Splunk-7 2 1-Indexer

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Splunk® Enterprise Managing Indexers and

Clusters of Indexers 7.2.1

Generated: 12/14/2018 11:43 am

Copyright (c) 2018 Splunk Inc. All Rights Reserved

Table of Contents
Indexing overview................................................................................................1
Indexes, indexers, and indexer clusters......................................................1
How indexing works....................................................................................5
Index time versus search time....................................................................8
Install an indexer.......................................................................................10
Indexers in a distributed deployment........................................................10

Manage indexes.................................................................................................14
About managing indexes...........................................................................14
Create custom indexes.............................................................................15
Remove indexes and indexed data...........................................................25
Manage pipeline sets for index parallelization..........................................30
Optimize indexes.......................................................................................33
Use the monitoring console to view indexing performance.......................34

Manage index storage.......................................................................................35

How the indexer stores indexes................................................................35
Configure index storage............................................................................41
Move the index database..........................................................................47
Use multiple partitions for index data........................................................50
Configure maximum index size.................................................................51
Set limits on disk usage............................................................................54
Reduce tsidx disk usage...........................................................................57
Configure bloom filters..............................................................................63
Determine which indexes.conf changes require restart............................65
Use the monitoring console to view index and volume status...................65

Back up and archive your indexes...................................................................67

Back up indexed data................................................................................67
Set a retirement and archiving policy........................................................72
Archive indexed data.................................................................................75
Restore archived indexed data.................................................................80

Overview of indexer clusters and index replication.......................................85

About indexer clusters and index replication.............................................85
Multisite indexer clusters...........................................................................89
The basics of indexer cluster architecture.................................................91
Multisite indexer cluster architecture.......................................................100

Table of Contents
Deploy the indexer cluster..............................................................................108
Indexer cluster deployment overview......................................................108
Key differences between clustered and non-clustered deployments
of indexers..............................................................................................112
System requirements and other deployment considerations for
indexer clusters......................................................................................114
Enable the indexer cluster master node..................................................122
Enable the peer nodes............................................................................124
Enable the search head..........................................................................126
Best practice: Forward master node data to the indexer layer................128
Prepare the peers for index replication...................................................129
Use indexer clusters to scale indexing....................................................130
Migrate non-clustered indexers to a clustered environment...................131
Upgrade an indexer cluster.....................................................................135
Use rolling upgrade.................................................................................151

Get data into the indexer cluster....................................................................157

Ways to get data into an indexer cluster.................................................157
Use forwarders to get data into the indexer cluster.................................158
Use indexer discovery to connect forwarders to peer nodes..................161
Connect forwarders directly to peer nodes.............................................172

Configure the indexer cluster.........................................................................175

Indexer cluster configuration overview....................................................175
Configure the indexer cluster with the dashboards.................................176
Configure the indexer cluster with server.conf........................................176
Configure and manage the indexer cluster with the CLI.........................179

Configure the master.......................................................................................182

Master configuration overview................................................................182
Configure the master with the dashboard...............................................183
Configure the master with server.conf....................................................184
Configure the master with the CLI...........................................................185
Replace the master node on the indexer cluster.....................................186

Configure the peers.........................................................................................190

Peer node configuration overview...........................................................190
Configure peer nodes with the dashboard..............................................192
Configure peer nodes with server.conf...................................................193

Table of Contents
Configure the peers
Configure peer nodes with the CLI..........................................................194
Manage common configurations across all peers...................................195
Manage app deployment across all peers..............................................197
Configure the peer indexes in an indexer cluster....................................198
Update common peer configurations and apps......................................201
Manage configurations on a peer-by-peer basis.....................................216

Configure the search head..............................................................................218

Search head configuration overview.......................................................218
Configure the search head with the dashboard......................................221
Configure the search head with server.conf............................................222
Configure the search head with the CLI..................................................223
Search across multiple indexer clusters..................................................224
Search across both clustered and non-clustered search peers..............228

Deploy and configure a multisite indexer cluster.........................................229

Multisite indexer cluster deployment overview........................................229
Implement search affinity in a multisite indexer cluster...........................231
Configure multisite indexer clusters with server.conf..............................234
Configure multisite indexer clusters with the CLI....................................240
Configure the site replication factor.........................................................244
Configure the site search factor..............................................................250
Migrate an indexer cluster from single-site to multisite...........................254

View indexer cluster status.............................................................................260

View the master dashboard....................................................................260
View the peer dashboard........................................................................266
View the search head dashboard............................................................267
Use the monitoring console to view indexer cluster status.....................268

Manage the indexer cluster.............................................................................270

Take a peer offline..................................................................................270
Use maintenance mode..........................................................................277
Restart the entire indexer cluster or a single peer node.........................279
Use rolling restart....................................................................................281
Rebalance the indexer cluster.................................................................292
Remove excess bucket copies from the indexer cluster.........................302
Put a peer into detention.........................................................................305

Table of Contents
Manage the indexer cluster
Remove a peer from the master's list......................................................309

Manage a multisite indexer cluster................................................................310

Handle master site failure.......................................................................310
Restart indexing in multisite cluster after master restart or site failure....310
Convert a multisite indexer cluster to single-site.....................................311
Move a peer to a new site.......................................................................313
Decommission a site in a multisite indexer cluster..................................313

How indexer clusters work.............................................................................318

Basic indexer cluster concepts for advanced users................................318
Replication factor....................................................................................318
Search factor...........................................................................................320
Buckets and indexer clusters..................................................................321
Indexer cluster states..............................................................................330
How clustered indexing works.................................................................331
How search works in an indexer cluster..................................................334
How indexer clusters handle report and data model acceleration
How indexer cluster nodes start up.........................................................339
What happens when a peer node goes down.........................................340
What happens when a peer node comes back up..................................350
What happens when the master node goes down..................................353

Implement SmartStore to reduce local storage requirements....................355

About SmartStore....................................................................................355
SmartStore architecture overview...........................................................358

Deploy SmartStore...........................................................................................363
SmartStore system requirements............................................................363
Configure the remote store for SmartStore.............................................365
Choose the storage location for each index............................................366
SmartStore security strategies................................................................367
Deploy SmartStore on a new indexer cluster..........................................370
Migrate existing data on an indexer cluster to SmartStore.....................374
Bootstrap SmartStore indexes onto an indexer cluster...........................382

Table of Contents
Manage SmartStore.........................................................................................385
Configure SmartStore.............................................................................385
Configure the SmartStore cache manager..............................................390
Configure data retention for SmartStore indexes....................................394
Add a SmartStore index..........................................................................397
Troubleshoot SmartStore........................................................................398

How SmartStore works....................................................................................402

The SmartStore cache manager.............................................................402
How indexing works in SmartStore.........................................................404
How search works in SmartStore............................................................406
Indexer cluster operations and SmartStore.............................................408

Troubleshoot indexers and clusters of indexers..........................................413

Non-clustered bucket issues...................................................................413
Bucket replication issues.........................................................................415
Anomalous bucket issues.......................................................................417
Configuration bundle issues....................................................................420

Archive data with Hadoop Data Roll..............................................................422

About archiving indexes with Hadoop Data Roll.....................................422
How Hadoop Data Roll works.................................................................425
Add or edit an HDFS provider in Splunk Web.........................................428
Configure Splunk index archiving to Hadoop using the configuration
Archive Splunk indexes to Hadoop in Splunk Web.................................431
Archive Splunk indexes to Hadoop on S3...............................................433
Search indexed data archived to Hadoop...............................................436
Archive cold buckets to frozen in Hadoop...............................................438
Troubleshoot Hadoop Data Roll..............................................................439

Indexing overview

Indexes, indexers, and indexer clusters

This manual discusses Splunk Enterprise data repositories and the Splunk
Enterprise components that create and manage them.

The index is the repository for Splunk Enterprise data. Splunk Enterprise
transforms incoming data into events, which it stores in indexes.

An indexer is a Splunk Enterprise instance that indexes data. For small

deployments, a single instance might perform other Splunk Enterprise functions
as well, such as data input and search management. In a larger, distributed
deployment, however, the functions of data input and search management are
allocated to other Splunk Enterprise components. This manual focuses
exclusively on the indexing function, in the context of either a single-instance or a
distributed deployment.

An indexer cluster is a group of indexers configured to replicate each others'

data, so that the system keeps multiple copies of all data. This process is known
as index replication, or indexer clustering. By maintaining multiple, identical
copies of data, clusters prevent data loss while promoting data availability for


As Splunk Enterprise indexes your data, it creates a number of files. These files
fall into two main categories:

• The raw data in compressed form (rawdata)

• Indexes that point to the raw data (index files, also referred to as tsidx
files), plus some metadata files

Together, these files constitute the Splunk Enterprise index. The files reside in
sets of directories organized by age. These directories are called buckets. See
How Splunk Enterprise stores indexes.

Splunk Enterprise manages its indexes to facilitate flexible searching and fast
data retrieval, eventually archiving them according to a user-configurable
schedule. Splunk Enterprise handles everything with flat files; it doesn't require
any third-party database software running in the background.

To start indexing, you simply specify the data inputs that you want Splunk
Enterprise to index. You can add more inputs at any time, and Splunk Enterprise
will begin indexing them as well. See What Splunk Enterprise can index in
Getting Data In to learn how to add data inputs.

Splunk Enterprise, by default, puts all user data into a single, preconfigured
index. It also employs several other indexes for internal purposes. You can add
new indexes and manage existing ones to meet your data requirements. See
Manage indexes.

Event processing

During indexing, Splunk Enterprise performs event processing. It processes

incoming data to enable fast search and analysis, storing the results in the index
as events. While indexing, Splunk Enterprise enhances the data in various ways,
including by:

• Separating the datastream into individual, searchable events.

• Creating or identifying timestamps.
• Extracting fields such as host, source, and sourcetype.
• Performing user-defined actions on the incoming data, such as identifying
custom fields, masking sensitive data, writing new or modified keys,
applying breaking rules for multi-line events, filtering unwanted events,
and routing events to specified indexes or servers.

Getting Data In describes how to configure event processing to meet the needs
of your data. See Overview of event processing.

Index types

Splunk Enterprise supports two types of indexes:

• Events indexes. Events indexes impose minimal structure and can

accommodate any type of data, including metrics data. Events indexes are
the default index type.
• Metrics indexes. Metrics indexes use a highly structured format to handle
the higher volume and lower latency demands associated with metrics
data. Putting metrics data into metrics indexes results in faster
performance and less use of index storage, compared to putting the same
data into events indexes. For information on the metrics format, see the
Metrics manual.

There are minimal differences in how indexers process and manage the two
index types. Despite its name, event processing occurs in the same sequence for
both events and metrics indexes. Metrics data is really just a highly structured
kind of event data.


The indexer is the Splunk Enterprise component that creates and manages
indexes. The primary functions of an indexer are:

• Indexing incoming data.

• Searching the indexed data.

In single-machine deployments consisting of just one Splunk Enterprise instance,

the indexer also handles the data input and search management functions.
This type of small deployment might handle the needs of a single department in
an organization.

For larger-scale needs, indexing is split out from the data input function and
sometimes from the search management function as well. In these larger,
distributed deployments, the Splunk Enterprise indexer might reside on its own
machine and handle only indexing, along with searching of its indexed data. In
those cases, other Splunk Enterprise components take over the non-indexing
roles. Forwarders consume the data, indexers index and search the data, and
search heads coordinate searches across the set of indexers. Here's an
example of a scaled-out deployment:

For more information on using indexers in a distributed deployment, see Indexers
in a distributed deployment.

A Splunk indexer is simply a Splunk Enterprise instance. To learn how to install a

Splunk Enterprise instance, read the Installation Manual.

Indexer clusters

An indexer cluster is a group of Splunk Enterprise nodes that, working in concert,

provide a redundant indexing and searching capability. There are three types of
nodes in a cluster:

• A single master node to manage the cluster. The master node is a

specialized type of indexer.
• Several peer nodes that handle the indexing function for the cluster,
indexing and maintaining multiple copies of the data and running searches
across the data.
• One or more search heads to coordinate searches across all the peer

Indexer clusters feature automatic failover from one peer node to the next. This
means that, if one or more peers fail, incoming data continues to get indexed and
indexed data continues to be searchable.

The first part of this manual contains configuration and management information
relevant for all indexers, independent of whether they are part of a cluster. The

second part of this manual, starting with the topic About indexer clusters and
index replication, is relevant only for clusters.

How indexing works

Splunk Enterprise can index any type of time-series data (data with
timestamps). When Splunk Enterprise indexes data, it breaks it into events,
based on the timestamps.

The indexing process follows the same sequence of steps for both events
indexes and metrics indexes.

Event processing and the data pipeline

Data enters the indexer and proceeds through a pipeline where event
processing occurs. Finally, the processed data it is written to disk. This pipeline
consists of several shorter pipelines that are strung together. A single instance of
this end-to-end data pipeline is called a pipeline set.

Event processing occurs in two main stages, parsing and indexing. All data that
comes into Splunk Enterprise enters through the parsing pipeline as large
(10,000 bytes) chunks. During parsing, Splunk Enterprise breaks these chunks
into events which it hands off to the indexing pipeline, where final processing

While parsing, Splunk Enterprise performs a number of actions, including:

• Extracting a set of default fields for each event, including host, source,
and sourcetype.
• Configuring character set encoding.
• Identifying line termination using linebreaking rules. While many events
are short and only take up a line or two, others can be long.
• Identifying timestamps or creating them if they don't exist. At the same
time that it processes timestamps, Splunk identifies event boundaries.
• Splunk can be set up to mask sensitive event data (such as credit card or
social security numbers) at this stage. It can also be configured to apply
custom metadata to incoming events.

In the indexing pipeline, Splunk Enterprise performs additional processing,


• Breaking all events into segments that can then be searched upon. You
can determine the level of segmentation, which affects indexing and
searching speed, search capability, and efficiency of disk compression.
• Building the index data structures.
• Writing the raw data and index files to disk, where post-indexing
compression occurs.

Note: The term "indexing" is also used in a more general sense to refer to the
entirety of event processing, encompassing both the parsing pipeline and the
indexing pipeline. The differentation between the parsing and indexing pipelines
is of relevance mainly when deploying heavy forwarders.

Heavy forwarders can run raw data through the parsing pipeline and then forward
the parsed data on to indexers for final indexing. Universal forwarders do not
parse data in this way. Instead, universal forwarders forward the raw data to the
indexer, which then processes it through both pipelines.

Note that both types of forwarders do perform a type of parsing on certain

structured data. See Extract data from files with headers in Getting Data In.

For more information about events and how the indexer transforms data into
events, see the chapter Configure event processing in Getting Data In.

This diagram shows the main processes inherent in indexing:

Note: This diagram represents a simplified view of the indexing architecture. It
provides a functional view of the architecture and does not fully describe Splunk
Enterprise internals. In particular, the parsing pipeline actually consists of three
pipelines: parsing, merging, and typing, which together handle the parsing
function. The distinction can matter during troubleshooting, but does not
generally affect how you configure or deploy Splunk Enterprise.

For a more detailed discussion of the data pipeline and how it affects deployment
decisions, see How data moves through Splunk Enterprise: the data pipeline in
Distributed Deployment.

What's in an index?

Splunk Enterprise stores all of the data it processes in indexes. An index is a

collection of databases, which are subdirectories located in

$SPLUNK_HOME/var/lib/splunk. Indexes consist of two types of files: rawdata
files and index files. See How Splunk Enterprise stores indexes.

Default set of indexes

Splunk Enterprise comes with a number of preconfigured indexes, including:

• main: This is the default Splunk Enterprise index. All processed data is
stored here unless otherwise specified.
• _internal: Stores Splunk Enterprise internal logs and processing metrics.
• _audit: Contains events related to the file system change monitor,
auditing, and all user search history.

A Splunk Enterprise administrator can create new indexes, edit index properties,
remove unwanted indexes, and relocate existing indexes. Splunk Enterprise
administrators manage indexes through Splunk Web, the CLI, and configuration
files such as indexes.conf. See Managing indexes.

Index time versus search time

Splunk Enterprise documentation contains references to the terms "index time"
and "search time". These terms distinguish between the types of processing
that occur during indexing, and the types that occur when a search is run.

It is important to consider this distinction when administering Splunk Enterprise.

For example, say that you want to use custom source types and hosts. You
should define those custom source types and hosts before you start indexing, so
that the indexing process can tag events with them. After indexing, you cannot
change the host or source type assignments.

If you neglect to create the custom source types and hosts until after you have
begun to index data, your choice is either to re-index the data, in order to apply
the custom source types and hosts to the existing data, as well as to new data,
or, alternatively, to manage the issue at search time by tagging the events with
alternate values.

Conversely, as a general rule, it is better to perform most knowledge-building

activities, such as field extraction, at search time. Index-time custom field
extraction can degrade performance at both index time and search time. When
you add to the number of fields extracted during indexing, the indexing process
slows. Later, searches on the index are also slower, because the index has been

enlarged by the additional fields, and a search on a larger index takes longer.

You can avoid such performance issues by instead relying on search-time field
extraction. For details on search-time field extraction, see About fields and When
Splunk Enterprise extracts fields in the Knowledge Manager Manual.

At index time

Index-time processes take place between the point when the data is consumed
and the point when it is written to disk.

