Feints PES 6 Finte

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Matthews Feint:

Basically, all you need to do is have the ball at your feet in a stationary posi
tion, then press first left and then right, or vice versa (where left and right
refers to 90 degrees from the direction your player is facing). As you might hav
e guessed, this can be done in both directions by all players it seems.
Drawback Side Extension (aka "The V-Feint"):
An elaboration of the drawback move. First stand still with the ball right in fr
ont of you. Next, hold R2 and press in the opposite direction from where you are
facing. When executed, immediately release R2 and press 45 degrees forward in t
he direction of your players preferred foot. This will make your player first dr
aw back the ball with his sole, and then immediately angle it forward and to the
side. Seems quite useful actually. Unlike the Matthews Feint above, this move o
nly seems to work towards the side of your players good foot. Not sure if Weak F
oot Accuracy or Frequency matters, or Technique or Dribble Accuracy.
Stationary Stepover to Dash:
New move where you stand still with the ball close to you (important). Next, tap
R2 twice for a quick stepover with the players preferred foot. Next, as soon as
you have pressed R2, move the stick 45 degrees from where you are facing, and i
n the direction of the players preferred foot. If your player is rightfooted, mo
ve the stick 45 degrees to the right.
Elastico (aka Flip Flap):
As most know the Flip Flap animation is also updated to look a bit more authenti
c. Also the Flip Flap can no longer be performed when your player is stationary,
which is different from PES5. You need a certain amount of speed to perform it
Backheel Lift Shot:
Performed with very skilled players, I know Ronaldinho can do it. With your back
to the goal and standing slightly to the side (same side as your players prefer
red foot) as seen from the opponents goalie. Tapping the shot button produces a
weak shot, whilst powering up produces a very lofted shot that easily lobs a goa
lie. Also, if you are very quick and press L1 juuuust before the player makes th
e shot (too soon and the player will turn around and perform a normal L1-lob) yo
u will get a Backheel Lift Shot very similar in trajectory and height to a norma
l L1 Lob, although considering how close to goal you need to be to perform it, i
t is utterly useless since it will end up in the stands.
Also, further tries seem to reveal that whether or not a Heel Lift Shot is execu
ted seems to depend on how close the goalie is to you.
Youtube video. Both the shot normally (R. Carlos), and at the end (Adriano) with
L1 pressed just before the player shoots.


Trap Ball Moves:

Trap Ball and Tap Ahead:

* Controls: Hold (R1) and any Dpad direction as your receives the ball.
* Description: The player will trap the ball by knocking it forward slightly
, giving a bit of space between him and the ball.
* Tips: This trick is useful for getting away from close marking, or creatin
g a little bit of run-up space for a shot. It can also be used to give your play
er better acceleration away from the position he trapped the ball in, since he d
oesn t have to dribble as such to get to the ball.
* Notes: If you hold the Dpad in the same direction as the ball is travellin
g, then the player will instead perform a Turn and Run Onto Incoming Pass move.

Kill Ball and Turn:

* Controls: (R2) + any Dpad direction as your player receives the ball.
* Description: The player will immediately stop the ball movement, and turn
to face in the specified direction.
* Tips: Very, very useful in crowded situations (such as in the opponents bo
x) when the slightest bit of poor control could cause you to lose possession. Ca
n also be used to ready your player for a shot.
* Notes: None

Kill Ball and Face Goal:

* Controls: Hold (R2) as your player receives the ball.
* Description: The player will bring the ball under his complete control as
quickly as possible, and then turn on the spot to face the opponents goal.
* Tips: Similar to the Kill Ball and Turn trick, except less useful in the opp
onents box. An excellent move to use in build up play though, or when you are in
control of the game (it will encourage opposition players to come at your playe
r to try and get the ball, thus tiring them out).
* Notes: Remember to release the Dpad when you perform it.

Run Into Ball:

* Controls: Hold (R1) and the Dpad in the direction the ball is coming from.
* Description: Your player will run to meet the ball, rather than wait for t
he ball to reach him.
* Tips: One of the rudimentary aspects of receiving balls on Pro Evo master
immediately. Prevents opposition defenders from beating your player to the ball.
* Notes: This move often allows you to perform other, more complex manoeuvre
s (such as the Super Cancel Trap ) with greater ease, due to the player already mov
ing when you attempt the trick.

