MK GANDHI EXPOSED and Global Politics

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Probably the best expose on MK gandhi .& a deep

look into global politics. Vegetarianism , radical
green environmentalism = agenda of the globalists to
make the people weak & take over the world
/natural resources . Gandhi was an occultist
theosophist freemason. His London diary is
missing but 20 pages . he described his initiation into 3rd
degree freemasonry but in coded language . he
supposedly wrote so much . but he forgets to mention
the role of freemasonry , rothschilds , the role of secret
socities . he propagated/promoted feminine ideologies .
passive resistence , nonviolence . but he never
practised them .when his masters wanted he was
more than willing to kill the innocents . he was a
hardcore racist and never hid it . he allied himself
openly with all the top racist fascist brital dictators and
he praised them openly . salt is the child of sun and sea
or fire and water and in occult esoteric lore its feminine
. that must be the reason why he had salt satyagraha . he
was a complete british agent , a trained mason . who
talked through both sides of his mouth and the ignorant
people believed him blindly . as always .

MY blogsite
Godse was raised as a girl

MK Gandhi is NOT father of nation officially . Hindi
is NOT national language officially. Hindi & English
are the 2 official languages of India . Hindi &
Malayalam are predominantly Sanskrit – 80%.

Josiah Oldfield was married but his wife refused to live

with him because he was a ‘crank’ and a ‘sexual

He was well acquainted with the Theosophical Society

in England, South Africa, and India, and knew such
prominent Theosophists as Helena Petrovna Blavatsky,
Annie Besant, and Sir S. Subramania Iyer. // In
November 1889, he was then introduced to Madame
Blavatsky and Annie Besant // He the began to read
Theosophical literature and related works, such as The
Light of Asia by Edwin Arnold and Blavatsky's The
Key to Theosophy.[ // As Gandhi mentions, Besant's
becoming a Theosophist encouraged his abandonment
of atheism .// Gandhi then became engaged in several
organizations that promoted vegetarianism, along with
Edwin Arnold and Josiah Oldfield, who shared rooms

with Gandhi for a time. He attended the funeral of

Charles Bradlaugh, Annie Besant's mentor, on
January 30, 1891. // I came in close contact with
almost every theosophist. in SA . // Gandhi and his
wife visited the Theosophical Society headquarters in
Adyar in 1915. // Practically all the leading Indians of
Madras — Hindus and Musalmans — were present //
MKG: "Yes," he replied "When in South Africa I
worked with Major Peacock in the building-up of the
Theosophical Movement. I am still a Theosophist // but
I am not in sympathy with the Movement. I am not in
favor of any institution which fosters secrecy. Any
secret training or discipline like that practised in the
inner school of Theosophy offends my democratic
sympathies. //

The Malthusian League was founded as a result of the

trial to promote birth control. He was a member of a
Masonic lodge in Bolton, although he was later to
resign due to the nomination of the Prince of Wales as
Grand Master.
The Cause of Humanity': Charles Bradlaugh and
Freemasonry, Professor Andrew Prescott .
Charles Bradlaugh - A Record of his Life and Work,
Volume 1 By J.M. Robertson CHAPTER XX. A
FREEMASON. As Mr Bradlaugh was very much tied

to London after 1862 on account of his business first in

a solicitor's office, and then in the city, he was unable
for a few years to lecture so frequently in the country.
Saturdays and Sundays were almost his only
opportunities for provincial speaking, but these he
utilised to the fullest extent that the claims of his
London friends would permit. Quite a large proportion
of his lectures were given for the pecuniary benefit of
some person or cause in need of help. Very often, too,
during this period his health gave way. City work for
his livelihood, writing, lecturing, and debating for his
opinions' sake, rushes to France, Italy, or Germany, and
night travelling before the days when long railway
journeys were made easy—were a heavy tax on even
his strength. And in addition to this, which I might call
the general routine of his life, he had the occasional
duty of defending his rights in the Law Courts against
both Government and private individuals, and the
anxiety of a Parliamentary candidature. Amongst those
lectures given away was one in August 1862 on
"Freemasonry," under the auspices of the Reformed
Rite of Memphis, for the benefit of the family of a
deceased brother Mason. In November of the same year
he, as Orator of the Grand Lodge des Philadelphes,
waited upon the Lord Mayor with two others as a
deputation from their Lodge to present £14 5s. to the
fund of the distressed operatives in Lancashire. Of this
sum £9 was a donation made in the name of Garibaldi,
and the further £5 5s. by the Lodge of which Garibaldi
was a member, as they proudly put it. I have made a

special note of these early appearances of Mr Bradlaugh

in his Masonic capacity, because his having been a
Freemason has often been called in question, although I
have before me some documents which ought to
convince even the most incredulous. The first informs
"all whom it may concern ... that our Brother[Pg 204]
Charles Bradlaugh, born in Hackney (England), who
has signed his name in the margin hereof, was regularly
received into Freemasonry and admitted to the third
degree in the Grand Lodge of the Philadelphs." This
certificate is dated from London the 9th of March 1859,
and is very much stamped and signed with eleven
signatures (exclusive of Mr Bradlaugh's), with a seal
attached to it by a blue ribbon. His sponsor for this
initiation was his dear and venerated friend Simon
Bernard.[73] The second document in my possession,
also signed with a dozen or more signatures, is a
"diplôme de Maître" (diploma of Master) granted by the
Grand Orient of France upon the demand of the "R ⁂ L
⁂ La Persévérante Amitié or ⁂ de Paris." This
diploma is dated the 15th May 1862. The third is a
much later document, and is to the following effect:—
"Sur la demande presentée par la R. L. Union et
Persévérance o⁂ Paris l'effet d'obtenir un diplôme de
Maître pour le F. Charles Bradlaugh né à Londres le 26
7bre, 1833, demeurant à Londres membre reçu
d'honneur. Le Grand Orient a delivré au F. Charles
Bradlaugh le présent diplôme de Maître. "Donné a l'O
⁂ de Paris le 4 Novembre 1884 (E. V.)" It is signed by
M. Cousin, Président du Conseil de l'Ordre, the

Secretary, officers of the R. L. Union et Persévérance,

and others. Mr Bradlaugh belonged also to an English
lodge affiliated to the Grand Lodge of England. He was
received at Tottenham at the special request of the
Lodge in the early part of the sixties, I believe, but I
possess none of the usual certificates: these he returned
to[Pg 205] his Lodge when the Prince of Wales was
made Past Grand Master. When it was announced that
the lodges of England were about to honour the Prince
of Wales "with a dignity he had done nothing to earn,"
Mr Bradlaugh addressed to him "a letter from a French,
Italian, and English Freemason." This letter was
published in the National Reformer, and afterwards
reissued in pamphlet form. It was read by his Mother
Lodge, La Loge des Philadelphes, and gave such
unqualified satisfaction that an address of approval was
sent him from the Lodge. The pamphlet had a very
extensive circulation, and went through several editions.
In March 1874 my father made a fine speech at the
annual banquet at the Loge des Philadelphes. It fell to
him to speak to the toast, the "loyal" toast of the Lodge,
"To the Oppressed of all Nations." The oppressed of
Italy, of Spain, of France, of England, of Germany,
were each separately remembered, and then he carried
the toast on "To the oppressed of all nations: to the
women everywhere; to the mothers, who with freer
brains would nurse less credulous sons; to the wives,
who with fuller thoughts would be higher companions
through life's journeyings; to the sisters and daughters,
who with greater right might work out higher duty, and

with fuller training do more useful work; to woman, our

teacher as well as nurse; our guide as well as child-
bearer; our counsellor as well as drudge. To the
oppressed of all nations: to those who are oppressed the
most in that they know it least; to the ignorant and
contented under wrong, who make oppression possible
by the passiveness, the inertness of their endurance. To
the memories of the oppressed in the past, whose graves
—if faggot and lime have left a body to bury—are
without mark save on the monuments of memory, more
enduring than marble, erected in such temples by truer
toast-givers than myself. To these we drink, sadly and
gratefully; to the oppressed of the present—to those that
struggle that they may win; to those that yet are still,
that they may struggle; to the future, that in it there may
be no need to drink this toast." At this time when
English Freemasons chose to cast doubts upon the
reality of Mr Bradlaugh's membership, Freemasons on
the other side of the Atlantic welcomed him to their
Lodges. While visiting Boston, Mr Bradlaugh was by
special invitation of the Columbian and Adelphi Lodges
present at their Masonic festivals. The last occasion
should almost be looked upon as[Pg 206] historic, as far
as the annals of Freemasonry are concerned, since it
was a special festival in honour of the installation of
Joshua B. Smith as Junior Warden of the Adelphi
Lodge, South Boston, the first coloured Freemason
elected to hold office in any regular Lodge. Eight years
before[74] the St Andrew's Lodge had made Mr Smith
and six other coloured men Freemasons, with the idea

that they should establish a coloured men's Lodge, but

the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts would not issue the
warrant. In the interval Joshua B. Smith, already a
Justice of the Peace, was elected to the Senate, and
joined the Adelphi Lodge, which now took this
opportunity of showing him honour. Mr Bradlaugh
himself always liked to remember that he was a "Free
and accepted mason," and the outward and visible sign
of that is to be found in the fact that he almost
invariably selected the Masonic Boys' School as the
charity to be benefited by any money paid as damages
for libelling his personal character.
Charles Bradlaugh: A Victorian Apostle of
Freethought and Atheism
Bradlaugh-and-Freemasonry-2003 --
freemasonry and the history of labour party in
london www.freemasons-

The Aryan Theosophical Society or ATS was an

important group founded in 1883 in New York City by
William Quan Judge and others.[1] Its members

provided a base for the headquarters for the American

Section of the Theosophical Society, and support for
production of The Path and publications of the Aryan
Theosophical Press.

 Lawrance de Salvador " Who killed Gandhi " ?

Published in 1964 -- banned in india .
I owe much to the Theosophical friends among whom I
have many. Whatever critics may say against Madame
Blavatsky, or Col. Olcott or Dr. Besant, their
contribution to humanity will always rank high. What
has been a bar to my joining the society is its secret side
— its occultism. It has never appealed to me.'
m Gandhi on Blavatsky and Theosophy
and-theosophy/ Indian Leader Had Direct Contact
With the Esoteric Movement Carlos Cardoso Aveline --
Although Gandhi was a Hindu, his interest in Hinduism
was only started through his contact with theosophists.

He contributed substantially to the activities of the

Theosophical Society of Southern Africa —
Johannesburg Lodge. While he apparently never
became an official member of that Society, he did give
several engaging talks there on the major religions of
India. Gandhi’s association with Theosophists
continued in India from 1915 until his death in 1948.
He interacted frequently with Theosophists in the
pursuit of Indian Independence and often collaborated
with Shri B. P. Wadia, an eminent Theosophist and
Labor Union spokesman. Gandhi freely acknowledged
the historical fact that one of the co-founders of the
Indian National Congress, A.O. Hume, was a
Theosophist. He later repeated his recognition of
Theosophy’s seminal contribution to the Indian
Independence Movement when he said: “In the
beginning, the top Indian National Congress leaders
were Theosophists.” // “Theosophy is the teaching of
Madame Blavatsky… Theosophy is the brotherhood of
man.” // Gandhi was, in effect, making it clear that
H.P. Blavatsky was the only true voice of Theosophy //
Theosophical motto taken from the Maharaja of
Benares: “There is no religion higher than Truth.” // his
Foreword to Sophia Wadia’s book, The Brotherhood of
Religions // his reaction to the Bihar earthquake of
1934. After the earthquake, Gandhi publically
commented that, in his view, the earthquake was caused
by the sin of untouchability practiced by most caste
Hindus. Rationalists everywhere were thunder-struck
and dismayed by this statement and so was Gandhi’s

close friend, Rabindranath Tagore. The latter publically

chastised Gandhi and stated, “… physical catastrophes
have their inevitable and exclusive origin in certain
combinations of physical facts.” // It is interesting, is
it not, that Gandhi’s view on the earthquake parallels
Aphorism # 30 in William Q. Judge’s “Aphorisms on
Karma” (communicated to Judge by H.P.B.) Aphorism
# 30 reads: “Karma operates to produce cataclysms of
nature by concatenation through the mental and astral
planes of being. A cataclysm may be traced to an
immediate physical cause such as internal fire and
atmospheric disturbance, but these have been brought
on by the disturbance created through the dynamic
power of human thought.” // To Gandhi, the real
enemy the subtler and more subversive enemy of man
is “modern civilization”. ‘Modern civilization’ can
be characterized as a pervasive state of mind in which
we are hypnotized by the glamor and glitter of
materiality – a point that is compellingly made by
H.P.B. in her article, Civilization: the Death of Art and
Beauty. // one of his historical heroes was Socrates.
Gandhi apparently read some of Plato’s early dialogues.
For a certainty, he read Plato’s Apology. Gandhi was
deeply impressed by the character of Socrates. The
latter was a sterling example of one who non-violently
suffered for the sake of truth and right. Socrates was, to
Gandhi, a true satyagrahi, a solitary Prometheus who
held on to truth for the sake of lifting up his fellow man.
Gandhi’s admiration for Socrates was so great that he
published his own translation-summary of Plato’s

Apology in Guajarati as a means of galvanizing the

Indian community in South Africa to engage in civil
disobedience. His rendition of the Apology (which
means “defense” in Greek) appeared in his periodical,
“Indian Opinion” in 1908. //

Though European Freemasonry already grabbed hold

of the Indian area of the Subcontinent soil during the
early part of the 18th century such as in Goa and
Calcutta, it was not until a few decades afterwards that
the first Masonic lodge found its home in Rawalpindi.
The name of the lodge was "Light in the Himalayas"
and it was under the headship of the notorious Grand

Lodge of Scotland. For those who already have done

research on this vast subject before, they might be
familiar with the fact that Scotland is also known as the
"Headquarters of Occultism". It's the very place
wherein centuries ago, the Knights Templars or
"Knights of the Temple of Solomon" found their home.
The Knights were actually the descendants of the last
remaining Crusader forces, who by the course of time
started engaging in ultra-esoteric i.e. Satanic activities.
/// The first Grand Lodge of London had been formed
circa 1716 C.E. In less than twenty years after that,
Freemasonry found new homes in the Indian
subcontinent. One of the most ancient overseas lodges
was established in the city of Calcutta, present day
India. It was named as the Order of the Star in the
East, Lodge No. 67. According to authentic Masonic
records of the Grand Lodge of U.K., the overseas
movement of the English and Scottish Masonic lodges
was strongest in South Africa, India and (pre-
partition) Pakistan. The District Grand Lodge of
Punjab was established somewhere near the end of the
18th century. Lord Horatio Herbert Kitchener, who was
a British Army General and statesman, was a member
of the British Union Lodge No. 114 in Ipswich,
England. He had also maintained headship of the
District Grand Lodge of Punjab before his retirement. [[

st Full text of "The early history of Freemasonry in
Bengal and the Punjab; with which is incorporated "The
early history of Freemasonry in Bengal" by Andrew
D'Cruz by Walter Kelly Firminger"
rlyhistoryoffr00firmuoft_djvu.txt Freemasonry in
British India 1728-1888
ritish_India_1728-1888 From Britain to India:
Freemasonry as a Connective Force of Empire ]]

B.R. Ambedkar /freemason ,speaks on M.K. Gandhi
The Mahatma in the bedroom
Pyarelal (secretary), his sister Sushila Nayar (who
used to .sleep and bathe with Gandhi).
Nehru had already distanced himself from Gandhi's
sexual attitudes ("unnatural and shocking" is how he
described them ) in his Autobiography of 1936.

DEPOPULATION AGENDA = “It is the duty of every

thoughtful Indian not to marry,” said Gandhi. “In case

he is helpless in regard to marriage, he should abstain

from sexual intercourse with his wife.” With sex not
permissible even for procreation, wouldn’t it have been
the end of the world as we know it?

The pre-independence prime minister of the Indian state

of Travancore called him, “a most dangerous, semi-
repressed sex maniac”? Much of this material was
known during his lifetime, but was distorted or
suppressed after his death during the process of
elevating Gandhi into the “Father of the Nation” . It
was no secret that Mohandas Gandhi had an unusual
sex life. He spoke constantly of sex and gave detailed,
often provocative, instructions to his followers as to
how to they might best observe chastity. In fact, Gandhi
did not develop his censorious attitude to sex (and
certainly not to marital sex) until he was in his 30s,
while a volunteer in the ambulance corps, assisting the
British Empire in its wars in Southern Africa.
Mohandas Gandhi’s Failed Leadership in Politics and
Gandhi’s Domestic Violence and weird Sexual
Perversion in his private life. If Gandhi was alive today,
he would be arrested for sexual abuse and put away for
life as a sexual offender. “We know from his
autobiography how shamefully he treated his wife. He
was transparently honest and he had much less to hide
from anyone else. 1. Gandhi used to beat his wife up

routinely. 2. Gandhi was having sex when his father

lay breathing his last upstairs. 3. Gandhi denied sex to
his wife for decades 4. Gandhi was an adulterer and had
a spiritual marriage with two British women who were
in the Ashram 5. Gandhi slept naked with his niece (and
12-year-old girls) and other women to prove that he
could control his manliness. 6. Gandhi would do
enemas twice a day and if he liked you allowed you to
enter the piece up his rectum. 7. Gandhi used to drink
his own urine and the urine of cows. 8. Gandhi son left
him and converted to Islam 9. The racist Gandhi was a
total failure in South Africa where he tried to stratify
the society, Whites, Indians and Africans. His racism
towards the Africans was horrendous. His horrific
advice to all Jews to commit suicide was abomible. His
atrocious letters to his friend Hitler . 10. Gandhi
condones Zulu massacres and defends the British.
11. Which war did Mohandas Gandhi support? All
of them. There was not a war that the prophet of Non-
Violence did not support. He was Sergeant Major in the
British Army and won a medal for his war duties 12.
Gandhi’s racism. The truth behind the mask. Behold
Sergeant Major Gandhi who supported the British
during the Boer war, Zulu rebellion. Behold the prophet
of peace who worked to stratify the South African
society. Gandhi did not bring the British Empire down.
13. Gandhi’s wrote letters to his friend Hitler and
supported him. Gandhi’s horrific advice to Jews—
Commit mass suicide. “We have no doubt about your
bravery or devotion to your fatherland, nor do we

believe that you are the monster described by your

opponents.” . “The Indian government contributed $10
million for the movie Gandhi. It is based on a book of
fiction called “Freedom at Midnight” by Collins et al.
You can see glossed over failures and the perversion in
the movie Gandhi but it is not overt and explicitly
shown. You have to be smart and familiar with the
history to see it embedded in the movie.

Gandhi with Abha (left) and Dr Sushilanayar at Birla

House in Delhi, 1947.

Here's a look at excerpts from Manuben's diaries:

November 10, 1943, Aga Khan Palace, Pune Today
Bapu, suffering from anaemia, fainted while taking a
bath with Sushilaben. Then Sushilaben held Bapu with

one hand and wore her clothes with the other and
brought him out. December 21, 1946, Srirampur,
Bihar Tonight, when Bapu, Sushilaben and I were
sleeping on the same cot, he embraced me and patted
me. He put me to sleep with great love. He embraced
me after a very long time. Then Bapu praised me for
remaining innocent (of sexual urges) despite sleeping
with him. But this isn't the case with the other girls.
Veena, Kanchan and Lilavati (other associates of
Gandhi) told me that they won't be able to sleep with
him. January 1, 1947, Kethuri, Bihar Sushilaben is
imploring me to marry her brother Pyarelal. She told me
she would help me become a nurse only if I agreed to
her proposal for her brother. But I ticked her off on this
and spoke to Bapu about it. Bapu told me Sushila is not
in her senses. He said till recently, she used to bathe
before him naked and also sleep with him. But now he
has to lean on me. He said I must remain clean and have
patience (with the celibacy experiment). February 2,
1947, Dashdharia, Bihar -- Bapu has told his followers
during the morning prayer that he was carrying out
celibacy experiments with me. Then he explained to me
why he spoke about it. I felt very relieved as it will stop
tongues from wagging. I told myself I don't care now.
Let the world say whatever it wants.

Gandhi Hated Black People? 10 Hidden Secrets about
Mahatma Gandhi
The Racism of Mahatma Gandhi
5 Most Racist Quotes By Mahatma Gandhi
Was Mahatma Gandhi racist? | The Stream
Preview: Gandhi - The REAL History Exposed
Gandhi's Secrets
Gandhi, saint or sinner?: Fazlul Huq
Gandhi - The false saint

Gandhi used to sleep with girls of aged between 18 to

25. Very few people know about this but its true (for
detail you can read books by Dr. L .R. BALI named
MAHATMA THE”) the girls who slept with Gandhi
accepted this. Gandhi used to say that he is doing all
this for his BRAHMCHARI Experiments. What from
his experiments he wanted to prove nobody knows?
Gandhi himself accepted this that at the time of going to
London for higher studies he decided to keep himself
away from MEAT, DARU and SEX, but he accepted
that he could not control himself in the matter of SEX.
2. Gandhi went to South Africa with Abdullah &co.
whose business was smuggling and charged very much
for this. 3. In 1932, Gandhi collected 1crore & 32 lakh
Rs. in the name of “TILAK SWRAJ” fund, which was
collected for the use of DALITS. However, he did not
spend even a single penny on DALITS. 4. In his whole
life Gandhi kept on shouting that, he is for AHINSA.
However, at the time of Second World War he himself
sends Indian army to the fight for England . 5. During
daytime, Gandhi spent the day in the Jhugis but he
spent the night in the rest house of Birlas. 6. Gandhi
advised people to live a simple life, but his simplicity
was that when he was in jail there were three women in
the jail to serve him for his simplicity! 7. Gandhi did

not open a single door of a Hindu temple in Gujrat his

home province in India for the UNTOUCHABLES. 8.
Gandhi kept people in dark that he is trying to save
Bhagat Singh. However, the truth is that he never tried
to contact VICEROY about Bhagat Singh issue. This all
is said by the friend of VICEROY & Bhagat Singh
named MANMATH NATH in his writings. 9. Gandhi
was saying that if the Pakistan would be made it will
only happen after his death. However, it was Gandhi
who signed 1st on the proposal of making Pakistan. 10.
Gandhi started so many ANDOLANS & LEHARS
against British govt. but after a month or after 2 months
he withdraw all those ANDOLANS & LEHARS. Then
what was the use of starting all those? What about the
sacrifice of all those people who took part in all those
ANDOLANS? In addition, he never went to lead people
in those ANDOLANS. Even Gandhi’s own sons were
against him , but why all people were following him.
11. Now a days almost all Hindus say Gandhi was a
revolutionary, but what he said” I have come here on
earth to fulfill the laws of caste.” How can one say
such a person was a revolutionary? 13. Even when the
killing had started, Gandhi refused to take pity on the
victims. He told the Hindu refugees from Pakistan to go
back and die. On 6 August 1947, Gandhi said to
Congress workers on the incipient communal
conflagration in Lahore thus: "I am grieved to learn that
people are running away from the West Punjab and I
am told that Lahore is being evacuated by the non-
Muslims. I must say that this is what it should not be. If

you think Lahore is dead or is dying, do not run away

from it, but die with what you think is the dying
Lahore. (*) When you suffer from fear you die before
death comes to you. That is not glorious. I will not feel
sorry if I hear that people in the Punjab have died not as
cowards but as brave men. (*) I cannot be forced to
salute any flag. If in that act I am murdered I would
bear no ill will against anyone and would rather pray for
better sense for the person or persons who murder me."
(Hindustan Times, 8-8-1947, CWoMG, vol. LXXXIX,
p.11). 14. Gandhi, famous for his pacifism, wasn’t
always peace’s biggest advocate. When the British
Empire asked him to recruit Indian solders for World
War I, citing his recruitment work in the Boer War, he
quickly agreed.

13 Untold secrets about Mahatma Gandhi.
Gandhi 'bisexual' furore: Govt to ban the controversial
Mahatma Gandhi Gay?
Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar BBC Interview 1955 -
BJoSzbo ambedkar was freemason

Gandhi and South African Blacks

Note: All quotes are direct quotations from “The
Collected Works of Mahatma Gandhi,” here
abbreviated as “CWMG.” All grammatical errors and
misspellings are the responsibility of Mohandas
Gandhi, the original author, and are preserved for
historical consistency.
Before Dec. 19, 1894
“A general belief seems to prevail in the Colony that the
Indians are little better, if at all, than savages or the
Natives of Africa. Even the children are taught to
believe in that manner, with the result that the Indian is
being dragged down to the position of a raw Kaffir.” ~
Vol. I, p. 193
 Before May 5, 1895
“In the face, too, of financial operations, the success of
which many of their detractors would envy, one fails to
understand the agitation which would place the
operators in the same category as the half-heathen
Native and confine him to Locations, and subject him to
the harsher laws by which the Transvaal Kaffir is
governed.” ~ Vol. I, pp. 224-225

Before May 5, 1895

“When one reflects that the conception of
Brahmanism, with its poetic and mysterious
mythology, took its rise in the land of the ‘Coolie

trader,’ that in that land 24 centuries ago, the almost

divine Buddha taught and practised the glorious
doctrine of self-sacrifice, and that it was from the plains
and mountains of that weird old country that we have
derived the fundamental truths of the very language we
speak, one cannot but help regretting that the children
of such a race should be treated as equals of the
children of black heathendom and outer darkness.
Those who, for a few moments, have stayed to converse
with the Indian trader have been, perhaps, surprised to
find they are speaking to a scholar and a gentleman….
And it is the sons of this Land of light who are despised
as Coolies, and treated as Kaffirs.” ~ Vol. I, p. 225
Before May 5, 1895
“So far as the feeling has been expressed, it is to
degrade the Indian to the position of the Kaffir.” ~ Vol.
I, p. 229
Aug. 14, 1896
“The Attorney-General of Natal wants to keep the
Indians for ever ‘hewers of wood and drawers of water.’
We are classed with the natives of South Africa – Kaffir
race.” ~ Vol. I, p. 364
Sept. 26, 1896
“Ours is one continual struggle against a degradation
sought to be inflicted upon us by the Europeans, who
desire to degrade us to the level of the raw Kaffir whose

occupation is hunting, and whose sole ambition is to

collect a certain number of cattle to buy a wife with
and, then, pass his life in indolence and nakedness.” ~
Vol. I, pp. 409-410
Sept. 26, 1896
“While, in other parts of South Africa, it is the railway
officials who make the lot of the 1st and 2nd class
passengers on the railway intolerable, the Transvaal
people have gone one better in that there the law
prohibits the Indians from travelling 1st or 2nd class.
They are, irrespective of position, huddled together in
the same compartment with the natives of South
Africa.” ~ Vol. I, p. 415
Oct. 17, 1896
“A picnic party of European children used Indian and
Kaffir boys as targets and shot bullets into their
faces, hurting several inoffensive children. So deep-
seated is the hatred that children have begun
instinctively to look down upon Indians.” ~ Vol. I, p.
Oct. 26, 1896
“There is a bye-law in Durban which requires
registration of coloured servants. This rule may be, and
perhaps is, necessary for the Kaffirs who would not
work, but absolutely useless with regard to the Indians.

But the policy is to class the Indian with the Kaffir

whenever possible.” ~ Vol. I, p. 435 [ as always he
went back on this and led the registration move.]
Before May 27, 1899
“Your Petitioner has seen the Location intended to be
used by the Indians. It would place them, who are
undoubtedly infinitely superior to the Kaffirs, in close
proximity to the latter.” ~ Vol. II, p. 270
Mar. 27, 1902
“All the anti-Indian laws in both the Colonies are in full
force; under them, in the Transvaal, the Indians cannot
own land or trade except in Locations, and must, like
the Kaffirs, hold travelling and other passes.” ~ Vol. II,
p. 453
Mar. 16, 1903
“The bye-law has its origin in the alleged or real,
impudent and, in some cases, indecent behaviour of the
Kaffirs. But, whatever the charges are against the
British Indians, no one has ever whispered that the
Indians behave otherwise than as decent men. But, as it
is the wont in this part of the world, they have been
dragged down with the Kaffir without the slightest
justification.” ~ Vol. III, pp. 32-33

May 24, 1903

“The £3 tax is merely a penalty for wearing the brown
skin and it would appear that, whereas Kaffirs are taxed
because they do not work at all or sufficiently, we are to
be taxed evidently because we work too much, the only
thing in common between the two being the absence of
the white skin.” ~ Vol. III, p. 74
Feb. 11, 1904
“I venture to write you regarding the shocking state of
the Indian Location. The rooms appear to be
overcrowded beyond description. The sanitary service
is very irregular, and many of the residents of the
Location have been to my office to complain that the
sanitary condition is far worse than before. There is,
too, a very large Kaffir population in the Location for
which really there is no warrant.” ~ Vol. III, p. 427
Feb. 15, 1904
“I am extremely obliged to you for having paid a visit
last Saturady to the Indian Location and for the interest
you are taking in the proper sanitation of the site. The
more I think of it, the uglier the situation appears to me,
and I think that, if the Town Council takes up a position
of non possumus, it will be an abdication of its function,
and I do respectfully say that nothing can justify the
Public Health Committee in saying that neither
overcrowding nor insanitation could be helped. I feel

convinced that every minute wasted over the matter

merely hastens a calamity for Johannesburg and that
through absolutely no fault of the British Indians. Why,
of all places in Johannesburg, the Indian Location
should be chosen for dumping down all the kaffirs of
the town passes my comprehension.” ~ Vol. III, p. 428
Feb. 15, 1904
“Of course, under my suggestion, the Town Council
must withdraw the Kaffirs from the Location. About
this mixing of the Kaffirs with the Indians, I must
confess I feel most strongly. I think it is very unfair to
the Indian population and it is an undue tax on even the
proverbial patience of my countrymen.” ~ Vol. III, p.
Apr. 30, 1904
“The Orange River Colony has entirely closed its gates
against the Indians from the Transvaal. The Cape and
Natal admit him under severe restrictions which have
no scientific meaning. For instance, an Indian may be
sharing the same compartment with a Kaffir. As soon,
however, as the train bringing the passengers reaches
the Natal border, the Indian is obliged to undergo 5
days’ quarantine before entering the Colony, whereas
the Kaffir is permitted to do so without let or
hindrance.” ~ Vol. III, p. 482

Jan. 10, 1904

“A correspondent from Warmbaths in the Transvaal
writes to us in Gujarati, complaining that the authorities
do not provide facilities for British Indians to make use
of these famous healing waters. He says that, if any
Indian wants to make use of them, he is merely directed
to go to the rooms set apart for the Kaffirs. It appears
that he offered to build a place for Indians, but the offer
was not entertained. We are sure that, if there is any
truth in the statement made by our correspondent, the
Government will remedy the difficulty at once, and
provide suitable facility for those Indians who may wish
to make use of these waters.” ~ Vol. IV, p. 88
Mar. 12, 1904
“In South Africa, on the other hand, there are things
which the white man would not do, and the Kaffir could
not do. It has, therefore, been possible for the Indians
to live in South Africa.” ~ Vol. IV, p. 129
Mar. 29, 1905
“Thus, the whites have begun to feel the need for Indian
labour right from the beginning, for the Kaffirs are of
no use and all the available Chinese are absorbed in the
mines. Indian labour, is, therefore, in general demand.”
~ Vol. IV, p. 258

Oct. 6, 1905
“In all this computation, Lord Milner has overlooked
one fact, viz., that, while the Kaffir hardly works for six
months, the Chinese have to do so continuously for
three years. Moreover, the Chinese being more active
than the Kaffirs, much more work can be taken from
them than from the latter. This is a very important point,
but His Lordship utters not a word about it. Unless this
is taken into account, Lord Milner’s figures are of no
use whatever.” ~ Vol. IV, p. 312
Oct. 21, 1905
“We humbly submit that the decision to open the school
for all Coloured children is unjust to the Indian
community, and is a departure from the assurance given
by the then Minister of Education, as also Sir Albert
Hime and Mr. Robert Russell, that the school will be
reserved for Indian children only.” ~ Vol. IV, p. 402
 Dec. 30, 1905
“It has, we suppose, become a recognised thing in
South Africa for such labour agents to be appointed for
‘inducing Kaffirs to work.’ Some call such a system a
gentle coaxing; others call it a modified form of forced
labour. We cannot question the policy that has been
sanctioned for a long time, and its criticism does not lie
within our domain. Unfortunately, the term ‘Coloured
person’ is, in the Orange River Colony, interpreted
invariably to mean ‘all coloured persons, who, in
accordance with laws or customs, are called Coloured

persons, or are treated as such, of whatsoever race or

nationality they may be.’ It, therefore, includes Asiatics,
Malays and others. Both the above-mentioned
Ordinances on that account are open to very serious
objections, and we cannot understand why the studied
insult implied should be irritatingly kept up. Lord
Selborne, in his reply to the British Indian
Association, has admitted that there are very few
Asiatics in the Orange River Colony. Why, then, should
the offensive definition be maintained? If it is, in
practice, inoperative, the only reason for its existence
can be for the wanton pleasure of the inhabitants of the
Orange River Colony, who wish to triumph over this
implied degradation of the Asiatic races.” ~ Vol. V, p.
 June 1, 1906
“The Boer Government insulted the Indians by classing
them with the Kaffirs.” ~ Vol. V, p. 59
 Mar. 17, 1906
“The ousting of the Kaffirs from the Bazaar at Pretoria
is wrong; for, whatever the law, Indians have for many
years now earned rentals from Kaffir tenants. It behoves
the Government to ensured that Indians do not suffer
any loss on this account.” ~ Vol. V, p. 129
Apr. 14, 1906
“It is not for us to say whether the revolt of the Kaffirs
is justified or not. We are in Natal by virtue of British

power. Our very existence depends upon it. It is

therefore our duty to render whatever help we can.
There was a discussion in the Press as to what part the
Indian community would play in the event of an actual
war. We have already declared in the English columns
of this journal that the Indian community is ready to
play its part;1 and we believe what we did during the
Boer War should also be done now. That is, if the
Government so desires, we should raise an ambulance
corps. We should also agree to become permanent
volunteers, if the Government is prepared to give us the
requisite training.” ~ Vol. V, pp. 179-180
May 22, 1906
“It was a gross injustice to seek to place Indians in the
same class as the Kaffirs.” ~ Vol. V, p. 226
May 26, 1906
“You say that the Magistrate’s decision is
unsatisfactory, because it would enable a person,
however unclean, to travel by a tram and that even the
Kaffirs would be able to do so. But the Magistrate’s
decision is quite different. The Court has declared that
the Kaffirs have no legal right to travel by the trams.
And, according to tram regulations, those in an unclean
dress or in a drunken state are prohibited from boarding
a tram. Thanks to the Court’s decision, only clean

Indians or Coloured people other than Kaffirs can now

travel by the trams.” ~ Vol. V, p. 235
June 30, 1906
“We have to learn much from what the whites are doing
in Natal. There is hardly any family from which
someone has not gone to fight the Kaffir rebels.
Following their example, we should steel our hearts and
take courage. Now is the time when the leading whites
want us to take this step; if we let go this opportunity,
we shall repent later. We therefore urge all Indian
leaders to do their duty to the best of their ability.” ~
Vol. V, p. 273
Before July 19, 1906
“As we were struggling along, we met a Kaffir who did
not wear the loyal badge. He was armed with an assegai
and was hiding himself. However, we safely rejoined
the troops on the further hill, whilst they were sweeping
with their carbines the bushes below.” ~ Vol. V, p. 278
Before July 19, 1906
“Troopers had to lead their horses, and the route was so
long that we never seemed to reach the bottom.
However, at about 12 o’clock we finished the day’s
journey, with no Kaffirs to fight.” ~ Vol. V, p. 280
 with no Kaffirs to fight = killed them all ??

Sept. 9, 1906
“Even the half-castes and Kaffirs, who are less
advanced than we, have resisted the Government. The
pass law applies to them as well, but they do not take
out passes.” ~ Vol. V, p. 332
Nov. 16, 1906
“As you were good enough to show very great
sympathy with the cause of British Indians in the
Transvaal, may I suggest your using your influence
with the Boer leaders in the Transvaal? I feel certain
that they did not share the same prejudice against
British Indians as against the Kaffir races but as the
prejudice against Kaffir races in a strong form was in
existence in the Transvaal at the time when the British
Indians immigrated there, the latter were immediately
lumped together with the Kaffir races and described
under the generic term ‘Coloured people.’ Gradually the
Boer mind was habituated to this qualification and it
refused to recognize the evident and sharp distinctions
that undoubtedly exist between British Indians and the
Kaffir races in South Africa.” ~ Vol. VI, p. 95
Nov. 6, 1906
“Mr. Stead has boldly come out to give us all the help
he can. He was therefore requested to write to the Boer
leaders that they should not consider Indians as being
on the same level as Kaffirs.” ~ Vol. VI, p. 112

Feb. 2, 1907
“It is certain that the Asiatic Ordinance will be re-
introduced. When that happens, there should be only
one thought in the mind of every Indian: never to accept
such a law. And, if it is enforced, he will rather go to
gaol than carry a pass like a Kaffir.” ~ Vol. VI, p. 257
Sept. 2, 1907
“From these views expressed by a White we have a
lesson to learn: We must encourage the Whites too. It is
a short-sighted policy to employ, through sheer
niggardliness, a Kaffir for washing work. If we keep in
view the conditions in this country and patronize the
Whites, whenever proper and necessary, then every
such White will serve as an advertisement for the Indian
trader.” ~ Vol. VI, p. 276
 June 4, 1907
“Are we supposed to be thieves or free-booters that
even a Kaffir policeman can accost and detain us
wherever we happen to be going?” ~ Vol. VI, p. 363
July 12, 1907
“If registration is made compulsory, there will be no
difference between Indians and Kaffirs, and the
neighbouring Colony will be tempted to adopt it as a
precedent. It may also turn out to be a prelude to

compulsory segregation in Coloured Locations.” ~ Vol.

VII, p. 395
July 12, 1907
“There is again a rebellion of Kaffirs in Zululand. In
view of this, hundreds of white troops have been
dispatched. The Indian community must come forward
at such a time without, however, thinking of securing
any rights thereby. They must consider only the duty of
the community. It is a common observation that when
we attend to our duty, rights follow as a matter of
course. It will be only proper for the Indian community
to make the offer that was made last year. There is a
move at present to levy a tax on those who do not enlist.
The burden of this levy will fall on Indians alone; even
though paying the tax, they will get no credit. We are,
therefore, convinced in our minds that the Indian
community should repeat its offer. We assume that
there are many Indians now who will welcome such
work enthusiastically. Those who went to the front last
year can do so again. Most of them are seasoned people
and familiar with the nature of the work. We very
much hope that this work will be taken in hand without
any delay.” ~ Vol. VII, p. 397
Dec. 12, 1907
“As to the plea that the Indian will not blend with the
rest of the community, what is this but a re-statement of

the old fable of the boy who stoned the toad as a

punishment for its being a toad? The Indian of the
Transvaal a branded a pariah by statute; he is treated as
such in practice; regardless of the obvious
terminological inexactitude, he is indiscriminately
dubbed ‘coolie.’ One hears even in official circles such
expressions as ‘coolie lawyer,’ ‘coolie doctor,’ ‘coolie
merchant.’ His women are ‘coolie Marys.’ As has been
already shown, he is accorded no place in the scheme of
things, save on sufferance. He may not even own fixed
property, although, curiously, he may be a mortgagee of
such. He is even denied the not always obvious
privilege of riding in the same municipal tramcars and
Government railway carriages as his white fellow-
colonists. His children are afforded no facilities for
education except they attend the schools set apart for
Kaffirs. Could there be less encouragement for the
Indian ‘to blend’ and to associate himself more closely
with the larger life of the community?” ~ Vol. VII, p.
Dec. 12, 1907
“Compulsory registration is recognised as signifying
nothing less than the reduction of British Indians to the
status of the Kaffir; as being more than likely of
adoption as a precedent for anti-Indian legislation by
the neighbouring colonies; and as a probable prelude to
compulsory segregation in coloured locations.” ~ Vol.
VII, p. 447

Feb. 2, 1908
“The British rulers take us to be so lowly and ignorant
that they assume that, like the Kaffirs who can be
pleased with toys and pins, we can also be fobbed off
with trinkets.” ~ Vol. VIII, p. 167
July 3, 1908
“We were then Marched off to a prison intended for
Kaffirs. There, our garments were stamped with the
letter ‘N,’ which meant that we were being classed with
the Natives. We were all prepared for hardships, but not
quite for this experience. We could understand not
being classed with the whites, but to be placed on the
same level with the Natives seemed too much to put up
with. I then felt that Indians had not launched on
passive resistance too soon. Here was further proof that
the obnoxious law was intended to emasculate the
Indians.” ~ Vol. VIII, p. 198
July 3, 1907
“Kaffirs are as a rule uncivilised – the convicts even
more so. They are troublesome, very dirty and live
almost like animals. Each ward contains nearly 50 to 60
of them. They often started rows and fought among
themselves. The reader can easily imagine the plight of
the poor Indian thrown into such company!” ~ Vol.
VIII, p. 199

Mar. 21, 1908
“It is thus clear that both Kaffirs and Europeans get
food suited to their tastes. The poor Indians – nobody
bothers about them! They cannot get the food they
want. If they are given European diet, the whites will
feel insulted. In any case, why should the gaol
authorities bother to find out the normal Indian fare?
There is nothing for it but to let ourselves be classed
with the Kaffirs and starve.” ~ Vol. VIII, pp. 218-19
Jan. 16, 1909
“As soon as we rose the following day, I was taken to
where the other prisoners were lodged, so that I had no
chance to complain to the Governor about what had
happened. I have, though, resolved in my mind on an
agitation to ensure that Indian prisoners are not lodged
with Kaffirs or others.” ~ Vol. IX, p. 257
Jan. 16, 1909
“I observed with regret that some Indians were happy to
sleep in the same room as the Kaffirs, the reason being
that they hoped there for a secret supply of tobacco, etc.
This is a matter of shame to us. We may entertain no
aversion to Kaffirs, but we cannot ignore the fact that
there is no common ground between them and us in the
daily affairs of life. Moreover, those who wish to sleep
in the same room with them have ulterior motives for

doing so. Obviously, we ought to abandon such notions

if we want to make progress.” ~ Vol. IX, p. 257
Jan. 23, 1909
“Some of the prisoners are found to suffer from
diseases like syphilis, and therefore everyone of them
has his genitals examined. For this purpose, the
prisoners are totally undressed, while being examined.
Unlike the others, Kaffirs are kept standing undressed
for nearly 15 minutes so as to save the physician’s time.
Indian prisoners are made to lower their breeches only
when the physician approaches them. The other
garments have to be removed in advance. Almost every
Indian resents having to lower his breeches, but most of
them do not create any difficulty in the interest of our
movement, though at heart they feel ill at ease. I told
the physician about this.” ~ Vol. IX, p. 272
Jan. 23, 1909
“Prisons are generally kept very clean. If this were not
so, there would be epidemics before long. But there is
also lack of cleanliness in some respects. Blankets are
constantly interchanged. A blanket that has been used
by the dirtiest of Kaffirs may later fall to an Indian’s
lot.” ~ Vol. IX, p. 274
Jan. 30, 1909
“First, why should we bear such hardships, submit

ourselves, for instance, to the restrictions of gaol life,

wear coarse and ungainly dress, eat food which is
hardly food, starve ourselves, suffer being kicked by the
warder, live among the Kaffirs, do every kind of work,
whether we like it or not, obey a warder who is only
good enough to be our servant, be unable to receive any
friends or write letters, go without things that we may
need, and sleep in company with robbers and thieves?
Better die than suffer this. Better pay the fine than go to
gaol.” ~ Vol. IX, p. 292
July 16, 1909
“The labour required of them is generally of a severe
character. Indians who have never lifted a heavy weight
or done any spadde work have been put to wheeling
heavily loaded barrows, digging holes repairing roads,
etc., side by side with Kaffir convicts of the worst
type.” ~ Vol. IX, p. 422
Oct. 8, 1909
“We do not get there the food that we are used to, and
are classified with the Kaffirs.” ~ Vol. X, p. 158
Dec. 2, 1910
“Some Indians do have contacts with Kaffir women. I
think such contacts are fraught with grave danger.
Indians would do well to avoid them altogether.” ~ Vol.
X, p. 414

Mar. 10, 1911
“I do not think that there need be any worry about
police officer. If the Regulations provide for Kaffir
Police, we can fight the Regulations. Even in attacking
the details of the Bill, I think we should be very careful
not to trouble ourselves with what may be remedied by
Regulation.” ~ Vol. XI, p. 266
Gandhi: the man behind the myths

In 1944 the scientist Albert Einstein stated,

“Generations to come, it may be, will scarce believe
that such a one as this ever in flesh and blood walked
upon this earth.”

King George VI described gandhi’s death as “an

irreparable loss for mankind”. Labour prime
minister Clement Atlee expressed “profound
distress” .

Winston Churchill scorned him as a “half-naked

fakir”, complaining bitterly in 1931 that:It is alarming
and nauseating to see Mr Gandhi, a seditious Middle
Temple lawyer, now posing as a fakir of a type well

known in the east, striding half naked up the steps of the

viceregal palace, while he is still organising and
conducting a campaign of civil disobedience, to parlay
on equal terms with the representative of the Emperor-
Gandhi was born in 1869 into a family of Modh Banias,
a middle caste trading and money lending community
who had a reputation for being shrewd, wily, thrifty and
good businessmen. His birthplace was the small town of
Porbandar, in a semi-independent princely state on the
south west coast of Gujarat, where his father’s family
had for two generations been diwans (advisers) to the
princes and kings. After primary school Gandhi was
sent to be educated at the only English college in
He began to take lessons in dancing, French and
The vegetarian movement was part of a larger
movement of radical reformers who were anti-urban
and anti-industrial in their views and critical of the
commercialisation of Victorian Britain. They were
bourgeois and interested in change through individual
effort and moral fibre.
The other group important to Gandhi’s evolution was
the Theosophy Society. Founded in New York in 1875
by Madame Helena Petrovna Blavatsky . Theosophists
offered a modernised reformed form of Hinduism
fused with elements of Christianity and other belief
systems—a sort of scientific spirituality. Reading

Blavatsky’s The Key to Theosophy  introduced him to

the Bhagavad Gita and other religious texts that he had
never read before. He also came to read the Old
Testament & the New Testament, especially the Sermon
on the Mount.
The London experience demonstrates that Gandhi was
not fearful of borrowing “Western” ideas and that
“Gandhism”, far from being a uniquely Indian creed, is
a global cocktail of mysticism, non-conformism and
moral indignation wrapped up in a philosophy of
personal salvation—in short a variant of reformism.
At this stage Gandhi was very much in the mould of a
“Victorian” Indian who sought accommodation and
acceptance into the empire. His caste background and
education meant that he shared the upper class
prejudices of Europeans on many issues. Indians in
South Africa were a heterogeneous, fragmented
community with different interests. The majority of
Indians had come as indentured labourers from
Tamil Nadu and Bengal, working on the sugar
plantations and in the mines as well as performing
unskilled work in the towns. But there was a class
of petty traders and merchants, professionals and white
collar Indians made up of Muslims and Hindus from
Gujarat and Parsis, and Christians from Bombay.

Gandhi helped to form the Natal Indian National

Congress and wrote letters to parliamentarians in
London. He returned to India twice, in 1896 and 1899,

to meet with nationalist leaders and publicise the plight

of Indians. He travelled to London in 1906 and 1909,
again to petition on behalf of “his Majesty’s subjects”.
His initial campaigns used methods that suited middle
class politics such as letter writing, emphasising that
their campaign was not for equality of all Indians but
for equality of the “respectable” classes. Gandhi even
accepted that the “coolies” had unsanitary habits that
needed reform! His feeling that the policies of
discrimination were alien?? to “the values of the
empire” led him to mobilise over 1,000 people for the
ambulance corps on the side of the British in the 1899
Boer War.
His attitudes began to change when he read Leo
Tolstoy’s The Kingdom of God is Within You in 1894 at
the age of 25, which turned his attention to the concept
of non-violence. “Before the…profound morality and
the truthfulness of this book”, he later wrote, “all the
books…seemed to pale into insignificance’’. His
reading of John Ruskin’s Unto this Last made him
“determined to change my life”,10 influencing his
concept of “soul-force” as a substitute for physical
force. He learnt from it that “the good of the individual
is contained in the good of all…the lawyer’s work has
the same value as the barber’s…a life of labour, ie, the
life of a tiller of the soil and the handicraftsman, is the
life worth living.” ??????

He writes that he “arose with the dawn, ready to reduce

these principles to practice”.11 His literary readings
about the worth of manual labour led him to think about
the way the Indian middle classes treated their fellow
indentured countrymen. ?????

In 1906 the Transvaal government passed a law making

it compulsory for Indians over eight years of age to
carry a pass bearing their thumbprint. This caused
outrage among the Indian population and a
3,000_strong mass gathering decided that no Indian
would apply for registration, meeting attempts to
enforce the law with passive resistance. This
represented a major shift from protest centred on
lobbying to that based on mass action. By the end of
January 1908, 2,000 Indians had been jailed. But many
key figures in the movement fled the colony rather than
be arrested and eventually Gandhi reached agreement
with Jan Smuts, the Afrikaner politician who was then
colonial secretary, whereby the act would be repealed if
everyone registered voluntarily. He faced severe
criticism for the compromise and offered to be the first
to register, but Smuts denied he had made any promises
and Gandhi was arrested and “”assaulted””?? on his
way to the registration office.
A new £3 tax imposed on ex-indentured Indians led to a
new campaign in 1913, beginning in Newcastle, Natal.
Gandhi worked with Thambi Naidoo, leader of the
Johannesburg based Tamil Benefit Society, to gain the

support of both the working classes and the Newcastle

merchants. A strike supported by railway workers and
miners began in mid-October, and by the end of the
month between 4,000 and 5,000 miners had downed
their tools. Gandhi began “leading” strikers over the
provincial border into Transvaal on 29 October 1913.
Most strikers were ready to return to work when a
spontaneous strike in Natal altered the situation
radically. Violent confrontation with the police resulted
in several strikers being killed and injured but more
protesters joined. By the end of November the produce
markets of Durban and Pietermaritzburg were
paralysed, sugar mills were closed and hotels,
restaurants and homes were left without domestic
workers. The coalfields were also affected and whole
fields of sugar cane were burned. Reports of the arrest
of Gandhi and police brutality caused uproar in India
and the British government intervened to bring about an
agreement with the strikers. Gandhi was released in
order to negotiate with Smuts, resulting in the 1914
Indian Relief Bill. This scrapped the hated £3 tax and
relaxed provisions preventing wives joining their
husbands in South Africa. Restrictions on trade and
movement from province to province for Indians
remained but Gandhi was welcomed as a hero, the
Mahatma, when he returned to India in 1915.
Indian Nationalism
The Indian National Congress that dominated the
political scene had been established in 1885 as an

association representing the interests of upper class

Indian men to the state. It was the brainchild of two
British civil servants in the Raj who felt that Indians
had a right to expect some representation. It was a
highly select, exclusive club, drawing in such notables
as Gopal Krishna Gokhale, a Bombay leader and close
associate of Gandhi, Dadabhai Naoroji, a Parsi
intellectual and cotton trader who became a Liberal MP
for Finsbury Central in 1892, and Romesh Chandra
Dutt, an economic historian and writer from Calcutta. It
also included Motilal Nehru, the father of India’s first
prime minister, Jawaharlal Nehru, and, initially,
Muhammad Ali Jinnah, who was to become the first
leader of Pakistan. Congress’s goals and strategy were
defined by the social milieu of the upper class, liberal
minded would-be parliamentarians at its core. Initially
the organisation did not demand independence, instead
lobbying for consultation and representation.
The “moderate” wing of Congress was challenged by
the “extremists” centred on the fiery nationalism of the
Maharashtra based Brahmin Bal Gangadhar Tilak and
the Bengali nationalist leader Aurobindo Ghose. They
demanded outright independence and were prepared to
use violence to achieve this. In spite of obvious
differences in goals and tactics the common element in
both wings of nationalism was their elitism and
substitutionism. Congress leaders believed that the
enlightened and educated, ie themselves, should speak
for the masses; the colonial regime could placate them
with vague talk of reform and future consultation.

Those espousing an armed revolutionary assault saw

change as coming from a dedicated minority brave
enough to carry out a revolution on behalf of the
majority. The might of the colonial state was able to
marginalise and outmanoeuvre them through arrest,
assassination and deportation. In both instances the
absence of a mass movement was the fundamental
weakness. It was Gandhi’s intervention at this juncture
that was decisive in shifting the goals and parameters
of the freedom movement.
On 6 February 1916 he made a speech at the opening of
the Benares Hindu University lambasting the use of
English at public meetings, deriding the Indian rich and
princes for their lack of concern for the poor, and even
seeming to condone the use of violence.12 The next year
he initiated campaigns based on mass action that would
fundamentally change the character of the nationalist
Gandhi visited the village of Champaran in the north
eastern province of Bihar in April 1917. Here, as in
many villages, peasants were at the mercy of ruthless,
greedy plantation owners (mostly European) who
forced cultivators to grow indigo on a portion of their
land—a practice known as the tinkathia system. This
insistence on cash crops as opposed to food crops
resulted in poor diets and was compounded further by
punitive taxes. The daily routine of peasant life was
further blighted by poor sanitation, ignorance, stifling
caste oppression and imposed purdah for women.

Sporadic rebellions in 1914 were effectively crushed by

militias working for landlords. Gandhi instituted a
campaign of recording peasant grievances and drawing
up a charge sheet against the plantation owners,
effectively establishing his own court to plead on behalf
of cultivators. He eventually got a commission of
inquiry, on which he sat, which negotiated a settlement
that abolished the century old tinkathia system and
reduced the revenue paid to the planters by 20 to 25
percent. This seemed like a spectacular victory in the
face of intransigent planters and the provincial
Word of this victory quickly spread as Gandhi’s magic
seemed vindicated on Indian soil. He led
a satyagraha (non-violent protest) a year later in the
Kheda district outside Ahmedabad for peasants who, in
the grips of a desperate famine arising from crop
failure, faced a demand from colonial officials that they
pay not only full taxes but also a 23 percent increase.
Peasants started a payment boycott under Gandhi’s
leadership. Some 3,000 signed a pledge not to pay the
taxes and to conduct themselves as satyagrahis (non-
violent protesters). The revolt was astounding in terms
of discipline and unity. In spite of government
provocation, and the seizure of property and cattle by
hired thugs, the majority of peasants did not resist
arrest or retaliate violently. After five months the
provincial commissioner ordered a settlement forfeiting
the government’s right to collect taxes for one year.
Again Gandhi “”appeared to be”” a “just” and effective

tacitician, and a champion whose non-violent creed

could be used effectively in an Indian setting.
As if to prove that satyagraha was not confined to rural
cases, Gandhi had been asked to intervene in an
industrial dispute on behalf of mill workers at a textile
factory in Ahmedabad in March 1918 before going to
Kheda. Here workers demanded a 35 percent wage
increase but the mill owner would only countenance 20
percent. Gandhi sanctioned a strike after the owners
refused to go to arbitration but only on certain
conditions: no violence, no intimidation of scabs, no
begging and no yielding. At a mass meeting workers
voted overwhelmingly to pledge themselves to these
conditions. The employers imposed a lockout for two
weeks and then said they would allow back to work
those who accepted the initial 20 percent wage rise. A
fortnight with no income and no prospect of one caused
some workers to relent. Frustration blew up against
strikebreakers but also against Gandhi: a striker
commented bitterly that Gandhi and his associate
Anasuyaben Sarabhai13 “come and go in their car”,
“eat elegant food” and could not understand the
agonies of the starving.14 As violence threatened,
Gandhi began his first political fast, stating, “I cannot
tolerate for a minute that you break your pledge. I shall
not take any food nor use a car till you get a 35 percent
increase”.15 He broke his fast after three days when the
strikers voted to continue their pledge and the mill
owners agreed to go to arbitration, which led to the
workers finally being awarded 35 percent. These three

experiences came to epitomise Gandhi’s tactics and

propel him to national leadership. In each instance
his version of peaceful “mass action” by ordinary
people appeared to win the day.

Gandhi’s stature was so great that he had assumed the

effective leadership of Congress, serving as its president
from 1924 to 1929. The freedom struggle assumed an
all-India character under his leadership and on 26
January 1930 Congress, led by Gandhi and Jawaharlal
Nehru, publicly issued the Declaration of
Independence which boldly declared, “India must
sever the British connection and attain Purna Swaraj or
complete independence”.16
In Peshawar satyagraha was led by a Muslim Pashtoo
disciple of Gandhi, Ghaffar Khan (known as the
Frontier Gandhi), who had trained a 50,000-member
army of non-violent activists.21 On 23 April 1930 Khan
was arrested. A crowd gathered in Peshawar’s Kissa
Khawani (storytellers) Bazaar. The British ordered
troops to open fire with machine guns on the unarmed
crowd, killing an estimated 200 to 250. The
Pashtun satyagrahis, in accord with their non-violent
training, willingly faced bullets as troops fired on
them. One British Indian Army regiment refused to
fire and the entire platoon was arrested, many receiving
heavy penalties, including life imprisonment.22
Sarojini Naidu, a woman poet and freedom fighter,
took over and marched the protesters to the factory. As

she insisted, “You will be beaten, but you must not

resist: you must not even raise a hand to ward off
blows,” soldiers began clubbing protesters with steel
tipped lathis (canes).
The United Press correspondent Webb Miller reported:
Not one of the marchers even raised an arm to fend off
the blows. They went down like ten-pins. From where I
stood I heard the sickening whacks of the clubs on
unprotected skulls. The waiting crowd of watchers
groaned and sucked in their breaths in sympathetic pain
at every blow. Those struck down fell sprawling,
unconscious or writhing in pain with fractured skulls or
broken shoulders… The survivors without breaking
ranks silently and doggedly marched on until struck
The campaign seemed to work and civil disobedience
continued until early 1931, when Gandhi was finally
released from prison to hold talks with the viceroy,
Lord Irwin.
In every instance Gandhi initiated mass action and in
every case this propelled the freedom movement
forward as it became larger, broader and deepened as
activists radicalised. This is how thousands of young
people were drawn to Gandhi. As CLR James noted:
That Gandhi has the rich and middle class Hindu with
him is not surprising. But that the agricultural labourer
in remote villages, the slum dwellers in the towns,

should all be ready to face hardships, imprisonment,

death; should understand and practise so successfully
ideals as difficult as non-cooperation and non-violence,
all this is something which to me is as miraculous as
anything I have ever read.25

Gandhi’s philosophy was imbued with paradoxes.

He may have denounced modern conveniences but he
made full use of the trappings of modern civilisation—
for instance, press and media outlets were a constant
feature of his campaigning, whether promoting his epic
salt march of 1930 or the protests in South Africa. He
was against industrialisation but he made alliances with
Indian capitalists. His campaigns were made possible
by drawing from the vast financial resources of the
industrialist GD Birla. Gandhi gave his blessing to
Birla’s abundant wealth with his teaching on
trusteeship, asserting the right of the rich to
accumulate and maintain wealth as long as it was
used to benefit society. VIVEKANANDA SAID THE

His attitude to the masses was contradictory. He would

champion peasants’ demands and organise them on
condition that they remained peaceful, respectful of
landowners and obedient to Gandhi’s tactics.



    Here you will see Gandhi's racist views towards the blacks.

To understand Gandhi's role towards the blacks, one

requires a knowledge of Hinduism. Within the
constraints, a few words on Hinduism will suffice: The
caste is the bedrock of Hinduism. The Hindu term for
caste is varna; which means arranging the society on a
four-level hierarchy called the Caste System. The race
factor underlies the intricate workings of Hinduism, not
to mention the countless evil practices embedded
within. Have no doubt, Gandhi loved the Caste system.

Gandhi lived in South Africa for roughly twenty one

years from 1893 to 1914. In 1906, he joined the military
with a rank of Sergeant-Major and actively
participated in the war against the blacks. Gandhi's
racist ideas are also evident in his writings of these
periods. Afro-American newspapers which portrayed
Gandhi in ever glowing terms, setting the stage for
African-American leaders Howard Thurman, Sue Baily

Thurman, Reverend Edward Carroll, Benjamin E.

Mays, Channing H. Tobias, and William Stuart Nelson
to visit India at different time periods to meet Gandhi in

1. Grenier, Richard. The Gandhi Nobody

Knows published in Commentary March 1983; pages 59
to 72. This is the best article on Gandhi briefly outlining
his war activities against the blacks.

2. Huq, Fazlul. Gandhi: Saint or Sinner? Bangalore:

Dalit Sahitya Akademy, 1992.
Superb book. Really gets into the Gandhi's anti-black
ideology with a sense of history setting intact.

This book's second chapter "Gandhi's Anti-African

Racism" is a superb analysis of Gandhi's anti-black
thinking. We bring to you the whole chapter for your

Gandhi was not a whit less racist than the white racists
of South Africa. When Gandhi formed the Natal Indian
Congress on August 22, 1894, the no. 1 objective he
declared was: "To promote concord and harmony
among the Indians and Europeans in the Colony."
[Collected Works (CW)1 pp. 132-33] 

He launched his Indian Opinion on June 4 1904: "The

object of Indian Opinion was to bring the European and
the Indian subjects of the King Edward closer

together." (CW. IV P. 320) 

What was the harm in making an effort to bring

understanding among all people, irrespective of colour,
creed or religion? Did not Gandhi know that a huge
population of blacks and coloured lived there? Perhaps
to Gandhi they were less than human beings. 

Addressing a public meeting in Bombay on Sept. 26

1896 (CW II p. 74), Gandhi said: 
Ours is one continued struggle against degradation
sought to be inflicted upon us by the European, who
desire to degrade us to the level of the raw Kaffir,
whose occupation is hunting and whose sole ambition is
to collect a certain number of cattle to buy a wife with,
and then pass his life in indolence and nakedness.

In 1904, he wrote (CW. IV p. 193):

It is one thing to register natives who would not work,
and whom it is very difficult to find out if they absent
themselves, but it is another thing -and most insulting
-to expect decent, hard-working, and respectable
Indians, whose only fault is that they work too much, to
have themselves registered and carry with them
registration badges. 

In its editorial on the Natal Municipal Corporation Bill,

the Indian Opinion of March 18 1905 wrote: 
Clause 200 makes provision for registration of persons

belonging to uncivilized races (meaning the local

Africans), resident and employed within the Borough.
One can understand the necessity of registration of
Kaffirs who will not work, but why should registration
be required for indentured Indians who have become
free, and for their descendants about whom the general
complaint is that they work too much? (Italic portion is

The Indian Opinion published an editorial on

September 9 1905 under the heading, "The relative
Value of the Natives and the Indians in Natal". In it
Gandhi referred to a speech made by Rev. Dube, a most
accomplished African, who said that an African had the
capacity for improvement, if only the Colonials would
look upon him as better than dirt, and give him a chance
to develop self-respect. Gandhi suggested that "A little
judicious extra taxation would do no harm; in the
majority of cases it compels the native to work for at
least a few days a year." Then he added: 
Now let us turn our attention to another and entirely
unrepresented community-the Indian. He is in striking
contrast with the native. While the native has been of
little benefit to the State, it owes its prosperity largely to
the Indians. While native loafers abound on every side,
that species of humanity is almost unknown among
Indians here.

Nothing could be further from the truth, that Gandhi

fought against Apartheid, which many propagandists in

later years wanted people to believe. He was all in

favour of continuation of white domination and
oppression of the blacks in South Africa. 

In the Government Gazette of Natal for Feb. 28 1905, a

Bill was published regulating the use of fire-arms by the
natives and Asiatics. Commenting on the Bill,
the Indian Opinion of March 25 1905 stated: 
In this instance of the fire-arms, the Asiatic has been
most improperly bracketed with the natives. The British
Indian does not need any such restrictions as are
imposed by the Bill on the natives regarding the
carrying of fire-arms. The prominent race can remain so
by preventing the native from arming himself. Is there a
slightest vestige of justification for so preventing the
British Indian?

Here is the budding Mahatma telling the white racists

how they can perpetuate their Nazi domination over the
vast majority of Africans. 

In the British imperialist scheme, one important strategy

was to divide and rule. Gandhi advised Indians not to
align with other political groups in either coloured or
African communities. In 1906 the coloured people in
the colonies of Good Hope, the Transvaal and the
Orange River colony, addressed a petition to the King
Emperor demanding franchise rights. The petitioners
showed clearly that, in one part of South Africa, namely
the Cape of Good Hope, they had enjoyed the franchise

ever since the introduction of representative


Commenting on the petition, the Indian Opinion of

March 24 1906, declaring that "British Indians have, in
order that they may never be misunderstood, made it
clear that they do not aspire to any political power,"

It seems that the petition is being widely circulated, and

signatures are being taken of all coloured people in the
three colonies named. The petition is non-Indian in
character, although British Indians, being coloured
people, are very largely affected by it. We consider that
it was a wise policy on the part of the British Indians
throughout South Africa, to have kept themselves apart
and distinct from the other coloured communities in this

In a statement made in 1906 to the Constitution

Committee, the British Indian Association led by
Gandhi (CW. V p.335) said: 

The British Indian Association ---------- has always

admitted the principle of white domination and has,
therefore, no desire, on behalf of the community it
represents, for any political rights just for the sake of

Commenting on a court case, the Indian Opinion of


June 2 1906, in its Gujrati section, stated: 

You say that the magistrate's decision is unsatisfactory

because it would enable a person, however unclean, to
travel by a tram, and that even the Kaffirs would be able
to do so. But the magistrate's decision is quite different.
The Court declared that the Kaffirs have no legal right
to travel by tram. And according to tram regulations,
those in an unclean dress or in a drunken state are
prohibited from boarding a tram. Thanks to the Court's
decision, only clean Indians ( meaning upper caste
Hindu Indians ) or coloured people other than Kaffirs,
can now travel in the trams. (Italic portion is added) 

Apartheid defended: Gandhi accepted racial

segregation, not only because it was politically
expedient as his Imperial masters had already drawn
such a blueprint, it also conformed with his own attitude
to the caste system. In his own mind he fitted Apartheid
into the caste system: whites in the position of
Brahmins, Indian merchants and professionals as
Sudras, and all other non-whites as Untouchables.

Though Gandhi was strongly opposed to the comingling

of races, the working-class Indians did not share his
distaste. There were many areas where Indians,
Chinese, Coloured, Africans and poor whites lived
together. On February 15 1905, Gandhi wrote to Dr.
Porter, the Medical Officer of Health, Johannesburg
(CW. IV p.244, and "Indian Opinion" 9 April 1904): 

Why, of all places in Johannesburg, the Indian location

should be chosen for dumping down all kaffirs of the
town, passes my comprehension.

Of course, under my suggestion, the Town Council

must withdraw the Kaffirs from the Location. About
this mixing of the Kaffirs with the Indians I must
confess I feel most strongly. I think it is very unfair to
the Indian population, and it is an undue tax on even the
proverbial patience of my countrymen. 

Dr. Porter replied that it was the Indians who sub-let to


Commenting on the White League's agitation, Gandhi

wrote in his Indian Opinion of September 24 1903: 

We believe as much in the purity of race as we think

they do, only we believe that they would best serve
these interests, which are as dear to us as to them, by
advocating the purity of all races, and not one alone.
We believe also that the white race of South Africa
should be the predominating race. 
Again, on December 24 1903, Indian Opinion stated: 

The petition dwells upon `the comingling of the

coloured and white races'. May we inform the members
of the Conference that so far as British Indians are
concerned, such a thing is particularly unknown. If

there is one thing which the Indian cherishes more than

any other, it is the purity of type. 

In his farewell speech at a meeting held in the house of

Dr. Gool in Capetown, which was reported in
the Indian Opinion of July 1 1914, Gandhi said: 

The Indians knew perfectly well which was the

dominant and governing race. They aspired to no social
equality with Europeans. They felt that the path of their
development was separate. They did not even aspire to
the franchise, or, if the aspiration exists, it was with no
idea of its having a present effect. 

Gandhi joined in the orgy of Zulu slaughter when the

Bambata Rebellion broke out. It is essential to discuss
the background of the Bambata Rebellion, to place
Gandhi's Nazi war crime in its proper perspective. 

The Bambatta Rebellion--Background

The spiritual foundation of Nazism was the superiority

of the Aryan race or its modern version, the Anglo-
Saxon race. When Disraeli was Prime Minister, Britain
enunciated a doctrine, like the Monroe Doctrine,
warning other European powers that Africa would be a
British preserve, and that from the Cape to the
Limpopo, if not to Cairo, only white people would have
local political power. Successive British Governments
pursued this policy. 

In the 1870s, the Zulu Kingdom was by far the most

powerful African State of the Limpopo. Cetewayo, who
succeeded his father in 1872, was an able and popular
ruler. He united the kingdom and built up a most
efficient army. He followed a policy of alliance with the
British Colony of Natal. The Zulu Kingdom and the
Boer Republic of the Transvaal had been feuding for a
long time. The Zulus were defeated twice by the Boers,
in 1838 and 1840. By 1877 Cetewayo was ready to
invade the Transvaal. But the British stepped in and
annexed the Transvaal in 1877, only to prevent
Cetewayo from doing it first and becoming powerful
and a challenge to white supremacy. 

Some contemporary reports throw light on the relative

strength of the Zulus and their Boer enemies. Colonel
A.W. Durnford wrote in a memorandum on July 5
("The Secret History of South Africa" by Abercrombe.
The Central News Agency Ltd., Johannesburg South
Africa. 1951 p.6): 

About this time (April 10th) Cetewayo had massed his

forces in three corps on the borders, and would
undoubtedly have swept the Transvaal, at least up to the
Vaal River if not to Pretoria itself, had the country not
been taken over by the English. In my opinion he would
have cleared the country to Pretoria. 

Shepstone, the British Administrator, himself wrote


concerning the reality of the danger on Dec. 25 1877: 

The Boers are still flying, and I think by this time there
must be a belt of more than a hundred miles long and
thirty broad in which, with three insignificant
exceptions, there is nothing but absolute desolation.
This will give some idea of the mischief which
Cetewayo's conduct has caused.(Ibid p.7). 

The above facts explode the myth that the British

protected the Zulus from the Boers. 

British barbarity on Blacks: After annexing the

Transvaal, Shepstone turned his attention to destroying
all the independent African states in that region,
particularly the Zulu Kingdom. Before annexation of
the Transvaal, Shepstone sided with the Zulus in their
border disputes with the Transvaal. After annexation he
made a volte-face and used those disputes as excuses to
invade Zululand. The British public was told that the
Zulu War was to liberate the Zulu people from a
tyrannical ruler, and South Africa from a menace to
"christianity and civilisation".  SIDED OR

In 1879, the British invaded the Zulu Kingdom and

defeated Cetawayo. Then they started their complete
subjugation. First the army was broken, thus destroying
their ability to defend themselves. The country was then
split into thirteen separate units under the nominal

control of the chiefs, salaried by the Government. The

white magistrates supplanted the chiefs as the most
powerful men in their districts. Most important of all,
the land was partitioned. Before the war, Shepstone had
expressed the hope that Cetewayo's warriors would be
"changed to labourers working for wages". It makes a
sad story, how this was accomplished. In 1902-4, the
Land Commission delineated a number of locations for
the Zulus, and threw open the rest of the country to
white settlement. Out of a total acreage of more than 12
million acres, the Africans held some 2 million acres.
They numbered, at the lowest reckoning, over three
hundred thousand. The Europeans, who were less than
20,000, owned most of the best land. A large proportion
of the African population was forced to live upon land
to which it had no legal claim. Where the Africans lived
upon private or crown lands, they lived there entirely
upon sufferance and without legal title. By this time,
other independent African states in that region were
also destroyed by the British army. Wheresoever, they
marched, in Basutoland, Zululand or Bechuanaland, the
Queen's horses and the Queen's men were like unto a
"Salvation Army" ministering to the welfare of the
colonists. The sufferers were the Africans. 

Gandhi wrote in his Satyagraha in South Africa (p.15): 

The Boers are simple, frank and religious. They settle in
the midst of extensive farms. We can have no idea of
the extent of these farms. A farm with us means
generally an acre or two, and sometimes even less. In

South Africa, a single farmer has hundreds or thousands

of acres of land in his possession. He is not anxious to
put all this under cultivation at once, and if any one
argues with him he will say, `Let it lie fallow; lands
which are now fallow will be cultivated by our

Also in his Indian Opinion (March 15 1913), he wrote: 

General Botha has thousands of acres of land ... (there

is) a big company in Natal which has hundreds of
thousands of acres of land. 

Thou shalt not steal but rob. 

It did not seem to occur to Gandhi how these people

came into possession of thousands of acres of land,
whereas Africans were cooped in locations like chicken
in pens. 

Grabbing the land was not enough: it needed manpower

to cultivate that land. The cry of the farmers was for
labour. Naturally it found a favourite response from
Shepstone, whose dream it was to convert Cetewayo's
warriors into labourers for white men. His native policy
was to meet the demands of the European farmers. He
agreed that Europeans could not expand or grow in
wealth unless they could draw more fully upon the
reservoirs of labour in the African reserves. 

In the process of European colonisation, the swiftly

expanding land-hungry Europeans turned the bulk of
the African population into a proletariat. Due to the
congestion and landlessness in the reserves, created
deliberately by the white rulers, their agricultural return
was not sufficient for bare existence. Then there were
the taxes on huts, cattle and what not. On the other
hand, working for white men did not provide them with
adequate sustenance. In Natal, the sugar farmers of the
coast relied upon the Indian indentured labour, whereas
the stock farmers of the interior relied exclusively on
Africans, and regarded the failure of Africans to work
for them as a criminal offence. In a report to the Chief
Commissioner of Police in 1903, the Police Inspector
W.F. Fairley wrote: "With regard to crime, the principal
complaints made by Dutch farmers to patrols was of the
refusal to work on the part of the natives." (Department
Reports 1903 p.67 cited "Reluctant Rebellion" by
Marks p.17. Clarendon Press, Oxford 1970).
Complaints about the shortage of African labour were
voiced in all parts of the country. The farmers were
later joined by the mining industries. The most obvious
change was the broadening of the economic base from
being entirely agricultural to one in which mining
played a more and more important part. Diamond, gold,
coal became major industries, and with this
development, the deeper involvement of the big finance
houses, particularly Rothschilds. So the fate of the
Africans as the source of cheap labour, and the fat
dividends derived from mining by the British ruling

class, became interlinked. This still continues in a

modified form. Now it is Anglo-American

Cheap labour from India: Europeans assumed that

Africans lived only to meet their requirements of cheap
labour, and as such they had no right to establish
themselves as self-sufficient and independent farmers
because this conflicted with European interests.
Famines in India facilitates the recruitment of
indentured Indian labourers for white employers in the
Colonies. It was no different in relation to Africans. In a
Report of the Native Affairs Commission, (Native
Affairs Commission Report 1939-40 cited "Oxford
History of South Africa" p.182. Clarendon Press,
Oxford, 1969) it was admitted that "African reserves
were regarded by whites as reservoirs of labour, and
congestion, landlessness and crop failure were
welcomed as stimulants to the labour supply". Similar
situations among whites were viewed as national
calamities. The Government lent millions of pounds to
white farmers, gave them tax relief in times of famine,
paid subsidies, facilitated the export of their produce,
and wrote off their debts. But what about Africans?
Famine would be rampant, crops ruined, food
exhausted, thousands of Africans and their cattle would
starve to death, but the government would not raise a

The whites not only stole the land from the Africans,

and used them as cheap labour, but also looked to them

for revenue. They drew a relatively large and growing
income from the Africans. "The Native population of
Natal", Shepstone admitted ("Imperial Factor" by De
Kieweit p.193. Clarendon Press, Oxford 1970),
"contribute to the revenue annually a sum equal, at
least, to that necessary to maintain the whole fixed
establishment of the Colony for the government of the
whites as well as themselves." Taxation is a financial
measure to gather revenue to meet the expenditure of
the state. But in South Africa it was used to reduce
Africans to slavery. The sole motive behind the extra
taxation imposed on Africans was to force the Africans
to work on terms dictated by the whites. 

Always there was resentment against any measure

which would allow the Africans to settle in locations
instead of keeping them as labourers. It was not only
the farmers' conferences, the press owned by the mining
magnates joined the outcry of the farmers to enact
special laws to compel the Africans to come out of their
locations and work for the whites. The press was in the
forefront to arouse the sentiments that Africans not in
European service were necessarily living in idleness.
Gandhi's Indian Opinion played second fiddle to the
white press in this respect. To Gandhi, the imposition of
taxes upon the Africans to compel them to work for the
white employers was "gentle persuasion". 

By a stroke of the pen, the major part of the available


land was taken away from the Zulus and given to

Europeans. Some of the dispossessed Zulus were
allotted locations and others remained on the land of
European landlords on sufferance. Bambata was one of
these unfortunate chiefs. He became Chief in 1890 and
he and his people were placed in private locations on
very high rents. The land was useless for any
agricultural purpose. To make things worse, the Boer
farmers suspected Bambata of informing the British
about their pro-Boer activities, and naturally they tried
to victimise him and his people. But after the war, the
British rulers leaned backwards and went out of their
way to kiss and hug the Boers. So Bambata was caught
in a cleft stick. By 1905 the tension between Bambata
and his white landlords reached crisis point. The
Assistant Magistrate of Greytown, H. Von Gerard,
wrote to the Under Secretary of Native Affairs
recommending the allocation of a location for his
people. Gerard described how people were being
oppressed and squeezed by the landlords, what useless
land it was for agricultural purposes, and how summons
after summons was being issued against people who
were unable to pay high rents. Finally he remarked
("Reluctant Rebellion" by Marks. P.201): 

A most desperate state of affairs, the more so as there

seems no remedy for it....My sympathies with
Bambata's people...but I see no way out of the

The military and civilian leaders of Natal were

consciously developing a picture as if an uprising was
imminent. Not that they could foresee one, but they
wanted to foresee one because that would give them a
golden opportunity to inflict severe punishments on
Zulus who, according to the colonists, were growing
insolent. They drew up a plan to deal with this
imaginary uprising swiftly, and all agreed that was the
way they could save not only Natal but North Africa
from the "barbarities which only the savage mind can
conceive." (Ibid p. Xvii) 

Zulu Revolt: But outside Natal, people were not so sure.

Styne, President of the Orange Free State, called it
"hysteria". Smuts, Botha and Merriman expressed
concern as to whether the whites of Natal would spur a
rebellion. Some churchmen and many radical
humanitarians in Natal, as well as England, produced
volumes of irrefutable evidence proving that it was a
conspiracy to goad the Zulus into rebellion and then
massacre them. In this, Hariette Colenso, the famous
daughter of a famous father, Bishop Colenso, made the
most outstanding contribution. There was a cry of
imminent native revolt in the press long before active
rebellion broke out. 

As far back as 1902, Lieu. G.A. Mills in his report

(GH18/02. Cited "Reluctant Rebellion" p.158) to the
Chief of Staff, Natal, on July 1 informed him: 

Every Boer expresses the most bitter hatred of the

Zulus. They all express a wish that the Zulus would rise
now while the British troops are in the country so that
they may be practically wiped out. The Boers all say
that in the event of the rising, every one of them would
join the British troops in order to have a chance of
paying off old scores against the Zulus. When I first
came here, I visited farms and asked the Boers what
they thought of the advisability of keeping troops here.
They all said it was most necessary, as they were afraid
of the Kaffirs and it would not be safe to stay on their
farms if the troops withdrew.... Taking everything into
consideration, I cannot help being forced to the opinion
that many Boers intend to provoke a Zulu rising if they
can do so.

It was Colonel Mackenzie, the military supremo before

the rebellion, who was prophesying a native uprising
and cleaning the barrels of his guns to use the "golden
opportunity" to inflict "the most drastic punishment" on
leading natives he found guilty of treason, and to "instill
a proper respect for the white man". (C.O.
179/233/12460. Dispatch 9.3.06 cited "Reluctant
Rebellion" p. 188). 

On June 14, Charles Saunders, Chief Magistrate and

Civil Commissioner in Zululand (1899-1909) wrote to
C.J. Hignet, the magistrate of Nqutu ("Reluctant
Rebellion" p.241): 

I quite agree with your conclusions as to our men trying

to goad the whole population into rebellion, and you
have no idea of the difficulties we had in Nkandha in
trying to protect people one knew perfectly well were
faithful to us.

In his communication of July 10 1906 to the Prime

Minister, (PM 61/15/66 Governor to PM 10.7.06) the
Governor described the "sweeping actions and the
mopping-up operations as continued slaughter. Fred
Graham, a permanent civil servant in the Colonial
Office, in his Minute of July 10, described it as

Nazism & racism: The most revealing was the long

letter of July 24 1906 (CO 179/236/24787 minute 10-7-
06) sent by the Anglican Archdeacon, Charles Johnson,
from St. Augustine's in Nqutu division, to the Society
for the Propagation of the Gospels in London. He was a
man of the British establishment and not known to have
excessive zeal for standing up for the rights of the
Africans. He wrote (cited "Reluctant Rebellion" p.

Many thinking people have been asking themselves,

what are we going to do with his teeming population?
Some strong-handed men have thought the time was
ripe for solving the great question. They knew that there
was a general widespread spirit of disaffection among
the natives of Natal, the Free State and the Transvaal,

but specially in Natal, and they commenced the

suppression of the rebellion in the fierce hope that the
rebellion might so spread throughout the land and
engender a war of practical extermination. I fully
believe that they were imbued with the conviction that
this was the only safe way of dealing with the native
question, and they are greatly disappointed that the
spirit of rebellion was not strong enough to bring more
than a moiety of the native peoples under the influence
of the rifle. Over and over again it was said, `They are
only sitting on the fence, it shall be our endeavour to
bring them over'; and again, speaking of the big chiefs,
`We must endeavour to bring them in if possible! Yes,
they have been honest and outspoken enough-the wish
being father to the thought-they prophesied the
rebellion would spread throughout South Africa; had
they been true prophets, no doubt the necessity of
solving the native question would have been solved for
this generation at least.

John Merriman was a veteran Cape politician. He was

one of those so-called liberals who accepted Nazism as
a doctrine, or in other words Anglo-Saxon superiority,
but regretted its consequent atrocities and thus
fumigated their consciences. He wrote to Goldwin
Smith (Merriman papers NHo. 202, 16.9.06 cited
"Reluctant Rebellion" p.246) in September 1906: 

We have had a horrible business in Natal with the

natives. I suppose the whole truth will never be known,

but enough comes out to make us see how thin the crust
is that keeps our christian civilisation from the old-
fashioned savagery machine-guns and modern rifles
against knobsticks and assagais are heavy odds and do
not add much to the glory of the superior race. 

In the letter of the Archdeacon the expression "practical

extermination", and in a letter of Lieutenant Mills
"practically wiped out", have been used. This was what
the German Nazis wanted to do to the Jews: to
exterminate them. Does it make any difference whether
the victims of racial slaughter are Jews or blacks?

Conspiracy to massacre Blacks: Gandhi was well

aware of the conspiracy to massacre the Africans. When
there was war hysteria in the colonial press, this prophet
of non-violence did not apply his mind as to how to
stop such a conflict. On the contrary, he did not want
Indians to be left behind, but wanted them to take a full
part in this genocide. 

In his editorial in the Indian Opinion of Nov. 18 1905,

long before the actual rebellion broke out, Gandhi
complained that the Government simply did not wish to
give Indians an opportunity of showing that they were
as capable as any other community of taking their share
in the defence of the colony. He suggested that a
volunteer corps should be formed from colonial-born
Indians, which would be useful in actual service. 

Indentured Indians lived in conditions worse than

slavery. Gandhi during his 20 years' stay in South
Africa, did not raise a finger to ease their sufferings.
But he was quick to suggest using them as cannon
fodder for racists against Africans.

In his Indian Opinion in Dec. 2 1905 he referred to Law

25 of 1875 which was specially passed to increase "the
maximum strength of the volunteer force in the colony
adding thereto a force of Indian immigrant volunteer
infantry". To assure the Europeans that such Indians
would only kill Africans, he pointed out that "section 83
of the Militia Act states that no ordinary member of the
coloured contingent shall be armed with weapons of
precision, unless such contingent is called to operate
against other than Europeans". 

Gandhi defends massacre: Many years later, he wrote

(p.233) in his autobiography: 

The Boer War had not brought home to me the horrors

of war with anything like the vividness that the
`rebellion' did. This was no war but a man-hunt, not
only in my opinion but also in that of many Englishmen
with whom I had occasion to talk. To hear every
morning reports of the soldiers' rifles exploding like
crackers in innocent hamlets, and to live in the midst of
them, was a trial.

Then to justify his participation in this massacre, he


went on (Autobiography p. 231): 

I bore no grudge against the Zulus, they had harmed no

Indian. I had doubts about the `rebellion' itself, but I
then believed that the British Empire existed for the
welfare of the world. A genuine sense of loyalty
prevented me from even wishing ill to the Empire. The
righteness or otherwise of the `rebellion' was therefore
not likely to affect my decision.

What about the Nazi war criminals? Did they not have a
genuine sense of loyalty to Hitler and Nazism? 

In Great Britain another storm of protest was raised

against the atrocities perpetrated in Natal. The only time
Gandhi mentioned the Zulu suppression was on August
4 1906, when he wrote in his Indian Opinion:

A controversy is going on in England about what the

Natal Army did during the Kaffir rebellion. The people
here believe that the whites of Natal perpetrated great
atrocities on the Kaffirs. In reply to such critics,
the Star has pointed to the doings of the Imperial Army
in Egypt. Those among the Egyptian rebels who had
been captured were ordered to be flogged. The flogging
was continued to the limits of the victim's endurance; it
took place in public and was watched by thousands of
people. Those sentenced to death were also hanged at
the same time. While those sentenced to death were
hanging, the flogging of others was taken up. While the

sentences were being executed, the relatives of the

victims cried and wept until many of them swooned. If
this is true, there is no reason why there should be such
an outcry in England against Natal outrages.

One may notice that the article was very cleverly

written. First Gandhi stated that people in England
believed that the whites of Natal perpetrated great
atrocities on Africans, as if he himself did not know
what happened, and also gave the impression that it was
the local Natal Army and not the Imperial Army which
was involved in the atrocities, which is not true. Even at
this stage, he was not willing to tell the simple truth,
that atrocities were committed. Then he borrowed the
description of hanging and flogging in Egypt from
the Star as if he did not know about that either. Did or
did not Gandhi know that those Egyptians were not
common criminals to be flogged and hanged that they
were the patriots, the flowers of the Egyptian nation? 

If Gandhi unequivocally accepted or found out that the

Imperial Army committed those atrocities, then he
could not claim that he believed the British Empire
existed for the welfare of mankind. The last and the
vilest of all was the subtle suggestion that if the
Imperial Army did what they were accused of doing,
then there was no reason why there should be such an
outcry in England against the Natal outrage. Why could
this Imperialist-manufactured Mahatma not say clearly
that both were crimes against humanity? 

1. Nichols, Beverley. Verdict on India. New York:

Harcourt, Brace and Company, 1944. 

"Gandhi is the greatest enemy the untouchables have

ever had in India."
2. Ambedkar, B.R. What Congress and Gandhi Have
Done to the Untouchables. Bombay: Thacker & Co.,
Ltd, 2nd edition, 1946. Excerpts from this book were
published in: Gandhi: Maker of Modern India? Edited
by Martin Deming Lewis. Boston: D.C. Heath and Co.,
1965. Here is the report which you must read in its

Gandhi's views on the caste system--which constitutes

the main social problem in India--were fully elaborated
by him in 1921-22 in a Gujrati journal called Nava-
Jivan. The article is written in Gujrati. I give below an
English translation of his views as near as possible in
his own words. Says Mr. Gandhi: 

(1) I believe that if Hindu Society has been able to stand

it is because it is founded on the caste system. 

(2) The seeds of swaraj are to be found in the caste

system. Different castes are like different sections of
miliary division. Each division is working for the good
of the whole.... 

(3) A community which can create the caste system

must be said to possess unique power of organization. 

(4) Caste has a ready made means for spreading

primary education. Each caste can take the
responsibility for the education of the children of the
caste. Caste has a political basis. It can work as an
electorate for a representative body. Caste can perform
judicial functions by electing persons to act as judges to
decide disputes among members of the same caste.
With castes it is easy to raise a defense force by
requiring each caste to raise a brigade. 

(5) I believe that interdining or intermarriage are not

necessary for promoting national unity. That dining
together creates friendship is contrary to experience. If
this was true there would have been no war in Europe....
Taking food is as dirty an act as answering the call of
nature. The only difference is that after answering call
of nature we get peace while after eating food we get
discomfort. Just as we perform the act of answering the
call of nature in seclusion so also the act of taking food
must also be done in seclusion. 

(6) In India children of brothers do not intermarry. Do

they cease to love because they do not intermarry?
Among the Vaishnavas many women are so orthodox
that they will not eat with members of the family nor
will they drink water from a common water pot. Have
they no love? The caste system cannot be said to be bad

because it does not allow interdining or intermarriage

between different castes. 

(7) Caste is another name for control. Caste puts a limit

on enjoyment. Caste does not allow a person to
transgress caste limits in pursuit of his enjoyment. That
is the meaning of such caste restrictions as interdining
and intermarriage. 

(8) To destroy caste system and adopt Western

European social system means that Hindus must give up
the principle of hereditary occupation which is the soul
of the caste system. Hereditary principle is an eternal
principle. To change it is to create disorder. I have no
use for a Brahmin if I cannot call him a Brahmin for my
life. It will be a chaos if every day a Brahmin is to be
changed into a Shudra and a Shudra is to be changed
into a Brahmin.

(9) The caste system is a natural order of society. In

India it has been given a religious coating. Other
countries not having understood the utility of the caste
system, it existed only in a loose condition and
consequently those countries have not derived from
caste system the same degree of advantage which India
has derived. These being my views I am opposed to all
those who are out to destroy the caste system. 

In 1922, Mr. Gandhi was a defender of the caste

system. Pursuing the inquiry, one comes across a

somewhat critical view of the caste system by Mr.

Gandhi in the year 1925. This is what Mr. Gandhi said
on 3rd February 1925:

I gave support to caste because it stands for restraint.

But at present caste does not mean restraint, it means
limitations. Restraint is glorious and helps to achieve
freedom. But limitation is like chain. It binds. There is
nothing commendable in castes as they exist to-day.
They are contrary to the tenets of the Shastras. The
number of castes is infinite and there is a bar against
intermarriage. This is not a condition of elevation. It is a
state of fall.
In reply to the question: What is the way out? Mr.
Gandhi said:
The best remedy is that small castes should fuse
themselves into one big caste. There should be four
big castes so that we may reproduce the old system
of four Varnas.
In short, in 1925 Mr. Gandhi became an upholder of
the Varna system.

The old Varna system prevalent in ancient India had the

society divided into four orders: (1) Brahmins,whose
occupation was learning; (2) Kshatriyas, whose occupation
was warfare; (3) Vaishyas, whose occupation was trade and
(4) Shudras,whose occupation was service of the other
classes. Is Mr. Gandhi's Varna system the same as this
old Varna system of the orthodox Hindus? Mr. Gandhi

explained his Varna system in the following terms: 

(1) I believe that the divisions into Varna is based on birth. 

(2) There is nothing in the Varna system which stands in the

way of the Shudra acquiring learning or studying military art
of offense or defense. Contra it is open to a Kshatriya to serve.
The Varna system is no bar to him. What the Varna system
enjoins is that a Shudra will not make learning a way of
earning a living. Nor will a Kshatriya adopt service as a way
of learning a living. [Similarly a Brahmin may learn the art of
war or trade. But he must not make them a way of earning his
living. Contra a Vaishya may acquire learning or may
cultivate the art of war. But he must not make them a way of
learning his living.] 

(3) The Varna system is connected with the way of earning a

living. There is no harm if a person belonging to
one Varna acquires the knowledge or science and art
specialized in by persons belonging to other Varnas. But as
far as the way of earning his living is concerned he must
follow the occupation of the Varna to which he belongs which
means he must follow the hereditary profession of his

(4) The object of the Varna is to prevent competition and

class struggle and class war. I believe in the Varna system
because it fixes the duties and occupations of persons. 

(5) Varna means the determination of a man's occupation

before he is born.

(6) In the Varna system no man has any liberty to choose his


occupation. His occupation is determined for him by


* * * 
The social life of Gandhism is either caste or Varna. Though
it may be difficult to say which, there can be no doubt that the
social ideal of Gandhism is not democracy. For, whether one
takes for comparison caste or Varna both are fundamentally
opposed to democracy.... 

That Gandhi changed over from the caste system to

the Varna system does not make the slightest difference to the
charge that Gandhism is opposed to democracy. In the first
place, the idea of Varna is the parent of the idea of caste. If
the idea of caste is a pernicious idea it is entirely because of
the viciousness of the idea of Varna. Both are evil ideas and it
matters very little whether one believes in Varna or in caste. 

* * 
* Turning to the field of economic life, Gandhi stands for two
ideals. One of these is the opposition to machinery...
evidenced by his idolization of charkha (the spinning wheel)
and by insistence upon hand-spinning and hand-weaving. His
opposition to machinery and his love for charkha are not
matter of accident.

The second ideal of Gandhi is the elimination of class war and

even class struggle in the relationship between employers and
employees and between landlords and tenants....Gandhi does
not wish to hurt the propertied class. He is even opposed to a
campaign against them. He has no passion for economic
equality. Referring to the propertied class Gandhi said quite
recently that he does not wish to destroy the hen that lays the

golden egg. His solution for the economic conflict between

the owners and the workers, between the rich and the poor,
between the landlords and the tenants and between the
employers and the employees is very simple. The owners need
not deprive themselves of their property. All they need do is
to declare themselves trustees for the poor. Of course, the
trust is to be a voluntary one carrying only a spiritual

In Gandhism, the common man has no hope.

The Hindu “sacred” law penalized the Shudras (Hindus of the
fourth class) from acquiring wealth. It is a law of enforced
poverty. What does Gandhism do? It does not lift the ban. It
blesses the Shudra for his moral courage to give up property.
It is well worth quoting Gandhi's own words. Here they are: 

The Shudra who only serves (the higher caste) as a matter

of religious duty, and who will never own any property,
who indeed has not even the ambition to own anything, is
deserving of thousand obeisance...The very Gods will
shower flowers on him.

Another illustration in support is the attitude of Gandhism

towards the scavenger. The sacred law of the Hindus lays
down that a scavenger's progeny shall live by scavenging.
Under Hinduism scavenging was not a matter of choice, it
was a matter of force. What does Gandhism do? It seeks to
perpetuate this system by praising scavenging as the noblest
service to society! Let me quote Gandhi: 

I do not want to attain Moksha. I do not want to be

reborn. But if I have to be reborn, I should be born an
untouchable, so that I may share their sorrows, sufferings

and the affronts levelled at them, in order that I endeavor

to free myself and them from that miserable condition. I,
therefore prayed that if I should be born again, I should
do so not as a Brahmin, Kshatriya, Vaishya, or Shudra, but
as an AtiShudra.... I love scavenging. In my ashram, an
eighteen-years-old Brahmin lad is doing the scavenger's
work in order to teach the ashram scavenger cleanliness.
The lad is no reformer. He was born and bred in
orthodoxy.... But he felt that his accomplishments were
incomplete until he had become also a perfect sweeper,
and that, if he wanted the ashram sweeper to do his work
well, he must do it himself and set an example. You should
realize that you are cleaning Hindu Society.

Can there be a worse example of false propaganda than this

attempt of Gandhism to perpetuate evils which have been
deliberately imposed by one class over another? If Gandhism
preached the rule of poverty for all and not merely for
the Shudra the worst that could be said about it is that it is
mistaken idea. But why preach it as good for one class only?...
In India a man is not a scavenger because of his work. He is a
scavenger because of his birth irrespective of the question
whether he does scavenging or not. If Gandhism preached that
scavenging is a noble profession with the object of inducing
those who refuse to engage in it, one could understand it. But
why appeal to the scavenger's pride and vanity in order to
induce him and him only to keep on to scavenging by telling
him that scavenging is a noble profession and that he need not
be ashamed of it? To preach that poverty is good for
the Shudra and for none else, to preach that scavenging is
good for the Untouchables and for none else and to make
them accept these onerous impositions as voluntary purposes
of life, by appeal to their failings is an outrage and a cruel

joke on the helpless classes which none but Mr. Gandhi can
perpetrate with equanimity and impunity.... 

Criticism apart, this is the technique of Gandhism to make

wrongs done to the very victim appear as though they were
his privileges. If there is an "ism" which has made full use of
religion as an opium to lull the people into false beliefs and
false security, it is Gandhism. Plausibility! Ingenuity! Thy
name is Gandhism. 

Gandhism professes to abolish Untouchability. That is hailed

as the greatest virtue of Gandhism. But what does this virtue
amount to in actual life? The grace in Gandhism is a curse in
its worst form. The virtue of the anti-Untouchability plant in
Gandhism is quite illusory. There is no substance in it. 
Gandhism is simply another form of Sanatanism which is the
ancient name for militant orthodox Hinduism. What is there
in Gandhism which is not to be found in orthodox Hinduism?
There is caste in Hinduism, there is caste in Gandhism.
Hinduism believes in the law of hereditary profession, so does
Gandhism. Hinduism enjoins cow-worship. So does
Gandhism. Hinduism upholds the law of karma,
predestination of man's condition in this world, so does
Gandhism. Hinduism accepts the authority of the Shastras. So
does Gandhism. Hinduism believes in idols. So does
Gandhism. All that Gandhism has done is to find a
philosophic justification for Hinduism and its dogmas.
Hinduism is bald in the sense that it is just a set of rules which
bear on their face the appearance of a crude and cruel system.
Gandhism supplies the philosophy which smoothens its
surface and gives it the appearance of decency and
respectability and so alters it and embellishes it as to make
it even more attractive.... 

What hope can Gandhism offer to the Untouchables? To the

Untouchables, Hinduism is a veritable chamber of horrors.
The sanctity and infallibility of the Vedas, Smritis and
Shastras, the iron law of caste, the heartless law of karma and
the senseless law of status by birth are to the Untouchables
veritable instruments of torture which Hinduism has forged
against the Untouchables. These very instruments which have
mutilated, blasted and blighted the life of the Untouchables
are to be found intact and untarnished in the bosom of
Gandhism. How can the Untouchables say that Gandhism is a
heaven and not a chamber of horrors as Hinduism has been?
The only reaction and a very natural reaction of the
Untouchables would be to run away from Gandhism. 

Gandhists may say that what I have stated applies to the old
type of Gandhism. There is a new Gandhism, Gandhism
without caste. This has reference to the recent statement of
Gandhi that caste is an anachronism. Reformers were
naturally gladdened by this declaration of Gandhi. And who
would not be glad to see that a man like Gandhi having such
terrible influence over the Hindus, after having played the
most mischievous part of a social reactionary, after having
stood out as the protagonist of the caste system, after having
beguiled and befooled the unthinking Hindus with
arguments which made no distinction between what is fair and
foul should have come out with this recantation? But is this
really a matter for jubilation? Does it change the nature of
Gandhism? Does it make Gandhism a new and a better "ism"
than it was before? Those who are carried away by this
recantation of Gandhi, forget two things. In the first place, all
that Gandhi has said is that caste is an anachronism. He does
not say it is an evil. He does not say it is anathema. Gandhi

may be taken to be not in favor of caste. but Gandhi does not

say that he is against the Varna system. And what is
Gandhi's Varna system? It is simply a new name for the caste
system and retains all the worst features of the caste system. 

The declaration of Gandhi cannot be taken to mean any

fundamental change in Gandhism.,_his_li


I consider myself a lover of the British Empire, a
citizen (though voteless) of the Transvaal, prepared to
take my full share in promoting the general well-being
of the country. And I claim it to be perfectly honourable
and consistent with the above profession to advise my
countrymen not to submit to the Asiatic Act, as being
derogatory to their manhood and offensive to their
religion. And I claim, too, that the method of passive
resistance adopted to combat the mischief is the clearest
and safest, because, if the cause is not true, it is the
resisters, and they alone who suffer. I am perfectly
aware of the danger to good government, in a country
inhabited by many races unequally developed, in an
honest citizen advising resistance to a law of the land.

But I refuse to believe in the infallibility of legislators, I

do believe that they are not always guided by generous
or even just sentiments in their dealings with
unrepresented classes. I venture to say that, if passive
resistance is generally accepted, it will once and for
ever avoid the contingency of a terrible death-struggle
and bloodshed in the event (not impossible) of the
natives being exasperated by a stupid mistake of our
It has been said that those who do not like the law may
leave the country. This is all very well spoken from a
cushioned chair, but it is neither possible nor becoming
for men to leave their homes because they do not
subscribe to certain laws enacted against them. The
inlanders of the Boer regime complained of harsh laws ;
they, too, were told that if they did not like them they
could retire from the country. Are Indians, who are
fighting for their self-respect, to slink away from the
country for fear of suffering imprisonment or worse ? If
I could help it, nothing would remove Indians from the
country save brute force. It is no part of a citizen's duty
to pay blind obedience to the laws imposed on him.
And if my countrymen believe in God and the existence
of the soul, then, while they may admit that their
bodies belong to the state to be imprisoned and
deported, their minds, their wills, and their souls must
ever remain free like the birds of the air, and are
beyond the reach of the swiftest arrow. — (Indian

n_Patriot_in_South_Africa COMPLETE BOOK by
Doke (Joseph J) M.K. GANDHI An Indian patriot in
South Africa with an introduction by Lord Ampthill
Published: London, London Indian Chronicle, [ first
published in 1909 when Gandhi was just 40 years
old = strange. PR work to manufacture
Introduction -- The writer of this book is not known to
me personally, but there is a bond of sympathy between
him and me in the sentiments which we share in regard
to the cause of which he is so courageous and devoted
an advocate.
I commend his book to all who are willing to take my
word that it is worth reading. I respectfully suggest that
others who attach no value to my opinion would do well
to avail of the information afforded by this book in
regard to the question of which few, unfortunately, in
this country have any knowledge, but which is
nevertheless an Imperial question of the highest
Mr. Doke does not pretend to give more than a short
biography and character sketch of Mr. Mohandas
Karamchand Gandhi, the leader of the Indian
Community in the Transvaal, but the importance of the
book is due to the facts that men and matters are

inseparably connected in all human affairs, and that the

proper comprehension of political affairs in particular
ever depends on a knowledge of the character and
motives of those who direct them.
Although I am not in a position to criticize I do not
doubt that in these pages the facts are accurately
recorded, and I have sufficient reason to believe that the
appreciation is just.
The subject of the sketch, Mr. Gandhi, has been
denounced in this country, even by responsible persons,
as an ordinary agitator; his acts have been
misrepresented as mere vulgar defiance of the law;
there have not even been wanting suggestions that his
motives are those of self-interest and pecuniary profit.
A perusal of these pages ought to dispel any such
notions from the mind of any fair man who has been
misled into entertaining them. And with a better
knowledge of the man there must come a better
knowledge of the matter.
The Indian community in the Transvaal are struggling
for the maintenance of a right and the removal of a
degradation. Can we as Englishmen find fault with
them for that? The only method of protest, except
that of violence and disorder, which is open to them,
who have neither votes nor representation, is that of
passive resistance. Can we find fault with them for
that? They are not selfishly resisting a tax or insidiously
striving for new political privileges; they are merely
trying to regain that which has been taken from them—

the honour of their community. Let him who blames

them say what he would do in similar circumstances. Is
there one of us who, out of respect for the law, would
submit meekly and without protest to deprivation of
rights and social degradation?
The Colonial Government can remove both grievances
without sacrificing an ounce of principle or losing a
grain of dignity. Will the Colonial Government do so
for the sake of the Empire at this moment of
reconciliation, union, and new hope for the future? That
is the question to which we are anxiously expecting an
answer at the present moment—the question whether or
not the Indians who, have their homes in the Transvaal
and who have assisted as a community in the
development of South Africa, who are British citizens
and subjects of His Majesty the King, are to have any
lot or share in the general rejoicing over the Union of
South Africa.
The Colonial Government has but to repeal an Act,
which has served its purpose, which is now useless and
unworkable, and which they themselves declare to be a
dead letter, and to make a slight amendment of another
Act, so as to remove the explicit racial distinction
imposed by these laws and in practice admit a
maximum of six Indians annually to the Colony, on the
old principle of right, and the question would be settled.
The Indian would then have no further reason for
persisting in a struggle which for them means suffering
and ruin while for the Colony it means a scandal and

disgrace. This does not imply that they have no further

grievances. They would still labour under the
disabilities imposed by the late Transvaal Republic—
the incapacity to acquire the franchise and to own land,
and the liability to segregation in locations.
It is not realised in this country that in the Transvaal,
during the past three years, Indians have for the first
time been deprived of a right which they have enjoyed,
at any rate in theory, and still enjoy in every other part
of the Empire, viz., the legal right of migration on the
same terms as other civilised subjects of His Majesty.
That is the simple but startling fact, and if this were
understood, as it ought to be understood, surely there
would be protest from men of all parties in both Houses
of Parliament who have so solemnly expressed their
disapproval and regret at the establishment of a "colour
bar" under the new Constitution for South Africa.
Undoubtedly this disfranchisement, under a Liberal
administration, of men on account of their colour, this
deprivation of an elementary right of British citizenship
on racial grounds, constitutes a reactionary step in
Imperial government almost without parallel, and
perhaps there never has been so great or momentous a
departure from the principles on which the Empire has
been built up and by which we have been wont to
justify its existence, the principles of that true
Liberalism which has hitherto belonged to Englishmen
of all parties. But the violation of the political ethics of
our race is even greater in the case of the "colour bar"
which has been established in the Transvaal than in that

of the new South African Constitution. If the Houses of

Parliament and the Press cannot see this and do not
think it worth while to take account of so momentous a
reaction, it would seem that our genius for the
government of an Empire has commenced its decline.
What is to be the result in India if it should finally be
proved that we cannot protect British subjects under the
British Flag, and that we are powerless to abide by the
pledges of our Sovereign and our Statesmen? Those
who know about India will have no doubt as to the
consequences. And what if India—irritated, mortified
and humiliated—should become an unwilling and
refractory partner in the great Imperial concern? Surely
it would be the beginning of the end of the Empire.
These, briefly, are the reasons why this question of "the
British indians in the Transvaal" is a great Imperial
question and not one of mere internal administration of
a self-governing Colony in which the Mother Country
has neither right nor reason to interfere.
It is a matter which touches the honour of our race and
affects the unity of the Empire as a whole: it therefore
concerns every part of the Empire. Moreover, it is
certain that any departure from principle, which may be
sanctioned or ignored at the heart of the Empire, will
operate as a mischievous example to other places inside
and out, and then only by some rude shock to the whole
system will the arrest of moral decay be possible.

The matter, therefore, concerns all who would "think

Imperially," and it needs more "clear thinking" than it
has hitherto received.
The question must be decided, not by methods of
temporary expediency in which practice ignores theory,
but on the fundamental principles of the ethics of our
race. Theory can be modified in practice to suit the
exigencies of time and place, but if theory is cast to the
winds, there is no means of steering practice.
There is still hope that the danger may be realised and
averted, for as I write I hear that negotiations for a
settlement of the British India question in the Transvaal
are still proceeding. I have no more earnest hope than
that Mr. Gandhi and his fellow countrymen may see the
accomplishment of that end, for which they have
struggled so bravely and sacrificed so much, before this
book is published.
Milton Ernest Hall, Bedford, 26th August, 1909.
FREEMASON Arthur Oliver Villiers Russell, 2nd
Baron Ampthill,_2nd_Baro
title=Magic_Circle RUSSELL BLOODLINE !!!!!!!!!!!

October, 1908.---- A tall Indian, probably a Pathan,
some Kaffirs, and two white people—one Dutch, the
other a Jew. It is this cosmopolitan character of the
population which forms at once the attractiveness and
perplexity of the place. There is no cohesion, there is
no monotony.
But amidst the many questions which have appeared in
the City since its foundation, there is one which stands
out in curious and unique relief, and has done so for a
long time. That is, the Passive Resistance movement of
the Asiatics.
For some eighteen months, the Asiatic community,
which numbers throughout the Transvaal about 10,000,
naturally a loyal and law abiding community, has been
in revolt against the Government. The Asiatic Law
Amendment Act, which was built on the theory that the
Asiatics had inaugurated a wide-spread fraudulent
traffic in "permits," and was consequently a criminal
community, to be legislated against as criminals,
awakened intense indignation amongst them. They
clamoured for proof of this traffic but were refused.
They appealed to have the charges investigated by a
Judge of the Supreme Court, but the appeal was

ignored. They had no parliamentary vote, and no

representation in Parliament, so nothing remained but
either to give the outward sign of the criminal in
registration—which was the impression of the digits—
or resist the Law. They decided on resistance.
Fortunately, their leader was a refined, gentle,
chivalrous man, a disciple of Tolstoi, and the
resistance took the form of "Passive Resistance".
Since then, Johannesburg has been a battle-ground on
which issues, which will affect the whole Empire, have
been fought out, and the battle is still raging. -- We can
see them frequently marching up the dusty road
in batches—handcuffed and guarded—the Passive
Resisters of Johannesburg.
Johannesburg is very apathetic about it. The "colour
prejudice," which is intensely strong with a majority
of the white population, makes this spot a difficult
battleground on which to fight out such issues. Then we
have so many conflicting interests—trade
considerations, political interests, racial antipathies, and
no one knows what besides.
It was late in December, 1907, when I saw Mr. Gandhi
for the first time. & in 1909 he published gandhi’s
biography ?? . strange !!!!
--The Indian Stretcher-bearer Corps was in evidence—
photogaphs of Mrs. Besant, Sir William Wilson Hunter,

and Justice Ranade—several separate Indian portraits—

and a beautiful picture of Jesus Christ
-- Having travelled in India, ------ The skin was dark,
the eyes dark, but the smile which lighted up the face,
and that direct fearless glance, simply took one's heart
by storm??. I judged him to be of some thirty-eight
years of age, which proved correct??. But the strain of
his work showed its traces in the sprinkling of silver
hairs on his head. He spoke English perfectly??, and
was evidently a man of great culture??.
-- Then I can see again that spare, lithe form responding
to the call. "Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi," and
taking the prisoner's place with alacrity to receive a
sentence of "two months' imprisonment" for the sake
of his suffering people. Just prior to this, he had
addressed these words to the hundreds of Asiatics who
had gathered at the Mosque:—"No matter what may be
said, I will always repeat that it is a struggle for
religious liberty. By religion, I do not mean formal
religion, or customary religion, but that religion which
underlies all religions, which brings us face to face with
our Maker. If you cease to be men, if, on taking a
deliberate vow, you break that vow, in order that you
may remain in the Transvaal without physical
inconvenience, you undoubtedly forsake God. To repeat
again the words of the Jew of Nazareth, those who
would follow God have to leave the world, and I call
upon my countrymen, in this particular instance, to

leave the world and cling to God, as a child clings to its

mother's breast." Notable and brave words.
Another scene recurs to my mind with equal vividness.
The Pathans had attacked him, striking him down and
beating him with savage brutality. When he recovered
consciousness, he was lying in an office nearby to
which he had been carried. I saw him a moment later.
He was helpless and bleeding, the doctor was cleansing
his wounds, the police officers watching and listening
beside him, while he was using what little strength he
had to insist that no action should be taken to punish his
would-be murderers. "They thought they were doing
right," he said, "and I have no desire to prosecute
them". They were punished, but Mr. Gandhi took no
part of it.????

These are scenes one can never forget; they serve to

reveal the man. Our Indian friend lives on a higher
plane than most men do. His actions, like the actions of
Mary of Bethany, are often counted eccentric, and not
infrequently misunderstood. Those who do not know
him think there is stone unworthy motive behind, some
Oriental "slimness," to account for such profound
unworldliness. But those who know him well are
ashamed of themselves in his presence.

Money, I think has no charm for him. His compatriots

are angry; they say, "He will take nothing. The money
we gave him when he went as our deputy to England he
brought back to us again. The presents we made him in
Natal, he handed over to our public funds. He is poor
because he will be poor."
They wonder at him, grow angry at his strange
unselfishness, and love him with the love of pride and
trust. He is one of those outstanding characters, with
whom to walk is a liberal education, whom to know is
to love.
"My friend," I began, "I want to ask you a strange
question—how far are you prepared to make a martyr
of yourself for the good of the cause?" He looked a little
surprised, but said quietly, "I think you should know
that by this time". "No." I said, "candidly I do not."
"Well," said he, his face kindling, "it is a matter with
me of complete surrender. I am nothing, I am willing to
die at any time, or to do anything for the cause".

The Gujaratis were evidently cast in another mould

from that of the milder natives of Eastern India, and
the experience of war has told.
The sea, too, has had its powerful influence over
them. As with the Phœnicians, the Northmen, and
the British, the sea has been their nursing mother.
The chief occupation of Porbandar, from remote
antiquity has been "doing business in the great
waters." Vessels constructed here might be met with
from Zanzibar to Aden, and the wild ocean-life gave
these people an independence of character, and a
wide knowledge of men and thing in other hands.
Thirty years ago, a very large proportion of the men
of Porbandar had been across the sea, either for
purposes of trade, carrying their noted ghee or else, in
the service of the State.
This is to show from which the Gandhis sprang.
The Princes of Porbandar, who were knit up with the
family, trace back their genealogy to Hanuman, the
Monkey-God, which means that the records are
ancient. What strange, fantastic, choleric characters
these old Hindu Chiefs must have been! Take, for
instance, Rana Sahib Vikramajit, the Prince before
whom Ootamchand and Karamchand Gandhi
stood as Dewan Sahibs. Here is his picture: "Firm-
minded, singularly chaste in morals, keen-sighted,
often cruel, so independent that he quarrelled with the
political agent, so stubborn that he raised a Civil War,
so niggardly that his dependents were almost

starved, and yet with compensating characteristics

which won their affection."
To be Prime Minister in the court of such a Prince
was no sinecure. It meant at least occasional
excitements, and a general sense of insecurity. Yet
Ootamchand Gandhi, grandfather of our Mohandas,
held that position for many years. Once, during the
interregnum, before Vikramajit came to the throne, a
romantic incident happened, which left material
marks on the family inheritance. Ootamchand
incurred the displeasure ot the Queen-Regent. He
was displaced and fled, and the State soldiers
bombarded his house. Marks of the cannon-ball can
still be seen on the old mansion. Then he escaped to
Junagadh, across the Barda Hills. The Nawab of
Junagadh received him kindly, but the courtiers
noted that Gandhi's salute was given with the left
hand, an insult greater than that for which others had
lost their heads. The Nawab questioned him about it.
He replied, respectfully but firmly, that "in spite of all
that he had suffered, he kept his right hand for
Porbandar still." It is to the credit of the Nawab that
he appreciated the patriotism of the disgraced
Minister, and maintained him honourably until the
storm passed over. and Gandhi was recalled.
When the grandfather died, his son Karamchand took
his place, and served as Prime Minister of Porbandar
for twenty-five years. Then he, too, incurred the

displeasure of his sovereign—by no means a

difficult task in those days—took his leave and went
to Rajkot, bequeathing to his brother his badge of
office and the honours of the palace.
The Gandhi "clan" were evidently of considerable
importance in the political life of Porbandar. "One of
my earlier memories," said Mohandas, "is connected
with the learning and repetition, as a child, of the
family pedigree, with all its ramifications, and
offshoots, away there in the old home within the
walls of the White City."

When Mr. Gandhi speaks o[ his parents, those who
listen realise that they are on holy ground.---
The Gandhi clan belong to the third caste. In religion
they are Vaishnavas. The father was an intensely
religious man. He knew the whole of the Bhagavad
Gita, Arnold's "Song Celestial," by heart, and according
to the strictest manner of the law, he lived a Vaishnava.
The marvel was that, in the enervating atmosphere of an
Indian Court, he was also incorruptible. Once. when the
Thakore of Rajkot pressed him, after long service, to
accept a piece of ground, urging him to take as much as
he desired, he indignantly rejected the offer, thinking

that it had the appearance of bribery. "What will you do

with your sons?" said the Prince, "you must provide for
them. Take as much as you need." Then his relatives
took up the parable, and by sheer persistence, bore
down his opposition. But even then, all that he would
accept was a mere strip of ground four hundred yards
long. Money had no fasination for him. Before his
death, at the age of sixty-three, he had spent nearly all
his substance, chiefly in charity.

Here is a vivid scene from his life. Once he fell foul of

the Assistant Political Agent, who was an Englishman.
In those days, the Thakore Sahib of Rajkot, whom
Karamchand Gandhi was serving at the time, had no
power beyond what was allowed him by the British
representative, and, as a rule, a hint from such an
authority was sufficient to procure the dismissal of even
a Minister. Karamchand Gandhi must have been a
fearless man. Hearing some insolent remark from the
Englishman regarding his Prince, he dared to dispute
with him. The Agent was furious and demanded
apology. When this was refused, the angry official had
him immediately arrested, and detained, for some hours,
under a tree; the town meanwhile seething with
excitement. Such a defiance of British power had never
before been seen. In the end, "passive resistance"
prevailed, the apology was waived, and the two
opponents became friends.


During the few years that succeeded, Mohandas, his

youngest son, was his constant companion and nurse,
and I gather that the utmost confidence must have
existed between the two. But above all, it was the
mother who won the boy's unreserved devotion. His
voice softens when he speaks of her, and the light of
love is in his eyes. She must have been a beautiful
character. ----HIGH END PR STUNT .
The mother was a second wife. She was very young, but
remarkably clear-sighted and intelligent. She became, in
fact, a political influence of no mean importance in the
State, through her friendship with the Court ladies.
She believed in stern discipline, yet withal, this mother
bore such a strain of tenderness and sympathy in her
heart, that the children clung to her with boundless
affection. If there were sickness in the home, she would
sit up night after night discharging the duties of nurse.
If any one nearby was in need, Brahmin or Sudra, she
was the one to render help as soon as possible. Every
morning the old gate-way was besieged by twenty or
thirty poverty-stricken people, who came to receive the
alms or the cup of whey which was never refused: just
as though the house were a mediæval convent, and she
an Indian Saint Elizabeth. It was her influence, more
than any other, that formed the character of her

Here is a glimpse of the Holy of Holies. "When," he

said, "my going as a student to London was proposed,
after long refusal, my mother consented on one
condition. She had heard of the loose, immoral lives
lived in that far-off city, and she trembled for her son.
Taking me before a Swami of the Jain Sect, she made
me swear a threefold oath, to abjure the attractions of
wine, of flesh, and of women. And that oath," he added,
"saved me from many a pitfall in London."


--- Mohandas meaning Devoted to Lord Krishna;
Servant of Mohan (Lord Krishna).
Rajkot is divided into two parts, representing the old
and the new, the East and the West. The old part is
ruled by the Thakore of Rajkot, and those born there are
simply under British protection. The new town or
"station" is subject to the Governor of Bombay, and is
essentially British.
The Gandhi's second home was in old Rajkot, close to
the palace. At first they were merely guests in the town,
but when Karamchand accepted the position of Dewan
Sahib to the Thakore, a house was built by him, and
they became settled citizens.
At this time, all the religious teaching was received in
the home, and there the dharma had not decayed.????


--- He had never, since the age of reasoning, imagined
that the stone or wood or metal image was itself a god,
but he had been told, and believed, that an act of
consecration endowed the image with a Divine Spirit,
and this localised spirit he worshipped. His
companionship with other minds, however, almost
imperceptibly changed his conception of religion. He
became sceptical. A strong natural tendency to
analytical study made him question the why of
"I wanted to know," he said, "how this or that could be
so, and why it was so," questions which brought him at
length into hopeless conflict with the religious teaching
of his mother. There was no alternative, so far as he
knew, between idolatrous Hinduism and Atheism. So
Atheism it was.
The little company of Atheistic students, who
associated together in the High School at Rajkot, and to
whom Mohandas was attached, broke secretly through
one Hindu custom after another, growing more and
more daring. They gave up worship. They smiled at the
gods. They at length began surreptitiously to eat meat.
Their leader persuaded them that the strength and
physique of the English were due to this indulgence. A
Mohammedan friend, who, at this time, began to
exercise a powerful influence over them, added his
persuasions. Finally, they discovered that the school-
master, who was venerated by them, indulged in this

food, and before these successive assaults, the religious

convictions of years gave way. For some time they met
and discussed the awful theme, afraid of taking such an
unholy course. At last they ventured. Western minds,
accustomed from childhood to this diet, can never
appreciate the horror and loathing with which a strict
Hindu regards it. It outrages all his religious instincts. It
insults his judgment. It stands as the symbol of a
renunciation of Hindu faith. It is atheism.
These boys trembled while they dared. When the
moment came, which should break their caste and cause
a breach with all the sacred traditions of their faith, they
felt like a company of murderers shocked at themselves.
A party of five or six progressive spirits stole away one
evening to a secluded spot by the river side, carrying
meat with them, and there, under the supervision of the
school-master's brother, solemnly cooked and ate it. It
was eaten quickly. Mr. Gandhi says: "It rested at first
nauseous, but worst of all, the memory of it haunted the
darkness of the night, and there was no sleep for the
sinners." Still they persevered in their course, ashamed
of being thought superstitious by others, and determined
to grow strong like the English. Day after day they
repeated the act, until the fear wore away, and they even
began to like the forbidden food. One of their number
was a past-master in the art of cooking. He made the
dishes savoury. He invented all sorts of variations, and
although the feast was enjoyed secretly, it was a feast
nevertheless, and it was enjoyed.

In his difficulties, he turned to ancient Hindu lore. He

studied the code of Manu, in the hope of finding some
light on the riddle of life. What he found perplexed him
more. It seemed to him that a much purer faith shone
out from the old books than the faith which claimed his
adherence in the home. The worship around him
appeared childish and demoralizing, it failed to retain
his respect; surely there was a better way than this. So
he argued, and pondered in the dark, as many a Hindu
youth is doing still, until slowly the light came.


After Mohandas had matriculated at Ahmadabad, he
entered College at Bhavnagar, intending to graduate.
On his first holiday visit to Rajkot, however, a
Brahmin friend of the family, who was his spiritual
adviser, turned his thoughts another way. A resident of
Rajkot had just returned from London, after having
been called to the Bar. The clear-sighted Brahmin
pointed to him, saying, "If you wish to make headway
in your country, and become, like your father, a man of
importance, you had better relinquish the idea of
graduating here. You must go to London and become a
barrister." ??????
----Sir F. S. P. Lely was at that time the British
Administrator in Porbandar, and it was within his power

to grant a scholarship to any promising????? Indian

student, which would materially help him in London.
To obtain such a scholarship was partly the object of
this journey. It resulted in failure. Perhaps, although,
Mr. Gandhi had obtained all kinds of scholarships?? in
the schools which he attended, he did not impress the
Administrator with his talent, or, possibly, some hostile
influence had been at work. At any rate, the application
failed. "No," said Sir Frederick, "you must graduate
first—that would have meant four further years of study
—then you can come to me, and I will consider it." But
another part of his errand was more successful. His
uncle, who had followed Karamchand as Dewan Sahib
of Porbandar, endorsed the scheme, gave his blessing,
and sent him back to Rajkot, able, at last, to realise his
First ever trip to London 1888 Gandhi checked in to
Hotel Victoria.
It was the mother's vow which gave strength to the
Dr. Josiah Oldfield, now in charge of the Lady
Margaret's Hospital at Bromley, became his intimate
friend, and exercised considerable influence over him.
Other friendships, too, were formed through the
Vegetarian Society, of which he became a member.
He was also brought into touch with the Theosophists,
saw Madame Blavatsky, read her book "The Key to
Theosophy," and attended the "Blavatsky Lodge," but

beyond quickening his interest in religious problems,

Theosophy failed???? to enlighten him. Two brothers
however, who were Theosophists, indirectly did him
good service.???

Unfortunately, the gentleman failed??? to indicate what

parts of the Bible he should read. So the student began
at the beginning, and stumbled through whole chapters
which bore no relation to his own needs, nor to the cry
of his heart, until the task became insufferable. Again
and again he asked himself, "What could have led this
friend to exact such a promise?" It all seemed so
completely beside the mark. When Exodus was
finished, he simply closed the book, and, for a time,
closed with it his researches in the literature of
Christianity. Still he was eager to receive any fresh
light. He not only maintained as far as possible an open
mind, but he endeavoured to place himself where truth
might be found.
He even accustomed himself to attend the Churches.
On one occasion he heard C. H. Spurgeon. He also
listened to Archdeacon Farrar: but neither of these
preachers impressed him. He was unable to start from
their premises, or follow their line of thought, and he
left their Churches without grasping their message.
With Dr. Parker it was different. His Thursday mid-
day talks at the City Temple appear to have attracted
the student. "It was his appeal to the thoughts of young
men that laid hold of me," said Mr. Gandhi, "and I went

again and again." On the whole, although no final goal

was reached, these different influences helped to
quicken and mature his thought, and, at any rate, to
sweep away the fragments of his boyish atheism. God
had become a reality.
Mr. Gandhi passed??? his examination with credit, but
with no particular distinction, and at the end of his three
years was called to the Bar. Immediately afterwards he
returned home.

"What idea did you form of English life?" I asked him.

"Did it impress you favourably?" "Yes," he replied,
with emphasis, "even now, next to India. I would rather
live in London than in any other place in the world."

Mr. Gandhi discovered that his mother was dead. His
friends, wishing to spare him, had not told him of this
before he left England, and even on landing, but for his
determination to go at once to Rajkot. they would have
still preserved silence?????. The news was a great
shock when it came. His mother, with her stern
principles and unwavering adherence to the old way,
would doubtless have felt the subtle, inexplicable
change in her son. But the tie between them was too
close and tender to have been disturbed. As it was,

Rajkot was shorn of its chief charm. and the home-

coming was a painful one. FRIENDS NEVER TOLD HIM

It had been the elder brother's intention to get the young

barrister away to a quiet spot, for the process of
ceremonial cleansing according to custom, before his
appearance in Rajkot. Probably this influenced his
silence regarding the mother's death. Now the cleansing
must follow. It was a purely ceremonial observance,
and so far as Mr. Gandhi was concerned, had no
religious significance. It was simply the prescribed way
of readmission to caste society and caste privileges.
Nasik, in the Western Ghats, was chosen as the sacred
spot. The returned prodigal was bathed, a priest
chanted mantras and when the ceremony, involving an
expenditure of about Rs. 50, was complete, a caste
dinner was held, and without any reference being made
to the subject which occasioned it, he was admitted and
welcomed as one of the company.

The practice of the law, in Rajkot, and the study of the

law in the High Court of Bombay, together with a more
systematic research into the old Hindu faith under a
learned Jain, occupied Mr. Gandhi for some eighteen
months. Then an invitation came, through his brother,
to go to South Africa.

He / Gandhi himself was a high-caste Hindu, the child

of an ancient and noble race. His father, grandfather,
and uncle had been Prime Ministers of their respective
Courts. His childhood and youth had been spent in
India, familiar with all the splendour of an Eastern
palace. In manhood he had known nothing of colour-
prejudice, but had been granted free access to polite
English society. Prince Ranjitsinhji was his friend. By
profession he was a banister, trained in the fine old
English Law Schools of the Inner Temple, and called to
the Bar in London—a cultured gentleman in every
sense of the term. Hitherto??? he had looked upon a
white face as the face of a friend. He had been taught
from childhood to admire the justice of British law and
the purity of British honour. It is true that, now and
then. some British official had shown himself brusque
or over-bearing, but nothing, so far, had happened to
chill his 1oyalty. Jubilee Book
of Cricket by Prince Ranjitsinhji dedicated to H.M. The
During this period, Mr. Gandhi attended Bible classes
conducted by a prominent solicitor in Pretoria, and
studied the characters of Christian people, with a
keenness of vision which they seldom suspected.
Having plenty of time, he read widely, "quite eighty"
books within this year; among them, Butler's
"Analogy," Tolstoi's works, "The Six Systems," by a
Jain philosopher, and a great deal of Dr. Parker's

"Commentaries" He also read the whole Bible for the

first time. When, in his consecutive study, he reached
the "Sermon on the Mount," he began to realise the full
charm of Scriptures. "Surely," he said, "there is no
distinction between Hinduism, as represented in
the Bhagavad Gita and this revelation of Christ; both
must be from the same source."

In order to clear his thought or confirm his conviction,

Mr. Gandhi consulted his friend Dr. Oldfield, and a
learned Jain teacher in Bombay. He also corresponded
on the subject with Edward Maitland, an exponent of
Esoteric Christianity. Mrs. Anna Kingsford's book
entitled "The Perfect Way" had greatly impressed him.
He was slowly feeling his way to some definite
religious faith. Not least among the formative
influences of that year was a visit to the Wellington
Convention, and his contact with Dr. Andrew Murray,
the veteran Dutch Reformed Minister, Mr. Spencer
Walton, and other leaders of the Keswick school.


----The system of indentured labour, which imported
Indians to work in the sugar fields, meant a system of
servitude little better than slavery. Even the free Indians
felt its degrading effects.

--- South Africa became the land of his adoption, and

under his hand the Natal Indian Congress and the
Natal Indian Educational Association were formed.
The work of Josiah Oldfield ( Middle Temple barrister,
medical graduate and Oxford Doctor of Law. ) and the
Christian-inspired Order of the Golden Age , whose
objective was to bring about the Messianic Kingdom of
peace and harmony with nature, serves as a case study
of the work of the new age movement in the early-
twentieth century. // Though the Concordium lasted
only 10 years, after its demise other socialist groups
took up the cause. One of these was the Humanitarian
League, founded in 1891 by Henry Stephens Salt
(1851–1939) // Salt himself was an ethical
vegetarian, an anti-vivisectionist and a pacifist—a not
uncommon combination among socialists—who
believed that the new-found kinship with animals that
had been revealed by Darwin’s theory of evolution
warranted the extension of rights to the non-human
‘races’. Animal rights was something of a surrogate
cause among socialists, because they assumed, with
reasoning the reverse of Thomas Taylor’s, that if
animals were recognised as having rights, humans could
not possibly be denied them .// that drew on
influences as diverse as Eastern philosophy,
transcendentalism and Darwinism to promote a
worldview of ‘universal kinship’ and harmony with

nature. // the final straw for the back-to-nature

movement was the subsequent co-option of ‘green’
ideology by British fascists, which, along with its links
with German National Socialism // In Britain,
organized vegetarianism had been linked from the
outset with Fabianism and, in particular, the
Concordium (1838–1848) // It is significant, therefore,
that he never called for legislation to protect laboratory
animals // but the hospital relied for financial support
primarily on its chairman, the shipbuilder Arnold Frank
Hills (1857–1927) //
In commemoration of the Queen’s Jubilee, the anti-
vivisectionists of this country and the Continent
have decided to found a hospital on what they call
purely humanitarian lines. It is meant to be a protest
against ‘all forms of cruelty and especially of
vivisection’. It is proposed to call it ‘The Hospital of
St. Francis’. -- because those who supported it
were ‘On the King’s [i.e., Jesus Christ’s] business’.
Order of the Golden Age was ‘reconstituted’ in 1904
under the presidency of Sidney Hartnoll Beard (1862–
1938), with Oldfield on its six-strong General Council.
In 1853, the Lancet had reported the ‘recovery’ of a
vegetarian opium-eater (‘a little, withered creature’)
after the restoration of an animal diet. 50 Over 50 years
later, that journal still considered vegetarianism
incompatible with vigorous health, suggesting in an
editorial that its prevalence among ‘oriental’ peoples, a

point often positively adverted to by its supporters,

might explain ‘the marked superiority of the European’,
and the fact that ‘men have often to be employed in
India for work that women will do in England…’.51
Vegetarianism was condemned as un-British, un-
Christian, and disloyal to one’s fellow humans, for
placing their interests and those of animals on almost
the same level. The OGA declared itself ‘above all
things a society of Christians’, but rather than claiming
the traditional ‘dominion’ over animals, took its
inspiration from the Old Testament prophecy of a
‘Messianic Age’ (the ‘peaceable kingdom’) in which all
creatures would live in harmony and killing for food
would cease. The Golden Age would be achieved when
this perfect state of living, the desire for which
remained latent in the human psyche, 52 was finally
Darwin’s theory of species change, for example, had
helped many people to understand what
transcendentalists and others claimed to have known
intuitively: that ‘all life is one’. This principle was
central to the OGA’s mission .
The influence of Eastern philosophy and religion was
also mediated through theosophy, which was closely
linked with anti-vivisection. The Theosophical Society
and the Victoria Street Society were founded in the
same year, and had common purposes and supporters to
the extent that, according to Vyvyan, they were

practically sister movements. The anti-vivisection and

vegetarian doctor Anna Kingsford was instrumental in
converting the prominent theosophist Annie Besant to
the humane movement, and in turn was herself
converted to theosophy, becoming president of the
Theosophical Society’s London branch in 1883, and
launching a psychic war against the vivisectionists Paul
Bert (1833–86), Claude Bernard and Louis Pasteur, a
campaign in which she claimed some success. 60
Many other prominent vegetarians were active
theosophists. , including the Vegetarian Society’s
London secretary (and ex Concordium member),
George Dornbusch (1819–1873); Constance
Wachtmeister (1838–1910, a close friend of
Blavatsky), and the homoeopath Dr Leopold Salzer (d.
1907) . The same objectives were shared by the Order
of the Golden Age and the anti-vivisection movement.
They preached a gospel of peace, compassion and
spiritual awareness that they hoped would make the
new century the beginning of a new age, an age inspired
by the Old Testament prophecy of the Messianic
Kingdom, and foretold by astrologers as the Age of
Aquarius, which was the ‘Sign of the Son of Man’. 63 In
the years leading up to the Great War. it seemed that
the OGA’s conciliatory and harmonious ideals might
prevail: minor royals, members of the nobility and
senior army officers all attended its fundraising
concerts, which had a pastoral theme, and enjoyed
music and readings extolling the glories of creation,

even if they were not sufficiently moved by them to

give up meat eating. Edward VII, sent them a message
of support.
During the Great War, Oldfield (a pacifist, of course)
temporarily abandoned his hospitals to command a
casualty clearing station, a service for which he was
promoted Lieutenant Colonel and mentioned in
Popular outdoor organizations such as the Scout
Movement, the Order of Woodcraft Chivalry, and the
Kibbo Kift (archaic Cheshire dialect for ‘proof of great
strength’) all encouraged their members to spend time
living in, learning about, and respecting nature. --the
rituals of Woodcraft Chivalry and Kibbo Kift
influenced those of modern Wicca.
In 1932, the Kibbo Kift allied itself with the Social
Credit movement, a scheme for redistributing wealth,
whose founder Major C.H. Douglas (1879–1952)
blamed Britain’s economic problems on ‘international
Jewry’ and hoped to solve them by paying the British
poor for not working. The result was the Green Shirt
Movement for Social Credit, an anti-capitalist, anti-
government and anti-Semitic group - aggressive
greenness . Had things gone their way, they might
have started a radical back-to-nature movement in
Britain. The only European regime officially to
endorse natural living, promote spiritual harmony with

nature, and ban vivisection, was National Socialist

For British fascists, hoping to bring in an age of
national prosperity by breaking the power of
‘international financiers’ (for which, read ‘Jews’), a
‘natural’ mode of living was that which corresponded
to their own ideology. In his old age, Oldfield became
increasingly concerned that fresh air and cruelty-free
living would not be enough to reverse the problem of
human degeneration, which could only be confronted
by enforcing standards of racial health and purity. In
1944, he wrote in Healing and the Conquest of
Pain, that ‘…the crossing of a negro with a white
woman is fraught with many curious genetic
problems…’, and advocated euthanasia for ‘idiots’. 78
Interest in back-to-nature living on the part of British
fascists temporarily boosted recruitment, and legacies,
to the OGA (one Herbert Jones of Liverpool divided his
estate between, among others, the OGA, the RSPCA,
the Vegetarian Society, the Malthusian League, and
the British Fascisti).
In Britain on the eve of war, the Order’s fascist links
were a humiliating liability, and it decamped to South
Africa, where it survived until 1959.

It later allied itself with the African National Congress.

SAROJINI NAIDU She also wrote poetry in praise of

Muslim figures like Imam Hussain. // Her parental
home was at Brahmangaon in Bikrampur (in present-
day Bangladesh). Her father, Aghorenath
Chattopadhyay, with a doctorate of Science from
Edinburgh University, settled in Hyderabad, where he
administered Hyderabad college, which later became
Nizam College in Hyderabad. Her mother, Barada
Sundari Devi Chattopadhyay, was a poet and used to
write poetry in Bengali. // In 1895, H.E.H. the Nizam's
Charitable Trust founded by the 6th Nizam, Mir
Mahbub Ali Khan who gave her the chance to study in
England, first at King's College London and later at
Girton College, Cambridge. // She also helped to
establish the Women's Indian Association (WIA) in
1917.[8] She was sent to London along with Annie
Besant, President of home rule league and Women's
Indian Association // In 1929, she presided over East
African Indian Congress in South Africa. She was
awarded the Kaisar-i-Hind Medal by the British
government // In 1931, she participated in the second
round-table conference with Gandhiji and Madan
Mohan Malaviya. // Aldous Huxley wrote "It has
been our good fortune, while in Bombay, to meet Mrs.
Sarojini Naidu .. ..//

As a girl in England, Naidu became acquainted with

two eminent English critics, Arthur Symons and
Edmund Gosse. // She was one of the founders of
the Women's India Association, in which she worked
closely with Margaret E. Cousins and Annie Besant.//
Indian National Congress, of which she was named
president in 1925. // Gandhi sent her as his envoy to
South Africa //
Symons was also a member of the Rhymer's Club
founded by Yeats in 1890
He encouraged the careers of W. B. Yeats and James
Joyce. // gave him an introduction to the Pre-
Raphaelite Brotherhood. // Gosse and Archer, along
with George Bernard Shaw, were perhaps the literary
critics most responsible for popularising Ibsen's plays
among English-speaking audiences. // In later life, he
became a formative influence on Siegfried Sassoon, the
nephew of his lifelong friend, Hamo Thornycroft.
Sassoon's mother was a friend of Gosse's wife, Ellen.
Gosse was also closely tied to figures such as Algernon
Charles Swinburne, John Addington Symonds, and
André Gide. // Gosse was named a Companion of the
Order of the Bath (CB) in 1912.[15] He was knighted
in 1925.

and Theosophist, who established All India Women's

Conference (AIWC) in 1927. // She is credited with
composing the tune for the Indian National Anthem
Jana Gana Mana in February 1919, during Rabindranath
Tagore's visit to the Madanapalle College. // from an
Irish Protestant family // In 1907 she and her
husband attended the London Convention of the
Theosophical Society, and she made contacts with
suffragettes, vegetarians, anti-vivisectionists, and
occultists in London. // Vacationing with W. B. Yeats
in 1912, Cousins and her husband heard Yeats read
translations of poems by Rabindranath Tagore. // In
1917 Cousins co-founded the Women's Indian
Association with Annie Besant and Dorothy
Jinarajadasa. //

Sarojini Chattopadhyay, later Naidu belonged to a

Bengali family of Kulin Brahmins.// Chatterjee or
Chattopadhyay is a Bengali family name, used
primarily by Pancha-Gauda Brahmins in India, and
associated with the Bengali Brahmin caste.
 Gandhi, Smuts and Race in the British Empire: Of
Passive and Violent Resistance By Peter Baxter .

It was difficult, however, for him to obtain admission

to the Supreme Court.- Supreme Court and Mr.
Gandhi was admitted.????


--- Mrs. Gandhi and the children were sent separately,
and reached their destination safely.--Mrs. Gandhi and
the children had been taken to the house of Mr. Parsee
Rustomjee, a wealthy Indian friend. It was arranged
that Mr. Gandhi should follow but the crowd was large
at the landing-stage, and became threatening. --- Mr.
Laughton was torn away, and stones, fish, and rotten
eggs began to fall around??Mr. Gandhi. As he was
pushed along, a burly European from behind shouted:
"Are you the man who wrote to the Press?" and

followed it up with a brutal kick. Mr. Gandhi held on, in

an almost unconscious condition, to some railings near
by, and he was again kicked by his assailant.
Then a beautiful and brave thing happened, which
throws some glory over this wretched scene. Mrs.
Alexander, the wife of the Superintendent of Police,
recognised him, and opening her sunshade to keep off
the flying missils, courageously went to his assistance,
and when he attempted to go forward, she walked at his


In October, 1899, when the War began, the stir and
excitement that pervaded all classes of colonial society,
touched even the Indians, and they desired to take some
part in those great events which were happening around
them. It was Mr. Gandhi's hope that their action in
this crisis might prove at least their loyalty to the
Empire, and refute the common sneer that, "if danger
threatened the Colony, the Indians would run away." It
was his repeated contention, that if they were ready to
assert their rights and to claim to be regarded as British
subjects, they were equally ready and eager to accept
the responsibilities of such a position. He accordingly
counselled his people to volunteer for service in
whatever capacity the Government would accept them.
The proposal was taken up, and a formal offer was sent

to the Government, but rejected, the Government saying

that there was no need of help from the Indians.
Then Mr. Gandhi interviewed the Hon. R. Jameson,
Member of the Legislative Council, to whom he was
well-known. Again he was disappointed, Mr. Jameson
laughing at the idea. "You Indians," said he, "know
nothing of war. You would only be a drag on the army;
you would have to be taken care of, instead of being of
help to us." "But," replied Mr. Gandhi, "is there nothing
we can do? Can we not do ordinary servants' work in
connection with the Hospital? Surely that will not
demand very great intelligence?" ??????
At this moment, Dr. Booth, who was then in charge of
the Indian Anglican Mission, and Bishop Baynes,
made another attempt to further the effort of the
Indians. At first there was no success, but when the
Bishop interviewed Colonel Johnstone, and pointed out
the necessity of increasing, or supplementing the
provision already made, while the pressure of need on
the banks of the Tugela became every day more intense,
Mr. Gandhi's offer was at last favourably entertained,
and sanction given for the formation of an Indian
Ambulance Corps. ---- just stretcher bearer or
active front operation ?? how do we know ??
The rank and file received the ordinary "bearer's" pay;
the leaders gave their services. The Indian merchants
supplied the stores and uniforms, and Dr. Booth himself
joined the Corps in the capacity of Medical

As for Mr. Gandhi, I have never known him preach

what he was unwilling to practice, and he naturally, in
this enterprise, took such an active part, that General
Buller described him as "Assistant Superintendent,"
and when the technical mistake was pointed out to him,
he replied that he meant it as "a title of courtesy" for
one who had done so much in this campaign.
The call to the front came on the day preceding
the battle of Colenso, and the thousand Indians reached
the scene of the engagement in time to render
invaluable service in the removal of the wounded.

After Colenso, the Indian bearers were disbanded, and

sent back to Durban. They were told to expect another
call soon. In all, they had given seven days to this work.
The second summons came on the eve of Spionkop,
about a month later, and this time they remained three
weeks in the field. ----The agony of the General
was excrutiating during that march, and Mr. Gandhi
tells how they hurried through the heat and dust, fearful
lest he should die before they could reach camp. ALL

It was during the hottest hour of this engagement, when

men were falling fast on the further bank of the river,
and there were few to help, that Major Bapte came to
Mr. Gandhi, and explaining that he knew that the terms
of their contract included immunity from the dangers of

the firing line, said: "The need just now is great, and
although I cannot urge it, yet, if your ambulance will
cross the pontoon, and work from the other side, it will
be greatly appreciated." The pontoon was, of course,
under fire, exposed to the guns of the enemy on the
ridge above. The Indian leader put the question to his
men, "Would you go?" They said "Yes," without
hesitation, and in spite of the peril of death, they
crossed the bridge and worked from the other side.
None was allowed to climb the hill, but there was no
need for that, the work at its base was sufficient, and the
awful fire kept the stretcher-bearers employed between
Spionkop and Frere for several hours. Not a few of our
soldiers owe their lives to the efficient work done by the
Indians that day.
They were again under fire at Vaal Krantz, the shells
dropping a few yards in front of them as the bearers
removed the men. Hospital orderlies, water-carriers,
nurses, bearers, all were willing to do or be anything in
this dire need; and although not infrequently obliged to
accept insults or to stand fire, they acquitted themselves
with great credit, and earned the unstinted praise of the
The work of British Indians on the battle-fields of South
Africa, has received some recognition. Their dead have
been honoured. A massive monument crowns an
eminence overlooking Johannesburg, raised partly by
public subscription, to the memory of those Indians
who died in connection with the great war. It was the

issue of a burst of enthusiasm for the faithful services

done by those Eastern "Sons of the Empire," with
whom Mr. Gandhi and his stretcher-bearers worked,
when our people were in desperate straits. But that fine
feeling has passed. It is difficult to understand how,
within sight of this memorial, Indians should be made
to suffer imprisonment and ruin, because of their desire
to enjoy the rights of British citizens in the land for
which they bled.
The memorial is in the form of an obelisk, and on its
east side, a marble tablet bears the inscription, in
English, Urdu, and Hindi:— {{c|Sacred to the memory
of British Officers,
Warrant Officers, Native N.C.O's., and
Men, Veterinary Assistants, Nalbands
and Followers of the Indian Army, who
died in South Africa. 1899-1902.}}
On the other sides there are three tablets bearing
respectively these words:—
Christian — Zoroastrian.
Hindu — Sikh.


Mr. Gandhi's aim was the incorporation of the Indian
community as a useful part of the Transvaal Colony,

and the recognition of its members as true citizens of

the Empire.
Lord Milner's promise to them has been broken.



Two enterprises will always be associated with Mr.
Gandhi's name and work in South Africa. One is the
propaganda, commenced in 1903, among his own
people, by means of a weekly journal called "Indian
Opinion"; the other, that little Tolstoian Colony in
Phœnix, where "Indian Opinion" is now published.
Both of them have exerted a great influence on the
Indian community.
-- after mature thought "Indian Opinion" was launched.
A printing-plant was already at work in Durban, under
the direction of Mr. Madanjit, a Bombay schoolmaster.
In view of possible developments, Mr. Gandhi had
contributed a large proportion of its cost. This printing-
plant was now available. Mr. M. H. Nazar at once
volunteered to act as unpaid Editor. -- His death, two
years later, was a profound loss to the community. Mr--
it was published in English, Tamil, Gujarati, and Hindi,
with a very limited circulation.
Its mission appeared, however, to Mr. Gandhi to be so
essential to his dream.

Undoubtedly, Passive Resistance would have been

impossible without it. --under the able and cultured
editorship of Mr. Polak its influence promises to be still
greater. -- Mr. Gandhi either to close the venture o-r to
assume the entire charge himself.
---Then he returned to Durban to put his scheme before
Mr. A. H. West, an English friend, who was then
managing the Press, and who has since as joint-manager
with Mr. Chhaganlal done yeoman service to the
Indian cause. -- Within a month, an iron building,
belonging to Mr. Parsee Rustomji, had been erected
-----He became a Zionist and served on the Executive
board of the South African Zionist Federation // At the
request of Moshe Shertok (Sharett), Kallenbach visited
Gandhi in May 1937 // Gandhi has frequently
mentioned him in his autobiography, where he explains
how Kallenbach was his 'soulmate'[10] in the early days
of the development of his personality and ideology. //
---- Albert H. West was one of the closest associates of
Gandhiji in South Africa. In 1904 he gave up his
business in Johannesburg and, at Gandhiji’s invitation,
took charge of the weekly Indian Opinion. He was a
member of the Phoenix Settlement and lived on a very
small salary. His wife, mother and sister also became

inmates of the Settlement. He managed the paper for

more than fourteen years, until Manilal Gandhi took
charge. He visited India in 1963 at the invitation of the
Government of India.
Photos =
 Largely forgotten now are Gandhi's closest friends in
South Africa, who were an English couple
named Henry and Millie Polak. Henry was a radical
Jew socialist , Millie a Christian feminist. // In April
1931, Mohandas K Gandhi attended an inter-faith
meeting in Bombay. // In the leader's absence, Henry
Polak kept his journal, Indian Opinion, afloat. // The
next time an Indian Prime Minister visits London, it
might be a good idea for Her Majesty's Government to
have him (or her) unveil a suitably understated
memorial to Josiah Oldfield, Madeleine Slade, CF
Andrews, and Henry and Millie Polak. //

began his career in India as a Christian missionary. //

Henry Polak: The Cosmopolitan Life of a Jewish

Theosophist // Henry Polak (1882–1959), a British-
born lawyer, journalist and editor of Indian Opinion //
Founder of the Indian Overseas Association in 1920 //

In 1894, he was one of the 12 founders of the Dutch

Social Democratic Party (sdap) and after a general
diamond workers strike became founder and president
of the General Dutch Diamond workers Union (andb).




In 1906, just before the Asiatic Law Amendment
Ordinance was passed by the Provisional Government,
the Zulu rebellion began, and an offer was made by the
Natal Indian Congress, at Mr. Gandhi's suggestion, to
raise a Stretcher-bearer Corps for service with the
troops, as had been done in the late Boer War.
Gandhi was offered the rank of Sergeant-Major,
with three Sergeants and one Corporal under him.
With his usual whole-heartedness, he threw himself
into to the work. The supposed work of the Corps was
to carry the wounded; but early in the campaign, other
duties were pressed upon them.
Dr. Savage, who was in charge of the ambulance, asked
if they objected to enlarge the scope of their work.
When they replied that they were willing to do all they
Mr. Gandhi speaks with great reserve of this
experience. What he saw he will never divulge.
I imagine it was not always creditable to British
Indians are coloured, and are accordingly classed with
aboriginal natives. In the Transvaal, they are not
allowed to ride in the trams, and there are special

compartments for them in the trains. In our prisons "N"

is stitched to their collars, to denote the people with
whom they are classed, and in food—though the food is
wholly unsuitable—in clothing, in work, in the cells, to
all intents and purposes they are "natives."
Soon after Mr. Gandhi's return to Johannesburg, the
Indian community decided that it was essential for a
deputation to visit England for the purpose of
preventing, if possible, the Royal Sanction being given
to the new Asiatic measure, which the Provisional
Government had framed and passed, and Mr. Gandhi
and Mr. Ally were appointed to this duty. ……..The
deputation was particularly fortunate in securing Mr. L.
W. Ritch as Secretary, and when Lord Ampthill
accepted the office of President….
But Mr. Gandhi's mission to England delayed the evil
day only for a while. So soon as the Provisional
Government had give place to a Constitutional
Government, the same Act, which had so stirred the
Asiatic community, was passed by Parliament at a
single sitting, and again submitted to the King.
The measure was passed so hurriedly, that its provisions
were not discussed, and even the Colonial Secretary
was not familiar with them. Three readings in one day
concluded the matter, and in a short time the Royal
sanction was given.



It was then that the movement, known as the "Passive

Resistance Movement," took practical form. This was in
July, 1907. At the same time, the resident Chinese, to
the number of about one thousand, joined the Indians.
Most of the Chinese were not British subjects, but as
they were Asiatics, and involved in the new law, they
felt the pressure of its provisions. They were splendidly
organised at the time, and under the leadership of Mr.
Leung Quinn, stood firm in the great struggle. 

The leader's right hand during all these months of

ceseless strain has been his brilliant English comrade,
Mr. H. S. L. Polak, …THEOSOPHIST ..
Even when he is absent for weeks, his influence moves
them with marvellous power. What he would do, or
wish, or say, is the pivot on which the lives of many of
them turn.
"What are you going to do?" I said the other day to our
vegetable-hawker. He shrugged his shoulders, spread
out his hands, smiled, showing his white teeth.
"Mr. Gandhi, he know," he replied, "if Mr. Gandhi say
go to prison, we go."
I believe if Mr. Gandhi said "die," not a few would
cheerfully obey him.

Some, of course, are untouched: they bitterly oppose

him. But for most of his countrymen, he is what one
called him, with reverent affection, "our true Karma
Gandhi and his compatriots have never attempted to
"flood the country with Asiatics."
Bishop Heber wrote of it many years ago in his journal:
"“To sit dharna”, or mourning, is to remain motionless
in that posture, without food, and exposed to the
weather, till the person against whom it is employed
consents to the request offered, and the Hindus believe
that whoever dies under such a process becomes a
tormenting spirit to haunt and inflict his inflexible
"I remember," he/gandhi said, "how one verse of a
Gujarati poem, which, as a child, I learned at school,
clung to me. In substance it was this:—
"If a man gives you a drink of water and you give
him a drink in return, that is nothing.
Real beauty consists in doing good against evil."
As a child, this verse had a powerful influence over me,
and I tried to carry it into practice. Then came the
“Sermon on the Mount”."
"But," said I, "surely the Bhagavad Gita came first?"

"No," he replied, "of course I knew the Bhagavad

Gita in Sanskrit tolerably well, but I had not made its
teaching in that particular a study. It was the New
Testament which really awakened me to the rightness
and value of Passive Resistance. When I read in the
"Sermon of the Mount" such passages as "Resist not
him that is evil but whosoever smiteth you on the right
cheek turn to him the other also," and "Love your
enemies and pray for them that persecute you, that ye
may be sons of your Father which is in heaven," I was
simply overjoyed, and had my own opinion confirmed
where I least expected it. The Bhagavad Gita deepened
the impression, and Tolstoi's "The Kingdom of God is
Within You" gave it permanent form."
---- & Gandhi recruited people to kill the natives
for british and called the natives kafirs & never
treated avarnas / athisudras as human beings equal
to Brahmins .
Undoubtedly Count Tolstoi has profoundly influenced
Some months ago, a prize was offered by "Indian
Opinion" to competitors in South Africa for the best
essay on "The Ethics of Passive Resistance." I was
requested to act as judge. What surprised me most in all
the essays by Indians was the familiarity which the
essayists showed , with the education controversy in
England. Dr. Clifford's name was as familiar to them as

But, as may be imagined from the seed-thought planted

by the Gujarati verse in Mr. Gandhi's mind, his ideal is
not so much to resist evil passively; it has an active
complement—to do good in reply to evil. "I do not like
the term 'passive resistance,'" he said, "it fails to convey
all I mean. It described a method, and gives no hint of
the system of which it is only a part. Real beauty, and
that is my aim, is in doing good against evil. Still, I
adopt the phrase because it is well-known, and easily
understood, and because, at present, the great majority
of my people can only grasp that idea. To me, the ideas
which underlie that Gujarati hymn and the 'Sermon of
the Mount' would revolutionize the whole of life."
---- & Gandhi recruited people to kill the natives
for british and called the natives kafirs & never
treated avarnas / athisudras as human beings equal
to Brahmins .