The following processes occur during index time:

• Default field extraction (such as host, source, sourcetype, and timestamp)

• Static or dynamic host assignment for specific inputs
• Default host assignment overrides
• Source type customization
• Custom index-time field extraction
• Structured data field extraction
• Event timestamping
• Event linebreaking
• Event segmentation (also happens at search time)

At search time

Search-time processes take place while a search is run, as events are collected
by the search. The following processes occur at search time:

• Event segmentation (also happens at index time)

• Event type matching
• Search-time field extraction (automatic and custom field extractions,
including multivalue fields and calculated fields)
• Field aliasing
• Addition of fields from lookups
• Source type renaming
• Tagging

The data pipeline

The data pipeline provides a more detailed way to think about the progression of
data through the system. The data pipeline is particularly useful for
understanding how to assign configurations and work across a distributed

deployment. See How data moves through Splunk: the data pipeline in
Distributed Deployment.

Install an indexer
All full Splunk Enterprise instances serve as indexers by default. To learn how to
install a Splunk Enterprise instance, read the Installation Manual. Then return to
this manual to learn how to configure the indexer.

If you plan to deploy an indexer in a distributed deployment, next read the topic,
Indexers in a distributed environment.

Indexers in a distributed deployment

Important: To better understand this topic, you should be familiar with Splunk
Enterprise distributed environments, covered in Distributed Deployment.

The indexer is the Splunk Enterprise component that creates and manages
indexes. The primary functions of an indexer are:

• Indexing incoming data.

• Searching the indexed data.

In single-machine deployments consisting of just one Splunk Enterprise instance,

the indexer also handles the data input and search management functions.

For larger-scale needs, indexing is split out from the data input function and
sometimes from the search management function as well. In these larger,
distributed deployments, the indexer might reside on its own machine and handle
only indexing, along with searching of its indexed data. In those cases, other
Splunk Enterprise components take over the non-indexing roles.

For instance, you might have a set of Windows and Linux machines generating
events, which need to go to a central indexer for consolidation. Usually the best
way to do this is to install a lightweight instance of Splunk Enterprise, known as a
forwarder, on each of the event-generating machines. These forwarders handle
data input and send the data across the network to the indexer residing on its
own machine.

Similarly, in cases where you have a large amount of indexed data and
numerous concurrent users searching on it, it can make sense to split off the
search management function from indexing. In this type of scenario, known as
distributed search, one or more search heads distribute search requests
across multiple indexers. The indexers still perform the actual searching of their
own indexes, but the search heads manage the overall search process across all
the indexers and present the consolidated search results to the user.

Here is an example of a scaled-out deployment:

While the fundamental issues of indexing and event processing remain the same
for distributed deployments, it is important to take into account deployment needs
when planning your indexing strategy.

Forward data to an indexer

To forward remote data to an indexer, you use forwarders, which are Splunk
Enterprise instances that receive data inputs and then consolidate and send the
data to a Splunk Enterprise indexer. Forwarders come in two flavors:

• Universal forwarders. These maintain a small footprint on their host

machine. They perform minimal processing on the incoming data streams
before forwarding them on to an indexer, also known as the receiver.
• Heavy forwarders. These retain most of the functionality of a full Splunk
Enterprise instance. They can parse data before forwarding it to the

receiving indexer. (See How indexing works for the distinction between
parsing and indexing.) They can store indexed data locally and also
forward the parsed data to a receiver for final indexing on that machine as

Both types of forwarders tag data with metadata such as host, source, and
source type, before forwarding it on to the indexer.

Forwarders allow you to use resources efficiently when processing large

quantities or disparate types of data coming from remote sources. They also
enable a number of interesting deployment topologies, by offering capabilities for
load balancing, data filtering, and routing.

For an extended discussion of forwarders, including configuration and detailed

use cases, read Forwarding Data.

Search across multiple indexers

In distributed search, search heads send search requests to indexers and then
merge the results back to the user. This is useful for a number of purposes,
including horizontal scaling, access control, and managing geo-dispersed data.

For an extended discussion of distributed search and search heads, including

configuration and detailed use cases, see Distributed Search.

Indexer clusters also use search heads to coordinate searches across the
cluster's peer nodes. See About indexer clusters and index replication.

Deploy indexers in a distributed environment

To implement a distributed environment similar to the diagram earlier in this

topic, you need to install and configure three types of components:

• Indexers
• Forwarders (typically, universal forwarders)
• Search head(s)

Install and configure the indexers

By default, all full Splunk Enterprise instances serve as indexers. For horizontal
scaling, you can install multiple indexers on separate machines.

To learn how to install a Splunk Enterprise instance, read the Installation Manual.

Then return to this manual for information on configuring each individual indexer
to meet the needs of your specific deployment.

Install and configure the forwarders

A typical distributed deployment has a large number of forwarders feeding data

to a few indexers. For most forwarding purposes, the universal forwarder is the
best choice. The universal forwarder is a separate downloadable from the full
Splunk Enterprise instance.

To learn how to install and configure forwarders, read Forwarding Data.

Install and configure the search head(s)

You can install one or more search heads to handle your distributed search
needs. Search heads are just full Splunk Enterprise instances that have been
specially configured.

To learn how to configure a search head, read Distributed Search.

Other deployment tasks

You need to configure Splunk Enterprise licensing by designating a license

master. See the chapter Configure Splunk Enterprise licenses in the Admin
Manual for more information.

You can use the Splunk Enterprise deployment server to simplify the job of
updating the deployment components. For details on how to configure a
deployment server, see Updating Splunk Enterprise Instances.

Install a cluster of indexers

If data availability, data fidelity, and data recovery are key issues for your
deployment, then you should consider deploying an indexer cluster, rather than a
series of individual indexers. For further information, see About indexer clusters
and index replication.

Manage indexes

About managing indexes

When you add data, the indexer processes it and stores it in an index. By
default, data you feed to an indexer is stored in the main index, but you can
create and specify other indexes for different data inputs.

An index is a collection of directories and files. These are located under

$SPLUNK_HOME/var/lib/splunk. Index directories are also called buckets and are
organized by age. For information on index storage, see How Splunk Enterprise
stores indexes.

In addition to the main index, Splunk Enterprise comes preconfigured with a

number of internal indexes. Internal indexes are named starting with an
underscore (_). To see a full list of indexes in Splunk Web, click the Settings link
in the upper portion of Splunk Web and then select Indexes. The list includes:

• main: The default Splunk Enterprise index. All processed external data is
stored here unless otherwise specified.
• _internal: This index includes Splunk Enterprise internal logs and metrics.
• _audit: Events from the file system change monitor, auditing, and all user
search history.

A number of topics in this manual describe ways you can manage your indexes.
In particular, the following topics are helpful in index management:

• Create custom indexes

• Remove indexes and data from Splunk
• Configure index storage
• Move the index database
• Use multiple partitions for index data
• Configure index size
• Set limits on disk usage
• Back up indexed data
• Set a retirement and archiving policy

Index types

Splunk Enterprise supports two types of indexes:

• Events indexes. Events indexes impose minimal structure and can
accommodate any type of data, including metrics data. Events indexes are
the default index type.
• Metrics indexes. Metrics indexes use a highly structured format to handle
the higher volume and lower latency demands associated with metrics
data. Putting metrics data into metrics indexes results in faster
performance and less use of index storage, compared to putting the same
data into events indexes. For information on the metrics format, see the
Metrics manual.

There are minimal differences in how indexers handle the two index types. Any
differences that do exist are described in the relevant topic.

For more information about the indexing process

To learn more about indexes, see:

• The topic How indexing works in this manual.

• The topic How Splunk stores indexes in this manual.
• The chapter About clusters and index replication in this manual.
• The chapter Configure event processing in Getting Data In.
• The chapter Set up and use summary indexes in the Knowledge Manager
Manual, for information about working with extremely large datasets.

Create custom indexes

You can create two types of indexes:

• Events indexes
• Metrics indexes

Events indexes are the default index type. To create events indexes, see Create
events indexes.

To create metrics indexes, see Create metrics indexes. For general information
on metrics indexes, see the Metrics manual, starting with Overview of metrics.

Create events indexes

The main index, by default, holds all your events. It also serves as the default
index for any inputs or search commands that don't specify an index, although

you can change the default.

With a Splunk Enterprise license, you can add an unlimited number of additional
indexes. You can add indexes using Splunk Web, the CLI, or indexes.conf.

This topic covers:

• The reasons why you might want multiple indexes.

• How to create new indexes.
• How to send events to specific indexes.
• How to search specific indexes.

Why have multiple indexes?

There are several key reasons for having multiple indexes:

• To control user access.

• To accommodate varying retention policies.
• To speed searches in certain situations.

The main reason you'd set up multiple indexes is to control user access to the
data that's in them. When you assign users to roles, you can limit user searches
to specific indexes based on the role they're in.

In addition, if you have different policies for retention for different sets of data,
you might want to send the data to different indexes and then set a different
archive or retention policy for each index.

Another reason to set up multiple indexes has to do with the way search works. If
you have both a high-volume/high-noise data source and a low-volume data
source feeding into the same index, and you search mostly for events from the
low-volume data source, the search speed will be slower than necessary,
because the indexer also has to search through all the data from the high-volume
source. To mitigate this, you can create dedicated indexes for each data source
and send data from each source to its dedicated index. Then, you can specify
which index to search on. You'll probably notice an increase in search speed.

Create events indexes

You can create events indexes with Splunk Web, the CLI, or by editing
indexes.conf directly.

Note: To add a new index to an indexer cluster, you must directly edit
indexes.conf. You cannot add an index via Splunk Web or the CLI. For
information on how to configure indexes.conf for clusters, see Configure the
peer indexes in an indexer cluster. That topic includes an example of creating a
new cluster index.

Use Splunk Web

1. In Splunk Web, navigate to Settings > Indexes and click New.

2. To create a new index, enter:

• A name for the index. User-defined index names must consist of only
numbers, lowercase letters, underscores, and hyphens. They cannot
begin with an underscore or hyphen, or contain the word "kvstore".
• The index data type. For event data, click Events. This is the default data
• The path locations for index data storage:
♦ Home path. Leave blank for default $SPLUNK_DB/<index_name>/db
♦ Cold path. Leave blank for default
♦ Thawed path. Leave blank for default
• Enable/disable data integrity check.
• The maximum size of the entire index. Defaults to 500000MB.
• The maximum size of each index bucket. When setting the maximum size,
use auto_high_volume for high volume indexes (such as the main index);
otherwise, use auto.
• The frozen archive path. Set this field if you want to archive frozen
buckets. For information on bucket archiving, see Archive indexed data.
• The app in which the index resides.
• The tsidx retention policy. See Reduce tsidx usage.

For more information on index settings, see Configure index storage.

3. Click Save.

You can edit an index by clicking on the index name in the Indexes section of the
Settings menu in Splunk Web. Properties that you cannot change in Splunk Web
are grayed out. To change those properties, edit indexes.conf, then restart the

Note: Some index properties are configurable only by editing the indexes.conf
file. Check the indexes.conf topic for a complete list of properties.

Use the CLI

Navigate to the $SPLUNK_HOME/bin/ directory and use the add index command.
You do not need to stop the indexer first.

To add a new index called "fflanda", enter the following command:

splunk add index fflanda

Note: User-defined index names must consist of only numbers, lowercase
letters, underscores, and hyphens. They cannot begin with an underscore or
hyphen, or contain the word "kvstore".

If you do not want to use the default path for your new index, you can use
parameters to specify a new location:

splunk add index foo -homePath /your/path/foo/db -coldPath

-thawedPath /your/path/foo/thawedDb
You can also edit an index's properties from the CLI. For example, to edit an
index called "fflanda" using the CLI, type:

splunk edit index fflanda -<parameter> <value>

For detailed information on index settings, see Configure index storage.

Edit indexes.conf

To add a new index, add a stanza to indexes.conf in

$SPLUNK_HOME/etc/system/local, identified by the name of the new index. For

homePath=<path for hot and warm buckets>
coldPath=<path for cold buckets>
thawedPath=<path for thawed buckets>
For information on index settings, see Configure index storage and the
indexes.conf spec file.

Note: User-defined index names must consist of only numbers, lowercase
letters, underscores, and hyphens. They cannot begin with an underscore or
hyphen, or contain the word "kvstore".

You must restart the indexer after editing indexes.conf.

For information on adding or editing index configurations on cluster nodes, see

Configure the peer indexes in an indexer cluster.

Send events to specific indexes

By default, all external events go to the index called main. However, you might
want to send some events to other indexes. For example, you might want to
route all data from a particular input to its own index. Or you might want to
segment data or send event data from a noisy source to an index that is
dedicated to receiving it.

Important: To send events to a specific index, the index must already exist on
the indexer. If you route any events to an index that doesn't exist, the indexer will
drop those events.

Send all events from a data input to a specific index

To send all events from a particular data input to a specific index, add the
following line to the input's stanza in inputs.conf on the Splunk Enterprise
component where the data is entering the system: either the indexer itself or a
forwarder sending data to the indexer:

index = <index_name>

The following example inputs.conf stanza sends all data from /var/log to an
index named fflanda:

disabled = false
index = fflanda
Route specific events to a different index

Just as you can route events to specific queues, you can also route specific
events to specific indexes. You configure this on the indexer itself, not on the
forwarder sending data to the indexer, if any.

To route certain events to a specific index, edit props.conf and transforms.conf
on the indexer:

1. Identify a common attribute for the events that can be used to differentiate

2. In props.conf, create a stanza for the source, source type, or host. This
stanza specifies a transforms_name that corresponds to a regex-containing
stanza you will create in transforms.conf.

3. In transforms.conf, create an stanza named with the transforms_name you

specified in step 2. This stanza:

• Specifies a regular expression that matches the identified attribute from

step 1.
• Specifies the alternate index that events matching the attribute should be
routed to.

The sections below fill out the details for steps 2 and 3.

Edit props.conf

Add the following stanza to $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/system/local/props.conf:

TRANSFORMS-<class_name> = <transforms_name>
Note the following:

• <spec> is one of the following:

♦ <sourcetype>, the sourcetype of an event
♦ host::<host>, where <host> is the host for an event
♦ source::<source>, where <source> is the source for an event

• <class_name> is any unique identifier.

• <transforms_name> is whatever unique identifier you want to give to your

transform in transforms.conf.

Edit transforms.conf

Add the following stanza to $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/system/local/transforms.conf:

REGEX = <your_custom_regex>
DEST_KEY = _MetaData:Index
FORMAT = <alternate_index_name>
Note the following:

• <transforms_name> must match the <transforms_name> identifier you

specified in props.conf.

• <your_custom_regex> must provide a match for the attribute you identified

earlier, in step 1.

• DEST_KEY must be set to the index attribute _MetaData:Index.

• <alternate_index_name> specifies the alternate index that the events will

route to.


This examples routes events of windows_snare_log source type to the

appropriate index based on their log types. "Application" logs will go to an
alternate index, while all other log types, such as "Security", will go to the default

To make this determination, it uses props.conf to direct events of

windows_snare_log source type through the transforms.conf stanza named
"AppRedirect", where a regex then looks for the log type, "Application". Any event
with a match on "Application" in the appropriate location is routed to the alternate
index, "applogindex". All other events go to the default index.

1. Identify an attribute

The events in this example look like this:

web1.example.com MSWinEventLog 1 Application 721 Wed

Sep 06 17:05:31 2006
4156 MSDTC Unknown
User N/A Information WEB1 Printers String
message: Session idle timeout over, tearing down the
session. 179

web1.example.com MSWinEventLog 1 Security 722 Wed

Sep 06 17:59:08 2006
576 Security SYSTEM User Success

Audit WEB1 Privilege Use
Special privileges assigned to new logon: User Name: Domain:
ID: (0x0,0x4F3C5880) Assigned: SeBackupPrivilege
SeDebugPrivilege SeChangeNotifyPrivilege
SeAssignPrimaryTokenPrivilege 525
Some events contain the value "Application", while others contain the value
"Security" in the same location.

2. Edit props.conf

Add this stanza to $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/system/local/props.conf:

TRANSFORMS-index = AppRedirect
This directs events of windows_snare_syslog sourcetype to the AppRedirect
stanza in transforms.conf.

3. Edit transforms.conf

Add this stanza to $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/system/local/transforms.conf:

REGEX = MSWinEventLog\s+\d+\s+Application
DEST_KEY = _MetaData:Index
FORMAT = applogindex
This stanza processes the events directed here by props.conf. Events that
match the regex (because they contain the string "Application" in the specified
location) get routed to the alternate index, "applogindex". All other events route
as usual to the default index.

Search a specific index

When the indexer searches, it targets the default index (by default, main), unless
the search explicitly specifies an index. For example, this search command
searches in the hatch index:

index=hatch userid=henry.gale

You can also specify an alternate default index for a given role to search when
you create or edit that role.

Create metrics indexes

You can create metrics indexes with Splunk Web, the CLI, the REST API, or by
editing indexes.conf directly. For more about metrics, see Overview of metrics in
the Metrics manual.

Use Splunk Web

1. In Splunk Web, navigate to Settings > Indexes and click New.

2. For Index Name, type a name for the index. User-defined index names
must consist of only numbers, lowercase letters, underscores, and
hyphens. Index names cannot begin with an underscore or hyphen, or
contain the word "kvstore".
3. For Index Data Type, click Metrics.
4. Enter the remaining properties of the index as needed. For details, see
Create events indexes.
5. Click Save.

