Ifu BX e LDH Ifcc 1

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Diagnostic reagent for quantitative in vitro determination of lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) in serum or
plasma on Sysmex BX-Series

Order information Performance Characteristics

Cat. No. Kit size Number of tests Measuring range up to 1200 U/L (20 µkat/L) LDH (in case of higher
1 4211 99 10 972 R1 3 x 11.8 mL BX-3010 3 x 90 tests activities re-measure samples after manual dilution with NaCl solution
BX-4000 3 x 62 tests (9 g/L) or use rerun function).
R2 3 x 5.1 mL BX-3010 3 x 90 tests Limit of detection** 6 U/L (0.1 µkat/L) LDH
On-board stability 6 weeks
BX-4000 3 x 62 tests
Calibration stability 1 week
Method ** lowest measurable activity which can be distinguished from zero
mean + 3 SD (n=20) of an analyte free specimen
Optimized UV-test according to IFCC (International Federation of
Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine) and DGKC (German Interfering substance Interferences Analyte
Society of Clinical Chemistry) < 10% concentration
Ascorbate up to 30 mg/dL 183 U/L (3.06 µkat/L)
Principle Hemoglobin up to 11 mg/dL 286 U/L (4.77 µkat/L)
+ LDH +
Bilirubin, conjugated up to 55 mg/dL 185 U/L (3.08 µkat/L)
L-Lactate + NAD Pyruvate + NADH + H Bilirubin, unconjugated up to 40 mg/dL 182 U/L (3.03 µkat/L)
Lipemia (triglycerides) up to 2000 mg/dL 256 U/L(4.26 µkat/L)
Reagents up to 2000 mg/dL 184 U/L(3.06 µkat/L)
For further information on interfering substances refer to Young DS [7].
Components and Concentrations
R1: N-Methyl-D-Glucamine pH 9.40 420 mmol/L Precision (BX-3010)
L-Lactate 65 mmol/L
+ Within run (n=20) Sample 1 Sample 2 Sample 3
R2: NAD 50 mmol/L
Mean [U/L] 123 199 346
Storage Instructions and Reagent Stability Mean [µkat/L] 2.06 3.31 5.76
The reagents are stable up to the end of the indicated month of Coefficient of variation [%] 2.84 2.27 1.47
expiry, if stored at 2 – 8°C, protected from light and contamination Between run (n=20) Sample 1 Sample 2 Sample 3
is avoided. Do not freeze the reagents! Mean [U/L] 130 197 343
Warnings and Precautions Mean [µkat/L] 2.17 3.28 5.71
Coefficient of variation [%] 3.48 2.69 2.06
1. In very rare cases, samples of patients with gammopathy might
give falsified results [8]. Method comparison (n=100)
2. Please refer to the safety data sheets and take the necessary Test x LDH FS IFCC (Biomajesty 6010C)
precautions for the use of laboratory reagents. For diagnostic Test y LDH FS IFCC (BX-4000)
purposes, the results should always be assessed with the Slope 1.03
patient’s medical history, clinical examinations and other Intercept –6.30 U/L (–0.105 µkat/L)
findings. Coefficient of correlation 0.983
3. For professional use only!
Conversion factor
Waste Management
LDH [U/L] x 0.0167= LDH [µkat/L]
Please refer to local legal requirements.
Reagent Preparation Reference Range
The reagents are ready to use. The bottles are placed directly into Female Male
the reagent trays. Adults [2] < 247 U/L < 248 U/L
Children [3]
Specimen 1 – 30 day(s) 145 – 765 U/L 125 – 735 U/L
Serum, heparin plasma or EDTA plasma 31 days – 1 year 190 – 420 U/L 170 – 450 U/L
1 – 3 year(s) 165 – 395 U/L 155 – 345 U/L
Stability [1]: 4 – 6 years 135 – 345 U/L 155 – 345 U/L
4 days at 20 – 25°C 7 – 9 years 140 – 280 U/L 145 – 300 U/L
6 weeks at 4 – 8°C 10 – 12 years 120 – 260 U/L 120 – 325 U/L
Discard contaminated specimens. 13 – 15 years 100 – 275 U/L 120 – 290 U/L
16 – 18 years 105 – 230 U/L 105 – 235 U/L
Calibrators and Controls
For calibration DiaSys TruCal U calibrator is recommended. This Female Male
method has been standardized against the original IFCC Adults [2] < 4.12 µkat/L < 4.14 µkat/L
formulation. For internal quality control DiaSys TruLab N and P Children [3]
controls should be assayed. Each laboratory should establish 1 – 30 day(s) 2.42 – 12.8 µkat/L 2.09 – 12.3 µkat/L
corrective action in case of deviations in control recovery. 31 days – 1 year 3.17 – 7.01 µkat/L 2.84 – 7.52 µkat/L
Cat. No. Kit size 1 – 3 year(s) 2.76 – 6.60 µkat/L 2.59 – 5.76 µkat/L
TruCal U 5 9100 99 10 063 20 x 3 mL 4 – 6 years 2.25 – 5.76 µkat/L 2.59 – 5.76 µkat/L
5 9100 99 10 064 6 x 3 mL 7 – 9 years 2.34 – 4.68 µkat/L 2.42 – 5.01 µkat/L
TruLab N 5 9000 99 10 062 20 x 5 mL 10 – 12 years 2.00 – 4.34 µkat/L 2.00 – 5.43 µkat/L
5 9000 99 10 061 6 x 5 mL 13 – 15 years 1.67 – 4.59 µkat/L 2.00 – 4.84 µkat/L
TruLab P 5 9050 99 10 062 20 x 5 mL 16 – 18 years 1.75 – 3.84 µkat/L 1.75 – 3.92 µkat/L
5 9050 99 10 061 6 x 5 mL Each laboratory should check if the reference ranges are
transferable to its own patient population and determine own
reference ranges if necessary.