"How did you begin this movement among your

people?" I asked. "Well," he replied, "some years ago,
when I began to take an active part in the public life of
Natal, the adoption of this method occurred to me as the
best course to pursue, should petitions fail, but, in the
then unorganised condition of our Indian community,
the attempt seemed useless. Here, however, in
Johannesburg, when the Asiatic Registration Act was
introduced, the Indian community was so deeply stirred,
and so knit together in a common determination to
resist it, that the moment seemed opportune.

……Since then, this course has been bitterly attacked

by many politicians, chiefly because they imagine that
it places a new weapon ??? in the hands of the natives.
Mr. Gandhi has frequently replied to this. His
arguments, briefly, are these:—
(1) If the natives of any crisis adopt this method of
meeting what they believe to be injustice, rather than
resort to force, we ought to be devoutly thankful. It
would mean that the gun and the assegai would give
place to peaceful tactics. Men who see far believe that
the problems which are connected with the natives will
be the problems of the future, and that, doubtless, the
white man will have a stern struggle to maintain his
ascendency in South Africa. When the moment of
collision comes, if, instead of the old ways of massacre,
assegai, and fire, the natives adopt the policy of Passive
Resistance, it will be a grand change for the Colony.
2) Passive Resistance can only be carried to a
successful conclusion if the cause be just. The
acceptance of suffering, instead of the infliction of it,
requires such moral power in those who adopt this that
no community could successfully use it in an unjust
cause. Injustice and Passive Resistance have no affinity.
3) When the native peoples have risen sufficiently high
in the scale of civilisation to give up warfare and use
the Christian method of solving a dispute, they will be
fit to exercise the right to vote in political affairs.
[ UNTIL THEN NO RIGHT TO VOTE ??] This will be the
resolution of questions connected with Passive

Resistance. The one triumphant way of meeting such

combinations is to deal justly with the natives, and to
give them, directly or indirectly??? a voice in the
settlement of those questions which concern their
4) True Passive Resistance never tends to be effective
resistance. It recoils, of necessity, from methods of
violence or those advocated by anarchists. It is at the
opposite pole from the spirit of war .If, then, the natives
accept the doctrines which are so prevalent amongst the
Indian community, south Africa need not fear the
horrors of a racial uprising. It need not look forward to
the necessity of maintaining an army to keep the
natives in awe. The future will be much brighter than its
past has been. --HELPFUL TO THE RULERS!!!
In view of the unrest at present so apparent in India, I
invited him to send a message through these pages to
the young men of his native land. His reply in writing
lies before me:—
"I am not sure that I have any right to send a message to
those with whom I have never into personal contact, but
it has been desired and I consent. These, then, are my
The struggle in the Transvaal is not without its interest
for India. We are engaged in raising men who will give
a good account of themselves in any part of the
world.???? We have undertaken the struggle with the
following assumptions:—

1) Passive Resistance is always infinitely superior to

physical force.
2) There is no inherent barrier between Europeans and
Indians anywhere.?????
3) Whatever may have been the motives of the British
rulers in India, there is a desire on the part of the Nation
at large to that justice is done. It would be a calamity to
break the connection between the British people and
the people of India. If we are treated as, or assert our
right to be treated as, free men, whether in India or
elsewhere, the connection between the British people
and the people of India can not only be mutually
beneficial, but is calculated to be of enormous
advantage to the world religiously, and, therefore,
socially and politically. In my opinion, each Nation?? is
the complement of the other,
Passive Resistance in connection with the Transvaal
struggle I should hold justifiable on the strength of any
of these propositions. It may be a slow remedy, but I
regard it as an absolutely sure remedy, not only for our
ills in the Transvaal, but all the political and other
troubles from which people suffer in India."-- ON


WARS, 1899-1918 Goolam Vahed1 and Ashwin Desai.

Abstract . Towards the latter stages of World War I,

Mohandas K Gandhi urged Indian peasants to take
up arms on behalf of the British. This alienated his
liberal pacifist supporters in Europe who were aghast
that the apostle of non-violence had seemingly
disavowed his own teachings. But Gandhi, during his
South African sojourn from 1893-1914, had openly
declared his enthusiasm to support the British Empire
in its attempts to assume hegemony in the region. He
participated on the side of the British in the brutal South
African War of 1899-1902 and in their violent
suppression of the Zulu uprising in 1906. Alongside
this, he formulated his ideas of Satyagraha. This article
traces Gandhi’s South African years from 1893 to 1914
and seeks to make sense of the apparent contradiction
of his taking up arms on behalf of the Raj during the
war. This is done in the context of his attachment to the

“Though Empires have gone and fallen, this Empire

may perhaps be an exception ... It is not founded on
material but on spiritual foundations ... the British
constitution.” Mohandas K Gandhi.

Albert Einstein gushed in 1944, “Generations to come

will scarce believe that such a one as this ever in flesh
and blood walked upon this earth.” WHAT COULD BE

However, despite the hagiographies and Gandhi’s own

extensive (re)writing, works such as those of Maureen
Swan and, more recently, Joseph Leylveld, have
opened Gandhi’s life and ideas to critical scrutiny.
These critical works however have not sullied the
overwhelming halo cast over the life of Gandhi. The
central narrative in this journey is that Gandhi
“experimented” with a series of truths on African soil
and found the right ingredients to transform himself into
a Mahatma. Truth is often more complex than received
wisdom and this article critically interrogates Gandhi’s
South African journey, paying particular attention to his
attitude towards war in the context of his commitment
to non-violence.
He saw Indians as British subjects who should enjoy
full rights within the confines of the British Empire.
Gandhi’s core argument was that passenger Indians
came to Natal as “British” subjects and were
priviledged to Queen Victoria’s 1858 Proclamation
which asserted the equality of all British subjects. This
strategy came up against white settlers who sought
racially exclusive political power and who subjected
Indians to racially discriminatory laws.Still, Gandhi
persisted with the strategy of raising the Proclamation,
even in the wake of its failure to find purchase with the
British. He was imbued with the idea of Imperial
brotherhood and this led him time and again to beseech

the Crown to advance the rights of Indian British

subjects in Southern Africa.
THE SOUTH AFRICAN WAR, 1899-1902 In addition
to the British, in the South African environment of the
late 19th century, Gandhi had to contend with an
African majority who were subject to brutal subjugation
and dispossession of land, together with the Boers who
had been involved in murderous wars with Africans but
were now on the brink of war with the British. Gandhi
organised an ambulance bearer corps to assist the
British in their war with the Boers. Some have sought to
justify Gandhi’s decision to show loyalty to the British.
Ramachandra Guha approvingly quotes historian Peter
Warwick that African “volunteers believed-or-hoped-
that a British victory would bring about an extension of
political, educational and commercial opportunities for
black people”. But Africans fought on both sides of
the war, making up “around a quarter of the total
Boer manpower in the first phase of the war” and
used the conflict to take back lost land. However, Boer
and Brit joined forces at the end of the war “to shore up
the supremacy of white men and defend white property
[…] in the Transvaal”. While many Africans tried
creatively to claw back what had been lost in the wars
of dispossession, Gandhi was busy trying to obtain
official recognition of Indian involvement in the war as
stretcher-bearers. The Colonial Secretary turned down
Gandhi’s request on 9 March 1900 for the chocolate
which, he said, was for non-commissioned officers
only. When the ambulance corps disbanded, Gandhi

wrote to British authorities for “discharges” similar to

those given to whites. Indians wanted something in
writing “to show that they had the privilege of serving
the Queen during the war”.

C Donnelly, District Engineer in Durban, wrote to FL

Barnes, Chief Engineer, Public Works Department, on
12 July 1900, that Gandhi would “make political capital
out of this, and point out how the Indians volunteered
for service whereas I(?) distinctly states they never did;
they could not possibly avoid going according to
their terms of indentureship”. Percy Clarence,
Superintendent of the Indian Ambulance Corps,
considered the request “absurd […] the indentured
Indians were not volunteers but were sent by their
masters”. Even some local white settlers feared that
Indians would make political capital of their
involvement. In a letter to the Natal Mercury on 3
February 1900, “Perambulator” felt that “there would
never be an end of writers pointing out that the Indians
conquered the Boers and saved Natal from
extermination”. “Colonist” felt that Indians went to the
front “purely from mercenary motives” and that
Africans “would have gone for half the pay”. Gandhi
hoped that participation, as he wrote to the Colonial
Secretary on 19 October 1899, would “bind closer still
the different parts of the mighty empire of which we are
so proud”. In seeking recognition for services rendered
by Indian stretcher-bearers in the South African war,

the scorched earth policy of the British, the war deaths

in concentration camps, the thousands of Africans who
died out of hunger and starvation in what was referred
to as “methods of barbarism”, were overlooked by
Gandhi. Despite the outcome of the South African
War, Gandhi did not give up on the idea of imperial
citizenship. This meant eschewing an alliance with
Africans and acting in tacit concert with, or at least
turning a blind eye to, the British in their bulldozing of
African lives and land. Gandhi’s decision to show
loyalty to the Empire failed. But by the time the Treaty
of Vereeniging brought the war to an end in 1902, the
British abandoned any pretence that they supported
clauses protecting Indians against racial discrimination.
Indeed, racial legislation aimed at Indians gathered
force in the years following the war.
The land grab by both Boer and Brit devastated the
Zulu economy. The subsequent looting of the heart of
the Zulu kingdom in Ulundi in 1879 by the British
accelerated white dispossession of African land. This
was accompanied by a series of punitive sanctions. A
new one pound tax was levied on all unmarried males
over the age of 18 in 1905. By now, the migrant labour
system was feeding cheap African bodies to the mines.
Dispossession and taxes broke homes, decimated local
economies, put thousands of Africans on the move to
the edge of cities where they eked out a pitiful

existence. In 1906, Zulus led by Chief Bambatha rose

up in rebellion against the tax and the unyielding
stranglehold of white power that looted land and cattle
in the most vicious manner. Gandhi saw the rebellion as
another opportunity to prove his loyalty to the British
Crown and once more offered Indian services as
stretcherbearers(?ONLY?). On 7 April 1906, a few
weeks before Gandhi left for the front, the Indian
Opinion reported on the use of cannons by the British
to kill a dozen or so Africans in response to the death of
two whites. Yet the Indian Opinion opined, “What is
our duty in these calamitous times in the Colony? It is
not for me to say whether the revolt of the Kaffirs is
justified or not. We are in Natal by value of British
power. Our very existence depends upon it. It is
therefore our duty to render help.” The NIC passed a
resolution in support of participation in the war at its
meeting on 24 April. Gandhi wrote in the Indian
Opinion on 28 April 1906 that Bambatha was still at
large and maintained that, “It was right and proper of
the Indian community to have gone to the help of the
Government at such a time. If Indians had not ‘made
the offer’, a slur would have been put on our good name
forever.” For a discussion of the causes and course of
the Rebellion, see Jeff Guy, Remembering the
Rebellion: the Zulu uprising of 1906 (Pietermaritzburg:
University of KwaZulu-Natal Press, 2006); Jeff Guy,
The Maphumulo uprising: war, law and ritual in the
Zulu Rebellion (Scottsville: University of KwaZulu-
Natal Press, 2005); Paul S Thompson, An historical

atlas of the Zulu Rebellion of 1906 (Scottsville:

Privately published, 2001); Michael Mahoney, Between
the Zulu chief and the great white chief: political
culture in a Natal Kingdom: 1879-1906 ((PhD,
University of California, Los Angeles, 1998); John
Labandand and Ian Knight, The Anglo-Zulu War
(Stroud: Sutton, 1996). 28 Marks, p. 466. 29 Indian
Opinion, 7 April 1906. 30 Ibid., 14 April 1906.
The Indian corps did duty from 22 June to 19 July 1906.
The rebellion was brutally suppressed and its results
were devastating for Africans. “Almost four thousand
Africans were killed and tens of thousands rendered
homeless; white casualties were trifling. In the
aftermath of the rebellion, the pace of proletarianisation
quickened as destitute people, driven from the land,
were forced to seek employment on white farms, mines
and industries.” All this appears to have been lost on
Gandhi. His silence makes it difficult to defend the idea
that Gandhi was simply a “captive of the times”. The
Gandhian pattern that emerges during the South African
War and the Bambatha Rebellion is the use of war and
violence as opportunities to display loyalty to local
settlers and, by extension, to the British Empire.

Ironically, on both occasions, Gandhi was on the side

of those with the most fire-power. In Gandhi’s notion
of satyagraha, one can already see how he saw war as
an opportunity to develop the “soldierly ethos”, the
sense of discipline and the idea of following a

leader’s orders. In exhorting Indians to make common

cause with the British during the Bambatha Rebellion,
Gandhi wrote in 1906, “A man going to the battle front
has to train himself to endure severe hardship. He is
obliged to cultivate the habit of living in comradeship
with large numbers of men. He easily learns to make do
with simple food. He is required to keep regular hours.
He forms the habit of obeying his superior’s orders
promptly and without argument. He also learns to
discipline the movement of his limbs. And he has also
to learn how to live in a limited space according to
maxims of health.”
WORLD WAR I Gandhi was in London when the First
World War broke out. He surprised his supporters by
recruiting Indians for non-combatant??? roles in the
war. He wanted young Indians to contribute to the war
effort alongside their English counterparts and prove
that they were ready for self-government. Around 80
Indian students joined Gandhi’s ambulance corps,
which was treated officially as a Red Cross
Detachment. On 13 August 1914, Gandhi, Indian
poetess, Sarojini Naidu, and 50 others circulated a
letter to Indians in the UK that they, “after mature
deliberation, decided for the sake of the Motherland and
the Empire to place our services unconditionally, during
this crisis, at the disposal of the authorities”. On 14
August they offered their services to the Undersecretary
of State for India. This was an expression of “our desire
to share the responsibilities of membership of this great
Empire, if we would share its privileges”. These reports

shocked Gandhi’s liberal friends from South Africa,

such as Elizabeth Molteno [
view=personae&entry=98 , Emily Hobhouse [
se_e.html ] and
Olive Schreiner [ ] [ ALL
in England working with conscientious objectors.
Schreiner chided Gandhi for volunteering to raise a
corps for the British. Gandhi knew Olive Schreiner
(1855-1920), sister of the last Cape Colony prime
minister, WP Schreiner, from around 1907 and wrote in
an editorial in the Indian Opinion (2 January 1909) that
Schreiner was of “greater permanent value to the world
than a continent of Napoleons”. Schreiner wrote to
Gandhi on 15 August 1914, “I was struck to the heart
this morning with sorrow to see that you, and that
beautiful and beloved Indian poetess whom I met in
London some months ago [Sarojini Naidu] and other
Indian friends had offered to serve the English
Government in this evil war in any way they might

demand of you. Surely you, who would not take up

arms even in the cause of your own oppressed people,
cannot be willing to shed blood in this wicked cause. I
had longed to meet you and Mr. Kallenbach as friends
who would understand my hatred of it. I don’t believe
the statement in the paper can be true.” Gandhi wrote
on 26 August 1914 that he and 59 others were in a three
month ambulance training course under Dr James
Cantle and were to serve with the Indian Army in
Europe under the command of Lieutenant Colonel RJ
Barker of the Indian Medical Service (retired). Gandhi
wrote to his nephew, Maganlal, on 18 September that
they were to receive two more months of training
before going to the Front. He also explained his war
stance. He had said that participation in any form
amounted to support of the war, but by merely living in
England, “I was in a way participating in the war.
London owes the food it gets in wartime to the
protection of the Navy […] It seemed to me a base
thing, therefore, to accept food tainted by war without
working for it.” Gandhi wrote to Pragji Desai, a South
African satyagrahi, on 15 November 1914 that he was
committed to satyagraha, but had not developed
“absolute fearlessness” to disappear into the mountains
to survive on grass and leaves. As long as he was in
London, he felt compelled to serve the British. Indian
volunteers received recognition from the War Office as
the Indian Field Ambulance Corps on 30 September
1914. Corps members experienced several problems:
corporals were appointed without consultation, rations

were insufficient and blankets were too short and too

few in number. They passed a resolution on 13 October
1914 that, unless these issues were discussed, they
would stop drilling. The issues were eventually resolved
and on 4 November the Indian Volunteer Corps issued a
circular for more volunteers as 470 wounded Indian
soldiers had arrived at the Netley Hospital. The need for
200 more volunteers was urgent. “It should be
considered a proud privilege for us to be able to nurse
our own wounded countrymen.” Gandhi returned to
India on 18 December 1914, being denied the
opportunity to take part in the Corps due to
illness????????. He was given a farewell reception at
the Westminster Hotel in London. Guests included
Charles Roberts, Sir Henry Cotton, Olive Schreiner,
and Henry and Millie Polak, all of whom spoke in his
honour. Gandhi said that he regretted not being able to
take part in the Corps and thanked Charles and Lady
Cecilia Roberts for understanding the Indian
contribution and taking excellent care of him. [ The
Life and Death of Mahatma Gandhi By Robert Payne --
Lady Cecilia Roberts, the wife of the Under Secretary
of State for India, was a frequent visitor.
Cecilia-Roberts/6000000003111736632 ] In India,
Gandhi initially remained out of the public limelight.

He did promise the British Governor of Bombay,

Lord Willingdon, that he would consult him before
embarking on political campaigns.

While Gandhi was considering his next move, some

members of the Indian National Congress (INC) were
pushing for Swaraj (“homerule”). Gandhi did not join
these factions. Instead he established a settlement in
May 1915 near Ahmedabad in Gujarat and entered
public life in February 1916, when he spoke at the
opening of the Hindu University in Benares of the
terrible conditions of the poorer classes. He called for
complete social transformation of Indian society, rather
than an Indian elite replacing the British ruling class.
Instead of joining advocates of home-rule, Gandhi once
more sought to recruit volunteers for the Indian
Army fighting for the British. Many people have
difficulty reconciling this recruitment drive with the
Gandhi who preached non-violence authority. This time
Gandhi did not recruit non-combatants????? as he did
in 1899, 1906 and 1914, but combatants in response to
the British Viceroy Lord Chelmsford’s Indian War
Conference (also known as manpower conference) in
Delhi from 27 to 29 April 1918. The conference
discussed ways to increase support among all classes in
India to prosecute the war with increased vigour and
effort in Egypt, Palestine, and Mesopotamia in
particular. The conference resolved to recruit half a
million Indians, starting in June 1918.45 In his speech,

Gandhi said that he supported the resolution “with a full

sense of responsibility”.--------…. The British needed
manpower and passed the Military Service Act 1918 in
February 1918, which removed certain exemptions,
while the Military Service (No 2) Act 1918 of April
1918 raised the age of conscription from 41 to 50 and
allowed for extension to 56, as well as for conscription
in Ireland. The latter provision was doomed by
opposition from Ireland. India, however, provided a
solution to the crisis. Gandhi by now envisaged
dominion status for India, such as that enjoyed by
Australia and Canada. Gandhi argued that defending
the Empire would “accelerate” homerule. It would be
“national suicide not to recognise this elementary truth.
We must perceive that if we save the Empire, we have
in that very act secured Home Rule.” Gandhi warned
the Viceroy that his sentiments were in the minority
and concluded that he was writing because “I love the
English nation, and I wish to evoke in every Indian
the loyalty of the Englishman”. At a speech at Patna
on 25 May 1918, Gandhi reiterated that home-rule did
not mean getting rid of the British; rather, they
wanted to become partners in the British Empire. India
should provide men for the war, but not make it
contingent on selfrule as “any calamity that overtakes
the Empire is one that overtakes India as well”. Gandhi
also felt that the war provided an opportunity for
Indians to regain their warrior qualities, which had
been lost as a result of subjugation to the British.
Gandhi said in a speech in Surat on 1 August 1918 that,

“Swaraj (Home Rule) is not for lawyers and doctors

but only for those who possess strength of arms.”
At a speech at Nadiad, Gujarat, on 21 June 1918,
Gandhi stated that “everyone needs a friend. Every
country maintains a connection with another with which
it is temperamentally allied. India can be no exception
to this.” Gandhi wanted a status similar to that of
Australia and Canada who “enjoy protection and
likewise help in the defence effort. That is exactly what
we want for ourselves.” Without British support “we
would not be able to support ourselves. We could not
protect ourselves against the criminal tribes or stand
against an invading foreign army.” When the people
become physically fit and strong enough to wield the
sword, swaraj will be theirs for the asking [...]. Can
a nation whose citizens are incapable of selfdefence,
enjoy swaraj?” At Patna, on 25 May 1918, Gandhi
stated that the British respected those who “know
how to die and who know how to kill”. Gandhi’s
recruitment leaflet, dated 22 June 1918, added that in
order to be regarded as equals of the British, Indians
had to “learn the use of arms and to acquire the ability
to defend ourselves. If we want to learn the use of arms
with the greatest possible despatch, it is our duty to
enlist in the army. There can be no friendship
between the brave and the cowardly. We are regarded
as a cowardly people. If we want to become free from
reproach, we should learn the use of arms.” Gandhi’s
decision to recruit on behalf of the British, Brock
argues, was also influenced by the fact that he came to

believe that non-violence could be achieved through

acts of violence under certain conditions. He wrote to
Maganlal on 25 July 1918 that he had come to “see that
there is non-violence in violence. […] I had not fully
realised the duty of restraining a drunkard from doing
evil, of killing a dog in agony or one infected with
rabies. In all these instances, violence is in fact non-
violence.” Gandhi’s stance nevertheless shocked many
of his supporters and he had to write to the likes of
English missionary CF Andrews, Danish Lutheran
missionary, Esther Faering, with whom he exchanged
many “love letters”, his nephew Maganlal Gandhi who
stayed with him in Phoenix, his supporters from South
Africa, Henry and Millie Polak, and others, justifying
his war recruitment.
Gandhi wrote to JL Maffey on 30 April 1918, offering
his services for the Ambulance Corps. Maffey
forwarded the letter to the Governor of Bombay. J
Crerar, Secretary to the Governor, wrote to Gandhi on

1 June 1918 that the Governor would like Gandhi to

assist with recruiting in the Northern Division and
hoped that Gandhi would attend a conference being
convened at Delhi on 10 June to discuss this matter in
greater detail. L Robertson, Chief Secretary, Political
Department, Government of Bombay, wrote to Gandhi
on 7 June 1918 that a War Purposes Board would be
formed at the conference and that they hoped that
Gandhi would support it and agree to be a member.
Gandhi replied on 9 June that he could not be part of
the Board while leaders like Tilak of the Home Rule
League were excluded. Tilak and members of the
Home Rule League were invited to the conference but
not given an opportunity to speak because their
“loyalty” was conditional on self-rule being granted. .
Gandhi and Andrews exchanged letters on 23 June
1918. Gandhi nevertheless presided over a meeting in
Bombay on 16 June to protest Lord Willingdon’s
conduct at the 10 June meeting. The day was observed
as home-rule day. While Gandhi was critical of Lord
Willingdon there was a rider, “we must redouble our
efforts to help the authorities to prosecute the war. We
must not be angered by Lord Willingdon’s utterances
into taking a false step ourselves. We have too much at
stake.” Gandhi did not share his countrymen’s distrust
of the government as resolutions were passed
condemning Lord Willingdon’s conduct, the method of
recruitment and the fact that Indians were treated as
second class members of the army (not able to carry
arms, a racial bar in the army, not being admitted to

military colleges). Gandhi began his recruitment

campaign with a speech at Nadiad, Gujarat, on 21 June
1918, but took ill in mid-August and could not
participate in the war. --He had hoped to go to France
or Mesopotamia as a non-combatant to serve alongside
his recruits???????. He wrote in his autobiography that
he felt “great relief” that the war had ended with him
not having to fight, but he never renounced his
recruitment stand.
Gandhi offered his services to the British army on four
occasions – 1899, 1906, 1914, and 1918. While this
appears to be in contradiction with his principles of
non-violence or Satyagraha, it was consistent with his
view that as a loyal citizen of the Empire, working to
transform that Empire into a multinational
commonwealth, it was his duty to reciprocate support
for the Empire. Gandhi’s attitude towards the Empire
changed in the years following the war. World War I
ended on 11 November 1918 as Gandhi lay ill in his
bed in his ashram. He and most Indians had remained
loyal to the British during the war and Indian soldiers
had fought courageously for the Empire in many parts
of the world. India contributed the largest contingent
from all British colonies. India’s 1,4 million
compared to Canada’s 640 000, Australia’s 401 000,
South Africa’s 136 000 and New Zealand’s 220 000.
The British Isles contributed just over 6 million
volunteers. The destruction of the Ottoman Empire led
many Indian Muslims to agitate against the British
Empire. And with the British proclaiming that they

were fighting for freedom, the maintenance of the

Empire was no longer ideologically sustainable. When
the British government followed the recommendations
of the Rowlatt Committee of 1918 and passed the
Rowlatt Act (“Black Act”), which gave it wide powers
to quell sedition, including a continuation of wartime
restrictions in India, such as curfews, the suppression
of free speech, and detention without trial, a
national work stoppage (hartal) was launched by the
Indians. Protest culminated in the April 1919
Jallianwala Bagh massacre in Amritsar in the Punjab
when the British military blocked the entrance to
Jallianwala Bagh, a walled courtyard in Amritsar, by
firing on unarmed protesters, killing and wounding
hundreds of Indians. ……In the 1920s and 1930s
Gandhi was to increasingly turn non-violent resistance
against British rule and for Indian independence.

The Mahatma and the Missionary: Gandhi's conflicting accounts

of his first encounter with Christianity
Amongst the early and closest friends of Mahatma
Gandhi in South Africa, now largely forgotten, were an
English couple named Henry Polak and Millie Polak.

Henry zoos a radical English Jew, Millie was a

Christian feminist. Polak was Gandhi's closest political
aide and fellow-seeker. Even after their return to
England in 1916, the Polaks continued to take much
interest in India's future and kept a close association
with Gandhi until the latter's death in 1948. Despite his
yeomen services to India and close relationship with
Gandhi, there is no in-depth study on Gandhi and Polak.
This paper is an attempt to fill this gap. Amongst THE
EARLY European associates of Mahatma Gandhi in
South Africa, Henry Solomon Leon Polak. He was a
vegetarian with an abiding interest in the writings of
Leo Tolstoy and John Ruskin. The South African
society comprised at the end of the nineteenth, a
majority of whites and a vast majority of Indians,
Malays, Chinese, Jews and natives. Racialism was the
single most defining factor in the South African politics
– a parliamentary democracy for its white resident and
a white oligarchy for all others, Polak was engaged as
an assistant editor with the Transvaal Critic, a weekly
publication, dealing mainly with Transvaal polities, and
saw the social and colour prejudices that prevailed
around him as 'not merely a physical defect’ feat 'a
moral and an economic crime'. Gandhi founded the
Natal Indian Congress to represent Indian interest.
Members included Hindus, Muslims, Parsis and
Christians . John Ruskin's book Unto This Last. The
reading of this book, in Gandhi's own words, 'brought
about an instantaneous and practical transformation in
[his] life'. 'I could not', wrote Gandhi, 'get any sleep that

night. I was determined to change my life in accordance

with the ideal of that book'. ---He soon reached the
conclusion that the basis of human society was not
'wealth' but 'human relationship'.---- ???? Gandhi led
the first deputation to England along with Hajee Ojer
Ally, the president of the Hamidia Islamic Society, to
plead with the British government to prevent the Asiatic
Ordinance becoming a law. They both arrived at
Southampton on 20 October 1906. It was Polak's
father, J.H.Polak, along with L.W.Ritch and some
others, who received Gandhi at the station. In a letter to
Polak dated 26 October 1906 Gandhi wrote about his
impression of his visit to Polak's home in England with
a touch of humour: 'I passed last Sunday with your
people. Nothing surprised me, as you had prepared me
for everything; otherwise to meet your sisters and your
brilliant father would have been a most agreeable
surprise. Both the sisters are really most lovable, and
if I was unmarried, or young, or believed in mixed
marriage, you know what I would have done! Polak's
father gave him many useful contacts.

Gandhiji's Associates in South Africa www.gandhi-
In 1909 the Transvaal Indian Association unanimously
nominated Polak to travel to India as their
representative. Gandhi gave much attention to the visit
to India by Polak. Before Polak began his journey to

India, Gandhi introduced his lieutenant to the readers of

the Indian Opinion In Bombay, he met eminent leaders
of the Congress such as Sir Dinsha Wacha, Pherozeshah
Mehta, B.M. Malabari, the social reformer and editor of
the Indian Spectator . He then proceeded to Madras
where Gokhale, through the Madras branch of the
Servants of India Society, and, especially Srinivasa
Sastri, introduced him to public men in Madras, and in
particular, G.A. Natesan, the pioneer Madras publisher
and an ardent Congressman. Polak found the latter to be
the only Indian thoroughly involved in the Indian affairs
of South Africa. Natesan was his host in Madras and
helped Polak to conduct meetings not only in the city of
Madras but in other towns such as Tiruchi, Tuticorin
and Madurai from where many indentured Tamils
hailed. Polak had carried with him a manuscript on the
Indian conditions in South Africa. It is remarkable that
Natesan published Polak's pamphlet on the Transvaal
situation under the title The Indians of South Africa:
Helots within the Empire and How They are Treated,
free of cost. This became a very valuable book and was
cheaply-priced at priced Re. 1/- by Natesan & company.
Natesan obtained from him a monograph on Gandhi.
This was the first book published in India on
Gandhi. It was titled as M.K. Gandhi: A Sketch of His
Life and Work. Polak conducted campaigns in the latter
half of 1909 almost throughout India including
Bombay, Madras, Calcutta, Rangoon and many other
places. In the second half of 1911 Polak made his
second trip to India. The Indian National Congress at its

Calcutta session held in December 1911 passed a

resolution condemning the system of indentured labour
and urged the Government of India to introduce
legislation wholly abolishing it. Polak addressed the
Calcutta session of the Indian National Congress in the
same year and his speech was received with great
ovation. Through a letter dated 8 December 1911,
Gandhi had invited Gokhale to visit South Africa along
with the Polaks. The Congress passed a resolution
asking the Government of India to terminate supply of
indentured labour to Natal.Gandhi wrote that Polak
shared with Gokhale the credit of bringing about a
termination of the supply of indentured labour to Natal.

SEE -- Day-To-Day With Gandhi, Vol. 1"
Dr. Pranjivandas Mehta, Gandhi's lifelong friend, a
Doctor and barrister and a diamond trader by
profession, had settled in Rangoon in Burma. He had
intimate contact with Gandhi and kept in touch with
him even from Burma. He was the first person to call
Gandhi as a 'Mahatma', albeit in a private letter to his
friend Gokhale as early as 8 November 1909. Polak
had visited him in Rangoon in late 1909 and later met
him in England in the summer of 1911. …..After three
decades, exactly a year after the death of Gandhi, Polak
wrote another book along with H.L. Brailsord and
Lord Pethick-Lawrence entitled Mahatma Gandhi.
The role of Polak as the editor of India, the journal of
the British Committee of the Indian National Congress,
is not well-known. After his return to England in 1916,
Polak continued to take much interest in Indian affairs
not only in South Africa and other overseas countries
but also in the progress of the Indian national
movement. In 1918 he became the editor of India
founded in 1889 in London. After the Montagu-
Chelrnsford reform proposals were made public. The
Congress declared it to be 'inadequate, disappointing
and unsatisfactory' and passed resolutions demanding
alterations in the proposal. It also demanded the
introduction of diarchy in the central government; the
transfer of all subjects, except law, police and justice to
the government responsible in the provinces; the
declaration of the rights of the people of India as British
citizens and the same measures of fiscal autonomy for
India which the self- governing Dominions of the
Empire possessed. It demanded a guarantee that a full,
responsible government would be established in the
whole of British India within a period not exceeding
fifteen years………….. Polak was forced to resign from
the British Committee as well as from the editorship of
India. Nevertheless, he continued to take interest in
Indian politics and often wrote articles for Gandhi's
Young India. -- Millie Graham Downs or Millie

Polak was born in London and since the age of

eighteen, she began to work in connection with the
Christian Socialist Movement. Young and vivacious
Millie Downs was a Christian Scots woman and a
fiancée of Henry Polak. They met at the London
Ethical Society. Recalling the events in Johannesburg,
she pointed out how Gandhi, at times, proved to be a
bundle of inconsistencies. Gandhi had proved beyond
dispute the theory that the best men and the best women
combine in themselves the best qualities of each other.
Millie made a very significant observation on this
aspect of Gandhi. She wrote: Most women love men for
such attributes as are usually considered masculine. Yet
Mahatma Gandhi has been given the love of many
women for his womanliness; for all those qualities that
are associated with women—great faith, great fortitude,
great devotion, great patience, great tenderness, and
great sympathy.?????? She further remarked in an
interview held on 2 May 1860 by John C. Vine: 'He was
himself rather womanly, having the qualities of loyalty,
trust, devotion, faith and purity'. At times when Millie
terribly missed Polak who was away on duty for Indian
cause, particularly in the years after her marriage,
Gandhi soothed her with comforting words signing
himself as 'brother': 'You are Henry's better half. No
path can be considered right for him along which that
he cannot carry you. Will you not have sufficient faith
in him for certain that he is incapable of creating a gulf
between you and himself? I ask you to trust me...A gift

given or a sacrifice made grudgingly and not cheerfully

is no gift or sacrifice'.

In another letter Gandhi advised Millie to be a perfect

wife and praised her for being duty-conscious. At the
time of passive resistance movement when Gandhi and
other leaders were arrested, Millie played an important
role in organizing women together under the banner of
Transvaal Indian women's Association', and gave them
lessons on Indian self-respect movement in Africa.
Gandhi wrote: Polak could have done little but for the
zealous support ungrudgingly given to him by Mrs.
Polak. Nor has Mrs. Polak's work been of a neutral
character. She herself moved freely among our
womenfolk and enlightened them on our position. Mrs.
Polak believes, and rightly, that no reform or movement
can succeed completely which does not command the
attention of the other half of humanity. She, therefore,
lost no opportunity, whether by speaking or writing, of
helping her husband in his work. And we know, too,
that she did not consider it beneath her dignity to do for
Mr. Polak much of his clerical work. Well may the
community honour such workers and friends. Many
women from Natal who travelled up to Volksrust were
arrested and sentenced to three months imprisonment,
and were the first of the hundreds to go to prison. They
endured physical hardship and sorrow but kept their
spirits high. Millie Polak wrote that India has many
things to be proud of, but of none more than the part the

Indian women of South Africa took in the uplifting and

recognition of a people here despised'. Millie Polak was
thus the earliest among western women to be associated
with Gandhi. She was the first woman to write a
biography on Gandhi as early as 1931. The older son
of the Polaks—Waldo, had a special place in the heart
of Gandhi. Later, after their return to England when
Waldo died suddenly in the 1920s, Millie found much
consolation in the messages of condolence especially
sent by Gandhi and also from many other Indians who
had known them for many years." In India; meanwhile,
Gandhi organized the first major countrywide
Satyagraha campaign in 1919 and called it a 'struggle
for liberty worthy of single legislation'. Gandhi had
totally lost faith in the British sense of justice and
completely turned into a non- co-operator. Polak did not
agree with Gandhi's support to the Khilafat question and
found the non-co-operation movement 'ill- advised and
dangerous'. Though Gandhi addressed Polak as 'Chota
Bhai' (younger brother)?????, their political ideology
began to show increasing differences of opinion,
particularly over Gandhian non-cooperation and civil
disobedience movements. Polak could not understand
how Gandhi, the apostle of non-violence, acted as a
recruiting agent for the British during the Great War. In
a long letter dated November 1932 to Gandhi, Polak
frankly questioned the tenacity of his faith in non-
violent non-co-operation. Polak did not support his civil
disobedience movement and accused Gandhi of taking
up this movement to save Congress from disintegration

and questioned the tenacity of Gandhiji's faith in non-

violence. Gandhi was hurt and replied to Polak that he
undertook it only to preserve the doctrine of non-
violence. He further explained: 'I have not changed at
all. I have grown and am still growing'. Gandhi wrote: 'I
can't misunderstand you. But I see quite clearly that we
see things differently'. Gandhi attributed Polak's
disagreement to the fact that he was unable 'to feel the
foul stench that modern Europe is filling the world with'
and living as he did in the midst of the inferno' he could
not view things otherwise'. Despite differences of.
opinion, both Gandhi and Polak shared mutual regard
and affection. -- After his return to India in early 1915,
Gandhi seems to have missed the company of his
European associates in South Africa very badly. He
wrote a letter to Sonja Schlesign dated 2 June 1919: ‘It
often makes me sad when I think of all my helpers of
South Africa. I have no [Rev.] Doke here. I have no
Kallenbach. {Henry] Polak is in England ... I feel
lonelier here than in South Africa'. This was just four
years after he had returned to India. The findings of this
inquiry lead us to the conclusion that Polak was
Gandhi's closest colleague and lieutenant .
---- In 1904, Mohandas Gandhi, who had resided in
nearby Durban since 1893, established a small village-
like settlement, Phoenix Settlement, on the
northwestern outskirts of Inanda. Boasting residences, a

clinic, a school, and a printing press, Phoenix served for

a time as an important home to Gandhi, his family and
his followers as they strove to follow a path of social
change through “passive” resistance. The activist
newspaper Indian Opinion, which argued strenuously
for the civil rights of Indian South Africans, was
published here in four languages. Phoenix Settlement
continued to serve as home to a number of residents and
activists even after Gandhi's departure in 1914,
including his son, Manilal Gandhi. By the early 1980s,
a squatter camp, Bhambayi, occupied most of the area
around the Settlement. In 1985, riots in the camp over
apartheid caused heavy damage to Phoenix Settlement's
buildings, and the community was largely abandoned
until February 2000, when then-President Thabo Mbeki
formally committed to its reopening and restoration.---

Albert West was a Theosophist and printer who

became a settler at Phoenix settlement.

Foreign women in Gandhi's life
gandhi ‘s first indian edition biography was
published by natesan , a high cast hindu , british
agent , close associate of freemasons & theosophists

===== Sir Subbaiyar Subramania Iyer (1842–
1924) was Vice-President of the Theosophical Society
from 1907 to 1911 during Dr Annie Besant’s tenure as
President. His association with the Theosophical
movement began from the 1880s when Col. Olcott and
Madame Blavatsky arrived in Madras. He co-operated
with Dr Besant in all her multifarious movements,
educational, social, political, Theosophical and
spiritual. He was one of a core group of patriots
responsible for the founding of the Indian National
Congress in 1885 and an active worker and
Honorary President of Dr Besant’s Home Rule
League. A lawyer by profession, he was elevated to the
Bench in 1895, and became the first Indian Judge to be
made Acting Chief Justice of the Madras High Court,
during the British regime. He was knighted in
recognition of his work but surrendered his knighthood
as a protest against the internment of Dr Besant and her
colleagues by the Madras Government. He acted as the
legal adviser of The Theosophical Society and worked
in this capacity till his last days. Dr Besant writes: ‘He
never flinched, he never changed in his devotion to
Theosophy, which he regarded as the Brahmavidya
of Hinduism.’ Early Days Subbaiyar Subramania Iyer
was born of Brahman parents on 1 October 1842 in
Madura (now Madurai) District, South India. He was
brought up amid the enlivening and chastening

circumstances of a high-caste Hindu family and hence

had access to education in English very early in life. His
mind was thus open in its formative period to the
influences introduced by the West. His father Subbaiyar
was a trusted Vakil or agent of the Zamindar of Ramnad
(Madura District). He died in 1844 when Subramaniam
was only two years old. Young Subramaniam had his
early schooling in a Christian Mission, then in an
English school, and in 1856 he entered Zilla High
In 1875, when H. M. the late Emperor Edward visited
Madura as Prince of Wales, Subramania Iyer was
chosen to be the spokesman of the town and presented
its loyal address of welcome. In 1877, recognition of his
work came to Mr Iyer in the form of a Certificate of
Merit awarded by Lord Lytton at Delhi. In 1884 Sir M.
E. Grant Duff, Governor of Madras, visited Madura
and, recognizing the worth of Subramania Iyer,
nominated him a non-official member of the Madras
Legislative Council. He came into contact with Col. H.
S. Olcott and joined The Theosophical Society, of
which he remained a staunch and loyal member till the
end. It was in Madras that he first met Mr T. Subba
Row, a Hindu scholar and Theosophist, who much
impressed him. In December 1884 Subramania Iyer
was one of the seventeen men of the Provisional
Committee formed in Madras that began the long
struggle for India’s freedom and evolved the scheme of
a national assembly. In 1885 the Indian National
Congress held its first formal session in Bombay. he

was a constant adviser of the President of The

Theosophical Society, Col. Olcott, and was made a
member of the Executive Committee. In 1887, the
British Government gave expression to their
appreciation of Subramania Iyer’s work; he became the
first Indian to be appointed Government Pleader and
Public Prosecutor. The British Government, made him a
C.I.E. — ‘Commander of the Most Eminent Order of
the Indian Empire’ — in 1889. In 1891 he was given
the Indian title of ‘Diwan Bahadur’, and in 1900 he
was made a ‘Knight Commander of the Indian Empire’
and became Sir Subramania Iyer.
Having joined The Theosophical Society in the early
1880s Subramania Iyer threw himself into active work
for the Movement. He was the Founder-President of the
Madura Lodge of The Theosophical Society till 1885
when he settled in Madras. In Madras, he was made a
member of the inner committee of seven which really
managed all the affairs of the Society. Col. H. S. Olcott,
the President of the Theosophical Society, consulted
him upon all points requiring decision, and placed great
reliance on his judgement. He was also a member of the
committee appointed to investigate the Coulomb affair,
and it was largely owing to his advice that Madame
Blavatsky was dissuaded from prosecuting them. In
1893, he met Annie Besant at the Annual Convention at
Adyar and remained her staunch friend, working with
her in all her various activities of nation-building and
Theosophy. He was the co-founder of the Young
Men’s Indian Association with Dr Besant, and an active

worker and Honorary President of the National Home

Rule League till he passed away. Annie Besant wrote of
him: 'He joined The Theosophical Society in its early
days, when it was despised and rejected of men, shed
lustre on it by his brilliant intelligence, his spotless life,
and his profound devotion to Helena Petrovna
Blavatsky. He stood by her through the infamous
Coulomb attack, and was a member of the Committee
which investigated the charges and declared her
innocent of the accusation of fraudulent phenomena
brought against her.' Sir Subramania Iyer was the
Recording Secretary (1905–6) and assisted Col. Olcott
when the Theosophical Society was incorporated on 3
April 1905 at Madras. He was appointed Vice-President
in 1907 when Dr Besant took the office of President of
The Theosophical Society. In 1911 when Mr Sinnett
decided to rejoin the Society she offered him the
position of Vice-President, and cabled to Sir
Subramania Iyer to ask if he were willing to resign to
make this appointment possible, and he gallantly and
immediately agreed to do so. In 1917, Sir Subramania
Iyer took the “bold”?? step of addressing Mr Woodrow
Wilson, President of the USA, on British misrule in
India, citing particularly the incarceration of Annie
Besant, G. S. Arundale and B. P. Wadia and requesting
him to use America’s influence for Indian Home Rule.
In 1904, Sir Subramania Iyer became the first Indian to
be made the Vice-Chancellor of the University of
Madras. He was appointed a member of its Senate in
1886, and held that position until 1907. He was elected

a member of the Syndicate (the executive body of the

University) several times, and served in that capacity
for some eight or nine years. Sir Subramania Iyer was
popularly known as Sir Mani Iyer . Being a keen
student of Theosophy he was responsible for getting
three important books published. The ‘Roof Talks’
given by C. W. Leadbeater and Annie Besant contained
a wealth of information, due to new clairvoyant
subramania-iyer-1842-1924 =====

It is certainly not at all easy to count the biographies

written on Gandhiji. Hundreds of writers, journalists
and close associates have authored the book. But, it was
Christian missionary Joseph Doke who had the unique
distinction of writing the first biography. it was written,
Gandhji had still not acquired the status of Mahatma. In
fact, he was barely 39 years old. The first Indian edition
was published in April 1919 by a Madras-based
publisher GA Natesan. Doke collected material for the
book from his meetings with Gandhiji and others who
were close to him. --, his father was a Baptist priest and
Joseph followed the footsteps of Doke senior. He
worked as a missionary in different countries like South
Africa, New Zealand and Egypt. The bonds of
friendship between the two friends were carried forward
by their children also. The Doke children - Clement,
Comber and Olive – were regular visitors to the
Phoenix farm. -----Gandhi wrote, “Mr. Cartwright,
Rev. Mr. Phillips, Mr. Doke and other eminent

Englishmen who have helped us a great deal have been

invited to a dinner on Saturday; some Indians will also
be present. Gandhi wrote, “Mr. Doke’s book is still
unpublished; it is likely to be in the first week of
October. I am thinking of buying out the whole of the
edition. The publisher has not put his heart into it, and
as many copies will have to be distributed free of
charge, I fancy that Dr. Mehta will guarantee any
deficit. I have already corresponded with him in the
matter. --- to take the book personally to many people.
His father was the Baptist Minister of Chudleigh. His
brother, the late Mr. William H. Doke, died as a
missionary at the end of 1882 on African soil.

PROFESSOR P.R. Kumaraswamy of Jawaharlal Nehru

University (JNU), New Delhi, The central theme of the
book is Gandhi’s views on the Zionist project to have a
nation exclusively for Jews in Palestine. Kumaraswamy
reveals that Pyarelal, Gandhi’s secretary, who edited the
Collected Works of Mahatma Gandhi, decided
deliberately to exclude certain speeches, letters and
even meetings of Gandhi if they had anything to do
with Zionists. Pyarelal confessed to Ved Mehta in the
1970s that the intention was to “suppress them from
history”, a rather un-Gandhian act indeed as the author
correctly points out. The author gives us a detailed
account of Gandhi’s friendship with Jews, starting from
his days in South Africa. When Gandhi founded the
Tolstoy Farm in Transvaal, South Africa, in 1910, he

was helped in a big way by Hermann Kallenbach and

Henry Solomon Leon Polak.
Irgun, responsible for the bombing of the King David
Hotel (July 22, 1946), was termed as a terrorist
organisation by the United Nations, the United States
and the United Kingdom. However, that did not prevent
Menachem Begin, Irgun’s chief from 1943 to 1948,
from becoming Israel’s Prime Minister in 1977. What is
even more remarkable is that he shared the Nobel Prize
for Peace with Egypt’s Anwar Sadat in 1978 after the
two signed a peace treaty. Begin is not the only Israeli
Prime Minister with a terrorist past.
Gandhi opposed the project for a Hindu Rashtra. The
reader will recall that the Rashtriya Swayamsewak
Sangh (RSS) leaders, including V.D. Savarkar, who
wanted to have a Hindu Rashtra did support the
Zionist project. In his famous book Hindutva (1923),
Savarkar emphasised his support for the Zionist cause:
“If the Zionists’ dreams were realised, if Palestine
became a Jewish state, it would gladden us almost as
much as our Jewish friends”

He made a crucial distinction between the non-violence

of the strong and that of the weak. The non-violence of
the weak is cowardice and Gandhi condemned it
unequivocally. He said: “Where choice is set between
cowardice and violence, I would advise violence... I
prefer to use arms in defense of honour rather than
remain the vile witness of dishonour....”

I/ Gandhi have held since 1899 the same views that

you do about Theosophy. They pressed me hard that
year to join the Society but I refused in no uncertain
terms, saying that, though the Society’s rule respecting
brotherhood appealed to me, I had no sympathy for its
search for occult powers. I do not think that Mrs. Besant
is a hypocrite; she is credulous and is duped by
Leadbeater. When an Englishman suggested to me to
read Leadbeater’s “The Life after Death”, I flatly
refused to do so as I had grown suspicious of him after
reading his other writings. As to his humbug. I came to
know of it later… Cordes, at Phoenix, is a staunch
Theosophist. I have not yet been able to get him out of
the hold of Theosophy. In himself, he appears to be a
sincere man. He has gone to Adyar at present, against
all persuasion. Being honest, he will see the fraud that is
there and turn his back on it, unless he is taken in. It is
worth ascertaining what humbug prevails there safe
under the cover of Mrs. Besant’s goodness. Her desire
to pass off as the “Master” is understandable. One who
runs after occult powers cannot but become so
intoxicated. It is for the sereasons that all our shastras
have looked upon occult powers and Yogic attainments
as unworthy pursuits. Mahatma Gandhi – Letter to Dr
Pranjivan Mehta, Vaisakh Sud 10 [May 8, 1911].

Dr Pranjivan Mehta (1864-1932) was Gandhi’s closest

friend, and a generous benefactor. It was to Mehta that

Gandhi first revealed his newly-found philosophy of

life in a London hotel in July-September 1909.
According to Gandhi’s own admission, his seminal
work, Hind Swaraj, first published in the Gujarati
columns of the Indian Opinion on 11 and 18 December
1909, was a faithful record of the conversation he had
had with Mehta earlier in the year, recollected and
recorded in the tranquility of the voyage back to South
Africa, between 19 and 22 November 1909.
Mehta was the first person who recognized in Gandhi
both the mahatma and the future liberator of India. He
encouraged and enabled Gandhi to return to his native
land in January 1915. Himself a versatile man, Mehta,
throughout his life, provided Gandhi with great
material and moral support.
John Cordes with Elizabeth and Mary Lutyens (front,
left and right), Pergine (Italy), August 1924 The
“Cordes” to whom Gandhi referred was John Herman
Cordes (1873-1960), an Austrian Theosophist from
South Africa, who went to live in Gandhi’s first
communal settlement, Phoenix, in 1906, one of a
number of settlers who were South African
Theosophists following Gandhi’s series of lectures to
the Johannesburg Lodge of the Theosophical Society in
1905 in which he criticised Theosophists for their
dilettantism, their uncritical use of sacred texts for

speculation, and their “preoccupation with the

development of occult powers” and their neglect of “the
central idea of Theosophy, the brotherhood of mankind
and the moral growth of man.” See: Kathryn Tidrick
Gandhi: A Political and Spiritual Life I.B.Tauris,
2007:64-65. Cordes had joined the Theosophical
Society in South Africa in 1898, and was invited by
Besant to work at Adyar in 1910. Obviously, Gandhi’s
hope that Cordes would see the the fraud that is there
[i.e. at Adyar] and turn his back on it was not fulfilled.
He was an enthusiastic supporter of and worker for the
Order of the Star in the East. He established the
Austrian section of the Theosophical Society in 1912
and served as its General Secretary 1912-1930. In 1913
Cordes wrote to Gandhi declaring: You are a mystic.
But in neatness J. Krishnamurti surpasses you.
Ramachandra Guha Gandhi Before India Vintage, 2015.

Besant also asked Cordes to work in Germany to assist

in the Society’s recovery from the split led the Rudolf
Steiner around 1925. On 15 August 1930 Cordes was
consecrated as a Bishop of the Liberal Catholic Church
by Leadbeater (assisted by Bishops Wedgwood, Pigott
and Bonjer at Huizen, The Netherlands. He was
appointed Auxiliary Bishop for Europe, and later
became Regionary Bishop for East Central Europe
(1935-1940) and Regionary Bishop of South Africa

Gandhi’s own testimony Speaking at Malikanda in

Bengal (now in Bangladesh) on 21 February 1940 at a
meeting of the Gandhi Seva Sangh, Mohandas
Karamchand Gandhi made a startling disclosure about
the genesis of Hind Swaraj. -- I stayed with Dr. Mehta
for (more than) a month (at the Westminster Palace
Hotel, 4 Victoria Street, London, S.W., in later 1909).
--Confirmation of this discussion – which continued for
more than a month – between Gandhi and Mehta in a
London hotel is available in two letters of Gandhi to his
South African friend Hermann Kallenbach.
--The ‘original book in Gujarati’ was Hind Swarajya
which was first published on Gandhi’s return to South
Africa in the Indian Opinion in two installation on 11
and 18 December 1909. It was issued as a booklet by
the International Printing Press, Phoenix, Natal, in
January 1910. Its English translation was published by
the same press in March 1910 under the title Indian
Home Rule. For reasons which can only be guessed, in
the English translation the Gujarati word ‘Swarajya’
was changed to ‘Swaraj’, so from March 1910 onwards
Hind Swarajya began to be called Hind Swaraj. After
Gandhi’s clear and unequivocal disclosure of 21
February 1940 at Malikanda, which virtually amounted
to his confessing that while he was the ‘Editor’ in Hind
Swaraj, his ‘dear friend Dr. Pranjivan Mehta’ was the
‘Reader’ in it, all speculation about who the ‘Reader’
was in Hind Swaraj should have ceased. But,

unfortunately, it has not. One main reason for this is

that most of those who have written about the genesis
of Hind Swaraj over the years knew very little about
Dr. Pranjivan Mehta. It was not entirely their fault
though, for not much was known about this avowedly
greatest benefactor and friend of his to whom the
‘Prophet’ first chose to announce himself in a London
hotel in July-August 1909. ---Pranjivandas Jagjivandas
Mehta, the youngest of four brothers, was born in 1864
at Morvi in a prosperous Jain family of merchants and
professionals which was spread all over Kathiawar. One
of his elder brothers, Revashankar Jagjivan Mehta,
better known by the surname ‘Jhaveri’, was vakil
(lawyer) of the Raja of Morvi. In consequence of a
quarrel with his king, he left Morvi and settled as a
jeweller in Champagali, Kalpadevi, Bombay, under the
trade name Messrs Revashankar Jagjivan & Co. He
later built a large house in the city at Labournum Road,
Gamdevi, called Mani Bhuvan, which became from
1920 the centre of Gandhi’s political activities while in
Bombay and now houses a famous Gandhi museum.
The brother who was immediately older to Revashankar
was called Popatbhai. His daughter Zabakben was
married to the greatest Jain savant of modern times,
Shrimad Rajchandra (1867-1901), who influenced
Gandhi greatly and whom the latter rated higher than
even Leo Tolstoy and John Ruskin as a spiritual being.
While studying medicine in Brussels, he also enrolled
himself at London’s Middle Temple in order to qualify
as a barrister. The first meeting between Gandhi and

Mehta took place at the Victoria Hotel, near Trafalgar

Square, in London, on the evening of Saturday, 29
September 1888, the day Gandhi arrived there to study
for the Bar. Gandhi had come to know of Mehta’s
whereabouts in Europe from mutual friends and had
kept him informed about his movements. Dressed in a
white flannel suit in late September and therefore
looking a little odd, dazzled by the splendour of the
rather expensive hotel in central London, where he was
staying, Gandhi had hardly settled down when Mehta
called on him at his room in the hotel around eight
o’clock in the evening. Gandhi has given a rather vivid
account of this first encounter between the two would-
be lifelong friends in his autobiography. Mehta and
another Kathiawari friend from Rajkot, Dalpatram
Shukla, who was already there studying for the Bar,
acted as Gandhi’s mentors during his early days in
London. In 1899 Mehta migrated to Burma and settled
in Rangoon not only as a barrister and doctor, but also
as a diamond merchant. He soon became the richest
and most prominent citizen of the country. He was
president of Hindu Social Club and the Shri
Ramkrishna Society of Rangoon, a member of the All-
India Congress Committee from Burma and Prsident of
the Burma Provincial Congress Committee, founder
secretary of the Burma Social Service League, and a
mentor of the early Burmese nationalists. In 1906 he
established an Anglo-Gujarati weekly paper called
United Burma which was edited by V. Madanjit, who

had formerly been the publisher of the Indian Opinion

in Durban.

The making of the Mahatma and the writing of ‘Hind

Swaraj’ The second phase of Gandhi’s stay in South
Africa, from late 1902 to mid-1914, was far more
significant than the first. In 1903 Gandhi began
publishing Indian Opinion. To the influence of
vegetarianism and Tolstoy on Gandhi was added that of
Ruskin in 1904 and the Phoenix settlement was born on
the model of the Trappist monastery in Pinston, near
Durban. In 1906 Gandhi took the vow of brahmacharya.
The same year saw the birth of satyagraha.
---his mother’s Pranami cult; his study of Tolstoy,
Ruskin, Mazzini, Salter and Thoreau; ---- It is
ridiculous to suggest, as has been done by some
writers, that Hind Swaraj was the outcome of a sudden
illumination which seized Gandhi immediately after he
boarded the S.S. Kildonan Castle on 13 November 1909
on his return voyage to South Africa from England.

Pranami cult

Gandhi’s Hind Swaraj, Its first detailed and systematic

exposition occurred in Gandhi’s conversations with
Mehta in July-August 1909. Gandhi’s stay in England
during July-November 1909. In a summary form they
were communicated by Gandhi to his friend and fellow-
seeker, H.S.L. Polak on 14 October 1909. Tolstoy’s
approval of these views –first indirectly and then
directly – hastened their publication. Mehta, who had
known Gandhi since 1888 and who had also visited
South Africa in 1898. Mehta had met Gokhale in
Vichy, France, in late August 1912. Mehta parted
from Gandhi in late September 1909 he had persuaded
Gandhi to agree to the following plan of action: (a)
Gandhi would leave South Africa and return to India as
early as possible, preferably by the end of 1911. (b) The
leadership of the Indian struggle in South Africa would
be handed over by him to some other competent person,
preferably a relative of his, and if it was thought
necessary that he should get his training by spending
some time in England, Mehta would pay for this.
After his training he would be required to serve the
community at least for ten years. (c) Henceforward
Gandhi would train at Phoenix only those satyagrahis
whom he was to take with himself to India. Mehta
would bear the full cost of this training programme.
(d) Arrangements should be made for the widest
possible distribution and sale of the Reverend J.J.
Doke’s forthcoming biography of Gandhi, titled M.K.
Gandhi: An Indian Patriot in South Africa, which
carried an ‘Introduction’ by Lord Ampthill, formerly

Governor of Madras (1900-6) and acting Viceroy of

India (1904). (e) Twenty thousand copies of Tolstoy’s
famous ‘Letter to a Hindoo’, of which Mehta himself
had procured a copy from his friend in Paris, S.R. Rana,
should be printed and distributed worldwide. The entire
cost was to be borne by Mehta. (f) An essay
competition should be organized in England and India
on ‘the ethics and efficacy of Passive resistance’, with a
decidedly Tolstoyan orientation, for which Mehta
would give, without his name being disclosed, a prize
of £ 50 each to the best essay in England and in India.
(g) Gandhi was to give up his legal practice and Mehta
was to pay for the upkeep of his family and himself.
(h) As a precautionary measure, Gandhi was to destroy
all the letters received from Mehta after reading them,
(Mehta was not a revolutionary, but he had contacts
with the so-called Indian revolutionaries in Europe.)
Mehta’s work in support of Gandhi and his ideas, 1910-
14 Mehta not only gave liberal financial support to
Gandhi, he also raised funds in Burma for the cause
of Gandhi’s satyagraha in South Africa. What is more
important is the fact that after Hind Swaraj was banned
in India – both in its Gujarati and English versions – in
the first half of 1910, Mehta tried his best to popularize
the man and his message through other means. He was
the first Indian to write a biography of Gandhi which
was published in early 1911 under the tittle M.K.
Gandhi and the South African Indian Problem. Besides
containing intimate details about Gandhi’s life and the
development of his personality, he very cleverly

acquainted his readers with the basic thoughts contained

in his banned booklet Hind Swaraj. Later in 1911 he
published another book titled Hindu Social Ideals, in
which he tried to show what Gandhi did not have the
time to do, that is, the superiority of ancient Indian
civilization over modern Western civilization. Next
year, in 1912, he published a Gujarati translation of
Doke’s biography of Gandhi, with a preface which was
longer than the translation of Doke’s book.
Mehta’s support to Gandhi on his return to India.
Gandhi’s final return to India was delayed until 9
January 1915. he received a hero’s welcome from all
sections of his countrymen. But his hope that he would
find a readymade political base in Gokhale’s Servants
of India Society, Poona, and to whose presidency he
would succeed after Gokhale’s death, which was
expected to be imminent, was cruelly belied. A dying
Gokhale could not impose his will on the members of
the Society, who were firmly opposed to Gandhi’s
admission to the Society even as an ordinary member.
Being ‘left without a shelter through revered Gokhale’s
death’ , Gandhi turned to his Aladdin’s lamp, Dr. P.J.
Mehta. He arrived Rangoon on 17 March 1915 and
stayed with Mehta for eight days. Mehta not only
accorded him a royal welcome, he also assured him of
whatever financial help he needed for his own ashram
which he proposed to establish at Ahmedabad. Gandhi
often said that the Sabarmati Ashram, without which
satyagraha was not possible, was his ‘greatest
creation’. But he also said that Mehta was not only

‘the pillar of the Ashram, without him the Ashram

would not have come into existence at all’. Mehta came
to attend the session of the Indian National Congress
held at Bombay in December 1915 and spent several
weeks with Gandhi. At that time he was planning to
spend half the year with Gandhi . He also got a house,
named ‘Lal Kothi’ or ‘Red Bungalow’, built near the
Sabarmati Ashram. In early 1917 he published in two
parts a pamphlet titled Vernaculars as Media of
Instruction in Indian Schools and Colleges, which was
issued as the first of Sabarmati Ashram’s ‘Self-
Government Series’, and carried an ‘Introduction’ by
Gandhi. It made a powerful plea not only for the
adoption of the regional languages as the medium of
instruction in educational institutions at all levels, but
also for the adoption of Hindi as the national language
of India. In 1917-18 Mehta became very active in
Burmese political life. He vigorously supported the
Burmese nationalists’ contention that Burma should not
be denied the benefit of the Montagu-Chelmsford
reforms proposed for India. He advised and aided the
Burmese deputation which visited Britain in 1918. the
newly-appointed arch-reactionay Lieutenant-Governor
of Burma, Reginald Craddock, believed – and rightly
so-that Mehta was the principal carrier of the
contagion of the Indian nationalist movement in the
province . Mehta had contacts with the Indian
revolutionaries based in Paris, whom he described as
‘the Paris gang’. Craddock served on him an
externment order on 6 October 1918, requiring him to

leave Burma within seven days. Craddock’s order was

severely condemned by the press and public bodies in
Burma, India and Britain. Edwin Montagu, the
Secretary of State for India, had to intervene,30 and the
externment order was first suspended and then
withdrawn. This is probably the only instance in British
Indian history of an externment order having been
revoked because of public protest. In 1919 Mehta
visited Britain and worked on behalf of both the
Burmese deputation and the Indian National Congress.
The 14 November 1919 issue of India, the organ of the
Congress in Britain, carried a group photograph of the
‘House of Commons Luncheon Party to Representatives
of the Indian National Congress’ which showed Mehta
sitting in the second row with such stalwarts of the
Congress as B.G. Tilak, V.J. Patel, and Sarojini Naidu.

Mehta suffered a stroke in mid-1920 when he was at the

top of his public career. On 29 September 1921 Gandhi
wrote to Kallenbach: ‘Do you know that Dr. Mehta
cannot speak and cannot write?’ But, though his
political career was thus cut short, Mehta continued to
take a lively interest in Gandhi’s activities. In a letter to
Gandhi, dated 8 September 1920, he urged upon him
the urgent necessity of a widespread and vigorous
agitation against the salt tax, question in which he had
been interested for years. Mehta rallied a little in the
later 1920s. He visited India in 1926 and again in 1929,
But his public career had ended. In March 1929 when

Gandhi visited Burma for the third time, Mehta, though

crippled and in frail health, accompanied him
everywhere. When Gandhi began his famous Dandi
march, Mehta secured his permission to come to India
and join in the salt satyagraha in late 1932. On 3 August
1932 Mehta died at 9 p.m. in the Rangoon General
Hospital. To Polak, who had known Mehta since 1909,
Gandhi had written on 4 August 1932, ‘I have lost a
lifelong faithful friend.’ On the same day he had written
to Mehta’s nephew, Manilal R. Jhaveri: ‘I know that
all of you will feel the loss of Doctor. But my sorrow is
peculiar. I had no greater friend than Doctor in this
whole world.’ On 7 February 1924, while he was still
in Sassoon Hospital, he wrote to Mehta: Bhaishri
Pranjivan, I thought of you constantly. Hardly a day
passed in the jail when I did not remember you. ….
The day after Mehta’s death, Gandhi wrote to Mehta’s
eldest son, Chhaganlal P. Mehta. …….Perhaps Doctor
would have drawn his last breath in my lap. But God is
ever jealous of our wishes. ……….While the English
version of Gandhi’s ‘Autobiography’ says that Dr.
Mehta had come ‘to see me’, the Gujarati version says
that he had come ‘to take me back’ (Ibid., 495).

On 19 October 1936, Gandhi wrote to his second son,

Manilal: ‘The Doctor’s purse was always at my
disposal.’ We. However, know that Mehta often gave
more than what Gandhi demanded.

Giuseppe Mazzini (1805-72) After Adam Weishaupt

(Founder Of The Illuminati) died on November 18,
1830 at the age of 82, Giuseppe Mazzini (1805-72), a
revolutionary leader, was appointed head of the
Illuminati in 1834. While attending Genoa University,
Giuseppe Mazzini became a 33rd degree Mason, and
joined a secret organization known as the Carbonari
(their stated goal in 1818: "Our final aim is that of
Voltaire and of the French Revolution -- the complete
annihilation of Catholicism, and ultimately all
Christianity."), where he became committed to the
cause of Italian unity. In 1831 he was exiled to France
where he founded the 'Young Societies' movement
which included Giovane Italia (Young Italy), Young
England, etc. This group united those who wanted to
achieve unification through force. Mazzini moved to
England in 1837 then returned to Italy in 1848 to lead
the revolution against the Austrians. Again he was
exiled. In the 1850's he led more revolutionary
activities, and through his actions Italy became united
in 1861 as a single kingdom rather than the republic
envisioned by Mazzini. Mazzini, who became known as
the 'Evil Genius of Italy,' tried to carry on the activities
of the Illuminati through the Alta Vendita Lodge, the
highest lodge of the Carbonari. From 1814-48, the
group known as the Haute Vente Romaine led the

activities of most of Europe's secret societies. In April,

1836 the head of the Haute Vente, whose pseudonym
was 'Nubius,' wrote to 'Beppo': "Mazzini behaves too
much like a conspirator of melodrama to suit the
obscure role we resign ourselves to play until our
triumph. Mazzini likes to talk about a great many
things, about himself above all. He never ceases writing
that he is overthrowing thrones and altars, that he
fertilizes the peoples, that he is the prophet of
humanitarianism..." In 1860, Giuseppe Mazzini had
formed an organization called the 'Oblonica,' a name
derived from the Latin 'obelus', which means: "I beckon
with a spit (dagger)." Within this group, he established
an inner circle called the Mafia. About 1000 A.D., after
the Normans had driven the Arabs out of Sicily, they
established a feudal system. Overseers to guard each
feudi were chosen from known criminals. Skirmishes
between the Barons were fought by these criminals.
Although feudal privileges were abolished in 1812,
these overseers retained control of the land through
leasing arrangements. It was this band of criminals that
Mazzini gave the name 'Mafia', which was an acronym
for Mazzini, Autorizza, Furti, Incendi, and
Avvelengmenti. Known as the Mafiosi, they were
authorized by Mazzini to commit thefts, arson and
murder. It was this organization that came to America
during the 1890's with the beginning of Italian
immigration. A Diabolical Plan, or A Wild Prophecy?
Cardinal Caro Y Rodriguez published The Mystery of
Freemasonry Unveiled in 1925. Rodriguez names

several references for a particular letter written by

Albert Pike in 1871 suggesting a plan of universal
Albert Pike was an attorney, military general, a 33rd
Degree Freemason and author on Masonry, and was
considered a genius. Pike wrote Morals and Dogma
which was given to every member on entering the 14th
Degree of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of
Freemasonry. He was asked to help divide the USA by
using slavery in preparation for the Freemason-
engineered civil war of 1861. He was also investigated
regarding the assassination of Abraham Lincoln and
pardoned for his role by President Andrew Johnson.
Pike's tomb is in the House of the Temple, the HQ of
the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry
whch is 13 blocks north of The White House. Giuseppe
Mazzini was also a 33rd Degree Freemason, a British
Intelligence agent, a revolutionary terrorist, and
founder of Young Europe, a network of revolutionary
groups designed to cause chaos around the world,
which eventually grew to include Young America,
Young Russia, and Young Bosnia, a fact which will
become very significant regarding World War 1. So we
are talking about two powerful men with access to the
corridors of power, access to the whole freemasonic
network, and access to the occult underground.

Mazzini was born in France and his father was a

“Jacobin” (Freemason-Illuminati group that caused the

French Revolution). Like his father, who was also a

University Professor, Mazzini gravitated towards Secret
Societies. In 1830 Mazzini travelled to Tuscany, where
he became a member of the Carbonari, a secret
association with political purposes. --moving to Geneva
in Switzerland. Even more interesting is Mazzini’s
desire to create a “United States of Europe” a century
before the European Union came into existence.
Globalism is Illuminism and Mazzini was loyal to both.
Now, back to the MAFIA: “Giuseppe Mazzini, a
Thirty-Third Degree Mason, founded a group of
revolutionaries called Young Italy. Their goal was to
free Italy from the control of monarchy and the Pope.
They succeeded, and Mazzini is honored as a patriot in
Italy. However, in the process, the Mafia was born. The
Young Italy revolutionaries needed money, and they:
“…supported themselves by robbing banks, looting or
burning businesses if protection money was not paid,
and kidnapping for ransom. Throughout Italy the word
spread that “Mazzini autorizza furti, incendi e attentati,”
meaning, ‘Mazzini authorizes theft, arson, and
kidnapping.’ This phrase was shortened to the acronym,
M.A.F.I.A. Organized crime was born.” (John Daniel,
“Scarlet and the Beast,” Vol. I., pages 330-331)
Mazzini was also the founder of the Scottish Rite of
Freemasonry in Italy.???
The Life of Mazzini, by Bolton King

1,118941,119085 Past grand masters included:

Poet Giuseppe Garibaldi,

Carbonari -- The group provided the main source of

opposition to the conservative regimes imposed on Italy
in 1815. Their influence prepared the way for the
Risorgimento movement, which resulted in Italian
unification (1861). The group have been an offshoot of
the Freemasons. The first lodges of the Carbonari were
formed in southern Italy in the early 1800s. They
acquired a republican character, opposing Joachim
Murat, the ruler of Naples. In general, the Carbonari
favoured constitutional and representative government.
Like other secret societies of the age, the Carbonari had
an initiation ceremony, complex symbols, and a

hierarchical organization. Their members were recruited

mainly from the nobility, officeholders, and small
landowners. After 1815 the lodges spread rapidly
among those dissatisfied with the post-Napoleonic
settlement, especially among the middle classes, which
had been favoured under French rule. Although the
Carbonari had lodges throughout Italy, their main
centres were in central Italy (the Papal States) and in
the south (Naples), where the Bourbon Kingdom of the
Two Sicilies was restored in 1815 and where they took
up a decisively anti-Bourbon attitude. With the help of
the army, they led the successful Neapolitan revolution
of 1820, which forced King Ferdinand I to promise a
constitution. This was their most spectacular
achievement, but Austrian intervention soon nullified it.
Revolts in Bologna, Parma, and Modena in 1831 met
with little success. In the same year, Giuseppe Mazzini
founded a new movement, Young Italy, with an
avowedly national and republican program, and the
importance of the Carbonari began to wane. Outside
Italy a similar movement called the Charbonnerie had
taken root in France. It participated in outbreaks in
1821, and Lafayette himself condescended to be its
head. An international organization called the
Charbonnerie Démocratique Universelle continued to
operate for a few years after 1830 under the leadership
of Filippo Buonarroti (1761–1837), but it achieved

Risorgimento, (Italian: “Rising Again”), 19th-century

movement for Italian unification that culminated in the
establishment of the Kingdom of Italy in 1861. The
Risorgimento was an ideological and literary movement
that helped to arouse the national consciousness of the
Italian people, and it led to a series of political events
that freed the Italian states from foreign domination and
united them politically. Although the Risorgimento has
attained the status of a national myth, its essential
meaning remains a controversial question. The classic
interpretation (expressed in the writings of the
philosopher Benedetto Croce) sees the Risorgimento as
the triumph of liberalism, but more recent views
criticize it as an aristocratic and bourgeois revolution
that failed to include the masses.

In the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies, former members of

Murat’s army, affiliated with the Carbonari, marched on
Naples (July 2, 1820) to the cry of “Long live liberty
and the constitution.” They found support in the army
and among the bourgeoisie.
Giuseppe Mazzini, (born June 22, 1805, Genoa [Italy]
—died March 10, 1872, Pisa, Italy), Genoese
propagandist and revolutionary, founder of the secret
revolutionary society Young Italy (1832), and a
champion of the movement for Italian unity known as
the Risorgimento. Giuseppe Mazzini was a doctor’s

Foundation Of Young Italy. The new movement

captured the imagination of Italian youth. Branches
were secretly formed in Genoa and other cities; by 1833
there were 60,000 members. Mazzini edited the
propagandist journal Giovine Italia. He founded
Young Europe and helped to establish Young Germany,
Young Switzerland, and Young Poland, but his three
years in Switzerland were unhappy and frustrated. In
1837 he went with a few Italian friends to live in
London. Stay In England. England was now his real
home. he studied at the British Museum . Though he
had little money, he started a school for Italian boys in
London and a newspaper, Apostolato popolare
(“Apostleship of the People”), in which he published
part of his essay “On the Duties of Man.” SEEMS LIKE
with the help of Giuseppe Lamberti in Paris, he revived
Young Italy, primarily as a means of building up a
national consciousness among Italians everywhere. He
wrote innumerable letters to his new agents in Europe
and North and South America; he also became
acquainted with Thomas and Jane Welsh Carlyle and
other notable people. GANDHI ADOPTED JOHN
was in touch with the Bandiera brothers, who made an
ill-fated attempt to start a revolt in Calabria. …..brought
him into contact with a notable liberal family, the

Many English liberals supported him when he founded

the People’s International League in 1847. In that year
he wrote an “open letter” to the new pope, Pius IX, who
had introduced liberal reforms in the Papal States. He
urged the pope to unify Italy, but Pius made no
comment. Mazzini returned to Italy for the first time in
the revolutionary year of 1848, when the Milanese
drove out their Austrian masters and Piedmont began a
war to expel the Austrians from Italy. --- When the
Piedmontese armies withdrew and the Austrians
reentered Milan, he served briefly with an irregular
force under Giuseppe Garibaldi/ FREEMASONRY
GRANDMASTER , before returning to England.
…….The pope appealed to Catholic countries for help,
and a French army landed in Italy; after heroic
resistance, the republic was crushed, and Mazzini left
Rome. Back in London, he founded another society—
the Friends of Italy—in 1851. In 1853–54 he sent
Felice Orsini / ORSINI = PAPAL FAMILY on two
unproductive missions to raise a revolt in Carrara.
Count Cavour, the prime minister, called him “chief of
the assassins,” but .. he expressly disclaimed the
“theory of the dagger.” In 1858 Mazzini founded
another journal in London: this was Pensiero ed azione
(“Thought and Action”), a title reflecting his view that
thought is only of value when it results in action. He did
not participate in the Franco-Piedmontese war against
Austria in 1859. Mazzini went to Naples during
Garibaldi’s brief dictatorship of southern Italy but was

back in London when the new united Kingdom of Italy

(excluding Venice and Rome) was proclaimed in 1861.
He had never married.
_g.html --- Freemason Past Grand Master, Grand
Orient of Italy Source: William R. Denslow, 10,000
Famous Freemasons. p. 158.

%20by%20Leo%20Lyon%20Zagami.pdf 1461
Even if the history books suggest that Mazzini was
never made a Freemason, historian eugene bonvincicni ,
freemason of the grand orient of italy 33 degree of the
AASR -currently recognised by the american supreme
council , in his book on the history of freemasonry
entitled MODERN FREEMASONRY argues that
Guisseppe Mazzini began regularly in prison in savona
in 1834 where he eventually received 32 degree of the
SCOTTISH RITE --- Confessions of an Illuminati,
VOLUME II: The Time of Revelation and ... By Leo
Lyon Zagami

The Master Game: Unmasking the Secret Rulers of the

World By Graham Hancock, Robert Bauval

One Country Under Blood By Antonio Ciano,_Count_o

With the introduction of English education, western

culture spread all over India, within the circles of
Indian upper and middle classes. The study of English
literature and political and philosophical writings of
eighteenth and nineteenth century European thinkers
influenced Indian young minds greatly. The nationalist
movement in Italy and her heroes, Mazzini, Garibaldi
and Cavour exerted a tremendous influence on the
educated class in India. Both the Indian and Italian
liberation movements found a unifying factor in that
they drew great inspiration from the ideals of the Italian
Risorgimento which had brought the Unification of
Italy into fulfillment. Italian Renaissance inspired the
makers of modern India who were the forefronters of
the Indian Renaissance. There was a close interlink
between the Italian Renaissance and that of India;
and subsequently, the rise of Indian nationalism. The
ideas of Italian nationalist leaders influenced the
pioneers of Indian nationalism. The names and thoughts
of Italian leaders became known to many Indians and
especially the architects of Indian freedom movement.

After 1870, Italy became a constant source of Indian

nationalist discourse. The concept of nation acquired
definite form during 1870’s. Since the beginning of the
century, the pioneers of Indian nationalism began to
develop interest and inspiration from national
movement in Europe. Italian Risorgimento inspired
Indian nationalists . The message of Italian nationalism
was carried to India by Anandamohan Bose,
Surendranath Banerjea, and others who had gone
abroad for their education. After being acquainted with
the nationalist struggle they visited many countries.
Anandamohan Bose visited Ireland, Italy and other
countries. These educated youths in India were
inspired by Mazzini’s work and ideas. They also read
the writings of Mazzini. ‘The career of Mazzini seemed
very suggestive and meaningful to Anandamohan in
particular, and so he advised Surendranath to study his
life and career. Surendranath thoroughly studied the
writings of Mazzini in 1874-75 when he was in
England. Surendranath was profoundly impressed by
the writings of Mazzini and the history of young Italy.
He writes, ‘upon my mind the writings of Mazzini had
created a profound impression. The speeches of
Anandamohan Bose and Surendranath Banerjea were
very popular among the students and youth of Bengal.

---- He co-founded the Indian National Association/

CREATED TO SUPPORT BRITISH , one of the earliest
Indian political organizations, and later became a senior

leader of the Indian National Congress. // He was also

a prominent religious leader of Brahmoism and with
Sivanath Sastri a leading light of Adi Dharm. //
Anandamohan was a supporter of Brahmo Dharma
from his student days. He was officially converted to
Brahmo religion along with his wife Swarnaprabha
Devi (sister of Jagadish Chandra Bose /FREEMASON ,
by Keshab Chandra Sen in 1869. // 15 May 1878 he,
along with Shibnath Shastri, Sib Chandra Deb, Umesh
Chandra Dutta and others founded the Sadharan
Brahmo Samaj . // He was also associated with "Indian
League" founded by Sisir Kumar Ghosh. //
He presided in the protest meeting against Partition of
Bengal held at Federation Hall in 1905, where his
address was read by Rabindranath Tagore due to his
ill health.

Its origins are from the Zamindari Sabha (Association)

founded by Dwarkanath Tagore and his illustrious
cousin Prasanna Kumar Tagore in 1838. and the Adi
Brahmo Sabha founded in 1866. In 1851 it took shape
as the British Indian Association with Debendranath
Tagore as its Honorary Secretary. In 1857 the
Association supported the East India Company in the
Sepoy Mutiny, calling for stern punishment for the
rebels. /// Freemason Crown loyalists formed a

breakaway association called the Indian Reform

Association under Keshub Chunder Sen
on he came also under the influence of
Devendranath Tagore and Keshab Chandra Sen //
He was knighted for his political support of the British
Surendranath was vocal about the great need of leaders
such as Mazzini and Garibaldi in Indian national
struggle. He accepted that the concept of united India
was derived from the inspiration of Mazzini. He writes,
‘Mazzini has taught Italian unity. We wanted Indian
unity. Mazzini had worked through the young. I wanted
the young men of Bengal to realize their potentialities
and to qualify themselves to work for the salvation of
their country.’ Though he was profoundly influenced by
Mazzini, yet he warned the Indian youth to reject his
revolutionary activities to follow a purely constitutional
path. He wanted to adopt his spirit of self-sacrifice. In
his lecture on ‘Joseph Mazzini’ at Calcutta, Uttar para
in 1876, Surendranath remarked that ‘ The life of
Mazzini teaches us, in the most striking manner, the
great duty of self-sacrifice……….Let us learn to love
our country with the unselfishness with which Mazzini

loved Italy………. Mazzini’s labours teach us the

importance of political associations and how such
associations must be worked in order to secure the
highest amount of good possible to be secured from
them.’ Anandamohan Bose founded the Calcutta
student’s Association in 1875 for the uplifts of young
men, and latter Surendranath became the key figure of
this body. Surendranath sought to develop this
association into a center of an all India movement for
unity of India. Several educated young men planned to
set up a political association in the country. ‘It is thus
that the India League came to be formed to be
followed by the establishment of Indian Association
whose ideal was to preach ‘United India’ in imitation
of Mazzini’s cry of Italian unity. Later on, all the
associations came to be united for the formation in
1884 of the great Indian National Congress as the
repository of our national aspirations.’ Fiery speeches
of Surendranath Banerjea on the life of Mazzini
inspired the student community. The whole generation
of young men took up the task of nation building.

A NATION IN MAKING Being the Reminiscences of Fifty’

TO THE MEMORY OF the Founders and the Early Builders
of the Indian National Congress, WHOSE ACHIEVEMENTS
Constitutional Freedom TO BE ATTAINED BY Constitutional


Dominion Government for India
5.239651.A-Nation_djvu.txt Role of Theosophical
Society in Social Reform Movements in USA
usa/2055 Theosophy and the origins of the Indian
National Congress

Indian nationalists were also acquainted with

Garibaldi. The life and work of Mazzini and Garibaldi
were translated into Bengali by Jogendranath
Vidyabhusan so as to place them within the reach of
those who did not understand English. ‘Garibaldi /
FREEMASONRY GRAND MASTER , the great Italian hero,
was projected before the Indian leaders as their model
for emulation. It was expressed - Indians patriots! What
are ye by the side of this great hero of Italian
independence? Have you anything of his devotion to
duty, his earnestness of purpose, his spirit of self-
sacrifice in you? If you really loved your country as
Garibaldi loved his, pitch your conduct after his
FEELING . Surendranath Banerjea acquainted the youth
of country with the life of Joseph Mazzini and Italian
liberation movement that thrilled the young community.

As a result of this, they began to read the writings of

Mazzini. Many nationalist leaders were also influenced
by Surendranath’s lecture on Mazzini and Garibaldi.
Bipin Chandra Pal’s youthful imagination was captured
by Surendranath’s lecture on the freedom movement of
young Italy led by Joseph Mazzini. And then he studied
the writings of Mazzini. He was also acquainted with
those of Carbonari, a secret society, with which
Mazzini had associated at the beginning of his
“patriotic” career. The educated youth tried to emulate
the path by which Italy achieved liberation. To quote
Pal’s own words, ‘we saw or imagined a great
similitude between the position of the Italians under
Austrian domination and our own position under
British rule.’ Dr. Bhupendranath Dutta, Swami
Vivekananda: Patriot-Prophet. Though Mazzini left
the Carbonari but young communities were inspired to
form a secret society from Surendranath’s lecture. Bipin
Chandra Pal remarked, ‘But though without any real
revolutionary motive or any plan of secret
assassinations as the way to national emancipation, the
new inspiration imparted to young Bengal by
Surendranath’s presentation of the life of Mazzini and
the Italian freedom movement led many of us to form
secret organizations……….Surendranath was himself, I
think, the President of quite a number of these secret
Prominent leader of Punjab, Lala Lajapt Rai was also
impressed by Surendranath Banerjea’s speech about
Mazzini. He translated his ‘Duties of Man’ into Urdu.

Lajpat Rai adopted Mazzini as his own guru after

reading Surendranath’s Speeches. He writes, ‘Among
these was his speech on Giuseppe Mazzini. In 1896, he
wrote a series of books in Urdu, which he named the
‘Great Men of the World’. The first great man he chose
was his Italian guru Giuseppe Mazzini, and then
Garibaldi, along with Sivaji, Dayananda and Sri
Krishna. His purpose in selecting Mazzini and Garibladi
was to infuse patriotic sentiment in the youth of Punjab,
who had no access to books in English. Before he
jointed the Arya Samaj and the Congress, his mind had
already been shaped by the writings of the great Italian
teacher. Lajpat Rai FREEMASON had the two souls of
Mazzini and Garibaldi in one body. Italian freedom
movement was familiar to Sri Aurobindo Ghosh /
ROTHSCHILDS AGENT. He was also greatly inspired by
the three Italian leaders, Mazzini, Garibladi and Cavour.
Like Mazzini, Aurobindo felt the urgent need of
creating a patriotic spirit in the minds of the youth.
According to Aurobindo, academic teaching of
patriotism is the only way to create discipline. Without
nationalism, India could never become a nation. ‘The
first decade of the 20th century saw the rise of
revolutionary terrorism in Indian politics with active
participation from extremists within Congress. They
were greatly influenced by the Italian Risorgimento,
particularly secret societies in Italy. They were
operating in Bengal, Punjab, Maharastra and even in
foreign countries. The biographies of Mazzini and
Garibaldi were translated and studied avidly by them.

Mazzini regarded liberty as a first necessary right, and

Cavour also wanted liberty of all field. Following
Young Italy and other secret societies, Indian
revolutionaries also adopted the method of guerilla
military training and collection of arms for
revolutionary work. But Indian revolutionaries felt the
urgent need of foreign aid and assistance for the
purpose of achieving the country’s freedom; the Italian
leaders were not of the same opinion. Mazzini was
not???? in favour of seeking foreign help and Cavour
felt that foreign aid was essential. On the other hand,
Indian revolutionaries believed that foreign help was
essential in the struggle for freedom. In Bengal, secret
societies like Anushilan Samiti were established by
Pramatha Mitra and Satis Chandra Bose at Calcutta,
and by Pulin Das at Dacca. The ostensible purpose of
this society was to develop physical strength and
courage among the youth. In fact, it had an intellectual
side. Various subjects were discussed in it so that
youths were inspired for the liberation of their country.
‘History of French revolution and its main principles
Liberty, Equality and Fraternity and the lives of the
three leaders - Mazzini, Garibaldi and Cavour were
studied in this society.’ BRAINWASHING !!!!.

Yugantar, a weekly was started by Barin Ghosh and

Bhupendra Nath Dutta. Sri Aurobindo Ghosh was an
eminent leader of nationalist revolutionary movement
from 1893 to 1910. He was actively associated with

Anushilan Samity and Jugantar Patrika. Just as every

member of the Young Italy and Carbonari had to take
oath in the name of God, the members of the Anushilan
Samiti and other secret societies had to adopt the same
techniques. ‘Like the members of the secret societies in
Bengal such as Anushilan Samiti, the members of
Young Italy society had to pledge themselves to
sacrifice their lives for securing Italy’s independence
from internal and external domination.’ The first and
most important organ of revolutionary propaganda was
‘The Jugantar, a Bengali weekly. It was formed by a
young revolutionary group of Barindra Ghosh,
Bhupendra Nath Dutta, and Abinash Bhatacharya
under Sri Aurobindo Ghosh. This periodical pointed
out the history of Italian liberation movement and her
greatest heroes for several times. The Jugantar asserted
that the power of youth must be awakened in this
country like in Italy. In Italy, youths like Mazzini and
Garibaldi appeared as priests of the sacrifice of
country’s salvation. According to this paper, Italy has
gained independence after wading through a sea of
blood that was sinful for Italy. So, whatever the means
adopted for gaining independence, it will be sacred.
The Jugantar tried to instill courage into the minds of
the Indians by referring to Mazzini, Garibaldi and to the
Italian salvation movement. On 3rd march 1907, the
paper observed, ‘Do not be afraid. When young
Mazzini wounded in the core of his heart at the distress
and poverty of Italy, girded up his loins for the release
of his country from bondage not very many listened to

his words that day. But today Italy………..has washed

away the black markets of her disgrace in human
blood. O Ye Sakti worshipping sons of Bengal, will
you shrink from that? ’ Numerous leaflets and
pamphlets played an important role in the history of
freedom struggle, and to spread the ideas of Bengal
revolutionaries. On Bande Mataram, Sonar Bangla,
Swadhin Bharat, Jugantar are most important leaflets.
These leaflets instilled courage into the heart of the
young men by putting forward the example of Shivaji,
Mazzini and Garibaldi and called upon the young men
to sacrifice their lives for the cause of the motherland.
For example, in 1913, 21st June in Barisal, on Bande
Mataram leaflet declared: ‘….Many men of Italy died
and that is why Italy is free today. See there how
Garibaldi and Mazzini have attained immortality even
in this perishable world. Does not your heart cherish a
desire even to attain that immortality? If it does, then
come on, and sacrificing the few beasts that come and
stand in the way of you’re striving for emancipation,
bring about the mothers satisfaction.’ Since the
foundation of the Bengal revolutionary party,
Vivekananda’s Irish disciple Sister Nivedita took an
active part, and was a member of the Executive
committee. She revived the memories of the glorious
past history ???? of India. Vivekananda chose Nivedita
for giving guidance and inspiration to the youth of
India. She came to be a great influence on Bengal
revolutionaries. Nivedita was looked upon by the young
as a friend, philosopher and guide. Nivedita’s house at

Bosepara Lane became an educational center of

revolutionaries in Bengal. She was to make
acquaintance with Aurobindo Ghosh in Baroda.
‘Barindra claims in his book just mentioned that
Nivedita was connected with their secret society even
since her first Baroda visit and that this contact
remained intact till her demise.’Nivedita first told
Aurobindo to takeover the leadership of revolutionaries
in Bengal. She gave her collection of about one hundred
and fifty books to these societies, which profoundly
inspired the youth of Bengal. Mazzini’s autobiography
(Vol. 1), which sister Nivedita had lent to them, became
the Bible to these youths. ‘The first part of Mazzini’s
autobiography was donated by sister Nivedita to the
Bengal Revolutionary party and used to be circulated all
over the country. The book contains a study on guerilla
warfare. On the eve of Bhupendra Nath’s
imprisonment, Sister Nivedita gave him four volumes
of Mazzinis writings.’ In Bombay, along with Mazzini
and Garibaldi, another hero Cavour was also celebrated.
Tilak considered Mazzini, the guru; and Garibaldi,
his sishya. Tilak represented a new wave in the
nationalist movement of India. His idea of swaraj,
boycott had a significant influence on Indian freedom
movement. Tilak’s conception of nationalism was a
combination ‘of the Vedanta ideal of the spiritual unity
of mankind and the western notions of nationalism as
propounded by Mazzini, Burke, Mill and Wilson.’
‘B.G.Tilak, in an article written on the occasion of
Garibaldi’s centenary on 9 June 1907, called Garibaldi

a Vibhuti, a man endowed with godly, creative powers,

while Mazzini was considered as a Desabhakta. Tilak,
like other Indian nationalists, learned from the heroes of
the Italian liberation struggle, Mazzini, Garibaldi and
Cavour. ‘As counterpart to the Indian political situation
Tilak rather looked at Cavour and King Victor
Emmanuel, who had been the leaders of Piedmont, a
native state, and whom he compared to the Gaekvar/d
of Baroda. In a perfect blending of modern political
terminology and ancient epic and Vedic tradition, Tilak
described Garibaldi as the Rastrabhakta Vira who,
helped by the Mutsaddi Cavour prepared the sacrifice in
the Homakunda, while Victor Emmanuel was to receive
his diksha in the national war, not dissimilarly form
Yudhisthira, the King of Mahabharata.’

Mazzini wrote in 1834 that his La Giovan Europe was

an association of men believing in the future of liberty,
equality, fraternity for all mankind. Similarly, Gandhi
proclaimed that his young India movement went
beyond the geographical frontiers of India and
embraced the entire human family.’

====Nivedita, who still considered herself as “the most

loyal English woman that ever breathed in this
country,” // The ideal marriage in Vivekananda’s view
was one where there would be man’s acceptance of his
wife as the mother, as he had seen in the case of his
master Ramakrishna. // It goes to Nivedita’s credit that

she withstood Vivekananda’s harsh discipline, although

she did have emotional breakdowns from time to time,
when she was comforted by Mrs Bull and Josephine. //
Perhaps Nivedita had for Vivekananda a “lover’s
adoration”????, similar to what Madeleine Slade was to
have for Gandhi, but the age difference between Gandhi
and Slade was thirty years as against the five years
between Vivekananda and Nivedita. // ----

Mazzini’s life shows that man has to prepare himself

for suffering for public good. Gandhi studied the life
of Mazzini, Ruskin and others when in prison. ‘In a
letter to his son Manilal, dated March 25, 1909, Gandhi
wrote: Now I have read a great deal in the prison. I have
been reading Emerson, Ruskin and Mazzini.’ Like
Mazzini, Gandhi’s religious psychology was all-
inclusive and opposed to all forms of sectarianism.
Gandhi felt himself closer to Mazzini’s concept of
nationalism and independence. He was impressed by
Mazzini’s ‘Duties of Man’. Mazzini had shown that
every man must learn how to rule himself. Like
Mazzini, he put equal stress on the duties of man. ‘One
may find parallels between Gandhi’s and Mazzini’s
ideas about nationalism………..Mazzini’s nationalism
had meaning as a new tie for humanity and the
emphasis was always on its fraternal and liberal
But the fundamentals of Gandhi’s conception of
Swaraj were drawn from Mazzini’s writings on the

duty of man. In a chapter of his ‘Hind Swaraj’ he

compared Italy and India. He states, ‘If you believe
that because Italian rules Italy, the Italian nation is
happy. You are groping in darkness……….By
patriotism, I mean the welfare of the whole people, and
if I could secure it at the hands of the English, I
should bow down my head to them.’
Netaji Subhas chandra Bose . History of freedom
struggles in European countries especially in Italy
influenced him. Italian nationalists Mazzini and
Garibaldi impressed him very much. Subhas Chandra
Bose wanted Mazzini and Garibaldi, to influence Indian
youths by mentioning their name and their sacrifice in
different conferences. Jawaharlal Nehru were also
impressed by Italian nationalist leaders Mazzini and
Garibaldi. He mentioned in his selected works that
Mazzini and Garibaldi showed the way for liberation of
India. Garibaldi was his boyhood hero, and he even
was impressed by three books of Trevelyan on
Garibaldi . Nehru was very much impressed by the
words of Meredith in Trevelyan’s ‘Garibaldi and the
Thousand’. Nehru quoted this poem to a letter to his
father changing one word ‘Italia’ for ‘India’ when he
was in prison in District Jail, Lucknow, 1922.’He
wanted that his only daughter Indira Gandhi will read
this poem. Who blew the breath of life into her/ india
frame; Cavour, Mazzini, Garibaldi.

The Indian leaders were impressed by Italian nationalist

leaders and then tried to acquaint themselves with the
youth of India for their mentally preparation to work for
the liberation of their country. And thus a new
generation began to grow with a new outlook. The
young men of India received the task of nation-
===== Margaret Elizabeth Noble // Lady Ripon and
Lady Isabel Margesson // founders of Sesame Club //
Bernard Shaw and Thomas Huxley, were some of the
regular speakers at the Sesame Club. // In 1892, the
Home Rule Bill for Ireland // Lady Isabel Margesson, a
friend of Margaret, invited Ebenezer Cooke, who was
part of the teaching staff at Margaret's 'Ruskin School' //
"Nivedita", the dedicated one. // Her book Kali, the
Mother influenced Abanindranath Tagore who painted
Bharat Mata. --- On 13 November 1898, the Holy
Mother Sarada Devi came to open Nivedita's newly
founded school. After worshiping Ramakrishna she
consecrated the school and blessed it, saying: ‘I pray
that the blessings of the Divine Mother may be upon the
school and the girls; and the girls trained from the
school may become ideal girls.’ Nivedita was delighted
and recorded her feelings later as "I cannot imagine a
grander omen than her blessings, spoken over the
educated Hindu womanhood of the future." // On 13
November 1898, on the day of Kali Puja, at 16
Bosepara Lane in the Bagbazar area of Calcutta, she
started the school.[39] The school was inaugurated by

Sarada Devi, in the presence of Swami Vivekananda

and some of the other disciples of Ramakrishna. =====

Mazzini's thoughts had a very considerable influence on

the Italian and European republican movements, in
the Constitution of Italy, about Europeanism, and, more
nuanced, on many politicians of a later period: among
them, men like U.S. President Woodrow Wilson and
British Prime Minister David Lloyd George, but also
post-colonial leaders such as Gandhi, Savarkar, Golda
Meir, David Ben-Gurion, Kwame
Nkrumah, Jawaharlal Nehruand Sun Yat-sen.[4]
The help of his mother pushed Mazzini to create
several organizations aimed at the unification or
liberation of other nations, in the wake of Giovine
Italia:????????????????????  "Young Germany", "Young
Poland", and "Young Switzerland", which were under
the aegis of "Young Europe" (Giovine Europa).
He also founded the People's International League. By 8
March 1848 Mazzini was in Paris, where he launched a
new political association, the Associazione Nazionale
From 1856 on, Mazzini was more of a spectator than a
protagonist of the Italian Risorgimento, whose reins
were now strongly in the hands of the Savoyard
monarch Victor Emmanuel II and his skilled prime
minister, Camillo Benso, Conte di Cavour. The latter
defined him as "Chief of the assassins".

=== Giuseppe Garibaldi an Italian general and

politician who is considered, with Camillo Cavour,
Victor Emmanuel II, and Giuseppe Mazzini, as one of
Italy's “fathers of the fatherland.
United Kingdom: Extra Knight of the Order of the
Garter in 1855. Victor Emmanuel was born as the
eldest son of Charles Albert, Prince of Carignano, and
Maria Theresa of Austria.

Part 1: History of the Hebrew Manuscript on the

Origin of Freemasonry
Part 5: Documents Show Freemasons and Illuminati
as Ignitiators of Wars and Revolutions

Giuseppe Garibaldi
Garibaldi entered Freemasonry during his exile, taking
advantage of the asylum the lodges offered to political
refugees from European countries governed by despotic
regimes. At the age of thirty-seven, during 1844,
Garibaldi was initiated in the “L’Asil de la Vertud”
Lodge of Montevideo. This was an irregular lodge

under a Brazilian Freemasonry not recognized by the

main international masonic obediences, such as the
United Grand Lodge of England or the Grand Orient de
France. While Garibaldi had little use for masonic
rituals, he was an active Freemason and regarded
Freemasonry as a network uniting progressive men as
brothers both within nations and as members of a global
community. Garibaldi was eventually elected as the
Grand Master of the Grand Orient of Italy. Garibaldi
later regularized his position in 1844, joining the lodge
“Les Amis de la Patrie” of Montevideo under the Grand
Orient of France.
Giuseppe Garibaldi was born 4 July 1807 in Nice. He
was an Italian general, politician and nationalist who
played a large role in the history of Italy. He is
considered one of the greatest generals of modern times
and one of Italy’s “fathers of the fatherland” along with
Camillo Bens, Count of Cavour, Victor Emmanuel II of
Italy and Giuseppe Mazzini.
Garibaldi has been called the “Hero of the Two
Worlds” because of his military enterprises in Brazil,
Uruguay and Europe. He personally commanded and
fought in many military campaigns that led eventually
to the Italian unification. Garibaldi was appointed
general by the provisional government of Milan in
1848, General of the Roman Republic in 1849 by the
Minister of War, and led the Expedition of the
Thousand on behalf and with the consent of Victor
Emmanuel II. His last military campaign took place

during the Franco-Prussian War as commander of the

Army of the Vosges.
Garibaldi was very popular in Italy and abroad, aided
by exceptional international media coverage at the time.
Many of the greatest intellectuals of his time, such as
Victor Hugo, Alexandre Dumas, and George Sand,
showered him with admiration. The United Kingdom
and the United States helped him a great deal, offering
him financial and military support in difficult
circumstances. In the popular telling of his story, he is
associated with the red shirts worn by his volunteers,
the Garibaldini, in lieu of a uniform.

Mazzini described himself as a Christian and

emphasized the necessity of faith and a relationship
with God, while vehemently
denouncing rationalism and atheism. His motto
was Dio e Popolo ("God and People").
In his 1835 publication Fede e avvenire ("Faith and the
Future"), he wrote: "We must rise again as a religious
party. The religious element is universal and
immortal ... The initiators of a new world, we are
bound to lay the foundations of a moral unity, a
Humanitarian Catholicism."[22] However, Mazzini's
relationship with the Catholic Church and
the Papacy was not always a kind one. While he
initially supported Pope Pius IX upon his election,
writing an open letter to him in 1847, he later published
a scathing attack against the pope in his Sull'Enciclica

di Papa Pio IX ("On the Encyclical of Pope Pius IX") in

Although some of his religious views were at odds with
the Catholic Churchand the Papacy, and his writings
often were tinged with anti-clericalism, at the same time
Mazzini criticized Protestantism, stating that it is
"divided and subdivided into a thousand sects, all
founded on the rights of individual conscience, all eager
to make war on one another, and perpetuating that
anarchy of beliefs which is the sole true cause of the
social and political disturbances that torment the
peoples of Europe."
Mazzini formulated a concept known as thought and
action, in which thought and action must be joined
together . He likewise rejected the concept of the
"rights of man" which had developed during the Age
of Enlightenment, arguing instead that individual rights
were a duty to be won through hard work, sacrifice and
virtue, rather than "rights" which were intrinsically
owed to man. He outlined his thought in his Doveri
dell'uomo ("Duties of Man"), published in 1860.
Mazzini was also an early advocate of a "United States
of Europe" about a century before the European Union
began to take shape. For him, European unification was
a logical continuation of Italian unification.
Women's rights
In Doveri dell'uomo ("Duties of Man", 1860) Mazzini
called for recognition of women's rights. After his

many encounters with political philosophers in

England, France and across Europe, he had decided that
the principle of equality between men and women was
fundamental to building a truly democratic Italian
nation. He called for the end of women's social and
judicial subordination to men.
Mazzini admired Jessie White Mario who was
described by Giuseppe Garibaldi as the "Bravest
Woman of Modern Time". Jessie joined
Garibaldi's Redshirts (Italy) for the 1859, 1860
campaign. As a correspondent for the Daily News she
witnessed almost every fight that had brought on the
unification of Italy

------Though Savarkar was not allowed to participate

in politics and leave Ratnagiri, he decided to work on
abolishment of untouchability in Ratnagiri. He gained
100 percent success in it within 2 years. Dr Babasaheb
Ambedkar who was the editor of the ‘Janta’, a
monthly, compared his work to Lord Buddha. Not one
but eight works of Savarkar were banned by British
government. The list includes: Mazzini –his biography
in Marathi-----------

Zionist ideology and immigration to Israel began to

increase only in the aftermath of the first set of pogroms
after the French Revolution. It seems strange that it
was the emancipatory message of the French
Revolution that fuelled Zionism. After all, the new

French laws allowed Jews to come out of their ghettos,

take up whatever profession they desired, serve in the
military, and be considered full French citizens as long
as they swore an oath to defend the secular French state.
Many Jews welcomed this sudden inclusiveness and
began to assimilate into the mainstream cultures of
France, Germany, Russia, and other European nation-
states. They spoke European languages, were
comfortable in their literature and philosophy, adopted
many of their customs in clothing and other banal
aspects of life. Until 1815, owing to their exclusion,
Europe’s Jews had contributed hardly anything to
politics, philosophy, finance, medicine, the arts, or the
law. Yet by the end of the 19th century, Jews were
heavily concentrated in the major metropolis—Berlin,
Vienna, Budapest, Warsaw, and to a lesser degree,
London, Paris, and Odessa. These “modernising” Jews
also gave up attending yeshiva and, in the process of
deracination, lost familiarity with their culture. During
their exclusion, the Jewish community had established a
parallel education system, in a language Europeans
ironically considered dead. Hebrew had long been
an exclusively liturgical language but fewer Jews could
now read it. This distanced them from the scriptures.
Yet the secular modern nation-state did not hold all the
answers. Suddenly, the myriad smaller issues of
quotidian life intruded upon newfound Jewish liberty.
For example, France would not accept the Sabbath,
which put the bureaucracy and educational system on a
collision course with Jewish tenets. Or, the adherence of

the Jewish community to their dietary laws restricted

Jews only to restaurants of their own community. In
essence, gentiles viewed emancipation as a vehicle for
the integration of Jews into general society and their
ultimate disappearance within it. Thus, ironically,
secularism and liberalism did not solve problems of
Jewish identity but exacerbated them by asking them to
meld into the purgatory of undifferentiated
Although Hindutva is most closely associated with
Vinayak Damodar Savarkar for it was he who coined
the term in his 1923 essay, Essentials of Hindutva, its
definition could well encompass thinkers who came
before then just as many prominent figures of Zionism
lived and died before 1890 when the term was coined
by Nathan Birnbaum. ??????
Bankim Chandra Chattopadhyay, for example, was a
key figure in the revival of cultural Hinduism.
[[ orthodox Bengali Brahmin . Bankim Chandra
Chattopadhyay or Bankim Chandra Chatterjee was,
made a Companion in the Order of the Indian
Empire in 1894. // He was the composer of Vande
Mataram, originally in Sanskrit stotra personifying
India as a mother goddess and inspiring activists . //
Anandamath (The Abbey of Bliss, 1882) is a political
novel which depicts a Sannyasi (Hindu ascetic) army
fighting the British soldiers. The book calls for the rise
of Indian nationalism. The novel was also the source of
the song Vande Mataram (I worship my Motherland for

she truly is my mother) which, set to music by

Rabindranath Tagore // The plot of the novel is
loosely set on the Sannyasi Rebellion. He imagined
untrained Sannyasi soldiers fighting and beating the
highly experienced British Army; ultimately however,
he accepted that the British cannot be defeated. He
categorically claimed that the British are not the enemy
but friends; the Muslims are the real enemy. //
Drawing from the Shakti tradition of Bengali Hindus,
Chattopadhyay personified India as a Mother Goddess
jee ]] Bal Gangadhar Tilak and Gopal Ganesh
Agarkar organised the Deccan Education Society whose
goal was to impart education with an Indic emphasis.
Others such as Dayananda Saraswati worked to uplift
the status of women in society. Mazzini held that
only by being a member of a nation, one can also be a
member of the human race, and the only way of
belonging to humanity is by belonging to a specific
Later Zionists very much followed this pluralistic view
—for them, the new state was to be informed by Jewish
values just as France was informed by Catholicism and
Britain by Protestantism but other communities would
be welcome participants in the state if they could adapt
to the majoritarian Jewish ethos.

Ze’ev Jabotinsky, considered to be the devil child of

Zionism, also supported a pluralistic state. Although

Jabotinsky’s innovation in the Zionist cause was the

demand to immediately set up an armed Jewish militia,
preferably with British help, he was ideologically more
of an aggregator. === [[ Ze'ev Jabotinsky, MBE
pire There were also famous Jews who became
members, including Ze’ev Jabotinsky, who was a
registered Freemason
The founder of the Young Turks was an Italian B'nai
B'rith official named Emmanuel Carasso. // While in
power, the Young Turks ran several newspapers,
including The Young Turk, whose editor was none
other than the Russian Zionist leader Vladimir (Ze'ev)
Jabotinsky... The paper was owned by a member of the
Turkish cabinet, but it was funded by the Russian
Zionist federation, and managed by B'nai B'rith." //
After the war, Young Turk propagandist Vladimir
Jabotinsky founded the nationalist Betar Youth
organization, forerunner of today's World Likud and its
affiliates whose mission is to "see the vision of Ze'ev
Jabotinsky fulfilled". That is, the creation of a Jewish
State encompassing the entire territory of Eretz Israel.
Zionism is a British masonic creation that has used the
Jewish ... The ideology of Revisionist Zionism was
originally developed by Ze'ev Jabotinsky, who was a
Russian Jewish activist and author, and, with the

Russian Jewish .. https://destination-
could-ha.html Savarkar was critical of Ambedkar's
conversion to Buddhism. However, he termed it as a
change of sect rather than a change of religion. // The
former president of the Hindu Mahasabha is often
recognized as an early exponent of militant Hindu
nationalism. ------- Brahmo Samaj remained under
the leadership of Maharshi Debendranath Tagore (who
headed the Brahmo Samaj till his death in 1905) // His
grandfather was Ramkamal Sen (1783–1844), a well
known pro-sati Hindu activist // In 1855, he became
Secretary to the Goodwill Fraternity,[9] a Masonic
lodge associated with the Unitarian Rev. Charles Dall
and a Christian missionary Rev. James Long who also
helped Sen establish a "British Indian Association" in
the same year. // Keshab Sen was also briefly appointed
as Secretary of the Asiatic Society in 1854. //
Later in his life he came under the influence of
Ramakrishna and founded a syncretic "New
Dispensation" or Nôbobidhan inspired by Christianity,
and Vaishnav bhakti, and Hindu practices. ]
]==== His own views emphasised the military and the
political over the cultural but his goal was a capitalist
and pluralist Jewish state of Israel. This should be no
surprise, given the strong influence of Italian

nationalists, particularly Mazzini, on Jabotinsky during

his youth. Savarkar’s Hindutva is no different. He
explains the characteristics of his Hindu nation in terms
of matrubhumi, jati, sanskriti, and punyabhumi. This
flattens not just all castes in the Hindu fold but even
other religions that arose in India such as Jainism,
Buddhism, and Sikhism. These, Savarkar felt, were
bound by a similar philosophical structure that other
communities lacked. Although contemporary
commentators have chosen to portray this as a stigma
on Hindutva, this same reservation was held by several
prominent non-Hindutva leaders such as Bhimrao
Ramji Ambedkar as evidenced in his Pakistan, or, The
Partition of India. This article first appeared in the June
2017 ‘Israel Special’ print edition of Swarajya.
zionist-who-everyone-misunderstood-1.17096 Mazzini
personified the merging of romantic nationalism and
patriotic internationalism, the national liberal
connection between particularism and universalism.

====== At the height of Surendra Bannerjee's

popularity he was worshiped by the Bengalis by the
sobriquet RASHTRA GURU.( Guru of the nation ). //
The Indian National Congress set up by the British to
free India from British slavery .// Surendranath
Bannerjee was born on 10th Nov 1848, to a doctor, who
was a Free mason. Surendranath was also a Free
Mason. Surendranath Bannerjee was installed as the
President of the Indian National Congress, in 1895
(Poona) and in 1902 ( Ahmedabad ) He was the mentor
of Gopal Krishna Gokhale who in turn was the mentor
of Gandhi. // All of the Indian freedom fighting
movement history which you learnt is all a BIG WHITE
LIE. Rothschild sponsored his education in London and
he travelled to London in 1874 and returned in 1875.
He was brainwashed there at Middle Temple , with
Edmund Burke's philosophy. In 1875 before he came
back he founded the crypto freedom fighting
organisation "British Indian Association" whose
minutes of the meeting would be read by Rothschild.
Edmund Burke was the "Paymaster of the British
forces" , an exalted treasurer post created by
Rothschild, the owner of British East India Company.
After returning to India he taught English at the the
FREE CHURCH. Before this brainwashing period
Rothscild educated Surendra Banerjee in England . His
father put him on a ship on 3rd March 1868, without
telling his mother. At Southampton a Rothschild stooge
Womesh Chunder Bonnerjee received him. // WC
Bannerjee though a Brahmin, had converted himself

and his family to Christianity, and was later the First

President of Indian National Congress at Bombay in
1885. WC was President of INC again in 1892 at
Allahabad. Gen JN Chaudhuri , the Chief of Indian
Army was his grandson. Can you believe this ,
Dadabhai Naoroji the Opium agent of Rothschild in
England was also one of the founder fathers of the INC,
the crypto freedom fighting agency. Dadhabhai Naoroji
given the sobriquet of the "Grand old man of India" in
our school Social studies and History text books , was
in England was 51 years - he was hardly ever in India .//
In 1879, he founded the newspaper, The Bengalee. In
1883, when Banerjee was arrested for publishing
remarks in his paper, in contempt of court, protests and
hartals erupted across Bengal, and in Indian cities such
as Agra, Faizabad, Amritsar, Lahore and Pune . All this
was a sham to get into the hearts of the Indians. The
British and Rothschild controlled press did massive
propaganda. Banerjee was a highly vocal figure in the
Swadeshi movement - advocating goods manufactured
in India against foreign products . He was arrested for
singing Vande Mataram which was banned—all a big
sham. On 14 April 1906 Surendranath Banerjee led a
huge public procession against that ban in Barisal (now
in Bangladesh). He was heavily fined for public
consumption. - and his popularity at its apex made him ,
in words of his gullible Bengali admirers, the
uncrowned king of Bengal.
bannerjee-gets-knighted.html ======

Mazzini and Marx[edit]

Karl Marx, in an interview by R. Landor from 1871,
said that Mazzini's ideas represented "nothing better
than the old idea of a middle-class republic." Marx
believed, especially after the Revolutions of 1848, that
Mazzini's point of view had become reactionary, and
the proletariat had nothing to do with it.[17]In another
interview, Marx described Mazzini as "that everlasting
old ass".[18]
Mazzini, in turn, described Marx as "a destructive spirit
whose heart was filled with hatred rather than love of
mankind" and declared that "Despite the communist
egalitarianism which [Marx] preaches he is the absolute
ruler of his party, admittedly he does everything himself
but he is also the only one to give orders and he
tolerates no opposition." A GOOD EXAMPLE OF
Mazzini's socio-political thought has been referred to
as Mazzinianism, and his worldview as the Mazzinian
Conception, terms which were later utilized by Benito
Mussolini and Fascists such as Giovanni Gentile to
describe their political ideology and spiritual conception
of life.
Metternich described Mazzini as "the most influential
revolutionary in Europe."
Carl Schurz, in Volume I of his 'Reminiscences' (New
York: McClure's Publ. Co., 1907, see Chapters XIII and

XIV), gives a biographical sketch of Mazzini and

recalls two meetings he had had with him when they
were both in London in 1851.
the book 10,000 Famous Freemasons by William R.
Denslow lists Mazzini as a Mason, and even a Past
Grand Master of the Grand Orient of Italy.
Often viewed in the Italy of the time as a god-like
figure, Mazzini was nonetheless denounced by many of
his compatriots as a traitor. Contemporary historians
tended to believe that he ceased to contribute anything
productive or useful after 1849, but modern ones take a
more favorable opinion of him. The antifascist Mazzini
Society, founded in the United States in 1939 by Italian
political refugees, took his name; they, like him, served
Italy from exile.
In London, Mazzini resided at 155 North Gower Street,
near Euston Square, which is now marked with a
commemorative Blue plaque. (155 is next door to 157
North Gower Street, which doubles as 221b Baker
Street in the BBC adaptation of Sherlock.). A plaque on
Laystall Street in Clerkenwell, London's Little Italy
during the 1850s, also pays tribute Giuseppe Mazzini.
A bust of Mazzini is in New York's Central Park
between 67th and 68th streets just west of the West
The 1973–1974 academic year at the College of
Europe was named in his honor.

Virchand Gandhi, a Gandhi before Gandhi --

August is month dedicated to Forgotten Indian Patriot
Shree Virchand Raghavji Gandhi (VRG - August 25,
1864 – August 7, 1901), who captivated 1893s’ first
ever world religion of parliament organized in
Chicago. was contemporary to Mahatma Gandhi and
Swami Vivekananda.
VRG was only son of Mahuva’s (Gujarat) business
tycoon Raghavji Tejpalji Gandhi.
In one of his speeches to the American public, he
declared: “You know, my brothers and sisters, that we
are not an independent nation, we are subjects of Her
Gracious Majesty, Queen Victoria, the “Defender of
the Faith.” --his vegetarianism in the American cold
surprised Swami Vivekananda??????????????
--Today only 10 percent of VRG details are available
due to a gap of 100 years. --he established the Gandhi
Philosophical Society and the Society for the Education
of Women in India (SEWI) under whose banner several
Indian women went to the USA for higher studies, the
School of Oriental Philosophy, and the Jain Literature
Society in London.
Former Prime Minister Indira Gandhi (Con-gress
president), with top Congress politician Vadilal Chitra-
bhuj Gandhi met Dhiraj Mohanlal Gandhi, the grandson
of VRG (then president of Hindu Mahasabha,
Mumbai), and paid homage to VRG.

Mark Twain, father of American literature, was too

impressed by Virchand Gandhi and his philosophy. His
newspaper Buffalo Express had widely covered VRG
when Mark Twain visited India. VRG displayed his
hospitality and accompanied him to Byculla, Mumbai
Jain temples on January 25, 1896.
In his “Mark Twain on Biblical and Hindu Miracles,”
G.B. Singh states that Virchand Gandhi had met Mark
Twain on his visit to India but somehow mistook
Virchand Gandhi as Mahatma Gandhi. Mahatma
Gandhi, at this stage of Mark Twain’s travel, was living
in South Africa.--- “Inventing Mark Twain: The Lives
of Samuel Langhorne Clemens” by Andrew Hoffman .

“While in Bombay, I began, on one hand, my study of

Indian law and, on the other, my experiments in
dietetics in which Virchand Gandhi, a friend, joined me.
My brother, for his part was trying his best to get me
briefs. The study of India law was a tedious business.
The Civil Procedure Code I could in no way get on
with. Not so however, with the Evidence Act. Virchand
Gandhi was reading for the Solicitor's Examination and
would tell me all sorts of stories about Barristers and

Vakils.” by Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi ( Mahatma

Gandhi )
& VRG DIED AT THE AGE OF 37 !!!!!!

Jain monk Acharya Vijayanandsuri, also known as

Acharya Atmaram, had initially been invited to
represent Jainism at the Parliament, but as Jain monks
do not travel overseas, he could not attend. Atmaram
recommended Gandhi to go in his stead and serve as the
emissary for the religion. Atmaram and his disciple
Vallabhsuri trained Gandhi for six months. -- He
ultimately stayed two years in the US and one year in
the UK . In the 1990s, statues of Gandhi were erected
in Chicago and Mahuva.

When the Editor of the "Indian Opinion" was in India,

Mr. Doke was the guiding hand, and never did a week
pass during a period of nearly six months. but Mr. Doke
sent his ably written, and well informed leading articles.
He guided too, the deliberations of the British Indian
Association, jointly with Mr. Kallenbach, at a most
critical period of its history. When he went to America
in connection with Church, a grateful community held a
banquet, in Mr. Doke's honour at which Mr. William
Hosken presided.

---- The Founders: The Origins of the ANC and the

Struggle for Democracy in South Africa By André

Mr. Doke's Asiatic -- European Committee of which

the Chairman (Mr.Hosken) was the President. Gandhi
frankly confessed that passive resistance might have
broken down without the magnificent support rendered
by the European Committee. The speaker hoped that
Mr. Doke would find the opportunity of seeing Lord
Crewe and Lord Morley and give them the benefits of
his own experience.

The late Rev. Joseph Doke was born at Chudleigh,

Devonshire, on the 5th November 1861. His father was
the Baptist minister of Chudleigh.
The late Rev. Doke had very little schooling, owing to
delicate health. At the age of 16 he lost his mother. At
the age of 17 on the resignation of his father from the
pastorate he became the Pastor. At the age of 20 he
came to South Africa where he was in Capetown for a
short time. Later he was sent by the South African
Baptist Union to open up a new cause in Graff Reinett.
Here he met and married Miss Biggs in 1886. Shortly
after he returned to Chudleigh. From Chudleigh Mr.
Doke was called to the pastorship of the City Road
Baptist Church Bristol, where, with the exception of a
visit to Egypt, Palestine and India, he remained until

In 1894, Mr. Doke removed with his family to New

Zealand. Here he was minister of the Oxford Terrace
Baptist Church, for a period of 7 ½ years, returning to
England in 1902.
Towards the end of 1903, Mr. Doke received a call to
the Grahamstown Baptist Church and took up his work
in South Africa again. After four years in
Grahamstown, he came to the Rand as minister of this
Church until his death. Together with his son, Clement,
he decided to visit a lonely mission station in North
Western Rhodesia close to the Congo Border, and on
the 2nd July they set out on this trip, which was to take
about six weeks. Mr. Doke was also entrusted by the
South African Baptist Mission Society to visit a mission
station near Umtali, they taking advantage of his being
in Rhodesia to secure particulars which they wanted.
Joseph John Doke

J.J.D., as we affectionately called him - although the

natives of Central Africa knew him as Shikulu
Dolcowas one of two brothers, the sons of the first
minister of the Baptist Church at Chudleigh in
Devonshire. The elder volunteered for the Congo, and,
almost as soon as he arrived, laid down his life there.
Some years later, J.J.D. having died in the interval, Mr.
Gandhi revisited South Africa in the company of the
Rev. C. F. Andrews.

F.W. Boreham & His Mentor, J.J. Doke
F. W. Boreham (1871-1959). Doke was a Devonian
from the West Country in England who came out to
New Zealand when Boreham had just arrived at his first
pastoral charge.
nuary.htm#Worlds%20Greatest ).

F.W. Boreham as an 18 year old had desired to go to the

mission field and be of use where the Gospel was most
needed. He applied to serve with the China Inland
Mission and was interviewed by the mission’s director,
Hudson Taylor. // It was in his 1952 address that
FWB prophesied that the last great frontier of Christian
missions would be India, and that the Gospel was sure

to triumph in the great land, and that “the triumph will

be complete within the next 200 years! … The Church
in India will be a strong, triumphant Church!” //
Doke, Joseph John (A) 1861-1913
Joseph Doke was born at Chudleigh, Devonshire, on
November 5, 1861. In 1886, he married Agnes H.
Biggs, a granddaughter of 1820 British settler, David
Hobson, nephew of William Carey of India. They had
three sons, Willy, who trained as a medical missionary,
Clement Martyn Doke, who became a missionary and
who made a contribution to the study of African
languages, Comber, and Olive, who worked and died
among the Lamba People.
He went to Cape Town in 1881 and preached in the
Union Church .-------- [[[ This church, under earlier
names, has been a part of South Africa’s history for
over 200 years. On 2 May 1813, ninety member of a
Calvinist Society met under Rev George Thom and
constituted themselves into South Africa’s first free
church. It really started as a soldiers church, for 63 of
them belonged to a Sutherland Highlanders regiment. It
did not become a Congregational church until 1820,
when Dr John Philip, upon becoming pastor, insisted
that government should be by resolution of the church

meeting. Dr Philip's wife, Jane ran London Missionary

Society admin from Union church. // In April 1925
the present church was inaugurated by Princess Alice,
Countess of Athlone, after whom the suburb of Cape
Town is named. Princess Alice survived the longest of
all Queen Victoria's grand-children, and was the longest
living British royal in history (1883-1981), only
recently eclipsed by the Queen Mother. ]]]

Indian Opinion-- “Mr Doke came to the Indian cause

uninvited. He was ever a seeker, ever a friend of the
weak and oppressed.”
Joseph Doke, his father was a Baptist priest and Joseph
followed the footsteps of Doke senior. He worked as a
missionary in different countries like South Africa,
New Zealand and Egypt. The Doke children - Clement,
Comber and Olive – were regular visitors to the
Phoenix farm.
----- The best person to bring on side in any political
cause is a man of God or holy man. Nothing grants
greater credibility to a cause than a man of God who
swears by God to be a vessel of the truth and a
proponent of righteousness.
Doke is a political animal. His use of language is highly
manipulative and far from genuine. Granted, the cause
is just, but the language employed is conceived in the
spirit of the ends justifying the means. He is not being
entirely genuine. The point we are making is that he is

politically savvy and a master propagandist. He is also

given to employing language in a manipulative and
even coercive fashion. We present this as evidence that
he is capable of being manipulative or even lying to get
what he wants.
There is a tendency for scholars and the reading public
to be persuaded that the good reverend’s biography of
Gandhi is entirely genuine and aboveboard because it is
written by a man of the cloth, but we intend to show
that it is not written to be a genuine account at all, but
rather as ‘an experiment with the truth’ to use Gandhi’s
own language. Experimenting with the truth in
essence is to experiment with a lie, since to employ
disparate versions of the truth in order to witness their
effect is tantamount to telling lies to observe their
effect. Hitler’s maxim that the bigger the lie the more
people will believe it , is apropos in the case of Gandhi
and that of Doke, the master manipulator. There is
another question to examine in relation to Doke’s
Gandhi biography. Is it professional for a biographer to
establish a friendship with his subject? Additionally, is
it appropriate from the standpoint of professional ethics
to associate oneself with the political movement of the
biographical subject? Is it acceptable for a professional
biographer to be part of the same political struggle as
the biographical subject? Is there a conflict of interests
in writing a biography on a subject with whom you are
both a friend and a professional colleague? There are
such instances of course, but is it ethical from a
professional standpoint? Doke’s biography M.K.

Gandhi: The Story of an Indian Patriot in South Africa

is dated 1909, yet it can be established from the
evidence of several letters written in the year 1908 that
an intimate friendship and political alliance had been
forged between Gandhi and Doke well in advance of
the biography’s publication. The following letter by
Gandhi to Rev. Doke dated Oct. 8, 1908 is a fine
example: Dear Mr. Doke,I received your note at
Phoenix. The expected has happened. I think it is well. I
have arrived just in time. There were serious differences
between two sections here. They are by no means over
yet. You will say I have accepted the hospitality before
the ‘settings’ were finished. I think it was better that I
should do that than that the invitation should be rejected
for the sake of the ‘settings’. After all I have done
nothing. For six days I may carry on correspondence. If
you think I should answer any questions, you may
write. I must now stop as I have been called away to
give digit impressions. Please excuse me to Olive for
not writing. I am Yours sincerely, (112. Letter to J.J.
Doke, King Edward’s Hotel, Vokhurst, Thursday,
October 8, 1808, Vol. 9, p.193, 194) What this letter
reveals is that Gandhi has become a friend of the Doke
family and is on intimate terms with husband and wife.
It is also clear from the letter that Gandhi appeals to
Doke for advice and counsel and that they are
political colleagues. The fact that Gandhi invites Doke
to write to him should he have any questions implies
that the reverend has become so intimate an associate

that Gandhi’s personal welfare has become a matter of

greatest concern to his champion and defender.
A letter from the same year reveals how close the
relationship between the two men has become. Gandhi
writes to Doke from the Court House. The letter is
written in an attempt on Gandhi’s part to relieve his
friend of any anxieties he might entertain on his
account. The tone of the letter is most consoling: Dear
Mr. Doke, I am writing this from the Court House. I had
hoped to be able to send you something before I was
fixed up. But I I have been too busy otherwise. I thank
you very much for your good wishes. My sole trust is in
God. I am therefore quite cheerful. (121. Letter to J.J.
Doke, Volksrust, Wednesday 14, 1908, Vol.9, p. 204,
There is another letter from Doke that shows the great
depth of Doke’s friendship and love for Gandhi. The
letter is dates September 30, 1908 well before the
publication date of the biography. There is no doubt that
the friendship has moved well beyond acquaintance and
mutual self-interest. A bond has been forged between
the two men that is lifelong, so deeply felt on Doke’s
part that he would willingly lay down his life for
Gandhiji: Your beautiful present of the Song Celestial I
appreciate very much. In every respect it is one of the
Choicest treasures which I have – dainty in appearance
– fascinating in its contents – and of great value and a
momento of a friendship which I shall always regard
with gratitude. Yes, even if the darling wish of your
heart is fulfilled and I get into prison for it. (Rev. J.J.

Doke’s Letter to Gandhiji, 11 Sutherland Ave.,

Johannesburg, September 30, 1908, Appendix XII, Vol.
9, p.482)
Then we have Rev. J.J. Doke’s letter to the editor of the
Rand Daily Mail, in which he protests the arrest of
Gandhi. What is clear from the letter is that he has
received regular updates from Gandhi on the treatment
he has received at the hands of the authorities. This
means that no one member of the Satragraya is more
concerned with the personal well being of Mahatma
Gandhi than Rev. Doke. He has taken it upon himself to
be his champion and defender. His good name and
standing in the community as a reverend of untarnished
respectability would make his letter to the editor both
credible and morally persuasive. It is likely that both
Gandhi and Doke would have recognized the political
expediency of using the merits of a man of the cloth to
influence public sentiment. There is no doubt from the
tenor of the letter that it is intended to make the citizens
raise up in moral outrage: Yesterday it was necessary
that he should Appear in some case in the Magistrate’s
Court. I understand he was brought there from the cells,
dressed in civilian clothes, but handcuffed! Of course,
there may be amongst us those who will be glad to hear
that indignities are being heaped on this great Indian
leader; but I venture to hope that The great majority of
our colonies will Feel ashamed and angry that a man of
the character and position of Mr. Gandhi should be
needlessly insulted in this way. (Marched in Handcuffs,

Rev. J.J. Doke’s Letter to “Rand Daily Mail”

Johannesburg, March 11, 1909, Vol.9, p.489)
What emerges from the letter is the fact that Doke has
risen to the stature of being Gandhi champion. No
matter how politically and socially compromised he
might be in the corrupt white establishment of South
Africa. No higher level of commitment could be shown
by one human being to another not in defense of their
mutual cause than that shown by Doke to Gandhi and
Satragraya. How did they meet? How did they come
to know each other? And under what compunction
were they brought together? Was there a fraternity
to which they both belonged that preceded
Satragraya and the European Committee of which
they were both active members? What force drew
Doke from New Zealand to South Africa and to seize
the hand of his confederate? There is an answer to this
and the evidence for it rests with a speech Gandhi gave
at a Masonic Hall of all places in Johannesburg. The
description of the gathering given below reveals a great
deal about the organizations to which Gandhi and
Doke were mutually affiliated: The Masonic Hall,
Jepper Street, Johannesburg, was the scene of a
brilliant mixed gathering of Europeans, Chinese and
Indians on the night of the 18th instant in honour of the
British Indian community. Mr. Hoskin was in the chair.
Mr. Doke was on his right and Mrs. Doke on his left.
Mr. Cachalia occupied a seat to the right of Mr. Doke.
Mr. Quinn and his Chinese friends were also present.

The first thing to observe about the preceding

description of the banquet is that it was held in a
Masonic Lodge and that Mr. Hosken, the leader of the
European Committee to which both Gandhi and Doke
belong, is the Grand Master of the Masonic Lodge on
Jepper Street in Johannesburg where the banquet is
being held. We know this because of what is stated in
the above passage, that, “Mr. Hosken was in the chair.”
This means that he is in the chair where the Worshipful
Master or Grand Master of the Masonic Lodge presides.
This means that he is a 33rd Degree Freemason and the
supreme head of this particular Temple. The fact that
Gandhi and Doke are present and that Gandhi is giving
a speech in honour of Rev. Doke in a Masonic Lodge
hosted by the Grand Master of the Lodge and leader of
the European Committee, Mr. Hosken, is strong
evidence supporting Gandhi’s and Doke’s Freemason
affiliations. The fact that Mr. Hosken is both the Grand
Master of the Temple and the leader of the European
Committee of which all three are members suggest that
the links between the three men go beyond the
European Committee to another overriding
organization, the very organization in whose Temple
the current banquet it is being hosted, namely
Freemasonry. We would go even further and suggest
that the European Committee is a subcommittee set up
by Freemasonry for vested political reasons and toward
a defined political goal. The description of the content
of Gandhi’s speech given below establishes the
Masonic affiliations of all three men beyond doubt:

Speaking of Mr. Doke’s Asiatic work, it is not possible

to refrain from speaking in praise of the work of the
European Committee of which the chairman (Mr.
Hosken) was the president. Mr. Gandhi frankly
confessed that passive resistance might have broken
down without the magnificent support rendered by the
European Committee. (Speech at Banquet to Rev. J.J.
Doke, Indian Opinion, 26-2-1910 and 5-3-1910, Vol.
10, p.420)
What the preceding passage reveals is what it doesn’t
reveal, namely, the text of Gandhi’s speech. We only
have a description of the speech made at the so-called
banquet. While some might object that just because all
three men are attending a meeting held in a Masonic
Lodge in no way proves that they are Masons, the fact
that this is an official meeting and Gandhi’s speech is
not available because the meeting is official and secret
proves that all three men are Masons. Again, some
might argue that just because the meeting is held in a
Masonic Temple does not mean that everyone present is
a Mason, including possibly some of the Chinese
delegates present, the fact that this is an official
Masonic meeting is proven by the fact that the text of
Gandhi’s speech is not available. We only have the
minutes pertaining to the alleged content of Gandhi’s
speech. This means that Gandhi’s speech and its
contents are secret.
Let’s not forget that Freemasonry in its modern form is
based on the 33 Degree organizational model founded
by Sir Francis Bacon, the founder of her Majesty’s

Secret Service, and that like the intelligence

organization that was formed under his leadership,
Freemasonry is a secret society that is highly secretive.
(Francis Bacon’s Personal Life Story)
Strong affiliations remain between the world’s
intelligence communities and Freemasonry to this day.
According to a source formerly in U.S. Naval
Intelligence, most of the higher-ranking officers in the
American intelligence community are higher degree
initiates of Freemasonry. What does this say about
Gandhi’s real status? Is he a spy and intelligence
asset of the British government assigned to be
instrumental in the partitioning of India and Pakistan
and that his Freemason affiliations would help him to
sell out his own people? Both Gandhi and Doke are
Freemasons and that they are attending an official
Lodge meeting in which the Lodge members are
hosting a farewell dinner for one of their own members,
J.J. Doke. We have Gandhi to thank for revealing the
fact in his own words, his own dairy in fact. The
overwhelming majority of scholars have a tendency to
take everything literally especially from a man whose
word is considered as good as gold. The fact is however
that much of what Gandhi wrote is in Masonic code.
Much of it is to be taken figuratively rather than
literally. The following passage is taken from Gandhi’s
dairy at a time just before he leaves for London to sit
the Bar. What Gandhi is describing here would be
interpreted by most scholars as a literal account of a
series of accidents that befell him while journeying

from place to place. This would not be a correct

interpretation. What Gandhi is in fact describing in
coded language, which can only be understood by
higher degree initiates of Freemasonry or by researchers
of Freemasonry, is his initiation to the Third Degree of
Freemasonry: Amidst thoughts, I came unconsciously
in contact with a carriage. I received some injury. Yet I
did not take the help of anybody in walking. I think I
was quite dizzy. Then we entered the house of
Maghjibhai. There I again came in contact with a
stone unknowingly and received injury. I was quite
senseless. From that time I did not know what took
place, and after that, I am told by them, I fell flat on the
ground after some steps. I was not myself for 5 minutes.
They considered I was dead. But fortunately for myself
the ground on which I fell was quite smooth. I came to
my senses at last and all of them were quite joyful. The
mother was sent for. She was very sorry for me, and
this caused my delay though I told them that I was quite
well. But none would allow me to go, though I
afterwards came to know that my bold and dearest
mother would have to go. But she feared the calumny of
other people… (London Diary, London November 12,
1888, Vol.1, p.4, 5)
What Gandhi is recounting in this diary entry is for
Masonic eyes only. Only a fellow Mason or a
researcher in the field would be able to interpret the
Masonic allusions and there is no doubt that the
preceding passage is written in Masonic code. What
Gandhi is describing is his own initiation to the Third

Degree of Freemasonry. While some might argue that it

is a literal description of an accident that befell him
while traveling in India, a careful reading of the passage
would make such conjecture absurd. Some might even
argue that Masonic initiation in the place described
would be impossible since no Masonic Temple could be
found in such a location, but this is to impute that
Gandhi is being as literal about the location as he is
about the account itself. The diary entry was made on
November 12, 1888 in London, which is revealing in
itself. Had the event occurred in India, why would he
not have made the diary entry at the time of the
event, which had allegedly occurred in India? First,
Gandhi tells us, ‘I came unconsciously in contact with a
carriage’. When the first mishap occurred, we are told
that he ‘unconsciously’ received a blow to the head. We
know he sustained an injury to the head because he
says, ‘I think I was quite dizzy’. He would have been
unconscious of the event were he blindfolded, which
candidates for the Third Degree notoriously are. Then,
he tells us that they entered the ‘house of Maghjibhai’,
where he sustained another injury to the head, ‘There I
again came in contact with a stone unknowingly and
received injury.’ This time he uses the word
‘unknowingly’. To this point, he has sustained at least
two blows to the head, this time ‘unknowingly’. Were
he blindfolded it certainly would be ‘unknowingly’. He
would not know what hit him so to speak. He certainly
would appear not to be aware of the fact that a stone
maul had struck him in the forehead, which would in

fact be the case if he were a candidate for the Third

Degree. What is the Third Degree? Many will be
familiar with the phrase, ‘They gave him the Third
Degree’. Masons initiated to the Third Degree know its
significance. It is a ritual death conceived in part to
warn the candidate never to betray the Order. Any
candidate who betrays the order is given the Third
Degree, which in Masonic language means that he is
subjected to a ritualized form of torture and
assassination. Masons who betray the oath taken in the
Third Degree to safeguard the secrets of Freemasonry
and not reveal any of its arcane beliefs and practices
will be given the Third Degree in fact and not in ritual.
The Third Degree has a long history. It is ultimately
based on a ritual reenactment of the murder of Hiram
Abif, the alleged architect of King Solomon’s Temple.
According to the legend, Hiram Abif was confronted by
three ruffians in the Temple. The three ruffians are
known in Masonic lore as the three Juwes. The three
Jewes are Jubelo, Jubela and Jubelum, the alleged
assassins of Hiram Abif. According to the story, upon
completing his prayers, Hiram Abif prepared to leave
the Temple when he was confronted by the three
Juwes. The first of the assailants demanded that Hiram
reveal the secrets of the Master Mason, but the Master
refused. This set into motion such jealous rage in the
three aspirants that their anger turned violent with
deadly consequences. The story of what occurred is
here recorded by researchers with Masonic affiliations:
His devotions being ended, he prepared to retire by the

south gate, where he was accosted by the first of these

ruffians, who, for want of a better weapon, had armed
himself with a plumb rule, and in a threatening manner
demanded of our Master…the genuine secrets of
(Grand Geometrician), warning him that death would be
the consequence of his refusal; but true to his obligation
he replied that those secrets were known to but three in
the world and that without the consent of the other two,
he neither could, nor would divulge them… This
answer not proving satisfactory, the Ruffian aimed a
violent blow at out Master’s forehead, but startled by
the firmness of his demeanour, it only glanced down the
right temple. Yet with sufficient force to cause him to
reel and sink to the ground on his left knee. Recovering
himself from this situation, he rushed to the west gate
where he stood opposed by the second ruffian, to whom
he replied as before, yet with undiminished firmness
when the ruffian, who was armed with a level struck a
violent blow on the left temple which brought him to
the ground on his right knee. Finding all chances of
escape in both these quarters cut off, our Master
staggered, faint and bleeding, to the east gate where the
third ruffian was posted and who, on receiving a similar
reply to his insolent demand…struck him a violent blow
full in the center of the forehead with a heavy stone
maul, which laid him lifeless at his feet. (The Hiram
Key, p.175)
It is clear from the preceding passage that Hiram Abif
was given three blows to the head, the first to either
temple and the third and fatal deathblow to the

forehead with a stone maul. To review the passage

from Gandhi’s diary entry, he states that it was inside
the ‘house of Meghjibhai’ that he received a blow from
a stone, ‘There I again came in contact with a stone
unknowingly and received injury’. We are certain the
reader will agree that to receive a blow from a stone
inside the ‘house of Meghjibhai’ is a rather unusual
place to suffer from such a mishap, unless of course you
are a Freemason undergoing the third in a succession of
ritual blows in the Third Degree of initiation inside a
Masonic Temple. Nor would it be so unheard of if the
stone were in fact a stone maul used to administer the
ritualistic fatal blow to the forehead in ritual of the
Third Degree. Following the blow received from the
stone (or stone maul), Gandhi stumbles and falls ‘flat on
the ground’ we are told. We are then informed that he
was unconscious for five minutes. ‘I was not myself for
5 minutes,’ he informs us, adding, ‘They considered I
was dead.’ Since the candidate for the Third Degree is
undergoing his own ritual death, it would be natural
for his brethren to regard him as symbolically dead at
this point in the ritual. Then Gandhi informs us that he
escapes serious injury because of the smoothness of the
floor, ‘But fortunately for myself the ground on which I
fell was quite smooth.’ Indeed, the floor would have
been quite smooth had he fallen on solid masonry,
which the floor of a Masonic Temple would most
assuredly be. Then he informs us that his brethren were
overjoyed when he regained his senses, ‘I came to my
senses at last and all of them were quite joyful.’ The

relevance of this is that the Third Degree ceremony

culminates with the Worshipful Master removing the
blindfold so the candidate of the Third Degree can gaze
upon his own burial shroud containing the skull and
crossbones. He would then be raised from the dead in
a raising ceremony at which point his fellow Masons
who raise a cheer of rejoicing. Following this, Gandhi
informs us that, ‘The mother was sent for.’ It is no
accident that he uses the definite article ‘The’ before
‘mother’. Why would he not say, ‘My mother was sent
for’? This is because the language is intended to be
ambiguous. To the uninitiated, ‘mother’ is an allusion to
his mother. Thus, it is his mother who is being sent for.
To the initiated, ‘The mother’ refers not to Gandhi’s
own mother, but to ‘The Widow’ of which all Masons
claim to be the sons. According to Masonic lore, Hiram
Abif was the Widow’s son. Many Masons even refer to
themselves as ‘the Widow’s sons’ or ‘the sons of the
widow’. Gandhi informs us that, ‘she was very sorry
for me’, as of course the widow would most assuredly
be for her martyred son. He then informs us, ‘But none
would allow me to go, though I afterwards came to
know that my bold and dearest mother would have
allowed me to go.’ This is in fact all Masonic code for
the Widow wishing to set her son, Hiram Abif, at
liberty, since ‘liberty, fraternity and equality’ are the
motto Masons swear by. The passage ends with Gandhi
telling us of his mother entertaining fears on account of
her son: ‘But she feared the calumny of other people,’
which the Widow most assuredly done having a portent

of what awaited her martyr son. Is there any evidence

that Lord Ampthill had any connection with the
European Committee? Well, as the president of the
South African British Indian Committee, he would have
most certainly had dealings the European Committee, of
which Mr. Hosken was the head, since the record attests
to his dealings with another European Committee
member, namely Gandhi.
In one letter, Gandhi actually appeals to Lord Ampthill
to meet with the South African politicians, which
suggests that at some point the esteemed member of the
House of Lords, came into contact with several
prominent political figures in South Africa: At the same
time, I respectfully venture to think that, if somehow or
other you could come in personal contact with the
South African politicians, it will be useful for future
action in connection with the Imperial work that you, as
President of the South Africa British Indian Committee,
are engaged in. (Letter to Lord Ampthill #247, London
July 21, 1909, CWMG, Vol. 9, p.431)
Is there any evidence that Lord Ampthill knew or had
ever met Doke, though he denies it? Considering that
Doke was so strong a supporter of Gandhi’s, a
committed proponent of Satragraya, the editor of
Gandhi’s own newspaper the Indian Opinion, and an
activist for the Indian cause in the Transvaal, it stands
to reason that Doke would be connected with the
delegation accompanying Gandhi to London to present
a deposition before Parliament on the question of Indian
immigration to the Transvaal. As the President of the

South African British Indian Committee, Lord Ampthill

had taken personal charge of the deposition opposing
the Act of 1907, a Bill that enforced strict restrictions
on Indian immigration to the Transvaal. In the
following letter, Gandhi thanks Lord Ampthill for his
continued support for the Indian cause to which he has
made his own to use Gandhi’s own phraseology: I am
extremely obliged to Your Lordship for the very great
trouble you are taking over the Indian cause in the
Transvaal which you have made your own. (Letter to
Lord Ampthill #260, London, July 29, 1909, Vol.9,
p.447) .
Gandhi then informs Lord Ampthill that he has
prepared a deputation letter to place before parliament,
but that he will appeal to the Lord’s judgment before
sending it: I am enclosing statement in proof from
because, in anticipation of Your Lordship’s approval, it
was sent to the printer’s yesterday, but it will not be
published or submitted without consultation with Your
Lordship. (Ibid.) Then, in response to Lord Ampthill’s
concerns that Gandhi’s movement of “passive
resistance” might have ties with radical organizations in
India, Gandhi flatly denies any such affiliation,
referring to Rev. Doke for vindication: The test of
passive resistance is self-suffering and not infliction of
suffering on others. We have, therefore, not only never
received a single farthing from “the party of sedition” in
India or else-where, but even if there was any offer, we
should, if we were true to our principles, decline to
receive it. We have hitherto made it a point not to

approach the Indian public in India for financial

assistance. The accounts of the British Indian
Association are open to the world. A statement of
income expenditure is published from time to time and
is advertised in Indian Opinion. Mr. Doke, Mr. Philips,
and the Other notable men who are working in the
Transvaal for us, know this fact most intimately…
(Ibid. p.448, 449, Vol. 9)
In Lord Ampthill’s foreword to Doke’s biography, he
denied having any connection to Doke, claiming not to
know him personally. One wonders how this is possible
if Gandhi is seeking vindication through the good
reverend’s character. Why would Gandhi even refer to
Rev. Doke unless he was known to Lord Ampthill
personally and sufficiently for him to act as a
meaningful character witness on Gandhi’s behalf? It is
interesting to note that the preceding letter to Lord
Ampthill is dated July 29, 1909, exactly 11 days before
Gandhi would send another letter to the esteemed Lord
asking him to write the foreword for the Doke
biography. Gandhi’s letter of request appears below:
Dear Lord Ampthill, I have now received the somewhat
delayed proof of the Rev. Mr. Doke’s book, which I am
very anxious to see published as early as possible. I
might mention in passing that I have received a number
of subscriptions in advance. I know you are very busy
and I have hesitated to burden you further with the
writing of the introduction, which you were good
enough to promise, if the proof should meet with your
approval. Nevertheless you will I hope, find time – as I

am sure you have the desire – to give this matter your

very kind attention. I am forwarding the proof under
separate cover. (Letter to Lord Ampthill # 9, London,
August 9, 1909, p.15, Vol. 10)
Later, Gandhi would refer to Doke yet again, this time
in a letter following the preceding one requesting a
foreword from Lord Ampthill. The letter is dated
October, 14, 1909, some two months after the preceding
letter. Here, Gandhi mentions Rev. Doke so casually
one must question Lord Ampthill’s claim not to know
the reverend: Mr. Doke, in a letter to me, says that
passive resisters have never been so strong as they were
when his letter left South Africa. (Letter to Lord
Ampthill # 109, London, Oct. 14, 1909, p.106, Vol.10)
It is undeniable that the reference to Doke is of so
casual a description that one is forced to recognize the
open familiarity Gandhi has in alluding to their mutual
acquaintance. Doke cannot, as Lord Ampthill alleges,
be unknown to him. Indeed, the tale just keeps getting
taller. Not only do the letters Gandhi exchanges with
Lord Ampthill catch the esteemed Lord out in a lie,
but they entrap Gandhi in one of his own.
To instigate conflict and incite a radical organization to
prompt and decisive action is none other than to call for
and incite violence. And this is the true face behind the
mask of divinity. This is the quintessential Gandhi, the
two-faced Gandhi, the duplicitous double talker.
While posturing outwardly as a pacifist with no
appetite for blood whatsoever, he was covertly
acting as a man of war and instigator of terrorism.

Col. G.B. Singh’s book, Gandhi: Behind the Mask of

Divinity has already implicated Gandhi in a bloody
suppression of African Zulus. A shrewd investigator
might also ask why photos of Gandhi in his British
colonel uniform have not been as easy to come by as
those depicting the Hindu saint in a loincloth. Now, if
Gandhi did have Freemason affiliations as we allege,
this would explain his duplicitous Orwellian
doublespeak and double talk. The Masons have always
employed such tactics. It is their modus operandi to
present a good outward façade, while concealing the
shady and criminal underworld activities of the world’s
largest and most powerful crime syndicate. This is what
is symbolized by the black and white squares found on
the floors of every Masonic Temple and on the police
caps of so many of the world’s police forces. It
symbolizes the fact that the Masons control both sides,
the light and the dark forces, that they supply arm to
both sides in wars, play both sides of the fence, and
engage in black operations as their basic modus
operandi. Before going underground and changing their
name, the modern day Freemasons were known as the
Knights Templar. An early Templar family known as
the House of Guise and Lorraine had a unique Coat-of-
Arms consisting of a “double cross”. This Coat-of-
Arms came to be associated with their modus operandi,
which consisted of betraying or double-crossing both
sides in wars by covertly arming both sides. Supplying
gold and arms to one king to which they pretended to be

loyal, they would simultaneously turn around and arm

his opponent. Duplicity and double-dealing came to be
so closely associated with this family that the “double
cross” came to mean betray, cheat, or deceive someone.
As a probable heir by succession to crooks in a criminal
organization of longstanding, Gandhi was well trained
in the arts of deception, duplicity and intrigue, and
pulled it off with masterful precision.
His London Diary recorded the events of this time in his
life, but despite the painstaking efforts of scholars to
preserve his writings for posterity, all but 20 pages of
The London Diary went missing. The surviving pages
describe Gandhi’s initiation to the Third Degree of
Freemasonry. It is apparently his Freemason diary. It
in all probability describes his initiation through the
several degrees of the organization. Why has the
volume been suppressed? Is it to conceal Gandhi’s
Freemason affiliations? Gandhi is a far more complex
figure than anyone seems to have imagined. The recent
book Gandhi Under Cross-examination , exposes the
fact that Gandhi lied about the racial train and coach
incident, where he was purportedly thrown off a train at
Pietermaritzburg Station. The Editor-in-Chief of
Gandhi’s own Indian Opinion newspaper, Rev. J.J.
Doke, wrote the biography, opportunistically
turning Gandhi into a martyred saint for political
motivations. By comparing the four biographical and
autobiographical accounts of the incident, the authors of
Gandhi Under Cross-examination discover the fraud
Gandhi committed on the world’s citizens. Under cross-

examination, Gandhi is exposed as a fraudster, who

has lied about his past in order to exploit the politics of
victimization to gain political advantage. This is an
effective counterpoint to the later real-life trail of
Gandhi’s assassin, Natharam Godse. In the 1890’s in
South Africa, Gandhi addressed a body of fellow
Indians in a town hall in Johannesburg. He raises a
motion for a permanent Indian militia in South Africa.
He proposes forming a volunteer ambulance corps of
Indian stretcher-bearers to convince the British that they
are loyal followers of the British Empire, in order to
gain the permission of His Majesty’s government to
found a permanent India militia.
Gandhi becomes a sergeant major in the British Army.
His ambulance team joins the British in their effort to
suppress a “Kaffir” uprising in South Africa. Gandhi
acts as a recruitment officer for the British Army in the
Boar War, WWI and WWII and as an apologist for the
British Empire in his Indian Opinion newspaper. We
also know that Gandhi had secret meetings with arms
dealers and a Muslim terrorist organization known as
the Muslim League. Two attempts on the life of Gandhi
are made in close succession. Assassins are dispatched
from Lincoln’s Inn in London, one of the Inns of
Court and law schools for the elite. The first murder
attempt fails, but the second succeeds. Gandhi is
assassinated and Natharam Godse is arrested in the
square before hordes of onlookers. He surrenders,
compliantly raising his hands over his head in surrender
and hands his weapon over to the authorities. Gopal

Godse, brother of Gandhi assassin, Natharam Godse,

wrote a book called May It Please Your Honour based
on the courtroom testimony of his brother, which the
world never got to hear. Natharam Godse conducted his
own defence in the hope that he might present his true
motivations to the world. He conducted his own
defence, but the Congress Party of India ensured that
not a word of Godse’s testimony was published in any
of the Indian newspapers. The police steal the
notebooks out of the reporters’ hands and destroy them
on the spot, issuing a stern warning not to print a
single word of Godse’s testimony in any of the national
newspapers. Godse’s courtroom testimony brought tears
to the eyes of the packed gallery. Sobs conveying the
deep emotion of those present could be heard
throughout the court according to the testimony offered
by Natharam Godse’s brother. Godse testified that
Gandhi was in regular correspondence with known
terrorists, including the head of the Muslim League, a
terrorist organization responsible for slaughtering
thousands of innocent civilians, especially in Calcutta.
He also alleges that Gandhi conspired with the Amir of
Afghanistan to front an invasion of India in order to
found a Muslim caliphate, but the plot was somehow
thwarted before it could be realized. Gandhi welcomed
the Ali Brothers as he would his own brothers. He
welcomed them and their planned invasion. He
welcomed the Amir of Afghanistan and his army. He
welcomed the establishment of a permanent Caliphate
in India. He believed it would make India a more

orderly society, disciplined while enforcing high

standards of morality, along with stability and peace.
This is the same reason Gandhi promoted Hindustani
as the lingua franca of India. This is the tongue that
would bind both Hindus and Muslims together.
Hindustani is Urdu under a different name. Godse
understood that this was subterfuge. It was
communalism of the worst kind. It amounted to the
Islamizing of India. He accused Gandhi of lacking the
courage to call for the adoption of Urdu as the national
language, hence the subterfuge of smuggling Urdu in
under another name. To bolster up a language in the
school curriculum and grant a bastard tongue a pedigree
is insanity of the highest order. Forcing a foreign tongue
upon a great nation like India was seen as treasonous to
Godse and one of the prime motivations for the
assassination. Mr. Shastri, Mr. C.Y. Chintamani, the
editor of Allahabad and even the Mahatma’s lifelong
friend, the late C.F. Andrews, confirmed that
Gandhi’s speeches and writings added up to an open
invitation to the Amir of Afghanistan to invade
India. It was de facto high treason. Is there another
word for a leader plotting to have his country invaded
by an alien power? The only explanation is that he had
formed a secret pact with Shiekh Abdullah. Under his
orders, the administrative power of Kashmir would be
placed in the hands of Muslims. For this reason and this
reason alone, Gandhi consented to armed resistance by
the Indian forces to the Pakistani raiders of Kashmir. It
was a coup d’etat and in the process he had signed

Kashmir away. It was the most monstrous act of

treason in the history of the world, yet the perpetrator
continues to be celebrated around the world as a martyr
and saint.
Chandra Shekhar Azad used to receive money regularly
from Motilal Nehru.
The express purpose for Doke writing the Gandhi
biography, as Gandhi himself admits, was to
promote the cause of passive resistance first and
“M. K. Gandhi: An Indian Patriot in South Africa” is
really a biographical sketch of Gandhi and the issue of
Indian passive resistance is only subservient to the
greater issue of Gandhi himself. Gandhi states
unequivocally that, rather than a simple biography,
Doke’s book was written as “a popular history of the
story of Indian passive resistance” to use Gandhi’s
own words. Gandhi, the leader of the movement, was
just a means to an end, a rallying cry, a means of
mustering a throng of supporters toward a common
cause. By turning Gandhi into a martyr figure, by
fictionalizing his early life by depicting him as a
martyred saint who had miraculously risen from defeat
after being beaten down by his oppressors would give
the cause the locus and impetus it required to get off the
ground, to take wing, and to fly if not soar. What is also
evident from Gandhi’s first memoir and obituary to the
late reverend is that he is on such intimate terms with
Doke that he knows his personal and family history
nearly as well as his own.