Use the command line interface (CLI)

1. Open a command prompt.

2. Navigate to the $SPLUNK_HOME/bin/ directory.
3. Use the add index command to create an index. User-defined index
names must consist of only numbers, lowercase letters, underscores, and
hyphens. Index names cannot begin with an underscore or hyphen, or
contain the word "kvstore".

For example, to create an index called mymetricsindex, enter the following


splunk add index mymetricsindex -datatype metric

To list all metrics indexes, enter the following command:

splunk list index -datatype metric

To list all indexes, including events indexes, enter the following command:

splunk list index -datatype all

Use the REST API

Create an index using the /data/indexes endpoint with the "datatype=metric"

parameter. For details, see /data/indexes in the REST API Reference Manual.

For example, to create a metrics index called mymetricsindex, enter the following

curl -k -u admin:pass https://localhost:8089/services/data/indexes \

-d name=mymetricsindex \
-d datatype=metric
To list all metrics indexes using the REST API, enter the following command:

curl -k -u admin:pass
To list all indexes, including events indexes, enter the following command:

curl -k -u admin:pass
Edit indexes.conf

To create a new metrics index, add a stanza to indexes.conf in

$SPLUNK_HOME/etc/system/local, identified by the name of the new index.
Change the datatype parameter to datatype = metric.

For example, to create a metrics index called ?mymetricsindex?, add the

following stanza:

homePath=<path for hot and warm buckets>
coldPath=<path for cold buckets>
thawedPath=<path for thawed buckets>
datatype = metric
For information on index settings, see Configure index storage and the
indexes.conf spec file.

User-defined index names must consist of only numbers, lowercase letters,

underscores, and hyphens. They cannot begin with an underscore or hyphen, or
contain the word "kvstore".

You must restart the indexer after editing indexes.conf.

For information on adding or editing index configurations on cluster nodes, see
Configure the peer indexes in an indexer cluster.

Remove indexes and indexed data

You can remove indexed data or even entire indexes from the indexer. These are
the main options:

• Delete events from subsequent searches.

• Remove all data from one or more indexes.
• Remove or disable an entire index.
• Delete older data, based on a retirement policy.

Caution: Removing data is irreversible. If you want to get your data back once
you've removed data using any of the techniques described in this topic, you
must re-index the applicable data sources.

Delete events from subsequent searches

The Splunk search language provides the special command delete to delete
event data from subsequent searches. Before using delete , read this section

The delete command is available only with events indexes. You cannot use it
with metrics indexes

Note: You cannot run the delete command during a real-time search; you
cannot delete events as they come in. If you try to use delete during a real-time
search, Splunk Enterprise will display an error.

Who can delete?

The delete command can only be run by a user with the "delete_by_keyword"
capability. By default, Splunk Enterprise ships with a special role, "can_delete"
that has this capability (and no others). The admin role does not have this
capability by default. It's recommended that you create a special user that you
log into when you intend to delete index data.

For more information, refer to Add and edit roles in Securing Splunk Enterprise.

How to delete

First run a search that returns the events you want deleted. Make sure that this
search returns only the events you want to delete, and no other events. Once
you're certain of that, you can pipe the results of the search to the delete

For example, if you want to remove the events you've indexed from a source
called /fflanda/incoming/cheese.log so that they no longer appear in searches,
do the following:

1. Disable or remove that source so that it no longer gets indexed.

2. Search for events from that source in your index:


3. Look at the results to confirm that this is the data you want to delete.

4. Once you've confirmed that this is the data you want to delete, pipe the search
to delete:

source="/fflanda/incoming/cheese.log" | delete

See the page about the delete command in the Search Reference Manual for
more examples.

Note: When running Splunk on Windows, substitute the forward slashes (/) in the
examples with backslashes (\).

Piping a search to the delete command marks all the events returned by that
search so that subsequent searches do not return them. No user (even with
admin permissions) will be able to see this data when searching.

Note: Piping to delete does not reclaim disk space. The data is not actually
removed from the index; it is just invisible to searches.

The delete command does not update the metadata of the events, so any
metadata searches will still include the events although they are not searchable.
The main All indexed data dashboard will still show event counts for the deleted
sources, hosts, or sourcetypes.

The delete operation and indexer clusters

In the normal course of index replication, the effects of a delete operation get
quickly propagated across all bucket copies in the cluster, typically within a few
seconds or minutes, depending on the cluster load and amount of data and
buckets affected by the delete operation. During this propagation interval, a
search can return results that have already been deleted.

Also, if a peer that had primary bucket copies at the time of the delete operation
goes down before all the results have been propagated, some of the deletes will
be lost. In that case, you must rerun the operation after the primary copies from
the downed peer have been reassigned.

Remove data from one or all indexes

To delete indexed data permanently from your disk, use the CLI clean command.
This command completely deletes the data in one or all indexes, depending on
whether you provide an <index_name> argument. Typically, you run clean before
re-indexing all your data.

Note: The clean command does not work on clustered indexes.

How to use the clean command

Here are the main ways to use the clean command:

• To access the help page for clean, type:

splunk help clean

• To permanently remove data from all indexes, type:

splunk clean eventdata

• To permanently remove data from a single index, type:

splunk clean eventdata -index <index_name>

where <index_name> is the name of the targeted index.

• Add the -f parameter to force clean to skip its confirmation prompts.

Important: You must stop the indexer before you run the clean command.

Note: In pre-5.0 versions of Splunk Enterprise, running the clean command

caused the indexer to reset the next bucket ID value for the index to 0. Starting
with version 5.0, this is no longer the case. So, if the latest bucket ID was 3, after
you run clean, the next bucket ID will be 4, not 0. For more information on bucket
naming conventions and the bucket ID, see What the index directories look like.


This example removes data from all indexes:

splunk stop
splunk clean eventdata
This example removes data from the _internal index and forces Splunk to skip
the confirmation prompt:

splunk stop
splunk clean eventdata -index _internal -f
Remove an index entirely

To remove an index entirely (and not just the data contained in it), use the CLI
command remove index:

splunk remove index <index_name>

This command deletes the index's data directories and removes the index's
stanza from indexes.conf.

Before running the command, look through all inputs.conf files (on your indexer
and on any forwarders sending data to the indexer) and make sure that none of
the stanzas are directing data to the index you plan to delete. In other words, if
you want to delete an index called "nogood", make sure the following
attribute/value pair does not appear in any of your input stanzas: index=nogood.
Once the index has been deleted, the indexer will discard any data still being
sent to that index.

When you run remove index, it first warns you if any of the inputs on the indexer
(but not on any forwarders) are still configured to send data to the specified
index. You'll see a message like this:

03-28-2012 23:59:22.973 -0700 WARN IndexAdminHandler - Events from the
following 3 inputs will now be discarded, since they had targeted
03-28-2012 23:59:22.973 -0700 WARN IndexAdminHandler - type: monitor,
id: /home/v/syslog-avg-1000-lines
03-28-2012 23:59:22.973 -0700 WARN IndexAdminHandler - type: monitor,
id: /mnt/kickstart/internal/fermi
03-28-2012 23:59:22.973 -0700 WARN IndexAdminHandler - type: monitor,
id: /mnt/kickstart/internal/flights
You can run remove index while splunkd is running. You do not need to restart
splunkd after the command completes.

The index deletion process is ordinarily fast, but the duration depends on several

• The amount of data being deleted.

• Whether you are currently performing heavy writes to other indexes on the
same disk.
• Whether you have a large number of small .tsidx files in the index you're

Disable an index without deleting it

Use the disable index CLI command to disable an index without deleting it:

splunk disable index <index_name>

Unlike the remove index command, disable index does not delete index data,
and it is reversible (with the enable index command). However, once an index is
disabled, splunkd will no longer accept data targeted at it.

You can also disable an index in Splunk Web. To do this, navigate to Settings >
Indexes and click Disable to the right of the index you want to disable.

Delete older data based on retirement policy

When data in an index reaches a specified age or when the index grows to a
specified size, it rolls to the "frozen" state, at which point the indexer deletes it
from the index. Just before deleting the data, the indexer can move it to an
archive, depending on how you configure your retirement policy.

For more information, see Set a retirement and archiving policy.

Manage pipeline sets for index parallelization
Index parallelization is a feature that allows an indexer to maintain multiple
pipeline sets. A pipeline set handles the processing of data from ingestion of
raw data, through event processing, to writing the events to disk. A pipeline set is
one instance of the processing pipeline described in How indexing works.

By default, an indexer runs just a single pipeline set. However, if the underlying
machine is under-utilized, in terms of available cores and I/O both, you can
configure the indexer to run two pipeline sets. By running two pipeline sets, you
potentially double the indexer's indexing throughput capacity.

Note: The actual amount of increased throughput on your indexer depends on

the nature of your data inputs and other factors.

In addition, if the indexer is having difficulty handling bursts of data, index

parallelization can help it to accommodate the bursts, assuming again that the
machine has the available capacity.

To summarize, these are some typical use cases for index parallelization,
dependent on available machine resources:

• Scale indexer throughput.

• Handle bursts of data.

For a better understanding of the use cases and to determine whether your
deployment can benefit from multiple pipeline sets, see Parallelization settings in
the Capacity Planning Manual.

Note: You cannot use index parallelization with multiple pipeline sets for metrics
data that is received from a UDP data input. If your system uses multiple pipeline
sets, use a TCP or HTTP Event Collector data input for metrics data. For more
about metrics, see the Metrics manual.

Configure the number of pipeline sets

Caution: Before you increase the number of pipeline sets from the default of
one, be sure that your indexer can support multiple pipeline sets. Read
Parallelization settings in the Capacity Planning Manual. In addition, consult with
Professional Services, particularly if you want to increase the number of pipeline
sets beyond two.

To set the number of pipeline sets to two, change the
parallelIngestionPipelines attribute in the [general] stanza of server.conf:

parallelIngestionPipelines = 2
You must restart the indexer for the change to take effect.

Unless Professional Services advises otherwise, limit the number of pipeline sets
to a maximum of 2.

How the indexer handles multiple pipeline sets

When you implement two pipeline sets, you have two complete processing
pipelines, from the point of data ingestion to the point of writing events to disk.
The pipeline sets operate independently of each other, with no knowledge of
each other's activities. The effect is essentially the same as if each pipeline set
was running on its own, separate indexer.

Each data input goes to a single pipeline. For example, if you are directly
ingesting a file, the entire file will get processed through a single pipeline. The
pipelines do not share the file's data.

When a data input enters the indexer, it can enter either of the pipeline sets. The
indexer uses round-robin load balancing to allocate new inputs across its pipeline

Each pipeline writes to its own set of hot buckets.

The effect of multiple pipeline sets on indexing settings

Some indexing settings are scoped to pipeline sets. These include any settings
that are related to a pipeline, processor or queue. Examples of these include
max_fd and maxKBps in limits.conf and maxHotBuckets in indexes.conf.

If you have multiple pipeline sets, these limits apply to each pipeline set
individually, not to the indexer as a whole. For example, each pipeline set is
separately subject to the maxHotBuckets limit. If you set maxHotBuckets to 4, each
pipeline set is allowed a maximum of four hot buckets at a time, for a total of
eight on an indexer with two pipeline sets.

Forwarders and multiple pipeline sets

You can also configure forwarders to run multiple pipeline sets. Multiple pipeline
sets increase forwarder throughput and allow the forwarder to process multiple
inputs simultaneously.

This can be of particular value, for example, when a forwarder needs to process
a large file that would occupy the pipeline for a long period of time. With just a
single pipeline, no other files can be processed until the forwarder finishes the
large file. With two pipeline sets, the second pipeline can ingest and forward
smaller files quickly, while the first pipeline continues to process the large file.

Assuming that the forwarder has sufficient resources and depending on the
nature of the incoming data, a forwarder with two pipelines can potentially
forward twice as much data as a forwarder with one pipeline.

How forwarders use multiple pipeline sets

When you enable multiple pipeline sets on a forwarder, each pipeline handles
both data input and output. In the case of a heavy forwarder, each pipeline also
handles parsing.

The forwarder uses round-robin load balancing to allocate new inputs across its
pipeline sets.

The forwarder forwards the output streams independently of each other. If the
forwarder is configured for load balancing, it load balances each output stream
separately. The receiving indexer handles each stream coming from the
forwarder separately, as if each stream were coming from a different forwarder.

Note: The pipeline sets on forwarders and indexers are entirely independent of
each other. For example, a forwarder with multiple pipeline sets can forward to
any indexer, no matter whether the indexer has one pipeline set or two. The
forwarder does not know the pipeline configuration on the indexer, and it does
not need to know it. Similarly, an indexer with multiple pipeline sets can receive
data from any forwarder, no matter how many pipeline sets the forwarder has.

Configure pipeline sets on a forwarder

You configure the number of pipeline sets for forwarders in the same way as for
indexers, with the parallelIngestionPipelines attribute in the [general] stanza
of server.conf.

For heavy forwarders, the indexer guidelines apply: The underlying machine
must be significantly under-utilized. You should generally limit the number of
pipeline sets to two and consult with Professional Services. See Parallelization
settings in the Capacity Planning Manual.

For universal forwarders, a single pipeline set uses, on average, around 0.5 of a
core, but utilization can reach a maximum of 1.5 cores. Therefore, two pipeline
sets will use between 1.0 and 3.0 cores. If you want to configure more than two
pipeline sets on a universal forwarder, consult with Professional Services first.

Optimize indexes
While the indexer is indexing data, one or more instances of the splunk-optimize
process will run intermittently, merging index files together to optimize
performance when searching the data. The splunk-optimize process can use a
significant amount of cpu but only briefly. You can reduce the number of
concurrent instances of splunk-optimize by changing the value of
maxConcurrentOptimizes in indexes.conf, but this is not typically necessary.

If splunk-optimize does not run frequently enough, searching will be less


splunk-optimize runs only on hot buckets. You can run it on warm buckets
manually, if you find one with a larger number of index (.tsidx) files; typically,
more than 25. To run splunk-optimize, go to $SPLUNKHOME/bin and type:

splunk-optimize -d|--directory <bucket_directory>

splunk-optimize accepts a number of optional parameters. To see a list of
available parameters, type:

To enable verbose logging from splunk-optimize to splunkd.log, you can set
category.SplunkOptimize in log.cfg to INFO or DEBUG. The recommended
way to do this is through the CLI:

splunk set log-level SplunkOptimize -level DEBUG -auth admin:passwd

For more information on buckets, see How Splunk stores indexes.

Use the monitoring console to view indexing
You can use the monitoring console to monitor most aspects of your deployment.
This topic discusses the console dashboards that provide insight into indexing

The primary documentation for the monitoring console is located in Monitoring

Splunk Enterprise.

There are two performance dashboards under the Indexing menu:

• Indexing Performance: Instance

• Indexing Performance: Deployment

As their names suggest, they provide similar information, scoped either to a

single instance or to the entire deployment.

The performance dashboards provide a wide variety of information on indexing

processes, such as:

• Indexing rate
• Queue fill ratios
• CPU information for various parts of the data pipeline

View the dashboards themselves for more information. In addition, see Indexing
performance dashboards in Monitoring Splunk Enterprise.

Manage index storage

How the indexer stores indexes

As the indexer indexes your data, it creates a number of files:

• The raw data in compressed form (the rawdata journal)

• Indexes that point to the raw data (tsidx files)
• Some other metadata files

Together, these files constitute the Splunk Enterprise index. The files reside in
sets of directories organized by age. Some directories contain newly indexed
data; others contain previously indexed data. The number of such directories can
grow quite large, depending on how much data you're indexing.

Why you might care

You might not care, actually. The indexer handles indexed data by default in a
way that gracefully ages the data through several states. After a long period of
time, typically several years, the indexer removes old data from your system. You
might well be fine with the default scheme it uses.

However, if you're indexing large amounts of data, have specific data retention
requirements, or otherwise need to carefully plan your aging policy, you've got to
read this topic. Also, to back up your data, it helps to know where to find it. So,
read on....

How data ages

Each of the index directories is known as a bucket. To summarize so far:

• An "index" contains compressed raw data and associated index files.

• An index resides across many age-designated index directories.
• An index directory is called a bucket.

A bucket moves through several states as it ages:

• hot
• warm
• cold

• frozen
• thawed

As buckets age, they "roll" from one state to the next. As data is indexed, it goes
into a hot bucket. Hot buckets are both searchable and actively being written to.
An index can have several hot buckets open at a time.

When certain conditions occur (for example, the hot bucket reaches a certain
size or splunkd gets restarted), the hot bucket becomes a warm bucket ("rolls to
warm"), and a new hot bucket is created in its place. Warm buckets are
searchable, but are not actively written to. There are many warm buckets.

Once further conditions are met (for example, the index reaches some maximum
number of warm buckets), the indexer begins to roll the warm buckets to cold,
based on their age. It always selects the oldest warm bucket to roll to cold.
Buckets continue to roll to cold as they age in this manner. After a set period of
time, cold buckets roll to frozen, at which point they are either archived or
deleted. By editing attributes in indexes.conf, you can specify the bucket aging
policy, which determines when a bucket moves from one state to the next.

If the frozen data has been archived, it can later be thawed. Thawed data is
available for searches.