Reagent Information Page 1 of 6 * fluid stable

Literature Manufacturer
st DiaSys Diagnostic Systems GmbH
1. Guder WG, Zawta B et al. The Quality of Diagnostic Samples. 1 ed. IVD
Darmstadt: GIT Verlag; 2001; p. 36-7. Alte Strasse 9 65558 Holzheim Germany
2. Schumann G, Bonora R, Ceriotti F, Férard G et al. IFCC primary
reference procedure for the measurement of catalytic activity
concentrations of enzymes at 37 °C. Part 3: Reference procedure for
the measurement of catalytic concentration of lactate dehydrogenase.
Clin Chem Lab Med 2002; 40: 643-48.
3. Soldin JS, Hicks JM. Pediatric reference ranges. Washington: AACC
Press. 1995: p. 95.
4. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Klinische Chemie. (German Society for
Clinical Chemistry). Recommendation for the determinaion of the
catalytic concentration of lactate dehydrogenase at 37 °C. Eur J Clin
Chem Clin Biochem 1993; 31: 897-9.
5. Thomas L. Clinical laboratory diagnostics. 1 ed. Frankfurt: TH-Books
Verlagsgesellschaft; 1998. p. 89-94.
6. Moss DW, Henderson AR. Clinical enzymology In: Burtis CA,
Ashwood ER, editors. Tietz Textbook of Clinical Chemistry. 3 ed.
Philadelphia: W.B Saunders Company; 1999. 617-721.
7. Young DS. Effects of Drugs on Clinical Laboratory Tests. 5th ed.
Volume 1 and 2. Washington, DC: The American Association for
Clinical Chemistry Press 2000.
8. Bakker AJ, Mücke M. Gammopathy interference in clinical chemistry
assays: Mechanisms, detection and prevention. Clin Chem Lab med
2007; 45(9): 1240–1243.

Reagent Information Page 2 of 6

LDH FS IFCC Chemistry Code 100 56

Chemistry Parameters 1 Sysmex BX-3010 Chemistry Analyzer

Analytical Parameters
Method No. * Method Name LDH Reagent Name Reagent (µL) Water (µL)

Print Name LDH MethodColor R1 LDH 100

Sample Type Serum R2 LDH 25

Unit U/L Diluent Disable

Assay Type Rate Sample Ppt. Wash Disable

Measuring points Start End Stirring Speed R1 Middle R2 Middle

1 30 – 45

2 Disable –
Normal Range
No. Normal Range Name Min Max
Wave Length 1 Male-G1 * *
Prim. 340 Sec. 415 2 Male-G2 * *
3 Male-G3 * *
4 Female-G1 * *

Normal Sample Volume (µL) Diluted Sample (µL) Diluent (µL) Technical Range
Low Normal High (Conc) 6 – 1200
 Diluent 0.0 < 1.9 < 0.0 (mAbs/10) * – *
Rerun (High/Prozone)
 Diluent 0.0 < 1.9 < 0.0 Previous Result Comparison (%) * * %
Rerun (Low)
 Diluent 0.0 < 1.9 < 0.0 Abnormal Range (Conc) * – *