Gandhi adds of the good reverend that, “His pen and his
eloquence were continually used by him during the
troublous times through which the community passed.”
There is no equivocation here. Gandhi states explicitly
that the pen and the eloquence of the good reverend
“were continually used by him,” that is continually,
unremittingly used by “him” i.e. Gandhi. Gandhi leaves
us in no doubt that he has used the reverend as a
propaganda agent in promotion of the cause,
“continually” implying from the beginning and
without interruption. Gandhi then informs us his
colleague took charge of the editorial department,
which suggests that Doke was in complete charge of the
P.R. machine behind the Satyagraha movement as the
Editor-in-Chief of the Indian Opinion, controlling what
got printed and by whom. The fact that he functioned as
Editor-in-Chief of the Indian Opinion only makes the
conflict of interest in writing the Gandhian biography
that much more self-evident. How can an advocate of
the cause and an editor of the propaganda vehicle of the
movement, the Indian Opinion, be expected to write an
uncolored, unbiased and objective biography of the
leader of the movement? Should any doubts remain
about the level of commitment demonstrated by
Reverend Doke to the cause, Gandhi tells us
unreservedly in his final tribute to Rev. Doke written
for the very newspaper the reverend himself headed that
he had been committed to the Indian cause practically
from the day he arrived: In 1907, when preparations
for the Satyagraha campaign were in full swing, Mr.

Doke had recently come to the Transvaal from New

Zealand. He began taking a keen interest in the Indian
problem from the very day he arrived, and continued to
help till he died. With the exception of one or two, no
other Englishman, and hardly any Indian, had such (a)
clear grasp of our problem as Mr. Doke. (CWMG Vol.
13, # 168, pp. 263-64, translated from Gujarati)
Doke’s loyalty to the cause was as unrelenting as his
faithfulness to its leader. As Gandhi himself states,
Satyagraha became his raison d’etre from the day he
arrived until the time of his death. There is no doubt
then that the 1909 biography of Gandhi is colored by an
emotional investment on the part of the biographer to
the subject and the cause to which both subject and
biographer are committed. The biography by Doke is
neither scholarly not professional but is colored by
the biographer’s own biases and commitment to the
cause. It does not maintain any of the professional
detachment, distance, dispassionate objectivity that a
bona fide biography is required to maintain. Should
there be any question then about the authenticity of
Doke’s account of the racial train incidents in South
Africa, let us remind ourselves of the purpose of the
biography. The purpose of the biography as Doke
explicitly stated to Gandhi was to promote Gandhi as
the martyr figure and hero of the Indian passive
resistance movement. There is another suspicious
circumstance concerning Doke’s biography of Gandhi.
The foreword is written by Lord Ampthill. In the
foreword, Lord Ampthill takes care to distance himself

from the author. He even goes so far as to deny even

knowing him: The writer of this book is not known to
me personally, but there is a bond of sympathy between
him and me in the sentiments which we share in regard
to the cause of which he is so courageous and devoted
an advocate. (CWMG Vol. 10, Appendix 1, p. 485,
August 26, 1909) (Also check chapter “introduction” in
the book, M. K. Gandhi: An Indian Patriot in South
Why does this passage from Lord Amptill’s foreword
peek our curiosity? Why does it raise our doubts? We
invite the reader to employ our methodology and
scrutinize the passage for himself before reviewing our
analysis. A perceptive reader will have his own
suspicions aroused after rereading the preceding
passage carefully. The first suspicious element is that
Lord Ampthill begins the foreword with a denial of any
firsthand acquaintance with the author, “The writer of
this book is not known to me personally….”
Why deny knowing someone, especially at the outset,
unless you desire to distance yourself from having any
association with the person in question. While some
might argue that this is probably because Lord Ampthill
did not want to be politically compromised by
association with Satyagraha or the movement for home
rule, his own words show this not to be the case, for he
adds, “…but there is a bond of sympathy between him
and me in the sentiments which we share in regard to
the cause….” It is self-evident that Lord Ampthill feels
no need to distance himself from the cause. So why

distance himself from the personage of Rev. Doke? It is

rather odd that he should seek to do so, since the
reverend is obviously respected, of good standing in
the community and wears a collar. Is Lord Ampthill
being genuine in his claim not to know the reverend
“personally” as he puts it? This is hardly likely, since
his own words in reference to Doke’s character give
him away, “…the cause of which he is so courageous
and devoted an advocate.” How is Lord Ampthill able
to vouch so strongly for the character and
commitment of a man he has never met? Why deny
knowing someone unless you wish to disassociate
yourself from the individual in question for some
reason? Were Lord Ampthill to have a clandestine
association with Doke, Gandhi and others, there might
be a very good reason to deny his having any
association with the good reverend. Were he a fellow
Freemason or a member of the European Committee or
in some way more intimately tied to the political
struggle to which both Gandhi and Doke are committed,
there might be a very good reason for denying any
association with the good reverend. Based on a cable
sent by Gandhi to Lord Ampthill on December 24,
1913, there is evidence that such an intimate political
association would have and actually did exist. The cable
from Gandhi reads, “Hosken issued public appeal
supporting our letter.” (Cable to Lord Ampthill,
Durban, Dec. 24, 1913, Colonial Office Records:
551/52, Vol.13, p. 439) Hosken, our reader will recall,
was presiding as the Worshipful Master at the farewell

dinner for Rev. Doke held at the Masonic Lodge

meeting in Johannesburg. Hosken was also the head of
the European Committee. The fact that Gandhi
mentions Hosken in the cable without any honorific
title before his name suggests that he is a well known
member of the old boy’s network and an intimate
associate of them both. This suggests either that Lord
Ampthill was an active member of the same Masonic
Lodge or intimately associated with its members and
some of those associated with the European Committee.

“The mother” is a pointed reference to Hiram Abif’s

mother, who Masons refer to as “The Widow.” Hiram
Abif is in fact referred to as “the widow’s son” in
Freemasonry. And Masons themselves often refer to
themselves as “the sons of the widow.” Gandhi then
tells us that she, the Widow, was quite sorry for him
and that she “feared the calumny of other people.” To
explain the import of “the widow’s son” and its
significance to Freemasonry, we must turn to the Bible
for a scriptural reference to Hiram Abif, who was the
son of the widow of Naphtali. References to Hiram Abif
occur in two passages from the “Holy” Scriptures. In
the first, he is called the widow’s son, of the tribe of
Naphtali, and in the other, he is called the son of a
woman of the daughters of Dan. However, in both
scriptures, we are told that his father was a man from
Tyre. In other words, Hiram Abif’s mother was of the
daughters of the city of Dan, in the tribe of Naphtali,
and is referred to as the widow of Naphtali, as her

husband was a Naphtalite and only a man of Tyre by

habitation. (Robert Macoy, A Dictionary of
Freemasonry, NY: Gramercy Books, 1989, p.696)
Hiram Abif was the chief architect of the king of Tyre,
and was dispatched by his king to serve in the
construction of King Solomon’s Temple. In Hiram
Abif, Speculative and Craft Freemasonry are reunited.
He was an alleged master in all forms of architecture
and design, ranging from architecture, statuary, founder
to designer. Masonic and non-Masonic researchers alike
believe that the Freemason legend of Hiram Abif is a
cover story or cipher story alluding to some other
personage from history, some say he is a cipher for
Jacques de Molay, the martyred Grand Master of the
Templars, or a cipher for a personage or divinity from
ancient Egyptian legend and mythology. We believe
that Gandhi while openly confessing to being Hindu, he
is also a Mason, or closely associated with it. There is
no mistaking the arcane import of the diary entry. The
fact that he is describing an incident that allegedly took
place in India in a diary entry made in London on
November 12, 1888 reveals a great deal. The Indian
setting is a cover for an initiation that took place in
London’s Temple Bar contemporaneously with the
diary entry and not the record of a biographical event
from some years earlier as is implied. Higher Degree
initiates of Freemasonry would not be fooled by the
references, while uninitiated scholars and researchers
would naively overlook the hidden import of the diary
entry. Gandhi’s autobiography has another strange

facet. Astonishingly, he claims in the introduction

that his intention is not to write a real
autobiography. Rather, he speaks rather amazingly
about his experiments with truth. There is no other
way of taking these words than to see his autobiography
as an acknowledged fiction. To admit to his reader that
he is not attempting to write a real autobiography, but
merely experimenting with the truth is tantamount to
confessing that his autobiography orients itself toward
truth rather as Dostoyevsky’s and Dicken’s novels do.
In short, it is a work of fiction and cannot be seen
otherwise because of his own words on the subject.
One wonders how such a startling admission could have
been overlooked by the previous generation of
scholars. But then it is our observation that scholarship
itself should come under the microscope of skeptical
inquiry, since the scholarly community has found itself
in error on a whole plethora of subjects over the
Prior to the release of Col. G.B. Singh’s much
acclaimed Gandhi: Behind the Mask of Divinity, there
was barely an attempt to penetrate the façade.
An Autobiography or The Story of My Experiments
With Truth is a title selected by a man who is having
a good joke at the world’s expense. He has chosen the
title confident in the knowledge that only a few initiates
who are in on the scheme know his true face and have
seen behind the mask. And he is equally confident that
the rest of the world is so in the dark that they cannot
see the face behind the mask even though he has taken

the trouble to tell everyone that he is wearing one. The

Story of My Experiments With Truth is a provocative
title that makes it clear to anyone with eyes that he is
not revealing his true self in a ‘real autobiography’,
but is employing a mask, a façade, a persona in a
self-confessed attempt at political opportunism.

On page 158, it is clear that it is the Solomon

Commission that manages to obtain a release for
Gandhi from jail. The Solomon Commission is a rather
strange name for an organization designed by Indians
to protect Indians. Look for a Theosophical Society and
Masonic connection here. King Solomon and
Solomon’s Temple are central to Freemasonry and
figure in much of its mythology and esoteric teachings.
There is no doubt that the Solomon Commission is a
Mason front organization. Also note the quote on page
194 “Under the auspices of the Johannesburg
Theosophical Lodge, Gandhi delivered sermons at the
Masonic Temple on Hinduism.”

Anna Kingsford, Madame Blavatsky and the
Theosophists] by Edward Maitland

Anna Kingsford and Edward Maitland
Edward Maitland the founder of the (ECU) Esoteric
Christian Union.
1891. President-Founder – EDWARD MAITLAND, B.A.
Hon. Sec. & Treasurer – ETHEL FORSYTH
The story of Anna Kingsford and Edward Maitland and
of the New Gospel of interpretation
A London based group called the Esoteric Christian
Union, led by Edward Maitland.
Gandhi was also introduced to the Theosophical
Society, meeting with Madame Blavatsky who was then
living in London and Annie Besant, whom he would
again see in India after his work in South Africa.
Gandhi was particularly friendly with Archibald and
Bertram Keightley, uncle and nephew, who had edited

Madame Blavatsky's The Secret Doctrine for

publication in 1888. // In South Africa, Gandhi was to
work closely with people from a number of religious
backgrounds. An advisor, Raychandbhai was a Jain, and
his employer, Dada Abdullah Sheth, was a Muslim.
Gandhi had close relations with South African
Quakers. He also continued close written contact with
Edward Maitland who had been vice-president of the
London Lodge of the Theosophical Society and a
founder of the Esoteric Christian Union. It was
Maitland who introduced Gandhi to the writings of the
American New Thought writer Ralph Waldo Trine, in
particular his In Tune with the Infinite or Fullness of
Peace, Power and Plenty (New York: Whitcombe and
Tombs, 1899, 175pp.) For Trine, spiritual power - also
termed 'thought power' and 'soul power' - could be
acquired by making oneself one with God, who is
immanent, through love and service to one's fellow
men. // Gandhi became a representative for the
Esoteric Christian Union in South Africa // His use of
the term was Esoterically Christian. 'Seeing God' he
wrote 'means realization of the fact that God abides in
one's heart.' The man 'who sees God in the whole
universe' he also wrote 'should be accepted as an
incarnation of God.' //

Contribution of the Holy Bible in the making of the

Mahatma V. RamyaRajasri Kumar
Gandhi and his Christian friends: legacy of the South
African years 1893-1914


Russian novelist and moral philosopher comes from
a Russian landed gentry dating back 300 years.
His parents died by the time he was 9 yrs old.
Raised by female relatives, and educated by French
He lived a middle-gentry life of the last of the old
serfdom period.
His "War and Peace" appeared in parts in 1865 and
He was 37 yrs old.
Freemasonry's presence in Tolstoy's War and Peace,
which many consider Russia's greatest novel, is a
reflection of the long existence (since 1771) of the Craft
in Russia.
While Freemasonry's consideration in Count Leo
Tolstoy's War and Peace is the most famous example,
the masonic fraternity figures in "The Possessed" by

Dostoevsky, and in the works of other master authors

such as; V.I.Likin, N.M.Karamzin, M.M.Kheraskov,
V.I.Maikov, A.N.Radishchev, A.A.Rzhevskii,
A.P.Sumarokov, and M.M.Shcherbatov. This literature
compares with the works of Scotland's Robert Burns &
Sir Walter Scott, England's Rudyard Kipling & Sir
Arthur Conan Doyle, alongwith Germany's Johann
Wolfgang von Goethe, and America's Edgar Allan Poe.
War and Peace is widely accepted as being
autobiographical, and the figure of Pierre Bezukhov is
as consumed as was Tolstoy with the great questions of
The masonic initiation scene in War and Peace is justly
'Pierre gradually began to recover himself and looked
about at the room and at the people in it. Round a long
table covered with black sat some twelve brethren in
garments like those he has already seen. Several of
them Pierre had met in St. Petersburg society. In the
president's chair sat a young man he did not know, with
a peculiar cross hanging from his neck. On his right sat
the Italian abbe whom Pierre had seen at Anna
Pavlovna's two years before. There was also present a
very distinguished dignitary, and a Swiss tutor who had
formerly been tutor at the Kuragins. All maintained a
solemn silence, listening to the words of the president,
who held a mallet in his hand. Let into the wall was a
star-shaped light. At one side of the table was a small

carpet was various figures worked upon it; on the other

was something resembling an altar on which by a
(New) Testament and a skull.
Pierre seeks initiation as part of his quest for self-
knowledge, a major theme in the book. He hopes that
the secrets of the Masons will prove the Golden Fleece
or Holy Grail. He is representative of a whole
generation of Russian intellectuals who were trying to
reconcile the Slavic East with the bewildering bonanza
of ideas from the West. Of course, he expects too much.
In Book Six, Chapter Seven, it is now 1808, and Pierre
is busily arranging dining and funeral Lodges, donating
for the erection of temples, helping with charities - and
becoming disillusioned.
When he had joined the Freemasons he had experienced
the feeling of one who confidently steps onto the
smooth surface of a bog. When he put his foot down, it
sank in. …. All the members of the Lodges were men .
Pierre knew in ordinary life, and it was difficult for him
to regard them merely as Brothers in Freemasonry. …
Under the Masonic aprons and insignia he saw the
uniforms and decorations at which they aimed in
ordinary life.
In questioning the purity of Masonry and the motives of
its members, and in suggesting its misuse by its
members for pedestrian old-boy networking, Tolstoy
anticipates the sceptical observations about the Craft of

another famous Russian, Leon Trotsky, who writes in

Chapter Nine of his autobiography, "My Life":
In the early years of this century, Russia was a vast
laboratory of social thinking. My work on the history of
freemasonry had fortified me in a realization of the
subordinate place of ideas in the historical process.
'Ideas do not drop from the sky'
Pierre is an embodiment of a disillusioned Tolstoy who
found Freemasonry to be far less than what he had
expected. Pierre describes those like himself as one who
are 'seeking and vacillating, who had not yet found in
Freemasonry a straight and comprehensible path, but
hoped to do so'. He decides that the fault is his own and
that he needs to deepen his understanding of Masonry
by further study. So he goes abroad to seek masonic
knowledge in other countries. Upon returning to his
Lodge a special meeting is called to hear of his travels.
Pierre in desperation asks his Grand Master if what he
has found will be implemented, and is told NO. He
leaves his lodge.

In a letter of Tolstoy to his wife in 1866, he wrote:

After drinking coffee I went to the Rumyantsev
Museum and sat there till three o'clock read very
interesting Masonic manuscripts. I can't describe to you
why the reading produced on me a depression I have

not been able to get rid of all day. What is distressing is

that all those Masons were fools.
Hard words but maybe Pierre / Tolstoy had found that
while Masons talk of problems and express such good
deeds, they fail to study What is Freemasonry!!
WBro. Graeme Love, PJGD, MPS
President HRC
28th April, 2001

In Tolstoy’s War & Peace, a Freemason says: “The

first and chief object of our Order, the foundation on
which it rests…is the preservation and handing on to
posterity of a certain important mystery… which has
come down to us from the remotest ages, even from the
first man – a mystery on which perhaps the fate of
mankind depends.” —Leo Tolstoy, War & Peace, 1869
Freemasonry appears quite prominently and in some
detail when Spoiler becomes a mason in War and

Trotsky’s 1908 tribute to Leo Tolstoy
A Lecture by Leo Tolstoy, Translated by Helena
Blavatsky and With Commentaries by Her
Theosophy and Tolstoy Schmidt Number: S-0936 On-
line since: 12th December, 2003 A lecture by Rudolf
Steiner Berlin, November 3, 1904
Fictitious Tibet: The Origin and Persistence of


THEOSOPHY According to Gandhi: The soul of
religions is one, but it is encased in a multitude of
forms. The latter will endure to the end of time. Wise
men will ignore the outward crust and see the same soul
living under a variety of crusts... Truth is the exclusive
property of no single scripture. These ideas mirror the
those of a "universal brotherhood," expressed by H. P.
Blavatsky, an avowed Luciferian and the leading figure
of the nineteenth century Occult Revival, and the
"godmother" of the New Age movement, which aspires
to create a one-world religion based on the teachings
of Freemasonry. With the rise of Hindu nationalism,
several contemporary Indian movements, collectively
termed Hindu reform movements, strove to introduce
regeneration and reform to Hinduism. The
Theosophical Society and the Arya Samaj were united
from 1878 to 1882, as the Theosophical Society of the
Arya Samaj. And, along with H. S. Olcott and
Anagarika Dharmapala, Blavatsky was also
instrumental in the Western transmission and founding
of Theravada Buddhism. Dharmapala also “believed”
that Sinhalese of Ceylon (now Sri Lanka) are a pure
Aryan race, and advised that Sinhalese women should
avoide miscegenation by refraining from mixing with
minority races of the country. An important influence
on western spirituality was Neo-Vedanta, also called
neo-Hinduism, a modern religious movement inspired
by the ecstatic visionary experiences of Sri
Ramakrishna (1836 – 1886) and his beloved disciple

Swami Vivekananda/freemason (1863 – 1902). It was

Vivekananda who coined the term “Hinduism” .
Also a Freemason, Vivekananda was a key figure in the
introduction of “Indian” philosophies of Vedanta and
Yoga to the western world. Vivekananda taught the
doctrine of the unity of all religions, and is perhaps best
known for a speech at the Parliament of the World’s
Religions in Chicago in 1893, the first attempt to create
a global dialogue of faiths.
In addition to Vivekananda, the Parliament of the
World’s Religions was dominated by the Theosophists
and their counterparts among the representatives of neo-
Vedanta and Buddhist Modernism. According to K.
Paul Johnson, the Parliament gave Theosophists “a
breakthrough into public acceptance and awareness
which had hardly seemed possible a few years before.”
Colonel Olcott shared his sentiments in Old Diary
Leaves, “How great a success it was for us and how
powerfully it stimulated public interest in our views will
be recollected by all our older members.” Several of the
World Parliament’s speakers on behalf of internationsl
religions had been Theosopphists, such as Dharmapala
and Kinza Hirai, who represented Buddhism,
Mohammed Webb for Islam, and Chakravarti for the
Hindus, Virchand Gandhi for Jainism . In his 1921
history of the Theosophical movement, René Guénon
wrote that after the 1893 Parliament, “the Theosophists
seemed very satisfied with the excellent occasion for
propaganda afforded to them in Chicago, and they even
went so far as to proclaim that “the true Parliament of

Religions had been, in fact, the Theosophical

Congress.” At the Parliament, Vivekananda’s speech
also made a profound impression on Annie Besant
(1847 – 1933), who had assumed the leadership of the
worldwide theosophical movement when Blavatsky had
passed away in 1891. Born in London into a middle-
class family of Irish origin, Besant was proud of her
heritage, and became involved with Union organizers
including the Bloody Sunday demonstration, which she
was widely credited for inciting. During 1884, Besant
had developed a very close friendship with Edward
Aveling, who first translated the works of Marx into
English. He eventually went to live with Marx’s
daughter Eleanor Marx. Besant was a leading speaker
for the Fabian Society. The Fabians were a group of
socialists whose strategy differed from that of Karl
Marx in that they sought world domination through
what they called the “doctrine of inevitability of
gradualism.” This meant their goals would be achieved
“without breach of continuity or abrupt change of the
entire social issue,” and by infiltrating educational
institutions, government agencies, and political parties.
American section of the Theosophical Society split into
an independent organization. The original Society, then
led by Henry Steel Olcott and Besant, based in Chennai,
India, came to be known as the Theosophical Society
Adyar. Besant’s partner in running the Theosophical
Society was Charles Leadbeater, a known pedophile. In
1909, Leadbeater claimed to have “discovered” the new
Messiah in the person of the handsome young Indian

boy named Jiddu Krishnamurti. Krishnamurti gained

international acceptance among followers of Theosophy
as the new Savior. As President of the Theosophical
Society, Besant became involved in politics in India,
joining the Indian National Congress, and during World
War I helped launch the Home Rule League, modeling
demands for India on Irish nationalist practices. This
led to her election as president of the India National
Congress in late 1917.
Mohandas K. Gandhi, was inspired by the ideals of
Vivekananda . According to Kathryn Tidrick, Gandhi’s
approach to the Gita was theosophical.Gandhi later
credited Theosophy with instilling in him the principle
of the equality among religions. As he explained to his
biographer, Louis Fischer, “Theosophy… is Hinduism
at its best. Theosophy is the brotherhood of man.”
Gandhi had met Blavatsky and Besant in 1889. And
when Gandhi set up his office in Johannesburg, among
the pictures he hung on his walls were those of Tolstoy,
Jesus Christ and Annie Besant, and in a letter he wrote
to her in 1905 he expressed his "reverence" of her.
Besant bestowed on him the title by which he became
famous, "Mahatma,” a Hindu term for "Great Soul,”
and the same name by which Theosophy called its own
masters. Besant's distinctive influence on Gandhi was
through her contribution to theory was the “Law of
Sacrifice,” which was set out most fully in Esoteric
Christianity. The Law of Sacrifice was derived from a
Fabian reading of the Bhagavad Gita, where Krishna's
selfless activity brought the world into existence and

continues to sustain it. Action performed in this

“sacrificial” spirit, says Krishna, is free from
Karma. From this Besant developed the notion of the
Law of Sacrifice, a form of “spiritual alchemy,”
through disinterested action, “cast upon the altar of
duty.” The man who acts in harmony with the divine
selflessness animating the universe becomes: ..a force
for evolution… an energy for progress, and the whole
race then benefits by the action which otherwise would
only have rough to the sacrificer a personal fruit, which
in turn would have bound his Soul, and limited his
potentialities. Despite his popular image as holy man,
Joseph Lelyveld’s Great Soul: Mahatma Gandhi And
His Struggle With India, according to his reviewer,
reveals Gandhi was a “sexual weirdo, a political
incompetent and a fanatical faddist—one who was
often downright cruel to those around him. Gandhi was
therefore the archetypal 20th-century progressive
intellectual, professing his love for mankind as a
concept while actually despising people as individuals.”
According to Lelyveld, Gandhi also encouraged his -
seventeen-year-old great-niece to be naked during her
"nightly cuddles,” and began sleeping with her and
other young women. He also engaged in a long-term
homosexual affair with German-Jewish architect and
bodybuilder Hermann Kallenbach, for whom Gandhi at
one point left his wife in 1908. Gandhi shared the
racist beliefs of the Theosophists. Of white
Afrikaaners and Indians, he wrote: “We believe as
much in the purity of races as we think they do.”

Gandhi lent his support to the Zulu War of 1906,

volunteering for military service himself and raising a
battalion of stretcher-bearers. Gandhi complained of
Indians being marched off to prison where they were
placed alongside Blacks, “We could understand not
being classed with whites, but to be placed on the same
level as the Natives seemed too much to put up with.
Kaffirs [Blacks] are as a rule uncivilized—the convicts
even more so. They are troublesome, very dirty and live
like animals.” Gandhi and Mussolini became friendly,
with Gandhi praising the Duce's "service to the poor,
his opposition to super-urbanization, his efforts to bring
about a coordination between Capital and Labour, his
passionate love for his people." He also advised the
Czechs and Jews to adopt nonviolence toward the
Nazis, saying that "a single Jew standing up and
refusing to bow to Hitler's decrees" might be enough "to
melt Hitler's heart." by David Livingstone


Submitted by David Livingstone on2013 . Displaying
the degree of penetration of Theosophy's goal of
creating a one-world religion into the mission of the
UN, the Parliament of World Religions of 1893, as
mentioned in the article, was reestablished by the UN
in 1983. Here's is an excerpt from my book on the
subject: According to [Robert] Muller [who served as
Assistant Secretary-General of the UN for forty years],
"We must move as quickly as possible to one-world
government, a one-world religion, under a one-world

leader." Muller’s ideas about world government, world

peace and spirituality led to the increased representation
of religions in the UN, especially of New Age
Movement. He was known by some as “the philosopher
of the United Nations.” Muller, who won the UNESCO
Prize for Peace Education in 1989 for his World Core
Curriculum, said, "The underlying philosophy upon
which The Robert Muller School is based will be found
in the teaching set forth in the books of Alice A. Bailey
by the Tibetan teacher, Djwhal Khul." In the 1980’s,
numerous projects were sponsored by the United
Nations to promote notions of a universal religion and
global citizenship, such as World Healing Day, World
Instant of Cooperation, World Peace Day, Annual
Global Mind Link, Human Unity Conference, World
Conference on Religion and Peace, Provisional World
Parliament. In 1995, the UN asked the Temple of
Understanding, founded by Bailey’s Lucis Trust, to
host the 50th Anniversary of its founding, and to
organize two inter-faith services. The Temple of
Understanding is located in Manhattan’s historic
Cathedral of St. John the Divine, dedicated to St. John,
traditionally revered by Freemasons according to the
Johannite creed. The completion of the cathedral was
such a prized accomplishment for the Freemasons that it
was featured on the front page of Masonic World of
March 1925. The Cathedral is replete with occult
symbolism and often features unusual performances.
The presiding bishop of the cathedral was the bisexual
Bishop Paul Moore, whose family were heirs to the

Nabisco company fortune, and as a priest in

Indianapolis he gave Jim Jones’s People’s Temple cult
its start. Having been dormant for several years, the
Temple of Understanding was revived at the cathedral
in 1984 at a ceremony presided over by Moore and the
Dalai Lama. While the chairman of the Temple was
Judith Dickerson Hollister, those involved with its
founding included: Dame Margaret Mead, Robert
Muller, who had been involved as well with the Lucis
Trust, and Winifred McCulloch, leader of the New
York-based Teilhard de Chardin Society. The
Cathedral also houses the Lindisfarne Center, founded
in 1972 with funding from Laurance Rockefeller,
brother to David Rockefeller, by cultural historian
William Irwin Thompson, a former professor of
humanities from MIT and Syracuse University.
Lindisfarne functioned as a sponsor of New Age events
and lectures, as well as a think tank and retreat, similar
to the Esalen Institute, with which it shared several
members, like Gregory Bateson and Michael Murphy.
Their aim is to participate in the emerging planetary
consciousness, or Noosphere. In addition to Teilhard de
Chardin, Thompson is influenced by Alfred North
Whitehead, Rudolf Steiner, Sri Aurobindo and
Marshall McLuhan, the Canadian philosopher of
communication theory, who is also celebrated in
Ferguson’s The Aquarian Conspiracy.
Lindisfarne has also been supported by the Lilly
Endowment, the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, and
Rockefeller Foundation, and lists among its faculty

members Amory Lovins, Gaia theory biologist James

Lovelock, and Luciferian adept and New Age author
David Spangler. Lindisfarne was founded in 1972 by
New Age philosopher William Irwin Thompson, a
former professor of humanities from MIT and Syracuse
University. Thompson said: “We have now a new
spirituality, what has been called the New Age
movement. The planetization of the esoteric has been
going on for some time… This is now beginning to
influence concepts of politics and community in
ecology… This is the Gaia [Mother Earth] politique…
planetary culture.” Thompson further stated that, the
age of “the independent sovereign state, with the
sovereign individual in his private property, [is] over,
just as the Christian fundamentalist days are about to be
over.” Held at the Cathedral of St. John the Divine, the
Temple called together leaders of the world’s religions
to offer prayers, and invited the world’s leading artists
to perform music, poetry and dance. In 1997 and 1998,
with the Interfaith Center of New York, the Temple of
Understanding held an Interfaith Prayer Service at St.
Bartholomew Church to pray for the work of the
General Assembly and the Secretary General of the UN.
It was also at the Cathedral of St. John the Divine that
the controversial “Islamic feminist” preacher named
Amina Wadud led a Muslim Friday prayer in 2005,
breaking with the tradition of having only male Imams,
and conducted without the traditional separation
between male and female sections.

The Temple of Understanding promotes the “Interfaith

Movement” with its centennial celebration of the
World’s Parliament of Religions. as a successor to the
first Parliament of World Religions Conference, in
effect the Theosophical Congress, gathered in Chicago
in 1883. It had been founded by Reverend Dr. John
Henry Barrows, according to whom, “The best religion
must come to the front, and the best religion will
ultimately survive, because it will contain all that is true
in all the faiths.”
===== John Henry Barrows was the architect of the
1893 Parliament of Religions. Charles Carroll Bonney
has been properly credited for coming up with the idea
of a World Parliament of Religions. // He, therefore,
established a committee to organise them and
appointed Rev. Dr. John Henry Barrows the chair. //
and three months later, the “White City,” site of the
Fair, was destroyed by fire. //
first-parliament-of-religio.html while at Union Theological Seminary.
m The Rockefellers New Age’
Christians and the Rockefellers

The Parliament was dominated by Theosophists, such

as Annie Besant, Dharmapala and the Hindu
universalist Vivekananda who, in his famous speech,
called for an end to religious conversions, and instead
for each to "assimilate the spirit of the other," and said,
"The Christian is not to become a Hindu or a Buddhist,
nor a Hindu or a Buddhist to become a Christian. But
each religion must assimilate the spirit of the others and
yet preserve its own individuality and grow according
to its own law of growth."
--- The Parliament of the World’s Religions was
reconvened again in the city of Chicago in 1993. The
Institute of Muslim Minority Affairs based in Jeddah,
Saudi Arabia, was one of the co-sponsors of the
Parliament, along with the Muslim World League,
which was originally founded by Said Ramadan and
Mufti al Husseini with the assistance of the CIA. Prince
Muhammad al-Faisal bin Turki, former director of
Saudi intelligence, who had worked closely with bin
Laden and the CIA during the fight against the Soviet
invasion of Afghanistan, was one of its speakers. The
first address was delivered by Robert Müller, titled
“Inter-faith Understanding,” who said: There is one sign
after the other, wherever you look, that we are on the
eve of a New Age which will be a spiritual age… We
are entering an age of universalism. Wherever you turn,

one speaks about global education, global information,

global communications—every profession on Earth
now is acquiring a global dimension. The whole
humanity is becoming interdependent, is becoming
one… this Parliament and what is happening now in the
world… is a renaissance, a turning point in human
history. So even the astrologers begin to tell us that
there will be a fundamental change.

Tolstoy was a Russian noble, had wealth and serfs,

had fought in the Crimean war . He realized the
futility and injustice inherent in violence and in
luxury ( JUST LIKE BUDDHA ? ). He freed his serfs,
started working like them, and wrote a series of literary
pieces in later years on religious, social, and political
philosophy while trying to concretize the forgotten
message of Jesus, of early Christianity, of the Sermon
on the Mount.

Gandhi went to South Africa as a lawyer in 1893 for

one year but remained there till 1914. There, he evolved
the doctrine and technique of non-violent resistance,
then called ‘passive resistance’ (later named by him as
‘satyagraha’) against racial discrimination against
Indians. In 1909 he went as a part of a delegation to
London for redress of such discrimination, and there
came across Tolstoy’s ‘Letter to a Hindoo’ advocating
the non-violent way instead of the violent way, which

the Indian youth were trying to adopt, for attaining

India’s freedom. Gandhi wrote to Tolstoy about the
Indians’ struggle in Transvaal. Thus started the
correspondence between them during the last year of
Tolstoy’s life. Tolstoy remained one of the main
mentors of Gandhi till the end.

Gandhi wrote in An Autobiography: ‘Tolstoy’s The

Kingdom of God is Within You [1893] - - left an abiding
impression on me. Before the independent thinking,
profound morality, and the truthfulness of this book, all
the books given me by Mr. Coates seemed to pale into
insignificance.’  And, ‘I made too an intensive study of
Tolstoy’s books. The Gospels in Brief, What to
Do? and other books - -. I began to realize more and
more the infinite possibilities of universal love.’ [CW
39:114; & CW 39:131] & HE REMAINED A RACIST

In South Africa, he set up his first ashram as

Phoenix Settlement (in 1904) so that, ‘the ideas of
Ruskin and Tolstoy [be] combined with strict business
principles.’ [IO2 (24.12.1904), CW 4:320] PHOENIX =

He also published a biographical sketch of Tolstoy:

‘It is believed that, in the western world at any rate,
there is no man so talented, learned and as ascetic as
Count Tolstoy. - - - himself a Russian nobleman, and
has, in his youth, rendered very good service - - in the

Crimean War. - - - - He gave up his wealth and - -

lived like a peasant - -. - - - He believes that - - men
should not accumulate wealth; no matter how much evil
a person does to us, we should always do good to him -
- - -; agriculture is the true occupation of man. - - - -
Such is the power of his goodness and godly living that
millions of peasants are ever ready to carry out his wish
no sooner than it is spoken.’ [CW 5:56-7] He published
Gujarati translation of Tolstoy’s short story titled
‘Wonderful Is The Way Of God’ (also titled ‘God Sees
the Truth, but Waits’). [IO (23.12.1905), CW 5:167]. 

While inviting essays on ‘The Ethics of Passive

Resistance’ for a prize, Gandhi asked that these should
contain an examination of, among others, ‘Tolstoy’s
works—more especially “The Kingdom of Heaven is
Within You”’. [CW 7:509] He presented Tolstoy’s ‘The
Kingdom of God is Within You’ to his warder in
Volkrust jail and asked others too to read it as, ‘It is a
most logical book. - - Tolstoy practises what he
preaches.’ [25.3.1909, CW 9:209] While being taken to
the court in handcuffs, he took permission to carry ‘The
Kingdom of God is Within You’. [IO (5.6.1909), CW
9:240] Earlier, he had advised ‘all in Phoenix to read
Tolstoy’s Life and My Confessions. Both are soul-
stirring books.’ IO = Indian opinion , CW = complete

Gandhi arrived from South Africa in London on 10

July, 1909 and was there till 13 November, 1909. On 2
July, 1909, Madanlal Dhingra had assassinated Sir
Curzon Wylie. In London, Gandhi met many Indians
who propagated violent resistance as the only way to
obtain India’s freedom. And then he came across a
copy of Tolstoy’s ‘Letter to a Hindoo’, written in reply
to the letter of Tarak Nath Das. Tolstoy’s letter
explained why non-violent resistance and a resolve by
Indians to become free were the only solution.

 internationalist scholar. // He was a pioneering

immigrant in the west coast of North America and
discussed his plans with Tolstoy, while organising
the Asian Indian immigrants in favour of the Indian
independence movement. He was a professor of
political science at Columbia University and a
visiting faculty in several other universities. // the
Barrister P. Mitter, founder of the Anushilan Samiti,
asked his associate Satish Chandra Basu to recruit
the boy. // In the early months of 1906, Bagha Jatin
or Jatindra Nath Mukherjee was accompanied by
Tarak when the former was invited to preside over
the Sitaram Festival at Mohammadpur in Jessore, the
ancient capital of Bengal. // On this occasion, during
a closeted meeting around Jatin were present, in
addition to Tarak, Shrish Chandra Sen, Satyendra
Sen and Adhar Chandra Laskar: all the four, one
after the other, were to leave for higher studies
abroad. Nothing was known about the object of this

meeting till in 1952 when, during a conversation,

Tarak spoke of it. Along with specific higher
education, they were to acquire military training and
knowledge of explosives. // Through regular
correspondence, personalities like Tolstoy,
Hyndman, Shyamji Krishnavarma, Madame Cama,
encouraged Tarak in his venture. // With the help of
professors like Robert Morss Lovett, Upham Pope,
Arthur Rider at UC Berkeley and David Starr Jordan
and Stuart of Palo Alto (of Stanford University),
Tarak established the East India Association. He was
invited by the International Students' Association as
a delegate of the American universities. // Tarak
married his long-time friend and benefactress Mary
Keatinge Morse. She was a founding member of the
National Association for the Advancement of
Colored People and the National Woman's Party. //
He made Munich his headquarters for his activities.
It was there that he founded the India Institute, that
awarded scholarships to meritorious Indian students
who pursued higher studies in Germany. He
maintained a close contact with Sri Aurobindo //
Tarak was jointly appointed as the professor of
political science at the Columbia University and a
Fellow of the Georgetown University. With his wife,
he opened the resourceful Taraknath Das Foundation
in 1935 // the fund at Columbia University, called
the Mary Keatinge Das Fund, // Other participatory
universities are the University of Pittsburgh, New
York University, the University of Washington, the

University of Virginia, Howard University, Yale

University, the University of Chicago, the University
of Michigan, the University of Wisconsin–Madison,
American University, and the University of Hawaii
at Manoa. //
led by nationalists such as Aurobindo Ghosh and his
brother Barindra Ghosh, //
the-Indian-Independence-league A PERFECT DOUBLE

Gandhi sent a copy of Tolstoy’s ‘Letter to a Hindoo’

which ‘has been placed in my hands by a friend- who
???? .’ He sought Tolstoy’s confirmation of this being
written by him and his approval to his friend printing
20,000 copies for distribution and having it translated.
[CW 9:444-6]

Later, Gandhi wrote an article, ‘Tolstoy’s

Satyagraha’, showing how thousands, acting on his
views ‘advising people not to obey the laws of the
Russian Government, not to serve in the army, and so
on’, were going to jail. Tolstoy’s writings, though
proscribed, were being published, leading to the
imprisonment of his agent. Tolstoy thought that ‘my
views are true, and that it is my duty to propagate
them.’ Gandhi concluded .: ‘True freedom is to be

found—only in such a life. That is the kind of freedom

we want to achieve in the Transvaal. If India were to
achieve such freedom, that indeed would be swarajya.’
[IO (30.10.1909), CW 9:448-50]

Rev. J. J. Doke called Gandhi a disciple of Tolstoy.

Gandhi had told Rev. J.J. Doke, his first biographer
(1909): ‘It was the New Testament which really
awakened me to the rightness and value of Passive
Resistance. When I read in the Sermon on the Mount
such passages as “Resist not him that is evil - -” I was
simply overjoyed, and found my own opinion
confirmed when I least expected it. The Bhagavad
Gita deepened the impression and Tolstoy’s The
Kingdom of God Is Within You gave it a permanent
form.’ [Gandhi the Writer, by B. Bhatacharya, New
Delhi: National Book Trust (1969/2000): p.57]

Gandhi enclosed a copy of his biography by Rev. J.J.

Doke [M. K. Gandhi: An Indian Patriot in South Africa]
as it ‘had a bearing on the struggle - - of the Indians in
the Transvaal - - - idealized both as to the goal as also
the methods adopted to reach the goal.’ If Tolstoy were
satisfied ‘as to the facts’ as given in Doke’s book,
Gandhi would request him to use his influence ‘to
popularize the movement’. He also wrote that the
negotiations for which he had come to London had
failed. [CW 9:528-9]

In South Africa, in the ‘Preface’ to the English

translation of ‘Hind Swaraj’, titled as ‘Indian Home
Rule’, he wrote: ‘I have but endeavoured humbly to
follow Tolstoy, Ruskin, Thoreau, Emerson and other
writers, besides the masters of Indian philosophy.
Tolstoy has been one of my teachers for a number of
years.’ [20.3.1910, CW 10: 189] He sent its copy with
his third letter to Tolstoy (4 April, 1910) requesting his
‘criticism of the writing’. [4.4.1910, CW 10:210]
Tolstoy wrote in reply (8 May, 1910) that he had read
the book ‘with great interest because I think that the
question you treat in it—the passive resistance—is a
question of the greatest importance not only
for India but for the whole humanity.’ He also wrote
that Doke’s book on Gandhi had given him ‘the
possibility to know and understand you better.’ [CW
10:505] In his fourth letter (15 August, 1910), Gandhi
referred to his friend Kallenbach’s letter regarding
setting up of Tolstoy Farm near Johannesburg for the
Indian passive resisters’ struggle in Transvaal.
Kallenbach had gone through most of the experiences
that Tolstoy had described in his work My Confessions.
[CW 10:306-7]

 Maistre's authoritarian, "throne-and-altar"

conception of conservatism // Maistre's
observations on Russian life, contained in his
diplomatic memoirs and in his personal
correspondence, were among Tolstoy's sources for
his novel War and Peace. // A member of the

progressive Scottish Rite Masonic lodge at

Chambéry from 1774 to 1790 // He called for the
restoration of the House of Bourbon to the throne of
France and for the ultimate authority of the Pope in
temporal matters. Maistre argued that the rationalist
rejection of Christianity was directly responsible for
the disorder and bloodshed which followed the
French Revolution of 1789. // Joseph was probably
educated by the Jesuits. After the Revolution, he
became an ardent defender of their Order,
increasingly associating the spirit of the Revolution
with the Jesuits' traditional enemies, the
Jansenists. // and in 1802 he was sent to Saint
Petersburg in Russia, as ambassador to Tsar
Alexander I. // Early sociologists such as Saint-
Simon and Comte explicitly acknowledged the
influence of Maistre on their own thinking about the
sources of social cohesion and political authority.
enlightenment The age of the Enlightenment was
also the age of Freemasonry.
 True enough, this character can be found in the
Masonic milieus to which Martinez de
Pasqually, Claude de Saint-Martin, and Joseph de
Maistre belonged.
 Politics and the Occult: The Left, the Right, and
the Radically Unseen By Gary Lachman

 The Collected Works of Joseph de Maistre.
seph-de-maistre-then-and-now.html // Maistre was
also, for a time, close to and influential upon Tsar
Alexander I and the tsar's minister of education and
"national enlightenment" Sergei Uvarov, and Maistre
one of the most celebrated figures in the stylish
salons of St. Petersburg, then one of the great
cosmopolitan cities of Europe and in some ways a
place of refuge for many fleeing revolutions in
France and elsewhere.
1487602.html Freemasonry and the French
 Joseph de Maistre was an Hermetist
 Illustrious Russian author, Leo Tolstoy, pondered the
survival of the Jews, but also sensed that their
existence had to do with a unique purpose: ―What is
the Jew?…What kind of unique creature is this
whom all the rulers of all the nations of the world
have disgraced and crushed and expelled and
destroyed; persecuted, burned and drowned, and
who, despite their anger and their fury, continues to
live and to flourish? …The Jew is the symbol of

eternity. … He is the one who for so long had

guarded the prophetic message and transmitted it
to all mankind. A people such as this can never
disappear. The Jew is eternal. He is the
embodiment of eternity. : I will insist the
Hebrews have [contributed] more to civilize men
than any other nation. If I was an atheist and believed
in blind eternal fate, I should still believe that fate
had ordained the Jews to be the most essential
instrument for civilizing the nations … They are the
most glorious nation that ever inhabited this Earth.
The Romans and their empire were but a bubble in
comparison to the Jews. They have given religion to
three-quarters of the globe and have influenced the
affairs of mankind more and more happily than any
other nation, ancient or modern…
 A. D. Gordon, was a Zionist ideologue and the
spiritual force behind practical Zionism and Labor
Zionism. He founded Hapoel Hatzair, a movement
that set the tone for the Zionist movement for many
years to come. Influenced by Leo Tolstoy //
Gordon was greatly influenced by Russian author
Leo Tolstoy // He founded and led Hapoel Hatzair
("The Young Worker"), a non-Marxist, Zionist
movement // Gordonia, a Zionist youth movement,
was created to put Gordon's teachings into practice,
established several kibbutzim in Israel.

 The ideas of Peter Kropotkin and Leo Tolstoy had

remarkable influence on famous exponents of some
Left Zionists, such as Yitzhak Tabenkin ….
 Tolstoy, Zionism, and the Hebrew Culture By
Tsirkin-Sadan, Rafi --Article excerpt-- In this sense,
the combination of Tolstoy's moral radicalism and
Anarchic Socialism perfectly fits the utopian
undercurrents of Zionism. The Varodnic version of
the Zionist dream indeed merits a study of its own,
but the present article takes stock of the different
modes of Lev Tolstoy's reception into Hebrew
culture, with an emphasis on the influence he had
on three of the most outstanding writers: Aharon
David Gordon, Yosef Haim Brenner, and Lea
Goldberg. Gordon, Brenner, and Goldberg embraced
Tolstoyan thought within the framework of their
efforts to improve the material and spiritual lot of
both the Jewish individual and collective. …
 Yet by 1891, as Schefski notes, when he published
“What Is a Jew?” Tolstoy had changed his mind. He
announces: “The Jew is that sacred being who has
brought down from heaven the everlasting fire and
has illumined with it the entire world… The Jew is
the religious source, spring and fountain out of which
all the rest of the peoples have drawn their beliefs
and their religions.” The year before, in a letter to the
Jewish journalist Faivl Getz, Tolstoy ranked Jewish
law above Christian law, at least as it was then

observed in Russia: “The moral teaching of the Jews

and the practical example of their lives stand
incomparably higher than the moral teaching and the
practical example set by the people of our quasi-
Christian society… Judaism, by adhering to the
moral principles which it professes, occupies a
higher position than quasi-Christianity in everything
that comprises the goals of our society’s aspirations.”
By January 1906, Tolstoy had again reversed
himself, complaining in his diary that the “Jewish
faith is most irreligious… It is a proud faith in that
Jews consider only themselves as the chosen people
of God.” He remained silent about the Dreyfus
Affair which split Europe .Yet after the bloody
Kishinev pogrom in April 1903, Tolstoy did sign a
letter of protest in the spirit of non-violence, and
contributed writings to an anthology that Sholem
Aleichem organized in memory of pogrom victims.
Jewish devotees worshiped Tolstoy. Koteliansky
collaborated with Leonard and Virginia Woolf on
translations of A.B. Goldenweizer’s “Talks with
Tolstoi”; Maxim Gorky’s memoir about Tolstoy;
and the “Autobiography of Countess Tolstoy.”
 How Lev Tolstoy Became Leo Tolstoy
 Gordon was influenced by the romantic attitude to
the land associated with Tolstoy and the Russian

Narodnik movement. // Returning to Nature

Gordon’s thought also had universal elements. He
believed in the organic unity of the cosmos, of
nature, and of all people. But human beings have
“degraded and profaned the nature of the universe”
by regarding nature as a commodity to be exploited.
 The Left emerged from the nineteenth century idea,
embodied by the Labor Zionist thinker Aharon David
Gordon, who himself echoed Leo Tolstoy's secular
agrarian ideas, that the Jewish people's return to the
land of Israel would allow them to physically work
the soil in Israel.
 Satan’s Temptations in Dostoevsky and Tolstoy
 Gannibal was first taken to Istanbul to the court of
the Ottoman Sultan, and then taken by the Russian
Embassador, on orders from his superiors, one of
whom was Pyotr Tolstoy, the great-grandfather of
Leo Tolstoy.

 Pyotr Tolstoy came from the Oryol branch of the

Tolstoy family, his father Alexander Tolstoy was a
grandson of Count Pyotr Andreyevich Tolstoy.
 He was the ancestor of all the Counts Tolstoy,
including the novelist Leo Tolstoy
 Joseph de Maistre (1753-1821). A monarchist and
key figure of the Counter-Enlightenment, de Maistre
was a Freemason interested in Templarism and
"From 1774 to 1790 de Maistre belonged
successively to two masonic obediences. He first
joined the Chambéry lodge Saint-Jean des Trois
Mortiers, affiliated with the Grand Lodge of London.
After five years he left the Trois Mortiers to join La
Sincérité, where he ascended rapidly through the
grades. La Sincérité was also a Chambéry lodge, but
it was under the patronage of the Rectified Scottish
Rite Masonry of Lyon, which, under the direction of
Jean-Baptiste Willermoz, was an esoteric masonry
whose grades and rituals drew on the theosophic
teachings of Martinès de Pasqually. De Maistre’s
interest in esoteric masonry, and Illuminism in
general, predates his entrance into La Sincérité; two
years before he had travelled to Lyon where he
received, under the name Josephus a Floribus, the

rank of Chevalier in the Order of the Stricte

Observance Templière from Willermoz.
"At La Sincérité, de Maistre associated himself with
those working for the regeneration of the templar
obedience. De Maistre expressed his ideas for
reform most fully in a document written in response
to the invitation, in preparation for the Convent of
Wilhelmsbad, to comment on the state of masonry
extended to the brotherhood by Duke Ferdinand of
Brunswick, Grand Master of the Stricte Observance
Templière. In his Mémoire au duc de Brunswick
(1782), de Maistre argues that Masonry should drop
its pretence of a chivalric past and establish itself as a
new Christian Order. Devoted to a spiritual and
mystical end, and governed by inspired sages for
whom the highest grade will be reserved, Masonry
should become an intermediate power between
Church and State, without ever usurping the place of
either one. De Maistre’s Mémoire was ignored at
"There was little conflict at this place and time
between Catholicism and Masonry, although the
French Revolution brought an abrupt end to this
harmonious situation. Similarly, the lodges were
places for an ambitious young man to make friends
useful for advancement and to discuss political
reforms. Nevertheless, de Maistre’s masonic
activities appear to have delayed his rise through the
ranks of the Savoy judicature, and upon the outbreak
of the Revolution he was suspected by the authorities

of participating in Jacobin conspiracies in Savoy. De

Maistre abandoned the lodges in 1790, but never
broke with his theosopher friends, nor with Illuminist
"While he continued to insist that Illuminism, in
relation to Catholicism, compromises the question of
authority, he points out that Illuminism works to
overcome the disunion of the Churches caused and
perpetuated by Protestantism. He urges that
Illuminism be seen as an agent of the unification of
Christianity in all countries separated from Rome. De
Maistre also makes a point of distinguishing between
Illuminisms. While Illuminism can refer to ‘these
guilty men in Germany who have dared in our time
to conceive and even to organize, by the most
criminal association, the frightful project of stamping
out Christianity and sovereignty in Europe’ (the
Illuminaten of Bavaria), ‘the same name is given to
the virtuous disciples of Saint-Martin, who not only
profess Christianity, but work to raise themselves to
the most sublime heights of this divine law’ (Soirées,
dialogue XI)..." - Arthur McCalla DGWE 749-51

In his last letter (7 September, 1910), Tolstoy

thanked Gandhi for the articles on ‘passive resistance’
from Indian Opinion and wrote that ‘Love is the

aspiration for communion and solidarity with other

souls - - the supreme and unique law of human life - -. -
- - That law of love has been promulgated by all the
philosophies—Indian, Chinese, Hebrew, Greek and
Roman. - - it had been most clearly expressed by Christ
-  -.’ He critiqued the modern statehood thus: ‘if the law
of love cannot exist, therein remains no other law
except that of violence, that is, the right of the mighty.
It was thus that the Christian society has lived during
these nineteen centuries. - - - - Consequently, the life of
the Christian peoples is an absolute contradiction
between - - love recognized as the law of life, and
violence recognized as inevitable in different
departments of life: like Governments, Tribunals,
Army, etc., which are recognized and praised.’
Referring to the modern pursuit of ‘progress’, he wrote:
‘Socialism, Communism, Anarchism, Salvation Army,
the growing criminalities, unemployment and absurd
luxuries of the rich, augmented without limit, and the
awful misery of the poor, the terribly increasing number
of suicides—all these are the signs of that inner
contradiction which - - can only be resolved by
acceptation of the law of love and by the rejection of all
sorts of violence. Consequently, your work in
Transvaal - - is yet the most fundamental and the most
important to us supplying the most weighty practical
proof in which the world can now share - -.’ He closed
the letter ‘With my perfect esteem’. [CW 10:511-4].



The letter was received a short time before Tolstoy’s

death (20 November, 1910).
Gandhi wrote under the title ‘THE LATE LAMENTED
TOLSTOY THE GREAT’: ‘In India, we would have
described him as a maharshi [great seer] or fakir. He
renounced his wealth, gave up a life of comfort to
embrace that of a simple peasant. - - he himself put into
practice what he preached. Hence thousands of men
clung loyally to his words—his teaching.’ [CW 10:369-
Tolstoy too had a truly high opinion about Gandhi.
After reading his ‘Indian Home Rule’, he wrote in his
diary on 20 April, 1910: ‘This morning two Japanese
arrived. Wild men in ecstasy over Europe and its
civilization. On the other hand, the book and the letter
of the Hindu [Gandhi???] reveal an understanding of all
the shortcomings of European civilization and even of
its total inadequacy.’ He wrote in his diary on 6
September, 1910: ‘Good news (???) from the Transvaal
about the colony of passive resisters.’ [Mahatma, vol. 1,
by D.G. Tendulkar, (1988):121-4, & Gandhi the Writer,
by B. Bhattacharya, New Delhi: National Book Trust,
1969/2000: p.72-3]
During his stay in South Africa after Tolstoy’s death,
Gandhi continued to propagate his ideas and exhort
others to study Tolstoy’s books, including works such
as ‘Relation of the Sexes’, and ‘Ivan the Fool’ (‘a most

devout piece of writing’), whose Gujarati translation

(Moorakh Raja Ane Tena Be Bhaio) too was printed .
[CW 10:356; & CW 11:161 and 164-5] He wrote to
Kallenbach that he had found ‘many gems to be picked
up’ from Tolstoy’s pamphlets  such as, ‘The salvation
of men from the calamities which they inflict upon
themselves can be realized only in that degree in which
they are guided in their lives, not by advantages, not
arguments, but by religious consciousness;- -.’ He also
wrote: ‘If Tolstoy was the greatest reformer of his age
in Europe, he owed it to his doctrine of non-resistance.’
And, he could not accept ‘qualified acceptance of
Tolstoy’s teaching’. [5.4.1911, CW 96:47; <11.6.1911,
CW 96:55; & 23.9.1911, CW 96: 80]

In ‘The Phoenix Trust Deed’, ‘objects and purposes’

listed for its settlers included: ‘(3) To follow and
promote the ideals set forth by Tolstoy and Ruskin in
their lives and works’. [IO (7.10.1911), CW 11:164-5]
He counted ‘the courage of a Tolstoy who dared?? to
defy?? the Czars of Russia’ among those ‘that stood out
as the greatest.’ [8.7.1914, CW 12:446] He explained
that ‘satyagraha’ means Truth-Force, and ‘Tolstoy
called it also Soul-Force or Love-Force.

 The American author, Joan Veon, has written two

brilliantly researched books exposing British control
of the Communist United Nations organization and
global financial system. Her first book, Prince
Charles: The Sustainable Prince – Who Will Rule

The New World Order?
Prince Charles is not the person the British
controlled global media portray him to be. 
Joan’s second book, The United Nations Global
Straightjacket, documents how British Fabian
Socialists/Communists following the teachings and
plans of John Ruskin and Cecil Rhodes have
created the United Nations Organization. She
explains in depth how the British oligarchy control
the UN with other key global agencies such as the
Trilateral Commission, Council on Foreign
Relations, IMF, World Bank, and Bank for
International Settlements that have been set up to
bring in their dictatorial, Fascist, New World Order
world government. 

On page 68 of her revealing book, The United

Nations Global Straightjacket, Joan writes: 
“During his life, Cecil Rhodes was greatly influenced
by his mentor, socialist John Ruskin (on whose
grave is the swastika, the symbol of the Thule
Society to which Hitler belonged) (Cuddy, 3).
Ruskin was one of Rhodes’ professors at Oxford
University. Over 60 years later, another student of
world government – a Rhodes scholar by the name of
William Jefferson Clinton – would give credit in his
first inaugural address to his mentor, Professor
Carroll Quigley from Georgetown University, who

was one of the people responsible for his

appointment as a Rhodes Scholar.” 
John Ruskin and Cecil Rhodes were the “founding
fathers” of British Fabian Socialist/ Communist
globalism. Indeed, they were the founding fathers of
modern world Fascism. Socialism was born in
London, Oxford and Cambridge. 

John Ruskin, Westcott & Hort, H. P. Blavatsky

and Annie Besant 

Bishops Westcott and Hort, who produced the

Westcott and Hort Text underlying all modern New
Age Communist bibles, like Cecil Rhodes, got much
of their “Nazi/Communist” socialism from John
Ruskin. The following is what Bishop Westcott said
about Ruskin in a letter to the Rev. J. L. Davies, 20
January 1900: 
“…The aspect of Ruskin’s character on which you
dwell is of very great interest. The sentence which
seems to me to sum up his later teachings, “There is
no wealth but life,” is another side of it. All my
reading of him is less than 10 years old, but he has
been one of my best teachers since I came to the
North …” (Life and Letters of Brook Foss Westcott,
Volume 2, by Arthur Westcott, p.312). 
The liberal churchman, Dean Stanley of
Westminster, was a close friend and contemporary of
Westcott and Hort. (Stanley was a leading figure on
Westcott and Hort’s Old and New Testament

Revised Version Committees.) He was buried in

1881 among the kings and queens in Westminster
Abbey in the Henry VII Chapel near the tomb of the
monarch himself. In a book about him entitled Dean
Stanley of Westminster by Peter Hammond, p.199,
the author has this to say: 
“On his return from Russia, Stanley, though now
somewhat circumscribed in his activities by the need
to attend to his ailing wife, continued to speak, to
lecture and to argue. In April 1874, six weeks after
their return, Mrs Annie Besant knocked on the
deanery door to request that he might bring the
sacrament to her dying mother, who wished this but
refused to receive unless her daughter received with
her. By this time Annie Besant was separated from
her husband … had lost her belief in Christ and was
well on the way to atheism, so that, not surprisingly,
two clergymen had already rejected her request …
Stanley, therefore, suggested that he call on her
mother at Brompton that afternoon, which he did and
where he spent half-an-hour, and he returned the next
day to celebrate the communion, no doubt taking the
view that in those circumstances the needs of the
mother outweighed the views of Mrs Besant. Her
mother died two days later and was buried in Kensal
Green Cemetery. Annie Besant went on to campaign
for Theosophy, systematizing and developing
Madame Blavatsky’s speculation on the mystics of
the east, but she retained a respect for Stanley whose
views, broad as they were, could hardly have

stretched so far as to cover her later beliefs.” 

Interestingly, the Theosophical Society was founded
in New York City the following year, in 1875, by
Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, Henry S. Alcott,
William Q. Judge and several others. The society
went back to the Neo-Platonist/Gnostic philosophers
of Alexandria in Egypt for the name and aims of the
Society (taught by John Ruskin). The quintessence
of religious thought gathered from India, Egypt,
Babylon, Palestine and Greece was in the first
centuries A.D. called ‘Theosophia’ meaning ‘divine
wisdom’ by the Neo-Platonists. 
In 1885 H.P. Blavatsky completed her Luciferian
book, The Secret Doctrine, and it appeared in 1888
in two large volumes. This book is considered the
most important Theosophical book ever written by
Blavatsky. Hitler followed its occult teachings and
kept a copy by his bedside. Blavatsky died in
London in 1891. 
The emblem of the Theosophical Society is a serpent
biting its tail, a Star of David hexagram, an Egyptian
Tau, a reverse Nazi swastika, and the Sanskrit letters
of the occult sacred word ‘AUM’. Theosophists
claim that the Nazi swastika on the emblem
represents the Holy Spirit and the sacred word
‘AUM’ represents the Trinity. The Society publishes
a bi-monthly magazine called Sunrise, a name that is
synonymous of those who worship the sun. 
Interestingly, John Ruskin’s gravestone at Coniston
in Britain has a Nazi swastika on it surrounded by a

circle representing a serpent biting its tail. It also has

an intricate carving of a sunrise carved on it! 
Annie Besant’s mother was living in Brompton.
Could there be some connection between the ‘Holy
Spirit’ at Holy Trinity Brompton, the Alpha course,
and the Neo-Platonist Gnosticism taught by devious
characters like John Ruskin, Annie Besant and H.P.
How the Babylonian Eucharist became the Star of

John Ruskin (1819 – 1900) - John Ruskin, the

famous English occultist, art critic, writer and
socialist reformer was born in London. In 1862 he
published Unto This Last, on the first principles of
political economy, the doctrines in which were
further expounded in Munera Pulveris, Time and
Tide and Fors Clavigera. 
From 1869 to 1879, and again from 1883 to 1884, he
was professor of fine art at Oxford University. The
story of his life is told in part in his unfinished
Praeterita. His gravestone at Coniston where he is
buried, characterizes his pagan beliefs. The stone
was designed by W.E. Collingwood (1854-1932), a
student of his and his secretary. 
The chief symbols cut into his gravestone are these:
A Maltese Cross (symbol of the Babylonian sun-god
and Order of Knights Templar) inside which is a
circle (representing a serpent biting its tail)
surrounding a Nazi swastika, a rider riding a horse

(actually depicting St. George on his white horse, or

King Arthur), a Jewish seven branched candelabrum,
a winged lion (from Babylon – symbol of the
mother-earth goddess, Ishtar), a student with pen and
paper seated while writing before a sunrise, an
elaborate arrangement of various Celtic triscele
symbols, and three men representing the three
principal officers of the Masonic Lodge in which he
was a member. Although not widely recognized,
John Ruskin’s “Gnostic/Fascist/Nazi/Communist”
Luciferian teachings have had more impact on the
last hundred years or so than any other modern
author in the world. 
As a devout Freemason, Ruskin derived many of his
occult beliefs directly from Plato. Ruskin was
devoted to the creation of a master/slave society
based upon the principles of eugenics largely
derived from Plato’s Republic (Malthusian
Eugenics is the socialist philosophy of
depopulation through the planned reduction of
inferior races). 
Ruskin envisaged a race of “human thoroughbreds”
led by a British socialist elite ruling class, whose
sole purpose was ultimately to dominate, own and
rule the world under a globalist government using the
British Commonwealth of Nations structure as their
preferred model. 
Malthusian ‘Darwinism’ population control
techniques, (which include the deliberate neglect of

populations or killing off undesirable populations or

‘useless eaters’), were practiced by National
Socialism (Nazism) in Germany and International
Socialism in Marxist Russia. This philosophy is now
once again being followed by the Marxist/Fabian
Socialist/Fascist oligarchy that fund and run the
United Nations Organization and European Union. 

Cecil Rhodes, Milner and “King Arthur’s Knights

of the Round Table” 
Ruskin was a powerful and eloquent communicator.
At Oxford he successfully transmitted his vision and
pagan beliefs derived from Plato to his students.
They in turn became many of the principal Masonic
founding fathers of today’s Roundtable organizations
and world leaders. Among Ruskin’s students was a
wealthy young man, Cecil Rhodes. 
Shortly after arriving at Oxford, Rhodes was initiated
into Freemasonry at the Apollo University Lodge
No. 357 on April 17, 1877. He was raised a Master
Mason in the same lodge and joined a Scottish Rite
lodge at Oxford called Prince Rose Croix Lodge
Soon Rhodes was so influenced by Ruskin, he
drafted up a secret program for world domination by
the British racial elite. To guarantee the funding
from his vast wealth for his vision, Rhodes wrote in
1877 the first of seven wills that he composed over
his lifetime. The first will called for the formation of
a ‘secret society’ whose primary function would be

focused on returning England to her former glory. 

When the society was finally organized after his
death, its membership consisted only of English
Freemasons. ‘The Round Table’ as it was known,
soon became the most powerful globalist appendage
of the British Brotherhood. 
In his third will Rhodes left his entire estate to
Freemason Lord Nathan Rothschild as trustee.
Rothschild appointed Freemason Lord Alfred Milner
to head up the Secret Society for which Rhode’s first
will made provision. Upon his appointment by
Rothschild to chair Rhode’s secret society, Milner
recruited a group of young men at Oxford and
Tonybee Hall to assist him in organizing the
administration of the new society. All were respected
English Freemasons. Among them were Rudyard
Kipling, H. G. Wells, Arthur Balfour, Lord
Rothschild and some other key Oxford college
graduates known as ‘Milner Kindergarten.’ 
In 1909 Milner’s Kindergarten with some other
English Masons founded the Round Table. (Its name,
of course, comes form King Arthur’s Round Table
(founded by St. George, the apostate Protestant
“Christianized” Roman Jupiter) preserved in the
witchcraft of the Order of the Garter of which the
British Sovereign is the head). 
Three powerful global organizations were spawned
by and became direct offshoots of the Round Table;
the Royal Institute of International Affairs (RIIA)
founded in 1919 in London, the Council of Foreign

Relations (CFR) founded in 1921 in New York and

the Institute of Pacific Relations (IPR) founded in

Rhodes Scholarships.
Rhodes left part of his vast fortune to found the
Rhodes Scholarships at Oxford University to train
men for the Round Table network. Early members of
the American Round Table were; Col. House, Paul
Warburg, Benjamin Strong, Morgan, Rockefeller,
Thomas W. Lamont (J.P. Morgan), George Louis
Beer, Walter Lippmann, Frank Aydelotte, Whitney
Shepardson, and Jerome D. Greene to name just a
Former Rhodes scholars, men who have received
their education and indoctrination at Oxford
University, England, now dominate the affairs of the
communist UN, the United States Department of
State and the entire global business and banking
By virtue of their indoctrination and training,
virtually all Rhodes scholars are Masons and Fabian
Socialists who secretly follow the teachings of Cecil
Rhodes – who got his socialist ideas from John
Ruskin – who in turn got his demonic inspiration
directly from the early Gnostic writers and the Greek
philosopher Plato – especially Plato’s Republic. 
Plato dreamed of a world Republic ruled not by a
President, but by a world “Philosopher King” – a
man like himself of course! He would be a prince of

royal birth, yet would not be honored as of

hereditary right like a normal hereditary monarch. He
would be chosen exclusively by the “will” of the
people. He would be loved, worshipped and highly
honored solely because of his great philosophic
wisdom, knowledge, peace, compassion and self-
sacrifice for his subjects. 
In essence, the final world Gentile beast likened to a
“beast with seven heads and ten horns” in Revelation
17, whose ten horns are ten literal kings (Revelation
17:12), is the prophetic representation of Plato’s
Republic headed by ten “philosopher king”
monarchs who will finally rule the world for a short
period and ultimately burn the apostate Church with
fire (Revelation. 17:16-1 . 
This is what British Freemasonry and Fabian
Socialism envisages. This is why the uniquely
exclusive “British” system must first be abolished,
before the final, New World Order UN/EU “global”
666 system can be fully implemented. 
----- John Ruskin's theory that “The highest reward
for a man's toil is not, what he gets for it, but what he
becomes by it."
50/officers-of-no-50-lodge john ruskin // July, 1782 –
The Order of the Illuminati joins forces with
Freemasonry at the Congress of Wilhelmsbad. The

Comte de Virieu, an attendee at the conference, comes

away visibly shaken. When questioned about the “tragic
secrets” he brought back with him, he replies: “I will
not confide them to you. I can only tell you that all this
is very much more serious than you think.” From this
time on, according to his biographer, “the Comte de
Virieu could only speak of Freemasonry with horror.”

Aldous Huxley -- The Ultimate Revolution -- A
Blueprint to Enslave the Masses

One of Afghani’s closest associates was James

Sanua. Sanua was born in Cairo to a well-connected
Italian Jewish family of Sephardic origin. Sanua was
raised as a Jew by his father, who had been born in
Italy, and went on to become a valued advisor to the
Egyptian royal family. In addition to his Jewish
upbringing, and fluency in eight languages, Sanua
became so well-versed in the Koran and Islamic lore
that he earned himself the title “sheikh”, a factor which
led to rumors of his conversion to Islam. As a
youngster, Sanua had studied in Italy, where he was
introduced to the ideas of Giuseppe Mazzini. When he

returned to Cairo, he was wholeheartedly devoted to

the teachings of Mazzini. Sanua was also responsible
for establishing the foundation of the modern Egyptian
theater, a forerunner to its well-known film industry.
And, when he learned of a plot to poison him, he fled to
France, where he preferred to be known as Abu
Naddara. In Paris, Sanua founded a journal dedicated to
the principle, much like that of the Bahai, of a one-
world-religion, often featuring articles by Afghani.
Sanua’s girlfriend Lydia Pashkov, was a woman of
Russian origin and correspondent for Le Figaro in Paris.
Through their circles, Afghani became friendly with the
directors of the Illuminati regional headquarters in
southern Lebanon, like Sheik Medjuel el-Mezrab, who
married British dilettante, Jane Digby, and Lydia
Pashkov. Between 1870 and 1875, the Illuminati
apparently began a project to replicate the Italian
Carbonari in all the countries of the Middle East.[19]
Both Sanua and Lydia Pashkov were also friends
and traveling companions of Helena P. Blavatksy,
who in 1856, Mazzini had initiated into the
Carbonari. Helena P. Blavatsky, the famous medium
and mystic, was the godmother of the occult revival of
the late nineteenth century. After writing monumental
works such as Isis Unveiled, and The Secret Doctrine,
the Theosophical Society was formed in 1875, to spread
her teachings worldwide. The Theosophical Society had
Freemasons Henry Steel Olcott and George H. Felt
appointed president and vice-president respectfully.
Among the early members was also Albert Pike.
328 -- Manly P. Hall, a

33rd Degree Scottish Rite Freemason who wrote scores
of books attempting to illuminate the esoteric meanings
of Masonic symbolism (The Secret Teachings of All
Ages being the most exhaustive) seems to have an
endless supply of adoring adjectives to describe Albert
Pike. He variously refers to Pike as “the Plato of
Freemasonry,” “this Masonic Prometheus,” “the Homer
of America,” “the Master Builder,” “the Real Master of
the Veils,” “the Oracle of Freemasonry,” and (perhaps
most confusing) “the Zoroaster of modern Asia.”3 And
that’s just scraping the surface. // Anton Chaitkin
(author of Treason in America) delineated what he
called “the Scottish Rite’s KKK Project” by attempting
to connect Pike to the founding of the Ku Klux Klan.
He said: The Knights of the Ku Klux Klan was a
terrorist counterattack, beginning in Tennessee,
designed to block Reconstruction and reverse the
outcome of the Civil War. The Klan and the Scottish
Rite were one and the same enterprise, continuing the
imperial effort behind the slave owners’ rebellion.
Dick Smith declared, “We could spend much time
exploring H.P.B.’s [Helena P. Blavatsky’s] anti-
Christian dogma… But, we get the same doctrine in
Pike’s work!”9) This is because both Madame
Blavatsky and “Albert Pike learned at the feet of
Eliphas Levi, and he learned his lesson well.” // The
official historian of the Scottish Rite of the Southern
Jurisdiction, Charles Lobinger, said Pike’s book
“swarms with citations from Eliphas Levi,” author of

Dogme et Rittuel, and that Morals and Dogma “is

shown to be literal and verbatim extractions from those
of the French Magus.”
to-seek-the-light-of-knowledge/ He was an advocate
of Slavery
links/ The Theosophical Society quickly gained
wide popularity. Albert Pike was a member for a short
time. -- Black Terror White Soldiers: Islam, Fascism &
the New Age By David Livingstone .

Theosophy: History of a Pseudo-Religion Rene


 In the 1870s, Oxford professor John

Ruskin persuaded his elite British students that "they

had a moral obligation to disseminate English

culture and unite the world under British rule.  By
early 1900s, many of his students held strategic
positions in the English Government. None of his
students would spread the vision more effectively
than Cecil Rhodes,who accumulated the
needed wealth in African gold and diamond mines.
Rhodes wrote,
"The Society ['of the Elect'] should inspire and
even own portions of the press , for , the press rules
the mind of the people. The Society should always be
searching for members who might by their position in
the world by their energies or character forward the
In 1890, Rhodes sent his friend W. T. Stead a letter
explaining his plan for world government:
"The key of my idea discussed with you is a
Society, copied from the Jesuits as to organization
[rising levels of secrecy as in Freemasonry]... an idea
which ultimately (leads) to the cessation of all wars and
one language throughout the world.... The only thing
feasible to carry this idea out is a secret one [a secret
society] gradually absorbing the wealth of the
world to be devoted to such an object."[3, p.13]
To fulfill his global vision, Rhodes established the
Rhodes Trust. The inner circle of this "secret society" -
"The Society of the Elect" -- included freemason Lord

Alfred Milner, William T. Stead and Reginald Baliol

Brett (titled Lord Esher). When Rhodes died in 1902, he
left the "Society," the Rhodes Trust and the leadership
primarily in the "hands" of Lord Rothschilds/Milner.
This Round Table Group would eventually establish
numerous international branches. In the U.S.A, it would
be called the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). 
In his 1300-page tome, Tragedy and Hope: A History of
the World in Our Time, Quigley wrote:
"By 1915, Round Table Groups existed in seven
countries, including England...(and) the United States....
Since 1925, there have been substantial contributions
from wealthy individuals, and from foundations and
firms associated with the international banking
fraternity, especially... organizations associated with J.
P. Morgan, the Rockefeller and Whitney families...." [5-
Carroll Quigley, p.950-951]
The CFR was founded in 1921, mainly through the
"mysterious" Round Table "Insider" Col. Mandel
House, President Wilson's "counter-ego." It would be
the U.S. equivalent of Britain's Royal Institute of
International Affairs. As you read earlier,
"...the tasks was entrusted to Lionel Curtis who
established, in England and each dominion, a front
organization to the existing local Round Table Group.
This front organization called the Royal Institute of
International Affairs, had as its nucleus in each area

the existing submerged Round Table Group. In New

York it was known as the Council on Foreign
Relations.... In fact, the original plans for the Royal
Institute of International Affairs and the Council on
Foreign Relations were drawn up at Paris." [5-Quigley,

"The aims of the Fabian Society were developed by

[Sidney] Webb from what Englishman John
Ruskin (1819-1900) taught at Oxford University....
The Fabians were working towards a new world by
indoctrinating young scholars who would
eventually rise to power in various policy-making
positions throughout the world by infiltrating 
educational institutions, government agencies, and
political parties. Their strategy was called the 'doctrine
of inevitability of gradualism,' which meant that their
goals would be gradually achieved.... The secret was
evolution, not revolution, or what Webb called
'permeation.' Shaw (whose mistress, Florence Farr,
was a witch in the Order of the Golden Dawn),
revealed that their goal was to be achieved by 'stealth,
intrigue, subversion, and the deception of never calling
Socialism by its right name.'...

    "In 1905, American Fabians established the Rand

School of [Social Science] in New York City. On
September 12, 1905, five of the Fabians met at Peck's
Restaurant in New York's Lower Manhattan: Upton

Sinclair (well-known author and socialist), Jack

London (well-known fiction writer), Rev. Thomas
Wentworth Higginson (a Unitarian minister), J.G.
Phelps Stokes, and Clarence Darrow (legendary
lawyer). They incorporated the Intercollegiate Socialist
Society for the purpose of promoting 'an intelligent
interest in socialism among college men and women,'
and established chapters at Harvard, Princeton,
Columbia, New York University, and the University of
Pennsylvania. Their true purpose was to begin de-
Christianizing America. One of its founding members
was John Dewey, the father of progressive education,
whose philosophy consisted of 'atheism, socialism and

The Freemasons select and indoctrinate the finest

minds of every generation by giving them Rhodes
Scholarships to Oxford University, where they have
access to the best teaching and others sympathetic to
Masonic ideology. Rhodes scholars invariably go on to
positions of power in finance, law, politics or the
media, from which they are able to ensure that Masonic
interests are promoted and protected. Cecil Rhodes
himself became a Mason whilst studying at Oxford in
the 1870s. After hearing a speech by fellow mason,
John Ruskin, calling for ‘a ruling class with a
powerful army to keep it in power’, he became

obsessed with the idea of bringing the entire world

under the rule of the British Masonic elite, and
sought to do so through extensive business projects in
Africa and the Empire. In his estate Rhodes entrusted
Nathan Rothschild with continuing his program of
intellectual world domination, and today Rhodes
scholars occupy key positions throughout the global
business world.
Oxford Freemason John Ruskin believed an elite of
race patriots derived directly from Plato Republic will
reign (Plato Republic: a ruling class with a powerful
army to keep it in power and a society completely
subordinate to the monolithic authority of the rulers.)
John Ruskin transmitted his vision to his students in
Oxford. (Cecil Rhodes in Pt. 2) All his students
became movers and shakers in seven industrial
nations: United States, Canada, England, Germany,
France, Italy and Japan. Like John Ruskin, Cecil
Rhodes (Rhodes Scholarships under the auspices of the
Aspen Institute...) was also intiated into
Freemasonry at Apollo University Lodge Number
357 on April 17, 1877. Rhodes was a Master Mason
who then joined the Scottish Rite Lodge at Oxford
entitled Prince Rose Croix Lodge Number 30.

John Ruskin and Cecil Rhodes aspiration was to

return England to her former glory. In his third will,
Rhodes left his entire estate to Freemason, Lord
Nathan Rothschild as trustee. Rhodes stipulated that
his fortune be used by his disciples to carry out the

program he envisioned. Rothschild appointed Lord

Alfred Milner (Freemason) to head the program,
Milner stated: "My patriotism knows no geographics
but only racial limits. I am a British Race patriot."

1870 - John Ruskin is named Professor of Fine Arts at

Oxford University in England. He teaches his students
that the government should take control of all means
of production and distribution, and he is prepared to
place control of the government in the hands of a
single man:
"My continual aim has been to show the eternal
superiority of some men to others, sometimes even of
one man to all others."

1871 - Albert Pike publishes his 861-page book

"Morals and Dogma", intended only for Masonic eyes.
He indicates that those in the lower ranks of Masonry
are deliberately deceived by their superiors:
"The Blue degrees [the first three degrees of the 32] are
but the outer court or portico of the Temple. Part of the
symbols are displayed there to the Initiate, but he is
intentionally misled by false interpretations. It is not
intended that he shall understand them; but it is
intended that he shall imagine that he shall understand
them. Their true explication is reserved for the Adepts,
the Princes of Masonry."

1875 - Russian occultist Helena Petrovna

Blavatsky founds the Theosophical Society. Madame

Blavatsky claims that Tibetan holy men in the

Himalayas, whom she refers to as the Masters of
Wisdom, communicated with her in London by
telepathy. She insists that the Christians have it all
backwards - that Satan is good and God is evil.
She writes: "The Christians and scientists must be
made to respect their Indian betters. The Wisdom of
India, her philosophy and achievement, must be made
known in Europe and America."
1884 - The Fabian Society is founded to promote
Socialism. The Fabian Society takes its name from the
Roman General Fabius Maximus.

July 14, 1889 - Albert Pike issues instructions to the

23 Supreme Councils of the world. He reveals who is
the true object of Masonic worship:
"To you, Sovereign Grand Instructors General, we say
this, that you may repeat it to the Brethren of the 32nd,
31st and 30th degrees: The Masonic religion should be,
by all of us initiates of the high degrees, maintained in
the purity of the Luciferian doctrine."

1890-1896 - Cecil Rhodes, an enthusiastic student

of John Ruskin, is Prime Minister of South Africa, a
British colony at the time. He is able to exploit and
control the gold and diamond wealth of South Africa.
He works to bring all the habitable portions of the world
under the domination of a ruling elite. To that end, he
uses a portion of his vast wealth to establish the

famous Rhodes Scholarships. 

Feb. 5, 1891 - Rhodes joins his group from Oxford

with a similar group from Cambridge headed by
ardent social reformer William Stead. Rhodes and
Stead are members of the inner "Circle of Initiates"
of the secret society which they found. There is also
an outer circle known as the "Association of

1891 - Madame Blavatsky dies. The mantle of

leadership for the worldwide theosophical movement
falls to Annie Besant, a militant feminist and a member
of the Fabian Socialist Society of England. She
enthusiastically joins in revolutionary street riots and
pens numerous volumes of occultic writings to add to
those of Blavatsky. 

--- Postindustrial Prelude to Postcolonialism John

Ruskin, William Morris, And Gandhism by Patrick
---- Society for Psychical Research https://psi-
Proceedings of the Society for Psychical Research.

----- The seance–The Society of Psychical Research,

founded in England to investigate “allegedly
paranormal phenomena using scientific principles,”
counted among its members William Gladstone, John
Ruskin and William James. Helena Petrovna
Blavatsky (1831-1891), a founder of the Theosophical
Society, not only found seances appealing but practiced
them to great effect before audiences in New York and
Adyar, India, where she moved the T.S. headquarters in
1979. The conjuring of spirits drew potential converts
to Theosophy; Blavatsky in turn gave seances an
intellectual sheen by investing them with Theosophy’s
mix of Western philosophy and Hindu and Jewish
mysticism. So sensational were Blavatsky’s Adyar
seances that the Society for Psychical Research sent
Richard Hodgson to investigate in 1883. When he
reported back that her spirits were conjured from

bedsheets, mirrors and the like, Blavatsky was

discredited. In 1885 she moved back to London,
where she spent her remaining six years writing The
Secret Doctrine, her spiritual masterpiece.
4) Jeremy Bentham, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe,
John Ruskin, Polymaths

John Stuart Mill’s father, James Mill, met political

theorist Jeremy Bentham in 1808 and received
financial assistance from him while Mill struggled to
establish himself. The two men’s friendship and similar
political thought prompted them to start and lead the
movement of “philosophic radicals.” // He advanced
in his endeavor by immersing himself in the writings of
a wide variety of thinkers (and corresponding with
many as well), including John Ruskin, Auguste Comte
and Alexis de Tocqueville

John Ruskin was educated by his parents, with the help

of private tutors, until the age of 14. He later enrolled
in King's College in London, followed by admission to
Christ Church & Oxford University to further his
education where he won the Newdigate Prize for his
poetry. Though he was never an outstanding

performer, the University granted him a voluntary

fourth class degree.

 carlyle was a literary agent of the british empire . his

major writings were commissioned by john stuart
mill , covered up the british role fomenting the
jacobin mob of the french revolution , advocated a
revivalof the pagan belief in the racial supeiority of
the nordic race and lamented the emancipation of the
blacks in the west indies . in his later years carlyle
was an ally of guiseppe mazzini and his anarchist
-young europe- movement . carlyle's work was well
received by karl marx's collaborator frederich engels
and he acquired two desciples john ruskin and
william t stead, founders of the oligarchic round
table -- Friedrich Schiller Poet of Freedom
Volume II By Friedrich Schiller, Helga Zepp-

dr karl marx refuted
How Britains Biggest Racists and Financiers
Created Zionism - by Mark Burdman


he developed the principles underlying his ideal

society. As a result, he founded the Guild of St
George, an organisation that endures today. //
Ruskin's influence reached across the world. Tolstoy
described him as "one of the most remarkable men not
only of England and of our generation, but of all
countries and times" and quoted extensively from him,
rendering his thoughts into Russian.[164] Proust not
only admired Ruskin but helped translate his works
into French.[165] Gandhi wrote of the "magic spell"
cast on him by Unto This Last and paraphrased the
work in Gujarati, calling it Sarvodaya, "The
Advancement of All". In Japan, Ryuzo Mikimoto
actively collaborated in Ruskin's translation. He
commissioned sculptures and sundry commemorative
items, and incorporated Ruskinian rose motifs in the
jewellery produced by his cultured pearl empire. He
established the Ruskin Society of Tokyo and his
children built a dedicated library to house his Ruskin
collection. // Writers as diverse as Oscar Wilde, G. K.
Chesterton and Hilaire Belloc, T. S. Eliot, W. B. Yeats
and Ezra Pound felt Ruskin's influence. // Ruskin was
an inspiration for many Christian socialists, and his
ideas informed the work of economists such as William
Smart and J. A. Hobson, and the positivist, Frederic
Harrison.[176] Ruskin was discussed in university

extension classes, and in reading circles and societies

formed in his name. He helped to inspire the settlement
movement in Britain and the United States. Resident
workers at Toynbee Hall such as the future civil
servants Hubert Llewellyn Smith and William
Beveridge (author of the Report ... on Social Insurance
and Allied Services), and the future Prime Minister
Clement Attlee acknowledged their debt to Ruskin as
they helped to found the British welfare state. More of
the British Labour Party's earliest MPs acknowledged
Ruskin's influence than mentioned Karl Marx or the
Bible.[177] More recently, Ruskin's works have also
influenced Phillip Blond and the Red Tory
movement. //

The CIA was brought into existence by the National

Security Act of 1947. Supervision for the writing of this
act was provided by John Foster Dulles and his brother
Allen Dulles. Allen would later serve as the Agency’s
DCI until he was fired by Kennedy for the Bay of Pig
fiasco. Both men were members of the elitist Council
on Foreign Relations (CFR). Allen Dulles would even
act as the CFR’s president for a time. The CFR remains
closely connected to the CIA to this very day. Former
executive assistant to the deputy director of the CIA
Victor Marchetti and former State Department analyst
John Marks elaborate:

The influential but private Council, composed of

several hundred of the country’s top political, military,
business, and academic leaders, has long been the
CIA’s principal “constituency” in the American public.
When the agency has needed prominent citizens to front
its proprietary companies or for other special assistance,
it has often turned to Council members.
The CFR obviously plays an important role in the
CIA’s story. Therefore, it is important to look into the
background of this elitist organization. The CFR’s story
begins with an elitist named John Ruskin. In 1870,
John Ruskin “hit Oxford like an earthquake,”
proselytizing students in the imperialistic gospel of the
British Empire (Quigley 130). In Tragedy and Hope,
Dr. Carroll Quigley provides a brief summation of this
Ruskin spoke to the Oxford undergraduates as members
of the privileged ruling class. He told them that they
were possessors of a magnificent tradition of education,
beauty, rule of law, freedom, decency, and self-
discipline, but that this tradition could not be saved, and
did not deserve to be saved, unless it could be extended
to the lower classes in England itself and to the non-
English masses throughout the world. If this precious
tradition were not extended to these two great
majorities, the minority of upper class Englishmen
would ultimately be submerged by these majorities and
the tradition lost. To prevent this, the tradition must be
extended to the masses and to the Empire. (130)

Among one of the undergraduates who wholeheartedly

embraced this message was Cecil Rhodes, who would
keep his longhand copy of Ruskin’s inaugural lecture
for thirty years (Quigley 130-31). Inspired by Ruskin,
Rhodes established his scientific dictatorship in South
Africa, where he monopolized the diamond fields
through DeBeers Consolidated Mines (Quigley 130-31).
Instrumental in the formation of this diamond cartel
were Lord Rothschild and Alfred Beit, who provided
Rhodes with financial support (Quigley 130-31). Yet,
the borders of Rhodes’ African empire did not end
there. Cecil also:
rose to be prime minister of the Cape Colony (1890-
1896), contributed money to political parties, controlled
parliamentary seats both in England and South Africa,
and sought to win a strip of British territory across
Africa from the Cape of Good Hope to Egypt and to
join these two extremes together with a telegraph line
and ultimately with a Cape-to-Cairo Railway. (Quigley
Cecil Rhodes not the only adherent of Ruskin’s
imperialistic message. Evidently, others had taken to
heart the Anglophilic gospel of Ruskin and, eventually,
became associated with Rhodes. Together, this network
would establish a secret society devoted to the cause of
British expansionism. Carroll Quigley elaborates:
Among Ruskin’s most devoted disciples at Oxford
were a group of intimate friends including Arnold

Toynbee, Alfred (later Lord) Milner, Arthur

Glazebrook, George (later Sir George) Parkin,
Philip Lyttelton Gell, and Henry (later Sir Henry)
Birchenough. These were so moved by Ruskin that
they devoted the rest of their lives to carrying out his
ideas. A similar group of Cambridge men including
Reginald Baliol Brett (Lord Esher), Sir John B.
Seeley, Albert (Lord) Grey, and Edmund Garrett
were also aroused by Ruskin’s message and devoted
their lives to the extension of the British Empire and
uplift of England’s urban masses as two parts of one
project which they called “extension of the English-
speaking idea.” They were remarkably successful in
these aims because of England’s most sensational
journalist William Stead (1849 – 1912), an ardent social
reformer and imperialist, brought them into association
with Rhodes. This association was formally established
on February 5, 1891, when Rhodes and Stead organized
a secret society of which Rhodes had been dreaming
for sixteen years. In this secret society Rhodes was to
be leader; Stead, Brett (Lord Esher), and Milner were to
form an executive committee; Arthur (lord) Balfour,
(Sir) Harry Johnston, Lord Rothschild, Albert (Lord)
Grey, and others were listed as potential members of a
“Circle of Initiates;” while there was to be an outer
circle known as the “Association of Helpers” (later
organized by Milner as the Round Table organization).
Brett was invited to join this organization the same day
and Milner a couple of weeks later, on his return from
Egypt. Both accepted with enthusiasm. Thus the central

part of the secret society was established by March

1891. It continued to function as a formal group,
although the outer circle was, apparently, not organized
until 1909-1913. This group was able to get access to
Rhodes’ money after his death in 1902 and also to funds
of loyal Rhodes supporters like Alfred Beit (1853-1906)
and Sir Abe Bailey (1864-1940). With this backing they
sought to extend and execute the ideals that Rhodes had
obtained from Ruskin and Stead. Milner was the chief
Rhodes Trustee and Parkin was Organizing Secretary of
the Rhodes Trust after 1902, while Gell and
Birchenough, as well as others with similar ideas,
became officials of the British South Africa Company.
They were joined in their efforts by other Ruskinite
friends of Stead’s like Lord Grey, Lord Esher, and
Flora Shaw (later Lady Lugard). In 1890, by a
stratagem too elaborate to describe here, Miss Shaw
became Head of the Colonial Department of the Times
while still remaining on the payroll of Stead’s Pall Mall
Gazette. In this past she played a major role in the next
ten years in carrying into execution the imperial
schemes of Cecil Rhodes, to whom Stead had
introduced her in 1889.
When Rhodes died, the continuation of his imperialistic
vision fell upon the shoulders of chief Rhodes Trustee
Alfred Milner. Under Milner’s coordination, the Rhodes
network would establish a stateside surrogate

organization that would come to be known as the

Council on Foreign Relations. Quigley continues:
As governor-general and high commissioner of South
Africa in the period 1897-1905, Milner recruited a
group of young men chiefly from Oxford and from
Toynbee Hall, to assist him in organizing his
administration. Through his influence these men were
able to win influential posts in government and
international finance and become the dominant
influence in British imperial and foreign affairs up to
1939. Under Milner in South Africa they were known
as Milner’s Kindergarten until 1910. In 1909-1913
they organized semisecret groups, known as Round
Table Groups, in the chief dependencies and the United
States… In 1919 they founded the Royal Institute of
International Affairs (Chatham House) for which the
chief financial supporters were Sir Abe Bailey and the
Astor Family (owners of The Times). Similar Institutes
of International Affairs were established in the chief
British dominions and in the United States (where it is
known as the Council on Foreign Relations) in the
period of 1919-1927.
The CFR would eventually find its way into the halls of
the United States government in 1939 with a project
known as the War and Peace Studies Project. James
Perloff describes this penetration of the halls of

In September 1939, Hitler’s troops invaded Poland.

Britain and France declared war on Germany; World
War II had begun.
Less than two weeks later, Hamilton Fish Armstrong,
editor of Foreign Affairs, and Walter Mallory, the
CFR’s executive director, met in Washington with
Assistant Secretary of State George Messersmith. They
proposed that the Council help the State Department
formulate its wartime policy and postwar planning. The
CFR would conduct study groups in coordination with
State, making recommendations to the Department and
President. Messersmith (a Council member himself)
and his superiors agreed. The CFR thus succeeded,
temporarily at least, in making itself an adjunct of the
United States government. This undertaking became
known as the War and Peace Studies Project; it worked
in secret and was underwritten by the Rockefeller
Foundation. It held 362 meetings and prepared 682
papers for FDR and the State Department.
The CFR used its temporary position as a government
adjunct as a conduit for spreading its members
throughout the government. The State Department was
particularly infested. In fact, the CFR’s influence over
State led to what can only be described as the
privatization of foreign policy. American foreign
policy became little more than a vehicle for the agendas
of bankers, corporations, globalists, and elitists. The
CIA has provided this privatized foreign policy with

muscle through covert operations. Manley’s Jamaica

provides a good example of this fact.
Chapter 9–The British Imperial Crisis: Africa,
Ireland, & India to 1926
Much of the empire was acquired by private individuals
and commercial firms, and was taken over by the
British government much later.

England Developed an Aristocracy

While the landed upper class of England was unable to
become a nobility (that is, a caste based on exalted
birth), it was able to become an aristocracy (that is, an
upper class distinguished by traditions and
behavior). The chief attributes of this aristocratic
upper class in England were (1) that it should be trained
in an expensive, exclusive, masculine, and relatively
Spartan educational system centering about the great
boys' schools like Eton, Harrow, or Winchester; (2)
that it should imbibe from this educational system
certain distinctive attitudes of leadership, courage,
sportsmanship, team play, self-sacrifice, disdain for
physical comforts, and devotion to duty; (3) that it
should be prepared in later life to devote a great deal of
time and energy to unpaid tasks of public significance,
as justices of the peace, on county councils, in the
county militia, or in other services.

Since all the sons of the upper classes received the same
training, while only the oldest, by primogeniture, was
entitled to take over the income-yielding property of the
family, all the younger sons had to go out into the world
to seek their fortunes, and, as likely as not, would do
their seeking overseas. At the same time, the uneventful
life of the typical English village or county, completely
controlled by the upperclass oligarchy, made it
necessary for the more ambitious members of the lower
classes to seek advancement outside the county and
even outside England. From these two sources were
recruited the men who acquired Britain's empire and the
men who colonized it.
The British Empire
The English have not always been unanimous in
regarding the empire as a source of pride and benefit. In
fact, the middle generation of the nineteenth century
was filled with persons, such as Gladstone, who
regarded the empire with profound suspicion. They felt
that it was a source of great expense; they were
convinced that it involved England in remote strategic
problems which could easily lead to wars England had
no need to fight; they could see no economic advantage
in having an empire, since the existence of free trade
(which this generation accepted) would allow
commerce to flow no matter who held colonial areas.
They were convinced that any colonial areas, no matter
at what cost they might be acquired, would eventually

separate from the mother country, voluntarily if they

were given the rights of Englishmen, or by rebellion, as
the American colonies had done, if they were deprived
of such rights. In general, the "Little Englanders," as
they were called, were averse to colonial expansion on
the grounds of cost.
Colonies Could Be a Source of Riches
Although upholders of the "Little England" point of
view, men like Gladstone or Sir William Harcourt,
continued in political prominence until 1895, this point
of view was in steady retreat after 1870. There were
many factors which led to the growth of imperialism
after 1870, and many obvious manifestations of that
growth. The Royal Colonial Institute was founded in
1868 to fight the "Little England" idea; Disraeli as
prime minister (1874-1880) dramatized the profit and
glamour of empire by such acts as the purchase of
control of the Suez Canal and by granting Queen
Victoria the title of Empress of India.
After 1870 it became increasingly evident that, however
expensive colonies might be to a government, they
could be fantastically profitable to individuals and
companies supported by such governments; moreover,
with the spread of democracy and the growing influence
of the press and the expanding need for campaign
contributions, individuals who made fantastic profits in
overseas adventures could obtain favorable support

from their governments by contributing some part of

their profits to politicians' expenses.
The efforts of King Leopold II of Belgium, using Henry
Stanley, to obtain the Congo area as his own preserve in
1876-1880, started a contagious fever of colony-
grabbing in Africa which lasted for more than thirty
years; the discovery of diamonds (in 1869) and of gold
(in 1886) in South Africa, especially in the Boer
Transvaal Republic, intensified this fever.
John Ruskin The new imperialism after 1870 was
quite different in tone from that which the Little
Englanders had opposed earlier. The chief changes were
that it was justified on grounds of moral duty and of
social reform and not, as earlier, on grounds of
missionary activity and material advantage. The man
most responsible for this change was John Ruskin.
Until 1870 there was no professorship of fine arts at
Oxford, but in that year ... John Ruskin was named to
such a chair. He hit Oxford like an earthquake, not so
much because he talked about fine arts, but because he
talked also about the empire and England's
downtrodden masses, and above all because he talked
about all three of these things as moral issues.
Until the end of the nineteenth century the poverty-
stricken masses in the cities of England lived in want,
ignorance, and crime very much as they have been
described by Charles Dickens. Ruskin spoke to the
Oxford undergraduates as members of the privileged,

ruling class. He told them that they were the possessors

of a magnificent tradition of education, beauty, rule of
law, freedom, decency, and self-discipline but that this
tradition could not be saved, and did not deserve to be
saved, unless it could be extended to the lower classes
in England itself and to the non-English masses
throughout the world.
If this precious tradition were not extended to these two
great majorities, the minority of upper-class
Englishmen would ultimately be submerged by these
majorities and the tradition lost. To prevent this, the
tradition must be extended to the masses and to the

Cecil Rhodes Sets Up a Monopoly Over the Gold

and Diamond Mines in South Africa
Ruskin's message had a sensational impact. His
inaugural lecture was copied out in longhand by one
undergraduate, Cecil Rhodes, who kept it with him for
thirty years. Rhodes (1853-1902) feverishly exploited
the diamond and goldfields of South Africa, rose to be
prime minister of the Cape Colony (1890-1896),
contributed money to political parties, controlled
parliamentary seats both in England and in South
Rhodes inspired devoted support for his goals from
others in South Africa and in England. With financial
support from Lord Rothschild and Alfred Beit, he was

able to monopolize the diamond mines of South Africa

as De Beers Consolidated Mines and to build up a great
gold mining enterprise as Consolidated Gold Fields. In
the middle 1890's Rhodes had a personal income of at
least a million pounds sterling a year [equivalent to
about $100 million a year in current U.S. dollars] which
was spent so freely for his mysterious purposes that he
was usually overdrawn on his account.
These purposes centered on his desire to federate the
English-speaking peoples and to bring all the habitable
portions of the world under their control. For this
purpose Rhodes left part of his great fortune to found
the Rhodes Scholarships at Oxford in order to spread
the English ruling class tradition throughout the
English-speaking world.

The Toynbee Hall Is Set Up

In the meantime, in 1884, acting under Ruskin's
inspiration, a group which included Arnold Toynbee,
Milner, Gell, Grey, Seeley, and Michael Glazebrook
founded the first "settlement house," an organization
by which educated, upper-class people could live in the
slums in order to assist, instruct, and guide the poor,
with particular emphasis on social welfare and adult
education. The new enterprise, set up in East London
with P. L. Gell as chairman, was named Toynbee Hall
after Arnold Toynbee who died, aged 31, in 1883. This
was the original model for the thousands of settlement

houses, such as Hull House in Chicago, now found

throughout the world, and was one of the seeds from
which the modern movement for adult education and
university extension grew.
 Oxford House in Bethnal Green, London was
established in September 1884 as one of the first
"settlements" by Oxford University as a High-
Anglican Church of England counterpart to
Toynbee Hall, established around the same time at
White chapel.
ment) East London, 1931. Two lawyers meet. One
is the internationally renowned champion of Indian
independence, Mahatma Gandhi. The other is a
young Toynbee Hall resident named Ambrose
Appelbe, whose father was a friend of Gandhi.
ent_movement https://spartacus-
settlements/ Arnold J. Toynbee says that before
Ezra (& Persian influence during Babylon exile),
Judaism was polytheistic // Arnold J. Toynbee, a
sentimentalist and utopian, was one of the leading
minds of the British Empire. He managed to combine
deep insight into Civilizational History, with
propaganda for the One-World goals of Cecil

Rhodes' Round Table group

Roundtable Group Established

As governor-general and high commissioner of South
Africa in the period 1897-1905, Milner recruited a
group of young men, chiefly from Oxford and from
Toynbee Hall, to assist him in organizing his
administration. Through his influence these men were
able to win influential posts in government and
international finance and became the dominant
influence in British imperial and foreign affairs up to
1939. In 1909-1913 they organized semi-secret groups,
known as Round Table Groups, in the chief British
dependencies and the United States. These still function
in eight countries. They kept in touch with each other
by personal correspondence and frequent visits, and
through an influential quarterly magazine, The Round
Table, founded in 1910 and largely supported by Sir
Abe Bailey's money.

The Royal Institute and Council on Foreign

Relations Are Set Up
In 1919 they founded the Royal Institute of
International Affairs (Chatham House) for which the
chief financial supporters were Sir Abe Bailey and the

Astor family (owners of The Times). Similar Institutes

of International Affairs were established in the chief
British dominions and in the United States (where it is
known as the Council on Foreign Relations) in the
period 1919-1927.
After 1925 a somewhat similar structure of
organizations, known as the Institute of Pacific
Relations, was set up in twelve countries holding
territory in the Pacific area, the units in each British
dominion existing on an interlocking basis with the
Round Table Group and the Royal Institute of
International Affairs in the same country.
The power and influence of this Rhodes-Milner group
in British imperial affairs and in foreign policy since
1889, although not widely recognized, can hardly be
exaggerated. We might mention as an example that this
group dominated The Times from 1890 to 1912, and
has controlled it completely since 1912 (except for the
years 1919-1922). Because The Times has been owned
by the Astor family since 1922, this Rhodes-Milner
group was sometimes spoken of as the "Cliveden Set,"
named after the Astor country house where they
sometimes assembled.
Numerous other papers and journals have been under
the control or influence of this group since 1889. They
have also established and influenced numerous
university and other chairs of imperial affairs and
international relations. Some of these are the Beit chairs

at Oxford, the Montague Burton chair at Oxford, the

Rhodes chair at London, the Stevenson chair at
Chatham House, the Wilson chair at Aberystwyth, and
others, as well as such important sources of influence as
Rhodes House at Oxford.

Roundtable Groups Seek to Extend the British

From 1884 to about 1915 the members of this group
worked valiantly to extend the British Empire and to
organize it in a federal system. They hoped to federate
the various parts of the empire as seemed feasible, then
confederate the whole of it, with the United Kingdom,
into a single organization.
In South Africa Rhodes found his chief political support
among the Boers, until at least 1895. These ideas
have generally been held by his group since and have
played an important role in British imperial history. His
greatest weakness rested on the fact that his passionate
attachment to his goals made him overly tolerant in
regard to methods. He did not hesitate to use either
bribery or force to attain his ends if he judged they
would be effective. This weakness led to his greatest
errors, the Jameson Raid of 1895 and the Boer War of

Making the Commonwealth, 1910-1926

With Abe Bailey money they founded The Round
Table under Kerr's (Lothian's) editorship, met in formal

conclaves presided over by Milner to decide the fate of

the empire, and recruited new members to their group,
chiefly from New College, of which Milner was a
For several years (1910 to 1916) the Round Table
groups worked desperately trying to find an acceptable
formula for federating the empire. This involved
changing the name "British Empire" to
"Commonwealth of Nations," as in the title of Curtis's
book of 1916, giving the chief dependencies, including
India and Ireland, their complete independence . As
soon as Milner became one of the four members of the
War Cabinet in 1915 his influence began to be felt
everywhere. He established a Cabinet secretariat in
1916-1917. At the same time he gave the Prime
Minister, Lloyd George, a secretariat from the Round
Table, consisting of Kerr (Lothian), Grigg (Lord
Altrincham), W. G. S. Adams (Fellow of All Souls
College), and Astor. He created an Imperial War
Cabinet by adding Dominion Prime Ministers
(particularly Smuts) to the United Kingdom War
 That was the time when Mahatma Gandhi visited
Madras and was impressed by the young man, who
went on to become one of the founders of The
Temperance Movement. And, it was while in
London, studying in one of Inns of Court, that he
received the assignment from Mahatma Gandhi.

As the war drew to a close in 1918, Milner took the
office of Colonial Secretary, with Amery as his
assistant, negotiated an agreement providing
independence for Egypt, set up a new self-government
constitution in Malta, sent Curtis to India (where he
drew up the chief provisions of the Government of
India Act of 1919), appointed Curtis to the post of
Adviser on Irish Affairs (where he played an important
role in granting dominion status to southern Ireland in
1921), gave Canada permission to establish separate
diplomatic relations with the United States (the first
minister being the son-in-law of Milner's closest
collaborator on the Rhodes Trust), and called the
Imperial Conference of 1921.
During this decade 1919-1929 the Rhodes-Milner group
gave the chief impetus toward transforming the British
Empire into the Commonwealth of Nations and
launching India on the road to responsible self-
government. The creation of the Round Table groups ...
in 1909-1913 opened a new day in both these fields,
although the whole group was so secretive that, even
today, many close students of the subject are not aware
of its significance.

... The Rhodes Scholarships, established by the terms of

Cecil Rhodes's seventh will, are known to everyone.
What is not so widely known is that Rhodes in five
previous wills left his fortune to form a secret society
which was to devote itself to the preservation and
expansion of the British Empire.
And what does not seem to be known to anyone is that
this secret society was created by Rhodes and his
principal trustee, Lord Milner, and continues to exist to
this day [as the Round Table Groups: in the United
States - Council of Foreign Relations,Trilateral
Commission, Bilderberg Group and in the British
Commonwealth nations - Milner's Kindergarden, Royal
Institute of Internatonal Affairs (RIIA)/ Chatham
House]."Carroll Quigley in his book "Tragedy and
Hope", 1966
"Lord Alfred Milner led the covert movement (Rhodes'
secret society) after Cecil Rhodes died in 1902. He was
the second most powerful man in the British
government after 1916 (during the last two years of the
Great War [WWI])." Carroll Quigley in his book
"Tragedy and Hope", 1966

"Lord Alfred Milner, wealthy Englishman and front

man for the Rothschilds, served as paymaster for the
international bankers during the Bolshevik Revolution.
Milner later headed secret society known as The Round
Table which was dedicated to establishing a world

government whereby a clique of super-rich financiers

would control the world under the guise of Socialism.
The American subsidiary of this conspiracy is called
the Council on Foreign Relations and was started by,
and is still controlled by international bankers.
... The "secret society" was organized on the
conspiratorial pattern of circles ... the central part of
the "secret society" was established by March, 1891,
using Rhodes' money. The organization was run for
Rothschild by Lord Alfred Milner... The Round Table
worked behind the scenes at the highest levels of British
government, influencing foreign policy and England's
involvement and conduct of WWI." Gary Allen in his
book "None Dare Call It Conspiracy"

 "There were groups founded in many countries

representing the same interests of the secret Milner
Group [a secret society formed by Cecil Rhodes], and
they came to be known as the Round Table Groups,
preeminent among them were the Royal Institute of
international Affairs (Chatham House), the Council on
Foreign Relations in the United States, and parallel
groups in Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South
Africa and India." Carroll Quigley
"Cecil Rhodes and [Alfred] Milner sought to unite the
world, and above all the English-speaking world in a
federal structure around Britain. Both felt that this goal
could best be achieved by a secret band of men united
to one another by devotion to the common cause and by
personal loyalty to one another. Both felt that this band
should pursue its goal by secret political and economic
influence behind the scenes and by the control of
journalistic, educational, and propaganda agencies."
Carroll Quigley in his book "The Anglo-American
 "The so-called Bolshevik Revolution was financed
entirely with money from Lord Alfred Milner and Kuhn
Loeb acting as a conduit for the Rockefellers through
their puppet, President Woodrow Wilson."

John Coleman in his book "The Committee of 300: The

Conspirator's Hierarchy"
[Cecil] Rhodes and [Alfred] Milner and an elite circle
of Empire strategists founded a secret society in 1910
whose purpose was to revitalize a flagging British
imperial spirit. The society, many of whose members
were graduates of All Souls College at Oxford
University, would secretly steer the strategic policies of
the British Empire up until the end of the Second World
War. They called their group the Round Table. a
reference to King Arthur's medieval table surrounded
by his select knights."
F. William Engdahl in his book "Gods of Money"
"Alfred Milner (the British High Commissioner of
South Africa) inherited Cecil Rhodes' wealth. He
assumed leadership of [Rhodes'] secret society,
controlled the Rhodes Scholarship fund, and brought
thousands of young men to Oxford University to learn
the importance of world government." Frank
Aydelotte, in his book The Vision of Cecil Rhodes,1946

"Lord Alfred Milner led the covert movement (Cecil

Rhodes' secret society) after Cecil Rhodes died in 1902.
He was the second most powerful man in the British
government after 1916."
Carroll Quigley in his book "Tragedy and Hope", 1966
"No country that values its safety should allow what the
Milner Group accomplished in Britain that is, that a
small number of men should be able to wield such
power in administration and politics, should be given
almost complete control over the publication of the
documents relating to their actions, should be able to
exercise such influence over the avenues of information
that create public opinion, and should be able to
monopolise so completely the writing and teaching of
the history of their own period."
Carroll Quigley in his book "Tragedy and Hope", 1966
"Why should we not join a secret society with but one
object: the furtherance of the British Empire, for the
bringing of the whole uncivilized world under British
rule, for the recovery of the United States, for the
making of the Anglo-Saxon race but one Empire."
Cecil Rhodes' "Confession of Faith" attached to his will

"The goals which Cecil Rhodes and Alfred Milner

sought and the methods by which they hoped to achieve
them were so similar by 1902 that the two are almost
indistinguishable. Both sought to unite the world, and
above all the English-speaking world, in a federal
structure around Britain. Both felt that this goal could
best be achieved by a secret band of men united to one
another by devotion to the common cause and by
personal loyalty to one another. Both felt that this band
should pursue its goal by secret political and economic
influence behind the scenes and by the control of
journalistic, educational, and propaganda agencies."
Carroll Quigley in his book "Tragedy and Hope"
"In 1888 Cecil Rhodes made his third will leaving
everything to Lord Nathan Mayer Rothschild, with an
accompanying letter setting up a 'secret society'. The
central part of the 'secret society' was established by
March, 1891, using Rhodes' money. The organization -
The Round Table - worked behind the scenes at the
highest levels of British government, influencing
foreign policy." Frank Aydelotte in his book
"American Rhodes Scholarships"

"The Rhodes Scholarships, established by the terms of

Cecil Rhodes' seventh will, are known to everyone.
What is not so widely known is that Rhodes in five
previous wills left his fortune to form a secret society,
which was to devote itself to the preservation and
expansion of the British Empire... Funding of this
organization later came from groups associated with
J.P. Morgan, and the Rockefeller and Whitney
families." Carroll Quigley in his book "Tragedy and
Cecil Rhodes exploited the diamond and goldfields of
South Africa, rose to be prime minister of the Cape
Colony, contributed money to political parties,
controlled parliamentary seats in both England and in
South Africa, and sought to win a strip of British
territory across Africa from the Cape of Good Hope to
Egypt, and to join these two extremes together with a
telegraph line and ultimately with a Cape-to-Cairo
Railway. Rhodes inspired devoted support for his goals
from others in South Africa and in England. With
financial support from Lord Rothschild and Alfred Beit,
he was able to monopolize the diamond mines of South
Africa as De Beers Consolidated Mines and to build up
a great gold mining enterprise as Consolidated Gold
... In the middle 1890's Cecil Rhodes had a personal

income of at least a million pounds sterling a year (then

about five million dollars) which was spent so freely for
his mysterious purposes that he was usually overdrawn
on his account. These purposes centered on his desire to
federate the English-speaking people and to bring all
the habitable portions of the world under their control.
For this purpose Rhodes left part of his great fortune to
found the Rhodes Scholarships at Oxford in order to
spread the English ruling class tradition throughout the
English-speaking world as John Ruskin had wanted."
Carroll Quigley in his book "Tragedy and Hope"
"Cecil Rhodes secret society has been called by
various names. During the frst decade or so it was
called 'the secret society of Cecil Rhodes,' or 'the dream
of Cecil Rhodes.' In the second and third decades of its
existence it was known as 'Milner's Kindergarten'
(1901-1910) and as 'the Round Table Group' (1910-
1920). Since 1920 it has been called by various names,
depending on which phase of its activities was being
examined. It has been called 'The Times crowd,' 'the
Rhodes crowd,' the 'Chatham House crowd,' 'The All
Souls group,' and 'the Cliveden set.' Carroll Quigley
in his book "Tragedy and Hope", 1966

"[In 1901, Cecil Rhodes chose Alfred Milner as his

successor within a secret society of which the purpose
was] the extension of British rule throughout the world,
the perfecting of a system of emigration from the
United Kingdom and of colonization by British subjects
of all lands wherein the means of livelihood are
attainable by energy, labor, and enterprise... [with] the
ultimate recovery of the United States of America as an
integral part of a British Empire, the consolidation of
the whole Empire, the inauguration of a system of
Colonial Representation in the Imperial Parliament
which may tend to weld together the disjointed
members of the Empire, and finally the foundation of so
great a power as to hereafter render wars impossible
and promote the best interests of humanity." Carroll
Quigley, in his book "Tragedy and Hope"
"Cecil Rhodes' secret society incited the Boer War
and spawned the Milner Group (1902), the Milner
Group spawned the Round Table Group (1909), the
Round Table Group incited World War I and spawned
the Royal Institute of International Affairs (1919) and
the Council on Foreign Relations (1921), and the CFR
and the RIIA spawned the Bilderberg Group in 1954,
and the Trilateral Commission in 1973." Stanley

"An association was formally established on February

5, 1891, when Cecil Rhodes and Thomas Stead
organized a secret society of which Rhodes had been
dreaming for sixteen years. In this secret society
Rhodes was to be leader, Stead, Brett, and Alfred
Milner were to form an executive committee; Arthur
(Lord) Balfour, (Sir) Harry Johnston, Lord Rothschild,
Albert (Lord) Grey, and others were listed as potential
members of a 'Circle of Initiates'; while there was to be
an outer circle known as the 'Association of Helpers'
(later organized by Milner as the Round Table
organization)." Carroll Quigley, in his book "Tragedy
and Hope"

1893 - The Theosophical Society sponsors a Parliament

of World Religions held in Chicago. The purpose of the
convention is to introduce Hindu and Buddhist
concepts, such as belief in reincarnation, to the West. 

1909-1913 - Lord Alfred Milner organizes the

"Association of Helpers" into various Round
Table Groups in the British dependencies and the
United States. 

1911 - The Socialist Party of Great Britain publishes a


pamphlet entitled "Socialism and Religion" in which

they clearly state their position on Christianity:
"It is therefore a profound truth that Socialism is the
natural enemy of religion. A Christian Socialist is in
fact an anti-Socialist. Christianity is the antithesis of

1912 - Colonel Edward M. House, a close advisor of

President Woodrow Wilson, publishes Phillip Dru:
Administrator, in which he promotes "socialism as
dreamed of by Karl Marx." 

Feb. 3, 1913 - The 16th Amendment to the U.S.

Constitution, making it possible for the Federal
government to impose a progressive income tax, is
ratified. Plank #2 of "The Communist Manifesto" had
called for a progressive income tax.

 Book = Cannot Be Silenced .By Grace Baumgarten

While explaining Gandhi’s outspoken comments

against heavily bejewelled princes gracing the opening
ceremony of Benares Hindu University, Annie Besant
had written that ‘Gandhi is a “philosophic anarchist”
like Tolstoy - - - they are true mystics, and God within
guides them; they need no outside law.’ [1.2.1916,

CW 13:565] During the Non-cooperation movement,

Gandhi repeated Tolstoy’s assertion in his ‘Letter to a
Hindoo’ that to get swaraj Indians must get rid of their
helplessness, hypnotism and inertia under which they
laboured. [22.9.1920, CW 18:270]
Commenting on Tolstoy’s story ‘How Much land a
Man Needs’, which he had earlier translated in Indian
Opinion,  Gandhi remarked: ‘If Tolstoy had known
much of cremation, he would even have allowed much
less space and, if the body were to receive scientific
treatment of reduction - - then no space at all would be
required.’ [17.8.1926, CW 31:305] In a famous
statement about wants versus needs, he also referred to
Tolstoy: ‘A time is coming when those who are in the
mad rush today of multiplying their wants, vainly
thinking that they add to the real substance, real
knowledge of the world, will retrace their steps and say:
‘What have we done?’ - - - Fifty years of brilliant
inventions and discoveries - - has not added one inch to
the moral height of mankind. So said a dreamer and
visionary if you will—Tolstoy. So said Jesus, and
Buddha, and Mahomed - -.’ [15.11.1927, CW 35:251]
He wrote to his son Manilal and his wife Sushila to read
Tolstoy’s ‘What Is Art?, because: ‘What is accepted as
art by many experts may not be art.’ [5.12.1927, CW
He wrote to Alymer Maude (Hon. Organizing
Secretary, The Tolstoy Society, England) that he
considered ‘it a privilege to do whatever I can in
connection with Tolstoy’s works being popularized in

India.’ [18.2.1928, CW 36:32] To John Haynes

Holmes (USA), he wrote on Tolstoy Centenary:
‘Tolstoy‘s greatest contribution to life lies, in my
opinion, in his ever attempting to reduce to practice his
professions without counting the cost.’ [20.4.1928, CW

Tolstoy’s birth centenary fell on 9 September, 1928,

and Gandhi delivered a memorable speech on this
occasion, which included following main points:
          l   ‘Among his works the one which has had the
greatest effect on me is The Kingdom of God Is
Within You.’ When he read the book forty years
ago, he ‘was sceptical about many things and
sometimes entertained atheistic ideas. When I went
to England, I was a votary of violence - -. After I
read this book, that lack of faith in non-violence
          l   He attached importance to two things in
Tolstoy’s life. ‘He did what he preached. His
simplicity was extraordinary’. Hence, ‘Tolstoy - - -
strove uncompromisingly to follow truth as he saw
it - -. - - - Tolstoy was a great advocate of non-
violence in his age. - - - - no one in India or
elsewhere who has - - tried to follow it as sincerely
as he did.’
          l   It had been said that Tolstoy had failed to find
the ‘green stick’ with many virtues which his
brother had advised him to discover. As Tolstoy
himself said, anyone who believed that he had

realized his ideal, ‘would be lost’, and would start

falling. ‘The moment Tolstoy saw this truth clearly
- - and started on his journey towards the ideal, he
had found the green stick.’
          l   Tolstoy drew people’s attention—through his
writings and his life—to the law of “bread labour”,
i.e. all must do bodily labour to earn food. Non-
observance of this law was the ‘cause of the
inequalities we see in the world, of the contrasts of
wealth and poverty’. Tolstoy himself used to work
on the farm or do other labour for eight hours a
day, and ‘after he started doing physical labour his
literary work came to have greater life in it’ and he
wrote ‘his most important work, What Is Art?’
          l   Finally, Gandhi wanted everyone to learn three
things from Tolstoy’s life: 1) To choose self-
restraint over self-indulgence. ‘Modern’/ Western
civilization drew them to ‘the path of self-
indulgence.’, though there were ‘some beautiful
currents too, like Tolstoy’s life.’ We should ‘learn
the lesson of self-control from Tolstoy’s life.’ 2)
We should resolve never to ‘give up the pursuit of
truth’, for which the only right path is that of non-
violence, which again ‘means an ocean of love’. 3)
‘The third thing is bread labour—yajna. - - - It is
not enough that we do physical labour; we should
live only in order that we may serve others’.
[16.9.1928, CW 37:260-8]

Gandhi in India: Tolstoy as Gandhi’s Mentor

Gandhi wrote in An Autobiography: ‘Three moderns
have left a deep impress on life, and captivated me:
Raychandbhai by his living contact; Tolstoy by his
book. The Kingdom of God Is Within You; and Ruskin
by his Unto This Last.’ [CW 39:76]
Earlier, when asked in what relation he stood to
Tolstoy, he replied: ‘As a devoted admirer who owes
much in life to him.’ [Young India (27.10.1921), CW
21:352] He had also written in a letter that there was no
doubt ‘that Tolstoy’s writings had a powerful effect on
me. He strengthened my love of non-violence. He
enabled me to see things more clearly than I had done
before.’ While ‘there are fundamental differences
between us’, ‘they are of little consequence compared
with so many things for which I shall feel ever grateful
to him.’ [11.3.1926, CW 30:102] He said in Lausanne:
‘I derive the greatest strength from his writings. But as
Tolstoy himself admitted, the non-resistance method I
had cultivated and elaborated in South Africa was
different from the non-resistance Tolstoy had written
upon and recommended.’ And, ‘what I had learned
from Tolstoy has fructified a hundredfold.’ [8.12.1931,
CW 48:406-7]  Much later, he expressed his gratitude to
Tolstoy for being the first to appreciate his movement
in South Africa: ‘It was he who had prophesied in his
letter to me that I was leading a movement which was
destined to bring a message of hope to the downtrodden
people of the earth.’ [3.8.1942, CW 76:358]

Gandhi in India: Tolstoy and his Teaching of Non-

violence and Satyagraha
Replying to Lala Lajpat Rai that he need not fear that
Ahimsa (non-violence) may ‘displace the practice of
other virtues’, he wrote: ‘Mahavira and Buddha were
soldiers, and so was Tolstoy. Only they saw deeper and
truer in their profession, and found the secret of a true,
happy, honourable and godly life.’ [CW 13:297]
His ‘Instructions For Satyagrahis’, during the Non-
cooperation movement, included the following: ‘(a)
The preaching of the cardinal principles of the doctrine
of satyagraha, - - - - and, with this end in view,
literature such as Thoreau’s Civil Disobedience, Hind
Swaraj, Defence of Socrates by me, Tolstoy’s Letter to
Russian Liberals and Ruskin’s Unto this Last should
be widely distributed.’ [30.6.1919, CW 15:412-3] He
explained how ‘Such satyagraha is often resorted to in
families’, but its practice ‘in social and political
matters’ by him was ‘a new experiment’, and: ‘The late
Tolstoy [vide CW 9:444-6 & 593] was the first to draw
my attention, in a letter of his to me, to its being such.’
[16.9.1917, CW 13:531; & 11.9.1919, CW 16:123]
Gandhi often referred to ‘the history of Dukhobors
whom Tolstoy has described.’ They had refused to
cooperate with the State in its violent activities and had
finally migrated to Canada.  [4.8.1925, CW 28:22]
While he considered that mere refusal of military
service was ‘much more superficial than non-co-
operation with a whole system which supports the
State’, he agreed that it did provide an effective

opportunity: ‘This was the position of Tolstoy.’

[8.12.1931, CW 48:402]
When asked, ‘How can one who has spent his whole
life in fighting take to ahimsa with success?’ Gandhi
gave two prime examples of Badshah Khan, who had
‘become a soldier of non-violence’ even while ‘In his
land the sword and the gun are considered essential’,
and Tolstoy who ‘served in the army’ and yet ‘became
the high priest of non-violence in Europe. [22.5.1946,
CW 84:188] He reiterated that ‘Tolstoy had been a
great warrior, but when he realized that war was not a
good thing he gave up his life in trying to put an end to
war. He has said that the greatest power on earth is
public opinion and it is generated by truth and non-
violence.’ [10.6.1947, CW 88:124] Gandhi saw no
passivity in the New Testament ‘and the meaning
became clearer to me when I read Tolstoy’s Harmony
of the Gospels and his other kindred writings.’ Hence,
Christendom had been responsible ‘for the wars which
put to shame even those described in the Old Testament
and other records’. [29.11.1947, CW90:129-30] Three
days before his martyrdom, Gandhi stated how when a
doubt was raised that independent India would not be
able to hold power non-violently, he related Tolstoy’s
story of Ivan the Fool: ‘Ivan remained non-violent even
when he became king.’ [27.1.1948, CW 90:503]
Gandhi in India: Tolstoy and his Teaching of “Bread
Labour”, “Getting off the Backs” and Swadeshi

Gandhi was inspired by Tolstoy not only in respect of

non-violence and non-violent resistance but also by his
idea of ‘Bread Labour’ and its concomitant idea of
‘getting off the backs’ of others including the poor. He
developed Tolstoy’s theory of ‘Bread Labour’ into a
full-fledged theory of the duty and right to work.
[6.12.1924, CW 25:404]

In 1930, just before starting on his famous ‘Salt

March’, Gandhi wrote a series of four articles on the
he explained that Tolstoy did not consider that ‘every
person should do all his work himself’. Each one must
do ‘as far as it is possible’. As a social being, man’s
dependence and independence go together. But
everyone must ‘earn their livelihood by the sweat of the
brow’. As that is not done, ‘dire poverty has arisen in
the world and especially so in India. This is also the
main cause of ill health and the immense greed for
acquisition of wealth.’ DOES THIS MAKE ANY
Further, Tolstoy felt that ‘man must earn his bread by
manual labour, never by mental work.’ Neglect of this
‘universal duty’ has led to ‘distressing disparities’.
‘Disparities will always be there, but like the several
leaves of a tree they will look beautiful and pleasant.’
Society must have professionals but as ‘protectors of
society’ and not as ‘parasites’. When asked: ‘If

Tolstoy’s duty of labour is universally accepted will it

not be difficult for poets like Kabir and Rabindra
[Tagore] to live in this world?’ Gandhi replied that
manual labour was ‘capable of making the poetry of
both more forceful and radiant.’ Kabir had ‘earned his
living as a weaver of cloth.’ Nor did Tagore ‘earn his
living by writing poetry.’ Jesus and Buddha never used
intellect to earn their livelihood. With reference to
Tolstoy’s stated words that ‘Money and slavery are one
and the same thing.’—Gandhi wrote that, ‘money by
itself is not harmful, but greed for it is harmful. As
opposed to this, slavery is a sign of greed.’ [CW
42:458, 475-6, 489-90 and 507] TAGORE FAMILY =

Gandhi had made ‘Bread Labour’ as one of the

‘Ashram vows’. The idea is that ‘every healthy
individual must labour enough for his food, and his
intellectual faculties must be exercised - - only in the
service of mankind. If this principle is observed
everywhere, all men would be equal, none would starve
and the world would be saved from many a sin. - - -
even in South Africa I began to observe the rule to the
best of my ability.’ [11.7.1932, CW 50:214-5] He cited
Tolstoy’s own example: ‘Tolstoy says that his mind
became pure only after he started doing eight hours of
physical work every day and only then did his writing
become pure.’ [25.6.1937, CW 93:110] SENSIBLE ??

Gandhi often recalled that Tolstoy said, ‘if we would

but get off the backs’ of our neighbours the world
would be quite all right, and ‘if we can only serve our
immediate neighbours ceasing to prey upon them, the
circle of unities thus grouped in the right fashion will
ever grow in circumference till at last it is co-terminus
with that of the whole world.’ [12.5.1920, CW 17:408]
During his ‘Discourses on the “Gita”’, Gandhi referred
to Tolstoy’s saying that ‘man in his foolishness boasts
that he will do this and - - - - relieve the suffering of
people in distress and so on. But it will be enough - - if
this person comes down from off the backs of the
people he is sitting on. - - We are riding on the backs of
the poor.’ [18.4.1926, CW 32:166] We serve ourselves
when we serve others. [History of Satyagraha Ashram,
11.7.1932, CW 50:217-8]
Gandhi in India: Tolstoy and his Teaching against
Tobacco Intoxication
In his critique of Eiffel Tower itself (1889), Gandhi
had taken support of Tolstoy’s observation that tobacco
was ‘the worst of all intoxicants’ and how it could even
induce its consumers to commit crimes ‘which a
drunkard never dared to do’. [CW 39:68-9] While in
the Indian context, Gandhi waged a lifelong battle for
prohibition, apparently in Tolstoy’s Russia tobacco was
the prime culprit among intoxicants. IN INDIA ,

In a speech in Burma, he told how Tolstoy, ‘an

inveterate smoker himself’ in his earlier days, had cited
examples ‘to show that most deliberate crimes have
been committed under the influence of smoke’.
[13.3.1929, CW 40:138] SMOKE ? NARCOTIC DRUGS !!

While making similar references to Tolstoy in his

speeches in Madras (now Chennai) and in Sri Lanka, he
had also said: ‘But do not make the mistake that
between drink and tobacco, drink is a lesser evil. If
cigarette is Beelzebub, then drink is Satan.’  [7.9.1927,
CW 34:483; & 18.11.1927, CW 35:268]  In his
booklet Key to Health, in the chapter on ‘Tobacco’, he
recounted how one of Tolstoy’s characters committed
the crime   of murder after a cigar smoke, while he had
hesitated to do so after consuming liquor. Gandhi
added: ‘I know this argument is not very convincing.
All smokers are not bad men. - - What Tolstoy perhaps
means is that the smoker keeps on committing minor
crimes which generally pass unnoticed.’ [10.10.1942,
CW 77:18-9] 
Gandhi in India (1929 – 1948) and Tolstoy
In addition to the foregoing comments covered under
specific subjects, Gandhi continued to refer to Tolstoy’s
life and teachings till the end. Among the books he
recommended for study in his various letters included
Tolstoy’s The Kingdom of Heaven Is Within You, What
to Do, and Essays of Tolstoy. [[1929], CW92:132;
12.8.1932, CW 50:358; & 26.10.1932, CW 51:299]

When asked: ‘In your opinion, what world figure has

exercised the greatest and best influence upon the
twentieth century?’ he was categorical: ‘Tolstoy. He
alone.’ [LONDON, before 5.12.1931, CW 48:387-8]
When asked: ‘What is your message to the women of
Europe?’ he replied: ‘As Tolstoy would say, they are
labouring under the hypnotic influence of man. If they
would realize the nobility of non-violence, they would
not consent to be called the weaker sex. Tolstoy and
Ruskin renewed my faith in things which I had only
darkly felt.’ [8.12.1931, CW 48:406-7]
On his way back to India from London in 1931,
Gandhi met with Tolstoy’s daughter Sukhotina Tolstoy
in Rome. She was a friend of Romain Rolland—‘a
believer in non-violence’—but had stopped writing to
him due to his apparent sympathy with ‘Bolshevism
and Bolshevik method’. At his instance, she agreed to
write to him. Gandhi told her that Romain Rolland was
‘the one true and honest man in Europe after Tolstoy.
Like your father he is old, worn-out, and unhappy over
the tendencies of the present age and he has your
father’s childlike simplicity of never taking correction
amiss - -.’ Gandhi also wrote to him to ‘write to the
daughter of Tolstoy and satisfy her curiosity concerning
Bolshevism.’ [13.12.1931, CW 48:422-3; &
20.12.1931, CW 48:429] Gandhi reiterated in a letter
that Tolstoy’s ‘greatness lay in the fact that as soon as
he realized his mistake, he confessed it and corrected
it.’ -------- Romain Rolland = freemason

A correspondent quoted Tolstoy (“There are two

Gods. There is the God people generally believe in, a
God who has to serve them - -. This God does not exist.
But the God whom we all have to serve does exist and
is the prime cause of - - all we perceive.”), and asked
‘which of these two Gods Gandhiji believed in’.
Gandhi’s reply was characteristic: ‘I believe in both
Gods - - - both Gods are of our imagining. - - The real
God is beyond conception. He neither serves nor
receives service. - - - being - - something dwelling in
our heart.’ [15.8.1932, CW 50:376-7] In a Prayer
Meeting, Gandhi referred to Tolstoy saying that ‘if man
dismissed God from his heart even for a single moment
Satan occupied the vacancy.’ [20.4.1946, CW 84:38]

This Satanic Civilization
m Spirit of Satan at work in India – M. K. Gandhi

A correspondent wrote to Gandhi that: ‘man is above

all an artist and a creator.  He cannot be “simple” as
Rousseau, Ruskin, Tolstoy, Thoreau, and Gandhiji
would like him to be. War he must have as its necessary
corollary which also he has transformed into a great
art.’ Gandhi replied that we should ‘beware of that art
which has not necessity as its basis. Nor may we
dignify every want by the name of necessity.’ There

was ‘neither beauty nor art’ in what was going on, and
‘Rousseau, Ruskin, Thoreau and Tolstoy were first
class artists of their time.’ [CW 62:309, 311] On
Gandhi’s 70th birthday, Romain Rolland wrote that for
many he was ‘like a return of Christ’, and for others, ‘a
new incarnation of Jean-Jacques Rousseau and of
Tolstoy, denouncing the illusions and the crimes of
civilization.’ And, John Haynes Holmes wrote: ‘He
ranks with St. Francis, Thoreau, Tolstoy, as a teacher of
what the Christian scriptures call “non-resistance,” and
better the “love that never faileth.”’ [Mahatma Gandhi:
Essays and reflections on his life and work, ed. S
Radhakrishnan, Bombay: Jaico Pub. House, 1956:205,
85]------------- S Radhakrishnan = freemason

Gandhi had found in Leo Tolstoy a true mentor. But

it was not a one-sided relationship. Tolstoy’s last letter
and his entries in his diary indicate that Tolstoy too had
greatly admired Gandhi’s work as a unique effort in
non-violent resistance.

On 6th of April 1947, Gandhi gave a speech where he

said that even if the Muslims are out there, slicing
through Hindu masses to wipe out the Hindu race, the
Hindus should say nothing and should not be angry
with the Muslim people. 9. During the same speech, he
said that if the Muslims slit the throats of the Hindus,
Hindus should accept death. -- Abdul Rashid – a

Muslim fanatic, who on December 23, 1926, killed /

assassinated Swamiji at his home in Delhi’s Naya
Bazar. 11. After his death, Gandhi delivered a speech
on 25th December 1926 where his condolence message
read: “In the language of the Gita therefore ‘happy the
warrior who achieves such a blessed death.’ … I cannot
therefore mourn over his death. He and his are to be
envied. For though Shraddhanandji is dead, he is yet
living. He is living in a truer sense than when he moved
in our midst in his giant body …..”I have called Abdul
Rashid a brother and I repeat it. I do not even regard
him as guilty of Swamiji’s murder. Guilty indeed are all
those who excited feelings of hatred against one
another.” Source (#11): Indian National Congress: A
Descriptive Bibliography of India’s Struggle for
Freedom | Written by Jagdish Saran Sharma. -- he
said that if someone is out there raping your sister, all
you should do is fall on to that person’s feet and if that
bully or the rapist stabs and kills you, you should
accept death. -- Gandhi was a supporter of orthodox
dogmas like caste system. He actually maintained two
papers – one in English and one in Gujarati. In English
he posed himself as a supporter of movements against
caste system, untouchability etc. but in Gujarati paper
he actually supported the age-old dogmas. --

ndhianarchy00sankuoft_djvu.txt ------- And talk of his
moral corruption… did you know what he did with
Manu (his grandniece)? He sent her into a jungle to get
pumice stone for his feet. That jungle was infamous for
rapists awaiting prey. When Manu came back and was
in tears, that sick man said that his heart would have
danced out of immense joy had she met a courageous
death if a ruffian had carried her off!
29004576160371482469358 Gandhi was actually
Sergeant-Major Gandhi and won a war medal for the
valour he showed while under fire to help the British
forces suppress the African rebellion (that of the black
natives of South Africa whom that so-called saint called
Kaffir). -- At the peak of World War II, Gandhi
launched Quit India Movement to get rid of the British
but little do we know that the Japanese at that point
were at the doorsteps of India. The battles of Kohima
and Imphal took place where the Japanese forces were
denied entry into Indian hinterlands. Had the Japanese
entered India via that route, the result would have been
immense bloodshed, suffering, rapes and more as

happened in China and some other Asian countries.

When the Japanese were at the doorstep, Gandhi said
that Indians should surrender to the invading forces
and should show non-cooperation to make the Japanese
feel unwanted. Basically, Gandhi was asking Indians to
make way for anarchy! --- And during WWII when
Hitler’s Nazi forces were on the loose, a reporter asked
what should have the Jews done? Should they have
committed mass suicide? Gandhi replied in affirmation
saying that that would have been a heroic deed. He said
that the Jews should have jumped off the cliff into the
sea and that would have been more significant!
controversies-about-mahatma-gandhi/ -- The first
& the only Indian to have been accorded the “TIME
Person Of The Year” title. TIME = Rothschilds.
Sheth Tyeb Haji Khan Muhammad had in Pretoria the
same position as was enjoyed by Dada Abdulla in
Natal. There was no public movement that could be
conducted without him. I made his acquaintance the
very first week and told him of my intention to get in

touch with every Indian in Pretoria. I expressed a desire

to study the conditions of Indians there, and asked for
his help in my work, which he gladly agreed to give.
My first step was to call a meeting of all the Indians in
Pretoria and to present to them a picture of their
condition in the Transvaal. The meeting was held at the
house of Sheth Haji Muhammad Haji Joosab, to whom I
had a letter of introduction. It was principally attended
by Meman merchants, though there was a sprinkling of
Hindus as well. The Hindu population in Pretoria was,
as a matter of fact, very small.
My speech at this meeting may be said to have been the
first public speech in my life. I went fairly prepared
with my subject, which was about observing
truthfulness in business. I had always heard the
merchants say that truth was not possible in business. I
did not think so then, nor do I now. Even today there
are merchant friends who contend that truth is
inconsistent with business. Business, they say, is a very
practical affair, and truth a matter of religion; and they
argue that practical affairs are one thing, while religion
is quite another. Pure truth, they hold, is out of the
question in business, one can speak it only so far as is
suitable. I strongly contested the position in my speech
and awakened the merchants to a sense of their duty,
which was two-fold. Their responsibility to be truthful

was all the greater in a foreign land, because the

conduct of a few Indians was the measure of that of the
millions of their fellow-countrymen.
I had found our peoples' habits to be insanitary, as
compared with those of the Englishmen around them,
and drew their attention to it. I laid stress on the
necessity of forgetting all distinctions such as Hindus,
Musalmans, Parsis, Christians, Gujaratis, Madrasis,
Punjabis, Sindhis, Kachchhis, Surtis and so on.
 Nehru studied at = churchill's old school .
harrow = training ground for empire & army

Indian Opinion
Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi had landed in South
Africa in 1893, 23 year old.
In 1893, at his initiative, Natal Indian Congress (NIC)
was founded . Gandhi had, in fact, returned to India in
October 1901 and settled down in Bombay, but had
been recalled and in November 1902 resumed his role.
On return, he had settled down in Johannesburg and in
1903 helped found the British Indian Association
(BIA). Earlier, P.S.Aiyar, a journalist from Madras, did
found an Indian newspaper Indian World in 1898 but it
was shortlived. In 1901 he started Colonial Indian News

but that too appeared irregularly in 1903 and did not

survive the year.
Gandhi decided in 1903 to launch the weekly
newspaper Indian Opinion at the age of 33 . Gandhi
recorded later in his book, Satyagraha in South Africa,
"I believe that a struggle which chiefly relies upon
internal strength cannot be wholly carried on without a
newspaper it is also my experience that we could not
perhaps have educated the local Indian community, nor
kept Indians all over the world in touch with the course
of events in South Africa in any other way, with the
same ease and success as through the Indian Opinion,
which therefore was certainly a most useful and potent
weapon in our struggle." [CW 29:117]
Madanjit Vyavaharik, an exschool teacher of Bombay
and a political coworker of Gandhi, had established
'The International Printing Press' at 113 Grey Street,
Durban, in 1898. Much of the literature of NIC was
printed there. Gandhiji was able to inspire Madanjit
with the idea to start a weekly newspaper, the Indian
Opinion, and the first issue was out on June 4, 1903,
and hit the streets two days later. [Gandhi has
incorrectly mentioned the date as 1904 in his
Autobiography (CW 39:228)] As manager, Madanjit
had to secure the licence, the type for the different
languages, prospective customers and advertisers. Its
first editor was Mansukhlal Hiralal Nazar, a

journalist from Bombay, known to Gandhi since 1897,

and had volunteered in the Indian Medical Corps under
him in the Boer War. Nazar played an important role in
strategizing the content and policy of the paper. While
he was politically astute and made important
interventions, he relied on Gandhi in Johannesburg to
do much of the significant writing. [R1:9 & R2:51] 
As Gandhi wrote in his Autobiography: "Sjt.
Mansukhlal Naazar became the first editor. -- [CW

--- After explaining the position of Indians in South

Africa as loyal subjects of the King Emperor, it went on
to state: "We are far from assuming that the Indians
here are free from all the faults that are ascribed to
them. Wherever we find them to be at fault, we will
unhesitatingly point it out and suggest means for its
We rely on generous support from our countrymen;
may we hope for it from the great AngloSaxon race
that hails His Majesty Edward VII as KingEmperor?
For, there is nothing in our programme but a desire to
promote harmony and goodwill between the different
sections of the one mighty empire."

In the same issue, the next leading article, 'The British

Indians in South Africa', as also five short notes, viz., 'Is
It Fair?', 'Virtuous Inconsistency', 'Better Late Than

Never', 'Words And Deeds', and 'Minutes By The

Mayor', [CW 3:31420] were written by Gandhi. Most
of the articles written in Indian Opinion were
Madanjit Vyavaharik, as proprietor of Indian Opinion
(I.O.), gave following information, wherein Gandhi's
influence is obvious, on the first page of the first issue
"This weekly newspaper is published in four languages,
namely English, Gujarati, Tamil and Hindi in the
interests of the British Indians residing in South Africa.
The policy of the paper would be to advocate the cause
of the British Indians in the subcontinent. But it would
not be slow to point out to it [the community] its
responsibilities also as members of a mighty empire. It
would persistently endeavour to bring about proper
understanding between the two communities." Then it
recounted "The advantages to the Indian community in
subscribing to and supporting this paper" and "The
advantages to the European community".

The meetings of NIC and BIA were wellpublicized in

Indian Opinion. The paper sought to shape a national
identity amongst Indians divided along various lines. It
had boldly declared in an editorial during its first year:
"We are not, and ought not to be, Tamils or Calcutta
men, and Mohamedans or Hindus, Brahmans or
Banyas, but simply and solely British Indians."
That was the period when Gandhi firmly believed that

the British empire was essentially and inherently

good, and based on the values of justice, fairness, racial
equality, and freedom, and whatever deficiencies were
there, were aberrations introduced by colonial
administrations. He had faith in Queen Victoria's
promise in 1858, after the 'First War of Independence'
in India, of equality of all British subjects irrespective
of 'race or creed'. He wrote in Indian Opinion
(9.7.1903) under the title 'The Proclamation of 1958':
"This memorable Proclamation Magna Charta of the
British Indians, is worthy of the attention and the study
of the people of South Africa, especially at a like this,
when a sustained agitation has been set up against
British Indians." [CW 3:359]

Within a week, a 100 acre farmland was purchased 14

miles away from Durban and 2.5 miles from Phoenix
railway station, and thus was set up the Phoenix
Settlement, Gandhiji's first 'Ashram', in November
1904. Its idea being inspired not only by Ruskin but
also by the thinking of Tolstoy and the experience of
the Trappist Monastery in Natal, and possibly of the
presence of the John Dube's Ohlange Institute,
located not far from Phoenix and founded in 1901.John
Dube, a member of Natal Native Congress, was also
editor of a paper, Ilange lase Natal, started a few
months before Indian Opinion. [R2:58]  

 The Ohlange Institute was founded by John

Langalibalele Dube in 1900. Dube was a founder

member and first president of the South African

Native National Congress (SANNC) which was
renamed as the African National Congress (ANC) in
school-founded-john-dube The school was founded
in 1900[2] as the "Zulu Christian Industrial School"
by John Langalibalele Dube and his first wife,
Nokutela. // John had been in contact with Booker T.
Washington and modeled the school after the
Tuskegee University in America.
Influenced by Booker T. Washington

 By 1900, Prince Hall masonry had become a forum

for politicised African-Americans, with Booker T
Washington (1856-1915) and W.E.B. Du Bois
(1868-1963) serving as active members. Throughout
the 20th century, many key figures in the civil rights
movement were attracted to freemasonry. The father
of Martin Luther King Jr – Martin Luther King Sr
(1900-84) – was a member of the 23rd lodge in
Atlanta, Georgia. Medgar Evers, the National
Association for the Advancement of Colored People
(NAACP) activist who was assassinated in 1963,
was a 32nd-degree freemason in Ancient & Accepted
Scottish Rite, Southern Jurisdiction. Alex Haley
(1921-92), the writer of Roots and biographer of
Malcolm X, was a 33rd-degree mason in the same

order. Thurgood Marshall (1908-93), the first black

member of the US Supreme Court, was supported by
his Prince Hall lodge in Louisiana. The comedian
Richard Pryor (1940-2005) joined a lodge in Peoria,
Illinois, while actor and activist Ossie Davis (1917-
2005), Paul Robeson (1898-1976) and the boxer
Sugar Ray Robinson (1921-89) were all active Prince
Hall masons.”

Nazar too chose to work from his own office in

Durban. But, Chhaganlal, Gandhi's nephew, who
had been for some time in charge of the Gujarati
section of the paper, supported the move to Phoenix.
His younger brother, Maganlal also decided to join
the press. Sam Govindswami, working in the press,
also became a 'settler', being attracted by the promise
of a two acre piece of land. Gandhi's old friend
Herbert Kitchin and a few others too agreed to join.

 Herbert Kitchin and Henry Polak – were

theosophists from the Johannesburg -- Gandhi: A
Political and Spiritual Life - // Herbert Kitchin, an
electrical engineer (and theosophist) who had joined
the settlement. --- Mohandas: A True Story of a Man,
His People, and an Empire --Rajmohan Gandhi

Prototypes of Gandhi’s Ashrams

Only one issue of Indian Opinion had to be printed

outside in the Mercury Press [CW 39:241]; and all
was set for the first issue of I.O. from Phoenix
Settlement to come out on Dec. 24, 1904!

Herbert Kitchin: A theosophist, and an electrical

engineer, he assisted Nazar and edited Indian Opinion
after Nazar's premature death.

Henry S.L.Polak: Gandhiji had met him too in the

vegetarian restaurant at Johannesburg. He qualified
himself to be an attorney at Gandhiji's instance and
joined him in his work. He succeeded Kitchin as editor
of Indian Opinion.

The journal had reported at length the highlypraised

activities of the Indian Stretcher Bearer Corps
(disbanded on July 19, 1906, after six weeks at the
front) under Gandhi's leadership in Zulu rebellion, and

then the visit of the Indian delegation led by Gandhi to

London. [R1:21]

The issues of 1905, for example, contained sketches of

Tolstoy, Mazzini, Abraham Lincoln, Florence
Nightingale, Elizabeth Fry, Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar,
and George Washington (in issues of Sep. 2, July 22,
Aug. 26, Sep. 9, Aug. 19, Sep. 16, and Sep. 30, 1905
respectively). [R3:44] In the article on 'Elizabeth Fry', a
pioneer of prison reform, he wrote: "There are many
reasons why the British should be ruling over us.
One of the reasons is that in modern times the British
seem to have produced a larger number than we of
brave and pious men and women of high principles. we
are bound to benefit from a knowledge and constant
contemplation of the lives of such devout men and
women, and we therefore propose to give the stories of
their lives from time to time. We hope that the readers
follow them in practice and thus encourage us." [CW

* Reviewed the books 'The Way of the Buddha' and

'Persian Mystics' (I.O. 15.6.1907) published in the
'Wisdom of East' series. 
Gandhiji used Indian Opinion for propagating the
writings of Tolstoy, Henry David Thoreau, John
Ruskin and ….

Gandhi had paraphrased Ruskin's 'Unto This Last', the

book which had inspired him to establish Phoenix
Settlement and shift the press there, into Gujarati under
the title 'Sarvodaya' ('welfare of all') and serialized it in
Indian Opinion from May 16 to July 18, 1908 [CW 8].

Earlier, he had summarized into Gujarati, Ethical

Religion by William MacIntyre Salter, the founder of
the Society for Ethical Culture, Chicago, under eight
articles appearing under the title 'Ethical Religion', in
Indian Opinion from Jan. 5 to Feb. 23 1907 [CW 6].
Although the Fellowship was a short-lived organization,
it spawned the Fabian Society, which split in 1884
from the Fellowship of the New Life.

While returning from England in 1909, Gandhi also

wrote in Gujarati his first seminal book 'Hind Swaraj',
which is now treated as a quintessential statement of
Gandhian philosophy of Satyagraha. It was serialized in
Indian Opinion on 11.12.1909 (chapters 112) and
18.12.1909 (the rest) [CW 10:3fn]. Gandhiji's new
preface to the second Gujarati edition issued in May
1914, was published in I.O. on 29.4.1914. [CW 10:6]
After the 'Hind Swaraj' was proscribed in India, he

translated it into Engliah under the title, 'Indian Home

Rule', and stated in his Preface to it in I.O. on 2.4.1910:
"Whilst the views expressed in Hind Swaraj are held by
me, I have but endeavoured humbly to follow Tolstoy,
Ruskin, Thoreau, Emerson and other writers, besides
the masters of Indian philosophy." [CW 10:189]  
…. The Resolution stated: "In the event of the
Legislative Council, the local Government, and the
Imperial Government rejecting the humble prayer of the
British Indian community of Transvaal in connection
with the Draft Asiatic Law Amendment Ordinance, this
mass meeting of British Indians here assembled
solemnly and regretfully resolves that, rather than
submit to the galling, tyrannous, and unBritish
requirements laid down in the above Draft Ordinance,
every British Indian in the Transvaal will submit
himself to imprisonment and shall continue to do so
until it shall please His Most Gracious Majesty the
KingEmperor to grant relief." ['The Mass Meeting', &
'Johannesburg Letter', I.O., 15.9.1906; CW 5:423, 4246]
But The Transvaal Act received (Royal) assent. Then
Gandhi wrote under the title 'Will Indians Be Slaves?'
in I.O. (11.5.1907): "The Imperial Government has
chosen to take the first step of binding the Indian
community with chains. It now remains to be seen
whether the community will carry this yoke." [CW

Satyagraha or 'passive resistance' was started in


response to Government's insistence on the registration

of Indians and other Asians through a very humiliating
procedure under this 'Black Act'. ……. It now reminded
readers that "resistance is a duty". Its policy was
redirected to show the "general utility of the doctrine of
passive resistance". [I.O. 9.11.1907; CW 7:510]

The Indian Opinion (26.10.1907)hailed Socrates as a

great passive resister who stood by conscience and truth
and Gandhi gave his life sketch under the title 'Story of
a Soldier of Truth' in a 7part series in I.O. from
4.4.1908 to 9.5.1908. [CW 8].

 Socrates & freemasonry =
3) He believed that nothing done to you justifies any
wrong returned to the sender. (No eye for an eye).
THIS // BUT in his end when they were trying him.
Socrates said "Do to me what you will, you'll all get
yours in the end, for more of me are coming." //
Socrates was invited to join the Eleusinian mysteries,
which were an important branch of the Mystery
Babylon religion which boasted Pythagoras in its ranks
among others. According to a book by Manly Palmer
Hall- called - Secret Teachings of All Ages, Socrates
would not join because it would "seal his tongue" and
he already knew its mysteries. // Manly Palmer Hall
was wrong. In Plato's "Timaeus", Socrates explains

that he himself is an initiate, and encourages Timaeus to

accompany him to the mysteries to be initiated himself,
if he really wants to understand the meaning of virtue. //
(2) The Farewell Conversation of Socrates with his
pupils and friends . These conversations are significant
in the following respects:— (a) Socrates is identified as
a member of the Egyptian Mysteries or Masonic Order.
(b) Masonic behavior is manifested through these
conversations. (c) The books containing these
conversations; Plato's Crito, Phaedo, Euthyphro,
Apology and Timaeus, are the earliest specimen of
Masonic literature , apart from the secret writings of
the Egyptians. (d) Of the three Athenian philosophers
Socrates stood highest in the rank of a Free Mason. //
The philosophy of Socrates was 100% in agreeance
with Freemasonry. Socrates didn't believe in the
concept of "learning." Instead, he believed all universal
knowledge was available to us at all times, it only took
logical reasoning to ferret the truth out of any situation.
It was more of a "remembering" or "discerning" than it
was actual "learning." Critical thinkers are in short
supply, and therefore Socrates was often
misunderstood. It wouldn't be any different if he were
alive today. // Study the Philosophers; Thales, Solon,
Socrates, Lycurgus, and Pythagoras, to whom we credit
the growth of philosophical and scientific knowledge of
humanity. //
The Socratic Method: Does It Lead A Mason From
Darkness To Light?
and-the-socratic-method/ the influence of plato's
republic on freemasonry and masonic ritual .
tertullian's question and it's relevance to modern
freemasonry www.freemasons-

Indian Opinion (9.11.1907, repeated in 30.11.1907)

launched an essay contest on 'The Ethics of Passive
Resistance', the essay to "contain an examination of
Thoreau's classic, 'On the Duty of Civil Disobedience',
Tolstoy's works - more especially 'The Kingdom of
Heaven is Within You' - and it should give Biblical and
other religious authorities , and illustrations; and also
the application of the 'Apology of Socrates' to the
question. The essay should give illustrations from
modern history in support of the doctrine." [CW 7:510].
The entries were judged by Rev. J.J.Doke, the first
biographer of Gandhi. [I.O. 25.1.1908]

"Almost all connected with Indian Opinion are working

practically under a vow of poverty . Soon thereafter he
reported the "generous gift" of Rs. 25,000 from Ratanji
Tata. [I.O. 11.12.1909; CW 10:98]

The Phoenix Settlement was made into a Trust, and the

Trust Deed was published in Indian Opinion of
14.9.1912. The same issue stated in the editorial titled
'Ourselves'. C.F.Andrews and W.W.Pearson arrived
from India on January 2, 1914 .
Till the issue of Jan. 28, 1914, the journal contained the
information, "Printed and published by M.K. Gandhi".
Thereafter it replaced his name with "A.H.West and
Maganlal K. Gandhi".