Turn and Run Onto Incoming Pass:

* Controls: (R1) + Dpad in direction of ball movement.
* Description: The player will turn and chase the ball before taking a touch
, rather than immediately trapping it.
* Tips: An absolute must if you intend on counter-attacking at high speed. T
his move allows the pace of an attack to keep going. Also extremely useful for e
vading defenders if you see them approaching behind your player as he going to t
rap the ball.
* Notes: Use with care when near the touchline sometimes your player can acc
identally run the ball out of play.

Shield Ball (Trap):

* Controls: Leave Dpad in a neutral position.
* Description: If a marker is standing directly behind your player when he r
eceives the ball, your player will attempt to fend him off by placing his body b
etween the opponent and the ball.
* Tips: Only really useful if you have a player who is immensely strong, pre
ferably with the Post Player special ability. It is useful for holding up play in
this circumstance, but even then, you can only use it for a few seconds at most.
* Notes: Keep your fingers near the Dpad ready to move your player can t fend
off the opponent for very long!

Jump/Leave Ball:
* Controls: Release Dpad and press (R1) before the ball reaches the player.
* Description: Your player will let the ball run through his legs at the las
t moment, rather than trapping it.
* Tips: Effective for unlocking defences by playing different team mates int
o the game. Can also be used as an alternative to the Turn and Run Onto Incoming
Pass . Once the ball has run though his legs, use the same player to turn and coll
ect the ball himself. This technique is extremely effective for wrong-footing de
* Notes: None

Extra High Chest/Tap-Up:

* Controls: Double Tap (R1) as your player receives ball at chest height.
* Description: Your player will chest the ball high up into the air rather t
han bringing it fully under his control.
* Tips: The main use of this trick is for attempting overhead kicks or volle
ys. Can very occasionally be used to beat opponents if your player is moving as
he does it, though this is very difficult.
* Notes: If the ball approaches your player at a height lower than his chest
, using these controls will make him knock the ball up rather than control it id
eal for attempting volleys! You can also hold (R1) when the ball is at chest hei
ght rather than double tapping it, if you prefer.

Secret Ball Control:

* Controls: (R1) + (R2) + Dpad as a stationary player receives the ball.
* Description: As your player traps the ball, he will swivel in the specifie
d direction (much like the Kill Ball and Turn move), but crucially, he will leave
a small gap between himself and the ball.
* Tips: The main use for this move is to set your player up for shots on goa
l, but it can also be combined with moves like stopovers and immediate sprinting
at angles to beat defenders.
* Notes: None

Chip-Trap Ball:
* Controls: When stationary, press (X) + (Square) at the same time.
* Description: The player will flick the ball up with his foot instead of co
ntrolling it.
* Tips: This move is incredibly difficult to perform consistently, but when
done correctly, it serves the same purpose as the Extra High Chest/Tap-Up trick, b
ut for when the ball is moving along the ground. As such, it can be used to do v
olleys or if you re extremely lucky and skilled, an overhead flick.
* Notes: The speed of the pass and the angle of your player can have drastic
effects on how high the ball bounces.

La Ginola /Super Cancel Trap:

* Controls: Hold (R1) + (R2) and any direction on the Dpad while your player
is receiving a ball preferably one he is running onto.
* Description: Instead of trapping the ball normally, the use of super cance
l means that the player can come onto the ball from any angle he pleases.
* Tips: Its main use is against human opponents, but it can still be effecti
ve against the AI. If done well, it can completely wrong-foot markers, and poten
tially open up entire defences.
* Notes: One to practice heavily in training it take a while to become accus
tomed to how players move when controlled with Super Cancel.

Overhead Flick:
* Controls: When the player is facing a ball that is played in at knee to ch
est height, press the Dpad at 135-degree diagonal to the left or right of the di
rection the player is facing.
* Description: The player will flick the ball over his head an turn.
* Tips: This move is very context sensitive, and incredibly hard to perform
even then. It looks very cool, but is perhaps not particularly useful.
* Notes: The move is much harder on PES6 than it was on PES5.

