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Seeing Is Securing



Our world is filled with interconnected points. This allows us to work, sometimes
more efficiently, and be connected with people and share our activities through- 10 Minutes to Immediate Value
out the world. Our phones, laptops, tablets, printers and now even watches,
thermostats, fitness trackers, and even drones are Internet-enabled to make for Real-Time BYOD Discovery & Alerting
a more enriched experience for the user. The enormous and unabated growth • Immediately and continuously
in these devices will continue over the next decade, providing with it both great confirm compliance and risk levels
benefits and threats.
Remote Security Assessment
But – and you knew there would be one of those – how can you ensure that each • Dramatically reduce vulnerability
assessment costs across all
of these connected devices doesn’t place your business at risk? We all know that
distributed locations
each device, whether actually connected to your network or simply around it,
expands your threat surface well beyond the visibility of your already-in-place Cyber & Physical Incident Response
network security tools. These devices are in the hands of the employee connect- • Accelerate IR between both cyber
ing to your network with a unsecured Android phone, the unknown contractor and physical security intrusions
walking through a branch office with an unauthorized tablet, and the malicious
actor who placed a previously undetectable rogue hacking device in the lobby of Enterprise Sensor Management
headquarters. • Manage all your sensors from one
Fortunately there is a solution to meet this challenge, and it starts with detecting
the pulse inherent in all of these devices to gain full visibility, fingerprinting these
devices, and enabling rapid response in order to minimize risk and harden the
security of your workplaces.

Pwn Pulse™ from Pwnie Express: Real-time wireless and wired device detection
Purpose-built by the same security company that revolutionized the remote Pwn Pulse is the only solution available today
penetration testing industry, Pwn Pulse helps your security teams detect rogue, to allow for real-time wireless and wired de-
misconfigured, and unauthorized wireless and wired devices on or around your vice detection, and each day our team is de-
network. Our SaaS solution allows for centralized management to automatical- ploying functionality to keep you ahead of the
ly monitor, fingerprint, analyze, and alert on the behaviors of all these devices, latest possible threats. The solution comes
whether found at headquarters, a field location, or a branch office. The solution with broad-spectrum device visibility and
is built to work seamlessly with the security tools you already have deployed awareness covering BYOx/mobile, Wireless,
while amplifying and accelerating your people and processes. Bluetooth, wired, and other network-enabled

80% of all BYOD is completely unmanaged. ~SecurEdge Networks 1-855-793-1337
Four Automated Steps
PwnPulse was designed to
automatically combine the steps
necessary for full wireless and
wired device detection.

Detect & View Identify & Audit

Pwn Pulse continuously discovers, in real-time, all Pwn Pulse then identifies and audits the device to
wired, WiFi, and Bluetooth devices in the vicinity of provide immediately actionable data that includes a
each of your organization’s locations. Our intuitive user comprehensive list of devices, behaviors, and even
dashboard serves this information up for your security historical information. This intelligence is used to help
team to not only gain device visibility, but to then make recognize noncompliant, misconfigured, unauthorized,
immediate decisions on next steps. or immediately threatening devices.

Respond & Report Monitor & Alert

The Pwn Pulse integration is further exemplified with In an era of security alert fatigue Pwn Pulse helps by
our rapid response capabilities allowing your team to monitoring, alerting, and prioritizing on only your se-
track and disable devices from your network either curity policies, security infrastructure, and critical con-
directly or via your SIEM/WIPs tool. Addiitonally the trols. Our rules library is fully customizable and can be
system is built with interactive reporting to tell the full set up to continuously monitor devices, alert to changes
story of your device security environment. in known devices, and then alert directly to your team or
via integration with your SIEM/WIPs tool.
51% of IT professionals say they are not aware of
its organization’s connected devices. Pwn Pulse deployment is a simple, plug-and-play pro-
cess of adding preconfigured sensors to desired offices
and locations. Once a sensor is connected, various data
points will instantly stream into the central SaaS-based
dashboard. Administrators and users can be set up to
Minutes After Deployment: What You’ll Find access and make changes to the management console
Using our enterprise-proven, sensor-based approach, Pwn for accurate data collection.
Pulse detects all wireless, wired, and bluetooth devices on
and in the vicinity of organizations’ premises and alerts for
unauthorized, vulnerable, rogue, and suspicious devices
and access points. In addition to monitoring for changes
to authorized devices that could introduce risk, Pwn Pulse
alerts you to the presence of unknown, unchecked, and
potentially harmful devices. The solution comes pre-config-
ured and our plug-and-play technology means deployment
is done in a matter of hours, and minutes after that your
centralized console will be detecting:

Shadow IT and High-Risk Bring Your Own Everything

◾ Unauthorized Personal Devices in Violation of Policy Headquarters Warehouse 1
◾ Corporate-Sponsored BYOD Hardware
Remote Office A
◾ Devices in Default, Misconfigured, or Vulnerable State
1. Determine Sensor Deployment Scenario
Vulnerable IOT Devices ◾ HQ, Remote, Branch
◾ Wireless/Mobile Devices Roaming from Corporate ◾ Pre-configure sensors
Approved to “guest”/unauthorized Wireless Access
Points (APs)
2. Pwn Pulse SaaS Subscription
◾ Wireless/Mobile Devices Connecting to Open,
◾ Based on per sensor subscription pricing
Unencrypted Third Party Wireless Networks
◾ Vulnerable, Default-state, or Misconfigured Printers
3. Device Sensors Shipped
◾ Default-state Wireless APs ◾ Out of the box plug-and-play into existing infrastructure
◾ Default-state Network Equipment
4. Pwn Pulse Activated
Purpose-Built Malicious Hardware ◾ Reduce cost of on site assessments
◾ Purpose-built, Application Specific Devices Designed to ◾ Offset cost of vulnerability scanning and penetration
Capture Passwords, Credit and Debit Card Numbers, testing
PINs, Keystrokes and Confidential or Proprietary Data ◾ Quickly enforce device policies
◾ Devices Designed to Breach
WiFi Networks, Wireless APs,
Wireless/Mobile Client Devic- 67% of workers
es, and Bluetooth Devices already use
73% of IT professionals consider it likely
◾ Devices Built to Compromise
their personal
that a company will be hacked through
Cellular Networks devices in the
a connected device.
◾ Devices designed to attack or ~ ISACA
imitate other commonly used ~ Microsoft
RF Technologies
Information Captured
◾ Wireless Client Probe Requests
◾ IP/MAC Address
◾ Unauthorized or unknown Cell Providers
◾ Operating System
◾ Suspicious cell providers & base stations
◾ Open Ports
◾ IMSI catchers
◾ Running Services
◾ Unauthorized microcell/femtocell devices
◾ Wireless AP/BSSID & ESSID
◾ Cell towers going offline or online
◾ Wireless encryption
◾ New cellular operators appearing
◾ Profiling of Wireless Clients
◾ Cell jammers
◾ Device Manufacturer
◾ Rogue/malicious cellular base stations
◾ Discoverable Bluetooth


Hardware Hardware
◾ Processor: 1.8GHz Intel i3 ◾ Processor: 1.1GHz dual-core Intel Celeron
◾ Memory: 4GB DDR3 (2 threads, 64-bit)
◾ ◾ Memory: 2GB 1600MHz DDR3
Disk Storage: 32GB SSD
◾ ◾ Disk Storage: 32GB mSATA SSD
Onboard I/O: 1x Gigabit Ethernet, 2x USB ports, 1x HDMI
◾ ◾ Onboard I/O: 1x Gigabit Ethernet, 3x USB ports,
Dimensions: 7.7” x 1.5” x 5.2”
◾ USB-Ethernet adapter for second Ethernet interface
◾ Onboard pentesting capabilities with OSS-based pentest-
◾ Dimensions: 4.6” x 4.4” x 1.5”
ing toolkit of more than 100 tools, including Metasploit,
SET, Kismet, Aircrack-NG, SSLstrip, Nmap, Hydra, W3af,
Scapy, Ettercap, Bluetooth/VoIP/IPv6tools, and more Wireless
◾ Onboard high-gain dual-band 802.11a/b/g/n wireless
supporting packet injection & monitor mode (internal
Wireless antenna)
◾ Onboard high-gain dual-band 802.11 a/b/g/n wireless sup-
◾ Onboard Bluetooth supporting device scanning &
porting packet injection & monitor mode (with detachable
monitor mode (internal antenna)
◾ Onboard high-gain Bluetooth (up to 1000′ range) sup- Wireless Spectrum:
porting packet injection & monitor mode (with detachable ◾ 802.11 a/b/g/n/ac
◾ Bluetooth 4
◾ External 6-band (worldwide) 4G GSM cellular USB adapter

Adapter Specs Tools Available

◾ Kali Linux stack
◾ Compatible with SIM cards from AT&T, T-mobile, Voda-
◾ Custom scripts determined by the user
fone, Orange, and GSM carriers in over 160 countries. SIM
card not included.
◾ 4G/LTE DD (up to 150Mbps): 3G/DC-HSPA+/HSPA+/
UMTS (up to 84Mbps): 2100/1900/1700(AWS)/900MHz
◾ 2G/GSM/GPRS/EDGE: 850/900/1800/1900MHz

Pwnie Express provides threat detection of the billions of wireless and wired devices in and around your workplace. By
automating wireless and wired device detection, Pwnie solutions continuously detect the devices on or around your
network that are open pathways for attackers. Pwnie arms your security team to win the BYOD battle with the ability to
detect and fingerprint any device, from phone to thermostat, in order to prioritize your security response, reduce alert
fatigue, and provide situational intelligence.

See all the things you’re missing at or @PwnieExpress. 1-855-793-1337

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