After Gandhiji's death, Manilal wrote in I.O. (6.2.1948):

"Let us continue his work until the lamp within is burnt
out." The 'Mahatma Gandhi Memorial Number' was
published. Five months later when Sorabjee brought
Gandhiji's ashes from India, I.O. reported about the
immersion ceremony in which Manilal recited from
Tagore's Gitanjali. [R2:326]

Through the 19th century Indians were brought to South

Africa as indentured labour by the authorities of
the British Empire, which governess both South Africa
and India.

The Natal Indian Congress (NIC) was founded

by Gandhi in 1894. Gandhi was the Honorary

Secretary and Abdoola Hajee Adam Jhaveri (Dada

Abdulla) was elected president.
The Vice-Presidents were: Hajee Mahomed Hajee
Dada, Abdool Kadir, Hajee Dada Hajee Habib, Moosa
Hajee Adam, P. Dawjee Mahomed, Peeran Mahomed,
Murugesa Pillay, Ramaswami Naidoo, Hoosen Miran,
Adamjee Miankhan, K. R. Nayanah, Amod Bayat (P.
M. Burg), Moosa Hajee Cassim, Mahomed Cassim
Jeeva, Parsee Rustomjee, Dawad Mahomed, Hoosen
Cassim Amod Tili, Doraiswamy Pillay, Omar Hajee
Aba, Osmankhan Rahamatkhan, Rangaswami
Padayachi, Hajee Mahomed (P. M. Burg), Camroodeen
(P. M. Burg).
The Members of the Committee included: The Vice-
Presidents and Messrs M. D. Joshi, Narsiram, Manekji,
Dowjee Mammuji Mutalah, Muthu Krishna, Bissessar,
Goolam Hoosen Randeri, Shamshoodeen, G. A. Bassa,
Sarabjit, L. Gabriel, James Christopher, Sooboo Naidu,
John Gabriel, Suleiman Voraji, Cassimjee Amoojee, R.
Kundaswamy Naidu, M. E. Kathrada, Ibrahim M.
Khatri, Shaik Farid, Varind Ismail, Ranjit, Perumal
Naidoo, Parsee Dhanjisha, Royappan, Joosub Abdool
Carim, Arjun Singh, Ismail Kadir, Easop Kadua,
Mahomed Esak, Mahomed Hafejee, A. M. Paruck,
Suleiman Dawjee, V. Narayana Pather, Lutchman
Panday, Osman Ahmed & Mahomed Tayub.
It later allied itself with the African National Congress.

The South African Indian Congress (SAIC) was an

organisation founded in 1921 in Natal (now KwaZulu-
Natal), South Africa. The congress is famous for its
strong participation by Gandhi and other prominent
South African Indian figures during the time. Umar
Hajee Ahmed Jhaveri was elected the first president of
the South African Indian Congress. The SAIC was a
member of the Congress Alliance.

In 1957 the English section of IO was renamed

 Louis Walter Ritch, a theosophist and a successful
businessman -- The Life and Death of Mahatma
Gandhi - Robert Payne // Gandhi was introduced
to the Theosophical Society by Louis Walter Ritch -
Clara A.B. Joseph // Louis Walter Ritch, himself a
theosophist, chose to give up his lucrative
commercial career to join Gandhi -- Gandhi
Ordained in South Africa - J N Uppal .

 Mahatma Gandhi helped establish three football

clubs, all named 'Passive Resisters Soccer Club' in
the 1900s during his stay in South Africa.
 One of the fields often used for these games was
located at the Phoenix settlement, which is now a

heritage site, but the field created by Gandhi for the

event is still very much there.

The Indian National Association also known as Indian

Association was the first avowed nationalist
organization founded in British India by Surendranath
Banerjee and Ananda Mohan Bose in 1876.   It later
merged with the Indian National Congress.
 Brahmin freemason // fter graduating from the
University of Calcutta, he travelled to England in
1868, along with Romesh Chunder Dutt/Brahmin
freemason and Behari Lal Gupta/Brahmin
freemason , to compete in the Indian Civil Service
examinations // He was elected the Congress
President in 1895 at Poona and in 1902 at
Ahmedabad. // Banerjee became the patron of
rising Indian leaders like Gopal Krishna Gokhale
and Sarojini Naidu. // He was knighted for his
political support of the British Empire. =
Surendranath Banerjea drew much inspiration from
Italian Joseph Mazzini // Indian National
Conference in 1883 (A Pillar of Congress in its
Early Days): Surendranath took the lead in
convening the Indian National Conference in 1883.
It was the first organisation of an all-India
character. In 1885, the Indian National Congress
was born. // He disapproved of violent activities.
ee Brahmin freemason At that time, only one

other Indian, Satyendra Nath Tagore, had qualified

for the Indian Civil Service. Dutt aimed to emulate
Tagore's feat. // He was called to the bar by the
Honourable Society of the Middle Temple on 6
June 1871.
utt Brahmin freemason He was also called to
the Bar by the Honourable Society of Middle
Temple on 6 June 1871. // In 1914 he travelled
with His Highness, Maharaja Sayajirao Gaekwad
III, Maharaja of Baroda to Europe.
 freemason british agent // his open support for
the Indian National Congress // he patronised Dr.
Babasaheb Alias Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar --
Babasaheb is an honorary title and given name.
"Babasaheb" is a Marathi phrase which means
"Respected Father" (Baba = father and Saheb =
sir). ; Dadabhai Naoroji, -- the first Asian
Member of the British House of Commons --He
appointed V. T. Krishnamachari as the Diwan of
Bhadodara. Sayajirao used to visit England every
year to select outstanding young people to join his
service and in one of such visits he met 20-year Sri
Aurobindo who returned to India in 1893 to join
the Baroda service. //
II Rockingham also introduced Burke as a

freemason Chitpavan Brahmin
ale brahmin british agent
----Sripad Babaji Thakur? thakur = tagore =
brahmin freemason // In 1878, he went to
England for higher education along with Keshab
Chandra Sen.
brahmin freemason

 Its origin is from Zamindari Sabha (Association)

founded by Dwarkanath Tagore and his illustrious
cousin Prasanna Kumar Tagore in 1838. and the
Adi Brahmo Sabha founded in 1866. In 1851 it
took shape as the British Indian
Association with Debendranath Tagore as its
Honorary Secretary. In 1857 the Association
supported the East India Company in the Sepoy
Mutiny, calling for stern punishment for the rebels.
In 1866 Pandit Navin Chandra Roy was appointed
Secretary of the Association, a post which he held
for 4 years, before he finally moved to Lahore in
the course of his employment. Ramanath
Tagore was the President from 1867 to 1877. After
a stormy meeting in 1870 a resolution moved by

nationalist Adi Dharma faction of
Baboo Hemendranath Tagore was approved to
voice the concerns of educated Indians to the
British authorities on issues of discrimination,
participation of Indians in the Indian Civil Service,
and the political empowerment and representation
of Indians. This resulted in a split,
whereby Freemason  Crown loyalists formed a
breakaway association called the Indian Reform
Association under Keshub Chunder Sen to "uplift
the common people but only give them political
representation when they are ready for it".
In 1871 a branch was established by Adi Dharm faction
in Oudh (modern Lucknow) by Dakshinaranjan
Mukherjee for demanding Indian elected representation
in legislatures.
The Reform Association faction on July 26, 1876
established a Bharat Sabha with Bengali leaders like
Surendranath Banerjee, Sivanath Sastri, Ananda Mohan
Bose etc. and held its first annual conference
in Calcutta. Initially under Sen it was pro-Crown.
However, after the 2nd Brahmo Schism of 1878,
the Sadharan Brahmo Samaj regrouped with Adi
Brahmo Samaj to promote nationalism and “freedom”
from British rule. From 1880 till 1890 a bitter battle for
control of the Reform Association ensued between the
pro-Sen and anti-Sen factions.
After the death of Sen in 1884 the Reform Association
also passed fully into the hands of Brahmo Samaj by

1885 allowing all the Brahmo factions (i.e. Adi

Brahmo Samaj, Adi Dharm Sabha, Sadharan Brahmo
Samaj, Prarthana Samaj) to form in 1885 the Indian
National Congress .

Timothy Spearman
Gandhi: The Illuminati’s Duplicitous Double Agent
Probably the most influential figure of the pro-
independence drive in the post-colonial period was
M.K. Gandhi referred to today as Mahatma Gandhi.
The name “Mahatma” was derived from the fact that
he was an inductee of both Freemasonry and the
Theosophical Society. Those granted initiation into
both Orders were normally awarded the special title
Mahatma meaning “Great Soul”. It was H. P.
Blavastsky’s successor and head of the Theosophical
Society, Annie Besant, who conferred the title of
“Mahatma” upon Gandhi.

The Theosophical Society had been formerly headed by

the famed occultist and known Luciferian, Madame
Blavatsky. During 1884, Besant had developed a
rapport with Edward Aveling, who was the first to
translate the works of Karl Marx (Mordecai Levy) into
English. He eventually went to live with Marx’s
daughter, Eleanor Marx. Besant was a leading
spokesperson for the Fabian Society. The Fabians were

a group of socialists who adopted a different strategy

from the Marxists, pursuing world domination through
what they called the “doctrine of inevitability of
gradualism.” They aimed to achieve their goals,
“without breach of continuity” or through abrupt social
change, by infiltrating educational institutions,
government agencies, and political parties. Besant’s
partner in running the Theosophical Society was
Charles Leadbeater, a known pedophile. In 1909,
Leadbeater identified the new Messiah in the person of
the handsome young Indian boy named Jiddu
Krishnamurti. Krishnamurti gained international
acceptance among followers of Theosophy as the new
Savior, but his father created a scandal when he accused
Leadbeater of having corrupted his son. As President of
the Theosophical Society, Besant became involved in
Indian politics, joining the Indian National Congress.
This led to her election as president of the India
National Congress in late 1917.

The London Diary of mk Gandhi , written during his

time in London, recorded the events of this time in his
life, but despite the painstaking efforts of scholars to
preserve his writings for posterity, all but 20 pages of
The London Diary have mysteriously gone missing.

The surviving pages describe Gandhi’s initiation to

the Third Degree of Freemasonry in coded language,
something only a Freemason scholar would notice. The
original 120-page volume would have been his

Freemason diary. If the surviving 20 pages are any

indication, it appears to be a record of his initiation
through the various degrees of the Order. Since he is
known to have entrusted The London Diary to a close
family relation, the fact that it has gone missing is
highly suspect. The more likely explanation is that it is
being withheld from the public. This is to conceal
Gandhi’s Freemason affiliations. It was here that he
first met members of the Theosophical Society. They
encouraged him to join them in reading the Bhagavad
Gita. This apparently sparked Gandhi’s interest in
religion, to which he had shown no prior inclination.
Gandhi later credited Theosophy with instilling in him
the principle of the overriding equality of all religions.
Gandhi had met Blavatsky and Besant in 1889. And
when Gandhi set up his office in Johannesburg, among
the pictures he hung on his walls were those of Tolstoy,
Jesus Christ and Annie Besant.
Joseph Lelyveld’s book, Great Soul: Mahatma Gandhi
And His Struggle with India, revealed that Gandhi was
a sexually deviant, politically incompetent and
downright cruel to those around him. Gandhi typified
the hypocrisy displayed in twentieth century
intellectuals, professing love for mankind while
behaving manifestly otherwise towards individuals.

He shared the racist beliefs of the Theosophists. Of

white Afrikaaners and Indians, he wrote: “We believe
as much in the purity of races as we think they do.”
Gandhi lent his support to the Zulu War of 1906,

volunteering for military service himself and raising a

battalion of stretcher-bearers. Gandhi complained of
Indians being marched off to prison where they were
placed alongside Blacks, “We could understand not
being classed with whites, but to be placed on the same
level as the Natives seemed too much to put up with.
Kaffirs [Blacks] are as a rule uncivilized—the convicts
even more so. They are troublesome, very dirty and live
like animals.”

Gandhi and Mussolini became friendly when they met

in December 1931, with Gandhi praising the Duce’s
“service to the poor, his opposition to super-
urbanization, his efforts to bring about a coordination
between Capital and Labour, his passionate love for his
people.” He also advised the Czechs and Jews to adopt
nonviolence toward the Nazis, saying that “a single Jew
standing up and refusing to bow to Hitler’s decrees”
might be enough “to melt Hitler’s heart.” Gandhi also
attended the Inner Temple law school, one of the five
Inns of Court located in the City of London. Such
institutions, especially at that time, reserved their
student enrollment for members of the British
aristocracy, esteemed persons who would later be
considered worthy candidates for elevation to the House
of Lords.
What made Gandhi so special? What had initiated
him, as a mere colonial, into the ranks of so aristocratic,
racist and elitist an environment? A university degree,
and a knowledge of English, are minimum requirements

to enter the Inns of Court in London. However, at the

turn of the twentieth century one would usually have to
belong to an aristocratic family of high standing to
study at such an illustrious institution. Gandhi was a
college dropout and came from a poor family from the
colony of India. He is said to have spent three years at
the Inner Temple. Either this is a cover story and he
was actually attending the school for spies and
definitely not the expensive, aristocratic Inns of
Court, or he was granted the privilege as a spy to
attend the elite law school, while in training as a spy,
receiving a double degree as it were. In 1887,
Mohandas Gandhi began his training as a British
Secret Service agent in the capital of the Empire. His
cover was to be that of a barrister or lawyer. The British
were determined to retain the colony of India at
whatever cost and so British MI6 saturated the
subcontinent with British-trained spies. Being recruited
from a poor non-Brahman caste background to join the
upper echelons of British society would have been an
almost irresistible temptation for someone from a lower
caste position in Indian society, where he had suffered
denigration and being poorly treated most of his life. It
was the ideal recruitment opportunity for someone who
would be given a double incentive to succeed. Two
highly committed British imperialists were
responsible for recruiting Gandhi as a spy and paying
for his expenses while undergoing training in London.
These men were Lord Roberts of Kandahar, who was
dubbed “Mr. British Empire,” and was stationed in

India for most of his career. He is credited with

recruiting Gandhi as a spy. In addition, there was the
role played by the aristocratic Admiral Edmond
Slade, who provided the finances for Gandhi’s training
as a spy in London. His daughter Madeline became
besotted with Gandhi, for whom the affection was
mutual. Consequently, Admiral Slade was only
responsible for his living expenses while in London.
Gandhi even stayed at the admiral’s country estate,
Milton Heath.
The life of a spy and double agent is far from sedentary.
In 1893, Mohandas Gandhi departed for South Africa,
leaving his wife and two children behind.
He then returned to India on July 4, 1896, to retrieve his
family from Jajkot and bring them to India. In 1899, the
very man who had recommended him for training in
Britain, Lord Roberts, arrived in Cape Town. In 1899,
Lord Roberts commanded the British Empire during the
Gold War. Gandhi was part of a special ambulance
corps that assisted the British Empire forces. Lord
Roberts was the architect of the brutal concentration
camps that were created for the confinement of Boer
women and children. Gandhi never seemed to be
bothered by the abysmal treatment of innocent women
and children as long as the aims of the British Empire
were served in a Machiavellian sense. Once the British
Empire had defeated the Boers, the spoils of victory –
the highly prized gold – was shipped to the Bank of
England in London. That gold was used by the British
to finance the Kaiser and the German military buildup

prior to WWI. The gold was used to help finance the

Bolshevik Revolution in Russia. After the British
conquered South Africa, the Zulus felt the iron heel of
oppression. In desperation, they rose in revolt, which
was brutally crushed. Sergeant-Major Gandhi led an
ambulance team of stretcher-bearers. After the British
conquered South Africa, the Zulus received the brunt of
the oppressive forces. In desperation, they revolted,
which was brutally put down. Sergeant-Major Gandhi
meanwhile served the British by assuming command of
a brigade of ambulance stretcher-bearers during this
bloody suppression.
Mohandas Gandhi sailed for England in July 1914 just
in time for World War I. He sailed for India on
December 19, and reached Bombay on January 9, 1915.
Gandhi’s propaganda press had preceded him, hailing
him as a hero of non-violence and a champion of human
rights for the oppressed. Fellow Freemason Rev. J.J.
Doke would assist him in this effort with his Gandhi
biography, which Gandhi paid for 600 copies to be
printed up for distribution to the major newspapers in
Europe and America. Madeline Slade (1892–1982)
aged 14. Madeline first met Gandhi when he was
studying in London and in training as an agent. She
later traveled all the way to India to be with her mentor
Mahatma Gandhi. She called him Bapu, which means
“father” in Gujerati and he changed her name to
Mirabehn, after Meera Bai, and Indian goddess.
Madeline Slade sailed for India in October 1925, and
she arrived at Gandhi’s Ashram on November 7.

Madeline provided the funds from the Bank of

England for Gandhi’s passive resistance or satyagraha.

Gandhi during WWI, organizer of the Indian Volunteer

Corps, London, 1914. The later partitioning of India
caused a dreadful civil war between Hindus and
Muslims. Gandhi’s answer to the millions who were
uprooted from their homes was to undertake another
fast. Jawaharlar Nehru worked with Gandhi to achieve
the partitioning of India. He served as the Prime
Minister of India from 1947 to 1964. Muhammed Ali
Jinnah was the first Muslim Governor-General of the
newly created nation of Pakistan. Both were trained as
fellow double agents and spies in London, while
ostensibly studying law at the Inns of Court.

Gandhi with some of his fellow spies in London.

In 1947, India was partitioned and two hostile nations
were created where one nation had stood united for four
thousand years. The British divide and rule strategy
succeeded, with Hindus, Sikhs, and Muslims divided
along ethnic lines. After the partition in 1947, a further
partition took place in 1971 with the creation of
Bangladesh. More countries mean more wars and
wasteful military expenditures which could be used to
improve the lives of the people. Gandhi met with fellow
members of the European Committee at a Masonic
Lodge in Johannesburg. No details are available from
those meetings, suggesting the contents were secret, but
we have Gandhi’s admission that they took place. He

also exchanged letters with Lord Ampthill, the Grand

Master of the Grand Lodge of England. Seeking to
distance himself from fellow Freemason initiates, Lord
Ampthill denied knowing the author of Gandhi’s
biography, Rev. J.J. Doke, in his foreword to the book.
Since both men were Freemasons and fellow members
of the European Committee, Lord Ampthill had to have
known him. Lord Ampthill wrote the foreword for the
Gandhi biography written by Doke, who was the
Editor-in-Chief of Gandhi’s newspaper. As the Grand
Master of the Grand Lodge of England, Lord Ampthill
had presided over the laying of a foundation stone for a
Shakespeare theatre in Stratford-upon-Avon. What this
means is that Ampthill was not only perpetuating a lie
from the sixteenth century that the illiterate imposter
Will Shakspere was the Bard of Avon, but was
responsible for placing a new imposter on the pedestal
in the twentieth century. Gandhi is far more complex a
figure than anyone seems to have imagined. The recent
book Gandhi under Cross-examination exposes the fact
that Gandhi lied about the racial train and coach
incident, where he was purportedly thrown off a train at
Pietermaritzburg Station. The Editor-in-Chief of
Gandhi’s own Indian Opinion newspaper, Rev. J.J.
Doke, wrote the biography, opportunistically turning
Gandhi into a martyred saint for political motivations.
By comparing the four biographical and
autobiographical accounts of the incident, the authors of
Gandhi Under Cross-examination discover the fraud
Gandhi committed on the world’s citizens. Under cross-

examination, Gandhi is exposed as a fraudster, who has

lied about his past in order to exploit the politics of
victimization to gain political advantage. This is an
effective counterpoint to the later real-life trail of
Gandhi’s assassin, Nathuram Godse. In the 1890’s in
South Africa, Gandhi addressed a body of fellow
Indians in a town hall in Johannesburg. He raises a
motion for a permanent Indian militia in South Africa.
He proposes forming a volunteer ambulance corps of
Indian stretcher-bearers to convince the British that they
are loyal followers of the British Empire, in order to
gain the permission of His Majesty’s government to
found a permanent India militia. Gandhi becomes a
sergeant major in the British Army. His ambulance
team joins the British in their effort to suppress a Kaffir
uprising in South Africa. Gandhi acts as a recruitment
officer for the British Army in the Boar War, WWI and
WWII and as an apologist for the British Empire in his
Indian Opinion newspaper. We also know that Gandhi
had secret meetings with arms dealers

-----Sergeant major Gandhi Two attempts on the life

of Gandhi are made in close succession. Assassins
are dispatched from Lincoln’s Inn in London, one of
the Inns of Court, which were law schools founded for
the legal education of the aristocratic elite. The author
of this book learned this from a Pakistan born
Canadian, who had received the Masonic ritual torture
of the Third Degree at the hands of his Masonic
brethren in Pakistan. He displayed to the author, in the

restaurant, the corresponding scars to both temples and

a single scar in the middle of his forehead matching
those involved in the third-degree rite of Freemasonry.
This right is based on the murder of Hiram Abif, the
architect of King Solomon’s Temple. According to
Masonic lore, he was at prayer in the Temple, when he
was ambushed by the Three Unworthy Craftsmen,
known as the Three Juwes, namely, Jebelo, Jubela and
Jubelum. They demanded to know the secrets of the
Third Degree, the so-called Master Mason degree of
Freemasonry, pertaining to the secrets of stone
masonry-based architecture. When he refused to reveal
the secret, they cordoned off the exits of the Temple,
and administered the blows to the two temples and the
middle of the forehead corresponding to the injuries
received by the Pakistani gentleman sharing his
experiences at the restaurant. The third-degree ritual
torture is given to those who are considered traitors to
the Freemason fraternity to which they belong. In the
course of the conversation, he revealed that Benazir
Bhutto was a member of his Lodge in Pakistan. She
had asked for a campaign contribution for her reelection
campaign as the presidential incumbent. He was a
wealthy corporate magnate, which is why she turned to
him. When learning that a woman had been inducted
into a Masonic Lodge, the author was taken aback, as
women are normally in the habit of joining the Order of
the Eastern Star. He replied that women sometimes
joined the male fraternity if they were of high status and
influence. He then explained that his refusal was seen as

a betrayal of a fellow member of the Order. This is why

he was given the ritual torture of the third degree. He
also revealed, over the course of the discussion, that
Gandhi’s assassins were dispatched from Lincoln’s
Inn. He also concurred with the author that the Masons
had had some involvement in the assassination of John
F. Kennedy, who was killed according to the rite of the
seventeenth degree of Freemasonry, the so-called Royal
Arch Degree. To return to the subject of this inquiry,
Gandhi himself studied at one of the other Inns of Court
called the Inner Temple.
“Pakistan,” meaning “Holy Land”. The rest of
Hindustan, was subsequently renamed “Bharat”.

Godse argued that the name “India” was a perversion of

“Hindustan” that had been adopted by the British.
“Bharat” was an ancient name for India, which meant
“a complete undivided Hindustan.”

What weakened India immeasurably and was like a

wound to its Achilles’ foot was the “communalism”
award Gandhi received at the second round of the
Round Table Conference in London.

Having boycotted the conference, the Congress Party of

India soon regretted its decision and resolved to send
Gandhi instead .
In 1919, the Government of India Act was
overshadowed by the Jallianwalla Bagh Tragedy.

Though the incident happened long ago, it is fresh in

the minds of the people who lost loved ones and have
hearts enough to know what it must feel like to lose a
loved one. Hundreds of men, women and children
were shot dead that day at the orders of General Dwyer
for the mere crime of holding a peaceful demonstration
against the Rowlatt Act. Sir Michael O’Dwyer became
notorious for his callous and unscrupulous reprisals
against anyone who denounced or opposed the Rowlatt
Act. The apologists have lost the argument in excusing
these acts as those of misguided fanatics in breach of
the proper chain of command. This man was a ‘Sir’, a
knight and a peer of the realm. This means that he and
his policies had the endorsement of the British
establishment and the blessing of the King. Twenty
years later he would pay for his crimes, when he was
shot dead in London ? by Udham Singh. Drama ??
Chandra Shekhar Azad used to receive money regularly
from Motilal Nehru/ freemason . Money to the
revolutionaries was also supplied by Puroshattamdas
Tandon and Shiv Prasad Gupta. Even leaders like
Maulana Shaukat Ali and Krishna Kant Malviya
supplied revolvers to Sanyal.
Doke’s biography M.K. Gandhi: The Story of an Indian
Patriot in South Africa is dated 1909, yet it can be
established from the evidence of several letters written
in the year 1908 that an intimate friendship and political
alliance had been forged between Gandhi and Doke
well in advance of the biography’s publication.

The following letter by Gandhi to Rev. Doke dated Oct.

8, 1908 is a fine example: Dear Mr. Doke, I received
your note at Pheonix. The expected has happened. I
think it is well. I have arrived just in time. There were
serious differences between two sections here. They are
by no means over yet. You will say I have accepted the
hospitality before the ‘settings’ were finished. I think it
was better that I should do that than that the invitation
should be rejected for the sake of the ‘settings’. After
all I have done nothing. For six days I may carry on
correspondence. If you think I should answer any
questions, you may write. I must now stop as I have
been called away to give digit impressions. Please
excuse me to Olive for not writing. I am Yours
sincerely, K. Gandhi What this letter reveals is that
Gandhi has become a friend of the Doke family and is
on intimate terms with husband and wife. It is also clear
from the letter that Gandhi appeals to Doke for advice
and counsel and that they are political colleagues. The
fact that Gandhi invites Doke to write to him should he
have any questions implies that the reverend has
become so intimate an associate that Gandhi’s personal
welfare has become a matter of greatest concern to his
champion and defender.
There is nothing cynical about the friendship and
political alliance. What we question is the fact that such
a relationship is a conflict of interest from the
standpoint of a professional biographer. There is no
way that the friendship and political alliance forged

between the two men could fail to color the tone of the
biography. A letter from the same year reveals how
close the relationship between the two men has become.
Gandhi writes to Doke from the Court House. The letter
is written in an attempt on Gandhi’s part to relieve his
friend of any anxieties he might entertain on his
account. The tone of the letter is most consoling: Dear
Mr. Doke, I am writing this from the Court House. I had
hoped to be able to send you something before I was
fixed up. But I I have been too busy otherwise. I thank
you very much for your good wishes. My sole trust is in
God. I am therefore quite cheerful. There is another
letter from Doke that shows the great depth of Doke’s
friendship and love for Gandhi. The letter is dates
September 30, 1908 well before the publication date of
the biography. There is no doubt that the friendship has
moved well beyond acquaintance and mutual self-
interest. A bond has been forged between the two men
that is lifelong, so deeply felt on Doke’s part that he
would willingly lay down his life for Gandhiji: Your
beautiful present of the Song Celestial I appreciate very
much. In every respect it is one of the Choicest
treasures which I have – dainty in appearance –
fascinating in its contents – and of great value and a
momento of a friendship which I shall always regard
with gratitude. Yes, even if the darling wish of your
heart is fulfilled and I get into prison for it. Then we
have Rev. J.J. Doke’s letter to the editor of the Rand
Daily Mail, in which he protests the arrest of Gandhi.
What is clear from the letter is that he has received

regular updates from Gandhi on the treatment he has

received at the hands of the authorities. This means that
no one member of the Satragraya is more concerned
with the personal well being of Mahatma Gandhi than
Rev. Doke. He has taken it upon himself to be his
champion and defender. His good name and standing in
the community as a reverend of untarnished
respectability would make his letter to the editor both
credible and morally persuasive. It is likely that both
Gandhi and Doke would have recognized the political
expediency of using the merits of a man of the cloth to
influence public sentiment. There is no doubt from the
tenor of the letter that it is intended to make the citizens
raise up in moral outrage: Yesterday it was necessary
that he should Appear in some case in the Magistrate’s
Court. I understand he was brought there from the cells,
dressed in civilian clothes, but handcuffed! Of course,
there may be amongst us those who will be glad to hear
that indignities are being heaped on this great Indian
leader; but I venture to hope that The great majority of
our colonies will Feel ashamed and angry that a man of
the character and position of Mr. Gandhi should be
needlessly insulted in this way. What emerges from the
letter is the fact that Doke has risen to the stature of
being Gandhi champion. No matter how politically and
socially compromised he might be in the corrupt white
establishment of South Africa, he is prepared to put his
life and reputation on the line in defense of Gandhi. No
higher level of commitment could be shown by one
human being to another not in defense of their mutual

cause than that shown by Doke to Gandhi and

How did they meet? How did they come to know
each other? And under what compunction were they
brought together? Was there a fraternity to which
they both belonged that preceded Satragraya and the
European Committee of which they were both active
members? What force drew Doke from New Zealand to
South Africa and to seize the hand of his confederate?
There is an answer to this and the evidence for it rests
with a speech Gandhi gave at a Masonic Hall of all
places in Johannesburg. The description of the
gathering given below reveals a great deal about the
organizations to which Gandhi and Doke were mutually
affiliated: The Masonic Hall, Jepper Street,
Johannesburg, was the scene of a brilliant mixed
gathering of Europeans, Chinese and Indians on the
night of the 18th instant in honour of the British Indian
community. Mr. Hoskin was in the chair. Mr. Doke was
on his right and Mrs. Doke on his left. Mr. Cachalia
occupied a seat to the right of Mr. Doke. Mr. Quinn and
his Chinese friends were also present. The first thing to
observe about the preceding description of the banquet
is that it was held in a Masonic Lodge and that Mr.
Hosken, the leader of the European Committee to which
both Gandhi and Doke belong, is the Grand Master of
the Masonic Lodge on Jepper Street in Johannesburg
where the banquet is being held. We know this because
of what is stated in the above passage, that, “Mr.

Hosken was in the chair.” This means that he is in the

chair where the Worshipful Master or Grand Master of
the Masonic Lodge presides. This means that he is a
33rd Degree Freemason and the supreme head of this
particular Temple. The fact that Gandhi and Doke are
present and that Gandhi is giving a speech in honour of
Rev. Doke in a Masonic Lodge hosted by the Grand
Master of the Lodge and leader of the European
Committee, Mr. Hosken, is strong evidence supporting
Gandhi’s and Doke’s Freemason affiliations. The fact
that Mr. Hosken is both the Grand Master of the
Temple and the leader of the European Committee of
which all three are members suggest that the links
between the three men go beyond the European
Committee to another overriding organization, the very
organization in whose Temple the current banquet it is
being hosted, namely Freemasonry. We would go even
further and suggest that the European Committee is a
subcommittee set up by Freemasonry for vested
political reasons and toward a defined political goal.
The description of the content of Gandhi’s speech given
below establishes the Masonic affiliations of all three
men beyond doubt: Speaking of Mr. Doke’s Asiatic
work, it is not possible to refrain from speaking in
praise of the work of the European Committee of which
the chairman (Mr. Hosken) was the president. Mr.
Gandhi frankly confessed that passive resistance might
have broken down without the magnificent support
rendered by the European Committee. What the
preceding passage reveals is what it doesn’t reveal,

namely, the text of Gandhi’s speech. We only have a

description of the speech made at the so-called banquet.
While some might object that just because all three men
are attending a meeting held in a Masonic Lodge in no
way proves that they are Masons, the fact that this is an
official meeting and Gandhi’s speech is not available
because the meeting is official and secret proves that all
three men are Masons. Again, some might argue that
just because the meeting is held in a Masonic Temple
does not mean that everyone present is a Mason,
including possibly some of the Chinese delegates
present, the fact that this is an official Masonic meeting
is proven by the fact that the text of Gandhi’s speech is
not available. We only have the minutes pertaining to
the alleged content of Gandhi’s speech. This means that
Gandhi’s speech and its contents are secret. Let’s not
forget that Freemasonry in its modern form is based on
the 33 Degree organizational model founded by Sir
Francis Bacon, the founder of her Majesty’s Secret
Service, and that like the intelligence organization that
was formed under his leadership, Freemasonry is a
secret society that is highly secretive. (Francis Bacon’s
Personal Life Story) Strong affiliations remain
between the world’s intelligence communities and
Freemasonry to this day.
According to a source formerly in U.S. Naval
Intelligence, most of the higher-ranking officers in the
American intelligence community are higher degree
initiates of Freemasonry. What does this say about

Gandhi’s real status? Is he a spy and intelligence asset

of the British government assigned to be instrumental in
the partitioning of India and Pakistan and that his
Freemason affiliations would help him to sell out his
own people? We think this very likely. What has been
shown if not proven beyond a reasonable doubt is that
both Gandhi and Doke are Freemasons and that
they are attending an official Lodge meeting in which
the Lodge members are hosting a farewell dinner for
one of their own members, J.J. Doke.
The fact is however that much of what Gandhi wrote is
in Masonic code. Much of it is to be taken figuratively
rather than literally. The following passage is taken
from Gandhi’s dairy at a time just before he leaves for
London to sit the Bar. What Gandhi is describing here
would be interpreted by most scholars as a literal
account of a series of accidents that befell him while
journeying from place to place. This would not be a
correct interpretation. What Gandhi is in fact describing
in coded language, which can only be understood by
higher degree initiates of Freemasonry or by researchers
of Freemasonry, is his initiation to the Third Degree of
Freemasonry: Amidst thoughts, I came unconsciously
in contact with a carriage. I received some injury. Yet I
did not take the help of anybody in walking. I think I
was quite dizzy. Then we entered the house of
Maghjibhai. There I again came in contact with a stone
unknowingly and received injury. I was quite senseless.
From that time I did not know what took place, and

after that, I am told by them, I fell flat on the ground

after some steps. I was not myself for 5 minutes. They
considered I was dead. But fortunately for myself the
ground on which I fell was quite smooth. I came to my
senses at last and all of them were quite joyful. The
mother was sent for. She was very sorry for me, and
this caused my delay though I told them that I was quite
well. But none would allow me to go, though I
afterwards came to know that my bold and dearest
mother would have to go. But she feared the calumny of
other people… What Gandhi is recounting in this diary
entry is for Masonic eyes only. Only a fellow Mason or
a researcher in the field would be able to interpret the
Masonic allusions and there is no doubt that the
preceding passage is written in Masonic code. What
Gandhi is describing is his own initiation to the Third
Degree of Freemasonry. While some might argue that it
is a literal description of an accident that befell him
while traveling in India, a careful reading of the passage
would make such conjecture absurd. Some might even
argue that Masonic initiation in the place described
would be impossible since no Masonic Temple could be
found in such a location, but this is to impute that
Gandhi is being as literal about the location as he is
about the account itself. The diary entry was made on
November 12, 1888 in London, which is revealing in
itself. Had the event occurred in India, why would he
not have made the diary entry at the time of the event,
which had allegedly occurred in India? First, Gandhi
tells us, ‘I came unconsciously in contact with a

carriage’. When the first mishap occurred, we are told

that he ‘unconsciously’ received a blow to the head. We
know he sustained an injury to the head because he
says, ‘I think I was quite dizzy’. He would have been
unconscious of the event were he blindfolded, which
candidates for the Third Degree notoriously are. Then,
he tells us that they entered the ‘house of Maghjibhai’,
where he sustained another injury to the head, ‘There I
again came in contact with a stone unknowingly and
received injury.’ This time he uses the word
‘unknowingly’. To this point, he has sustained at least
two blows to the head, this time ‘unknowingly’. Were
he blindfolded it certainly would be ‘unknowingly’. He
would not know what hit him so to speak. He certainly
would appear not to be aware of the fact that a stone
maul had struck him in the forehead, which would in
fact be the case if he were a candidate for the Third
Degree. What is the Third Degree? Many will be
familiar with the phrase, ‘They gave him the Third
Degree’. Masons initiated to the Third Degree know its
significance. It is a ritual death conceived in part to
warn the candidate never to betray the Order. Any
candidate who betrays the order is given the Third
Degree, which in Masonic language means that he is
subjected to a ritualized form of torture and
assassination. Masons who betray the oath taken in the
Third Degree to safeguard the secrets of Freemasonry
and not reveal any of its arcane beliefs and practices
will be given the Third Degree in fact and not in ritual.
The Third Degree has a long history. It is ultimately

based on a ritual reenactment of the murder of Hiram

Abif, the alleged architect of King Solomon’s Temple.
According to the legend, Hiram Abif was confronted by
three ruffians in the Temple. The three ruffians are
known in Masonic lore as the three Juwes. The three
Jewes are Jubelo, Jubela and Jubelum, the alleged
assassins of Hiram Abif. According to the story, upon
completing his prayers, Hiram Abif prepared to leave
the Temple when he was confronted by the three Juwes.
The first of the assailants demanded that Hiram reveal
the secrets of the Master Mason, but the Master refused.
This set into motion such jealous rage in the three
aspirants that their anger turned violent with deadly
consequences. The story of what occurred is here
recorded by researchers with Masonic affiliations: His
devotions being ended, he prepared to retire by the
south gate, where he was accosted by the first of these
ruffians, who, for want of a better weapon, had armed
himself with a plumb rule, and in a threatening manner
demanded of our Master…the genuine secrets of
(Grand Geometrician), warning him that death would be
the consequence of his refusal; but true to his obligation
he replied that those secrets were known to but three in
the world and that without the consent of the other two,
he neither could, nor would divulge them… This
answer not proving satisfactory, the Ruffian aimed a
violent blow at out Master’s forehead, but startled by
the firmness of his demeanour, it only glanced down the
right temple. Yet with sufficient force to cause him to
reel and sink to the ground on his left knee. Recovering

himself from this situation, he rushed to the west gate

where he stood opposed by the second ruffian, to whom
he replied as before, yet with undiminished firmness
when the ruffian, who was armed with a level struck a
violent blow on the left temple which brought him to
the ground on his right knee. Finding all chances of
escape in both these quarters cut off, our Master
staggered, faint and bleeding, to the east gate where the
third ruffian was posted and who, on receiving a similar
reply to his insolent demand…struck him a violent blow
full in the center of the forehead with a heavy stone
maul, which laid him lifeless at his feet. It is clear from
the preceding passage that Hiram Abif was given three
blows to the head, the first to either temple and the third
and fatal deathblow to the forehead with a stone maul.
To review the passage from Gandhi’s diary entry, he
states that it was inside the ‘house of Meghjihai’ that he
received a blow from a stone, ‘There I again came in
contact with a stone unknowingly and received injury’.
We are certain the reader will agree that to receive a
blow from a stone inside the ‘house of Meghjibhai’ is a
rather unusual place to suffer from such a mishap,
unless of course you are a Freemason undergoing the
third in a succession of ritual blows in the Third Degree
of initiation inside a Masonic Temple. Nor would it be
so unheard of if the stone were in fact a stone maul used
to administer the ritualistic fatal blow to the forehead in
ritual of the Third Degree. Following the blow received
from the stone (or stone maul), Gandhi stumbles and
falls ‘flat on the ground’ we are told. We are then

informed that he was unconscious for five minutes. ‘I

was not myself for 5 minutes,’ he informs us, adding,
‘They considered I was dead.’ Since the candidate for
the Third Degree is undergoing his own ritual death, it
would be natural for his brethren to regard him as
symbolically dead at this point in the ritual. Then
Gandhi informs us that he escapes serious injury
because of the smoothness of the floor, ‘But fortunately
for myself the ground on which I fell was quite
smooth.’ Indeed, the floor would have been quite
smooth had he fallen on solid masonry, which the floor
of a Masonic Temple would most assuredly be. Then he
informs us that his brethren were overjoyed when he
regained his senses, ‘I came to my senses at last and all
of them were quite joyful.’ The relevance of this is that
the Third Degree ceremony culminates with the
Worshipful Master removing the blindfold so the
candidate of the Third Degree can gaze upon his own
burial shroud containing the skull and crossbones. He
would then be raised from the dead in a raising
ceremony at which point his fellow Masons who raise a
cheer of rejoicing. Following this, Gandhi informs us
that, ‘The mother was sent for.’ It is no accident that he
uses the definite article ‘The’ before ‘mother’. Why
would he not say, ‘My mother was sent for’? This is
because the language is intended to be ambiguous. To
the uninitiated, ‘mother’ is an allusion to his mother.
Thus, it is his mother who is being sent for. To the
initiated, ‘The mother’ refers not to Gandhi’s own
mother, but to ‘The Widow’ of which all Masons claim

to be the sons. According to Masonic lore, Hiram Abif

was the Widow’s son. Many Masons even refer to
themselves as ‘the Widow’s sons’ or ‘the sons of the
widow’. Gandhi informs us that, ‘she was very sorry for
me’, as of course the widow would most assuredly be
for her martyred son. He then informs us, ‘But none
would allow me to go, though I afterwards came to
know that my bold and dearest mother would have
allowed me to go.’ This is in fact all Masonic code for
the Widow wishing to set her son, Hiram Abif, at
liberty, since ‘liberty, fraternity and equality’ are said to
be the motto Masons swear by. The passage ends with
Gandhi telling us of his mother entertaining fears on
account of her son: ‘But she feared the calumny of other
people,’ which the Widow most assuredly done having
a portent of what awaited her martyr son. Is there any
evidence that Lord Ampthill had any connection with
the European Committee? Well, as the president of the
South African British Indian Committee, he would have
most certainly had dealings the European Committee, of
which Mr. Hosken was the head, since the record attests
to his dealings with another European Committee
member, namely Gandhi. In one letter, Gandhi actually
appeals to Lord Ampthill to meet with the South
African politicians, which suggests that at some point
the esteemed member of the House of Lords, probably
came into contact with several prominent political
figures in South Africa: At the same time, I respectfully
venture to think that, if somehow or other you could
come in personal contact with the South African

politicians, it will be useful for future action in

connection with the Imperial work that you, as
President of the South Africa British Indian Committee,
are engaged in. Is there any evidence that Lord
Ampthill knew or had ever met Doke, though he denies
it? Considering that Doke was so strong a supporter of
Gandhi’s, a committed proponent of Satragraya, the
editor of Gandhi’s own newspaper the Indian Opinion,
and an activist for the Indian cause in the Transvaal, it
stands to reason that Doke would be connected with the
delegation accompanying Gandhi to London to present
a deposition before Parliament on the question of Indian
immigration to the Transvaal. As the President of the
South African British Indian Committee, Lord Ampthill
had taken personal charge of the deposition opposing
the Act of 1907, a Bill that enforced strict restrictions
on Indian immigration to the Transvaal. In the
following letter, Gandhi thanks Lord Ampthill for his
continued support for the Indian cause to which he has
made his own to use Gandhi’s own phraseology: I am
extremely obliged to Your Lordship for the very great
trouble you are taking over the Indian cause in the
Transvaal which you have made your own. Gandhi then
informs Lord Ampthill that he has prepared a
deputation letter to place before parliament, but that he
will appeal to the Lord’s judgment before sending it: I
am enclosing statement in proof from because, in
anticipation of Your Lordship’s approval, it was sent to
the printer’s yesterday, but it will not be published or
submitted without consultation with Your Lordship.

Then, in response to Lord Ampthill’s concerns that

Gandhi’s movement of “passive resistance” might have
ties with radical organizations in India, Gandhi flatly
denies any such affiliation, referring to Rev. Doke for
vindication: The test of passive resistance is self-
suffering and not infliction of suffering on others. We
have, therefore, not only never received a single
farthing from “the party of sedition” in India or else-
where, but even if there was any offer, we should, if we
were true to our principles, decline to receive it. We
have hitherto made it a point not to approach the Indian
public in India for financial assistance. The accounts of
the British Indian Association are open to the world.
A statement of income expenditure is published from
time to time and is advertised in Indian Opinion. Mr.
Doke, Mr. Philips, and the Other notable men who are
working in the Transvaal for us, know this fact most
intimately… In Lord Ampthill’s foreword to Doke’s
biography, he denied having any connection to Doke,
claiming not to know him personally. One wonders how
this is possible if Gandhi is seeking vindication through
the good reverend’s character. Why would Gandhi even
refer to Rev. Doke unless he was known to Lord
Ampthill personally and sufficiently for him to act as a
meaningful character witness on Gandhi’s behalf? It is
interesting to note that the preceding letter to Lord
Ampthill is dated July 29, 1909, exactly 11 days before
Gandhi would send another letter to the esteemed Lord
asking him to write the foreword for the Doke
biography. Gandhi’s letter of request appears below:

Dear Lord Ampthill, I have now received the somewhat

delayed proof of the Rev. Mr. Doke’s book, which I am
very anxious to see published as early as possible. I
might mention in passing that I have received a number
of subscriptions in advance. I know you are very busy
and I have hesitated to burden you further with the
writing of the introduction, which you were good
enough to promise, if the proof should meet with your
approval. Nevertheless you will I hope, find time – as I
am sure you have the desire – to give this matter your
very kind attention. I am forwarding the proof under
separate cover. Later, Gandhi would refer to Doke yet
again, this time in a letter following the preceding one
requesting a foreword from Lord Ampthill. The letter is
dated October, 14, 1909, some two months after the
preceding letter. Here, Gandhi mentions Rev. Doke so
casually one must question Lord Ampthill’s claim not
to know the reverend: Mr. Doke, in a letter to me, says
that passive resisters have never been so strong as they
were when his letter left South Africa. It is undeniable
that the reference to Doke is of so casual a description
that one is forced to recognize the open familiarity
Gandhi has in alluding to their mutual acquaintance.
Doke cannot, as Lord Ampthill alleges, be unknown to
him. Indeed, the tale just keeps getting taller. Not only
do the letters Gandhi exchanges with Lord Ampthill
catch the esteemed Lord out in a lie, but they entrap
Gandhi in one of his own. We will now explore this as
it is central to the question of Gandhi’s truthfulness and
reliability as a witness offering sworn testimony. When

questioned about his connections with radical groups in

India, Gandhi defends himself against such charges in
several letters to Lord Ampthill. In one such letter dated
August 4th, 1909, just five days before he would write
to Lord Ampthill requesting that he write a foreword for
the Doke biography, Gandhi is obviously anxious to
win vindication and for good reason. The concluding
part of the letter reads as follows: I am fully aware of
the allegation that we are acting in co-operation with
the extremist party in India. I however give Your
Lordship the emphatic assurance that the charge is
totally without foundation. Indian passive resistance in
the Transvaal had its rise in that Colony and has been
continued absolutely independent of anything that is
being said or done in India; indeed, sometimes, even in
defiance of what has been said or written to the contrary
in India or elsewhere. Our movement is absolutely
unconnected with any ex(tremist movement in India). I
do not know the extremists per(sonally)… is the
Moslem League and some time Secretary in London of
the Pan-Islamic Society, and this correspondence has
been carried on with a view to interesting Indian
opinion in our matter and arousing public sympathy.
Gandhi equivocates on the issue. He claims not to know
any extremists personally and then indicates at the end
of the letter that he has some acquaintance with an
individual affiliated with the Moslem League and the
Pan-Islamic Society, but justifies his correspondence
with this individual by claiming to desire to gain
intelligence on Indian opinion concerning his cause and

also with a view to arousing public sympathy. Now if

that isn’t double talk, we would like someone to advise
us on what is. Gandhi’s double talk doesn’t end there,
since we have an actual letter he personally wrote to the
London Branch of the Indian Moslem League. Gandhi
cannot escape the charge of being guilty of double talk
on this question. He states unequivocally that he and his
organization have no association with any radical
organizations operating in India or outside and yet the
following letter proves that correspondence does take
place between his organization and one of those deemed
radical and violent, namely, the Indian Moslem League.
Gandhi’s letter to the London branch of this
organization reads as follows: Dear Sir, The Transvaal
deputation have received The following cablegram from
Johannesburg: Meeting held yesterday enthusiastic,
determined continue, resolutions congratulating
released, reaffirming complete confidence delegates,
efforts greatly appreciated, afresh pledging their
support, protesting Vernon’s statement which until
Government repudiates Asiatics interpret disclosure
Government policy. Request imprisoned
Mohammedans special meal Ramzan refused. I draw
your particular attention to the last paragraph of the
cablegram, which shows that the Transvaal Government
have deeply hurt the religious susceptibilities of British
Indian Mohammedans who have settled in the
Transvaal, who have felt called upon, on religious and
conscientious grounds, to disregard what is known as
the Asiatic Act and to suffer imprisonment for their so

doing. That under the British flag, which is supposed to

respect all religions, Mohammedan passive resisters
should be prevented from performing a religious
observance of the highest importance is a very serious
matter. I hope that the League will take prompt action. I
may point out that last year, at Volkhurst, facilities were
given to passive resisters during the month of Ramzan.
The duplicitous nature of this letter could not be more
obvious. The tone of the letter is clearly inflammatory
and specifically designed to provoke and instigate.
Gandhi’s manipulative reference to human and religious
rights violations of Mohammedans by the Transvaal
Government is calculated to provoke a violent response.
Not only does he mention the imprisonment of
Mohammedans, but the denial of their rights to
religious practice and diet. Gandhi adds, “I hope that
the League will take prompt action.” To instigate
conflict and incite a radical organization to prompt and
decisive action is none other than to call for and incite
violence. And this is the true face behind the mask of
divinity. This is the quintessential Gandhi, the two-
faced Gandhi, the duplicitous double talker. While
posturing outwardly as a pacifist with no appetite
for blood whatsoever, he was covertly acting as a
man of war and instigator of terrorism. Col. G.B.
Singh’s book, Gandhi: Behind the Mask of Divinity has
already implicated Gandhi in a bloody suppression of
African Zulus.

A shrewd investigator might also ask why photos of

Gandhi in his British colonel uniform have not been as
easy to come by as those depicting the Hindu saint in a
loincloth. Gandhi did have Freemason affiliations, this
would explain his duplicitous Orwellian doublespeak
and double talk. The Masons have always employed
such tactics. It is their modus operandi to present a good
outward façade, while concealing the shady and
criminal underworld activities of the world’s largest and
most powerful crime syndicate. This is what is
symbolized by the black and white squares found on
the floors of every Masonic Temple and on the police
caps of so many of the world’s police forces. It
symbolizes the fact that the Masons control both sides,
the light and the dark forces, that they supply arm to
both sides in wars, play both sides of the fence, and
engage in black operations as their basic modus
operandi. Before going underground and changing their
name, the modern-day Freemasons were known as the
Knights Templar. An early Templar family known as
the House of Guise and Lorraine had a unique Coat-of-
Arms consisting of a “double cross”. This Coat-of-
Arms came to be associated with their modus operandi,
which consisted of betraying or double-crossing both
sides in wars by covertly arming both sides. Supplying
gold and arms to one king to which they pretended to be
loyal, they would simultaneously turn around and arm
his opponent. Duplicity and double-dealing came to be
so closely associated with this family that the “double
cross” came to mean betray, cheat, or deceive someone.

As a probable heir by succession to crooks in a criminal

organization of longstanding, Gandhi was well trained
in the arts of deception, duplicity and intrigue, and
pulled it off with masterful precision.
In the 1890’s, the young Gandhi set off to London to
study law. His London Diary recorded the events of this
time in his life, but despite the painstaking efforts of
scholars to preserve his writings for posterity, all but 20
pages of The London Diary went missing. The
surviving pages describe Gandhi’s initiation to the
Third Degree of Freemasonry. It is apparently his
Freemason diary. It in all probability describes his
initiation through the several degrees of the
The cable from Gandhi reads, “Hosken issued public
appeal supporting our letter.” Hosken, our reader will
recall, was presiding as the Worshipful Master at the
farewell dinner for Rev. Doke held at the Masonic
Lodge meeting in Johannesburg. Hosken was also the
head of the European Committee. The fact that Gandhi
mentions “Hosken” in the cable without any honorific
title before his name suggests that he is a widely known
member of the old boy’s network and an intimate
associate of them both.
This suggests either that Lord Ampthill was an active
member of the same Masonic Lodge or intimately
associated with its members and some of those
associated with the European Committee. In short, it is

highly doubtful that Doke would not have been known

to Ampthill personally.
London Diary must be evaluated carefully. The
editors of CWMG confess that this diary was of about
120 pages. Accordingly, Gandhi handed over this diary
to Chhaganlal Gandhi, his cousin, in South Africa, who
too was going to London in 1909. Only 20 pages of this
diary are available in the CWMG. The rest are
unaccounted for.
When Jinnah fought for Bhagat Singh

Bodies of Bhagat Singh,Rajguru and Sukhdevd were

taken to Ganda Singh wala near District Kasur from the
back gate of Lahore central jail after execution and half
burnt in the name of cremation. However it were large
number of people led by Lala Lajpat Rai's daughter
Parvati Devi and Bibi Amark kaur sister of Bhagat
Singh, that took way the half burnt body pieces of
martyrs back to Lahore and all three were properly
cremated at bank of river Ravi at Lahore with 40
thousand strong procession of people.

Bhagat Sing wanted to change the structure of society

radically. In a brief essay on the slogan ‘Long live the
revolution,’ he writes: “The sense in which the word
revolution is used in this phrase is the spirit, the longing

for a change for the better. The people generally get

accustomed to the established order of things and begin
to tremble at the very idea of change. It is this lethargic
spirit that needs to be replaced with the revolutionary
spirit.” -------------- WROTE AT WHAT AGE

freemasonry and their involvement in israel
 "Former Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has
publicly stated (see the Israeli publication Shishi,
Spring 1994) that he was initiated into the Masonic
Lodge while in the United States. The La
Republica newspaper stated that Prime Minister
Yitzak Rabin was active in Masonry and estimated

there are 4,000 Israeli Freemasons, divided into 76

lodges. Most Israeli judges and religious figures are
Masons. Rothschild-supported Hebrew University
in Israel has erected an Egyptian obelisk, symbol of
Freemasonry, in its courtyard, and inside the new
Israeli Supreme Court building is a law library
architecturally designed in the shape of an Egyptian
 “To you, Sovereign Grand Inspectors General (of
the 33rd degree), we say this, that you may repeat it
to the brethren of the 32nd , 31st and 30th degrees
– The Masonic Religion should be, by all of us
initiates of the high degrees, maintained in the
purity of the Luciferian doctrine. … Yes, Lucifer is
God … “ Albert Pike, Morals and Dogma of the
Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of
Freemasonry in 1871

Hitler was a freemason

Italian dictator Benito Mussolini 'was recruited by


Meet Sergeant Major Mohandas Karamchand

Gandhi - The most instrumental figure behind the
Indian War Effort in WW1:
British steamer SS Kinfauns Castle had reached the
English Channel from Cape Town in South Africa in
August 1914 when one of the passengers received
important news: the British Empire was at war with
Germany. Upon reaching Britain, he would declare
unconditional support to the British war effort and
propose to raise an Indian volunteer unit. He was
barrister Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi.
By late August, 1914, it had become clear to Gandhi
that the Indian Army would be deployed on the Western
Front and there could be many Indians wounded
needing medical care. So Gandhi proposed to raise an
Indian ambulance corps that was soon sanctioned by the
British war office. It was not the first time that Gandhi
had appealed to Indians to join a British war: during the
Second Boer War in 1899-1902 and Zulu War in 1906,
Gandhi, then in South Africa, had raised an Indian
ambulance corps in which he served as a sergeant-major
of the British Army. In the next five months, Gandhi
managed to inspire many Indians to join the corps,
some of whom later served in hospitals in Southampton
and Brighton where Indian war casualties were treated.
In this cause, he was aided by his wife Kasturba and

Sarojini Naidu, who also drew up a resolution for

unconditional support to the British Empire.
Gandhi himself took nursing classes, though he soon
fell ill with pleurisy and couldn't himself tend to the
Indian wounded. "Gandhi is considered to be an icon in
Indian military medicine. We still have a photo of him
in military uniform at the Armed Forces Medical
College, Pune," says Brigadier MSVK Raju (Retd),
formerly the head of psychiatry at AFMC.
Gandhi left England for India in December, 1914 and
arrived in January, 1915. That year, Gandhi was
awarded the Kaiser-i-Hind medal.
In the next few years, Gandhi continued to espouse the
cause of the British. In fact, after Kheda satyagraha
ended, Gandhi aggressively started campaigning for the
war as a recruiting officer of the empire. This time,
Gandhi wasn't recruiting non-combatants but fighters.
Other leaders like Gopalkrishna Gokhale, Bal
Gangadhar Tilak and Mohammed Ali Jinnah also
endorsed the empire's cause in varying degrees.
According to UK-based author Vedica Kant, who is in
India for the launch of her first book, 'If I die here, who
will remember me? India in the First World War',
Gandhi was different from other leaders. "Like others
who demanded or expected concessions from the
British in return for support to the war, Gandhi, right
from the beginning, gave unconditional support.
Gandhi was also instrumental in expanding the

recruiting bases of the Indian Army to Gujarat and other

places: places that didn't have the so-called martial
races as identified by the British. By 1918, the empire
was in dire need of men and they had to look to
Gujarat, Bengal, Madras etc for recruiting," Kant says.
One of the many recruiting centres in Gujarat was set
up at Pollen Dharamshala in Godhra (now mostly
remembered for the Sabarmati Express burning incident
of 2002). There, on April 16, 1918, a large gathering of
Thakores of Rewa Kantha Agency and Panch Mahals,
and common people heard Gandhi present a report on
his recruiting work. He said Kaira area had contributed
the most in Gujarat.
Then on June 26, 1918, Gandhi addressed a mass
gathering in Borsad taluka and said, "Voluntary
enlistment is the right key to self-government, to say
nothing of the manliness and broadmindedness it
confers. The honour of our women is bound up with it
inasmuch as by enlisting ourselves, we shall acquire
that capacity for self-defence, the absence of which at
present makes us unable to protect our women and
children... The opportunity for military training now
open to us all will not present itself in the future... A
man who is afraid of death is constitutionally incapable
of passive resistance. For a proper appreciation of the
true significance of passive resistance the power of
physical endurance needs to be cultivated. He alone can
practise 'ahimsa' who knows 'himsa' not in the abstract
but in fact."
How was India involved in the First World War?
Almost 1.5 million Muslim, Sikh and Hindu men
volunteered in the Indian Expeditionary Force.'

India made a huge contribution to Britain’s war effort.

It sent staggering numbers of volunteers to fight and die
on behalf of the allied forces. Almost 1.5 million
Muslim, Sikh and Hindu men from regions such as the
Punjab, Uttar Pradesh, Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu and
Bihar volunteered in the Indian Expeditionary Force ,
which saw fighting on the Western Front, in East
Africa, Mesopotamia, Egypt and Gallipoli.
Volunteering offered a chance to break through the
caste system, because becoming a soldier paid well and
meant becoming part of the ‘warrior’ caste, which gave
high status. However, of these men, around 50,000
died, 65,000 were wounded, and 10,000 were reported
missing, while 98 Indian army nurses were killed. The
country also supplied 170,000 animals, 3,7 million
tonnes of supplies, jute for sandbags, and a large loan
(the equivalent of about £2 billion today) to the British
But do the UK and India remember India’s role?
While the UK is one of the top ten unprompted
associations with the First World War held by Indian

survey respondents, India was not mentioned a single

time as a top-of-mind association with the First World
War among the 1,215 UK survey respondents. It is
hardly surprising, therefore, that twice as many
respondents in India compared to the UK feel that their
country’s role in the First World War is — to this day
— often misrepresented and misunderstood in global
history (almost one quarter of Indian respondents
indicated this).
At the same time, around three quarters of respondents
in India as well as in the UK felt that their country is
still affected by the consequences of the First World
Were Britain and India on the same side or fighting
each other?
Looking for reasons why the First World War still
looms large amongst people in India, it becomes clear
that that period of history is inextricably bound up with
the history of the independence movement. And this
can sometimes cause confusion.
For instance, only just over half (51 per cent) of Indian
survey respondents knew that Britain and India were
fighting alongside each other in the First World War.
Over one quarter (27 per cent) believed they were
And while 63 per cent of UK survey respondents
correctly identified that India fought alongside Britain,

a full third (33 per cent) thought that India was fighting
against Britain.
The First World War and the independence
movement in India
This is despite the fact that India was heavily involved
in the First World War as a key contributor to the allied
forces and at that time an important part of the British
Having made huge sacrifices and demonstrated military
valour equal to that of European soldiers, Indians
widely expected a transition to self-government. These
expectations were shared by nationalist leaders such
as Mahatma Gandhi  and Muhammad Ali Jinnah  (the
founder of Pakistan), but were dashed by the extension
of martial law at the end of the conflict.
Following this period, Gandhi launched his first India-
wide campaign of civil disobedience against British
authority in February 1919.

World War One: Six extraordinary Indian stories

The Remains of Empire

[T]he iconic image of Gandhi is of a man of God
steeped in austerity, sexually renunciate, meditating in
his ashram, who the assasin’s bullet providentially
transformed into a martyr. . . . All the evidence
available, however, points to the real Gandhi as being
very different. . . . The contrast between the icon and
the blood-and-flesh individual is the result of selective

—Claude Markovits (2004: 163–4)

Former South African President Nelson Mandela wrote

in Time magazine in 1999:
India is Gandhi’s country of birth; South Africa his
country of adoption. He was both an Indian and a South
African citizen. Both countries contributed to his
intellectual and moral genius, and he shaped the
liberatory movements in both colonial theaters. He is
the archetypal anticolonial revolutionary. His strategy
of noncooperation, his assertion that we can be
dominated only if we cooperate with our dominators,
and his nonviolent resistance inspired anticolonial and
antiracist movements internationally in our century. . . .
The sight of wounded and whipped Zulus, mercilessly
abandoned by their British persecutors, so appalled him
that he turned full circle from his admiration for all
things British to celebrating the indigenous and ethnic
(Mandela 1999).
At the Chief Albert Luthuli Centenary Celebration at
Kwa Dukuza on the KwaZulu-Natal north coast,
Mandela said:
It was also around this region that Mahatma Gandhi
spent so much of his time conducting the struggle of the

people of South Africa. It was here that he taught that

the destiny of the Indian Community was inseparable
from that of the oppressed African majority. That is
why, amongst other things, Mahatma Gandhi risked his
life by organising for the treatment of Chief
Bhambatha’s injured warriors in 1906 (Mandela 1998).
South African President Thabo Mbeki said at the launch
of the film Gandhi, My Father at the Monte Casino in
Launching this film in South Africa is no coincidence,
since Gandhi spent many years in South Africa, from
1893 to 1914, a period during which he used his
extraordinary energies to fight racism. I think we will
agree that the launch of this kind of movie, focusing on
one of the greatest opponents of colonialism and
racism, is long overdue. We welcome this movie
because I trust it can only reactivate our collective
memory and deepen our understanding of the great
sacrifices of this gigantic human being. . . . We now
know that the greatness of his soul was not limited only
to people of Indian descent who called him ‘Mahatma’,
but to the human race as a whole (Mbeki 2007).
The early hagiographies of Gandhi relied on his own
writings and on biographies of him by his close
friends and contemporaries who were often in awe
of him, such as his South African associates

Reverend Joseph Doke and Henry Polak, the

American journalist Louis Fischer, and the French
Nobel Laureate Romain Rolland. Fischer described
Gandhi as ‘the greatest individual of the twentieth
century, if not the twenty centuries’ (Fischer 1954: 88).
Rolland became Gandhi’s ‘self-appointed advertiser’ in
Europe. He once wrote to Gandhi: ‘I regard it as one of
the honours of my life to have been able to put my
efforts to your service and to spread your thought in the
world. I am proud of my role’ (in Bhole 2000).
The historian Claude Markovits writes that Gandhi’s An
Autobiography: The Story of My Experiments with
Truth (1927) and Satyagraha in South Africa(1928),
upon which much of Gandhi scholarship is based,
are problematic because they ‘were written in the
1920s, more than ten years after Gandhi’s departure
from South Africa, entirely from memory, without
the help of written notes, and serious doubts exist as to
the reliability of such personal memories
uncorroborated by other testimonies.’ Markovits
accuses Gandhi, through these works, of seeking to
‘take charge of all subsequent representations of his
own life, and to impose an interpretation in terms of his
spiritual quest which ought not to be seriously
questioned afterwards’ (2004: 46). As we examined
Gandhi’s actions and contemporary writings during his
South African stay, and compared these with what he
wrote in his autobiography and Satyagraha in South

Africa, it was apparent that he indulged in some ‘tidying

up’. He was effectively rewriting his own history.
Guha’s study (2013), despite being well researched,
partakes of this logic. However, we contest the overall
thrust—that Mohandas transmogrified into Mahatma on
African soil, and that a cosmopolitan anti-colonial
fighter prefigured the anti-apartheid struggle by both
developing personal relationships across race lines and
by his opposition to white minority rule. ------ GUHA

Set against the existing narrative of Gandhi as a great

inventor of the new tactic and philosophy of nonviolent
popular politics and as a pioneer of anti-colonial
nationalism, this study seeks to demonstrate that
principally, his political imagination was limited to
equality within Empire. We show that his tactics were
shaped in crucial ways by a conservative defence of
class, race and caste privilege. T.K. Mahadevan
(1982), Maureen Swan (1985), Surendra Bhana and
Goolam Vahed (2005), Joseph Lelyveld (2011), Patrick
French (2011), Isabel Hofmeyr (2013), and Arundhati
Roy (2014), amongst others, point to some of these
arguments in different ways, while Faisal Devji (2011)
examines Gandhi as an imperial thinker.3

Our work expands this literature with its point of

departure being that it is situated within the context of
studies of Empire and nationalism. We are careful to
place the voluminous detail on Gandhi in its historical
and historiographical contexts. Gandhi’s views on race,
class, caste, nation and Empire are contentious and even
distressing at times to his supporters. This is an aspect
of his South African years that we fully engage with.
We agree with Burton that it is ‘time, arguably past
time, for unsentimentalised histories of cross-racial,
interracial community’ and a time to strive for ‘histories
that acknowledge racial difference and conflict’ (2012:
In the immediate aftermath of South Africa’s transition
to a nonracial democracy there was a genuine desire to
evoke history not in ways that could inflame and divide,
but by finding common ground. Nothing exemplifies
this more than Mandela, the first president of South
Africa’s non-racial democracy, lending his name to the
Mandela Rhodes Foundation in 2003—Cecil John
Rhodes, the arch imperialist, racist, colonialist whose
business empire was built on rapacious dispossession
and a brutal labour regime, and Mandela, “freedom
fighter” turned statesman. In proposing the foundation,
Mandela said, ‘Combining our name with that of Cecil
John Rhodes in this initiative is to signal the closing of
the circle and the coming together of two strands of
history’ (in Maylam 2005: 134).

B.R. Ambedkar’s Annihilation of Caste, = he never

renounced his belief in chaturvarna, the system of four
varnas, and he was ‘the saint of the status quo’.

Madame Helena Blavatsky was the first flower child ,

who journeyed to India for a bizarre purpose , almost
100 years before the hippie hegira of the 1960s.

Its said -- HPB’s ( Helena Petrovna Blavatsky )

maternal lineage goes back through Prince Michael of
Chernigov to Rurik, founder of the Russian state at
Novgorod. H.P. Blavatsky’s great grandfather, Prince
Pavel Vasilyievich Dolgorukov (1755–1837) was a
Major General during the reign of Ekaterina the Great.
Going further back her family is traceable back to
German Carolingian dynasty. Helena knew fluent
German at a young age, though she was born in Ukraine
as Helena von Hahn. For some time her family was in
the Georgia where many current Israeli Jews are from .
You can hardly believe a word of what she tells about
herself and her past -such was her capability for
deception. On June 7, 1849 young 17 year old Helena
Petrovna got married to the 41 year old vice-governor
of Erevan, Nikifor Vladimirovich Blavatsk.. Soon after
the wedding , even before the honeymoon she escaped .
On April 3, 1875, in New York, Blavatsky formally
married Michael Betanelly, a Georgian Jew living in
America. The marriage dissolved after a few months as
soon as she became an American citizen.

Blavatsky's Theosophy deals with "seven root races".

The god like giant Aryan race lived on Atlantis and lost
their god-like status by intermarrying with the "semi-
human" Jews. The intermarrying with Jews caused the
Aryans to devolve, according to Blavatsky. To keep the
double agent game going , Blavatsky called Judaism a
"religion of hate and malice toward everyone and
everything outside itself." , while the Aryans were the
most advanced people spiritually.

It was only in 1897 that J. J. Thomson “”discovered””

the electron , suggesting that the atom was not an
"indivisible" particle, as John Dalton had suggested,
but a jigsaw puzzle made of smaller pieces.

Nine years before, in 1888, Blavatsky had written: The

atom is elastic, ergo, the atom is divisible, and must
consist of particles, or of sub-atoms. And these sub-
atoms? They are either non-elastic, and in such case
they represent no dynamic importance, or, they are
elastic also; and in that case, they, too, are subject to
divisibility. And thus ad infinitum. But infinite
divisibility of atoms resolves matter into simple centers
of force, i.e., precludes the possibility of conceiving
matter as an objective substance. —Helena Blavatsky,
The Secret Doctrine Volume I, p. 519

Her seances where she contacted past masters by

telepathy , made a messiah out of her. She was
successful in what she did for she baffled and fooled
German race into thinking that they are the Aryans.
Spiritual authority came to Madame via dead holy men,
"The Mahatmas," ( past Masters) via whom she
channeled massive hotch potch texts which she
published as, Isis Unveiled and The Secret Doctrine,
among others.
We must remember that Gandhi was propped up as a
Mahatma as soon as he arrived from South Africa, to
recruit Indian soldiers for the first World War . 111,000
Indian soldiers would die for England in the First World
War , used as cannon fodder in the most dangerous
sectors of war. These death were recorded as English
deaths, with of course no memorials. 243,000 Indian
soldiers died in the Second World War--thanks to
Gandhi and Rothschild. Theosophy is the name
Blavatsky gave to the spontaneous knowledge that she
sucked in by telepathy from the Mahatmas, masters to
the world.
It comes from the term "Theosophia" used by the
Neoplatonists to mean literally "knowledge of the

1848 — Karl Marx , a blood relative of Rothschild ,

creates Communism, the perfect Anti-Thesis to
Capitalism’s Thesis System. 1917 — Communism
created by Rothschild becomes the system of
Government in Russia, creating in reality the Anti-

Thesis to the Western Thesis, lead by America.

Marx, Stalin, Lenin, Trotsky are all Jews. 1917-45 —
Western powers build up Russia to Super Power status.

State of Israel is carved out after the Second World


Theosophy and the power of Swastika was the

gospel for Nazism. 1945-89 — USSR poses potential
cold war conflict with USA. Actual conflict is always
avoided. Jews Gorbachev and Yeltsin destroy
Communism in Russia and Europe by Perestroika and
1975 — Guiding Spirits tell Theosophical Society it is
now time to go public, changing the name to the New
Age Movement.
1990 — President George Bush announcing New
World Order in August, after Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait.
1990 — Communism changing clothes to become
New Age and to begin its planned dissolution. SOON
— Merger of East/West, i.e., USSR/ USA into One
World Government ( run by Big Brother ) via the
United Nations.
In India she enrolled the services of Damodar K
Mavalankar . ( He was born in the family of the
Karhâda Mahârashtra caste of Brâhmanas, a wealthy
Indian family. Apart from learning the tenets of his
religion by his father from an early age, he also
received a very good English education.
murti-supplants-damodar/ krishnamurti = Brahmin
6/th-kvmj.htm ) In 1879 Damodar met??? Henry
Steel Olcott and H. P. Blavatsky in Bombay, after they
had just established the Theosophical Society's
temporary Indian headquarters there. He promptly went
to Sri Lanka and became a Buddhist along with Henry
Steel Olcott and H. P. Blavatsky. Damodar gave up an
income of 50,000 Indian rupees ( a large amount those
days ) to provide for the future of his wife, and
continued to live and work with Blavastky. He
continued his work in this way until 1885, when
Blavatsky left India and then he went to Tibet.
Blavatsky used Damodar and a certain Mr and Mrs
Coloumb to prop her up as a super magician nay
Messiah with divine powers. Finally in 1885 it was Mr
Alexis. and Mrs. Emma Coulomb who ratted on her,
revealing all the trap-door tricks of her side-show
Mahatmas and her “apparitions.”-- forcing her to flee
from India for ever on March 31st 1885. They admitted
that they were side kicks like Damodar. Osho himself
said - While she was traveling by train she would be in
first class and Damodar would be in third class.
Suddenly Damodar would fall flat on the floor of the
compartment, unconscious, foaming. Naturally, the
train was stopped, people gathered and then Madame
Blavatsky would come and do some abracadabra.

Damodar would immediately open his eyes and

everybody would see –“what a tremendously spiritual
powerful woman”... And nobody knew that he was her
side kick and that was his only job.
Richard Hodgson, a member of the Society for
Psychical Research (London) arrived in India to inquire
into and report on the Coulombs’ allegations. Based
upon Hodgson’s findings, the S.P.R. committee in its
final report of December, 1885, branded Madame
Blavatsky "one of the most accomplished, ingenious
and interesting impostors in history. Blavatsky had
ordered Mr. Alexis Coulomb to cut a secret hole in the
ceiling for receipt of Mahatma Letters. The shrine in the
occult Room was fitted with a secret back door. In fact,
the whole occult Room was rigged with all manners of
tricks which Emma knew, being part of it. There was a
hidden hole in back of the shrine from whence all
manner of spirit manifestations could be manipulated.
The ex-confederate couple , the Coulombs hijacked by
the Catholic church, also revealed Blavatsky had secret
passages and hidden doors built into her house which
aided her in deceiving people about her "psychic
abilities". Blavatsky dubbed herself a 'Priestess of Isis',
and combined Spiritualism, Cabala, Western occultism,
Hinduism and Buddhism along with a dash of
Darwinian evolution, to make the whole thing sound
'scientific'. A German occultist revival began in 1884
with the foundation of the German section of the
Theosophical Society under the presidency of Dr.
Wilhelm Hübbe-Schleiden. Toward the last days of

her life Blavatsky wrote a confession to one of her

detractors, a Russian writer named Solyvov, and
admitted she had lied about many things, including the
existence of the Mahatmas, her faked communications
with spirits and her psychic powers . The letter was
written in an most dramatic manner possible, making
herself sound like a persecuted martyr ( for Big
Brother ) rather than a fraud. Though Blavatsky was
proven a fraud in her lifetime and even finally admitted
it, her Theosophical Society continues on. There are
chapters in several countries even today, including the
U.S and her HQ at Adyar in India . Her followers will
even say things like "Sure, Blavatsky had a streak of
charlatanism in her, but you have to look past that and
read her teachings for what they really are."
She produced two amazing society members , both
Indians. The first was Jiddu Krishnamurthy / Brahmin
and the other was UG Krishnamurthy / Brahmin . A
Spiritual order was formed by Theosphists called The
Order of The Star in The East to introduce Jiddu
Krishnamurty as the new 'World Teacher', for which he
was more than qualified. But in 1929 Jiddu
Krishnamurti “”dissolved”” the order during an address
he gave before the group in 1929.
An 1892 periodical, Lotus Blossoms, featured
Blavatsky's writings and "was the first German
publication to sport the theosophical swastika upon its
cover". Many German occultists who read Blavatsky's
works loved the idea about being racially superior to
the rest of humanity, and wrote books of their own

promoting the idea as early as the 19th Century. In 1902

Dr. Rudolph Steiner became Secretary-General of the
German section of the Theosophical Society. In 1912,
he and a group of his followers “”broke”” away from
the Theosophical Society and founded the
Anthroposophical Society. Building on Theosophy's
doctrine of root races, Steiner further built on the myth
of Aryan supremacy, saying Aryans were more
"spiritually advanced" than the other races and that their
time had arrived. The similarities with many of Steiner's
bizarre doctrines and Nazi ideas are unmistakable. Nazi
occultists believed ancient German tribes were the true
keepers of the Ancient Mysteries which had their origin
in Atlantis, when seven races of God-men were
introduced to Earth. In July, 1890, Madame Blavatsky
established the European Headquarters of the
Theosophical Society at 19 Avenue Road, St. John’s
Wood, London. Blavatsky wrote “The Christians
and scientists must be made to respect their Indian
betters. The wisdom of India, her philosophy and
achievement, must be made known in Europe and
Leadbeater originally from the Church of England was
a notorious paedophile and homosexual— and is known
to have corrupted Jiddu Krishnamurthi too

A Jew theosophist , the Russian artist, philosopher and

explorer, Nicholas Roerich, ( Nikolai Konstantinovich
Rerikh / freemason ) , claimed that Lhasa, capital of
Tibet, was connected by a tunnel with Shamballah,

capital of the subterranean empire of Agharta. He

claimed that the entrance of this tunnel was guarded by
lamas who were sworn to keep its actual whereabouts a
secret from outsiders, by order of the Dalai Lama. He
was a friend of Tagore, Nehru and Edwina
( Rothschild) Mountbatten. On his memorial in the
Kullu Valley is inscribed "Here, on December 15, 1947,
the body of Maharishi Nicholas Roerich – a great
Russian friend of India – was committed to fire. Let
there be peace." He has a mountain top and a minor
“planet” named after him-- as you can see he is
sponsored. He was nominated for Nobel prize several
times. In 1945, his son Svyatoslav Roerichst married
Indian actress Devika Rani, the grand niece of
Rabindranath Tagore , who played the role of Kasturi
in “Achhut Kanya”. His Lhasa expedition was funded
by the U.S. Department of Agriculture and organized
through the help of then Secretary of Agriculture Henry
Wallace ( later, vice president with US president , Jew
FD Roosevelt ), a student of Roerich . He designed the
Illuminati eye. His wife Helena Shaposhnikova
Roerich in 1899 , was the first person to translate


Paramahamsa Yogananda , had a preface by German
Jew Walter Yeeling Evans-Wentz of the Madame
Blavatsky theosophical society cult group. Wentz
was in friends with poet YB Yeats . Rothschild had got
this poet to inject Tagore’s Gitanjali – the group of

poems which got the Nobel prize with the few lines of
the NEW WORLD ORDER “where the mind is without
fear, unwalled horizons , let my country awake ” .
Evans-Wentz spent his last months at Yogananda's Self-
Realization Fellowship in Encinitas, California and died
in July, 1965. Author Yogananda was the first Hindu
teacher of yoga to spend a major portion of his life in
America. He lived there from 1920—1952.
Yogananda’s aim, which made him so dear to the west
was – “To reveal the complete harmony and basic
oneness of original Christianity as taught by Jesus
Christ and original Yoga as taught by Bhagavan
Krishna; and to show that these principles of truth are
the common scientific foundation” Yogananda claims
in the Autobiography to have initiated Gandhi into
kriya yoga in 1935. Yogananda asserted that Jew
Winston Churchill was the reincarnation of Napoleon.
The yogi further foresaw a Third World War, around
the 1970s, to spread communism throughout “much of
the free world.”
Daya Mata was placed into Yogananda's organization
to become successor as part of a FreeMasonic design. If
one is to compare the historical formation of three
American "religions" - Mormonism, Jehova's
Witnesses, and SRF, one can easily discern the invisible
hand of Freemasonry. SRF is the official
organization founded in 1920 by Paramahansa
Yogananda. The strongest Masonic connection to
SRF was with Brahmachari Jotin / Swami
Premananda who was a 32nd degree Mason.

Yogananda's telling various women that he was their

husband in a previous incarnation is also well known.
Yogananda often called himself a re-incarnation of
William "the Conqueror".
Arun Gandhi, of the Center for Non-Violence,
Mahatma Gandhi's grandson (SRF had published an
article written by Arun Gandhi in the SRF magazine, so
they are familiar with him and respect his work), also
wrote a letter to SRF in July of 2004 [Letters were sent
individually to each of the Board Members]
With Mahatma Gandhi in Wardha
Whatever Paramahansa Yogananda was, he was
certainly an embodiment of the Sacred
Hermaphrodite - this tenet is conceded by many
devotees and even monastics.
Yogananda Praising Fascism in the 30s
hX-B3iurEIPA/videos SWAMIS / POPE / BEATLES ..

Not once did Megasthenes mention of Buddha

or Buddhists or Buddhism. Not once did
Megasthenes mention of Mahavira, Jains or Jainism
in his comprehensive and voluminous book. So both
Buddhism and Jainism were not widespread in India at
that time......or were they just a subsect of Hinduism
and not a separate religion?
The Buddhist “revival” began in India was caused by
Rothschilds using some stooges like Anagarika
Dharmapala from Sri lanka in 1891 after creating a
ready made society called Maha Bodhi Society. The
Maha Bodhi Society was told to target high caste
Hindus alone. In 1937, a Rothschilds stooge Buddhist
named Lokanatha published a document " Buddhism
Will Make You Free" , dedicated to the "dalits " alone
from a Rothschilds owned press in Sri Lanka. BR
Ambedkar knew he was dying as he has a whole lot of
serious diseases. Two months before his death BR
Ambedkar publicly converted 6 lakh dalits to Buddhism
on 14 October 1956, at Deekshabhoomi, Nagpur. Affter
receiving ordination, BR Ambedkar gave dhamma
diksha to his just converted followers. Traojan Horse
NGOs used a Tamil Siddha physician, to declare that all
Tamil Dalits were originally Buddhists. He used a guy
by the name of Henry Steel Olcott who was the first
President of the Theosophical Society, who had already

converted Tamils in Sri Lanka enmasse to Buddhism.

So what the Sri lankan Sinhalese view them as 2nd
class Buddhists and were eliminated along with Hindu
and Christian LTTE cadre . Madame Blavatsky was had
converted to Buddhism on May 25, 1880, along with
Olcott . Olcotts book Buddhist Catechism is in use
today. A statue of Olcott is at Colombo Fort Railway
Leo Tolstoy, in "What is the Jew?" (1908). “The Jew
is that sacred being who has brought down from heaven
the everlasting fire, and has illumined with it the entire
world. He is the religious source, spring, and fountain
out of which all the rest of the peoples have drawn their
beliefs and their religious. The Jew is the pioneer of
liberty. The Jew is the pioneer of civilization. The Jew
is the emblem of eternity.”

The life and acts of Iyothee Thass and Ambedkar are

same. Also shocking is Iyothee Thass had a brother in
law Rettamalai Srinivasan. Rettamalai Srinivasan had
worked in same south african court where gandhi had
practiced. Rettamalai Srinivasan. was instrumental in
the father of the nation putting his signature in Tamil as
‘Mo.Ka. Gandhi’ (Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi in
Tamil). All are in one network. This cannot be
Iyothee Das was a Guru of BR Ambedkar and EVR
Periyar . Rettamalai Srinivasan was important enough
to go to London and attend TWO round table along
with Rothschilds stooge B. R. Ambedkar. EVR Periyar

was a friend of Rothschilds stooge Gandhi and headed

several of his dalit movements. Like EVR Periyar and
BR Ambedkar , Iyothee Das ( Kaathavarayan ) did
NOT want the British rule to end. Iyothee Thass's
grandfather Kandappan had served as a butler to Lord
Arlington and servility to the white invader in his blood.
Notorious homosexual Charles Webster Leadbeater
used to make young boys in his group do “mutual
masturbation' to help them 'grow strong and manly.'
Pervert Leadbeater claimed he could see from a boy's
aura, if he needed manly sex. So he would kindly
offering to 'relive the pressure' by masturbating him
while encouraging the boy to relieve him in the same
way. Charles Webster Leadbeater was an influential
member of the Theosophical Society. Everybody knew
of his immoral sexual activities of oral and anal sex
with small boys, yet Rothschild Commie Annie Besant
supported him. She was the president of the
Theosophical Society, whose international headquarters
were in Adyar, Chennai. Jew Rothschild made this
Commie woman president of the India National
Congress in 1917. She adopted Jiddu Krishnamurti.
Jiddu Krishnamurthi was seduced as a 14 year old boy
by gay pedophile Charles Leadbeater on the Society's
beach on the Adyar river. Leadbeater had taken in
another youth named Rajagopal for the title of World
Teacher. Rajagopal’s American born wife Rosalind
would have sex with J Krishnamurthy and she was
pregnant on several occasions, aborting everytime –
over more than 25 years.. Nobody knows that

J.Krishnamurthy was also having sex with Helen

Knothe Nearing . Helen when asked about this affair
claimed that they only slept on the same bed, but never
had sex. Rajagopal’s own daughter Radha Rajagopal
Sloss had written that her mother aborted
J.Krishnamurthy’s illegitimate child thrice. So much for
J Krishnamurthy’s celibacy. brahmin

On 2 October 2015 a statue of Gandhi with Hermann

Kallenbach was unveiled in the small town of Rusne in
Lithuania where Kallenbach was born in 1871. The
financing of the sculpture was largely by an Indian
Muslim, Dr Jusuf Hameid who was born in Vilnius in
1936 and later founded the pharmaceutical company
Cipla in India; his mother was Jewish thus giving
another link with Kallenbach. . Kallenbach gave much
financial support to Gandhi’s causes and bought the
farm near Johannesburg, which he called Tolstoy Farm,
that was used by satyagrahis in the intense period of
campaigning for Indian rights in 1910-14. Much later
Kallenbach visited Gandhi in India and by this time,
1937, he had become a Zionist. The following year
Kallenbach sent his niece Hanna Lazar to Gandhi’s
Sevagram Ashram and he made a return visit in 1939
but became ill. In 1952 his ashes were buried in Israel
at Kibbutz Degania which was founded by Aaron David
Gordon, a Zionist who was a Russian influenced by

Tolstoy. Kallenbach, who had never married, left most

of his wealth to the Zionist cause.

 Gandhi and the Founders of the African

National Congress-- Anil Nauriya -- African
National Congress which was founded in
Bloemfontein, South Africa on 8 January 1912.
Gandhi was still in South Africa then. Gandhi’s
paper, Indian Opinion, welcomed the establishment
of the African National Congress (then named the
South African Native National Congress) as an
“awakening”. [Indian Opinion, 10 February 1912]
In fact, six months before the ANC was formed,
Gandhi’s paper carried a report about the likely
formation of such an organisation. [Indian Opinion,
29 July 1911] The report cited Pixley Seme (1881-
1951), who would reputedly be the main driving
force behind the establishment of the organisation,
and would later become its fifth President-General.
In 1911 the speculation was, as mentioned in the
report, that Dr Walter Rubusana (1858-1936), the
eminent African leader from the Eastern Cape,
would head the organisation.
 Pixley ka Isaka Seme (c. 1881 – June 1951) . a
founder and President of the African National
Congress. / Columbia University. / Columbia
University. / Middle Temple / Seme was also the

lawyer of Queen Regent Labotsibeni of Swaziland,

through whom the first ANC newspaper Abantu-
Batho was financed. / Seme was very close to the
Zulu and Swazi royal families. This is primarily
symbolized by his marriage to Phikisele Harriet
Dinizulu, the daughter of Zulu king Dinuzulu,[3]
and to Lozinja, daughter of Swazi King
 Mpilo Walter Benson Rubusana (21 March 1858
- 19 April 1936) was the co-founder of the Xhosa
language newspaper publication, Izwi Labantu,
funded by Cecil John Rhodes, and the first Black
person to be elected to the Cape Council
(Parliament) in 1909. He also initiated the Native
Education Association that contributed towards the
formation of the South African Native National
Congress (SANNC) in 1912 and later renamed the
African National Congress in 1912.

One of the future founders of the ANC. Dr Rubusana

was the author of a History of South Africa, from the
Native Standpoint.
This appears to have been Gandhi’s first available
published endorsement of Dr Walter Rubusana. In the
event, however, not Dr Rubusana, but John Dube
(1871-1946), the African leader from Natal and

Gandhi’s neighbour in Inanda, near Durban, was

chosen to be the first President-General of the African
National Congress when it was formed in January 1912;
Dr Rubusana became VicePresident. Gandhi’s paper
welcomed the choice of John Dube, “our friend and
neighbour” and published in detail the ‘manifesto’
issued by Dube. [Indian Opinion, 10 February 1912].
At least 7 years earlier, in 1905, Gandhi had met John
Dube and heard him speak. He then praised John Dube
and wrote in favour of African land rights. [Indian
Opinion, 2 September 1905, CWMG, Vol 5, p. 55] In
the following year in 1906 Gandhi’s paper praised a
‘manifesto’ issued by John Dube against colonial
policies that worked unfairness towards Africans.
[Indian Opinion, 24 November 1906] Both John Dube
and Gandhi had been impressed with the work of
Booker T Washington, the African-American
educationist, in the field of African-American
education. In South Africa, Gandhi had supported
initiatives on African education and endorsed the efforts
of John Tengo Jabavu (1859-1921), the pioneering
African editor-educationist, for an inter-state African
College at Lovedale (which later developed into Fort
Hare University where Nelson Mandela would study).
[Indian Opinion, 30 December 1905, 17 March 1906;
CWMG, Vol 5, 172 and pp. 234-235].
 John Langalibalele Dube (11 February 1871 – 11
February 1946) / the founding president of the
South African Native National Congress
(SANNC), which became the African National

Congress in 1923. / His father, the Rev. James

Dube, / Dube had experienced first-hand the
influence of Booker T. Washington

Clearly, Gandhi appreciated the importance of

education and industrial training for Africans. There
was enough familiarity between Gandhi’s Phoenix
institution and John Dube’s Ohlange for developments
at the Ohlange institution to be reported in Gandhi’s
paper every now and then. For example, the addition of
a building at Ohlange was reported. [Indian Opinion, 2
February 1907] So also a musical competition and
performance held there in which young Africans from
far and wide had participated. [Indian Opinion, 19 June
1909] The Indian statesman, Gopal Krishna Gokhale
(1866-1915) visited South Africa in October-November
1912 at the invitation of Gandhi. In November 1912,
Gandhi along with Gokhale called on John Dube. (See
the report in John Dube’s paper, Ilanga lase Natal, 15
November 1912.). The historical significance of this
meeting can be imagined. Gokhale had been President
of the Indian National Congress in India in 1905.
Gandhi would become President of that organisation in
1924, a decade after his return to India. Thus it was a
past and a future President of the Indian National
Congress who were, in November 1912, calling on the
founding and current President of the African National

In her memoirs Dr Podlashuk refers to a meeting, to

which she was witness, between Gandhi and Pixley
Seme at the Tolstoy Farm, near Johannesburg in 1911.
Dr Podlashuk, who was there along with Ms Stewart
Sanderson, Joint Secretary of the League, recalls that
Pixley Seme and Gandhi discussed the latter’s passive
resistance movement. Gandhi’s friend and associate,
Hermann Kallenbach was also present.

Another founding member of the ANC, Selby Msimang

(1886-1982), records that he worked with Pixley Seme
whose law offices in Johannesburg were close to
Gandhi’s. Selby Msimang notes that in the absence of
Pixley Seme he would consult with Gandhi.
In the natural course of things, this could not have
happened unless there was a high degree of
understanding between Pixley Seme and Gandhi.

Several years later, in 1939, Gandhi would reminisce

that he had often advised African people. It is clear that
he had multiple contacts with some of the founders
of the ANC, that Gandhi respected them and that they
respected him. He backed nonviolent African struggles
against restrictive laws. For instance, in 1913 Gandhi’s
paper hailed the African Women’s anti-pass struggle in
the Orange Free State as a “brave stand”. [Indian
Opinion, 2 August 1913] Earlier, Gandhi’s paper had
cited the outrages on the coloured and African women
in the Orange Free State and had noted that the women
in the OFS had resolved on passive resistance “as the

only means of fighting against the immorality of the

white unwashed of the Free State”. [Indian Opinion, 5
July 1913] . The same year witnessed the largest
movement led by Gandhi in South Africa. This time
Indian indentured labour, miners and plantation workers
and Indian women as a bloc courted arrest and went to
This record indicates that by the time the not yet 45-
year-old M K Gandhi left South Africa in July 1914
there had been significant and positive points of contact
between him and the early African leadership. It is
noteworthy that an appreciable part of this interchange
went back to several years before the African National
Congress was actually founded.
FREEMASONS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Mahatma and the Doctor: The Untold Story of Dr

Pranivan Mehta, Greatest Friend and Benefactor .
It is fascinating the way a previously obscure figure in
the Gandhi story belatedly takes centre stage.

Dr Mehta became Gandhi’s closest Indian friend and

indispensable as a patron, indeed he draws a parallel
with Friedrich Engels as patron and disciple of Karl
Now comes Professor Mehrotra’s labour of love, a
compendium volume of a brief biography and a
compilation of Dr Mehta’s leading publications. And Dr

Mehta’s great-grand-nephew, Arun Mehta, is its

Born in 1864, Kathiawadi and Jain, educated in
Rajkot, trained as a doctor in the Grant Medical
School, Bombay and then at the Free University in
Brussels, with a doctorate in surgery, at the same time
qualifying as a lawyer in the Middle Temple, (so in
London to greet Gandhi), a highly successful
professional career seems to have been his for the
asking and he was indeed appointed Chief Medical
Officer to Idar state in 1895, but he gave all this up to
emigrate to Rangoon in 1899. Not enough is said here
of a common admiration with Gandhi for the Jain
jeweller and guru figure Raychandbhai but this seems
to have been the reason why Gandhi and Mehta
became close friends in Bombay in 1891.

The mentor was a Gujarati mystic, poet and philosopher

named Shrimad Rajchandra, whom Gandhi mentions as
Raychandbhai / Raychandbhai was under 25 years old
when Gandhi was introduced to him. / Today, many
institutions in Gujarat are spreading the teachings of
Rajchandra. Prominent among them is the Shrimad
Rajchandra Mission, founded by Jain scholar Rakesh
Jhaveri, a modern-day mystic.
Three moderns have left a deep impress on my life,
and captivated me: Raychandbhai by his living contact;
Tolstoy by his book, The Kingdom of God is Within

You; and Ruskin by his Unto this Last.

He had opened a jewellery shop in 14 Mogul Street,

Rangoon in 1895. Was this in his blood as a Jain ?

When Mehta died 3 August 1932 after prolonged ill

health, Gandhi wrote: “I had no greater friend than
Doctor in the whole world and for me he is still alive”.
(quoted p.194)

It is now clear that Gandhi’s whole satyagraha project

would have been impossible without Mehta’s financial
support. Gandhi kept in touch with Mehta, visiting him
in Rangoon December 1901. Mehta was active in the
Congress cause and became President of the Burma
provincial Congress Committee 1910. He raised funds
for Gandhi’s struggle in South Africa. Mehta became
his leading financier.

Once again Gandhi visited Rangoon March 1915.

Mehta conjured up a plan for a banking system offering
cheap credit to Congress ventures . He made
substantial contributions to the setting up of the

Sabarmati Ashram in Ahmedabad and built his own

house there though only occasionally was he to visit. In
the end he offered Gandhi unlimited credit. How else
could Gandhi have been able to give up his income as a
lawyer and embark on the noncooperation campaign ?

Yet we do not learn how Mehta made his wealth as a

diamond merchant. It is often held against Gandhi that
after Mehta’s death he fell back on the Indian
industrialists, G D Birla and Jamnalal Bajaj, to
subsidise his constructive programme. Yet for all his
financial support Gandhi did not take Mehta into his
political confidence, Mehta only learnt about the
launching of non-cooperation in 1920 from the press
and though he was an early protagonist of non-payment
of the salt tax, he likewise heard of the Salt March to
Dandi in 1930 indirectly. But there were other ways in
which the paths of Gandhi and Mehta crossed and that
was in highly personal family affairs. Mehta had sent
his daughter, Jeki, to join the Phoenix ashram. He
also sent his prospective son in-law, Manilal Doctor,
to the ashram, to prove a reluctant contributor to its
bread labour, though the marriage went ahead in May
1912. But then Manilal Doctor took off for Fiji with a
French mistress and events fell apart. Earlier, Dr Mehta
had described Manilal Gandhi, Gandhi’s second oldest
son, as “a chip of the same old block” and “(he) is
going to be a perfect brahmachari” but how wrong he
was. Manilal fell for Jeki and had an affair. It is here
that the personal and the political Gandhi become so

hard to connect. Gandhi was to go on to two fasts,

seriously impairing his health. His attitude to Jeki is
ambiguous, seeing his claim to her as an adopted
daughter as stronger than Dr Mehta’s as her father.

The first fast was in despair at the liaison and Manilal

was to find himself refused any right to marriage
without his father’s consent, in fact withheld till 1927.
It seems a spate of lying by Jeki prompted a second fast.
She was now sent to Fiji to join her husband though
later she reappears in the Sabarmati ashram, her
husband by then living in Aden. But Mehrotra reveals
even darker aspects of Gandhi at the time, a horrific
row breaking out with Kasturba, all to do with Jeki’s
behaviour. Gandhi is quoted as writing in a letter to
Kallenbach: “she is the most vicious woman I have
ever met”. He continues: “she teaches me emptiness of
the world. Yes, man who wishes to work with
detachment must not marry ... You cannot attach
yourself to a particular woman and yet live for
humanity”. If Mehrotra pronounces such notions as
unGandhian, they reflect the intense strain of this
marital breakdown.
During his visit to Mehta in Rangoon in 1915 Robert
Payne tells us Gandhi’s eldest son, Harilal, was their
equally fraught subject of conversation. Mehta was the
first, in a letter to Gokhale 8 November 1909, ahead
of Rabindranath Tagore, to name Gandhi a

Mehta drew on the ideas of Kropotkin to defend the

simple life, the primacy of agriculture and the value of
artisan manufacture. In his 1911 address Hindu Social
Ideals to the Hindu Social Club, which he had himself
set up in 1901, he seemingly endorses all of Gandhi’s
rhetoric for the traditional Hindu way of life in Hind
Swaraj, caste included. He was to become even more
radical than Gandhi in promoting the use of Indian
vernacular languages at all levels of education:
‘language is in very truth man himself’. (quoted p.89)

One has to wonder, for a writer of such accomplished

English prose, how difficult this be. He invariably
quoted European and British authors in his defence of
tradition such as Max Mueller and Colonel Tod. But
could this European trained doctor come wholly into
line with Gandhi’s attack on western medicine ? For
Gandhi converting the Anglicised Indian to his values
was crucial. It was just as exciting a challenge of course
to win over Europeans and in this regard there is a
strong parallel between Gandhi’s relationship to
Kallenbach and to Mehta. Could Mehta agree with
Gandhi’s indictment: “medical science is the
concentrated essence of Black Magic. Quackery is
infinitely preferable to what passes for high medical
skill”. (quoted p.382) It is true that Mehta early on
opposed Pasteurising techniques and vaccination
against smallpox. From his experience as Chief Medical
Officer in Idar, however, he came up with sensible
pragmatic measures of better hygiene and public

sanitation to counter cholera and the plague. One

suspects his true animus, expressed in his diatribe to a
meeting of India medical men in London 10 October
1919, was against the way Indian doctors were
marginalised in British India: “no civilised people on
the face of the earth are excluded therefrom as we are
excluded”.(quoted p.170) It seems probable that Mehta
had some reservations on Gandhi’s beliefs. Certainly he
travelled to London in the 1920s to seek medical health.
We have to thank Ramachandra Guha and S R
Mehrotra for finally doing justice to the life and career
of Dr Pranjivan Mehta.

 “You may not perhaps be knowing for whom I

wrote Hind Swaraj. The person is no more and
hence there is no harm in disclosing his name. I
wrote the entire Hind Swaraj for my dear friend Dr.
Pranjivan Mehta. All the argument in the book is
reproduced almost as it took place with him. I
stayed with Dr. Mehta for (more than) a month (at
the Westminster Palace Hotel, 4 Victoria Street,
London, S.W., in later 1909).”

Kallenbach, donated to Gandhi his 1100 acre (4 km²)

farm near Johannesburg. HOW HE GOT IT ? WHEN ?

Allan Octavian Hume, C.B.; father of the Indian

National Congress, 1829 to 1912


Gilbert John Elliot-Murray-Kynynmound, 4th Earl of Minto KG
GCSI GCMG GCIE PC (9 July 1845 – 1 March 1914)


Charles Hardinge, 1st Baron Hardinge of Penshurst,
(20 June 1858 – 2 August 1944) was a British diplomat
and statesman who served as Viceroy and Governor-
General of India from 1910–16. He was educated at
Harrow School and Trinity College, Cambridge.
Hardinge's own admiration for Mohandas Gandhi / In
1916, Hardinge returned to his former post in England
as Permanent Under-Secretary at the Foreign Office,
serving with Arthur Balfour.,_1st_B

"The Viceroys And Governors General Of India 1757-


Viceroy Charles Hardinge told Britain on 28 May 1911,

“In my opinion, nothing can be worse than the
condition of Bengal and Eastern Bengal. There is
practically no Government in either province…It is
better to shift the Capital from Calcutta to Delhi, and
call Gandhi to India from South Africa ” . The
British imported Gandhi to India via his mentor
Chitpavan Jew -nay - brahmin Gopal Krishna
Gokhale , to disarm and demoralise the patriotic violent
revolutionaries of India, like Gandhi was asked to travel
to hot bed of nationalist fervor Bengal to extinguish
the fire of violent freedom struggle .

Sir Samuel Hoare, the Viscount of Templewood , made

a comment that "Gandhi was one of the best friends
of the British".
Rash Behari Bose handed over Indian National Army to
Subhas Chandra Bose. BOSE = GERMAN =BRAHMIN

Gandhi had told Rev. J.J. Doke, his first biographer

(1909): ‘It was the New Testament of Bible which
really awakened me to the rightness and value of
Passive Resistance. When I read in the Sermon of Jesus

on the Mount such passages as “Resist not him that is

evil - -” I was simply overjoyed, and found my own
opinion confirmed when I least expected it. Tolstoy’s
The Kingdom of God Is Within You - gave it a
permanent form.’

On the return journey from London to Durban by ship

(13 to 22 November, 1909), Gandhi translated Tolstoy’s
‘Letter to a Hindoo [dated December 14, 1908]’ into
Gujarati. He wrote ‘PREFACE TO LEO TOLSTOY’S
“LETTER TO A HINDOO” [the Gujarati translation]. Some
extracts are: ‘Real courage and humanity consists in not
returning a kick for a kick. This is the core of Tolstoy’s
teaching.’ Gandhi wrote -- Tolstoy gives me a simple
answer - . We are our own slaves, not of the British.’
‘The central principle of his teaching is entirely
acceptable to me, and it is set out in the letter given

Tolstoy wrote to Gandhi (8 May, 1910)” Passive

resistance—is a question of the greatest importance not
only for India but for the whole humanity.’ In his fourth
letter to Leo Tolstoy (15 August, 1910), Gandhi tell
Tolstoy about his new dear friend ( planted by Leo
Tolstoy himself ?) Kallenbach’s letter regarding setting
up of Tolstoy Farm near Johannesburg for the Indian
passive resisters’ struggle in Transvaal. " Kallenbach
had gone through most of the experiences that Tolstoy
had described in his work My Confessions"

Tolstoy wrote a brain formatting letter back to Gandhi

(7 September, 1910), " Love is the aspiration for
communion and solidarity with other souls - - the
supreme and unique law of human life - -. - - - That law
of love has been promulgated by all the philosophies—
Indian, Chinese, Hebrew, Greek and Roman. - - it had
been most clearly expressed by Christ - - If the law of
love cannot exist, therein remains no other law except
that of violence, that is, the right of the mighty--
Socialism, Communism, Anarchism, Salvation Army,
the growing criminalities, unemployment and absurd
luxuries of the rich, augmented without limit, and the
awful misery of the poor, the terribly increasing number
of suicides—all these are the signs of that inner
contradiction which - - can only be resolved by
acceptation of the law of love and by the rejection of all
sorts of violence. Consequently, your work in Transvaal
- - is yet the most fundamental and the most important
to us supplying the most weighty practical proof in
which the world can now share - -." He closed the letter
‘With my perfect esteem’.

Gandhi wrote to Kallenbach that had found ‘many gems

to be picked up’ from Tolstoy’s pamphlets such as,
‘The salvation of men from the calamities which they
inflict upon themselves can be realized only in that
degree in which they are guided in their lives, not by
advantages, not arguments, but by religious
consciousness;- -.’ He also wrote: ‘If Tolstoy was the

greatest reformer of his age in Europe, he owed it to his

doctrine of non-resistance.’ And, he could not accept
‘qualified acceptance of Tolstoy’s teaching’. On
Tolstoy’s birth centenary on 9 September, 1928, and
Gandhi delivered a memorable speech on this occasion,
which included following pearls: When I went to
England, I was a votary of violence - -. After I read this
book, that lack of faith in non-violence vanished.
Tolstoy was a great advocate of non-violence in his age.
- - - - no one in India or elsewhere who has - - tried to
follow it as sincerely as he did. I want everyone to learn
three things from Tolstoy’s life-- choose self-restraint.
We should resolve never to ‘give up the pursuit of
truth’, for which the only right path is that of non-
violence, which again ‘means an ocean of love’

German Jew Karl Marx was related to Rothschild. MN

Roy's or Manabendra Nath Roy's first ( hidden ) wife
Stanford University Graduate Evelyn Trent .
Jewess Evelyn Trent or Shanti Devi was there at the
first Indian Communist Party Meeting at Tashkent in
Ever wondered why a woman by the name of Evelyn
Trent established the Comminust Party in Mexico?
Wanna ask the Mexicans? Lenin has invited Evelyn
Trent to Russia in 1918 to teach Communism at the
International Political school. MN Roy and Evelyn
divorced in 1925 . The Communist Party of India was
founded in Tashkent, Turkestan Autonomous Soviet
Socialist Republic on October 17, 1920, soon after the

Second Congress of the Communist International. The

founding members of the party were M.N. Roy, Evelyn
Trent Roy (Roy's wife), Abani Mukherji, Rosa Fitingof
(Abani's wife), Mohammad Ali (Ahmed Hasan),
Mohammad Shafiq Siddiqui, Rafiq Ahmed of Bhopal
and M.P.B.T. Acharya. Evelyn Trent was
introduced to MN Roy by Rothschild stooge Dr. David
Starr Jordan , the Jewish President of Stanford
University in his house.

Narendra Nath "Naren" Bhattacharya, later known as

M. N. Roy, The Bhattacharyas were Sakta brahmins –
a family of hereditary priests.
trent-part-1.html Evelyn Trent was the first wife of
M.N. Roy. Though she played great role in the life of
Roy, he did not mention her in his memoirs. Among
Radical democrats in India very little is known about

Today Lynn Rothschild teaches at Stanford. This

university was funded by Rothschild . Dr Jordan studied
at Cornell.
On 10th February 1908, a group of Muslims under the
leadership of a Pathan called Mir Alam entered

Gandhi’s house and pasted him badly with sticks. They

threatened to kill him.
just another pr stunt . Gandhi forgave him / them !!??

“Hindus should never be angry against the Muslims

even if the latter might make up their minds to undo
their (Hindus’) existence. If they put all of us to the
sword, we should court death bravely. … We are
destined to be born and die, then why need we feel
gloomy over it?” (recorded speech delivered on April 6,
1947) In another occasion when he was talking to a
group of refugees, said, “If all the Punjabis were to die
to the last man without killing (a single Muslim),
Punjab will be immortal. Offer yourselves as nonviolent
willing sacrifices.” (Collins and Lapierre, Freedom at
Midnight, p-385). Just before the partition, both Hindu
and Sikh women were being raped by the Muslims in
large numbers. Gandhi advised them that if a Muslim
expressed his desire to rape a Hindu or a Sikh lady, she
should never refuse him but cooperate with him. She
should lie down like a dead with her tongue in between
her teeth. Thus the rapist Muslim will be satisfied soon
and sooner he leave her. (D Lapierre and L Collins,
Freedom at Midnight, Vikas, 1997, p-479).

BR Ambedkar’s wife was a Chitpavan Brahmin. Gopal

Krishna Gokhale the mentor of Gandhi was a
Chitpavan. The assassin of Gandhi was a Chitpavan.

Mahadev Govind Ranade the mentor of Gokhale and

the founding member of the Indian National Congress
was a Chitpavan.

Gandhi was created in South Africa by the Rothschild

as the only brown skin leader who can make the might
British Empire bend . Gandhi was aggressively propped
up and promoted by Christian missionaries and General
Jan Christiaan Smuts, who bend every time he had a
head on collision with Gandhi-giving all Indian coolies
a terrific ego massage visavis Gandhi. Gen Smuts was
a field marshal in the British Army in 1941, and served
in the Imperial War Cabinet under ‘Winston Churchill-

whose mother is Rothschild’ . Today an Israeli town

is named after Gen Jan Smuts, a man who was a close
friend of Rothschild, and Lord Balfour.. Gen Jan
Christiaan Smuts bust was installed in 1949 in the
Hebrew University of Jerusalem, in a ceremony
attended by Gen Smuts , Mr. Justice Leopold Greenberg
and E.D. Goitein, the Israel minister.

Smuts's mother, born Catharina Petronella de Vries,

was the sister of Boudewijn Homburg de Vries,
the predikant. Catharina Petronella Philippina
Gerhardina Smuts .

 He played a leading part in the post-war

settlements at the end of both world wars, making
significant contributions towards the creation of the
League of Nations and the United Nations. He did
much to redefine the relationship between Britain
and the Dominions and Colonies, leading to the
formation of the British Commonwealth. Smuts
passed the examinations for the Inns of Court,
entering the Middle Temple. /
 Lord Milner had full control of all South African
affairs, and established an Anglophone elite,
known as Milner's Kindergarten. / Although
Gandhi and Smuts were adversaries in many
ways, they had a mutual respect and even
admiration for each other. Before Gandhi returned

to India in 1914, he presented General Smuts with

a pair of sandals (held by Ditsong National
Museum of Cultural History) made by Gandhi
himself. In 1939, Smuts, then prime minister, wrote
an essay for a commemorative work compiled for
Gandhi's 70th birthday and returned the sandals
with the following message: "I have worn these
sandals for many a summer, even though I may feel
that I am not worthy to stand in the shoes of so
great a man." / Smuts personally fundraised for
multiple Zionist organisations.

Gandhi was awarded 3 medals by the British while in

South Africa. The most notable was The Kaisar-i-Hind
Medal , a medal awarded by the British monarch in
1915, for rendering distinguished service in the
advancement of the interests of the British Raj. The
name literally means "Emperor of India" in the
vernacular of the Hindi and Urdu languages and was
pinned on him by Lord Hardinge of Penshurst.
Gandhi's personal guru was JAIN Shrimad Rajchandra..
Everybody knows this. Gandhi had written this several
times.. Gandhi wrote about ROTHSCHILDs NON-
VIOLENCE AGENT Shrimad Rajchandra in his

autobiography, The Story of My Experiments with

Truth, calling Raichandbhai his "guide and helper" and
his "refuge in moments of spiritual crisis". Shrimad
Rajchandra, his mother, and wife stayed at JEW Aga
Khan's bungalow in Ahmedabad.. GANDHI USED TO BE
 Capt ajit vadakayil

Sir Sultan Muhammed Shah, Aga Khan III was the

founder of ALL INDIA MUSLIM LEAGUE--which
demanded the partition of India.. This JEW was the the
first Honorary President of the Muslim League. JEW
Sir Sultan Muhammed Shah, Aga Khan III was taken
by Jew Rothschild in all three Round Table
Conferences in London from 1930–32.. Rotshchild
made JEW Agha Khan III the President of the League
of Nations from 1937–38 --this org was the fore runner
of UN--to carve out Israel. Aga Khan's last three wives
were JEWESSES--Cleope Teresa Magliano/ Andrée
Joséphine Carron/ Yvonne Blanche Labrousse . The
AIML party arose out of a literary movement begun at
The Aligarh Muslim University in which JEW Syed
Ahmad Khan was a central figure.. The principles of the
League were espoused in the "Green Book," which
included the organisation's constitution, written by JEW

Maulana Mohammad Ali. Mumbai's Muhammad Ali

road is named after this JEW.

The Italian priest Robert de Nobili (1577-1656). d

called himself a ‘Roman Brahmin’.Let me list out a
few 3 in 1 missionaries—padre/ printer/ proselytisers.
Italian missionary, Constantine Joseph Beschi (1680-
1746), who called himself Veeramaamunivar (Veer-
Maha-Munivar), German missionary Barthalomaus
Ziegenbalg (1683-1719) who called himself Ziegenbalg
Iyer, Englishman G.U. Pope (1820-1907) who called
himself “Pope Iyer.”, Scotsman Robert Caldwell
(1814-1891) who along with his wife Elissa Mault did
massive conversions by offering sops, Portuguese
missionary John De Britto etc etc.

My elder brother had come to meet me at the dock. He

had already made the acquaintance of Dr. Mehta and his
elder brother, and as Dr. Mehta insisted on putting me
up at his house, we went there. Thus the acquaintance
begun in England continued in India, and ripened into
a permanent friendship between the two families.
 I was pining to see my mother. I did not know that
she was no more in the flesh to receive me back
into her bosom. The sad news was now given me,
and I underwent the usual ablution. My brother had
kept me ignorant of her death, which took place
whilst I was still in England.  ????? He wanted to
spare me the blow in a foreign land. The news,
however, was none the less a severe shock to me.

But I must not dwell upon it. My grief was even

greater than over my father's death. Most of my
cherished hopes were shattered. But I remember
that I did not give myself up to any wild expression
of grief. I could even check the tears, and took to
life just as though nothing had happened. ????
Dr. Mehta introduced me to several friends, one of them
being his brother Shri Revashankar Jagjivan, with
whom there grew up a lifelong friendship. But the
introduction that I need particularly take note of was the
one to the poet Raychand or Rajchandra, the son-in-
law of an elder brother of Dr. Mehta, and partner of
the firm of jewellers conducted in the name of
Revashankar Jagjivan. 
Raychandbhai's commercial transactions covered
hundreds of thousands. He was a connoisseur of pearls
and diamonds.

Mani Bhavan was the focal point of Gandhi's political

activities in Mumbai between 1917 and 1934.
It was from Mani Bhavan that Gandhi initiated the Non-
Cooperation, Satyagraha, Swadeshi, Khadi and Khilafat 
Movements. Gandhi's association with
the charkha began in 1917, while he was staying at
Mani Bhavan. Mani Bhavan is also closely associated
with Gandhi's involvement in the Home Rule
Movement, as well as his decision to abstain from

drinking cow's milk in order to protest the cruel and

inhuman practice of phookan meted out to milch cattle
common during that period.

Mehta’s early years and his contacts with Gandhi

before 1909
Pranjivandas Jagjivandas Mehta, the youngest of
four brothers, was born in 1864 at Morvi in a
prosperous Jain family of merchants and professionals
which was spread all over Kathiawar. One of his elder
brothers, Revashankar Jagjivan Mehta, better known by
the surname ‘Jhaveri’, was vakil (lawyer) of the Raja
of Morvi. In consequence of a quarrel?? with his king,
he left Morvi and settled as a jeweller in Champagali,
Kalpadevi, Bombay, under the trade name Messrs
Revashankar Jagjivan & Co. He later built a large house
in the city at Labournum Road, Gamdevi, called Mani
Bhuvan, which became from 1920 the centre of
Gandhi’s political activities while in Bombay and now
houses a famous Gandhi museum. The brother who was
immediately older to Revashankar was called
Popatbhai. His daughter Zabakben was married
to the greatest Jain savant of modern times, Shrimad
Rajchandra (1867-1901), who influenced Gandhi
greatly and whom the latter rated higher than even Leo
Tolstoy and John Ruskin as a spiritual being.  After
completing his early education at Morvi and Rajkot,
Praanjivan joined the Grant Medical College in
Bombay, from where he earned his L.M.S. (Licentiate

in Medicine and Surgery) degree with a gold medal in

1886. The state of Morvi IE . RAJA OF MORVI, gave him
a scholarship for higher studies in Europe. He arrived in
Europe in the spring of 1887 and was admitted to the
Free University of Brussels (Universite Libre de
Bruxelles) in Belgium. He got his M.D. (Doctor of
Medicine) degree from this institution in 1889 with
distinction in Surgery. Mehta was an extremely
intelligent and industrious person. While studying
medicine in Brussels, he also enrolled himself at
London’s Middle Temple in order to qualify as a
barrister. He was called to the Bar in London soon after
his brilliant performance in Brussels. There were not
more than two hundred Indian students in Europe at that
time. Most of them lived and studied in Britain. The
fact that Mehta studied in Europe at the non-
denominational Free University of Brussels, where the
political and social atmosphere was far more liberal and
radical than in any university in Britain. In late 1889
Mehta returned to India. After practising as a physician
on his own for a few years, he became the chief medical
officer of Idar state.
The first meeting between Gandhi and Mehta took
place at the Victoria Hotel, near Trafalgar Square, in
London, on the evening of Saturday, 29 September
1888, the day Gandhi arrived there to study for the Bar.
Gandhi had come to know of Mehta’s whereabouts
in Europe from mutual friends and had kept him
informed about his movements.

Rather expensive hotel in central London, Gandhi had

hardly settled down when Mehta called on him at his
room in the hotel around eight o’clock in the evening.
Gandhi has given a rather vivid account of this first
encounter between the two would-be lifelong friends in
his autobiography.  Mehta and another Kathiawari
friend from Rajkot, Dalpatram Shukla, who was already
there studying for the Bar, acted as Gandhi’s mentors
during his early days in London. --- gandhi had letters
of introduction for 4 people -pranjivan mehta &
dalpatram bhagavanji shukla , a kathiawar brahmin
from Morvi, enrolled at the Inner Temple on 13
November 1886 and 2 others .

However, though Gandhi had come to know Mehta in

England in 1888-9, ----1891 Gandhi stayed for some
time, at Mehta’s at the latter’s residence in Bombay, on
his return from Enland.  It was there that he met for the
first time Shrimad Rajchandra, who reinforced the
religious quest that had already been awakened in him
while he was in England through his involvement with
vegetarianism and theosophy.

In the latter half of 1896, when Gandhi visited India for

about five months to gather support for the cause of the
Indians in South Africa, he stayed with the family of
Mehta whenever he happened to be in Bombay. In late
1898 Mehta, while returning from Europe to India, took
the old Cape route, visited Gandhi in Durban and stayed

with him for some time. ‘He was well received by the
Indian community and feted by the prominent
In 1899 Mehta migrated to Burma and settled in
Rangoon not only as a barrister and doctor, but also as a
diamond merchant. He soon became the richest and
most prominent citizen of the country. He took a
keen interest in the public life of his adopted country.
He was president of Hindu Social Club and the Shri
Ramkrishna Society of Rangoon, a member of the All-
India Congress Committee from Burma and Prsident of
the Burma Provincial Congress Committee, founder
secretary of the Burma Social Service League, and a
mentor of the early Burmese nationalists. In 1906 he
established an Anglo-Gujarati weekly paper called
United Burma which was edited by V. Madanjit, who
had formerly been the publisher of the Indian Opinion
in Durban. With the help of a south Indian economist,
Narayan Rao, he organised trade unions in Burma.

Gopal Krishna Gokhale, then a member of the

Viceroy’s legislative council.

"The early history of Freemasonry in Bengal and the

Punjab; with which is incorporated "The early history
of Freemasonry in Bengal" by Andrew D'Cruz by
Walter Kelly Firminger"

The making of the Mahatma and the writing of

‘Hind Swaraj’ 
his mother’s Pranami cult;

his legal education in England; his active involvement

with the vegetarian movement; his encounters with
Theosophy and Christianity in England and South
Africa; his association with the Jain scholar Shrimad
Rajchandra; his discovery  of his own religion and
culture in an alien environment; his study of Tolstoy,
Ruskin, Mazzini, Salter and Thoreau;

Mehta’s work in support of Gandhi and his ideas,

Mehta not only gave liberal financial support to Gandhi,
he also raised funds in Burma for the cause of Gandhi’s
satyagraha in South Africa. What is more important is
the fact that after Hind Swaraj was banned in India –
both in its Gujarati and English versions – in the first
half of 1910, Mehta tried his best to popularize the man
and his message through other means. He was the first
Indian to write a biography of Gandhi which was
published in early 1911 under the tittle M.K. Gandhi
and the South African Indian Problem. Besides
containing intimate details about Gandhi’s life and the
development of his personality, he very cleverly
acquainted his readers with the basic thoughts
contained in his banned booklet Hind Swaraj. Later in
1911 he published another book titled Hindu Social
Ideals, in which he tried to show what Gandhi did not

have the time to do, that is, the superiority of ancient

Indian civilization over modern Western
civilization. Next year, in 1912, he published a Gujarati
translation of Doke’s biography of Gandhi, with a
preface which was longer than the translation of Doke’s
Mehta’s support to Gandhi on his return to India
Gandhi’s final return to India was delayed until 9
January 1915. he receied a hero’s welcome from all
sections of his countrymen. But his hope that he would
find a readymade political base in Gokhale’s
Servants of India Society.
Gandhi arrived Rangoon on 17 March 1915 and stayed
with Mehta for eight days. Mehta not only accorded
him a royal welcome, he also assured him of whatever
financial help he needed for his own ashram which he
proposed to establish at Ahmedabad. Gandhi often said
that the Sabarmati Ashram, without which satyagraha
was not possible, was his ‘greatest creation’. But he
also said that Mehta was not only ‘the pillar of the
Ashram, without him the Ashram would not have come
into existence at all’.
 Gokhale was famously a mentor to Mahatma
Gandhi // Tilak and Gokhale – both were
Chitpavan Brahmins . CIE = freemason . --
great admirer of theorists such as John Stuart Mill
and Edmund Burke = freemasons .

 In 1915 Gokhale was succeeded as president by

Srinivasa Sastri/ brahmin (1869–1946).

 SIS Founded by Gopal Krishna Gokhale . Along

with him were a small group of educated Indians,
as Natesh Appaji Dravid, Gopal Krishna Deodhar
and Anant Patwardhan , ALL BRAHMINS

Valangaiman Sankaranarayana Srinivasa Sastri CH

PC / freemason . During 1930–31 he took an
active part in the Round Table Conference in

------------- His full name was Shri Raichandbhai

Ravjibhai Mehta. He was born in 1867 A.D. at Vavania
in Saurashtra. His family belonged to a well-known
merchant community. His father's name was Ravjibhai
and mother's name was Devabai. His mother was
brought up in Jain religious traditions. His grand father
was a staunch devotee of Lord Krishna. . The
fundamental idea of the Jain works was the
advocacy of non-violence and love to all high and
low in the world. “ I liked this idea of universal love
and non-violence very much. . Occasionally I visited

the residence of the ruler of Kutch”

To quote Gandhiji: “Since that day onwards till the

death of Raichandbhai, ours was a very close contact.
Many times I have said and written many times that I
have learnt much from the lives of many a person, but it
is from the life of poet Raichandbhai, I have learnt the
most” and “I must say that no one else has ever made
on me the impression that Raichandbhai did”

Shrimad constantly referred to anything he taught or

explained as that which originated from the Tirthankars
or other Gnanis, never claiming a teaching to be his
One monk, named Lalluji Maharaj, later known as
Laghuraj Swami, had already heard of him. He later
became the founder of the Shrimad Rajchandra
Ashram at Agas. Despite him being a monk and
Shrimad a householder, Laghuraj Swami was devoted
to Shrimad. 
Finally, at age 33, on Chaitra Vad 5th VS 1957 (9th
April 1901 CE)
At the time Shrimad was becoming well-known in the
area due to wide newspaper coverage of his
demonstration of ‘Avdhan’, attending to multiple
activities simultaneously.

In 1939, Mrs. Sophia Wadia, one of the most

significant leaders of the United Lodge of Theosophists
(U.L.T.) in India, had her book “The Brotherhood of
Religions” published. In the Foreword to the work,
Mahatma Gandhi wrote: “These essays of Sophia
Wadia show at a glance how much similarity there is
between the principal faiths of the earth in the
fundamentals of life. All our mutual quarrels centre
round non-essentials. Sophia Wadia’s labours will be
amply rewarded if people belonging to different faiths
will study faiths other than their own, with the same
reverence that she has exhibited in her essays.

An understanding knowledge of and respect for the

great faiths of the world , is the foundation of true
Theosophy (….).” [6]

He/ gandhi believed in intensive social reform. He

wanted women to work shoulder to shoulder with men.
Addressing the annual gathering of the Bhagini Samaj
in Bombay on February 20, 1918 at Morarjee Gokuldas
Hall, Gandhiji said: "Woman is the companion of man
gifted with equal mental capacities. She has the right to
participate in every minutest detail in the activities of

man and she has an equal right of freedom and liberty

with him."

“The people that do not fight for their rights are like
slaves, and such people do not deserve Home Rule.”--

Dr. Pranjivan Mehta who who was Gandhi's first

mentor in London and, till his own death, his most
loyal  supporter and financier. Guha calls Pranjivan
the Engels to Gandhi's Marx and mentions the influence
of Raichandbhai Mehta (who was related to Pranjivan
by marriage) on Gandhi

1910 - 1919
January 6, Rev. Charles Phillips and J C. Gibson had
an interview with Gandhi following their conversations
with Lord Selborne, High Commissioner of the
 February 18, Gandhi spoke at banquet in Masonic
Hall in honour of Rev. Doke.

 I desire no pecuniary benefit from Phoenix, the

support of my family and myself being found by
a European friend (named Herman
June 4, Kallenbach and Gandhi settled on the Tolstoy
Kathiawad Arya Mandal, Durban.
Ratan Tata made a third donation of Rs. 25,000 towards
Passive Resistance Fund.
 August 22, Spoke at Johannesburg Theosophical
October 31, Banquet at Masonic Hall by BIA, with the
Mayor presiding. Speeches by Mayor Ellis, William
Hosken, Patrick Duncan, J. J. Doke, L. W. Ritch,
Gokhale and Gandhi.

Sonja Schlesin, Secretary, Transvaal Indian Women's

Motilal Nehru, President, United Provinces Congress

 Raychandbhai or Rajchandra, the son-in-law of an

elder brother of Dr. Mehta = muti millionaire
diamond gold trader = gandhi's foremost financial
supporter/ spiritual guru ...

'Are you still interested in alcohol? Gandhi's

explosive letters to the 'debauched' eldest son he
accused of raping his granddaughter, 8

2014 . Three explosive letters that highlight Mahatma

Gandhi's deep concerns over the behaviour of his eldest
son, Harilal, will go under the hammer in England next
week. Mullock's Auctioneers, based in Shropshire
county, are hoping to fetch between £50,000 and
£60,000 (approx Rs 50 lakh - Rs 60 lakh) for a set of
three letters written by the Father of the Nation in June
1935. "You should know that your problem has become
much more difficult for me even then our national
freedom," says Gandhi in one of the letters in reference
to allegations of inappropriate behaviour by Harilal.
"Manu is telling me number of dangerous things about
you. She says that you had raped her before eight years
and she was so much hurt that medical treatment had to
be taken," Gandhi says in a letter referring to Harilal's
daughter Manu, who had come to stay with him at
Sabarmati Ashram. "The letters are written in Gujarati
and are in good condition. These have come via descent
from a branch of Gandhi's family to the present vendor.
As far as we are aware they have never before been
seen in public and as such they provide remarkable new
information on the troubled relationship Gandhi had
with his son," Mullock's said in a statement. Harilal had
wanted to go to England to study to become a barrister
like his father but the Mahatma had firmly opposed this,

believing a Western education would not be helpful in

the struggle against British Raj. This led to Harilal
renouncing all family ties in 1911, and his troubled
relationship with his father continued throughout his
life. "Please let me have pure truth. Please tell me if still
you are interested in alcohol and debauchery. I wish
that you better die rather than resort to alcohol in any
manner," adds another autographed letter. The series of
letters is part of Mullock's Historical Documents Sale at
Ludlow Racecourse on May 22. It also includes another
set of 27 autographed letters to Vijaya Lakshmi Pandit,
the sister of Jawaharlal Nehru, some written by Gandhi
from prison. "Women have done more work than us.
Even so much remains to be done. The modern world
has as yet seen the like of India's woman power. I am
convinced they will go much further ahead and I will be
very surprised if you do not play a very big part in this,"
reads a letter dated November 11, 1930. The earliest
letters date back to 1920, but others are from 1930s and
the majority date from the crucial period of 1938-1944
in the Indian national movement.
sexually-repressed-pervert/ Mahatma & Manuben:
Newly discovered diaries of Gandhi's personal attendant

reveal how his experiments with celibacy changed her

11-30 An odd kind of piety: The truth about
Gandhi's sex life
truth-about-gandhis-sex-life-1937411.html Gandhi
Used His Position To Sexually Exploit Young Women.
matters-even-today/ The Mahatma in the
MK Gandhi's experiments with sexuality, as told by
close aide Manuben


Periyar E.V. Ramasami wrote as an editorial in his
Tamil Weekly Kudi Arasu dated 29th March 1931 that
Gandhi gave a speech ( which he heard, along with
thousands ) , that all Indians must call Viceroy Lord
Irwin as "Mahatma Irwin". This was in response
to Irvin declaring that Gandhi is a divine saint. In the
same speech Gandhi has said clearly and openly

admitted that the reason for starting the Salt Satyagraha

agitation had been to spoil and undo the work done by
persons like Bhagat Singh. Gandhi was in favour of
Bhagat Singh hanging.? The British shot him,? before
the date of hanging. considering that a crowd keeping
vigil outside the jail, they British made a hole in the
wall behind the jail, cut his bullet ridden body ( shot as
personal revenge by saunders ) into pieces? -- and
burned part of him in "kerosene", which is never done
in Sikhism. he was NOT given a proper cremation and
his skull is still missing. Later the people found some
of his?? bones .

Order of the garter = KG = highest freemason.

Edward Frederick Lindley Wood, 1st Earl of
Halifax, KG, OM, GCSI, GCMG, GCIE, TD, PC (16 April
1881 – 23 December 1959), styled Lord Irwin from
1925 until 1934 and Viscount Halifax from 1934 until
1944, was one of the most senior British Conservative
politicians of the 1930s. He held several senior
ministerial posts during this time, most notably those of
Viceroy of India from 1925 to 1931 and of Foreign
Secretary between 1938 and 1940. He was one of the
architects of the policy of appeasement of Adolf Hitler
in 1936–38, working closely with Prime Minister
Neville Chamberlain. He was born with an atrophied
left arm and no left hand . Before the First World War
he was already a captain in the Queen's Own Yorkshire
Dragoons, a West Riding yeomanry regiment. .
Field Marshal Jan Christiaan Smuts PC, OM, CH,
DTD, ED, KC, FRS / Inns of Court, entering the
Middle Temple // Hofmeyr in turn recommended Jan
to Cecil Rhodes, who owned the De Beers mining
company. In 1895, Smuts became an advocate and
supporter of Rhodes. // Lord Milner had full control
of all South African affairs, and established an
Anglophone elite, known as Milner's Kindergarten. //
When his term of office expired, Milner was replaced as
High Commissioner by the more conciliatory Lord
Order of the Garter= highest freemason
William Waldegrave Palmer, 2nd Earl of Selborne,
KG, GCMG, PC (17 October 1859 – 26 February
1942), styled Viscount Wolmer between 1882 and 1895,_2nd_Ea

Dalit peoples in South Africa. In South Africa at that

time there were two kinds of Indians. One were the
Passenger Indians who went there to do business, and
the other was indentured labour who mostly came from

subordinated classes and caste and here is what Gandhi

said about the bonded labour: “Whether they are Hindus
or Mahommedans, they are absolutely without any
moral or religious instruction worthy of the name. They
have not learned enough to educate themselves without
any outside help. Placed thus, they are apt to yield to
the slightest temptation to tell a lie. After some time,
lying with them becomes a habit and a disease. They
would lie without any reason, without any proper…
prospect of bettering themselves materially, indeed,
without knowing what they are doing. They reach a
stage in life when their moral faculties have completely
collapsed owing to neglect.” (CWMG 1,200)

Now this goes on, this same tone is used about black
African people… when Gandhi was in jail he talks
about Africans in the most horrible way. Here is a
passage written by Gandhi about [sharing] jails with
Kaffirs, black people: “We were all prepared for
hardships, but not quite for this experience. We could
understand not being classed with the whites, but to be
placed on the same level with the natives seemed to be
too much to put up with. I then felt that Indians had not
launched our passive resistance too soon. Here was
further proof that the obnoxious law was meant to
emasculate Indians… Apart from whether or not this
implies degradation, I must say it’s rather dangerous.
Kaffirs as a rule are uncivilized, the convicts even more
so. They are troublesome, and dirty and live like
animals. Then he goes on to call them savages… and I

have resolved in my mind on an agitation to ensure that

Indian prisoners are not lodged with kaffirs or others.
We cannot ignore the fact that there is no common
ground between them and us and whoever wants to
sleep in the same room as them have ulterior motives
for doing so.” (CWMG 9, 256-7)

His doctrine of nonviolence was based on an

acceptance of the most brutal social hierarchy the world
has ever known, the caste system…

Gandhi wrote called The Ideal Bhangi, the ideal

scavenger. --- “He should know how a right kind of
latrine is constructed and the correct way of cleaning it.
He should know how to overcome and destroy the
odour of excreta and the various disinfectants to render
them innocuous. He should likewise know the process
of converting urine and night soil into manure. But that
is not all. My ideal Bhangi would know the quality of
night-soil and urine. He would keep a close watch on
these and give a timely warning to the individual
concerned.” (Harijan, Nov 1936)

Many years later, today’s Prime Minister Modi wrote a

text too, which was called Karmayogi,and here is what
he says. He is also talking about bhangis, the Balmiki
community… “I do not believe that they are doing this
job to sustain their livelihood. Had this been so, they
would not have continued with this type of job
generation after generation. At some point of time,

somebody must have got the enlightenment that it is

their (the Balmikis’) duty to work for the happiness of
the entire society and the Gods and that they have to do
this job bestowed upon them by Gods and that this job
of cleaning up should continue as an internal spiritual
activity for centuries.” (Karmayogi, by Narendra Modi)

Lokmanya Bal Gangadhara Tilak wrote that Vedas

were written by the white blonde man .

 some surnames Ranade, Tilak, Gokhale, Ketkar,

Paranjpe, Karve ,Chitale. Gogte, Lele, Karve,
Gadre, Hingne etc .
 Peshwas were Chitpavan Jew Prime Ministers to
the Maratha Chattrapatis ( Emperors), who began
commanding Maratha armies and later just became
hereditary rulers of the Maratha empire of central
India from 1749 to 1818.

It was the appointment of his son, Baji Rao I as Peshwa

in 1719 by Shahu that made the position hereditary in
the Bhat family. Shahu, who also appointed Baji Rao's
son as Peshwa in 1740, gave considerable authority to
the Peshwas to command the Maratha armies. .
Emperor Shahu's two legitimate sons were disinherited
--causing him to go into depression and become a

hermit in the forest. By the time of Shahu's death in

1749, the Bhat Peshwas were the effective rulers of the
Maratha empire . The first Bhat family Peshwa was
Balaji Vishwanath Bhat, a Chitpawan Brahmin. He
was succeeded as Peshwa by his son Baji Rao I , Baji
Rao and his son, Balaji Baji Rao, oversaw the period of
greatest Maratha expansion , spilling Maratha blood .
All this continued till the Maratha's defeat by an Afghan
army at the Third Battle of Panipat in 1761. The last
Peshwa, Baji Rao II, was defeated by the British East
India Company in the Third Anglo-Maratha War in
1818. The Peshwa's territory in central Maharashtra was
annexed to the British East India Company's Bombay
province, and he was handsomely pensioned off.

Gandhi advocated non-violence ONLY AGAINST HIS

BRITISH MASTERS . he recruited indian soldiers for both
world wars TO KILL THE GERMANS. so what is his
ahimsa all about.


OVER EAST AFRICA . As soon as the mephedrone
stimulant is administered by enema , the man needs
instant release of semen by ejaculation. If it is taken
orally the aphrodisiac effect is lesser . If snorted as
powder it causes nose bleeds. ephedrone causes peace,
high spirits, euphoria, and sexual stimulation. .







At Heidelberg Germany, one street ( at Marriott Hotel

over looking river Neckar ) is named after Iqbal called
IQBAL UFER-- thanks to German Jew
Rothschild..Rothschild rewarded him for his role in
pouring cold water over Muslim world anger over
Palestine and ending the powerful Ottoman empire at
Turkey. Iqbal was first noticed by Rothschild , as a
piece of clay to be molded, when he wrote something
which surprised everybody. Upon the death of Queen
Victoria in 1901, Dr. Iqbal penned an epicedium of ten
pages, entitled “Tears of Blood “. The Queen died on
the day of Eid-ul-Fitr, and Iqbal the slave wrote : ---
"Happiness came, but grief came along with it,
Yesterday was Eid, but today muharram (Month of the
year associated with the deepest mourning for Muslims)

Our Indian Rothschild stooge Rabindranath Tagore

would NOT be outdone. He wrote even a more servile
poem, which we Indians sing as our national anthem.
He outdid Iqbal by miles for in addition to become a
SIR ( Knight ) , he also secured for himself a Nobel







CAPTAGON ( Fennethylline ) is an amphetamine-based

substance used by ISIS and KASHMIRI MILITANTS -- which
obliterates fear, empathy, pain, and fatigue.
Mephedrone, or “meow meow,” is ravaging young
India , especially in Punjab and Goa now-. Meow
Meow was legal in India until 2015.. CIA employed
DEVILs BREATH ( Scopolamine )as a truth serum during
Cold War interrogations. GANDHI USED SOME DRUGS IN HIS
BECHARJI SWAMI . Gandhi's personal guru was JAIN
Shrimad Rajchandra.. Everybody knows this. Gandhi

had written this several times.. Gandhi wrote about

his autobiography, The Story of My Experiments with
Truth, calling Raichandbhai his "guide and helper" and
his "refuge in moments of spiritual crisis". Shrimad
Rajchandra, his mother, and wife stayed at JEW Aga
Khan's bungalow in Ahmedabad.. GANDHI USED TO BE
. Sir Sultan Muhammed Shah, Aga Khan III was the
founder of ALL INDIA MUSLIM LEAGUE--which demanded
the partition of India.. This JEW was the the first
Honorary President of the Muslim League. JEW Sir
Sultan Muhammed Shah, Aga Khan III was taken by
Jew Rothschild in all three Round Table Conferences
in London from 1930–32.. Rotshchild made JEW Agha
Khan III the President of the League of Nations from
1937–38 --this org was the fore runner of UN--to carve
out Israel.

Aga Khan's last three wives were JEWESSES--Cleope

Teresa Magliano/ Andrée Joséphine Carron/ Yvonne
Blanche Labrousse

The AIML party arose out of a literary movement

begun at The Aligarh Muslim University in which JEW

Syed Ahmad Khan was a central figure.. The principles

of the League were espoused in the "Green Book,"
which included the organisation's constitution, written
by JEW Maulana Mohammad Ali. Mumbai's
Muhammad Ali road is named after this JEW.
On 29 December 1930 JEW Sir Muhammad Iqbal
delivered his monumental presidential address to the
All India Muslim League annual session, demanding
Pakistan. Jinnah was a JEW. At a League conference in
Lahore in 1940, Jinnah demanded Pakistan. BY 1947, ALL

More than three lakhs ( 380,000 ) white skinned

military prostitutes were housed in the Lal Bazaars ( red
flesh markets) attached to military cantonments .. It was
an evening stroll, have free sex with young girls ( age
range 12 to 17 ) – forcing them to degrade themselves
with filthy deviant sex. All thes girls were given small
booklets of HANUMAN CHALISA in Awadhi language ,
mostly printed by Gita Press Gorakhpur. . The

whorehouses for elite British Officers of Rothschid in

Calcutta ( Sonagachi) was created by Rabindranath
Tagore’s grandfather ( a Pir Ali muslim ) which also
contained sections for homosexual pedophilia – young
boys as tender as 8 , for anal sex Devadasis were
divided into seven categories. They are known as Dutta,
Hruta, Bikrita, Bhrutya, Alankara and Gopika or
Rudraganika — depending on the sexual deviancy
branch they were experts in oral / anal / morbid fetish
--- capt ajit vadakayil


PATSY IS IRISH… Noel Tata's mother ( Ratan Tata's step-
mother ) is Simone Dunoyer -a Frenchwoman. …. …..
Tata Steel was awarded the '2015 World's Most Ethical
Company' award under the Metals category by the
Ethisphere Institute. …….This was the third time, that
Tata Steel won this award .

CD Deshmukh was the first RBI governor of

Independent India. 

SIR Chintamani Dwarakanath Deshmukh was a

Chitpavan Jew with a JEWESS white British wife.

This man was given Magsaysay award twice

SIR Chintaman Dwarakanath Deshmukh attended the

Breton Woods Conference to create IMF on invitation
of R0thschild in July1944 . ) 

Rothschild liked him, and he was a member of the

Board of Governors of IMF for the next ten years

Rothschild controls the IMF and World Bank.

So, how does the IMF and the World Bank work?
They put a country in debt, in such a big debt it can`t
pay it, and then they will offer to refinance that debt,
and pay you even more interest, and you demand this
quid pro quo which you call a “conditionality” or “good

His elder brother Sir Benegal Narsing Rau was made to

draft the Constitution of India, along with BR

9.8 million Indians died in the great DELIBERATE

famine of 1769- -deliberately starved by Rothschild
controlled East India company employee Warren
Hastings , who wanted Opium , Indigo and Jute for
export instead of food. Nobody talks about the great
DELIBERATE Guntur famine in 1832 to make people lose
hope and force them to migrate as Indentured labour in
foreign lands . Rothschild planned two years in advance
as in 1834 Black slavery was abolished and replaced by
Indian Indentured labour. Nobody talks about the great
DELIBERATE Orissa famine caused by Rothschild in
1866 / 67 where 5.8 million Indians died of
starvation .There was mass exodus and indentured
labour to foreign lands Nobody talks about the great
DELIBERATE famine in India of 1876–78 where 6.3
million Indians died , while 61 million Indians starved .
Again there was mass exodus to foreign lands as
indentured labour. We Indians are more familiar with
the DELIBERATE famine in 1943 ( Bengal ) for which
Amartya sen got the Nobel prize when 5.2 million
Indians died.
1834 the English speaking white man abolished
slavery. He then reinvented slavery in the form of
Indentured labour from India. It was a worse form of
slavery. Fabulously rich John Gladstone, (1763-1851)
owned almost all the sugar plantations in Jamaica, and

was the biggest slave trader . He was the stooge of

Opium runner and British East India company owner,
German Jew Rothschild, in British Parliament, where
he was MP for 9 years. This evil and greedy man fooled
the Indians by false promises. From 1838 to 1917, In
British Guiana alone 260, 000 Indians were slaves. He
bribed British Prime minister Sir Robert Peel, and made
himself a Baronet in 1846. Then he bribed again using
his Rothschild connection, and made sure his son ,
William Ewart Gladstone, was in politics in the cabinet
of "good friend" Robert Peel, and in line to be future
Prime Minister of UK.
John Gladstone's exact words in the British
Parliament was QUOTE "-- negroes yield to the ardent
and uncontrolled influence of the fassions, where a
promiscuous intercourse of the sexes takes place, there
consequently fewer children are born constant
supply of negroes from Africa is requisite.--"

Moses Maimonides, Judaism’s most celebrated

rabbinic SAGE has written that Blacks are “irrational
animals” who are “below mankind but above monkeys

In 1953, the Israel issued a postage stamp of


Sir Sultan Muhammed Shah, Aga Khan III was

the 48th Imam of the Nizari Ismaili community. He was
one THE founders and the first president of the All-
India Muslim League. Aga Khan called on the British
Raj to consider Muslims to be a separate nation within
India The distinction of a Knight Commander of the
Indian Empire was conferred upon him by Queen
Victoria in 1897 (and later Knight Grand Commander
in 1902 by Edward VII) In 1906, the Aga Khan was a
founding member and first president of the All India
Muslim League, a political party which pushed for the
creation of an independent Muslim nation in the north
west regions of India, then under British colonial rule,
and later established the country of Pakistan in 1947.
Sir Richard Francis Burton had written that Agha
Khan II was a Jew.
Rothschild media had given BULL that Aga Khan
is a blood relative of the Prophet Muhammad through
Muhammad's son-in-law, Ali, the first Imam in Shia
Islam, and Ali's wife Fatima az-Zahra, Muhammad’s
daughter from his first marriage.

Aga Khan IV ( the current Imam of Nizari

Ismailism) has stopped all pretenses of being a
Muslim. He succeeded his grandfather, Sir Sultan
Muhammad Shah Aga Khan III at the age of 20. Agha
Khan IV is one of the richest royals on the planet. Every
royal on this planet today exists due to the largesse of
Rothschild. In 2008, the then French President JEW
Nicolas Sarkozy pledged that the Aga Khan, a British
citizen, would be let off all 'direct taxes, stamp duty,
and wealth tax' by the country of France. Aga Khan IV
is the eldest son of Prince Aly Khan, (1911–1960) and
his first wife, Joan Barbara Yarde-Buller, the
daughter of John Yarde-Buller, 3rd Baron Churston
( whom Rothschild appointed aide-de-camp to his
stooge The Lord Curzon, Viceroy of India ).
Hardly anybody knows that Viceroy Curzon
deliberately introduced famine in India ( 1899 -1900 )
which cause more than 10 million Indians to die of
starvation, to drive desperate young males into the
Colonial army just to have food and survive.

Karl Marx injected mindless Hegelian religious

nonsense into his socialism. Marx clung so dearly to
Hegel that he ended up espousing a sort of “Calvinism
without God,” turning Marxism into a quasi-religious

His Hegelian ideology led him to espouse a most

unscientific socialism. Marx called his theory
“scientific socialism,” not because he followed the
scientific method, but merely because it was
dialectical and materialist. 

Dialectics is not scientific as much as practical.

Materialism is a metaphysical creed, not science.

Hermann Gundert started the Basel Mission. Later

after the first world war the name was changed to The
Commonwealth Trust Ltd, Calicut . The MD of
Commonwealth factory was the uncrowned King of
Calicut, in the pre-independence days . Nobody in
Kerala had more powers than this white man. The king
of Calicut would pray in the Tali Templeof Calicut—or
he would go by elephant to Guruvayoor Sri Krishna
temple or to Kodungaloor Temple. It is no wonder that
the world’s SECOND church is at Kodungallor ( St
Thomas church-rebuilt several times ) and the world’s
SECOND mosque is at Kodungallor ( Cheraman Perumal
mosque—still original ) The Basel Mission Evangelical
operations started in Calicut on 21st Aug 1834 when
three missionaries landed here in the form of Johann
Christopher Lehner, Christian Lehnard Greiner
and Samuel Heibich. They needed to provide jobs for
Christian converts and those who already were
Christians due to the excesses of the racists Namboodiri

Brahmins. --- In 1795, Carey made contact with a

Sanskrit scholar, the Tantric Hariharananda
Vidyabagish, who later introduced him to Ram Mohan
Roy ---- . 80% of Malayalam and Telugu is
Sanskrit . The Italian priest Robert de Nobili (1577-
1656).called himself a ‘Roman Brahmin’.

 Mahatma is Sanskrit for "Great Soul" . It is similar

in usage to the modern English term saint. This
epithet is commonly applied to prominent people
like Basaveshwara (1105-1167), Mohandas
Karamchand Gandhi (1869-1948), Munshiram
(later Swami Shraddhananda, 1856–1926), Lalon
Shah (1772–1890), Ayyankali (1863-1941) and
Jyotirao Phule (1827–1890). It has also been
historically used for a class of Jain scholars.ātmā

Brennen College at Dharmadam ( Kannur District )

was created by the German Jew Rothschild in 1862 to
propagate the brainwash of German BASEL

MISSION . The man who founded it in Kannur and

Calicut was Hermann Gundert
Basel, is a small town in Switzerland, which was
controlled by Jew Rothschild during the times of the
French Revolution. The German JEW Freemasons in
Basel controlled the French revolution.

The Peace of Basel of 1795 consists of three peace

treaties involving France during the French Revolution
In 1213, Basel has THE largest Jewish communities in
Europe and the first recorded mention of Jews in
Switzerland. These criminal Jews drove away locals
and usurped land by poisoning wells. Both German and
French branches of Jew Rothschild controlled Basel.
Basel Jews were almost exclusively confined to money
lending at very high interest rates

Under French Rothschild domination several Jews

settled in Geneva, enjoying complete freedom .. In 1868
the single-domed synagogue was built at Basel

German Jew Rothschild conducted the First Zionist

Congress at Basel in 1897.. Basel has Switzerland's
only Jewish museum.. First Zionist Congress was the
inaugural congress of the Zionist Organization (ZO) (to
become the World Zionist Organization (WZO) in
1960) held in Basel (Basle), Switzerland, from August
29 to August 31, 1897.

In his diary Rothschild’s agent German Jew Theodor

Herzl wrote, "To summarize the Basel Congress in one
sentence - which I shall be careful not to pronounce
publicly - it is this: I have founded the Jewish state in
Basel was the host of nine more congresses: including
the second, attended by Chaim Weizmann
On 25th of September 1815, the Basel Evangelical
Missionary Society, was formed under the
Presidentship of Rev. Nicholas van Brunn.
Basel Mission inspector Blum Hardt who laid the
foundation of the Basel Evangelical Mission works in
India.. The first three Basel Mission missionaries viz.,
Rev Samuel Hebich, Rev. John Lehnar and Rev.
Cristoph Grener .
Herman Gundert with the help of another crypto Jew
padre Miller, began publishing another monthly named
'Paschimodayam' in October 1847. 
The Malabar Christian College situated at the centre of
Calicut is a Basel Mission creation.
Jew Rothschild used Basel Mission to embed Brahma
Samaj in Calicut

In 1919 the Basel Mission church stood affiliated to the

South India United Church (SIUC). The SIUC was a
union of various protestant churches of South India. 
Protestant religion was created by Jews

Rothschild’s Basel Mission opened the Freemason

Lodge in Calicut.

Aithihyamala has stories of magic and spells -

including human sacrifice.





Adam Weishaupt

Masonic Lodge Mhow

Despite her age and temperament, Sonja Schlesin grew

to become a colleague trusted by Gandhi with funds and
major tasks.
Gandhi lectured on Hinduism at the Masonic hall .


AFRICA by Danielle P. Smith,

Hermann Kallenbach, Sonja Schlesin: Glimpses of

Some Lithuanian and East European Links in Gandhi’s
South African Struggles and After
By Anil Nauriya
It has been suggested that Kallenbach had known the
young Sonja in Lithuania.i
Introducing Sonja to Gandhi, Kallenbach said: “This
girl has been entrusted to me by her mother, but she is

very mischievous and impetuous. Perhaps she is even

insolent. You keep her if you can manage her. I do not
place her with you for the mere pay.”ii

Gandhi and Kallenbach were in touch also with V.

Chertkov, Tolstoy’s close friend, and Mrs. Fyvie Mayo
of Glasgow, a journalist and translator of Tolstoy.iii

Of the Phoenix settlement established by Gandhi near

Durban, Kallenbach would become a trustee in 1912
and remain so till the end. The Indian statesman, Gopal
Krishna Gokhale, visited South Africa at Gandhi’s
suggestion in October-November 1912. Gandhi and
Kallenbach were then living on Tolstoy Farm; to
receive Gokhale, Kallenbach traveled to Cape Town
along with Gandhi, Imam Bawazeer and Ahmed
Cachalia, the Chairman of the British Indian
Kallenbach acted as secretary of the European
Committee which organized a reception for Gokhale.v
Kallenbach, along with Gandhi’s early biographer, Rev.
J.J. Doke, Rev. Phillips and L.W. Ritch, another close
associate of Gandhi and the “Chief Volunteer” during
Gokhale’s stay in Johannesburg, were present too when
the Transvaal Indian Women’s Association gave a
reception to

During his visit to the Transvaal, Gokhale spent a few

days in Kallenbach’s house in Johannesburg and
between 2 and 5 November 1912 – on Tolstoy Farm.vii

The draft of a speech that Gokhale delivered at a

banquet given in his honor in Johannesburg was
discussed at least 3 times with both Gandhi and
Kallenbach accompanied Gokhale and Gandhi on other
legs of the tour. In Durban a public banquet was given
to Gokhale; Gandhi, as the main organizer of the tour,
was of course present along with Kallenbach; so were
John Dube, the first President of the African National
Congress (then known as the South African Native
National Congress), which had been founded earlier in
the year in January, and his brother Charles Dube,
another founding member of the ANC, who also looked
after John Dube’s journal, Ilanga lase Natal.ix At the
conclusion of Gokhale’s visit on 17 November, Gandhi
and Kallenbach saw him off on his return journey to
India, accompanying him to Mozambique’s Delagoa
Bay-Lourenco Marques (present-day Maputo),
Inhambane, Beira and Mozambique city, Zanzibar and
Gandhi’s reliance on and faith in Kallenbach made him
continue to mull over the possibility of Kallenbach
joining him in India. Some of Kallenbach’s belongings
were taken by Gandhi from England to India in this

A few months after returning to India, Gandhi spoke at

a conference in Poona (now Pune) where he paid tribute
to the Indian statesman Gopal Krishna Gokhale, who
had passed away on 19 February earlier in the year; in

this speech Gandhi remarked also on Kallenbach,

saying that “no purer-minded person to-day walks
the earth in Europe than Mr. Kallenbach.”x

Four months earlier, Gandhi had written to Kallenbach

on Gopal Krishna Gokhale’s death: “Well, I am without
a helmsman… He lives in the spirit and his spirit is
enthroned in my heart.”xi In this letter, Gandhi told
Kallenbach: “You will be surprised that Mrs. Gandhi
has developed a passion for you. She thinks of you at
every turn. She thinks that our life is incomplete
without you. This is… how it is happening with her
just now.”xii
In August 1917, Gandhi wrote from Ahmedabad to his
third son Ramdas, then in South Africa: “Tell Miss
Schlesin to write to me. I am awaiting her arrival. Tell
her also that there are some ten letters from me she
has not answered.”xiii

A letter Gandhi wrote to Kallenbach ten days after

launching this movement, and while he was in the midst
of this momentous struggle, on 10 August 1920,
indicates some of the efforts he must have made to
obtain news of Kallenbach:
“My dear Lower House,
After how long a time have I the good fortune to write
to you? After the greatest search, I have now got your
address. Never has a day passed but I have thought of
you. The first information imparted to me about you
was by a lady in Johannesburg. Miss Winterbottom and

Polak could tell me nothing. P.K. Naidu could tell me

nothing. Dr. Mehta sent me a cable to give me your
address. I have also a letter from Jamnadas whom I
have asked to see you in Berlin if you could at all be
seen. Jamnadas tells me either he or Dr. Mehta will try
to see you. How I wish I could go over to see you and
hug you. For me you have risen from the dead. I had
taken it for granted that you were dead. I could not
believe that you would keep me without a letter for so
long. The alternative was that you had written but your
letters were not delivered to me at all. I wrote to your
camp but there was no reply…
Upper House”xiv

Another letter from Gandhi to Kallenbach a few days

later refers to a message from Kallenbach received
through Jamnadas (a relation of Gandhi’s), inviting
Gandhi to visit Germany.xv Obviously, Kallenbach was
yet unaware of the scale of the movement just launched
by Gandhi in India.
It is noteworthy that Gandhi would remember
Kallenbach at crucial junctures in his post-African life
in India. He had written to Kallenbach from Motihari at
a critical point in the Champaran peasant struggle in
1917. He had written to him also at the start of the non-
cooperation movement in August 1920. In the following
year, when he was in the thick of this movement,
Gandhi inquired again from his son Ramdas in South
Africa about Kallenbach and Sonja Schlesin:

“Do you meet Mr. Kallenbach? He may be writing to

you. I remember Miss Schlesin every day. I believe you
have not forgotten her. You should meet her even if you
have to make a search for her. Her public service is
such that it is never to be forgotten.”xvi
And just before his arrest in India in the course of the
non-cooperation movement, Gandhi wrote to
“Ramdas is now my companion and nurse. Devdas is
attending to important work in another province. He has
shaped wonderfully. Harilal is in prison. I am expecting
to be deported. Even execution has been suggested. It
sounds all funny… How nice it would be when you can
come and work side by side as of yore.”xvii
Gandhi would be imprisoned shortly and released only
in 1924. After his release too, Gandhi would sometimes
rely on Kallenbach for materials on old acquaintances.
In 1926, he wrote to Kallenbach asking him “to procure
for me two copies of a book written by Teo Schreiner
giving an account of Olive Schreiner.”xviii Olive
Schreiner, who Gandhi had much admired for her work
in confronting racism in South Africa, had passed away
in December 1920. The books arrived and were
acknowledged along with a personal missive about
Gandhi’s son Manilal: “Manilal is to be married on 5th
March. He will take his wife with him. You will look
after both please.”xix
At the height of the agitation in India against the Simon
Commission in 1928, Gandhi wrote to his son and
daughter-in-law in South Africa and concluded the

letter with the sentence: “Tell Mr. Kallenbach that I am

waiting for him to come.”xx A few weeks before he
launched the civil disobedience movement in India and
the famous salt march, he wrote to Sonja Schlesin, who
had referred to some errors in Gandhi’s works, to urge
her to come to India “in time to correct the many
inaccuracies you have discovered in the volumes”;
accurately anticipating that he would soon be
imprisoned, Gandhi added: “It is highly likely that
when your long leave is on I may be in one of the
king’s hotels.”xxi
Gandhi was arrested in May and released only towards
the end of January in the following year. When there
was the prospect of Gandhi visiting England for the
Round Table Conference of 1931 to discuss further
constitutional advance in India, Sonja later seems to
have inquired also about the possibility of Gandhi
visiting South Africa; Gandhi wrote back saying that
was unlikely and inviting her once again to point out the
errors in his reminiscences.xxii
Yet again, at the time of his fast on the untouchability
question, Gandhi wrote on 18 September 1932, what
was in part a farewell letter to Kallenbach, using their
mutual modes of address:

“My dear Lower House,

If I go, I shall go in the hope that you will one day fulfil
the hope you and I have long cherished of you… If God
has more work to take from this body, it will survive the

fiery ordeal. Then you must try some early day to come
and meet. Otherwise good bye and much love from,
Upper House”xxiii
Sir Ratan Tata and Mahatma Gandhi ---- 'In all
humility I may say that I have come here also as a
friend of the capitalists -- a friend of the Tatas. And
here it would be ungrateful on my part, if I do not give
you a little anecdote about how my connection with the
Tatas began. In South Africa when I was struggling
along with the Indians in the attempt to retain our self-
respect and to vindicate our status it was Sir Ratan Tata
who first came forward with assistance.' -- Extract from
Mahatma Gandhi's speech delivered at Jamshedpur on
August 8, 1925.

