0912 3956 PDF
0912 3956 PDF
0912 3956 PDF
Modeling and Application of Series Elastic
Actuators for Force Control Multi Legged
Arumugom.S, Muthuraman.S, Ponselvan.V
Abstract— Series Elastic Actuators provide many benefits in force control of robots in unconstrained environments. These benefits
good force control bandwidth. Series Elastic Actuators employ
include high force fidelity, extremely low impedance, low friction, and
a novel mechanical design architecture which goes against the common machine design principal of “stiffer is better”. A compliant
element is placed between the gear train and driven load to intentionally reduce the stiffness of the actuator. A position sensor
measures the deflection, and the force output is accurately calculated using Hooke’s Law (F=Kx). A control loop then servos the
actuator to the desired output force. The resulting actuator has inherent
shock tolerance, high force fidelity and extremely low
impedance. These characteristics are desirable in many applications including legged robots, exoskeletons for human performance
amplification, robotic arms, haptic interfaces, and adaptive suspensions. We describe several variations of Series Elastic Actuators
that have been developed using both electric and hydraulic components.
Index Terms— Series Elastic Actuators, legged robots, force control.
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1. INTRODUCTION perfect force source. These limitations include
seal friction and are often nearly impossible to back infinite in some types of non‐backdriveable gear
drive. By adding Series Elasticity to these reductions with large reduction factors. Such a
conventional systems, a force‐controllable actuator system would result in extremely poor force fidelity.
with low impedance, low friction, and good Since the reflected inertia seen at the output of the
bandwidth will result. Below we describe other state‐ actuator increases by the square of the gear ratio, the
of‐the‐art methods for force‐controllable actuators. actuator’s impedance also becomes extremely large.
Then we describe Series Elastic Actuators in Given these performance characteristics, servomotors
some detail. Finally, we describe some typical with gear reductions relying on current control are
applications for Series Elastic Actuators, highlighting unsuitable for use in applications requiring high
some previous legged robots and exoskeletons that quality force controlled actuators. Significant
were enabled with Series Elastic Actuators. improvements can be made to geared actuators by
using cable drive transmission in lieu of conventional
2. STATE-OF-THE-ARTFORCE gear reductions. Geared actuators have non‐linear,
CONTROL TECHNOLOGIES non‐continuous dynamics such as stiction and
backlash that are hard to model and thus hard to
Traditional technologies for force control include compensate for. Cable drive transmissions, on the
current control with direct drive actuation, current other hand, have low stiction and low backlash. Their
control with a geared actuator, current control with dynamics are fairly linear and easy to model.
low‐friction cable drive transmissions, load cells with Dynamic models of the drive train can then be used
force feedback, and fluid pressure control. In a direct in the force controller to help mask the effects of
drive actuator, a high quality servomotor is directly actuator inertia and viscous friction. However, cable
connected to the load and the torque output is drives require large pulleys in order to get a
accurately controlled using the relation between significant transmission ratio. In many applications,
motor torque and motor current. However, space is too limited to accommodate these large
servomotors operate inefficiently at the low speeds pulley systems.
and high torques required in most robotic
applications. To compensate for their small torques, To mitigate the effects of friction and inertia
direct drive servomotors are selected with a power introduced in conventional geared actuators, as
rating much higher than the actual useful power described above, a load cell and a feedback control
output. This practice results in an ungainly and algorithm can be used. The load cell measures the
expensive design. While direct drive actuators are a force imparted on the load by the actuator. The
good approximation of a perfect force source, they feedback controller calculates the error between the
are typically too large and heavy for robots that must measured force and the desired force and applies the
support the weight of their actuators. Their use is appropriate current to the motor to correct any
therefore limited to applications where the actuator discrepancies. The active force sensing and closed
can be placed in a non‐moving base of the robot. loop control work together to decrease the effects of
friction and inertia, thereby attaining a higher force
Alternately, smaller and lighter servomotors can fidelity and lower impedance than with current
be used in low speed/high torque applications if a control alone. However, the load cell method has
gear reduction is used to reduce the speed and several shortcomings. First, a stiff load cell can
increase the torque of the motor output. The present stability problems.
reduction allows the motor to operate in its sweet
spot (high speed/low torque), while providing the Consider the case of a stiff load cell between a
low speed/high torque output characteristics linear actuator and rigid load. Even a slight linear
desirable in most robotic applications. Current movement will generate extremely large force
control can then be applied to the geared actuator to readings on the load cell. A high‐gain feedback
control force output. A gear reduction has the major controller would quickly pull the actuator away from
drawbacks of introducing significant friction and of the load, causing the force to drop rapidly. The result
increasing the reflected inertia at the output of the would be chatter between the actuator and the load.