Here are the states that buckets age through:

Description Searchable?
Contains newly indexed data.
Hot Open for writing. One or more hot Yes
buckets for each index.
Data rolled from hot. There are
Warm many warm buckets. Data is not Yes
actively written to warm buckets.
Data rolled from warm. There are
Cold Yes
many cold buckets.
Data rolled from cold. The indexer
deletes frozen data by default, but
Frozen you can choose to archive it No
instead. Archived data can later
be thawed.
Thawed Yes

Data restored from an archive. If
you archive frozen data, you can
later return it to the index by
thawing it.
The collection of buckets in a particular state is sometimes referred to as a
database or "db": the "hot db", the "warm db", the "cold db", etc.

What the index directories look like

Each index occupies its own directory under $SPLUNK_HOME/var/lib/splunk. The

name of the directory is the same as the index name. Under the index directory
are a series of subdirectories that categorize the buckets by state (hot/warm,
cold, or thawed).

The buckets themselves are subdirectories within those directories. The bucket
directory names are based on the age of the data.

Here is the directory structure for the default index (defaultdb):

Default location Notes
There can be
multiple hot
one for each
Hot $SPLUNK_HOME/var/lib/splunk/defaultdb/db/*
hot bucket.
See Bucket
There are
Warm $SPLUNK_HOME/var/lib/splunk/defaultdb/db/* for each warm
bucket. See
Bucket naming
Cold $SPLUNK_HOME/var/lib/splunk/defaultdb/colddb/* There are
multiple cold
When warm
buckets roll to

cold, they get
moved into this
directory, but
are not
Deletion is the
default; see
N/A: Frozen data gets deleted or archived into a indexed data
directory location you specify. for information
on how to
archive the
data instead.
Location for
data that has
been archived
and later
thawed. See
Thawed $SPLUNK_HOME/var/lib/splunk/defaultdb/thaweddb/*
archived data
for information
on restoring
archived data
to a thawed
The paths for the hot/warm, cold, and thawed directories are configurable, so, for
example, you can store cold buckets in a separate location from hot/warm
buckets. See Configure index storage and Use multiple partitions for index data.

All index locations must be writable.

Note: In pre-6.0 versions of Splunk Enterprise, replicated copies of indexer

cluster buckets always resided in the colddb directory, even if they were hot or
warm buckets. Starting with 6.0, hot and warm replicated copies reside in the db
directory, the same as for non-replicated copies.

Bucket states and SmartStore

For indexes eanbled with the SmartStore feature, which places data on a remote
store such as S3, the cold state does not ordinarily exist. See Bucket states and

Bucket naming conventions

Bucket names depend on:

• The state of the bucket: hot or warm/cold/thawed

• The type of bucket directory: non-clustered, clustered originating, or
clustered replicated

Important: Bucket naming conventions are subject to change.

Non-clustered buckets

A standalone indexer creates non-clustered buckets. These use one type of

naming convention.

Clustered buckets

An indexer that is part of an indexer cluster creates clustered buckets. A

clustered bucket has multiple exact copies. The naming convention for clustered
buckets distinguishes the types of copies, originating or replicated.

Briefly, a bucket in an indexer cluster has multiple copies, according to its

replication factor. When the data enters the cluster, the receiving indexer writes
the data to a hot bucket. This receiving indexer is known as the source cluster
peer, and the bucket where the data gets written is called the originating copy of
the bucket.

As data is written to the hot copy, the source peer streams copies of the hot data,
in blocks, to other indexers in the cluster. These indexers are referred to as the
target peers for the bucket. The copies of the streamed data on the target peers
are known as replicated copies of the bucket.

When the source peer rolls its originating hot bucket to warm, the target peers
roll their replicated copies of that bucket. The warm copies are exact replicas of
each other.

For an introduction to indexer cluster architecture and replicated data streaming,

read Basic indexer cluster architecture.

Bucket names

These are the naming conventions:

Bucket type Hot bucket Warm/cold/thawed bucket
Non-clustered hot_v1_<localid> db_<newest_time>_<oldest_time>_<localid>
hot_v1_<localid> db_<newest_time>_<oldest_time>_<localid>_<guid>
<localid>_<guid> rb_<newest_time>_<oldest_time>_<localid>_<guid>

• <newest_time> and <oldest_time> are timestamps indicating the age of

the data in the bucket. The timestamps are expressed in UTC epoch time
(in seconds). For example: db_1223658000_1223654401_2835 is a warm,
non-clustered bucket containing data from October 10, 2008, covering the
exact period of 9am-10am.
• <localid> is an ID for the bucket. For a clustered bucket, the originating
and replicated copies of the bucket have the same <localid>.
• <guid> is the guid of the source peer node. The guid is located in the
peer's $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/instance.cfg file.

In an indexer cluster, the originating warm bucket and its replicated copies have
identical names, except for the prefix (db for the originating bucket; rb for the
replicated copies).

Note: In an indexer cluster, when data is streamed from the source peer to a
target peer, the data first goes into a temporary directory on the target peer,
identified by the hot bucket convention of <localid>_<guid>. This is true for any
replicated bucket copy, whether or not the streaming bucket is a hot bucket. For
example, during bucket fix-up activities, a peer might stream a warm bucket to
other peers. When the replication of that bucket has completed, the
<localid>_<guid> directory is rolled into a warm bucket directory, identified by
the rb_ prefix.

Buckets and Splunk Enterprise administration

When you are administering Splunk Enterprise, it helps to understand how the
indexer stores indexes across buckets. In particular, several admin activities
require a good understanding of buckets:

• For information on setting a retirement and archiving policy, see Set a

retirement and archiving policy. You can base the retirement policy on
either the size or the age of data.

• For information on how to archive your indexed data, see Archive indexed
data. To learn how to restore data from archive, read Restore archived

• To learn how to back up your data, read Back up indexed data. That topic
also discusses how to manually roll hot buckets to warm, so that you can
then back them up.

• For information on setting limits on disk usage, see Set limits on disk

• For a list of configurable bucket settings, see Configure index storage.

• For information on configuring index size, see Configure index size.

• For information on partitioning index data, see Use multiple partitions for
index data.

• For information on how buckets function in indexer clusters, see Buckets

and indexer clusters.

• For information on buckets and SmartStore, see Bucket states and


In addition, see indexes.conf in the Admin Manual.

Configure index storage

You configure indexes in indexes.conf. How you edit indexes.conf depends on
whether you're using index replication, also known as indexer clustering:

• For non-clustered indexes, edit the version of indexes.conf in

$SPLUNK_HOME/etc/system/local/, or create one if it does not already
exist there. Do not edit the copy in $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/system/default. For
information on configuration files and directory locations, see About
configuration files.
• For clustered indexes, create or edit a version of indexes.conf on the
cluster master node and then distribute it to all the peer nodes, as
described in Configure the peer indexes in an indexer cluster.

For non-clustered indexes only, you can optionally use Splunk Web to configure
the path to your indexes. Go to Settings > Server settings > General settings.

Under the section Index settings, set the field Path to indexes. After doing this,
you must restart the indexer from the CLI, not from within Splunk Web. Most
other settings, however, require direct editing of indexes.conf.

Attributes that affect index buckets

This table lists the key indexes.conf attributes affecting buckets and what they
configure. It also provides links to other topics that show how to use these
attributes. For the most detailed information on these attributes, as well as
others, always refer to the indexes.conf spec file.

Note: This list is specific to non-SmartStore indexes. The set of attributes that
control SmartStore indexes is significantly different. See Configure SmartStore.

For more
What it
Attribute Default information,
see ...
The path that
contains the hot
and warm
buckets. $SPLUNK_HOME/var/lib/splunk/ Configure
homePath (Required.) defaultdb/db/ (for the default index path
index only) attributes
This location
must be
The path that
contains the
cold buckets.
$SPLUNK_HOME/var/lib/splunk/ Configure
coldPath defaultdb/colddb/ (for the index path
default index only) attributes
This location
must be
thawedPath The path that $SPLUNK_HOME/var/lib/splunk/ Configure
contains any defaultdb/thaweddb/ (for the index path
thawed buckets. default index only) attributes

This location
must be

whether the 0 (which means that the index
index gets will not get replicated to other
replicated to peers; the correct behavior for Configure the
other cluster non-clustered indexes). For peer indexes
peers. clustered indexes, you must in an indexer
(Required for set repFactor to auto, which cluster
indexes on causes the index to get
cluster peer replicated.
The maximum
number of hot
buckets. This
value should be
at least 2, to
deal with any How data
maxHotBuckets 3, for new, custom indexes.
archival data. ages
The main
default index, for
example, has
this value set to
behavior, hot
to warm. The
maximum size
for a hot bucket.
Set a
When a hot
maxDataSize bucket reaches Depends; see indexes.conf.
and archiving
this size, it rolls
to warm. This
attribute also
determines the
size for all
maxWarmDBCount Determines 300 Use multiple
rolling partitions for
behavior, warm index data

to cold. The
number of warm
buckets. When
the maximum is
reached, warm
buckets begin
rolling to cold.
behavior, cold
to frozen. The Set a
maximum size retirement
maxTotalDataSizeMB 500000 (MB)
of an index. and archiving
When this limit policy
is reached, cold
buckets begin
rolling to frozen.
behavior, cold Set a
to frozen. 188697600 (in seconds; retirement
Maximum age approx. 6 years) and archiving
for a bucket, policy
after which it
rolls to frozen.
Location for
archived data.
behavior when a
bucket rolls from If you don't set either this
cold to frozen. If attribute or
set, the indexer coldToFrozenScript, the Archive
will archive indexer will just log the bucket's indexed data
frozen buckets directory name and then delete
into this it once it rolls to frozen.
directory just
before deleting
them from the

Script to run just If you don't set either this Archive
before a cold attribute or coldToFrozenDir, indexed data
bucket rolls to the indexer will just log the
frozen. If you set bucket's directory name and
both this then delete it once it rolls to
attribute and frozen.
the indexer will
and ignore this
Maximum size
for homePath
bucket storage)
or coldPath
homePath.maxDataSizeMB (cold bucket
index size
storage). If None
according to
coldPath.maxDataSizeMB either attribute is
bucket type
missing or set to
0, its path is not
constrained in
Maximum size
for a volume. If
the attribute is
missing, the
maxVolumeDataSizeMB None index size
with volumes
volume is not
constrained in
Configure index path attributes

When creating a new index, you configure several index path attributes, for
example, homePath and coldPath. When you configure path attributes, follow
these restrictions and recommendations:

• The path must be writable. In the case of homePath, the parent path must
also be writable.

• Do not use environment variables in index paths. The only exception to
this is SPLUNK_DB.
• The path cannot be a root directory, such as homePath=/myindex or
• It is recommended that you specify the path using $_index_name as
placeholder for the index name. For example:

homePath = $SPLUNK_DB/$_index_name/db

At run time, the indexer expands $_index_name to the name of the

index. For example, if the index name is "newindex", homePath
becomes $SPLUNK_DB/newindex/db.

The set of index path attributes includes:

• homePath
• coldPath
• thawedPath
• bloomHomePath
• summaryHomePath
• tstatsHomePath

For more information on path attributes, see the indexes.conf spec file.

For information on using multiple partitions to hold your index data, see Use
multiple partitions for index data .

Index size and indexer clusters

Note: This section pertains to non-SmartStore indexes only. Clusters handle

sizing of SmartStore indexes differently. See Configure data retention for
SmartStore indexes.

The attributes that control the size of a non-SmartStore index and its number of
buckets operate on each peer node individually. They do not operate across the

For example, take the maxTotalDataSizeMB attribute. This attribute specifies the
maximum size of the index. Its value is applied on a per-peer basis to limit the
size of the index on each peer. When an index reaches its maximum size on a
particular peer node, the peer freezes the oldest bucket in its copy of the index.

This means that the size of an index on a peer node is determined by the total
size of all bucket copies for that index on that peer node. It doesn't matter
whether the copies are primary copies, searchable copies, non-searchable
copies, or excess copies. They all count toward the index size on that peer.

Because a cluster usually does not distribute bucket copies perfectly evenly
across the set of peer nodes, an index will typically be a different size on each of
the peer nodes. This means that the index might reach its maximum size on one
peer while still having room to grow on the other peers.

To handle this situation, each peer tells the master when it freezes a copy of a
bucket. At that point, the master no longer initiates fix-up activities for the frozen
bucket. The master does not, however, instruct the other peers to freeze their
copies of that bucket. Each peer will subsequently freeze its copy of the bucket, if
any, when its copy of the index reaches the maximum size limit. See How the
cluster handles frozen buckets.

Note: Although these attributes operate separately on each peer, you should set
them to the same values across all peers in the cluster. See Configure the peer
indexes in an indexer cluster.

For help in sizing your cluster disk space needs, see Storage considerations.

Move the index database

You can move the index database from one location to another. You do this by
changing the path definition of SPLUNK_DB through the command-line interface of
your operating system.

The procedures in this topic assume that the index database is in the default
location, created during installation.

If you move individual indexes or parts of an index to separate locations, the

procedures in this topic are not valid. For information on the structure of Splunk
Enterprise indexes, see How the indexer stores indexes. For information on how
to change the location for a single index, see Configure index storage.

Note: Although you can use Splunk Web to change the locations of individual
indexes or index volumes, you cannot use it to change the default storage
location of indexes, SPLUNK_DB.

For *nix users


Make sure the target file system has at least 1.2 times the size of the total
amount of raw data that you plan to index.


1. Create the target directory with write permissions for the user that Splunk
Enterprise runs as. For example, if Splunk Enterprise runs as user "splunk", give
it ownership of the directory:

mkdir /foo/bar
chown splunk /foo/bar/
For information on setting the user that Splunk Enterprise runs as, see Run
Splunk Enterprise as a different or non-root user in the Installation Manual.

2. Stop the indexer:

splunk stop
3. Copy the index file system to the target directory:

cp -rp $SPLUNK_DB/* /foo/bar/

4. Unset the SPLUNK_DB environment variable:

5. Change the SPLUNK_DB attribute in $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/splunk-launch.conf to
specify the new index directory:

6. Start the indexer:

splunk start
The indexer picks up where it left off, reading from, and writing to, the new copy
of the index.

7. You can delete the old index database after verifying that the indexer can read
and write to the new location.

For Windows users


Make sure the target drive or directory has at least 1.2 times the size of the total
amount of raw data that you plan to index.

Caution: Do not use mapped network drives for index stores.


1. From a command prompt, make sure that the target directory has permissions
that allow the splunkd process to write to that directory:

C:\Program Files\Splunk> D:
D:\> mkdir \new\path\for\index
D:\> cacls D:\new\path\for\index /T /E /G <the user Splunk Enterprise
runs as>:F
For more information about determining the user Splunk Enterprise runs as, see
Install on Windows in the Installation Manual.

2. Stop the indexer:

splunk stop
You can also use the Services control panel to stop the splunkd and splunkweb

3. Copy the existing index file system to the target directory:

xcopy "C:\Program Files\Splunk\var\lib\splunk\*.*"

D:\new\path\for\index /s /e /v /o /k
4. Unset the SPLUNK_DB environment variable:

5. Edit the SPLUNK_DBattribute in %SPLUNK_HOME%\etc\splunk-launch.conf to
specify the new index directory:

If the line in the configuration file that contains the SPLUNK_DB attribute has a
pound sign (#) as its first character, remove the #.

6. Start the indexer:

splunk start
The indexer picks up where it left off, reading from, and writing to, the new copy
of the index.

7. You can delete the old index database after verifying that the indexer can read
and write to the new location.

Use multiple partitions for index data

Note: This topic is not relevant to SmartStore indexes. See About SmartStore.

The indexer can use multiple disks and partitions for its index data. It's possible
to configure the indexer to use many disks/partitions/filesystems on the basis of
multiple indexes and bucket types, so long as you mount them correctly and
point to them properly from indexes.conf. However, we recommend that you use
a single high performance file system to hold your index data for the best

If you do use multiple partitions, the most common way to arrange the index data
is to keep the hot/warm buckets on the local machine, and to put the cold bucket
on a separate array of disks (for longer term storage). You'll want to run your
hot/warm buckets on a machine with with fast read/write partitions, since most
searching will happen there. Cold buckets should be located on a reliable array
of disks.

Configure multiple partitions

To configure multiple partitions:

1. Set up partitions just as you'd normally set them up in any operating system.

2. Mount the disks/partitions.

3. Edit indexes.conf to point to the correct paths for the partitions. You set paths
on a per-index basis, so you can also set separate partitions for different indexes.
Each index has its own [<index>] stanza, where <index> is the name of the
index. These are the settable path attributes:

• homePath = <path on server>

♦ This is the path that contains the hot and warm databases for the
♦ See Configure index path attributes for guidelines on defining index

• coldPath = <path on server>

♦ This is the path that contains the cold databases for the index.
♦ See Configure index path attributes for guidelines on defining index

• thawedPath = <path on server>

♦ This is the path that contains any thawed databases for the index.

Configure maximum index size

Note: This topic is not relevant to SmartStore indexes. See Configure data
retention for SmartStore indexes.

You can configure maximum index size in a number of ways:

• On a per-index basis
• For hot/warm and cold buckets separately
• Across indexes, using volumes

To configure index storage size, you set attributes in indexes.conf. For more
information on the attributes mentioned in this topic, read "Configure index

Caution: While processing indexes, the indexer might occasionally exceed the
configured maximums for short periods of time. When setting limits, be sure to
factor in some buffer space. Also, note that certain systems, such as most Unix
systems, maintain a configurable reserve space on their partitions. You must
take that reserve space, if any, into account when determining how large your
indexes can grow.

