Usaid/Oas Caribbean Disaster Mitigation Project: Planning To Mitigate The Impacts of Natural Hazards in The Caribbean

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Caribbean Disaster Mitigation Project

Planning to Mitigate the Impacts

of Natural Hazards
in the Caribbean

December 1997
Unit of Sustainable Development and Environment
General Secretariat, Organization of American States
This workshop and manual were developed under a collaborative project between the Caribbean
Disaster Mitigation Project (CDMP) and the Disaster Emergency Response Management
Systems (DERMS) project. The CDMP is a five-year project, executed by the Organization of
American States, Unit of Sustainable Development and Environment (OAS/USDE) for the US
Agency for International Development, Caribbean Regional Program (USAID/CRP). Funding
for the CDMP is provided by USAID's Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance. DERMS is a two
year United Nations Development Programme-funded project, executed by CARICOM and
implemented by the Caribbean Disaster Emergency Response Agency (CDERA).
This manual was principally authored by David Brower, with assistance from Anna Schwab.
The author would like to thank Jennifer Worrell Campbell of USAID/CRP for initiating the
mitigation planning project, and Jan Vermeiren, Steven Stichter (OAS/CDMP) and Jeremy
Collymore and Judy Thomas of CDERA/DERMS for supervision of this project. The technical
working group for this project provided valuable insight and direction for the manual and
workshop. Members of the working group included Jennifer Worrell Campbell, Judy Thomas,
Jeremy Collymore, Steven Stichter, Aeden Earle and Paul Saunders (Jamaica Office of Disaster
Preparedness and Emergency Management).
Hazard Mitigation Planning Manual

I. Introduction

A. Natural Hazards and Disasters

B. The Four Elements of Comprehensive Emergency Management

C. The Concept of Mitigation and its Importance

II. Rationale for Mitigation Planning: To Influence Decision-Makers

III. The Hazard Mitigation Plan

A. Elements of the Hazard Mitigation Plan

1. Rationale/Statement of the Problem
2. Basic Studies
3. Goals
4. Objectives
5. Plans, Policies and Programs
6. Adoption and Implementation
7. Monitoring, Evaluation and Updates

B. Characteristics of the Hazard Mitigation Plan

1. Comprehensive
a. Multi-Hazard
b. Multi-Objective
c. Long-Term
d. Internally Consistent
2. Windows of Opportunity
2. Cost-Effective
3. Environmentally Sound
4. Readable

C. Types of Plans

Caribbean Disaster Mitigation Project i

IV. Formulating the Plan

A. The Planning Process

B. Basic Studies
1. Hazard Identification and Analysis
2. Probability Analysis
3. Vulnerability Analysis
4. Capability Assessment
a. Legal Capability
b. Institutional Capability
c. Political Capability
d. Fiscal Capability
e. Technical Capability
f. Analysis and Evaluation of Capability Data
5. Conclusions (Acceptability)

C. Rationale

D. Goals

E. Objectives

F. Alternative Means to Accomplish Goals and Objectives

G. Plans, Policies and Programs

V. Adoption, Implementation, Monitoring, Evaluation

VI. Revisions and Updates

ii Hazard Mitigation Planning

Section I.
Hazard Mitigation Planning—An Introduction

Natural Hazards and Disasters

Natural hazards are part of the world around us, and their occurrence is inevitable. Floods,
hurricanes, volcanoes, earthquakes, wildfires and other hazardous events are natural phenomena
that we cannot control. These events can result in great changes to the natural environment: fire
can destroy forests, coastal storms can create and fill inlets and move barrier islands, high winds
and wave surge can wreak havoc in wetlands, tornadoes can uproot trees, earthquakes can alter
the landscape. However, despite their power these occurrences are part of the natural system.
The natural environment is amazingly recuperative from the forces of wind, rain, fire and earth
and can regenerate with remarkable resiliency, even restoring habitat and ecosystems in time for
the next generation of plant and animal life to begin anew.
It is when the man-made environment intersects with these natural phenomena that “disasters”
result. Disasters occur when human activity, such as buildings, infrastructure (roads, pipelines),
crops, livestock and other land uses take place in the path of the forces of nature. The human
environment, particularly the built environment, is not nearly as indestructible nor as resilient as
the natural one, and the occurrence of a natural hazard can result in the debilitation of an entire
community for many years following the event.
Unfortunately, the frequency of disasters is rising at an alarming rate, not necessarily because
natural hazards have become more frequent (although such phenomena do occur in cycles of
more and less frequency), but because more and more people have chosen to live and work in
locations that put them at risk. Often human development has taken place in areas of risk from
coastal storms, repeated flooding and seismic activity, often with little or no attention to the need
for sound building practices or land use policy. As a result, risk of disasters occurring in the
wake of natural hazards has grown exponentially.
While we cannot prevent natural hazards, we do have some means at hand to reduce some of
their adverse consequences. We have tools and techniques which, when put into effect in a
timely fashion, allow us to avoid the worst-case scenario when a hazard does occur. By
managing the characteristics of the existing and future human environment in a community
before a hazardous event occurs, we can mitigate many of its negative impacts so that a disaster
is less likely to result or will at least be of diminished magnitude.
This manual is intended to serve as a guide to policy makers, business leaders, planners, disaster
managers, builders and developers, environmental and conservation groups, private citizens and
others who wish to make use of available mitigation tools and techniques to decrease the
vulnerability of their community to future hazards. By following the steps outlined in the
manual, a government can create an effective plan for mitigating the impacts of the natural
hazards that occur in the jurisdiction.

Introduction I-1
The Four Elements of Comprehensive Emergency Management
Comprehensive emergency management is a widely used approach at all levels of government to
deal with the inevitability of natural hazards and their potential to cause disasters in a given
community. The components of a comprehensive emergency management system include:
 Preparedness activities involve at least two types of activities. Structural activities
include actions to prepare for the imminent arrival of a hazard event, such as putting
up storm shutters and sandbagging. Non-structural activities involve taking steps to
minimize damage to personal property and to minimize harm to individuals. For
instance, anchoring boats and storing outdoor furniture in sheds prior to the arrival of
a hurricane will lessen the chance of damage to personal property. Following
recommendations to evacuate an area will lessen the chance of harm to individuals.
Preparedness activities include development of response procedures, design and
installation of warning systems, exercises to test emergency operational procedures
and training of emergency personnel.
 Response activities occur during or immediately following the disaster and include
time-sensitive activities such as search and rescue operations, evacuation, emergency
medical care, food and shelter programs. Response activities are designed to meet the
urgent needs of disaster victims.
 Recovery activities are emergency management actions that begin after the disaster,
as urgent needs are met. These actions are designed to put the community back
together and include repairs to roads, bridges and other public facilities, restoration of
power, water and other municipal services and other activities that help restore
normal operations to a community.
 Mitigation activities reduce or eliminate the damages from hazardous events. These
activities can occur before, during and after a disaster and overlap all phases of
emergency management. Structural mitigation pertains to actions such as dam and
levee projects to protect against flooding, constructing disaster-resistant structures,
and retrofitting existing structures to withstand events. Non-structural mitigation
activities include development of land use plans, zoning ordinances, subdivision
regulations and tax incentives and disincentives to discourage development in certain
high-hazard areas. Mitigation also includes education programs for members of the
public about the hazards to which their community is vulnerable, as well as the
importance of mitigation and how to prepare their property to withstand a disaster.

The Concept of Mitigation and Its Importance

The tension between natural hazards and the decisions people make regarding land use and the
built environment is mounting every day. We must take steps to significantly reduce the
vulnerability of people and their communities to natural hazards; this can only be done through
mitigation. Mitigating the impact of natural hazards involves recognizing and adapting to natural
forces and is defined as any sustained action taken to reduce long-term vulnerability of human
life and property to natural hazards. This definition highlights the long-term impact that
effective mitigation can produce. While the actions involved in the preparatory, response and
recovery phases of emergency management are related to specific events, mitigation activities

I-2 Hazard Mitigation Planning

have the potential to produce repetitive benefits over time and should concern events that may
occur in the future.
Hazard mitigation can be viewed as the foundation of emergency management and should be
interwoven with all the other phases of comprehensive emergency management program. The
aftermath of a disaster provides a unique window of opportunity to assess the damage that has
befallen a community and to elucidate its causes. This allows members of the community to take
action during re-building to prevent or diminish the same disaster when the next natural
phenomenon occurs. Whether applied in post-disaster reconstruction or during pre-disaster
planning efforts, hazard mitigation provides planners with guidelines for reducing vulnerability
to future disaster-related damages. By developing mitigation programs that affect the impact of
future disasters, planners can break the cycle of damage, reconstruction and repeated damage.
A fundamental premise of mitigation strategy is that current dollars invested in mitigation will
significantly reduce the demand for future dollars by reducing the amount needed for emergency
recovery, repair and reconstruction following a disaster. Mitigation can also provide a degree of
socioeconomic continuity in the community by reducing the social and economic disruption that
often accompanies a hazardous event through damage to transportation and communication
systems, dislocation of people, loss or interruption of jobs and closing or disabling of businesses,
schools and social outlets. Mitigation also calls for conservation of natural and ecologically
sensitive areas (such as wetlands, floodplains and dunes) which enables the environment to
absorb some of the impact of hazard events. In this manner, mitigation programs can help
communities attain a level of sustainability, ensuring long-term economic vitality, social and
environmental health for the community as a whole.