Panic Range (Conc) * – *

Decimal Point 0 Profile SI Disable

*Entered by user

Chemistry Parameters 2 Sysmex BX-3010 Chemistry Analyzer

Analytical Parameters
Method No. * Method Name LDH Sample Serum

Limit Checks Blank measurement

 Duplicate Limit 20 mAbs/10 Blank measurement:
Disable reagent blank and C1 blank
 Sensitivity Limit 250 mAbs/10
Measurement of Reagent Blank during Run:
 Linearity Limit 10 % None

140 (mAbs/10)/min Reagent blank measurement at calibration:

Reagent blank (No sample)
 Prozone Limit Higher %
The number of measurement:

SL1-S – SL1-F Reagent blank limit checks:

 Duplicate Limit 20 mAbs/10
SL2-S – SL2-F

Sensitivity mAbs/10 Instrument Factor

 Absorbance Limit a 1.00 b 0.00

Abs. in reaction Increase

Limit 14000 mAbs/10

Application BX-3010 Page 3 of 6

LDH FS IFCC Chemistry Code 100 56

Calibration Registration Sysmex BX-3010 Chemistry Analyzer

Analytical Parameters

Reagent Lot No.

Method No. * (R1) * Last
(R2) *
Method Name LDH

Sample Type Serum

Replication Duplicate

Check Interval 7

Test without calibration


Calibration Type Linear

Reagent Lot New Add The calibration curve is lot dependent

Calibrator Name TruCal U

Conc. WORK MASTER Calibr. Lot No.  All

Automatic entry Automatic entry
C1 0 * Reagent blank mAbs/10 Last
Automatic entry Automatic entry
C2 * *
Automatic entry
C3 * Blank mAbs/10 Last
C4 *
C5 * Calibration Curve Conc.
C6 *
C7 * Absorbance mAbs/10 Recalculation

K Automatic entry
 C1 Blank
 Reagent Blank for C1

*Entered by user

Application BX-3010 Page 4 of 6

LDH FS IFCC Chemistry Code 100 56

Chemistry Parameters Sysmex BX-4000 Chemistry Analyzer

Analytical Parameters
Method * Name LDH Reagent Name Reagent (µL) Water (µL)

Print Name LDH R1 LDH 150

Sample Serum R2  Enable LDH 38

Unit U/L

Assay Type Rate Diluent  Enable

Measuring points Start End Decimal Points 0

1 44 – 68

 Enable 2 –
Normal Range
No. Normal Range Name Min Max
Wave Length 1 Male-G1 * *
Prim. 340 Sec  Disable 415 2 Male-G2 * *
3 Male-G3 * *
4 Female-G1 * *

Normal Sampling Sample (µL) Diluent (µL) Technical Range

 Dilution 2.8 (Conc) 6 – 1200
Rerun (High/Prozone) (mAbs/10) –
 Dilution 2.8
Rerun (Low)
 Dilution 2.8 Reagent Name
SPT Wash  Enable

Stirring Speed R1 Middle R2 Middle

*Entered by user

Chemistry Parameters Sysmex BX-4000 Chemistry Analyzer

Analytical Parameters
Method No. * Name LDH Sample Serum

Limit Checks Blank measurement

 Duplicate Limit 20 mAbs/10 Blank measurement:
Disable reagent blank and S1 blank
 Sensitivity Limit 250 mAbs/10
Measurement of Reagent Blank during Run:
 Linearity Limit 10 % 140 (mAbs/10)/min None

 Prozone Limit % Upper Reagent blank measurement at calibration:

Reagent blank (No sample)
SL1-S – SL1-F
The number of measurement:
SL2-S – SL2-F Duplicate

Sensitivity mAbs/10 Reagent blank limit checks:

 Duplicate Limit 20 mAbs/10
 Absorbance Limit

Reaction Increase Instrument Factor

Limit 14000 mAbs/10 a 1.00 b 0.00

Application BX-4000 Page 5 of 6

LDH FS IFCC Chemistry Code 100 56

Registration Calibration Sysmex BX-4000 Chemistry Analyzer

Analytical Parameters

Method * Name LDH R Lot No. R1 * Last

R2 *
Sample Serum

Sampling Duplicate

Check Interval 7 days

Auto Change Lot Full Calibration

Auto Interval hours

Type Linear Lot New

Material Name TruCal U The calibration curve is lot dependent

Reagent blank mAbs/10 Last

Conc. WORK MASTER Lot No. (S)  All
Automatic entry Automatic entry Automatic entry
S1 0 Blank mAbs/10 Last
Automatic entry Automatic entry
S2 *
S3 * Type Conc.
S4 *
S5 * Absorbance mAbs/10 Recalculation
S6 *
S7 *

K Automatic entry
 S1 Blank  Reagent Blank for S1

*Entered by user

Application BX-4000 Page 6 of 6 October 2016/1

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