gearbox. In fact, friction can become essentially To avoid chatter and maintain stability, the closed
loop control gains must be kept very low. The result the load. A control system servos the motor to reduce
is a sluggish control system that is unable to respond the difference between the desired force and the
to small forces. Thus, the effects of friction and inertia measured force signal. The motor can be electrical,
cannot be completely masked with the closed loop hydraulic, pneumatic, or other traditional servo
control system. In addition, shock loads can easily system.
damage the actuator system if a stiff load cell is
employed. Both the load cell and gear reduction are Similar to the load cell method, Series Elastic
susceptible to frequent and expensive damage. While Actuators use active force sensing and closed loop
electric actuators can control force by controlling control to diminish the effects of friction and inertia.
current, pneumatic and hydraulic systems can control By measuring the compression of the compliant
force by controlling pressure. In both cases, seal element, the force on the load can be calculated using
friction can significantly hamper the ability to Hooke’s Law. A feedback controller calculates the
produce small forces. error between the actual force and the desired force,
Pneumatic systems also suffer from low power applying appropriate current to the motor to correct
density and are difficult to position control. any force errors.
Hydraulic systems generally have high impedance
due to both seal friction and large fluidic inertia. In contrast to the load cell method, Series
Fluidic muscles or McKibben Muscles are pneumatic Elasticity introduces significant compliance between
actuators that deform an elastomeric tube to create a the actuator’s output and the load, allowing for
contracting force. While fluidic muscles do not have greatly increased control gains. Consider, as above,
any sliding seals and therefore can reliably produce the case of a compliant spring between a linear
small forces, they are generally not a good choice for actuator and rigid load. A moderate linear movement
force control applications due to their nonlinear will generate a very small force reading. Thus, closed
response, hysteresis, and small stroke to length ratio. loop control gains can be very high while still
insuring the absence of chatter and presence of
3. SERIES ELASTIC ACTUATORS stability. Increased control gains greatly reduce
impedance (increase back‐driveability) and reduce
Series Elastic Actuators have low impedance and the effects of stiction to give the actuators clean force
friction, and thus can achieve high quality force output. Because high impedance and high stiction
control. They therefore are well suited for robots in components are tolerable, the cost and weight can be
unstructured environments. In Series Elastic reduced by allowing the use of smaller, low precision
Actuators, stiff load cells (which are delicate, actuator components and replacing expensive load
expensive, and induce chatter) are replaced with a cells with simple springs and position transducers
significantly compliant elastic element (which is (encoders, potentiometers). These improvements can
robust, inexpensive, and stable). Figure 1 shows the be realized in both electric and hydraulic actuation
architecture of Series Elastic Actuators. Note that domains.
Series Elastic Actuators are topologically similar to
any motion actuator with a load sensor and closed Compared to an actuator with a stiff load cell, Series
loop control system. Elastic Actuators have the following benefits:
1. The actuators exhibit lower output impedance and
back‐driveability, even in hydraulic systems. The
dynamic effects of the motor inertia and gear train
friction (or fluidic inertia and seal friction) are nearly
invisible at the output. In traditional systems, the
actuator dynamics often dominate the mechanism
dynamics, making it difficult to accomplish tasks that
require high force fidelity.
Figure 1: Schematic diagram of a Series Elastic 2. Shock tolerance is greatly improved by the spring
Actuator. A spring is placed between the motor and placed in series between the drive train and the load.
3. The force transmission fidelity (or smoothness) of train subassembly and an output carriage
the gear reduction or piston is no longer critical, subassembly. The
allowing inexpensive gear reduction to be used.
Gears typically transmit position with much higher
fidelity than force. The series elasticity serves as a
transducer between gear reduction output position
and load force, greatly increasing the fidelity of force
which is limited by residual stiction, is approximately
one pound.
We are currently developing hydraulic Series
Elastic Actuators for an Army sponsored SBIR to
build a gas powered, hydraulically driven
quadrupedal robot. These actuators are similar in
operation to the electrical Series Elastic Actuators
except that a hydraulic cylinder replaces the motor In Table 1 the Series Elastic Actuators are
and ball screw. Hydraulics have impressive power to compared with traditional actuation methods. Series
weight compared to electric motors. However, they Elasticity improves the force fidelity of gear motors
are often more difficult to use in applications and hydraulics so they are comparable to direct drive
requiring good force control, such as legged robots, motors without sacrificing high force/torque
due to their poor backdrivability. By implementing capabilities. They are lighter than direct drive motors
Series Elastic Actuators with hydraulic cylinders, the in high force applications since they can use an
result is an excellent force generator. Figure 5 shows optimal gear reduction. Position controllability
an exploded view of a hydraulic Series Elastic remains good as a position servo can be implemented
Actuator that can produce 1300 lbs of force and on top of the force control servo. Some bandwidth is
achieve a force‐control bandwidth of 50 Hz. lost in that process. However, we have found that the
achievable position control bandwidth of Series
Elastic Actuators is still higher than that of
muscle.The specification of each actuator can be seen
below in Table 2.