Introduction I-3
Section II.
Rationale for Mitigation Planning: To Influence Decision-Makers
Mitigation is the only component of comprehensive emergency management that has the
potential to break the cycle of damage and reconstruction that can occur when a community is
subjected to repeated natural hazards. To be effective, a mitigation strategy must be in place and
ready for immediate implementation when the appropriate window of opportunity opens. This
can only be done through advance preparation; i.e., planning.
First and foremost, a hazard mitigation plan can be an effective vehicle for establishing
commitment to mitigation goals, objectives, policies and programs. By articulating what the
government hopes to achieve, the plan can serve to establish an important connection between
the public interest and mitigation measures to be employed. While the plan is useful for
articulating the vision and developing the programs and initiatives that encourage and support
community-based implementation, the real success or failure of the hazard mitigation plan
depends on decisions made by individuals—in both private and public sectors. To this end, the
hazard mitigation plan provides a medium to inform the community about natural hazards and
about mitigation, increasing public awareness of the risks present in the community, as well as
the resources available to reduce those risks. Achieving widespread public awareness of natural
hazards in a community will enable citizens to make informed decisions on where to live,
purchase property or locate a business and how to protect themselves and their property from the
impact of natural hazards. In the public sector, decision-makers who are well-informed and well-
guided by a mitigation plan can carry out their daily operational activities in a manner that will
include mitigation concepts. The plan, then, guides the implementation of goals, objectives,
policies and programs for both public and private sectors as it educates the community.
A meaningful mitigation plan also provides the impetus for the government to become a “good
leader” in the forefront of mitigation strategy. Governments at all levels, must, through their
own activities in the built environment, set a good example in terms of mitigation. All new
public facilities should be sited away from hazardous areas and should be built to meet or exceed
model building codes and standards or their substantial equivalent. Existing public structures
should be retrofitted to withstand the impact of natural hazards, protecting public investment. By
demonstrating first-hand the efficacy of mitigation, as well as the level of commitment the
government is willing to put forth, governments will provide incentive to private owners and
builders to carry out the goals and policies of the hazard mitigation plan as well.

Rationale for Planning II-1

Section III.
The Hazard Mitigation Plan
There is ample evidence that the impacts of natural hazards on the human environment can be
lessened and perhaps even avoided altogether by appropriate action taken well before the
hazardous event occurs. The most effective way to ensure that this action takes place is through
the preparation and implementation of a comprehensive hazard mitigation plan. A plan is a
written statement of the existing and potential future situation, a review of the alternatives and
recommendations on how to meet goals and objectives. Plans are developed as guides and, when
implemented, affect the future by not leaving it to chance.
This section describes in brief the essential components of a typical hazard mitigation plan. The
first two sections highlight the elements that can be included in a plan and describe some of the
more pertinent characteristics of an effective mitigation plan. The final portion of this section
describes the various types of hazard mitigation plans that are possible. It is important to note
that this section describes these concepts in a generalized manner; this manual is not to be used
as a rigid one-size-fits-all model. Instead, this manual is designed to be used at any level of
government, and the plan that is created should be tailored to meet the particular needs of the
jurisdiction for which it has been prepared. Furthermore, since natural hazards affect individual
places in different ways, plans for each place should be carefully tailored according to the unique
set of circumstances present in that area. Because of the importance of site-specific hazard
mitigation planning, national-level plans should include policy encouraging the formation of
locally based plans wherever practicable.

Elements of the Hazard Mitigation Plan

While a hazard mitigation plan should be tailored to reflect the jurisdiction’s unique mitigation
needs, there are certain common elements that should be included in most mitigation plans. This
section of the manual describes these elements briefly, according to the following outline. (For a
more detailed discussion of how to prepare these elements and the plan appendices, see Section

Elements of the Hazard Mitigation Plan

1. Rationale/Statement of the Problem 3. Goals

2. Basic Studies 4. Objectives
a. Hazard Identification and 5. Alternative Means of Achieving
Definition Goals and Objectives
b. Probability Analysis 6. Plans, Policies and Programs
c. Vulnerability Analysis 7. Adoption and Implementation
d. Capability Analysis 8. Monitoring, Evaluation and
e. Conclusions/Acceptability Updates/Revisions

Rationale/Statement of the Problem

The plan should begin with an introductory section explaining the rationale behind the hazard
mitigation plan. This element should include a generalized statement of the problem to be solved

Structure of the Plan III-1

by the plan and what the government hopes to achieve in broad terms. More concrete and
detailed expressions of the government’s aspirations in terms of hazard mitigation and how they
will be fulfilled will be articulated in other elements of the plan, such as the Goals and Policies
sections, but the main points should be introduced at the outset.
The rationale section of the plan should also highlight the ways in which the plan will be used:
to influence decision-making in both the public and private sectors, to educate residents and
investors and to minimize the impacts of future natural hazards.

Basic Studies
The hazard mitigation planning process begins with the recognition that systematic steps must be
taken to reduce the continued exposure to losses from natural hazards. The first of these steps
logically involves an accurate identification and definition of the natural hazards that affect an
area and the impacts, e.g. high wings, heavy rains, earth shaking, etc. they might have upon the
people and the built environment. Such an analysis is crucial to an effective hazard mitigation
plan, for while we know in general terms which broad geographic areas are subject to which
natural hazards, we need a clear understanding of the type and extent of the potential impacts of
hazards on communities to make decisions about which mitigation actions should be undertaken.
At a minimum, the major natural hazards should be described in terms of probability, frequency,
magnitude and distribution. The identification must be as site-specific as possible—what areas
are likely to be affected by what hazards and in what way? The hazards should be analyzed and
data presented in such a way so that it provides useful information in terms of mitigating that
particular hazard’s impact in that particular locality.
The next step in the background analysis involves an assessment of the potential level of
vulnerability within the jurisdiction posed by the hazards. A vulnerability analysis indicates what
is likely to be damaged by the identified hazards and how severely. The vulnerability analysis is
an assessment of the number of lives and the value of the property in those areas that may be
The capability analysis is an important component of the hazard mitigation planning process
because it identifies and evaluates existing systems of policies and practices that either reduce or
increase a jurisdiction’s vulnerability to natural hazards. The capability analysis also provides
critical information on which types of actions are feasible—in terms of financial resources,
political willpower, institutional framework, technical ability and legal authority. Furthermore,
the capability assessment can provide a mechanism to cite and take credit for those systems that
already exist and are successful in the jurisdiction. This is important to foster community support
for continuing or increasing mitigation efforts. Documentation of successful mitigation systems
may be necessary for receipt of some forms of disaster assistance.
The foregoing background studies will enable planners and policy-makers to articulate a level of
acceptance with regards to the natural hazards facing the jurisdiction. Plan makers can then come
to sound conclusions as to which hazards should be addressed and can determine the degree of
intensity that should be applied given the vulnerability of the area and the capability of the
government to respond.

III-2 Hazard Mitigation Planning

The hazard identification, probability analysis, vulnerability analysis, capability assessment and
conclusions all provide critical background information to plan makers. These data can be
presented in an appendix to the hazard mitigation plan rather than as part of the plan itself. This
approach emphasizes the appropriate role of the assessments as baseline surveys for developing
program initiatives, identifying resources and providing an informed basis for developing the
plan’s goals, priorities and objectives. These background studies establish both a common point
of departure and the bounds within which plans and alternatives can be formulated, debated and
decided upon; they are not the plan themselves. (For a more detailed discussion of how to
prepare these studies see Section IV of this manual. Additional information regarding
background analyses also appears in the Appendix.)

Hazard mitigation goals should be broad in scope and far-reaching in application. This part of
the plan should present the vision of the government for mitigation in the area. The goals should
identify priorities, yet also acknowledge constraints.
Goal statements should reflect the government’s commitment to a comprehensive planning
approach; hazard mitigation goals should be fully integrated with other governmental activities.
At the same time, goals should also include substantive statements regarding the acceptable
levels of risk for the jurisdiction. This can be achieved by drawing on the plan’s basic studies,
which analyze probability, vulnerability, capability and acceptance data.

Objectives are developed as a means of realizing a community’s hazard mitigation goals.
Objectives are more specific and tangible than goals: Rather than being long-term and general,
objectives should be achievable in a finite period of time and the results should be measurable.
Since objectives need to be attainable, they should be based on background studies contained in
the plan appendices, with direct reference to the capability assessment.

Plans, Policies and Programs

The proposed hazard mitigation plans, policies and programs, will be drawn from the goals and
objectives. In other words, the strategies developed as part of the plan are mitigation measures
designed to implement the objectives of the plan. This is the “action” section of the plan.
Once feasible alternatives have been selected, each plan, policy and program should be
prioritized according to its potential contribution to mitigation efforts, public and private.
Highest priority should be given to those measures that will support the hazard mitigation plan’s
basic philosophy. The plans, policies and programs that are made part of the plan itself should
include both on-going as well as post-disaster mitigation measures. These include programs that
are constantly and consistently being implemented, such as those mitigation measures that are
insinuated into the government’s day-to-day operations. This section should also identify
projects to be done on an “as-need” basis and projects, strategies, or programs that may be
needed to implement the plan after a disaster.

Structure of the Plan III-3

Adoption and Implementation
The government should adopt the plan officially through the standard legal process for adoption
of regulations and policy, including any required public notice and hearings. To be most
effective, the plan must be an official plan, not an internal staff proposal.
Once the plan is adopted, the real challenge of hazard mitigation planning involves converting
the plan into action. The intent of the implementation section is to intervene in the traditional
reactive processes of response and recovery. It is the proactive nature of mitigation planning that
leads to successful reduction of hazard vulnerability. Implementation strategies include holding
post-disaster meetings, use of special task forces, integration of hazard mitigation activities in
the work plans of other agencies or departments and involving the media to garner support and
serve as an impetus for implementation in both public and private sectors.