Stationary Moves:
Backheel Turn:
* Controls: (R1) + Dpad at opposite direction to where the player is facing.
* Description: The player will use his heel to hook the ball backwards and c
hange the direction he is facing by 180-degrees.
* Tips: One of the easiest moves in the game, but its effectiveness should b
e underestimated. It is much more effective when dribbling, however (see dribbli
ng section).
* Notes: Not to be confused with the standard turn the holding of (R1) knock
s the ball further, giving a crucial half yard between your player and the ball.

Cruyff Turn:
* Controls: Dpad at a 135, 180 or 225 degree angle to the current direction
the player is facing.
* Description: The player will use his heel to change direction with a very
distinct animation.
* Tips: The Cruyff can be thought of as being somewhere between the Stop and
Play and Backheel Turn moves, and as such is very effective.
* Notes: A hard-coded move that can only be performed by certain players. Th
ese include: Henry, Pires, C. Ronaldo, Boa Morte, Gerrard, Joe Cole and Reyes. T
he move can also be performed at Slow Dribble 1 or Slow Dribble 2 speeds not just wh
en stationary.

Drag Back:
* Controls: (R2) + Dpad at opposite direction to which the player is facing.
* Description: The player will use his foot to roll the ball backwards a yar
d or so.
* Tips: An incredibly useful way of avoiding incoming sliding tackles, or op
ening up a bit of space to do another move from.
* Notes: You can do as many Drag Backs as you choose, and after you have done
the first one, you can also do one at a 45-degree angle by holding the Dpad in t
he appropriate direction.

* Controls: Perform a Drag Back and then press the Dpad at a 45-degree angle t
hat corresponds with your players favoured foot in the direction he is facing. F
or example, a right footed player moving left to right on the pitch would need t
o press diagonally down/right for the second part of the trick.
* Description: The player will perform a standard Drag Back and then accelerat
e away at pace to beat his opponent.
* Tips: A very effective (and not to mention stylish) way of beating a defen
der who is closing in on your player while he is in a stationary position.
* Notes: The 45-degree Dpad press must be immediate after the Drag Back animat
ion sequence starts for this move to work.

Stationary Feint:
* Controls: When the player is stationary, press the Dpad x2 in a direction
that is 90-degrees from where the player is facing. Release all other buttons.
* Description: The player will stamp his foot as if to move, but will instea
d stay still.
* Tips: Only really effective against human opposition. Can be used to kill
time between moves and to lure opponents in for the tackle.
* Notes: The direction you press corresponds to which foot the player will s
tomp. For example, a player facing left to right would stomp his left foot if yo
u pressed up on the Dpad and his right foot if you pressed down on it.

Quick Feint:
* Controls: Press either (L1) x2 or (R2) x2 when the player is stationary.
* Description: The player will perform a quicker stomping of the foot than i
n the Stationary Feint trick.
* Tips: Again, only really effective in multiplayer games. Also slightly eas
ier than the Stationary Feint , since its less likely you ll accidentally make your p
layer move.
* Notes: This move can be combined with a sudden run at 45-degrees if you pr
ess the Dpad at the appropriate direction as soon as the feint animation begins.
Quite effective for passing markers.

Stop and Play:

* Controls: From a stationary position, hold (R1) + Dpad at a 45, 90 or 135
degree angle that is opposite for the player s current direction. For example, a p
layer facing upwards on the pitch would need to press either left or right to do
a 90-degree feint.
* Description: The player will knock the ball forwards at a different direct
ion to which he is facing with a sudden burst of acceleration.
* Tips: One of the most effective moves in the game. If you have a fast play
er, it can be used to easily pass players. Can also be useful when used in the b
ox to create space for a shot.
* Notes: Tapping the opposite direction to which you intend to move using th
e trick without having (R1) held makes the player do a feint, which can then imm
ediately be followed by the trick itself. Very useful against human opposition.
Note, that this trick isn t to be confused with the Matthews Feint the holding of (R
1) for the second part of the trick is therefore crucial.

