Sangyan Tattwa - संज्ञान means Information, Knowledge, Proper Knowledge

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Sangyan Tattwa

Sangyan Tattwa – सं ज्ञान means Information, Knowledge, Proper Knowledge.

तत्त्व is basic element, building block. Somnath in his Kalphalatha comments
that Chapter 1.1 of Jaimini Sutras deals with सं ज्ञान तत्त्व that means it exposes
proper knowledge of basic building blocks of Jaimini system of astrology.
Ignoring it or wrong understanding can lead one into trouble as then without
strong basics one can’t reach any conclusion.

जै मिनी सूतर् म् प्रथमअध्याये प्रथमपादः

1.1.1 – उपदे शं व्याख्यास्यामः – Upadesham have multiple meanings. According

to Shri Sanjay Rath “upadesam’ is also read as ‘u’-‘Pade’-‘Sam’ where ‘u’
represents Sri Visnu, ‘Pade’ means ‘feet’ and ‘Sam’ means ‘for general

Whereas Shri Iranganti Rangacharya comments “He begins his benedictory

aphorisms with letter “u” in obeisance to lord Vishnu. The single letter word
“u” according to Yadava Kosha means Lord Vishnu the creator of the
universe. the lord of all deities and gods, and giver of final emancipation of

In my humble opinion both interpretations are correct and उपदे शं can also

mean उमा पति आदे शं Means by guidance of Husband of Uma [Shri Shiva]

Hence one can notice how sage in a simple word coded two meanings and
paid his obeisance to both god of sustenance and destruction [for a new
beginning]  As per me this interpretation is correct because South Indian
origin of Jaimini Sutras [Jaimini is a system of south India. Will be clear soon]
puts it to Shiva. व्याख्यास्यामः Can mean what they said me [Shiva/Vishnu] now
I am explaining that.
North Indian origin of Jaimini System

Given by Shri Shanmukha on his website under “A Journey towards Jaimini


Parashara made own system as Parashari [Most used system of Vedic

Jyotish] and at same time gave this secret knowledge [of Jaimini] to his son
Sage Vedavyasa who gave this to Sage Jaimini who made this system

South Indian origin of Jaimini System

Lord Shiva gave this knowledge to Maa Parvati who gave this knowledge to
his son Shri Kartikeya who gave this knowledge to Sage Garga who passed it
on to Sage Jaimini who explained these sutras in Jaimini Sutras

Rashi Drishti

 1.1.2 – अभिपश्यन्ति ऋक्षाणि – [अभि-front पश्यन्ति-sight ऋक्षाणि-Rashi’s] Rashi’s

aspect another Rashi in front of them.  [Here South Indian chart is to be used]

See south Indian chart on left hand side. All signs aspects one in front of
them. Hence Aries aspect  Scorpio, Taurus-Libra, Gemini-Sagittarius, Cancer-
Aquarius, Leo-Capricorn, Virgo-Pisces, Libra-Taurus, Scorpio-Aries,
Sagittarius-Gemini, Capricorn-Leo, Aquarius-Cancer, Pisces-Virgo [Except
dual signs these signs are also सन्मु ख signs Sanmukha means front facing. in
Jaimini system a sign is aspected by three other signs (explained in next
shloka) between all those three signs Sanmukha sign is most powerful to
influence. We can note here that except signs of Saturn and Luminaries (Sun
and Moon) another sign owned by same lord is Sanmukha sign. This is also
same in dual signs. Hence for all signs except Capricorn, Leo, Aquarius and
Cancer. Another sign owned by same lord is Sanmukha sign (Also known as
frontal sign/aspect)

1.1.3 – पाशवर्भे च – This is again double meaning. [पार्श्व means both sides
[Left right] and also means side. च can mean too] It says along with aspecting
frontal sign  [Main aspect] Signs also aspect planets on both side [Left-Right]
from them [frontal sign] another meaning is but they do not aspect the side
juxtapose to them.

