  This particular house is a very important

and crucial piece to reading a chart because it represents how the first house personality takes action in
worldly pursuits.  Essentially the 10  shows the capacity for our activity to karmically impact the world

which is dependent upon where the house lord is located as well as what planets are present in the 10 .  th

Planets located here will strongly influence what kind of activity one will pursue in life, how people see us,
and how much impact the actions we take make on the world around us. When looking at the prosperity and
annihilation of the 10  it was found that there was a 50 – 50 even break.

The 10  has two benefics (Venus and Jupiter), and the Moon which is the house ruler is in an adult state. 

Although the moon is an adult it is in a sleepy state causing some difficulties in its performance, the 10  is th

also not being aspected by the Moon and the Moon is in an enemy dignity.  I feel that this balanced
prosperity and annihilation of the 10  allows for this individual to take full advantage of what the 10  has to
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offer, for the good or bad.  This individual has a very supportive 10  house for success in career or action

within the world, but also has a few negative highlights within.  It is stated within Bhrigu Samhita for Venus
in the 10  for a Libra ascendant, “gets the gains of old and serious things helping the life career, does

mysterious deeds, likes comforts and pleasure very much, gets difficulty in the progress of honor and

This person was very successful with the music they played and loved the all of the amenities that came with
it.  Such as honor, fame, attention as well as other comforts such as sex, drugs, and rock-n-roll.  Referring to
the ASVA vol 2. Pg. 166, “ruler of the 1  in the 10  – great capacity for achievement and personal
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recognition in career or chosen life path.  Strong personality and leader.  Negative influence would be
friction with bosses and authority figure or government.”  I find this interesting in the fact that before Jerry
was with the Grateful dead he served in the military from which he was discharged.  One of the most
fascinating things I found was when looking at the 3  house lord in the 10  from ASVA vol. 2 pg. 195. 
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“feels comfortable expressing one’s self in career and endeavors.  Career is focused on and benefits by third
house matters.  Uses hands well in career and works in the communication field.  Negatively the
personal life and desires interfere with career advancement or ability to positively impact the world.”  A lot
of this is true.  Jerry as the main leader of the band, and lead guitar player absolutely used his hands well in
his career.  Not only that but he communicated to millions upon millions of people through the music.  As
the fame grew more and more so did his personal desires for heroin and other drugs which ultimately
interfered with him making an impact on the world and leading to his death.  Another factor supporting the
success of the 10  house is that all of the 10  house karakas: Mercury – (managing capacity to impact the
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world, Sun – (status or imminence), Jupiter – (dharmic aspect of our activity within the world), and Saturn –
(ability to work hard and endure obstacles); are all functioning well within in the chart.

The 7th House

The last house I would like to focus on is the 7 .  I chose this house because there are some interesting

interactions between 7  and 10  houses.  The lord of the 10 (Moon) is in the 7 , the karaka for the 7  (Venus)
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is in the 10 , and the 7  house is the 10  away from the 10  dealing with our public image and status.  After
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going through the prosperity and annihilation for this house I found that there was about a 30% prosperity
and 70% annihilation, which means there could be some difficulties within the things this house represents.

I found that the lord of the 7  (Mars) is in the house of loss and expenditures (12  house) and is with malefic
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(Rahu) which is another factor giving this house some difficulties.  The seventh house can represent
marriage, relationships, long term partners, and people within your life.  I also find it interesting that the
7  has an affinity for Libra which is the persons ascendant and Venus which is the karaka for the 7 .  With
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this interplay between the 7  and 10 , I believe that it shows this person having good strong relationships
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with the people in their life and especially the career.  This person has strong deep feeling for the ones in
their life but has to deal with lots of loss due to the house lord (Mars) being in the 12  with Rahu.

This person did experience lots of loss.  He lost his mother at a young age and his father as a young man. 
He also lost some band members which he held closely throughout his career as a musician.  I do believe
that as a rock star he probably went through lots of encounters with females which is the reason why he had
married a few different times.  When referring the pf 248 of ASVA vol 2., it states, “Negative – Mate or
partners die or are lost, likes to have secret relationships, many expenses or losses in trade or business,
addiction”.  This definitely shows that idea of loss and expenditure within relationships within his life.

Exploring the 4th, 10th and 11th House of

a Horoscope

In this paper, I am going to examine three Houses from the Chart of Queen Elizabeth II.

I will be using the principles studied in the ‘Bhavas and House Class 2017’ to determine whether the
indications for the selected houses are supported, hurt or mixed.

I will compare those indications to what is known about her life to demonstrate how the principles taught in
the course can be used for interpretation.
House 10 – Life Activity

“If the 10 ’s lord is in exaltation the native will derive extreme paternal happiness, will enjoy fame and will

perform good deeds.[i]”

The Queen is a person, (perhaps more than any other) whose occupation has defined her life.  She has been
doing it since she was 25, and is currently 91.  It is a job that is so encompassing she doesn’t really have her
own name or personal identity in a way that most people would recognise.  It is a role that she didn’t choose
and that requires her full commitment.

Analysis of the Indications

House 10 in this Chart is well indicated when we apply the formula for determining if a House will be
prosperous or not (Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra (BPHS) Chapter 11 Verses 14-16)[ii].

This is because it is aspected by a benefic (Jupiter), and its House Lord Venus is mature (Yuvavashta) and
awake (Jaagrita).

On the annihilation side of the formula, it can be noted that it is being Rasi aspected by the Sun and Mars. 
However both of these planets are in a Vriddha (old) or Mrita (dead) state and dreaming (Swapna) or asleep
(Sushupta), so the ‘hurt’ they inflict is not overwhelmingly powerful.