Configure index size for each index

To set the maximum index size on a per-index basis, use the

maxTotalDataSizeMB attribute. When this limit is reached, buckets begin rolling to

Configure index size according to bucket type

To set the maximum size for homePath (hot/warm bucket storage) or coldPath
(cold bucket storage), use the maxDataSizeMB attributes:

# set hot/warm storage to 10,000MB

homePath.maxDataSizeMB = 10000
# set cold storage to 5,000MB
coldPath.maxDataSizeMB = 5000
The maxDataSizeMB attributes can be set globally or for each index. An
index-level setting will override a global setting. To control bucket storage across
groups of indexes, use the maxVolumeDataSizeMB attribute, described below.

Configure index size with volumes

You can manage disk usage across multiple indexes by creating volumes and
specifying maximum data size for them. A volume represents a directory on the
file system where indexed data resides.

Volumes can store data from multiple indexes. You would typically use separate
volumes for hot/warm and cold buckets. For instance, you can set up one volume
to contain the hot/warm buckets for all your indexes, and another volume to
contain the cold buckets.

You can use volumes to define homePath and coldPath. You cannot use them to
define thawedPath.

In addition, you must use volumes if you explicitly define bloomHomePath. For
information on bloomHomePath, see the topic "Configure bloom filters" in this

Configure a volume

To set up a volume, use this syntax:

path = <pathname_for_volume>
You can also optionally include a maxVolumeDataSizeMB attribute, which specfies
the maximum size for the volume.

For example:

path = /mnt/fast_disk
maxVolumeDataSizeMB = 100000
The example defines a volume called "hot1", located at /mnt/fast_disk, with a
maximum size of 100,000MB.

Similarly, this stanza defines a volume called "cold1" that uses a maximum of

path = /mnt/big_disk
maxVolumeDataSizeMB = 150000
Use a volume

Once you configure volumes, you can use them to define an index's homePath
and coldPath. For example, using the volumes configured above, you can define
two indexes:

homePath = volume:hot1/idx1
coldPath = volume:cold1/idx1

homePath = volume:hot1/idx2
coldPath = volume:cold1/idx2
You can use volumes to manage index storage space in any way that makes
sense to you. Usually, however, volumes correlate to hot/warm and cold buckets,
because of the different storage requirements typical when dealing with different
bucket types. So, you will probably use some volumes exclusively for designating
homePath (hot/warm buckets) and others for coldPath (cold buckets).

When a volume containing warm buckets reaches its maxVolumeDataSizeMB, it

starts rolling buckets to cold. When a volume containing cold buckets reaches its
maxVolumeDataSizeMB, it starts rolling buckets to frozen. If a volume contains both
warm and cold buckets (which will happen if an index's homePath and coldPath
are both set to the same volume), the oldest bucket will be rolled to frozen.

Put it all together

This example shows how to use the per-index homePath.maxDataSizeMB and

coldPath.maxDataSizeMB attributes in combination with volumes to maintain
fine-grained control over index storage. In particular, it shows how to use those

attributes to prevent bursts of data into one index from triggering massive bucket
moves from other indexes. You can use these per-index settings to ensure that
no index will ever occupy more than a specified size, thereby alleviating that

# global settings

# Inheritable by all indexes: no hot/warm bucket can exceed 1 TB.

# Individual indexes can override this setting.
homePath.maxDataSizeMB = 1000000

# volumes

path = /mnt/fast_disk
maxVolumeDataSizeMB = 100000

path = /mnt/big_disk
maxVolumeDataSizeMB = 1000000

# indexes

homePath = volume:caliente/i1
# homePath.maxDataSizeMB is inherited from the global setting
coldPath = volume:frio/i1
# coldPath.maxDataSizeMB not specified anywhere:
# This results in no size limit - old-style behavior

homePath = volume:caliente/i2
homePath.maxDataSizeMB = 1000
# overrides the global default
coldPath = volume:frio/i2
coldPath.maxDataSizeMB = 10000
# limits the size of cold buckets

homePath = /old/style/path
homePath.maxDataSizeMB = 1000
coldPath = volume:frio/i3
coldPath.maxDataSizeMB = 10000

Set limits on disk usage

Note: This topic is not relevant to SmartStore indexes. See Initiate eviction
based on occupancy of the cache's disk partition for information on how

SmartStore controls local disk usage.

Splunk Enterprise uses several methods to control disk space. Indexes consume
most of the disk space. If you run out of disk space, the indexer stops indexing.
You can set a minimum free space limit to control how low free disk space falls
before indexing stops. Indexing resumes once space exceeds the minimum.

Note: To determine how much space you need for your indexes, see "Estimate
your storage requirements" in the Capacity Planning Manual.

Set minimum free disk space

You can set a minimum amount of free disk space for the disk where indexed
data is stored. If the limit is reached, the indexer stops operating. Both indexing
and searching are affected:

• Periodically, the indexer checks space on all partitions that contain

indexes. If the free disk space limit has been reached on any of those
partitions, the indexer stops indexing data until more space is available. A
UI banner and splunkd warning are posted to indicate the need to clear
more disk space.
• Before attempting to launch a search, the indexer requires that the
specified amount of free space be available on the file system where the
dispatch directory is stored, $SPLUNK_HOME/var/run/splunk/dispatch

The default minimum free disk space is 5000MB.


• The indexer does not clear any of its disk space with this method. It simply
pauses until more space becomes available.
• Incoming data can be lost while indexing is suspended.

You can set minimium free disk space through Splunk Web, the CLI, or the
server.conf configuration file.

In Splunk Web

To specify minimum disk usage in Splunk Web:

1. Click Settings in the upper right portion of Splunk Web.

2. Click Server settings.

3. Click General settings.

4. Under the Index settings section, set the field Pause indexing if free disk
space (in MB) falls below to the desired minimum free disk space in

5. Click Save.

6. Restart the indexer for your changes to take effect.

From the command line interface (CLI)

You can set the minimum free disk space with the CLI. This example sets the
minimum free disk space to 20,000MB (20GB):

splunk set minfreemb 20000

splunk restart
For information on using the CLI, see "About the CLI" in the Admin manual.

In server.conf

You can also set the minimum free disk space in the server.conf file. The
relevant stanza/attribute is this:

minFreeSpace = <num>
Note that <num> represents megabytes. The default is 5000.

Control index storage

The indexes.conf file contains index configuration settings. You can control disk
storage usage by specifying maximum index size or maximum age of data. When
one of these limits is reached, the oldest indexed data will be deleted (the
default) or archived. You can archive the data by using a predefined archive
script or creating your own.

For detailed instructions on how to use indexes.conf to set maximum index size
or age, see "Set a retirement and archiving policy".

For detailed information on index storage, see "How the indexer stores indexes".

Reduce tsidx disk usage
Note: This topic is not relevant to SmartStore indexes. See About SmartStore.

The tsidx retention policy determines how long the indexer retains the tsidx
files that it uses to search efficiently and quickly across its data. By default, the
indexer retains the tsidx files for all its indexed data for as long as it retains the
data itself. By adjusting the policy to remove tsidx files associated with older
data, you can set the optimal trade-off between storage costs and search

The indexer stores tsidx files in buckets alongside the rawdata files. The tsidx
files are vital for efficient searching across large amounts of data. They also
occupy substantial amounts of storage.

For data that you are regularly running searches across, you absolutely need the
tsidx files. However, if you have data that requires only infrequent searching as it
ages, you can adjust the tsidx retention policy to reduce the tsidx files once they
reach a specified age. This allows you to reduce the disk space that your indexed
data occupies.

The tsidx reduction process eliminates the full-size tsidx files and replaces them
with mini versions of those files that contain essential metadata. The rawdata
files and some other metadata files remain untouched. You can continue to
search across the aged data, if necessary, but such searches will exhibit
significantly worse performance. Rare term searches, in particular, will run

To summarize, the main use case for tsidx reduction is for environments where
most searches run against recent data. In that case, fast access to older data
might not be worth the cost of storing the tsidx files. By reducing tsidx files for
older data, you incur little performance hit for most searches while gaining large
savings in disk usage.

Estimate the storage savings

Tsidx reduction replaces a bucket's full-size tsidx files with smaller versions of
those files, known as mini-tsidx files. It also eliminates the bucket's
merged_lexicon.lex file.

The full-size tsidx files usually constitute a large portion of the overall bucket size.
The exact amount depends on the type of data. Data with many unique terms

requires larger tsidx files. As a general guideline, the tsidx reduction process
decreases bucket size by approximately one-third to two-thirds. For example, a
1GB bucket decreases in size to somewhere between 350MB and 700MB.

To make a rough estimate of a bucket's reduction potential, look at the size of its
merged_lexicon.lex file. The merged_lexicon.lex file is an indicator of the
number of unique terms in a bucket's data. Buckets with larger
merged_lexicon.lex files have tsidx files that reduce to a greater degree,
because of the greater number of unique terms.

The size of a mini-tsidx file is generally about 5% to 10% of the size of the
corresponding original, full-size file. As mentioned earlier, however, the overall
reduction in bucket size is less than that - typically, one-third to two-thirds. This is
because, in addition to the mini-tsidx files, the reduced bucket retains the
rawdata file and a number of metadata files.

How tsidx reduction works

When you enable tsidx reduction, you specify a reduction age, on a per-index
basis. When buckets in that index reach the specified age, the indexer reduces
their tsidx files.

The reduction process

The tsidx reduction process runs, by default, every ten minutes. It checks each
bucket in the index and reduces the tsidx files in any bucket whose most recent
event is at least the specified reduction age.

The reduction process runs on only a single bucket at a time. If multiple buckets
are ready for reduction, the process handles them sequentially.

The reduction process is fast. For example, when running on a 1GB bucket, it
typically completes in just a few seconds.

Once a tsidx file is reduced, it stays reduced. If you disable the tsidx reduction
setting or increase the reduction age, the change affects only buckets that are
not already reduced. If necessary, however, there is a way to convert reduced
buckets back into buckets with full tsidx files. See Restore reduced buckets to
their orginal state.

Effect of reduction on bucket files

The tsidx reduction process eliminates the full-size tsidx files from each targeted
bucket after replacing them with mini versions that contain only essential
metadata. The mini-tsidx file consists of the header of the original tsidx file, which
contains metadata about each event. In addition, tsidx reduction eliminates the
bucket's merged_lexicon.lex file.

The bucket retains its rawdata file, along with the mini-tsidx files and certain other
metadata files, including the bloomfilter file.

Full size tsidx files have a .tsidx filename extension. Mini-tsidx files use the
.mini.tsidx extension.

Note: The full-size version of the tsidx file gets deleted only after the mini version
has been created. This means that the bucket will briefly contain both versions of
the file, with the commensurate increase in disk usage.

Effect of reduction on in-progress searches

If a search is in progress on a particular bucket that qualifies for tsidx reduction,

the reduction for that bucket will be delayed until the search on the bucket
completes. The mini-tsidx files will be created but deletion of the full-size files will
await the search completion.

Note: If the indexer is performing a search that ranges across multiple buckets,
including one that is ready for reduction, reduction of the bucket might complete
before the search reaches it. As expected, when the search does reach the
reduced bucket, it will run slowly on that bucket.

Searches across reduced buckets

Once a bucket has undergone tsidx reduction, you can run searches across the
bucket, but they will take much longer to complete. Since the indexer searches
the most recent buckets first, it will return results from all non-reduced buckets
before it reaches the reduced buckets.

When the search hits the reduced buckets, a message appears in Splunk Web to
warn users of a potential delay in search completion: "Search on most recent
data has completed. Expect slower search speeds as we search the minified

A few search commands do not work with reduced buckets. These include
tstats and typeahead. A warning is added to search.log if such a search
touches a reduced bucket: "The full buckets will return results and the reduced
buckets will return 0 results." In addition, for the tstats command only, the
following message appears in Splunk Web: "Reduced buckets were found in
index={index}. Tstats searches are not supported on reduced buckets. Search
results will be incorrect."

Note: Tsidx reduction does not touch tsidx files for accelerated data models,
which are maintained in their own directories, separate from the index buckets.
Therefore, tstats commands that are restricted to an accelerated data model will
continue to function normally and are not affected by this feature.

Configure the tsidx retention policy

By default, the indexer retains all tsidx files for the life of the buckets. To change
the policy, you must enable tsidx reduction.

You can also change the tsidx retention period from its default of seven days. A
bucket gets reduced only when all events in the bucket exceed the retention

Configure through Splunk Web

To enable tsidx reduction on an index, edit the index:

1. Navigate to Settings > Indexes.

2. Click the name of the index that you want to edit.

3. Go to the Storage Optimization section of the Edit screen.

4. In the Tsidx Retention Policy field, click Enable Reduction.

5. To modify the default retention period, edit the "Reduce tsidx files older than"

6. Click Save.

Configure in indexes.conf

You can enable tsidx reduction by directly editing indexes.conf. You can enable
reduction for one or more indexes individually or for all indexes globally.

To enable tsidx reduction for a single index, place the relevant attributes under
the index's stanza in indexes.conf. For example, to enable reduction for the
"newone" index and to set the retention period to 10 days:

enableTsidxReduction = true
timePeriodInSecBeforeTsidxReduction = 864000
To enable tsidx reduction for all indexes, place the settings under the [default]

You must restart the indexer for the settings to take effect.

Configure through the CLI

To enable tsidx reduction, with a 10 day retention period, on an index called


splunk edit index newone -enableTsidxReduction true

-timePeriodInSecBeforeTsidxReduction 864000
You do not need to restart the indexer after running this command.

Performance impact when you first enable tsidx reduction

Once you enable tsidx reduction, the indexer begins to look for buckets to
reduce. It reduces all buckets that exceed the specified retention period. The
indexer reduces only one bucket at a time, so performance impact should be

Determine whether a bucket is reduced

Run the dbinspect search command:

| dbinspect index=_internal
The tsidxState field in the results specifies "full" or "mini" for each bucket.

Tsidx reduction and indexer clusters

An indexer cluster runs tsidx reduction in the same way, and according to the
same rules and settings, as a standalone indexer. However, since only
searchable bucket copies have tsidx files to begin with, reduction only occurs on
searchable copies. With tsidx reduction enabled, a searchable bucket copy can

contain either a full-size or a mini tsidx file, depending on the age of the bucket.

You must push changes to the tsidx reduction settings by means of the
configuration bundle method. This ensures that all peer nodes use the same
settings. Tsidx reduction then occurs at approximately the same time for all
searchable copies of a reduction-ready bucket, no matter what peers they reside

If, post-reduction, the cluster must convert a non-searchable copy of a reduced

bucket to searchable to meet the search factor, there are two ways that the
conversion can proceed:

• If another searchable copy of the bucket exists in the cluster, the cluster
will stream that copy's mini-tsidx files to the non-searchable copy. When
streaming is complete, the copy is considered searchable.
• If no other searchable copy of the bucket exists, the cluster has no
mini-tsidx files available for streaming to the non-searchable copy. In that
case, the cluster must first build full-size tsidx files from the
non-searchable copy's rawdata file and then reduce the full-size files.
There is no way to create mini-tsidx files directly from a rawdata file.

For more information on how an indexer cluster makes non-searchable copies of

a bucket searchable, see Bucket-fixing scenarios.

Restore reduced buckets to their original state

You cannot restore reduced buckets to their original state merely by increasing
the age setting for tsidx reduction. That setting does not affect buckets that have
already been reduced.

Instead, to revert a bucket with mini-tsidx files to full-size tsidx files:

1. Stop the indexer.

2. In indexes.conf, either disable tsidx reduction or increase the age setting for
tsidx reduction beyond the age of the buckets that you want to restore.
Otherwise, the bucket will be reduced for a second time soon after you revert it.

3. Run the splunk rebuild command on the bucket:

splunk rebuild <bucket directory>

See "Rebuild a single bucket."

4. Restart the indexer.

Configure bloom filters

This topic talks about bloom filters and how Splunk Enterprise uses them to
improve search performance, particularly for rare term searches.

Before you continue reading this topic, you should be familiar with how the
indexer stores data and how the data ages after it has been indexed. Basically,
indexed data resides in database directories consisting of subdirectories called
buckets. Each index has its own set of databases. As data ages, it moves
through several types of buckets (hot, warm, cold, and frozen). Read more about
"How the indexer stores data" and "How data ages".

Why bloom filters?

A Bloom filter is a data structure that is used to test whether an element is a

member of a set. Our implementation stores the bloom filter as a file on disk in
each bucket. When you run a search, especially when you are searching for rare
terms, using bloom filters significantly decreases the time it takes to retrieve
events from an index.

As the indexer indexes your time-series data, it creates a compressed file that
contains the raw data broken into events based on timestamps and a set of
time-series index (tsidx) files. The tsidx files are lexicon files that act as a
dictionary of all the keywords in your data (error codes, response times, etc.) and
contain references to the location of events in the raw data. When you run a
search, the indexer searches the tsidx files for the keywords and retrieves the
events from the referenced raw data file.

Bloom filters work at the bucket level and use a separate file, bloomfilter, which
is basically a hash table that can tell you that a keyword definitely does not exist
in a bucket. Then, when you run a search, the indexer only need search the tsidx
files in the buckets that the bloom filters do not rule out. The execution cost of
retrieving events from disk grows with the size and number of tsidx files. Because
they decrease the number of tsidx files that the indexer need search, bloom
filters decrease the time it takes to search each bucket.