Monitoring, Evaluation and Updates

Monitoring, evaluation and updates are critical elements of an effective hazard mitigation plan
and emphasize the dynamic nature of the plan. The completed document is not an end result;
rather, completion of the plan is the beginning of the process of reducing future losses from
natural hazards.
Monitoring. Monitoring is an important component of the implementation process. Care should
be taken to monitor mitigation activities and their effects. It is important to be able to discern if
the actions being taken are resulting in the desired objective of lessening the exposure to the
hazard. Additionally, overall exposure to hazards needs to be continually monitored to ensure
that while this exposure is being decreased in one location, it is not increasing in another.
Periodic meetings of the planning committee or other group involved in the plan formulation
process may be necessary to review progress to date and recommend changes to the mitigation
program based on the results of their monitoring.
Evaluation. No plan is perfect. As implementation proceeds, flaws will be discerned and
changes will be needed. The effectiveness of the programs and actions should be evaluated to
determine whether the goals and objectives articulated in the plan are still applicable. The
original problem statement made in the introduction to the hazard mitigation plan should be
assessed for current accuracy. Perhaps the situation has changed. The adequacy of available
resources to carry out the plan should be examined. Is there any redundancy that can be
eliminated, thereby freeing up funds from one area? Are funds for certain programs or projects
inadequate; if so, should more funding be sought? The evaluation section should also trouble-
shoot any problems being experienced with implementation, including technical, political, legal
and coordination. Finally, the plan should be checked against its time frame—has it been
implemented on schedule? Are all windows of opportunity being fully taken advantage of?
Updates/Revisions. The updating and revising step recognizes that hazard mitigation planning is
a continuing process and provides an opportunity to measure and evaluate previous mitigation
efforts. An updated or revised plan might include a re-evaluation of the hazards and the
jurisdiction’s exposure to them, a further examination and refining of policies and issues, a re-
assessment of existing mitigation capabilities and new or additional mitigation

III-4 Hazard Mitigation Planning

Characteristics of the Hazard Mitigation Plan

The hazard mitigation plan should be as comprehensive as possible to cover all potential
mitigation opportunities. A comprehensive mitigation plan includes all prevalent hazards, strives
to achieve multiple objectives, covers a long time horizon and is consistent across

An “all-hazards” basis for a mitigation plan makes the most efficient use of limited resources.
The plan should, therefore, deal with all possible natural hazards throughout the entire local
jurisdiction. At a minimum, the major natural hazards in the disaster area should be examined in
terms of probability, frequency, magnitude and distribution. Some other known hazards, or
“secondary” hazards should also be included in the analysis. For example, mudslides often
accompany severe flooding and should be recognized for their potential impact in addition to
that of the catalytic hazards.
In addition to primary and secondary natural hazards, the government should also assess
technological hazards and the potential impacts on human beings and their environment.
Mitigation strategy cannot deal exclusively with natural hazards and ignore technological
hazards if it is to be truly comprehensive. Furthermore, natural hazard events often trigger
technological hazards such as ruptured pipelines and building fires, clearly linking natural and
technological hazards.
Comprehensive planning also dictates that as many of the impacts of hazards as possible be
identified. A section in the plan regarding the socio-economic implications of a disaster could
prove invaluable in assessing the entire disaster scenario. Elements of such an analysis should
include potential impacts due to the loss of jobs, recovery rate of destroyed and damaged
businesses, property tax revenue shortfalls, disrupted real estate markets, migration and
disruption of family lives. While many of these variables are subject to fluctuations due to
factors other than disaster occurrences, the economic indicators are still useful for the selection
and initiation of appropriate mitigation action.

The goals and objectives articulated in the hazard mitigation plan need to be comprehensive in
scope and cover a wide range of potential mitigative action in both public and private sectors.
However, goals and objectives should not compete. Hazard mitigation has a much greater
likelihood for success when goals are effectively combined. Common hazard mitigation goals
which can be simultaneously achieved include securing public safety, reducing hazard losses,
reducing unnecessary expenditures, eliminating redundancy, lessening exposure to liability and
speeding economic recovery.
Furthermore, many mitigation objectives can be accomplished by dovetailing other types of
goals or joining forces with other programs and authorities. All communities are encouraged to
include the goal of protecting the natural and beneficial values of floodplains and wetlands
within their mitigation plans. For example, designating a vulnerable floodplain area for open-
space, recreational use, reservoir area or public park can achieve hazard reduction objectives as

Structure of the Plan III-5

well as provide a community asset. In this way, basic environmental and social/recreational
goals can be combined with those of hazard mitigation. Not only does accomplishing multiple
goals through a single initiative protect human lives, the built environment and the natural
environment, it also results in more cost-effective government.

To be truly comprehensive, a hazard mitigation plan must have a long-range horizon. While
particular plan objectives and specific projects and actions may have a fixed time period within
which they are to be achieved or carried out, the scope of the hazard mitigation plan as a whole
must be broader than the time frame dictated by individual component parts.

Internally Consistent
It is important that mitigation plans be multi-hazard and multi-objective. However, the pursuit of
comprehensiveness should not be undertaken at the expense of internal consistency. Risk
reduction measures for one natural hazard must be compatible with risk reduction measures for
other probable natural hazards. For example, certain techniques for elevating flood prone
structures may make a structure more susceptible to damage from an earthquake. Similarly,
retrofitting a building to reduce earthquake damage may be a poor investment if the building is
flood prone. On the other hand, tying down a manufactured home can be an effective technique
for mitigating wind, flood and seismic hazards.
Furthermore, risk reduction measures for natural hazards must also be compatible with risk
reduction measures for technological hazards and vice versa. When hazard mitigation options are
considered, care must be taken to avoid solutions that may increase the risk of technological
events, such as elevating chemical storage facilities to mitigate flood hazard without addressing
seismic risk. Additionally, technological hazards should be minimized for natural hazards, such
as using flexible pipes in seismic areas or protecting submerged pipes from flood scour.

Windows of Opportunity
Mitigation plans typically seek to identify the optimum points for implementing mitigation
actions within the comprehensive emergency management (CEM) cycle. Strategies for including
mitigation as part of the activities carried out during the preparation, response and recovery
phases of a disaster are critical for victims of that particular event, as well as help ensure these
disaster victims will not be victims again when the next natural hazard occurs.
While mitigative action taken during phases of CEM are significant in reducing potential losses,
a truly comprehensive mitigation plan also includes strategies for incorporating mitigation into
the day to day operations of the government. The mitigation plan should specify a process for
identifying all “windows of opportunity,” so that mitigation concepts can be considered when
carrying out routine government business. Mitigation should be addressed as an aspect of land
use policy, including zoning and subdivision regulations, building inspections, environmental
impact review, highway and street planning, capital improvement planning, tax and spending
policies and all other relevant activities of government, rather than solely as an issue of
emergency management.
The integration of mitigation concepts into the normal function of government is particularly
important in the areas of land use law and construction and building regulations. For instance,

III-6 Hazard Mitigation Planning

the government should take care that future land use elements and future land use maps of
comprehensive plans include policies for post-disaster density-reduction and land use
modifications in areas subject to hazardous conditions. In addition, hazard mitigation planning
efforts should be coordinated with enforcement authorities, including land use and construction
codes, regulations, ordinances to ensure compliance with mitigation (and therefore public safety)
principles. A truly integrative mitigation plan, one that seeks windows of opportunity in all
aspects of government operations, can significantly affect a community’s future vulnerability to
natural hazards. By incorporating mitigation concepts into government activities today at a
relatively low cost, we can avoid much more costly losses from future disasters.

Every mitigative action proposed in the mitigation plan must address the question of cost-
effectiveness: will the proposed measure reduce future disaster response and recovery costs more
than the cost of implementing the measure? The hazard mitigation plan should establish in
advance the criteria to be used to assess the cost-effectiveness of individual project proposals so
that all projects receive uniform objective analysis. Though it is difficult to factor in the
monetary value of human life when calculating the cost-effectiveness of a mitigation measure,
certain costs can, and must, be examined.
One method is to use the value of the damages suffered in the recent disaster that could have
been prevented by a mitigation measure as a basis for comparison against the cost of the
proposed measure. Next, the magnitude and probability of the event’s recurrence interval should
be factored in. If the damages received were from a relatively small, and more frequent,
earthquake, hurricane or flood, then it is reasonable to expect that these damages might be
repeated several times over the life of a given structure. Thus, a mitigation measure could cost
more than the current damages, but still be justifiable. Historical loss data can also be used. For
instance, paid insurance claims and previous outlays for disaster assistance should be considered
when evaluating cost effectiveness. Normal maintenance costs can be used if the situation is a
chronic one. There are also economic and cost-benefit models available that can be used.

Environmentally Sound
The hazard mitigation plan should incorporate environmental principles. Care must be taken that
policies intended to foster mitigation are not undertaken at the expense of the area’s
environmental integrity. The plan should strictly adhere to all applicable laws, regulations and
ordinances regarding the environment.
The natural environment can play a crucial role in mitigating the impacts of natural hazards. As
the connection between networks of streams, rivers, adjacent wetlands, soils, vegetation, dunes,
beaches and other features of the natural environment are increasingly studied and understood,
natural resource and environmental management are being recognized as vital for emergency
management. This “natural infrastructure” can perform a mitigative function in the human
environment, protecting lives and structures from the full impact of natural hazards by providing
flood control, wind resistance, minimization of storm surge, etc. The hazard mitigation plan
must promote efforts to enhance rather than hinder the mitigative ability of the natural
environment before all such areas are developed and their mitigative value destroyed.

Structure of the Plan III-7

Despite the emphasis on comprehensiveness, if the hazard mitigation plan is to achieve its
purpose, it must be a readable document. It must be written in clear unambiguous language so
that its intent and direction are obvious. The format of the plan must be straight-forward and
The text of the local hazard mitigation plan must be concise, without minimizing the
significance of any one particular segment of the plan. The body of the plan is not to be made up
of lists of sources of legal authority, past hazards and disaster figures, or proposed projects and
activities. The text should be supported by extensive appendices, where various elements and
issues can be described in depth and where data collected for background analyses can be
available to support the plan. The plan itself should be an expression of that jurisdiction’s
approach to hazard mitigation and a description of how, where and when that approach will be
carried out.
The plan must speak to the residents, as well as inform government officials of their
responsibilities in terms of initiating, implementing and enforcing hazard mitigation measures.
Furthermore, the plan must be intelligible to a wider audience than just the residents and
officials of the jurisdiction where it applies. The plan may be reviewed and applied by readers
who have never visited the area, such as emergency management officials, international aid
representatives, charitable organizations and others with an interest in mitigation activities in that
area. Often maps, illustrations and other graphics can provide the visual dimension necessary for
comprehension of how the plan is to apply in a particular area. Useful maps and graphics could
include those showing recommended strategies and project areas, as well as maps indicating
which geographic areas are to receive priority attention during plan implementation. Useful
background data would include maps depicting flood insurance rates, floodway and flood
boundary maps, seismic risk zones, community street and critical facilities maps and land use
(current and future) maps.