Albert Pike was born on December 29, 1809,

in Boston, and was the oldest of six children born to
Benjamin and Sarah Andrews Pike.  He studied at
Harvard, and later served as a Brigadier-General in
the Confederate Army. After the Civil War, Pike was
found guilty of treason and jailed, only to be pardoned
by fellow Freemason President Andrew Johnson
on April 22, 1866, who met with him the next day at
the White House. On June 20, 1867, Scottish Rite
officials conferred upon Johnson the 4th to 32nd
Freemasonry degrees, and he later went to Boston to
dedicate a Masonic Temple.
Pike was said to be a genius, able to read and write in
16 different languages, no record anywhere of what
those languages were.  In addition, he is widely accused
of plagiarism .   At various stages of his life we was a
poet, philosopher, frontiersman, soldier, humanitarian
and philanthropist.  A 33rd degree Mason, he was one
of the founding fathers, and head of the Ancient
Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, being the
Grand Commander of North American Freemasonry
from 1859 and retained that position until his death in
1891. In 1869, he was a top leader in the Knights of the
Ku Klux Klan.
Pike was said to be a Satanist, who indulged in the
occult, and he apparently possessed a bracelet which he
used to summon Lucifer, with whom he had constant

communication. He was the Grand Master of a

Luciferian group known as the Order of the Palladium
(or Sovereign Council of Wisdom), which had been
founded in Paris in 1737. Palladism had been
“brought” to Greece from Egypt by “Pythagoras” in
the fifth century, and it was this cult of Satan that was
introduced to the inner circle of the Masonic lodges. It
was aligned with the Palladium of the Templars. In
1801, Issac Long, a Jew, brought a statue of Baphomet
(Satan) to Charleston, South Carolina, where he helped
to establish the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite.
Long apparently chose Charleston because it was
geographically located on the 33rd parallel of latitude
(incidentally, so is Baghdad), and this council is
considered to be the Mother Supreme Council of all
Masonic Lodges of the World.
Pike was Long's successor, and he changed the name of
the Order to the New and Reformed Palladian Rite (or
Reformed Palladium). The Order contained two
·         Adelph (or Brother), and
·         Companion of Ulysses (or Companion of
Pike's right-hand man was Phileas Walder, from
Switzerland, who was a former Lutheran minister, a
Masonic leader, occultist, and spiritualist. Pike also
worked closely with Giusseppe Mazzini of Italy (1805-
1872) who was a 33rd degree Mason, who became head
of the Illuminati in 1834, and who founded the Mafia in
1860. Together with Mazzini, Lord Henry Palmerston

of England (1784-1865, 33rd degree Mason), and Otto

von Bismarck from Germany (1815-1898, 33rd degree
Mason), Albert Pike intended to use the Palladian Rite
to create a Satanic umbrella group that would tie all
Masonic groups together.
Albert Pike died on April 2, 1891, and was buried
in Oak Hill Cemetery, although the corpse of Pike
currently lies in the headquarters of the Council of the
33rd degree of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry
in Washington, D.C.  (see The Deadly Deception, by
Jim Shaw - former 33rd degree Mason and Past Master
of all Scottish Rite bodies.)
The Albert Pike Monument
Albert Pike made his mark before the war
in Arkansas as a lawyer and writer, but as a Confederate
Brigadier General, he was, according to the Arkansas
Democrat of July 31, 1978, a complete "WASH-OUT,"
not a hero.  Yet, Gen. Albert Pike is the only
Confederate general with a statue on federal
property in Washington, DC. He was honoured, not
as a commander or even as a lawyer, but as Southern
regional leader of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry. The
statue stands on a pedestal near the foot of Capitol Hill,
between the Department of Labor building and
the Municipal Building, between 3rd and 4th Streets,
on D Street, NW.   During the 1992 presidential
campaign, Lyndon H. LaRouche and his vice
presidential running mate, the Reverend James Bevel,
launched a mobilization to remove the statue of General
Albert Pike from Washington, D.C.'s Judiciary Square.

On February 1, the campaign drew an angry attack from

freemasonic leader C. Fred Kleinknecht, who attempted
to defend both Pike and the Ku Klux Klan from
LaRouche and Bevel's attack.  A speech by Anton
Chaitkin entitled 'Why Albert Pike's Statue Must Fall'
(September 21, 1992).
The Illuminati and Albert Pike
Adam Weishaupt (1748 - 1811) formed the Order of
Perfectibilists on May 1, 1776 (to this day celebrated as
May Day throughout many western countries), which
later became known as the Illuminati, a secret society
whose name means "Enlightened Ones".  Although the
Order was founded to provide an opportunity for the
free exchange of ideas, Weishaupt's background as a
Jesuit seems to have influenced the actual character of
the society, such that the express aim of this Order
became to abolish Christianity, and overturn all civil
An Italian revolutionary leader, Giusseppe Mazzini
(1805-1872), a 33rd degree Mason, was selected by the
Illuminati to head their worldwide operations in 1834. 
(Mazzini also founded the Mafia in 1860).

During his leadership, Mazzini enticed Albert Pike into
the (now formally disbanded, but still operating)
After Mazzini's death on March 11, 1872, Pike
appointed Adriano Lemmi (1822-1896, 33rd degree
Mason), a banker from Florence, Italy, to run their
subversive activities in Europe. Lemmi was a supporter
of patriot and revolutionary Giuseppe Garibaldi,
The revolutionary activities of all these men were
financed by British, French, German, and American
international bankers; all of them dominated by the
House of Rothschild. 

In addition to the Supreme Council in Charleston, South

Carolina, Pike established Supreme Councils in Rome,
Italy (led by Mazzini); London, England (led by

Palmerston); and Berlin, Germany (led by Bismarck).

He set up 23 subordinate councils in strategic places
throughout the world, including five Grand Central
Directories in Washington, DC (North
America),Montevideo (South
America), Naples (Europe), Calcutta(Asia),
and Mauritius (Africa), which were used to gather
information. All of these branches have been the secret
headquarters for the Illuminati's activities ever since.
The Main Library of the Supreme Council 33° of the
Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of
Freemasonry, S.J., U.S.A., the Mother Supreme Council
of the World, Washington D.C., is dedicated to none
other than Confederate General Albert Pike, the KKK's
Chief of "Judiciary".
He has lived. The fruits of his labors live after him. -
Albert Pike, 33°
These words dedicated to Albert Pike are mounted in
bronze near the impressive, leather-covered doors
leading into the Library of The Supreme Council, 33°.
They are an appropriate greeting to the user of the
Library . The Supreme Council's Library continues
Pike's lifework and Freemasonry's mission.
Pike, who admitted to being "capricious in my reading,"
was an avid collector of books. In his Little
Rock, Arkansas, home one of the most impressive
rooms was the library, and Pike kept an extensive

collection of books at his Arkansas mountain cabin

retreat where he wrote the first drafts of what was to
become Morals and Dogma.
Pike saved what he could of these books during the
turmoil of the Civil War and its aftermath, and when he
moved to the nation's capital area, he built on these
collections, first in his home in Alexandria, Virginia,
and then in the first House of the Temple at Third and D
Streets, NW, in Washington, DC. his death, he willed
all his books to The Supreme Council, 33, under the
provision that they be made available to the general
public at no charge. Thus in 1891, the House of
the Temple Library became, in effect, the first "public
library" in the District of Columbia.
Today, many of these books from Pike's personal
collection form the nucleus of the Library of The
Supreme Council at the present House of the Temple at
1733 Sixteenth Street, NW, and they are still available
for use, free of any charge, by the general public as well
as, of course, the Brethren. One of the thrills of
conducting research in the Library is, unexpectedly, to
come across a few words in Pike's own small,
meticulous handwriting in some of the older books.
The above description of Pikes importance to
Freemasonry from the Supreme Council 33° shows the
claims by Masonic Apologists today that Pike is a
"nobody" whose "importance is nothing to masonry",
who "no one even knows who he is save for a few

anti's" to be a real whopper. Albert Pike is to

Freemasonry what Shakespeare is to Drama. One is
inseperable from the other. Don't let practiced
dissemblers tell you anything different.
One of the most widely read occult books in the world;
Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted
Scottish Rite of Freemasonry. This book is still given to
Masons on being awarded the 32nd Degree.
Pike has been termed by a number of well known
Masonic authors as the Plato of Freemasonry, and even
the Masonic Pope!
Freemasonry, that is to say Organized Freemasonry
practices the big lie technique. More to the point
organized Freemasonry has perfected the big lie
technique. They term this doublespeak ' diverting the
discourse'. In regard to Confederate general, slaver,
British spy, convicted Confederate war criminal,
Sovereign Grand Commander of the Supreme Council
33rd Degree, Ku Klux Klan ritual designer, Ku Klux
Klan Chief Judicial Officer and Arkansas Ku Klux Klan
Grand Dragon it is necessary to add some superlatives
on to the term 'divert the discourse', because that
opaque term doesn't nearly come close to describing the
effort and tactics it has and is employing to cover-up,
obscure, deflect, and divert about Pike's leading role in
the KKK's creation.

Please excuse us if we seem to go to some length to

explain what exactly organized Freemasonry with all
it's thousands of internet sites, millions of members, and
billions of net worth is doing in regard to the Albert
Pike issue because one has to be very specific when
dealing with the masters of parsing. In fact it is likely
the case that Freemasonry provided the initial
instruction to intelligence agencies on the most
effective methods of using disinformation.
First they eliminate all "documents" - not that a oral
secret society such as Freemasonry or the KKK keeps a
paper trail. Then they say no documents exist or none
can be found. If there is any eyewitness testimony
included in books or writings on the topic they deny the
books or writings exist, if that fails they attack the
witnesses and try and destroy their character - even if
they were masons and thereby ignoring their oaths on
the matter, and if that fails they attack the character of
the authors themselves - again if they also too were
masons. Finally they will simply lie or mischaracterize
the nature of a book or writing by terming it 'anti' - even
if the work was 'pro' but written in another time before
the fall of the KKK.
The use of the term "anti" is one of pure Orwellian
rhetoric. All those who write critically of Freemasonry
are anti's and all anti's are frauds, liars, zealots, or
extremists and cannot be accepted. Therefore there is no
such thing as a legitimate work criticizing Freemasonry
because by it's very nature it must be 'anti' and

organized Freemasonry will accept no references from

'anti's' in any debate or discussion of Freemasonry. If
per chance the writing was from a mason but was one
that was meant not to come out into the public view (in
the jacket cover of most masonic books is typed that the
books must be returned to the Lodge if the owner dies),
or if it was simply written in another time politically -
such as the case with pro Ku Klux Klan books that
extoll the roll of Albert Pike in the KKK, the tact is to
attack the authors. Even though at the time the books
were written Organized Freemasonry was more that
happy to accept the kudos of the millions strong KKK
on all the wonderful things that Pike did for them.
A non-mason may provide quote after quote from old
masonic or KKK works and Freemasonry will not
accept any of them because anyone who would suggest
such a thing today (the non-mason) would be doing so
with the knowledge that it would be harmful to
Freemasonry's public image and standing, and anyone
who would do that would obviously have to be an 'anti'.
Of course nothing an "Anti" says or writes is acceptable
to a Mason. Logicians term this circular reasoning and
furthermore classify circular reasoning as a fallacy. A
fallacy is equivalent to an mathematical error in logic or
rhetoric, and it is disallowed. It is not a legitimate
debating method, it is in the same category as ad
hominem personal attacks. Unfortunately with the
Freemasons power it is very difficult to compete with
the deluge of misinformation they spew out repeating

these illegitimate debating and reasoning methods. In

crude terms organized Freemasonry's most effective
tactic is to "baffle them with bee's wax". Mountains of
it. If it will take a thousand websites or a hundered
thousand usenet posts to bury the 'anti's' point (which
they never respond to without employing shabby cut
and paste, deletion, or misquoting games) then that is
what they will do. Masons term this 'good work'.
Atrium of the Supreme Council 33°, WashingtonDC. A
bust of Pike can be seen in the distance on the landing
of the Grand Staircase which leads up to the main
temple room which all 33° Masons must file past. Pike
is buried in a secret crypt under the stairway, beneath
the bust, the only Freemason to be given this "honor".
But what is the purpose of this exercise? Masons who
find themselves on the clear loosing end of a Pike
match (it happens but they quickly cancel the posts or
pretend the verbal arguement never occured) will say
"but even if you are right, so what it happened 150
years ago and has no bearing today, etc". Here is why it
does very much matter. Pike wasn't just any Freemason
he was the head of the Supreme Council which has
defacto control of the entire worldwide masonic
movement. Therefore the Ku Klux Klan was an official
(albiet very secret) and planned masonic organization
with political overtones that foreknowingly was set up
to engage in murder, arson, blackmail and other extra
constitutional tactics to achieve the Scottish Rites
political objectives. The KKK and Freemasonry

relationship thereby is as a seamless as could be. From

it's inception through the open recruiting of masons in
newspapers to the KKK, to the use of masonic temples
and halls for KKK meetings, to the rituals, rites, and
occult themes, to the high degree masonic membership
of the leadership of the old and new klans. Even the
present cover-up can be seen to be part of Organized
Freemasonry's continued involvement with reactionary
politics. They have never stopped, they have never
given up. Many have speculated on what happened to
the millions of KKK Members that were on the rolls up
to the KKK's final downfall at the hands of the IRS in
the 40's. We now know. They simply carried on inside
the masonic lodges as if nothing had changed at all.
And what really had changed? In most regions of the
country the local KKK Klavern's membership was
indistinguishable from the local 'Blue' masonic lodges
After all the KKK had openly advertised in newspapers
for new recruits specifiying that masons were
preferred! The only change was the sheets were
stowed away, but the political goals and willingness and
capability to follow through on them carried on. The
letter that the head of the Supreme Council wrote about
a Roman Catholic president in 1960 in the official
organ of the Scottish Rite - 'New Age' magazine, and
the continuing practically non-existant black
membership in the 'blue' lodges, plus the non-

recognition as 'regular' of black only Prince Hall lodges

testify's boldly to that.
The 1940's folding was a complete sham. That is why
the desperate defense of Albert Pike. They're still at it,
they never went away.

Here are the references which prove that the Illustrious

Albert Pike was part of the KKK, and that the KKK and
Freemasonry were intrinsically linked.
Reference Number ONE.
Ku Klux Klan: Its Origin, Growth, and
It was in 1905 that the Neale Publishing Company, New
York and Washington, published Ku Klux Klan: Its
Origin, Growth and Disbandment, written and edited by
Walter L. Fleming, incorporating earlier published
material by J.C. Lester and D.L. Wilson. Historian
Walter Fleming's introduction to this 1905 book
explains that he has been given "information in regard
to Ku Klux Klan, by many former members of the
order, and by their friends and relatives." Dr. Fleming
states that "General Albert Pike, who stood high in the
Masonic order, was the chief judicial officer of the
Klan." On a page of illustrations of important founders
of the KKK, Dr. Fleming places General Pike's portrait

in the center, makes it larger than the six others on the

page, and repeats this information as a caption:
"General Albert Pike, chief judicial officer". Dr.
Fleming attaches as an appendix to his book, a KKK
"prescript" or secret constitution which had then
recently been discovered. This document sets forth the
regulations of the Klan's "judiciary"' department, over
which Albert Pike ruled. This is the internal disciplinary
or counterintelligence department. It also corresponds
to Pike and the Klan's influence over the regular court
system and the legal profession in the post-civil War
southern states.
As the boss of all the southern secret societies and
simultaneously president of the Tennessee Bar
Association, Pike was the grand strategist of Klan
"justice." It is to be stressed that Walter Fleming's book
was not a slander or hatchet job against Albert Pike.
Though it revealed much important data for the first
time, it placed the KKK and Pike in the most favorable
possible light. The book was a hit among diehard
Confederates and Anglo-Saxon "race patriots," and it
launched Fleming's career as the dean of southern
historians. Fleming became the leading apologist for the
KKK, and was the father of the modern historical line
that Reconstruction was a corrupt oppression of the
South. In September 1903, Fleming had written in the
Journal of the Southern History Association: "The very
need for such an organization in the disordered
conditions of the time caused the Dens [KKK local

units] to begin to exercise the duties of a police patrol

for regulating the conduct of thieving and impudent
negroes and similar "loyal' whites...." Dr. Fleming's
biases have not hurt his reputation with established
authorities. The National Cyclopedia of American
Biography calls his 1905 Ku Klux Klan history "an
authoritative account of that organization." The
Dictionary of American Biography states bluntly:
"Fleming covered the Civil War and Reconstruction in
the South more fully than any other man. His works are
characterized by ... scholarly objective. A Southerner,
Fleming wrote of the sectional conflict with Southern
sympathies yet he was more objective than most
Southerners of his generation. The historiography of the
Civil War and Reconstruction owes much to his
indefatigable research, his breadth of scholarship, and
power of interpretation." Basing his career on his
defense of Pike's KKK, Fleming became dean of arts
and sciences
at Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Tennessee.
Pike's Tennessee Klan Command
It was in Nashville that Albert Pike and other
Confederate generals met in 1867 to form a southern
states-wide terrorist KKK, expanding the little project
they had started two years before in Pulaski, Tenn. The
organization he formed in Nashville designated Pike its
chief judiciary officer, and its Grand Dragon
for Arkansas.

As owner-publisher of the Memphis, Tennessee, Daily

Appeal, Albert Pike wrote in an editorial on April 16,
"With negroes for witnesses and jurors, the
administration of justice becomes a blasphemous
mockery. A Loyal League of negroes can cause any
white man to be arrested, and can prove any charges it
chooses to have made against him. ...The
disenfranchised people of the South ... can find no
protection for property, liberty or life, except in secret
association.... We would unite every white man in the
South, who is opposed to negro suffrage, into one
great Order of Southern Brotherhood, with an
organization complete, active, vigorous, in which a
few should execute the concentrated will of all, and
whose very existence should be concealed from all
but its members."
(A copy of that issue of Pike's paper may be viewed at
the Library of Congress, as may the books mentioned in
this article.)
The Albert Pike Memorial Room inside the Supreme
Council 33° Temple, which itself is located 13 blocks
directly north of the White House in WashingtonD.C..
But it was as the Sovereign Grand Commander of the
Scottish Rite, and the recognized boss of the southern
white masonic order, that Pike exercised the great
clandestine power that welded the KKK together. Dr.

Walter Fleming designates Confederate Major James R.

Crowe as the pre-eminent source for his 1905 KKK
History, and describes Crowe as one of the original
KKK founders in Pulaski. Fleming says that Major
Crowe "held high rank in the Masonic order." In his
honor roll of "well-known members of the Klan," Dr.
Fleming places "General John C. Brown, of
Pulaski, Tennessee" and "Colonel Joseph Fussell,
of Columbia, Tennessee."
General Brown and Colonel Fussell, like Major Crowe,
are identifiable as soldiers of Albert Pike's masonic
order. General Brown had been a master mason in the
Pulaski lodge for 15 years when the KKK was formed
there, and became grand master of Tennessee Masons
and governor of Tennessee during the Klan's era of
power. Colonel Fussell was commandant of Tennessee's
masonic Knights Templar during the Klan rule. The
preceding masonic information is taken from Tennessee
Templars: A Register of Names with Biographical
Sketches of the Knights Templar of Tennessee by
James D. Richardson. This James D. Richardson was
himself the Commandant of Knights Templar and
Grand Master of Masons in Tennessee, and was speaker
of the Tennessee House of Representatives during the
era of the Klan power. This same James D. Richardson
was Albert Pike's successor as commander of the
southern Scottish Rite masons. It was this same
Richardson who ordered the Pike statue to be erected
in Washington, D.C. It was Richardson who, as

a U.S. congressman from Tennessee, introduced into

the U.S. House of Representatives the infamous 1898
resolution: It called for the federal government to
provide federal land to Richardson's masonic
organization, on which to put up their statue honoring
the master strategist of KKK terror.
Reference Number TWO.
The KKK on Parade
Susan Lawrence Davis's 1924 Authentic History, Ku
Klux Klan, 1865-1877, repeats the pattern Fleming
created in 1905, revealing Pike's KKK role but treating
him and the Klan sympathetically. The Davis book was
written to celebrate the new, 20th-century KKK, which
was just then staging full-dress mass marches
in Washington and northern cities such as Detroit. In
her chapter on General Pike's leadership of the Klan,
Miss Davis applauds Pike's clever stewardship of the
KKK secret organization. She reproduces in her KKK
history an oil portrait of Albert Pike given to her for the
KKK book by Pike's son.
Reference Number THREE.
The Tragic Era

The same is true of other book-length histories of the

Klan and numerous published biographies of Albert
Pike: Pike's role as Klan leader or KKK boss
of Arkansas is discussed, but treated as if KKK terrorist
murder of African-Americans was "regrettable" but
"only natural" and "understandable." In his book, The
Tragic Era, Claude Bowers, who served many years as
the U.S. ambassador to Spain and to Chile, described
Albert Pike as one of the handful of distinguished,
respectable founders of the KKK and the Klan's leader
in Arkansas.
Bowers describes the KKK as patriotic southerners
defending their way of life from out-of-control blacks
and northerners.
Bowers wrote that much of the KKK's alleged violence
was actually perpetrated by Negroes disguised in Klan
robes to wreak vengeance on other Negroes!
Reference Number FOUR.
The Fiery Cross
"Prominent Southern gentlemen were later cited as state
leaders of the Invisible Empire. Alabama claimed
General John T. Morgan as Grand
Dragon. Arkansas was headed by General Albert Pike,
explorer and poet. North Carolinawas led by former

governor Zebulon Vance, and Georgia by General John

B. Gordon, later a U.S. Senator."
Source: The Fiery Cross: Wade, Wyn
Craig. OxfordUniversity Press 1998 Page 58 Originally
Published: Simon & Schuster 1987 Library of Congress
Catalogue Number: 1.Ku Klux Klan (1915-)-History. 2.
White Supremacy movements--United States --History.
3. Racism--United States-- History. 322.4'2'0973-dc21

Reference Number FIVE.
The Aryan's
Albert Pike also wrote extensively on the mythtical
super-race of the Aryans, extolling their virtues,
imagined history, and religion which he tried to show
was the precursor of Freemasonry in his numerous
Published Works. It would seem that Pike was a fellow
traveller with Blavatsky on this subject. Fifty years
later in Central Europe there will be others who will
take up this mantle and use these writings as the basis
for a ideology that curiously enough will also use the
term 'new world order' to describe it's agenda. Just a co-
incidence of course.
Reference Number SIX.

History and Evolution of Freemasonry

A further useful quotation from Mr. Pike was also
supplied by Mr. Bill Maddox, a Freemason on the
Usenet group alt.freemasonry (and vigorously attacked
for doing so by the resident "e-m@sons").
"I took my obligations from white men, not from
negroes. When I have to accept negroes as brothers or
leave masonry, I shall leave it" - Albert Pike 33rd*
Delmar D. Darrah
History and Evolution of Freemasonry 1954, page 329.
The Charles T Powner Co.
Reference Number SEVEN.
A Critical Examination of Objections to the Legitimacy
of the Masonry Existing Among the Negroes
of America
On Bastille Day 2001 in response to a reference made
in the usenet newsgroup alt.freemasonry to the page
you are currently reading a mason once again attacked
the above reference as being a "anti lie".
He is then publically rebutted by a brother thusly:
Lee Duncan wrote in message
news:[email protected]

> For example, there is a popular claim among "anti's"

that Pike said
> something resembling this: "I took my vows to white
men, not
> Negroes...when I must call a Negroe 'brother,' I shall
resign from
> Masonry."
> Of course, Pike said no such thing. In reality, Pike
was a great
> champion of Prince Hall (Negroe) Masonry.
For your consideration the full text of Pike's letter
follows as quoted in "A Critical Examination of
Objections to the Legitimacy of the Masonry Existing
Among the Negroes of America" by William H. Upton,
1902, p.214-15. My thanks to Brother Bennie for
prompting me to scan the document because of his
Mike Wells
Normal #673 AF&AM Illinois
Collector of old Masonic books
Views of General ALBERT PIKE, Sovereign Grand
Commander, A. & A. Scottish
Rite. ALEXANDRIA, Va., 13th September, 1875.



plainly as that the negro question is going to make

trouble. Then plenty of regular negro Masons and negro
lodges in South America and the West Indies, and our
folks only stave of the question by saying that negro
Masons here are clandestine.
Prince Hall Lodge was as regular a Lodge as any lodge
created by competent authority, and had a perfect right
(as other lodges in Europe did) to establish other lodges,
making itself a mother Lodge. That's the way
the Berlin lodges, Three Globes and Royal York,
became Grand Lodges.

The Grand Orient of Hayti is as regular as any other. So

is the Grand Orient of the Dominican Republic, which,
I dare say, has negroes in it and negro lodges under it.

Again, if the negro lodges are not regular, they can

easily get regularized. If our Grand Lodges won't
recognize negro lodges, they have the right to go
elsewhere. The Grand Lodge can't say to eight or more
Masons, black or white, we will not give you a charter
because you are negroes, or because you wish to work
the Scottish Rite, and you shall not go elsewhere to get
one. That latter part is bosh.

Hamburg recognizes the Grand Lodges. Yes, and so the

German Grand Lodge Confederation is going to do, and
so will the Grand Orient of France before long.

Of course, if negrophily continues to be the religion


established by law of your States, there will be before

long somewhere a beginning of recognition of negro
lodges. Then the Royal Arch and Templar bodies of
negroes must be taken in, and Masonry go down to their
level. Will your plan work? I think not. I think there is
no middle ground between rigid exclusion of negroes or
recognition and affiliation with the whole mass.

If they are not Masons, how protect them as such or at

all ? If they are Masons, how deny them affiliation or
have two supreme powers in one jurisdiction.

I am not inclined to meddle in the matter. I took my

obligations to white men, not to negroes. When I
have to accept negroes as brothers or leave
Masonry, I shall leave it.

I am interested to keep the Ancient and Accepted Rite

uncontaminated, in our country at least, by the leprosy
of negro association. Our Supreme Council can defend
its jurisdiction, and it is the law-maker. There cannot
be a lawful body of that Rite in our jurisdiction unless it
is created by us. 

I am not so sure but that, what with immensity of

numbers, want of a purpose worth laboring for, general
indifference to obligations, pitiful charity and large
expenses, fuss, feathers and fandango, big temples and
large debts, Masonry is become a great helpless, inert
mass that will some day, before long, topple over, and

go under. If you wish it should, I think you can hasten

the catastrophe by urging a protectorate of the negroes.
Better let the thing drift. Apres noun le, deluge.

Truly, yours,
The Albert Pike Scottish Rite Temple, Little
RockArkansas, home of the Arkansas Scottish Rite
Supreme Council 33°, and the Grand Lodge of
Arkansas. There are also a large number of regular
'Blue' lodges named after Pike in small and big
town U.S.A..
Reference Number EIGHT.
The Knights of the Golden Circle
Brigadier General Albert Pike organized and lead the
African Slave Owning Cherokee Indians in
the OklahomaTerritory who were part of the Masonic 
Knights of the Golden Circle, in their own secret
society called the Keetowah. Under Pikes Generalship
this Brigade raped, pillaged, and murdered civilian
communities in the Oklahoma and Missori Territories.
For these "good works" Brother Albert became a
Convicted War Criminal in a War Crimes Trial held
after the Civil Wars end. Unfortunately the "Pope" and
"Plato" of Freemasonry had to be tried in absentia
because he had fled to BritishTerritory in Canada.
Second Generation British-American Pike has also been

alledged to have been working for the Crown as an

agent and key civil war agitator. Pike only returned to
the U.S. after his hand picked Scottish Rite Succsessor
James Richardon 33° got a pardon for him after, making
President Johnson a 33° Scottish Mason in a ceremony
held inside the White House itself! In fact given Mr.
Pikes leadership roll in the Knights of the Golden Circle
and the fact that the name Ku Klux Klan is a version of
Circle (Kluklos) it seems pretty clear to most
researchers who was higher up the secret society occult
ladder and therefore more instrumental in the founding
of the Klan - Mason/Confederate General Nathan
Bedford Forest or Mason/Confederate General/
Knights of the Golden Circle Leader/British Agent/
Scottish Rite Supreme Council Head Albert Pike 33°.
 Reference Number NINE
Dr. Walter Fleming's Academic Credentials by Auburn
Where or what are the academic credentials of Masonic
"truth seekers" such as the self styled "Grand" Lodge of
BC and others that call anyone , who says Pike was a
key figure in the KKK , a liar and "a hater"?
University professor, dean. Born: April 8, 1874,
Brundridge. Parents: William Leroy and Mary Love

(Edwood) Fleming. Married: Mary Wright

Boyd, September 17, 1902. Children: Four. Education:
Alabama Polytechnic Institute, B.S., (with honor),
1896; M.A., 1897; Columbia University, A.M., 1901;
Ph.D., 1904. While at Auburn served as an instructor in
history and English; assistant librarian. At Columbia,
lecturer in history. Served with the Alabama Voluntary
Infantry in the Spanish-American War. Taught at West
Virginia University, 1903-1907; Louisiana State
University, 1907-1917; Vanderbilt University, 1917-
1928; dean of the College of Arts and Services, 1923-
1926. Member of the editorial board of the Mississippi
Valley Historical Review, 1922.
Source: Who Was Who in America, Vol. 1; Owen's The
Story of Alabama, and Dictionary of American
Biography, Supplement 1.
Author: Civil War and Reconstruction
in Alabama. New York: Columbia University Press,
Documentary History of Reconstruction: Political,
Military, Social, Religious, Educational & Industrial,
1861 to the Present Time. Cleveland, Ohio: A. H.
Clarke Co., 1906-1907.
The Freedman's Savings Bank. Chapel
Hill, N.C.: University of North Carolina Press, 1927.

History of Louisiana State University (1860-
1896). Sewanee, Tenn.: The University of the South
Press, 1931.
The Reconstruction of the Seceded States, 1865-
76. Albany, N.Y.: New York State Education
Department, 1905.
The Reconstruction Period: a Syllabus & Reference
List. Morgantown, W. Va.: A. G. Sturgiss, 1904.
The Sequel to Appomatox .... New
Haven, Conn.: YaleUniversity Press, 1921.
Southern Biography. (Vols. 11 & 12 in The South in the
Building of the Nation) Richmond, Va.: Southern
Historical Publication Society, 1909-1913.
Editor: Documents Relating to
Reconstruction. Morgantown, W. Va.: s.n., 1904.
General W.T. Sherman as College President: a
Collection of Letters, Documents, and Other
Material .... Cleveland, Ohio: The Arthur M. Clarke
Co., 1912.
Ku Klux Klan, its Origin, Growth and
Disbandment. New York: Neale Pub. Co., 1905.
Auburn University History Department
Reference Number TEN.

Investigative Journalism
Detroit Metro Times article:
Top Twenty List of Monuments and Statues in the
United States of America that must Topple.
Rather than quake in fear when Masonic Propagandists
puts the muscle on (as in the case of the 1990's Pike
Statue removal fight in Washington D.C.), a citizen or
his political representative ought to put this question to
General Pike's defenders: "Do you say that Professor
Fleming, Miss Davis, Mr. Bowers, and all the other pro-
Confederate historians were liars when they wrote of
Pike's marvelous deeds as KKK founder and leader?"
They want to have it both ways: first to issue
propaganda justifying Klan terrorism as the work of
"respectable'' men like Pike; later, when their hero is
under attack, to claim that their own propaganda
slanders their man!
Essay by John Covici, January 19, 1993
The Crown in the Capitol 
The Ku Klux Klan, It's Origins Growth and
Authentic History, Ku Klux Klan
The Tragic Era
The Fiery Cross

History and Evolution of Freemasonry

The Published Works of Illustrious Albert Pike 33
Knights of the Golden Circle Cherokee Indians

In 1995 African-American and Anti-Racist Groups

attempted to get Pike's statue near the Federal
Department of Justice Building in "Judiciary" Square
taken down but were out lobbied by the Supreme
Council 33°, who were able to successfully mobilize
fellow Scottish Rite 'travelling brethren' inside the
powerful ADL of the Grand Lodge of B'nai B'rith, who
then told politicians and officials that no evidence
existed for Pike's involvement in the KKK.
The Scottish Rite, the KKK and the ADL

Evidence that Pike was Chief Judiciary Officer of the

by John Covici, January 19, 1993
In Response to the Scottish Rite/ADL Desperate
Defense of The KKK's National Monument.

The city councils of Birmingham and Tuskegee,

Alabama; Austin, Texas; Newark, New Jersey; Buffalo,
New York; and New Orleans, Louisiana, have all called
for the removal of the statue of Ku Klux Klan founder
Albert Pike from Judiciary Square in Washington, D.C.

Meanwhile, the Council of the District of Columbia,

considering whether to pass a resolution similar to those
passed in the other U.S.cities, has been warned by the
Scottish Rite of Freemasonry and the Anti-Defamation
League of B'nai B'rith not to move to take down the
KKK monument. Albert Pike, national KKK chief
judiciary officer and Grand Dragon of the Arkansas
Klan after the Civil War, is buried in a crypt at
the Headquarters Temple of the Scottish Rite, Southern
Jurisdiction, at 16th and S Streets, Washington. Pike
was Grand Commander of that masonic group when he
and his confederate clique organized the KKK.
Also ignored by the Chronicle are the key charges-- that
the ADL used state records, including drivers licenses
and Social Security numbers, to ruin the careers of anti-
apartheid  activists by dissemminating this confidential
information to hostile parties.  Why the harrassment and
blacklisting of anti-apartheid activists from, of all
things, a civil rights organization?
"Rabbi Isaac Wise established B’nai B’rith’s center for
the "liberalizing" of Judaism in Cincinnati, Ohio-
coinciding with Cincinnati’s other great Scottish Rite
scheme, the launching of the Knights of the Golden
Circle. Wise was officially neutral in the Civil War.

Core leaders of the B’nai B’rith from then on have been

Scottish Rite Masons. The political establishment
associated with the Order has always had its
headquarters in London...

"In the 1930s, Cyrus Adler, president of the American

Jewish Committee, coordinated with the family’s B’nai
B’rith, and the family’s {New York Times}, to crush
all U.S. political action against Adolf Hitler
in Germany. The B’nai B’rith was the one Jewish
organization that Hitler deliberately {left open }and
functioning under Nazi rule from 1933 on. In
1939, Britain made a dramatic change in its policy
toward Hitler-after teaching Hitler his race theories,
after forcefully backing his takeover of Germany, after
financing and equipping his armies,  Britain now
changed publicly to opposing Hitler. Only at that point,
in 1939, about a year after Hitler finally closed B’nai
B’rith’s Nazi-authorized German operations, B’nai
B’rith decided to "approve" an international boycott
against the Nazi regime....
"B’nai B’rith’s Anti-Defamation League recently
opened a vicious campaign to label American black
leaders as anti-Semites, aiming at a racial conflict, and
stomping on the memory of the young Jews who fought
for civil rights in the 1960s. It is essential that the
religious, national, and historical character of this
racialism be precisely understood."
It is apparent, judging by the misleading and divisive
surveys like the aforementioned propaganda; that the
ADL's campaign to label black American leaders as
anti-Semites has now expanded, and now aimed at
labeling all blacks as anti-Semites. Actually, it's not just
blacks. Anyone that doesn't agree with the ADL, or

raises challenging and legitimate questions about their

history, is invariably labeled an anti-Semite.
Why? Why has the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), a
self-proclaimed "anti-bigotry'' lobby, acted to save the
KKK's national monument? For starters, the ADL is
officially subordinate to the B'nai B'rith, a pro-slavery
masonic secret society formed under Scottish Rite
control in the 1840s. The ADL, the Scottish Rite, and
the Klan appeared openly together in the early 20th
century as elements of the "British party" within
American political life. In shameful national public
statements and private actions, B'nai B'rith and the ADL
denounced and viciously sabotaged all 1930s anti-
Hitler protests by Jews.
From its inception, the ADL has fronted for organized
crime figures including Meyer Lansky. The Scottish
Rite and the ADL, in their telephone calls and visits to
Washington, D.C. Council members, say that "there is
no evidence that Pike was a member of the KKK"; or,
that "there is no credible evidence of Pike's role in the
Klan"; or, that "we can find no evidence" of such a role.
As a fall-back, the ADL has also said that "there is no
real evidence of Pike's role in the Klan; and even if
there is such evidence, the issue is not important."' In
the recent voluminous reporting on the subject of the
Pike statue, news media have often quoted Scottish Rite
representative Walter Lee Brown with variations of
these defenses of Pike. In an October interview with the
author, Brown said that he did not care what any

historian has ever written about Pike. In his view, all

evidence of Pike's evil acts put forward in the 20th
century "is simply repeating slanders that were used
against Pike when he was alive." Brown, who is writing
an official biography of Pike for the Scottish Rite,
contended that no condemnation of leaders of the post-
Civil War Ku Klux Klan can be legitimate, because of
the lack of documentary evidence against them.
This applies as well to the notorious KKK Grand
Wizard, slave-trade millionaire and wartime racial
murderer Nathan Bedford Forrest. "General Forrest did
not actually admit that he was in the Klan," Brown
explained. "So, where is your proof that he or anyone
else actually ran the Klan?"
Freemasonry Described by Albert Pike
In Morals and Dogma, Pike wrote:
"Masonry, like all the Religions, all the Mysteries,
Hermeticism and Alchemy, conceals its secrets from all
except the Adepts and Sages, or the Elect, and uses
false explanations and misinterpretations of its symbols
to mislead those who deserve only to be misled; to
conceal the Truth, which it calls Light, from them, and
to draw them away from it. Truth is not for those who
are unworthy or unable to receive it, or would pervert
The truth must be kept secret, and the masses need a
teaching proportioned to their imperfect reason…

every man's conception of God must be proportioned to

his mental cultivation and intellectual powers, and
moral excellence. God is, as man conceives Him, the
reflected image of man himself..." 1
The next statement reduces the Masonic philosophy to a
single premise. Pike writes:
"The true name of Satan, the Kabalists say, is that of
Yahveh reversed; for Satan is not a black god but the
negation of God.  The Devil is the personification of
Atheism or Idolatry.
Lucifer, the Light Bearer! Strange and mysterious name
to give to the Spirit of Darkness! Lucifer, the Son of the
Morning! Is it he who bears the Light and with its
splendors intolerable blinds feeble, sensual or selfish
Doubt it not!" 2
Albert Pike explained in Morals & Dogma how the true
nature of Freemasonry is kept a secret from Masons of
lower degrees:
"The Blue Degrees are but the outer court or portico of
the Temple. Part of the symbols are displayed there to
the Initiate, but he is intentionally misled by false
interpretations. It is not intended that he shall
understand them; but it is intended that he shall imagine
he understands them. Their true explication is reserved
for the Adepts, the Princes of Masonry. The whole body

of the Royal and Sacerdotal Art was hidden so

carefully, centuries since, in the High Degrees, as that it
is even yet impossible to solve many of the enigmas
which they contain. It is well enough for the mass of
those called Masons, to imagine that all is contained in
the Blue Degrees; and whoso attempts to undeceive
them will labor in vain, and without any true reward
violate his obligations as an Adept. Masonry is the
veritable Sphinx, buried to the head in the sands heaped
round it by the ages. " 3
A reader has written to say the following, regarding the
secrecy of higher Freemasonry levels:
"When in grade school we are taught that the three
smallest particles of matter were the proton, neutron
and electron.  Today, we know there are a multitude of
yet even smaller particles that make up those first
particles. Could we in the 5th grade have understood the
quarks, leptons, and other smaller particles without
understanding the proton, neutron and electron first?  I
sincerely doubt it.
Masonry is the same way.  The first three degrees are
referred to as Symbolic Masonry.  Degrees four through
32 are part of what is referred to as Philosophical
Masonry.  The degrees that follow, from the 34th and
up are referred to as the Esoteric Degrees.  Again,
notice how things are taught in steps."
What are the Degrees of Freemasonry?

Titles of Freemasonry Degrees, From Morals and


 1º  - Apprentice 
 2º  - Fellow-craft 
 3º  - Master 
 4º  - Secret Master 
 5º  - Perfect Master 
 6º  - Intimate Secretary 
 7º  - Provost and Judge 
 8º  - Intendant of the Building 
 9º  - Elu of the Nine 
10º - Elu of the Fifteen 
11º - Elu of the Twelve 
12º - Master Architect 
13º - Royal Arch of Solomon 
14º - Perfect Elu 
15º - Knight of the East 
16º - Prince of Jerusalem 
17º - Knight of the East and West 
18º - Knight Rose Croix 
19º - Pontiff 
20º - Master of the Symbolic Lodge 
21º - Noachite or Prussian Knight 
22º - Knight of the Royal Axe or Prince of Libanus 
23º - Chief of the Tabernacle 
24º - Prince of the Tabernacle 
25º - Knight of the Brazen Serpent 
26º - Prince of Mercy 
27º - Knight Commander of the Temple 

28º - Knight of the Sun or Prince Adept 

29º - Scottish Knight of St. Andrew 
30º - Knight Kadosh 
31º - Inspector Inquistor 
32º - Master of the Royal Secret
33º - Sovereign Grand Inspector General

‘If Freemasonry is simply a fraternal and charitable

organisation, why is there an almost fanatical obsession
with secrecy and mysterious rituals?

 Marxism Unmasked: From Delusion to Destruction


I only knew Mary Lutyens, the writer who has died

aged 90, at the end of her life, but there was nothing of
age about her. The past was very real to her, both her
own, which was extraordinary, and the more distant

past which she chronicled in her biographies. But

nothing came between her and her sense of the present -
her friends and family, the book she was reading and
the book she was writing (often, she remarked, you
have to write the book you want to read). All this she
enjoyed with curiosity and benevolence. The past she
carried with her to illuminate the present. When we
went to see her with a box of amaretti, she was
enchanted by the trick of setting fire to the paper
wrapper of the macaroons so that it floats up to the
ceiling. She responded by performing her father's
favourite practical joke involving a box of matches,
phantom electricity and a Three Men in a Boat
punchline: a moment of high Edwardiana in front of us.
Advertisement Mary's father, the great architect Edwin
Lutyens, was an only intermittently approachable
figure, a punster who smelt of the wood shavings of a
pencil. After Mary had been at Queen's College, Harley
Street, for three years he asked her where she was at
school. Some of this distance from his children (there
were five, Mary being the youngest) was the result of
the chasm between Lutyens and his wife, Lady Emily,
daughter of Lord Lytton, Viceroy of India. Where
Lutyens was worldly, throwing himself into new
projects and encounters, his wife had gradually
withdrawn into the narrow focus of theosophy. She had
joined the theosophists not long after Mary was born,
and had soon become National Representative of the
Order of the Star, Mrs Annie Besant's worldwide
organisation preparing for the imminent arrival of the

Lord Maitreya, the Buddha of the Future. Theosophy

preached tolerance, open-mindedness and individual
fulfilment, and this creed, rather than her father's
creative genius, shaped Mary's youth and character.
When the Theosophical Society realised that Maitreya
had incarnated himself in a young boy, Krishnamurti
(discovered on a beach in India by the charismatic if
suspect 'Bishop' Leadbeater), it was decided to send the
boy and his brother Nitya to England for education.
Lady Emily took them under her wing, their pale grey
Homburg hats and gold-headed canes were a fixture on
the hall table, and they were soon part of the family.
'Cowardy cowardy custard,' the Lutyens' children
chorused when Krishna entered the nursery, 'your face
is the colour of mustard; your hair is black and greasy
too, cowardy cowardy custard.' Before she was six
Mary had fallen utterly, if secretly, in love with Nitya.
This passion, more than any belief, persuaded Mary to
follow the theosophical path, and she went to India with
her mother when she was 15. Her stay there was
divided between the spiritual, which involved an Indian
life style, vegetarianism and an admiration for Gandhi;
and the colonial, seen from the very summit of the Raj.
Edwin Lutyens was still building New Delhi and
fighting the parsimony of British bureaucrats; Lady
Emily's brother Victor was Governor of Bengal. Mary
developed a fierce dislike of the Raj, and a love of all
things Indian. Her journey culminated in a stay in
Sydney, where Leadbeater had established a colony of
would-be adepts, whom he would introduce to great

masters on the astral plane as they slept. Mary never

recalled these journeyings, which were recounted to her
by Leadbeater or by his handsome acolyte next
morning. Even Krishnamurti, who had encouraged the
Lutyens to go to Sydney, was beginning to have his
doubts. (He broke with the Theosophical Society in
1930.) For Mary, whatever the truth of the doctrines,
the experience was powerful, and it brought her closer
to Nitya. She confessed her love to him, and it was to
some extent reciprocated. But Nitya was already
weakened with tuberculosis; he died in 1925.
Distraught, Mary asked a theosophist leader whether, in
his new incarnation, Nitya would remember the past.
'What does that matter?' was the brisk reply. 'He doesn't
need to remember the past. All is future now.' Mary
turned her back on mysticism and made her own future
in a fine, if forgotten, career as a novelist, and a first
marriage to a raffish stockbroker. Her childhood had
been spent making up stories, and despite an early
aversion to formal education, she was a natural writer.
For much of her life, the morning would be spent in bed
writing, researching and reading. A dozen novels, as
well as pseudonymous romances, and a children's book,
emerged. But despite an appetite for emotional
adventure, she did not truly find herself until she met
her second husband, Joe Links. Joe, royal furrier,
detective novelist, elegant autodidact, was 'everything a
man should be', and the happiness of their 50 years of
marriage was the most abiding impression of them. 'Joe
made me nice again,' Mary said. He also opened her

eyes to new possibilities in her work. Always a great

admirer of John Ruskin, Joe took Mary to Venice for
their honeymoon, and they were soon hard at work on
the letters that Effie wrote home from her own ill-fated
honeymoon there with Ruskin in 1848. The result was
Effie in Venice (1965), edited with all of Mary's
sympathy for both sides of a human dilemma. Millais
and the Ruskins (1967), and The Ruskins and the Grays
(1972), followed, the former one of the best books on
Victorian painting ever written. Their fascination with
Venice led to Joe's second career as the supreme writer
on Canaletto and author of Venice for Pleasure.
Happiness with Joe allowed Mary to make contact
again with the influences of her youth. She wrote
memoirs up to the death of Nitya, To Be Young (1959),
and renewed her links with Krishnamurti, whose
disparate talks she edited into coherent books and
whose life she tackled in a three-volume biography
(1975-1988). She kept an open mind about spiritual
experiences; Joe, no mystic, shared a passion for fine
silk ties with Krishna. In the 1970s, Mary helped with
the great Lutyens exhibition, arranging the
reconstructed studios, and writing a biography. For the
first time she read her parents' letters and realised how
the rift between them had been caused by sex. Their
marriage night was 'a nightmare of physical pain and
emotional disappointment' as Lady Emily wrote. Mary's
book, her finest, was loving and utterly open and fair: it
revealed the whole character of her life.
HENRY FORD Raised: November 28,1894 Palestine
Lodge No. 357, Detroit, MI Member: Zion Lodge No. 1
Source: American Mason, Sag Harbor, NY. Aug/Dec
2001 p. 22; Denslow.
In the heart of Washington, D.C., there is a large statue
and monument honoring the most important founder of
the Ku Klux Klan. Inscribed on the base of the statue
are the words, “poet”–the terrorist anthem of the KKK
was his most famous literary work–and “jurist”–he was
called the KKK’s chief judiciary officer, and reputedly
wrote the organization manual for the terrorist anti-
black movement after the U.S. Civil War.

Confederate General Albert Pike is looming over a

public square in the nation’s capital. Why has it never
been pulled down in that predominantly black city? The
statue is a tribute to the influence of Pike’s
organization. It has power in the Executive Branch, and

the Congress, and it is decisive in the courts. It has great

power in all branches of law enforcement and the
military.  It = “Scottish Rite of Freemasonry Southern
Jurisdiction,” of which Pike was the chief, or
“Sovereign Grand Commander.” The Ku Klux Klan,
the Southern Confederacy, and the pre-Civil War
secession movement were a single, continuous project,
with Pike’s “Scottish Rite” at its center.
Baker & Botts, the Houston family firm and power base
of Secretary of State James A. Baker III. This law firm
was formed after the Civil War by die-hard Confederate
and Masonic officials in Albert Pike’s Scottish Rite and
military clique. With their British imperial racial
notions, Baker & Botts and Scottish Rite freemasonry
have dominated the Texas power structure ever since.
Secretary Baker’s grandfather, Captain James A. Baker,
brought English race scientist Julian Huxley in to
supervise the “race purification” study program for
Texas, at Rice University. Secretary Baker’s family
wealth and power came from their representing
Harriman, the international oil companies and George
Bush’s Zapata Petroleum, all sponsors of the population
control, or ban-dark-babies movement.

This movement is synonymous with the Scottish Rite.

Bill Clinton is governor of Arkansas, a state infested by
the tradition of Albert Pike, who was the Grand Dragon
of the Ku Klux Klan in Arkansas. Look closely at the
mind-set. Bill Clinton supports and carries out the death
penalty, which in practice means executions of black

people and poor people; and Clinton supports abortion.

Clinton sat down, and worked out his views on these
issues with his Baptist minister, the late Rev. W.O.
Vaught, who was Clinton’s spiritual guide and virtual
foster father. 

As Vaught’s son said, Clinton and his pastor agreed that

their religion permits the killing of prisoners and unborn
children. The authority for this version of Christianity
is derived from a peculiar, neo-pagan reading of the
Old Testament. And the New Testament, with its ban
on revenge and requirement to love, is considered
irrelevant: They say that Christ was primarily
concerned with fulfilling the Old Law of the Hebrews
(as interpreted by this faction), and when Christ said
love your enemy and turn the other cheek, he was really
trying to reinforce and impose the authority of the
Roman Empire.
Well, the Reverend W.O. Vaught was a 32nd Degree
Mason, a {Sublime Prince of the Royal Secret} within
the Scottish Rite hierarchy. What Is the Scottish Rite?
What, then, is the Scottish Rite? Freemasonry was
founded in the early 1700s in England by the so-called
Venetian Party. This clique of British philosophical
liberals had a few other experiments in human misery,
for example: the East India Company, the royal
African Company of slavers, and the slave colony of
South Carolina. The Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, in
particular, has a feudalist lore and legend, that is rooted
in the black slave trade through the Caribbean Islands.

In those islands, the pagan cults of slavers in ancient

Rome, and Venice, were reused as anti-Judeo-Christian
or Satanic cults and rituals for the amusement and
gratification of the slave-traders, the British, Dutch,
Bostonian, and Jewish-ethnic slave runners. The
Scottish Rite was formally organized in the U.S.A. in
1801, as a group of Tory partisans on the losing side of
the American Revolution.
1820s and 1830s, Masonry had been widely condemned
and virtually run out of the U.S.A. as a would-be
dictatorial grouping, an unwanted “British
underground” intrusion into America. ??
The Scottish Rite came to rule over American
Freemasonry during the nineteenth century. . With
British assistance, the Masonic lodges were
reintroduced, under the control of the Scottish Rite
based in Charleston, South Carolina, as a force for
Southern secession. Since the 1840s, the U.S.
Freemasonic structure has been strictly dominated by
the Scottish Rite. The Scottish Rite dispenses the 4th
and higher Masonic “degrees” of initiation, up to the
33rd. The Scottish Rite was divided into a Southern
Jurisdiction, and a Northern Jurisdiction based in
Boston, that is politically subordinate.
Clinton was a member of Freemasonry’s Order of
DeMolay . DeMolay membership is in fact a life
The influence of Scottish Rite-dominated Freemasonry
is shockingly pervasive in American government and
culture, particularly in the South.

The Southern Baptist Convention, predominantly white,

is the largest U.S. Protestant denomination, with 18
million church-goers. Freemasons make up a sizable
proportion of this church’s male membership, perhaps
20 percent. So this is a dramatic, emotional issue, a
strongly factional issue within Protestant Christianity. 
white Freemasonry is affiliated with the Ku Klux Klan.
Masonic explanation of why blacks are excluded from
from white lodges: “There are excellent reasons for this
apparent race discrimination which only a Mason can
fully understand … [racial integration] would endanger
the harmony of the lodge…. Secondly, although
Negroes today may technically fulfill the Masonic
requirement of being `free,’ their subordinate economic,
educational, and cultural position is such that they
hardly fulfill the spirit of that prerequisite to initiation.”
Albert Pike responded in 1861 to a Mason who tried to
claim the Scottish Rite was somehow Christian. Pike
said that if the Scottish Rite “had a Christian basis, how
did it chance that most of those who had possession of
it in this country from 1763 to 1800 were Hebrews?” In
fact, Pike and the Scottish Rite borrowed a good deal of
numerology and other superstition from the Jewish
cabala, a neo-pagan tradition.
In Pike’s book, {Morals and Dogma,} the Scottish
Rite’s main guide to the universe, he explains his
method: “Magic is the science of the ancient magi….
“Magic unites in one and the same science, whatsoever
Philosophy can possess that is most certain, and
Religion of the Infallible and the Eternal. It perfectly …

reconciles these two terms … faith and reason … those

who accept [magic] as a rule may give their will a
sovereign power that will make them the masters of all
inferior beings and of all errant spirits; that is to say,
will make them the Arbiters and Kings of the
World….” Pike wrote this particular section to instruct
“Sublime Princes of the Royal Secret” gentlemen of the
32nd Degree, such as was Bill Clinton’s preacher. Thus,
Pike is an illusionist, a conjurer, teaching his priesthood
the means of controlling their squads of initiates.
In France in 1889, Pike said: “That which we must say
to the crowd is, we worship a God, but it is the God one
adores without superstition…. The Masonic religion
should be, by all of us initiates of the high degrees,
maintained in the purity of the LUCIFERIAN Doctrine.
If Lucifer were not God, would Adonay (the God of the
Christians) whose deeds prove his cruelty, perfidy and
hatred of man, barbarism and repulsion to science,
would Adonay and his priests calumniate him? “Yes,
Lucifer is God, and unfortunately Adonay is also God.
For the eternal law is that there is no light without
shade, no beauty without ugliness, no white without
black, for the absolute can only exist as two Gods….
Thus, the doctrine of Satanism is a heresy; and the true
and pure philosophical religion is the belief in Lucifer,
the equal of Adonay; but Lucifer, God of Light and God
of Good, is struggling for humanity against Adonay, the
God of Darkness and Evil.” This quote, by the way, is
available in French and English in the Albert Pike

vertical file at the library of the Scottish Rite Southern

Jurisdiction at 1733 16th St. NW, Washington D.C.
The Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, an instrument of
British Empire strategy, directed a continuous offensive
of murder and racist terrorism against the U.S.A. and
neighboring countries, during the middle decades of the
last century. We shall trace this endeavor, from the U.S.
occupation of Mexico in the Mexican War (1846-48), to
the slave owners’ rebellion or U.S. Civil War (1861-
65), through the Ku Klux Klan’s war against
Reconstruction of the South (1867-1870s). A few
individuals will come into view repeatedly as gang
leaders and project directors: Boston’s {Albert Pike},
boss of Arkansas; New York’s {John A. Quitman},
boss of Mississippi; New York’s {John Slidell}, boss of
Louisiana; Slidell’s nephew and partner, British
banker{ August Belmont, }boss of the Democratic
Party; Slidell’s trainee and partner, Britain’s {Judah
Benjamin}, boss of the Confederate secret service.
He was crowned a Sovereign Grand Inspector General
of the Scottish Rite, and became the most powerful and
prominent member of the Rite’s Supreme Council. John
Quitman’s grandfather was governor of the island of
Curacao, the Dutch West India Company’s slave
concentration camp; his parents had fled the Caribbean
slave revolts, taking their slaves with them to New York
where John was born. In 1830, young Quitman had
been formally commissioned by the Scottish Rite,
leaders of the secession movement, to establish their
organization in the state of Mississippi. In 1830, young

Quitman had been formally commissioned by the

Scottish Rite, leaders of the secession movement, to
establish their organization in the state of Mississippi.
-- As that first U.S. war of aggression drew to a close,
volunteer General John A. Quitman became the military
governor and dictator over Mexico City. -- Quitman
proposed to President Polk a plan for the forcible
annexation of all Mexico, to be an area for negro slave
August Belmont, the U.S. representative of Britain’s
Rothschild banks.
Scottish Rite chief John Quitman was now ready for
serious business. Some months earlier, when he had
finally gone to trial, he was fortunate that Louisiana
private attorney Judah Benjamin had been specially
hired by the federal government to run the prosecution
against Quitman. The jury was hung (rather than
Quitman), and the charges were dropped.
the trio of Slidell, Belmont, and Benjamin. Slidell had a
master’s degree in political dirty tricks, learned as a
member of Aaron Burr’s machine in New York and
Louisiana. Slidell had politically schooled Belmont and
had brought him into the Democratic Party, and
Belmont married Slidell’s niece. Slidell had also
virtually adopted, taught and brought into politics the
young Judah Benjamin, a British West Indian Jew
living in Louisiana. Both Belmont, and his banking
client Benjamin, were passionate backers of the
expansion of slavery into Latin America. When he was
a young private secretary for the Rothschild family,

Belmont had toured continental Europe doing financial

and political intelligence work for the Rothschild bank,
a pillar of the British royal family. With Britain
meddling in Spain’s civil war, the Rothschild’s had sent
Belmont off to the Spanish colony of Cuba in 1837 to
“take charge of Rothschild interests” in Cuba.
Belmont’s ship stopped over in New York and he never
went on to Cuba, but his subsequent U.S. banking and
political career was often focused on Cuba’s wealth and
strategic location.

Following the 1853 presidential inauguration of their

candidate Pierce, Scottish Rite chief John Quitman and
his New York financiers signed a formal agreement
making Quitman the “civil and military chief of the
revolution” which they would impose on Cuba. Once he
had seized the island, Quitman was due to receive $1
million from the proceeds of the revolutionary bonds
the financiers were floating. Quitman’s criminal
enterprise recruited as many as 50,000 U.S. mercenaries
for the intended invasion. 

Spanish authorities emancipated most of Cuba’s slaves,

encouraged racial intermarriage, armed the freed
blacks and recruited them into a militia through
which they could defend their own freedom from the
gringo attackers. 
After the {Black Warrior} affair, the Quitman
mercenary force was absorbed into a new, more
aggressive movement with enlarged aims. The

{Knights of the Golden Circle} appeared first in

Cincinnati, under the supervision of the Scottish Rite’s
Midwest organizer Killian Van Rensselaer, a longtime
underground military operative for Britain in North
America. So Cincinnati was the northern capital of the
pro-slavery, Masonic terrorist underground.
From there the Knights spread throughout Ohio, Indiana
and Illinois, down the Mississippi to the Gulf south, and
into Maryland and Virginia to surround the national
capital. The Golden Circle was to be a new slave
empire centered in Cuba. It would break up the
U.S.A. and conquer Mexico, Central America and the
Caribbean. The Knights armed and drilled up to
100,000 would-be emigrants, raiders, rapists, and
slaveholders. They were organized into lodges called
“castles,” with Masonic signs, grips, and passwords.
They were to kill the hated Catholic Hispanics, and fill
their places with black slaves brought fresh from
Africa. This is the first “North American Free Trade
Agreement”! (The Masonic imperialism of the Franklin
Pierce administration lives on as the romantic, elite
legend of the Eastern Establishment. They celebrate that
legend in the marriage of President Pierce’s blood
relative Barbara Pierce to George Bush, whose imperial
ideas are rooted in the events of the 1850s.) Led by
Quitman and his allies in the lower South, the Knights
of the Golden Circle formed the heart of the secession
military machine as the crisis of the Union deepened.
But John Quitman died in July 1858. The Scottish Rite
leadership was then totally reorganized. Albert Pike was

brought into the Supreme Council and, in 1859, Pike

was elevated to Commander of the Southern
Jurisdiction. While the Knights of the Golden Circle
intensified their terrorist activities in Texas, and their
“filibuster” raids into Mexico and Central America,
Albert Pike pulled together the inner core of a
revolutionary government for the U.S. southern states.
As Albert Pike said himself, Pike had not even heard of
the Scottish Rite until 1853. Sponsored by his fellow
Bostonian, Attorney General Caleb Cushing, who
inserted Pike’s cronies into office for him in the 1840s,
Pike had become the boss of Arkansas politics.

He had proven his “Southern-ness” by running racial

hysteria campaigns against Arkansas’s handful of freed
blacks and against America’s Catholic immigrants.
Joining Pike’s new Scottish Rite Supreme Council in
1859 was the U.S. vice president, John C. Breckinridge
of Kentucky. He would soon run for President on a
secession platform, his campaign managed by Caleb
Cushing. In March 1860, the U.S. treasury secretary,
Howell Cobb, joined Pike’s Supreme Council. (Cobb
was a ruler of the Georgia Masonic mafia with Robert
Toombs and James Bulloch.) If you are going to lead a
revolt against a government, it is handy to have the
head of that government’s treasury take charge of your
finances, as Cobb did for his Masonic boss Albert Pike.
Cobb resigned his treasury post in December 1860,
following Abraham Lincoln’s election to the U.S.
presidency. Two months later, Cobb was president of

the convention in Alabama, which created the

Confederate government and broke up the United
States. Cobb’s name appears at the top of signers of the
Confederate Constitution, a document which Cobb and
Albert Pike are supposed to have drafted together. 

The rebellion of the Southern slave owners, which

brought on the Civil War, was a British Empire-
sponsored insurrection. The British supplied the arms
used by the anti-U.S. insurgents, and coordinated the
Confederate secret service activities in North America
and Europe. These expanded efforts continued the
political and irregular military operations of the Scottish
Rite which had been led by Quitman, and by Pike after
Quitman’s death. For the final three years of the four-
year Civil War, Judah P. Benjamin served as
Confederate secretary of state. Benjamin supervised the
financial and supply relations to the British Empire and
its ally, Napoleon III of France, and ran the
Confederacy’s international network of spies and

Benjamin’s secret service liaison man in England and

the Confederacy’s chief arms procurer there was James
Bulloch. We remember Bulloch as the man who had
been arrested in Cuba during Quitman’s 1854 fiasco.
John Slidell became the famous Confederate
commissioner to France, where he married off his
daughter Mathilde to Baron Emil Erlanger. The baron
was an eminent German-French Jewish banker, closely

tied to the British government and the highest levels of

British freemasonry. Slidell and Benjamin negotiated
the famous Erlanger Loan, the series of Confederate
war bonds floated by this banker. They sold the bonds
primarily to British oligarchs.

Sioux Indians, strangely organized into military

Masonic lodges, wiped out 700 citizens of New Ulm,
Minnesota and the surrounding area, while the town’s
young men were off in the Union Army. Albert Pike
was at the time the Confederate general officially in
charge of arranging Indian attacks against the Union;
Minnesota was also part of Commander Pike’s Masonic
Southern Jurisdiction. Judah Benjamin based his main
secret service group in Montreal.

The Klan and the Scottish Rite were one and the same
enterprise, continuing the imperial effort behind the
slave owners’ rebellion. 

From Albert Pike’s British sanctuary in Canada, on July

15, 1865, Pike issued a summons to the Supreme
Council, to resume the operations of the Scottish Rite of
Freemasonry, Southern Jurisdiction. Six weeks later,
“under pressure from Masonic officials in the
government,” the new President Andrew Johnson
“permitted” Pike to re-enter the U.S.A. The Rite was
reborn over the next few years, as money and
messengers went back and forth between Pike and the
Confederacy’s sponsors in England.

In April 1866, Albert Pike’s Supreme Council met in

full costume inside the White House. There Lincoln’s
successor President Andrew Johnson granted a pardon
to Pike.

The following year, the awed and grateful Johnson was

granted advanced degrees 4 through 32 by the Scottish

1867. Beginning that spring, Albert Pike and a small

group of Confederate generals held several meetings in
Nashville, at the Maxwell House Hotel, to form the
Knights of the Ku Klux Klan. (KKK=11,11,11 added
by Hard Truth/Wake Up America) The name was taken
from the Greek, {kyklos}, meaning “circle.”

The Knights of the [Golden] Circle had reappeared.

Pike was appointed chief judicial officer of the Invisible
Empire. He is said to have written the Klan’s military
manual and ritual, and was the Klan’s expert on secrecy
of organization–its secret grips, signs, and passwords.
At one of the later Nashville meetings, General Nathan
Bedford Forrest was chosen Imperial Wizard of the

Albert Pike organized the Ku Klux Klan in Arkansas

after General Forrest appointed Pike the Grand Dragon
of that Realm. The Tennessee leaders of the Klan at the
time of its founding were prominent Masons
subordinate to Grand Commander Pike. Pike’s old

comrade and financial backer Robert Toombs returned

from England in 1868. Toombs was appointed dictator
of Scottish Rite activities inside Georgia, and Toombs
and his family ran all aspects of the Klan within
Georgia. President Ulysses Grant said that the Klan
worked “by force and terror to prevent all political
action not in accord with the views of the members; to
deprive colored citizens of the right to bear arms and of
the right to a free ballot; to suppress [i.e. burn] schools
in which colored children were taught and to reduce the
colored people to a condition akin to that of slavery.” In
his newspaper {The Memphis Daily Appeal{ for April
16, 1868, publisher Albert Pike wrote: “With negroes
for witnesses and jurors, the administration of justice
becomes a blasphemous mockery. A Loyal League of
negroes can cause any white man to be arrested, and
can prove any charges it chooses to have made against
him. “The disenfranchised people of the South … can
find no protection for property, liberty or life, except in
secret association…. We would unite every white man
in the South, who is opposed to negro suffrage, into one
great Order of Southern Brotherhood, with an
organization complete, active, vigorous, in which a few
should execute the concentrated will of all, and whose
very existence should be concealed from all but its

Under British sponsorship, Pike’s Scottish Rite,

Southern Jurisdiction, came to rule over much of the
world’s Freemasonry. At length its headquarters moved

from South Carolina to Washington, D.C. Theodore

Roosevelt, a racialist Anglophile and passionate
Freemason, became U.S. President September 14, 1901,
upon the shooting death of William McKinley. Teddy
Roosevelt’s reign was the Lost Cause triumphant:
Roosevelt’s revered exiled uncle, James Bulloch, Judah
Benjamin’s secret service chief in England, had
ghostwritten young Teddy’s book on naval history; and
Teddy’s clique had finally conquered Cuba in the 1898
U.S. War with Spain. The Washington, D.C. statue
honoring Klan founder Albert Pike was dedicated 39
days after Teddy Roosevelt’s inauguration.

The predominant Jewish tradition in the South was not

only pro-slavery, but overwhelmingly Freemasonic.
The Independent Order of B’nai B’rith formed in 1843
as a Jewish community sub-project in the restoration of
Masonry by the Scottish Rite and the British foreign
office. Though most of its lodges were in the North,
B’nai B’rith was openly pro-Confederate. Though it
claimed to be neutral in the war, many of the Order’s
Northern spokesmen were stridently pro-slavery. B’nai
B’rith’s post-Civil War leaders were pro-Confederate
operatives, including later president Simon Wolf.

Rabbi Isaac Wise established B’nai B’rith’s center for

the “liberalizing” of Judaism in Cincinnati, Ohio–
coinciding with Cincinnati’s other great Scottish Rite
scheme, the launching of the Knights of the Golden
Circle. Wise was officially neutral in the Civil War.

Core leaders of the B’nai B’rith from then on have been

Scottish Rite Masons. The political establishment
associated with the Order has always had its
headquarters in London. In Richmond, the Confederate
capital, Gustavus A. Myers was Secretary of State
Judah Benjamin’s closest friend and Benjamin’s
channel to banker August Belmont. The former
president of the Richmond City Council, and the
undisputed head of Richmond’s Jewish community,
Myers was Freemasonry Incarnate. Myers’s maternal
grandfather, Moses Michael Hays, had brought the
original “patent” and rituals from England to found the
Scottish Rite in the American colonies. A tory and
financial partner of Boston’s slave trade millionaires,
Hays passed his fortune and his Masonic and British
underground connections to his daughter’s husband and
sons, the Richmond Myers clan. Moses Myers,
merchant partner of the Richmond family, was head of
Norfolk’s Jewish community. His house is now a public
museum, located on Norfolk’s Freemason Street. Inside
is a large wooden plaque given to the family by Queen
Victoria, in recognition of the family’s long service to
the British crown and cause.

Several generations, living in that same Moses Myers

house, were British consuls. All of Virginia’s Jewish
leaders then were Masons, one of them Rothschild’s
official Virginia agent who was grand master of
Virginia Masons during the war of 1812. After the Civil
War, the Belmont/Rothschild faction took absolute

control over the Jewish leadership within New York

and trans-Atlantic finance. Joseph Seligman, who had
been pro-Union like most American Jews, joined the
British banking syndicate of Rothschild and J.P.
Morgan, which ran U.S. government finance from the
1870s onward. London’s Anglo-Saxon and Jewish
employees, banking partners of the Confederates
against Lincoln’s nationalist money policies, were now
merged as the Eastern Liberal Establishment. While
Alabama cotton broker Emanuel Lehman lived in Civil
War New York, he sailed back and forth to England
raising money for the Confederate war machine.
Continuing the family tradition, his Lehman Brothers
firm supported the racialist eugenics movement, and
tenaciously defended their investments in Nazi

But the big shot was Jacob Schiff of Kuhn Loeb private
bank. Schiff’s power was entirely trans-Atlantic:
Traveling back and forth between London and New
York, Schiff was Sir Ernst Cassel’s U.S. partner and
representative; Cassel–the personal banker and the most
intimate friend of Prince Edward VII, the grand
master of British freemasonry. On behalf of the royal
family, Ernst Cassel managed the finances of the
British Fabian Society leaders, and the British
Round Table in its outrageous African racialist
endeavors such as {apartheid}. At Kuhn Loeb in the
1890s, partner Otto Kahn (a British subject) directly
supervised Schiff and Cassel’s project to build up a

certain snarling little railroad man who was a favorite of

the old Belmont Confederate machine, Mr. E. H.
Harriman. At that same time, the Warburg family
joined Kuhn Loeb; the Warburgs’ preoccupations were
anchored in their Masonic Occult Institute in Hamburg
and London.

Look at the first years of this century: Teddy Roosevelt

is President, Edward VII is King, and the racist cult-
master Lord Arthur Balfour is his Prime Minister. The
British Masonic clique at Kuhn Loeb founded the
American Jewish Committee, and made its president,
Louis Marshall, the official legal advisor to the
Harriman eugenics laboratory–mother of this century’s
nightmare race theories. It was Kuhn Loeb and the
Warburgs who officially brokered New York’s banking
ties to Hitler’s Nazis, as well as Harriman’s entree to
the Soviet dictatorship. A striking instance of the
Confederate “Lost Cause,” persisting and haunting the
present century, is to be seen in the attic of {The New
York Times.}

Iphigenie Ochs married Arthur Hays Sulzberger in

1917. He succeeded her father Adolphe Ochs as
publisher of {The Times}, which Mr. Ochs had bought
in the 1890s. Adolphe Ochs and his father founded the
“Baroness Erlanger” Hospital in Chattanooga,
Tennessee. The hospital was named for John Slidell’s
daughter who married the Confederacy’s chief financier
Baron Emil Erlanger. The Baron had bought up the

main railways between the bankrupt South and

Cincinnati. Adolphe Ochs had married Iphigenie Wise,
the daughter of B’nai B’rith’s Cincinnati leader Isaac
Wise. When the Ochs family had lived in Cincinnati
during the war, Adolphe’s mother Bertha had been
arrested for smuggling drugs to the Confederate army.
In 1991, Arthur Sulzberger’s daughter Ruth sponsored
the visit to America of British banker Rodolphe
d’Erlanger, John Slidell’s great-great grandson. At a
reception for Erlanger hospital, he said that his great
grandfather, Baron Emil, was the partner of Cecil
Rhodes in his nightmare race projects in Africa, and
that Emil and his wife Mathilde Slidell had introduced
Wagner’s {Tannhauser} to the stage in Paris–which
was booed off the stage.

Arthur Sulzberger’s Philadelphia Uncle David

Sulzberger joined the Confederate army in Arkansas.
Cousin Cyrus Adler, born on the Sulzbergers’ Arkansas
slave plantation, became the occult, psychic, Masonic,
and gnostic expert for the New York Jewish
establishment and for London and Cambridge
Freemasonic strategists. At the same time, under the
Teddy Roosevelt regime, cousin Mayer Sulzberger
was president of B’nai B’rith International and
president of the American Jewish Committee. At that
time, B’nai B’rith leaders (such as the Sulzberger’s
partners the Morgenthaus) directly represented British
crown interests in the Middle East, and worked as a
bridge for Scottish Rite Masonry between the Middle

East and Washington. In the 1930s, Cyrus Adler,

president of the American Jewish Committee,
coordinated with the family’s B’nai B’rith, and the
family’s {New York Times}, to crush all U.S. political
action against Adolf Hitler in Germany.

B’nai B’rith’s Anti-Defamation League recently opened

a vicious campaign to label American black leaders as
anti-Semites, aiming at a racial conflict, and stomping
on the memory of the young Jews who fought for civil
rights in the 1960s. It is essential that the religious,
national, and historical character of this racialism be
precisely understood. Now a surprising breakthrough
has occurred. Leaders of U.S. black Freemasonry have
attacked white Masonry, particularly the Scottish Rite,
as a center of racialism. The attack is contained in the
latest issue of the {News Quarterly}, official
publication of the [“Supreme Council, Scottish Rite,
Southern Jurisdiction,”] Prince Hall affiliation, in an
article by Joseph A. Walkes, editor of the {Quarterly.}
Walkes exposes Albert Pike as the national Chief
Justice of the Invisible Empire of the Ku Klux Klan,
and the organizer and Grand Dragon of the Klan in
Arkansas. ------- Without a doubt, Brother Walkes
and the Society he founded have provided the factual
basis and the impetus for mainstream recognition of
Prince Hall Freemasonry, and America is a better place
because of it.

 Freemasonry is an arm of Illuminati Jewry. Yet

Henry Ford's "The International Jew" (1920) is 
perhaps the most informed and scathing
condemnation of Illuminati Jewry ever. 

The contradiction is explained if we see Ford in the

context of Freemasonry's build-up of Hitler.
Freemasonry & Ford also built up Illuminati Jewish
Russia for the dialectical clash called World War II.   

Anthony Sutton dedicates a chapter to Henry Ford's

Masonic Machinations during WW2.

Not only did Ford have a significant role in the events

of WW2, he also served as business representative of
the American League to aid and co-operate with Russia
in 1918 alongside many other Bolshevik Jewish
financiers and Freemasons. At the same time Ford
financed Adolf Hitler in the early 1920's, the formative
stage of the Nazi Movement.

In 1928, Ford merged his German assets with the I.G.

Farben chemical cartel. Carl Bosch of I.G. Farben
became head of Ford A.G. Motor in Germany while
Edsel Ford joined the board of American I.G. Farben.
Illuminati Jews, the Warburgs were on the boards of
I.G. Fareben in the US and Germany. The
Oppenheimer bankers were given "honorary Aryan
status" by the Nazis.

Hitler had a picture of Ford in his office and decorated

the auto mogul in 1938, in honor of Ford's 75th

In 1932, Ford built a huge automotive plant in Gorki

Russia which produced over 80,000 vehicles per year. 

Anthony Sutton wrote in 1976:

"It is important to note as we develop our story that
General Motors, Ford, General Electric, DuPont and the
handful of U.S. companies intimately involved with the
development of Nazi Germany were -- except for the
Ford Motor Company -- controlled by the Wall Street
elite -- the J.P. Morgan firm, the Rockefeller Chase
Bank and to a lesser extent the Warburg Manhattan
bank." (Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler, p.31.) ???

The book "10,000 Famous Freemasons" reveals that all

of these firms were dominated by the Masons. 

Henry Ford was a Masonic enterprise from the very

beginning. Henry Ford was organizer and owner of
Ford Motor Company. He was raised  in the Palestine
Lodge No 357 Detroit Michigan 1894 and remained
a staunch member of this Lodge for 53 years. 
 When he received the 33rd degree AASR in 1940,
he stated 

 "Masonry is the best balance wheel the United

States has, for Masons know what to teach their
 Ford funded Communism and Nazi-ism, he also
sponsored the famous Anti-Semitic 'The
International Jew' and was honorary member
Zion Lodge No1.
 The Mason-run  General Motors operated and
owned 'Opal' which was Germany's second largest
tank manufacturer alongside Ford's German
 Charles Erwin Wilson was President of General
Motors 1941-53, then US Secretary of Defence.
Vice president of General Motors Corp 1929 - 39,
director from 1934 and exec vice president from
1939-40. Raised in Fellowship Lodge No 681
Anderson. Received 33rd degree AASR at
Boston in 1954.

Also with Ford and General Motors was Ernest

R.Breech who became Exec vice president and director
of Ford from 1946-1955 and Chairman of the board
from that date. Breech was also vice president of
General Motors 1933-1942. Raised in Austin Lodge
No 850 Chicago in 1924. Soverign Grand Inspector
General and 33rd degree AASR (NJ).

Charles S.Mott was Vice President of General Motors

1916-37 and Director since 1913. A member of

Central City Scottish Rite Bodies at Syracuse NY

and received 33rd degree in 1941.

Without Ford and GM Germany's war production

(especially in the field of tanks) would have been
nothing. Sutton writes: 
"In brief, there is documentary evidence that Ford
Motor Company worked on both sides of World War II.
If the Nazi industrialists brought to trial at Nuremburg
were guilty of crimes against mankind, then so must be
their fellow collaborators in the Ford family, Henry and
Edsel Ford. However, the Ford story was concealed by
Washington -- apparently like almost everything else
that could touch upon the name and sustenance of the
Wall Street financial elite". (p.89)
 IBM was another Masonic Enterprise. The
notorious Thomas J.Watson was President and
Director of IBM 1914-49, Chairman of the Board
and Chief Executive officer 1949-56 and Chairman
of the board after 1956. Watson was raised in
1901 in Valley Lodge No 109, Rochester, New
York and received the Grand Lodge 50 year
service medal in 1952, and in 1954 was
presented the Grand Lodge medal for
distinguished achievement.
 In "IBM and the Holocaust: The Strategic Alliance
Between IBM and the Nazis," Edwin Black writes
that information technology--in the form of IBM's
Hollerith punch-card machines--provided the Nazis

with a unique and critical tool in their task of

cataloging and dispatching their millions of
As the book's title suggests, Black maintains that
IBM had a strategic alliance with the Third Reich in
which it licensed and custom-designed its products
for use in the machinery of the Holocaust. 

IBM has responded to questions about its relationship

with the Nazis largely by characterizing the
information as old news.

Dow Chemical were part of the IG Farben umbrella

corporation and were suppliers of large stocks of
Magnesium for incendary bombs and other chemicals
for the production of explosives.

Williard H. Dow
President of Dow Chemical Co from 1930, chairman of
the board 1941-47. Was also a director of several other
Dow corporations. Mason 32nd degree AASR and

Leland I. Doan
President of Dow Chemical from 1949, Vice President
from 1938-49. Mason 32nd degree AASR at

General Electric was JP Morgan's enterprise with


extensive involvement in funding pre and post-

revolutionary Russia. They also heavily funded the

Charles Edward Wilson was President of General

Electric Co 1940-42 and 1944-50, Director of office of
Defense mobilization 1950-52. Vice president of GE
1930-37, Exec vice president 1937-39 and then
president. Life member of Mariners Lodge No 67
New York City, in 1948 received Achievement
Award of the Grand Lodge of New York.

Walter RG Baker, a veteran of General Electric since

1916, rose to directorship of many banks and
corporations including General Electric (international);
GE Supply Corp and GE Credit Corp.Mason.

Owen D Young, - Lawyer, financier, corporation

officer and author of 'Young Plan' for war reparations
after WW1. Counsel and Vice President of General
Electric 1913-22. Chairman of the Board of GE 1922-
39. Deputy Chairman of Federal Reserve Bank of
New York. Chairman Radio Corporation of America.
Chairman Advisory Council National Broadcasting Co.
Director American and Foreign Power Co, NY Life
Insurance Co, American Broadcasting Co. Also
Chairman Federal Reserve Bank of New York. Also
served on many national and international trade and
economic committees. Heavily involved with funding

Nazis and Soviets through General Electric. Raised in

Evergreen Lodge No363, and served on NY
Committee of Grand Lodge Awards of the Grand
Lodge of New York.

According to Hitler's financial genie, Hjalmar Horace

Greeley Schacht, and Nazi industrialist Fritz Thyssen,
it was the 1928 Young Plan (the successor to the Dawes
Plan), formulated by Morgan agent Owen D. Young,
that brought Hitler to power in 1933.

Fritz Thyssen claims that, "I turned to the National

Socialist Party only after I became convinced that the
fight against the Young Plan was unavoidable if
complete collapse of Germany was to be prevented."

The difference between the Young Plan and the Dawes

Plan was that, while the Young Plan required payments
in goods produced in Germany financed by foreign
loans, the Young Plan required monetary payments and
"In my judgment [wrote Thyssen] the financial debt
thus created was bound to disrupt the entire economy
of the Reich."

The Young Plan was a device to occupy Germany with

American capital and pledge German real assets for a
gigantic mortgage held in the United States. The
ulterior motive was to increase unemployment and fuel
the rise of Hitler to power. 

B.I.S. -- THE APEX OF CONTROL -- This interplay of

ideas and cooperation between Hjalmar Sehacht in
Germany and, through Owen Young, the J.P. Morgan
interests in New York, was only one facet of a vast and
ambitious system of cooperation and international
alliance for world control. As described by Carroll
Quigley, this system was
"... nothing less than to create a world system of
financial control, in private hands, able to dominate the
political system of each country and the economy of the
world as a whole."

The Nuremburg Trials were a Freemasons free-for-

all, a whitewash designed to cover their own tracks, and
distract attention from more horrific events in Masonic
Soviet Russia. 

Walter Beals
Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Washington
1933-34, 1945-46 and presiding judge for the War
Crimes Tribunal in Nuremberg 1946-48. Mason and
32nd degree AASR.

James T Brand
Judge of military tribunal for trial of major war
criminals at Nuremberg in 1947. Mason.

Edward F Carter
Justice of supreme court of Nebraska since 1935.
Served as judge on the 5th Military Tribunal, Nurnberg
to try major German War Criminals in 1947 -48. Raised
in Scotts Bluff Lodge No 201, Nebraska 1929. Grand
Master of Grand Lodge of Nebraska in 1941. Royal
Arch Mason, Knight Templar and Shriner, 33rd
degree AASR, Red Cross of Constantine, High
Twelve and Eastern Star.

Robert H Jackson
US Attorney General, US Supreme Court Justice and
American prosecutor at Nuremburg war crimes trials
tribunal. In 1945 he was appointed by President Truman
to represent the US in negotiating with Russia, England
and France on agreement for international trials of
European Axis war criminals, and was also named chief
of council for US, to conduct prosecution of Goering,
Ribbentrop and others. Member of Mt Moriah Lodge
No 145, Jamestown, New York. Also 32nd degree

James Morris
Justice Supreme Court of North Dakota 1935-55. Judge
at the major war crimes tribunal at Nuremburg in 1947-
48. Member of Bismark Lodge No 5 and 32nd
degree AASR. Also Shriner and National Sojourner.

  The evidence suggests that you cannot reach the

top in business or government if you are not a
Freemason. This form of secret discrimination is a
fundamental betrayal of the social contract. Why would
anyone feel they owe anything to society? 
The record also suggests that Freemasonry foments war
to concentrate wealth and power in its hands and to
degrade and demoralize humanity in advance of the
New World Order.

S said (May 12, 2012):

an example of how a mason can claim to 'hate the jews'
whilst being at one with them, The Pink Swastika
demonstrates that by claiming to have outlawed
homosexuality and imprisoning at most, 10,000 of an
estimated 1-2 Million rampant sodomite pederasts, the
heat was taken off . the fact that he and all his troops
were in fact butch buggers .
Same with the Jews; by taking an anti Jewish stand,
attention was deflected away from the fact that Hitler
and his top handlers and aides were Jews and of course,
Homo sexuals were effeminate like J Edgar Hoover.
Same with Stalin, Hitler and Roosevelt. The British
Foreign Orafice boys creamed over Stalin ... his brutish

psychopathy appealed so much that they delivered the

Cosacks to him on a plate whilst handing him half of

Milton said (May 9, 2012):

Albert Pike did say "Soon the world will come to us for
its Soverigns and its Pontiffs". That may explain
something but then again, i have heard of people who
claim to be ex-masons who have left the lodge, even
though they had attained the highest rank . Could this
explain it??!!

Jack said (May 9, 2012):

Henry you forgot to add to your comment: " The
evidence suggests that you cannot reach the top in
business or government if you are not a Freemason.
That today you have to be as well a homosexual

Clifford Shack said (May 8, 2012):

Forgetting the funds and intrigue...according to the
book, "Trading with the Enemy" by Charles
Higham...Hitler's Luftwaffe (air force) couldn't get off
the runway without an aviation fuel additive that could
only be supplied by Rockefeller's Standard Oil. Hitler's
tanks couldn't roll one millimeter without special ball

bearings that were supplied by only two factories, one

in Sweden and the other in Philadelphia. If not for the
cooperation between Hitler's War machine and these
three companies...the Illuminati could not have had
their precious WWII.

Henry Ford Unmasked at Last!!

The Ford Motor Company was a subsidiary of the
Standard Oil Company!!

John D. Rockefeller—the quintessential robber baron—

was a billionaire by 1910.
He was the founder of the Standard Oil Company.
Around 1910, he financed Henry Ford in order to
produce the noisy air polluting gasoline engine and thus
multiply his ill-gotten fortune.
In 1908, Henry Ford began mass production of the
infamous gasoline air polluting car known as the Model
T. Most people in the U.S. believed that automobiles
would be powered by the newly developed wonder of
ELECTRICITY. What most people did not realize was that
the Ford Motor Company was a SUBSIDIARY of the
Rockefeller owned Standard Oil Company.

In the early 20th century, National City Lines, which

was a partnership of General Motors, Firestone, and
Standard Oil of California, purchased many electric
tram networks across the country to dismantle them and
replace them with GM buses. The partnership was
convicted for this conspiracy, but the ruling was
overturned in a higher court. Electric tram line
technologies could be used to recharge BEVs and
PHEVs on the highway while the user drives, providing
virtually unrestricted driving range.
"Mr. Electric" Thomas Edison ENCOURAGED Ford to
produce gasoline powered vehicles!!
Thomas Alva Edison is a revered icon in the U.S. and
around the world. Many credit him with developing
electricity and lighting up the world. He was just
another Rockefeller shill .
Edison—acting under order from his boss Rockefeller
— encouraged Henry Ford in the development of the
gasoline engine. As a matter of fact, Edison and Ford
were very good friends for all of their adult lives.
George B. Selden was the U.S. inventor of the
The horseless carriage or automobile was the next step
in the evolution of the steam engine. By 1885, many
countries, especially France and Germany, had gasoline
powered automobiles.

George B. Selden filed the first patent for an internal

combustion powered automobile in 1879. Selden was a
Civil War veteran from Rochester, New York. He was a
close friend of camera inventor, George Eastman.
Selden's father, Henry Selden, was chosen by Abraham
Lincoln to be Vice President, but he turned it down (and
in light of Lincoln's “assassination”, Henry Selden
would have otherwise been the next U.S. President).
After the war, he studied engineering at Yale, where the
great U.S. scientist J. Willard Gibbs was one of his
Adolf Hitler was a great admirer of Henry Ford and he
modeled the Gestapo after the Ford Service

This "tough guy" ran the Ford Motor Company from

1930 to the death of Ford in 1947. He TERRORIZED
everybody, except old man Ford himself. He had links
to all the underworld figures in Detroit.
Ford financed Hitler before the war . That is why
Willow Run bomber factory never really got off the
Adolf Hitler said this about his friend Henry Ford:
He (International Jew) already sees the present-day
European states as will-less tools in his fist, whether
indirectly through a so-called Western democracy, or in

the form of direct domination by Jewish Bolshevism.

But it is not only the Old World that he holds thus
enmeshed, the same fate menaces the New. It is Jews
who govern the stock exchange forces of the American
Union. Every year makes them more and more the
controlling masters of the producers in a nation of one
hundred and twenty millions; only a single great man,
Ford, to their fury, still maintains full independence. 
(Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf, p. 639).
Edsel Ford, the only son of Henry, was president of the
Ford Motor Company from 1919 to 1943. As president,
he was only a figurehead, as the company was run by
Ford and Bennett.
He never agreed with his father's Gestapo tactics and
therefore he had a timely demise.
Fascist Henry Ford would do ANYTHING to ensure a
Nazi victory even to having his own son killed:
For the next two years, Sorensen says, the irascible old
man hammered away at his son through Bennett, and in
April of 1943 he landed the heaviest blow yet. Ford
ordered Sorensen to change Edsel's attitude on several
major points. Edsel was to cooperate with Bennett on
all matters in general, labor discord in particular, to
break up his relationship with his old friend Kanzler,
and to "regain health by cooperating with Henry Ford."
Sorensen was convinced that Bennett was responsible
for the whole thing, but he had no choice but to pass on

the father's wishes. Edsel said there was nothing left for
him to do but to resign. Sorensen again dissuaded him.
A month later Edsel was dead. Henry Ford was smitten
with grief. (Herndon, Ford: An Unconventional
Biography of the Men and their Times, pp.175-176).
"Doctor" Henry Ford actually told his son that he could
regain his health by cooperating with Bennett.

In 1940, when the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction’s

Supreme Council conferred the Thirty-Third degree on
him at age 77, Henry Ford (1863-1947) had been a
Mason for 46 years, having been raised in Detroit’s
Palestine Lodge No. 357 in 1894 at age 31.
In his series, “The International Jew,” (1920) Henry
Ford did more than anyone to educate folks about the
Illuminati Jewish Conspiracy. A Freemason, Ford must
have known Freemasonry is a vital part…. of this
conspiracy. Yet he never mentions Freemasonry.
Masons foment war by being on both sides of every
conflict. Hitler, Stalin, FDR and Churchill were all
Freemasons. Thus they grind humanity down for the
NWO. Ford’s role was to build up the Nazi side for
World War Two.
It seems history and current events are a charade put on
by Freemasons and their Jewish Banker masters.

The Secret Masonry is setting up “our own, to all

appearance, off position which in at least one of its
organs [Nazis] will present what looks like the very
antipodes to us. Our real opponents at heart will accept
this simulated opposition as their own and will show us
their cards.” (Protocols of Zion, 12.11)
In his book “My Life and Work,” published in 1922,
Henry Ford includes the following comment concerning
the “International Jew” :
“The work which we describe as Studies in the Jewish
Question, and which is variously described by
antagonists as “the Jewish campaign,” “the attack on
the Jews,” “the anti-Semitic pogrom,” and so forth,
needs no explanation to those who have followed it. Its
motives and purposes must be judged by the work itself.
It is offered as a contribution to a question which deeply
affects the country, a question which is racial at its
source, and which concerns influences and ideals rather
than persons.
Our statements must be judged by candid readers who
are intelligent enough to lay our words alongside life as
they are able to observe it. If our word and their
observation agree, the case is made. It is perfectly silly
to begin to damn us before it has been shown that our
statements are baseless or reckless. The first item to be
considered is the truth of what we have set forth. And
that is precisely the item which our critics choose to
evade. Readers of our articles will see at once that we
are not actuated by any kind of prejudice, except it may

be a prejudice in favour of the principles which have

made our civilization.
There had been observed in this country certain
streams of influence which were causing a marked
deterioration in our literature, amusements, and social
conduct; business was departing from its old-time
substantial soundness; a general letting-down of
standards was felt everywhere.
It was not the robust coarseness of the white man, the
rude indelicacy, say, of Shakespeare’s characters, but a
nasty Orientalism [does he mean occultism?] which
has insidiously affected every channel of expression —
and to such an extent that it was time to challenge it.
The fact that these influences are all traceable to one
racial source is a fact to be reckoned with.
Our work does not pretend to say that last word on the
Jew in America. It says only the word which describes
his present impress on that country. When that impress
is changed, the report of it can be changed . . . Our
opposition is only to ideas, false ideas . . . which are
sapping the moral stamina of the people. These ideas
proceed from easily identified sources, they are
promulgated by easily discoverable methods and
they are controlled by mere exposure.
When people learn to identify the source and nature of
these influences swirling around them, it is sufficient.
Let the American people once understand that it is not
natural degeneracy but calculated subversion that

inflicts us, and they are safe. The explanation is the

This work was taken up without personal motives.
When it reached a stage where we believed the
American people could grasp the key, we let it rest for
the time. Our enemies say that we began it for revenge
and that we laid it down in fear. Time will show that
our critics are merely dealing in evasion because they
dare not tackle the main question.”
First Comment by Dan:
You will not find the term ‘Judeo-Freemasonry’ in
Ford’s or Fr. Charles Coughlin’s vocabulary.
Freemasonry is simply never mentioned once in
thousands of pages and dozens of hours of radio
Just in case anyone is wondering, no, Ford wasn’t
Catholic. He was Anglican. So denomination had
nothing to do with Ford’s patronage of Fr. Coughlin.
It’s problematic that Fr. Caughlin and his bishop were
so chummy with Ford and his ‘influential friends’ that
essentially established Caughlin as the heir to the
Dearborn Independent’s 900,000 subscribers.*
If Ford was one of America’s most famous antisemites,
why did the Grand Lodge bestow the coveted 33 on him
in September 1940?

Ford was supposed to be a pacifist, an isolationist, and

pro-Hitler. However his massive Fordwerk factory
cranked out materials for German rearmament through
Soon as war was declared he opened the largest
assembly line plant in the world cranking out B-24
bombers at the rate of one per hour. B-24’s killed
hundreds of thousands German civilians throughout
Ford was conferred the 33º just two months before Pearl
Harbor and US declaration of war.
Ford career seems checkered with duplicity and
treachery. When great American Masons do it, it’s
called ‘pragmatism’.
Makow- Even today you hear a lot about Jews but very
little about Freemasons. Why is that?
THE INTERNATIONAL JEW -- complete book --

In the late 1930s, he supported some of the fascist

policies of Adolf Hitler, Benito Mussolini, and
Emperor Hirohito of Japan. // Coughlin strongly
endorsed Franklin D. Roosevelt during the 1932
Presidential election. He was an early supporter of
Roosevelt's New Deal reforms and coined the phrase
"Roosevelt or Ruin", which entered common usage

during the early days of the first FDR administration.

Another phrase he became known for was "The New
Deal is Christ's Deal." In January 1934, Coughlin
testified before Congress in support of FDR's policies,
saying, "If Congress fails to back up the President in his
monetary program, I predict a revolution in this country
which will make the French Revolution look silly!" He
also said to the Congressional hearing, "God is directing
President Roosevelt." //

Shyamji Krishna Verma

Shyamji Krishna Varma (4 October 1857 – 30 March
1930) was an Indian revolutionary fighter,[1] an Indian
patriot, lawyer and journalist who founded the Indian
Home Rule Society, India House and The Indian
Sociologist in London. A graduate of Balliol College,
Krishna Varma was a noted scholar in Sanskrit and
other Indian languages. He pursued a brief legal career
in India and served as the Divan of a number of Indian
princely states in India.[2] He had, however, differences
with Crown authority, was dismissed following a
supposed conspiracy of local British officials at
Junagadh[3] and chose to return to England. An admirer
of Dayanand Saraswati's approach of cultural
nationalism, and of Herbert Spencer

Krishna Varma moved to Paris in 1907 . the son of

Krushnadas Bhanushali (Karsan Nakhua; Nakhua is the
surname while Bhanushali is the community name) &
Gomatibai . In 1875, Shyamji got married to
Bhanumati, a daughter of a wealthy businessman of the
Bhatia community and sister of his school friend
Ramdas. Then he got in touch with the nationalist
Swami Dayananda Saraswati, a radical reformer and an
exponent of the Vedas, who had founded the Arya
Samaj. He became his disciple and was soon
conducting lectures on Vedic philosophy and religion.
In 1877, a public speaking tour secured him a great
public recognition. He became the first non-Brahmin to
receive the prestigious title of Pandit by the Pandits of
Kashi in 1877.[citation needed] He came to the
attention of Monier Williams, an Oxford professor of
Sanskrit who offered Shyamji a job as his assistant .
Shyamji arrived in England and joined Balliol College,
Oxford on 25 April 1879 with the recommendation of
Professor Monier Williams. Royal Asiatic Society.
The speech was very well received and he was elected a
non-resident member of the society. In 1881 he
represented India at the Berlin Congress of Orientalists.
he was appointed as Diwan (chief minister) by the King
of Ratlam State . After a short stay in Mumbai, he
settled in Ajmer, headquarters of his Guru Swami
Dayananda Saraswati, and continued his practice at the
British Court in Ajmer. . He served for the Maharaja
of Udaipur as a council member from 1893 to 1895,
followed by the position of Diwan of Junagadh State.

It was upon Dayanand's inspiration, he set up a base in

England at India House where were produced many
revolutionaries like Madam Cama, Veer Savarkar, Lala
Hardyal and Madan Lal Dhingra. Shyamji Krishan was
also an admirer of Lokmanya Tilak and supported him
during the Age of Consent bill controversy of 1890.
Ordained by Swami Dayanand Saraswati the founder of
Arya samaj, Shyamji Krishan Verma upon his arrival in
London stayed at the Inner Temple and studied Herbert
Spencer's writings in his spare time. In 1900 he bought
an expensive house in Highgate. His home became a
base for all political leaders of India. Lokmanya Tilak,
Lala Lajpat Rai, Gopal Krishna Gokhale, Gandhi, Lenin
etc., all visited him to discuss the Indian Independence
Movement. Avoiding the Indian National Congress, he
kept in contact with rationalists, free thinkers, national
and social democrats, socialists, Irish republicans, etc.

he founded India House as a hostel for Indian students,

based at 65, Cromwell Avenue, Highgate. This living
accommodation for 25 students was formally
inaugurated on 1 July by Henry Hyndman, of the Social
Democratic Federation, in the presence of Dadabhai
Naoroji, Lala Lajpat Rai, Madam Cama, Mr. Swinney
(of the London Positivist Society), Mr. Harry Quelch
(the editor of the Social Democratic Federation's
Justice) and Charlotte Despard, the Irish Republican
and suffragette. Shyamji hoped India House would

incubate Indian revolutionaries and Bhikaiji Cama, S.

R. Rana, Vinayak Damodar Savarkar, Virendranath
Chattopadhyaya, and Lala Hardayal were all associated
with it. he decided to shift his headquarters to Paris,
leaving India House in charge of Vir Savarkar. He
agitated for the release of Savarker and acquired great
support all over Europe and Russia. shifted his
headquarters to Geneva. Here the Swiss government
imposed political restrictions during the entire period of
World War I. He kept in touch with his contacts, but he
could not support them directly. He spent time with Dr.
Briess, president of the Pro India Committee in Geneva,
whom he later discovered was a paid secret agent of the
British government. He offered a sum of 10,000
francs to the League of Nations to endow a lectureship
to be called the President Woodrow Wilson Lectureship
. He offered another lectureship at the banquet given
by Press Association of Geneva where 250 journalists
and celebrities, including the presidents of Swiss
Federation and the League of Nations.

On his death - Maratha, an English daily newspaper

started by Bal Gangadhar Tilak paid tribute to him.
Krishna Verma was disbarred from the Inner Temple in
1909. This decision was revisited in 2015, and a
unanimous decision taken to posthumously reinstated
The Indian Home Rule Society (IHRS) was an Indian
organisation founded in London in 1905 that sought to

promote the cause of self-rule in British India. The

organisation was founded by Shyamji Krishna Varma,
with support from a number of prominent Indian
nationalists in Britain at the time, including Bhikaji
Cama, Dadabhai Naoroji and S.R. Rana,[1][2] and was
intended to be a rival organisation to the British
Committee of the Indian National Congress that was the
main avenue of the loyalist opinion at the time. The
society was foundations of the India House and, along
with Krishna Varma's journal The Indian Sociologist,
was the foundation of the militant Indian nationalist
movement in Britain. After Krishna Varma's shift to
Paris in 1907, the society gave way the secret
nationalist society of Abhinav Bharat Mandal, founded
by V.D. Savarkar. The society was founded amongst
efforts and movements that arose to reverse the flow of
authority and power from Britain to India.[3][8] along
with substantial help from Bhikaji Cama.

India House was a student residence that existed

between 1905 and 1910 at Cromwell Avenue in
Highgate, North London. With the patronage of lawyer
Shyamji Krishna Varma . "India House" came to
informally refer to the nationalist organisations that
used the building at various times. A number of
prominent Indian revolutionaries and nationalists were
associated with India House, including Vinayak

Damodar Savarkar, Bhikaji Cama, V.N. Chatterjee,

Lala Har Dayal, V.V.S. Aiyar, M.P.T. Acharya and
P.M. Bapat. In 1909, a member of India House, Madan
Lal Dhingra, assassinated Sir W.H. Curzon Wyllie,
political aide-de-camp to the Secretary of State for
India. The network created by India House played a
key part in the Hindu–German Conspiracy for
nationalist revolution in India during World War I. In
the coming decades, India House alumni went on to
playing a leading role in the founding of Indian
communism and Hindu nationalism.
India House is a large Victorian Mansion at 65
Cromwell Avenue, Highgate, North London. It was
inaugurated on 1 July 1905 by Henry Hyndman in a
ceremony attended by, among others, Dadabhai
Naoroji, Charlotte Despard and Bhikaji Cama . In
addition to being a student-hostel, the mansion also
served as the headquarters for several organisations, the
first of which was the Indian Home Rule Society
(IHRS). The Paris Indian Society, a branch of the
IHRS, was launched in 1905 under the patronage of
Bhikaji Cama, Sardar Singh Rana and B.H. Godrej.[26]
A number of India House members who later rose to
prominence – including V.N. Chatterjee, Har Dayal and
Acharya and others – first encountered the IHRS
through this Paris Indian Society.[27] Cama herself was
at this time deeply involved with the Indian
revolutionary cause, and she nurtured close links with
both French and exiled Russian socialists . Lenin's
views are thought to have influenced Cama's works at

this time, and Lenin is believed to have visited India

House during one of his stays in London.[30][31] In
1907, Cama, along with V.N. Chatterjee and S.R. Rana,
attended the Socialist Congress of the Second
International in Stuttgart.
After Krishna Varma's departure, the organisation
found a new leader in Vinayak Damodar Savarkar, a
law student who had first arrived in London in 1906 on
scholarship from Krishna Varma. Savarkar was an
admirer of the Italian nationalist philosopher Giuseppe
Mazzini and a protégé of the Indian Congress leader,
Bal Gangadhar Tilak. He was associated with the
nationalist movement in India, having founded the
Abhinav Bharat Society (Young India Society) in 1906
while studying at Fergusson College in Pune (these
links put him in contact with the still largely unknown
Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi.) In London, Savarkar's
fiery nationalist views had at first alienated the residents
of India House, most significantly V.V.S. Aiyar. Over
time, however, he became a central figure in the
organisation. In London, Savarkar founded the Free
India Society (FIS), and in December 1906 he opened a
branch of Abhinav Bharat.[49][50] This organisation
drew a number of radical Indian students, including
P.M. Bapat, V.V.S. Aiyar, Madanlal Dhingra, and V.N.
Chatterjee.[51] Savarkar had lived in Paris for some
time, and frequently visited the city after moving to
London.[42] By 1908, he had recruited to the
organisation a number of Indian businessmen residing

in Paris. During one visit, Savarkar met Gandhi again

when the latter visited India House in 1906 and 1909.

Savarkar translated Giuseppe Mazzini's autobiography

into Marathi and extolled the virtues of secret societies.

India House was soon transformed into the headquarters

of the Indian revolutionary movement in Britain.[15] Its
newest members were young men and women in
London who came from all over India. . The Free
India Society had a semi-religious oath of initiation, and
served as a cover for the Abhinav Bharat Society's
meetings.[51] The members were predominantly
Hindus. Most were students in their mid-twenties, and
usually belonged to the Indian social elite, from
families of millionaires, mill owners, lawyers and
doctors. By 1908, the popularity of the India House
group had overtaken the London Indian Society (LIS),
established in 1865 by Dadabhai Naoroji and until then
the largest association of Indians in London.
Subsequently, India House took over the control of
Irish sympathiser David Garnett , friend of
Savarkar . While he was held at Brixton Prison during
the deportation hearing, an attempt was made in May
1910 by the remnant of India House to storm his prison
van and free him. This plot was coordinated with help
from Irish republicans led by Maud Gonne.

The arrival of B.C. Pal and G.S. Khaparde in London in

1908 further stirred the matter, since both were known
to have been radical nationalist politicians in India.
Following the example laid by the original India House,
India Houses were opened in the United States and in
Krishna Varma had built close contacts with the Irish
Republican movement.
other organisations mirroring India House emerged.
The first of these was the Pan-Aryan Association,
modelled after the Indian Home Rule Society, opened
in 1906 through the joint Indo-Irish efforts of
Mohammed Barkatullah, S.L. Joshi and George
Freeman.[1] Barkatullah himself had been closely
associated with Krishna Varma during his earlier stay in
London, and his subsequent career in Japan put
Barkatullah at the heart of Indian political activities
there. The American branch also invited Bhikaji
Cama – who at the time was close to the works of
Krishna Varma – to give a series of lectures in the
United States. An India House, though not officially
allied to the London organisation, was founded in
Manhattan in New York in January 1908 with funds
from a wealthy lawyer of Irish descent named Myron
Phelps. Phelps admired Swami Vivekananda, and the
Vedanta Society (established by the Swami) in New
York was at the time under Swami Abhedananda .
New York increasingly became an important centre for
the global Indian movement; Free Hindustan, a political

revolutionary journal published by Taraknath Das,

closely mirroring The Indian Sociologist, moved from
Vancouver and Seattle to New York in 1908. Das
collaborated extensively with the Gaelic American with
help from George Freeman before Free Hindustan .

The arrival of Har Dayal around this time bridged the

gap between the intellectual agitators and the
predominantly Punjabi labour workers and migrants,
laying the foundations of the Ghadar movement.[91]
The movement gained new momentum after
Barkatullah, on the advice of Krishna Varma and
George Freeman, moved from New York to Tokyo in
1909. His work at the time also included the
publication of Islamic Fraternity, which was financed
by the Ottoman Empire. the revolutionaries
collaborated extensively with the Irish Republican
Brotherhood, Sinn Féin, Japanese patriotic societies,
Ottoman Turkey and, most prominently, the German
Foreign Office. The conspiracy has since been called
the Hindu–German Conspiracy.[94][95] . an
international counter-intelligence operation on the part
of the British empire lasting nearly ten years.[97]
Among the more famous recruits of this intelligence
operation was W. Somerset Maugham, tasked to
assassinate V. N. Chatterjee, who worked with the
Berlin committee.[98] . In January 1910, John Arnold
Wallinger, the Superintendent of Police at Bombay, was
reassigned to the India Office in London, where he

established the Indian Political Intelligence Office.

Somerset Maugham, who was among Wallinger's
recruits, later based some of his characters and stories
on his experiences during the war.[101] Wallinger's
organisation was renamed Indian Political Intelligence
in 1921, and later expanded to form the Intelligence
Bureau in independent India.(( The Intelligence Bureau
(IB) is India's internal intelligence agency.[3] It was
recast as the Central Intelligence Bureau in 1947 under
the Ministry of Home Affairs.
a) )).
From the time it was founded, India House cultivated a
close relationship with socialist movements in Europe.
Prominent Socialists of the time like Henry Hyndman
were closely linked to the house. Cama cultivated a
close relationship with French Socilaists and Russian
communists. The IHRS delegation to Stuttgart in 1907
is known to have met with Hyndman, Karl Liebknecht,
Jean Jaurès, Rosa Luxemburg and Ramsay MacDonald.
Chatterjee moved to Paris in 1909 and joined the
French Socialist Party.[103] M.P.T. Acharya was
introduced to the socialist circle in Paris in 1910.[104]
With the help of the socialists in Paris, notably Jean
Longuet, the Paris Indian Society brought pressure on
the French Government when Savarkar was rearrested
at Marseille after escaping from a ship that was
deporting him to India.[105] Acharya utillused press
freedom in France and the socialist platform to press for
Savarkar's re-extradition to France and built French

public opinion in support of such moves. Under public

pressure at home, the French Government conceded and
made a request to Britain, which was ultimately settled
in Britain's favour at the Permanent Court of Arbitration
at The Hague.[105] The Paris Indian Society became
one of the most powerful Indian organisations outside
India at the time,[69] and grew to initiate contacts with
not only French Socialists, but also those in continental
Europe.[69] It sent delegates to the International
Socialist Congress in August 1910, where Krishna
Varma and Iyer succeeded in having a resolution passed
demanding Savarkar's release and his extradition to
France.[105] After World War I, ex-members of India
House and erstwhile members of the Berlin Committee
and the Indian revolutionary movement increasingly
turned to the young Soviet Union, becoming closely
associated with communism. The Berlin India
Committee moved to Stockholm after the war. Led by
V. N. Chatterjee, the committee wrote to Leon Trotsky
to secure Bolshevik aid for the accused at the Hindu–
German Conspiracy Trial.[106] Many involved in the
conspiracy subsequently moved to Soviet Russia. When
the Communist Party of India was founded in Tashkent
in October 1920, a number of its founding members,
including M. P. T. Acharya, Virendranath Chatterjee,
Champakaraman Pillai and Abdul Rab, had been
associated with India House or the Paris Indian Society.
Individuals like Acharya attended the second congress
of the Communist International. Chatterjee and Acharya
later worked with the League against Imperialism.

Moving to Weimar Germany after the war, Chatterjee's

program of revolutionary nationalism developed into
the Indian Independence Party in 1922 which won
Chicherin's approval and Comintern funding.[110]
Chatto later joined the German Communist party. In
1927, Chatto accompanied Jawaharlal Nehru to the
Brussels Conference of the League against Imperialism.
However support from Soviet Russia for Chatterjee's
program waned as M. N. Roy, a Bengali revolutionary
in Moscow previously of the Anushilan Samiti was
considered more close to ideology of Marxism than
Chatterjee's aims of nationalist revolution. Roy steadily
developed the Indian Communist Party with Stalin's
encouragement and support. Chatterjee and Pillai later
moved to Soviet Russia where they are believed to have
been shot in Stalin's purges.

A branch of the nationalist and revolutionary

philosophy that arose from India House, especially from
the works of V.D. Savarkar, was consolidated in India
in the 1920s as an explicit ideology of Hindu
nationalism. Exemplified by the Hindu Mahasabha .
The Indian War of Independence is considered one of
Savarkar's most influential works in developing and
framing ideas of masculine Hinduism.[111] Amongst
Savarkar's work during his stay at India House was a
history of the Maratha Confederacy which he described
as an exemplary Hindu empire (Hindu Padpadshahi).
[52] Further, the Spencerian theories of evolutionism

and functionalism that Savarkar examined at India

House strongly influenced his social and political
philosophy, and helped lay the foundations of early
Hindu nationalism.[54] It charted the latter's approach
to state, society and colonialism, and Spencer's
doctrines led Savarkar to stress a "rationalist" and
"scientific" approach to national evolution, as well as
military aggression for national survival. A number of
his ideas featured prominently in Savarkar's works well
into his political writings and works with the Hindu
Krishna Verma was disbarred from the Inner Temple in
1909. This decision was revisited in 2015, and a
unanimous decision taken to posthumously re-instate
him.[31] Savarkar's stay at India House is today
commemorted with a blue plaque by English Heritage.
Members of India House have been commemorated at
various times independent India. Bhikaji Cama, Krishna
Varma, Savarkar, among others have had
commemorative postage stamps released by India Post.
V. N. Chatterjee is commemorated at the Nehru
Memorial Museum in New Delhi, where his name and
photo is exhibited in a room for Indian revolutionaries.
Dimitrov Museum in Leipzig housed a section on
Chatterjee before it closed in 1989.

Lala is not so much a surname as a sub-caste

designation, within the Kayastha community, but it is
generally termed as an honorific title for writers such as
the word Pandit which is used for knowledgeable
persons in other Hindu communities. At an early age he
was influenced by Arya Samaj. He was associated with
Shyam Krishnavarma, Vinayak Damodar Savarkar and
Bhikaji Cama. He also drew inspiration from Giuseppe
Mazzini, Karl Marx and Mikhail Bakunin. In 1905,
he received two scholarships of Oxford University for
his higher studies in Sanskrit: Boden Scholarship, 1907
and Casberd Exhibitioner, and award from St John's
College, where he was studying. Parmanand says that
Har Dayal agreed to go to the United States to
propagate the ancient culture of the Aryan Race. With
the personal help of Teja Singh, Tarak Nath Das and
Arthur Pope and funding from Jwala Singh, a rich
farmer from Stockton, he set up Guru Govind Singh
Sahib Educational Scholarship for Indian students
.According to Swami Rama Tirtha Lala Har Dayal was
the greatest Hindu who ever came to America, a great
sage and saint, whose life mirrored the highest
spirituality as his soul reflected the love of the
'Universal Spirit' whom he tried to realise.[6]

In 1891 she briefly joined the Hermetic Order of the

Golden Dawn, a magical organisation with which Yeats
had involved himself.

In 1882 her father, an army officer, was posted to

Dublin. . she formed an organization called the "Irish
League" (L'association irlandaise) in 1896. . Her son,
Seán MacBride, was active in politics in Ireland and in
the United Nations. He was a founding member of
Amnesty International and its Chairman, and he was
awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1974.

The Paris Indian Society was an Indian nationalist

organisation founded in 1905 at Paris under the
patronage of Madam Bhikaji Rustom Cama, B.H.
Godrej and S. R. Rana. The organisation was opened as
a branch of the Indian Home Rule Society founded that
same year in London under the patronage of Shyamji
Krishna Varma.[1] The Paris Indian Society also saw
active participation from Indian nationalists who at
various times were associated with the India House
during its short existence. This included Virendranath
Chattopadhyaya, Har Dayal, M.P.T. Acharya and
Vinayak Damodar Savarkar.[2][3] Other prominent
Indians associated with the society included P.O.
Mehta, H.M. Shah, P.C. Varma and a number of other
prominent Indians in Paris at the time.[4] The Paris
Indian Society, under the strong leadership of Madam
Cama, developed close links with the Socialist Party
and Russian socialists in exile in Paris,[1] and Cama
herself attended the Socialist Congress of the Second
International at Stuttgart in 1907, where seconded by

Henry Hyndman,[2] she demanded recognition of

selfrule for India.
At the time of V.D. Savarkar's rearrest at Marseilles
following his escape during deportation from England,
this socialist network was successfully able to exert
pressure on the French government to press for
Savarkar's extradition to France before the International
Tribunal at Hague ruled in favour of Britain.
The Paris Indian Society produced the Bande Mataram
from 1909, and Madam Cama later financed the Talvar
to be produced in Berlin.

The Free India Society was a political organization

of Indian students in England, committed to obtaining
the independence of India from British rule. It was
founded by Vinayak Damodar Savarkar.

---- launched Britain’s first left-wing political party, the

Democratic Federation, later known as the Social
Democratic Federation, in 1881. He was the first
author to popularise Marx’s works in English.
The son of a wealthy businessman, Hyndman was born
7 March 1842 in London. After being educated at
home, he entered Trinity College, Cambridge. HE
WROTE ... with a great admiration for John Stuart Mill,
and later, I remember, I regarded John Morley as the
coming man." . ---- He continued to write for the Pall
Mall Gazette, where he praised the merits of British
imperialism and criticised those advocating Home Rule

for Ireland. and those who eventually joined the SDF

included William Morris and Karl Marx's daughter,
Eleanor Marx. However, Friedrich Engels, Marx's long-
term collaborator, refused to support Hyndman's
venture. -- William Morris and Eleanor Marx, left the
party, forming the Socialist League. He was chairman
at the International Socialist Congress held in London
in 1896. He was pro-Boer during the second Boer War.
[6] Hyndman continued to lead the SDF and took
part in the negotiations to establish the Labour
Representation Committee in 1900. However, the SDF
left the LRC when it became clear that it was deviating
from the objectives he had set out, and in 1911 he set up
the British Socialist Party (BSP) when the SDF fused
with a number of branches of the Independent Labour
Party. Hyndman believed Jews were central to ‘a
sinister “gold international” opposed to the “red
international” of socialism’ . Hyndman upset
members of the BSP by supporting the United
Kingdom's involvement in World War I. The party split
in two with Hyndman forming a new National Socialist

"Every man is free to do that which he wills,

provided he infringes not the equal freedom of any
other man." (Principles of Ethics, Section 272). =
Herbert Spencer

Notable ideas Social Darwinism Survival of the

fittest . served as Secretary of the Derby
Philosophical Society, a scientific society which had
been founded in 1783 by Erasmus Darwin, the
grandfather of Charles Darwin. From 1848 to 1853 he
served as sub-editor on the free-trade journal The
Economist, . John Chapman, introduced Spencer to
his salon which was attended by many of the leading
radical and progressive thinkers of the capital, including
John Stuart Mill, Harriet Martineau, George Henry
Lewes and Mary Ann Evans (George Eliot), with whom
he was briefly romantically linked. Spencer himself
introduced the biologist Thomas Henry Huxley, who
would later win fame as 'Darwin's Bulldog' and who
remained his lifelong friend. However it was the
friendship of Evans and Lewes that acquainted him with
John Stuart Mill's A System of Logic and with Auguste
Comte's positivism and which set him on the road to his
life's work. He strongly disagreed with Comte.[9] . He
also became a member of the Athenaeum, an exclusive
Gentleman's Club in London open only to those
distinguished in the arts and sciences, and the X Club, a
dining club of nine founded by T.H. Huxley that met
every month and included some of the most prominent
thinkers of the Victorian age (three of whom would
become presidents of the Royal Society). Members
included physicist-philosopher John Tyndall and
Darwin's cousin, the banker and biologist Sir John
Lubbock. There were also some quite significant
satellites such as liberal clergyman Arthur Stanley, the

Dean of Westminster; and guests such as Charles

Darwin and Hermann von Helmholtz were entertained
from time to time.
His ashes are interred in the eastern side of London's
Highgate Cemetery facing Karl Marx's grave.

Sir Monier Monier-Williams, KCIE (/ˈmɒniər/; né

Williams; 12 November 1819 – 11 April 1899) was the
second Boden Professor of Sanskrit at Oxford
University, England. He studied, documented and
taught Asian languages, especially Sanskrit, Persian and
KCIE = The Most Eminent Order of the Indian Empire
is an order of chivalry founded by Queen Victoria in

Shyamji Krishna Varma was born on 4 October 1857 in

Mandvi, Cutch State (now Kutch, Gujarat) as Shamji,
the son of Krushnadas Bhanushali (Karsan Nakhua;
Nakhua is the surname while Bhanushali is the
community name), a labourer for cotton press company,
and Gomatibai, In 1875, Shyamji got married to
Bhanumati, a daughter of a wealthy businessman of the
Bhatia community and sister of his school friend

He was married to Bhanumati, the daughter of a rich

merchant, Seth Chhabildas Lalubhai of Bombay in
1875. Shyamji got married to Bhanumati, a daughter of
a wealthy businessman Seth Shri Chahbildas Lallubhai
of Bhatia community and sister of his school friend
Ramdas, in 1875. In 1876, He came in touch with
Swami Dayanand Saraswati, an exponent of Vedas,
radical reformer, and staunch nationalist and founder of
Arya Samaj. He became his disciple.

founder of the Arya Samaj, a reform movement of the

Vedic dharma. . He was the first to give the call for
Swaraj as "India for Indians" in 1876, a call later taken
up by Lokmanya Tilak.[ President of India, S.
Radhakrishnan called him one of the "makers of
Modern India", as did Sri Aurobindo.
Those who were influenced by and followed
Dayananda included Madam Cama, Pandit Lekh Ram,
Swami Shraddhanand, Pandit Guru Dutt Vidyarthi,[7]
Shyamji Krishna Varma (who established India House
in England for Freedom fighters,) Vinayak Damodar
Savarkar, Lala Hardayal, Madan Lal Dhingra, Ram
Prasad Bismil, Mahadev Govind Ranade, Ashfaq Ullah
Khan,[8] Mahatma Hansraj, Lala Lajpat Rai,[9][10] and
others. His father was Karshanji Lalji Kapadi, and his
mother was Amrutbai. Dayananda Saraswati is most
notable for influencing the freedom movement of India.
His views and writings have been used by different

writers, including Shyamji Krishna Varma, who

founded India House in London and guided other
revolutionaries was influenced by him; Subhas Chandra
Bose; Lala Lajpat Rai; Madam Cama; Vinayak
Damodar Savarkar; Lala Hardayal; Madan Lal Dhingra;
Ram Prasad Bismil; Mahadev Govind Ranade;[8]
Swami Shraddhanand; S. Satyamurti; Pandit Lekh Ram;
Mahatma Hansraj; Rajiv Dixit; and others. He also had
a notable influence on Bhagat Singh.[34] Singh, after
finishing primary school, had joined the Dayanand
Anglo Vedic Middle School, of Mohan Lal road, in
Lahore.[35] . The places Dayanand visited during his
life were often changed culturally as a result.[citation
needed] Jodhpur adopted Hindi as main language, and
later the present day Rajasthan did the same.[37] Other
admirers included Swami Vivekananda,[38]
Ramakrishna,[39] Bipin Chandra Pal,[40] Vallabhbhai
Patel,[41] Syama Prasad Mookerjee, and Romain
Rolland, who regarded Dayananda as a remarkable and
unique figure.[42] American Spiritualist Andrew
Jackson Davis described Dayanand's influence on him,
calling Dayanand a "Son of God", and applauding him
for restoring the status of the Nation.[43] Sten Konow,
a Swedish scholar noted that Dayanand revived the
history of India.[44] Others who were notably
influenced by him include Ninian Smart, and Benjamin

The movement became popular in the 1880s and

thereafter, attracting the support from the Arya Samaj
founder Swami Dayananda Saraswati in the late 19th
century,[7] and from Mahatma Gandhi in the early 20th

Maskelyne's Fraud of Theosophy Exposed

While terrorism can never be condoned or endorsed, it

is necessary to recognize that the actions of the
Chafekar brothers of Maharashtra, Shamji Krishna
Verma, Lala Hardayal, Virendranath Chatapadhyaya,
Rash Behari Bose, Babu Arvind Ghosh, Khudiram

Bose, Ulhaskar Datta, Madalal Dhingra, Kanhere,

Bhagat Singh, Rajguru, Sukhdeo, and Chadrashekhar
Azad were all done in response to government-
sponsored terrorism under the yoke of foreign
occupation. There is a subtle distinction to be made
between pro-independence freedom-fighters and
“terrorists”. Bhagat Singh successfully disrupted the
proceedings of the Legislative Assembly in the 1929
bombing incident. Does this make him a “terrorist” or a
pro-independence freedom fighter?

While studying at Lahore he was influenced by the

Hindu reformist movement of Swami Dayanand
Sarasvati, became a member of existing Arya Samaj
Lahore (founded 1877) and founder editor of Lahore-
based Arya Gazette.

He also remained President of Servants of the People

Society (Lok Sevak Mandal), a social service
organisation founded by Lala Lajpat Rai, in 1921 He
was fondly called Rajarishi by Mahatma Gandhi.

Gandhi conferred upon Gupta the title of "Rashtra

Ratna – Jewel of the Nation".

Mussolini message to future revealed under Rome

37230455 This only modern obelisk in Rome
was erected by Mussolini himself and bears the words
"MVSSOLINI DVX" („Mussolini, the Leader") and

the marking of the Italian Fascists. This "Obelisco di

Mussolini" stands in the centre of the Foro Italico,
which was originally known as the Foro Mussolini.
List of obelisks in Rome
The ‘Secret’ Mussolini Message That Lies Underneath
A 300-Ton Obelisk In Rome

Following the March on Rome, he appointed Benito

Mussolini as Prime Minister and later deposed him in
1943 during World War II. By midday on 30 October,
Mussolini had been appointed President of the Council
of Ministers (Prime Minister), at the age of 39, with no
previous experience of office, and with only 32
Fascist deputies in the Chamber. On 30 March
1938, the Italian Parliament established the rank of First
Marshal of the Empire for Victor Emmanuel and
Mussolini. // Sovereign Military Order of Malta:
Bailiff Grand Cross of Honour and Devotion, 10
February 1891 // United Kingdom: Order of the
Garter, Stranger Knight, 3 August 1891 (expelled in
1941) Royal Victorian Chain, 18 November 1903
(expelled in 1941) Order of the Bath, Honorary Grand

Cross, 1916 (expelled in 1941) Vatican City: Holy See:

Supreme Order of Christ, Knight, 2 January 1932


Eustace Mullins observes, “On July 27, 1844,

(Giuseppe) Mazzini said, “Rothschild could be King of

France if he so desired.” http://snippits-and-
Giuseppe Mazzini and the Religion of Nationalism
How Major Magazines Covered the Rise of

'Pope And Mussolini' Tells The 'Secret History' Of

Fascism And The Church
church Lateran Treaty, also called Lateran
Pact of 1929, treaty (effective June 7, 1929, to June 3,
1985) between Italy and the Vatican. It was signed by
Benito Mussolini for the Italian government and by
cardinal secretary of state Pietro Gasparri for the papacy

and confirmed by the Italian constitution of 1948.

How the Vatican built a secret property empire

using Mussolini's millions
Papacy used offshore tax havens to create £500m
international portfolio, featuring real estate in UK,
France and Switzerland . Few passing London
tourists would ever guess that the premises of Bulgari,
the upmarket jewellers in New Bond Street, had
anything to do with the pope. Nor indeed the nearby
headquarters of the wealthy investment bank Altium
Capital, on the corner of St James's Square and Pall
Mall. But these office blocks in one of London's most
expensive districts are part of a surprising secret
commercial property empire owned by the Vatican.
Behind a disguised offshore company structure, the
church's international portfolio has been built up over
the years, using cash originally handed over by
Mussolini in return for papal recognition of the
Italian fascist regime in 1929. …. The surprising
aspect for some will be the lengths to which the Vatican
has gone to preserve secrecy about the Mussolini
millions. The St James's Square office block was
bought by a company called British Grolux Investments
Ltd, which also holds the other UK properties.
Published registers at Companies House do not disclose
the company's true ownership, nor make any mention

of the Vatican. Instead, they list two nominee

shareholders, both prominent Catholic bankers: John
Varley, recently chief executive of Barclays Bank, and
Robin Herbert, formerly of the Leopold Joseph
merchant bank.
Research in old archives, however, reveals more of the
truth. Companies House files disclose that British
Grolux Investments inherited its entire property
portfolio after a reorganisation in 1999 from two
predecessor companies called British Grolux Ltd and
Cheylesmore Estates. The shares of those firms were in
turn held by a company based at the address of the JP
Morgan bank in New York. Ultimate control is
recorded as being exercised by a Swiss company,
Profima SA. British wartime records from the National
Archives in Kew complete the picture. They confirm
Profima SA as the Vatican's own holding company,
accused at the time of "engaging in activities contrary to
Allied interests". Files from officials at Britain's
Ministry of Economic Warfare at the end of the war
criticised the pope's financier, Bernardino Nogara, who
controlled the investment of more than £50m cash from
the Mussolini windfall. Nogara's "shady activities"
were detailed in intercepted 1945 cable traffic from the
Vatican to a contact in Geneva, according to the British,
who discussed whether to blacklist Profima as a result.
"Nogara, a Roman lawyer, is the Vatican financial agent
and Profima SA in Lausanne is the Swiss holding
company for certain Vatican interests."

The Mussolini money was dramatically important to the

Vatican's finances. John Pollard, a Cambridge historian,
says in Money and the Rise of the Modern Papacy:
"The papacy was now financially secure. It would never
be poor again." From the outset, Nogara was innovative
in investing the cash. In 1931 records show he founded
an offshore company in Luxembourg to hold the
continental European property assets he was buying. It
was called Groupement Financier Luxembourgeois,
hence Grolux. Luxembourg was one of the first
countries to set up tax-haven company structures in
1929. The UK end, called British Grolux, was
incorporated the following year. When war broke out,
with the prospect of a German invasion, the
Luxembourg operation and ostensible control of the
British Grolux operation were moved to the US and to
neutral Switzerland. The Mussolini investments in
Britain are currently controlled, along with its other
European holdings and a currency trading arm, by a
papal official in Rome, Paolo Mennini, who is in effect
the pope's merchant banker. Mennini heads a special
unit inside the Vatican called the extraordinary division
of APSA – Amministrazione del Patrimonio della Sede
Apostolica – which handles the so-called "patrimony
of the Holy See". According to a report last year from
the Council of Europe, which surveyed the Vatican's
financial controls, the assets of Mennini's special unit
now exceed €680m (£570m). While secrecy about the
Fascist origins of the papacy's wealth might have been
understandable in wartime, what is less clear is why the

Vatican subsequently continued to maintain secrecy

about its holdings in Britain, even after its financial
structure was reorganised in 1999.

Amschel Mayer Rothschild, Giuseppe Mazzini,

Albert Pike
In 1773, Amschel Mayer Rothschild, during the
presentation of his "plan" for a World Government to
a group of Jewish financiers, at the 16th point of the
program, concerning the infiltration of Freemasonry,
said that: "their purpose was that to exploit the
advantages offered by the Masonic secret. He stated
that they could organize their "Grand Orient" Lodges,
inside the Blue Mas-soneria, in order to continue their
subversive activities and hide the true nature of their
work ... He said that all affiliated members to the
Lodges of the Greater East they had to be used for
proselytism and for the diffusion of their atheist-
materialistic ideology among the Goyim ...
Guy Carr, in his book: "Pawns inthe game", about the
Lodges of the "Grande Oriente", writes:
"In 1776, Weishaupt organized the Illuminati to
implement the plot. The word "Illuminati" comes from
Lucifer and means "those who have light". With the lie
that the goal was to lead to a Single Government and to

enable men of proven mental ability to govern the

world, they recruited two thousand followers. These
included the most intelligent men in the fields of arts
and letters, education, science, finance and industry. He
then founded, Lodges of the "Grand Orient" as their
secret seats. (...)"2.
"In 1829, the Illuminati had a meeting in New York,
whose speaker was their British member named
Wright. The participants were informed that the
Illuminati intended to bring together the groups of
nihilists and atheists with other subversive
organizations in a single international organization
called: Communism. This destructive force had to be
used to make it possible for the Illuminati to stir up
future wars and revolutions. Clinton Roosevelt (a direct
ancestor of FD Roosevelt), Horace Greeley and
Chas. Dana created a Committee to raise funds, which
then financed Karl Marx and Engels in the drafting of
"Il Capitale" and the "Communist Manifesto".
"In 1830, Weishaupt died.
«In 1834, the Italian Giuseppe Mazzini was selected by
the Illuminati to direct their world revolutionary
program; assignment which he held until his death
In 1840, General Albert Pike was placed under the
influence of Mazzini (...). Between 1859 and 1871 Pike
and Mazzini elaborated a plan of revolutions and three

world wars that would bring the Illuminati conspiracy

to its final stage at the end of the 20th century.
"When the Illuminati and the Lodges of the" Grande
Oriente "became suspicious because of the
revolutionary activities of Mazzini in Europe, Pike and
Mazzini, in 1870, organized the" Palladic Rite ".
"When Mazzini died, in 1872, Pike replaced him with
his right arm, Adriano Lemmi, Grand Master of the
Lodges of the" Great Orient "of Italy.
"In 1925, His Eminence Cardinal Caroy Rodriguez,
archbishop of Santiago, Chile, published a book "The
Mystery Unveiled of Freemasonry ", to expose how
the Illuminati, Satanists and Luciferians had imposed
their control on secret societies. The enormous amount
of documentation he produced served to prove that not
even at the 32nd and 33rd degrees of the Ancient and
Accepted Scottish Rite did the Masons know the true
secrets of the Lodges of the "Grande Oriente" and of
those of the "Palladic Rite" of Giuseppe Mazzini and
Albert Pike »4.
Guy Carr, "Pawns in the game"
Hitler was supported/controlled by a freemason
(Hjalmar Schacht) who then was was
supported/controlled by the Hamburg Jewish banker
Max Warburg to work under him, all the while ranting
against Jews and freemasons . "Beginning in 1933, Max

Warburg served directly under Hjalmar Schacht on the

board of the Reichsbank, under the Nazi regime, before
emigrating in 1938."

THE JEWISH TRIBUNE, New York, Oct. 28, 1927,

Cheshvan 2, 5688, Vol. 91, No. 18:  “Masonry is based
on Judaism.  Eliminate the teachings of Judaism from
the Masonic ritual and what is left?”

LE SYMBOLISM, July, 1928:  “The most important

duty of the Freemason must be to glorify the Jewish
Race, which has preserved the unchanged divine
standard of wisdom.  You must rely upon the Jewish
race to dissolve all frontiers.”

1906:  “Each Lodge is and must be a symbol of the
Jewish temple; each Master in the Chair, a
representative of the Jewish King; and every Mason a
personification of the Jewish workman.”

MANUAL OF FREEMASONRY, by Richard Carlile:  “The

Grand Lodge Masonry of the present day is wholly

Rabbi Br. Isaac Wise, in The Israelite of

America, March 8, 1866:  “Masonry is a Jewish
institution whose history, degrees, charges, passwords
and explanations are Jewish from beginning to end.”

Benjamin Disraeli, Jew, Prime Minister of England,

in The Life of Lord George Bentick:  “At the head of
all those secret societies, which form provisional
governments, men of the Jewish race are to be found.”

LATOMIA, a German Masonic journal, Vol. 12, July

1849, Page 237: “We cannot help but greet socialism
(Marxism – Communism) as an excellent comrade of
Freemasonry for ennobling mankind, for helping to
further human welfare.  Socialism and Freemasonry,
together with Communism are sprung from the same

BERNARD STILLMAN, Jew, in Hebraic influences on

Masonic Symbolism, 1929, quoted The Masonic
News, London:  “I think I have proved sufficiently that
Freemasonry, as what concurs symbolism, lays entirely
on a formation which is essentially Jewish.”

O.B. Good, M.A. in The Hidden Hand of Judah,

1936:  “The influence of the Jewish Sanhedrin is today
more powerful than ever in Freemasonry.”

JEWISH ENCYCLOPEDIA, 1903, Vol, 5, page 503:  “The

technical language, symbolism and rites of
Freemasonry are full of Jewish ideas and terms . . . In
the Scottish Rite, the dates on official documents are

given according to the era and months of the Jewish

calendar, and use is made of the Hebraic alphabet.”

B’NAI B’RITH MAGAZINE, Vol. 13, page 8, quoting rabbi

and mason Magnin:  “The B’nai B’rith are but a
makeshift.  Everywhere that Freemasonry can admit
that it is Jewish in its nature as well as in its aims, the
ordinary lodges are sufficient for the task.

B’nai B’rith form a super-Masonic lodge where no

“Gentiles” are admitted.
Vol. 2, p 156: “The Coat of Arms used by the Grand
Lodge of England is entirely composed of Jewish

Salt = Moon = feminine

Matter is a combination of Salt, Mercury and Sulphur,
or the fixed and the volatile.

Gandhi had pictures of jesus , Tolstoy & annie besant

in his room . and he said he was very influenced by
tolstoy’s -- sermon on the mount .

The role of salt in the Bible is relevant to understanding

Hebrew society during the Old Testament and New

Testament periods.

Salt and light are images used by Jesus in the Sermon

on the Mount, one of the main teachings of Jesus on
morality and discipleship.

COMMON SALT - NaCl .The molecule of common

Salt, NaCl, is composed of one atom of sodium and one
atom of chlorine ..... and explanation in
m its occult chemistry .no one has seen any atom

Hermetic Seal of Light (Quintessence) This symbol,
often referred to as the synthesis of alchemy or the
Hermetic Seal, hearkens back to ancient Pythagorean
philosophy, wherein the square, circle, the and the
triangle are the emblems of the material body, the
soul, and the spirit, the three elements believed to be
necessary for alchemical transformation. Alchemically,
these are Mercury, Salt, and Sulfur. In Atalanta
Fugiens, the alchemical text -- it is written, “Make of
man and woman a circle; thence a square; thence a
triangle; form a circle, and you will have the
Philosopher’s Stone,” a hidden geometrical formula for

creating an octave and a golden rectangle.

The Three Principles

 Sulphur - Sulphur is the "Active" principle of
things. It is considered a "masculine" force. ...
 Mercury - Mercury is known as the
"Neutral" principle of things. ...
 Salt - Salt is much more commonly interacted with
by modern man than the other
two alchemical "principles" of this set of knowledge.
Lastly, Salt symbolizes the physical body and matter
through which the soul and its life force works. It is
base matter, the element of Earth and Water. Salt is the
constrictive force, the opposite of Sulfur, and displays
the process of condensation and crystallization in
chemistry. This alchemical substance represents matter
in a complete form without division. Regarding its
symbol, the horizontal line within its infinite circle
within represents time, limitation and life within the
context of the eternal spirit.
Alchemical Sulfur, Mercury and Salt in Western

Alice Bailey

Since Paracelsus  (1493-1541), salt has played a role in

alchemy as the physical “body” which remains after
combustion, the corporeal substance that survives death
to reinaugurate new life. It was both ‘corruption and
preservation against corruption’ (Dorn); both the ‘last
agent of corruption’ and the ‘first agent in generation’
(Steeb). [2] As such, the alchemical salt functions as the
fulcrum of death and revivification. The idea that the
agent, instrument and patient of the alchemical process
are not separate entities but aspects of one reality
prefigures the significance accorded in this study to ‘the
Hermetic problem of salt’. Just as in chemistry a salt
may be defined as the product of an acid and a base,
alchemically, salt is the integral resolution to the
primordial polarities embodied in the
mineral symbolique of cinnabar (HgS), the salt of
sulphur and mercury. In the alchemy of René Adolphe
Schwaller de Lubicz (1887-1961), salt forms the
equilibrium between an active function (sulphur,
divinity, peras) and its passive resistance (mercurial
substance, prima materia, the apeiron), aspects which
are latently present in the primordial (pre-polarised)

unity, but crystallised into physical existence as “salt”.

With Schwaller’s concept, one is dealing with a
juncture of the metaphysical and proto-physical. As will
be seen, however, this also inheres in the body as a
fulcrum point of death and palingenesis.
 ‘Salt arises from the purest sources, the sun and the
In order to understand the nature of alchemical salt
one must first understand the nature of common salt. In
doing this, however, it is soon realised that salt is
anything but common; like many everyday things, salt
is so familiar that its singular peculiarity is taken for
granted. Visser, in an extraordinary study of the
elements of an ordinary meal, aptly encapsulates the
cultural purview of salt in the following words:
Salt is the only rock directly consumed by man. It
corrodes but preserves, desiccates but is wrested
from the water. It has fascinated man for thousands
of years not only as a substance he prized and was
willing to labour to obtain, but also as a generator of
poetic and of mythic meaning. The contradictions it
embodies only intensify its power and its links with
experience of the sacred. [4]
European languages derive their word ‘salt’ from Proto-
Indo-European *sāl- (*sēl-) reflected directly in Latin
as sal, ‘salt, salt water, brine; intellectual savour, wit’,

Greek hals, ‘salt, sea’ (cf. Welsh halen) and in Proto-

Germanic as *saltom (Old English sealt, Gothic salt,
German Salz). In addition to its mineral
referent, sal also gives rise to a number of cognates that
help crystallise its further semantic and symbolic
nuances. Saltus, saltum, ‘leap’, derives from the
verb salio, ‘leap, jump, leap sexually’, whence Saliī,
‘priests of Mars’ from the ‘primitive rites (practically
universal) of dancing or leaping for the encouragement
of crops’; [5] saltāre, ‘dance’, salmo, ‘salmon’ (leaping
fish), (in)sultāre, (‘insult’, literally ‘leap on, in’;
figuratively, ‘taunt, provoke, move to action’), all from
Indo-European *sēl-, ‘move forth, start up or out’,
whence Greek ἁλλομαι, άλτo,
ἁλμα (hallomai, halto, halma), ‘leap’;
Sanskrit ucchalati(*ud-sal-), ‘starts up’. [6] Importantly
for the alchemical conception, alongside ‘leap’ one
finds the meanings at the root of English ‘salve’ (balm,
balsam), derived from Indo-European *sel-p-, *sel-bh-,
and giving rise to Cyprian elphos (butter),
Gothic salbōn, Old English sealfian; in Latin: salus,
‘soundness, health, safety’; salūbris, ‘wholesome,
healthy’; salūtāre, ‘keep safe, wish health,
salute’; salvus, ‘safe, sound’; salvēre, ‘be in good
health’; salvē, ‘hail!’; cf. also *sēl-eu-; Avestan huarva,
‘whole, uninjured’; Sanskrit sarva-, sarvatāti,
‘soundness’ and Greek ὁλοειται, ὁλος (holoeitai, holos),
‘whole’. These meanings are further connected
to solidus, sollus, sōlor, with an ultimate sense of
‘gathering, compacting’, hence ‘solidity’. [7]

In addition to its salvific, balsamic and holistic aspect,

which must be regarded as the meaning most central to
the alchemical perception, the significance of salt as
both ‘leap’ and ‘solidity’ must also be recognised as
integral. In particular, it pertains to Schwaller’s
conception of salt as the fixed imperishable nucleus
(solidus) regarded as the hidden mechanism
underpinning the ontological ‘leaps’ or mutations of
visible evolution (contra the Aristotelian dictum, natura
non facit saltum, ‘nature does not proceed by a leap’).
[8] For Schwaller, the seemingly disconnected leaps of
biological mutation are in fact bound by a hidden
harmony grounded in the saline alchemical nucleus.
Although it is the intention of this study to explore the
deeper meaning of salt in the work of Schwaller de
Lubicz—alchemically configured as the determiner of
an entity’s form—a number of studies have pointed
to the crucial role of salt as a significant shaper of
civilisation. [9] Perhaps the earliest point of departure
for this is the fact that salt only rises to especial
prominence with the emergence of an agricultural
economy. Salt intake, initially bound to blood and meat,
had to be supplemented. [10]
Comments Darby:
When man first learnt the use of salt is enshrouded in
the mists of the remotest past. Parallel to the Ancient
Greek’s ignorance of the seasoning, the original
Indo-Europeans and the Sanskrit speaking

peoples had no word for it. This apparent lack of

salt-craving in early people could have been a result
of their reliance on raw or roasted meat. Later,
when with the invention of boiling the sodium
content of meat was reduced, and when the shift to
an agricultural economy introduced vegetables in
increasing amounts, sodium chloride became a
basic need to provide an adequate sodium intake and,
more important still, to counterbalance the high
potassium content of plants. [11]
Commodity histories show that salt was not always the
easily available resource it is today; it had to be
striven for; it required effort and ingenuity (perhaps
even wit). It created trade and war; it was used as pay
and exploited as a tax. Nor did salt have the current
stigma of being an unhealthy excess (a problem
symptomatic of modern surfeit). [12] Quite to the
contrary, salt was typically a sign of privilege and
prestige. ‘Salt like speech is essentially semiotic’,
Adshead remarks; ‘As such it could convey a variety of
meanings, of which the clearest in early times was
social distance: high cooking, low cooking, above and
below the salt’. [13] Considerations such as these help
contextualise many of the ancient values surrounding
salt, some of which have become proverbial. In the New
Testament, for instance, but also elsewhere, the sharing
of salt (often with bread at a table), represented a deep
bond of trust, of communal solidarity, while the spilling
of it was considered a grave faux pas. [14] Indeed, if

salt was as freely available for liberal exploitation as it

is today, such ethical and social implications would
scarcely carry any weight at all.
Most of salt’s social meanings reflect its deepest
functional value as a preservative. Just as salt keeps the
integrity of plants and meats intact, so salt was seen to
keep the integrity of a body of people together. As a
prestige substance that could preserve food through the
death of winter and bind people in communal solidarity,
salt was highly regarded; during Roman times, salt even
became a form of currency, whence our word ‘salary’
(from Latin salārium, ‘salt money’) after the Roman
habit of paying soldiers in pieces of compressed salt
(hence the phrase: ‘to be worth one’s salt’). [15]
Because of its integrating character, salt bridges
opposites. Paradoxically, however, the more one
attempts to pin salt down in a strictly rational manner,
the more the contradictions it embodies abound.
‘There are totally different opinions concerning salt’,
writes Plutarch (c. 46–120 CE), [16] who preserves a
number of contemporary beliefs, including the view that
salt possesses not only preservative qualities, but
animating and even generative power:
Some include salt with the most important spices and
healing materials, calling it the real ‘soul of life’, and
it is supposed to possess such nourishing and
enlivening powers that mice if they lick salt at once
become pregnant. [17]

Consider also whether this other property of salt is

not divine too […] As the soul, our most divine
element, preserves life by preventing dissolution of
the body, just so salt, controls and checks the process
of decay. This is why some Stoics say that the sow at
birth is dead flesh, but that the soul is implanted in it
later, like salt, to preserve it […] Ships carrying salt
breed an infinite number of rats because, according
to some authorities, the female conceives without
coition by licking salt. [18]
The connection of salt to the soul, a balsam to the body,
will be explored in more detail when the alchemical
contexts of salinity are examined. Its fertilising,
generative power, on the other hand, bears obvious
comparison to salt’s known capacity to stimulate the
growth of the earth—a leavening function extended to
the role of the Apostles in the Christian Gospels: ‘Ye
are the salt of the earth’. [19] And yet too much salt
will make the earth sterile.
In ancient times, offerings to the gods were made with
salt among the Israelites: ‘with all thine offerings thou
shalt offer salt’, [20] but without salt among the Greeks:
‘mindful to this day of the earlier customs, they roast in
the flame the entrails in honour of the gods without
adding salt’. [21] The Egyptian priests favoured rock
salt in sacrifices as purer than sea salt; [22] and yet ‘one
of the things forbidden to them is to set salt upon a
table’; [23] they ‘abstain completely from salt as a
point of religion, even eating their bread unsalted’. [24]

Although the Egyptians ‘never brought salt to the

table’, Pythagoras, who according to the doxographic
traditions studied in the Egyptian temples, tells us that:
It should be brought to the table to remind us of what
is right; for salt preserves whatever it finds, and it
arises from the purest sources, the sun and the sea.
The understanding of salt as a product of sun and sea,
i.e. of fire and water, ouranos and oceanos, touches on
its broader esoteric and cosmological implications, not
all of which were peculiar to Pythagoras. [26] These
aspects become central in alchemy, where, as will be
seen, salt acts as the earthly ligature between fire
(sun) and water (sea), the arcane substance whose
patent ambiguities stem from its role as embodiment
and juncture of opposites: purity and impurity, eros and
enmity, wetness and desiccation, fertility and sterility,
love and strife. One thing that the present discussion of
the mythological and historical aspects of salt hopes to
emphasise is that none of these ideas are really born of
speculation or abstraction; rather, they are all intimately
linked to the basic phenomenology of the substance
Above all, salt is ambiguous. While some of these
ambiguities may be attributed to the unevenness of the
sources, and while some points of contradiction may be
cleared up upon closer examination (the negative
Egyptian views on salt, for instance, mainly seem to

apply to times of ritual fasting), this does not eclipse the

overarching sense that salt, by its very nature, defies
strict definition.
From numerous ancient sources describing the nature of
salt, one arrives at the view that salt’s piquant effect
was seen to extend beyond the sensation on the tongue.
[27] Salt stimulated not only the appetite but desire
in general. [28] And because desire polarises the
religious impulse more than anything else—a path of
liberation to some, a hindrance to others—it is
understandable why the Egyptians, according to
Plutarch, ‘make it a point of religion to abstain
completely from salt’. [29] Equally, one can understand
how salt, as an aphrodisiac, was connected
specifically to the cult of Aphrodite, the goddess of
desire par excellence. As Plutarch notes, the stimulating
nature of eroticism evoked by the feminine is expressed
using the very language of salt:
For this reason perhaps, feminine beauty is called
‘salty’ and ‘piquant’ when it is not passive, nor
unyielding, but has charm and provocativeness. I
imagine that the poets called Aphrodite ‘born of
brine’ […] by way of alluding to the generative
property of salt. [30]
Plutarch is referring to a tradition preserved by Hesiod,
which will be looked at presently, but before the origin
of the ‘brine-born’ goddess is examined, it is worth
noting that our own language still preserves this deep

association between salt and provocative beauty.

Latin sal lies, phonetically and semantically, at the root
of words such as salsa and sauce (both meaning
‘salted’), whence the deep connection between
sexuality and food implicit in the habit of referring to
provocative objects of desire as ‘saucy’ or ‘sassy’ (both
derivations of sal). And so the most stimulating
flavours—the saltiest, those that make us salivate—are
the ones most readily appropriated to express our
GODDESS OF SALT www.sacred- Huixtocihuatl-Goddess
of Salt
salt/ In Aztec religion, Huixtocihuatl (or Uixtochihuatl,
Uixtociuatl) was a fertility goddess who presided over
salt and salt water.
The ancient etymology of Aphrodite as ‘brine-born’
(from aphros, ‘sea-spume’) is deeply mired not only in
desire but also enmity, the twin impulses that
Empedocles would call ‘Love and Strife’ (Philotēs kai
Neikos). [31] Aphrodite, one learns, is born from the
primordial patricide (and perhaps a crime of passion).
Hesiod’s Theogony tells us how the goddess Gaia
(Earth), the unwilling recipient of the lusts of Ouranos
(Heaven), incites the children born of this union against
their hated father. Not without Oedipal implications,

Cronus rises surreptitiously against his progenitor and,

with a sickle of jagged flint, severs his father’s genitals:
And so soon as he had cut off the members with flint
and cast them from the land into the surging sea, they
were swept away over the main a long time: and a
white foam (aphros) spread around them from the
immortal flesh, and in it there grew a maiden. […]
Her gods and men call Aphrodite, and the foam-born
goddess […] because she grew amid the foam. [32]
As will be seen, these two primordial impulses prove
pivotal to the alchemical function of salt that is met in
Schwaller—the determiner of all affinities and
aversions. And if Aphrodite is connected to salt’s
desire-provoking aspect, it will come as no surprise to
find that her ultimate counterpart was associated with
just the opposite: war and strife. As is well known,
Aphrodite is paired with Ares among the Greeks (as
Venus is to Mars among the Romans), but the origins of
her cult are intimately bound to Ancient Near Eastern
origins; [33] moreover, in her Phoenician incarnation
(Astarte), she embodies not only eros and sexuality, but
war and strife. Presumably because of these traits, the
Egyptian texts of the early Eighteenth Dynasty saw fit
to partner her with their own untamed transgressor god,
Seth-Typhon—a divinity who, like Aphrodite, was
associated specifically with sea-salt and sea-spume
(aphros). [34]

‘Sea’, writes Heraclitus, ‘is the most pure and the most
polluted water; for fishes it is drinkable and salutary,
but for men it is undrinkable and deleterious’. [35] For
the Egyptians, anything connected with the sea was, in
general, evaluated negatively. Sea-salt in particular was
regarded as impure, the ‘spume’ or ‘foam’ of Typhon
(ἀφρος τυφωνις, aphros typhōnis). [36] Plutarch
explains this by the fact that the Nile’s pure waters run
down from their source and empty into the unpalatable,
salty Mediterranean. [37] This natural phenomenon
takes on cosmological ramifications: because of the
southern origin of the life-giving Nilotic waters, south
became the direction associated with the generative
source of all existence; north on the other hand—
culminating in the Nile delta where the river is
swallowed by the sea—was regarded as the realm in
which the pure, living waters were annihilated by the
impure, salty waters.
Comments Plutarch:
For this reason the priests keep themselves aloof
from the sea, and call salt the ‘spume of Typhon’,
and one of the things forbidden to them is to set salt
upon a table; also they do not speak to pilots;
because these men make use of the sea, and gain
their livelihood from the sea […] This is the reason
why they eschew fish. [38]
While sea salt was avoided, salt in rock form was
considered quite pure: Egyptian priests were known to

access mines of rock salt from the desert Oasis of Siwa.