Let we try to understand this frontal aspect is main and most influencing say
100% and Other two signs are little weaker say 90%. Now one can notice a
fixed sign aspect movable sign and a movable sign aspect fixed sign whereas
dual signs aspect each other. Now from aspecting sign left and right will be
4th and 10th house from them [Frontal signs] this is the first meaning of
Shloka. [that suffices] but some interpret it in another meaning [that is also
correct that Signs do not aspect sign juxtapose to them. This is to say fixed
sign aspect movable sign and a movable sign aspect fixed sign whereas dual
signs aspect each other but a fixed sign don’t aspect a movable sign
juxtapose to it and a movable sign don’t aspect a   fixed sign juxtapose to it.
Dual signs have no juxtapose [of their aspecting category – so they modify it
to Dual signs don’t aspect each other. Rashi doesn’t need to aspect itself as
any planet in Rashi is bound to influence Rashi itself] However both
interpretation are correct. Whereas first interpretation seems more valid [Due
to sage not mentioning the thing “that all fixed sign aspect movable sign and a
movable sign aspect fixed sign whereas dual signs aspect each other”  and
due to Dual Signs having no Dual sign juxtapose to them]
Aspect Table
Rashi Frontal Sign Other Signs under Aspect
Aries Scorpio Aquarius and Leo
Taurus Libra Cancer and Capricorn
Gemini Virgo Sagittarius and Pisces
Cancer Aquarius Scorpio and Taurus
Leo Capricorn Libra and Aries
Virgo Gemini Pisces and Sagittarius
Libra Taurus Aquarius and Leo
Scorpio Aries Capricorn and Cancer
Sagittarius Pisces Gemini and Virgo
Capricorn Leo Taurus and Scorpio
Aquairus Cancer Aries and Libra
Pisces Sagittarius Virgo and Gemini

1.1.4 – तन्निष्ठाश्च तद्वत् – Aspects of planets are same as Rashi they are
placed in [In my humble opinion it means everything in a Rashi aspect with
nature of Rashi – we will see that Jaimini also have used Gulika and special
lagna like Hora Lagna, Ghatika Lagna, Bhava Lagna, Varnada Lagna – They
all aspect same as they Rashi they are placed in. Translating on planets
makes this somewhere confusing for new readers]

Argala and obstruction [of Argala] 

1.1.5 – दार भाग्य शूलस्यार्गला  निध्यातु ः – [दार-4, भाग्य-2 शूल-11 निध्यातु ः – from

aspecting planet] Planets in 4th 2nd and 11th from aspecting planet makes
Argala. [Argala is used extensively in Jaimini for Raajyogas – directly and for
Bhava Phala indirectly] Some people take Argala from any planet or house
that doesn’t seems to be correct due to usage of word “निध्यातु ः” which means
from aspecting planet. One can see Vriddha Karika also support the same
view [Judging Argala from Aspecting planet – See my article on ‘Arudha
Bhava” and then see Virddha Karika’s given in support of planets aspecting
11th house from Arudha Lagna] Hence Argala must only be seen from
Aspecting planet that can be from planets to Upagraha [Gulika] or other points
[depending on context]

although sage doesn’t gives an order but in my humble opinion by mention of

word दार which means 4 first before भाग्य which means two sage wants to say
that Argala from 4th house is more effective. [Counting zodiacal 2nd house
comes before 4th but sage said 4th first – One can see its application in same
“Arudha Bhava”article of mine where I have presented two horoscopes of rich
people Argala in 4th house from aspecting  planet’s of 11th from Arudha
Lagna made them rich] Hence order of strong Argala under 1st Argala will be
4-2-11 houses.