Matthews Feint:
* Controls: From a stationary position, press the Dpad at a 90-degree angle
to your players current direction, and then immediately press the Dpad at the op
posite 90-degree angle. For example, a player facing up the pitch intending to m
ove right, would need to press left and then right on the Dpad.
* Description: The player will drop his shoulder as if to move one direction
, and then burst in the opposite direction.
* Tips: A very cool looking trick, but only useful against human opposition.
And even then, it can only be used to fool an opponent once, maybe twice per ga
me due to its very distinct animation.
* Notes: None

Dribbling Moves:

* Controls: (R2) + Dpad at a right angle to the direction you player is curr
ently moving.
* Description: The player will move in a direction that is at a right angle
to his direction of movement, while continuing to face his original direction.
* Tips: This move is a bit less effective than it was in PES5, but is never-
the-less an excellent way of getting past defenders. A well timed sidestep follo
wed by a burst of pace can leave a defender for dead. If you release both (R2) a
nd the Dpad, your player will continue to sidestep until told otherwise.
* Notes: If you prefer to use the Analog stick rather than the Dpad, this mo
ve is much harder to perform.

Slow Dribble 1:
* Controls: Hold the Dpad and (R2) while moving in the specified direction.
* Description: The player will slow down to a slower than normal dribbling p
ace before reducing his speed to that of walking.
* Tips: The low dribbling pace makes your player very hard to shake off the
ball, so it is a good technique to use when you are trying to hold up play.
* Notes: Once the player reaches very low paces, he can perform several of t
he Stationary Moves, such as the V-Feint , Drag Back , or Matthews Feint .

Slow Dribble 2:
* Controls: Release the Dpad while moving in a direction.
* Description: The player will reduce his pace before coming to a complete s
tandstill roughly two seconds later.
* Tips: A very useful method for altering your dribbling pace to fool defend
ers. A release of the Dpad can be followed by a burst of pace using the sprint b
utton to get past a marker.
* Notes: Tapping the Dpad while your player is slowing down, just before his
foot touches the ball, will extend this move so to speak, keeping his pace at the
slow jog part of the move.

Semi-Slow Dribble:
* Controls: Hold (R1) + (R2) + Dpad.
* Description: The player will move forward at a pace somewhere between the S
low Dribble 1 pace and a normal speed of dribbling. He will also occasionally bur
st forward with greater pace.
* Tips: An effective move for confusing opponents prior to performing a diff
erent trick, or a sudden turn of pace. The move can be combined very nicely with
the Both Feet Feint , Drop Shoulder , or Inside Outside moves.
* Notes: The move is usually easier to perform from a stationary position if
you tap (R2) slightly before you press (R1).

Sprint: Knock Ball Ahead:

* Controls: While sprinting (using (R1)), press Dpad x2 in the direction of
movement. Alternatively, rapidly tap (R1) while sprinting.
* Description: Your player will knock the ball further ahead than in a stand
ard sprint, allowing him to move at greater speed.
* Tips: An absolutely vital move for escaping defenders once you have made i
t past them learn immediately. Be careful where you employ it though, since the
extra distance your player knocks the ball ahead can make him much easier to tac
* Notes: The extra time between touches means that using this move often mak
es it easier to perform difficult tricks that require button presses before your
player touches the ball.

Sprint: Knock Ball Further Ahead While Turning:

* Controls: Hold (R1) + (R2) + Dpad at a 45-degree angle to your current dir
ection of movement.
* Description: Your player will knock the ball ahead a great distance while
turning at a slight angle to his current direction of movement.
* Tips: Extremely effective when you have a lot of space to run into, as it
allows your player to move at almost his full sprinting pace. Bear in mind the f
act that your player also turns while doing this, so defenders may be able to tr
ack back and block of his path to goal is you were to turn away from goal, for e
* Notes: The move also makes shots more powerful and accurate if you do it a
nd then shoot as your player runs onto the ball.

Immediate Angled Sprint:

* Controls: As your player is dribbling at the standard pace, hold (R1) and
immediately press (R2) + Dpad at a 45-degree angle to your current direction of
* Description: The player will knock the ball the same distance ahead as in
the Sprint: Knock Ball Further Ahead While Turning move, but from the standard dri
bbling pace; allowing him to leave defenders trailing in his wake.
* Tips: A difficult trick to perform and to know when to execute definitely
one to practice in training. Effective for bursting past a defender to get throu
gh on goal is he is backing away from you and using the sprint button will allow
him to tackle easily.
* Notes: The press of (R2) + Dpad must be almost simultaneous to that of the
(R1) press.