Instead of storing all of the unique keywords found in a bucket's tsidx files, the
bloom filter computes a hash for each keyword. Multiple keywords can result in
the same hash, which means that you can have false positives but never false

negatives. Because of this, bloom filters can quickly rule out terms that definitely
do not exist in a particular bucket and the indexer moves on to searching the next
bucket. If the bloom filter cannot rule out a bucket (the keyword may or may not
actually exist in the bucket), the indexer searches the bucket normally.

Configure bloom filters

Note: This section is not relevant to SmartStore indexes. For SmartStore

indexes, bloomfilters must be enabled and they must use the default path. See
About SmartStore.

Bloom filters are created when buckets roll from hot to warm. By default, they are
deleted when the buckets roll to frozen, unless you have configured a different
retention behavior. This section talks about the configuration file parameters you
can use to configure and manage your bloomfilter files.

To specify whether or not you want to use bloom filters, use the use_bloomfilter
parameter in limits.conf:

use_bloomfilter = true|false
* Control whether to use bloom filters to rule out buckets.
* Defaults to True.
To create a bloom filter for a specific index, edit the following Per Index options
in indexes.conf:

bloomHomePath = <path on indexer>

* The location where the bloom filter files for the index are
* If specified, it must be defined in terms of a volume definition.
* If not specified, bloom filter files for the index will be stored
inside the bucket directories.
* The path must be writable.
* You must restart splunkd after changing this parameter.

createBloomfilter = true|false
* Determines whether to create bloom filter files for the index.
* Defaults to "true".
In addition, you must use volumes if you explicitly define bloomHomePath. A
volume represents a directory on the file system where indexed data resides. For
more information, read "Configure maximum index size".

Determine which indexes.conf changes require
Some changes to indexes.conf require that you restart the indexer for the
changes to take effect:

• Changing any of these attributes: rawChunkSizeBytes,

minRawFileSyncSecs, syncMeta, maxConcurrentOptimizes,
coldToFrozenDir, coldtoFrozenScript
• Changing any of these attributes for existing indexes: repFactor,
homePath, coldPath, thawedPath, bloomHomePath, summaryHomePath,
• Adding or removing a volume
• Enabling an index that contains data
• Removing an index

You do not need to restart the indexer if you only make these changes:

• Adding new index stanzas.

• Changing any attributes not listed as requiring restart
• Enabling or disabling an index that contains no data

The configuration changes that cause the peer nodes in an indexer cluster to
undergo a rolling restart are a superset of those listed here. See Restart or
reload after configuration bundle changes?

Note: For information on other configuration changes, outside of indexes.conf,

that require a restart, see When to restart Splunk Enterprise after a configuration
file change in the Admin Manual.

Use the monitoring console to view index and

volume status
You can use the monitoring console to monitor most aspects of your deployment.
This topic discusses the console dashboards that provide insight into indexing

The primary documentation for the monitoring console is located in Monitoring

Splunk Enterprise.

There are several dashboards that monitor the status of indexes and volumes.
The dashboards are scoped either to a single instance or to the entire
deployment. They are located under the Indexing menu:

• Indexes and Volumes: Instance

• Indexes and Volumes: Deployment
• Index Detail: Instance
• Index Detail: Deployment
• Volume Detail: Instance
• Volume Detail: Deployment

These dashboards provide a wealth of information about your indexes and

volumes, such as:

• Disk usage by index

• Volume usage
• Index and volume size over time
• Data age
• Statistics for bucket types
• Bucket settings

View the dashboards themselves for more information. In addition, see "Indexing:
Indexes and volumes" in Monitoring Splunk Enterprise.

Back up and archive your indexes

Back up indexed data

Note: Much of this topic is not relevant to SmartStore indexes. See About

To decide how to back up indexed data, it helps to understand first how the
indexer stores data and how the data ages once it has been indexed. Then you
can decide on a backup strategy.

Before you read this topic, you should look at "How the indexer stores indexes"
to get familiar with the structure of indexes and the options for configuring them.
But if you want to jump right in, the next section below attempts to summarize the
key points from that topic.

How data ages

Indexed data resides in database directories consisting of subdirectories called

buckets. Each index has its own set of databases.

As data ages, it moves through several types of buckets. You determine how the
data ages by by configuring attributes in indexes.conf. Read "Configure index
storage" for a description of the settings in indexes.conf that control how data

Briefly, here is a somewhat simplified version of how data ages in an index:

1. When the indexer first indexes data, it goes into a "hot" bucket. Depending on
your configuration, there can be several hot buckets open at one time. Hot
buckets cannot be backed up because the indexer is actively writing to them, but
you can take a snapshot of them.

2. The data remains in the hot bucket until the policy conditions are met for it to
be reclassified as "warm" data. This is called "rolling" the data into the warm
bucket. This happens when a hot bucket reaches a specified size or age, or
whenever splunkd gets restarted. When a hot bucket is rolled, its directory is
renamed, and it becomes a warm bucket. (You can also manually roll a bucket
from hot to warm, as described below.) It is safe to back up the warm buckets.

3. When the index reaches one of several possible configurable limits, usually a
specified number of warm buckets, the oldest bucket becomes a "cold" bucket.
The indexer moves the bucket to the colddb directory. The default number of
warm buckets is 300.

4. Finally, at a time based on your defined policy requirements, the bucket rolls
from cold to "frozen". The indexer deletes frozen buckets. However, if you need
to preserve the data, you can tell the indexer to archive the data before deleting
the bucket. See "Archive indexed data" for more information.

You can set retirement and archiving policy by controlling several different
parameters, such as the size of indexes or buckets or the age of the data.

To summarize:

• hot buckets - Currently being written to; do not back these up.
• warm buckets - Rolled from hot; can be safely backed up.
• cold buckets - Rolled from warm; buckets are moved to another location.
• frozen buckets - The indexer deletes these, but you can archive their
contents first.

You set the locations of index databases in indexes.conf. (See below for
detailed information on the database locations for the default index.) You also
specify numerous other attributes there, such as the maximum size and age of
hot buckets.

Locations of the index database directories

Here's the directory structure for the default index (defaultdb):

Default location Notes
Hot $SPLUNK_HOME/var/lib/splunk/defaultdb/db/* There can be
multiple hot
Each hot
occupies its
which uses this


There are
for each warm
bucket. These
Warm $SPLUNK_HOME/var/lib/splunk/defaultdb/db/* are named as
below in
bucket naming
There are
multiple cold
When warm
buckets roll to
Cold $SPLUNK_HOME/var/lib/splunk/defaultdb/colddb/*
cold, they get
moved into this
directory, but
are not
Deletion is the
default; see
N/A: Frozen data gets deleted or archived into a indexed data"
directory location you specify. for information
on how to
archive the
data instead.
Thawed $SPLUNK_HOME/var/lib/splunk/defaultdb/thaweddb/* Location for
data that has
been archived
and later
thawed. See
archived data"
for information
on restoring

archived data
to a thawed
The paths for hot/warm and cold directories are configurable, so you can store
cold buckets in a separate location from hot/warm buckets. See "Configure index
storage" and "Use multiple partitions for index data".

Important: All index locations must be writable.

Choose your backup strategy

There are two basic backup scenarios to consider:

• Ongoing, incremental backups of warm data

• Backup of all data - for example, before upgrading the indexer

How you actually perform the backup will, of course, depend entirely on the tools
and procedures in place at your organzation, but this section should help provide
you the guidelines you need to proceed.

Incremental backups

The general recommendation is to schedule backups of any new warm buckets

regularly, using the incremental backup utility of your choice. If you're rolling
buckets frequently, you should also include the cold database directory in your
backups, to ensure that you don't miss any buckets that have rolled to cold
before they've been backed up. Since bucket directory names don't change when
they roll from warm to cold, you can just filter by name.

To back up hot buckets as well, you need to take a snapshot of the files, using a
tool like VSS (on Windows/NTFS), ZFS snapshots (on ZFS), or a snapshot
facility provided by the storage subsystem. If you do not have a snapshot tool
available, you can manually roll a hot bucket to warm and then back it up, as
described below. However, this is not generally recommended, for reasons also
discussed below.

Back up all data

It is recommended that you back up all your data before upgrading the indexer.
This means the hot, warm, and cold buckets.

There are obviously a number of ways to do this, depending on the size of your

data and how much downtime you can afford. Here are some basic guidelines:

• For smaller amounts of data, shut down the indexer and just make a copy
of your database directories before performing the upgrade.
• For larger amounts of data, you will probably instead want to snapshot
your hot buckets prior to upgrade.

In any case, if you have been doing incremental backups of your warm buckets
as they've rolled from hot, you should really need to backup only your hot
buckets at this time.

Rolling buckets manually from hot to warm

To roll the buckets of an index manually from hot to warm, use the following CLI
command, replacing <index_name> with the name of the index you want to roll:

splunk _internal call /data/indexes/<index_name>/roll-hot-buckets ?auth

Important: It is ordinarily not advisable to roll hot buckets manually, as each
forced roll permanently decreases search performance over the data. As a
general rule, larger buckets are more efficient to search. By prematurely rolling
buckets, you're producing smaller, less efficient buckets. In cases where hot data
needs to be backed up, a snapshot backup is the preferred method.

Note: It is not recommended to roll hot buckets manually in an environment that

leverages accelerated data-model summaries. If a hot bucket is rolled while other
index-management jobs are in progress, the integrity of the data may be

Recommendations for recovery

If you experience a non-catastrophic disk failure (for example you still have some
of your data, but the indexer won't run), Splunk recommends that you move the
index directory aside and restore from a backup rather than restoring on top of a
partially corrupted datastore. The indexer will automatically create hot directories
on startup as necessary and resume indexing. Monitored files and directories will
pick up where they were at the time of the backup.

Clustered data backups

Even though an indexer cluster already contains redundant copies of data, you
might also want to back up the cluster data to another location; for example, to

keep a copy of the data offsite as part of an overall disaster recovery plan.

The simplest way to do this is to back up the data on each individual peer node
on your cluster, in the same way that you back up data on individual,
non-clustered indexers, as described earlier in this topic. However, this approach
will result in backups of duplicate data. For example, if you have a cluster with a
replication factor of 3, the cluster is storing three copies of all the data across
its set of peer nodes. If you then back up the data residing on each individual
node, you end up with backups containing, in total, three copies of the data. You
cannot solve this problem by backing up just the data on a single node, since
there's no certainty that a single node contains all the data in the cluster.

The solution to this would be to identify exactly one copy of each bucket on the
cluster and then back up just those copies. However, in practice, it is quite a
complex matter to do that. One approach is to create a script that goes through
each peer's index storage and uses the bucket ID value contained in the bucket
name to identify exactly one copy of each bucket. The bucket ID is the same for
all copies of a bucket. For information on the bucket ID, read "Warm/cold bucket
naming convention". Another thing to consider when designing a cluster backup
script is whether you want to back up just the bucket's rawdata or both its
rawdata and index files. If the latter, the script must also identify a searchable
copy of each bucket.

Because of the complications of cluster backup, it is recommended that you

contact Splunk Professional Services for guidance in backing up single copies of
clustered data. They can help design a solution customized to the needs of your

Set a retirement and archiving policy

Note: Most of this topic is not relevant to SmartStore indexes. See Configure
data retention for SmartStore indexes.

Configure data retirement and archiving policy by controlling the size of indexes
or the age of data in indexes.

The indexer stores indexed data in directories called buckets. Buckets go

through four stages of retirement. When indexed data reaches the final, frozen
state, the indexer removes it from the index. You can configure the indexer to
archive the data when it freezes, instead of deleting it entirely. See "Archive
indexed data" for details.

Description Searchable?
Contains newly indexed data. Open for writing. One or
Hot Yes
more hot buckets for each index.
Warm Data rolled from hot. There are many warm buckets. Yes
Cold Data rolled from warm. There are many cold buckets. Yes
Data rolled from cold. The indexer deletes frozen data
Frozen by default, but you can also archive it. Archived data can No
later be thawed.
You configure the sizes, locations, and ages of indexes and their buckets by
editing indexes.conf, as described in "Configure index storage".

Caution: When you change your data retirement and archiving policy settings,
the indexer can delete old data without prompting you.

Set attributes for cold to frozen rolling behavior

The maxTotalDataSizeMB and frozenTimePeriodInSecs attributes in indexes.conf

help determine when buckets roll from cold to frozen. These attributes are
described in detail below.

Freeze data when an index grows too large

You can use the size of an index to determine when data gets frozen and
removed from the index. If an index grows larger than its maximum specified
size, the oldest data is rolled to the frozen state.

The default maximum size for an index is 500,000MB. To change the maximum
size, edit the maxTotalDataSizeMB attribute in indexes.conf. For example, to
specify the maximum size as 250,000MB:

maxTotalDataSizeMB = 250000
Specify the size in megabytes.

Restart the indexer for the new setting to take effect. Depending on how much
data there is to process, it can take some time for the indexer to begin to move
buckets out of the index to conform to the new policy. You might see high CPU
usage during this time.

This setting takes precedence over frozenTimePeriodInSecs. If
maxTotalDataSizeMB is reached before frozenTimePeriodInSecs, data will be
rolled to frozen before the configured time period has elapsed. If archiving has
not been configured, unintended data loss can occur.

Freeze data when it grows too old

You can use the age of data to determine when a bucket gets rolled to frozen.
When the most recent data in a particular bucket reaches the configured age, the
entire bucket is rolled.

To specify the age at which data freezes, edit the frozenTimePeriodInSecs

attribute in indexes.conf. This attribute specifies the number of seconds to
elapse before data gets frozen. The default value is 188697600 seconds, or
approximately 6 years. This example configures the indexer to cull old events
from its index when they become more than 180 days (15552000 seconds) old:

frozenTimePeriodInSecs = 15552000
Specify the time in seconds.

Restart the indexer for the new setting to take effect. Depending on how much
data there is to process, it can take some time for the indexer to begin to move
buckets out of the index to conform to the new policy. You might see high CPU
usage during this time.

Archive data

If you want to archive frozen data instead of deleting it entirely, you must tell the
indexer to do so, as described in "Archive indexed data". You can create your
own archiving script or you can just let the indexer handle the archiving for you.
You can later restore ("thaw") the archived data, as described in "Restore
archived data".

Other ways that buckets age

There are a number of other conditions that can cause buckets to roll from one
stage to another, some of which can also trigger deletion or archiving. These are
all configurable, as described in "Configure index storage". For a full
understanding of all your options for controlling retirement policy, read that topic
and look at the indexes.conf spec file.

For example, the indexer rolls buckets when they reach their maximum size. You
can reduce bucket size by setting a smaller maxDataSize in indexes.conf so they
roll faster. But note that it takes longer to search more small buckets than fewer
large buckets. To get the results you are after, you will have to experiment a bit
to determine the right size for your buckets.

Troubleshoot the archive policy

I ran out of disk space so I changed the archive policy, but it's still not

If you changed your archive policy to be more restrictive because you've run out
of disk space, you may notice that events haven't started being archived
according to your new policy. This is most likely because you must first free up
some space so the process has room to run. Stop the indexer, clear out ~5GB of
disk space, and then start the indexer again. After a while (exactly how long
depends on how much data there is to process) you should see INFO entries
about BucketMover in splunkd.log showing that buckets are being archived.

Archive indexed data

Note: Although SmartStore indexes do not usually contain cold buckets, you still
use the attributes described here (coldToFrozenDir and coldToFrozenScript) to
archive SmartStore buckets as they roll directly from warm to frozen. See
Configure data retention for SmartStore indexes.

You can configure the indexer to archive your data automatically as it ages;
specifically, at the point when it rolls to "frozen". To do this, you configure

Caution: By default, the indexer deletes all frozen data. It removes the data from
the index at the moment it becomes frozen. If you need to keep the data around,
you must configure the indexer to archive the data before removing it. You do
this by either setting the coldToFrozenDir attribute or specifying a valid
coldToFrozenScript in indexes.conf.

For detailed information on data storage, see How the indexer stores indexes.
For information on editing indexes.conf, see Configure index storage.

How the indexer archives data

The indexer rotates old data out of the index based on your data retirement
policy, as described in Set a retirement and archiving policy. Data moves through
several stages, which correspond to file directory locations. Data starts out in the
hot database, located as subdirectories ("buckets") under
$SPLUNK_HOME/var/lib/splunk/defaultdb/db/. It then moves to the warm
database, also located as subdirectories under
$SPLUNK_HOME/var/lib/splunk/defaultdb/db. Eventually, data is aged into the
cold database $SPLUNK_HOME/var/lib/splunk/defaultdb/colddb.

Finally, data reaches the frozen state. This can happen for a number of reasons,
as described in Set a retirement and archiving policy. At this point, the indexer
erases the data from the index. If you want the indexer to archive the frozen data
before erasing it from the index, you must specify that behavior. You can choose
two ways of handling the archiving:

• Let the indexer perform the archiving automatically.

• Specify an archiving script for the indexer to run.

The archiving behavior depends on which of these indexes.conf attributes you


• coldToFrozenDir. This attribute specifes a location where the indexer will

automatically archive frozen data.
• coldToFrozenScript. This attribute specifes a user-supplied script that the
indexer will run when the data is frozen. Typically, this will be a script that
archives the frozen data. The script can also serve some other purpose
altogether. While the indexer ships with one example archiving script that
you can edit and use ($SPLUNK_HOME/bin/coldToFrozenExample.py), you
can actually specify any script you want the indexer to run.