1.1.6 – कामस्था भूयसा पापानाम – [काम-3] 3rd from aspecting planet [3rd house
from the point where we are judging argala] Gives argala if there are more
than one malefic placed therein [more than one malefic in 3rd house gives
Argala which can’t be obstructed (see next Shloka)]

1.1.7 – रिफ नीच कामस्था विरोधिनः – [रिफ-10, नीच-12, काम-3] Planets in 10th 12th
and 3rd from aspecting planet [from where we are looking at argala] opposes
the Argala [gives obstruction]

They are in serialised order planets in 10th will oppose Argala giving planet  of
4th, planet in 12th will oppose 2nd house planet giving Argala and planet in
3rd will oppose planet giving Argala from 11th house. Here one much take
care that if more than two malefics are in 3rd house it won’y obstruct argala of
11th house planet but will give an special argala [explained above] which can’t
be obstructed as 11th itself is Argala giving planet.

1.1.8 – नन्यूनाविबलाश्च – It means planets low in number can’t make

obstruction. [Suppose two planets are in 2nd house and 1 in 12th house then
it isn’t an obstruction. Whereas if 1 planet be in 2nd house and 3 in 12th
house it is an obstruction] Because Jaimini when exposing about strength
declares more number of planetary placement is first strength. This shloka
means if there is Argala and it’s obstruction see their strength and stronger
will dominate. If Argala be stronger there is Argala despite opposition. If
obstruction be strong then there is obstruction.

1.1.9 – प्राग्वत् त्रिकोणे – The signs in 5th and 9th also makes Argala and its
obstruction. It means planets in 5th house [from Aspecting planet] gives
Argala whereas planet in 9th house opposes it. [Use the same procedure of
strength to see dominance.

1.1.10 – विपरीतं केतौः – Ketu is opposite [for ketu is is opposite] Means for
Ketu 9th is an Argala giving place and 5th is its opposition.

Layers of Argala – It became confusing at some places. let me clear it first.

First Argala is caused by planets in 4th 2nd and 11th house [remember the
order] that is obstructed by planets in 10th 12th and 3rd [remember the order]
between them because 3rd is an obstructing house. Sage first mentions that if
there are more than one malefic in 3rd it is not an obstruction to 11th house
Argala. But it makes a special argala which can’t be obstructed [as 11th itself
is Argala giving place] For example 11th house have Jupiter and Venus and
3rd is having Saturn and Mars then both 11th and 3rd house have Argala and
none between them can be obstructed. This is why Shloka 1.1.5 is between
1.1.4 and 1.1.6 and not after 1.1.6. Then sage instructs us to see Strength of
Argala and its obstruction to see dominating influence. With this shloka [1.1.7]
it looks like Argala part is closed [But it continues. Why?] Because sage
instructs till this point it was primary Argala. Now he moves to secondary
Argala and gives Shloka [1.1.8] which explains 5th as Argala house and 9th
as its obstruction. Shloka [1.1.10] then deals with Ketu’s opposition. because
Argala [Level 1] was closed and [Level 2] were been talking about this
reversal of Ketu will only apply on 2nd Level of Argala. [Written above]
Hence most powerful Argala is of 3rd house [because it can never be
obstructed and it starts with minimum two planets] then 4th house Argala,
Then 2nd house Argala, Then 11th house Argala and then 5th house Argala.
[This may look like my own fantasy. But I think this as the right interpretation
based on my limited understanding.  Learned readers are requested to
enlighten me on this if they disagree with me]
Shloka 1.1.11 to 1.1.19 is dealt in my Article on Chara
Karakas Readers are
requested to follow the link.
Sthir Karakas
1.1.20 – भगिन्यारतः श्यालः कनीयान जननी चे ति – Know about Younger brother,
Sister, Brother-in-law, Sister-in-law [All younger people] and mother from

1.1.21 – मातु लादयो बन्धावो मातृ सजातिया इत्यु रतः – Know about Maternal Uncle,
Aunt [All maternal relatives] from Mercury.

1.1.22 – पितामहौ पति पु त्रविति गु रुमु खादे व जानीयात – Know about Paternal
grandparents, Husband [in female chart] and Progeny from Jupiter.

1.1.23 – पत्नी पितरौ स्वसु रौ मातामहा इत्यन्ते वासिनः – Know about wife [in male
chart] Father, Father-in-law, Mother-in-law [Parent’s of spouse], Maternal
grandparents from Venus.