Quick Stop:
* Controls: Release the Dpad and press (R1).
* Description: Your player will immediately come to a halt and control the b
* Tips: One of the most effective dribbling moves in the game. Stopping the
ball can not only be used to evade tackles, but open up the wide range of statio
nary tricks your player can perform. Learn immediately.
* Notes: None

Quick Stop and Turn to Face Opponent s Goal:

* Controls: Release Dpad and press (R2).
* Description: Your player will bring the ball under control as in the Quick
Stop move, but will also turn his body to face the opposition goal.
* Tips: A very useful move for altering the way a player is facing excellent
when used in conjunction with the standard Quick Stop move. A very effective plac
e to use it is in the box, allowing you to torment the opposition defenders with
quick changes of direction and pace.
* Notes: None

Jump Tackle:
* Controls: Press (R2) as an opponent slides in for a tackle.
* Description: Your player will jump over the opponent as he comes in with a
sliding tackle.
* Tips: Very context sensitive and therefore difficult to perform. Also, it
has the disadvantage of not winning you freekicks if the defender takes the ball
but not your player. Use only when you have managed to knock the ball past the
* Notes: Can be used to avoid injury if you have a particularly fragile play

Quick Stepover:
* Controls: (R2) x2 while moving, or Right Stick x2 in opposite direction to
* Description: The player will perform a quick single stepover.
* Tips: On its own, this trick is purely for visual purposes, but it can be
melded into other moves or used to disguise them.
* Notes: To make it more effective, use the Stepover Dash move.

Slow Stepover:
* Controls: (L1) x2 or Right Stick x2 in direction of movement.
* Description: The player will perform a slow triple stepover.
* Tips: Like the Quick Stepover move, this trick is purely visual except when
combined with other moves.
* Notes: Only use this in place of the Quick Stepover when you have lots of ti
me and space.

Stepover Dash:
* Controls: Either the Quick Stepover or Slow Stepover move followed by (R1) + D
pad in your preferred direction of dash.
* Description: The player will knock the ball out of his feet while doing th
e stepover animation, allowing him to run onto it.
* Tips: A very effective (and stylish) way of beating markers. Once you have
perfected this move, it becomes very easy to use as well. Arguably its best pla
ce of application is on the wing, using the move to beat full-backs.
* Notes: None

Quick Multi Stepover:

* Controls: Release Dpad, wait a little for the players pace to reduce to a
trot, and repeatedly press (L1).
* Description: As he is moving at a very low speed, the player will perform
very fast stopovers repeatedly.
* Tips: The best aspect of this trick is that it maintains the players pace
at a very low speed, allowing him to perform stationary moves such as the Drag Ba
ck and the Matthews Feint while maintaining forward motion.
* Notes: Players that can also perform the Elastico are very difficult to perf
orm this trick with, since the (L1) presses may cause them to start the Elastico a

* Controls: (L1) x3 or (R2) x3.
* Description: The player will move his feet in a fluid motion to fool the d
efenders with a variation of a stepover, and end with running onto the ball at a
45-degree angle.
* Tips: A very unpredictable move that can only be performed by a small numb
er of players (it is a hard-coded trick). It can be used straight off with the t
riple button tap, or the third tap can be used mid stepover sequence to extend the
move as it were, and use the elastico itself to take the ball past defenders. N
ote, that the ball will quite often bounce slightly when the move is performed,
allowing you player to unleash volleys after he has performed it.
* Notes: The move was invented by Rivelino of Classic Brazil, but several ot
her players can perform this trick. Ronaldinho, Ronaldo, C. Ronaldo, Djibril Cis
se, Takahara, Milner, Ibrahimovic and Wilhelmsson, Luque, Park Chu Young and Ros
ales are the only players capable of pulling this move off.