Types of Plans
Hazard mitigation plans can be one of a wide variety of types of plan; the particular format
chosen by a government should best suit the role the hazard mitigation plan is expected to fulfill
for that jurisdiction. Some areas may choose to create a hazard mitigation plan that is a stand-
alone, single purpose plan. In this instance, care should be taken that all the statutory
requirements for plan creation and adoption are followed so that the plan can operate as a
freestanding document.
Post-disaster Plans. Governments have traditionally prepared stand-alone mitigation plans in
the wake of a disaster, a practice that has the advantage of generating public support for
mitigation while the obvious need for it is so readily apparent. Unfortunately, these post-disaster
plans are often prepared without adequate background studies and under tremendous time
pressures and may not adequately address mitigation issues outside the context of the immediate
Emergency Management Plan. Other jurisdictions may include the hazard mitigation plan as a
component of the emergency management plan. These plans deal with all four components of
emergency management and include directions for the government’s responsibilities during

III-8 Hazard Mitigation Planning

preparation, response, recovery and mitigation phases. These plans tend to be programmatic in
nature and focus on specific courses of action to be taken in the event of a disaster. Emergency
management plans can also emphasize policy, however, and provide guidelines for
implementing particular plan components.
Comprehensive Plan. Still other areas may decide to make the mitigation plan part of a
comprehensive plan. Comprehensive plans tend to have a wider scope than stand-alone plans,
setting general principles to guide future activity. This type of plan tends to be policy oriented,
and deals with a whole range of issues, including land use, economic development, capital
improvements, transportation, housing, natural resource protection and emergency management.
Mitigation concepts can either be included in the comprehensive plan as a separate element or
chapter or can be incorporated into the other plan components. This latter approach has the
advantage of highlighting mitigation as a necessary component of all other government
operations and calling for integration of mitigation into day-to-day decision making processes.
Whatever its place in the planning arena, the hazard mitigation plan may be an incremental
document that grows and evolves from year to year as the government's experience with hazard
mitigation grows and as resources become available. It is not necessary to have a “complete”
document that addresses every conceivable aspect of mitigation before a plan is implemented.
The plan may be done in pieces, for example, region by region or by type of hazard (not,
however, by individual disaster). By its very nature planning is a dynamic process, and the plan
produced should not be viewed as a static, unchanging document. As the area’s needs change, so
must its hazard mitigation plan. Despite this inherent dynamism, however, it is vital that in each
year, at every point in time, there be a viable approved plan in place, one that is being used day
to day throughout the government and in the private sector.

Structure of the Plan III-9

Section IV.
Formulating the Plan

The Planning Process

A hazard mitigation plan can be formulated at any level of government; each jurisdiction must
make use of its own unique institutional framework to create its plan. Who is responsible for
preparing the plan, who actually writes the plan and who is involved in the formulation process
will vary from jurisdiction to jurisdiction, depending upon the anticipated role of the hazard
mitigation plan in the area, as well as the financial, technical and political resources that are
While there are numerous ways to go about formulating a hazard mitigation plan, certain steps
are essential to creation of an effective plan that will allow the government to optimize its use of
all the resources at its disposal. The planning process guides the community through its hazard
problem(s) by disclosing several options for solving the problems and identifying the most
appropriate solutions. It is only by following a proper planning process that the best outcome can
be achieved. Basic planning steps include the following:
• Complete background studies: identify and analyze those hazards which affect the
planning area, complete an analysis of the probability of those hazards occurring in
the area, estimate the vulnerability of the area to those hazards and evaluate the
capabilities of the area to effectively mitigate their impacts.
• Draw conclusions about the acceptability of the area’s vulnerability to natural hazards
and about actions that are being taken to mitigate the effects of natural hazards that
affect the area.
• Develop goals and objectives for the hazard mitigation plan.
• Develop policies, programs, actions and strategies to achieve those goals and
• Consider alternative means to accomplish goals and objectives, then select those that
are most appropriate to the jurisdiction.
• Adopt and implement the plan.
• Monitor the plan and continually evaluate its effectiveness and efficiency using a
series of indicators and benchmarks.
• Revise and update the hazard mitigation plan at regular intervals.
Some governments may assign responsibility for formulating the hazard mitigation plan to the
emergency management division; others may allot the task to the planning department or other
agency. Either of these options may involve internal staff writing the plan, or the hiring of an
outside consultant to write the plan according to the government’s dictates.

Plan Formulation IV-1

Whatever entity or individual is put in charge of plan formulation, it is wise to include a wide
range of participants in the planning process. By involving those who will be most affected by
the planning, the government will get a more realistic product that will have a much better
chance of being adopted and implemented. Departments that should be represented during the
planning process include:
• Building department/code enforcement
• Land use planning/zoning
• Emergency management/public safety
• Environmental protection/health
• Engineering
• Public works
• Public information
• Parks/recreation

The private sector should also be involved in the mitigation plan formulation process. Support
from the private sector is often essential to successful implementation of mitigation strategies.
Involvement of the private sector in the early stages of the planning process may facilitate
understanding and support for implementation of mitigation measures. Private sector participants
should include realtors, developers, representatives of the insurance industry, builders, architects,
investors, farmers, tourists and business leaders. Consolidating private-sector expertise and
influence will enable plan-makers to multiply the benefits of mitigation strategies by
strengthening the plan’s base of support and encourage private sector participants to undertake
mitigation measures in their own companies and communities.
Citizen input into the plan formulation process is also essential. Public participation involves
including citizen groups in developing mitigation strategy from the beginning. This will help to
guarantee that the public is knowledgeable of and committed to the strategy. Some members of
the public may even be able to assist with data collection and plan writing, making the planning
process more efficient and reflective of local concerns. While government officials will make
final policy decisions, citizen participation is designed to give the public the opportunity to voice
its views on policy items. The general public often bears the brunt of policies and projects
designed to reduce disaster costs and usually at the worst time—after the disaster event. Early
public support of the mitigation strategy will also help stem the tide of requests for special
exemptions after a disaster.

Basic Studies
Basic studies that must be performed before a mitigation plan can be formulated include
identifying and analyzing the hazards which affect the area, assessing the present and future
vulnerability of people and property to each type of applicable hazard, performing an assessment
of the capability of the area to effectively mitigate those hazards and performing an acceptability
analysis to evaluate the likely effects of hazards.

IV-2 Hazard Mitigation Planning

Hazard Identification and Analysis
Prior to formulating a hazard mitigation plan, those hazards that affect the planning area must be
identified and the threats that those hazards pose analyzed. Hazard identification and analysis
involves determining what natural hazards affect the area, the frequency or the probability of the
occurrence of each of those hazards, the strength and magnitude of those hazards when they
affect the area, where effects are most likely to do the greatest harm to people or damage to
property and the impacts of each of the natural hazards on the area. The hazard identification
and analysis should include a description of all the hazards to which a jurisdiction is subject.
This step involves gathering and reviewing existing hazard studies. An historic overview of past
hazards that have occurred in the area is also useful. Maps that show the hazardous areas within
the planning jurisdiction are essential to graphically illustrate the hazards. Plan-makers are
encouraged to refer to existing studies that have been conducted with regards to the hazards that
are probable in the planning area; often, much of the basic information on hazard identification
and analysis is available from regional agencies.
Since the hazard mitigation plan is meant to address the mitigation needs of a specific area, the
hazards assessment needs to describe specific hazards and their impact, rather than a broad or
generic discussion of the hazard type. For example, while some hazards such as hurricanes have
affected an entire island, most hazards are much more limited in the area they affect. Tornadoes
generally produce a narrow path of destruction, lightning strikes a particular point, and floods
occur in fairly predictable areas. Some natural hazards may have dramatically different impacts
at different locations throughout an island.
The hazard description should also include information regarding the typical timing of each type
of hazard in the area. Some natural hazards may occur with fairly regular frequency. Given the
amount of data accumulated for various hazards, some estimate of the probability of an
occurrence of a given type of hazard event is possible. The frequency of occurrence varies
greatly by hazard. For example, it is now known that hurricanes follow a cyclic pattern,
occurring with greater frequency and at greater strength during an approximate 30–40 year
cycle. Earthquake activity tends to occur in extremely long cycles. Lightning and flash flooding,
on the other hand, occur with relatively great frequency.
It is also important to assess the strength with which natural events are likely to occur. A
relatively strong hurricane will present a greater and more far-reaching series of impacts than
those from a relatively weak hurricane. It is important to assess the range of strength of each
natural hazard that could affect the planning area, to prepare plans to successfully mitigate the
effects across that range.
Finally, it is important to determine the impacts that each natural hazard is likely to have on the
planning area. Some hazards may occur in conjunction with, or as a result of, other hazards. For
example, heavy rainfall may occur during or following hurricanes and thunderstorms. When
planning a mitigation strategy, it is essential to account for the full range of hazard events and
effects that may occur.
Although it is impossible to predict precisely what may happen from a particular hazard event,
but scenarios likely to result from the occurrence of each hazard should be formulated.
Developing scenarios provides a means to understand not only the types of natural hazards that
will affect the planning area, but also the potential impacts of those hazards.

Plan Formulation IV-3

When identifying hazards:
• identify all natural hazards which are likely to affect the area;
• define where each hazard is most likely to occur;
• determine where those hazards are most likely to occur within the planning area;
• determine the relative frequency of occurrence of each type of hazard;
• determine the range of strength of the hazard which the planning area is likely to

Probability Analysis
After identifying the hazards that affect the planning area and analyzing the impacts from those
hazards, a probability analysis should be undertaken. A probability analysis provides an estimate
of the probability of each hazard affecting an area or region, or how likely it is that each type of
hazard will occur there.
A chart showing the relative probability from each hazard can be constructed fairly easily. This
type of analysis does not necessarily require a detailed quantitative analysis of the probability of
each type or hazard event, but can be constructed after careful consideration of the data gathered
and analyzed in the preceding step. For example, relative probability from each natural hazard
(hurricanes, flooding, thunderstorm, tornado, earthquake, wildfire) can be categorized as low,
medium or high. A chart, such as shown below, can be constructed to show the relative
probability from all natural hazards under consideration.