Note: You can only set one or the other of these attributes. The coldToFrozenDir
attribute takes precedence over coldToFrozenScript, if both are set.

If you don't specify either of these attributes, the indexer runs a default script that
simply writes the name of the bucket being erased to the log file
$SPLUNK_HOME/var/log/splunk/splunkd_stdout.log. It then erases the bucket.

Let the indexer archive the data for you

If you set the coldToFrozenDir attribute in indexes.conf, the indexer will

automatically copy frozen buckets to the specified location before erasing the

data from the index.

Add this stanza to $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/system/local/indexes.conf:

coldToFrozenDir = "<path to frozen archive>"
Note the following:

• <index> specifies which index contains the data to archive.

• <path to frozen archive> specifies the directory where the indexer will
put the archived buckets.

Note: When you use Splunk Web to create a new index, you can also specify a
frozen archive path for that index. See Create custom indexes for details.

How the indexer archives the frozen data depends on whether the data was
originally indexed in a pre-4.2 release:

• For buckets created from version 4.2 and on, the indexer will remove all
files except for the rawdata file.

• For pre-4.2 buckets, the script simply gzip's all the .tsidx and .data files
in the bucket.

This difference is due to a change in the format of rawdata. Starting with 4.2, the
rawdata file contains all the information the indexer needs to reconstitute an
index bucket.

For information on thawing these buckets, see Restore archived indexed data.

Specify an archiving script

If you set the coldToFrozenScript attribute in indexes.conf, the script you

specify will run just before the indexer erases the frozen data from the index.

You'll need to supply the actual script. Typically, the script will archive the data,
but you can provide a script that performs any action you want.

Add this stanza to $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/system/local/indexes.conf:

coldToFrozenScript = ["<path to program that runs script>"] "<path to

Note the following:

• <index> specifies which index contains the data to archive.

• <path to script> specifies the path to the archiving script. The script
must be in $SPLUNK_HOME/bin or one of its subdirectories.
• <path to program that runs script> is optional. You must set it if your
script requires a program, such as python, to run it.
• If your script is located in $SPLUNK_HOME/bin and is named
myColdToFrozen.py, set the attribute like this:

coldToFrozenScript = "$SPLUNK_HOME/bin/python"

• For detailed information on the archiving script, see the indexes.conf spec

The indexer ships with an example archiving script that you can edit,

Note: If using the example script, edit it to specify the archive location for your
installation. Also, rename the script or move it to another location to avoid having
changes overwritten when you upgrade the indexer. This is an example script
and should not be applied to a production instance without editing to suit your
environment and testing extensively.

The example script archives the frozen data differently, depending on whether
the data was originally indexed in a pre-4.2 release:

• For buckets created from version 4.2 and on, it will remove all files except
for the rawdata file.

• For pre-4.2 buckets, the script simply gzip's all the .tsidx and .data files.

This difference is due to a change in the format of rawdata. Starting with 4.2, the
rawdata file contains all the information the indexer needs to reconstitute an
index bucket.

For information on thawing these buckets, see Restore archived indexed data.

As a best practice, make sure the script you create completes as quickly as
possible, so that the indexer doesn't end up waiting for the return indicator. For
example, if you want to archive to a slow volume, set the script to copy the

buckets to a temporary location on the same (fast) volume as the index. Then
use a separate script, outside the indexer, to move the buckets from the
temporary location to their destination on the slow volume.

Data archiving and indexer clusters

In an Indexer cluster, each individual peer node rolls its buckets to frozen, in the
same way that a non-clustered indexer does; that is, based on its own set of
configurations. Because all peers in a cluster should be configured identically, all
copies of a bucket should roll to frozen at approximately the same time.

However, there can be some variance in the timing, because the same index can
grow at different rates on different peers. The cluster performs processing to
ensure that buckets freeze smoothly across all peers in the cluster. Specifically, it
performs processing so that, if a bucket is frozen on one peer but not on another,
the cluster does not initiate fix-up activities for that bucket. See How the cluster
handles frozen buckets.

The problem of archiving multiple copies

Because indexer clusters contain multiple copies of each bucket. If you archive
the data using the techniques described earlier in this topic, you archive multiple
copies of the data.

For example, if you have a cluster with a replication factor of 3, the cluster
stores three copies of all its data across its set of peer nodes. If you set up each
peer node to archive its own data when it rolls to frozen, you end up with three
archived copies of the data. You cannot solve this problem by archiving just the
data on a single node, since there's no certainty that a single node contains all
the data in the cluster.

The solution to this would be to archive just one copy of each bucket on the
cluster and discard the rest. However, in practice, it is quite a complex matter to
do that. If you want guidance in archiving single copies of clustered data, contact
Splunk Professional Services. They can help design a solution customized to the
needs of your environment.

Specifying the archive destination

If you choose to take the easy approach and archive multiple copies of the
clustered data, you must guard against name collisions. You cannot route the
data from all peer nodes into a single archive directory, because multiple,
identically named copies of the bucket will exist across the cluster (for

deployments where replication factor >= 2), and the contents of a directory must
be named uniquely. Instead, you need to ensure that the buckets from each of
your peer nodes go to a separate archive directory. This, of course, will be
somewhat difficult to manage if you specify a destination directory in shared
storage by means of the coldToFrozenDir attribute in indexes.conf, because the
indexes.conf file must be the same across all peer nodes, as discussed in
Configure the peer indexes in an indexer cluster. One alternative approach would
be to create a script that directs each peer's archived buckets to a separate
location on the shared storage, and then use the coldToFrozenScript attribute to
specify that script.

Restore archived indexed data

You restore archived data by moving the archived bucket into your thawed
directory (for example, $SPLUNK_HOME/var/lib/splunk/defaultdb/thaweddb) and
then processing it, as described later in this topic. Data in thaweddb is not subject
to the server's index aging scheme (hot > warm> cold > frozen). You can put
archived data in the thawed directory for as long as you need it. When the data is
no longer needed, simply delete it or move it out of thawed.

Important: You restore archived data differently depending on whether it was

originally indexed in Splunk Enterprise version 4.2 or later. This is because
Splunk Enterprise changed its rawdata format in 4.2.

See "Archive indexed data" for information on how to archive data in the first
place. You can also use that page as guidance if you want to re-archive data
after you've thawed it.

Restored data does not count against your license.

Restrictions when restoring an archive to a different instance

of the indexer

For the most part, you can restore an archive to any instance of the indexer, not
just the one that originally indexed it. This, however, depends on a couple of

• Splunk Enterprise version. You cannot restore a bucket created by

Splunk Enterprise 4.2 or later to a pre-4.2 indexer. The bucket data format
changed between 4.1 and 4.2, and pre-4.2 indexers do not understand the
new format. This means:

♦ 4.2+ buckets: You can restore a 4.2+ bucket to any 4.2+ instance.
♦ Pre-4.2 buckets: You can restore a pre-4.2 bucket to any indexer,
pre-4.2 or post-4.2, aside from a few OS-related issues, described
in the next bullet.

• OS version. You can usually restore buckets to an indexer running on a

different OS. Specifically:
♦ 4.2+ buckets: You can restore a 4.2+ bucket to an indexer running
any operating system.
♦ Pre-4.2 buckets: You can restore a pre-4.2 bucket to an indexer
running any operating system, with the restriction that you cannot
restore pre-4.2 data to a system of different endian-ness. For
example, data generated on 64-bit systems is not likely to work well
on 32-bit systems, and data cannot be moved from PowerPC or
Sparc systems to x86 or x86-64 systems, and vice versa.

In addition, make sure that you do not introduce bucket ID conflicts to your index
when restoring the archived bucket. This issue is discussed later.

How to tell whether your archive bucket contains 4.2+ data

Before thawing the archive bucket, you need to identify whether the archive
bucket is pre- or post-4.2. Here's how to tell the difference, assuming you
archived the buckets using coldToFrozenDir or the provided example script:

• 4.2+ bucket: The bucket directory contains only the rawdata directory,
which contains journal.gz.
• Pre-4.2 bucket: The bucket directory contains gzipped versions of .tsidx
and .data files, along with a rawdata directory containing files named

Important: If you archived the data through some script of your own, the
resulting bucket could contain just about anything.

If you archived the buckets using coldToFrozenDir or the provided example

script, you can use the following procedures to thaw them.

Thaw a 4.2+ archive

*nix users

Here is an example of safely restoring a 4.2+ archive bucket to thawed:

1. Copy your archive bucket into the thawed directory:

cp -r db_1181756465_1162600547_1001
Note: The bucket id cannot conflict with any other bucket in the index. This
example assumes that the bucket id '1001' is unique for the index. If it isn't,
choose some other, non-conflicting bucket ID.

2. Execute the splunk rebuild command on the archive bucket to rebuild the
indexes and associated files:

splunk rebuild
3. Restart the indexer:

splunk restart
Windows users

Here is an example of safely restoring a 4.2+ archive bucket to thawed:

1. Copy your archive bucket into the thawed directory:

D:\MyArchive\db_1181756465_1162600547_1001 %SPLUNK_HOME%\var\lib\splunk\defaultdb\thawed
/s /e /v
Note: The bucket id cannot conflict with any other bucket in the index. This
example assumes that the bucket id '1001' is unique for the index. If it isn't,
choose some other, non-conflicting bucket ID.

2. Execute the splunk rebuild command on the archive bucket to rebuild the
indexes and associated files:

rebuild %SPLUNK_HOME%\var\lib\splunk\defaultdb\thaweddb\db_1181756465_1162600547_1001
3. Restart the indexer:

splunk restart

Thaw a pre-4.2 archive

*nix users

Here is an example of safely restoring a pre-4.2 archive bucket to thawed:

1. Copy your archive bucket to a temporary location in the thawed directory:

# cp -r db_1181756465_1162600547_0
2. If the bucket was compressed when originally archived, uncompress the
contents in the thawed directory.

3. Rename the temporary bucket to something that the indexer will recognize:

# cd $SPLUNK_HOME/var/lib/splunk/defaultdb/thaweddb/
# mv temp_db_1181756465_1162600547_0 db_1181756465_1162600547_1001
Note: You must choose a bucket id that does not conflict with any other bucket in
the index. This example assumes that the bucket id '1001' is unique for the index.
If it isn't, choose some other, non-conflicting bucket ID.

4. Refresh the manifests:

# cd $SPLUNK_HOME/bin
# ./splunk login
# ./splunk _internal call
After a few moments, the contents of your newly thawed bucket should be
searchable again.

Windows users

Here is an example of safely restoring a pre-4.2 archive bucket to thawed:

1. Copy your archive bucket to the thawed directory:

> xcopy
D:\MyArchive\db_1181756465_1162600547_0 %SPLUNK_HOME%\var\lib\splunk\defaultdb\thaweddb\
/s /e /v
2. If the bucket was compressed when originally archived, uncompress the
contents in the thawed directory.

3. Rename the temporary bucket to something that the indexer will recognize:

> cd %SPLUNK_HOME%\var\lib\splunk\defaultdb\thaweddb
> move temp_db_1181756465_1162600547_0 db_1181756465_1162600547_1001
Note: You must choose a bucket id that does not conflict with any other bucket in
the index. This example assumes that the bucket id '1001' is unique for the index.
If it isn't, choose some other, non-conflicting bucket ID.

4. Refresh the manifests:

> cd %SPLUNK_HOME%\bin
> splunk login
> splunk _internal call
After a few moments, the contents of your newly thawed bucket should be
searchable again.

Clustered data thawing

You can thaw archived clustered data onto individual peer nodes the same way
that you thaw data onto any individual indexer. However, as described in
"Archive indexed data", it is difficult to archive just a single copy of clustered data
in the first place. If, instead, you archive data across all peer nodes in a cluster,
you can later thaw the data, placing the data into the thawed directories of the
peer nodes from which it was originally archived. You will end up with replication
factor copies of the thawed data on your cluster, since you are thawing all of the
original data, including the copies.

Note: Data does not get replicated from the thawed directory. So, if you thaw just
a single copy of some bucket, instead of all the copies, only that single copy will
reside in the cluster, in the thawed directory of the peer node where you placed

Overview of indexer clusters and index

About indexer clusters and index replication

Indexer clusters are groups of Splunk Enterprise indexers configured to
replicate each others' data, so that the system keeps multiple copies of all data.
This process is known as index replication. By maintaining multiple, identical
copies of Splunk Enterprise data, clusters prevent data loss while promoting data
availability for searching.

Indexer clusters feature automatic failover from one indexer to the next. This
means that, if one or more indexers fail, incoming data continues to get indexed
and indexed data continues to be searchable.

The key benefits of index replication are:

• Data availability. An indexer is always available to handle incoming data,

and the indexed data is available for searching.
• Data fidelity. You never lose any data. You have assurance that the data
sent to the cluster is exactly the same data that gets stored in the cluster
and that a search can later access.
• Data recovery. Your system can tolerate downed indexers without losing
data or losing access to data.
• Disaster recovery. With multisite clustering, your system can tolerate the
failure of an entire data center.
• Search affinity. With multisite clustering, search heads can access the
entire set of data through their local sites, greatly reducing long-distance
network traffic.

The key trade-off in index replication is between the benefits of data

availability/recovery and the costs of storage (and, to a minor degree, increased
processing load). The degree of data recovery that the cluster possesses is
directly proportional to the number of copies of data it maintains. But maintaining
more copies of data means higher storage requirements. To manage this
trade-off to match the needs of your enterprise, you can configure the number of
copies of data that you want the cluster to maintain. This is known as the
replication factor.

Note: Clusters with SmartStore indexes rely on the inherent capabilities of a
remote object store to ensure high availability, data fidelity, data recovery, and
disaster recovery for most of the index data. See About SmartStore.

You can also use clusters to scale indexing capacity, even in situations where
index replication is not a requirement. See "Use indexer clusters to scale

Note: Search head clusters provide high availability and scalabilty for groups of
search heads. They are a separate feature from indexer clusters, but you can
combine them with indexer clusters to build a high availability, scalable solution
across your entire Splunk Enterprise deployment. See "About search head
clustering" in the Distributed Search manual.

Parts of an indexer cluster

An indexer cluster is a group of Splunk Enterprise instances, or nodes, that,

working in concert, provide a redundant indexing and searching capability. Each
cluster has three types of nodes:

• A single master node to manage the cluster.

• Several to many peer nodes to index and maintain multiple copies of the
data and to search the data.
• One or more search heads to coordinate searches across the set of peer

The master node manages the cluster. It coordinates the replicating activities of
the peer nodes and tells the search head where to find data. It also helps
manage the configuration of peer nodes and orchestrates remedial activities if a
peer goes down.

The peer nodes receive and index incoming data, just like non-clustered,
stand-alone indexers. Unlike stand-alone indexers, however, peer nodes also
replicate data from other nodes in the cluster. A peer node can index its own
incoming data while simultaneously storing copies of data from other nodes. You
must have at least as many peer nodes as the replication factor. That is, to
support a replication factor of 3, you need a minimum of three peer nodes.

The search head runs searches across the set of peer nodes. You must use a
search head to manage searches across indexer clusters.

For most purposes, it is recommended that you use forwarders to get data into
the cluster.

Here is a diagram of a basic, single-site indexer cluster, containing three peer
nodes and supporting a replication factor of 3:

This diagram shows a simple deployment, similar to a small-scale non-clustered

deployment, with some forwarders sending load-balanced data to a group of
indexers (peer nodes), and the indexers sending search results to a search head.
There are two additions that you don't find in a non-clustered deployment:

• The indexers are streaming copies of their data to other indexers.

• The master node, while it doesn't participate in any data streaming,
coordinates a range of activities involving the search peers and the search

Multisite indexer clusters

Multisite indexer clusters allow you to maintain complete copies of your

indexed data in multiple locations. This offers the advantages of enhanced
disaster recovery and search affinity. You can specify the number of copies of
data on each site. Multisite clusters are similar in most respects to basic,
single-site clusters, with some differences in configuration and behavior. See
"Multisite indexer clusters".

How to set up a cluster

Clusters are easy to set up. The process is similar to setting up a group of

stand-alone indexers. Basically, you install the indexers and perform a bit of

The main difference is that you also need to identify and enable the cluster
nodes. You designate one Splunk Enterprise instance as the master node and
other instances as peer nodes. You need at least as many peer nodes as the
size of your replication factor. To increase indexing capacity for horizontal
scaling, you just add more peer nodes.

You also need to set up one or more search heads to manage searches across
the peers and to consolidate the results for the user.

You enable cluster nodes in the same way that you configure any settings in
Splunk Enterprise: through Splunk Web or the CLI, or directly, by editing
configuration files.

See the chapter "Deploy the indexer cluster".

How to search a cluster

You search a cluster the same way you search any non-clustered group of
indexers. You submit your searches through a search head.

What happens behind the scenes is a bit different, though. Once you have
submitted your search, the search head consults the master node to determine
the current set of peer nodes. The search head then distributes the search tasks
directly to those peers. The peers do their part and send their results back to the
search head, which then consolidates the results and returns them to Splunk
Web. From the user's standpoint, it is no different than searching any standalone
indexer or non-clustered group of indexers. See "How search works in an indexer

With a multisite cluster, you can also implement search affinity. In search affinity,
a search head gets search results only from indexers local to its site, when
possible. At the same time, the search still has access to the full set of data. See
"Implement search affinity in a multisite indexer cluster."