continuous and intermittent specifications are and legs that swing passively. Similarly, natural
identical as we assume that the hydraulic power dynamics can be exploited in the control of bipedal
circuit can provide adequate power and fluid cooling. walking robots: the swing‐leg can swing freely once
In many applications, particularly legged robots, the started; a kneecap can be used to prevent the leg from
power limit will be due to those components. inverting; and a compliant ankle can be used to
naturally transfer the center of pressure along the
foot and help in toe off. Each of these mechanisms
helps make control easier to achieve and results in
motion that is smooth and natural looking.
In order to exploit passive dynamics in a
robot, the actuators must present extremely low
impedance and friction to the system. Unfortunately,
with traditional actuation systems such as hydraulics
and highly geared motors, the output impedance and
inertia are high. In contrast, Series Elastic Actuators
present extremely low impedance and low friction
and thus may be used in robots that exploit their
4. APPLICATIONS natural dynamics. Like a multi‐legged table, a multi‐
legged robot may present an indeterminate, over
4.1. Legged Robots constrained system with regards to the ground
reaction forces on each foot. One of the legs of the
Actuators with muscle‐like properties could table may be off the ground, allowing for rocking of
allow legged robots to achieve performance the table. Similarly, in a multi‐legged robot that uses
approaching that of their biological counterparts. rigid position control, the legs may produce
Some of the beneficial properties of muscle include its conflicting forces on the body, causing foot slippage
low impedance, high force‐fidelity, low friction, and and large internal forces. Series Elastic Actuators can
good bandwidth. Series Elastic Actuators share these prevent these problems by providing for accurately
beneficial properties with muscle and thus are well distributed forces among the feet of the robot, which
suited for legged robots. These high quality force‐ can be independent of the position of the feet. The
controllable actuators allow the control system to high force fidelity of a Series Elastic Actuator
exploit the natural dynamics of the robot, to provides for stability and prevents slippage, giving
distribute forces among the legs, and to provide an the robot a sure footing.
active suspension that is robust to rough terrain.
Series Elastic Actuators provide for an
Most airplanes are designed to have wings effective active suspension system due to their high‐
so that they glide stably, requiring only a simple force fidelity and low impedance. Active suspensions
power source and simple control to fly; early can be used to arbitrarily orient and isolate payloads
locomotives used fly‐ball governors, a mechanical and can impart restoring forces to a robot’s center of
feedback device, to help maintain constant speed; mass, allowing for dynamic balancing. These active
satellites and rifle bullets spin to stabilize their suspension behaviors are not possible when
trajectory. These machines were designed so that operating a purely position‐controlled robot in an
their natural dynamics allow minimal control effort. unknown environment. For this reason, robots that
Animals have evolved similar mechanisms that follow rigid trajectories have trouble walking over
exploit natural dynamics. Birds have wings that rough terrain because they cannot conform to the
allow for stable gliding. Fish have hydro‐dynamically terrain or apply restoring forces dynamically to the
stable shapes and are neutrally buoyant. robot. In contrast, Series Elastic Actuators may be
used to control the net interaction forces between the
Running animals have springy legs. And robot and the ground, providing an active suspension
walking animals have joint limits, compliant ankles,
randomly move the peg around in the vicinity of the REFERENCES
hole until it drops in. Series Elasticity also provides
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Figure 8: CAD model of Agile Robotic Arm with 6 Mr.S.Arumugom M.E., Electrical Engineering Degree holder, He
force controlled degrees of freedom. has passed M.E. Power systems in first class with distinction.
He has teaching and industrial experience of about nine years.
5 CONCLUSIONS He is currently working as Asst. Professor in Udaya School of
Engineering, Tamilnadu, India.
Series Elastic Actuators’ ability to closely
approximate a pure force source allows them to Mr.S.Muthuraman is working as Assistant Professor in Dept. of
better integrate into many robotic applications, Mechanical Engineering for Sun College of Engineering and
including legged robots, human‐in‐the‐loop systems, Technology. He has passed M.E with First class Distinction. He
haptic interfaces, and robotic arms. This technology is has Teaching and Industrial Experience of about nine Years.
independent of actuation method and has been
proven in both electric and hydraulic applications. Mr.V.Ponselvan M.E., Electrical Engineering Degree holder, He
This cross‐platform suitability allows Series Elastic has passed M.E. Applied Electronics in first class. He has
Actuator technology to be readily integrated into new teaching and industrial experience of about three years. He is
machines as well as retrofitted into legacy equipment. currently working as Lecturer in Udaya School of Engineering.