Marseille Roulette:
* Controls: Rotate Right Stick by 180-degrees either anti-clockwise or clock
* Description: The player will perform a spin while keeping the ball under h
is control.
* Tips: The player will end the move 45-degrees short of the full 360 rotati
on, so the direction you rotate the stick has an effect over his final position.
Bearing this in mind, this can be a very effective move to get past defenders.
* Notes: Players with low Technique and/or Dribble Accuracy stat ratings are
likely to mess this move up and lose possession, so only do it with talented pl

90-Degree Turn:
* Controls: Dpad at a 90-degree angle to current direction of movement.
* Description: The player will perform a sudden 90-degree change in directio
n to fool defenders.
* Tips: A nice move for avoiding incoming tackles and performing sudden move
ments in the box. Ensure that you know the player you are using before attemptin
g it though, since 90+ Dribble Accuracy is required.
* Notes: To perform the move, the player needs 90+ Dribble Accuracy.

Sprint: Diagonal Dash:

* Controls: Hold (R1), then press (L1) x2 + Dpad at a 45-degree angle to the
current direction of movement.
* Description: The player will suddenly change direction without losing any
* Tips: An immensely useful move once perfected. You can wrong-foot entire d
efences using it. Also effective in 1-on-1 situations with the goalkeeper.
* Notes: The button presses must be between touches of the ball, so players
who have very high Dribble Accuracy are harder to perform this with.

Kick Feint 1:
* Controls: ([]) or (O) then (X) when the gauge appears.
* Description: The player will move as if to kick the ball, and then instead
nudge it forwards slightly at a 45-degree angle to wrong-foot defenders.
* Tips: A brilliant move in 1-on-1 situations, easily the most effective way
to beat goalkeepers. It can also be employed very effectively to skip past defe
* Notes: If you don t specify the direction of nudge using the Dpad, the player
will push the ball forwards in the direction of his strongest foot.

Kick Feint 2:
* Controls: Right Stick x2 at a right angle to current direction of movement
* Description: Exactly the same as Kick Feint 1 .
* Tips: Exactly the same as Kick Feint 1 except that it is easier to predict t
he direction a player will nudge the ball. For example, when moving left to right,
pushing up twice on the stick will cause the player to nudge the ball diagonall
y up right, and if you move the stick down, the player will nudge the ball diago
nally down right.
* Notes: Using this method, no gauge appears. Also, it cannot be done as a p
layer receives the ball.

Kick Cancel:
* Controls: Hold (R1) + (R2) as the player goes to make a shot.
* Description: Like a kick feint, except the player doesn t nudge the ball.
* Tips: This is designed to allow you to cancel your shots or passes, rather
than specifically feint to stop them.
* Notes: The move can actually be used to fool goalkeepers in 1-on-1 situati

Chip Ball Up:

* Controls: Right Stick Down then Right Stick Up.
* Description: The player will chip the ball up a small way, as well as forw
* Tips: The move can be used to get past goalkeepers in 1-on-1 situations, o
r to avoid sliding tackles. It can also be used to set up volleys.
* Notes: The height of the chip varies according to your player s speed and sk
ill. A slower moving player with high Dribbling stats can chip the ball highest.

Drop Shoulder/Both Feet Feint:

* Controls: When dribbling from left to right, Dpad in direction of movement
followed by up/right then in direction of movement once more, or alternatively,
in direction of movement followed by down/right and then in direction of moveme
nt again.
* Description: The player will shift his body to perform a drop shoulder mov
e to wrong-foot an opponent, or will shimmy the ball between his feet for a both
feet feint.
* Tips: Both moves are very effective, and can be combined nicely with stopo
vers or even Kick Cancel manoeuvres to get past defenders. Well worth learning.
* Notes: If a player has a Dribble Accuracy of 69 or below, he cannot do eit
her trick. If the stat is between 70 and 84, he will perform the drop shoulder m
ove. Any player with Dribble Accuracy above 85 will do the Both Feet Feint trick

Inside Outside:
* Controls: Same as the Drop Shoulder/Both Feet Feint moves, but can only be d
one on the side of the players favoured foot. For example, a left footed player
moving left to right would only perform the move if right, then diagonal up/righ
t and then right again was pressed.
* Description: Instead of doing a drop shoulder or both feet feint (which ar
e determined by Dribble Accuracy), the player will instead perform a strange shi
mmying motion.
* Tips: A very cool move, and can be used in the exact same way as the Drop S
houlder/Both Feet Feint trick.
* Notes: This is a Hard-Coded move that can only be performed by a tiny hand
ful of players. These include: Recoba, Totti and Messi.

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