Relative Probability of Natural Hazards

Hazard Low Moderate High


To complete this table, it is necessary to select appropriate measures to evaluate the probability
from each hazard. Such measures could include:
• the location of the area with respect to exposure to past hazard events;
• the frequency with which each hazard is likely to occur in the area, based on
historical records and trends;
• the relative strength of a typical hazard event which has affected the area.

IV-4 Hazard Mitigation Planning

For instance, island areas are known to experience hurricanes fairly regularly, at least once every
eight to nine years, on average. This would place most coastal areas at relatively high probability
of a hurricane hazard event. Similar evaluations of the likelihood of occurrence of each type of
hazard in the planning locality could be constructed. Obviously, not all areas will be exposed to
all of the hazards listed. However, careful evaluation may uncover probability to hazards which
has not been evident previously.
Complete the table by determining the appropriate category for each hazard. Once this process
has been completed, those hazards that pose the greatest relative threat will be evident. This will
enable hazard mitigation efforts to be targeted to those hazards that pose the greatest threat to the
In summary, to assess probability, it is important to:
 determine the likelihood of each natural hazard occurring in the planning area; and
 construct a table showing the relative probability from each type of natural hazard.

Vulnerability Analysis
Hazards are natural occurrences. A hazard area may or may not pose problems to people; a
hazard area is only a problem when human activity gets in the way of the impacts that occur as a
matter of course during and after a hazard. Vulnerability to a natural hazard can be defined as the
extent to which people will experience harm and property will be damaged from that hazard.
Natural hazards impact human and animal life, real and personal property, communications and
transportation networks and the social fabric of communities and regions. Hazards may result in
loss of life or injury to people and livestock; loss of or damage to homes, businesses and
industries; loss or damage to automobiles, furnishings, records and documents; damages or
interruptions to power and telephone lines, damage or closing of roads, railroads, airports and
waterways; and general disruption of life.
Vulnerability to natural hazards exists both at the present time and in the future. The present
level of development and infrastructure generates a set of conditions that result in every area
having some degree of vulnerability to natural hazards. That degree of vulnerability will change
in the future as an area experiences greater development and/or implements greater hazard
mitigation efforts. Vulnerability can increase or decrease in the future. Therefore, we can speak
of both present vulnerability and future vulnerability. Each of these types of vulnerability to
natural hazards will be detailed below.

Present Vulnerability
Present vulnerability can be defined as the degree of harm to people and damage to property an
area may experience from a natural hazard occurrence today. This vulnerability is determined as
a result of the likelihood of various types of hazards affecting the area and the current
development of that area. Current development affects an area's vulnerability in the following
 the population of the area: the greater the population, particularly in locations susceptible
to impacts from hazard events, the greater the vulnerability due to injury to and loss of

Plan Formulation IV-5

 the amount and type of development in the area: the greater and the more dense
development is, the greater the vulnerability due to loss and damage to property;
 the communications networks in the area: the greater the number of communications
networks, and the more sophisticated the equipment involved in those networks, the
greater the vulnerability due to loss of communications and interruptions of services;
 the transportation and utility networks in the area: the greater the volume of people and
goods transported through the area, the greater the vulnerability due to the interruption of
travel and loss of infrastructure. Also, the more dependent an area is on a single
transportation or utility line, the greater the vulnerability due to lack of parallel backup
lines which can be used.
Assessing present vulnerability can be complex task. However, it is not necessary to perform a
detailed quantitative analysis of the number of people who live in a hazard area or the exact
dollar value of real property that may be damaged or destroyed in a particular area. A qualitative
analysis using a few indicators can serve as an effective means of developing a vulnerability
assessment. An indication of the assessed value of property in an area may be gained quickly by
examining tax base valuation maps on Geographic Information System (GIS) files, if available.
Other, less exact means, may also be used to gauge an area's vulnerability to natural hazards. For
example, vulnerability to tornadoes could be calculated as the result of the interaction of several
factors. One factor would be the relative risk of experiencing a tornado. This could be
determined by the number of tornadoes that have occurred in an area over a period of time.
Another factor would be the population density of the area. Instead of using exact figures, the
population density could be classified according to relative terms such as very high, high,
average, below average, or much below average. These factors could be combined to produce a
relative measure of vulnerability.
Data useful in performing this type of analysis include:
• historical or average frequency of each type of hazard event;
• population of the area, including seasonal fluctuations, if applicable;
• number of people or properties particularly susceptible to damage from each type of
hazard event;
• special communications, transportation or utility facilities, which could sustain
crippling damage from a hazard event;
• unique circumstances which may increase or decrease the planning area’s
susceptibility to harm or damage from a hazard event; and
• the degree of local mitigation efforts already in place for a given natural hazard.

A chart can be constructed to show relative present vulnerability to each natural hazard. The
process is similar to that used in constructing the previous chart for probability assessment. The
chart will serve to demonstrate the planners’ assessment of the relative vulnerability to each
hazard in a qualitative, rather than a quantitative, sense. This chart will identify those hazards to
which the area has the greatest present vulnerability. This will enable hazard mitigation efforts to

IV-6 Hazard Mitigation Planning

be targeted to those hazards to which the area has the greatest vulnerability. An example is
shown below.

Relative Present Vulnerability to Natural Hazards

Present Vulnerability
Hurricane Low Moderate High

Future Vulnerability
Future vulnerability can be thought of as a measure of the extent to which people will experience
harm and property would be damaged by a hazard event if a projected scenario of development
were to occur.
An area’s vulnerability will change with time. For instance, if current development patterns are
projected into the future, it is possible to develop estimates of the population and amount of
development that will exist in an area at some future point. If an area’s population is currently
growing at the rate of five percent, it is possible to project the population five or ten years in the
future. If current development patterns were assumed to continue, the number of additional
housing units, commercial establishments and businesses could also be projected for similar time
periods. Transportation, utility and communications infrastructure is likely to increase also.
Thus, given an increasing population and increasing development, it might appear that an area
would have a greater vulnerability to hazards in the future.
Vulnerability will increase markedly if development occurs in areas particularly susceptible to
adverse impacts from natural hazards and/or without the presence of effective mitigation
measures. For example, in the absence of effective hurricane standards in an official building
code, an area’s vulnerability to hurricane hazard may increase dramatically, even if development
is limited to those areas considered at relatively low risk to hurricane occurrence.
Planning for redevelopment in the wake of a natural disaster can also reduce an area’s future
vulnerability. Plans should be formulated that would allow and encourage redevelopment in a
manner which would result in a lower vulnerability in the future, i.e., plans should be made that
would allow for the correction of what may be considered current development “mistakes” from
a hazard mitigation perspective.
Therefore, the future vulnerability of an area is strongly influenced by that area’s choices of the
amount, type and location of development and transportation and communications links. Careful
planning can help avoid a dramatic increase in future vulnerability. Likewise, implementing

Plan Formulation IV-7

hazard mitigation measures can result in a decrease in future vulnerability. Planning and
mitigation are the keys to successfully managing future hazard vulnerability.
In assessing vulnerability, it is important to look not only at the immediate area, but also to the
surrounding region, to account for factors that could have an impact from outside the
jurisdiction. For instance, some areas have implemented flood control measures such as dams or
stream channelization. Those measures may serve to mitigate the effects from hazards in that
particular area, however, those measures may create adverse impacts on others. For instance
stream channelization may mitigate against flooding in the immediate area but cause increased
flooding to downstream areas due to the increased stream flow and increased velocity of the
channeled flood runoff.

Relative Future Vulnerability to Natural Hazards

Future Vulnerability
Hazard Low Moderate High

Capability Assessment
The capability assessment describes the legal authority vested in the government to pursue
measures to mitigate the impact of natural hazards. This section describes how the capability
assessment should also be used to evaluate the area’s political willpower, institutional
framework, technical know-how and ability to pay for mitigation. The capability of all levels of
government, as well as the contributions made by non-governmental organizations (churches,
charities, community relief funds, the Red Cross, hospitals, for profit and non-profit businesses)
and by the private sector should be included, with a description of their utility to the jurisdiction
in terms of hazard mitigation. In other words, before formulating the plan itself, it is important
to understand the status of current policy and practice and how mitigation programs and
activities that will be proposed in the hazard mitigation plan will fit into the existing systems.
However, the capability assessment is more than a mere inventory of existing mitigation
measures and organizations with hazard mitigation responsibility. The capability section is an
important component of the mitigation plan because it identifies and evaluates existing systems
that either reduce or increase a jurisdiction’s vulnerability to natural hazards. This includes
evaluation of the “de facto” mitigative measures—those which may be designed for another
purpose, but which, nevertheless, have an effect (either positive or negative) on mitigation. The
capability assessment can, therefore, provide a mechanism to cite and take credit for those
systems that exist and are working to reduce hazard vulnerability (whether such measures were
designed for hazard mitigation purposes or not). This list of “success stories” helps avoid

IV-8 Hazard Mitigation Planning

duplication of effort when new systems and programs are recommended. It is also important
when disaster assistance agencies are assessing the area’s past performance for purposes of
granting disaster relief funds.