Arrian, the third century BCE? historian, remarks:
There are natural salts in this district, to be obtained
by digging; some of these salts are taken by the
priests of Amon going to Egypt. For whenever they
are going towards Egypt, they pack salt into baskets
woven of palm leaves and take them as a present to
the king or someone else. Both Egyptians and others
who are particular about religious observance, use
this salt in their sacrifices as being purer than the
sea-salts. [40]
Thus, like the arid red desert and the fertile Nilotic soil,
the briny sea was contrasted with the fresh waters of the
Nile to oppose the foreign with the familiar, the impure
with the pure, and, ultimately, the Sethian with the
Osirian. So too, sea salt and rock salt.
The deeper implications of the Typhonian nature of
seawater emerge in the Greek Magical Papyri where
the Egyptian deity Seth-Typhon is found taking on
many of the epithets typically accorded by the Greeks
to Poseidon: ‘mover of the seas great depths’; ‘boiler of
waves’; ‘shaker of rocks’; ‘wall trembler’, etc.—all
intimating the vast, destructive powers deriving from
the ocean’s primal depths. This numinous power must
be understood as the potency underpinning the materia
magica prescribed in the invocations to Seth-Typhon,

where, among other things, one finds the presence of

seashells or seawater in Typhonian rituals. [41] One
does not have to look far before one realises that magic
employing shells from the salt-sea forms part of a wider
genre within the magical papyri—spells that have the
explicit aim of effecting intense sexual attraction. The
role of Typhon in such spells is clear: he is invoked to
effect an affinity so strong that the person upon whom
this agonistic and erotic magic is used will suffer
psychophysical punishments (e.g. insomnia: ‘give her
the punishments’; ‘bitter and pressing necessity’, etc.)
until their desire for the magician is physically
consummated. [42]
Interestingly, the premiere substance sympathetic to
Seth-Typhon was iron: the metal most drastically
corrupted by salt. Moreover, iron and salt-water are the
primary constituents of human blood, a microcosmic
recapitulation of the primordial salt ocean
(mythologically conceived: the cosmogonic waters;
evolutionarily conceived: the marine origin of species).
Blood is the symbol par excellence for intense passion,
and its two poles are love and war, a fact which
precisely explains Seth-Typhon’s overwhelming
functions in the magical papyri: eros and enmity. Again,
it is no surprise that intense sexual attraction (desire,
affinity, union) and intense hatred (repulsion, aversion,
separation) evoke Empedocles’ principles of ‘Love and
Strife’—the very functions governing the unification
and separation of the four elements. Moreover, the

connection of Seth with redness, blood, eros, war and

the like equates with everything that the Indian sages
placed under the rubric of rajas, the excited passions,
which, as has been seen, are distinctly associated with
the stimulating power of salt. [43] Be that as it may, the
same divine energeia fed and informed the functions of
the Greek and Roman war gods, Ares and Mars, both of
whom take the association with iron in the scale of
planetary metals, as did Seth-Typhon among the
Seth is not only connected to salt, but to the power of
the bull’s thigh, the instrument by which the gods are
ritually killed and revivified. Here the connection of
Seth to the power of the thigh suggests the pivotal role
played by this god in the quintessentially alchemical
process of death and rebirth, of slaying and
In the middle ages, the meaning of the term ‘salt’ was
widened to include substances that were seen to
resemble common salt (e.g. in appearance, solubility
and so forth). [44] Chemically speaking, a salt is a
neutralisation reaction between an acid and a base. The
two have a natural affinity for each other, one seeking
to gain an electron? (the acid), the other seeking to lose
one (the base). When this occurs, the product is a salt.
While more complex chemical definitions of salt can be
given, this one, advanced by Guillaume Francois
Rouelle in 1744, [45] allows one to perceive the broader
principles that motivated the alchemists to select salt as

the mineral image of the interaction of sulphur and

mercury (cinnabar, HgS, a salt in the chemical sense
formed from sulphur and mercury).
As Mark Kurlansky points out:
It turned out that salt was once a microcosm for one
of the oldest concepts of nature and the order of the
universe. From the fourth century BC Chinese belief
in the forces of yin and yang, to most of the worlds
religions, to modern science, to the basic principles
of cooking, there has always been a belief that two
opposing forces find completion—one receiving a
missing part and the other shedding an extra one. A
salt is a small but perfect thing. [46]
The chemical definition opens up the conception of salt
beyond that of mere sodium chloride. Chemically, the
coloured oxides and other reactions of metals—of
especial significance to the alchemical perception—are
often salts (the metal itself taking the role of base;
oxygen the acid). [47] Alchemically, or at least proto-
chemically, because the reactions of metals were
coloured, they were important signifiers of the metal’s
nature, often seen as an index of its spirit or tincture
(ios, ‘tincture, violet/purple’). The seven planetary
metals were often signified by their coloured salts or
oxides: e.g. lead is white; iron, red (rust); copper is
blue/green; silver is black. Gold remains pure
(unreacting) but its tincture was identified with royal

purple (seen in the red-purple colour of colloidal gold,

gold salts, ruby glass etc.)
Although the purview of hieratic alchemy was far wider
than mere proto-chemistry, chemical and technical
processes were undeniably integral to the
alchemists’ savoir-faire. As such it is no surprise to find
salts of various kinds figuring in the earliest strata of
alchemical writings, East and West. In the Greek
“proto-chemical” texts that Marcellin Berthelot brought
together under the rubric of alchemy, several different
salts are distinguished and listed in the registers
alongside the lists of planetary metals and other
chemically significant minerals. In addition to salt
(halas), one finds common salt (halas koinon) and sal
ammoniak (halas amoniakon). [48] More importantly,
however, is the significant prefiguration of the tria
prima and tetrastoicheia (four element) relationship
that is found in Olympiodorus (late fifth century CE).
[49] Olympiodorus depicts an ouroboric serpent to
which some important symbolic nuances are added. In
addition to the usual henadic (unitary) symbolism of
this ancient motif, the text displays its serpent with four
feet and three ears. The glosses to the image inform us
that ‘the four feet are the tetrasōmia’ (the four
elemental bodies) while the three ears are ‘volatile
spirits’ (aithalai). As will be seen in the balance of this
study, this relationship of unity to duality, duality to
trinity, and trinity to quaternary is pivotal to the
Hermetic physics that Schwaller would attempt to

convey in terms of an alchemical Farbenlehre (cf. the

Pythagorean tetraktys).
The four elemental bodies have been interpreted as
lead, copper, tin and iron, (Pb, Cu, Sn, Fe), while the
three sublimed vapours have been identified with
sulphur, mercury and arsenic (S, Hg, As). [50]
Although salt is not included in this depiction, what is
significant is that here one finds the exact framework in
which salt would later be situated as one of the three
principles (tria prima: sulphur, mercury, salt) alongside
the four Empedoclean elements (tetrastoicheia: fire, air,
water, earth); here salt may be seen to replace arsenic
due to its more integral relationship to sulphur and
mercury in the form of cinnabar (mercuric sulphide,
HgS): the salt  of mercury and sulphur. In regards to
the metaphysical and cosmological nuances of the
symbolism, it may be noted that the three ears are
outside the circle while the four legs are inside, a fact
that coheres with the view of the trinity as creative and
therefore standing outside of creation, while the four
elements, being created, are circumscribed within (cf.
the distinction in Neoplatonism between hypercosmic
and encosmic forces, or in Eastern Orthodox theology
between uncreated and created energies). [51] The
distinct relation of salt to the body and the elements
may account for the cross-like sign it takes in the Greek
In Arabic alchemy, salt figures most prominently in an
alchemical text that became influential in the West via

its Latin translation: The Book of Alums and

Salts (Arabic: al qawl fīl ‘l-milh, ‘a tradition on salt’;
Latin: Liber de aluminibus et salibus). [52] This text
appears to be a practical handbook describing various
substances and operations, such as alum, different kinds
of salt (including the use of alkaline and ammoniac
salts), the preparation of arsenic for laboratory use, the
comparison of arsenic and sulphur, as well as the
features of silver, tin, lead, iron, copper and glass. [53]
Contrary to the habit of many scholars of alchemy to
attribute the sulphur-mercury-salt theory to Paracelsus,
the triad in fact emerged as an alchemical
motif before Paracelsus. As both Eberly and Haage
inform us, it was Abu Bakr Muhammad Zakariyya Ar-
Razi (d. 925) [54] who added the third principle of
salt to the primordial alchemical principles (sulphur and
mercury) inherited from Greek antiquity (implicit in the
exhalation theory of metallogenesis), and already
existing in Jabir’s system. [55] This and related
traditions must be recognised as clear precursors to
Paracelsus’s conception of the tria prima. Comments
Razi had an extremely well equipped laboratory and
followed all of the essentials of Jabir’s systems. In
one area in particular, he expanded upon Jabir’s
theory. Razi added a third principle, philosophically
representing Spirit [Sulphur] as Mind, and Mercury
as Soul, while adding Salt as the principle of
crystallization or body. […] Razi’s descriptions of

alchemical processes were closely studied and put

into practice by later European alchemists including
Nicolas Flamel and Paracelsus. [56]
In the earliest strata of medieval hermetic texts, such as
the Turba Philosophorum and Rosarium
Philosophorum, salt is already accorded an abundance
of alchemical significations. [57] In the Turba, salt
water and sea water are synonyms for the aqua
permanens. [58] In the Rosarium, Senior tell us that
mercurius is made from salt: ‘First comes the ash,
then comes the salt, and from that salt by diverse
operations the Mercury of the Philosophers’. [59]
Arnaldus de Villanova (1235?-1313) reveals that
‘Whoever possesses the salt that can be melted, and the
oil that cannot be burned, may praise God’. [60] (The
idea of salt in connection to an oil that cannot be burned
will be seen to persist in de Lubicz’s alchemical texts).
Salt is both the ‘root of the art’ and ‘the soap of the
sages’ (sapo sapientum) and is described as ‘bitter’ (sal
amarum). [61] Perhaps the most interesting
signification in the Rosarium, in light of the role salt
would take as the pivot of death and revivification, is
the description of salt as ‘the key that closes and opens’.
Here one begins to meet the same duality of function
that gives salt its inherent ambiguity. However, its
identification with the function of a key (clavis) helps
considerably in conceiving salt with more clarity.
The Gloria Mundi would later reveal that salt ‘becomes

impure and pure of itself, it dissolves and coagulates

itself, or, as the sages say, locks and unlocks itself’. [63]
Here one gains a good intimation of the function that
salt would be later accorded in the traditions that
emerge in Schwaller. Perhaps the most concise
encapsulation, in relation to the idea of salt as the pivot
of death and palingenesis, is Johan Christoph Steeb’s
remark that sal sit ultimum in corruptione, sed &
primum in generatione, ‘salt is the last in corruption and
the first in generation’. [64]
As has been mentioned, the keynote of alchemical
precept and praxis pertaining to salt was struck by
Theophrastus Bombastus von Hohenheim, alias
Paracelsus (1493–1541). Although it is important to
recognise that the essential structure of the tria
prima was already in place before Paracelsus (indeed, it
is inherent to the composition of cinnabar), it is
undeniable that the triad of sulphur, mercury and salt is
raised by Paracelsus to a previously unparalleled
Of course, Paracelsus was hardly one to follow ancient
authorities merely at their word. Indeed, it is imperative
to recognise from the start that Paracelsus learnt much
of his knowledge about minerals directly from the
mines. While Paracelsus travelled widely, he lived and
worked chiefly in southern Germany, Austria and
Switzerland. If anywhere is to be regarded as
“Paracelsus country”, it is the Alpine regions of
Salzburg and its surrounds. Now, Salzburg, as its name

(‘salt mountain’) attests, has long been the chief source

of sodium for the surrounding regions: that is to say,
rock salt, mined from the mountains, not sea salt. To
this day in Austria and southern Germany common
table salt is sold in an iodised form (Jodsalz) because its
rock form, which is pure sodium, lacks the beneficial
“impurities” that accrue to sea salt (iodine being an
essential nutritional mineral).
In Paracelsus’ writings, the tria prima are often
compared to the three aspects that are present during the
process of combustion (i.e. fire, smoke, ash): ‘Whatever
burns is sulphur, whatever is humid is mercury, and that
which is the balsam of these two is salt’. [65]
Paracelsians also employed the tria prima to represent
the composition of the human microcosm: spirit
(mercury), soul (sulphur) and body (salt), and this
correlation was extended to some extent to the Christian
trinity: father (sulphur), holy spirit (mercury), son
(salt). [66] ‘In this manner’, states Paracelsus, ‘in three
things, all has been created […] namely, in salt, in
sulphur, and in liquid. In these three things all things are
contained, whether sensate or insensate […] So too you
understand that in the same manner that man is created
[in the image of the triune God], so too all creatures are
created in the number of the Trinity, in the number
three’. [67]
Given the foregoing, it is tempting to oversimplify the
meaning of salt as the “physical body”, but if this were
the case, if salt was merely representative of

corporeality, any mineral could have served the

function of “body”. It does not answer the question:
why salt? One key to answering this question—while
also avoiding the narrow bind of oversimplification—
lies in Schwaller’s observation that salt is the
‘foundation and support of the body’ and the
‘guardian of form’. [68] This is underscored by the fact
that Paracelsus describes salt as a balsam:
God, in his goodness and greatness, willed that man
should be led by Nature to such a state of necessity
as to be unable to live naturally without natural Salt.
Hence its necessity in all foods. Salt is the balsam of
Nature, which drives away the corruption of the
warm Sulphur with the moist Mercury, out of which
two ingredients man is by nature compacted. Now,
since it is necessary that these prime constituents
should be nourished with something like themselves,
it follows as a matter of course that man must use
ardent foods for the sustenance of his internal
Sulphur; moist foods for nourishing the Mercury,
and salted foods for keeping the Salt in a faculty for
building up the body. Its power for conservation is
chiefly seen in the fact that it keeps dead flesh for a
very long time from decay; hence it is easy to guess
that it will still more preserve living flesh. [69]
Moreover, in German, Balsam possesses the meaning of
something that heals or preserves, and it is easy to see
how this balsamic function is specific to salt, a
substance which is still used widely to preserve the

flesh of plants and animals. Indeed, salt is a salve (from

Latin sal), and it is worth noting in this connection
that Balsam forms the German word for mummification
(Balsamierung, ‘em-balm-ing’), and that one of the
main substances used by the Egyptians for preserving
their mummies was a salt (natron), which served as an
anhydrous (drying) agent, desiccating the flesh and
therefore preventing putrefaction. [70] Once again, the
function of salt is to preserve, and yet at the same
time, salt also corrodes or is corrosion. [71]
Quite apart from common table salt, or any other
purely chemical salt for that matter, the medieval
alchemists refer to the ‘Salt of the Philosophers’ or
‘Salt of the Sages’ (Sal Sapientie). One thing that
distinguishes what is often designated as “our Salt”—
i.e. “philosophical salt”—from common chemical salts
is the fact that it is seen to possess the ability to
preserve not plants but metals. Basil Valentine, in Key
IV of his Zwölf Schlüssel, states:
Just as salt is the great preserver of all things and
protects them from putrefaction, so too is the salt of
our magistry a protector of metals from annihilation
and corruption. However, if their balsam—their
embodied saline spirit (eingeleibter Salz-Geist)—
were to die, withering away from nature like a body
which perishes and is no longer fruitful, then the
spirit of metals will depart, leaving through natural
death an empty, dead husk from which no life can
ever rise again. [72]

Once again, through its dual nature—preserving and

corrupting—a fundamental ambivalence adheres to the
reality embodied in salt. And yet, the key to salt resides
in its ultimately integrating function. It is
the clavis which binds and unbinds, preserves and
corrupts. It itself does not undergo the process which it
enacts, embodies or disembodies. Importantly,
however, as one learns from Schwaller, salt acts as the
permanent mineral “memory” of this eternal process
of generation and corruption.
Perhaps the most interesting and influential synthesis
of esoteric theological and cosmological ideas on salt
are those that crystallise in the tradition of Jacob
Boehme, where salt emerges as a spiritual-material
integrum central to a trinitarian theosophia. Here one
learns that earthly or material salt recapitulates a
heavenly potency called by Boehme salliter; this
heavenly salt is an explosive force of light and fire
likened to gunpowder (sal-nitre, cf. Paracelsus’
‘terrestrial lightning’). [73] For Boehme, this heavenly
and earthly salt are indicated by the two “halves” of the
conventional salt symbol, which resemble two
hemispheres, one turned upon the other (one “giving”
and the other “receiving”). These theories reach a
magnificent depth of expression in Georg von
Welling’s Opus Mago-Cabbalisticum et
Theosophicum(1721). Welling (1655–1727), an
alchemist for whom the books of theology and nature
were thoroughly complementary, worked as a director

of mining in the town of Baden-Durlach (a position that

allowed him to explore his extensive knowledge and
passion for both the practicalities and the mysteries of
geology). His monumental Opus Mago-
Cabbalisticum explores how the rich relationship of salt
as fire/air/sulphur on one hand, and water/earth/mercury
on the other, is played out in all its intricacies to convey
the mysterious dynamic of the fire-water juncture
embodied in heavenly and earthly salt (Welling uses the
Hebrew term for heaven, schemajim, literally, ‘fire-
water’ alongside the superimposed alchemical
triangles of fire and water to form the Star of David). In
his initial chapters, Welling describes the common
symbol of salt as a ‘cubical’ figure and thus the
figure of an ‘earthly body’; ‘its form is diaphanous or
transparent, like glass’; it is ‘malleable and fluid and all
bodies penetrate it with ease’. ‘Its taste is sour or acidic
and a little astringent’; it is of a ‘desiccating nature and
character’; moreover, it is ‘cooling’ and yet ‘in its
interior there is a natural or genuine fire’. [74]
As Magee has demonstrated, hermetic influences in
general, and Paracelsian and Boehmian ideas in
particular, fed into and informed the work of G. W. F.
Hegel. ‘According to an ancient and general opinion’,
writes Hegel, ‘each body consists of four elements. In
more recent times, Paracelsus has regarded them as
being composed of mercury or fluidity, sulphur or oil,
and salt, which Jacob Böhme called the great triad’. To
this, Hegel adds: ‘It should not be overlooked […] that

in their essence they contain and express the

determinations of the Concept’. According to Magee,
this admission is highly significant, for Hegel is saying
that ‘if the alchemical language of Paracelsus, Böhme,
and others is considered in a nonliteral way, its inner
content is, in essence, identical to his system’ (i.e. the
‘determinations of the Concept’). [75]
Interestingly, despite Boehme’s known influence on
mainstream academic philosophers such as Schelling
and Hegel, it is Nietzsche’s Zarathustra that emerges
from the modern German academic tradition with the
most abiding insights into the phenomenon of salt.
Curiously, although it possesses no apparent
connections to esoteric or alchemical
discourse, Zarathustra as a whole is nevertheless
pervaded with a pronounced Hermetic ambiance;
somehow, Nietzsche’s remarks on salt penetrate right to
the heart of its mysterium. At the end of book three,
Zarathustra not only speaks of salt as binding opposites,
but also connects this to a desire for eternity which
cannot be satisfied through simple procreation:
Salt as the redeeming juncture of opposites is framed
by Nietzsche in terms that evoke the themes of
autonomous morality expressed in his Jenseits von Gut
und Bösen. Running deeper, however, is the surprising
link that Nietzsche makes between salt and a desire for
eternity that cannot be met through procreation; here
one recognises not only the Indo-European ‘path of the
fathers’ versus the ‘path of the gods’, but also the two

paths in alchemy known as la voie humide and la voie

sèche—the wet and the dry ways. Nietzsche taps
directly into the crux of the human œuvre.
Genetic/hereditary continuity, i.e. continuity of and
through the species, does not satisfy the soul’s desire
for eternity; only the desire that is fixed in the salt, deep
in the bones, has the capacity to survive biological
generation and corruption. Nietzsche’s love for eternity
expresses the same reality that Schwaller articulated in
terms of the saline nucleus in the femur: the path of
eternity, palingenesis and resurrection, hinges upon a
fixed mineral salt. 
Unity manifests itself as Trinity. It is the
“creatrix” of form, but still not form itself; form
emerges through movement, that is, Time and
Space. [77]
—Schwaller de Lubicz
Schwaller’s understanding of the tria prima as the
creatrix of form is essentially consonant with the
trinitarian conceptions of Egyptian (and later
Pythagorean) cosmogonic theology. Here, the creator’s
divine hypostases—Hu, Sia and Heka—manifest as
the extra- or hyper-cosmic forces that exist before 
creation; they are the forces necessary to the
establishment of creation rather than creation per se.
This may be compared to the identical conception that
emerges in Iamblichean theurgy, which distinguishes
between hypercosmic and encosmic divinities, or the
same essential principles as carried through into the

trinitarian theology of Eastern Orthodoxy, which

distinguishes between uncreated and created energies.
Beyond these general point of orientation, Schwaller’s
hermetic metaphysics accorded the tria prima some
very specific characteristics:
The Trinity, that is to say the Three Principles, is
the basis of all reasoning, and this is why in the
whole “series of genesis” it is necessary to have all
[three] to establish the foundational Triad that will
be[come] the particular Triad. It includes first of all
an abstract or nourishing datum, secondly a datum of
measure, rhythmisation and fixation, and finally, a
datum which is concrete or fixed like seed. This is
what the hermetic philosophers have transcribed,
concretely and symbolically, by Mercury, Sulphur
and Salt, playing on the metallic appearance in which
metallic Mercury plays the role of nutritive
substance, Sulphur the coagulant of this Mercury,
and Salt the fixed product of this function. In
general, everything in nature, being a formed
Species, will be Salt. Everything that coagulates a
nourishing substance will be Sulphur or of the nature
of Sulphur. Everything that is coagulable will be
Mercury, whatever its form. [78]
The image of coagulation—with Sulphur as the
coagulating agent, Mercury as the coagulated substance,
and Salt as the resulting form—is used repeatedly by
Schwaller. [79] The formal articulation of this idea, as

published in his mature œuvre, connects the motif to the

embryological process:
In biology, the great mystery is the existence, in all
living beings, of albumin or albuminoid
(proteinaceous) matter. One of the albuminoid
substances is coagulable by heat (the white of the
egg is of this type), another is not. The albuminoid
substance carrying the spermatozoa is of this latter
type. The albuminoid sperm cannot be coagulated
because it carries the spermatozoa that coagulate the
albuminoid substance of the female ovum. As soon
as one spermatozoon has penetrated the ovum, this
ovum coagulates on its surface, thus preventing any
further penetration: fertilisation has occurred. (In
reality, this impenetrability is not caused by a
material obstacle, the solid shell, but by the fact that
the two equal energetic polarities repel one another).
The spermatozoon therefore plays the role of a “vital
coagulating fire” just as common fire coagulates the
feminine albumin. This is the action of a masculine
fire in a cold, passive, feminine environment. Here
also, there are always material carriers for these
energies, but they manifest the existence of an
energy with an active male aspect and a passive
female aspect that undergoes or submits to it.
Ordinary fire brutally coagulates the white of an egg,
but the spermatozoon coagulates it gently by
specifying it into the embryo of its species. This
image shows that the potentiality of the seed passes

to a defined effect through the coagulation of a

passive substance, similar to the action of an acid
liquid in an alkaline liquid, which forms a specified
salt. Now the sperm is no more acid than the male
albumin, but it plays in the animal kingdom
[animalement] the same role as acid; ordinary fire is
neither male nor acid and yet it has a type of male
and acid action. This and other considerations incline
the philosopher to speak of an Activity that is
positive, acid and coagulating, without material
carrier, and of a Passivity, a substance that is
negative, alkaline, and coagulable, also without
material carrier. From their interaction results the
initial, not-yet-specified coagulation, the threefold
Unity, which is also called the “Creative Logos”
(Word, Verbe) because the Logos, as speech, only
signifies the name, that is, the definition of the
“specificity” of things. [80]
To salt as the mean term between the agent and patient
of coagulation, he occasionally adds other revealing
expressions, such as the following:
In geometry, in a triangle, the given line is Mercury,
the Angles are Sulphur, and the resultant triangle is
Salt. [81]
Whereas here, Schwaller identifies Salt with a ‘datum’
or ‘given’ which is ‘fixed like seed’
(une donnéeconcrète ou fixée comme semence),
elsewhere he identifies the active, sulphuric function

with that of the seed (semence). What this means is that

the neutral saline product, once formed, then acts in the
sulphuric capacity of a seed and ferment, but also
It can only be a matter of an active Fire, that is, of a
seminal “intensity”, like the “fire” of pepper, for
example, or better: the “fire” of either an organic or a
catalysing ferment. The character of all the ferments,
i.e. the seeds, is to determine into Time and Space a
form of nourishment—in principle without form;
clearly, therefore, it plays a coagulating role. The
coagulation of all “bloods” is precisely their fixation
into the form of the species of the coagulating seed,
the coagulation being, as in other cases, a
transformation of an aquatic element into a terrestrial
or solid element, without desiccation and without
addition or diminution of the component parts. [82]
In the identification of both sulphur and salt as semence,
one discerns a specific coherence of opposites that, in
elemental terms, is described by the expression ‘Fire of
the Earth’. The salt is described in the passage quoted
above as a seed (semence). This seed “becomes” seed
again through the process of tree and fruit (growth,
ferment, coagulation). It is at once a beginning and a
finality (prima and ultima materia). The reality
described is non-dual. Beginning and end partake of
something that is not describable by an exclusively
linear causality; and yet it is seen to “grow” or
“develop” along a definite “line” or “path” of cause and

effect; at the same time it partakes of a cyclic or self-

returning character; and yet, for Schwaller, it is not the
circle but the spherical spiral that provides the true
image of its reality: a vision which encompasses a
punctillar centre, a process of cyclic departure and
return from this centre (oscillation), as well as linear
“development”, all of which are merely partial
descriptors of a more encompassing, and yet more
mysterious, reality-process. The fundamental coherence
of this vision to
the Bewußtwerdungsphänomenologie of Jean Gebser
(1905–1973) consolidates the significance of
Schwaller’s perception for the ontology of the
primordial unity which is at once duality and trinity. For
Gebser, consciousness manifests through point-like
(vital-magical), polar-cyclic (mythic-psychological) and
rectilinear (mental-rational) ontologies, each being a
visible crystallisation of the ever-present, invisible and
originary ontology which unfolds itself not according to
exclusively unitary, cyclic or linear modalities of time
and space, but according to its own innate integrum.
Thus there is no contradiction in finding the presence of
fiery sulphur in the desiccating dryness of the salt, for it
is precisely in the one substance that the sulphuric seed
(active function) and saline seed (fixed kernel) cohere.
The fixed, concrete seed-form (itself a coagulation of
mercury by sulphur) contains the active sulphuric
functions (the coagulating rhythms) which it will
impose upon the nutritive mercurial substance

(unformed matter). ‘One nature’, as a Graeco-Egyptian

alchemical formula puts it, ‘acts upon itself’.
Among the various perspectives that have been
surveyed on the nature and the principles inherent to
salt, it is perhaps the Pythagorean statement—‘salt is
born from the purest sources, the sun and the sea’—
that pertains most directly to the deeper meaning of
Schwaller’s hermetic phenomenology. Salt for
Schwaller was placed in a septennial relationship
comprising the tria prima and the four elements.
Elementally, salt was situated by Schwaller at the end
of a progression beginning with fire and air and ending
in water and earth. Fire and air form a triad with
sulphur; air and water form a triad with mercury; water
and earth form a triad with salt. But salt was also
understood to join the end of this progression to a new
beginning, to a new fire/sulphur, exactly as the octave
recapitulates the primordial tonos in musical harmony.
For Schwaller, it was precisely this ‘juncture of abstract
and concrete’ (fire and earth) that was identified with
the formation of the philosopher’s stone (or at least
the key to the formation of the philosopher’s stone):

In this configuration (which prefigures the discussion of

de Lubicz’s colour theory undertaken elsewhere), one
begin to see the hermetic “problem” of salt, i.e. its
mysterium. Salt partakes of something that stands
between water and fire (Pythagoras’ ‘purest sources’) in
a way that is intimately related to earth, to which it

imparts its dryness. Here one finds an imbroglio that

suggests at once an element and a principle. Its
connection to fire is felt in the hermetic associations of
the elements (the sulphuric triad, fire and air, is
characterised by heat; the mercurial triad, air and water,
is characterised by humidity or wetness, while the
saline triad, water and earth, is characterised by
coldness; however, it salt's dryness—its desiccating
quality—can only come from fire. Visser’s remarks,
once again, prove cogent and penetrating:
Salt, once isolated, is white and glittering. It is the
opposite of wet. You win it by freeing it from water
with the help of fire and the sun, and it dries out
flesh. Eating salt causes thirst. Dryness, in the pre-
Socratic cosmic system which still informs our
imagery, is always connected with fire, heat, and
light. [83]
Thus, inherent to salt is an equal participation in fire,
sulphur and heat (+) and water, mercury, and wetness
(–), such that it may be analogised with a chemical
neutralisation reaction in which the positive and
negative values become electrically equalised. This
neutral condition is for Schwaller the very ground of
being in which we are existentially and
phenomenologically situated (‘everything in nature,
being a formed Species, will be Salt’). Thus, to see
existence—reality as we know it—as a neutralisation
reaction between an active sulphuric function (divinity,
logos, eidos) and passive mercurial substance (prima

materia), to perceive the coagulating sulphur and the

nourishing mercury through the “cinnabar” of all things,
this is to “find” the philosopher’s stone. It is
fundamentally, for Schwaller, a metaphysics of
In sum, Schwaller’s alchemy is a non-dual spiritual
alchemy. What is meant by this is that Lubiczian
alchemy is not a dualistic spiritual alchemy that
dismisses the physical or physiological aspects of the
alchemical tradition as somehow inferior or irrelevant
to the purely spiritual aspects of the alchemical
purview. In other words, it is not an alchemy that can be
subsumed under the dualistic spiritual interpretation of
Atwood (which became largely normative in esoteric
circles throughout the Nineteenth and Twentieth
centuries) or the psychological interpretation of
Silberer and Jung, which views the material aspect of
alchemy as merely a “screen” for the projection of the
soul’s archetypal dramaturgy. Schwaller’s alchemy
grows from the milieu of Parisian alchemists
surrounding Fulcanelli, who were deeply immersed in
the practical, laboratory aspects of the work, but who
were ultimately seeking the verification not of material
but spiritual processes. The Parisian alchemists of
the fin-de-siècle and the early Twentieth century looked
not to Atwood (et al.), but to the texts of Basil
Valentine, Nicolas Flamel, and later, Cyliani, as
exemplars of the alchemical tradition. For Schwaller,
these seemingly bewildering texts not only masked a

distinct laboratory process (a fact that has been

increasingly recognised by scholars through specific
studies of Early Modern alchemists such Newton and
Philalethes), but ran deeper still: behind the operative
process and the physical manipulations, these texts
preserved (and required) a method of perception based
on struggle and breakthrough that mirrored the
perceptual effort necessitated in the reading of the
symbolic language of nature herself (hence the
importance of the idea of the liber naturae, the ‘book of
nature’ along with its signatura). It was precisely this
effort to think according to a deeper symbolic
imperative that gave Schwaller the clavis
hermeneutica to the text of the Pharaonic temple. While
scholars see the idea of a monolithic esoteric, Hermetic
or alchemical tradition as historically problematic,
merely an identity construct, Schwaller saw the
breakthrough to the perception of an actual ontological
reality that eludes a purely quantitative epistemology as
the true test of a Hermetic adept. For Schwaller, the
perception of this reality, at once abstract and concrete,
the very bedrock of existence, at once material and
spiritual, did not need a historical transmission because
it was ever-present, therefore perennially available to
human perception. To “discover” this ontological
bedrock was equivalent to “finding” the stone, which
was seen more as the process underpinning and
embodied in materiality per se—the mineral kingdom
being regarded as the first material manifestation of
spirit—than as a peculiar piece of isolatable matter.

For Schwaller it was this fundamental mode of reality-

apperception, rather than rigid points of technical or
doctrinal exegesis, that formed the true hidden current
of continuity within the hermetic tradition, indelibly
marking all “good” texts and adepts. But it also had a
material application or proof, and this formed
the experimentum crucis (and here it should be noted
that the term experimentum, in Latin as in French,
means both experiment and experience). Alchemy for
Schwaller thus centred on a metaphysics of perception
but also a material proof that this perception was
germane to the very structure of matter and existence as
we known it.
Having surveyed the ambivalent yet ultimately
integrating symbolism of salt, we are now in a position
to understand the Hermetic application of this principle
to the aims of hieratic alchemy: the transmutation of the
physical corpus into an immortal resurrection body: an
act of spiritual concretion in which the body is
spiritualised and the spirit corporified. The deeper
valences of alchemy thus unfold as both a material
and a spiritual process, and become comprehensible
as a form of theurgic apotheosis and demiurgy. As the
words of the sixth century Syrian theurgist, Iamblichus,
make clear, the decidedly anagogic nature of the divine
energies (theon ergon) emerge as central to the
metaphysics of perception:
[T]he presence of the Gods gives us health of body,
virtue of soul and purity of mind. In short, it elevates

everything in us to its proper principle. It annihilates

what is cold and destructive in us, it increases our
heat and causes it to become more powerful and
dominant. It makes everything in the soul consonant
with the Nous [mind, consciousness]; it causes a
light to shine with intelligible harmony, and it
reveals the incorporeal as corporeal to the eyes of the
soul by means of the eyes of the body. [84]
The idea of the fixed alchemical salt finds its most
significant forebears in the concept of the corpus
resurrectionis. [85] In this respect, Schwaller is one of
the few modern (Western) alchemists to possess what
Corbin, in reference to Jaldakī, called a ‘very lucid
consciousness of the spiritual finality and of the esoteric
sense of the alchemical operation accomplished on
sensible species’. [86] This spiritual finality, in the
metaphysical purview of Islamic illuminationist
theosophy, is no less than the creation of a resurrection
body (corpus resurrectionis). In Schwaller’s alchemy
one sees very clearly that all the intensifications made
on material species occur through an inscription on the
entity’s indestructible nucleus (alchemically, a mineral
salt); because this nucleus is the foundation of the body,
the more intensifications it experiences, the more its
essential (primordial but also future) body will
approach the perfect equilibrium of an indestructible
(and paradoxically, incorporeal) physical vehicle until
the point is reached where, ultimately, luminous
consciousness itself becomes its own perfect body.

Thus, the abstract and the concrete, the volatile and the
fixed, are ultimately conjoined through a process of
intensification registered permanently in the being’s
incorruptible aspect—the salt in the bones or ashes (cf.
the Hebrew luz or os sacrum).
What is the nature of this spiritual body? In a remark by
Saint Gregory the Sinaite, the spiritual body is equated
with the process of theōsis (deification) and thus
becomes amenable to a theurgical interpretation:
The incorruptible body will be earthly, but without
moisture and coarseness, having been unutterably
changed from animate to spiritual, so that it will be
both of the dust and heavenly. Just as it was created
in the beginning, so also will it arise, that it may be
conformable to the image of the Son of Man by
entire participation in deification. [87]
The matter of the spiritual body is clearly nondual
(‘both of dust and heavenly’). Robert Avens, in a
preface to a discussion of Corbin and Swedenborg’s
contributions to the understanding of the spiritual body,
helps situate the deeper meaning that pertains to the
“matter” of the resurrection body:
It seems clear, then, that whatever Paul might have
meant by the expression “spiritual body”, he did not
mean that the resurrected bodies were numerically
identical with the earthly bodies—a view that was
advocated by most writers for the Western or Latin

church. The crucial question in all speculations of

this kind has to do with Paul’s treatment of “matter”.
We are naturally perplexed with the notion of a body
that is composed of a material other than physical
matter. Probably the best that can be said on this
score is that Paul had chosen a middle course
between, on the one hand, a crassly materialistic
doctrine of physical resurrection (reanimation of a
corpse) and, on the other hand, a dualistic doctrine of
the liberation of the soul from the body. [88]
Thus, the resurrection body, like the alchemical salt,
forms a paradoxical ligature between transcendence and
concretion, metaphysics and physics, spirit and body.
While orthodox theologians such as Seraphim Rose
draw on this and other passages to emphasise the
Patristic doctrine that the body of Adam, the body that
one will return to in resurrection, was (and is) different
to one’s current, corruptible body, the ultimate nature of
the “matter” of the resurrection body must remain a
mystery. In this respect, Gregory of Nyssa’s remarks,
from a treatise entitled ‘On the Soul and Resurrection’
may perhaps be taken as final:
The true explanation of all these questions is stored
up in the treasure-houses of Wisdom, and will not
come to the light until that moment when we shall be
taught the mystery of Resurrection by the reality of
it. […] to embrace it in a definition, we will say that
the Resurrection is “the reconstitution of our nature
in its original form”. [89]

The original form he refers to is, of course, the Adamic,

i.e. adamantine body, with obvious parallels to the
Indo-Tibetan vajra (diamond) body. As Rose
emphasises, the only thing that is certain is that the
resurrection body will be different from its current, i.e.
corruptible, form. As to whether it is “spirit” or
“matter”, or a nondual state that embraces yet
supersedes both (per Corbin’s mundus imaginalis,
which spiritualises bodies and embodies spirit), it is
perhaps best to remain apophatic.
As C. F. D. Moule notes, however, the somewhat
ambiguous relationship between the mortal and
incorruptible bodies may well inhere in the fact that
transmutation between them was possible: for Moule,
the Pauline resurrection theology was ‘perhaps wholly
novel and derived directly from his experience of Christ
—namely, that matter is to be used but transformed in
the process of obedient surrender to the will of God’.
‘Matter is not illusory’, continues Moule; it is ‘not to be
shunned and escaped from, nor yet exactly destined to
be annihilated […] Rather, matter is to be transformed
into that which transcends it’. [90] These remarks
approach the essence of the (nondual)
alchemical œuvre in a way that confirms what one may
call its theurgic and perhaps even tantric sense insofar
as it recognises and embraces the body and matter as 
vehicles or foundations for liberation. In short,
macrocosmically and microcosmically, material
substance becomes a spiritual vehicle and instrument.

Magical Properties of Salt - Protection, Purification,

Healing . On the magic uses of salt for spells,
protection, purification and healing. Salt, as in ordinary
household salt, is a powerful absorber of psychic
energy. It doesn't channel this energy but absorbs it and
holds it instead and it is this central property which
accounts for its many different uses in magic. Here is a
list of magic uses for salt plus some easy salt spells for
clearing, protection and purification. . The Magical
Properties Of Salt Without exception, every civilisation
on Earth has very similar ideas about the magical
properties of salt - namely that it absorbs psychic
energy and binds it into its own structure. From the
Roman Catholic rite of preparing holy water, which
contains both water and salt to the Indian custom of
using salt on wounds to draw away unhealthy spirits,
and with evidence that salt has been used in just that
way for as long as humans have employed magic.

Salt is normally used as the physical representation of

the circle, it is used in cleansing solutions for tools, it’s
used to protect against anything that goes bump in the
night, but why is it used for all of these things? Well,

think about it. Salt is a natural dessicating agent (it

sucks up the water), and it’s one of the strongest
dessicants you have available to you. It’s why slugs die
when they get salt on them, it’s why salt is used to
preserve things. It is sucking up the water. On the other
hand, it also sucks up oil or iron or pretty much
anything else. It is a natural oxidizer as well, which
means that it makes things rust or corrode. The final
scientific reason for its use in magick is because of its
unique ability to transmit electricity. It is one of the
strongest conductors known to man, and that is one of
the main uses that the body has for various salts. So, we
put all of these together and what do we have? A
substance that transmits energy easily, absorbs all types
of energy from the environment, and can break down
most metals (brings it to a more natural state). How
does this affect the magick that we do? Well, salt would
be a great way to clean a new tool or cleanse someone
after they’ve been covered in bad energy from a bad
day at work or a bad experience, which is why salt
baths are so recommended. It would also be a great way
to ground yourself because it pulls energy from its
surroundings, even good energy. It also would work
very well as a battery of sorts because it pulls energy,
but it is not all that difficult to pull the energy back out.
Just beware not to ever be negative around your salt
battery because it will soak up that negative energy. On
the other hand, it is horrible for a physical
representation of the witch’s circle due to it’s natural
affinity for loose energy. It will pull the energy from the

circle and hold it. Unless you make sure to draw all of
the energy out of the salt before your release, you will
lose energy to the salt and will gain almost nothing
from using it. It’s also a horrible way to protect your
house or self from negative entities. Unless the entities
are simple parasites, they won’t be harmed in the least
by the salt. Whatever you use, whether it’s lilac or iron
nails, it must be something that makes the area
extremely uncomfortable for that particular entity which
means that there’s no end-all be-all for entity
protection, and from my experience, salt is probably the
least effective measure you could try. Think about it
like this, vampires supposedly don’t like garlic, but
werewolves have no problem eating a man covered in
garlic. So garlic might be effective against a vampire
problem but wouldn’t have any effect on the werewolf.
It’s exactly the same thing when dealing with unknown
entities. If you wanted to keep parasites out, salt would
be great, but if you wanted to keep one of the fey out,
you’d need some iron. Do some research and don’t
assume that a salt circle will work. If you’ve got
specific information on something and don’t know what
to do, put a comment down and I’ll try to help as best I
can. And finally, please don’t keep salt near your altar
unless you are using it as a battery and have a way to
open it and close it from influencing any of your other
workings because it will absolutely make your
workings less effective.

Many different magical traditions call for the use of salt

in spells and ritual. For centuries, it’s been known as a
very magical – and also very valuable – ingredient. But
why is salt such a magical item? Let’s look at some of
the history behind the use of salt in magic, and some of
the ways it’s commonly used in folklore and legend.
How Salt Became Prevalent Mark . Kurlansky’s book
"Salt: A World History" does a great job of
summarizing how salt became as widely used as it is.
Salt was actually pretty important in the grand scheme
of human civilization. In the early days of mankind—or
at least the days prior to industrialization—the process
of harvesting salt was time-consuming and labor
intensive. This meant that salt was a pretty valuable
commodity, and only rich people could afford it. The
Romans actually paid their soldiers with salt, because it
was so important for things like food preservation. In
fact, the word “salary” has its root in the Latin word for
salt. So, in addition to being a pretty important – and
pricey – bit of the material aspects of human living, salt
began to find its way into the metaphysical and spiritual
realm. It appears several times in the Old Testament,
most notably in the book of Genesis, in which Lot’s
wife (who doesn’t appear to have a name of her own) is
turned into a pillar of salt after disobeying God’s
commands. In many Eastern belief systems, such as
Buddhism and Shintoism, salt is used both as a
purifier and to repel evil. Salt Used in Folk Magic--

Around the World Folklorist Robert Means Lawrence,

in his 1898 book "The Magic of the Horseshoe," looks
at some of the ways salt is used in folk magic around
the globe. In parts of Germany, Normandy, and
Scotland, salt is used in or around a butter churn to keep
witches from souring the butter or harming the cow
from which the cream was obtained. Irish folk remedies
include the use of salt, combined with a recitation of the
Lord’s Prayer, to cure those who might have been
“fairy-struck.” A similar story comes from Bavaria and
Ukraine, in which salt is used to determine if a child is
bewitched. Egyptian caravans setting out on a journey
across the desert used to perform a ritual that involved
burning salt on hot coals. This was done to ensure that
evil spirits wouldn’t get in the way of the travelers.
Often, salt is used in purification spells. It can be
incorporated into smudging and asperging, and in some
NeoWiccan traditions, it is used on the altar to represent
the element of earth. It should be noted that some
groups associate salt with water, because of its origins
in the sea. Black salt, which is a blend of regular salt
and other ingredients, is used in protection magic in
some traditions. Salt in Modern Folk Magic .Salt has
maintained its usefulness in modern folk magic
traditions as well. Vance Randolph writes in "Ozark
Magic and Folklore" of a number of mountain beliefs
regarding the use of salt. If someone spills the salt at
dinner, it means a violent family quarrel is on the way.
It’s considered bad luck to lend salt to someone because
that can lead to a feud between the borrower and the

lender. A good way to avoid this problem is if you get a

cup of salt from someone, pay it back with sugar or
molasses instead. Interestingly, in parts of northern
England and Scotland, it is also seen as bad luck to lend
salt, mostly because the person borrowing it can use it
as a magical link to curse you. Salt can also be used to
detect the presence of witches: in the Ozarks, it is
believed that witches don’t eat much salt, so if someone
complains about food being too salty, she might be
regarded with suspicion. There is also a tale that
bewitched cattle will not touch salt. Many areas include
salt as part of local superstition - perhaps the best-
known bit of advice is that if you spill salt, you should
throw a bit of it over your shoulder. This either brings
good luck or keeps evil at bay, depending on which
source you consult. More Uses of Salt in Magic and
Folklore Make a Witch Bottle: Salt can be used as an
ingredient in a witch bottle for protection. Offerings to
the Gods: Salt is sometimes left as an offering to a
deity. House Cleansing Ceremony: Use salt as part of a
seasonal metaphysical cleansing. Perform a Self
Dedication Ritual: Incorporate salt into rituals and

The best type of salt to use for magick and potion-

making is either sea salt or kosher salt.
A dish of salt is often used to represent the element
Earth  on an altar.

Salt is said to absorb energy. It can be sprinkled around

an area to absorb negative energy, swept up, and
discarded. A ritual bath with salt in the water, or salt
applied directly to the skin, often mixed with an oil for
comfort, and then washed down the drain can be used to
help an individual rid him/herself of negative energy as

Two types of black salt Black salt is a common term

that is applied to two different salt-related products.
Black lava salt, and Himalayan black salt. Black Lava
Salt Black Lava Salt is sea salt combined with activated
charcoal. Black lava salt is used in magick to absorb
and trap negative energies. Salt is used by many to
absorb energy, and charcoal is well known to absorb
toxins, so the two make a natural paring. You can make
your own black salt by powdering chunks of food grade
activated charcoal with your mortar and pestle and then
mixing that with coarse sea salt crystals (non-iodized).
The charcoal will coat the salt crystals and you can
blow away the excess. Black Lava Salt for Healing
Black Lava Salt is used medicinally to absorb and flush
toxins from the body. Black Lava Salt for Magick.
Magickally, black lava salt can be scattered around an
area to absorb toxic energies. It must be swept up and
discarded afterward in order to dispose of the absorbed
energies. There are several additional recipes for black
salt available online, some suggest using dye, the
scrapings from the bottom of your cauldron or other
cast iron pan, especially one used over an open fire,

ashes from your fire pit, and lampblack. Any of these

recipes are suitable if and only if you will not be using
your black salt internally. Ashes that result from the
burning of particular herbs can give your black salt
particular qualities. Uncrossing herbs are often burned
to create black salt for removing spells. A mixture of
equal parts salt and ground black pepper is also used as
"black salt" in some recipes, but this combination has
more of a warding action versus the absorbing action of
the charcoal/salt combination and I have seen many
recipes that call for black salt and black pepper used
this way. Toss this salt/pepper combination in the path
of an enemy, or sprinkle it into his footprints to
encourage him to go away and never return. To rid your
home of unwanted energies, sprinkle black salt around
your house and then sweep it out the door. Do this right
after someone you don't want returning walks out the
door, to ensure he never comes back. Black salt is an
ingredient in a variety of curses, especially mixed with
black pepper, graveyard dirt or added to war water,
most usually to cause an enemy to leave, move away,
quit a job, etc.

The Magic of Salt. An investigation of the esoteric

meaning and hidden properties of salt. Introduction In
chapter 11 of Occult Enigmas by J Michaud PhD., the
author answers the question 'Why is Salt chosen to
represent the basic element?'

King James Version. Salt in the Bible . Salt is

mentioned no less than 64 times in the Bible. We first
encounter it in reference to the destruction of Sodom
and Gomorrah when Lot's wife is turned into a pillar of
salt. "But his wife looked back from behind him, and
she became a pillar of salt" (Genesis 19:26). The artist,
Gustave Doré, whose inspired artwork adorns so many
of our articles, has captured this moment in the
illustration accompanying our article. Lot's wife is
among the least convincing of a large cast of
unconvincing characters in the Old Testament, who is
not even given a name! She, like many (but not all) of
her fellow actors in the Semitic fairy-tales which make
up much of the Pentateuch attributed to Moses, is
simply a convenient symbol chosen to conceal
various occult laws, facts and principles. This
seemingly odd incident, which is usually interpreted by
theologians and laity alike as a punishment from 'god'
for disobeying his commands, is actually a complex
allegory. Salt, as we shall see later, is a crystalline
structure, every grain of which forms a perfect cube.
When a cube is unfolded its six faces form a cross, four
squares for the upright part and three squares for the
cross-bar, making seven in all when the central square
is counted twice; a most significant number indeed, as
we may read in Vision 7 of The Golden Star by J
Michaud PhD: "Four is the symbol of the Universe in
its potential state, or Chaotic Matter; and it requires
spirit to permeate it actively. In other words, the
Triangle has to quit its one-dimensional quality and

spread across that matter, thus forming a manifested

basis on the three-dimensional space, so that the
Universe shall manifest intelligently." The vertical faces
of the unfolded cube also form a pillar producing the
number four. If we express these numbers in four rows
by a series of dots we obtain the famous Tetractys of
Pythagoras: 1, 2, 3, 4, whose sum adds up to 10, the
perfect number of the manifested Universe. We then see
that far from being a punishment inflicted by the
vengeful god of the Old Testament, the turning of Lot's
wife into a pillar of salt symbolises the liberation of the
essence of man (or woman)—the Higher Self—from
the bonds of the flesh, and its transformation into a
higher state—in the case of Lot's wife, death. But this is
the death of the material form, not of the salt—or spirit
—which animated it, which is once more free.
Remember: Lot's wife looked back from behind her
husband. In other words, she turned her face, not to
Sodom and Gomorrah, as a literal reading of the verse
suggests, but back to her Heavenly home, from whence
she had come to begin her long cycle of incarnations in
a human body. All this lies concealed in the allegory of
the transformation into pillar of salt! No wonder the
poet Blake gazed in wonderment at a grain of sand (also
a crystalline, cubic form) when he uttered the famous
lines: "To see a World in a Grain of Sand And a Heaven
in a Wild Flower Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand
And Eternity in an hour." Once we recognise that salt
has a deeper meaning over and above its common
connotation as an article of food or chemical element,

the following verses from the Bible begin to reveal

something of their hidden sense. In Job 6:6 we may
read: "Can that which is unsavoury be eaten without
salt? or is there any taste in the white of an egg?",
whilst Leviticus 2:13 tells us: "And every oblation of
thy meat offering shalt thou season with salt; neither
shalt thou suffer the salt of the covenant of thy God to
be lacking from thy meat offering: with all thine
offerings thou shalt offer salt." Note the use of the word
'covenant' here, meaning a compact or agreement. In
other words, we are commanded to infuse the spirit of
goodness into our thoughts and actions so that we may
honour the God who made us and fulfil His purposes,
not our own. Ezekiel 43:24 states: "And thou shalt offer
them before the Lord, and the priests shall cast salt
upon them, and they shall offer them up before a burnt
offering unto the Lord." The theme of salting what we
offer unto God is continued in the New Testament in
Mark 9:49. "For every one shall be salted with fire, and
every sacrifice shall be salted with salt." Mark 9:50 also
tells us that: "Salt is good: but if the salt have lost his
saltness, wherewith will ye season it? Have salt in
yourselves and have peace one with another." The
mention of fire in connection with salt by Mark at once
tells us that we are dealing not with the physical,
material salt we put on our breakfast egg, but with its
spiritual essence. Occult science teaches that there is a
mysterious fire in everything, but not the fire we
know on earth. In The Golden Star, mentioned earlier,
we may read that: "Deity is an arcane, living or moving

Fire, and the eternal witnesses to this unseen Presence

are Light, Heat and Moisture; this trinity including, and
being the cause of, every phenomenon in Nature. All
the great doctrines teach that the one infinite and
unknown Essence exists from all eternity, and is either
passive or active in regular and harmonious
successions." Is this not 'magic' of the right sort? What
greater magic can there be than to explore the wonders
of creation with a seeing eye and an understanding heart
and so draw closer to the mind of God, who is the
greatest Magician of all? So we may say that salt is a
symbol of that Holy Flame which vivifies all living
beings, from atoms to angels, from the smallest
bacterium to man. But it is much else too, as we have
also seen. In fact, as you are probably realising, it
would be possible to write a very large book about salt
and still not cover all its possible properties and hidden
meanings. As we have neither the time nor the
inclination to write such a book we must be content
with this brief survey of this magical substance, hoping
that it will stimulate the salt in you, to investigate the
subject further in your own way and in your own time.
Before you do so—if you should choose to do so, which
would be an excellent thing—we must complete our
survey of the references to salt in the Bible. In Ezekiel
47:11 we find: "But the miry places thereof and the
marishes thereof shall not be healed; they shall be given
to salt", whilst Zephaniah 2:9 speaks about: "A salt
land, a barren land." Oh dear! What have we here? Just
when you may have thought that we had 'nailed' salt as

it were, and now know all about it, the Bible throws a
spanner our way by telling us that too great a quantity
of salt is not considered good. Yet in the book of Ezra
the partaking of salt is considered a bond of friendship
and "the waters of Jericho were healed with salt" and in
Judges 9:45 we read: "The city is taken and saved with
salt." So whilst salt purifies, disinfects, cleanses and
heals, we all know not to rub salt into a wound, whether
literally or metaphorically. As we learned earlier, a pure
grain of salt is a perfect cube and contains within itself
a mathematically balanced equation of every Universal
Principle. By analogy—if "ye are the salt of the Earth,"
you are the pure of the earth, therefore contain within
yourselves all the powers of the Universe—perfectly
balanced, as we saw earlier. Most of you will remember
the verse from the Sermon on the Mount in Matthew
5:13, where it says: "Ye are the salt of the earth, but if
the salt have lost his savour wherewith shall it be salted.
It is thenceforth good for nothing but to be cast out and
to be trodden under the foot of men." Many men and
women have lost the savour, or we might say—saviour
—of the salt within them, and suffer accordingly,
whether in this life, or the life to come through their
enslavement to material things, concerns and desires, to
the detriment of the spiritual progress they might have
made if they had put a little more Salt into their lives.
Clearly, one can have too much salt as well as too little,
both in a metaphysical sense as well as materially, as
the health police are continually telling us! Or we may
put it another way by saying that matter without spirit is

lifeless and inert, but spirit without matter to act upon is

impotent. This sheds yet further light on the complex
symbolism of salt which cannot be pigeon-holed into a
few trite sentences, nor boiled down to a series of
infallible statements as so many students of occult
science imagine, or would like, to save them the trouble
of having to think for and by themselves! Salt is also an
article of great historical and ethnological importance.
Homer called it "divine." It has been, and is still, used
as a measure of value in many transactions.
……….Here we have an analogy between the lower
and Higher Selves, one negative, the other positive,
drawn together for the purpose of evolution, each
giving something of itself to the other and gaining
something from the union that they did not have before.
Paracelsus called salt "the centre of water wherein
metals ought to die." If we regard the Higher Self of the
evolved man or woman as the 'salt' which both purifies
and transmutes the lower self into, if not gold, then
something more refined than the base metal of which it
is made, we begin to see what Paracelsus was hinting at.
You will remember that we referred earlier to salting
our offerings to God, by which is meant that we should
infuse all our life, light and love into all that we do. Just
as the waters of the ocean are salt, and our blood is salt,
so is salt the health-giving quality of the great river
of life, the basic element from which all that exists has
come into being. You will now see that the student who
asked why salt was chosen to represent the basic
element was not wrong after all, for that is just what it

is, if we regard it from the standpoint of occult, rather

than material science. This is the salt which is the
quintessence of the Alkahest of the alchemists; it is the
solvent in which the baser elements are transmuted. In
man, the metals are the passions and baser elements of
our lower self. When we apply the Divine solvent to
them they die and the spiritual life in us is regenerated.
This regeneration is effected by the Philosopher's Stone,
which is why the Bible tells us that: "To him that
overcometh, I will give a white stone," which is a
seminal, spiritual Salt, "the centre of water, wherein
metals ought to die", as Paracelsus tells us. Pope, in his
translation of the Homer's Iliad, says: "Then, when the
languid flames at length subside, He strows a bed of
glowing embers wide, Above the coals the smoking
fragments turns. And sprinkles sacred salt from lifted
urns." Here we have several concealed references to the
transmutation of the passions and baser elements of the
lower self (the languid flames) by the application of the
spiritual salt of the Higher Self. The 'lifted urns' also
remind us of the need to look up to the realms of Light,
if we wish to attune with all that is good, true and pure,
rather than dwelling among the 'smoking fragments' of
our base desires.
Both the Greeks and Romans mixed salt with their
sacrificial cakes, as a necessary concomitant of the
sacrifice, not a mere adjunct. Thus in the Ferialia, or
offering to appease the souls of the dead celebrated on
21 February when no animal was slain, it was said:
"The Mane's rights expenses shall supply The richest

sacrifice is piety. With vernal garlands a small Tile

exalt, A little flour and little grain of salt." That the
flour and salt were both designed as propitiatory
offerings to redeem them from the vengeance of the
malevolent infernal gods may be proved from a similar
custom in the Lemuralia, another festival similar to the
Ferialia, where beans were flung instead of the flour
and salt; and when flung, the person says: "And with
these beans I me and mine redeem." These customs
have persisted into modern times, proving, if proof were
needed, that humanity does not change very much with
the passing millennia, if at all. Modern witches still
employ similar rituals to the Romans to ward off evil
spirits by the sprinkling of salt, of which the following
is a typical example: "Any unwanted spirits and entities,
please leave now. Any evil or negative energies or
presences, please leave this space. You don't belong
here. I am sending you home. Go back whence you
came. Please leave NOW. Only light and healing
energy is allowed in this room. Thank you." We
particularly like the 'thank you' at the end of this spell,
though whether such politeness is appreciated by the
'evil spirits' the spell is meant to drive away, we should
not like to say! But as we said we would not discuss
salt spells in our introduction, we must stop there.
………… There are nations to whom salt was an almost
sacred symbol, there are others—Egypt, for instance—
to whom it was a common metaphor for calamity and

Some writers believe that da Vinci's picture of the Last

Supper, in which Judas Iscariot is represented as
overturning the salt, is the real origin of the salt
superstition, but as you can read in our afterword, it
is infinitely older than the Christian religion. We have
now seen where such a simple question as: 'Why is salt
chosen to represent the basic element?' can lead to when
we attempt to answer it as fully as possible. We hope
you will also see why we chose the title 'the Magic of
Salt' for this article, for there are few substances fraught
with deeper significance or hidden meanings than this
common condiment we all take for granted. Of course,
there are other kinds of salt too, and we cannot resist
mentioning a few of our personal favourites before we
conclude this investigation. There is the kind of salt we
take a pinch of when we are highly sceptical of
something we hear or read, though we do hope this is
not something you will wish to do in response to this
article! That kind of salt is of the earth. There is another
kind—when a man, snoring with his mouth wide open
on the seashore after dinner, and oblivious of the
incoming tide, suddenly has a mouthful fresh from the
Atlantic! That kind is of the sea. There is also a salt that
makes one slide down the banisters early in the morning
and we especially recommend this to those of our
readers who are apt to take life too seriously.
Salt is a preservative linked to luck and protection
against evil. Salt superstitions have a long history going
back to ancient times. Salt is essential to health, as well

as a preservative of food, and in ancient times it was

more valuable than gold. roman soldiers were often
paid in salt; hence the phrase that someone is “worth
his salt.” The word salary is derived from salt. Sharing a
person’s salt is symbolic of establishing a deep bond
between people. When a new home was occupied, salt
was often one of the first things to be brought across
the threshold in order to drive away evil influences and
establish good energy and luck. A pinch of salt was
sprinkled before any job or task in order to ensure the
same. Salt was used in divination. At Halloween,
every person in a house turned over a thimbleful of salt
upon a platter. Whoever’s pillar fell apart by the next
day would die within a year. At Christmas, omens for
the coming year were read from the dryness or
moistness of salt. Because of the high value of salt,
spilling it has long been considered bad luck. To
counter the bad luck, spilt salt should be thrown over
the left shoulder, for that is where evil spirits can be
found lurking. Spilling salt can make a person
vulnerable to the Devil. In Fairy lore, spilt salt should
be thrown into the home fire so that the household
brownies can lick it. In Christianity, salt is symbolic of
incorruptibility, eternity and divine wisdom. Early
Christians began using salt in christenings and baptisms
as a purification and protection. Church sites were
consecrated with salt and holy water. The Catholic
ritual of the benediction of salt and water ensures
physical health. Oaths sometimes were taken on salt
instead of the Bible.

Demon and witch lore. As a preservative, salt is

contrary to the nature of Demons, who are intent upon
corrupting and destroying. Salt is sometimes thrown at
weddings, to preserve marital happiness and also to
repel evil spirits who might be intent upon wreaking
havoc with the newlyweds. Salt was placed in coffins as
a preservative for the soul after death and to protect it
against assaults by evil spirits. Salt was used in pagan
sacrifices. It was placed in the cribs of infants to protect
them against evil spirits. Salt and salted water,
especially blessed, are used to cleanse premises
believed to be infested by Demons. Salted water is
washed around mirrors, windows and doorways and
sometimes washed over entire walls and ceilings.
Witches as well as Demons are repelled by salt. In
medieval times, it was believed that witches and the
animals they bewitched were unable to eat anything
salted. Inquisitors who interrogated accused witches
were advised by Demonologists to first protect
themselves by wearing a sacramental Amulet made of
salt consecrated on Palm Sunday and blessed herbs,
pressed into a disc of blessed wax. One means of
torturing accused witches was to force-feed them
heavily salted food and deny them water. An old recipe
for breaking an evil spell calls for stealing a tile from a
witch’s roof, sprinkling it with salt and urine and then
heating it over fire while reciting a Charm. Such
antidotes were still in use in modern times in rural parts
of Europe to remove spells from stables and homes and
to cure illness. In American Ozark lore, women who

complain of food being too salty are suspected of being

witches. One Ozark way to detect a witch is to sprinkle
salt on her chair. If she is a witch, the salt will melt and
cause her dress to stick to the chair. Salt neutralizes the
Evil Eye cast by witches. Magic. Salt is used in spells
and magical rituals as a representative of the element of
earth. It also purifies and defines magical boundaries.
For example, salt might be sprinkled around a Magic
circle as an added protection. Alchemy. In alchemy, all
things, including the four elements, are composed of a
divine trinity that includes salt, mercury and sulphur.
Salt represents the body, female and earth aspects, and
was a crucial ingredient in alchemic recipes for making
gold. One 17th-century formula for potable gold,
believed to be an antidote for poison, a curative of heart
disease and a repellent of the Devil, included gold, salt,
red wine vinegar, the ashes of a block of tin burnt in an
iron pan, wine and honey. FURTHER READING :
Cahill, Robert Ellis. Strange Superstitions. Danvers,
mass.: Old Saltbox Publishing, 1990. Radford, E. and
M.A. The Encyclopedia of Superstitions. Edited and
revised by Christina Hole. New York: Barnes & Noble,

Also known as Witch's Salt. Our Black Salt (Sal Negra)

is sprinkled to protect yourself from witchcraft  and evil


Grimm remarks that salt is not found in witches'
kitchens, nor at devils' feasts, because the Roman
Catholic Church has taken upon herself the hallowing
and dedication of this substance. Moreover, in as much
as Christians recognize salt as a wholesome and
essential article of diet, it seems plausible enough that
they should regard it as unsuitable for the use of devils
and witches, two classes of beings with whom they
have no particular sympathy. Hence perhaps the
familiar saying that "the Devil loveth no salt in his
meat." Once upon a time, according to tradition, there
lived a German peasant whose wife was a witch, and
the Devil invited them both to supper one fine evening.
All the dishes lacked seasoning, and the peasant, in
spite of his wife's remonstrances, kept asking for salt;
and when after a while it was brought, he remarked
with fervor, "Thank God, here is salt at last,"
whereupon the whole scene vanished. The abbot
Richalmus, who lived in the old German duchy of
Franconia in the twelfth century, claimed, by the
exercise of a special and extraordinary faculty, to be
able to baffle the machinations of certain evil spirits
who took special delight in playing impish tricks upon
churchmen. They appear, indeed, to have sorely tried
the patience of the good abbot in many ways, as, for
example, by distracting his thoughts during Mass and
interfering with his digestion, promoting discords in the
church music, and causing annoyance by inciting the
congregation to cough in sermon time. Fortunately he

possessed three efficient weapons against these

troublesome creatures, namely, the sign of the cross,
holy water, and salt. "Evil spirits," wrote the abbot,
"cannot bear salt." When he was at dinner, and the
Devil had maliciously taken away his appetite, he
simply tasted a little salt, and at once became hungry.
Then, if soon afterwards his appetite again failed him,
he took some more salt, and his relish for food speedily
returned. In Hungarian folk-lore, contrary to the usual
opinion, evil personages are fond of salt, for at those
festive gatherings described in old legends and fairy
tales, where witches and the Devil met, they were wont
to cook in large kettles a stew of horse-flesh seasoned
with salt, upon which they eagerly feasted. Hence
appears to have originated the popular notion current
among the Magyars that a woman who experiences a
craving for salt in the early morning must be a witch,
and on no account should her taste be gratified. Once
upon a time, says tradition, a man crept into a witch's
tub in order to spy upon the proceedings at a meeting of
the uncanny sisterhood. Shortly thereafter the witch
appeared, saddled the tub, and rode it to the place of
rendezvous, and on arriving there the man contrived to
empty a quantity of salt into the tub. After the revels he
was conveyed homewards in the same manner, and
showed the salt to his neighbors as proof positive that
he had really been present at the meeting. Sometimes,
however, salt is used in Hungary as a protection against
witches. The threshold of a new house is sprinkled with
it, and the doorhinges are smeared with garlic, so that

no witch may enter. The peasants of Russian Esthonia

are aware of the potency of salt against witches and
their craft. They believe that on St. John's Eve witch-
butter is maliciously smeared on the doors of their
farm-buildings in order to spread sickness among the
cattle. When, therefore, an Esthonian farmer finds this
obnoxious butter on his barn-door or elsewhere, he
loads his gun with salt and shoots the witch-germs
The Hindus have a theory that malignant spirits, or
Bhuts, are especially prone to molest women and
children immediately after the latter have eaten
confectionery and other sweet delicacies. Indeed, so
general is this belief that vendors of sweetmeats among
school-children provide their youthful customers each
with a pinch of salt to remove the sweet taste from their
mouths, and thus afford a safeguard against the ever-
watchful Bhuts. www.sacred-

Owing to the importance of salt as a relish, its Latin

name sal came to be used metaphorically as signifying a
savory mental morsel, and, in a general sense, wit or
sarcasm. It was formerly maintained by some
etymologists that this word had a threefold meaning
according to its gender. Thus, when masculine, it has
the above signification, but when feminine it means the
sea, and only when neuter does it stand for common
salt. The characterization of Greece as "the salt of

nations" is attributed to Livy, and this is probably the

origin of the phrase "Attic salt," meaning delicate,
refined wit. The phrase cum grano salis may signify the
grain of common sense with which one should receive a
seemingly exaggerated report. It may also mean
moderation, even as salt is used sparingly as a seasoner
of food.
Among the ancients, as with ourselves, Sol and sal, the
Sun and salt, were known to be two things essential to
the maintenance of life.
Soldiers, officials, and working people were paid either
wholly or in part in salt, which was in such general use
for this purpose that any sum of money paid for labor or
service of whatever kind was termed a salarium, or
salary, that is, the wherewithal to obtain one's salt.
Pliny remarked that salt was essential for the complete
enjoyment of life, and in confirmation of this statement
he commented on the fact that the word sales was
employed to express the pleasures of the mind, or a
keen appreciation of witty effusions, and, therefore, was
associated with the idea of good fellowship and mirth.
A certain mystic significance has been attributed to the
three letters composing the word "sal." Thus, the letter
S, standing alone, represents or suggests two circles
united together, the sun and the moon. It typifies,
moreover, the union of things divine and mundane,
even as salt partakes of the attributes of each. A, alpha,

signifies the beginning of all things; while L is

emblematic of something celestial and glorious. S and L
represent solar and lunar influences respectively, and
the trio of letters stand for an essential substance
provided by God for the benefit of his people. In a
curious treatise on salt, originally published in 1770, the
writer launches forth in impassioned style the most
extravagant encomiums upon this substance, which he
avers to be the quintessence of the earth. Salt is here
characterized as a Treasure of Nature, an Essence of
Perfection, and the Paragon of Preservatives.
Moreover, whoever possesses salt thereby secures a
prime factor of human happiness among material
The French people employ the word "salt"
metaphorically in several common expressions. Thus, in
speaking of the lack of piquancy or pointedness in a
dull sermon or address, they say, "There was no salt in
that discourse." And of the brilliant productions of a
favorite author they remark, "He has sprinkled his
writings with salt by handfuls." In like manner they use
the term un epigramme salé to denote a cutting sarcasm
or raillery. Very apt also is the following definition by
an old English writer: "Salt, a pleasaunt and merrie
word that maketh folks to laugh and sometime
pricketh." The expression "to salt an invoice" signifies
to increase the full market value of each article, and
corresponds to one use of the French verb saler, to
overcharge, and hence to "fleece" or "pluck." Thus the

phrase Il me l'a bien salé means "He has charged me an

excessive price."

In the records of the Presbytery of Edinburgh, under

date of September 20, 1586, is to be found the
following description of an oath which Scotch
merchants were required to take when on their way to
the Baltic:--
Certan merchantis passing to Danskerne (Denmark) and
cuming neir Elsinnure, chusing out and quhen they
accompted for the payment of the toill of the goods, and
that depositioun of ane othe in forme following, viz:
Thei present and offer breid and salt to the deponer of
the othe, whereon he layis his hand and deponis his
conscience and sweiris.
Gypsies likewise sometimes use bread and salt to
confirm the solemnity of an oath. An example of this is
recorded in the "Pesther Lloyd " of July 1, 1881. A
member of a gypsy band in western Hungary had been
robbed of a sum of money, and so informed his chief,
who summoned the elders of the camp to a council. On
an upright cross formed of two poles was placed a piece
of bread sprinkled with salt, and upon this each gypsy
was required to swear that he was not the thief. The real
culprit, refusing to take so solemn an oath, was thus

Among the Jews the covenant of salt is the most sacred

possible. Even at the present time, Arabian princes are
wont to signify their ratification of an alliance by
sprinkling salt upon bread, meanwhile exclaiming, "I
am the friend of thy friends, and the enemy of thine
enemies." So likewise there is a common form of
request among the Arabs as follows: "For the sake of
the bread and salt which are between us, do this or
In the East, at the present day, compacts between tribes
are still confirmed by salt, and the most solemn pledges
are ratified by this substance.
During the Indian mutiny of 1857 a chief motive of
self-restraint among the Sepoys was the fact that
they had sworn by their salt to be loyal to the
English queen.
The antiquity of the practice of using salt in
confirmation of an oath is shown in the following
passage from an ode of the Greek lyric poet
Archilochus, who flourished during the early part of the
seventh century B. C.:--
Thou hast broken the solemn oath, and hast disgraced
the salt and the table.
In the year 1731 the Protestant miners and peasants
inhabiting the "salt exchequer lands," prior to their
banishment from the country by Leopold, Archbishop
of Salzburg, held a meeting in the picturesque village of

Schwarzach, and "solemnly ratified their league by the

ancient custom of dipping their fingers in salt." The
table at which this ceremony took place, and a picture
representing the event, are still shown at the Wallner
Inn, where the meeting was held.

The widespread notion that the spilling of salt produces

evil consequences is supposed to have originated in
the tradition that Judas overturned a salt-cellar at the
Paschal Supper, as portrayed in Leonardo da Vinci's
painting. But it appears more probable that the belief is
due to the sacred character of salt in early times. Any
one having the misfortune to spill salt was formerly
supposed to incur the anger of all good spirits, and to be
rendered susceptible to the malevolent influences of
demons. When, in oriental lands, salt was offered to
guests as a token of hospitality, it was accounted a
misfortune if any particles were scattered while being
so presented, and in such cases a quarrel or dispute was
Bishop Hall wrote, in 1627, that when salt fell towards
a superstitious guest at dinner, he was wont to exhibit
signs of mental agitation, and refused to be comforted
until one of the waiters had poured wine in his lap. And
in Gayton's "Art of Longevity" we find these lines:--
I have two friends of either sex, which do eat little salt
or none, yet are friends too; of both which persons I can
truly tell, they are of patience most invincible; whom

out of temper no mischance at all can put; no, if towards

them the salt should fall.
The Germans have a saying, "Whoever spills salt
arouses enmity," and in some places the overthrow of a
salt-cellar is thought to be the direct act of the Devil, the
peace-disturber. The superstitious Parisian, who may
have been the unfortunate cause of such a mishap, is
quite ready to adopt this view, and tosses a little of the
spilled salt behind him, in order, if possible, to hit the
invisible Devil in the eye, which, temporarily at least,
prevents him from doing further mischief. This is
probably a relic of an ancient idolatrous custom; and
salt thus thrown was formerly a kind of sop to Cerberus,
an offering to pacify some particular deity. In like
manner the natives of Pegu, a province of British
Burmah, in the performance of one of their rites in
honor of the Devil, are wont to throw food over their
left shoulders to conciliate the chief spirit of evil.
When salt was spilled at table the pious Roman was
wont to exclaim, "May the gods avert the omen!" and
the modern Sicilian in such a case, invokes "the Mother
of Light."
Among the Greeks it was customary to present salt to
the gods as a thank-offering at the beginning of every
meal. Louis Figuier, in "Les merveilles de l'industrie,"
places these three happenings in the category of
ominous mishaps in a Grecian household:(1) the
omission of a salt-cellar from among the furnishings of

a dinner-table; (2) the falling asleep of one of the guests

at a banquet, before the removal of the salt-cellar to
make place for the dessert; (3) the overturning of this
important vessel. It seems evident, therefore, that the
origin of the belief in the ominous character of salt-
spilling is of far greater antiquity than is popularly
supposed; and Leonardo da Vinci, in portraying Judas
as upsetting a salt-cellar, probably had in mind the
already well-known portentous significance of such an
act. But some observers have failed to discover any
trace of a salt-cellar in the original Cenacolo on the
refectory wall of the Milanese convent. In the well-
known engraving by Raphael Morghen, however, the
overthrown salt-cellar is clearly delineated, and the
spilled salt is seen issuing from it. An animated
discussion on this moot-point enlivened the columns of
"Notes and Queries" some years ago.
The following passage is to be found in a work entitled
"Hieroglyphica, a Joanne Valeriano" (1586), being a
treatise on ancient symbols:--
Alioqui sal amicitiae symbolum fuit, durationis gratia.
Corpora enim solidiora facit et diutissime conservat.
Unde hospitibus ante alios cibos apponi solitum, quo
amicitiae firmitas ac perseverantia significetur. Quare
plerique ominosum habent si sal in mensam profundi
contigerit. Contra vero faustum si vinum atque id
merum effusum sit.

Which has been rendered into English as follows: "Salt

was formerly a symbol of friendship, because of its
lasting quality. For it makes substances more compact
and preserves them for a long time: hence it was usually
presented to guests before other food, to signify the
abiding strength of friendship. Wherefore many
consider it ominous to spill salt on the table, and, on the
other hand, propitious to spill wine, especially if
unmixed with water."
In Gaule's "Magastromancer" (1652), overturning the
salt is mentioned in a list of "superstitious ominations."
According to a popular Norwegian belief, one will shed
as many tears as may suffice to dissolve the quantity of
salt which he has spilled; and in east Yorkshire, also,
every grain of spilled salt represents a tear to be shed.
Moreover, saltness has been thought to be an essential
attribute of tears, and this intimate connection between
the two may have given rise to some of the many
superstitions connected with salt. In Bucks County,
Pennsylvania, in order to avert ill-luck after salt has
been spilled, one should not only toss a pinch of the
spilled salt over the left shoulder, but should also crawl
under a table and come out on the opposite side.
In New England the gravity of salt-spilling as an omen,
its deplorable severance of friendship's ties, and the
necessity for prompt remedial measures, are all fully

And here the deft toss of the spilled particles over the
left shoulder is not always adequate; for in order
thoroughly to break the spell, these particles must be
thrown on the stove.
Gypsies have a saying, "The salt of strife has fallen."
From the idea of the desecration of a sacred substance,
to which allusion has been made, doubtless arose the
remarkable superstition that, as a penalty for spilling
salt, one must wait outside the gate of Paradise for as
many years as there are grains of salt spilled.
In the Lansdowne MSS. 231 (British Museum) occurs
this passage:--
The falling of salt is an authentic psagemt of ill-luck,
nor can every temper contemn it; nor was the same a
grall pgnostic among the ancients of future evil, but a
pticular omination concerning the breach of friendship.
For salt as incorruptible was ye symbole of friendship,
and before ye other service was offered unto yeir
guests. But whether salt were not only a symbol of
friendship wh man, but also a fig. of amity and
recociliation wh God, and was therefore offered in
sacrifices, is an higher speculation.

In the northern counties of England, and indeed quite

generally in Anglican communities, it is reckoned
unlucky to be helped to salt at table, and this idea has

found expression in the popular couplet, "Help me to

salt, help me to sorrow." In a small volume entitled
"The Rules of Civility" (London, 1695), translated from
the French, and quoted in "Brand's Popular
Antiquities," is the following passage:--
Some are so exact they think it uncivil to help anybody
that sits by them either with salt or brains. But in my
judgment that is a ridiculous scruple, and if your
neighbor desires you to furnish him (with salt), you
must either take out some with your knife and lay it
upon his plate, or if they be more than one, present
them with the salt that they may furnish themselves.
In Russia there is a superstitious prejudice against
helping one's neighbor to salt at table on account of the
liability to quarrels thereby incurred. For in so doing
one is thought to have the air of implying, "Well, you
have received your allowance of salt, now go away."
But if in proffering the salt one smiles amicably, all
danger of a quarrel is happily averted, and the act is
wholly relieved of its ominous character.
The simple expedient of a second help is commonly
regarded as equally effective for this purpose, but it is
difficult to imagine whence was derived the alleged
potency of such an antidote, which is contrary to the
Pythagorean theory of the divine character of unity and
the diabolical attributes of the number two.

In many lands, however, it is only common courtesy to

help a friend to salt at table; but in Italy this delicate
attention was formerly thought to be a mark of undue
familiarity, and, when salt was offered by one
gentleman to the wife of another, it was a sufficient
cause for jealousy and even quarrel.

The mediaeval Roman Catholic custom of using salt to

protect infants from evil prior to their baptism is
frequently alluded to in early romantic literature. In an
ancient ballad entitled "The King's Daughter," the birth
of a child occurs under circumstances which prevent the
administration of the rite of baptism. The mother,
therefore, exposes the baby in a casket, and is careful to
place by its side salt and candles. The words of the
ballad are:--
The bairnie she swyl'd in linen so fine,
In a gilded casket she laid it syne,
Mickle saut and light she laid therein,
Cause yet in God's house it had'na been.'
Mr. William G. Black, in his work on Folk-Medicine,
says that in some districts of Scotland it was formerly a
custom, previous to baptism, to carry some salt around
the child "withershins," or backwards,--a procedure
which was believed to protect the child from evil during
its oftentimes long journey from the house to the church
where the ceremony was to be performed. In Marsala
the relatives of a new-born child do not sleep the first

night, for fear of the appearance of witches. Indeed, a

watch is often kept for many nights, or until the child's
baptism. A light burns in the room constantly, and an
image of some saint is fastened upon the house-door. A
rosary and a raveled napkin are attached to the image,
and behind the door are placed a jug of salt and a
broom. When a witch comes and sees the saint's image
and the rosary, she usually goes away at once; but even
if these talismans are wanting, the salt, napkin, and
broom afford adequate protection. For any witch before
entering must count the grains of salt, the threads of the
napkin's fringe, and the twigs of which the broom is
made. And she never has time enough for these tasks,
because she cannot appear before midnight, and must
hide herself before the dawn.
This popular belief in the magical power of salt to
protect infants from evil, especially in the period
between birth and baptism, is exemplified in the
following allusion to a foundling in a metrical "History
of the Family of Stanley," which dates from the early
part of the sixteenth century (Harleian MSS. 541,
British Museum): "It was uncrisned, seeming out of
doubt, for salt was bound at its neck in a linen clout."
In Sicily, too, it is sometimes customary for the priest to
place a little salt in the child's mouth at baptism, thereby
imparting wisdom. Hence the popular local saying in
regard to a person who is dull of understanding, that the
priest put but little salt in his mouth. A similar usage is
in vogue in the district of Campine in Belgium. The use

of salt at baptism in the Christian Church dates from

the fourth century. It was an early practice to place salt,
which had been previously blessed, in the infant's
mouth, to symbolize the counteraction of the sinfulness
of its nature.
So, too, in the baptismal ceremonies of the Church of
England in mediaeval times, salt, over which an
exorcism had been said, was placed in the child's
mouth, and its ears and nostrils were touched with
saliva,--practices which became obsolete at about the
time of the reign of Henry VIII.
An octagonal font of the fifteenth century, in St.
Margaret's Church, Ipswich, Suffolk, has upon one of
its sides the figure of an angel bearing a scroll, on
which appears a partially illegible inscription containing
the words Sal et Saliva.
Thomas Ady, in "A Perfect Discovery of Witches"
(London, 1661), says that holy water, properly
conjured, was used to keep the Devil in awe, and to
prevent his entering churches or dwellings.
With such holy water Satanic influences were kept
away from meat and drink, and from "the very salt upon
the table."
In the Highlands of Scotland, instead of using salt as an
amulet for the protection of young babies, it was
customary for watchers to remain constantly by the
cradle until the christening. For it was believed that

spiteful fairies were wont to carry off healthy infants,

leaving in their stead puny specimens of their own
elfish offspring;--and infants thus kidnapped were
sometimes kept in fairyland for seven years. This
well-known popular belief gave rise to the word
"changeling," which signifies a "strange, stupid, ugly
child left by the fairies in place of a beautiful or
charming child that they have stolen away." And
inasmuch as baby elves were invariably stunted and of
feeble intellect, all idiotic and dwarfish children were
thought to be changelings.

The natives of Morocco regard salt as a talisman against

evil, and a common amulet among the Neapolitan poor
is a bit of rock-salt suspended from the neck. The
peasants of the Hartz Mountain region in Germany
believe that three grains of salt in a milk-pot will keep
witches away from the milk; and to preserve butter
from their uncanny influences, it was a custom in the
county of Aberdeen, Scotland, some years ago, to put
salt on the lid of a churn. In Normandy, also, the
peasants are wont to throw a little salt into a vessel
containing milk, in order to protect the cow who gave
the milk from the influences of witchcraft.
Peculiar notions about the magical properties of salt are
common among African Americans . Thus in some
regions a new tenant will not move into a furnished
house until all objects therein have been thoroughly

salted, with a view to the destruction of witch-germs.

Another example of the supernatural attributes ascribed
to salt is the opinion current among uneducated people
in some communities of its potency in casting a spell
over obnoxious individuals. For this purpose it is
sufficient either to sprinkle salt over the sleeping form
of an enemy, or on the grave of one of his ancestors.
Another kind of salt-spell in vogue in the south of
England consists in throwing a little salt into the fire on
three successive Friday nights, while saying these
It is not this salt I wish to burn,
It is my lover's heart to turn;
That be may neither rest nor happy be,
Until he comes and speaks to me.
On the third Friday night the disconsolate damsel
expects her lover to appear. Every one is familiar with
the old saying, "You can catch a bird with your hand, if
you first put some salt on its tail." This quaint
expression has been thought to imply that, if one can
get near enough to a bird to place salt on its tail, its
capture is an easy matter. The phrase, however, may be
more properly attributed to a belief in the magical
properties of salt in casting a spell over the bird.
Otherwise any substance mioht be equally effective for
the purpose of catching it. The writer remembers having
read somewhere an old legend about a young man who
playfully threw some salt on the back of a witch sitting
next to him at table, and the witch thereupon acquired

such an increase of avoirdupois that she was unable to

move until the young man obligingly brushed away the
The ancient Teutons believed that the swift flight of
birds was caused by certain powerful spirits of the air.
Now salt is a foe to ghostly might, imparts weight to
bodies, and impedes their motion; therefore the
rationale of its operation when placed upon a bird's tail
is easily intelligible.
In the Province of Quebec French Canadians sometimes
scatter salt about the doors of their stables to prevent
those mischievous little imps called lutins from
entering and teasing the horses by sticking burrs in their
manes and tails. The lutin or gobelin is akin to the
Scandinavian household spirit, who is fond of children
and horses, and who whips and pinches the former
when they are naughty, but caresses them when good.
In Marsala, west Sicily, a horse, mule, or donkey, on
entering a new stall, is thought to be liable to
molestation by fairies. As a precautionary measure,
therefore, a little salt is placed on the animal's back, and
this is believed to insure freedom from lameness, or
other evil resulting from fairy spite. Common salt has
long enjoyed a reputation as a means of procuring
disenchantment. It was an ingredient of a salve "against
nocturnal goblin visitors" used by the Saxons in
England, and described in one of their ancient leech-
books; while in the annals of folk-medicine are to be
found numerous references to its reputed virtues as a

magical therapeutic agent. In Scotland, when a person is

ailing of some affection whose nature is not apparent, as
much salt as can be placed on a sixpence is dissolved in
water, and the solution is then applied three times to the
soles of the patient's feet, to the palms of his hands, and
to his forehead. He is then expected to taste the mixture,
a portion of which is thrown over the fire while saying,
"Lord, preserve us frae a' skaith."
The Germans of Buffalo valley in central Pennsylvania
believe that a boy may be cured of homesickness by
placing salt in the hems of his trousers and making him
look up the chimney.
In India the natives rub salt and wine on the affected
part of the body as a cure for scorpion bites, believing
that the success of this treatment is due to the
supernatural virtue of the salt in searing away the fiends
who caused the pain. An ancient Irish charm of great
repute in cases of suspected "fairy-stroke" consisted in
placing on a table three equal portions of salt in three
parallel rows. The would-be magician then encircles the
salt with his arm and repeats the Lord's Prayer thrice
over each row. Then, taking the hand of the fairy-struck
person, he says over it, "By the power of the Father and
of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, let this disease depart
and the spell of evil spirits be broken." Then follows a
solemn adjuration and command addressed to the
supposed demon, and the charm is complete.

In Bavaria and the Ukraine, in order to ascertain

whether a child has been the victim of bewitchment, the
mother licks its forehead; and if her sense of taste
reveals thereby a marked saline flavor, she is convinced
that her child has been under the influence of an evil
In the Swiss canton of Bern a person is believed to be
amply fortified against all kinds of spiritual enemies by
the simple expedient of carrying a piece of fresh bread
and a psalm-book in the right and left coat pockets
respectively, provided one is careful to have some rock-
salt either in each vest pocket, or inside a briarwood
cane upon which three crosses have been cut. In
Bohemia a mother seeks to protect her daughter from
evil glances by placing a little bread and salt in her
pocket; and when a young girl goes out for a walk the
mother sprinkles salt on the ground behind her, so that
she may not lose her way.
Holy water has been employed in the religious
ceremonies of many peoples as a means of purifying
both persons and things, and also to keep away demons.
Sprinkling and washing with it were important features
of the Greek ritual.
The holy water of the Roman Catholic Church is
prepared by exorcising and blessing salt and water
separately, after which the salt is dissolved in the water
and a benediction pronounced upon the mixture. In the
Hawaiian ritual, sea-water was sometimes preferred.

A Magyar house-mistress will not give any salt to a

woman who may come to the door and ask for it in the
early morning, believing that any such would-be
borrower is surely a witch; but in order to keep away all
witches and hags, she strews salt on the threshold. On
St. Lucien's Day neither salt nor fire must be taken out
of the house.
Among the Japanese, the mysterious preservative
qualities of salt are the source of various superstitions.
The mistress of a household will not buy it at night and
when purchased in the daytime a small quantity is
thrown into the fire in order to prevent discord in the
family, and to avert misfortune generally.
In Scotland salt was formerly in high repute as a charm,
and the salt-box was the first chattel to be removed to a
new dwelling. When Robert Burns, in the year 1789,
was about to occupy a new house at Ellisland, he was
escorted on his route thither along the banks of the river
Nith by a procession of relatives, and in their midst was
borne a bowl of salt resting on the family Bible.
In some places in the north of England the giving away
of salt is a dangerous procedure; for if the salt thus
given comes into the possession of an evil-wisher, it
places the donor entirely in the power of such a person.
In upper Egypt, previous to the setting out of a caravan,
it is customary for the native women to throw salt on
burning coals, which are carried in earthen vessels and

set down before the different loads. While so doing they

exclaim, "May you be blessed in going and coming,"
and such incantations they believe render inert all the
machinations of evil spirits.

Among the peasants of the Spanish province of

Andalusia the word "salt" is synonymous with
gracefulness and charm of manner, and no more
endearing or flattering language can be used in
addressing a woman, whether wife or sweetheart, than
to call her "the salt-box of my love." The phrase "May
you be well salted" is also current as an expression of
affectionate regard.
Scotch fishermen have a traditional custom of salting
their nets "for luck, and they also sometimes throw a
little salt into the sea "to blind the fairies."
In the Isle of Man the interchange of salt is regarded as
indispensable to every business transaction, while Manx
beggars have even been known to refuse an alms if
proffered without it.
In Syracuse, Sicily, salt has won distinction as a symbol
of wisdom through a curious misinterpretation of the
words sedes sapientiae of the so-called Lauretane
litany; these words becoming in the mouths of the
people sale e sapienza, salt and wisdom.

Salt and bread, representing the necessaries of life, are

the first articles taken into the dwelling of a newly
married pair in Russia. And in Pomerania, at the close
of a wedding breakfast, a servant carries about a plate
containing salt, upon which the guests place presents of
In olden times bread and salt were reckoned the
simplest and most indispensable articles of diet, and
were offered to guests as a guarantee of hospitality and
friendliness. The universal reputation of salt as a
symbol of good-will is shown in the proverbs and
current sayings of many nations. Cicero, in his treatise
on Friendship, wrote that age increased the value of
friendships, even as it improved the quality of certain
wines; and he added further that there was truth in the
proverb, "Many pecks of salt must be eaten together to
bring friendship to perfection."
Inasmuch as salt is a necessary and wholesome article
of diet, a generous use of it is reckoned beneficial. Evan
Marlett Boddy, F. R. C. S., in his "History of Salt," p. 78,
comments with some asperity on the custom, prevalent
at the tables of English gentlefolk, of placing salt in the
tiniest receptacles, as if it were a most expensive
substance. He regards it as anything but edifying "to see
the host and his guests, in the most finical, grotesque
manner, help themselves to the almost infinitesimal
quantities of salt, as if it were a mark of good breeding
and delicacy." On the contrary, he continues, such

stupid customs of "good society" are truly indicative

of mental weakness and profound ignorance.
In a treatise on the "Dignity and Utility of Salt," by
Jean de Marcounille Percheron, Paris, 1584, this
mineral is likened in value to the four elements
recognized by the ancients,--earth, air, fire, and water;
and indeed, on account of its importance for the
maintenance of health in the animal economy, salt has
been termed a "fifth element." So highly did the
Thracians of old prize this commodity that they bartered
slaves in exchange for it, whence originated the phrase
Sale emptum mancipium.
The Egyptian geographer, Cosmas, stated that a salt
currency was in use in Africa in the sixth century; and
Marco Polo wrote that salt was a common medium of
exchange among certain Asiatic peoples in the
thirteenth century. In Tibet, for example, pieces of salt
shaped in a mould, and weighing about half a pound
each, served as small change; eighty such pieces were
equal in value to a saggio of fine gold, corresponding to
the Roman solidus, worth about three dollars. Salt was,
moreover, used as money at this time in Yun-Nan and
other provinces of southwestern China.
Felix Dubois, in his "Timbuctoo the Mysterious," p.
123, comments on the rarity of salt in the interior of the
Soudan, and says that it is the most valuable commodity
of that region, the true gold of the Soudanese. The bulk
of the salt supply of Timbuctoo comes from the salt

mines of Taudeny, which are situated in the great

Sahara desert, some three hundred miles away to the
north. Here the salt is found in abundance beneath a
scanty layer of sand, and is dug up in lumps and
fashioned into blocks. Small pieces of this rock-salt are
useful to the traveler as money, and are readily accepted
as such by the Soudanese merchants.
The camels of southern Mongolia require a certain
amount of salt in order to remain in good condition.
Instinctively, therefore, they browse upon the saline
efflorescence which is found on the grassy plains or
steppes of Asia. Baron Humboldt, in his "Aspects of
Nature" (Berlin, 1808), wrote that these plains were
covered with juicy, evergreen soda plants; and that
many of them glistened from afar with flakes of exuded
salt, which much resembled newly fallen snow. When
camels do not find this efflorescence, they sometimes
show their craving for its saline flavor by taking white
stones in their mouths, supposing them to be lumps of
Owing to the universality of its use, salt has been
termed the "cosmopolitan condiment." The craving for
this substance is not confined to man, but is shared by
the lower animals, and its hygienic value for horses and
cows is well known. Wild animals travel long
distances over deserts and prairies, or through
swamps and jungles, to reach "salt-licks."

It may be that this natural craving for salt, which is

common to man and beast, may have suggested a
custom of etiquette in Abyssinia. For when a native of
that country desires to pay an especially delicate
attention to a friend or guest, he produces a piece of
rocksalt, and graciously permits the latter to lick it with
his tongue; a custom not a whit more ridiculous than the
ceremonious offering of snuff and the social sneeze of
modern civilization.
In certain portions of the Dark Continent salt is
esteemed a great luxury, and is relished by native
children quite as keenly as candy in more favored lands.
In the region of Accra, on the coast of Guinea, salt is
said to rank next to gold in value; and according to
Mungo Park, among the Mandingos and Bambarras,
west African tribes, whose members are unusually
intelligent, the phrase, "flavoring one's food with salt,"
implies the possession of wealth.
The Namaquas, inhabitants of the Hottentot country,
share so little the sentiments of their neighbors
regarding salt that they consider it a superfluous article
having no value whatever.
About the year 1830 there appeared in England a
volume by a certain Doctor Howard, with the following
curious title: "Salt, the forbidden fruit or food; and
the chief cause of diseases of the body and mind of man
and of animals, as taught by the ancient Egyptian priests

and wise men and by scripture, in accordance with the

author's experience of many years."
As may well be imagined from its title, this book treats
of salt as a most obnoxious substance, abstinence from
which as an article of diet is essential to the
maintenance of health.
The use of salt as an article of food was, moreover,
thought to render one irascible and melancholic, and in
illustration of this view may be quoted the following
passage from "Euphues and his England," by John Lyly,
Maister of Arte (1580):--
In sooth, gentlemen, I seldome eate salte for feare of
anger, and if you give me in token that I want wit, then
will you make cholericke before I eate it; for women, be
they never so foolish, would ever be thought wise.
I staied not long for mine answer, but as well quickened
by her former talke as desirous to cry quittance for her
present tongue, said thus: "If to eat store of salt, cause
one to fret; and to have no salt, signifies lack of wit,
then do you cause me to marvel, that eating no salt, you
are so captious; and loving no salt, you are so wise,
when indeed so much wit is sufficient for a woman, as
when she is in the raine can warne her to come out of
In a recent article in the "Journal of Hygiene," the writer
affirms that the general belief in the necessity of the use
of salt for the maintenance of health is mischievous; for

many people, in their zeal to make the most of a good

thing, are wont to eat salt as a seasoner of all kinds of
food. Thus an abnormal craving for the saline flavor is
acquired and the condiment is used in excess, thereby
unduly taxing the secretory organs, whereas in reality
but a small quantity of salt is requisite. Persons addicted
to the so-called "salt habit" have a perverted taste, and
are naturally total failures as epicures; for how can any
one assume to be a dainty feeder who disguises the true
flavor of every dish, and whose palate refuses to be
tickled by the choicest morsels, unless these smack
strongly of salt?
But even in our times the use of salt as a relish is
sometimes deprecated as unnecessary, if not positively
harmful. Thus it is argued that this substance arrests or
retards the physiological processes of disintegration and
renewal of the cells? which compose the tissues of the
living body, processes essential to the maintenance of
life and health.
A recent advocate of this theory maintains that the
fondness for salt shown by some domesticated animals
is due to an acquired taste rather than to an instinctive
craving; for dogs and cats easily grow to like such
artificial products as ice-cream and beer. As to the
occasional visits of wild animals to salt-licks, the fact
that such visits are comparatively infrequent has been
thought to prove that these animals periodically require
the medicinal effects of saline waters, on the same
principle which leads people of wealth and fashion to

visit certain spas of Europe or America. The writer

above mentioned suggests that, whereas each article of
food has its own individual flavor, the addition of salt
makes them all taste alike. And if an inveterate user of
salt will forego this favorite condiment for a month, he
will then for the first time be enabled properly to
appreciate the true flavors of meats and vegetables.
In the "Revelations of Egyptian Mysteries," by Robert
Howard, the use of salt as a relish is characterized as an
infringement of that law of nature which forbids
animals to partake of mineral substances as food.
History may, indeed, vouch for the antiquity of the
custom, but can furnish no proof of its propriety.
Indeed, the writer alleges in the above work that salt is a
most pernicious substance, and the direct cause of many
The idea conveyed by the phrase, "Enough is as good as
a feast," applies in full force to the use of salt as a
condiment, for an excess of this substance in one's food
certainly spoils its flavor.

The rhetorician Arnobius, in his work "Disputationes

contra Gentes," wrote that the pagans were wont to
sanctify or hallow their tables by setting salt-cellars
thereon. For owing to the fact that salt was employed at
every sacrifice as an offering to the gods, and owing
moreover to its reputed divine attributes, receptacles
containing salt were also held sacred.

Indeed, the salt-cellar partook of the nature of a holy

vessel, associated with the temple in general, and more
particularly with the altar.
Pythagoras said that salt was the emblem of justice; for
as it preserves all things and prevents corruption, so
justice preserves whatever it animates, and without it all
is corrupted. He therefore directed that a saltcellar
should be placed upon the table at every meal, in order
to remind men of this emblematic virtue of salt.
The Romans considered salt to be a sacred article of
food, and it was a matter of religious principle with
them to see that no other dish was placed upon the table
before the salt was in position. A shell served as a
receptacle for salt on the table of the Roman peasant,
but at the repast of the wealthy citizen the silver salt-
cellar, which was usually an heirloom, was placed in
the middle of the table; and the same custom prevailed
in England in mediaeval times.
In a work entitled "Antiquitates Culinarim," compiled
by the Rev. Richard Warner, London, 1791, are to be
found, reprinted from an old paper-roll, elaborate
directions for the preparation of the banquet-table on
the occasion of a great feast at the enthroning of George
Neville as Chancellor of England and Archbishop of
York in the sixth year of Edward the Fourth, A. D.

After the laying of the "chiefe napkin," the officials of

the king's household charged with such duties were
directed to bring salt, bread, and trenchers, and to "set
the salt right under the middest of the cloth of estate."
Minute directions follow regarding the proper
disposition of the trenchers, knives, spoons, and bread,
and their exact relations to the salt, which was treated
with special deference throughout the ceremony.
The Hon. Horace Walpole published an account of the
formalities observed at the "setting" of Queen
Elizabeth's dinner-table, as described by a German
traveler who was present on such an occasion. After the
table-cloth had been spread two gentlemen appeared,
one bearing a rod and the other having a salt-cellar, a
plate, and bread. After kneeling three times with the
utmost reverence, they placed these three articles upon
the table and withdrew. Later in the ceremony came an
unmarried lady dressed in white silk, and a matron
carrying a tasting-knife. The former, having thrice
prostrated herself, approached the table in the most
graceful manner, and rubbed with bread and salt the
plates provided for the guests. After this the yeomen of
the guard, clad in scarlet, and each with a golden rose
upon his back, entered bare-headed, bringing a course
of four-and-twenty dishes. In the households of the
English nobility a similar custom prevailed.
The custom of placing salt upon the table before all else
is thought to have originated in the ancient conception

of this substance as the symbol of friendship; and

indeed no banquet, however elaborate, was complete
without it. The salt was, moreover, the last article to be
removed from the hospitable board.
It was as though our forefathers thereby intended that
the guests, seeing salt on the table, might realize that
they were "invited in love and were loved before they
came;" and the fact that it was allowed to remain after
the other dishes had been removed might serve to
remind them that while feasts, like many other good
things, come to an end, love and friendship may be
Macrobius wrote, in the fifth century A. D., that the
ancients did not consider themselves as either welcome
or safe at a banquet unless the salt and the shrines of
their gods were placed upon the table; the former
indicating a cordial greeting, and the latter being a
guarantee of protection.
The ancient "Boke of Keruynge" says: "Than set your
salt on the ryght syde where your soverayne shall sytte,
and on ye lefte syde the salte set your trenchours."
Mediaeval salt-cellars were often elaborate pieces of
silver. In Paul Lacroix's Manners, Customs, and Dress
during the Middle Ages are illustrations of an enameled
silver salt-cellar with six facings, representing the
labors of Hercules, which was made at Limoges for the
French king, Francis I., in the early part of the sixteenth

century. At Corpus Christi College, Cambridge,

England, is preserved an elegantly wrought silver and
golden salt-cellar which belonged to Matthew Parker,
who was appointed Archbishop of Canterbury in 1558.
In the "Art Journal" (vol. xxxix. 1887) is a description
of the state salt-cellar of Mostyn Hall, Flintshire, North
Wales, which had been recently discovered in an
ancient chest. This magnificent piece of plate, which
bears the London date-mark 1586-87, is eighteen and
one half inches in height and of cylindrical form,
surmounted by a vase, and richly ornamented with
groups of fruit, foliage, animals, and birds.
In mediaeval England the chief salt-cellar was
sometimes in the form of a silver ship, thus suggesting
both the briny deep and the craft which sails thereon.
King Henry III. ordered twenty silver salts in the year
In the room containing the crown jewels, in the Tower
of London, are to be seen eleven magnificent golden
salt-cellars, the oldest dating from the reign of
Elizabeth. Of these the so-called state salt-cellar, which
is a model of the White Tower, was presented by the
city of Exeter to King Charles II., and was used at
coronation banquets.
Descriptions and illustrations of old English saltcellars
of different epochs are to be found in a volume entitled
"Old English Plate," by Wilfred Joseph Cripps, M. A.,

F. S. A., London, 1886; and in "Old Plate," by J. H.

Buck, New York, 1888. In the former work mention is
made of a magnificent salt-cellar, "in the form of an
olifaunt," the property of John, Earl of Warrenes, in
1347; and another, "in the shape of a dog," belonging to
Edmund Mortimer, Earl of March, in 1380.
From an early period until the close of the seventeenth
century, the rank of guests at a banquet in wealthy
households, as in the halls of country squires, in
England, was indicated by the situation of their places
at table with reference to the massive silver centre-
pieces which contained the salt, sometimes called the
"salt-vat" or "salt-foot."
At the head of the table, which was called the board's
end, and "above the salt," sat the host and his more
distinguished guests; and during the reigns of Henry
VII. and VIII. it was enjoined upon the ushers to see
that no person occupied a higher place than he was
entitled to. Probably no penalty was imposed upon
guests who unwittingly selected a more honorable seat
than their rank warranted, other than removal to a lower
position. But in the less civilized era of the eleventh
century, the laws of King Canute provided that any
person sitting at a banquet above his position should be
"pelted out of his place by bones, at the discretion of the
company, without the privilege of taking offense."

In a book called "Strange Foot-Post, with a Packet full

of Strange Petitions," by Nixon (London, 1613), the
author says in reference to a poor scholar:--
Now, as for his fare, it is lightly at the cheapest table,
but he must sit under the salt, that is an axiome in such
places; then having drawne his knife leisurably,
unfolded his napkin mannerly after twice or thrice
wiping his beard, if he have it, he may reach the bread
on his knife's point.
The "Babees Book" (1475) says: "The salt also touch
not in his salere with nokyns mete, but lay it honestly
on the Trenchoure, for that is curtesy;" and the "Young
Children's Book" (1500) contains this passage: "It was
not graceful to take the salt except with the clene knyfe;
far less to dip your meat into the salt-cellar."
Joseph Hall, in his "Satires" (1597), speaking of the
conditions imposed by a gentle squire upon his son's
tutor, says that the latter was required to sleep in a
trundle-bed at the foot of his young master's couch, and
that his seat at table was invariably "below the salt."
Again, in a volume of "Essayes," by Sir William
Cornwallis (1632), occurs the following:--
There is another sort worse than these, that never utter
anything of their owne, but get jests by heart, and rob
bookes and men of prettie tales, and yet hope for this to
have a roome cibove the salt.

The following passage from Smyth's "Lives of the

Berkeleys" refers to Lord Henry Berkeley, who dwelt in
Caludon Castle, near Coventry, in Warwickshire, in the
latter part of the sixteenth century, and may serve to
illustrate the importance of the central salt-cellar as a
At Christmas and other festivals when his neighbors
were feasted in his hall, he would, in the midst of their
dinner, rise from his own, and going to each of their
tables, cheerfully bid them welcome; and when guests
of honor and high rank filled his own table, he seated
himself at the lower end; and when such guests filled
but half his board and those of meaner degree the other
half, he would take his own seat between them in the
midst of his long table near the salt, which gracious
considerate acts did much to gain the love that his
people had for him.
And in commenting on this passage a recent writer
remarks that his haughty wife, Lady Katherine,
highborn and beautiful and clever though she was,
could hardly be imagined as sitting "below the salt," out
of consideration for the feelings of an inferior.
In the houses of well-to-do farmers among the Scottish
peasantry in the latter part of the eighteenth century, a
linen cloth was sometimes spread over the upper
portion of the dinner-table, where sat the farmer and the
members of his family. Quite commonly, however, a
chalk-line divided this end of the board from the lower

portion where the hired laborers were seated; and in the

more pretentious households the salt-dish served as a
In "Nares' Glossary," vol. ii. p. 763, under the heading
"Above or Below the Salt," the writer comments on the
invidious distinctions formerly made between guests
seated at the same table, and quotes as follows from
Ben Jonson's "Cynthia's Revels" in reference to a
conceited fop:--
His fashion is not to take knowledge of him that is
beneath him in clothes; he never drinks below the Salt.
The Innholders Company still adheres to the custom of
indicating rank and social position at table by means of
a handsome salt-cellar of the time of James I., to which
is assigned the responsible function of dividing, the
Court from the Livery at the Livery dinners; the latter
occupying the seats corresponding to those of the
retainers in the old-time baron's hall.
Among the Puritans in New England "the salt-cellar
was the focus of the old-time board." Our ancestors
brought with them from beyond the sea, not only the
ideas regarding table etiquette prevalent in the old
country, but also such tangible vanities as silver plate.
Miss Alice Morse Earle, in her book on the "Customs
and Fashions of Old New England," says that the
"standing salt" was often the handsomest article of table
furniture, and mentions among the belongings of

Comfort Starr, of Boston, in 1659, a "greate silver-gilt

double salt-cellar." Early in the eighteenth century these
ponderous silver vessels were superseded by the little
"trencher salts," of various patterns, which are still in

THE origin of the use of common salt as a condiment is

hidden in the mazes of antiquity. Although we have no
evidence that this important article of diet was known to
the antediluvians, there is still abundant proof that it
was highly esteemed as a seasoner of food long before
the Christian era. In a Greek translation of a curious
fragment of the writings of the semi-fabulous
Phoenician author, Sanchoniathon, who is said to have
lived before the Trojan war, the discovery of the uses of
salt is attributed to certain immediate descendants of
Noah, one of whom was his son Shem.
From the mythical lore of Finland we learn that Ukko,
the mighty god of the sky, struck fire in the heavens, a
spark from which descending was received by the
waves and became salt. The Chinese worship an idol
called Phelo, in honor of a mythological personage of
that name, whom they believe to have been the
discoverer of salt and the originator of its use. His
ungrateful countrymen, however, were tardy in their
recognition of Phelo's merits, and that worthy thereupon
left his native land and did not return. Then the Chinese
declared him to be a deity, and in the month of June

each year they hold a festival in his honor, during which

he is everywhere eagerly sought, but in vain; he will not
appear until he comes to announce the end of the world.
Among the Mexican Nahuas the women and girls
employed in the preparation of salt were wont to dance
at a yearly festival held in honor of the Goddess of salt,
Huixtocihuatl, whose brothers the rain-gods are said, as
the result of a quarrel, to have driven her into the sea,
where she invented the art of making the precious
The earliest Biblical mention of salt appears to be in
reference to the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah.
(Genesis xix. 24-26.) When King Abimelech destroyed
the city of Shechem, an event which is believed to have
occurred in the thirteenth century B.C., he is said to
have "sowed salt on it," this phrase expressing the
completeness of its ruin. (Judges ix. 45.) It is certain
that the use of salt as a relish was known to the Jewish
people at a comparatively early period of their history.
For in the sixth chapter of the Book of Job occurs this
passage: "Can that which is unsavoury be eaten without
In Eastern countries it is a time-honored custom to
place salt before strangers as a token and pledge of
friendship and good-will. The phrase "to eat some one's
salt" formerly signified being in that person's service,
and in this sense it is used in the Book of Ezra, iv. 14,
where the expression, " we have maintenance from the

king's palace," means literally, " we are salted with the

salt of the palace," which implies being in the service of
the king. And from the idea of being in the employment
of a master, and eating his salt, the phrase in question
came to denote faithfulness and loyalty.
As an instance of the superstitious reverence with which
salt is regarded in the East, it is related that Yacoub ben
Laith, who founded the dynasty of Persian princes
known as the Saffarides, was of very humble origin,
and in his youth gained a livelihood as a freebooter. Yet
so chivalrous was he that he never stripped his victims
of all their belongings, but always left them something
to begin life with anew.
On one occasion this gallant robber had forcibly and by
stealth entered the palace of a prince, and was about
departing with considerable spoil, when he stumbled
over an object which his sense of taste revealed to be a
lump of salt. Having thus involuntarily partaken of a
pledge of hospitality in another man's house, his honor
overcame his greed of gain and he departed without his
Owing to its antiseptic and preservative qualities, salt
was emblematic of durability and permanence; hence
the expression "Covenant of Salt." It was also a
symbol of wisdom, and in this sense was doubtless used
by St. Paul when he told the Colossians that their
speech should be seasoned with salt.

Homer called salt divine, and Plato described it as a

substance dear to the gods.
Perhaps the belief in its divine attributes may have been
a reason for the employment of salt as a sacrificial
offering by the Hebrews, Greeks, and Romans, all of
whom, moreover, regarded it as an indispensable relish.
Plutarch said that without salt nothing was savory or
toothsome, and that this substance even imparted an
additional flavor to wines, thus causing them "to go
down the throat merrily." And the same writer remarked
that, as bread and salt were commonly eaten together,
therefore Ceres and Neptune were sometimes
worshiped together in the same temple.
Salt is the common name for the mineral halite. The
name comes from the Greek halos “salt, sea” and the
suffix “ite”, derived from the Greek lithos, “stone” It is
pronounced “hay-light”. Traditionally used for physical
well being, vitality, and longevity The metaphysical
properties of salt are derived from a wide range of
influences like its functions in the body, cooking, and
industry, its association with the ocean and Moon, and
its uses cross culturally. 1: Life, Death, and Rebirth:
The liquids in the body like blood carry a memory of
the ocean. They have a chemical makeup similar to
seawater, although the exact proportion of minerals is
different. Salt reminds us of the origin of life. Salt is
also necessary for life, used by the nerves, digestive
system, and for fluid regulation, but too much brings

death instead. For example, conquered enemies may

have had their land “salted” in antiquity, salt spread
over their soil, to discourage reconstruction because of
crop failure. However this harsher quality of salt may
also be harnessed for “beneficial destruction”. Salt is
used to preserve food and clean wounds because it
discourages the growth of microorganisms. Because of
its traditional medicinal uses and connection to the
origins of life, salt is said to support physical well
being, vitality, and longevity. It also has more
metaphorical associations with life and death. Water
often represents spirit. Because salt dissolves in water
but may later precipitate out as new crystals, salt
symbolizes both the body and its rebirth, resurrection,
and immortality. Similarly salt water is a common tool
in the metaphysical community to return people, places,
and objects to energetic wholeness. Just as it dissolves
in water but can later recrystallize, salt represents the
alchemical process of things being broken down into
their individual elements, purified, and returned
integrated to the whole. 2: The Ocean, Moon, and the
Feminine: Deposits of rock salt were created by the
evaporation of shallow seas millions of years ago.
Because of this literal connection to the ocean and the
Moon, the classical ruler of all water, salt is given
qualities culturally associated with the “feminine”
like balancing the emotions, intuition, and altered states
like dreaming. Because of its age, salt that is mined
rather than evaporated from sea water is associated with
deeper emotional patterns, like those rooted in our

childhood, the past, or past lives. Rock salt usually

contains trace amounts of other minerals, especially
gypsum (selenite), another mineral closely associated
with the Moon. Lunar substances like salt and selenite
are said to support personal growth, bless the home, and
help individuals spiritually harness the cycles of the
Moon. 3: The Cube of Earth, Manifestation, and
Anchoring Spiritual Energies: Although it comes from
the sea, salt is an ancient symbol of the Earth instead
because of the cubic growth of its crystals. The cube
is a symbol of stability, equality, and the material
world, often paired with a celestial sphere. A cube or
groups of cubes were often the model for temples,
altars, and thrones historically. It expands the
symbolism of the square, representing things like the
four directions, to six, because of its six faces. Six
based geometric figures like the hexagram (Star of
David) symbolize the union of opposites like
male/female, the six directions (East, South, West,
North, Above, and Below), and concepts like the six
days of Creation in the Bible. Because of salt’s
relationship to the cube, it is associated not only with
grounding but manifestation and anchoring spiritual
energies into the material world, mirroring cosmology
like sacred architecture.
4: Incorruptibility, Purification, and Protection: Salt
represents the Divine and our own spiritual
development because of its incorruptibility. It does not
spoil and prevents other things from spoiling. Because
of its preservative qualities and association with

holiness, salt is cross culturally used for purification,

spiritual protection, and releasing unwanted influences.
Many religions use salt against “spiritual decay” by
sprinkling it, creating circles, lines, or piles of it, and
adding it to holy water. 5: Abundance, Hospitality, and
the Sanctity of the Table: Like all former luxury goods,
salt continues to carry the signature of abundance. It
was once so precious that your proximity to it at meals
revealed your social standing. Nobility were seated
“above the salt”, closer to the head of the table. Cross
culturally the sharing of salt, especially the sharing of
salt and bread, became a symbol of hospitality,
friendship, and mutual respect between guest and host.
Those who had shared salt together should not harm
one another. Salt became associated with peace,
domestic harmony, and the sanctity of the shared table.
Many cultures in antiquity, from the Greeks to the Jews,
added salt to their offerings. This not only purified them
spiritually, it adapted a custom for honored guests to
show respect to the Divine. Salt came to symbolize a
renewal of one’s relationship to God. 6: Colored Salts
and Specific Chakras: Salt may be colored by trace
inclusions of other minerals or deformations of its
crystal structure that change the way light passes
through it. Contemporary metaphysical sources
associate these colored varieties of salt with the chakras
that correspond to them in color. Because of salt’s
association with the ocean and emotions, they are also
said to balance feelings attributed to those chakras. For
example, modern sources say pink halite is connected

to the heart chakra and balances feelings related to love,

self worth, and one on one relationships.

Gandhi’s relationship with the occult and how he

believed there was only 1 true religion . “The soul of
religions is one, but it is encased in a multitude of
forms. The latter will endure to the end of time. Wise
men will ignore the outward crust and see the same soul
living under a variety of crusts. … Truth is the
exclusive property of no single scripture. We may call
ourselves Christians, Hindus or Mohammedans.
Whatever we may be, beneath that diversity there is a
oneness which is unmistakable and underneath many
religions there is also one religion.” Gandhi .

Gandhi also had some controversial beliefs when it

came to religion and was a follower of Madame
Blavatsky’s Theosophy which states “There is no
religion higher than Truth.” and that behind all religion
there is one ultimate true religion.


THEOSOPHY . There is a strong occult connection to his
life of social justice, due to the efforts of Madame
Helena Blavatsky and Annie Besant of the
Theosophical Society.
Blavatsky moved to London. There she founded the
Blavatsky Lodge and was visited by Mohandas K.
Gandhi. He spoke of Blavatsky as being a major
catalyst for his ideas, and while he was living in South
Africa, Gandhi kept a picture of Annie Besant,
Blavatsky’s successor, on his office wall. Besant was a
compelling orator, and a speech she gave at Trafalgur
Square in London was partially responsible for the
Bloody Sunday of 1887, during which police clashed
with protesters of the Irish National League and the
Socialist Democratic Federation.. Eventually she
joined the Theosophical Society after writing a review
on one of Blavatsky’s books and subsequently
interviewing her. She found socialism and economics
lacked a spiritual aspect, and found Theosophy filled
that void. With her history in politics and newfound
appreciation for Theosophy, she became involved in
Indian politics, launching the foundation of the Indian
Home Rule Movement in 1916. She became a member
of the Indian National Congress and fronted the first
political party in India. --made president of the Indian
National Congress for one year. The man who
petitioned for her release from prison and who
became her successor was none other than Mohandas
Gandhi, when he returned home from his time spent in

South Africa. From then on, Gandhi would take over

for Besant and develop his satyagraha movement to
peacefully protest .
Though the extent to which the occult Theosophical
movement influenced Gandhi and Indian
independence is not commonly known, it is well
documented. It could also be said that the widespread
influence of Eastern spirituality on Western culture that
is so prominent today can be attributed largely to
Blavatsky and Theosophy. Had she and her followers
not taken the steps to the revivification of Hinduism,
Indian history may have been different. .


According to Gandhi: The soul of religions is one, but it

is encased in a multitude of forms. The latter will
endure to the end of time. Wise men will ignore the
outward crust and see the same soul living under a
variety of crusts... Truth is the exclusive property of no
single scripture. These ideas mirror the those of a
"universal brotherhood," expressed by H. P. Blavatsky,
an avowed Luciferian and the leading figure of the
nineteenth century Occult Revival, and the
"godmother" of the New Age movement, which
aspires to create a one-world religion based on the
teachings of Freemasonry.

(the following is an excerpt from Black Terror White

In India, Blavatksy’s Theosophical Society evolved into
a mixture of Western occultism and Hindu mysticism,
and also spread western ideas in the east, aiding a
modernization of eastern traditions, and contributing to
a growing nationalism in the Asian colonies. The
Theosophical Society had a major influence on
Buddhist modernism and Hindu reform movements,
and the spread of those modernized versions in the
west. During the nineteenth century, Hinduism
developed a large number of new religious movements,
partly inspired by the European Romanticism,
nationalism, scientific racism and Theosophy. With the
rise of Hindu nationalism, several contemporary Indian
movements, collectively termed Hindu reform
movements, strove to introduce regeneration and reform
to Hinduism. The Theosophical Society and the Arya
Samaj were united from 1878 to 1882, as the
Theosophical Society of the Arya Samaj. And, along
with H. S. Olcott and Anagarika Dharmapala, Blavatsky
was also instrumental in the Western transmission and
revival of Theravada Buddhism. Dharmapala (1864 –
1933) was a pioneer in the revival of Buddhism in India
after it had been virtually extinct there for several
centuries???? . Along with Olcott and Blavatsky,
Dharmapala was also a major reformer and revivalist of
Ceylonese Buddhism and very crucial figure in its
Western transmission. Dharmapala also believed that
Sinhalese of Ceylon (now Sri Lanka) are a pure Aryan

race, and advised that Sinhalese women should avoide

miscegenation by refraining from mixing with minority
races of the country.[1] An important influence on
western spirituality was Neo-Vedanta, also called neo-
Hinduism, a modern religious movement inspired by
Sri Ramakrishna (1836 – 1886) and his beloved disciple
Swami Vivekananda (1863 – 1902). It was
Vivekananda who coined the term “Hinduism”????
to describe a faith of diverse and myriad beliefs of
Indian tradition. Also a Freemason, Vivekananda was a
key figure in the introduction of Indian philosophies of
Vedanta and Yoga to the western world. Vivekananda
taught the doctrine of the unity of all religions, and is
perhaps best known for a speech at the Parliament of
the World’s Religions in Chicago in 1893, the first
attempt to create a global dialogue of faiths.
Vivekananda quoted two passages from the Shiva
mahimna stotram: “As the different streams having
their sources in different places all mingle their water in
the sea, so, O Lord, the different paths which men take,
through different tendencies, various though they
appear, crooked or straight, all lead to Thee!” and
“Whosoever comes to Me, through whatsoever form, I
reach him; all men are struggling through paths that in
the end lead to Me.”[2]
In addition to Vivekananda, the Parliament of the
World’s Religions was dominated by the Theosophists
and their counterparts among the representatives of neo-
Vedanta and Buddhist Modernism. According to K.
Paul Johnson, the Parliament gave Theosophists “a

breakthrough into public acceptance and awareness

which had hardly seemed possible a few years
before.”[3] Colonel Olcott shared his sentiments in Old
Diary Leaves, “How great a success it was for us and
how powerfully it stimulated public interest in our
views will be recollected by all our older members.”
Several of the World Parliament’s speakers on behalf of
internationsl religions had been Theosopphists, such as
Dharmapala and Kinza Hirai, who represented
Buddhism, Mohammed Webb for Islam, and
Chakravarti for the Hindus. In his 1921 history of the
Theosophical movement, René Guénon wrote that after
the 1893 Parliament, “the Theosophists seemed very
satisfied with the excellent occasion for propaganda
afforded them in Chicago, and they even went so far
as to proclaim that “the true Parliament of Religions
had been, in fact, the Theosophical Congress.”[4]

Born in London into a middle-class family of Irish

origin, Besant was proud of her heritage, and became
involved with Union organizers including the Bloody
Sunday demonstration, which she was widely credited
for inciting. During 1884, Besant had developed a very
close friendship with Edward Aveling, who first
translated the works of Marx into English??. He
eventually went to live with Marx’s daughter Eleanor
Marx. Besant was a leading speaker for the Fabian
Society. The Fabians were a group of socialists whose
strategy differed from that of Karl Marx in that they
sought world domination through what they called the

“doctrine of inevitability of gradualism.” This meant

their goals would be achieved “without breach of
continuity or abrupt change of the entire social issue,”
and by infiltrating educational institutions, government
agencies, and political parties.
American section of the Theosophical Society split into
an independent organization. The original Society, then
led by Henry Steel Olcott and Besant, based in Chennai,
India, came to be known as the Theosophical Society
Adyar. Besant’s partner in running the Theosophical
Society was Charles Leadbeater, a known pedophile. In
1909, Leadbeater claimed to have “discovered” the new
Messiah in the person of the handsome young Indian
boy named Jiddu Krishnamurti. Krishnamurti gained
international acceptance among followers of Theosophy
as the new Savior, but the boy’s father nearly ruined the
scheme when he accused Leadbeater of corrupting his
As President of the Theosophical Society, Besant
became involved in politics in India, joining the Indian
National Congress, and during World War I helped
launch the Home Rule League, modeling demands for
India on Irish nationalist practices. This led to her
election as president of the India National Congress in
late 1917. --- it was announced that the ultimate aim of
British rule was Indian self-government???. After the
war, a new leadership emerged around Mohandas K.
Gandhi, who was inspired by the ideals of
Vivekananda, and who was among those who had
written to demand Besant’s release. According to

Kathryn Tidrick, Gandhi’s approach to the Gita was

theosophical.[5] Gandhi later credited Theosophy with
instilling in him the principle of the equality among
religions. As he explained to his biographer, Louis
Fischer, “Theosophy… is Hinduism at its best.
Theosophy is the brotherhood of man.” The
organization’s motto inspired Gandhi to develop one of
his central principles, that “all religions are true.”[6]

Gandhi had met Blavatsky and Besant in 1889.[7] And

when Gandhi set up his office in Johannesburg, among
the pictures he hung on his walls were those of Tolstoy,
Jesus Christ and Annie Besant, and in a letter he wrote
to her in 1905 he expressed his "reverence" of her.[8]
Besant bestowed on him the title by which he became
famous, "Mahatma,” a Hindu term for "Great Soul,”
and the same name by which Theosophy called its
own masters.

Besant's distinctive influence on Gandhi through her

contribution to theory was the “Law of Sacrifice,”
which was set out most fully in Esoteric Christianity.
The Law of Sacrifice was derived from a Fabian
reading of the Bhagavad Gita, where Krishna's selfless
activity brought the world into existence and continues
to sustain it.

Action performed in this “sacrificial” spirit, says

Krishna, is free from Karma.

From this Besant developed the notion of the Law of

Sacrifice, a form of “spiritual alchemy,” through
disinterested action, “cast upon the altar of duty.” The
man who acts in harmony with the divine selflessness
animating the universe becomes: ..a force for
evolution… an energy for progress, and the whole race
then benefits by the action , which otherwise would
only have to the sacrificer a personal fruit, which in turn
would have bound his Soul, and limited his
potentialities.[9] Despite his popular image as holy
man, Joseph Lelyveld’s Great Soul: Mahatma Gandhi
And His Struggle With India, according to his reviewer,
reveals Gandhi was a “sexual weirdo, a political
incompetent and a fanatical faddist—one who was often
downright cruel to those around him. Gandhi was
therefore the archetypal 20th-century progressive
intellectual, professing his love for mankind as a
concept while actually despising people as
individuals.”[10] According to Lelyveld, Gandhi also
encouraged his seventeen-year-old great-niece to be
naked during her "nightly cuddles,” and began sleeping
with her and other young women. He also engaged in a
long-term homosexual affair with German-Jewish
architect and bodybuilder Hermann Kallenbach, for
whom Gandhi at one point left his wife in 1908.[11]

Gandhi shared the racist beliefs of the Theosophists.

Of white Afrikaaners and Indians, he wrote: “We
believe as much in the purity of races as we think they
do.” Gandhi lent his support to the Zulu War of 1906,

volunteering for military service himself and raising a

battalion of stretcher-bearers. Gandhi complained of
Indians being marched off to prison where they were
placed alongside Blacks, “We could understand not
being classed with whites, but to be placed on the same
level as the Natives seemed too much to put up with.
Kaffirs [Blacks] are as a rule uncivilized—the convicts
even more so. They are troublesome, very dirty and live
like animals.”[12] Gandhi and Mussolini became
friendly when they met in December 1931, with Gandhi
praising the Duce's "service to the poor, his opposition
to super-urbanization, his efforts to bring about a
coordination between Capital and Labour, his
passionate love for his people." He also advised the
Czechs and Jews to adopt nonviolence toward the
Nazis, saying that "a single Jew standing up and
refusing to bow to Hitler's decrees" might be enough "to
melt Hitler's heart."[13]

Displaying the degree of penetration of Theosophy's

goal of creating a one-world religion into the mission
of the UN, the Parliament of World Religions of
1893, as mentioned in the article, was reestablished
by the UN in 1983.
According to [Robert] Muller [who served as Assistant
Secretary-General of the UN for forty years], "We must
move as quickly as possible to one-world government, a
one-world religion, under a one-world leader."[1]
Muller’s ideas about world government, world peace
and spirituality led to the increased representation of

religions in the UN, especially of New Age Movement.

He was known by some as “the philosopher of the
United Nations.”[2] Muller, who won the UNESCO
Prize for Peace Education in 1989 for his World Core
Curriculum, said, "The underlying philosophy upon
which The Robert Muller School is based will be found
in the teaching set forth in the books of Alice A. Bailey
by the Tibetan teacher, Djwhal Khul."[3] In the 1980’s,
numerous projects were sponsored by the United
Nations to promote notions of a universal religion and
global citizenship, such as World Healing Day, World
Instant of Cooperation, World Peace Day, Annual
Global Mind Link, Human Unity Conference, World
Conference on Religion and Peace, Provisional World
Parliament. In 1995, the UN asked the Temple of
Understanding, founded by Bailey’s Lucis Trust, to host
the 50th Anniversary of its founding, and to organize
two inter-faith services. The Temple of Understanding
is located in Manhattan’s historic Cathedral of St. John
the Divine, dedicated to St. John, traditionally revered
by Freemasons according to the Johannite creed. The
completion of the cathedral was such a prized
accomplishment for the Freemasons that it was
featured on the front page of Masonic World of March
1925. The Cathedral is replete with occult symbolism
and often features unusual performances. The presiding
bishop of the cathedral was the bisexual Bishop Paul
Moore, whose family were heirs to the Nabisco
company fortune, and as a priest in Indianapolis he gave
Jim Jones’s People’s Temple cult its start. Having been

dormant for several years, the Temple of Understanding

was revived at the cathedral in 1984 at a ceremony
presided over by Moore and the Dalai Lama. While
the chairman of the Temple was Judith Dickerson
Hollister, those involved with its founding included:
Dame Margaret Mead, Robert Muller, who had been
involved as well with the Lucis Trust, and Winifred
McCulloch, leader of the New York-based Teilhard de
Chardin Society. The Cathedral also houses the
Lindisfarne Center, founded in 1972 with funding from
Laurance Rockefeller, brother to David Rockefeller, by
cultural historian William Irwin Thompson, a former
professor of humanities from MIT and Syracuse
University. Lindisfarne functioned as a sponsor of New
Age events and lectures, as well as a think tank and
retreat, similar to the Esalen Institute, with which it
shared several members, like Gregory Bateson and
Michael Murphy. Their aim is participate in the
emerging planetary consciousness, or Noosphere. In
addition to Teilhard de Chardin, Thompson is
influenced by Alfred North Whitehead, Rudolf Steiner,
Sri Aurobindo and Marshall McLuhan, the Canadian
philosopher of communication theory, who is also
celebrated in Ferguson’s The Aquarian Conspiracy.
Lindisfarne has also been supported by the Lilly
Endowment, the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, and
Rockefeller Foundation, and lists among its faculty
members Amory Lovins, Gaia theory biologist James
Lovelock, and Luciferian adept and New Age author
David Spangler. Lindisfarne was founded in 1972 by

New Age philosopher William Irwin Thompson, a

former professor of humanities from MIT and Syracuse
University. Thompson said: “We have now a new
spirituality, what has been called the New Age
movement. The planetization of the esoteric has been
going on for some time… This is now beginning to
influence concepts of politics and community in
ecology… This is the Gaia [Mother Earth] politique…
planetary culture.” Thompson further stated that, the
age of “the independent sovereign state, with the
sovereign individual in his private property, [is] over,
just as the Christian fundamentalist days are about to be
over.”[4] Held at the Cathedral of St. John the Divine,
the Temple called together leaders of the world’s
religions to offer prayers, and invited the world’s
leading artists to perform music, poetry and dance. In
1997 and 1998, with the Interfaith Center of New York,
the Temple of Understanding held an Interfaith Prayer
Service at St. Bartholomew Church to pray for the work
of the General Assembly and the Secretary General of
the UN. It was also at the Cathedral of St. John the
Divine that the controversial “Islamic feminist”
preacher named Amina Wadud led a Muslim Friday
prayer in 2005, breaking with the tradition of having
only male Imams, and conducted without the traditional
separation between male and female sections. The
Temple of Understanding promotes the “Interfaith
Movement” with its centennial celebration of the
World’s Parliament of Religions.

The first Parliament of World Religions Conference, as

a successor to the first Parliament of World Religions
Conference, in effect the Theosophical Congress,
gathered in Chicago in 1883. It had been founded by
Reverend Dr. John Henry Barrows, according to whom,
“The best religion must come to the front, and the best
religion will ultimately survive, because it will contain
all that is true in all the faiths.”[5] The Parliament was
dominated by Theosophists, such as Annie Besant,
Dharmapala and the Hindu universalist Vivekananda
who, in his famous speech, called for an end to religious
conversions, and instead for each to "assimilate the
spirit of the other," and said, "The Christian is not to
become a Hindu or a Buddhist, nor a Hindu or a
Buddhist to become a Christian. But each religion must
assimilate the spirit of the others and yet preserve its
own individuality and grow according to its own law of
growth."[6] Commenting on the Parliament, Max
Müller told an audience at Oxford University: Such a
gathering of representatives of the principal religions of
the world has never before taken place; it is unique, it is
unprecedented; nay, we may truly add, it could hardly
have been conceived before our own time… It
established a fact of the greatest significance, namely,
that there exists an ancient and universal religion, and
the highest dignitaries and representatives of all the
religions in the world can meet as members of one
common brotherhood, can listen respectfully to what
each religion had to say for itself, nay, can join in a
common prayer and accept a common blessing, one day

from the hands of a Christian archbishop another day

from a Jewish Rabbi, and again another day from a
Buddhist priest.[7] The recent one-world-religion
agenda has been pushed with the re-establishment of
the Parliament of World Religions Conference, the
United Religions Initiative (URI) and United Religions
Charter. The URI was founded in 1995 by Episcopalian
bishop William Swing and dedicated to promoting
inter-faith cooperation. The URI, which aspires to have
the stature of the United Nations, was established to,
“promote enduring, daily inter-faith cooperation, to end
religiously motivated violence and to create cultures of
peace, justice and healing for the Earth and all living
beings.” The Parliament of the World’s Religions was
reconvened again in the city of Chicago in 1993. The
Institute of Muslim Minority Affairs based in Jeddah,
Saudi Arabia, was one of the co-sponsors of the
Parliament, along with the Muslim World League,
which was originally founded by Said Ramadan and
Mufti al Husseini with the assistance of the CIA. Prince
Muhammad al-Faisal bin Turki, former director of
Saudi intelligence, who had worked closely with bin
Laden and the CIA during the fight against the Soviet
invasion of Afghanistan, was one of its speakers. The
first address was delivered by Robert Müller, titled
“Inter-faith Understanding,” who said: There is one sign
after the other, wherever you look, that we are on the
eve of a New Age which will be a spiritual age… We
are entering an age of universalism. Wherever you turn,
one speaks about global education, global information,

global communications—every profession on Earth

now is acquiring a global dimension. The whole
humanity is becoming interdependent, is becoming
one… this Parliament and what is happening now in the
world… is a renaissance, a turning point in human
history. So even the astrologers begin to tell us that
there will be a fundamental change.[8]

Jesus saw children who were being suckled. He said to
his disciples: These children who are being suckled are
like those who enter the Kingdom. They said to Him:
Shall we then, being children, enter the Kingdom?
Jesus said to them: When you make the two one, and
when you make the inner as the outer and the outer as
the inner and the above as the below, and when you
make the male and the female into a single one, so
that the male will not be male and the female not be
female, when you make eyes in the place of an eye, and
a hand in the place of a hand, and a foot in the place of
a foot, and an image in the place of an image then shall
you enter the Kingdom. ANDROGYNOUS ??

When we are born again, we become united. kundalini

and Christ seed – both of these are related. Being

“born again” is not originally a Christian concept. It

was taken from other cultures. It was mentioned in
egyptian mysteries – being born again means initiates
who are born of spirit, when they pass through the trials
successfully. This term is also found in Hinduism.
Thus, Christianity simply borrowed this term from older
religions, like it did many other stories and terms. One
of the esoteric parables, is that the kingdom of heaven
is within. If it wasn’t borrowed, then it would indeed
mean that Christ was an initiate into the Egyptian
mysteries. This is claimed to be the case in Talmud. In
Talmud Christ is accused of being a magician who
learnt the art in Egypt. Also, Christ had the initiate’s
vocabulary – he used terms such as him being the
cornerstore, building his church on a rock, not casting
pearls to the swine, Mary called him Rabboni, which
means “master-builder” – all these and more terms
come from esoteric teachings. How to inherit the
kingdom . It’s incredible that this important teaching
of the kingdom being within is found in the Bible in the
first place. However, further explanation is missing, but
it’s found in the books left out from the Bible by
Romans. Such a one is the Gospel of Thomas. The
Gospel of Thomas explains that in order to enter into
the Kingdom of Heaven that is within, you must no
longer be divided.

‘Let the Orthodox Church resolve this issue, whether

Christ has risen, whether Love is accepted in the

Orthodox Church. There is one church in the world. But

the Universal White Brotherhood is outside the church -
it is higher than the church. But even higher than the
Universal White Brotherhood is the Kingdom of
Heaven. Hence the Church is the first step, the
Universal White Brotherhood is the second step, and
the Kingdom of Heaven is the third step - the greatest
one that is to be manifested.’ (24 June 1923).
According to Ezekiel 28, Satan, called the “king of
Tyre” was once a beautiful, created being; a marvelous
messenger of light. Satan’s original name, Lucifer,
means light bearer, and he occupied a position of
tremendous privilege and responsibility in the kingdom
of heaven.

 This inner treasure of life has had many names.

Plato refers to it as the Good and the Beautiful,
Aristotle as Being, Plotinus as the Infinite, St.
Bernard of Clairvaux as the Word, Ralph Waldo
Emerson as the Oversoul. In Taoism it is called
the Tao, in Judaism Ein Sof. Among Australian
aborigines it is called the dreamtime, among tribes
of southern Africa Hunhu/Ubuntu. The names may
differ, but the inner reality they point to is one and
the same.

This experience has likewise been given different

names. In India traditions it is called Yoga, in
Buddhism Nirvana, in Islam fana, in Christianity 
spiritual marriage.

John Ruskin 1819 – 1900

John Ruskin was an advocate of homeopathy and

attended the hydrotherapy cure and was a patient of
homeopath James Manby Gully. John Ruskin was also
a correspondent of homeopath James John Garth
Wilkinson (Anon, The British Spiritual Telegraph,
being a weekly record of spiritual phenomena, Volume
1, (Keighley, Morell, 27th June 1857). Page 14 (quoted
in this volume from a letter published in the New York
Tribune). cwent to Hampstead to see the spirit
drawings done by Garth Wilkinson’s son in 1857).
Ruskin was a friend of John Stuart Blackie, Octavia
Hill, and Edward Acworth, John Ruskin was also a
friend of Elizabeth (Eliza) Hetty Hall Wagstaff (?-?),
the homeopathic and clairvoyant wife of allopath Philip
Wynter Wagstaff of Leighton Buzzard (Van Akin Burd
(ed.), Christmas story: John Ruskin’s Venetian letters of
1876-1877. (University of Delaware Press, 1990).
Multiple pages). Ruskin was also a close friend of Lady
Georgiana Tollemache Mount Temple, the wife of
William Francis Cowper Temple 1st Baron Mount
Temple (1811-1888) (James Gregory, Reformers,
Patrons and Philanthropists, (Taurus Academic Studies,

2010). Page 57), John Ruskin supported the Pre

Raphaelite Brotherhood which included artists Dante
Gabriel Rossetti, John Everett Millais and William
Holman Hunt. John Ruskin was acquainted with most
of the literary luminaries of the day; a surviving group
photograph shows him with Alfred Lord Tennyson,
Charles Dickens, Wilkie Collins, Anthony Trollope,
George MacDonald, George Henry Lewes, and William
Makepeace Thackeray. While in America he was a
friend of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow and Walt
Whitman. George MacDonald was a close friend of
John Ruskin’s and served as a go between in John
Ruskin’s long courtship with Rose la Touche. John
Ruskin was also a close friend of Lewis Carroll,
Thomas Carlyle and he was also a close friend of
Robert and Elizabeth Browning. John Ruskin also
admired spiritualist Daniel Dunglas Home and John
Ruskin was very interested in spiritualism, and as a
result he also knew Mrs. Wagstaff ‘Waggie’, the
homeopathic and clairvoyant wife of allopath Philip
Wynter Wagstaff of Leighton Buzzard. Dante Gabriel
Rossetti was a close friend of homeopath James John
Garth Wilkinson, who introduced him to Mrs. Wagstaff,
Philip Wynter Wagstaff was the physician of John
Ruskin’s friend William Cowper Temple. Mrs.
Wagstaff was the homeopath of Edward Robert Lytton
Bulwer Lytton, the son of Edward Bulwer Lytton.
William Cowper Temple and his wife Georgiana were
very close friends of John Ruskin: Now John Ruskin –
who had considered Rossetti to be his best friend –

faced the loss of his own untarnished angel. Yet far

from freeing him, Rose’s death in a Dublin nursing
home on May 25, 1875, merely tightened her grip on
his psyche. Beset with grief, John Ruskin retreated to
Broadlands, the Hampshire home of the Cowpers, who
had played go-betweens in the tortuous affair. William
Cowper Temple (the illegitimate son of Henry
Palmerston) and his wife, Georgiana (with whom John
Ruskin too had fallen in love many years before),
enthusiastically embraced the tenets of the Victorian
new age – phrenology, vegetarianism, anti-blood
sports, homeopathy and, above all, spiritualism.

((( Lord Palmerston, in full Henry John Temple, 3rd

Viscount Palmerston, of Palmerston in the County of
Dublin, -- Baron Temple, of Mount Temple in the
County of Sligo, by name Pam, (born October 20, 1784,
Broadlands, Hampshire, England—died October 18,
1865, Brocket Hall, Hertfordshire), English Whig-
Liberal statesman whose long career, including many
years as British foreign secretary (1830–34, 1835–41,
and 1846–51) and prime minister (1855–58 and 1859–
65), made him a symbol of British nationalism.
_Viscount_Palmerston Freemasonry played a large
role in Lord Palmerston's life,[1]. Shouldn't we mention
that here? References Dillon, George F. (1950). Grand
Orient Freemasonry unmasked: as the secret power

behind Communism through discovery of lost lectures.

[London]: Britons Pub. Society. pp. 113–9. The Life
of Lord Palmerston up to 1847 was written by Lord
Dalling (Sir H. Lytton Bulwer) . In April 1856
Palmerston was appointed to the Order of the
Garter by Victoria.

unseen oligarchs that ruled the ‘British Empire’ through

a secret society known as Freemasonry. . The primary
secret mechanism by which the British Empire spread
throughout the ‘New World’ was through the secret
society of Freemasonry. In turn, Freemasonry was
spread mostly through the military regiments, including
the navy, as Jessica HarlandsJacobs showed in her
book, Builders of Empire: Freemasonry and British
Imperialism, 1717-1927. n 1799, British
Freemasonry gained exemption from a soon-to-be
enacted law, the Unlawful Societies Act (1799) during a
period when the British government was cracking down
on internal rebellion, amid revelations that French
Templar Masons were behind the French Revolution. 9
The British government was concerned about the
implications of secret societies holding secret
proceedings, with their own forms of symbolic
communications, secret signals and unlawful oaths.
This exemption was gained from secret meetings
between the masonic grand masters and Prime Minister
Pitt. To save their order, the grand masters emphasized
Freemasonry’s constitution, which forbid political

discussions in the lodges. Ironically, to maintain this

exemption, Freemasonry professed it was an apolitical
organization while at same time it openly demonstrated
its loyalty to the British monarchy, government and
empire. Indeed, the British Empire benefitted from the
security that Freemasons provided in volunteer militia
and the regiments.
British Freemasonry developed mobile military lodges
as a means to connect with their brethren when
deployed to conflicts and imperials outposts spread
around the vast and expanding British Empire. These
military lodges, which were embedded within
regiments, were given numerous names, such as field
lodges, regimental lodges, traveling lodges and
ambulatory lodges. Like all Freemason lodges, they
operated through the permission of another lodge that
conferred authority through a letter or certificate, called
a dispensation. Most of the innovation in spreading
military lodges during the mid-18th and early 19th
Centuries occurred through the Irish Constitution of
At the apex of secret Sionist-Rosicrucian English
Freemasonry was Bro. Lord Palmerston (born Henry
John Temple) who was between 1837 and 1865, either
the Foreign Secretary at the British Government’s
Foreign Office, when he wasn’t wearing the British
Prime Minister’s hat. At one time or another during this
time, Brother Lord Palmerston was a 33rd Degree
Freemason, Grand Master of the British Brotherhood,
and leader of English Freemasonry. Between 1837 and

1848, Bro. Lord Palmerston was also the ruler of all

secret societies and Grand Patriarch of the Illuminati.10
Between 1782 and 1843, the Grand Master of British
Freesmasonry had been drawn from the British Royal
family and returned again the British monarchy in
1874.11 Because the key oath of Freemasonry is one
that obligates the fraternity to always follow orders
from above, the merger of Freemasonry with the
political-economic-cultural power bases of the British
Empire practically meant obedience to an imperial
vision.12 ndeed, as historian Webster Griffin
Tarpley has retold the British Prime Minister’s
outrageous belligerent attitude to any native or colonist
people who opposed the British Empire’s brotherhood,
Lord Palmerston “thundered” in the British Parliament
that wherever a British subject travels the British fleet
will resolve his disputes.

The plan was devised by the four leading member of

what is known as the Palladian Rite. In 1870, Mazzini,
Lord Henry Palmerston of England, Otto von Bismarck
of Germany and Albert Pike, all thirty third degree
Scottish Rite Masons, completed an agreement to create
a supreme universal rite of Masonry, that would arch
over all the other rites, even the different national
rites. It centralised all high Masonic bodies in the
world under one head. To this end the Palladium Rite

was created as the pinnacle of the pyramid of power:

an international alliance to bring in the Grand Lodges,
the Grand Orient, the ninety seven degrees of Memphis
and Mizraim of Cagliostro, also known as the Ancient
and Primitive Rite, and the Scottish Rite, or the Ancient
and Accepted Rite.

Lord Palmerston, the Grand Patriarch or Master of

Grand Orient Freemasonry, as well as knight of the
Order of the Garter, was Queen Victoria’s Foreign
Secretary. Palmerston was also Prime Minister during
theBritain’s Opium Wars against China, in 1840 and
1858, beginning a policy of narcotics exploitation that
would later characterize the Illuminati’s strategy in the
twentieth century.

Starting in 1773, the British East India Company

established a monopoly on the production of Indian
opium, transporting it to China . ..  Britain’s official
policy was outlined by Lord Palmerston:

“…we must unremittingly endeavor to find, in other

parts of the world, new vents for our industry [opium]
… If we succeed in our China expedition [the Opium
War], Abyssinia [Ethiopia], Arabia, the countries of the
Indus, and the new markets of China will at no distant
period give us a most important extention to the range
of our foreign commerce.”

 Lord Palmerston, Britain's foreign secretary during

the First Opium War,

Following the failure of the revolution of 1848 in

Germany, Otto von Bismarck was elected to the
Prussian parliament in 1849. Thirty-third degree
Mason, Otto von Bismark, was one of the most
prominent leaders of the nineteenth century. Appointed
to represent Prussia in Frankfurt, Bismarck slowly
became convinced that a Prussian-led unified German
nation was an important goal. As Prime Minister of
Prussia, through a series of successful wars, he unified
the numerous states of the German confederation,
created by the Congress of Vienna, into a nation-state,
except Austria, Luxembourg, Netherlands, and

In 1871, Wilhelm I of Prussia was proclaimed German

emperor, and the Second German Reich, to succeed the
First Reich, the Holy Roman Empire, was born.
Bismarck became the first Chancellor of the German

Albert Pike was born in 1809, in Boston, studied at


Harvard, then later served as a Brigadier-General in the

Confederate Army. After the Civil War, he was found
guilty of treason and jailed. He was pardoned by fellow
Freemason President Andrew Johnson in 1866, with
whom he met at the White House the very next day.
The only monument to a Confederate general in
Washington, D.C. was erected in Pike’s honor. Pike
was one of the founding fathers, and head of the
Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, being
the Grand Commander of North? American
Freemasonry from 1859-1891. In 1869, he was a top
leader in the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, and in 1871
wrote the Masonic handbook, the Morals and Dogma of
the Ancient and Accepted Rite of Freemasonry.

In addition to a Supreme Council located in Charleston,

South Carolina, Pike established Supreme Councils in
Rome, Italy, led by Mazzini; London, England, led
by Palmerston; and Berlin, Germany, led by
Pike set up 23 subordinate councils in strategic places
throughout the world, including five Grand Central
Directories in Washington, DC (North America),
Montevideo (South America), Naples (Europe),
Calcutta (Asia), and Mauritius (Africa), which were
used to gather information. These branches have been
the secret headquarters for the Illuminati’s activities
ever since. . One, who during his undergraduate days
had lived at Stewart's home, was Lord Palmerston, a
future Prime Minister. Lord John Russell, Sir Walter

Scott, and James Mill were counted among his


Lord Palmerston's British Empire circa 1850, Schiller

Institute U.S. President Webster Tarpley chaired the
panel on ``Lord Palmerston's Multicultural Zoo'' at the
Schiller Institute's conference on Feb. 20.

Victorian London, the London of Dickens and

Thackeray, of John Stuart Mill and Thomas Carlyle.
This capital city is now the center of the greatest
colonial empire the world has ever known. Although in
theory there are still empires ruled by the French,
the Spanish, the Portuguese, the Dutch, the Belgians,
and the Danes, all of these, in this year of 1850, are
but the satellites of the British Empire.

Britain is the mistress of the seas, the empire upon

which the sun never sets.
Salt is the child of sun & sea .
Britain = salt ??

It is the new Rome on the banks of the Thames. The

empress is Queen Victoria, who is largely occupied
with Prince Albert in her business of breeding new
litters of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha to take over the royal
houses of Europe. A quarter-century from now Victoria
will be made empress of India to reward her for so

much breeding. But for all of Victoria's wealth and

power, Britain is not really a monarchy; it is an
oligarchy on the Venetian model, and the most
powerful leader of the British oligarchy in these times,
between 1830 and the end of the American Civil War,
is Lord Palmerston. Henry Temple, the third Viscount
Palmerston. Palmerston is the man the others--the
Russells, Disraelis, and Gladstones--simply cannot
match. Palmerston was first a Tory, then a Whig,
always a disciple of Jeremy Bentham, and for 35 years
there is scarcely a cabinet without Palmerston as foreign
secretary or prime minister. In London they call him
Lord Cupid, a Regency. On the continent they call him
Lord Firebrand. The schoolboys of Vienna sing that if
the devil has a son, that son is Lord Palmerston. ``Pam''
is an occultist who loves Satanism and seances. And
here, between Big Ben and the Foreign Office, are the
haunts of this nineteenth-century devil, Lord
Palmerston, old Pam. A New Roman Empire -- It is
1850. Lord Palmerston is engaged in a campaign to
make London the undisputed center of a new,
worldwide Roman Empire. He is attempting to conquer
the world in the way that the British have already
conquered India, reducing every other nation to the role
of a puppet, client, and fall-guy for British imperial
policy. Lord Palmerston's campaign is not a secret. He
has declared it here in the Houses of Parliament, saying
that wherever in the world a British subject goes, he can
flaunt the laws, secure that the British fleet will support
him. ``Civis Romanus sum, every Briton is a citizen of

this new Rome,'' thundered Lord Palmerston, and with

that, the universal empire was proclaimed. After 1815,
the French--be they restored Bourbons, Orleanists, or
Bonapartists--are generally pliant tools of London.
As soon as the war against Russia/ Crimean War is
over, Palmerston and John Stuart Mill at the British
East India Company will start the Great Mutiny in
India, which some historians will call the Sepoy
Rebellion. Muslim soldiers will be told that new
cartridges are greased with pig fat, Hindu soldiers will
be told the cartridges are greased with cow fat, and the
result will be what you would expect. But in the
conflagration the British will impose their direct rule in
all of India. Typical John Stuart Mill. He, of course,
is the author of ``On Liberty.'' The British would like
to give China the same treatment they are giving India.
Since 1842, Palmerston and the East India Company
have been waging Opium Wars against the Chinese
Empire, partly to get them to open their ports to opium
from India, and also as a way to conquer China.
Already the British have Hong Kong and the other
treaty ports. By 1860, the British will be in Beijing,
looting and burning the summer palace of the emperor.
Shortly after that, the British will back Napoléon in his
project of putting a Hapsburg archduke on the throne
of an ephemeral Mexican Empire--the Maximilian

Lord Palmerston will be the evil demiurge of the

American Civil War, the mastermind of secession, far

more important for the Confederacy than Jefferson

Davis or Robert E. Lee.
And as we look forward for a century and a half from
1850, British geopolitics, will remain the dominant
factor in world affairs.

Palmerston's Three Stooges How do the British do it?