 General Rules [Dasa]

1.2.24 – मन्दो ज्यायान ग्रहे षु – Once again a very difficult Shloka.

Shri Sanjay Rath translated this as “The prosperity/evils to elder brothers (and
other elders) and examined from Saturn.” Which in my humble opinion does
not seem to be correct as all other Shlokas dealing with Sthir Karakas have 5
words in them whereas this one is only of three words. Also I am unable to
understand how this translation came as मन्द-Saturn is understandable
[Although Jaimini is very simple. After instructing that he will use KaTaPaYaDi
for Houses and Signs he made our confusion simple and used popular name
for planets only (rarely used other name of planets) and in most of Jaimini
Sutras Saturn is referred as शनि. ग्रहे षु have something to do with Graha off-
course.  ज्यायान  have to do something with ज्यादा that means more or

Others have translated this as Saturn is weakest of all planets or all other are
strong than him [Saturn] and some gave order of Strength as per weekday
order Saturn-Venus-Jupiter-Mercury-Mars-Moon-Sun whereas some gives
Varahamihira’s order Saturn-Mars-Mercury-Jupiter-Venus-Moon-Sun [This
interpretation looks acceptable to some extent]

But in light of next few aphorisms I beg to translate it differently taking

KaTaPaYaDi meaning of मन्दो to be 1. Which will mean Lagna is powerful
than all planets. This is a very important aphorism [if translated in this way –
Which we will see in coming articles (on Dasa)]  For example when no
opening house for dasa is told take this Shloka [All Shlokas of chapter one are
Adhikaar Sutras] to start Dasa from Lagna. When judging planets treat lagna
as a planet too [His nature will be decided by Rashi falling therein]

Bhava Counting
1.1.25 – प्राची वृ त्तिविर्षमे षु  1.1.26 – परा वृ त्त्योत्तरे षु – It means Direct count for
male signs and reverse count for female signs.

1.1.27 – न क्वचित् – Sometimes it is not applied [Sutra 1.1.25 & 1.1.26] This is
a very difficult Shloka.

What are those exceptions when this does not applies

Chara Dasa Exception – Neelkantha says In case of Leo and Aquarius even
after them being male signs one have to count in reverse and in case of
Taurus and Scorpio even being female sign one have to count it in direct
motion. [This is used in Chara Dasa and it’s mention here by sage seems
useless as first chapter doesn’t disclose any dasa -directly but he discloses
Dasa rules and if this was meant by sage then all Dasa’s must follow this rule
as all Shlokas of 1.1 are Adhikaar Sutras but except Chara dasa no other
Dasa seems to follow this order given by Neelkantha]
Prakriti Chakra – Counting Direct for Male sign and Reverse for Female sign
is known as Prakriti Chakra.
Vikriti Chakra – Counting Direct for Female sign and Reverse for Male Sign
is known as Vikriti Chakra.
Uadaya Chakra – No Matter Lagan is Male or Female sign always counting in
direct motion is Udaya Chakra.
Drekkana Chakra – Placement of first lord of Rashi makes 1st house 2nd lord
of Rashi makes 2nd house [one can see here no counting method is followed]
this is Drekkana Chakra
Graha Chakra – Treat lord of Lagna or Dasa as first house now see planet
placed next to him [Advanced degrees in same house or move to next house
and so on] This constitutes 2nd Bhava like this we have planets for 9 Bhavas.
Then 1st Bhava lord also becomes 10th Bhava lord 2nd Bhava Lord also
becomes 11th Bhava lord and 6th Bhava Lord also becomes 12th Bhava lord
[It is said Shri Vemuri never saw any chart/dasa without this] Readers are
requested to read Shanmukha’s article on Graha Chakra to know more on this
Sometimes this is not used.These shlokas deal with general rules of Dasa and
sage gave counting direct or reverse that need to be used [until another
method of calculation is advised] But when another method of counting
Bhava’s in Dasa are mentioned it is not used is first exception. While
calculating Bhava’s from Arudha Lagna, Lagna, Navamsa Lagna, Swamsa
Lagna this method is not used and normal Uadaya Chakra fashion is used.