Venus, the House Lord, is exalted in this Chart, in Pisces.  As Pisces is a house that belongs to Jupiter, there
is a benefic interplay because Jupiter is Rasi aspecting the 10  Lord’s House while the 10  Lord is in
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Jupiter’s House.  Jupiter is also in the 10  house in the Navamsa.  As Jupiter is a benefic and a manifesting

planet, all of these Jupiter influences convey that House number 10 will grow and be large in this Chart.

Tempering these indications is the fact that Jupiter is in Vriddhavasta (Old) and in Swapna or dreaming
state.  Perhaps this is why, even though the Queen’s role is extensive, it has not unbalanced her.

Overall, although there are indications that the House will be ‘hurt’ (Sun, Mars, not being aspected by its
own Lord) there are stronger indications of support (Exalted House Lord and Jupiter aspects), so we could
expect this house to have mixed to positive results.

Actual Life Experiences

Let’s now examine how the Queens occupation is influenced by the House Lord, Venus, and the field in
which the House is taking place (Libra).
The Lord of the 10  House has gone to the 3  House in the Chart and 12  sign of the Zodiac which is Pisces.
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3  House influences

The 3  House is about courage.  This is reflected in various experiences in her role.  Here are some examples

where her occupation has required her to be courageous

 becoming Queen of such a large kingdom at the young age of 25 years

 being a female monarch and leader in a male dominated world
 taking on a ‘job for life’

Courage was also important in having the course of her life changed at a young age when her uncle
abdicated making her the heir apparent (which was not the expectation of her life at birth).

Venus influences

The Planet Venus (which is the 10  Lord in this Chart) brings beautiful and refined luxuries.  The Queen’s

occupation has certainly brought her an abundance of wealth not just in money but also specifically in
beautiful residences and beautiful objects.

Venus is also the Planet of marriage.  It has allowed the Queen to be ‘married to the job’ in a solemn and
beneficial way.  The role of being a Monarch could be seen as a burden but this exalted Venus has enabled
the Queen to transform this potential burden into a happy marriage and source of delight

Libra influences

The 10  House is taking place in Libra.  Libra is about trade, diplomacy and balance.  It is about getting the

best deal for all parties.  It is considered and cool-headed.  This is evident in the Queen’s long political and
diplomatic role.  She has counselled more Prime Ministers and met with more world leaders than anyone
and, even in times of crisis, she has remained calm and diplomatic.

House 4 – Mother and Home

“A benefic, related to 4  House (and to its Lord), will bring with him auspicious effects (regarding


Analysis of the Indications

The 4  House is another house in this Chart that is well indicated according the BPHS Prosperity

Annihilation formula.

 It is receiving Rasi aspects from Jupiter which is both a manifesting planet and a benefic.
 It is also being Rasi aspected by its own Lord (in this case, Mars) who is in Good dignity.
 Mercury is another manifesting Planet and is in the 4th House of this Chart. It is a Karaka for the 4th House and
is in Good dignity.  The 4th House is an ‘Angle’ and having a Planet in an Angle brings extra significance to that planet
(in this case Mercury).

On the annihilation side, the 4  house is being aspected by Saturn which is a malefic and its House Lord is in

a Vriddha or an Old state.

On balance, there are more indications of support for the House.

Actual Life Experiences

Two things in the Queen’s life that seem to reflect this are

1. the close relationship she had with her mother who lived a long life and
2. her many homes, residences and vehicles.
Saturn aspecting this house may explain three unexpected events or losses that the Queen has experienced
with homes.

1. a break-in through her bedroom window at Buckingham Palace in 1982

2. a fire at Windsor Castle in 1992
3. the loss of her beloved yacht ‘Britannia’ in 1997. The yacht was described in an article[iv] as “the one place in
the world she felt she could truly relax” –which is surely the very definition of ‘home’.

The article also mentions that in relation to the design of ‘Britannia’ “She had definite views on everything,
from door handles to the shape of the lampshades” and perhaps this reflects Mercury’s influence on the
4  House because Mercury can be very clear and particular about what it likes.

House 11 – Gains

“If the 11  lord is in the 2   and the 2  lord is in the 11 , one will amass abundant fortunes after
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Analysis of the Indications

The 11 House in the Chart is interwoven with the 2nd.  This is because they have a Rasi aspecting interplay

in which the Lord of the 11  (Mars) is in the 2  House and the Lord of the 2  House (Saturn) is in 11 .  Also
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 Jupiter is in the 2nd He is a benefic, a Karaka for both houses and is giving manifesting support to the
2  House.

 Saturn (the Lord of the 11th) is also the Ascendant Lord and consequently the life path of this Chart is
wrapped up in this dance between Jupiter, Mars and Saturn in the 11th and 2nd
 The 11th House is also receiving Rasi aspects from Mercury which adds manifesting support to this House.

On the annihilation side, Mars, the House Lord is not aspecting the 11 House, although, he is in Good


Overall, the indications are supportive for this house.

Actual Life Experiences

When we think of the 11  House we often think of ‘gains’ and the Queen’s life is one marked with wealth. 

It must be remembered that she was born as a royal with little expectation to the throne (expected to be a
niece then cousin of the Monarch) and from this perspective, the gains in her lifetime have been

I opened this section of the paper on the 11  House with a quote from BPHS about amassing “abundant

fortunes after marriage”.  It seems clear to me that, in this case, it refers not to a marriage to a husband, but
as the marriage to a role.  We must remember that the coronation involved a church, a solemn vow, a white
dress and all the other usual trappings of a wedding ceremony.


In conclusion we can see that the principles studied in the ‘Bhavas and Houses Class 2017’ have allowed for
insight into the life of Queen Elizabeth II.  Her Chart has equipped her well to deal with a life that involved
a tremendous increase in wealth, fame, importance and responsibility.

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