10-Mostafa ... New Questions & Its Answer-1
10-Mostafa ... New Questions & Its Answer-1
10-Mostafa ... New Questions & Its Answer-1
ا شز ن ن ن ا من ن ن الااس ن ننهللازا شكن ن ن صالااس ن ننهللازا ا ا ن ننهللازا اشكن ن ن ا ش ن ننشمجهاد ش ن ننشم ج ا ن ن ن اح ن ن ن
د ملتمين ن ن ن وادص ن ن ن ن دلع ادلزجن ن ن ن ا ن ن ن ن امن ن ن ن ا ن ن ن ن ا ش ن ن ن ن اش م ن ن ن ن ا ا طن ن ن ن ا اشكن ن ن ن ادش ن ن ن ن ا د ا
م ن ن ن ن ا ن ن ن ن ام ن ن ن ن س ا ن ن ن ن امن ن ن ن ا ا شك ن ن ن ن اداع ا شت ف ن ن ن ننهللاادع ا كج ن ن ن ن ا اص ن ن ن ن د اح ن ن ن ن
لطك تع ا
# Dec – Exam-2017
1. The facilitator role in the team :
A- Focus in people
B- follow process
C- Focus on data
D- Follow time line
طب ااPareto رعيا كت رام تص ام ا
histogram ت اللع ا خ ل ام ا م ك امختجف ا ب ىا ضتب اتم م اcategorical عا ش ت ا ك
ا ا ش زضا ك ا ا هللا االافظ ا ابظاتظ ا مكpie طب اكجك ا رفي ا اproportion ش زضا
ا مث اح ام ك ا تتامنع اpareto ق ئم ا ظ ا ادك ا م ا اPareto ) دbar يا م هاسيا(ا
others داnursing دphysician referral داhome ش خ ل اض ها
12. Organizational culture best assessed by :
1-incorporate administration and medical activities
2-Behavioural align with core values
3-integrate all patient care level in the organization strategic plan
ااطب ااB رعيا كت رام تص ام ا
18.An emergency department’s quality improvement report for the
first quarter of the year showed the following: The role of Health
care quality professional? (( Goal of 1% of errors in Care
A- Identify the causes of data review
B. Review the admission
C. Redesign the process of discharge.
D. Continue to monitor the treatment
leapfrog أسئلة
ا نيا ك ف اpay for performance االا ه اك فاتحط ا هاالاطب ها ا شبر مجا مل زدفا ش ف ام شطؤ ا
.. ا هه الطب شطبيب
ا شثجث ا ملذك رهاتص حابظا ا شا د اد ل هافيع ا ادمب ع ا ا شهللا ش تيا م ا ا د ا ط بارعيا ا لخط
ف اbenchmarking ا نياقب ام ات تر ا ز مجات ر بياشجطب ها داتزد اتبحثا اdefine the problem خط و
ا نياphysician profiles اج رو ام اق ض ا ه االاطب ه ا لح ش اطب ام ا الاد ا ا ملسكج ا ا ب ى ا
دantibiotics use دblood use دmorbidity ا كج ا اد كmortality rate ف امثجا
افيع ا م ا اك د اخط ها س اص زفا يا ادطmeasures فاك اmedical records completion
.. تا شاتص حا
5. primary activity of risk management is:
A-use occurrence to facilitate QI
B-Take corrective actions to minimize the risk
Q3. what is the best visualized tool used to display incident of fall
monthly in the past year :
A) pareto
B) flow chart
C) Bar chart
D) Run chart