Legal Capability
Governments of different countries and different levels of government within one country
operate under different sources of authority. However, as a general rule, with proper enabling
legislation in place, most governments possess the power to engage in various hazard mitigation
activities. The capability section of the hazard mitigation plan should analyze each of the legal
powers available to that particular government to identify which can be wielded to craft hazard
mitigation measures and also assess legislation that may impose limits on certain mitigation
Within the limits set by each country’s legal system, most government powers fall into one of
four basic groups (although some governmental activities may be classified as more than one
type of power): regulation, acquisition, taxation and spending. Hazard mitigation measures can
be carried out under each of the four types of powers, as described below:
Regulation. Governments are generally granted broad regulatory powers in their jurisdictions,
enabling the enactment and enforcement of ordinances to regulate or prohibit conditions or
actions that may endanger the public’s health and safety. Such authority is known generally as
the “police power,” and encompasses the concept of hazard mitigation as a means of protecting
the public.
One important regulatory power exercised by some governments is that of building inspection.
Typically, such legislation deals with the construction of buildings, installation of plumbing,
electrical and heating systems, building maintenance and other matters. Through this type of
regulation, the government can be directly involved in reducing the community’s vulnerability
by requiring that all new construction comply to strict mitigation standards.
Typically, regulatory powers are also the most basic manner in which a government can control
the use of land within its jurisdiction. Through various land use regulatory powers, a government
can control the amount, timing, density, quality and location of new development; all these
characteristics of growth can determine the level of vulnerability of the community in the event
of a natural hazard. Land use regulatory powers include the power to engage in planning, enact
and enforce zoning ordinances, floodplain and subdivision controls, as well as regulate other
aspects of growth. Carefully planned and executed land use regulations can be effective in
preventing unsuitable development from occurring in hazard-prone areas.
Acquisition. The power of acquisition can be a useful tool for pursuing mitigation goals.
Governments may find the most effective method for completely “hazard-proofing” a particular
piece of property or area is to acquire the property, thus removing the land from the private
market and eliminating or reducing the possibility of inappropriate development occurring.
Legislation typically empowers units of government to acquire property for public purpose by
gift, grant, devise, bequest, exchange, purchase, lease, or eminent domain. The local government
may acquire the hazard-prone property in fee, or may obtain a lesser interest in the land, such as
an easement to keep the land in a natural state. Some communities may also employ a transfer of
development rights (TDR) program to keep hazardous land free from development while

Plan Formulation IV-9

allowing other, more appropriate real estate to be developed at a higher density than is usually
Taxation. The power to levy taxes and special assessments is an important tool delegated to most
governments. While taxes and special assessments can be an important source of revenue for
governments to pay for mitigation activities, it is also important to note that the power of
taxation can have a profound impact on the pattern of development in the community. Many
jurisdictions set preferential tax rates for areas that are unsuitable for development (e.g.,
agricultural land, wetlands); such special rates can be used to discourage development in
hazardous areas.
Spending. Spending is the fourth major power available to governments that can have an impact
on the vulnerability of the community. Hazard mitigation principles should be made a routine
part of all spending decisions made by all levels of government, including annual budgets and
capital improvement plans.
A capital improvement plan is usually a timetable by which a unit of government indicates the
timing and level of government services it intends to provide over a specified duration. Capital
programming, by itself, can be used as a growth management technique, with a view to hazard
mitigation. By tentatively committing itself to a timetable for the provision of capital to extend
government services (in particular, water and sewage disposal), a government can control the
growth in its area to some extent.

Institutional Capability
The capability of the government to develop and implement a hazard mitigation program is
affected by the institutional framework in which it will operate. Therefore, a description of the
type of government, including an “inventory” of key decision-making positions, both long-range
and day-to-day is an essential component of the hazard mitigation plan’s capability assessment.
The analysis should include all relevant governmental agencies, departments and offices with
responsibility for the various stages of emergency management (preparation, response and
recovery) as well as for mitigation. The responsibilities of both elected and appointed officials,
as well as career governmental workers should be noted. The assessment should specify who is
responsible for police, fire, garbage, roads, parks, planning, zoning, building code enforcement,
tax assessments, water and sewer, and other services. The capability section should also analyze
local, national and regional government relationships and identify opportunities for cooperation
and optimization of pooled resources.

Political Capability
The capability of a government is obviously linked to its political capability. Many of the
activities carried out by the officials listed in the institutional framework analysis will be
politicians, whose decisions are sometimes swayed by the political climate of the moment rather
than by the long-range benefit to the community. Analyzing how mitigation can be inserted into
everyday decision-making as a routine course can go a long way to de-politicizing the issue. If
mitigation comes to the forefront of the government’s important issues, politicians cannot do
otherwise than promote mitigation. Public education and awareness campaigns about the
economic efficiency of mitigative measures in the long run can help foster its general acceptance
by citizens and in turn by politicians.

IV-10 Hazard Mitigation Planning

Fiscal Capability
While the power to levy property taxes and special assessments to issue bonds are effective for
raising revenue in some jurisdictions, the amount needed for development of a local hazard
mitigation program will generally need supplementation from other sources. Foreign aid in the
form of grants and loans are available to some degree for hazard mitigation purposes. In
addition, charitable, environmental, volunteer groups and other non-profit organizations are
often willing to contribute where a need is perceived as significant. Private industry, investors
and the business community should also be included as potential sources of fiscal aid, perhaps
with an incentive to participate.

Technical Capability
If the concept of hazard mitigation is being introduced to an area for the first time, or if a more
experienced jurisdiction wishes to upgrade its level of mitigation, technical know-how may be at
a premium. Often a major impediment to effective emergency management policies and
programs, including mitigation, is the lack of technical expertise. Communities are faced with
the task of identifying and assessing hazards, predicting the occurrence of disasters, gauging the
level of intervention needed and designing and implementing effective measures. Fortunately,
there are many manuals and other documents available that can be used to help identify and
assess various hazards. Technical manuals are also available that detail the forces that mitigation
techniques are engineered to withstand, construction methods, costs (complete with formulas to
make adjustments to current values), options and alternatives, cost/benefits, the pros and cons of
each technique and even suggestions on how they can be financed, adopted or implemented.

Analysis and Evaluation of Capability Data

After gathering capability information, the data must be analyzed and evaluated. Since the
capability assessment will provide the framework for developing recommendations for specific
mitigative actions in the hazard mitigation plan, it is essential that the assessment both identify
shortfalls in a jurisdiction’s capability, as well as draw attention to special opportunities that
should be capitalized upon while they remain viable.
By referring to the capability assessment, the government will be able to rank all recommended
activities according to the capability of the area to actually institute them. The proposed
activities must be evaluated against the backdrop of what is feasible in terms of that
government’s legal, institutional, political, fiscal and technical capacity. Proposed activities
should be classified as those which (1) can be carried out easily, without a change in the law; (2)
require only a change in the regulations; (3) can be implemented with only a change in practice;
(4) require new authorization.

Conclusions (Acceptability)
An acceptability assessment is a useful analytical step that can help prioritize and focus limited
resources on the most critical of its mitigation needs. The government may wish to include
documentation of this assessment in an appendix to the hazard mitigation plan. The purpose of
developing and evaluating conclusions, sometimes referred to as an acceptability assessment, is
to determine whether additional hazard mitigation efforts should be undertaken and, if so, which
hazards, geographic areas and response capabilities will be strengthened. A determination can be

Plan Formulation IV-11

made of where to target mitigation efforts by reviewing which natural hazards pose the greatest
risk to the area, the hazards to which the area is now and/or will be particularly vulnerable, and
the present and future capabilities to respond to those hazards. Targeting mitigation to those
hazards to which the area is, or is expected to be, most vulnerable and to which the area has a
need for increased response capability will enable limited financial, personnel and material
resources to mitigate the most severe hazards, risks and capability deficiencies. An area's risk
and vulnerability to natural hazards cannot be eliminated, but can be limited through carefully
planned mitigation strategies.
The probability, vulnerability and capability analyses that have been completed provide an
indication of the potential amounts, locations and types or damages from hazards and the
jurisdiction’s capability to respond to those hazards. Officials and planners must now decide if it
is necessary to increase the area's ability to reduce its vulnerability to threats from natural
The following chart shows how the previously completed analyses of risk, present and future
vulnerability and present and future capability may be used to generate conclusions, or complete
an acceptability assessment. The spaces under risk, vulnerability and capability should be
completed from the evaluations made in previous steps. Based on the evaluations of risk,
vulnerability and capability, the planner should be able to generate a similar relative indication
of the acceptability of each type of natural hazard.

IV-12 Hazard Mitigation Planning

Summary Chart to Determine Acceptability/Conclusions

Hazard Probability Vulnerability Capability Acceptability/

Present Future Present Future

For example, assume that the analysis thus far has determined that hurricanes pose a high risk to
the planning area, that the present vulnerability is moderate, the future vulnerability is likely to
be high, the present capability is moderate and that the future capability is likely to be low. The
acceptability would likely be low or moderate, because this scenario shows conditions worsening
and capability decreasing for a hazard with a high likelihood for causing harm and damage. In
another example, assume that analyses have determined that earthquake pose low risk, the
present vulnerability is moderate, the future vulnerability is likely to remain moderate, the
present capability is moderate and will likely remain at that level in the future. In this case, the
area's acceptability would probably be determined to be moderate to high.
In short, by reading across the rows for each hazard, planners come to an assessment of where
the planning area lies in terms of each hazard. The planner can now make a judgment of that
position, i.e., is that an acceptable situation for the area? In some cases, the answer may be
“yes,” in other cases, the answer is likely to be “no.” If the answer is “yes” then there is no need
to implement additional mitigation measures for that hazard at that time. However, the
acceptability should be reviewed periodically as it may change with time. If the answer is “no,”
then the mitigation plan will need to develop goals, objectives and policies and actions to
improve the situation to an acceptable point.
By completing this type of analysis for each hazard, the result will be a chart that provides an
indication of the relative acceptability of the situation with regard to each hazard that is likely to
affect the area. This analysis should be repeated for each major area in the jurisdiction, since
conditions will vary throughout the planning area according to localized conditions. This
analysis will then allow officials and planners to design a hazard mitigation plan to effectively
increase the area's capability to respond to the hazards which have the greatest effect and to
undertake actions to decrease the effects of those hazards to which the area is most vulnerable.
With regard to each type of natural hazard, possible actions range from doing nothing to an
attempt to completely eliminate potential damages to life and property. In most instances,
officials will decide to undertake some mitigation measures. That strategy will usually be

Plan Formulation IV-13

determined as a result of the conditions present and likely to develop in the area and the human,
financial and physical resources available now and expected to exist in the future.
This step requires judgment. There is no single “right” decision or strategy. The initial
mitigation decision or strategy will also need to be reviewed periodically, to stay abreast of
changing conditions. The important thing is to make a series of informed hazard mitigation
decisions and use these as a basis for action.
Conclusions act as a bridge between gathering information about existing and future conditions
and capabilities and developing a local hazard mitigation plan. This stage of planning involves a
critical assessment of the hazards that affect the planning area, the locality's capability to
mitigate those hazards and changes desired in hazard mitigation efforts.