Dasa Years
1.1.28 – नाथान्ताः समाः प्राये न – Usually count from Dasa Sign to Sign lord is
done for finding Dasa years [To Find dasa years count from Sign to it’s lord
and result give dasa years] प्राये न means generally [not always] Prakriti
Chakra was exposed some shlokas above. Hence it means generally Dasa
years is as much as distance from Dasa sign to it’s lord counted according to
Prakriti Chakra [In those dasa where Prakriti Chakra is followed. In other
Dasa’s follow the chakra Dasa uses] But in some cases it is not so. Like when
lord is in sign it gets 12 years, Or in some dasa when lord is in 7th house it
gets 10 years of dasa, In some dasa exaltation and debilitation +/- 1 year, In
some dasa count [from Rashi to lord] -1 is taken.

Antardasa’s in Dasa
1.1.29 –  यावद्विवे कमावृ त्तिभार्नाम – Every dasa have 12 Antardasa of equal
length [In Jaimini’s Graha Dasa (there are few) antardasa are 9 of equal
length] Basically it means one Dasa will be divided into that much equal parts
as much as total Dasa signs. Hence for a dasa of 12 signs one dasa will be
divided into 12 equal parts to find Antardasa’s for a Dasa having 9 planets or
8 Charkarakas one Dasa have to be divided into 8 or 9 equal parts [depending
on context] to find Antardasa. Always remember all Antardasa will be equal

Shloka number 1.1.30 to 1.1.32 are dealt in my article on Arudh Lagna to read
that please visit here

 1.1.33 – सर्वत्र  सवर्णा भावा राशयश्च – [सर्वत्र – Everywhere, स – with वर्ण letters
(Some take वर्ण  as Varnada lagna – then the statement that I have used
KaTaPaYaDi is not clear) Method of using letters to denote numbers are
many and one between them is KaTaPaYaDi method. भावा  – Houses, राशि –
Signs, श्च – including] Everywhere in this text pneumonic Value of  alphabets
[KaTaPaYaDi] is used to denote [refer to] Bhava inlcuding Rashi.

1.3.34 – न ग्रहाः – But this [KaTaPaYaDi] is not used to denote [refer to]

Which Division
1.3.35 – होरादयः सिद्दः – This have a three fold meaning.

1. All texts on Hora Shastra [Astrology dealing with Human’s personal

destiny is already accomplished [works fine] this new work is not to make
that obsolete but to present a new [or simple/fast] view
2. Whenever things are not explained in this Shastra takes their meaning
and usage as prevalent in famous Hora Shastra [Parashari] Like
Nakshatra Bhed Dasa [A Secret Jaimini Dasa which can be used on all
horoscope]  talks about lord of Nakshatra. Here who will be lord of
Nakshatra. Udu Das is famous in Parashari hence lord of that Nakshatra
in Parashari must be chosen.
3. होरा आदि [D2 etc] Divisions are to be taken that one used by सिद्दः
[Accomplished people] There is controversy in calculation of D2 (Hora) D3
(Drekkana) and D30 (Trisamsa). Pandit Ramyatna Ojha in his “Phalit
Prakash” says Varahamihira took bribe from Yavanas [Also astrologers
but considered low in intellect by earlier astrologers] and made calculation
of D2, D3 and D30 impure. Some other divisional charts are also
calculated in wrong way like D24 as shown by Shri P.V.R. Narsimha Rao.
Here sage may also mean that those divisions [used in earlier times and
given by Shri Ramyatna Ojha] must be used. I wrote an article on this long
ago in 2015
method-of-calculating-divisional-charts/ one can read this. God willing in
our series of divisional charts we will also touch upon Vedic Divisional
charts and their usage. They are known now a days as “Arsha” or
“Pravritti-Dwaya” suffixed before their name.

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