Advanced Servo Manipulator: A Milestone in Remote Handling Technology
Advanced Servo Manipulator: A Milestone in Remote Handling Technology
Advanced Servo Manipulator: A Milestone in Remote Handling Technology
Mechanical Design
Degrees of Freedom
Manipulator Structure
Modular Design
The manipulator has articulated structure, with all revolute
joints. It can be configured as elbow-down or elbow-up It is easy to assemble or disassemble the manipulator
type, to suit the equipment layout in the hotcell. sub-assemblies for maintenance. The major modules of
Elbow-down configuration is similar to the human hand. the manipulator are base, upper arm, forearm, wrist and
Fig. 3 shows the slave arm in elbow-down configuration. gripper as shown in Fig. 2. The actuator assemblies of
During operation, the master arm converts every The major challenge in gripper design is reduction of
movement of its handgrip into joint rotations. Moreever, gripper size and weight. The ability of the manipulator
it converts the torque generated by its motors into force to orient its gripper (dexterity) increases with decrease in
and torque at handgrip, for providing force reflection to gripper length. Moreover, the increase in gripper length
the operator. In the slave arm too, the conversion of is not desirable from load carrying capacity, position error
force and motion between the gripper and joints are and force reflection points of view. ASM gripper, which
bi-directional. Therefore, we have designed all mechanical can open upto 100 mm and handle a weight of 25 kg,
transmissions in master arm and the slave arm to be has a length of only 170 mm.
back drivable. Back-drivability also helps the slave arm to
The master arm and the slave arm have the same structure
and link lengths. The corresponding motors of the master
arm and slave arm are identical. The major difference
between the master and slave arms is in their end-effectors
Fig. 4: Wrist and Gripper of the Slave Arm and load-carrying capacities.
Master Arm Gear ratios in the gearboxes of the master arm are so
decided, that the maximum joint torque is only one-third
Speed (task completion time), accuracy, ease of learning, of the corresponding slave joint torque. Reduction in
operator fatigue and joint coordination are the major friction and inertia, due to the lower gear ratios in master
factors deciding the usability of an input device. Input arm, reduce operator effort and give better force
devices of a computer, such as mouse or joystick, can reflection. Moreover, the resulting lower torque limit
control and coordinate two or three variables protects the human operator from any controller
simultaneously. However, a typical remote handling task, malfunction.
needs control of six configuration variables of the end-
effector. Therefore, we have designed a master arm as Actuators and Sensors
an input device for simultaneous control of six
configuration variables. Operator can sense as well as ASM uses brushless AC servomotors as mechanical power
control three components of force and three components sources. These are permanent magnet synchronous motors
of torque through the master arm. All these variables are with wound stator and permanent magnet rotor.
Servo Drive
Position loop update rate 500 Hz ASMC has eight joint controllers, one for each master-
Velocity loop update rate 5/10 KHz slave joint pair of the manipulators. A joint controller
Current loop computation time 6 μs exchanges information between the servo drives of the
PWM Carrier frequency 70 kHz corresponding joints, in real time. In addition to this, it
Continuous output current 5 A (750 W) supports indexing, joint alignment, brake control and
Overload output current 15 A fault protection. Fig. 10 shows the hardware block
Max. RS232C speed 115.2 kbps diagram of the joint controller.
Coordinating Computer
From the PC, it gets limits for position, speed and torque;
gain factors for position and speed; operator applied brake
status and indexing position. It provides positions, speed
and torque of joints; motor brake status; motor
temperature status (hot/ cold) and drive fault status to
the PC for display and diagnostic purposes.
A keypad is mounted on the master handgrip. It has keys Gains of each joint controller are separately tuned, to
for selecting force reflection ratio and torque limits. achieve accurate and stable trajectory, following the slave
Operator can select a joint for indexing and start indexing joint with respect to that of the corresponding master
motions in forward or reverse direction. Toggle keys are joint. Fig. 12 shows the typical trajectory of slave motor
provided for applying/releasing brake on all joints and with reference to the master input.
locking/unlocking the slave gripper. Operator can use the
keypad with his thumb, while holding the handgrip.
General Specifications
Degrees of freedom: 6 (+1 optional)
Payload: 25 kg (at all positions)
Maximum reach: 1.2 m
Gripper opening: 100 mm
Force reflection ratio: 0 to 1.0,
subjected to a maximum force of 8 kg