When formulating the rationale section of the hazard mitigation plan, plan-makers will draw on
all of the accumulated information contained in the basic studies. It is the resulting knowledge
emanating from these studies that establishes the need for the existence of the mitigation plan.
The plan should refer directly to the types of hazards to which the planning area is subject, their
probability and magnitude and the level of vulnerability of the people and the built environment
to these hazards. The plan should also refer to the current and/or future capabilities of the
jurisdiction to mitigate the impacts of these hazards. The introduction to the hazard mitigation
plan should also include a definition section and include all terms and phrases dealing with
hazards, mitigation, emergency management, disaster relief, planning, government and law. This
will help avoid confusion and misinterpretation based on divergent meanings of words.
The rationale section should clearly indicate that the plan is an expression of the government’s
commitment to mitigation goals, objectives, policies and programs and that the plan’s mission is
to coordinate multiple goals, objectives, policies and programs to the greatest extent practicable.
The introduction to the hazard mitigation plan also provides an opportunity for the government
to establish the connection between the public interest and the mitigation goals, objectives,
policies and programs outlined in the plan. The rationale section should also emphasize the
utility of the hazard mitigation plan as an information vehicle, to educate the public and private
sectors and policy-makers about natural hazards and about mitigation.

Goals are statements of desirable future conditions that are to be achieved. Goals should be
expressed in general terms and are usually descriptive rather than quantified statements. A goal
is a desirable condition that is valued for itself; a goal is not an instrument to achieve something
else. Goals should be structured as positive statements that are attainable rather than negative
observations about the planning area.
Goals may originate from several sources. These sources include:
• community concerns and desires, reflecting a participatory goal setting process;
• needs for accommodating change such as increased population and development and
adjustments to infrastructure;

IV-14 Hazard Mitigation Planning

• good mitigation and planning philosophy and practices. These goals could include
equity of costs and benefits, protection of constitutional rights, protection of
environmental quality, public health and safety and quality of life;
• mandates from governmental legislation, rules and guidelines and from judicial
interpretation of statutes and regulations; and
• previously adopted government policies which may be contained in current
ordinances and plans.
Goals may be developed for different purposes. For example, sets of goals may be developed for
mitigating existing conditions, for guiding future development so that vulnerability does not
increase dramatically in the future and for expanding the area’s capability to mitigate hazards in
the future.
Goals should be developed on a case by case basis for each planning area to reflect local
conditions, needs and desires. Hazard mitigation planning goals could include:
 to manage development so the locality’s future vulnerability does not exceed its
present degree of vulnerability natural hazards.
 to enable all residents to safely evacuate the area if faced by a hurricane threat.
 to improve communications capability between various government agencies and
Goals should also be cross-cutting in areas of public interest in addition to hazard mitigation. For
instance, hazard mitigation plan goals can support such principles as improving water quality,
sustaining farmland, preserving natural areas, etc.

Objectives provide intermediate steps toward achieving a goal. Objectives are more tangible and
specific than goals and may be quantified. It may be easiest to think of objectives as a
progression of steps toward a goal. Objectives may be used as a checklist. When an objective is
accomplished, it may be checked off and progress oriented toward accomplishing another
objective. Whereas goals are general statements that may never be fully realized, objectives
should be capable of being realized. Typically, several objectives are identified for each goal that
is developed.
To continue with one example used above, consider the goal of restricting future vulnerability to
hurricane threat to the level of present vulnerability. Objectives to accomplish that goal might
include some of the following:
 revising local building and development ordinances to require construction practices
which have been determined to result in decreased damages from hurricanes;
 prohibiting development in areas particularly vulnerable to storm surge, high winds
and flooding; and
 tying new development to provision of additional highway travel lanes, to maintain a
particular level of emergency evacuation capacity.

Plan Formulation IV-15

Objectives can and should be structured so that they serve multiple community interests. The
objective of prohibiting development in high hazard areas, for instance, accomplishes the goal of
restricting future vulnerability as well as preserving natural areas.

Alternative Means to Accomplish Goals and Objectives

In most cases there is not a single means to best accomplish goals and objectives of a mitigation
plan. There may be several methods to accomplish a given end. Some methods may involve a
high financial cost, other methods may require great use of volunteer contributions of time and
effort. Still other methods may require a high degree of intergovernmental cooperation. There is
no one method that can be applied universally. Therefore, each mitigation plan will have to
develop and evaluate a unique series of actions and policies to implement its plan and
accomplish its goals.
Communities should carefully explore all available alternatives to determine those which will
work best for that particular area. A series of brainstorming sessions may be necessary to gather
a wide range of possibilities. Weigh area needs, capabilities, commitments of financial,
personnel and material resources and decide on the best methods to use to accomplish the
objectives. Discuss the potential methods with everyone involved in the mitigation planning
effort. In this way, not only will a consensus of opinion develop, there will also be a sense of
ownership of the plan by all the stakeholders involved in developing, implementing and
contributing to the plan.
Each possible mitigation measure should be reviewed, and all options should be listed in an
appendix to the plan. The appendix should also include a description of the criteria used to select
the alternatives that will be made a part of the plan. According to the criteria, some alternatives
may not be practical or appropriate; others may be unacceptable in the community. This too
should be noted in the appendix. Possible questions to raise to evaluate mitigation alternatives
include the following:
 Is the measure technically appropriate for the particular hazard for which it is
 Does the measure support or hinder any of the plan’s goals or objectives?
 Do the measure’s benefits equal or exceed its cost?
 Is it affordable?
 Is there available funding?
 Will it comply with all local state and federal regulations?
 Does it have a beneficial or neutral impact on the environment?

When developing alternative means to accomplish goals and objectives, several windows of
opportunity should be considered. There are many different times at which hazard mitigation
efforts can be integrated with other community planning and development activities. Some
windows of opportunity occur in day-to-day activities, projects, preparation for hazard events,
response to hazard events and recovery efforts. A chart like the one that follows can be an

IV-16 Hazard Mitigation Planning

integral part of determining such windows of opportunity. By identifying opportunities in this
manner, officials and planners can make maximum use of all potential mitigation opportunities.
Develop appropriate means of mitigating each of the different natural hazards under each
window of opportunity. Concentrate on developing strategies to mitigate those hazards that pose
the greatest risk to the planning area, to which the area is most vulnerable and to which your
response capability is in need of greatest improvement.

Means of Achieving Goals and Objectives

Hazard Windows of Opportunity

Day-to-Day Projects Preparation Response Recovery




When considering day to day activities, the window of opportunity is always open, except
during hazard events. Typical actions that could be included in this category would be
administration of the building or development code, keeping drainage ditches clear of debris and
ensuring emergency communication devices are in proper working order.
When considering projects, the primary question to address is: how will this project affect the
future vulnerability of the locality? Projects are most effective if they will result in a reduction
of vulnerability to hazard events in the future. Examples of this type of action include siting
public structures in areas with a relatively low vulnerability to natural hazards, promoting the
use of underground utility lines in new development, stabilization of sand dunes in coastal areas.
Preparation activities involve at least two types of activities. Structural activities include actions
to prepare for the imminent arrival of a hazard event, such as putting up storm shutters and
sandbagging. Non-structural activities involve taking steps to minimize damage to personal
property and to minimize harm to individuals. For instance, anchoring boats and storing yard

Plan Formulation IV-17

furniture in sheds prior to the arrival of a hurricane will lessen the chance of damage to personal
property. Following recommendations to evacuate an area will lessen the chance of harm to
Response activities are those actions that occur during or immediately following the hazard
event. While these actions may be planned events, specific actions will depend on the severity,
location, effects and details of a particular hazard event. Response activities are those practiced
during emergency preparedness for recovery actions during this time.
Recovery activities are those activities that take place in the aftermath of a hazard event. Years
of natural hazard disasters have demonstrated that it is easy to implement many ad hoc projects
whose sum is less than the total of their parts because of a lack of a comprehensive plan of
action. If a comprehensive mitigation strategy has been developed slowly, building on a series of
day-to-day activities to create a deliberate plan, recovery efforts may result in achieving not only
immediate restoration of normal activity in the area, but also changes to procedures which will
result in a reduction of the vulnerability of the area to and an increase in its capability to deal
with, future hazard events.