How can a clique of depraved aristocrats on this tight
little island bid to rule the entire world? Don't believe
the stories about the workshop of the world; there are
some factories here, but Britain lives by looting the
colonies. The fleet is formidable, but also overrated,
and very vulnerable to serious challenges. The army is
third-rate. But the British/ Venetians have learned that
the greatest force in history is the force of ideas, and
that if you can control culture, you can control the
way people think, and then statesmen and fleets and
armies will bend to your will. Take our friend Lord
Palmerston. Pam has the Foreign Office, the Home
Office, and Whitehall, but when he needed to start the
1848 revolutions, or when the time will come for the
American Civil War, he turns to a troika of agents.
They are Lord Palmerston's Three Stooges-- Giuseppe
Mazzini, Louis Napoléon Bonaparte - Napoleon III,
and David Urquhart. These Three Stooges are the
heart of what is called the British Empire. Do not be
surprised if we find Palmerston's Three Stooges lashing
out with slanders, knives, and bombs against each other,
and even against their august master, Lord Palmerston
himself. Under Lord Palmerston England supports all

revolutions--except her own--and the leading

revolutionary in Her Majesty's Secret Service is
Giuseppe Mazzini, our first Stooge.
Mazzini's terrorist revolution -- Mazzini has concocted
a very effective terrorist belief structure. Mazzini is a
Genoese admirer of the diabolical Venetian friar Paolo
Sarpi. Mazzini's father was a physician to
Queen Victoria's father. For a while Mazzini
worked for the Carbonari, one of Napoléon's
freemasonic fronts. Then, in 1831, Mazzini founded his
Young Italy secret society. Louis Napoléon Bonaparte,
today's President of France, sent him articles for his
magazine. Mazzini's cry is ``God and the People,'' ``Dio
e Popolo,'' which means that the people are the new
God. Populism becomes an ersatz religion. Mazzini
teaches that Christianity developed the human
individual, but that the era of Christianity, of freedom,
of human rights, is now over. From now on, the
protagonists of history are not individuals any more,
but peoples, understood as racial nationalities. Mazzini
is adamant that there are no inalienable human rights.
There is only Duty, the duty of thought and action to
serve the destiny of the racial collectivities. ``Liberty,''
says Mazzini, ``is not the negation of all authority; it is
the negation of every authority that fails to represent the
Collective Aim of the Nation.'' There is no individual
human soul, only a collective soul. Every national
grouping that can be identified must be given
independence and self-determination in a centralized
dictatorship. In the coming century, Mussolini and the

Italian Fascists will repeat many of Mazzini's ideas

verbatim. Mazzini thinks that each modern nation has a
``mission'': The British would take care of Industry and
Colonies; the Poles, leadership of the Slavic world; the
Russians, the civilizing of Asia. The French get
Action, the Germans get Thought, and so forth. For
some strange reason, there is no mission for Ireland, so
Mazzini does not support the independence of Ireland.
There is only one monarchy which Mazzini supports,
because he says it has deep roots among the people:
Queen Victoria. Mazzini preaches an Italian revolution
for the Third Rome: After the Rome of the Caesars and
the Rome of the Popes comes the Rome of the People.
For this, the pope must be driven out. Mazzini has tried
to put this into practice just last year. In November
1848, armed Young Italy gangs forced Pope Pius IX to
flee from Rome to Naples. From March to June of
1849, Mazzini ruled the Papal States as one of three
dictators, all Grand Orient Freemasons. During that
time, death squads operated in Rome, Ancona, and
other cities. Some churches were sacked, and many
confessionals were burned. For Easter 1849, Mazzini
staged a monstrous mock Eucharist in the Vatican he
called the Novum Pascha, featuring himself, God, and
the People. During this time he was planning to set up
his own Italian national church on the Anglican model.
The defense of Rome was organized by Giuseppe
Garibaldi, who had joined Mazzini's Young Italy in the
early 1830s. But a French army sent by fellow Stooge
Louis Napoléon drove out Mazzini, Garibaldi, and their

supporters. Lord Palmerston said that Mazzini's regime

in Rome was ``far better than any of the Romans have
had for centuries.'' Right now Mazzini is here in
London, enjoying the support of Lord Ashley, the Earl
of Shaftesbury, a Protestant fanatic who also happens to
be Lord Palmerston's son-in-law.
Mazzini's direct access to the British government
payroll comes through James Stansfeld, a junior
Lord of the Admiralty and a very high official of
British intelligence. Last year, Stansfeld provided the
money for Mazzini's Roman Republic. Stansfeld's
father-in-law, William Henry Ashurst, is another of
Mazzini's patrons, as is John Bowring of the Foreign
Office, the man who will provoke the second Opium
War against China. Bowring is Jeremy Bentham's
literary executor. John Stuart Mill of India House is
another of Mazzini's friends. Mazzini is close to the
protofascist writer Thomas Carlyle, and has been
having an affair with Carlyle's wife.
Mazzini's role in Italy has been that of a marplot, a
wrecker, a terrorist, an assassin. His specialty is sending
his brainwashed dupes to their deaths in terrorist
attacks. He hides out and always succeeds in saving
himself. Mazzini travels readily on the continent using
false passports, posing as an American, an Englishman,
a rabbi. In 1848, he rushed to Milan as soon as the
Austrians had been driven out and tried to start trouble.
One of Mazzini's agents, General Ramorino, let the
Austrian commander Radetzky outflank the
Piedmontese and win the battle of Novara. Ramorino

was executed for treason, but Piedmont had lost the first
war for Italian liberation. The king abdicated, and
Mazzini tried to break up Piedmont with a revolt in
Genoa. Three years from now, Mazzini will stage an
abortive revolt against the Austrians in Milan, mainly to
stop Russia from allying with Austria in the Crimean
War. A few years after that Mazzini will try another
insurrection in Genova, still trying to break up
Piedmont. In 1860, he will encourage Garibaldi to sail
to Sicily, and then try to provoke a civil war between
Garibaldi's dictatorship in the south and Cavour's
Piedmontese government in the north. In 1860, he will
be thrown out of Naples as a provocateur. By that time,
Mazzini will be a hated and reviled figure, but British
propaganda and British support will keep him going.
Mazzini is also an assassination bureau. In 1848, there
was a chance that Pius IX's very capable reforming
minister Pellegrino Rossi could unify Italy and solve the
Roman Question in a constructive way, through an
Italian confederation, chaired by the pope, arranged
with Gioberti, Cavour, and other Piedmontese.
Mazzini's agents, members of Young Italy, stabbed
Pellegrino Rossi to death. The killer was in touch with
Lord Minto, Palmerston's special envoy for Italy.
Stooge violence between Mazzini and Napoléon III is
always intense, especially after Napoléon's army
finished off Mazzini's Roman Republic. In 1855, a
Mazzini agent named Giovanni Pianori will attempt to
kill Napoléon III, and a French court will convict
Mazzini. Have Napoléon's forces outshone the bungling

British in the Crimea? Are the British nervous about

Napoléon's new ironclad battleship, when they have
none? Attempts to kill Napoléon are financed by the
Tibaldi Fund, run by Mazzini and set up by Sir James
Stansfeld of the Admiralty. Later, in February 1858,
there will be an attempt to blow up Napoléon by one of
Mazzini's closest and best-known lieutenants from the
Roman Republic, Felice Orsini. Napoléon will get the
message that it is time to get busy and start a war
against Austria in 1859. At other times, Mazzini tried to
kill King Carlo Alberto of Piedmont. Mazzini's Young
Italy is always the party of the dagger, of the stiletto.

In the hands of Judith, the sword which cut short the life
of Holofernes was holy; holy was the dagger which
Harmodius crowned with roses; holy was the dagger of
Brutus; holy the poniard of the Sicilian who began the
Vespers; holy the arrow of Tell.'' Vintage Mazzini.
London's future ability to assassinate men like Walter
Rathenau, Jürgen Ponto, Aldo Moro, Alfred
Herrhausen, Detlev Rohwedder, stretches back in
unbroken continuity to the Mazzini networks of today.
Mazzini is actually doing everything he can to prevent
Italian unity. When unity comes, 20 years from now, it
will come in the form of a highly centralized state
dominated by Grand Orient Freemasons. For 30 years
the prime ministers will be Mazzini's agents, like
DePretis and Crispi. Because of the violent liquidation
of the Papal States, the Catholics will refuse to take part
in politics. Italy will remain weak, poor, and divided.

After Mussolini, the Italian Republican Party will

identify with Mazzini, and Ugo LaMalfa and his
friends will continue Mazzini's efforts to make sure that
Italy is weak and divided, bringing down one
government after another, and ruining the economy.

Mazzini's work , for the British extends far beyond

Italy. Like the Foreign Office and the Admiralty which
he serves, Mazzini encompasses the world. The
Mazzini networks offer us a fascinating array of
movements and personalities. There are agents and
dupes, professional killers, fellow-travelers, and
criminal energy types. Mazzini's court of miracles was a
public scandal. Leopold of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, now
the king of Belgium, has been complaining to his niece
Queen Victoria that in London there is maintained ``a
sort of menagerie of Kossuths, Mazzinis, Legranges,
Ledru-Rollins, etc. ... to let loose occasionally on the
continent to render its quiet and prosperity impossible.''
Indeed. On Feb. 21, 1854, this crew will come together
at the home of the American consul, George Sanders:
Mazzini, Felice Orsini, Garibaldi, Louis Kossuth,
Arnold Ruge, Ledru-Rollin, Stanley Worcell, Aleksandr
Herzen, and U.S. traitor and future President James
Buchanan. There will also be a Peabody from the
counting house. We can think of Mazzini as the
zookeeper of a universal human zoo. Mazzini's human
zoo is divided into theme parks or pavilions, one for
each ethnic group. In a normal zoo there is an elephant
house, a monkey house, an alligator pond, and the like.

In Mazzini's human zoo there is an Italian house, a

Russian house, a Hungarian house, a Polish house, an
American house. Let us walk through the various theme
parks in the zoo and identify some of the specimens.
Young Italy, as we have seen, was founded in 1831,
attracting the young sailor Giuseppe Garibaldi and
Louis Napoléon. Shortly thereafter there followed
Young Poland, whose leaders included the
revolutionaries Lelewel and Worcell. Then came
Young Germany, featuring Arnold Ruge, who had
published some material by an obscure German ``red
republican'' named Karl Marx. This is the Young
Germany satirized by Heinrich Heine. In 1834, Mazzini
founded ``Young Europe,'' with Italian, Swiss, German,
and Polish components. Young Europe was billed as the
Holy Alliance of the Peoples, opposed to Metternich's
Holy Alliance of despots. By 1835, there was also a
Young Switzerland. In that same year Mazzini launched
Young France. The guiding light here was Ledru-
Rollin, who later became the interior minister in
Lamartine's short-lived Second French Republic of
1848. There was also Young Corsica, which was the
mafia. By the end of this century we will have a Young
Argentina (founded by Garibaldi), Young Bosnia,
Young India, Young Russia, Young Armenia, Young
Egypt, the Young Czechs, plus similar groupings in
Romania, Hungary, Bulgaria, and Greece. Mazzini is
especially interested in creating a south Slavic
federation dominated by Belgrade, and for that reason,
he has a Serbian organization. That will have to wait for

Mazzini's student Woodrow Wilson and the Versailles

peace conference of 1919. Right now, a masonic group
in the United States is gearing up to support the pro-
slavery Franklin Pierce for President in 1852; they are
the radical wing of the Democratic Party, and they call
themselves Young America. In the future there will be
the Young Turks. And yes, there is also a Palmerston-
Mazzini group for Jews, sometimes called Young
Israel, and sometimes called B'nai B'rith. For
Mazzini, a nationality means a race, a fixed array of
behavior like a breed of dog or a species of animal. He
is not thinking of a national community united by a
literate language and a classical culture to which any
person can become assimilated through a political
choice. For Mazzini, race is unchangeable, and race is
destiny. It is a matter of blood and soil. Cats fight dogs,
French fight Germans, Germans fight Poles, and so on
through all eternity. These hatreds are the main datum
of sensory perception. Each of Mazzini's organizations
demands immediate national liberation for its own
ethnic group on the basis of aggressive chauvinism and
expansionism. Mazzini's warhorse is the Territorial
Imperative. Each is obsessed with borders and territory,
and each finds a way to oppose and sabotage dirigist
economic development. Each one is eager to submerge
and repress other national groupings in pursuit of its
own mystical destiny. This is Mazzini's racist gospel of
universal ethnic cleansing. We have seen some Italian
cages; next comes the Hungarian theme park in the zoo.
Our principal specimen here is Louis Kossuth, a leader

of the Hungarian revolution of 1848-49. Kossuth was

for free trade. He wanted equal status for Hungarians in
the Austrian Empire--equal with the Austrians. But
within the Hungarian part of the Hapsburg Empire
there were many other national groups--Poles,
Ukrainians, Germans, Serbs, Romanians, Croatians, and
others. Would they receive political and linguistic
autonomy? Kossuth's answer was to ban all official use
of the Slavic and Romanian languages in favor of
Hungarian. Kossuth was therefore on course for a
bloody collision with the Illyrian movement for Greater
Croatia, and with the military forces of the Croatian
leader Jellacich. There was also conflict with the Serbs.
Mazzini had promised the same territories to Hungary,
to the Illyrian Croatians, and to his Serbian south Slav
entity. Then there was the question of Transylvania,
claimed by the Hungarians but also by the Young
Romania of Dimitirie Golescu, another Mazzini agent.
Young Romania's program was to restore the Kingdom
of Dacia as it had existed before the Roman Emperor
Trajan. So Young Hungary and Young Romania were
pre-programmed to fight to the death over Transylvania,
which they did, last year. Because of the ceaseless strife
of Hungarians and Croatians, Hungarians and Serbians,
Hungarians and Romanians, it proved possible for the
Hapsburgs to save their police state with the help of a
Russian army. The ethnic theme houses of the zoo thus
sally forth to fight, not only Hapsburgs and Romanovs,
but most of all, each other. We will find the same thing
in viewing the Polish and Russian pavilions. The Young

Poland of Lelewel and Worcell demands the re-creation

of the Polish state and rollback of the 1772-95 partitions
of Poland. But they go much further, laying claim to
Poland in its old Jagiellonian borders, stretching from
the shores of the Baltic to the shores of the Black Sea.
This includes an explicit denial that any Ukrainian
nation exists. In the orbit of Young Poland is the poet
Adam Mickiewicz, a close friend of Mazzini's who was
with him last year during the Roman Republic.
Mickiewicz argues that Poland is special because it has
suffered more than any other nation; Poland is ``the
Christ among nations.'' Mickiewicz dreams of uniting
all the west and south Slavs against the ``tyrant of the
north,'' the ``barbarians of the north.'' By this he means
Russia, the main target. Young Poland's program also
foreshadows the obvious conflict with Young Germany
over Silesia. Young Russia means the anarchist Mikhail
Bakunin and the aristocratic ideologue Aleksandr
Herzen. Herzen is an agent of Baron James Rothschild
of Paris. Right after the Crimean War, Herzen will start
publishing The Polar Star and The Bell, both leak sheets
for British secret intelligence that will build up their
readership by divulging Russian state secrets. Herzen
prints the ravings of Bakunin, who preaches pan-
Slavism, meaning that Russia will take over all the
other Slavic nations. ``Out of an ocean of blood and
fire there will rise in Moscow high in the sky the star of
the revolution to become the guide of liberated
mankind.'' Vintage Bakunin. If Mazzini relies on the

stiletto, for Bakunin it is ``the peasant's axe'' that will

bring down the ``German'' regime in St. Petersburg.
To block real industrial capitalist development, he
preaches reliance on the aboriginal Slavic village,
the mir, with ``communal ownership of the land''
plus the ancient Slavic workshop, the artel. The mir
will never build the Trans-Siberian railway. Herzen sees
Russia as the ``center of crystallization'' for the entire
Slavic world. Herzen, although he is usually called a
``westernizer,'' is totally hostile to western civilization.
He writes of the need for a ``new Attila,'' perhaps
Russian, perhaps American, perhaps both, who will be
able to tear down the old Europe. In the moment when
the British will seem so close to winning everything,
Herzen will support Palmerston's Polish insurrection of
1863, and will lose most of his readers. Once the
American Civil War is over, the British will have little
use for Herzen. By then, London will be betting on the
nihilist terrorists of the Narodnaya Volya (People's
Will), plus the Russian legal Marxists, all British
agents. But already today we can see the conflicts
ahead between Young Poland and Young Russia. In the
conflicts among Mazzini's national chauvinist
operations, we can see the roots of the slaughter of
World War I.
This is Young America. The name was popularized in
1845 by Edwin DeLeon, the son of a Scottish Rite,
Jewish slave-trading family of Charleston, South
Carolina. Edwin DeLeon will later be one of the leaders
of the Confederate espionage organization in Europe.

The leader of Young America is George N. Sanders, the

future editor of the Democratic Review. Young
America's view of Manifest Destiny is a slave empire in
Mexico and the Caribbean. In the 1852 election, Young
America will back the dark horse Democrat, Franklin
Pierce, against Winfield Scott. Scott's Whig Party will
be destroyed. Young America operatives will receive
important posts in London, Madrid, Turin, and other
European capitals. Here they will support Mazzini and
his gang. Mazzini's American contacts are either proto-
Confederates or strict abolitionists, such as William
Lloyd Garrison. During the American Civil War,
Mazzini will favor both the abolition of slavery and the
destruction of the Union through secessionism--the
London line. This subversion will be showcased during
the famous tour of Kossuth in the United States, next
year and the year after. Kossuth will be accompanied by
Mazzini's moneybags, the Tuscan Freemason Adriano

The Second Stooge: David Urquhart. Mazzini is the

zookeeper for all of these theme parks. But there are
other zookeepers, and still more theme parks in the
human, multicultural zoo. The custodians are
Palmerston's two other Stooges, David Urquhart and
Napoléon III. There is also a theme park for the English
lower orders. The keeper here is the strange and
eccentric Scot, David Urquhart, the most aristocratic
of Palmerston's Stooges. Urquhart was chosen for
his work directly by Jeremy Bentham, who lavishly

praised ``our David'' in his letters. Urquhart took part in

Lord Byron's Greek revolution, but then found he liked
Turks better after all. He secured a post at the British
Embassy in Constantinople and ``went native,''
becoming an Ottoman pasha in his lifestyle. Urquhart's
positive contribution to civilization was his
popularization of the Turkish bath. He also kept a
harem for some time. Urquhart also thought that late
Ottoman feudalism was a model of what civilization
ought to be. In Turkey, Urquhart became convinced that
all the evil in the world had a single root: Russia, the
machinations of the court of St. Petersburg. A very
convenient view for Palmerston's Britain, which was
always on the verge of war with Russia. For Urquhart,
the unification of Italy is a Russian plot. He once met
Mazzini, and concluded after ten minutes that Mazzini
was a Russian agent! The usual Stooge on Stooge
violence again! For this Russophobe, the problem of
Great Britain is that Palmerston is a Russian agent,
having been recruited by one of his many mistresses,
the Russian Countess Lieven. During the years of
Chartist agitation, Urquhart bought up working class
leaders and drilled them in the litany that all of the
problems of the English working man came from
Russia via Lord Palmerston. To these workers Urquhart
teaches something he calls dialectics. Urquhart will be
a member of Parliament and he controls a weekly paper,
The Free Press. Palmerston understands that his
subversive methods will always generate opposition
from the Tory gentry and the straight-laced crowd. So

he has taken the precaution of institutionalizing that

opposition under his own control, with a raving
megalomaniac leader to discredit it. Urquhart's
demonization of Russia foreshadows something that
will be called McCarthyism a century from now.
Urquhart's remedy is to go back to the simplicity of
character of Merrie England, in the sense of
retrogression to bucolic medieval myth. ``The people of
England were better clothed and fed when there was no
commerce and when there were no factories.'' That is
vintage Urquhart. Does this talk of pre-capitalist
economic formations strike a familiar chord? Do you
smell a big, fat commie rat? How interesting that
Urquhart should be the controller of British agent Karl
Marx, who earns his keep as a writer for Urquhart's
paper. David Urquhart is the founder of modern
communism! It is Urquhart who will prescribe the
plan for Das Kapital. Marx is a professed admirer of
Urquhart--acknowledging his influence more than that
of any other living person. Marx will even compose
a Life of Lord Palmerston, based on Urquhart's wild
obsession that Pam is a Russian agent of influence. This
says enough about Marx's acumen as a political analyst.
Marx and Urquhart agree that there is no real absolute
profit in capitalism, and that technological progress
causes a falling rate of profit. Another of Urquhart's
operatives is Lothar Bücher, a confidant of the
German labor leader Lassalle, and later of the Iron
Chancellor, Otto von Bismarck himself. After
Gettysburg, Urquhart will move to France, and open a

theme park for right-wing Catholics; he will meet Pius

IX and will join members of Cardinal Newman's
Oxford Movement at the First Vatican Council in

The Third Stooge: Napoléon III .Napoléon le Petit. As

we have seen, he started off as a Carbonaro and terrorist
in contact with Mazzini. In 1836, Napoléon tried to
parlay his famous name into a successful putsch; he
failed and was exiled to America. Then Napoléon was
given a private study at the new British Museum
reading room and frequented Lord Palmerston. He
began work on his book, Les Idées Napoléoniques. His
main idea was that the original Napoléon was not
wrong to be an imperialist, but only erred in trying to
expand his empire at the expense of Great Britain.
There is plenty of room for a French Empire as a junior
partner to the British. The preferred form of
government would be democratic Caesarism, with
frequent plebiscites. In 1848 Napoléon was working for
the British as a special constable--a riot cop--to put
down an expected Chartist revolution; he was then
shipped to Paris. There Napoléon III used his name to
become President, and then organized a coup d'état that
made him emperor. Palmerston quickly endorsed the
coup, causing hysteria on the part of the Victoria and
Albert palace clique. Palmerston was forced out, but he
was soon back, stronger than ever. After hundreds of
years of warfare, France at last had been broken,
placed under a more or less dependable British puppet

regime. The ``western powers,'' the ``Anglo-French,''

were born. Napoléon III gave Palmerston one
indispensable ingredient for his imperial strategy: a
powerful land army. Soon an open Anglo-French
entente was in full swing. When Victoria came to Paris
it was the first such visit by an English sovereign since
Henry VI had been crowned King of France in Notre
Dame in 1431. When Napoléon joined Palmerston in
attacking Russia in the Crimea, it was the first war in
400 years to see France and England on the same side.
The French pavilion of the zoo is being redecorated
with a new version of British empiricism: This is
positivism, the miserable outlook of Auguste Comte
and Ernest Renan. This will lead to the French
structuralists, ethnologists, and even deconstructionists
of the late twentieth century. Napoléon III is
Palmerston's strategic catamite, usually with as much
will of his own as an inflatable sex doll. Think of him
as a blow-up British agent. After the Crimea,
Palmerston will need a land war against Austria in
northern Italy.

Napoléon, egged on by Camillo Benso di Cavour who

knows how to play the interstices, will oblige with the
war of 1859 and the great Battle of Solferino. When the
time will come for Maximilian's Mexican adventure,
Napoléon will be eager to send a fleet and an army.
During the American Civil War, Napoléon's pro-
Confederate stance will be even more aggressive than
Palmerston's own. In 1870, Bismarck will defeat

Napoléon and send him into exile in England. Here

Napoléon will plan a comeback after the Paris
Commune, but he will need to be seen on horseback,
and he has a bladder ailment. The bladder operation
designed to make him a man on horseback once again
will instead kill him. Napoléon III calls himself a
socialist and will style the latter phase of his regime
``the liberal empire.'' That means all of France as a
theme park in the British zoo. In 1860 Napoléon will
sign a free trade treaty with the British. Along the
way, he will pick up a junior partner colonial empire in
Senegal and in Indo-China in 1862, something that will
set the stage for the Vietnam War a century later.
Under Napoléon, France will build the Suez Canal, only
to have it fall under the control of the British. Napoléon
III will furnish the prototype for the fascist dictators
of the twentieth century.

William Petty, Earl of Shelburne and Marquis of

Lansdowne, gathered a stable of ideologues and
operatives, his stooges. These were Jeremy Bentham,
Adam Smith, Edward Gibbon. These were the founders
of British philosophical radicalism, the most primitive
form of Aristotle yet devised, and its Siamese twin, free
trade. Shelburne did succeed in destabilizing and nearly
destroying France. The reign of terror in the French
Revolution was the work of agents and dupes of
Shelburne among the Jacobins, enragés, and sans-
culottes. By now British policy was in the hands of
Shelburne's student and protégé, William Pitt the

Younger. After letting the Jacobin horrors of Bentham's

agents brew up for three years, Pitt was able to unite the
continental powers against France in the first, second,
and third coalitions. Using the armies raised by Lazare
Carnot, Napoléon shattered each of these coalitions.
Napoléon's final defeat was the work of Scharnhorst,
Gneisenau, and the Prussian reformers, but the
beneficiaries were the British.

By 1830, Lord Palmerston was ready to take control of

the Foreign Office and begin his direct march to
undisputed world domination. Metternich was still
sitting on the lid of the boiling European cauldron, but
Lord Palmerston and his Three Stooges were stoking
the flames underneath. There was a time when the
center of oligarchy, usury, and geopolitics was Venice,
the group of islands in a lagoon at the top of the
Adriatic. In the sixteenth century, in the wake of the
war of the League of Cambrai, Venice was a cancer
planning its own metastasis. These were the years
during which the patrician party known as the Giovani,
the Youngsters, began meeting in a salon known as
Ridotto Morosini. It is here that the future course of
England and Britain was charted. )))

----- It is probable that in no other period in the history

of Italy there has been so much reference to Mazzini as
during the Fascist period, when the founder of Giovine
Italia (who died exactly fifty years before the march on

Rome) became the object of innumerable quotations in

books , articles, speeches, to the point of being
considered a sort of precursor of the Mussolini
regime. Essay by Paolo Benedetti, entitled Mazzini in
"black shirt". Originally, as Benedetti recalls, the first
fascism was born thanks to the contribution of large
republican fringes, especially in the areas where the
presence of the PRI was greater, ie in Romagna and in
the Marche. If in 1919 the then Republican Pietro
Nenni, after being one of the founders of the Fascio di
Combat in Bologna, quickly detached himself from it,
this did not happen in many other cases. But
Mazzinians were also those fascists who came from
revolutionary syndicalism, who believed they found in
Mazzini a form of reconciliation between patriotism
and socialism analogous to theirs. Let's study Mazzini:
this is the title of the article that one of them, Sergio
Panunzio, had published in 1917 on the Popolo d 'Italia,
the newspaper founded by Mussolini after the
interventionist turning point, which took up, not by
chance, an old Mazzinian newspaper. Mazziniani were
then, in one way or another, leading exponents of the
regime such as Giuseppe Bottai, Dino Grandi or Italo
Balbo, who last graduated with a thesis on Mazzini's
economic and social thought. In the mid-twenties Delio
Cantimori, future Marxist historian and then a young
fascist intellectual, had joined the NPF - as he later
confessed - «imagining that this would be done by the
republican, union, national revolution of Corridoni (the
revolutionary trade unionist who died on the Karst in

1915) and of Mazzini ». If all leftist fascism was

Mazzinian, it is also true that an exponent of the most
clearly authoritarian side of the regime, such as the
minister of justice Alfredo Rocco, did not fail to place
Mazzini among the forerunners of Mussolini's Italy.
As for the interpretation of fascism that Giovanni
Gentile gave, certainly the most authoritative theorist
of the regime, in it the reference to Mazzini played a
fundamental role, as can be verified already from the
index of the names of the two volumes that collect his
writings and political speeches of the Twenties: the
name that occurs most frequently to you, after
Mussolini, is that of Mazzini. With regard to the Duce
himself, it was not by chance that for twenty years he
quoted the founder of Giovine Italia very frequently: if
he had discovered Mazzini late, during the First World
War, it is also true that as a socialist, as Pierre Milza
observed, he was « himself the product of a political
culture that mixed the Mazzinian and libertarian
tradition, strongly rooted in Romagna, with the
principles of an intransigent socialism ". Certainly, in
the fascist quotations, non-secondary aspects of
Mazzinian thought were expunged, beginning with his
humanitarian imprint and, at least in a broad sense,
liberal; however, if it was a unilateral reading, it cannot
be said that it was also a completely arbitrary reading.
By referring to Mazzini, Fascism meant to affirm the
importance that the idea of nation and country had
actually had in the birth of the Black Shirt movement;
or the centrality of a conception of politics that very

much focused on education and mass pedagogy as

tools to create a "new man". It was always through
the calls to Mazzini that fascism claimed to have solved
a problem that arose from the Risorgimento, the
strangeness of the popular masses with respect to the
State, a 'strangeness' - it was affirmed - that finally
Mussolini had ended. The same corporatism, exalted as
an original solution to the social problems of the
contemporary world, seemed to the fascists to be
closely linked to the particular solidarity concept of
Mazzini, who, against Marx, had defended the
collaboration between the classes with determination. It
was no coincidence, in short, if fascism in 1925
declared Mazzini's house a national monument or if in
the great E42 Rome exhibition, which the war
prevented from carrying out, a room dedicated to
Mazzini was planned. What made even more present
the latter in Italy between the two wars was the fact that
a part of the anti-fascism, above all that was headed by
Carlo Rosselli and Giustizia e Libertà, referred to the
Genoese revolutionary. Rosselli, as Benedetti recalls,
wrote in 1931 to an English scholar: "Let us act in the
spirit of Mazzini, and we deeply feel the ideal
continuity between the struggle of our ancestors for
freedom and that of today". In 1944-45, the situation
became somewhat more tangled. Salò's republican
fascism naturally intensified the calls to Mazzini: for
example, the date of the oath of the Republican
National Guard was fixed on February 9, the day of the
proclamation, almost a century before, of the Roman

Republic that had had at its head the "triumvirate"


But Mazzini was even more frequently referred to as

anti-fascist, now that the new political strategy of
Togliatti tended to accredit the PCI - through the
continuous references, precisely, to Mazzini, Garibaldi
or Mameli - as a party closely linked to the national
tradition . So that, in the final phase of the conflict, the
name of Mazzini was found to be recalled frequently on
both fronts of the Italian civil war. An outcome not a
little paradoxical for those who had been the strongest
proponent of the unity of the country.


Mazzini and Nietzsche Influence the Thought of Italy's
"Man of Destiny"

John Ruskin’ gravestone at Coniston where he is

buried characterizes his pagan beliefs. The stone was
designed by W.E. Collingwood (1854-1932), a student
of his and his secretary. The chief symbols cut into his
gravestone are these: A Maltese Cross (symbol of the
Babylonian sun god and Order of Knights Templar)
inside which is a circle (representing a serpent biting its
tail) surrounding a Nazi swastika, a rider riding a horse

(actually depicting St. George on his white horse, or

King Arthur), a Jewish seven branched candelabrum, a
winged lion (from Babylon – symbol of the mother-
earth goddess, Ishtar), a student with pen and paper
seated while writing before a sunrise, an elaborate
arrangement of various Celtic triscele symbols, and
three men representing the three principal officers of
the Masonic Lodge in which he was a member…

 "Report of the inaugural public meeting, held at the
Freemason's Hall, London, Monday, 15th May,
1871 : Mr. John Stuart Mill in the chair."

Edward George Earle Lytton Bulwer-Lytton -- had two

children, Lady Emily Elizabeth Bulwer-Lytton (1828–
1848), and (Edward) Robert Lytton Bulwer-Lytton, 1st
Earl of Lytton (1831–1891) who became Governor-
General and Viceroy of British India (1876–
1880). ....... Annie Besant and especially Helena
Blavatsky incorporated his thoughts and ideas from
particularly The Last Days of Pompeii, Vril, the Power
of the Coming Race and Zanoni in her own books.
Edward George Earle Lytton Bulwer-Lytton, 1st Baron
Lytton, PC (25 May 1803 – 18 January 1873) was an
English writer and politician. He served as a Whig MP
from 1831 to 1841 and a Conservative MP from 1851 to
1866. He was Secretary of State for the Colonies from
June 1858 to June 1859, when he selected Richard

Clement Moody to be founder of British Columbia. He

was offered the Crown of Greece in 1862 after the
abdication of King Otto, but declined it. He became
Baron Lytton of Knebworth in 1866. His son was the
statesman Robert Bulwer-Lytton, 1st Earl of Lytton,
who served as Governor-General of India and British
Ambassador to France.
Bulwer-Lytton was born on 25 May 1803 to General
William Earle Bulwer of Heydon Hall and Wood
Dalling, Norfolk and Elizabeth Barbara Lytton,
daughter of Richard Warburton Lytton of Knebworth
House, Hertfordshire. He had two older brothers,
William Earle Lytton Bulwer (1799–1877) and Henry
(1801–1872), later Lord Dalling and Bulwer. When
Edward was four, his father died and his mother moved
to London. He was a delicate, neurotic child and was
discontented at a number of boarding schools. In
1822 he entered Trinity College, Cambridge, where he
met John Auldjo, but shortly afterwards moved to
Trinity Hall. Bulwer-Lytton began his career as a
follower of Jeremy Bentham.
In 1858 he entered Lord Derby's government as
Secretary of State for the Colonies, thus serving
alongside his old friend Disraeli. Bulwer-Lytton
penned many other works, including The Coming Race
or Vril: The Power of the Coming Race (1871),
which drew heavily on his interest in the occult and
contributed to the early growth of the science fiction??
genre. Its story of a subterranean race waiting to
reclaim the surface of the Earth is an early science

fiction theme. The book popularised the Hollow Earth

theory and may have inspired Nazi mysticism. His term
"vril" lent its name to Bovril meat extract.
Adopted by theosophists and occultists since the
1870s, "vril" would develop into a major esoteric topic,
and eventually become closely associated with the ideas
of an esoteric neo-Nazism after 1945.

He has also become known as an early advocate of

animal rights. Bentham's students included his
secretary and collaborator James Mill, the latter's son,
John Stuart Mill, the legal philosopher John Austin, as
well as Robert Owen, one of the founders of utopian
socialism. As a result of his correspondence with
Mirabeau and other leaders of the French Revolution,
Bentham was declared an honorary citizen of France.

The bestial British intelligence of Shelburne and

Bentham by Jeffrey Steinberg Chorus:

British empiricism started from Francis Bacon's

inductive method based on sense certainty, all of which
was taken directly from such Venetians as Paul Paruta
and Pietro Sarpi. With Bacon is Thomas Hobbes, who
wrote of human society as a war of , all against all,
necessarily dominated by a tyrannical leviathan state.
Then came John Locke, for whom the human mind was
a blank slate destined to be filled by sense perceptions.

( John Locke FRS ( 1632 –1704) Burrhus Frederic

Skinner (1904 –1990), )

Locke's hedonism led him to the conclusion that human

freedom was an absurd contradiction in terms. Locke
was followed by the solipsist George Berkeley, who
denied any basis in reality to our sense impressions:
They are a kind of videotape played in each one of our
heads by some unknown supernatural agency.
Perception was the only existence there was. Then came
the Scots lawyer and diplomat David Hume. For Hume
also, there is really no human self, but merely a bundle
of changing perceptions. In his "Enquiry Concerning
Human Understanding" and other earlier works, Hume
attacks the idea of cause and effect. For Hume, there is
no necessary connection between a cause and an effect
that the human mind can know with certainty .. we only
have a vague association or habit of thought that one
phenomenon has been usually followed by another. But
in these same earlier works, Hume had at least accepted
the importance of filling the tabula rasa of each new
human mind with a stock of received ideas of conduct
which can be lumped under the heading of morals or
custom, including religion. During Hume's later years,
the power of the Shelburne faction became dominant in
Britain, and Hume' s skepticism became bolder and
more radical. The later Hume, as in his "Dialogues
Concerning Natural Religion," totally repudiated the
notion of custom and morality in favor of an unbridled
hedonism that points toward the depths of pederasty and

degradation inhabited by Jeremy Bentham. Immanuel

Kant, during his long teaching career in Konigsberg,
Prussia, had been a retailer of Hume' s ideas. But when
Hume repudiated all notion of custom and traditional
morality, even Kant could not follow. Kant responded
with the Critique of Pure Reason to defend the notion of
cause and effect as one of Aristotle's categories,
against Hume, who had reached a sub-Aristotelian
level. On this basis, Kant was able to defend customary
ideas of religion and morality,.

Bentham made his philosophical breach with the

American republicans all the more clear in a lengthy
tract tlitled -- An Introduction to the Principles of
Morals and Legislation (1780). That manuscript would
not only prescribe the founding principles of British
philosophical radicalism; it would propel Bentham into
the very center of a then-emerging new British Foreign
Office and British Foreign Intelligence Service,
consolidated under the guiding hand of William Petty,
Lord Shelburne, a man who at the time was the de
facto, if not de jure doge of Britain.

Bentham categorically rejected any distinction

between man and the lower beasts, defining man
instead as a creature driven purely by hedonistic
impulses. Shelburne assigned to Bentham an English
and Swiss editor in order to ensure the widest
dissemination of Bentham's works in both the English-
and French-speaking worlds. Later, Bentham's works

would be even more widely circulated throughout Latin

America during his years of intimate collaboration with
the American traitor Aaron Burr, and with
revolutionists Gen. Francisco de Miranda-a Venezuelan
by birth who played a leading role as a paid agent of
the British East India Company in the Jacobin
Terror in France-and Simon Bolfvar. Burr, fleeing the
United States, took up residence at the home of
Bentham, and the two men conspired to establish an
empire, first in Mexico, and later in Venezuela.
Shelburne's political intrigues At the very moment of
his taking up with Bentham, Lord Shelburne was in the
process of launching his most daring political intrigues.
1780 Lord Shelburne, through the East India
Company and its allied Baring Bank, bankrolled a
Jacobin mob to descend upon London, ostensibly in
protest over the granting of Irish reforms. The so-called
Irish reforms amounted to little more than forced
conscription of Irishmen into the British Army to fight
in North America. King George III had declared
himself wholly subservient to the Shelburne-led East
India Company faction-the Venetian Party.

The intelligence operations formerly housed at the

East India Company were henceforth run out of the
Foreign Ministry and the British Secret Intelligence
Services .
Lord Gordon became a convert to Jewish cabbalism,
taking the name Israel Bar Abraham. He shortly
thereafter surfaced in Paris as an occult adviser to

Marie Antoinette, and from that position participated in

Shelburne's intrigues against the French Bourbons. The
For Shelburne, the battle cry of the New Venice/New
Rome was "free trade."
As early as 1763, in a famous carriage ride from
Edinburgh to London, Shelburne had commissioned
two works from one of his East India Company
scribblers, Adam Smith. First, he had commissioned
Smith to prepare the research outlines for the study that
would be later completed by another India House
propagandist, Edward Gibbon, on the decline and fall of
the Roman Empire-a study critical to Shelburne's
commitment to establish a new third Roman Empire
headquartered in London. In addition, he ordered the
preparation of an apologia for free trade, which Smith
completed in 1776 under the title The Wealth of
Nations. In 1787, Shelburne's leading intelligence agent
Jeremy Bentham went one better than Smith by
publishing a series of letters from Russia that were
assembled in a pamphlet titled In Defense of Usury.
The final letter, addressed to Smith, chastized the India
House economist for not going far enough in his
embrace of unbridled monetary dictatorship. Bentham
demanded an end to all restrictions on usurious interest
rates, employing the liberal argument that suppression
of usury stifles invention. Smith immediately wrote of
Bentham's In Defense of Usury . Shelburne's own
most eloquent plea for unbridled free trade and usury
came during his brief tenure as prime minister from
1782 to 1783. Although he had formerly preferred to

steer British politics from behind the scenes in his

capacity as chairman of the three-man "Secret
Committee " of the East India Company, Shelburne felt
compelled to briefly take the formal reins of
government in order to ensure the launching of his new
British imperium.

'Destroy America with free trade'

On Jan. 27, 1783, Shelburne stood before the House of
Lords to argue for ratification of the Treaty of Paris.
With more industry, with more capital, with more
enterprise than any trading nation on Earth, it ought to
be our constant cry: Let every market be open. "

Shelburne's policy of unbridled free trade between

Britain and the United States nearly destroyed the
American republic in its cradle. Shelburne unleashes
Jacobins against France Even with matters still
unresolved in North America, Shelburne and Bentham
turned their attention to another critical front across the
English Channel in France. The Seven Years' War of
1756-63 had stripped France of its once formidable
maritime capacity. Shelburne now sought to destroy
France as an economic and military rival on the
continent. From the outset, the Jacobin Terror was a
British East India Company-, British Foreign Office-
orchestrated affair. The bloody massacre of France 's
scientific elite was systematically carried out by French
hands, manning French guillotines, but guided by
British strings. Jacques Necker, a Geneva-born,

Protestant, slavishly pro-British banker, had been

installed through the efforts of Shelburne's leading ally
in France, Philippe Duke of Orleans, as finance
minister. Necker's daughter, the infamous Madame de
Stael, would later run one of Shelburne's most
important Parisian salons. Economic crisis across
France was the precondition for political chaos and
insurrection, and Shelburne readied the projected
destabilization by creating a "radical writers' shop" at
Bowood staffed by Bentham, the Genevan Etienne
Dumont, and the Englishman Samuel Romilly.
Speeches were prepared by Bentham and translated
and transported by diplomatic pouch and other means to
Paris, where leaders of the Jacobin Terror, Jean-Paul
Marat, Georges Jacques Danton, and Maximilien de
Robespierre delivered the fiery oratories. Records of
East India Company payments to these leading
Jacobins are still on file at the British Museum.

Bentham's slave labor scheme.

Bentham was so taken up with the events in France, that
on Nov. 25, 1791, he wrote to National Assemblyman
J.P. Garran offering to move to Paris to take charge of
the penal system. .At the same time, Bentham was
proposing to assume the post of chief jailer of the
Jacobin Terror, which sent many of France's greatest
scientists and pro-American republicans to the
guillotine or to prison. Bentham made no bones about
his loyalties: In accepting the honorary title of Citizen
of France, Bentham wrote to the Jacobin interior

minister in October 1792: "I should think myself a weak

reasoner and a bad citizen, were I not, though a royalist
in London, a republican in Paris. " Bentham's
Panopticon scheme was a slave labor camp first
designed by him in Russia in 1787 while he was visiting
his brother, a Shelburne spy. Asked by Prince
Poternkin, the prime minister of Catherine the Great, to
help procure a steam engine to build up Russian
industry, Bentham argued that human labor-not steam
power-ought to be sufficient. His design, complete with
elaborate architectural drawings, called for criminals,
the indigent, and the retarded along with their children-
to be placed in jail cells equipped with primitive
machinery run by a central power source, which in tum
would be fueled by swings, merry-go-rounds, and see-
saws in the children's cellblock. The energy expended
by the children playing with the toys would drive the
factory. A central guardroom equipped with two-way
mirrors would permit one guard to oversee the slave
labor of hundreds. Above the main door of the
Panopticon was to be a sign, reading: "Had they been
industrious when free, they need not have drudged here
like slaves. " During his tour of Russia and the Ottoman
Empire, when he devised his Panopticon scheme and
wrote , In Defense of Usury, Bentham wrote in his
diary: "It is an old maxim of mine that interest, as love,
should be free. "
'In Defense of Pederasty'. It is therefore of little shock
that we find Bentham also writing in 1785 an essay on
the subject of pederasty-arguing against any sanctions

against homosexuality, lesbianism, masturbation, and

bestiality. Bentham dismissed the harsh penalties then
in force against pederasty as the result of irrational
religious fears born of the Old Testament destruction of
Sodom and perpetuated by society'S "irrational
antipathy" to pleasure in general and to sexual pleasure
in particular. Christian morality, like every other
expression of natural law, had no place in Bentham's
world of pleasure and pain. In the wake of the initial
success in forcing France to its knees with the Jacobin
Terror, Bentham sponsored several generations of
philosophical radicals, ranging from his closest
proteges, James Mill and John Bowring, to Mill's son
John Stuart Mill, Thomas Carlyle, and David Urquhart.

CarlyIe, under the watchful eye of J . S. Mill, penned

the official British history of the French Revolution,
needless to say burying the role of the Shelburne-
Bentham cabal in that blood-soaked tragedy. Bowring,
Bentham's long-suffering personal secretary, would
later supervise the publication of Bentham's collected
works in an iI-volume series; would serve as Lord
Palmerston's agent-handler of the notorious Giuseppe
Mazzini; and would instigate the Second Opium War
against China from his post as emissary in Canton.

Urquhart, one of the youngest of the Benthamites,

would later become the agent-handler for Karl Marx.
Upon his death in 1832, Bentham's body was dissected
and stuffed; his head was cast in bronze and placed at

his feet, with a mask affixed in its place. For years, the
mummified Bentham, seated in his favorite chair inside
a glass case, was an ever-present participant in
meetings of his radical circle. In the 1990s, the mummy
would still enjoy a place of prominence at London

V. JAMES MILL AND INDIA. James Mill spent twelve

labourious years writing the History of British India,
and it was as its author that he was chiefly known to the
contemporary reading public. It was largely as a result
of his examination in this book, of Indian society and of
the problems facing the British administration, that in
1819 he obtained the important position with the East
India Company which he held for seventeen years.1

John Stuart Mill was simply upholding the family

tradition when he fought (unsuccessfully) in 1858 to
retain the body which he and his father had so faithfully

Philosophical radicalism, a school of thought also

known as Utilitarianism, which emphasized the need for
a scientific basis for philosophy as well as a humanist
approach to politics and economics.
His eldest son was the celebrated Utilitarian thinker
John Stuart Mill. After distinguishing himself as a

Greek scholar at the University of Edinburgh, James

Mill was licensed a Presbyterian preacher in 1798.

His Elements of Political Economy (1821), summarizes

the views of the philosophical radicals, based primarily
on the work of the economist David Ricardo. In this
work Mill maintained: (1) that the chief problem of
political reformers is to limit the increase of
population, on the assumption that capital does not
naturally increase at the same rate as population; (2)
that the value of a thing depends entirely on the quantity
of labour put into it; and (3) that what is now known as
the “unearned increment” of land is a proper object for
taxation. The enunciation of the second of these
propositions is important in view of the use made of it
by Karl Marx. Mill developed Bentham’s doctrines
by his explanation of the association of ideas. This
theory, presented in Mill’s Analysis of the Phenomena
of the Human Mind, 2 vol. (1829), centres on the
interrelatedness of mental concepts.

Bentham said: ‘I was the spiritual father of Mill, and

Mill the spiritual father of Ricardo.’
 Ricardo's sudden death in 1823.

A younger generation was now rising, which looked up

to Mill as a leader. Henry Bickersteth, afterwards Lord
Langdale, was already an intimate. George Grote, John
Austin and his brother Charles, William Ellis (1800-

1881), Walter Coulson, and others were friends of the

younger Mill, who sat at the feet of the father, and were
sufficiently pugnacious and dogmatic expounders of
utilitarian principles.

He later took a prominent part in the discussions which

led to the foundation of the University of London in
1825. 1819 , he was appointed an official in the
India House, in the important department of the
examiner of Indian correspondence. He gradually rose
in rank until he was appointed, in 1830, head of the
From 1831 to 1833, Mill was largely occupied in the
defense of the East India Company, during the
controversy attending the renewal of its charter, he
being in virtue of his office the spokesman of the court
of directors. For the London Review, founded by Sir
William Molesworth in 1834, he wrote a notable article
entitled "The Church and its Reform."

Jeremy Bentham (1748-1832) the English utilitarian

and philosopher was ‘present but not voting’ for more
than a century after his death at meetings of the
worthies of the University of London. His embalmed
body known as the ‘Auto-Icon’ still resides in a glass
case at UCL. Its head is of wax but the real one is
brought out for ceremonial dinners. Child prodigy
Bentham was a pupil of Blackstone at Oxford. Historian
GM Trevelyan wrote that Bentham, the father of

English law reform, regarded Blackstone as the arch-

enemy, ‘who stood in the way of change by teaching
people to make a fetish of the laws of England in the
form they actually bore at the moment, a form dictated
by the needs not of the present age but of ages past’.

Bentham advocated a centralising legal positivism. The

evolution of this was described in Lord Hewart’s 1929
book ’The New Despotism’. Lord Hewart revealed the
nature of the Fabians influence in government: A mass
of evidence establishes the fact that there is in existence
a persistent and well-contrived system, intending to
produce, and in practice producing, a despotic power
which at one and the same time places Government
departments beyond the sovereignty of Parliament and
beyond the jurisdiction of the Courts.
Because our Constitutional Monarchy recognises the
higher power of God, Fabians contrive to attack and
destroy it little by little. Bentham demanded no
restrictions on interest rates stating that that suppression
of usury stifles invention. He held that all human life
was regulated by pain and pleasure, and rejected harsh
penalties against homosexuality as the result of
irrational religious fears born of the Biblical destruction
of Sodom. As in the Soviet Union, Christian morality
and expressions of natural law had no place in
Bentham's world of pleasure and pain. Bentham is now
a posthumous gay icon.
Bentham was an employee of the British East India

Lord Shelburne, principal of the BEIC facilitated the

economic and political destabilization of France from
Bowood, Wiltshire assisted by Bentham, Etienne
Dumont, and Samuel Romilly. Speeches prepared by
Bentham were sent to Paris, where Marat, Danton, and
Robespierre delivered them. Records of BEIC payments
to these revolutionaries exist at the British Museum.
Bentham was declared an honorary citizen of
revolutionary France and offered his services to their
penal system. His ‘Panopticon’ scheme of prison
management might be considered a precursor of the
surveillance society of Orwell’s ‘1984’ and millions of
surveillance cameras now operating in Britain. The
British East India Company was the de facto British
Empire. Senior employees included Adam Smith,
David Ricardo and eugenicist Revd. Thomas
Malthus. -- participating in the slave trade. As now
drugs were hugely profitable. Opium grown in India
was exported to China which decades later culminated
in the Opium Wars with China. When the BEIC was
wound up in 1873, many shareholders were major
financiers. The elitist and centralising philosophy of the
BEIC was adopted by the Fabian Society.

Bentham has become a gay icon because of his book,

"In Defence of Pederasty". His "Panopticon", called for
criminals, the indigent, and the retarded - along with
their children - to be placed in jail cells equipped with
machinery run by a central power source, which in turn
would be fueled by the children playing on swings,

merry-go-rounds, and see-saws in the cellblock. Above

the main door of the Panopticon was to be a sign,
reading: "Had they been industrious when free, they
need not have drudged here like slaves." Bentham is
considered by the Liberal Democrat Party to be a
primary source of Liberal thought.

4) Jeremy Bentham, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe,

John Ruskin

Paolo Sarpi: The Venetian Roots of "Behavioral

Economics" .
In correspondence with Francis Bacon, mediated
through the English ambassador to Venice, Henry
Wooten, Sarpi argued that man can only know the
world through his senses. Thus, Sarpi was the author of
the radical, anti-cognitive empiricist doctrine, later
codified by successive generations of English
utilitarians, from John Locke, to Bernard de
Mandeville, to Adam Smith, to Jeremy Bentham.

Sarpi took a leading role in the Venetian faction known

as the Giovanni (Youth), who argued that Venice could
not retain its financial and political power over Europe
through its base in the Venetian lagoon. Sarpi and the
Giovanni redeployed Venetian power into northern
Europe, through the successive takeover of the
Netherlands and England, via the creation of Venetian-

controlled trading companies, including the Venice,

Turkey, Levant, and, eventually, the Dutch and British
East India companies.
It was this financier-oligarchy, that took over England,
and, at the same time, promoted the radical empiricist
dogma that has been the key to oligarchical power ever
since. It is from Sarpi's descendents, particularly the
radical hedonist Jeremy Bentham (1748-1832), that
all of the essentials of "behavioral economics" derive.

Indeed, a 2004 paper, published by the British Fabian

Society's London School of Economics, titled "Utility
Theory from Jeremy Bentham to Daniel Kahneman,"
makes the case explicitly. Essentially plagiarizing Sarpi,
Bentham, in his infamous An Introduction to the
Principles of Morals and Legislation (1780) wrote,
"Nature has placed mankind under the governance of
two sovereign masters, pain and pleasure. It is for them
alone to point out what we ought to do, as well as to
determine what we shall do.... Every effort we make to
throw off our subjection, will serve but to demonstrate
and confirm it. The principle of utility—the greatest
happiness or greatest felicity principle—recognizes this
subjection, and assumes it for the foundation.... Systems
which attempt to question it deal ... in caprice instead of
reason, in darkness instead of light." Bentham was not
only the chief philosopher for the British East India
Company, during the tenure of its Secret Committee
chairman, Lord Shelburne. During Shelburne's brief
tenures as Foreign Secretary and Prime Minister,

Bentham founded modern British intelligence.

Sarpian belief was that man is a beast, pure and simple.
That Sarpi and Bentham are the intellectual architects
of the perverse doctrine of hedonistic "behavioral

The `Jeremy Bentham' Behind New Terrorism by

Scott Thompson
All serious counterintelligence attention today includes
heavy emphasis on the threat to civilization
represented by those types of chaos-organizers
…….Bentham had been the head of intelligence for the
British Foreign Office created in 1782, through his role
as head of the "Secret Committee" of the Venetian
Levant Company-based British East India Company.
Bentham deployed as his agents , Robespierre, Danton,
and the Duc d'Orléans ("Philippe Égalité") .

The Ecologist is the leading magazine for those "deep

ecologists" who profess belief in the Gaia Hypothesis,
that "Mother Earth" will wreak a terrible vengeance
against anyone who disturbs her creation. Goldsmith
Foundation had helped finance its work, which was
"greatly appreciated" by the royal consort Prince Philip
and the heir to the British throne, Prince Charles.
Recent campaigns of The Ecologist have been against
large infrastructure projects.

Another major project lately adopted by this crew, has

been small, "sustainable farming,". At present, Teddy
Goldsmith holds the title of "Founder" of The Ecologist,
in which capacity he works on such special projects,
while the current editor is his son Zac, who has
participated, according to his father, in actions by the
Luddite, new terrorist group Reclaim the Streets, which
aims to annihilate the internal combustion engine. Also,
as his last act as deputy editor of The Ecologist, Paul
Kingsnorth, together with other associates of Teddy,
was funded by Goldsmith to attend the July 2001 riots
against the G-8 summit in Genoa. The editorial board of
The Ecologist includes John Page of the International
Society for Ecology and Culture (ISEC), while among
the "Associates" of the magazine are included: Marcus
Colcester, World Rainforest Movement, U.K.; Sally
Fallon, The Weston A. Price Foundation, U.S.A.; Mae-
Wan Ho, Open University, U.K.; Mohammed Idris,
Consumers Association of Penang, Malaysia; Martin
Khor Kok Peng, Third World Network, Malaysia; José
Lutzenberger, former Minister for the Environment,
Brazil; Jerry Mander, International Forum on
Globalization, U.S.A.; Patrick McCully, International
Rivers Network, U.S.A.; Robin Page, Countryside
Restoration Trust, U.K.; Jeremy Rifkin, Foundation on
Economic Trends, U.S.A. ; Charles Secrett, Friends of
the Earth, U.K.; Vandana Shiva, Research Foundation
for Science, Technology and Ecology, India; Richard
Willson, The Times, U.K.; and, Tracy Worcester, ISEC,
U.K. Among the dozen-odd organizations that are listed

on The Ecologist website as being affiliated in some

way, are included: The United Kingdom branch of
Friends of the Earth (FOE— FOE
claims to be the largest international network of
ecologists, as it is represented in 61 countries, and as
being one of the leading environmental "pressure
groups" in the U.K. It is represented in 250
communities in England, Wales, and Northern Ireland.
Its international executive director is Charles Secrett.

The United Kingdom branch of the Green Party

( Founded before the Green
Party in Germany, which is part of a "Red-Green"
coalition government in Berlin, the Green Party in the
U.K., by its own account, began in the early 1970s as
the People's Party, and Teddy Goldsmith campaigned
for Parliament with it, with funding from his billionaire
brother, Sir James, together with an elephant donated by
the private zoo of casino operator John Aspinall, a
mutual friend of the two Goldsmith brothers. Teddy
Goldsmith tried, with limited success at this time, to
establish close ties with other Green parties. He remains
"primate inter pares" of the British Green Party today,
which has one Member of the European Parliament,
Caroline Lucas. Goldsmith has written several treatises
for the British Green Party, as well as covering it in The
Ecologist, sometimes in concert with Jerry Mander.

The United Kingdom branch of the World Wide Fund

for Nature ( ). WWF-International

was founded by former Nazi SS intelligence officer and

now HRH Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands, and one
of its first branches, created in 1961, was in Britain,
where Prince Bernhard encouraged Prince Philip to
become its president. The leading "intellectual
influence" on this organization was Sir Julian Huxley,
who, like his brother Aldous of MK-ULTRA LSD
notoriety, was a leading figure of a new generation
sponsored and trained by the trio of H.G. Wells,
Bertrand Russell, and satanist Aleister Crowley. Sir
Julian was the first Director General of UNESCO, and
helped found the institution now known as IUCN-The
World Conservation Union. In 1970, Prince Bernhard
and Prince Philip launched the exclusive 1001 Club to
fund the WWF, which had 1,001 members who
contributed $10,000 or more, including members of
what might best be called the "kindergarten" of
Canadian Privy Council member and sometime Al Gore
mentor Maurice Strong, who was the coordinator for
the UN's genocidal Stockholm and Rio conferences on
the environment. One notable member of the 1001
Club, until his death, was Canada's Maj. Louis
Mortimer Bloomfield .

Since 1985, WWF-International has spent more than

$1.2 billion on 11,000 projects, including debt-for-
nature swaps, which have tied up precious raw
materials previously owned by debt-strapped Third
World nations.

The Luddite Reader: One of the publications affiliated

with The Ecologist, The Luddite Reader glories the
Luddite movement. The Luddites (1811-16) were
bands of weavers who sought to destroy steam engine-
powered weaving on the basis that it reduced
employment. They took their name from the late-
Eighteenth-Century English worker Ned Ludd, who
destroyed two steam-powered weaving machines.
Corresponding French groups were known as saboteurs,
from their practice of throwing sabots (wooden shoes)
into machinery. Since then, as the manifesto of
Unabomber Theodore Kaczynski illustrates, the term
"Luddite" has become synonymous with opposition to
scientific and technological progress. This is precisely
what Teddy Goldsmith does on behalf of "Mother
Another organization that is both partially funded by
Teddy Goldsmith and on whose board he sits is: The
International Forum on Globalization (IFG) The
Thoreau Center for Sustainability . The IFG, whose
president and board of directors' member is Jerry
Mander, who has written several treatises with Teddy
Goldsmith against "globalization," as well as his own
book In the Absence of the Sacred, portrays itself on its
website as "an alliance of 60 leading activists, scholars,
economists, researchers and writers formed to stimulate
new thinking, joint activity, and public education in
response to economic globalization." In actuality,
however, despite this academic gobbledygook, IFG
board members have been the brains behind several of

the new terrorist assaults upon international institutions,

as will be identified below. The IFG was convened in
1994, after the creation of the North American Free
Trade Agreement (NAFTA), but it did not burst upon
the scene until Nov. 20, 1998, when it published the
Siena Declaration, a full-page advertisement in the New
York Times .

Edward George Bulwer-Lytton was a freemason 1 and

a student of Rosicrucianism 2.

Ode To Freemasonry
by Bro. Edward Bulwer-Lytton

American psychologist William James, a member of

Blavatsky’s Theosophical Society. The term first
coined by Richard Maurice Bucke, a Canadian
psychiatrist, in his 1901 book, Cosmic Consciousness:
A Study in the Evolution of the Human Mind. James

understood “cosmic consciousness” to be a collective

consciousness, a “larger reservoir of consciousness,”
which manifests itself in the minds of men and remains
intact after the dissolution of the individual. It may
“retain traces of the life history of its individual
And it is the field of science fiction, a genre initiated
and dominated by occultists, which has articulated this
vision in a way that it has shaped the West’s firm belief
that we are liberated through science. From the works
of Edward Bulwer-Lytton, to H.G. Wells, Arthur C.
Clark, Isaac Asimov and Robert Heinlein, who was a
member of Aleister Crowley’s OTO, have all been
prominent occultists.
The Coming Race, by Bulwer-Lytton, who was the
Grand Master of the Rosicrucians, and the leading
figure of the Occult Revival of the late eighteenth
century, is not only considered the first work of science
fiction, but also provided the basis, along with the ideas
of H.P. Blavatsky, to the deranged racial theories of the
Nazis. In World Brain, a collection of essays and
addresses, dating from the period of 1936–38, Wells
describes his vision of a new, free, synthetic,
authoritative, permanent “World Encyclopaedia” that
could help “world citizens” make the best use of
universal information resources in order to contribute to
world peace.
The idea of Neotic sciences was based on the thought of
Teilhard de Chardin, a controversial Jesuit priest, who
has been referred to as the “Catholic Darwin” as well

as the “Patron Saint of the Internet”. In a book whose

introduction was written by Aldous Huxley’s brother
Julian, de Chardin introduced his ideas of a
“Noosphere”, representing a form of collective
consciousness that would represent the next stage of
human evolution. Teilhard de Chardin also influenced
Arthur C. Clarke who explored transhumanist ideas in
his 1968 novel, 2001: A Space Odyssey, which is
widely considered to be one of the most influential
films of all time.[4] Teilhard is mentioned by name and
the Omega Point is briefly explained in Arthur C.
Clarke’s and Stephen Baxter’s The Light of Other
Days. In the 60s Clarke also prophesied that in the near
future “ultraintelligent” machines would make possible
an “uninhibited, hedonistic society” of cradle-to-grave
leisure.[5] According to Clarke, in Childhood’s End, the
destiny of humanity as well as most of the other
intelligent species in the universe seems to merge with
an overall cosmic intelligence. In his 1962 book
Profiles of the Future, Clarke predicted that the
construction of what H.G. Wells called the World Brain
would take place in two stages. Clarke identified the
first of these as the construction of the World Library,
or Wells’ universal encyclopedia, accessible to
everyone from their home on computer terminals by the
year 2000. In the second stage, the World Library
would be incorporated into the World Brain, a
superintelligent artificially intelligent supercomputer
that humans would be able to interact with to solve
various world problems. He suggested that this

supercomputer should be installed in the former war

rooms of the US and the Soviet Union, once the
superpowers had matured enough to agree to co-operate
rather than war with each other. Clarke predicted the
construction of the “World Brain” would be completed
by the year 2100.
Arthur C. Clarke, along with OTO member Robert
Heinlein and Isaac Asimov, is considered one of the
“Big Three” of science fiction.
John Stuart Mill (London, 1806 - Aviñón, France,
1873) Homeschooled by his father with the assistance
of Jeremy Bentham and Francis Place (Following the
principles of the Rousseau's Emilio)

The Rothschild family (often known as The House of

Rothschild,[1] or more simply as the Rothschild) is an
international dynasty of German Jewish origin that
established worldwide banking and finance houses.

Five brothers of the Austrian branch of the family were

given hereditary baronies of the Habsburg Empire by
Emperor Francis II in 1816 and 1818. The British

branch of the family was made into a hereditary

barony by Queen Victoria.[2]
Origins The family's rise to international prominence
began with Mayer Amschel Rothschild (1744–1812),
the son of Amschel Moses Rothschild,[4]
His sons were: •
Amschel Mayer Rothschild (1773–1855): Frankfurt •
Salomon Mayer Rothschild (1774–1855): Vienna •
Nathan Mayer Rothschild (1777–1836): London •
Calmann Mayer Rothschild (1788–1855): Naples •
Jakob Mayer Rothschild (1792–1868): Paris
Hannah de Rothschild inherited the largest fortune in
Victorian England, including the largest private art
collection in Europe The Rothschild coat of arms
contains a clenched fist with five arrows symbolizing
the five sons of Mayer Rothschild, a reference to Psalm
127. The family motto appears below the shield, in
Latin, Concordia, Integritas, Industria, (Harmony,
Integrity, Industry).[7] The German family name means
"Red Shield".

In 1816, four of the brothers were each ennobled by

Austrian Emperor Francis I; Nathan was elevated in
1818. All of them were granted the Austrian title of
baron or Freiherr on 29 September 1822. As such, some
members of the family used "de" or "von" Rothschild
to acknowledge the grant of nobility. In 1885, Nathan
Mayer Rothschild II (1840–1915) of the London branch
of the family, was granted the hereditary peerage title

Baron Rothschild in the Peerage of the United

Major businesses directly founded by Rothschild family
capital include Alliance Assurance (1824) (now Royal
& SunAlliance); Chemin de Fer du Nord (1845); Rio
Tinto Group (1873); Société Le Nickel (1880) (now
Eramet); and Imétal (1962) (now Imerys). The
Rothschilds financed Cecil Rhodes on his expeditions
in Africa.
The British Prime Minister Lloyd George claimed, in
1909, that Lord Nathan Rothschild was the most the
powerful man in Britain.[9] In 1901, with no male heir
to take it on, the Frankfurt House closed its doors after
more than a century in business. It was not until 1989
that they returned when N M Rothschild & Sons, the
British investment arm, plus Bank Rothschild AG, the
Swiss branch, set up a representative banking office in
Chateau de Ferrieres, set in a 30 km² estate, was built in
1854 to house James Mayer de Rothschild, east of Paris
There are two branches of the family connected to
France. The first was son James Mayer de Rothschild
(1792–1868), known as "James", who established de
Rothschild Frères in Paris. Following the Napoleonic
Wars, he played a major role in financing the
construction of railroads and the mining business that
helped make France an industrial power. James' sons
Gustave de Rothschild and Alphonse James de
Rothschild continued the banking tradition and were
responsible for raising the money to pay the

compensation demanded by the occupying Prussian

army in the 1870s Franco-Prussian War. Ensuing
generations of the Paris Rothschild family remained
involved in the family business, becoming a major force
in international investment banking. The Rothschilds
have led the Thomson Financial League Tables in
Investment Banking Merger and Acquisition deals in
the UK, France and Italy. In the United States, their
Investment Banking Restructuring group has landed
such deals as United Airlines and Delphi.
James Mayer de Rothschild's other son, Edmond James
de Rothschild (1845-1934) was a strong supporter of
Zionism. His grandson, Baron Edmond Adolphe de
Rothschild, founded in 1953 the LCF Rothschild
Group, a private bank. Since 1997, Baron Benjamin de
Rothschild chairs the group.

Many Rothschilds were and are supporters of the State

of Israel, and Baron Edmond James de Rothschild was a
patron of the first settlement in Palestine at Rishon-
LeZion, and bought from Ottoman landlords, parts of
the land which makes up present-day Israel. In 1917
Walter Rothschild, 2nd Baron Rothschild was the
addressee of the Balfour Declaration, which committed
the British government to the establishment in Palestine
of a national home for the Jewish people. James A. de
Rothschild financed the Knesset building as a gift to
the State of Israel. The Supreme Court of Israel
building was donated to Israel by Dorothy de
Rothschild.[11] Outside the President's Chamber is

displayed the letter Mrs Rothschild wrote to Prime

Minister Shimon Peres expressing her intention to
donate a new building for the Supreme Court.[12]
In July 2003, a major reorganization of the Rothschild
business structure took place when the two main
London and Paris investment banks were united
through a new Dutch-registered master holding
company, Concordia BV, under the chairmanship of
David René de Rothschild. Under this banner,
Rothschild et Cie Banque controls the Rothschild
banking businesses in France and continental Europe,
while Rothschilds Continuation Holdings AG controls
the Rothschild banking elsewhere, including N M
Rothschild & Sons in London.[13] Twenty percent of
Rothschild Continuation Holdings AG was sold in 2005
to Jardine Strategic, which is a subsidiary of Jardine,
Matheson & Co. of Hong Kong. In November 2008,
Rabobank Group, the leading investment and
commmercial bank in the Netherlands, acquired 7.5%
of Rothschild Continuation Holdings AG, and
Rabobank and Rothschild entered into a co-operation
agreement in the fields of Mergers and Acquisitions
(M&A) advisory and Equity Capital Markets advisory
in the food and agribusiness sectors.[14]
The German surnames "Rothschild" and "Rothchild"
are not related to the Protestant surname "Rothchilds"
from the United Kingdom.
The poet and Fascist Mussolini sympathizer Ezra
Pound; in his World War II radio propaganda
broadcasts from Fascist Italy, openly named the

Rothschilds as the masters of a clique of banking

houses that caused the World Wars in order to profit
from them and get countries in debt to the lending
central banks, which Pound claimed the Rothschild
interests owned and exercised control of a nation's
policy by having the power to issue the nation's money.
Prominent members of the Rothschild family include
amongst many others:
Baron David René de Rothschild, current French
chairman of N M Rothschild & Sons and formerly of
De Beers
Baron Ferdinand von Rothschild (1839–1898)
Lionel de Rothschild (1808-79), whose colt won the
1879 Epsom Derby
Sibyl Sassoon (1894-1989), Marchioness of
Achille Starace (1889 –1945) was a prominent leader
of Fascist Italy before and during World War II. / He
also joined the freemason lodge "La Vedetta" (The
Sentinel) in Udine in March 1917. // He was made
Chief of Staff of the Blackshirts / Grand Cross of the
Order of the German Eagle

One of the Italian Carbonari, and a 33rd Degree

Freemason, was Giuseppe Mazzini. By the 1830s, he
had founded Young Italy, a secret movement organized
around the principle of “Italian unification as a liberal
republic.” Despite his use of the term “liberal,” by most

analyses Mazzini’s politics are on the far right of the

political spectrum. He called for “class collaboration,” a
vertical alignment of social classes . Vincenzo
Bentivegna of Corleone was influenced by Mazzini’s
ideas, and began to spread his philosophy among other
young people who were, like him, the children of
Carbonari. The Marquis of Chiozi, Ferdinando
Firmaturi, of the only noble family that lived in
Corleone at this time, was converted by Vincenzo.
Don Giuseppe Catinella, who would later represent the
district in Palermo, was a Carbonaro. One of his
close friends and advisors was Francesco Bentivegna, a
cousin of Vincenzo’s, and an ardent Republican
revolutionary. Another follower of Mazzini’s ideas,
Giuseppe Garibaldi was inducted into Freemasonry in
1844, while in exile, and used his networks of
Freemasons and socialists, among others, to gain
support for Italian unification. Garibaldi conquered
Sicily in 1860. The term “fascism” was originally
applied to organisations on the political Left. “Fasci”
are bundles of sticks, like in the parable. Band together,
like a bundle of sticks tied together, and no one can
break you. The Fasci Siciliani was a peasant movement
to organize labor, similar to the guilds of master
tradesmen. The term was subverted to serve Mazzini’s
far-right political agenda during World War I, when
Benito Mussolini founded the Fascist party in Italy.
Bernardino Verro was an early labor organizer. 1893,
Verro joined the Fratuzzi, the local mafia, to “give
teeth” to his labor unions. A year and a half after taking

office as the first Socialist mayor of Corleone, Verro

was killed, in November 1915.

Licio Gelli, fascist and masonic chief . One

prominent member of P2 was Roberto Calvi, known as
God’s banker for his close ties to the Vatican
6b8ff73aae15 Licio Gelli -- the grand master, or
head, of the Masonic lodge Propaganda Due, or P2
(illegal after its official dissolution in 1976 by Italy’s
Freemason ruling body) . he joined the fascist party of
Benito Mussolini. After the end of World War II, Gelli
became an industrialist and a financier.
Gelli volunteered with Benito Mussolini's Blackshirts to
assist Francisco Franco in the Spanish Civil War before
returning to fight against the Allies in World War II,
where he served as a liaison officer between his
government and Nazi Germany. The P2 has counted
Italy's political, financial, and military elite among its
members, including, allegedly, former Prime Minister
Silvio Berlusconi.

Benito Juarez: Indian, liberal and freemason .

Amilcare Cipriani --In June 1859, at the age of 15 he

fought with Giuseppe Garibaldi/freemason
alongside ... In 1897, he volunteered in the Garibaldi
legion and went with Garibaldi's son, Ricciotti
Garibaldi, and former leaders of the Fasci Siciliani,
Nicola Barbato and Giuseppe De Felice Giuffrida, to
Greece to fight against the Turks in the Turkish-Greek
war ....

Andrea Costa (1851 –1910) was an Italian Master

Mason and socialist activist .. Initiated in September 25
1883 to the Masnic Lodge "Rienzi" in Rome, he
progressively become 32nd degree Mason[1] and
adjunctive Great Master of the Grande Oriente

Alessandro Mussolini (1854 –1910) was the father

of Italian Fascist founder and leader Benito Mussolini..
-- even naming his son Benito Amilcare Andrea
Mussolini after three leaders he admired: Benito
Juárez, Amilcare Cipriani, and Andrea Costa. He
taught his son about revolutionary leaders he admired
such as Karl Marx. Mussolini held Italian nationalist
sentiments and idolized Italian nationalist figures with
socialist or humanist tendencies such as Carlo Pisacane,
Giuseppe Mazzini, and Giuseppe Garibaldi.

Benito Mussolini , full name = Benito Amilcare

Andrea Mussolini . Names of 3 high ranking

freemasons , included in Mussolini’s official name

by his father.
During this period Mussolini considered himself a
Marxist and he described Marx as "the greatest of all
theorists of socialism."[38]

Mussolini and Hitler were great friends and allies.

Hitler had great admiration for Mussolini and Italy, he
considered Italy one of the natural friends of his new
Germany. Mussolini had great respect for Hitler and
was envious of the Germans success, he hoped to one
day have as much power as Hitler. Italian Fascism and
German Nazism were greatly alike. They both called
for national regeneration, one all-powerful leader or
dictator and a government based on terror or fear.

Mussolini's early political views were heavily

influenced by his father who idolized 19th-century
Italian nationalist figures with humanist tendencies such
as Carlo Pisacane, Giuseppe Mazzini and Giuseppe
Garibaldi.[19] His father's political outlook combined
views of anarchist figures like Carlo Cafiero and
Mikhail Bakunin, the military authoritarianism of
Garibaldi, and the nationalism of Mazzini. In 1902, at
the anniversary of Garibaldi's death, Mussolini made a
public speech in praise of the republican nationalist.

Mussolini was sent to a boarding school run by

Salesian monks. The Salesians of Don Bosco (SDB;
also known as the Salesian Society; officially named the
Society of St Francis de Sales) is a Roman Catholic
Latin Rite religious institute founded in the late
nineteenth century by Italian priest Saint John Bosco.

He read avidly; his favorites in European philosophy

included Sorel, the Italian Futurist Filippo Tommaso
Marinetti, French Socialist Gustave Hervé, Italian
anarchist Errico Malatesta and German
philosophers Friedrich Engelsand Karl Marx, the
founders of Marxism.
Mussolini utilized works of Plato, Georges
Sorel, Nietzsche, and the economic ideas of Vilfredo
Pareto, to develop fascism. Mussolini admired
Plato's The Republic, which he often read for
Though biological racism was less prominent in
Fascism than in National Socialism, right from the start
the spazio vitale concept had a strong racist
undercurrent. Mussolini asserted there was a
"natural law" for stronger peoples to subject and
dominate "inferior" peoples.
Mussolini argued that Italy was right to follow
an imperialist policy in Africa because he saw all black
people as "inferior" to whites.
Mussolini saw high birthrates in Africa and Asia as a
threat to the "white race" .

--- to politicize Italian society-- Mussolini assigned

former ardito and deputy-secretary for Education
Renato Ricci the task of "reorganizing the youth --
Ricci sought inspiration with Robert Baden-Powell,
the founder of Scouting, meeting with him in England
. --- Opera Nazionale Balilla - an Italian Fascist youth
organization functioning between 1926 and 1937, when
it was absorbed into the Gioventù Italiana del Littorio
(GIL), a youth section of the National Fascist Party. -
led by Ricci for the following eleven years. It included
children between the ages of 8 and 18 -- Pope Pius XI
acclaimed Mussolini as "the Man of Providence".
In 1927, Mussolini was re-baptized by a Roman
Catholic priest. In July 1932, Mussolini sent a message
to German Defense Minister General Kurt von
Schleicher, suggesting an anti-French Italo-German
alliance, an offer Schleicher responded to favorably.
Mussolini proposed the Four Power Pact with Britain,
France and Germany in 1933. 1936, Mussolini agreed
to form a Rome-Berlin Axis .

Germany / Italy = fatherland .

Britain / France = motherland .
Mussolini decided to enter the war on the Axis side.
Accordingly, Italy declared war on Britain and France
on 10 June 1940.

Mussolini was raised by a devoutly Catholic mother and

an anti-clericalfather. - HOW they got married ??

Mussolini was an admirer of Friedrich Nietzsche. He

valued Nietzsche's concept of the superman. Under
the Lateran Pact, Vatican City was granted independent
statehood and placed under Church law—rather than
Italian law—and the Catholic religion was recognized
as Italy's state religion. Pope Pius XI praised
Mussolini, and the official Catholic newspaper
pronounced "Italy has been given back to God and
God to Italy." On several occasions, Mussolini spoke
positively about Jews and the Zionist movement . By
mid-1938, the enormous influence Hitler now had over
Mussolini became clear with the introduction of the
Manifesto of Race. The Manifesto, which was closely
modeled on the Nazi Nuremberg Laws,[86] stripped
Jews of their Italian citizenship and with it any position
in the government or professions. The racial laws
declared Italians to be part of the Aryan race and
forbid sexual relations and marriages between
Italians and those considered to be of an "inferior
race", chiefly Jews and Africans. Even after the
introduction of the racial laws, Mussolini continued to
make contradictory statements about race.

 Bakunin's relationship with Italian Freemasonry is

clearer. He joined the self-styled masonic lodge Il
Progresso Sociale in Florence sometime in 1864-
even if there is no direct documentation , he
was a freemason , since all his top associates
were freemasons .

Bakunin and his political associates had been

greatly impressed by Giuseppe Garibaldi . When
he left for Italy in August, Mazzini wrote to
Maurizio Quadrio, one of his key supporters that
Bakunin was a good and dependable person. .
Violence, revolution and invisible dictatorship .
Bakunin joined the Scottish Lodge of the Grand
Orient de France in 1845.[82]:128 However his
involvement with freemasonry lapsed until he was
in Florence in the summer of 1864. Garibaldi had
attended first real Italian Masonic Constituent
Assembly in Florence in May of that year, and
been elected Grand Master of the Grand Orient of
Italy.[83] Here the local head of the Mazzinist
party was also grand master of the local lodge.

American supporters of the European Fascists.

Supported Francisco Franco during the Spanish Civil
War of 1936, as well as Benito Mussolini, and Adolph
Some of the primary and more famous Americans and
companies that were involved with the fascist regimes
of Europe are: William Randolph Hearst, Joseph
Kennedy (JFK's father), Charles Lindbergh, John
Rockefeller, Andrew Mellon (head of Alcoa, banker,
and Secretary of Treasury), DuPont, General Motors,
Standard Oil (now Exxon), Ford, ITT, Allen Dulles

(later head of the CIA), Prescott Bush, National City

Bank, and General Electric. ALL FREEMASONS

It should be noted that businessmen from many

countries, including England and Australia, also worked
with the fascist regimes of Europe prior to WWII.

I.G. Farben, a German company, was the largest

chemical manufacturing enterprise in the world during
the early part of the 20th century. As such the company
had many holdings in a variety of countries, including
America. The American holdings of I.G. Farben
included Bayer Co., General Aniline Works, Agfa
Ansco, and Winthrop Chemical Company. I.G. Farben
was critical in the development of the German economy
and war machine leading up to WWII. During this time
I.G. Farben's international holdings along with its
international business contracts with companies like
Standard Oil, DuPont, Alcoa, and Dow Chemical were
crucial in supplying the Nazi regime with the materials
needed for war as well as financial support. The
Spanish Civil War was the precursor to World War II.
Fascist Francisco Franco was aided by Hitler and
Mussolini during the Spanish Civil War. At this time
GM, Ford, DuPont, and Standard Oil were working
with Franco and supplying the fascist powers of
The success of the fascists in Spain was an important
first step in the building of fascist power in Europe and
the stepping-stone for the Italian and German powers.

The support of American corporations, and lack of

American intervention by the government, was crucial
in the success of this first step.
American banks and businesses continued to support
the fascist regimes of Europe legally up until the day
Germany declared war on America and the activities
were stopped under the Trading with the Enemy Act. 
Despite this, some companies and individuals still
maintained a business relationship with the Third
Reich.  Ford and GM supplied European fascists with
trucks and equipment as well as investing money in I.G.
Farben plants.  Standard Oil supplied the fascists with
fuel. US Steel and Alcoa supplied them with critically
needed metals.  American banks gave them billion's of
dollars worth of loans.

The following is excerpted from a report printed by the

United States Senate Committee on the Judiciary in
The activities of General Motors, Ford and Chrysler
prior to and during World War II...are instructive. At
that time, these three firms dominated motor vehicle
production in both the United States and Germany. Due
to its mass production capabilities, automobile
manufacturing is one of the most crucial industries with
respect to national defense. As a result, these firms
retained the economic and political power to affect the
shape of governmental relations both within and
between these nations in a manner which maximized
corporate global profits. In short, they were private

governments unaccountable to the citizens of any

country yet possessing tremendous influence over the
course of war and peace in the world. The substantial
contribution of these firms to the American war effort
in terms of tanks, aircraft components, and other
military equipment is widely acknowledged. Less well
known are the simultaneous contributions of their
foreign subsidiaries to the Axis Powers. In sum, they
maximized profits by supplying both sides with the
materiel needed to conduct the war.
During the 1920's and 1930's, the Big Three automakers
undertook an extensive program of multinational
expansion...By the mid-1930's, these three American
companies owned automotive subsidiaries throughout
Europe and the Far East; many of their largest facilities
were located in the politically sensitive nations of
Germany, Poland, Rumania, Austria, Hungary, Latvia,
and Japan...Due to their concentrated economic power
over motor vehicle production in both Allied and Axis
territories, the Big Three inevitably became major
factors in the preparations and progress of the war. In
Germany, for example, General Motors and Ford
became an integral part of the Nazi war efforts. GM's
plants in Germany built thousands of bomber and jet
fighter propulsion systems for the Luftwaffe at the same
time that its American plants produced aircraft engines
for the U.S. Army Air Corps....
Ford was also active in Nazi Germany's prewar
preparations. In 1938, for instance, it opened a truck
assembly plant in Berlin whose "real purpose,"

according to U.S. Army Intelligence, was producing

"troop transport-type" vehicles for the Wehrmacht. That
year Ford's chief executive received the Nazi German
Eagle (first class)....
The outbreak of war in September 1939 resulted
inevitably in the full conversion by GM and Ford of
their Axis plants to the production of military aircraft
and trucks.... On the ground, GM and Ford subsidiaries
built nearly 90 percent of the armored "mule" 3-ton
half-trucks and more than 70 percent of the Reich's
medium and heavy-duty trucks. These vehicles,
according to American intelligence reports, served as
"the backbone of the German Army transportation

In 1940 Graeme K. Howard, Vice President of General

Motors, published America and a New World Order, in
which he advised that America give full cooperation to
the Nazi regime. In his book he blames FDR for
causing the war in Europe and goes on to say that the
fascists should be supported as the better alternative to
the spread of Communism.
The du Ponts helped to finance the Black Legion. The
Black Legion was a Nazi style group supported by the
du Ponts who were supporters of the Nazi movement in
Germany and fanatical followers of the Third Reich. 
The organization was an American anti-socialist group
that used violence against union leaders and union
members.  They have been implicated in the murder of
several members of workers groups who were working

in support of workers rights and benefits.  The Black

Legion was reported to have over 1.5 million members
in the United States and was a group that was opposed
to the FDR administration and was supposedly working
to overthrow the administration.  The Black Legion also
had ties with the Ku Klux Klan, which was also a pro-
Nazi group.  The American Liberty League was
another such organization.

"This cult-type organization operated in the midwest in

the 1930's supposedly to protect the country from
various forms of "isms". Members wore black costumes
with skull and crossbones insignia and were allegedly
responsible for numerous murders."
William Randolph Hearst is known as one of the largest
media moguls of all time.  During the 1930s he worked
with the Nazi party to help promote a positive image of
the Nazi party in American media.  He also received
loans from Italian fascists bankers during this time.  The
actions of Hearst were an important element in shaping
American sentiment about not getting involved in the
political situation in Europe as many Americans were
led to believe that there was nothing terribly wrong
going on in Europe, and even after the war started some
Americans continued to support the Nazi regime based
on the propaganda that they had been exposed to
through Hearst media sources.
Below is an example of what was said about the Nazis
in Hearst publications, in this case the Reader's Digest,

"That Hitler's conquest of the hearts and minds of all

classes of Germans is now so complete that even if all
his Brown Shirts and Steel Helmets were to be
disbanded, tomorrow he would still be easily the
strongest man in Germany, and on any appeal to the
electorate would be confirmed in power by a quite
overwhelming majority of votes.
Hitler is recognized by the whole of the political and
official intelligentsia as an exceedingly able man. As of
the militarist question: One may say with complete
certainty that what Hitler said in his Reichstag speech
on May 17 was exactly what he meant and accurately
represents the policy that he will pursue.
I found no German who dreamed of the possibility of
war, few who did not hope that it might be prevented in
the future altogether. The truth is that the Nazi mind is
concentrated on the internal problems of Germany and
does not want to be bothered by foreign affairs for a
long time to come.
Hitler has passed from the stage of party leader to being
the national prophet of an exceedingly serious people,
and it would need another prophet to replace him."
- Clifford Sharp, former editor of the New Statesman
writing in The New Statesman and Nation. Reprinted in
Readers Digest, September, 1933
Below is a copy of a 1938 article published in Better
Homes and Gardens, a Hearst publication:
In 1935 American Ambassador to Germany wrote to
President Roosevelt about the extent of Hearst's
dealings with the Nazis.

In this letter it was stated: "For this service Hearst

was to receive $200,000 a year, and he at once began to
bring pressure to bear on his correspondents to give
only friendly accounts of what happened in Germany."
"…I [reporter Karl von Wiegand] learned a little later
that all my reports from Germany went directly to
Hearst and were re-edited so as to fit the new program."
"…he [Hearst] at the same time sent Dosch-Fleurot here
from Paris to administer the service in such a way that it
would always be friendly to the Hitler regime." Hearst
publications continued to present the fascist regimes in
Europe in a positive light until America finally entered
the war. Perhaps one of the most egregious
contributors to the Nazi cause was IBM under the
direction of Thomas J. Watson.
IBM knowing helped to setup Nazi census databases
through the use of data sorting machines that enabled
the Nazis to carry out the Holocaust in a way that they
would not have otherwise been able to. Point blank,
IBM increased the size and scope of the Holocaust, and
did it for profit. Not only this, but IBM leased the
machines, which they had developed especially for the
Nazis, to the regime with the intention of taking them
back, "once they were finished with them".  Thomas
Watson was awarded a medal by Adolph Hitler for
his role in assisting in the Nazi regime, .and Watson
expressed, "the necessity of extending a sympathetic
understanding to the German people, and their leader
Adolph Hitler." He also expressed "the highest esteem
for Hitler, his country, and his people."

More on IBM and Thomas J. Watson can be found


Charles Lindbergh was perhaps the most vocal and

public supporter of the fascists, especially the
Germans. Lindbergh was not so much a financial
supporter of the Nazis, as he was a public advocate for
allying with Germany to fight against Communism and
promote White racial superiority. Lindbergh attended
the Olympics as a guest of the Nazis and in 1938 he was
given the Service Cross of the German Eagle while
attending a dinner party in Berlin.

He founded the America First Committee in 1940 to

build opposition to FDR and FDR's support for
American entry into the war in Europe.
After American entry into World War II Lindbergh
went to work for Henry Ford as an aircraft design
consultant, and then went on to Japan to support
American efforts in the Pacific. This was actually
against the approval of the Roosevelt administration. 

Shirach, a former Nazi youth leader, stated: "You have

no idea what a great influence this book had on the
thinking of the German youth…I read Henry Ford's
book 'The International Jewry'…and became anti-

Ford also made large personal contributions to Hitler's

political campaigns.  Hitler spoke of Ford in his
speeches and had a portrait of Ford in his office. 
In 1938 Henry Ford received the Grand Cross of the
Order of the German Eagle as a birthday present from
Adolph Hitler.  He was given the medal in his office in
Michigan by two officials from the Third Reich.

Ford never returned this medal, even after WWII.  The

head of IBM, who had also been given a medal from
Hitler because he was a supporter of the Third-Reich,
returned his medal after WWII, but Henry did not
despite public outcry.

Important information about the ties between American

businessmen and the fascist powers of Europe was
communicated to FDR by the American Ambassador to
Germany during the 1930s, William E. Dodd.  His
writings on the matter are of critical importance.  He
wrote about connections between Hearst and the Nazis
as well as Hearst and the Italians, in addition to Nazi
connections with other wealthy Americans.
"A clique of U.S. industrialists is hell-bent to bring a
fascist state to supplant our democratic government and
is working closely with the fascist regime in Germany

and Italy. I have had plenty of opportunity in my post in

Berlin to witness how close some of our American
ruling families are to the Nazi regime. . . . "
"Certain American industrialists had a great deal to do
with bringing fascist regimes into being in both
Germany and Italy. They extended aid to help Fascism
occupy the seat of power, and they are helping to keep
it there."
- William E. Dodd, U.S. Ambassador to Germany, 1937

Fascism Part I: Understanding Fascism and anti-

Fascism Part II: The Rise of American Fascism

This may be the most important article that you have

ever read! It deals with your legal status that determines
whether you have unalienable rights or just corporate
granted privileges.


Samuel Honis brought the Egyptian Rite of

Freemasonry to France, and in 1815, a lodge, Les
Disciples de Memphis, was founded by Honis, In 1816,
this lodge was closed, and Honis and Marconis de
Negre disappeared from the scene. However, in Paris in
1838, the latter’s son, Jacques-Etienne Marconis de
Negre, commonly known as Marconis, ignorantly
called “the Negro” because of his Egyptian features,
established the Memphis Rite, as a variation of
Cagliostro’s Rite of Mizraim, but failed to attract much
of a following. Having gone underground for some
time, the Egyptian Rite of Freemasonry, known as the
Antient and Primitive Rite, was eventually revived, and
along with a great number of Frankists who had joined
the ranks, participated in a spree of subversive
movements, beginning in 1848.[3] Among them was
Karl Marx, who in 1845 moved to Brussels, and with
Friedrich Engels reorganized the Communist League.
The Communist League was formerly known as the
League of the Just, an off-shoot of the Parisian
Outlaws League, itself evolved from the revolutionary
French Jacobins, originally founded by the Illuminati.
In 1848, Marx published the Communist Manifesto,
borrowing heavily from Clinton Roosevelt’s, The

Science of Government Founded on Natural Law, that

echoed the philosophies of Weishaupt. Engels
described their goals as “the same as those of the
other Parisian secret societies of the
period.”[ ] Frederick Engels, “On the History of the

Communist League”. ]
According to Rabbi Antelman, in To Eliminate the
Opiate, Marx was a Shabbatean, his father Heinrich
having been inducted into the sect.[5] Paul Johnson, in
the History of the Jews, pointed out that Marx’s theory
of history resembles the Kabbalistic theories of the
Messianic Age of Shabbatai Zevi’s mentor, Nathan
of Gaza.[ Paul Johnson, A History of the Jews,
Weidenfeld and Nicolson, London, 1987, p 348. quoted
from Robert Mock MD, The Sabbatean Jews and their
Affect on Global Politics. ]

Marx’s philosophy of history was derived from

Lurianic Kabbalah, through the influence of Hegel.
Like Hegel, Marx believed that the world develops
according to a dialectical formula, but he totally
disagrees with Hegel as to the motive force of this
development. Hegel believed in a mystical entity called
Spirit. For Marx, it is matter, not spirit.

Scarcely was the Manifesto published, when a wave of

revolutions broke out in Europe. The first started in
France, led by Freemason of the Rite of Memphis,
Louis Blanc. King Louis Philippe was overthrown and

Louis Blanc’s revolution established the second

Italy, which at the time, like Germany, was but a hodge-
podge of states also saw a revolution in the same year
which made Pope Pius IX flee. This gave a leader of
unification, Gieuseppe Mazzini the chance to unify
Italy. This plot of Mazzini, however was a failure
because of the Italians’ overwhelming protectiveness of
their independence. Mazzini had been appointed head
of the Illuminati in 1834, after Weishaupt died in 1830.
Mazzini had become a member of a revolutionary secret
society by the name of the Carbonari, which provided
the main source of opposition to the conservative
regimes. Their influence prepared the way for the
Risorgimento movement. Meaning “Rising Again”, the
Risorgimento was a movement for Italian unification
that culminated in the establishment of the Kingdom of
Italy in 1861. Also, in 1860, Mazzini had founded the

In 1870, Mazzini, Lord Henry Palmerston of England,

Otto von Bismarck of Germany and Albert Pike, all
thirty third degree Scottish Rite Masons, completed an
agreement to create a supreme universal rite of
Masonry, that would arch over all the other rites, even
the different national rites. It centralised all high
Masonic bodies in the world under one head. To this
end the Palladium Rite was created as the pinnacle of
the pyramid of power: an international alliance to bring
in the Grand Lodges, the Grand Orient, the ninety-seven

degrees of Memphis and Mizraim of Cagliostro, also

known as the Ancient and Primitive Rite, and the
Scottish Rite, or the Ancient and Accepted Rite.[7]

Lord Palmerston, the Grand Patriarch or Master of

Grand Orient Freemasonry, as well as knight of the
Order of the Garter, was Queen Victoria’s Foreign
Secretary. Palmerston was also Prime Minister during
the Britain’s Opium Wars against China, in 1840 and
1858, beginning a policy of narcotics exploitation that
would later characterize the Illuminati’s strategy in the
twentieth century.

Following the failure of the revolution of 1848 in

Germany, Otto von Bismarck was elected to the
Prussian parliament in 1849. Thirty-third degree Mason,
Otto von Bismark, was one of the most prominent
leaders of the nineteenth century. Appointed to
represent Prussia in Frankfurt, Bismarck slowly became
convinced that a Prussian-led unified German nation
was an important goal. As Prime Minister of Prussia,
through a series of successful wars, he unified the
numerous states of the German confederation, created
by the Congress of Vienna, into a nation-state, except
Austria, Luxembourg, Netherlands, and Liechtenstein.

In 1871, Wilhelm I of Prussia/ freemason was

proclaimed German emperor, and the Second German
Reich, to succeed the First Reich, the Holy Roman

Empire, was born. Bismarck became the first

Chancellor of the German Empire.

Albert Pike was born in 1809, in Boston, studied at

Harvard, then later served as a Brigadier-General in the
Confederate Army. After the Civil War, he was found
guilty of treason and jailed. He was pardoned by fellow
Freemason President Andrew Johnson in 1866, with
whom he met at the White House the very next day.
The only monument to a Confederate general in
Washington, D.C. was erected in Pike’s honor.

Pike was one of the founding fathers, and head of the

Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, being
the Grand Commander of North American Freemasonry
from 1859-1891.

In 1869, he was a top leader in the Knights of the Ku

Klux Klan, and in 1871 wrote the Masonic handbook,
the Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted
Rite of Freemasonry. In addition to a Supreme Council
located in Charleston, South Carolina, Pike established
Supreme Councils in Rome, Italy, led by Mazzini;
London, England, led by Palmerston; and Berlin,
Germany, led by Bismarck. He set up 23 subordinate
councils in strategic places throughout the world,
including five Grand Central Directories in
Washington, DC (North America), Montevideo (South
America), Naples (Europe), Calcutta (Asia), and
Mauritius (Africa), which were used to gather

information. These branches have been the secret

headquarters for the Illuminati’s activities ever since.

Mikhail Bakunin . The political philosophy of

Nihilism, originally devised by Shabbetai Zevi,
Jacob Frank and the Frankists was developed by
Mikhail Bakunin. Bakunin was a Grand Orient
Freemason, a disciple of Weishaupt, and an avowed
Satanist. Bakunin left Russia in 1842 and moved to
Paris where he met Marx. He participated in the 1848
French Revolution . While living in Geneva in 1868,
he joined the socialist First International.[14] At the
same time, however, he enrolled his followers in a
semi-secret Social Democratic Alliance, which had a
direct affiliation to the Illuminati, and which he
conceived as a revolutionary avant-garde within the
International. In the first meeting of Social
Democratic Alliance, Bakunin openly professed
atheism, and called for the Illuminati goals of the
abolition of marriage, property, and of all social and
religious institutions. In the Catechism of a
Revolutionist, published by Bakunin, was included the
famous passage, defining the mentality of a terrorist:
The Revolutionist is a doomed man. He has no private
interests, no affairs, sentiments, ties, property nor even
a name of his own. His entire being is devoured by one
purpose, one thought, one passion - the revolution.
Heart and soul, not merely by word but by deed, he has
severed every link with the social order and with the

entire civilized world; with the laws, good manners,

conventions, and morality of that world. He is its
merciless enemy and continues to inhabit it with only
one purpose - to destroy it. He despises public opinion.
He hates and despises the social morality of his time, its
motives and manifestations. Everything which promotes
the success of the revolution is moral, everything which
hinders it is immoral. The nature of the true
revolutionist excludes all romanticism, all tenderness,
all ecstasy, all love.[15] Nihilism’s political philosophy
rejected all religious and political authority, social
traditions, and traditional morality as standing in
opposition to “freedom”. Every state thus became the
enemy, and the enemy was ferociously attacked using
terrorism and assassination. Reflecting the dictum of
Weishaupt, Bakunin sought, “the unchaining of what is
today called the evil passions and the destruction of
what is called public order,” and made the declaration,
still identified with nihilism: “Let us put our trust in the
eternal spirit which destroys and annihilates only
because it is the unsearchable and eternally creative
source of all life the passion for destruction is also a
creative passion!”[16]

 Jawahar Lal Nehru was an occultist alchemist

theosopjist freemason. Never a rationalist in the
sense we normally perceive rationalism.

 India was awarded “freedom” at witching hour . in

consulation with astrologer .

"In the event that I am reincarnated, I would like to

return as a deadly virus, in order to contribute
something to solve overpopulation. " — Prince Philip,
Duke of Edinburgh . As reported by Deutsche Press
Agentur (DPA), August 1988.

Compare this statement with the Prince's 1986

Foreword to -- If I Were An Animal: "I just wonder
what it would be like to be reincarnated in an animal
whose species had been so reduced in numbers than it
was in danger of extinction. What would be its feelings
toward the human species whose population explosion
had denied it somewhere to exist. ... I must confess that
I am tempted to ask for reincarnation as a particularly
deadly virus. "
Fleur Cowles, People as Animals, Foreword by HRH
Prince Philip, (United Kingdom: Robin Clark Ltd.,

Compare the opinion of that really high-minded Prince

with the words of his intellectual forerunner, Bertrand
Russell: "But bad times, you say, are exceptional, and
can be dealt with by exceptional methods. This has been
more or less true during the honeymoon period of
industrialism, but it will not remain true unless the

increase of population of the world is enormously

diminished. . . . War, so far, has had no very great
effect on this increase, which continued through each of
the world wars. [War] has been disappointing in this
respect . . . but perhaps bacteriological war may prove
more effective. If a Black Death could spread through
the world once in every generation, survivors could
procreate freely without making the world too full. . . .
The state of affairs may be somewhat unpleasant, but
what of it? Really high-minded people are indifferent to
happiness, especial- ly other people's." Bertrand
Russell, The Impact of Science Upon Society (New
York: Simon and Schuster, 1953), pp. 102-104.

The Windsors continue to spread that same mass-

murderous, New Age policy which we witness in the
World Wildlife Fund operations against Africans, also
into the Americas, Europe, Asia, and Australia.

World Wildlife Fund, has engaged in willful genocide

against the nations and peoples of the sub-Sahara
regions of East, West, and South Africa.The "kingpin"
of this criminal conspiracy has been Prince Philip, also
known as the Duke of Edinburgh, and as Consort to the
reigning Queen of the United Kingdom.

The Nazi Party, like Adolf Hitler a creation of the

imperial princedom's Thule Society, was but one variety
of a populous species known as the "Conservative
Revolution." This includes a leading Nazi ideologue of
the 1933-45 interval, Martin Heidegger, also
Friedrich von Hayek of Mont Pelerin Society
notoriety, and also many who fit into the ideological
category of Universal Fascism-advocate Michael
Ledeen's "neo-conservative" fans of radical "free
trade" and socio-economic "chaos theory" . He has
adopted publicly many of those programs which the
World Wildlife Fund and its affiliates have deployed to
bring about against Africans, and also others, that
genocide which was the Prince's explicit standing
instruction and documented intent.
Since 1961, Prince Philip has supplied a crucial leading
role in heading up this global criminal conspiracy, but
he did not originate the underlying policy. That policy
we trace immediately to the nineteenth-century Dar-
win-Huxley circles and their role in creating the
Eugenics network which, among its other productions,
sponsored the Hitler dictatorship in Germany, and also
its satellite, Margaret Sanger's Planned Parenthood
organization. Prince Philip's role should be seen as
continuing that same tradition .
The Royal Consort, Prince Philip Mountbatten, Duke
of Edinburgh, plays a similar role in his capacity as
"chief operations officer" for the Club of the Isles, and

as the head of* the World Wide Fund for Nature.

What's more, Prince Philip is the principal public
spokesman for the number one priority policy of the
club: to reduce the population of the world to below 1
billion people within several generations. To
accomplish this requires genocide on a global scale
exceeding the slaughter that has been unleashed against
Africa over the past 35 years. To accomplish this, the
executive agency directed by Prince Philip has created a
powerful apparatus, an SS, made up of Royal Chartered
trusts and corpora- tions, propaganda fronts,
assassination and terror agencies,
1. Club of the Isles/House of Windsor: Through the
Club of the Isles (see p. 9), the Windsor Dynasty
functions as primus inter pares for an extended
royal family that claims the thrones of Russia,
Prussia, Denmark, Sweden, Belgium, Greece, the
Netherlands, Yugoslavia, and scores of smaller
principalities. 2. Prince Philip of Greece and
Denmark, Baron Greenwich, Earl of Merioneth,
Duke of Edinburgh: Royal Consort to Queen
Elizabeth II, Prince Philip founded the World
Wildlife Fund in 1961, became its International
President in 1981.
Zoological Society of London: Founded in 1826 by
Sir Stamford Raffles, former Viceroy of India and
founder of Singapore. Inspired the New York and
Frankfurt Zoological Societies. Mother

organization of the London Zoo. Royal

Geographical Society (RGS). Founded in 1830 as
the Geographical Society of London in
freemasonry lodge; Royal Charter in 1859.
Sponsored major colonial expeditions such as
Livingstone's and Sir Richard Burton's into Africa.
The boards of the ZSL and RGS are almost
indistinguishable from that of the WWF; Prince
Philip was president of the ZSL in the 1970s. The
ZSL and RGS stand at the pinnacle of the British
intelligence establishment. The ZSL's chief
executives: Julian Huxley, 1935-42; Field Marshal
Lord Alanbrooke, Senior Chief of Staff for the
U.K., 1950-54; Lord Solly Zuckerman, U.K.
Government Chief Scientific Adviser, 1955-84; Sir
Frank Chappell, the former General Commanding
Officer (GOC) of the British Army, present direc-
tor, member of WWF-U.K. The ZSL and RGS share
the WWF's eugenics ideology, and the Darwin-
Huxley tribe is omnipresent in both. Eugenics
"founder" Sir Francis Galton was a major mid-
19th century power in the RGS. Michael Huxley,
Julian's cousin, founded its Geographical Maga-
zine. RGS officials together with the WWF's Sir
Peter Scott founded Survival International.

The Fauna and Flora Preservation Society:

Found- ed in 1903 as the Society for the
Preservation of the Wild Fauna of the Empire.

Second oldest British conservation organization

after the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds
(1889). Has a panel of 108 "honorary overseas
consultants" in 70 countries. Maintains liaisons
with most other key conservation bodies.
Mother organization, with the Eugenics Society, of
the IUCN and the WWF. Housed since its
founding in the London Zoo. Patron: Her Majesty
the Queen. "The Fauna" was founded as an arm of
British imperial policy under the guise of
"conservation." Its founding vice presidents, Lords
Milner, Grey, Cromer, Curzon, and Minto, were
all imperial proconsuls, chiefly in India and
Africa. As Sir Peter Scott, FFPS chairman for most
of the three decades from the 1960s until his death
in 1989, noted in his history of the Fauna: "Since
the Empire at that time covered about a quarter of
the surface of the globe, it was a fair start on
internationalizing the infant wildlife conservation
movement." Chief aim of FFPS was to expand the
national park system worldwide. It convened
international conferences in 1933, 1938, and 1953
to plan new national parks. Its secretary, Colonel
Stevenson-Hamilton, established the Kruger Na-
tional Park in South Africa. The architect of the
Kenyan National Park system, Col. Mervyn Cowie,
is still an FFPS board member today. FFPS
personnel have dominated the WWF and the
IUCN since their founding, frequently chairing the

IUCN's two key committees, the Commission on

National Parks and Protected Areas; and the
Survival Service Commission, concerned with
WWF-style "species preservation," chaired for
almost two decades starting in 1963 by Peter Scott.
6. The Nature Conservancy: Founded by Royal
charter inl949.0ne of the U.K. 's four official
research bodies under the Privy Council. Known as
the "world's first statutory conservation body," it
became one of the most powerful postwar covert
operations of the Crown. From his influential post
as permanent secretary to the Lord President of the
Council (the deputy prime minister), Max
Nicholson wrote the legislation for the
Conservancy, then left his government post to head
it, 1952-66.

Nicholson personally developed most of the major

strategies and tactics of the world
environmentalist movement for the next decades.
He started the campaign against DDT later
popularized by Rachel Carson in The Silent
Spring; drafted the constitution for the IUCN; set
up and chaired the committee which established the
WWF in 1961; and chose Sir Peter Scott as the
WWF's first chairman, who held the post for over
two decades. The subtitle to his 1970 history of the

post war environmental movement is "A Guide

for the New Masters of the Earth."

The Swiss-based International Union for the Con-

servation of Nature IUCN was formed in 1948 by
Sir Julian Huxley; its constitution was written by
the British Foreign Office. Bringing together 68
nations, 103 government agencies, and 640 non-
governmental organizations, the IUCN is
nominally tied to the United Nations, but is outside
of its oversight. The WWF was originally formed
to fund the IUCN; many of the IUCN's key
commissions are run by the Fauna Preservation
Society. Together with the UNEP and the World
Resources Institute, the IUCN launched the
"Global Biodiversity Strategy," which guides the
conservation planning of many nations.
Its staff directly plan the conservation strategies and
administer the national parks systems of many former
colonies today. It sees the preservation of "biodiversity"
as its main mission. The IUCN president is Sir Shridath
Ramphal, the former Secretary General of the British
Commonwealth 1975-90; its director general, Martin
Holdgate, was a senior offical of the United Kingdom's
Department of the Environment.

Unesco: The United Nations Education, Scientific, and

Cultural Organization, is a Paris-based specialized U.N.

organization that was designed by Sir Julian Huxley,

who also was its first director general. In his founding
1946 document, Huxley defines Unesco's two main
aims as popularizing the need for eugenics, and
protecting wildlife through the creation of national
parks, especially in Africa. With a $550 million annual
budget, Unesco funds a vast network of conservation
groups; it defines protection of the environment as one
of its three main goals.

UNEP: The United Nations Environment Program was

formed at the 1972 U.N. Conference on the
Environment, which was organized by WWF founder
Maurice Strong. Based in Kenya, the UNEP works
closely with Unesco, the IUCN, and the WWF in
diverse ventures. Its World Conservation Monitoring
Center in Cambridge, England, jointly sponsored with
the IUCN and the WWF, is the central intelligence
agency of the conservation movement.

World Resources Institute: Founded in 1982 under the

guidance of WWF U.S.A. president Russell E. Train
with generous grants from the Rockefeller Brothers
Fund and the MacArthur Foundation. James Gustave
Speth was appointed president. Speth was a cofounder
of the Natural Resources Defense Council and formerly
the chairman of the U.S. Council on Environmental
Quality and the director of the Global 2000 project.

After 11 years at WRI Speth was made head of the

United Nations Development Program (UNDP) in
1993. WRI is the main think-tank for U.S.
environmental groups, putting forward study after study
promoting the new world order and the global
biodiversity strategy. WRI is affiliated with the
International lnstitute for Environment and
Development in London, formerly headed by Lady
Jackson (Barbara Ward).

Sir James Goldsmith and his older brother Edward

are leading financiers of the WWF apparatus globally.
Along with John Aspinall, major funders of Survival
International and Friends of the Earth. In 1970, Edward
Goldsmith founded The Ecologist, magazine of the
radical wing of the green movement. Edward also
launched the Green Party movement in the U.K. which
spawned Green parties in every European Community

The Sierra Club was founded in 1892 by preservationist

John Muir with funding from the famous robber baron
E.H. Harriman. Mostly an outing club until the 1950s .
the Sierra Club became a radical environmental
lobbying organization under the leadership of David
Brower. In 1969, Brower left Sierra Club to create the
more radical Friends of the Earth. Later on he also
founded the Earth Island Institute. Michael McCloskey

replaced Brower and proceeded to refocus the Sierra

Club into an organization dedicated to preventing all
commercial uses of public lands in the United States. In
1971, leaders of the Sierra Club in Canada created
Greenpeace. In 1979, the Sierra Club and the
Wilderness Society gave David Foreman a 10-year
contract to create and lead an overtly terrorist
environmental organization. That organization became
Earth First!

Greenpeace: Founded in 1971 out of the Don't Make a

Wave Committee, to coopt drug-rock-sex
counterculture victims into WWF-sponsored "direct
action." Now has branches in 24 countries, with
headquarters in The Netherlands and an annual budget
of $157 million. Spawned eco- terrorist groups Sea
Shepherd, Lynx, Animal Liberation Front, and Earth
First! Current director is Lord Peter Melchett, heir to
the Imperial Chemical Industries fortune. Behind the
scenes operator from early years is David McTaggart,
Canadian confidence man, who received funding from
WWF Executive Director Sir Peter Scott to purchase
ships to assault nuclear test ranges, whaling fleets, and
seal hunters.

Friends of the Earth: Founded in 1969 by David Ross

Brower, former executive director of Sierra Club. In
1990, merged with Environmental Policy Institute and

Oceanic Society and obtained tax-exempt status from

the U.S. Internal Revenue Service. Moved into England
in 1970, with financing from the Goldsmith and
Rothschild interests and John Aspinall. Engages in
direct action and other activities particularly targeting
nuclear power plants. Director of FOE U.K. during the
1980s was Jonathan Porritt, son of ex -governor general
of New Zealand. Founder of FOE France, Brice
LaLonde was later appointed President Francois
Mitterrand' s environmental minister. FOE, like
Greenpeace, deployed personnel to found Earth First!


Survival International: Founded in London in 1969 with

sponsorship of WWF chairman Sir Peter Scott to
provide funding to "help tribal peoples protect their
lands, environment and way of life." Originally named
Primitive Peoples Fund. Continues close collaboration
with WWF and the Royal Geographic Society. Other
founding members include: Edward Goldsmith, John
Aspinall, Nicolas Guppy, Francis Huxley, and Royal
Geographic Society director John Hemming. South
American Indians, particularly Yanomami, were initial
targets of SI operations. In 1972, spawned Cultural Sur-

vival, headed by British anthropologist David Maybury-

Lewis and chaired by Queen Margarethe of Denmark.

Environmental Investigative Agency: London-

headquartered private eye unit spawned out of
Greenpeace U.K. Founder is Allan Thornton, an early
leader of Greenpeace. Financed by Animal Welfare
Institute and other WWF fronts to conduct
"muckraking" investigations into environmental abuses.
Sea Shepherd, Lynx, Earth First!, Rainforest Action
Network. Seep. 55.

WWF International Advisory Council (1993-94)

Chairman: HRH The Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh
Members (partial list): HRH Prince Bernhard of the
Netherlands Sir Kenneth Kleinwort, director,
Kleinwort, Benson Lonsdale , Sir Edmund Hillary,
former New Zealand High Commissioner in India , Rt.
Hon. Sir Geoffrey Palmer, KCMG, PC, former prime
minister, New Zealand Javier Perez de Cuellar, former
secretary general, United Nations, president of
International Commission for Culture and
Development, UNESCO , Lily Safra, wife of Edmond
Safra, chairman, Safra Bank and Republic National
Bank of New York , Dr. Giancarlo Ligabue, president
of Museum of Natural History of Venice George P.
Livanos, president, Seres Shipping and Ceres Hellenic
Shipping Dr. Anis Mouasher, president, Royal Society

for the Conservation of Nature, Jordan Alhaji Chief

S.L. Edu, Nigerian, chairman African Alliance
Insurance Co. Leo Tindemans, former prime minister of
Belgium, Baroness Mildred von Platen, Sweden
Norman G. James, chairman, Canadian National
Sportsmen's Shows , Patricia Koechlin-Smythe,
president, British Show Jumping Association, Prof.
Sumitro Djojohadikusumo, chairman of PT
Indoconsult, Indonesia Jacques Pagot, former president,
Velux- France

Aga Khan gandhi

The modern multinationals typified by Royal Dutch

Shell, Unilever, and RTZ, which have done so much to
strangle Africa and the rest of the world in the postwar
period, are merely the modern, slighdy disguised form
of the Crown-chartered "merchant adventurer"
companies of Elizabethan England and later. Like their
often Venetian-sponsored Elizabethan predecessors ,
some of which merged to become the British East
India Company in the late sixteenth century, they are
granted a "royal charter" to operate globally on behalf
of the Crown and its associated families. The Anglo-
Dutch firm Royal Dutch Shell, for instance, so

prominent in Africa and in the World Wide Fund for

Nature, dates from the financial arrangements
established when William of the Dutch house of Orange
took the British throne in 1688, with Venetian backing.

When Africa was colonized by the European powers in

the 1880s and 1890s, that process, too, was under
charter from the Crown, to such companies as the
Royal Niger Company, the British East Africa
Company, and Cecil Rhodes's British South Africa
Company. Today's WWF backers, particularly its
"Africa division" are the direct descendants of these
late-nineteenth-century Crown companies, if not earlier
ones, like Shell. Tiny Rowland's Lonrho Corp. is
typical: As of 1990 the employer of over 100,000
people in Africa, it is the continent's major private food
producer, and a powerhouse in precious metals. Lonrho
was a subsidiary of Cecil Rhodes's still-existing British
South Africa Company.
Tiny Rowland: The Ugly Face of Neocolonialism in
Africa, --- the money and connections to launch this
new British East India Co. for Africa came from City of
London financier Harley Drayton and his 117 Old
Broad Street Group, Crown Agents for the colonies and
the managers of the private fortune of the queen.
Drayton's longtime personal assistant was the Scottish
aristocrat Angus Ogilvy, whose wife, Princess
Alexandra of Kent, the head of WWF-U.K. From 1961
on, Rowland was the chief financier for the gangs

whose genocidal wars have devastated Africa. He often

financed both sides of a struggle at the same time,
beginning with the Ian Smith regime in Rhodesia and
its black opposition around Joshua Nkomo and Robert
Mugabe, continuing into his financing both the Frelimo
government and its Renamo opposition in Mozambique,
and both the MPLA government and its Unita
opposition in Angola. The queen is the world's
wealthiest woman, with an acknowledged fortune of $
13 billion (Harpers and Queen magazine, January
1991). In reality it is far greater, but she is exempt from
having to disclose her holdings. The following entities,
with major assets particularly in Africa, are politically
directed by, and often substantially owned by, the
Crown: RTZ Corp. PLC. Second-largest mining firm in
the world. Established in 1873 by Hugh Matheson of
the Jardine Matheson opium-trading firm. RTZ's third
chairman, Sir Auckland Geddes, worked with Sir Ernest
Oppenheimer to reorganize control of raw materials
production in Africa in the 1920s and 1930s.

Anglo-American Corp. of South Africa, Ltd. Largest

mining firm in the world; dominates the economy of
South Africa. Constitutes, together with the two De
Beers companies, the Oppenheimer empire.

The Rothschilds and J. P. Morgan and Co. provided Sir

Ernest Oppenheimer the financing to cartelize diamond

and gold production in South Africa between 1902 and

De Beers Consolidated Mines Ltd. (South Africa) and
De Beers Centenary AG (Switzerland). Control world
diamond production. Established by Cecil Rhodes in
1880; by 1888, with Rothschild backing, controlled
90% of the world's diamond production. Barclays PLC.
Major banking power in Africa. Tightly controlled by
the Barclay, Freame, Bevan, and Buxton families, the
latter of which co-founded the WWF. Shell Trading &
Transport PLC and Shell U.K. Ltd. World's largest
petrochemical producer. ST&f, a British holding
company, owns 40% of the Royal Dutch Shell group of
over 2,000 companies worldwide (the other 60% is
owned by Royal Dutch Petroleum Co.); forged by Sir
Henri Deterding in 1903 with the French Rothschilds.

N.M. Rothschild & Sons Ltd. Founded in 1803 with the

assistance of the Thurn und Taxis family, one of the
"princely families" of the Hapsburg Empire, originally
the Venetian Torree Tasso family. NMR&S historically
financed the expansion of the Venetian-modeled British
Empire, as they did by bankrolling Cecil Rhodes's gold
and diamonds empire. Imperial Chemical Industries
PLC. Key part of world chemical cartel. Formed in
1926 by Lord Melchett and others by merging the four
largest British chemical firms. The present Lord
Melchett, grandson of ICI's founder, is head of
Greenpeace, United Kingdom. Unilever. Owns vast

plantations in Africa and the continent's largest trading

company (United Africa Co.); key part of the world
food cartel, particularly in fats and edible oils. Formed
by 1930s strategic merger of English Lever Brothers
firm, which owned the West African heirs to the Royal
Niger Co, with a Dutch company. "''-"'

Prince Philip, The Duke of Edinburgh (International

President) President: Princess Alexandra (cousin of
Queen Elizabeth II) -Trustees: Sir Peter Fenwick
Holmes Vice-Presidents: The Lord Buxton Christopher
Cadbury Corporate Sponsors: Cadbury ICI Chemical &
Polymers National Westminster Bank Shell UK
Barclays Bank PLC Andrew Robert Foweil Buxton,
chairman, CEO) Jan Peelen (Unilever) The Lord
Camoys (formerly Rothschild International Bank) Sir
John Derek Birkln (Unilever) Sir Denys Hartley
Henderson Lord Wright of Richmond {British
Petroleum) Lord Lawson of Blaby (Chancellor of
Exchequer 1 983-90) Sir Martin Wakefield Jacomb
(retired Dec. 1993) \—p r Shelf Transport & Trading
Co. PLC Sir Peter Fenwick Holmes, chairman Lord
Armstrong of llminster Sir Peter Brian Baxandell
(Inchcape PLC) Sir John Anthony Swire Sir Antony
Adand I 40% Shell U.K. Ltd. Lord Tombs of Brailes Sir
Peter Brian Baxandell (Inchcape PLC), N.M Rothschild
& Sons, Ltd Sir Evelyn de Rothschild, chairman Baron
David Rothschild Leopold Rothschild Edmond de
Rothschild Lord Armstrong of llminster Gerald

Goldsmith Lord Tombs of Brailes The Bank of England

Sir Martin Wakefield Jacomb Sir George Adrian
Hayhurst Cadbury RTZ Corporation, PLC Sir John
Derek Birkin, TD (chrmn) Sir Denys Hartley
Henderson Lord Armstrong of llminster Lord
Alexander of Weedon -Sir Martin Wakefield Jacomb,
deputy chairman National Westminster Bank PLC ,
Lord Alexander of Weedon, chrmn Sir Antony Richard
Pilkington The Telegraph PLC Sir Martin Wakefield
Jacomb Rupert Nicholas Hambro — Sir Evelyn de
Rothschild Lord Peter Carrington Imperial Chemical
Industries PLC Sir Denys Hartley Henderson, chairman
Sir Antony Pilkington Paul A. Volcker (Nestle SA)
Anglo-American Corp. of South Africa Ltd Julian
Ogilvie Thompson, Phillip Oppenheimer chairman pj.r
Leyden Nicholas Oppenheimer, Q.W.H. Relly deputy
chairman Rupert Nicholas Hambro - 38.7% T 34% De
Beers Conslldated Mines Ltd Julian Ogilvie Thompson,
A.E. Oppenheimer chairman Harry Oppenheimer
Nicholas Oppenheimer, deputy chairman Phillip
Oppenheimer Sir Evelyn de Rothschild Edmond de
Rothschild - PJ.R Leyden G.W.H. Reify Oe Beers
Centenary AG Julian Ogilvie Thompson Phillip
Oppenheimer chairman a.E. Oppenheimer Harry
Oppenheimer Evelyn de Rothschild - Nicholas
Oppenheimer pj r Leyden deputy chairman G.W.H.
Relly 16 Special Offprint EIR November 1994 The'
1001 Club': a nature trust by Scott Thompson
Membership in the "1001 Club," founded in 1971 by

Prince Bernhard of The Netherlands, consort to Queen

Juliana of the House of Orange, is restricted to 1,001
persons at any given time and is by invitation only. The
club donated an office building in Gland, Switzerland,
which currently houses the international headquarters
of the WWF and the International Union for the
Conservation of Nature. Initial members were
handpicked by Prince Bernhard and Prince Philip, Duke
of Edinburgh. Membership includes representatives of
the royal houses of Europe, officials of British Crown
corporations, and prominent figures in international
organized crime. Below is a sample of current and past
mem- bers with brief biographical data. Prince
Bernhard of the Netherlands. Born in 1912, Bernhard is
cousin-in-law of Kaiser Wilhelm's sister, Princess
Victoria of Hohenzollern. In 1934, at the University of
Berlin, Bernhard was recruited to Nazi intelligence and
eventually assigned to IG Farben (the chemical giant
which maintained business links to Britain's Imperial
Chemical Industries throughout the war and produced
Zyklon-B gas for the gas chambers). Because of his
Nazi links, Bernhard's marriage to Queen Juliana of the
House of Orange created a scandal in the Netherlands.
Bernhard founded the Bilderberg Society in 1953.
Bilderberg sponsors annual secret meeting of North
American and European "one world" elites. He resigned
as head of Bilderberg, and from the WWF-International
and 1001 Club. But he remains a dominant behind-the-
scenes figure in all three. Prince Henrik. President of

WWF-Denmark. Prince Juan Carlos. Founder and

president of honor of WWF-Spain. He later became
King Juan Carlos.

Prince Sadruddin Aga Khan. Given the title of His

Highness by Queen Elizabeth II in 1957 when editor of
Paris Review, a publication co-founded by John Train.

Prince Johannes von Thurn und Taxis (deceased). Self-

proclaimed "head of Venetian intelligence" and heir to
one of the most powerful "princely families" of the
Holy Roman Empire. The family has extensive land
holdings in Bavaria, Portugal, Italy, and Brazil, derived
from its role as postmaster of the Hapsburg Empire. His
father, Max, founded Hitler's Allgemeine SS and
headquartered it at the family's Regensburg Castle in
Bavaria. Bertolt Beitz. Director of the Alfred Krupp von
Bohlen und Halbach Foundation. Beitz ran a successful
takeover of Krupp Industries in 1953. Conrad Black.
Chairman and CEO of the Hollinger Corp., a media
conglomerate with major newspapers in Britain,
Canada, the United States, Israel, and Australia.
Originally called Argus Corp., a postwar restructuring
of the war- time British intelligence front company War
Supplies, Ltd., Hollinger is the leading press organ of
the House of Windsor and recently led the propaganda
campaign against U.S. President Bill Clinton. Baron
Aubrey Buxton of Alsa. Life Peer. Vice president of the

World Wildlife Fund-U.K. under Prince Philip. The

Buxton family has run Barclays Bank. Peter Cadbury.
Chairman, Preston Publications Ltd.; chairman, George
Cadbury Trust. Family's chocolate interests dominate
the economies of West Africa. Dr. Luc Hoffman. Vice
president of WWF-International and of the IUCN
(1966-69); director of Hoffman-LaRoche, the Swiss
pharmaceutical firm. Alexander King. Co-founder in
1968 of the Club of Rome with Aurelio Peccei.
Responsible for the club's book Limits to Growth,
which led a revival of the malthusian argument for
drastic reduction of world population. Jonkheer John
H. Loudon. Knighthoods from the British and Dutch
royal families. Bernhard's handpicked successor in 1977
to become international president of the World Wide
Fund for Nature. Former CEO of the Royal Dutch Shell
Group; chairman of Shell Oil Co. until 1976. Sir Peter
Scott. Knight of the British Empire (deceased).
Chairman, World Wide Fund for Nature since its
inception as the WWF-I in 1961; chairman, Survival
Service Commis- sion of the IUCN since 1963; founder
of the Wildfowl Trust at Slimbridge, Gloucestershire in
1964. 1001 Club membership (by country) Country
U.S.A. U.K. Netherlands Canada Switzerland South
Africa Germany France Other (42 countries) Maurice
Strong. Vice president WWF-I until 1975. First
executive director of the U.N. Environment Program
until 1975, having previously served for two years as
secre- tary general of the U.N. Conference on the

Human Environ- ment. Chairman, Bureau of the IUCN.

Undersecretary gen- eral, United Nations (1985-87).
Was charged by the secretary general to run the U.N.
-sponsored Earth Summit held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
in June 1992. Appointed by the Canadian government
as chairman, Petro-Canada (1976-78); currently
chairman of Ontario Hydro. Gustavo Cisneros.
Venezuelan billionaire and Rocke- feller family hanger-
on, linked to drug money-laundering circles. In early-
1994, the family's Banco Latino collapsed and was
seized by the Venezuelan government. Brother Ri-
cardo Cisneros, a director of Banco Latino, is a fugitive
from justice. RanBIOMA, a leading Venezuelan
"environmental- ist group" shut down after caught
faking dolphin killings. D.K. Ludwig (deceased).
Businessman who made a fortune destroying the
Amazon rainforests and later helped organized crime
syndicate boss Meyer Lansky to establish his drug
money-laundering empire in the Bahamas. Fred
Meuser. The bagman for the $1.1 million bribe to
Prince Bernhard from Lockheed Corp. Tibor
Rosenbaum . First Mossad logistics chief. His Geneva-
based Banque du Credit International was identified by
Life magazine in 1967 as a money laundry for Meyer
Lansky. Together with 1001 member Maj. Louis
Mortimer Bloomfield , Rosenbaum's network financed
Permindex, the corporate entity which New Orleans
District Attorney Jim Garrison charged was a vehicle
for the Kennedy assassination. French intelligence

established that Permindex laundered $200,000 through

BCI, to finance several aborted assassination attempts
against Charles de Gaulle. Robert Vesco, international
fugitive, alleged "American Connection" to the
Medellin Cartel. Initially sponsored by the Swiss branch
of the Rothschild family to take over the Lansky-
affiliated Investors Overseas Service (IOS). Last known
address: Havana, Cuba. Anton Rupert, co-founder of
the 1001 Club and chairman of the WWF-South Africa.
Rupert is owner of Rembrandt tobacco interests and a
protege of World War II chief of British MI-6 Sir
Stewart Menzies. Sir Kenneth Kleinwort, owner of
Kleinwort Benson, one of Britain's oldest banks. Henry
Keswick, chairman of Jardine Matheson, the British
trading company created by Lord Palmerston to
service the Far East opium trade during the 19th-
century. Brother John Keswick is chairman of Hambros
Bank, a backer of WWF, and a director of the Bank of
England. Edmond Safra, chairman of Safra Bank, one-
time owner of American Express Bank, and target of
U.S. and Swiss government investigations as a drug
money launderer. Sir Francis de Guingand, former head
of British Military Intelligence, now residing in South

The WWF: race science and world government by

Allen Douglas .
The World Wildlife Fund (WWF, now the World Wide
Fund for Nature), was founded in 1961 for one stated

purpose: to raise money to drastically expand the

operations of the International Union for the
Conservation of Nature (IUCN). Established in Gland,
Switzerland in 1948 on a British Foreign Office-drafted
constitution, the IUCN today boasts that it is the largest
"professional" international conservation organization
— as of 1994 comprising 68 states, 103 governmental
agencies, and over 640 non-governmental
organizations, "many of global reach."
Under the cover of "conserving nature," the WWF-
IUCN has in fact dedicated itself to 1) reduce the
world's population, particularly in the developing
sector, and 2) ensure that control of the world's raw
materials remains in the hands of a tiny handful of
largely British (or Anglo-Dutch) multinationals. These
two goals, WWF-IUCN spokesmen have repeatedly
stated, require a world government. The WWF has been
headed since its inception in 1961 by Prince Philip, the
first head of the most important national- sector branch,
the WWF-UK, who recruited Prince Bernhard of the
Netherlands to be the first head of the WWF-Interna-
tional. After the Lockheed scandals of the mid-1970s, in
which Prince Bernhard was caught taking million-dollar
bribes to sell airplanes, Philip replaced Bernhard as
head of WWF-I. Philip was later replaced as WWF-UK
head by Princess Alexandra, first cousin to the queen.
That the Crown has directly run the WWF from the
outset is lawful. The WWF-IUCN is a spin-off of two
of Britain's leading imperial institutions: the Society for

the Preservation of the Wild Fauna of the Empire (now

the Fauna and Flora Preservation Society, FFPS, whose
patron is the queen), which laid the groundwork for the
game parks throughout Africa; and the Eugenics
Society. The co-founder of both the IUCN and the
WWF, Sir Julian Huxley, personally embodied these
two currents. He was obsessed with population control,
which he called "the problem of our age." He served on
the British government's Population Investigation
Commission between World War I and World War II,
was vice president of the Eugenics Society from 1937-
44, and was its president when he founded the WWF in
1961. He also served as a vice president of "the Fauna,"
as its aristocratic members still fondly call it. The
ideology of both institutions, and of their WWF spawn,
dates in its modern form from Sir Francis Galton, who
coined the term "eugenics," and his first cousin, Charles
Darwin, who in 1859 authored his infamous Origin of
the Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the
Preservation of Favored Races in the Struggle for Life.

Galton aimed to propagate the pseudo-scientific

humbug of Darwinism's "survival of the fittest" in the
human arena, and so defined the aims of his "Race
Betterment Movement" as: "To create a new and
superior race through eugenics," which would
require the human race to be "culled." The Darwin-
Huxley tribe and its cousins have propagated this
doctrine unceasingly over the past century and a half.

What became the WWF took shape in the pre-World

War II period in the Political and Economic Planning
satellite of a Rhodes-descended Foreign Office think-
tank, the Royal Institute of International Affairs. Its
"planning" focused on eugenics, raw materials control,
and world-government; its two top officials, Max
Nicholson and Julian Huxley, later founded both the
IUCN and the WWF. Huxley continued his eugenics
fixation after the war as the first head of the U.N.
Educational, Social, and Cultural Organization
(Unesco). As he said in its founding document, "Thus
even though it is quite true that any radical eugenic
policy will be for many years politically and
psychologically impossible, it will be important for
Unesco to see that the . . . public mind is informed of
the issues at stake so that much that now is
unthinkable may at least become thinkable." World
government was the answer, Huxley and Nicholson
emphasized, and "wildlife conservation" was a pathway
to this goal. Huxley said that "the spread of man
must take second place to the conservation of other
species." His co- worker Nicholson, permanent
secretary to five postwar British foreign ministers and
one of Britain's most powerful civil servants, said in his
1970 history of the world environmental movement,
The Environmental Revolution: A Guide for the New
Masters of the World, which he and Huxley had largely
founded, that, given the migratory patterns of the
world's birds, "the lesson has been learnt and

unreservedly accepted that Ducks Unlimited means

Sovereignty Superseded. There are many subjects
besides ducks where the same lesson applies, but few
where it has been mastered." In 1960, as much of Africa
was preparing for independence, the 74-year-old
Huxley took an arduous three-month tour of Africa,
preaching that the newly independent states could not
be trusted to "conserve wildlife." Under that cover, and
with the aim of subverting and destroying
independence, Huxley and Nicholson linked up the
following year with their royal soulmate Prince Philip.
The WWF was born. Henry Kissinger, an asset of
London's Chatham House (Royal Institute for
International Affairs) and self- described British agent.
John Train, a Wall Street banker and cousin of WWF-
U.S.A. President Russell Train. Train runs a New
York investment counseling firm, Smith Train, which
has been owned by Anglo-Swedish interests since the
early 1980s. Two members of the Rothschild family sit
on the board of the holding company that owns 50% of
Smith Train, and Train's chief associate in London is
Steven Keynes, nephew of John Maynard Keynes, the
British economist. But Train's deepest ties to Prince
Philip come through his 45 -year intimate collaboration
with Teddy Goldsmith, the older brother of "green"
industrialist Sir Jimmy Goldsmith and the publisher of
the Ecologist, the house organ of the radical wing of the
WWF apparatus. Train and Teddy Goldsmith first
hooked up in Paris in the early 1950s, along with

"Children of the Sun" literatus Stephen Spender, a

"radical" asset of British royal intelligence, to co-found
Paris Review. Teddy Goldsmith was the founder of
such key WWF instruments as Survival International
and the green parties in Europe. Sir James, along with
Britain's casino czar and leading environmentalist John
Aspinall, bankrolled Friends of the Earth-U.K. when the
group was first setting up shop in England, and have
been consistent champions of Prince Philip's WWF
ventures. Prince Philip's murderous world view, in his
own words-- We need to 'cull' the surplus. It is now
apparent that the ecological pragmatism of the so-called
pagan religions, such as that of the American Indians,
the Polynesians, and the Australian Aborigines, was a
great deal more realistic in terms of conservation ethics
than the more intellectual monotheistic philosophies of
the revealed religions.
Support for the Windsors' genocidal population policy
is maintained today by numerous American members
and financial activists in the 1001 Club and the World
Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) who make Middleburg
and the surrounding countryside their home. Prominent
in this apparatus is Arthur Windsor "Nicky"
Arundel, a newspaper publisher. Trained as a
propaganda specialist for the CIA in Vietnam in the
1950s. Arundel founded the African Wildlife
Leadership Foundation, of Nairobi, Kenya and
Washington, D.C. along with former OSS and CIA
hand Kermit Roosevelt and WWF Chairman Russell

Train, whose cousin, investment banker John Train. The

Arundel family's Wildcat Foundation funds the World
Wide Fund for Nature and the International Union for
the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources.
Arundel's sister Jocelyn Arundel Sladen, who was the
IUCN liaison to the United States and an intimate of Sir
Julian Huxley in the 1950s, is a member of its board of
directors. Marjorie S. Arundel, the mother of Arthur
and Jocelyn, was a member of the National Council of
the World Wildlife Fund.
As long ago as 1798, Malthus explained what happens
when the factors limiting the increase in any population
are removed. One of the factors noticed by Darwin was
that all species are capable of producing vastly greater
populations than can be sustained by existing resources;
populations did not increase at the rate at which they are
capable was the basis for his theory of Evolution by
Natural Selection. The relevance to natural selection of
this capacity for overproduction is that as each
individual is slightly different to all the others it is
probable that under natural conditions those individuals
which happen to be best adapted to the prevailing
circumstances have a better chance of survival.

A Question of Balance by HRH Prince Philip, Duke of

Edin- burgh, Michael Russel (Publishing) Ltd., 1982. It
is curious how many philosophers from Plato to
Keynes' time have believed in and advocated the
control of society by "philosopher kings." According

to Plato, "its kings must be those who have shown the

greatest ability in philosophy," but — realistically — he
added, "and the greatest aptitude for war." Such people
may exist in the imagination and occasionally someone
with the necessary qualities may briefly dominate the
stage of history, but it is a naive appreciation of human
nature to imagine that such processed paragons can be
invested with the necessary powers and not be tempted
to take advantage of their situation.

The Society for the Preservation of Fauna in the

Empire, which later spawned the World Wildlife Fund,
was formed to ensure that the 1900 convention was
implemented. From the beginning, the society,
affectionately known as "the Fauna," was associated
with the British Museum, specifically the Natural
History division that had been created by Charles
Darwin's "bulldog," Thomas H. Huxley. In 1933,
another conference, following up the 1900 conference,
was convened in London. The British delegation was
led by the Earl of Onslow, who was also the head of the
Fauna. The most important result of the conference was
a provision for the establishment of national parks in
Africa. The enabling legislation of most countries' game
parks in Africa today, dates back to colonial decrees
enacted in the aftermath of the 1933 conference. The
national parks and reserves constituted by the 1900 and
1933 agreements legally established internal frontiers

within the African colonies that could not be crossed by

the native population, on the pretext of protecting
wildlife. These internal frontiers, forming colonial
enclaves, continued in effect after the colonies gained
independence. The Kruger precedent The first reserves
in Africa predated the 1900 London conference. They
were created by South African President Paul Kruger in
1889. One of the reserves was the Sabi reserve, now
Kruger park, which was created along the border with
the Portuguese colony of Mozambique. Kruger created
the parks, but the Boer War between Britain and the
Afrikaners intervened. In the process, the park region
was subjected to a brutal campaign by Lord Kitchener
South Africa: Renamo safe-haven; reportedly trained in
which crops were destroyed, cattle butchered, and
wildlife killed, in order to deny the Boers food.
This "ecological warfare" left the region devastated. In
1902, the park was reestablished by Britain's Lord
Milner, an associate of African empire-builder Cecil
Rhodes, after South Africa became a British colony.
The park's first warden, Maj. James Stevenson-
Hamilton, had seen active duty in the Boer War in 6th
Dragoon guards. Lord Milner instructed him to clean up
the park of "kaffirs" and white shareholders, and to
"make himself thoroughly unpleasant to everyone."
Over the next 45 years, until his retirement in 1946,
Stevenson-Hamilton carried out these instructions
ruthlessly, clearing 11 ,000 square miles of countryside

of its original inhabitants and implementing a military

"anti-poaching campaign."

Even those natives who were not evicted had to leave,

as hunting had been their major source of meat; they
poured into the cities and mines, where they became
virtual slave labor for the new British regime. As a
result of this policy, the major earned the epithet
"skukuza" ("he who sweeps clean"). The headquarters,
Skukuza, ofKrugerpark today is named in his honor.
Stevenson-Hamilton's system of warfare against the
na- tive population, in the guise of wildlife
protection, in which he and his game wardens
constituted themselves as virtual dictators, was
explicitly cited as the basis of all subsequent national
parks policy in Britain's African colonies by Col.
Mervyn Cowie, who created the first colonial park in
Kenya in 1946. Cowie ran the parks system there for 20
years. On his retirement, he reported how he had
confiscated tens of thousands of square miles of land
from the native inhabitants, implemented a mass-
resettlement scheme, and turned native property into 30
parks. "I copied every idea in Stevenson- Hamilton's
book South African Eden, " which lays out his system,
he reported.

The Mail Mau model for genocide .


From 1952 to 1960, the British colonial authorities in

Kenya, led by park warden Colonel Cowie, oversaw a
state of emergency allegedly dedicated to combating a
native revolution. The methods employed against the
Kenyan people under the guise of combatting this
alleged revolution became the model for all
subsequent British efforts to destabilize the
continent, and, as in Kenya, these destabilization
efforts continue to be run out of the game parks.
The supposed focus of this Kenyan revolutionary
conspiracy was the Mau Mau, an alleged secret society
within the Kikuyu tribe, the largest and then dominant
World Wildlife Fund's Operation Lock. Similar training
is being used to create a civil war in South Africa
through "black on black" so-called "Third force"
terrorism, intended to provoke tribal war throughout
South Africa.

Col. Frank Kitson, in his 1960 book Gangs and

Counter- gangs, revealed that the British were leading
large-scale Mau Mau units, and that many (if not all)
Mau Mau units were synthetically created by the
colonial authorities. Through orchestrating violence
between their "gangs" and "counter- gangs," the British
ensured that only native slaughter, and not revolution,
would result. The Mau Mau gangs and countergangs
were directed by Gen. Sir George Erskine, who had

been responsible for civilian food distribution in

occupied postwar Germany. Erskine was aided by
Colonel Cowie, the manager of the parks system, and
Bill Woodley, his intelligence chief who largely
developed the gang-countergang doctrine described by
Kit- son and later systematically applied throughout
Africa. Cowie, Woodley, and Leakey were veterans
of the World War II Kenya regiment, whose top
intelligence officer, Charles Pittman, was the chief
warden of the Ugandan park system. The Kenyan
regiment was an elite unit within the British
Commonwealth Armies in Africa, commanded by Gen.
Jan Smuts, who was also the President of the British
Union of South Africa. Smuts had once called for
creating a single park system stretching from Kenya to
South Africa. Several of Woodley's subordinates later
found work in Kenya's game parks after the emergency,
including Stan Bleazard, who took over the Marsabit
National Reserve, and Maj . Temple Boreham, who
became chief warden at Masai Mara park. David
Sheldrick, a former Kenyan regiment intelligence
officer who had served directly under Pittman, took
over "anti-poaching" operations in Tsavo elephant park.
Woodley himself became chief warden at Aberdares
Mountain park, while Cowie remained in charge of the
entire Kenya park system until the 1960s. Guerrillas in
the mist In the 1960s, the British initiated their "winds
of change" policy, whereby the peoples of Africa
achieved nominal independence. "The wind of change

is blowing throughout the continent," visiting Prime

Minister Harold Macmillan said in Cape Town, South
Africa in 1960. "Whether we like it or not this growth
of national consciousness is a political fact. Our
national policies must take account of it." Within five
years, most of British Africa was nominally
decolonized, and an often bewildered native comprador
class was elevated to become the new governing elite.
But while the British flag was lowered in one colony
after another, much of the old colonial apparatus
remained, with key posts in the ministries continuing
to be staffed by British nationals. Nowhere was this
more evident than in the parks system, which, by the
time of independence, locked up upwards of 20% of the
African colonies' lands. The chief game wardens, park
police chiefs, and the parks department staff largely
continued to be British nationals. Moreover, in a
malicious innovation, increasingly large numbers of
these parks, and in some cases the entire parks system,
were put under the control of private non-
governmental organizations, managed by international
boards of trustees outside the oversight of the
government. Today, the parks systems of Kenya,
Tanza- nia, and Zaire are privately managed by
international boards of trustees. Until 1992, Louis
Leakey's son, Richard Leakey, was the chairman of the
private "Kenya Wildlife Services" which runs Kenya's
parks. When Tanzanian President Julius Nyerere
proclaimed in his 1961 "Arusha Declaration" that the

peoples of Africa would preserve the national parks

bequeathed to them in perpetuity, he was admitting that
the existence of these colonial enclaves would go
unchallenged. Some 40%. of the land area of Tanzania
today is locked up in its national park system,
administered by the "Tanzania National Parks" non-
governmental organization. These parks, following the
Mau Mau precedent, continue to be the headquarters,
training sites, and safe havens of the gang-
countergangs. On the one hand, these parks have been
the centers of nominally "anti -western" Warsaw Pact-
linked subversion targeting white minority or colonial
rule. On the other hand, they have been the center of
"pro-western" efforts to overthrow alleged Soviet client
states radiating revolution throughout the continent. For
example: Rhodesia-Zimbabwe. Beginning in 1961, the
Zimbab- we Peoples Union (ZAPU), and two years
later, the rival Zimbabwe African National Union
(ZANU), conducted a guerrilla war to overthrow the
white minority-ruled Rhodesian regime. The Rhodesian
effort to crush the insurgency was carried out by the
Rhodesian Army, and its irregular guerrilla formation,
the Selous Scouts. ZANU and ZAPU cadre were trained
by Russian KGB instructors at the British-created
Queen Elizabeth park and Gorilla park in Uganda.
ZAPU was also trained by Chinese military instructors
at the Serengeti and Ruana national parks of Tanzania.
The ZANU and ZAPU forward bases of opera- tion

against Rhodesia were in Zambia, just outside theMosi-

pa-Tunya park, and also in the Lower Zambezi park.

World Wildlife Fund founder Peter Scott was also

the long-time chairman of the Ugandan National Parks
department. Uganda and Zaire: During the late 1960s
and 1970s, the Soviet KGB trained various of the
"liberation movements" of southern Africa in national
parks in Uganda and Zaire. Among the movements
were Zimbabwe People's Union (ZAPU), and it split-
away, the Zimbabwe African National Union (ZANU);
the South African National Congress (ANC), and its
split-away, the Pan-Africanist Congress (PAC). The
parks used for Soviet training were part of the complex
of contiguous national parks in western Uganda and
eastern Zaire including the Virunga park in Zaire , the
Queen Elizabeth park complex in Uganda, and the
nearby Gorilla park in Uganda — parks which were
later used in the Uganda invasion of Rwanda in 1990
and 1994. ……………..That policy is being continued
by Prince Philip's "conservation"- groups today.

In January 1961, a few months before he would launch

the new "Noah's Ark," the World Wildlife Fund
(WWF), to save the world's endangered animal species,
Prince Philip accompanied Queen Elizabeth on a royal
tour of India. Among the attractions that one of his
hosts, a local Rajah in Jaipur, put on for the royal party

was a tiger hunt. From a platform high in the trees out

of all danger, Philip shot one of the famed Indian tigers,
which had been lured by the tethered goats which the
rajah had staked out. ………..

Sir Peter Scott, a WWF founder and longtime chairman,

explained in the early 1980s why Prince Bernhard,
rather than Philip, became the WWF- International's
first president: "When we started WWF, a British
president would have looked too colonial." But, Scott
emphasized, it was Philip, not his friend Prince
Bernhard, who was the driving force — testimony
echoed by others in the WWF hierarchy. Longtime
Director General Charles de Haes told a journalist,
"Prince Philip is brilliant, he has a remarkable
knowledge. He's been involved with WWF since its
founding in 1961. He's incredibly active. He chairs all
the executive committee meetings. He's involved right
down to every aspect of policy." Added the WWF's Dr.
Anne Schiotz, "The Duke of Edinburgh devotes perhaps
one-fourth of his time to the WWF — he is
remarkable." The WWF is best-known for its efforts to
conserve four animal species, all of which were in
vastly better condition in 1961 than they are today.

In 1963, WWF- International Chairman Peter Scott, in a

report to the Ugandan Parks Board, recommended the
"culling" of 2,500 elephants. The job was contracted

to game hunter Ian Parker, who massacred 4,000 hippos

while he was at it. Scott had recommended the slaughter
on the malthusian premise that "overpopulation"
required the killing of many individuals in order to
"save the species." In reality, as it later emerged, Scott
wanted to create a valuable mahogany plantation in the
forests where the elephants fed, and they were in the
way. While Parker shot the elephants, WWF directors
made a tidy profit from the business. Scott tipped off
fellow WWF founder and Prince Philip's Extra Equerry,
Lord Aubrey Buxton, that the slaughters were to
happen. Buxton, chairman of Survival Anglia, makers
of some of the world's leading "nature documentaries,"
and on whose board Scott also sat, arranged to film the
slaughter. In the early 1970s, the bloody Ugandan
dictator Idi Amin was installed in power by British
intelligence, and maintained there until 1979. The
British government watched benignly as Amin
slaughtered thousands and thousands more elephants.
Today, there are fewer elephants left in Uganda than
Scott had ordered Parker to kill in one drive. In 1975,
the African Wildlife Leadership Foundation, founded
by U.S. WWF President Russell Train, contracted with
Parker to kill virtually all the elephants in Rwanda, on
the basis that the Rwandans could not protect both the
mountain gorilla and the elephant, so the elephant had
to go. One of gorilla expert Diane Fossey's assistants
later charged that the elephants had been killed because
the land they lived on was ideal for the production of

pyrethrum, a natural "non- polluting" insecticide.

Within a few years, an artificial substitute for
pyrethrum was found and production collapsed. Now
cleared of trees, the slopes where the elephants had
lived lost their topsoil through erosion, while the rivers
backed up with sediment and flooded. The slaughter
continued In 1986, former Rhodesian bush fighter Clem
Coetzee of Zimbabwe was awarded the WWF
Conservation Award by Director General de Haes for
overseeing a campaign in which 44,000 elephants were
killed. This was necessary, said the WWF, "to protect
the environment" of Zimbabwe's "over- crowded"
national parks. De Haes lauded Coetzee's work as
"exemplary and a model for all Africa." While other
conservation groups worldwide were screaming about
the plight of the elephant and calling for an ivory trade
ban, the WWF was still maintaining things were fine.
When the WWF belatedly rang the alarm bells in 1989,
the "Year of the Elephant," their assistance to the
elephants of Uganda was most curious.
……The SAS team, which had been organized into a
company named KAS Enterprises Ltd. for the purpose,
was led by Col. David Stirling, the legendary founder of
Britain's SAS regiments during World War II, and the
veteran of dozens, if not hundreds of special operations
all over the Mideast and Africa in the postwar period.
Stirling chose the intials to echo those of his earlier
Capricorn Africa Society (CAS), whose purpose had
been to "preserve apartheid in a sugar coating," in the

words of Kenya governor Sir Philip Kerr. Capricorn's

treasurer had been Mervyn Cowie, the architect of the
Kenyan Park system and controller of the Mau Mau,
while its chief propagandist was Elspeth Huxley, the
wife of Julian Huxley' s cousin Gervas. Curiously, the
most detailed revelations about Operation Lock, which
obviously relied on internal WWF documents, came
from the newsletter Africa Confidential, widely
regarded in Africa and elsewhere as an MI-5 asset, and
which had been founded in Stirling's flat in London.
The WWF helped create an "Indian" NGO, Mikupia, to
run the reserve in which the 15,000 Miskito Indians
now live; to "restore Miskito culture;" and to provide
"eco- tourism" for foreigners. Its extension into
Honduras is already planned. The Miskito Indians are
a British fabrication. In the 1 600s, British pirates
gave that name to the people living along the northern
and eastern coasts of what are today Honduras and
Nicaragua, who were mixed descendants of these
pirates, black slaves from British woodcutting gangs,
and the semi- nomadic Indian inhabitants. The Miskito
flag is modeled on the Union Jack, and their primary
economic activity from the 1 600s until today has been
The WWF's "human" division, Survival International,
was founded in 1969 to lead the campaign. Princes
Charles and Philip deployed personally to Brazil in
1990 and 1991 to promote the project; the WWF ran an
international publicity and pressure campaign for the

park; and the Overseas Development Authority's Lady

Lynda Chalkerwas sent to Brazil in 1990 to ram it
through. In July 1991, Sir Walter Bodmer, president of
the Human Genome Organization, announced that the
Yanomamis would be the first tribe to have their genes
frozen and archived in London's Museum of Human
Genetics as the first entry in a planned "library" of
genes of "peoples in extinction."

When the Ashaninkas became ill from malnutrition or

poor treatment, they were simply eliminated as "human
parasites." London has been the international logistical
and propaganda base for Shining Path since at least
1983, when the Revolutionary International Movement
(RIM) was founded there. RIM, a terrorist international
which includes Shining Path, is committed to aiding "all
indigenous peoples' struggles." In August 1992, the
British Home Office, operating through its Independent
Broadcasting Authority (IBA), produced and broadcast
a "documentary" glorifying Shining Path, which it then
handed over to the narco-terrorist group for inter-
national use in fundraising and propaganda.

Board Chairman A.H. Heineken, the sponsor of the

plan, is a longtime booster of WWF and IUCN efforts.
For many years, John Loudon, the former chairman of
the board of Royal Dutch Shell and the international

president of WWF from 1977 to 1981, had a seat on the

Heineken board. The plan has been embraced by
Ecoropa, one of the important WWF affiliates in
Europe, founded by the late self- described "universal
fascist" Denis de Rougemont and Teddy Goldsmith.
This year, WWF and IUCN issued a study called "Parks
for Life: Action for Protected Areas in Europe," which
called for quadrupling the set-aside land in western

The founding of Greenpeace The most important of

the international eco-terror organizations, Greenpeace,
was created by the WWF in 1971 in Vancouver, British
Columbia, a well-known center of British Intelligence
(i.e., British Crown) operations in the Western
Hemisphere. Early Greenpeace membership was
comprised of members of the Vancouver Liberation
Front, an affiliate of the Weathermen in the United
States, of Maoists, counter- culturalists, and operatives
of the Cadbury family-sponsored Quaker action
movement. The principal source of early Greenpeace
funding was the WWF, which purchased and Outfitted
the original Greenpeace "navy." A series of more
radical organizations was spawned from Greenpeace,
including the Sea Shepherd Society, Earth First! and
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals PETA /
Animal Liberation Front. The leadership, funding,
and logistical base of these organizations are
interchangeable. Susan Pardee, for example, who is

a member of the Greenpeace office in Seattle,

Washington, is also a local leader of Earth First! and the
Native Forest Network. The Seattle Earth First! office is
located within the Greenpeace office. As a result of this
WWF effort, the United States and other nations have
increasingly fallen victim to a low-intensity war being
carried out by eco-terrorists. This war is rarely reported
in the press.
The case of Sea Shepherd's campaign against the
whaling industry is exemplary. Paul Watson, a
member of the Van- couver Liberation Front who was
involved in the 1973 shootout with U. S. federal agents
at the Wounded Knee Indian Reservation and who is a
founding member of Greenpeace, created a more
radical splinter group in 1977 called the Sea Shepherd
Conservation Society. Watson was bankrolled from day
one by WWF . A U.S. activist Cleveland Amory, head
of the Fund for Animals, and by Britain's Royal Society
for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. This money
was used to purchase a British fishing boat which was
used to hunt down the Portuguese whaling vessel
Sierra. On July 17, 1979, Sea Shepherd rammed the
Sierra off the coast of Portugal. Portuguese Coast Guard
vessels captured the Sea Shepherd and were going to
hold it as security until Watson paid for the damage
caused to the Sierra. Instead of paying the $750,000
repair bill, Watson sank the Sea Shepherd in the
Portuguese port of Leixoes on Dec. 31,1979. Shortly
afterward, on Feb. 5, 1980, a team of three eco-

terrorists blew up the Sierra in Lisbon. An unidentified

woman called the Lisbon office of UPI from Spain and
stated, "The Sea Shepherd is avenged! Make no mistake
about it; this was no accident; this was a deliberate act
of sabotage! The Sierra will kill no more whales ! We
did it for the Sea Shepherd!"
Despite all of his actions and one criminal conviction in
Norway, Watson is a free man, unhindered by U.S. law
enforcement agencies. ''

The empiricist notion of man , as presented by

Henry VIII's Venetian marriage counsellor's, Francesco
Zovzi's Harmonia Mundi (1525), in the rosicrucian
dogmas of Venetian Paolo Sarpi's english proteges,
Francis Bacon and Robert Fludd, in the writings of
Bacon' s Thomas Hobbes, in the "social contract"
dogma of John Locke, and of the English "Venetian
Party's" David Hume, Adam Smith, Jeremy Bentham,
and in the utilitarianism of John Stuart Mill, et al.

That anti-Christian, empiricist doctrine of "human

nature" is otherwise known as the 17th and 18th
centuries' Enlightenment; this includes not only the
Venice-created, faction of Voltaire, Maupertuis,
Algarotti, Euler, et al. at Paris and Frederick the Great's
Berlin Academy, but also Immanuel Kant and the 19th-
century Romantics and positivists generally.

