This document contains a bibliography or list of 18 references related to cerebral circulation disorders and stroke. The references are mostly from books and journals in Indonesian as well as some online sources. They cover topics such as the pathophysiology, diagnosis, treatment and management of ischemic stroke.
This document contains a bibliography or list of 18 references related to cerebral circulation disorders and stroke. The references are mostly from books and journals in Indonesian as well as some online sources. They cover topics such as the pathophysiology, diagnosis, treatment and management of ischemic stroke.
This document contains a bibliography or list of 18 references related to cerebral circulation disorders and stroke. The references are mostly from books and journals in Indonesian as well as some online sources. They cover topics such as the pathophysiology, diagnosis, treatment and management of ischemic stroke.
This document contains a bibliography or list of 18 references related to cerebral circulation disorders and stroke. The references are mostly from books and journals in Indonesian as well as some online sources. They cover topics such as the pathophysiology, diagnosis, treatment and management of ischemic stroke.
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darah otak dalam Kapita selekta neurology cetakan keenameditor Harsono. Yogyakarta: Gadjah Mada university press, 2007; hal: 81-115. 2. Sutrisno, Alfred. Stroke? You Must Know Before you Get It!. Jakarta: PT. Gramedia Pustaka Utama, 2007; hal: 1-13 3. Feigin, Valery. Stroke Panduan Bergambar Tentang Pencegahan dan Pemulihan Stroke. Jakarta: PT. Bhuana Ilmu Populer, 2006. 4. Mansjoer A, Suprohaita, Wardhani WI, Setiowulan W, editor. Kapita selekta kedokteran fkui jilid 2. Jakarta: Media Aesculapius, 2000; hal. 17-18. 5. Widjaja AC. Uji diagnostik pemeriksaan kadar d-dimer plasma pada diagnosis stroke iskemik. UNDIP. Semarang. 2010. Tersedia di (diakses 11 Maret 2019) 6. Price SA, Wilson LM. Patofisiologi konsep klinis proses-proses penyakit jilid 2. Jakarta: EGC, 2006; hal. 1110-19. 7. Hassmann KA. Stroke, Ischemic. [Online]. Tersedia di : 11 Maret 2019) 8. Mardjono M, Sidharta P. Neurologi klinis dasar. Jakarta: Penerbit Dian Rakyat, 2010; hal 270, 287, 290-93. 9. Swartz MH. Buku ajar diagnostic fisik.Jakarta: EGC, 2002; hal. 359-98. 10. Januar R. Karakteristik penderita stroke non hemorage yang di rawat inap di rsu herna medan tahun 2002. FKM USU. Medan. 2002. 11. Hassmann KA. Stroke, Ischemic. Tersedia di : 11 Maret 2019) 12. Rubenstein D, Waine D & Bradley J. Kedokteran Klinis Edisi Ke 6. Jakarta: Penerbit Erlangga, 2005; hal. 98-99.Hassmann KA. Stroke Ischemic. Tersedia di : (Diakses 11 Maret 2019) 13. Aulya Farra Ramadany, Listyo Asist Pujarini, Anika Candrasari 2010. Hubungan Diabetes Melitus Dengan Kejadian Stroke Iskemik Di Rsud Dr. Moewardi Surakarta Tahun 2010. Fakultas Kedokteran, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta 14. Morgan GE, Mikhail MS. Clinical Anesthesiology. 4th ed. Appleton & Lange Stamford. 2006 15. Ricci S, Celani MG, Cantisani AT, Righetti E. 2012, Piracetam for acute ischaemic stroke. Cochrane.; CD000419 Tersedia di (Diakses 12 Maret 2019) 16. PubChem, 2017, U.S. National Library of Medicine: Captopril.; Tersedia di: (Diakses 12 Maret 2019) 17. Anand, B., Kumar, V. & Sivasubramanian, L., 2011. Simultaneous Estimation of Ramipril and Amlodipine in Pharmaceutical Dosage Form by RP-HPLC Method. International Journal of Pharmacyand Pharmaceutical Sciences, 3(4), pp. 196-198. Tersedia di, (Diakses 04 Maret 2019) 18. Penggunaan antiplatelet (aspirin) pada akut stroke iskemik Said alfin khalilullah, neurology departement dr. Zainoel Abidin Teaching Hospital, Faculty of Medicine University of Syiah Kuala 2011