Plans, Policies and Programs

Once goals have been developed and objectives for each goal have been identified, then plans,
policies and programs may be developed and implemented, drawing on the alternatives for
achieving goals and objectives that had previously been analyzed and found feasible. The
selected measures should appear in the plan itself; in fact, this is the heart of any plan that is
meant to do something. Research has provided the knowledge to develop a broad spectrum of
mitigation measures that can reduce the impact of natural disasters on the built environment.
These actions include both structural and non-structural mitigation, such as land use planning
and management, engineering, building standards, codes and practices and insurance. Select
those alternatives judged most effective in terms of mitigation multiple hazards and
accomplishing multiple objectives. Not all mitigation efforts will be able to accomplish multiple
objectives; the idea is to try to maximize the effects of those strategies and actions that are
undertaken by all localities.
Policies. Policies are principles of hazard mitigation, derived from goals, but targeted more
directly at what the government can do to attain its goals. Policies are typically stated as actions,
using verbs, rather than simply statements of goals or objectives. Policies can be classified as
either avoidance or resilience, depending upon the result they are designed to achieve.
Avoidance policies are those that are intended to remove at-risk structures from the line of
danger, so that the impact of a natural hazard is avoided. Resilience policies call for activities
that make buildings better able to withstand the impact of natural hazards. Policies may be
adopted in a wide range of planning areas, including:
 growth and/or development management—where and how growth and development
will be encouraged or discouraged to take place, to best serve mitigation efforts;
 environmental protection—what critical environmental areas merit special protection
from development, to reduce future vulnerability to natural hazards;

IV-18 Hazard Mitigation Planning

 fiscal—how will the costs of mitigation strategies be distributed among various
populations, including existing residents, future residents, those moving to the area,
landowners, industry, etc.;
 transportation—where should transportation improvements be implemented to
enhance the ability to mitigate hazards. For example, what highways should be
targeted for increased capacity to allow for quicker evacuation from areas at high risk
to flooding;
 communications—how should private and public development be coordinated to
assure that an effective communications network is developed and implemented to
assure communication between local and state officials and the public during hazard
events; and
 the planning process—what time frame(s) will be adopted for accomplishing specific
actions, what should be the degree of public involvement in the planning process,
how could local efforts be coordinated into regional mitigation efforts in the future.
Programs and Plans. Programs and plans of action are the heart of any plan. These are made up
of strategies that have been developed as specific methods to accomplish goals and objectives.
The following programs could be incorporated into a comprehensive natural hazard mitigation
• A program of recommendations for changes to local development codes to lessen damage
from natural hazard events which impact the area. Such recommendations might include
changes to existing subdivision, zoning and other development regulations, or
recommendations for adoption of a newly developed unified code guiding development.
Recommendations could address hazard mitigation measures to be required as part of
development approval; procedures for reviewing and approving development permit
applications; tailoring standards for the type, density and allowable impacts of
development to the sensitivity of the proposed development location; site plan and
construction practice requirements, perhaps incorporating performance standards and
possibly requirements for exactions and impact fees, to encourage particular types, site
designs and construction practices of development to achieve development that will not
increase the area’s future vulnerability to natural hazards.
• An infrastructure program, specifying the locations, sequence, timing and distribution of
improvements and additions to transportation, utility and communications networks to
assist in mitigating the effects of hazards and reduce future vulnerability to such hazards.
Recommendations developed as part of this program should be integrated into local
capital improvement plans for transportation and communication facilities and protection
of critical environmental areas.
• A program to acquire property rights to critical pieces of property either in fee simple or
through easements to protect sensitive areas from development and to prevent a dramatic
increase in the area’s future vulnerability. This program should also be integrated into the
local public sector investment plan.

Plan Formulation IV-19

• A program to increase local capability to respond to natural hazard events. Such
programs could include training activities, increased preparedness planning actions and
preparation of a multi-year budget for acquiring equipment used in mitigation efforts.
A successful hazard mitigation plan should specify content, geographic coverages, timing,
assignment of responsibility and coordination of the various parts of the plan. Content involves a
statement of pertinent regulations and other exercises of governmental power, such as taxation
and fees, or acquisition, which will be used to achieve the desired results. Plans may adopt
strategies to control the rate of growth in environmentally sensitive areas, or areas with limited
evacuation capability, delineating preferred growth areas and development of small area plans
for special environmental areas.
The geographic coverage of the plan should include maps showing locations of proposed
infrastructure improvements or expansions, areas where different impact fees or service fees
apply, areas where restrictions apply, such as floodplains or conservation zones; and areas where
incentives apply, such as receiving zones for transfer of development rights.
Timing balances the desired effects of the pace and location of development with limitations of
governmental resources. For example, a timing strategy might propose that the simpler, more
vital and more complementary mitigation measures be adopted and implemented first.
Responsibility must be designated for designing specific standards and procedures, overseeing
adoption and implementation of policies and programs. The lead agency for each program or
action should be specified and shared responsibilities should be stated explicitly.
The hazard analysis and alternative means to achieve goals and objectives that were completed
earlier should feed into your decisions when formulating the plans, policies and programs
section of the hazard mitigation plan. For instance, hazards which were identified as posing a
low risk would not be addressed by many, if any, actions. Hazards which pose a high risk, to
which the area is particularly vulnerable, or with which the area has little capability, would
receive the greatest attention and would generate the greatest number of activities to be
accomplished. All too often, immediate restorative actions take place following a severe hazard
event. Rather than react to an event, planners and officials should proactively plan for all
hazards that are likely to affect the area. Mitigation efforts should not be targeted to a specific
event; rather, mitigation strategies and actions should improve the jurisdiction’s capability to
respond to related events.

IV-20 Hazard Mitigation Planning

Section V.
Adoption, Implementation, Monitoring and Evaluation
To be enforceable policy, a local hazard mitigation plan must be adopted by the legislative body
of the government. A series of recommendations made by planning staff would not have nearly
the impact as will an official document that lays out the government's policies regarding
mitigation. The plan should be adopted according to the custom and laws for passing all such
legal devices in that jurisdiction.
After a hazard mitigation plan has been developed and adopted, it is important to continually
track the progress of mitigation actions and evaluate how the proposals contained in the plan
work in practice. Planners and other officials involved in hazard mitigation must monitor the
implementation of the plan and evaluate its effectiveness, to recommend additional mitigation
actions and make periodic revisions to the plan.
Monitoring and evaluation are the ongoing processes of compiling information on the outcomes
resulting from implementation of a hazard mitigation plan. This process measures progress in
achieving goals, objectives and policies. Through the monitoring and evaluation process,
revisions needed to respond to changes in regional and local conditions may be identified.
Planning conditions are constantly changing; mitigation plans must also change in response to
changes brought about through increased development, changes in technology and changes in
mitigation capability.
The primary question to be addressed in monitoring and evaluating hazard mitigation plans is:
has the area’s vulnerability increased or decreased as a result of planning and mitigation efforts?
Where vulnerability has decreased, planners should determine if other methods could be used to
achieve even greater improvement in reducing the area’s vulnerability. Where vulnerability has
increased, or has not decreased as projected, mitigation efforts must be evaluated to determine if
other mitigation strategies might provide greater effectiveness than those currently in use.
In designing a monitoring and evaluation system, select the plan objectives that will be tracked.
Those objectives should include indicators that will track mitigation efforts that have the greatest
importance. Since most localities will be unable to monitor all hazard mitigation efforts, high
priority objectives should be identified. These objectives should include the more important
mitigation programs, programs that mitigate hazards that occur with the greatest frequency and
programs which have lower confidence in the certainty of outcomes. Programs that have less
certain outcomes should be tracked carefully to determine if the outcome is indeed similar to that
which was predicted. If the outcome is different than that predicted, the program should be
evaluated and altered as necessary.

Adoption, Implementation, Monitoring and Evaluation V-1

Section VI.
Revisions and Updates
A hazard mitigation plan should be revised whenever a flaw is detected and updated on a regular
basis. Revisions are necessary to correct flaws that are discovered in the plan. No plan, however
perfect in concept, will be perfect in execution. There are always some contingencies that cannot
be foreseen, or events that cannot be predicted. Revisions will make changes necessary to better
fit the plan to real-life situations.
Updates address changes which have taken place in the planning area. Changes may result from
additional development, implementation of mitigation efforts, development of new mitigation
processes and changes to statutes and regulations. Additional development in an area may result
in an increase, little change, or a decrease in that area’s vulnerability to natural hazards
depending on the location, type and design of that development.
Implementation of mitigation efforts should result in a decrease of an area’s vulnerability to
natural hazards, but this decrease should be evaluated relative to other changes that may have
increased vulnerability. On balance, have mitigation efforts resulted in an overall decrease in
vulnerability, or have those efforts been overshadowed by changes that have produced a net
increase in vulnerability. Natural hazard mitigation is evolving. Mitigation programs and
strategies are under continuous development and refinement. Periodic revision of mitigation
plans will help to insure that local mitigation efforts include the latest and most effective
mitigation programs and strategies.
There is not one specific interval that can be recommended for updating every hazard mitigation
plan. Updates to a mitigation plan will be subject to availability of resources. Some localities
have more personnel, financial and technical resources available for planning than others. Some
areas are subject to more frequent and/or more damaging hazards than others.

Revisions and Updates VI-1

Caribbean Disaster Mitigation Project

The Caribbean Disaster Mitigation Project (CDMP) is a coordinated effort to promote the
adoption of natural disaster mitigation and preparedness practices by both the public and private
sectors in the Caribbean region through a series of activities carried out over a five-year period.
The CDMP is funded by the USAID Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance (OFDA) and
implemented by the Organization of American States/Unit of Sustainable Development and
Environment (OAS/USDE) for the USAID Caribbean Regional Program (USAID/CRP).
The CDMP provides a framework for collaboration with the Caribbean region to establish
sustainable public and private sector mechanisms for natural disaster mitigation that will
measurably lessen loss of life, reduce the potential for physical and economic damage, and
shorten the disaster recovery period over the long term. Project activities vary according to
location, contents and implementation strategy, but all contribute to attainment of the overall
CDMP goal: a more disaster-resistant environment for the people who live, work and invest in
this hazard-prone region.
Project activities include: 1) natural hazard risk audits for electrical utilities and other
infrastructure systems and key lifeline facilities; 2) hazard mapping to support improved
planning and location of physical development; 3) promotion of loss reduction incentives and
hazard mitigation in the property insurance industry; 4) assisting countries to adopt improved
building standards and practices and training of builders, architects and artisans in their use; 5)
stimulating community-based disaster preparedness and mitigation efforts with support of the
private sector, and, 6) post disaster mitigation planning and program design.
The CDMP will build on past and ongoing regional initiatives in disaster preparedness and
mitigation, and will promote technology transfer and institutional capacity building through
direct involvement of professional associations, bankers, builders, insurance companies and
reinsurers, NGOs, PVOs, community groups and government organizations in project activities.
For further information please contact:
Mr. Jan Vermeiren, Project Manager Ms. Jennifer Worrell Campbell, Regional Disaster Advisor
Organization of American States Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance
Unit of Sustainable Development and U.S. Agency for International Development
Environment 2 Haining Road
1889 F Street N.W. Kingston 5, Jamaica
Washington, D.C. 20006 Phone: (876) 926-4998
Phone: (202) 458-3006 Fax: (876) 929-9944
Fax: (202) 458-3560 E-mail: [email protected]
E-mail: [email protected]

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