The intellectual power of the Renaissance was the

heritage of Nicolaus of Cusa's founding of the
principles of the modern system of nation-states and of
modern science. The most influential relatively recent
codification of an oligarchical form of society is found
in the notorious "socialist" Code of the pagan Roman
emperor Diocletian, the model for the modern
"eugenicists" and other radical "environmentalists."
In an Oct. 27,1991 appearance on French national
television, Prince Philip walked the interviewer through
the paces on the way in which the prince's crowd
arranged the mass-killing of excess populations of wild
animals inhabiting the "protected" areas of the Africa
wild-game preserves. Then, in response to the
interviewer's obvious question, the prince replied: "This
is the same principle for man; only, for us, our
protected area is the entire Earth. The principle is really
the same."
 larouche=controlled opposition/half truther.he
vouches for nelason mandeal,Benjamin
franklin , Leibniz etc .
How The Green Fascist Movement Was Created.
Prince Philip's Malthusians Launch New Age Killer
Cults // Save The Planet, Kill Yourself //
Eliminate The Human Species // We Should Phase
Ourselves Out // "Respectable" Homicidal Maniacs

How The Venetians Took Over England and Created


The Bestial British Intelligence Of Shelburne and


Podesta was designated as a Son of the Catholic Church

(undercover Jesuit?) just the same as Adolf Hitler had
been. [13],[14] // The creation of an Elite of Race
Patriots came from John Ruskin’s inspiration and
devotion derived directly from Plato’s Republic. In the
Republic, Plato called for “a ruling class with a
powerful army to keep it in power and a society
completely subordinate to the monolithic authority of

the rulers.” Ruskin was the brainchild of the secret

conspiracy of elite race patriots , to recoup and extend
the influence of British Masonry, Crown Empire, and
Anglo Saxon Racial Superiority. He wanted to do this
by education or re-education of the working man. His
views on the ruling class as developed from Plato’s
Republic, sent shock waves through Oxford.[6] “[You,
the undergraduates are] the possessors of a magnificent
tradition of education, beauty, rule of law, freedom,
decency and self-discipline but… this tradition [can]
not be saved, and does not deserve to be saved, unless it
can be extended to the lower classes in England itself
and to the non-English masses throughout the world. If
this precious tradition is not extended to these two great
majorities, the minority of upper-class Englishmen will
ultimately be submerged by these majorities and the
tradition lost. To prevent this, the tradition must be
extended to the masses and to the empire.”[7] // A
wealthy young man, Cecil Rhodes, like John Ruskin
believed that only the British elite could and should
rule the world to the benefit and happiness of mankind.
Shortly after arriving at Oxford, Rhodes was initiated
into Freemasonry at the APOLLO University lodge
No. 357. On April 17, 1877, he was raised a Master
Mason in the same lodge. Rhodes also joined a Scottish
Rite Lodge at Oxford called Prince Rose Croix Lodge
No. 30.[8] The PILGRIM SOCIETY is a subversive and
one-world society created in the vision and for the
mission of Ruskin and Rhodes’ elite of race patriots.[9]
The Cecil Rhodes Round Table Group of Great Britain

created its twisted sister, Pilgrim Society, in America

for its British cousin race patriots.[10] However,
remember there is a more powerful and vicious secret
circle and Brotherhood above the Freemasons, Round
Table and Pilgrim Society.

The Historical Roots of Green Fascism

They indicate openly, as do the members of the Club of

Rome, that it is they who have established the “green”
movement in the world. One does well to take these
confessions seriously.
Old Ideas in New Clothes

There are oligarchical circles in London and New York,

who quite openly discuss that a new Hitler is needed
again, perhaps one without the personality flaws of
Adolf Hitler, but someone who can implement the same
policy now. In Italy, the press blatantly says that
Socialist Party head Craxi might make a very good new
If one wished to pick out every writing which had a
great influence on National Socialism, one would have
to take at least the following: The Will to Power by
Friedrich Nietzsche; The Destruction of the Evening
Lands by Oswald Spengler; The Third Reich by Müller
van den Bruck; The Foundations of the 19th Century by
Houston Chamberlain; The Myth of the 20th Century by

Alfred Rosenberg; and naturally Hitler’s Mein Kampf,

which was by no means the most widely read among
What these writings were for National Socialism, are
now, for today’s danger of a new fascism, such books
as Limits To Growth by the Club of Rome; Global
2000; Global Futures; or the U.S. bestseller The
Aquarian Conspiracy. Such culturally pessimistic
catastrophe theories and mythologies serve now, as
then, as justification for the omission and avoidance of
those steps which could address the actual catastrophe.
That the whole lot of these “theories” are, from a
scientific standpoint, quackery, and arise from a
primitive Malthusian-Darwinist-nominalist worldview,
is not an argument that carries any weight with their
adherents: It is exactly the world of reason and
scientific thinking, against which they want to hurl their
The “green movement” is a fascist movement. The
absolute intolerance against other ways of thinking,
even if they are held by the majority of people; the
emphasis on “the people’s common-sense feelings”; the
mystical ennobling of nature; the Romantic flight
from the world to a pre-industrial life on the Eco-farm;
the apotheosis of a transcendent mystical intoxication
about life; the Dionysian character of the rock-drug
culture—these are all entirely typical markers of the
fascist mass movement.

Punks carry swastikas quite blatantly, and the

radicalized part of the Green movement long ago seized
upon the methods of the stormtroopers.
Part of this political movement does not even shrink
from political murder, as the killings of Jürgen Ponto,
Hanns-Martin Schleyer, Siegfried Buback, or Heinz
Herbert Karry prove. These all take place in an
intellectual climate characterized by the exaltation of
irrationality, fully supported by the news media and
the film industry. The cult films of a Fritz Lang find
their counterparts in a plethora of modern cult films
such as Clockwork Orange, The Shining, or New York
1990. And the fact that hundreds of Protestant
ministers have placed themselves in the forefront of this
movement, also awakens unpleasant memories of the
Nazi Ministersbund.
Where does all this come from?
From the ‘Romantic’ Movement to the Greens

In his book The Conservative Revolution, Armin

Mohler, the current director of the Siemens Institute in
Munich, describes this circle, the agency of this
Conservative Revolution, as an effective current in
Germany and almost all of the European nations, which
has an influence on all the areas of life.
No other figure has played such a large role in the
ideological realization of fascism as Friedrich
Nietzsche. Mohler also says that everything which

occurred later in Germany, had to have been conceived

by Nietzsche.
However, it is worthwhile to reinvestigate, what
tradition Nietzsche himself comes from.
The dictum of Novalis: “The world becomes a dream,
the dream becomes the world,” is typical of the loss of
sense of reality.
Countess Marion Doenhof, systematically sponsored
the Greens for around 11 years.
One had to destroy every realistic world-concept, to
annihilate every rational view of one’s own people and
of foreign peoples, in order to be able to deploy the
youth as a battering ram against technological progress.
The death wish implanted in Romanticism later came
to the Nazis in the nick of time, in order to glorify a
heroic death, and to send even children into total war.
Unfortunately, with the yearning for one’s own death,
contempt for foreign lives also grew, with respect to
which nothing has changed since the Romantic
movement, which created the recruiting field for
Giuseppi Mazzini’s anarchist bands, through the Nazis,
up to the Green movement.
The most important link in the intellectual pre-history
of fascism, between Romanticism and Nietzsche, was
Arthur Schopenhauer, a philosopher of Romanticism,
which moreover stood in a close intellectual
relationship to the British nominalists Hobbes and

Locke, and shared their bestial conception of man.

Schopenhauer, also an early foster-father of the
Greens, emphasized the incapacity of reason to
discern the real essence of things. He banalized reason
as a mere vehicle, with the help of which, the objectives
set by the will could be attained. Also, the roots of the
denial of a meaning of life by the modern existentialist
philosophers lie with Schopenhauer, for whom life is
basically not worth affirming. In the aftermath, this idea
grew powerful and bore not a little of the responsibility
for the perpetration of genocide by the Nazis.
Incidentally, Schopenhauer’s ascetic conception recalls
the masochistic “self-denial” of our Greens of today,
who prefer to eat grain and to heat their homes with
coal-burning stoves (and thus to pollute the
environment). Schopenhauer is the first who made
pessimism into a system, but this pessimism is
irrational and amoral. Since there allegedly is no
progress in the possibility of rational cognition and
action, the necessity of one’s own moral action is
dispensed with.
Nietzsche, Progenitor of the Counterculture

Mohler identifies Nietzsche as the “historical-

intellectual founding figure” who stood as the “great” of
the Conservative Revolution. If you read Nietzsche’s
books, you get, above all, the suspicion that the
insanity which allegedly overcame him later—

apparently in the last phase of his syphilitic disease—

had controlled him throughout his whole life.
Nietzsche, whose favorite philosopher was
Schopenhauer. He was an outstanding example of the
intellectual current which was interested in the
dissolution of scientific thought .
Nietzsche was the forerunner of Spengler, Rosenberg,
and the Green ideologues. He came to a “biological
worldview,” which showed itself in such mystical
concepts as “blood and soil,” “race,” and “symbol.”
Such a “biological worldview” also logically lies at the
heart of today’s turned-inside-out “environmental
protection,” in the sense of “ecology,” “bioethics,” and
so forth.
Nietzsche is therefore a turning point, because he, with
this anti-morality, helped tear down the constraints,
even to the point of the famous “all is permitted” of
the Nazis, or to the point of the belief of the outrageous
sections of the Greens, that everything is permitted in
order to carry out their irrational will against the
In the history of thought, these notions point directly to
Spengler, to the Nazis, and emerge again in the
existentialist philosophy of Martin Heidegger.
For Nietzsche, the scientific formulation of questions,
which he correctly traced back to Socrates, was the
arch-enemy of any culture. In order to shatter this

“Socratic spirit,” he went so far as to rewrite history. He

contrasts the “Socratic” with the “Dionysian,” and then
stresses exactly the phase of history in which
irrationalism, in organized form, creates a revolt. This
Dionysian, he says, can be comprehended by man most
readily through the analogy of delirium.
“The most extreme form of nihilism is the
understanding that every belief, everything taken as
true, is necessarily false; because a true world does
not exist. But a perspective appearance....

One of the hack writers, who was influenced by

Nietzsche and who contributed significantly to the
spiritual destruction of the Weimar Republic, was
Hermann Hesse and his book Steppenwolf, which, by
the way, is again very popular among today’s youth
movement in Germany and the U.S.A. It was written
in 1827 with the intention of seducing disoriented youth
into prostitution, homosexuality, sex orgies, drug use
(from hashish to LSD), and into terrorism against the
world of machines, and against the civilized world
order generally.
Hesse expressed the suspicion (as the Club of Rome’s
Aurelio Peccei does), that probably all of human life is
an utter mistake, a violent and unfortunate abortion of
the Primeval Earth Mother, a wild and hideously
disappointing experiment of nature.

Jean-Paul Sartre, who denies a reason for being, was

also (not without a connection to his theory) a
sympathizer with the Baader-Meinhof gang, and visited
Andreas Baader in prison.
There is no doubt that Nietzsche’s concept
of Übermenschen not only established the basis for
the Nazis’ “Master Race,” but also, in spite of small
differences, made an impression on the elitist thoughts
of Chamberlain, Spengler, George, and the Junger
The Fascist International

The Jesuit Carroll Quigley wrote in his book Tragedy

and Hope, in which he disclosed much amazingly
accurate material about the ominous intent of
monetarist oligarchical circles, that such publicity could
hardly harm their goals, because this grouping has taken
power so thoroughly that any resistance against it would
be senseless. Marilyn Ferguson in The Aquarian
Conspiracy expresses almost exactly the same thing, as
does H.G. Wells, who speaks of an “open conspiracy.”
One of the most remarkable books in this respect is the
book by Armin Mohler, Conservative Revolution. Not
only because he had the boldness to “reawaken” fascist
thought as early as 1950, but also because it throws
some light on the corporate policy of the Siemens
Company. Peter von Siemens belonged to the
Anthroposophs, and Armin Mohler, as chairman of the

Siemens Foundation, is a prophet of the “Conservative

Revolution,” .
((( In 1888, Werner Siemens received hereditary
ennoblement as von Siemens by Frederick III, German
Emperor. His brother William had been knighted –
becoming Sir William – by Queen Victoria a few
months before his death in 1883. The brother Carl in St.
Petersburg was ennobled by Tsar Nicholas II in 1895.
Werner's cousin and father-in-law, Carl Georg Siemens
(1809–1885), a professor of technology at the
University of Hohenheim, received personal
ennoblement by the King of Württemberg. Werner's
nephew Georg, co-founder of Deutsche Bank, was
ennobled by Wilhelm II, German Emperor, in 1899. )))
Mohler leaves no doubt in this book—a barely revised
dissertation published by Karl Jaspers in 1949—of what
he speaks: “Conservative revolution” is a synonym
for what is commonly recognized as fascism.
The Conservative Revolution, according to Mohler, is
comprised of small, intellectually active circles, highly
disruptive sects, and, in the background, the remaining
loose elite alliances. Mohler does not try to hide his
disdain for the “masses.”
“The great party holds its masses together through
organizational ties adapted to the average person and a
narrow doctrine of catchwords, and only offers space

for superior minds to the extent that they concern

themselves with the restraint of the masses, and keep
their mental capabilities in reserve, for the esoteric
realm. But the majority of the above-average
intelligences gather in small circles, which oscillate in
constant mental stress, believe themselves to be the
only ones with the true knowledge, and accuse the mass
party of Realpolitik, betrayal of the “idea.”
If you break through the Babylonian verbal confusion in
today’s political life, if you take into account the
confession of the numerous members of the
“Conservative Revolution,” there is really no
difference between “right” and “left,” as the
ostensibly politically diverse people like Mohler,
Möller van der Bruck, Daniel Cohn-Bendit, and Oscar
Negt admit. For them, the contrast between
“Socialism and National Socialism” as well as “right”
and “left” has been lifted.
So you should not let yourself be deluded into thinking
that some “Conservative Revolutionaries” have either
distanced themselves from the Third Reich, or even
were disdained or persecuted by it. Even though,
according to Mohler, at the end of the 20th Century, it
became evident to them that a successful National
Socialism “would falsify their goals as much as a
successful communism,” they remain the spiritual
mentors of fascism, then, as today.

The title “Conservative Revolution” certainly goes back

to Hugo von Hofmannsthal for its first formulation, and
then back to Möller van der Bruck, but it is in no way a
specifically German thing.
Mohler names the following names in this connection:
Hans Grimm, Oswald Spengler, Ernst Jünger, C.F.
Jünger, Albrecht and Karl Haushofer, Schultze-Boysen,
Möller van der Bruck, Hugo von Hoffmannthal,
Nietzsche, Richard Wagner, Stefan George, and other in
But, for example: Dostoevsky and the two Aksokovs
for Russia; Sorel and Barres for France; Unamuno for
Spain; Pareto and Ebola for Italy; Lothrop Stodart,
Madison Grant, and James Burnham for the United
States. These “thinkers,” who did not actually come
from oligarchical families themselves, are like their
modern followers: Peccei, Forrester, Meadows, Jungk,
Cruhl, Gvishiani, Frolov, King, etc., to a certain degree
the court ideologues of these families. Today, they work
predominantly with think-tanks and foundations, or as
controllers of “movements” and terrorists. They carry
out what Mohler calls “restraint of the masses.”
The forerunner of the Murder, Inc. “Permindex,”
which was, in the early 1920s, the secret organization
OC (Organization Consul), which was responsible for a
series of assassinations, among them, German Foreign
Minister Walter Rathenau.

The OC was controlled by the Thule Society. Around

the Thule Society there was an elite secret organization,
to which belonged -- Prof. Karl Haushofer, Princess
Maria von Thurn und Taxis, Countess Westarp, Baron
von Seydlitz, von Sebottendorf, Scheubner-Richter,
Rudolf Hess, and Alfred Rosenberg.
This organization had available extensive financial
resources and the best connections to the leading noble
families and intelligence services. The Thule Society
functioned as the “mother organization” of a plethora of
parties, societies, paramilitary units, and terrorist
organizations. The most momentous creations of the
Thule Society are those of the NSDAP [Nazi Party],
which it founded, and Adolf Hitler.
Marilyn Ferguson’s book The Age of Aquarius,
which was only the popular, expanded version of a
study by the Stanford Research Institute in Palo Alto,
This institute must be considered one of the most
important planning centers of the Conservative
Revolution. Out of there came not only various
experiments with drugs, but also all conceivable
“alternative life-styles” were developed. What Ferguson
describes in her book, is the undermining of society,
above all the youth, through the “Aquarian
Conspiracy.” The age of Christianity and scientific
rationality—characterized by her as the Age of Pisces—
will now be cut off by the Age of Aquarius. Here it is

feeling, not reason, that matters, and all the conspirators

would participate in a common cosmic consciousness,
would recognize one another, and would advance in all
realms of life, including the military itself. Ferguson in
other respects proceeds to praise conservation and all
forms of alternative life-styles.
The Age of Aquarius, could also be translated as the
dominion of Dionysus. For Nietzsche it is the
Christian God that is dead, not the “god” of
reappearance, whether it is named Dionysus, Mithra, or
something else.
Ernst Jünger writes thus, quoted by Mohler:
“We march towards a magical point zero, which we will
only overcome, when we have other, invisible sources
of power at our disposal.”
“Thus, with this magical point zero,” Mohler writes,
with evident fascination, “we enter the inner circle of
German nihilism.” It is the belief in absolute
destruction, that turns into absolute creation. For,
‘decay’ does not occur in the essential core.... Our hope
is attached to what remains,” he quotes Jünger again.
In Hesse’s Steppenwolf, the union between green
terrorism, and an “inner joy” over genocide, was
already present.
Another subdivision of the Conservative Revolution,
the Pan-European Union of Otto von Habsburg, also

consistently demands the creation of a “Europe of the

Regions.” It ought, in turn, no longer be astonishing, if
now left-Socialists demand the strict decentralization of
nation-states and militantly precipitate attempts at
autonomy by all conceivable minorities. Club of Rome
bears toward the idea of the nation-state is really
significant and dangerous. Typical is Aurelio Peccei’s
speech before the International Institute of Applied
Systems Analysis (IIASA), in Spring 1981, in which he
declared the nation-state bankrupt, and called it the
main obstacle to a global technical correction
culminating in a “new world order.”
Citizens must immediately be enlightened, as to what is
hidden behind the allegedly harmless façade of health
food stores and Waldorf schools: the writings of Rudolf
Steiner, a fanatical cultist. Steiner believed not only in
the reincarnation of man; he promoted the worship of
Brown and Green: Were the Nazis Forerunners of
Environmental Movements?

Green Fascism and the Greening of Hate -Population

control — the ideology of the green right .
Related reading: Population Control and Climate
Change, Part One: Too Many People? Population
Control and Climate Change, Part Two: The Socialist
The Menace of Eco-Fascism -- Matthew Phelan
Eco-fascism: The ideology marrying environmentalism
and white supremacy
environmentalism-and-white-supremacy 'Global
Warming' is Population Reduction, Not Science
Michael Burleigh | The second coming of fascism?
Fascism.html Fascist Ecology: The "Green Wing" of
the Nazi Party and its Historical Antecedents

Eco-fascism & the Greens -- The parallels between the
Greens and the Nazis
Introduction: Fascism and nature

Nazi founded the World WildLife (WWF)

Nazi-SS Bernhard zur Lippe-Biesterfeld visit Hitler in

November 1936 and Prince Philip the English Duke of
Windsor, had a controversial visit to Germany (1937)
and greeted Hitler personally (video).  Also the English
Duke Charles Edward of Saxe-Coburg and
Gotha 1(video) 2(video) (nephew of Queen Wilhelmina
of the Netherlands), was a real Nazi and part of Hitler's
Third Reich. Prince Philip of England his Nazi, family
connection (video) are known, his sister, Sophia, was
married to Christopher of Hesse-Cassel, an SS colonel

who named his eldest son Karl Adolf in Hitler’s honour.

Indeed, all four of Philip’s sisters married high-ranking
One of the biggest public relations hoaxes ever
perpetrated by the British Crown, is that King Edward
VIII, who abdicated the throne in 1938, due to his
support for the Nazis, was a ``black sheep,'' an
aberration in an otherwise unblemished Windsor line.
Nothing could be further from the truth. The British
monarchy, and the City of London's leading Crown
bankers, enthusiastically backed Hitler and the Nazis,
bankrolled the Führer's election, and did everything
possible to build the Nazi war machine, for Britain's
planned geopolitical war between Germany and Russia.
Support for Nazi-style genocide has always been at the
heart of House of Windsor policy, and long after the
abdication of Edward VIII, the Merry Windsors
maintained their direct Nazi links. So, when Prince
Philip, co-founder with Prince Bernhard of the
Netherlands of the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), tells
an interviewer that he hopes to be ``reincarnated as a
deadly virus'' to help solve the ``population
problem,'' he is just ``doin' what comes naturally'' for
any scion of the Anglo-Dutch oligarchy.
To get beyond the soap opera stuff and truly understand
the Windsors today, it is useful to start with Prince
Philip. Not only was he trained in the Hitler Youth
curriculum, but his German brothers-in-law, with whom

he lived, all became high-ranking figures in the Nazi


Before his family was forced into exile, Prince Philip

had been in line of succession to the Greek throne,
established after a British-run coup against the son of
King Ludwig of Bavaria, who became King Otto I of
the Hellenes. Having dispatched King Otto in 1862,
London ran a talent search for a successor, which
resulted in the selection of Prince William, the son of
the designated heir and nephew to the Danish king,
Crown Prince Christian. In 1862, Prince William of the
Danes was installed as King George I of Greece, and
married a granddaughter of Czar Nicholas I in 1866.
Prince Philip is a grandson of Queen Victoria, and he is
related to most of the current and former crowned heads
of Europe, including seven czars.
The marriages of Prince Philip's sisters definitely
strengthened the German aristocratic ties.

During 1931-1932, Philip's four older sisters

married as follows:
Margarita to a Czech-Austrian prince named Gottfried
von Hohenlohe-Langenburg, a great-grandson
Theodora to Berthold, the margrave of Badenof
England's Queen Victoria
Cecilia to Georg Donatus, grand duke of Hesse-by-
Rhine, also a great-grandson of Queen Victoria
Sophie to Prince Christoph of Hesse

Prince Bernhard, like Prince Philip, whom he

recruited to the eco-fascist cause (WWF), had strong
roots in the Nazi movement. In fact, the whole House
of Orange did.

With the appearance of Bernhard zur Lippe-Biesterfeld

ended the Orange dynasty as it existed. Reportedly
Fritze and Max Ilgner played an important role in
bringing the Dutch Crown Princess Juliana and (IG
Farben NW7 espionage member), Bernhard zur Lippe
Biesterfeld together which joined in marriage on
January 7, 1937 where leading Nazi's did the Hitler
salute at the royal wedding.

An Index of the British Empire

World Government
We shall have world government, whether or not we
like it. The question is only whether world government
will be achieved by consent or by conquest.
What the Malthusians Say – depopulation quotes
The Guild of St George is a charitable Education Trust,
based in England but with a worldwide membership,
which tries to uphold the values and put into practice
the ideas of its founder, John Ruskin (1819–1900).

Luciferians in the service of wealth engineered the so-

called Enlightenment, as well as the Revolutionary
Period (1776-1917) . Luciferians made people think
they were orphans in the universe by promoting Isaac
Newton's mechanistic vision. When Newton's

laboratory papers were finally examined, his actual

"scientific work" turned out to be lurid and insane
experiments in "black magic." Francis Bacon, Hobbs,
Walpole, Doestoevsky, Nietzsche, Jeremy Bentham,
John Ruskin, Bertram Russell, HG Wells are other
secret Satanists who have shaped our culture.

Luciferians are gradually converting mankind to their

Satanic culture. They use concepts such as free and
equal to create a world that will be anything but. They
have recruited armies of well-intentioned people whose
careers depend on not seeing the big picture.

Dr. Maria Montessori met Mahatma Gandhi in the

beginning of October, 1931 in London . And on
October 28, 1931 Gandhi spoke at the Montessori
Training College , London where Dr. Montessori was
also in attendance. The following is the text of Gandhi’s
Speech, which was published in the weekly newspaper,
Young India , on November 19, 1931. --- Gandhi
greeting her, said, “We are members of the same

ma-and-montessori-connection.html Montessori =
freemason , theosophist.

 Jewel in the Crown” of the British Empire, India.

The Albert Einstein Institution has received funding
from the Ford Foundation, the International Republican
Institute, the National Endowment for Democracy,
while some former directors have come from the
RAND Corporation and the Ford Foundation. // Gene
Sharp has been accused of having strong links with a
variety of US institutions including the CIA, the
Pentagon and Republican-related institutions, i.e.
International Republican Institute and RAND
Corporation, National Endowment for Democracy. //
Noam Chomsky and Howard Zinn among others
defended Gene Sharp

The truth about Mahatma Gandhi: he was a wily

operator, not India’s smiling saint . // According to
Jawaharlal Nehru, independent India’s first prime
minister, Mahatma Gandhi’s pronouncements on sex
were “abnormal and unnatural” and “can only lead to
frustration, inhibition, neurosis, and all manner of
physical and nervous ills… I do not know why he is so
obsessed by this problem of sex”.

google --- gandhi in fascist rome



A study of the role of theosophy in the formation of the

Indian National Congress enhances our understanding
of the relationship between neo-Hinduism and political
nationalism. Theosophy, and neo-Hinduism more
generally, provided western-educated Hindus with a
discourse within which to develop their political
aspirations in a way that met western notions of
legitimacy. It provided the background against which
A. O. Hume worked with younger nationalists to found
the Congress.
The Indian National Congress was founded in 1885.
Throughout much of the preceding century, a variety of
organisations had striven to initiate reform among the
religions of the sub-continent. The Brahmo Sabha, the
Arya Samaj, the Theosophical Society, and other
groups, had developed broadly similar doctrines and

practices which can be described as neo-Hinduism

(Bharati 1970; Jones 1989).

Madame Blavatsky (nee. Hahn) provided the inspiration

for the Theosophical Society, formed in 1875
(Campbell 1980). She was born into an aristocratic
Russian family, but at the age of seventeen, after three
months of an unhappy marriage, she ran away and
entered the world of the occult (Fuller 1988; Williams
1946). By 1875 she occupied a prominent place in the
American spiritualist movement: she wrote articles
defending the authenticity of spiritualist happenings,
and was herself credited with causing spiritualist
Henry Olcott, a veteran of the Civil War, who was
reporting on the phenomena for The Sunday Chronicle
(Olcott 1875). Olcott became the first President of the
Theosophical Society, although Blavatsky remained its
prophet and also the power behind the throne. The
theosophists adopted three basic aims: to promote the
brotherhood of man, to investigate the hidden powers of
life and matter, and to encourage the study of
comparative religion. The doctrine Blavatsky gave to
the Society was derived from the western occult
tradition (Ellwood 1979). She argued that occultism
related to spiritualism. and so she wanted to shift
attention from the spiritualist movement towards the
occult tradition with its cosmologies, magicians, and
mystics. The whole universe, she argued, emanates

from an infinite being infusing all things (Blavatsky

Masters constitute the Great White Brotherhood of
Mahatmas who live in the Himalayas. Blavatsky
claimed this Brotherhood gave her her orders: it was
they who instructed her to form the Theosophical
Society, and to write the works in which she expounded
her doctrines (Johnson 1994). In 1879, Blavatsky and
Olcott travelled to London, where they met the
members of the British Theosophical Society, formed
on 27 June 1878 under the leadership of Charles
(( Charles Carleton Massey (1838-1905) most well
known as C. C. Massey was a British barrister,
Christian mystic and psychical researcher.[1]
He was the first president of the British Theosophical
Society and a founding member of the Society for
Psychical Research in 1882. His father was William
Nathaniel Massey . His main interest was Christian
Theosophy, he was influenced by the writings of Jakob
( William Nathaniel Massey = Liberal Member of
Parliament. the Inner Temple ... He married firstly
in 1833, Frances Carleton, daughter of Rev John
Orde. ... 1855 he was appointed Under-Secretary of
State for the Home Department during the first ministry
of Lord Palmerston .... was appointed Chairman of
Committees of the Whole House. ....a member of the
Council of the Governor-General of India. He was
nominated to the position of Minister for Finance in the

British Raj, and was sworn onto the Privy Council.

....In 1869 Massey became chairman of the National
Bank (later part of the Royal Bank of Scotland), a post
he held for the rest of his life.[2] He was a member of
the Athenaeum Club ..... ) ( http://treeoflife-
freemasonsöhme )
Massey a convinced spiritualist was associated with the
medium Stainton Moses. He was also a member of
the British National Association of Spiritualists and The
Ghost Club.
Massey had defended the medium Henry Slade against
the accusations of fraud from Ray Lankester.[7] In 1880
he translated Johann Karl Friedrich Zöllner's 
Transcendental Physics into English. // --------- The
Society for Psychical Research (SPR) originated under
Edmund Rogers and William F. Barrett in 1881. 1882
at the headquarters of the British National Association
of Spiritualists where the foundation of the Society was
proposed. The committee included Barrett,
Rogers, Stainton Moses, Charles Massey, Edmund
Gurney, Hensleigh Wedgwood and Frederic W. H.
Myers.  The SPR - Henry Sidgwick as its first
president. About 1843 Edmund Rogers was
introduced by Sir Isaac Pitman to the work

of Swedenborg.  He began to attend séances in 1869

with various mediums, especially Mrs Thomas Everitt
and William Eglinton, and became a
spiritualist/occultist. . Thomas Everitt (died 1905) and
Mrs Thomas Everitt (1825 - 1915) were prominent
British spiritualists/occultist.
Jacobite and Visionary: the Masonic Journey of
Emanuel Swedenborg
The Swedenborg Rite or Rite of Swedenborg was a
fraternal order modelled on Freemasonry and based
upon the teachings of Emanuel Swedenborg . Sir
William Fletcher Barrett (1844 -1925) was an English
physicist and parapsychologist. his father, William
Garland Barrett, Congregationalist minister and a
member of the London Missionary Society . He was
elected a Fellow of the Royal Society in June 1899 and
was also a fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh
and the Royal Dublin Society. He was knighted in
1912. Henry Sidgwick ... freemason…. He
married Eleanor Mildred Balfour, who was a member
of the Ladies Dining Society in Cambridge, and was
sister to Arthur Balfour. … A 2004 biography of
Sidgwick by Bart Schultz sought to establish that
Sidgwick was a lifelong homosexual, .. was a member
of the Metaphysical Society. .. In political
economy he was a utilitarian on the lines of  John
Stuart Mill and Jeremy Bentham. .. His influence
was such that for example Alfred Marshall, founder of
the Cambridge School of economics, would describe

him as his "spiritual mother and father." .. .. promoted

the higher education of women. …. his father, the
Reverend W. Sidgwick  …. his brother-in-
law, Edward White Benson, later Archbishop of
Canterbury …. While at Trinity , a major centre of
freemasonry , Sidgwick became a member of
the Cambridge Apostles = MI6. ….. he was also a
member of the Council of the Senate of the  Indian
Civil Service Board and the Local Examinations and
Lectures Syndicate and chairman of the Special Board
for Moral Science. William Stainton Moses. He
was ordained as a priest of the Church of England by
Bishop Samuel Wilberforce in 1870.
Edmund Gurney ... In 1881 he began the study of law
at Lincoln's Inn. Hensleigh Wedgwood -- He
was a cousin of Charles Darwin, whom his sister
Emma married in 1839. .. the fourth son of Josiah
Wedgwood II and Elizabeth Allen .... was a member
of the British National Association of Spiritualists and a
vice-president of the Society for Psychical Research.
He married Frances Emma Elizabeth "Fanny"
Mackintosh (1800-1889) in 1832, his first cousin, the
daughter of Sir James Mackintosh. In August 1873,
the British National Association of Spiritualists (BNAS)
was formed by Thomas Everitt, Edmund Rogers and
others at a meeting in Liverpool. Early members
included well known spiritualists such as Charles
Maurice Davies, Charles Isham, William Stainton
Moses, Stanhope Templeman Speer, Morell Theobald
and George Wyld. London Spiritualist Alliance

= Moses was president and members included John

Stephen Farmer, Massey, Rogers, Stanhope Templeman
Speer, Alaric Alfred Watts and Percy Wyndham. ...
The LSA obtained a wider membership under the
leadership of Rogers including notable figures such as
Alfred Russel Wallace. In 1925, Arthur Conan
Doyle became president  . Alfred Russel
Wallace OM FRS(1823 – 1913) He is best known for
independently conceiving the theory
of evolution through natural selection; his paper on
the subject was jointly published with some of Charles
Darwin's writings in 1858. Earlier
naturalists, include Alexander von Humboldt, Charles
Darwin and especially William Henry Edwards .He was
exposed to the radical political ideas of Robert Owen
and of Thomas Paine. he read An Essay on the
Principle of Population by Thomas Robert Malthus, he
met the entomologist Henry Bates. believing in the
transmutation of species. The concept had been
advocated by Jean-Baptiste Lamarck, Geoffroy Saint-
Hilaire, Erasmus Darwin, and Robert Grant, among
others. ... Sir James Mackintosh FRS FRSE (1765 –
1832) ... In 1797 his wife died, and next year he
married Catherine Allen (died 6 May 1830), sister-in-
law of Josiah II and John Wedgwood ...... established
the Bombay Literary Society ,.The group would later
evolve into the Asiatic Society of Mumbai. Was a
Member of Parliament . Frederic_W._H._Myers .
one of the founding members of the Society for
Psychical Research (SPR) . was the son of Reverrend

Frederic Myers (1811–1851) ...His maternal

grandfather was the wealthy industrialist John Marshall
(1765–1845) .As a young man, Myers was involved in
homosexual relationships with Arthur Sidgwick, the
poet John Addington Symonds, and possibly Lord
Battersea. Myers' book greatly impressed Aldous
Huxley. In 1961, Human Personality was re-published
with Huxley's foreword. Society for Psychical
Research ---presidents = Henry Sidgwick -- Balfour
Stewart --Arthur Balfour of balfour declaration/
rothschilds puppet -- William James American
Psychologist, / etc etc see
search ))(( The Ghost Club is a paranormal
investigation and research organization, founded in
London in 1862. It is widely believed to be the oldest
such organization in the world. The club has its roots
in Cambridge in 1855, at Trinity College. Launched
officially in London in 1862, it counted Charles
Dickens and Sir Arthur Conan Doyle among its
members. The Ghost Club dissolved in the 1870s ..
In 1882, the Society for Psychical Research (SPR), with
whom there was an initial overlap, was founded at a
similar time. the Ghost Club remained a selective and
secretive organization . These included Sir William
Crookes, Sir Oliver Lodge, Nandor Fodor and Sir
Arthur Conan Doyle. the poet W. B. Yeats (joined
1911) and Frederick Bligh Bond (joined 1925) . .
Notable members = Julian Huxley Charles
Dickens ,Charles Babbage ,Sir Arthur Conan Doyle ,Sir

Algernon Blackwood CBE ,Arthur Machen ,Sir

William Crookes , Air Chief Marshal Lord Dowding,
Arthur Koestler, C. E. M. Joad , Donald Campbell, Sir
Osbert Sitwell ,W. B. Yeats , Siegfried Sassoon ,
Dennis Wheatley ,Peter Cushing ,Peter Underwood ,
Maurice Grosse, investigator of the Enfield Poltergeist
Colonel John Blashford-Snell OBE , Reverend Lionel
Fanthorpe , Lynn Picknett , Colin Wilson , Geoff
Holder , Ciarán O'Keeffe, Lord Amwell. William
Crookes. Crookes joined the Society for Psychical
Research, becoming its president in the 1890s: he also
joined the Theosophical Society and The Ghost Club,
of which he was president from 1907 to 1912. In 1890
he was initiated into the Hermetic Order of the Golden
Dawn. Sir William Crookes OM PRS ... The
President of the Royal Society (PRS) is the elected
Head of the Royal Society of London .. The Order of
Merit OM was established in 1902 by King Edward VII
. Sir Oliver Joseph Lodge, FRS .. Fellowship of
the Royal Society (FRS, ForMemRS and HonFRS) .
was knighted by King Edward VII in 1902. In
political life, Lodge was an active member of the
Fabian Society. co-authored with Sidney Webb,
George Bernard Shaw and Sidney Ball. They invited
him several times to lecture at the London School of
Economics. Thomas Carlyle or John Ruskin,"
"argued in favour of the supremacy of spiritual vision,"
and thus the possible validity of ghost sightings.
“secretive, select brotherhood (they actually called each
other ‘Brother Ghost’).” They finally admitted women

in the 20th century. Nandor_Fodor... Fodor,

who was at one time Sigmund Freud's associate ... ))

 Henry Steel Olcott . American military officer.

he married Mary Epplee Morgan, of New Rochelle,
New York, daughter of the Reverend Richard U.
Morgan, In 1859, while reporting the hanging of
John Brown, the abolitionist, for the Tribune,
Olcott was arrested as a spy and condemned to
death. However, he was released upon his appeal to
his captors under the seal of confidence as a
Freemason. . He worked zealously to revitalize
the Hindu religion in India, and helped to establish
many Hindu schools. ..Colonel Olcott was adopted
into the Brahmin caste:

 Blavatsky's family was aristocratic. Her mother

was Helena Andreyevna von Hahn, a self-educated
17-year-old who herself was the daughter of
Princess Yelena Pavlovna Dolgorukaya, a
similarly self-educated aristocrat. Blavatsky's
father was Pyotr Alexeyevich von Hahn, a
descendant of the German von Hahn aristocratic
family, who served as a captain in the Russian
Royal Horse Artillery, and would later rise to the
rank of colonel. Dolgorukov had been
initiated into Freemasonry in the late 1770s and
had belonged to the Rite of Strict Observance;
there were rumors that he had met both Alessandro

Cagliostro and the Count of St. Germain. = IT IS


The Theosophical Society was formed1875, in New

York City. The following names were recorded as
being part of the founders of the Society. Helena
Petrovna Blavatsky , Henry Steel Olcott , William Quan
Judge , George H. Felt , Charles Sotheran , Dr. Charles
E. Simmons , H. D. Monachesi , C. C. Massey , W. L.
Alden , D. E. de Lara , Dr. W. Britten , Emma Hardinge
Britten , Henry J. Newton , John Storer Cobb , J.
Hyslop , H. M. Stevens

Henry Olcolt . His uncles were interested in

Spiritualism . He also cofounded one of the pioneering
schools for scientific agriculture: the Westchester Farm
School in New York State. His exposure of such
racketeering earned him a commendation from the
Secretary of War, who wrote that Olcott’s service was
“as important to the Government as the winning of a
battle.” After the assassination of President Lincoln,
Olcott was charged with investigating a suspected
conspiracy in support of the assassin, John Wilkes
Booth. Olcott and Blavatsky considered themselves
to be Buddhists in the sense that they believed that
Buddhism and Theosophy are essentially the same.

He served in the US Army during the American Civil

War and afterward was admitted as the Special
Commissioner of the War Department in New York. He
was later promoted to the rank of colonel and
transferred to the Department of the Navy in
Washington, DC. He was well respected, and in 1865,
following the assassination of Abraham Lincoln,
assisted in the investigation of the assassination.
A statute drafted by H.S.O. and another lawyer was
passed in ten State Legislatures.  As Attorney he had
such clients as New York City, N.Y. Stock Exchange,
Mutual Equitable Life and Continental Life Insurance
Companies, Gold Exchange Bank, Panama Railways,
The United Steel Manufacturers of Sheffield, England.
He was also Hon. Sec. to the Citizens' National
Committee working with the French Government for
the first International Exposition of World Industries;
also served on the International Italian Committee to
erect a statue to Mazzini in New York.  He was
nominated by retiring Assistant Secretary of the
Treasury and listed by President Johnson to succeed in
that office, but he took sides with Congress against the
President and lost the appointment. He was a member
of the Lotos Club, and an intimate friend of Mark
Twain, and other famous authors.
Throughout India he founded Hindu schools, Boy's
Aryan Leagues and libraries, and sponsored and
published Arya Bala Bodhini for Hindu boys.  In
Ceylon he established schools for Buddhist children. 

Theosophy and Freemasonry -- Gandhi’s from his

Harijan Journal about the philosophy that struck me. In
the statement written January 30, 1948, Gandhi said: “I
have come to the conclusion that the Theosophy is
Hinduism in theory, and that Hinduism is
Theosophy in practice.” In the founding of the
Indian National Congress, which Gandhi assumed
leadership over in 1921, we find the most eminent
Theosophists at its inception.
Masonry and Theosophy come together at a point in the
formation and work of Le Droit Humain, the French
obediance of Co-freemasonry which began in France in
the 1880’s. The early prominent members of the
Theosophy movement: Annie Besant, George Arundale,
Charles W. Leadbeater, C. Jinarajadasa and Henry
Steele Olcott soon became prominent members of
Co-Freemasonry. Brought to England and founded
by Annie Besant the Order of Universal Co-
Freemasonry in Great Britain and the British
Dependencies was founded in 1902 with the creation of
Lodge Human Duty No. 6 in London.

Her working of the system evolved the then ritual to

into the working called the “revised ritual” which was
called the ‘Dharma Ritual’, also known as the ‘Besant-
Leadbeater’ and more recently as the ‘Lauderdale’

working. Of note, the Dharma ritual is said to have been

an attempt to restore an esoteric tone and mysticism
back into the degrees as the theosophical authors
believed that this spirituality was (is) at the heart of
what Freemasonry represented. Their work of Co-
Freemasonry has been called “Occult Freemasonry”
because of these inclusions. From the Grand Lodge
of Freemasonry for Men and Women: In 1904, the
Dharma Ritual was published in which the Supreme
Being or God was firmly established as essential to the
Ceremonies in that Ritual…. In 1925, speaking in
Kensington to a Theosophical audience, Dr.Besant
expressed her differences with the French approach, and
summarized the agreements that had been made with
earlier Supreme Councils as follows: ‘If (Masonry) is
really anything, it is a presentment by symbol and by
legend of the great fundamental truths of human life
and human evolution; and therefore, just as in the great
Mysteries – of which its forms are really the vessels
surviving – no distinction of sex is permitted; and
because of that act in what we call Co-Masonry, it came
into the position of being a possible instrument for
helping in the evolution of mankind …. into the really
Universal Brotherhood which it proclaims. The
difficulty in the French Masonry, where this movement,
Le Droit Humain originated, was that they left out, that
universal landmark of Masonry, the recognition of the
Great Architect of the Universe. But when some of us
here, Theosophists, became Masons, taking our
Initiations, as we had to, from France, we said quite

frankly that we could do nothing (with Freemasonry ) in

England unless that great landmark was restored, as we
believed in the Existence (of God). As they were
willing to accept us believing in Him, it was necessary
that we should be given perfect freedom to use His
name in our Rituals and to acknowledge His Power in
our workings. So that, in this respect, English
Freemasonry differs from the French – certainly so far
as we are concerned, we follow the English usage and
not that of the French’. In the book Hidden Life in
Freemasonry, C.W. Leadbetter says of the fraternity:
Although today Masons do not call their Craft a
religion, it has nevertheless a religious origin, as we
have already seen, and it does religious work in helping
its initiates and through them the rest of the world. To
many of the Brn. it is the only real religion they have
ever had, and certainly many of them put its principles
nobly into practice: for masculine Masonry is a
stupendous charitable organization as well as a “system
of morality”, and it offers a splendid training in
practical kindliness and fraternity. I’ve read in several
online forum that the Lauderdale working is still in
practice with Le Droit, but for those not involved with
the Co-Masonic Order one can get a sense of what the
Dharma ritual may look like in a through reading of
Leadbetter’s book, especially as it really relates the
practical to the esoteric in the working. Theosophy,
however, has not aged well and their following seems to
be increasingly diminishing. They do have some
organization that remains, but not the tooth it had in the

days of Blavatsky and Besant. Theosophy has moved

on from those days with mostly the echos of its past
projecting onto the modern stage. They still have lodges
and study libraries, but like so many “occult societies”
it would seem their days in the sun have waned, if one
could argue that they ever had one. Notables of
Theosophy you might recognize include: Rudolf
Steiner, A literary critic and cultural philosopher of the
early 20th century. He founded the spiritual movement,
Anthroposophy, which is an esoteric philosophy
growing out of European transcendentalism and with
links to Theosophy. Steiner later became most famous
for his ideas about education, resulting in an
international network of “Steiner Schools”, also known
as Waldorf schools.

Notables of Theosophy.
L. Frank Baum, Author of the book Wizard of Oz, in
addition to many other children books and fantasy
novels. Paul Gauguin, The french artist who made
beautiful and colorful works that idealized Polynesian
life as being tropical and mostly unclothed. William
Butler Yeats, The Irish poet and dramatist, and one of
the foremost figures of 20th century literature. A pillar
of both the Irish and British literary establishments, in
his later years Yeats served as an Irish Senator. Others
include Wassily Kandinsky, Piet Mondrian, Franz


Nehru was in London attending the coronation of

Queen Elizabeth.
Churchill then turned to Nehru and said: “Isn’t it
strange, Prime Minister, that two people who so hated
each other should be thrown together like this?” Nehru
replied, “But, Prime Minister, we never hated you.”

Nehru & Churchill both were Harroweans and that

when in 1940 Nehru was given by the District Judge a
sentence of four years’ imprisonment which even
surprised Sir Maurice Hallet, the State Governor who,
however, vetoed any change, but Churchill directed the
India Office to telegraph at once to the Viceroy
expressing the hope that the actual rigour of the
sentence should be modified and Jawaharlal not treated
like a common criminal. However, what is more
significant is the use of ‘we’ by Nehru. It stood for all
freedom fighters under Gandhi, who had taught them
“to hate the sin and not the sinner”. Unknown, however,
to scholars, there are a few occasions when Churchill’s
opposition to Gandhi got mellowed and he even
expresses his regret that he did not meet him during the
Round Table Conference. Herman has done a great
service in bringing it out into the open on the basis of
both Indian and Churchillian sources. It began in 1934
with Mirabehn (Madeleine Slade) whose father,
Admiral Slade, was known to Churchill.

Talking of India, he said to her, “The Indian nation

does not exist. There is no such thing.”

According to Mira, a phrase which Churchill had

repeated several times was, “I believe in truth, pure
truth”. ((WHAT A PR CRAP!!!!!!!)) .This sounded to her
like what Gandhi would also say, but one may point out
here that what Churchill meant was ‘frankness’ and not
the ‘Truth’ of Gandhi with its capital letter. This
conversation with Mirabehn induced Churchill to invite
G.D. Birla a few months later to a lunch. Birla often
visited England, stayed there, met and corresponded
with other prominent British politicians concerned with
or interested in India. But he had never met or written to
Churchill, and was somewhat surprised to receive from
him a lunch invitation. He visited him and was there for
two hours. He later reported his talk with him to
Gandhi . In his meeting with Churchill, most of the
talking was done by Churchill. According to Herman,
almost all of it was about India and Gandhi.

Churchill finally agreed and said: “I do not care

whether you are more or less loyal to Great Britain. I do
not mind about education but give the masses more
butter. I stand for butter.” BUTTER = SWEET TALK /
CAJOLE … At the end, he said: “Tell Mr. Gandhi to
use the powers that are offered and make the things
a success.”
He even assured Birla that if reforms were made a
success, he would be giving much more. This was what

he said when the general impression about him was that

politically ‘he is finished’. Birla had a second
meeting with him in 1937. Birla had then informed
him that even extremist Congressmen were not anti-
Englishmen. “They do want liberty but it is not anti-
British.” When the war intervened the Viceroy
declared India to be a party to the war without any
consultation with Indian political leaders. Congress
leaders were prepared to help the British, absolving
Gandhi of their leadership, provided some specified
conditions were satisfied. Churchill, who had later
come into power, declared India as being beyond the
purview of the Atlantic Charter . Japan’s invasion of
India, allied with the Indian National Army (INA) of
Subhash Chandra Bose, was increasing. The
Government followed the scorched-earth policy in
Bengal, which led to some two to three million
starvation deaths there. Lord Linlithgow’s appeal to
Churchill to permit sending of food there from other
places was rejected. Aga Khan Palace jail. Assured
by Mountbatten that Nehru had assured him of
remaining in the Commonwealth . The assurance of
Mountbatten was not correct and Nehru did not accept
the Commonwealth idea with British sovereign as its
Head like other dominions. He, however, accepted
the King as the symbol of the free association of the
independent member nations and as such the Head of
the Commonwealth.”
Gandhi said: “You are all aware that Mr. Churchill is a
great man. He belongs to the blue blood of England.

Marlborough family is very famous in British history.

He says it is a folly that Britain should have lost India,
and warns the same will now happen to Burma.”

The praises Churchill lavished on Nehru were probably

genuine. S. Gopal’s biography of Jawaharlal Nehru
mentions one or two occasions on which Churchill
thanked him for his help. At one place he says: At
Cairo, on his way back from London, Nehru advised
Nasser and his colleagues not to use harsh language
against Britain even while standing firm on the issue of
sovereignty. The tone of their speeches became milder
making discussions with Britain easier, and Churchill
acknowledged Nehru’s assistance: “Thank you so much
for your message and for the help you gave us over
Egypt and Israel -- Churchill.”


Mahatma Gandhi and His Myths . Civil Disobedience,

Nonviolence, and Satyagraha in the Real World By
Mark Shepard .

Gandhi was not a scrawny little man. Yes, his legs were
scrawny—and bowed—but he had a barrel chest, and a
deep, booming voice to match it. In pictures, you just
don’t notice his chest, because he usually had a cloth
draped around it.
In the movie Gandhi , seeing Gandhi spin cotton yarn
on a compact spinning wheel. Gandhi and his

colleagues were the ones who developed this wheel

and introduced it into the villages. It’s the first case of
what’s now called “appropriate technology” or
“intermediate technology.” Of course, E. F.
Schumacher, the author of Small is Beautiful, later
introduced the terms themselves. Schumacher was
strongly influenced by Gandhi, calling him “the most
important economic teacher today.” Gandhi set up a
number of organizations to help carry out village
 Rhodes Scholar at New College, Oxford .. His
sister, Elizabeth, was the wife of the physicist
Werner Heisenberg. ... Protégé of Keynes
..Keynes found a position for him at Oxford
University. ... Schumacher was influenced by
Richard Henry Tawney, Mahatma Gandhi, Leopold
Kohr, Gautama Buddha, Karl Marx, John Ruskin
and Catholic Church throughout his life. ..

Gene Sharp of Harvard University, in his book Gandhi

as a Political Strategist, shows that Gandhi and his
Indian colleagues in South Africa were well aware of
other nonviolent struggles before they adopted such
methods themselves. That was in 1906. In the couple of
years before that, they’d been impressed by mass
nonviolent actions in India, China, Russia, and among
blacks in South Africa itself. In another of his books,
The Politics of Nonviolent Action, Gene Sharp cites
over 200 cases of mass nonviolent struggle

throughout history. And he assures us that many

more will be found if historians take the trouble to
look. Curiously, some of the best earlier examples come
from right here in the United States, in the years leading
up to the American Revolution. To oppose British rule,
the colonists used many tactics amazingly like Gandhi’s
—and according to Sharp, they used these techniques
with more skill and sophistication than anyone else
before the time of Gandhi. For instance, to resist the
British Stamp Act, the colonists widely refused to pay
for the official stamp required to appear on publications
and legal documents—a case of civil disobedience and
tax refusal, both used later by Gandhi. Boycotts of
British imports were organized to protest the Stamp
Act, the Townshend Acts, and the so-called Intolerable
Acts. The campaign against the latter was organized by
the First Continental Congress, which was really a
nonviolent action organization. Almost two centuries
later, a boycott of British imports played a pivotal role
in Gandhi’s own struggle against colonial rule. The
colonists used another strategy later adopted by Gandhi
—setting up parallel institutions to take over functions
of government—and had far greater success with it
than Gandhi ever did. In fact, according to Sharp,
colonial organizations had largely taken over control
from the British in most of the colonies before a shot
was fired. * * * Why aren’t we more aware of such
cases—including those in our own history?

His Irish disciple, Sister Nivedita, remarked, “it may be

said that when he began to speak" at that 1893
gathering, “it was of the religious ideas of the Hindus".
By the time he had finished his monumental address,
“Hinduism had been created".

Mahatma Gandhi on Zionism and the Holocaust

In 1947, interviewed by Louis Fischer, author of The
Life of Mahatma Gandhi, Gandhi said: “Hitler killed
five million Jews. It is the greatest crime of our time.
But the Jews should have offered themselves to the
butcher’s knife. They should have thrown themselves in
the sea from cliffs…. It would have aroused the world
and the people of Germany…. As it is they succumbed
anyway in their millions.”

 World War II / Second World War,-1939 to 1945.

In November of 1938, responding to Jewish requests

that he champion the Zionist cause, he set out in writing
his reflections. My sympathies are all with the Jews. I
have known them intimately in South Africa. Some of
them became life-long companions. Through these

friends I came to learn much of their age-long

persecution. They have been the untouchables of
Christianity. The parallel between their treatment by
Christians and the treatment of untouchables by
Hindus is very close. Religious sanction has been
invoked in both cases for the justification of the
inhuman treatment meted out to them. Apart from the
friendships, therefore, there is the more common
universal reason for my sympathy for the Jews. But my
sympathy does not blind me to the requirements of
justice. The cry for the national home for the Jews does
not make much appeal to me. The sanction for it is
sought in the Bible and the tenacity with which the Jews
have hankered after return to Palestine. Why should
they not, like other peoples of the earth, make that
country their home where they are born and where they
earn their livelihood? Palestine belongs to the Arabs in
the same sense that England belongs to the English or
France to the French. It is wrong and inhuman to
impose the Jews on the Arabs…. Surely it would be a
crime against humanity to reduce the proud Arabs so
that Palestine can be restored to the Jews partly or
wholly as their national home. The nobler course would
be to insist on a just treatment of the Jews wherever
they are born and bred…. Let the Jews who claim to be
the chosen race prove their title by choosing the way of
non-violence for vindicating their position on earth.
Every country is their home, including Palestine, not by
aggression, but by loving service.

Among Zionists, Gandhi’s posture was troubling.

Martin Buber, who had himself emigrated to Israel from
Germany a short time earlier, in a letter to Gandhi in
1939 pointed out that “in the five years I myself spent
under the present [Nazi] regime, I observed many
instances of genuine satyagraha [nonviolent resistance]
among the Jews, instances showing a strength of spirit
in which there was no question of bartering their rights
or of being bowed down, and where neither force nor
cunning was used to escape the consequences of their
behaviour. Such actions, however, exerted apparently
not the slightest influence on their opponents. All honor
indeed to those who displayed such strength of soul!
But I cannot recognize herein a watchword for the
general behavior of German Jews that might seem
suited to exert an influence , on the oppressed or on the
world. An effective stand in the form of non-violence
may be taken against unfeeling human beings in the
hope of gradually bringing them to their senses; but a
diabolic universal steamroller cannot thus be withstood.
Buber also noted that Arabs had themselves come to
possess Palestine “surely by conquest and, in fact, a
conquest by settlement,” and appealed to Gandhi to
recognize the responsibility for violence and unrest that
was shared by Palestinian Arabs. Rabbi Judah
Magnes, like Buber a supporter of a binational state in
Israel-Palestine, also faulted Gandhi for giving advice
that was not appropriate for German Jews. “How can
Jews in Germany offer civil resistance?” Magnes asked.
“The slightest sign of resistance means killing or

concentration camps or being done away with

otherwise. It is usually in the dead of night that they are
spirited away. No one, except their terrified families, is
the wiser. It makes not even a ripple on the surface of
German life. The streets are the same, business goes on
as usual, the casual visitor sees nothing.” Magnes went
on to emphasize the strength of Jewish bonds, historical
and spiritual, to the land of Palestine. And Hayim
Greenberg, an American Labor ZIonist leader who
admired Gandhi, felt “highly offended by Gandhi’s
anti-Zionism,” and criticized him for his lack of
understanding of Zionism’s spirit. “Gandhi demands
that we practice super-heroism in Germany,” Greenberg
wrote, yet “he requests that in Palestine we should
renounce the most elementary rights which every
people may and should claim.” In 1946, Gandhi
acknowledged that the “Jews have been cruelly
wronged by the world,” but a few months before his
assassination, when asked about the solution to the
Palestinian problem, answered: “It has become a
problem which seems almost insoluble.”

Albert Einstein’s Letter to Gandhi: The Eternal

Law of Love

“Professor Einstein is not a mere mathematical mind.

He is a living being, sympathetic with all human

advance… and he hates race prejudice because as a Jew

he knows what it is.” - W.E.B. Du Bois
 Bro W. E. B. DuBois was made a Prince Hall
Freemason December 12, 1910 when initiated into
Widow Son Lodge #1, MWPHGL of CT at New
Haven. According to information gathered from
"Great Black Men of Masonry: Qualitative Black
Achievers who were Freemasons” by Joseph
Mason Andrew Cox; 1987 ed., Dr W. E. B. DuBois
was a Thirty-Third Degree Mason, Ancient &
Accepted Scottish of Freemasonry, PHA, Southern
Jurisdiction, USA
 Einstein = non scientist Rosicrucian Sionist .

In 1931, Albert Einstein (March 14, 1879–April 18,

1955) wrote to Mohandas Gandhi (October 2, 1869–
January 30, 1948). A year earlier, the great scientist had
written the article “The World as I See It” for Forum
and Century magazine. The article paints the two men
as kindred spirits in a world where all hell is about to
break loose. Einstein writes:
How strange is the lot of us mortals! Each of us is here
for a brief sojourn; for what purpose he knows not,
though he sometimes thinks he senses it. But without
deeper reflection one knows from daily life that one
exists for other people – first of all for those upon
whose smiles and well-being our own happiness is
wholly dependent, and then for the many, unknown to
us, to whose destinies we are bound by the ties of
sympathy. A hundred times every day I remind myself

that my inner and outer life are based on the labors of

other men, living and dead, and that I must exert myself
in order to give in the same measure as I have received
and am still receiving. I am strongly drawn to a frugal
life and am often oppressively aware that I am
engrossing an undue amount of the labor of my fellow-
men. I regard class distinctions as unjustified and, in the
last resort, based on force. I also believe that a simple
and unassuming life is good for everybody, physically
and mentally.
To inquire after the meaning or object of one’s own
existence or that of all creatures has always seemed to
me absurd from an objective point of view. And yet
everybody has certain ideals which determine the
direction of his endeavors and his judgments. In this
sense I have never looked upon ease and happiness as
ends in themselves — this ethical basis I call the ideal
of a pigsty. The ideals which have lighted my way, and
time after time have given me new courage to face life
cheerfully, have been Kindness, Beauty, and Truth.
Without the sense of kinship with men of like mind,
without the occupation with the objective world, the
eternally unattainable in the field of art and scientific
endeavors, life would have seemed to me empty.
In politics not only are leaders lacking, but the
independence of spirit and the sense of justice of the
citizen have to a great extent declined. The democratic,
parliamentarian regime, which is based on such
independence, has in many places been shaken;
dictatorships have sprung up and are tolerated, because

men’s sense of the dignity and the rights of the

individual is no longer strong enough. In two weeks the
sheeplike masses of any country can be worked up by
the newspapers into such a state of excited fury that
men are prepared to put on uniforms and kill and be
killed, for the sake of the sordid ends of a few interested
In talking about human rights today, we are referring
primarily to the following demands: protection of the
individual against arbitrary infringement by other
individuals or by the government; the right to work and
to adequate earnings from work; freedom of discussion
and teaching; adequate participation of the individual in
the formation of his government. These human rights
are nowadays recognized theoretically, although, by
abundant use of formalistic, legal maneuvers, they are
being violated to a much greater extent than even a
generation ago. There is, however, one other human
right which is infrequently mentioned but which seems
to be destined to become very important: this is the
right, or the duty, of the individual to abstain from
cooperating in activities which he considers wrong or

Respected Mr. Gandhi

I use the presence of your friend in our home to send
you these lines. You have shown through your works,
that it is possible to succeed without violence even with
those who have not discarded the method of violence.
We may hope that your example will spread beyond the

borders of your country, and will help to establish an

international authority, respected by all, that will take
decisions and replace war conflicts.
With sincere admiration,
(Signed, ‘A. Einstein’)
I hope that I will be able to meet you face to face some

Gandhi Was a Racist Who Forced Young Girls to

Sleep in Bed with Him.
Around this same time, Gandhi began cultivating the
misogyny he'd carry with him for the rest of his life.
During his years in South Africa, he once responded to
a young man's sexual harassment of two of Gandhi's
female followers by forcibly cutting the girls' hair short
to make sure they didn't invite any sexual attention.
(Michael Connellan, writing in the Guardian, carefully
explained that Gandhi felt women surrendered their
humanity the minute men raped them.) He operated
under the assumption that men couldn't control their
basic predatory impulses , simultaneously asserting that
women were responsible for—and completely at the
mercy of—these impulses. His views on female
sexuality were similarly deplorable; according to Rita
Banerji, writing in Sex and Power,
Gandhi viewed menstruation as the "manifestation of
the distortion of a woman's soul by her sexuality." He

also believed the use of contraceptives was the sign of

It's easy to forget Gandhi predicated his rhetoric on
anti-blackness, a vehement allergy to female sexuality,
and a general unwillingness to help liberate the
"untouchable" caste.

Kasturba, Gandhi's wife, was perhaps his most frequent

punching bag. "I simply cannot bear to look at Ba's
face," he once gushed about her, because she was
caring for him while he was sick. "The expression is
often like that on the face of a meek cow and gives one
the feeling as a cow occasionally does, that in her own
dumb manner she is saying something." An apologist's
response to this, of course, would claim that cows are
sacred beings in Hinduism—and so Gandhi's likening
of his wife to a cow was really a veiled compliment. Or,
perhaps, we could chalk it up to mere marital

There's a Western impulse to view Gandhi as the quiet

annihilator of caste, a characterization that's
categorically false. He viewed the emancipation of
Dalits as an untenable goal, and felt that they weren't
worth a separate electorate. He insisted, instead, that
Dalits remain complacent, waiting for a turn that
history never gave them.

Creating a false idol involves a great deal of forgetting.

It's easy to slobber over a man who didn't really exist.



The Indian National Congress was founded in 1885.

Throughout much of the preceding century, a variety of
organisations had striven to initiate reform among the
religions of the sub-continent. The Brahmo Sabha, the
Arya Samaj, the Theosophical Society, and other
groups, had developed broadly similar doctrines and
practices which can be described as neo-Hinduism
(Bharati 1970; Jones 1989).

Western-educated Indians were not slow to represent

classical Hinduism and traditional Indian society, as
rational, scientific, and moral, even as having a
desirable spiritual dimension the west lacked (Bharati
1970; Killingley 1995). Moreover, a number of western
occultists and radicals adopted a similar view of the
superiority of ancient India as a critique of their
religious and social traditions. Crucially, both western-
educated Indians and western occultists sometimes
used their vision of ancient India, and the organisations
through which they promoted it, to advance the
political cause of Indian nationalism.

British and Indian theosophists were able to use

theosophy both indirectly and directly to promote the
formation of the Indian National Congress.

The doctrine Blavatsky gave to the Society derived

from the western occult tradition (Ellwood 1979).
She argued that occultism related to spiritualism "as the
infinite to the finite, as the cause to the effect, or as the
unity to multifariousness," and so she wanted to shift
attention from the spiritualist movement towards the
occult tradition with its cosmologies, magicians, and
mystics (1977: I,101-2). The whole universe, she
argued, emanates from an infinite being infusing all
things (Blavatsky 1888). It evolves through a plethora
of cycles, moving out from the infinite and becoming
increasingly physical, until, at last, it reaches a turning
point, after which it retraces its route, finally being
reabsorbed into the infinite being from which it first
arose. Here Blavatsky defended mystical experience by
reference to the infinite in us all. She argued that we
can come into contact with the divine spark inside us by
adopting an appropriate set of ascetic practices: mystics
purify themselves in order to have unmediated
experience of their true unity with God. Behind the
visible physical realm there lies a spiritual one that
corresponds exactly to it and gives it life, and beyond
both of these realms there lies the eternal infinite being,
the source of all things. Here Blavatsky defended the
possibility of natural magic by reference to the spiritual
realm. She argued that spirit links all the objects of our

physical world in a single set of mutual sympathies; and

because magicians know the nature of these sympathies,
they can act on one physical object so as to influence
the spiritual realm and thus bring about a desired effect
on another physical object that stands in a sympathetic
relationship to the first one. The most advanced
portion of humanity already have become highly
spiritual beings. They are on the return road to the
divine. Nonetheless, some of them have chosen to
watch over our progress, and, when necessary, to aid us
by their interventions in the physical and spiritual
realms. These Masters constitute the Great White
Brotherhood of Mahatmas who live in the Himalayas.
Blavatsky claimed this Brotherhood gave her orders: it
was they who instructed her to form the Theosophical
Society, and to write the works in which she expounded
her doctrines (Johnson 1994).

The patrons of the Society for Psychical Research 4

included powerful figures such as the Balfours and the
Gladstones as well as Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
(Oppenheim 1985; Podmore 1902).

Blavatsky argued that spiritualism would fall before its

detractors unless it expanded to embrace occult

Blavatsky assured her readers , the occultists had

anticipated modern science, and her cosmology
certainly occupies a geological timescale and portrays

the history of the universe as an evolutionary process.

Thus she could claim her doctrines provided "the only
possible key to the Absolute in science and theology"
(1972: I,VII).

In addition, the expansion of the British Empire, the

discovery of alternative cultures with a long and
impressive past, and the development of cheap and
popular forms of communication; all these things
combined to give many Victorians a taste for the exotic
as illustrated by the fashionable interest in the artefacts
and beliefs of other peoples. Theosophy offered
Victorians an exotic faith allegedly derived from
Masters from Tibet. It did so at a time when people
experienced cultural and geographic distances as long
enough for the Great White Brotherhood to sound
plausible, but short enough for this plausibility to be

After visiting Britain, Blavatsky and Olcott travelled on

to India, where they landed at Bombay in January 1879.
Here too they attracted support from within the
British community. The appeal of theosophy to
Britons in India was, of course, much the same as to
people such as Massey. Blavatsky and Olcott obtained
their entry into the British community, for example,
largely through the good offices of A. P. Sinnett.

Sinnett edited the Allahabad Pioneer, and his coverage

of Blavatsky was so extensive and favourable .

Hume met Blavatsky and Olcott at Allahabad, and,

after spending some time with them, concluded most of
the phenomena linked with her, about which Sinnett
wrote a book, were genuine (Sinnett 1881).
Hume joined the Theosophical Society in 1880, became
the President of the Simla Branch in 1881, and seems to
have provided the financial backing that enabled
Blavatsky to begin publishing The Theosophist. Before
long, Sinnett and Hume began to send letters to, and
supposedly receive letters from, two of the Great White
Brotherhood - Koot Hoomi and Morya. The process of
communication depended on the role as an intermediary
of Blavatsky, whose authority over the Theosophical
Society rested largely on her unique ability supposedly
to communicate with the Mahatmas. Hume and Sinnett
wrote their letters and gave them to Blavatsky who
placed them in a wooden box, from where they
dematerialised, supposedly having been called away by
the Mahatmas. The replies from the Mahatmas
apparently precipitated from nowhere, they were found
sitting in the shrine, they fell from the ceiling, or they
dropped on to a pillow. When Blavatsky and Olcott
returned to London early in 1884, they left Monsieur
and Madame Coulomb in charge of the Theosophical
Society's headquarters at Adyar; the Coulombs then
made a number of allegations about the fraudulent ways
Blavatsky produced the phenomena associated with her,
and an investigation of the shrine in her room lent
support to what they had said.) Hume, however,
continued to believe in the existence of the Mahatmas

and their mission despite both the Coulomb Affair and

his personal disagreements with Blavatsky (Ripon
Papers). It came to be part of a broader neo-Hindu
culture. Blavatsky and Olcott had set sail for India in
1879 on the strength of their relationship with
Dayananda Sarasvati and his Arya Samaj.

The Council of the Theosophical Society voted in

favour of a merger with the Arya Samaj, and, in May
1878, even changed its name to the Theosophical
Society of the Arya Samaj. When Blavatsky and Olcott
landed in Bombay, they were helped by the head of the
local Arya Samaj. After their arrival in India, they
attracted supporters from within the Indian community,
including prominent men such as Subramanian Aiyar,
B. M. Malabari, Raganath Rao, Nurendranath Sen, and
Kashinath Telang. Blavatsky's doctrines derived from
the occult tradition, she made a crucial change to that
tradition. She located the source of the ancient wisdom
in India, not Egypt. She said, "it has been
discovered that the very same ideas [as those the
occultists had traced back to ancient Egypt] . . . may be
read in Buddhistic and Brahmanical literature" (1972:
The immediate source of the appeal of theosophy to its
Indian followers was, of course, just this emphasis on
the historical importance and epistemic validity of their
Hindu tradition.
Almost all the Indians who joined the Theosophical
Society came from the western-educated elite. The

British adopted a policy - most famously expounded by

Macaulay - of educating an Indian elite in a western
manner with the intention that this elite then would
stand between the colonial rulers and the rest of the
Indian people.

The Brahmo Sabha was formed in 1828 by Rammohun

Roy (Kopf 1979). Roy, heavily indebted to
Unitarianism, adopted a universalist perspective,
according to which all the religions of the world had a
shared core dictated by a pure reason; but he also drew
on themes found in western indology to argue Vedic
Hinduism came nearer to the true universal religion
than did Christianity. Thus, Roy called on Hindus to
reform their religion so as to return to the pure
Vedanta. It was from this perspective that he
condemned the contemporary practices of a corrupt
Hinduism, speaking out in favour of widows
remarrying, and against both child marriage and sati.

Although Dayananda came from Gujurat, and although

he formed the first Arya Samaj in Bombay, the Arya
Samaj soon came to represent a sort of Punjabi response
to Brahmoism, which itself was very much a product of
Bengal (Jones 1976; Jordens 1978). Dayananda too
called for a return to the pure Vedic faith. He too
sought to reform not only strictly religious practices
such as idol worship, but also social ones such as child
marriage. However, Dayananda rejected Roy's
universalism in favour of a militant assertion of Hindu

superiority - he even maintained a doctrine of Vedic

infallibility, according to which the ancient rishis had
grasped all the truths of modern science, including the
theory of evolution.
The important thing for us to note, however, is the
extent to which theosophy embraced core doctrines
shared by the Brahmo Sabha and the Arya Samaj. Like
Roy and Dayananda, Blavatsky reasserted the validity
of Indian culture, especially Hinduism, in the face of
the attacks on it by some Christian missionaries. Again
like Roy and Dayananda, she did so by appealing to a
pure Vedic faith that had become corrupted, where this
pure Vedic faith more than met the stringent
requirements of a properly defined rationalism. And
finally like Roy and Dayananda, she went on to
champion various religious and social reforms as
necessary to purge Hinduism of its corrupt elements and
thereby return it to pure Vedanta. It was with these
general doctrines that western-educated Indians, from
within the Brahmo Sabha, the Arya Samaj, and also the
Theosophical Society, responded to the cultural crisis
that then confronted them. We can conclude,
therefore, first, that theosophy was part of a broader
neo-Hinduism characterised by specific intellectual
commitments, and, second, that the attraction of
theosophy to a section of Indian society can be
explained in much the same way as can that of other
neo-Hindu organisations. Although there were
differences between neo-Hindu organisations,
differences which appear, for example, in the later

disagreement between the theosophists and Dayananda,

they still shared various core doctrines in common.
Because theosophy incorporated these core doctrines, it
came to occupy a place within the neo-Hindu

The Background to Indian Nationalism . Theosophy

constituted an integral part of a broader neo-Hindu
culture; despite its origins in the western occult
tradition, its identification of Brahmanism as the
ideal source of all religion, and its creative
interpretation of Brahmanism as including the
scientific and moral doctrines of western rationalism,
meant that it shared the characteristic ideas of neo-
Blavatsky argued that Ayurvedic medicine worked by
means of occult laws based on the principle of action at
a distance through a knowledge of the sympathies
existing between things. She argued that the Indian diet,
and especially its emphasis on vegetarianism, aided the
development of a mystical spirituality - meat is a
heavy food that ties one to the physical realm. The
theosophists worked alongside other neo-Hindus to
preserve ancient manuscripts, to defend vernacular
languages, and to promote Indian dress.
The interest and respect thus accorded to Indian
civilisation provided the western-educated elite with
resources on which they could draw as they forged a
new identity for themselves. The special contribution of
theosophy to this growth of confidence lay in the fact

that its leaders came from the west. When Olcott

disembarked at Bombay in 1879, the first thing he did
was to "stoop down and kiss the granite step" in an
"instinctive act of 'pooja'" (Olcott 1972- 75: 2,213-14).
Having arrived at Bombay, Blavatsky and Olcott then
went to live in the Indian quarters of the city, not with
other members of the European community. More
generally, they compared Christianity unfavourably
with the religions of India, arguing that the true source
of all religions is the Vedic faith, of which Christianity
is a notably corrupt form. The theosophists promoted
India as a sacred land, so they showed it and its people
a respect and admiration that verged on worship.
Dayananda initially set out to reform Hinduism by
converting his fellow Brahmins: he conveyed his
message in Sanskrit and retained many traditions of the
sannyasi (Jordens 1978). Later, however, and largely
under the influence of the Brahmo Samaj, he turned to
the Hindu faithful as a whole: he adopted Hindi instead
of Sanskrit and dropped most of the practices of the
Where the Brahmo Sabha had little impact beyond
Bengali Hindus, and the Arya Samaj beyond Punjabi
Hindus, the Theosophical Society was more of an all-
India organisation. Its members came from all over the
sub-continent. It attracted Parsees, Christians, Sikhs,
and even some Muslims, as well as Hindus.

Brahmo Sabha, Arya Samaj, and Theosophical Society

espoused a number of common doctrines. They began

to describe India as a unity with a common heritage,

facing a common set of problems, requiring an all-India
solution. Their view of the past centred on a golden
age when India had been a paradise free from all the
spiritual and social problems of modernity (Bharati
1970). India, they said, was the cradle of all the
religions and civilisations of the world.

Unfortunately, however, a number of corruptions had

crept into “Indian spirituality” and thereby undermined
the golden age. Blavatsky equated these corruptions
with passages she thought the Brahmins had added to
the sacred texts to justify a distasteful version of the
caste system. It was these corruptions that had left India
vulnerable to the British, and arguably even in need of
British rule to provide an impetus to real reform. Thus,
the Brahmo Sabha, Arya Samaj, and Theosophical
Society all called for religious and social reforms to
overturn corruptions within Hinduism. The process of
reform, they implied, would enable India to recover
her lost greatness. The nationalist significance of
these neo-Hindu doctrines is indicated by their later
appearance as the core ideas of Gandhi's classic
work, Hind Swaraj (1938). The special contribution of
theosophy to the intellectual commitments promoted by
neo-Hinduism lay in the way it combined praise of
India's heritage with a syncretic openness. Where the
Brahmo Sabha and its offshoots often drifted too far
from Hinduism towards Unitarianism, and where the
Arya Samaj's militant Hinduism put off people from

other faiths, the Theosophical Society generally

managed to steer a course between these two extremes.
On the one hand, Olcott spoke in his inaugural address
of "the Vedas" being "the primeval source of all
religions": he appealed to Hindus by defending their
faith against that of the colonial power (The
Theosophist, August 1932).
On the other hand, the theosophists insisted that the
ancient wisdom was taught by all the religions of the
world ,provided ,one concentrated on their true
esoteric message: they extended their message to
appeal to Parsees, Christians, and, in principle,
The theosophists rejected the militancy of the Arya
Samaj with its reconversions and societies for the
protection of cows; indeed, they did their best to avoid
issues of dogma that divided different faiths. Thus, the
Theosophical Society provided a set of beliefs that
encouraged Hindus to commit themselves to certain
political values, whilst also leaving them room to co-
operate with Parsees, Muslims, and also liberal Britons
with Christian backgrounds. The British often argued
that India could not be united and independent because
the Indian people did not constitute a nation. The
Indian people, they said, belonged to diverse regions,
faiths, castes, and the like, each of which had its own
special identity. Neo-Hinduism, as exemplified by the
Theosophical Society, gave nationalists a suitable
response to this argument. Nationalists could say not

only that India had been a nation in a past golden age,

but also that it rapidly was becoming one once again??.

Hume was probably the single most important

individual for the formation of the Indian National
Congress. He said that in 1878 he read various
documents that convinced him large sections of the
Indian population violently opposed British rule, and
some even plotted rebellion (Wedderburn 1913: 78-83).
These documents were communications he had received
supposedly from the Mahatmas - Koot Hoomi and
Morya. In one of the letters the Mahatmas supposedly
sent to Sinnett, they explained how the Great White
Brotherhood successfully had controlled the Indian
masses in the Rebellion of 1857 so as to preserve
Imperial rule, which apparently was necessary to bring
India to its allotted place in a new world order (Morya
1923: 324). Now the Mahatmas seemed to be directing
Hume to maintain the correct balance between east and
west (Ripon Papers). Certainly Hume said the
Mahatmas were superhuman beings with a special
interest in the welfare of India. He said their occult
powers meant they possessed an unquestionable
knowledge of Indian affairs; and, of course, their
intense spirituality meant they were undeniably
trustworthy. From their exalted position, the Mahatmas
“saw” India was in danger, and, knowing of Hume's
interest in the East and his political contacts, they had
come to him to avert the danger. They had decided to
reveal some of their wisdom to him so he could do what

was necessary to forestall chaos. Even after Hume had

turned against Blavatsky, he said he continued to
believe in the Great White Brotherhood, their powers
and their mission. Now he said the Mahatmas, with
their impeccable credentials, had chosen to pass some
of their understanding on to him so he might act
accordingly. They had warned him of an impending
catastrophe so he might ward-off the disaster of which
they wrote. His desire to do so now informed his
political work. Hume tried to influence politics in two
ways. First, he tried to convince Ripon to reform the
administration of India so as to make it more
responsive to the Indian people (Ripon Papers). Second,
he tried to promote an all-India organisation so as to
give voice to the concerns and aspirations of the Indians
themselves (Wedderburn 1913).

Early in 1885, Hume helped to bring about the

formation of the Bombay Presidency Association.
Really, however, he wanted to create an all-India body,
and he immediately used the Bombay group as a
springboard from which to advance his idea of an
Indian National Union. Soon he acquired the backing of
the Poona Sarvajanik Sabha, as well as the Bombay
group, for a proposal to schedule an all India political
conference to be held in Poona during December 1885.
He worked with the theosophists of the Madras
Mahajana Sabha and the Indian Association of
Calcutta. By May, he had visited Madras not only to
discuss his proposals for the Poona conference with the

members of the Mahajana Sabha, but also to put

forward his views on the way the Theosophical Society
should revive itself in the wake of the Coulomb fiasco.
He did enough to convince the local leaders to fall in
with his plans for an Indian National Union. Next Hume
travelled to Calcutta where he seems to have contacted
several prominent members of the Indian Association.
Although Sen decided to give his backing to Hume,
many of the others did not, preferring instead to go
ahead under Banerjee's leadership with their alternative
conference. An outbreak of cholera in Poona forced
Hume to change the venue of his proposed conference,
but, finally, in December 1885, the Indian National
Union convened in Bombay (Indian National Congress
1885). Those present immediately renamed themselves
the Indian National Congress, and when the Congress
next met in December 1886, it did so in Calcutta, thus
ensuring the adherence of Banerjee's alternative
National Conference (Indian National Congress 1886).
The Indian National Congress was formed by
nationalists from all over India together with a retired
British official. Hume worked alongside some of the
people he had met at the annual conventions of the
Theosophical Society - Malabari, Rao, and Sen - in
order to arrange the founding conference of Congress.
The Theosophical Society made it possible for someone
like Hume to work in the way he did alongside Indian
nationalists, and if he had not done so, it would have
been, at the very least, more difficult to found an all-
India political body.

"No Indian could have started the Indian National

Congress," G. K. Gokhale later wrote: "if the founder
of the Congress had not been a great Englishman and a
distinguished ex-official, such was the distrust of
political agitation in those days that the authorities
would have at once found some way or other to
suppress the movement" (Wedderburn 1913: 63-4).

Indeed, the formation of the Indian National Congress

shows how western-educated Indians were able to join
with Hume to promote their political ends using the
particular advantages that involvement in the
Theosophical Society had given them.
British occultists, such as Besant, and western-
educated Indians, such as Gandhi, turned to theosophy
for different reasons, but once they had done so, they
shared practices and intellectual commitments that
helped sustain the nationalist movement.
Although we will focus on the way theosophists used a
vision of India as a basis for a critique of western
civilisation, the same is true of various other groups,
including the American transcendentalists (Christy
The occult tradition also supported various expressions
of nationalism in the west (Webb 1974 & 1976).
However, the links between the two were different from
those found in the Indian case. Within the west, the
occult tradition provided a basis from which to criticise
Enlightenment liberalism in a way that could lend

support to what were often anti-rationalist forms of

nationalism. Webb (1938) offers an excellent
contemporary account of the context of religious
concerns and beliefs within which theosophy became so
popular. Throughout this essay the information given
about Hume's views derives primarily from his letters
to Lord Ripon (Ripon Papers).
These letters show Hume to have been genuinely
committed to the cause of reform in India rather than a
stooge planted among the nationalists by the colonial

 There is no reliable study of the membership of the

Society. The information given here relies on
research in the Archives of the Theosophical
Society. Most of the information on the activities of
the early Theosophists in India comes either from
these Archives or The Theosophist. This, of
course, is why these general doctrines have
proved so central to modern Hinduism (Bharati
1970; Jones 1989) . That the divisions in Indian
society persisted through the nationalist era has
been emphasised by the Cambridge school (Seal
1968) and the Subaltern Studies movement
(Guha 1982).

Before the birth of the National Congress, a number of

organisations were formed. In 1866, Dadabhai Naroji

established East Indian Association in London.

Mahadeva Govinda Ranade formed the Madras
Mahajana Sabha in 1881 and also the Poona Sarvajanik
Sabha in 1867.
 Ranade inspired Gopal Krishna Gokhale, who
carried on Ranade’s reform work after his death.
Govind-Ranade Chitpavan Brahmin
 Swami Dayananda Saraswathi BRAHMIN --
inspired generation of nationalists including
Madame Bhikaji Cama, Lala Hardayal, Madan Lal
Dhingra, Ram Prasad Bismil, Bhagat Singh,
Mahadev Govind Ranade, Swami Shraddhanand,
Mahatma Hansraj, Lala Lajpat Rai , Shyamji
Krishna Varma who established India House in
England , Vinayak Damodar Savarkar, Subhas
Chandra Bose , Swami Vivekananda etc. –
President of India, S. Radhakrishnan called him
one of the "makers of Modern India", as did Sri
 Bhagat Singh .His family followed Swami
Dayanand Saraswati's Arya Samaj movement, and
his father was a member of Kartas Singh's Ghadar
Party. Bhagat Singh further attended Dayanand
Anglo Vedic High School, which was operated by
Arya Samaj, and National College in Lahore. He
was also a talented actor, and was widely praised

for his performances in plays like 'Samrat

Chandragupta' and 'Rana Pratap'. .
 It is perfectly certain that India never saw a more
learned Sanskrit scholar, a deeper metaphysician, a
more wonderful orator, and a more fearless
denunciator of any evil, than Dayanand, since the
time of Sankarcharya. Blavatsky

dayananda saraswathi’s master

 In 1926, at the age of 19 ?? , Bhagat Singh

founded the 'Naujavan Bharat Sabha (Youth
Society of India) and joined the Hindustan
Republican Association (later known as Hindustan
Socialist Republican Association). He called for
"Poorna swaraj" from the British rule.His mentor
Lala Lajpat Rai ??? . Bhagat Singh joined the
Hindustan Republican Association, which had
prominent leaders, such as Chandrashekhar

Azad, Ram Prasad Bismil and Shahid

Ashfaqallah Khan.
 The True Meaning of Shaheed
In 1885, the Bombay Presidency Association was
formed under the leadership of Hume, Feroz Shah
Mehta, Badruddin Tayabji etc.
Indian Association established under the leadership of
Surendra Nath Banerjee and Anand Mohan Bose etc.

Some of the Indian national leaders such as Dadabhai

Naoroji, C. S. Subrahmoniya Iyer, Surendranath
Banerjea, Dewan Bahadur Raghunatha Rao and others
held a meeting in Madras and discussed the possibility
of forming a national organization. This culminated in
the birth of the Indian National Congress.
Allan Octavian Hume, was instrumental in the
formation of Indian National Congress. The first session
of the All India Congress began on 28th December
1885 at Gokuldas Tejpal Sanskrit College. Eminent
barrister of Calcutta, Mr. Woomesh Chandra Banerjee
presided over it. Seventy two invited delegates from
different parts of India assembled in this first session.

Mr. Hume was elected as the first general secretary of

the Indian National Congress.
In reality Indian National Congress was an English
Product. It is an undisputed historical fact, that the
idea of the Indian National Congress was a product of
Lord Dufferin’s brain; that he suggested it to Mr.
Hume to form an association which might function on
the model of the opposition party of Britain, and that
the latter undertook to work it out. = CONTROLLED

In Lord Dufferin’s lifetime, was published in the press,

brought to his notice and never denied by him. Nor did
Mr. Hume, who died only in 1912, ever deny it. It has
since been admitted to be true by his biographer,
another veteran Congress leader, Sir William
Wedderburn.   (Sir William Wedderburn is also a
retired member of the Government of Bombay, India.)  

Sir William says on page 59 of his life of Mr.

Hume : “Indeed in initiating the National Movement,
Mr. Hume took counsel with the viceroy, Lord
Dufferin; and whereas he was himself disposed to begin
his reform propaganda on the social side, it was
apparently by Lord Dufferin’s adznce/blessings that he
took up the work of political organisation as the first
matter to be dealt with.” 

“Lord Dufferin was approached by Congress leaders

with a view to the first Congress being held under the
presidency of Lord Reay, then Governor of Bombay.”

 The then Viceroy Lord Dufferin engaged A O

Hume a retired civil servant, to help Indians start
Indian National Congress which he called "Safety
Valve" against the popular discontent. // A O
Hume had a series of meetings with Lord Dufferin.
He also had meetings with Sir James Caird, Lord
Rippon, Jhon Bright etc., regarding the starting of
the organisation. Many British in India also
supported A O Hume in this regard. Dufferin's
own hatred of nationalism among subject-peoples
—borne perhaps of his experiences as a harsh
northern Irish landlord—resulted in a deeply
racist antipathy for its Indian counterpart. He
refused to believe that there was "one Indian fit"
for any high public office.
 Frederick Temple Hamilton-Temple-Blackwood,
1st Marquess of Dufferin and Ava. In his youth
he was a popular figure in the court of Queen
Victoria . freemason

 Henry John Temple, 3rd Viscount Palmerston /

Palmerston succeeded to his father's Irish peerage

in 1802. freemason,

The Life of the Marquis of Dufferin and Ava by Sir

Alfred Comyn Lyall

 There is no donbt the world is best administered by

Irishmen. Things never went better with us either at
home or abroad than when Lord Palmerston ruled
Great Britain - Lord Mayo governed India - Lord
Dufferin liked Kipling’s mother and used to drop
in for tea at Simla.

The first Congress was opened with the friendly

sympathy of the highest authorities.”

What he evidently aimed at was a sort of an innocuous

association which should serve more as a “safety valve”
than as a genuine Nationalist organisation for national

Mr. Hume may have meant more. He was a lover of

liberty and wanted political liberty for India under the

cages of the British crown. He was an English patriot

and as such he wanted the continuance of British
connection with India. He saw danger to British rule in
discontent going underground, and one of his objects in
establishing the Congress was to save British rule in
India from an impending calamity of the gravest kind
which he thought was threatening it at that time. In his
reply to Sir Auckland Colvin, ( Sir Auckland Colvin
was the Lieutenant Governor of the then North Western
Provinces (now the United Province of Agra and
Oudh). he admitted that “a safety valve for the escape
of great and growing forces generated by” British
“connection, was urgently needed, and no more
efficacious safety valve than” the “Congress
movement could possibly be devised.”

This correspondence between Sir Auckland Colvin,

then Lieutenant Governor of the United Provinces, and
Mr. Hume, reveals the whole genesis of the Congress
movement, and is so clear and illuminating that no
student of Indian politics can afford to neglect it.

It leaves no doubt whatsoever that the immediate

motive which underlay the idea of starting the Congress
was to save the Empire from “the danger” that loomed
ahead “tremendous in the immediate future,” “the

misery of the masses acted on by the bitter resentment

of individuals among the educated class.”

In the words of Mr. Hume, “no choice was left to those

who gave the primary impetus to the movement. The
ferment, the creation of Western ideas, education,
invention, and appliances, was at work with a rapidly
increasing intensity, and it became of paramount
importance to find for its products an overt and
constitutional channel for discharge, instead of leaving
them to fester as they had already commenced to do,
under the surface.”
Mr. Hume further adds that though “ in certain
provinces and from certain points of view the
movement was premature, yet from the most important
point of view, the future maintenance of the integrity of
the British Empire, the real question when the Congress
started, was, not is it premature, but is it too late? will
the country now accept it?” Indeed, by that test, the
events have proved that the Indian National Congress
has been a great success, and that either Mr. Hume’s
reading of the political situation was exaggerated, or
that his remedy has been amply justified.

Congress to Save British Empire from Danger

But one thing is clear, that the Congress was started

more with the object of saving the British Empire from
danger than with that of winning political liberty for
India. The interests of the British Empire were primary

and those of India only secondary, and no one can say

that the Congress has not been true to that ideal. It
might be said with justice and reason that the founders
of the Indian National Congress considered the
maintenance of British rule in India of vital importance
to India herself, and therefore were anxious to do
everything in their power, not only to save that rule
from any danger that threatened it, but even to
strengthen it ; that with them the redress of political
grievances and the political advance of India was only a
by-product and of secondary importance. If so, the
Congress has been true to its ideal, and no one can find
fault with it.

On the strength of an illuminating memorandum found

among his papers, Hume’s biographer has stated the
nature of the evidence that “convinced” Mr. Hume at
the time (i. e. about 15 months before Lord Lytton left
India) that the British were “in immediate danger of
a terrible outbreak.”

Mr. Hume’s own words.

“I was shown seven large volumes (corresponding to a
certain mode of dividing the country, excluding Burma,
Assam, and some minor tracts) containing a vast
number of entries; English abstracts or translations —
longer or shorter — of vernacular reports or
communications of one kind or another, all arranged
according to districts (not identical with ours), sub-
districts, sub-divisions, and the cities, towns and

villages included in these. The number of these entries

was enormous; there were said, at the time, to be
communications from over thirty thousand different
reporters. I did not count them, they seemed countless;
but in regard to the towns and villages of one district of
the Northwest Provinces with which I possess a
peculiarly intimate acquaintance — a troublesome part
of the country, no doubt — there were nearly three
hundred entries, a good number of which I could
partially verify, as to the names of the people, etc. “He
mentions that he had the volumes in his possession only
for about a week; into six of them he only dipped; but
he closely examined one covering the greater portion of
the Northwest Provinces, Oudh, Behar, parts of
Bundelkund and parts of the Punjab; and so far as
possible verified the entries referring to those districts
with which he had special personal acquaintance. Many
of the entries reported conversations between men of
the lowest classes,( The quotations from Hume are
taken out of W. Wedderburn’s Allan Octavian Hume,
the parts enclosed in parenthesis are Wedderburn’s )  “
all going to show that these poor men were pervaded
with a sense of the hopelessness of the existing state of
affairs; that they were convinced that they would starve
and die, and that they wanted to do something, and
stand by each other, and that something meant
violence,” (for innumerable entries referred to the
secretion of old swords, spears and matchlocks, which
would be ready when required. It was not supposed that
the immediate result, in its initial stages, would be a

revolt against the Government, or a revolt at all in the

proper sense of the word. What was predicted was a
sudden violent outbreak of sporadic crimes, murders of
obnoxious persons, robbery of bankers, looting of
bazaars). “ In the existing state of the lowest half-
starving classes, it was considered that the first few
crimes would be the signal for hundreds of similar ones,
and for a general development of lawlessness,
paralysing the authorities and the respectable classes. It
was considered also, that everywhere the small bands
would begin to coalesce into large ones, like drops of
water on a leaf; that all the bad characters in the country
would join, and that very soon after the bands obtained
formidable proportions, a certain small number of the
educated classes, at the time desperately, perhaps,
unreasonably, bitter against the Government, would join
the movement, assume here and there the lead, give the
outbreak cohesion, and direct it as a national revolt.”
To this, Sir William Wedderburn adds further from his
own personal knowledge : ‘ The forecast of trouble
throughout India was in exact accordance with what
actually occurred, under my own observation, in the
Bombay Presidency, in connection with the Agrarian
rising known as the Deccan riots. These began with
sporadic gang robberies and attacks on the money
lenders, until the bands of dacoits, combining together,
became too strong for the police; and the whole military
force at Poona, horse, foot, and artillery, had to take the
field against them. Roaming through the jungle tracts of
the Western Ghauts, these bands dispersed in the

presence of military forces, only to reunite immediately

at some convenient point ; and from the hill stations of
Mahableshwar and Matheran we could at night see the
light of their campfires in all directions. A leader from
the more instructed class was found, calling himself
Sivaji, the Second, who addressed challenges to the
Government, offered a reward of 500 rupees for the
head of H. E. Sir Richard Temple (then Governor of
Bombay), and claimed to lead a national revolt upon the
lines on which the Mahratta power had originally been
So in the words of these two leaders, the immediate
motive of the Congress was to save the British Empire
from this danger. There is, however, one difficulty in
believing outright that this was the immediate reason of
the birth of the Congress. Mr. Hume is said to have seen
this evidence at the time he was in the service of the
Government, viz., fifteen months before Lord Lytton
left India. Between then and the first meeting of the
Congress in 1885 intervened a period of about seven
years. During this time Lord Ripon was viceroy for five
years. The idea of starting a political organisation on the
lines of the Congress is said to have originated with
Lord Dufferin.
This is a little inconsistent with the theory that the
Congress was founded out of fear of a political out-
break and only in the nature of a safety valve. Nor is
the latter theory consistent with Mr. Hume’s first
political manifesto addressed to the graduates of the
Calcutta University in March, 1883. This document

is so manly in its outspokenness, so true in its

principles, that we will quote the whole of it (or at least
as much of it as is given in Mr. Hume’s biography).
Addressing the graduates of the university, Mr. Hume
said : ” Constituting, as you do, a large body of the most
highly educated Indians, you should, in the natural
order of things, constitute also the most important
source of all mental, moral, social, and political
progress in India. Whether in the individual or the
nation, all vital progress must spring from within, and it
is to you, her most cultured and enlightened minds, her
most favoured sons, that your country must look for the
initiative. In vain may aliens, like myself, love India
and her children, as well as the most loving of these; in
vain may they, for her and their good, give time and
trouble, money and thought; in vain may they struggle
and sacrifice; they may assist with advice and
suggestions; they may place their experience, abilities
and knowledge at the disposal of the workers, but they
lack the essential of nationality, and the real work must
ever be done by the people of the country themselves.”
“Scattered individuals, however capable and however
well meaning, are powerless singly. What is needed is
union, organisation and a well defined line of action ;
and to secure these an association is required, armed
and organised with unusual care, having for its object to
promote the mental, moral, social and political
regeneration of the people of India. Our little army must
be sui generis in discipline and equipment, and the
question simply is, how many of you will prove to

possess, in addition to your high scholastic attainments,

the unselfishness, moral courage, self-control, and
active spirit of benevolence which are essential in all
who should enlist?”

“ As I said before, you are the salt of the land. And if

amongst even you, the elite, fifty men can not be found
with sufficient power of self-sacrifice, sufficient love
for and pride in their country, sufficient genuine and
unselfish heartfelt patriotism to take the initiative, and if
needs be, devote the rest of their lives to the cause, then
there is no hope for India. Her sons must and will
remain mere humble and helpless instruments in the
hands of foreign rulers, for ‘they who would be free,
themselves must strike the blow.’ And if even the
leaders of thought are all either such poor creatures, or
so selfishly wedded to personal concerns, that they dare
not or will not strike a blow for their country’s sake,
then justly and rightly are they kept down and trampled
on, for they deserve nothing better. Every nation
secures precisely as good a government as it
merits. If you, the picked men, the most highly
educated of the nation, cannot, scorning personal ease
and selfish ends, make a resolute struggle to secure
freedom for yourselves and your country, a more
impartial administration, a larger share in the
management of your own affairs, then we, your friends,
are wrong, and our adversaries right ; then are Lord
Ripon’s aspirations for your good, fruitless and
visionary ; then, at present, at any rate, all hopes of

progress are at an end, and India truly neither lacks nor

deserves any  better government than she now enjoys.
Only, if this be so, let us hear no more factious, peevish
complaints that you are kept in leading strings, and
treated like children, for you will have proved
yourselves such. Men know how to act. Let there be no
more complaints of Englishmen being preferred to you
in all important offices, for if you lack that public spirit,
that highest form of altruistic devotion that leads men to
subordinate private ease to the public weal, that true
patriotism that has made Englishmen what they are,
then rightly are these preferred to you, and rightly and
inevitably have they become your rulers. And rulers and
taskmasters they must continue, let the yoke gall your
shoulders ever so sorely, until you realize and stand
prepared to act upon the eternal truth, whether in the
case of individuals or nations, self-sacrifice and
unselfishness are the only unfailing guides to freedom
and happiness.”
The Congress held at Madras in 1914 was attended by
the British Governor of the Presidency

 Lord Ripon was a Freemason, who served as

Provincial Grand Master of the West Riding and
Deputy Grand Master of the United Grand Lodge
of England from 1861 to 1869, and ultimately as
Grand Master from 1870 until his conversion to
Catholicism in 1874,[1] following which he was
generous in supporting Catholic educational and
charitable works. He was president of the Society

of St Vincent de Paul from 1899 until his death and

a great supporter of St. Joseph's Catholic
Missionary Society. He was also Chancellor of the
University of Leeds from 1904 until his death in

A movement does not become national by the mere

desire of its founders to make it so. It is a mistake to
start a national political movement unless those who
start it are prepared to make great sacrifices for it. A
halting, half-hearted political movement depending on
the sympathy and good will of the very class against
whom it is directed, consulting their wishes at every
step, with its founders or leaders trembling for their
safety and keeping their purse strings tight, only
doing as much as the authorities would allow and as
would not interfere in any way with , their own
personal interests and comforts and incomes, is from
its very nature detrimental to real national interests.

Mr. Hume was “ in deadly earnest.” He started the

movement with the good will of the authorities and
waited for results for two years. When, however, he
found that “ the platonic expressions of sympathy by
the authorities were a mockery,” that nothing was
done to lessen the “ misery of the masses” and to
relieve their sufferings and redress their grievances, he
decided to put more intensity into the movement. He

undertook to instruct the Indian nation and rouse them

to a sense of their right and to a sense of the wrong that
was being done to them. In his opinion, “ the case was
one of extreme urgency, for the deaths by famine and
pestilence were counted not by tens of thousands or by
hundreds of thousands, but by millions.” ( Mr. Hume’s
biography by Sir William Wedderburn, p. 62. )

WHO THEN FUNDED HUME ???. Wedderburn & Hume

were close friends & freemasons . we see
Wedderburn promoting Hume .

He concluded that “ in order to constrain the

Government to move, the leaders of the Indian people
must adopt measures of exceptional vigour, following
the drastic methods pursued in England by Bright and
Cobden in their great campaign on behalf of the
people’s food.” So, like Cobden, Hume decided that
since the attempt of the Congress leaders to instruct the
Government had failed and since the Government had
refused to be instructed by them, the next step was “ to
instruct the nations, the great English nation in its island
home, and also the far greater nation of this vast Indian
continent, so that every Indian that breathes upon the
sacred soil of this our motherland, shall become our
comrade and coadjutor, our supporter and if need be our
soldier, in the great war that we, like Cobden and his
noble band, will wage for justice, for our liberties and
our rights.” ( Mr. Hume’s biography by Sir W. W., p.

The movement was neither inspired by the people

nor devised or planned by them. It was a movement
not from within. No section of the Indian people
identified themselves with it so completely as to feel
that their existence as honourable men depended on its
successful management. The movement was started by
an Englishman, at the suggestion of an English pro-
consul. The Indians, who professed to lead it, were
either actually in government service or in professions
allied to government service and created by the
The movement lacked the essentials of a popular
movement. The leaders were not in touch with the
people. Perhaps they did not even want to come in
touch with them. Their propaganda was confined to a
few English-educated persons, was carried on in
English and was meant for the ears of the authorities
rather than for the people. The leaders always felt shy
of the masses, made no efforts to reach them, and
systematically discouraged the younger men from doing
the same. Some of them have openly opposed efforts in
this direction.



Allan Octavian Hume, CB ICS Hume has been called

"the Father of Indian Ornithology" and, by those who
found him dogmatic, "the Pope of Indian ornithology".

Early influences included his friend John Stuart

Mill and Herbert Spencer.
It was only nine years after his entry to India that Hume
faced the Indian Rebellion of 1857 during which time
he was involved in several military actions for which he
was created a Companion of the Bath in 1860. 
(( The Most Honourable Order of the Bath (formerly
the Most Honourable Military Order of the Bath) is a
British order of chivalry founded by George I on 18
May 1725. The name derives from the elaborate
medieval ceremony for appointing a knight, which
involved bathing ( as a symbol of purification) as one
of its elements. The knights so created were known as
"Knights of the Bath". George I "erected the Knights of
the Bath into a regular Military Order". He did not (as is
commonly believed) revive the Order of the Bath, since
it had never previously existed as an Order, in the sense
of a body of knights who were governed by a set of
statutes and whose numbers were replenished when
vacancies occurred. The Order consists of the Sovereign
(currently Queen Elizabeth II), the Great Master
(currently The Prince of Wales), and three Classes of
members: Knight Grand Cross (GCB) or Dame Grand
Cross (GCB) Knight Commander (KCB) or Dame
Commander (DCB) Companion (CB) Members belong

to either the Civil or the Military Division. Prior to

1815, the order had only a single class, Knight
Companion (KB), which no longer exists. Recipients of
the Order are now usually senior military officers or
senior civil servants. Commonwealth citizens who are
not subjects of the Queen and foreign nationals may be
made Honorary Members. The Order of the Bath is the
fourth-most senior of the British Orders of Chivalry,
after The Most Noble Order of the Garter, The Most
Ancient and Most Noble Order of the Thistle, and The
Most Illustrious Order of St Patrick (dormant). ))

Their only daughter Maria Jane Burnley ("Minnie")

(1854–1927) had married Ross Scott at Shimla on 28
December 1881. Maria became a member of
the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, another occult
movement, after moving to England. Ross Scott was the
founding secretary of the Simla Eclectic Theosophical
Society, who was sometime Judicial Commissioner
of Oudh and died in 1908.
his cousin Edward Balfour.

Hume was a member of the Asiatic Society of Bengal

from January 1870 to 1891 and admitted Fellow of the
Linnean Society on 3 November 1904. After returning
to England in 1890 he also became president of the
Dulwich Liberal and Radical Association.

Hume's interest in theosophy took root around 1879.

An 1880 newspaper reports the initiation of his
daughter and wife into the movement. Hume did not
have great regard for institutional Christianity, but
believed in the immortality of the soul and in the idea of
a supreme ultimate. Hume wanted to become
a chela (student) of the Tibetan spiritual gurus.  Hume
wrote three articles on Fragments of Occult Truth under
the pseudonym "H. X." published in The Theosophist.
These were written in response to questions from Mr.
Terry, an Australian Theosophist.
He also privately printed several Theosophical
pamphlets titled Hints on Esoteric Theosophy. The later
numbers of the Fragments, in answer to the same
enquirer, were written by A.P. Sinnett and signed by
him, as authorized by Mahatma K. H., A Lay-
Chela. Hume also wrote under the pseudonym of
Madame Blavatsky was a regular visitor at Hume's
Rothney castle at Simla and an account of her visit may
be found in Simla, Past and Present by Edward John
Buck (who succeeded Mr. Hume in charge of the
Agricultural Department).
A long story about Hume and his wife appears in A.P.
Sinnett's book The Occult World, and the synopsis was
published in a local paper of India. The story relates
how at a dinner party, Madame Blavatsky asked Mrs
Hume if there was anything she wanted. She replied
that there was a brooch, her mother had given her, that
had gone out of her possession some time ago.

Blavatsky said she would try to recover it through

occult means. After some interlude, later that evening,
the brooch was found in a garden, where the party was
directed by Blavatsky. According to John Murdoch
(1894), the brooch had been given by Mrs. Hume to her
daughter who had given it to a man she admired.
Blavatsky had happened to meet the man in Bombay
and obtained the brooch in return for money. Blavatsky
allegedly planted it in the garden before directing
people to the location through what she claimed as
occult techniques.

After the incident, Hume too had privately expressed

grave doubts on the powers attributed to Madame
Blavatsky. He subsequently held a meeting with some
of the Indian members of the Theosophical Society and
suggested that they join hands with him to force the
resignation of Blavatsky and sixteen other members for
their role as accomplices in fraud. Those present could
however not agree to the idea of seeking the resignation
of their founder. Hume also tried to write a book on the
philosophical basis of Theosophy. His drafts were
strongly disapproved by many of the key Theosophists.
One ("K.H"=Koot Humi) wrote:
I dread the appearance in print of our philosophy as
expounded by Mr. H. I read his three essays or
chapters on God (?)cosmogony and glimpses of the
origin of tings in general, and had to cross out nearly
all. He makes of us Agnostics!! We do not believe in
God because so far, we have no proof, etc. This is

preposterously ridiculous: if he publishes what I read, I

will have H.P.B. or Djual Khool deny the whole thing;
as I cannot permit our sacred philosophy to be so
— "K.H." (p.304)
Hume soon fell out of favour with the Theosophists and
lost all interest in the theosophical movement in 1883.
Hume's immersion into the theosophical movement led
him to become a vegetarian and also to give up killing
birds for their specimens. BUT HE NEVER

Edward Green Balfour (6 September 1813 – 8

December 1889) was a Scottish surgeon, orientalist and
pioneering environmentalist in India. He founded
museums at Madras and Bangalore, a zoological garden
in Madras and was instrumental in raising awareness on
forest conservation and public health in India. He
published a Cyclopaedia of India, several editions of
which were published after 1857, translated works on
health into Indian languages and wrote on a variety of
Balfour was born in Angus, Montrose, the second son
of Captain George Balfour of the East India
Company marine service and Susan Hume (a sister of
the radical MP Joseph Hume). His elder brother was

Sir George Balfour(1809–1894) who was later a liberal

MP for Kincardineshire.



In 1852 he became a full surgeon and on 24 May he

married Marion Matilda Agnes Gilchrist, daughter of a
fellow surgeon at Madras. 
The East India Company heeded his warnings and
took up forest conservation schemes soon after 1840.
This and other reports by Hugh Francis
Cleghorn influenced Lord Dalhousie and led to the
establishment of the Madras Forest Department. The
debate on deforestation induced climate change was
also held in Britain where Colonel George Balfour,
Edward's brother, lobbied for conservation measures
while others like David Livingstone suggested that
rainfall declines were related to geological changes.
Balfour widely used statistics to study the state of
health of the troops.  In a study of health issues that was
read by his uncle Joseph Hume to the Statistical
LODGE / TAVERN ), he dismissed the belief that humans
adjusted to new climates and suggested that different
races had varying tolerances to climate and disease.
Based on his data, he showed that Europeans fared
better in the hills of India.

deforestation induced climate change = UNPROVEN =


He openly held anti-colonialist sentiments which

Richard Grove suggests as being linked to the radical
ideas of his uncle Joseph Hume, opinions that were also
expressed by his cousin Allan Octavian Hume. His
elder brother George Balfour (married to A.O. Hume's
sister/ Joseph Hume’s daughter Charlotte Isabella) also
argued against salt taxes in India and suggested that
they hampered growth and antagonized the population
of India.

On 28 December 1885, the Indian National Congress

was founded at Gokuldas Tejpal Sanskrit College in
Bombay, with 72 delegates in attendance. Hume
assumed office as the General Secretary, and Womesh
Chunder Bonnerjee of Calcutta was elected President.
Besides Hume, two additional British members (both
Scottish civil servants) were members of the founding
group, William Wedderburn and Justice (later,
Sir) John Jardine. The other members were mostly
Hindus from the Bombay and Madras Presidencies.

(( wc bonnerjee = BRAHMIN .In 1864 he was sent to

England through a scholarship from Mr. R. J. Jijibhai /
Sir Jamshedji Jijibhai, / Jeejeebhoy ???? of Bombay
where he joined the Middle Temple and was called to
the Bar in June, 1867. On his return to Calcutta in 1868,

he found a patron in Sir Charles Paul, Barrister-at-Law

of the Calcutta High Court.[1] Another barrister, J. P.
Kennedy, also greatly helped him to establish his
reputation as a lawyer. He presided over the first
session of the Indian National Congress held at Bombay
in 1885 from 28 December to 31 December and
attended by 72 members. In the 1886 session held at
Calcutta, under the presidency of Dadabhai Naoroji. He
financed the British Committee of Congress and its
journals in London. In 1865 Dadabhai Naoroji founded
the London Indian society and Bonnerjee was made its
general secretary. In December 1866, Naoroji dissolved
the society and formed East Indian Association. When
Bonnerjee became the Congress president Naoroji along
with him, Eardley Norton and William Digby opened
The Congress Political Agency, a branch of Congress in
London.  Naoroji became the first Indian member of
the British Parliament. In 1893, Naoriji, Bonnerjee
and Badruddin Tyabji founded the Indian Parliamentary
Committee in England.
rjee co founder , london indian society 1865, along with
dadabhai naoroji & east india association 1866))

Eardley John Norton was a close friend of G.

Subramania Iyer, who founded The Hindu. son of
lawyer John Bruce Norton . was a Freemason in
Madras and was Junior Warden of the District Grand
Lodge of Madras;
27- Eardley Norton (Barrister-at-Law)
John David Norton, a lawyer, arrived in Madras in
1841 to serve as a puisne justice of the Madras Supreme
Court (predecessor of the High Court). The next year,
he was knighted and transferred to Malacca. His son
John Bruce Norton had his early education at Harrow
and Merton College, Oxford. He studied law and
enrolled at Lincoln's Inn in 1841.
The renowned barrister, W. Bro. Eardley Norton,
Master in 1904 and 1905, by his dynamic personality
and great popularity attracted many to the Lodge. It was
only during his time the membership crossed the 100
mark and reached a masonic high of 32 initiations
during the year.
He served as senior partner of William Hutchinson and
Company in 1887. 1882 he became the first secretary
of the National Liberal Club, a post he held till 1887.
he was made a Companion of the Order of the Indian

Empire (C.I.E) in 1878. freemason
Several discussion groups met at the club, including the
Rainbow Circle in the 1890s, an influential group of
Liberal, Fabian and socialist thinkers who came to be
identified with the Bloomsbury Group. / The club has
had a number of members who were notable authors,
including Rupert Brooke, G. K. Chesterton, Jerome K.
Jerome, George Bernard Shaw, Bram Stoker, Dylan
Thomas, H. G. Wells and Leonard Woolf; several of
whom featured the club in some of their works of
literature. / The first recorded ethnic minority member
of the NLC, Dadabhai Naoroji was admitted in 1885,
when the club was less than three years old, and spurred
on by Club Secretary William Digby, by the late 1880s,
the club had a large overseas membership, particularly
concentrated in India and among Indian nationals
resident in London.Muhammad Ali Jinnah, the first
Governor General of Pakistan, and a successful
barrister, was a member of the National Liberal Club.

Charles Bradlaugh ( 1833 – 1891) was an English

political activist and atheist. 1866 co-founded the
National Secular Society, in which Annie Besant
became his close associate. The Malthusian League
was founded as a result of the trial to promote birth
control. He was a member of a Masonic lodge in
Bolton . Supporting Bradlaugh were William Ewart
Gladstone, T. P. O'Connor and George Bernard

Shaw ...His daughter, Hypatia Bradlaugh Bonner

(1858–1935), was a peace activist, author, atheist and
freethinker. She was named for Hypatia, the Ancient
Greek pagan philosopher, mathematician, astronomer
and teacher ...His funeral was attended by 3,000
mourners, including a 21-year-old Mohandas Gandhi.

The Savage Club, founded in 1857, is a gentlemen's

club in London. An associated Masonic lodge was
established in 1887. The club is currently based in the
National Liberal Club, at 1 Whitehall Place, London
SW1. ..members include -- Sir Charles Spencer
Chaplin (Charlie Chaplin) ..Earl Mountbatten ...HM
King Edward VII HM King George V HM King
George VI HRH Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh

(( Sir William Wedderburn, 4th Baronet, JP DL (25

March 1838 – 25 January 1918) FREEMASON was a
Scottish civil servant in India and a politician. His elder
brother David was the 3rd baronet. Along with Allan
Octavian Hume he was a founder of the Indian National
Congress and served as its president in 1889 and 1910. ))

(( Sir John Jardine, 1st Baronet (27 September 1844 –

26 April 1919) was Liberal MP . He was one of the

many Jardine Baronets. He was the son of William

Jardine of Bedford (but originally of Dumfriesshire,
Scotland) . his sons Sir John Eric Birdwood Jardine,
2nd Baronet and Sir Colin Arthur Jardine, 3rd Baronet.,_1st_Ba
Commenced working 15th September, 1876, under a
dispensation issued by M. W. Bro. Robert T. Clinch, G.
M. It was formally constituted 21st September, 1877,
by V. W. Bro. James McNichol, Jr., grand treasurer,
special deputy of the grand master, by virtue of a
warrant dated 10th August, 1877, granted by M. W.
Bro. Robert T. Clinch, G. M., under the sanction and
authority of the grand lodge of New Brunswick, to the
right trusty and well beloved brethren, Malcolm
Patterson, John Jardine, Thomas Ritchie, William W.
Doherty, James D. Murray, John Mair, Dougal C. Firth,
George Duncan, George A. Balcom, John McKendric,
Donald Kerr, James B. McKenzie, Hugh Jackson,
Robert J. Mair, Edward Ellons, John P. Mowatt, Robert
Chalmers and George P. Phillips, constituting the said
brethren into a lodge of F. & A. M., under the title or
denomination of " Campbellton Lodg v\ No. 32," to
meet at Campbellton, in the county of Restigouche, on
the second Thursday of every month ; Bro. Malcolm
Patterson to be the first master, Bro. John Jardine the
first S. W., and Bro. Thomas Ritchie the first J. W. It
was countersigned by R. W. Bro. Edwin J. Wetmore, D.
G. M., and V. W. Bro. W. F. Bunting, G. S.
vu.txt ))

O. Hume was born in St Mary Cray, Kent, now a part of

Greater London. He was the grandson of an East
India Company director, and the seventh child of
the radical Benthamite politician Joseph Hume — a
Scotsman who had served as a doctor and intelligence
officer in India. Naturally, in view of the Bentham
connection, the boy was sent to University College
School, moving on from there to the East India College,
Haileybury. Like many of his contemporaries, Hume
was deeply drawn to the occult, and had often been
visited in Simla by the colourful Madame Blavatsky.
His house there, Rothney Castle, was until quite
recently the headquarters of the Simla Theosophist
Society. It was puzzling to find Joseph Hume's own
reference to "the boy, my 7th child" in a letter to
Bentham dated 12 October 1826. Perhaps this was an
earlier infant who died? See The Correspondence of
Jeremy Bentham, Vol. 12, ed. Luke O'Sullivan and
Catherine Fuller, Oxford: Oxford University Press,
1968, p. 255. Note also that there is still a Joseph Hume
Scholarship for postgraduate work in Laws at UCL, so
the Hume family connection with that college continues
to this day.

(( Mr. Hume's opinion concerning Blavatsky and the

Mahatmas between 1884-85 is reflected in the Hodgson
Mr. Hume's position at present is that 'despite all the
frauds perpetrated, there have been genuine phenomena,
and that, though of a low order, Madame [Blavatsky]
really had and has Occultists of considerably though
limited powers behind her; that K.H. is a real entity, but
by no means the powerful and godlike being he has
been painted, and that he has had some share, directly
of indirectly ... in the production of the K.H. letters.'
He eventually lost interest in Theosophy, though he
remained a vegetarian (and was a vice president of the
British Vegetarian Society). Through his contact with
the Mahatmas he acquired a new vision of the
possibilities of the Indian national life and became
inspired to sponsor the Indian National Congress.
He eventually lost interest in Theosophy ?? NOT
proven by action . he worked closely with them
always . states that it is the Committee of the

London Vegetarian Society (LVS) in 1890, they also
state that Gandhi joined the Society, and joined the
Committee, on September 19, 1890.

Joseph Hume (1777–1855) . his wife Maria Burnley,

whose father , Hardin Burnley Jr was reputedly a

director of the East India Company (Harris 2007: 12,

Hardin Burnley Jr’son, William Hardin Burnley,
attended Harrow School in 1793.(where Churchill &
Nehru studied) was the biggest slave owner in
Trinidad, did everything in his power to prevent the
emancipation of Africans in the colony. When slavery
ended, he was convinced that only Africans who had
tyrannical masters would benefit from emancipation.
The rest, he opined, ‘Were too ignorant to understand
the real position in which they were placed.’
 William Hardin Burnley (1780–1850) . one of its
most influential citizens and a prominent agent of
the British Empire. A central figure among elite
and moneyed transnational slave owners, Burnley
moved easily through the Atlantic world of the
Caribbean, the United States, Great Britain, and
Europe, and counted among his friends Alexis de
Tocqueville, British politician Joseph Hume, and
prime minister William Gladstone.
Trinidad’s “founding father” defacto emperor of
 Burnley was married to the sister of Joseph Hume.
expressed as early as 1814 the need to introduce
free labour from India. the friend and protege of
Judge justice Smith . --the great advantage of
introducing a docile and intelligent class of
labourers, already accustomed to agriculture, to
whom the climate would present no drawbacks and

whose very prejudices of caste would keep them

from combining with the slaves -- and he stated his
belief that Asiatic immigration would not only
suffice to bring the whole Island into cultivation ---
 Joseph Hume FRS (22 January 1777 – 20 February
1855) was a Scottish doctor and Radical MP. made
acquaintance with James Mill and the
philosophical reformers of the school of Jeremy
Bentham. In 1837 he initiated a plan for a
memorial to the Scottish Political Martyrs. The
monument is in the form of a 90-foot (27 m)
obelisk of grey-black sandstone blocks, and is
inscribed with the names of the five men: Thomas
Muir , Joseph Gerrald , Thomas Fyshe Palmer,
William Skirving and Maurice Margarot ....his son
Joseph Burnley Hume (London, 1855). Another
son, Allan Octavian Hume .... 9+0=9 / 2+7=9
 Cudjoe drew his comparisons of Burnley’s racist
thoughts to that of Thomas Carlyle, the infamous
author of the “Occasional Discourse on the Negro
Question,” considered the most prominent piece
of racist literature.
 In the eyes of twentieth century readers, Thomas
Carlyle and John Ruskin share the reputation of
Victorian sage. Hidden behind their beards, they
seem to dominate the nineteenth century, prophets
in tandem. They were, in fact, separated by a
generation, and Ruskin came to look up to Carlyle
as a father figure. Indeed, in later years, after his

own father died, Ruskin actually addressed Carlyle

as “Papa.” Carlyle's thinking became heavily
influenced by German idealism, in particular the
work of Johann Gottlieb Fichte. translated
German works, notably Goethe's novel Wilhelm
Meisters Lehrjahre. wrote a Life of Schiller –both
freemasons. lifelong friendship with the
American essayist Ralph Waldo Emerson. He
became known as the "Sage of Chelsea", and a
member of a literary circle which included the
essayists Leigh Hunt and John Stuart Mill. with a
preface by Ralph Waldo Emerson, influencing the
development of New England Transcendentalism.
/ this is similar to the contemporary philosopher
Søren Kierkegaard's "leap of faith" / Nietzsche
agreed with much of Carlyle's hero worship,
transferring many qualities of the hero to his
concept of the superman. He believed that the hero
should be revered, not for the good he has done for
the people, but simply out of admiration for the
marvelous. The hero justifies himself as a man
chosen by destiny to be great. / For Carlyle, the
hero was somewhat similar to Aristotle's
"magnanimous" man – a person who flourished in
the fullest sense. However, for Carlyle, unlike
Aristotle, the world was filled with contradictions
with which the hero had to deal. All heroes will be
flawed. / Two of these essays, No. I: "The Present
Times" and No. II: "Model Prisons" were
reviewed by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels in

April 1850. / Many critics in the 20th century

identified Carlyle as an influence on fascism and
Nazism. Ernst Cassirer argued in The Myth of the
State that Carlyle's hero worship contributed to
20th-century ideas of political leadership that
became part of fascist political ideology.
 "Man is a Tool-using Animal; weak in himself, and
of small stature ..... Nowhere do you find him
without tools; without tools he is nothing, with
tools he is all." Thomas Carlyle www.sacred- "By Symbols
is man guided and commanded, made happy, made
wretched. ….. but is, in the transcendental sense,
symbolical as well as real." Thomas Carlyle,
"Sartor Resartus".
 Thomas Carlyle and His Works is an essay written
by Henry David Thoreau that praises the writings
of Thomas Carlyle.
 Burnley Family History ------- 5. Hardin Burnley,
Jr. born about 1741 St. Paul's Parish, Hanover
County, VA.; died November 27, 1823 in London
England, burial London; married 1759 Catherine
Maitland. Their children were: William Hardin
/1703_hardin_burnley.htm Our Burnley ancestors

and allied families / compiled by Emma Dicken."

AO Hume = his eldest sister, Maria Burnley Hume. --

(although then falling under the influence of a Vedantist
leader and retaining an interest in spiritualism ---- His
wife Mary (née Grindall), five or six years his senior,
whom he had married in India in 1853 but about whom
we know next to nothing, ))


birdmen of india – joseph hume etc

Sir Pherozeshah Merwanjee Mehta KCIE (4 August

1845 – 5 November 1915) KCIE ==
pire Mehta went to England to study law at Lincoln's
Inn in London. He was the first Parsi barrister called to
the Bar from Lincoln's Inn in 1868.Here, he met and
began association with fellow Indian barristers Womesh
Chunder Bonnerjee and Badruddin Tyabji. -- In 1894,
he was appointed a Companion of the Order of the
Indian Empire (CIE) and was appointed a Knight

Commander (KCIE) in 1904. Freemason

The Myth of India's Independence

As we know, the biggest Illuminati project of the 20th
century was Communism. The Illuminati fostered the
growth of the Indian National Congress through its
operatives, A.O Hume and William Wederburn. The
idea was to create an independent India which would be
a proxy for the Soviets. 

For this purpose, Indian Freemasonry worked overtime

to groom local Indian Mason operatives. 

According to this official Masonic website,  "Swami

Vivekananda (initiated in 1884 under the name of Bro.
Narendra Nath Dutt in Lodge Anchor & Hope,
Calcutta). Motilal Nehru - Lodge Harmony, Kanpur
(Father of Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru and grand father of
Indhira Gandhi), C. Rajagopalachary (Governor
General of India), Sir C P Ramaswamy Iyer (Divan of
Travancore), Dr. P V Cheriy (Governor of
Maharashtra), and Fakruddin Ali Ahmed (President of

Since this Illuminati project of delivering an

"independent India" to the Soviet sphere of influence
required top priority, Illuminati operative Helena
Blavatsky founded The Theosophical Society in India.
The purpose was two-fold. First, Blavatsky would dig

up the swastika and Aryan theory for the Nazis who

were created to attack Russia, which would result in the
entire Eastern Europe and Germany being transferred to

Secondly, The Theosophical Society would coordinate

the Indian Independence movement through the Indian
National Congress. Even back then, rumors began
circulating about Blavatsky and the "Russians". 

A key theosophist activist was Mrs. Annie Besant who

despite acting against the British, managed to
mysteriously escape being punished by them. If one
analyzes the Indian independence movement, we notice
the British building a crescendo of antagonizing the
Indian National Congress and then caving in to their
demands....whereas transfer of power to the INC was

Realizing that Indian National Congress leaders were

phoney in every respect, Mohammed Ali Jinnah, a
British educated lawyer managed to get a mandate for
an all Muslim Pakistan without shedding a drop of
blood or going to jail.

The last Governor General of India, Lord Mountbatten

was cousin to the Rothschilds.

The moment India was liberated coincides with a little

known private ceremony known as "Hour of the

British Empire" which is held in London. 

Further, the Rothschild-owned British Petroleum was

granted unlimited rights to all offshore Indian oil, which
is valid to this day. 
Later, many Communist countries including India
became part of the "non aligned movement" which
enabled them to remain allied to the Soviet Union and
yet receive major aid from internationalists and their tax
free foundations in America. Even Canadian Deuterium
made its way into Soviet proxy India.

 Of course, the farce of Indian independence will never

be known to the casual observer, who is subjected to
whitewash such as the BBC movie, "Gandhi" and Larry
Collin's (Of Illuminati Collins bloodline) "Freedom at

Gerald William Balfour, 2nd Earl of Balfour, PC (9

April 1853 – 14 January 1945), known as Gerald
Balfour or The Rt Hon. G. W. Balfour until 1930, was a
senior British Conservative politician who became a
peer on the death of his brother, former prime
minister Arthur Balfour, in 1930.
Balfour was the fourth son of James Maitland Balfour,
of Whittingehame, Haddingtonshire, and Lady Blanche
Cecil, daughter of James Gascoyne-Cecil, 2nd
Marquess of Salisbury.

_of_JamesMaitlandLauderdale.html MAITLAND --
BURNLEY -- BALFOUR Anna Kingsford, Madame
Blavatsky and the Theosophists by Edward Maitland Anna
Bonus Kingsford and her Circle.
toryofannakings00maituoft_djvu.txt )

Two Prime Ministers were immediate relations: Arthur

Balfour, 1st Earl of Balfour, and Lord Salisbury, his
uncle. He was educated at Eton and at Trinity College,
Cambridge, where he gained 1st Class Honours in the
Classical Tripos.
Balfour was interested in parapsychology. He was
President of the Society for Psychical Research (1906–
Lord Balfour married Lady Elizabeth Edith "Betty"
Bulwer-Lytton, daughter of the 1st Earl of Lytton,
former Viceroy of India, in 1887.

Arthur James Balfour, 1st Earl of

Balfour, KG, OM, PC,FRS, FBA, DL traditionally Scot
tish  1848 –1930) was a British statesman and 
Conservative Party politician who served as Prime
Minister of the United Kingdom from 1902 to 1905.
As Foreign Secretary under David Lloyd George, he

issued the Balfour Declaration in November 1917 on

behalf of the cabinet.
He never married.
Lord Beaverbrook claimed that he was "a

He was made a Knight Companion of the Order of

the Garter on 24 February 1922, becoming Sir Arthur
Balfour and giving him the post-nominal letters "KG"
for life.

Dadabhai Naoroji (4 September 1825 – 30 June 1917),

known as the Grand Old Man of India. He was a Liberal
Party member of Parliament (MP) in the United
Kingdom House of Commons between 1892 and 1895,
and the first Indian to be a British MP, notwithstanding
the Anglo-Indian MP David Ochterlony Dyce Sombre.
Naoroji is also credited with the founding of the Indian
National Congress, along with A.O. Hume and
Dinshaw Edulji Wacha.
He was also a member of the Second International
along with Kautsky and Plekhanov .

He was patronised by the Maharaja of Baroda,

Sayajirao Gaekwad III, and started his public life as the
Dewan (Minister) to the Maharaja in 1874. Being an
Athornan (ordained priest), Naoroji founded the
Rahnumae Mazdayasne Sabha (Guides on the

Mazdayasne Path) on 1 August 1851 to restore the

Zoroastrian religion to its original purity and
Sayajirao Gaekwad III patronised Ambedkar as well.

He travelled to London in 1855 to become a partner in

Cama & Co, opening a Liverpool location for the first
Indian company to be established in Britain.
In 1865, Naoroji directed the launch the London Indian
Society. In 1861 Naoroji founded The Zoroastrian
Trust Funds of Europe alongside Muncherjee Hormusji
Cama . In 1867 Naoroji also helped to establish the
East India Association, one of the predecessor
organisations of the Indian National Congress. The
Association was instrumental in counter-acting the
propaganda by the Ethnological Society of London
which, in its session in 1866, had tried to prove the
inferiority of the Asians to the Europeans. This
Association soon won the support of eminent
Englishmen .
 The overlap of interests between the ESL and the
Royal Geographical Society (RGS) was reflected
by common membership. / Thomas Henry
Huxley, Augustus Lane Fox, Edward Tylor, Henry
Christy, John Lubbock, and Augustus Wollaston
Franks all figured prominently in the society's
affairs after 1860. / The X Club, with members
in common, supported the Ethnological Society's
side of the debate.

He was also a member of the Indian National

Association founded by Sir Surendranath Banerjee from
Calcutta a few years before the founding of the Indian
National Congress in Bombay. The two groups later
merged into the INC, and Naoroji was elected President
of the Congress in 1886.
Naoroji in 1892. Naoroji moved to Britain once again
and continued his political involvement.
He was also a notable Freemason.
In his political campaign and duties as an MP, he was
assisted by Muhammed Ali Jinnah. Naoroji was a
mentor to Bal Gangadhar Tilak, Gopal Krishna Gokhale
and Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi.

Gandhi wrote to Naoroji in a letter of 1894 that "The

Indians look up to you as children to the father. Such
is really the feeling here." Bal Gangadhar Tilak admired
him; he said:
A plaque referring to Dadabhai Naoroji is located
outside the Finsbury Town Hall on Rosebery Avenue,

Franz Anton Mesmer (1734–1815): Occult Healer --

While Mesmer died in exile, his occult methods laid the
earliest roots of modern psychology, and provided the
basis for hypnotism, mind-body healing, psychical
research, and psychoanalysis. . Andrew Jackson Davis
(1826–1910): First Celebrity Psychic ,enthralled
Americans with his mystic visions, and in the 1840s
became a confidant to one of the nation’s leading
ministers, the Rev. George Bush — ancestor to the
Bush presidential clan and the spitting image of George
W. — Margaret and Kate Fox —claimed that the bangs
and raps heard throughout the family home were “spirit
knocks,” which the adolescent girls said were part of
their system for communicating with the dead.
Newspaper editor Horace Greeley and other eminent
figures converged on the Fox cabin to test the girls, and
concluded that they were telling the truth. The Fox
sisters gave birth to Spiritualism — or talking to the
dead — a movement that attracted millions of
Americans, including Abraham and Mary Todd
Lincoln, who organized themselves into séance circles.
Spiritualism also became America’s first religious
export: By the early 1850s fashionable Parisians and
Londoners grew enthralled with table titling, mediums,
and early Ouija boards. Our fascination with the
afterworld has never faded.

Ronald Reagan (1911–2004): Mystic-in-Chief While

Ronald and Nancy’s proclivities for astrology are
widely known, less understood are the New Age,

occult, and mystical ideas that pervaded Reagan’s

character, from positive-thinking metaphysics, to occult
theories of America’s “secret destiny” (courtesy of
Manly P. Hall), to beliefs in psychical powers, hidden
spiritual masters, pre-destination, and UFOs. Strands of
American mysticism ran through Reagan’s famously
enigmatic characters — a fact lost on most biographers
and journalists who simply didn’t recognize the
phrasing and sources behind some of the president’s
most deeply held ideas. During his three decades in
Hollywood, Reagan befriended figures from Hall to
Tarot teacher Eden Gray to psychic Jeane Dixon to
astrologer Carroll Righter (who in 1969 became the first
and only stargazer to appear on the cover of Time
magazine). The sunny Californian who persuaded the
nation that “nothing is impossible,” that America is a
“living, breathing presence” possessed of a spiritual
mission, and who believed that the stars could foretell
the future — and also provide for our national defense
— was, finally and fatefully, the most impactful of the

Part I: Was Gandhi a Christian in faith and Hindu in

name? This article has been co-authored by Shanmukh,
Saswati Sarkar, Divya Kumar Soti and Dikgaj.

Part II: Was Gandhi a Christian in faith and Hindu in

name? This article has been co-authored by Shanmukh,
Saswati Sarkar, Divya Kumar Soti and Dikgaj.

Union Square Park Mohandas Gandhi ------ This

bronze sculpture depicting Mohandas Gandhi (1869–
1948) was sculpted by Kantilal B. Patel (born 1925).
After its dedication on October 2, 1986, the 117th
anniversary of Gandhi’s birth, the sculpture joined
monuments to Washington, Lafayette, and Lincoln in
Union Square Park
Blavatsky promoted a mixture of contemporary
Spiritualism with ancient Greek and Egyptian sources,
such as the writings of Hermes Trismegistos and
Neoplatonic philosophy. It was with the publication of
Blavatsky’s Isis Unveiled in 1877 that the society
assumed the syncretic character that came to define it
during the 1880’s. Drawing on the traditional sources of
western esotericism—Rosicrucianism, Neoplatonism,
Christian mysticism— together with some of the
common tenets of Buddhism and Vedantic Hinduism,
Blavatsky synthesized many of the key concepts used
by 20th century New Age movements—namely, the
existence of an ancient “wisdom religion” or perennial

philosophy, which united all the contemporary religions

into a single truth.

Theosophy quickly assumed the international, Anglo-

Indian identity that so confused contemporary notions
of imperialism—Blavatsky explicitly identified the
society with Indian nationalism, integrating with the
Arya Samaj independence movement and rechristening
it the “Theosophical Society of the Arya Samaj”.
Members of the society during this period included
A.O. Hume, who founded the Indian National Congress
in 1885, and A.P. Sinnett, largely responsible for
popularizing Buddhism in Britain with the bestsellers
Esoteric Buddhism (1883) and The Occult World
(1888). However, these two men, together with
Blavatsky, were complicit in what was perhaps the most
alien, uncompromising, and delegitimizing element of
Theosophical doctrine—the existence of the
“Mahatmas”, semi-divine beings residing in the Tibetan
Himalayas who initiated Blavatsky into ancient
teachings, which she presented to the world as
Theosophy. Blavatsky claimed to deliver, by occult
methods, letters between Hume and Sinnett and the
Mahatmas, which were published in 1882 and initiated
the firestorm of controversy that continued unabated for
decades until the society’s decline in prominence. It
was perhaps this incident (amongst many other tales of
Blavatsky’s mediumistic abilities) that led the Society
for Psychical Research to conduct an investigation into
Theosophy in 1886. At the end of a 200 page report,

Richard Hodgson, the leader of the investigation, stated:

“For our part we regard her neither as the mouthpiece of
hidden seers, nor as a mere vulgar adventuress; we
think that she has achieved a title to permanent
remembrance as one of the most accomplished,
ingenious and interesting impostors in history.”
A Hindu reform movement founded in 1875 by Swami
Dayananda, who was the first Indian to call for
“swarajya” or self-rule.
As the Indian Nationalist movement grew in
prominence, Besant emphasized Hinduism rather than
Buddhism in Theosophical doctrine; she became
president of the Indian National Congress in 1917. The
society also drew attention during this period for their
population of the arrival of a “World Teacher” (based
on the Buddhist notion of the future bodhisattva
Maitreya) who would usher in a new age of spiritual
awakening. The society selected the young boy Jiddhu
It was also during this time that the young Mohandas
Gandhi first became interested in Theosophy, having
met Theosophists while studying law in London.
Gandhi actively promoted Theosophy.
William Quan Judge. Judge went on to establish
headquarters in Pasadena, California, which to this day
operates as “The Theosophical Society”. Besant’s
branch, which maintained the majority of followers and
the Adyar headquarters, is now known as “The
Theosophical Society—Adyar”.

several strands of Theosophical teachings were

tarnished after being appropriated by volkisch groups in
Austria and Germany who promoted neo-pagan
philosophies that laid the foundation for Nazism. And
although certain Nazis (such as Himmler) had a
personal interest in occultism, the Nazi bureaucracy
persecuted occult organizations such as Theosophy,
seeing them as a rival to the state. Similar phenomena
occurred in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe.
Theosophy was extremely popular in Austria, Germany,
and Russia.
Many of Blavatsky and Besant’s teachings have
become well integrated into and popularized by 20th
century New Age philosophy.

Müller fiercely criticized the Theosophical Society,

while Theosophists were heavily influenced by
Nietzsche’s works.

Although Nietzsche would seem opposed to Theosophy

in regards to his antimetaphysical leanings, his
methodology and orientation are remarkably similar.
Like Theosophists, he looked to the ancient past as a
source of inspiration (the preSocratic philosophers and
The Laws of Manu) rather than a modern Christianized
society he viewed as decadent and nihilistic, all the
while rejecting materialist 22 natural science as a
suitable replacement for Christianity. He also, like
Theosophists, developed his philosophy in tandem with
Max Müller’s popularization of ancient Indian texts.

Nietzsche was quite familiar with Müller’s work, and

read Lectures on the Science of Religion in 1875, in
which Müller lavishly praised The Laws of Manu.
Nietzsche was also effusive in his admiration of the
text; his choice of translation, however, offers a
tantalizing glimpse into a rather murky area of his
thought. Louis Jacolliot, a sort of “amateur Indologist”
and translator of Nietzsche’s Manu, has been widely
discredited as a “fraud” with little knowledge or
appreciation of Indian culture. Two of his most vocal
critics were Max Müller and Madame Blavatsky;
however, Jacolliot’s popularity “made him a major
source and even inspiration for the early years of the
Theosophical Society”, writes David Smith, and
Blavatsky does indeed cite Jacolliot in early works such
as Isis Unveiled. 29 Smith also cites a report from Meta
von Salis-Maschlins that states Nietzsche conversed
with Paul Deussen in May 1887 about “the Theosophic
movement’s link to eastern religions.”30 Nietzsche also
attended a spiritualist séance in 1882, after which he
flippantly remarked “I was expecting something else,
and I had in advance provided myself with three fine
theories, physiologico-psychologico-moral, but I didn’t
have to use my theories at all.”31 Nietzsche obviously
displayed some curiosity in Spiritualism and
Theosophy, but his opinions are otherwise unknown.
Theosophists, on the other hand, were eager to invoke
Nietzsche as a “fellow traveler” after his death and
ensuing rise in reputation. This could partly be due to
the fact that Rudolf Steiner, a Theosophist before

founding the Anthroposophical movement, began his

career as a Nietzsche scholar, and visited the ailing
Nietzsche several times before his death. Theosophists
seemed to ignore Nietzsche’s disdain for transcendental
reality, instead choosing to see him as promoting a non-
rationalistic, individualistic spirituality divorced from
Christian dogma.
its easy to why Nietzsche was embraced by
Theosophists, as it soon becomes clear that he did
indeed value something non-material: “Would it not be
probable that… the most superficial and external aspect
of existence—what is most apparent, its skin and
sensualization—would be grasped first—and might
even be the only thing that allowed itself to be

What is this other “thing” that is worth “grasping”?

Nietzsche uses the word “spirit” (geist) throughout his
writings, and its meaning frequently shifts. And while
its unlikely that it implied any Theosophical notion of a
“soul”, its clear that Nietzsche saw some imposition of
purpose, or life-affirmation, as necessary in the process
of seeking knowledge. It’s this notion that seems to
have particularly caught the eyes of Theosophists, and
Madame Blavatsky in particular. While they were more
conciliatory towards modern science than Nietzsche,
their idea of occult science was based on the idea of
hidden properties that operated beyond the material
plane. These properties gave meaning by virtue of their
“hiddenness”, by their requirement of seeking. The

necessity of ‘meaning’ is further emphasized by

Nietzsche in one of his more flippant remarks: “A
‘scientific’ interpretation of the world, as you
understand it, might… be one of the most stupid of all
possible interpretations of the world, meaning that it
would be one of the poorest in meaning.” Theosophists
took it upon themselves to give “meaning” to recent
scientific advancements like special relativity and
quantum mechanics, usually by implying a theological
or metaphysical significance. The inclusion of such
“superfluous” or tangential concepts into science is
something Nietzsche anticipates as well: And even now
the time seems remote when artistic energies and the
practical wisdom of life will join with scientific
thinking to form a higher organic system in relation to
which scholars, physicians, artists, and legislators—as
we know them at present—would have to look like
paltry relics of ancient times. This hope for a new or
revised methodology of science became a key idea for
Theosophists, who wished to broaden the vocabulary of
science to include terms that had been written out by
secularization. Unlike Nietzsche, however, they did not
see this possibility as “remote” at all. Nietzsche claims,
however, that science itself already practices this
imposition of meaning—it has merely chosen a “poor
meaning”: It is no different with the faith with which so
many materialistic natural scientists rest content
nowadays, the faith in a world that is supposed to have
its equivalent and its measure in human thought and
human valuations—a “world of truth” that can be

mastered completely and forever with the aid of our

square little reason.

mk Gandhi – letters to America


revived since 1816 derived from the Old Norse “bjǫrn”,
meaning “bear”, which was also used as a byname, pet
name or as a prefix in order to create compound names
or surnames. In turn this name derives from the Ancient
Germanic “*bernu- / *berô“, meaning “bear, wild
animal”. In Finnish and Finland Swedish, sometimes
also in traditional Swedish, the nickname Nalle (teddy
bear) refers to Björn.
Bera, a legendary queen, wife of Álfr
MEANING: Runic name revived since 1816 derived from

the Old Norse “bjǫrn”, meaning “bear”, which was also

used as a byname, pet name or as a prefix in order to
create compound names or surnames. In turn this name
derives from the Ancient Germanic “*bernu- / *berô“,
meaning “bear, wild animal”. In Finnish and Finland
Swedish, sometimes also in traditional Swedish, the
nickname Nalle (teddy bear) refers to Björn. //

Shiv Narayana Birla was one of the early

Indian traders to participate in this cotton trade. Later,
Britain vigorously fostered the trade of opium with
China and developed the cultivation of poppy in India.
The Ratlam-Mandsaur region (not far from
Ahemdabad) became prime poppy cropland due to
suitable soil and climate. Shiv Narayan Birla and his
adopted son, Baldeo Das Birla, made an enormous
fortune by trading opium with China, and this formed
the basis of the family's fortune.

Baldeo Das Birla = who were his parents ????

Baldeo Das was awarded the Raibahadur title in 1917.

.. In 1925 he was awarded the title of "Raja" by the

government of Bihar and Orissa. Baldeo Das was

succeeded by four sons [6]– Jugal Kishore, Rameshwar
Das, Ghanshyam Das and Braj Mohan.
Baldeo Das, as well his sons were among the key
supporters of the swaraj movement led by Gandhi, in
addition to being dedicated Hindu activists. They were
active supporters of the Banaras Hindu
Universityfounded by Pt. Madan Mohan Malaviya and
were also financial supporters of activities initiated by
Mahatma Gandhi.[13] The landmark Laxminarayan
Temple in Delhi was built by Jugal Kishore Birla and
was inaugurated by Mahatma Gandhi and as asked by
Mahatma, all Hindus, including harijans were
welcomed in this temple.
Birlas remained close to some of the leaders of India,
like Sardar Patel  .
In a letter, Ghanshaym Das offered this advice to
Aditya (his grandson) when he was studying at MIT:
“eat only vegetarian food, never drink alcohol or
smoke …………………

A plan for development of India was developed by a

group of industrialists in 1944, which was termed the
Tata-Birla plan or the Bombay plan,[34] which is said to
have served as a blueprint for India's first five-year

----------- Both Ram Mohan Roy and Dwarkanath

Tagore are buried in Britain. / Dwarkanath even bought

himself a big ship SS India on which he travelled to

London in style to meet Queen Victoria in Jan 1842.
When he arrived at London, the entire British royalty
including Queen Victoria , plus Prime Minister Sir
Robert Peel and the Rothschild clan was at the gangway
to receive him. Rothschild even forced busy Charles
Dickens to dine with brown sahib Dwarkanath.
Rothschild got Dwarkanath invited to Paris by the
French King Louise Phillipe who came all the way to St
Clauden to receive him in Oct 1842.. Dwarkanath was
playing King in India. He even established a Bong
version of Freemason’s society on 21stMarch 1838,
which admitted greedy Englishmen too. Raja Ram
Mohan Roy was the mentor of Dwarkanath in the
Opium Business. By the time Dwarkanath was 39, Roy
was dead and gone.
----- Dwarkanath Tagore was the best corporate minded
entrepreneur of his contemporary age. He helped found
the first Anglo-Indian Managing Agency (industrial
organizations that ran jute mills, coal mines, tea
plantations, etc. Carr, Tagore and Company. Carr,
Tagore and Company was one of those Indian private
companies engaged in the opium trade with China.
Production of opium was in India and it was sold in
China. When the Chinese protested, the East India
company transferred the opium trade to the proxy of
certain selected Indian companies, of which this was
Dwarkanath was a ruthless Zamindar. His cruel and
bizarre habits are recorded by a Hessian Kaiser

Regiment officer Capt Leopold Orlich. Leopold

Orlich had written very clearly the gruesome details of
the 38 whorehouses and brothels Dwarkanath Tagore
ran in Calcutta—including Sonagachi. His palatial
house was stocked with pretty child prostitutes, as
young as 12 years old, which gave him enough leverage
over his British patrons. Using the tried and tested Raja
Ram Mohan Roy method, Dwarkanath got himself the
job of accounts in charge of the East Indian Opium sub-
station at 24 Parganas, which was under the direct
charge of Rothschild British Collector Trevor
Plowden.. Rabindranath Tagore inherited these secret
deeds. Amartya Sen the Nobel Prize winner for
economics and his Rothschild wife are very keen to
holiday at Shantiniketan now-a-days.. Rabindranath
Tagore and the Tagore family are members of Piral
Brahmin group. The term "Pirali" historically carried a
stigmatized and pejorative connotation; its eponym is
the vizier Mohammad Tahir Pir Ali, who served under a
governor of Jessore. Pir Ali was a Brahmin Hindu
who converted to Islam; his actions resulted in the
additional conversion of two Brahmins brothers. As a
result, orthodox Hindu society shunned the brothers'
Hindu relatives (who had not converted), and the
descendants of these Hindu relatives became known as
the Pirali Brahmins — among whom numbered the
Tagores. This unorthodox background ultimately led
the Tagore family to dispense with many of the customs
followed by orthodox Brahmins and subsequently they
embraced the Brahmo sect of Hinduism. Dwaraknath

Tagore was the son of Ramlochan. Tagore family were

Pirali Brahmins ( Muslims ). No high caste Hindu
family would give their sons and daughters to the Pirali
Muslims. Joyram worked as an amin in the settlement
operation of the 24- Parganas when Nawab Mir Zafar
gifted the territory to Robert Clive as a personal giftin
1757. Joyram had connections with both British and
French branches of Rothschild.
--------- Tatas made their initial money by

running drug running business for the British, even

helped them to further their empire. // A Historical
Record as Collaborators of British Imperialism (a) Drug
Running: Tata archives that talk in glowing terms about
Jamsetji Nusserwanji Tata fail to record the family’s
involvement in shipping opium to China in the mid- to
late 1800s. The opium was grown in India and shipped
to China by agents such as Tata for the British. (b)
Empress Mills: Tata’s first industrial venture, a textile
mill in Central India’s cotton-growing region, was
opened on 1 January, 1877 “ the day Queen Victoria
was proclaimed Empress of India. The event was
commemorated by naming the company Empress
Mills. (c) Fueling British Expansionism: Commissioned
in 1908, the Tata Iron and Steel Company in
Jamshedpur cut its teeth supplying the British empire
with steel rails that were crucial in Britain’s war effort
in Northern and East Africa during the 1st World War.
When the war was over, Viceroy Lord Chelmsford said:
I can hardly imagine what we should have done if the

Tata Company had not been able to give us steel rails

which have provided not only for Mesopotamia, but for
Egypt, Palestine and East Africa. (d) Supplying the
British Army: The American civil war ended in 1865,
re-opening raw cotton supplies from the Southern states
of the US for England’s textile mills. That sent India’s
cotton suppliers on a tailspin. Many didn’t recover, but
the Tata family managed to stay afloat by securing a
lucrative contract to supply food and clothing to the
British Army’s Magdala campaign in Abyssinia (now
Ethiopia) in 1868. Courtesy “ International Campaign
for Justice in Bhopal.

----------- The British East India Company in 1750

started cultivating Opium in Bengal and Bihar to
finance its own private army of 1.5 lak soldiers . As a
result there were many famines and deaths in India due
to lack of food. By 1790 they established an monopoly
on Opium trade – and poppy growers in Indian could
sell only to the East India Company. Th East India
company owned by Jews Rothschild family was just a
front for the Queen. She needed the money to prevent
the Empire from becoming bankrupt , as she planned to
expand colonial rule. Opium was the free and easy
option. Thousands of Bengali , Bihari and Malva Indian
farmers were forced to grow Opium . The British queen
Victoria was the biggest drug trafficker in the 19th
century. Britain made drug addicts out of 10 million
Chinese. Opium is highly addictive , and heavy users
last just 5 years. It makes a entire race passive , with no

will to work. Opium was banned in China since nearly

100 years before this. It was Warren Hastings , the
first Governor General of India’s , idea to first traffic
drugs to China in 1780. Even Queen Victoria used
Opium ( Laudanum ) , and records exist in the Royal
Apothecary at Balmoral, as to how many times Opium
was passed on to the royal palace. Gladstone openly
took Laudanum. A lot of British noblemen were Opium
eaters. The Free Mason Lodges of Britain and USA
have their origins in the opium trade, which made them
fabulously rich—and they could buy the unlimited
In India too we had a similar power brokers. They were
the Parsis who came to India as refugees from Iran ,and
till the Opium trade started were petty shop keepers and
garbage buyers/ sellers. These Parsis made fantastic
fortunes by being middle men of the British who trusted
them , as they were not proper Indians, and had no
scruples when it came to prostituting their souls. In
1857 the British crown orchestrated the Indian Sepoy
Mutiny or The first war of Independence, by provoking
the superstitious Indian with pig and cow lard. After
that the British Empire under Lord Palmerston just
took over India—they did NOT require a front like East
India company with a private army any more. And
Queen Victoria officially became empress of India..
The Opium trade in India was controlled by the Parsis .
Some of them also started the Indigenous shipping and
the Wadia Mazagaon /Sassoon docks. The King pin
of the Parsi lot was JJ or Sir Jamsedjee Jeejeebhoy

( 1753 to 1859 ). He shared his spoils with the British ,

was their middle-man, and did their dirty work—so
they knighted him in 1842 –and made him a Baron in
1857. He partnered Jardine and Matheson in
HongKong to be the leaders of the biggest drug cartel in
the world. He was one of the 6 directors of the Bank of
Bombay, in addition to owning ships, agencies,
brokering houses, and commercial clearing houses. JJ
was born in India in 1783, to a impoverished weaver in
Yatha Yahu Vairyo Muhalla near Crawford market
Mumbai. --and soon became an orphan. Till the age of
16 he had NO formal education. Then he burst into the
big league of drug running. He visited China on East
India company ships. He was also called Battliwala, as
he lived with his uncle Framjee who dealt in recycled
garbage bottles . At the age of 20 he married
Batliwala’s 10 year old daughter Avibhai. He was the
first to be knighted from India and made a Baron, by a
grateful queen Victoria—as he held the moolah. JJ was
initiated into the opium trade by another Parsi by the
name of Hirji Readymoney. Hirji has small ships
smuggling opium to Canton in 1755. His sudden wealth
and splurge earned him the nickname Ready money.
Soon Pestonji Bomanji Wadia from Parel , Cowasji,
Petit, Patel, Mehta , Modi, Cama ,Tata etc joined them
. Wadia built the Cusrow baug, Lal Baug, Navroz baug
and Ness baug. "freedom fighter" Madame Cama . Her
lawyer husband Rustom Cama and her Patel parents
were in the drug business. JJ made several trips to
Canton by ship , with his chinese servants. He became

close friends with Jardine in 1805 on a trip to China.

Parsis monopolized the Malva opium. On one of his
trips he met Matheson who was being held captive by
the French in China. In 1859 Nussarwanji Tata
floated the firm Jamsetji and Ardeshir in Hong Kong
with two other partners to import opium. A Bagdadhi
jew by the name of Sassoon (blood relative of
Rothschild family ) gave the Parsis stiff competition in
the drug trade. He built Sassoon docks, Elphinstone
college, Sassoon library and Flora fountain.

By 1800 Parsis owned half of Bombay—they invested

in land. As he became older he became respectable and
built all the JJ buildings of Mumbai—JJ arts, JJ
architecture, JJ commercial art , JJ hospital, Mahim
causeway etc. He was close to the British governor of
Bombay Sir Robert Grant for whom built the Grant
Hospital, for diplomatic protection .
Jardine Matheson group is still the Largest
Conglomerate group in Hong Kong. We all know who
controls Mumbai . Jardine and Matheson had met in
1818 at Canton. American Elihu Yale used Chinese
opium money to fund Yale university.

The Bengal opium centre was Rangpur, ( in Bangladesh

now ). Raja Ram Mohan Roy was the British East India
Company resident accountant for Opium accounts--
from where he embezelled money. Dwarkendranath
Tagore ( the grandfather of Rabindranath Tagore from

Calcutta ) , Raja Ram Mohan Roy ( Rangpur,

Bangladesh ) and Ghanshyam Birla ( from Calcutta )
were some of the drug trafficking agents and stooges of
Rothschild in the East part of India. In 1910, Sir
Sarupchand Hukumchand , a front for Rothschild ,. His
son Sir Seth Hukum Chand Jain too was knighted and
was known as the “cotton prince” of India .

BITS Pilani Univeristy was founded by Ghanshyam

Das Birla using Opium drug money in 1929-- as was
the fashion , in those days. GD Birla was knighted?? by
a grateful Rothscild at the age of 32. He was known to
tell Gandhiji what to do, next. Parsi opium drug runner
SIR Cowasjee Jehangir Readymoney made Elphinstone
College. He also made a big part of Mumbai University.
He got knighted for making a fantastic fountain at
Regents parl London.

Opium drug runner Jamshedji Nusserwanji Tata made

the Indian Institute of Science in 1911. Opium drug
runner Hormusjee Modi made Hongkong University in
1911. There are thousands of Opium records in US
universities funded by Opium money like Yale
University, Columbia University , Princeton University,
Harward University, Carnegie Melon University ,
Chicago University, John Hopkins School of Pubic
health, Rockfeller University and Ivy League
universities, still being exhumed and researched.










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