Before you go any further

Clusters are easy to set up and use, but you need to have a good grounding in
the basics of Splunk Enterprise indexing and deployment first. Before you
continue, make sure you know this stuff:

• How to configure indexers. See "How the indexer stores indexes", along
with the other topics in the current manual that describe managing
• What a search head does. For an introduction to distributed search and
search heads, see "About distributed search" in the Distributed Search
• How to use a forwarder to get data into an indexer. See "Use
forwarders" in the Getting Data In manual.

Migrating from a non-clustered Splunk Enterprise


Clustered indexers have several different requirements from non-clustered

indexers. It is important that you be aware of these issues before you migrate
your indexers. For details, see "Key differences between clustered and
non-clustered Splunk Enterprise deployments of indexers". After you read that
material, go to "Migrate non-clustered indexers to a clustered environment" for
details on the actual migration process.

Multisite indexer clusters

Indexer clusters have built-in site-awareness, meaning that you can explicitly
configure a multisite indexer cluster on a site-by-site basis. This simplifies and
extends the ability to implement a cluster that spans multiple physical sites, such
as data centers.

Use cases

Multisite clusters offer two key benefits over single-site clusters:

• Improved disaster recovery. By storing copies of your data at multiple

locations, you maintain access to the data if a disaster strikes at one
location. Multisite clusters provide site failover capability. If a site goes
down, indexing and searching can continue on the remaining sites, without
interruption or loss of data.

• Search affinity. If you configure each site so that it has both a search
head and a full set of searchable data, the search head on each site will
limit its searches to local peer nodes. This eliminates any need, under
normal conditions, for search heads to access data on other sites, greatly
reducing network traffic between sites.

Multisite configuration

You configure multisite clusters somewhat differently from basic, single-site

clusters. These are the key differences for multisite clusters:

• You assign a site to each node.

• You can specify the replication and search factors on a site-by-site basis.
That is, you can specify the number of copies and searchable copies that
you want to maintain on each site, along with the number that you want to
maintain on the cluster overall.

There are a few other configuration differences as well. See "Multisite

deployment overview".

Multisite architecture

The architecture of single-site and multisite clusters is similar. These are the
main differences for multisite clusters:

• Each node belongs to an assigned site.

• Replication of bucket copies occurs in a site-aware manner.
• Search heads distribute their searches across local peers only, whenever

For more information on multisite cluster architecture, read "Multisite indexer

cluster architecture".

For more information

These chapters and topics describe multisite clusters in detail:

• "Deploy and configure a multisite indexer cluster". This chapter contains

topics that describe multisite configuration, including search affinity
configuration and multisite replication and search factors.
• "Manage a multisite indexer cluster". This chapter covers issues such as
handling master site failure and converting a multisite cluster to single-site.
• "Migrate an indexer cluster from single-site to multisite". This topic
describes how to convert a single-site cluster to multisite.

Other topics in this manual differentiate multisite and single-site clusters as


The basics of indexer cluster architecture
This topic introduces indexer cluster architecture. It describes the nodes of a
single-site cluster and how they work together. It also covers some essential
concepts and describes briefly how clusters handle indexing and searching.

Multisite cluster architecture is similar to single-site cluster architecture. There

are, however, a few areas of significant difference. For information on multisite
cluster architecture and how it differs from single-site cluster architecture, read
the topic Multisite indexer cluster architecture.

For a deeper dive into cluster architecture, read the chapter How indexer clusters

For information on how cluster architecture differs for SmartStore indexes, see
SmartStore architecture overview and Indexer cluster operations and

Cluster nodes

A cluster includes three types of nodes:

• A single master node to manage the cluster.

• Multiple peer nodes to index and replicate data and to search the data.
• One or more search heads to coordinate searches across all the peer

In addition, a cluster deployment usually employs forwarders to ingest and

forward data to the peers.

Master nodes, peer nodes, and search heads are all specialized Splunk
Enterprise instances. All nodes must reside on separate instances and separate
machines. For example, the master node cannot reside on the same instance or
machine as a peer node or a search head.

Here is a diagram of a simple single-site cluster, with a few peers and some
forwarders sending data to them:

Some of what is happening in this diagram might not make sense yet; read on.

Master node

The master node manages the cluster. It coordinates the replicating activities of
the peer nodes and tells the search head where to find data. It also helps
manage the configuration of peer nodes and orchestrates remedial activities if a
peer goes offline.

Unlike the peer nodes, the master does not index external data. A cluster has
exactly one master node.

Peer node

Peer nodes perform the indexing function for the cluster. They receive and index
incoming data. They also send replicated data to other peer nodes in the cluster
and receive replicated data from other peers. A peer node can index its own
external data while simultaneously receiving and sending replicated data. Like all
indexers, peers also search across their indexed data in response to search
requests from the search head.

The number of peer nodes you deploy is dependent on two factors: the cluster
replication factor and the indexing load. For example, if you have a replication
factor of 3 (which means you intend to store three copies of your data), you need
at least three peers. If you have more indexing load than three indexers can
handle, you can add more peers to increase capacity.

Search head

The search head manages searches across the set of peer nodes. It distributes
search queries to the peers and consolidates the results. You initiate all searches
from the search head. A cluster must have at least one search head.


Forwarders function the same as in any Splunk Enterprise deployment. They

consume data from external sources and then forward that data to indexers,
which, in clusters, are the peer nodes. You are not required to use forwarders to
get data into a cluster, but, for most purposes, you will want to. This is because
only with forwarders can you enable indexer acknowledgment, which ensures
that incoming data gets reliably indexed. In addition, to deal with potential peer
node failures, it is advisable to use load-balancing forwarders. That way, if one
peer goes down, the forwarder can switch its forwarding to other peers in the
load-balanced group. For more information on forwarders in a clustered
environment, read Use forwarders to get data into the indexer cluster in this

Important concepts

To understand how a cluster functions, you need to be familiar with a few


• Replication factor. This determines the number of copies of data the

cluster maintains and therefore, the cluster's fundamental level of failure
• Search factor. This determines the number of searchable copies of data
the cluster maintains, and therefore how quickly the cluster can recover its
searching capability after a peer node goes down.
• Buckets. Buckets are the basic units of index storage. A cluster maintains
replication factor number of copies of each bucket.

This section provides a brief introduction to these concepts.

Replication factor

As part of configuring the master, you specify the number of copies of data that
you want the cluster to maintain. The number of copies is called the cluster's
replication factor. The replication factor is a key concept in index replication,
because it determines the cluster's failure tolerance: a cluster can tolerate a
failure of (replication factor - 1) peer nodes. For example, if you want to ensure

that your system can handle the failure of two peer nodes, you must configure a
replication factor of 3, which means that the cluster stores three identical copies
of your data on separate nodes. If two peers go down, the data is still available
on a third peer. The default value for the replication factor is 3.

Here is a high-level representation of a cluster with three peers and a replication

factor of 3:

In this diagram, one peer is receiving data from a forwarder, which it processes
and then streams to two other peers. The cluster will contain three complete
copies of the peer's data. This diagram represents a very simplified version of
peer replication, where all data is coming into the system through a single peer.
In most three-peer clusters, all three peers would be receiving external data from
a forwarder, as well as replicated data from other peers.

For a detailed discussion of the replication factor and the trade-offs involved in
adjusting its value, see the topic Replication factor.

Important: Multisite clusters use a significantly different version of the replication

factor. See Multisite replication and search factors.

Search factor

When you configure the master, you also designate a search factor. The search
factor determines the number of immediately searchable copies of data the
cluster maintains.

Searchable copies of data require more storage space than non-searchable
copies, so it is best to limit the size of your search factor to fit your exact needs.
For most purposes, use the default value of 2. This allows the cluster to continue
searches with little interruption if a single peer node goes down.

The difference between a searchable and a non-searchable copy of some data is

this: The searchable copy contains both the data itself and some extensive index
files that the cluster uses to search the data. The non-searchable copy contains
just the data. Even the data stored in the non-searchable copy, however, has
undergone initial processing and is stored in a form that makes it possible to
recreate the index files later, if necessary.

For a detailed discussion of the search factor and the trade-offs involved in
adjusting its value, see the topic Search factor.

Important: Multisite clusters use a significantly different version of the search

factor. See Multisite replication and search factors.


Splunk Enterprise stores indexed data in buckets, which are directories

containing files of data. An index typically consists of many buckets.

A complete cluster maintains replication factor number of copies of each bucket,

with each copy residing on a separate peer node. The bucket copies are either
searchable or non-searchable. A complete cluster also has search factor number
of searchable copies of each bucket.

Buckets contain two types of files: a rawdata file, which contains the data along
with some metadata, and - for searchable copies of buckets - index files into the

The cluster replicates data on a bucket-by-bucket basis. The original bucket and
its copies on other peer nodes have identical sets of rawdata. Searchable copies
also contain the index files.

Each time a peer creates a new bucket, it communicates with the master to get a
list of peers to stream the bucket's data to. If you have a cluster in which the
number of peer nodes exceeds the replication factor, a peer might stream data to
a different set of peers each time it creates a new bucket. Eventually, the copies
of the peer's original buckets are likely to be spread across a large number of
peers, even if the replication factor is only 3.

You need a good grasp of buckets to understand cluster architecture. For an
overview of buckets in general, read How the indexer stores indexes. Then read
the topic Buckets and indexer clusters. It provides detailed information on bucket
concepts of particular importance for a clustered deployment.

How indexing works

Clustered indexing functions like non-clustered indexing, except that the cluster
stores multiple copies of the data. Each peer node receives, processes, and
indexes external data - the same as any non-clustered indexer. The key
difference is that the peer node also streams, or "replicates", copies of the
processed data to other peers in the cluster, which then store those copies in
their own buckets. Some of the peers receiving the processed data might also
index it. The replication factor determines the number of peers that receive the
copies of data. The search factor determines the number of peers that index the

A peer node can be indexing external data while simultaneously storing, and
potentially indexing, copies of replicated data sent to it from other peers. For
example, if you have a three-peer cluster configured with a replication factor of 3,
each peer can be ingesting and indexing external data while also storing copies
of replicated data streamed to it by the other peers. If the cluster's search factor
is 2, one of the peers receiving a copy of streamed data will also index it. (In
addition, the peer that originally ingests the data always indexes its own copy.)
This diagram shows the movement of data into peers, both from forwarders and
from other peers:

You can set up your cluster so that all the peer nodes ingest external data. This
is the most common scenario. You do this simply by configuring inputs on each
peer node. However, you can also set up the cluster so that only a subset of the
peer nodes ingest data. No matter how you disperse your inputs across the
cluster, all the peer nodes can, and likely will, also store replicated data. The
master determines, on a bucket-by-bucket basis, which peer nodes will get
replicated data. You cannot configure this, except in the case of multisite
clustering, where you can specify the number of copies of data that each site's
set of peers receives.

In addition to replicating indexes of external data, the peers also replicate their
internal indexes, such as _audit, _internal, etc.

The master manages the peer-to-peer interactions. Most importantly, it tells each
peer what peers to stream its data to. Once the master has communicated this,
the peers then exchange data with each other, without the master's involvement,
unless a peer node goes down. The master also keeps track of which peers have
searchable data and ensures that there are always search factor number of
copies of searchable data available. When a peer goes down, the master
coordinates remedial activities.

For detailed information, read the topic How clustered indexing works.

For information on how indexing works in a multisite cluster, read Multisite


For information on how indexing works with SmartStore indexes, see How
indexing works in SmartStore.

How search works

In an indexer cluster, a search head coordinates all searches. The process is

similar to how distributed searches work in a non-clustered environment. The
main difference is that the search head relies on the master to tell it who its
search peers are. Also, there are various processes in place to ensure that a
search occurs over one and only one copy of each bucket.

To ensure that exactly one copy of each bucket participates in a search, one
searchable copy of each bucket in the cluster is designated as primary.
Searches occur only across the set of primary copies.

The set of primary copies can change over time, for example, in response to a
peer node going down. If some of the bucket copies on the downed node were

primary, other searchable copies of those buckets will be made primary to
replace them. If there are no other searchable copies (because the cluster has a
search factor of 1), non-searchable copies will first have to be made searchable
before they can be designated as primary.

The master rebalances primaries across the set of peers whenever a peer joins
or rejoins the cluster, in an attempt to improve distribution of the search load. See
Rebalance the indexer cluster primary buckets.

The master keeps track of all bucket copies on all peer nodes, and the peer
nodes themselves know the status of their bucket copies. That way, in response
to a search request, a peer knows which of its bucket copies to search.

Periodically, the search head gets a list of active search peers from the master.
To handle searches, it then communicates directly with those peers, as it would
for any distributed search, sending search requests and knowledge bundles to
the peers and consolidating search results returned from the peers.

For example, assume a cluster of three peers is maintaining 20 buckets that

need to be searched to fulfill a particular search request coming from the search
head. Primary copies of those 20 buckets could be spread across all three peers,
with 10 primaries on the first peer, six on the second, and four on the third. Each
peer gets the search request and then determines for itself whether its particular
copy of a bucket is primary and therefore needs to participate in the search.

For detailed information, read the topic How search works in an indexer cluster.

Important: There are key differences in how searching works in a multisite

cluster. For example, each site in the cluster typically has a complete set of
primary buckets, so that a search head can perform its searches entirely on data
local to its site. For more information, read Multisite searching.

For information on how search works with SmartStore indexes, see How search
works in SmartStore.

How clusters deal with peer node failure

If a peer node goes down, the master coordinates attempts to reproduce the
peer's buckets on other peers. For example, if a downed node was storing 20
copies of buckets, of which 10 were searchable (including three primary bucket
copies), the master will direct efforts to create copies of those 20 buckets on
other nodes. It will likewise attempt to replace the 10 searchable copies with
searchable copies of the same buckets on other nodes. And it will replace the

primary copies by changing the status of corresponding searchable copies on
other peers from non-primary to primary.

Replication factor and node failure

If there are less peer nodes remaining than the number specified by the
replication factor, the cluster will not be able to replace the 20 missing copies.
For example, if you have a three-node cluster with a replication factor of 3, the
cluster cannot replace the missing copies when a node goes down, because
there is no other node where replacement copies can go.

Except in extreme cases, however, the cluster should be able to replace the
missing primary bucket copies by designating searchable copies of those
buckets on other peers as primary, so that all the data continues to be accessible
to the search head.

The only case in which the cluster cannot maintain a full set of primary copies is
if a replication factor number of nodes goes down. For example, if you have a
cluster of five peer nodes, with a replication factor of 3, the cluster will still be
able to maintain a full set of primary copies if one or two peers go down but not if
a third peer goes down.

Search factor and node failure

The search factor determines whether full search capability can quickly resume
after a node goes down. To ensure rapid recovery from one downed node, the
search factor must be set to at least 2. That allows the master to immediately
replace primaries on the downed node with existing searchable copies on other

If instead the search factor is set to 1, that means the cluster is maintaining just a
single set of searchable bucket copies. If a peer with some primary copies goes
down, the cluster must first convert a corresponding set of non-searchable copies
on the remaining peers to searchable before it can designate them as primary to
replace the missing primaries. While this time-intensive process is occurring, the
cluster has an incomplete set of primary buckets. Searches can continue, but
only across the available primary buckets. Eventually, the cluster will replace all
the missing primary copies. Searches can then occur across the full set of data.

If, on the other hand, the search factor is at least 2, the cluster can immediately
assign primary status to searchable copies on the remaining nodes. The activity
to replace the searchable copies from the downed node will still occur, but in the
meantime searches can continue uninterrupted across all the cluster's data.

For detailed information on peer failure, read the topic What happens when a
peer node goes down.

For information on how a multisite cluster handles peer node failure, read How
multisite indexer clusters deal with peer node failure.

How clusters deal with master node failure

If a master node goes down, peer nodes can continue to index and replicate
data, and the search head can continue to search across the data, for some
period of time. Problems eventually will arise, however, particularly if one of the
peers goes down. There is no way to recover from peer loss without the master,
and the search head will then be searching across an incomplete set of data.
Generally speaking, the cluster continues as best it can without the master, but
the system is in an inconsistent state and results cannot be guaranteed.

For detailed information on master failure, read the topic What happens when a
master node goes down.

Multisite indexer cluster architecture

This topic describes the architecture of multisite indexer clusters. It focuses
primarily on how multisite clusters differ from single-site clusters. For an overview
of cluster architecture, focusing on single-site clusters, read The basics of
indexer cluster architecture.

How multisite and single-site architecture differ

Multisite clusters differ from single-site clusters in these key respects:

• Each node (master/peer/search head) has an assigned site.

• Replication of bucket copies occurs with site-awareness.
• Search heads distribute their searches across local peers only, when
• Bucket-fixing activities respect site boundaries when applicable.

Multisite cluster nodes

Multisite and single-site nodes share these characteristics:

• Clusters have three types of nodes: master, peers, and search heads.

• Each cluster has exactly one master node.
• The cluster can have any number of peer nodes and search heads.

Multisite nodes differ in these ways:

• Every node belongs to a specific site. Physical location typically

determines a site. That is, if you want your cluster to span servers in
Boston and Philadelphia, you assign all nodes in Boston to site1 and all
nodes in Philadelphia to site2.
• A typical multisite cluster has search heads on each site. This is
necessary for search affinity, which increases search efficiency by
allowing a search head to access all data locally.

Here is an example of a two-site cluster.

Note the following:

• The master node controls the entire cluster. Although the master resides
physically on a site, the master is not actually a member of any site.
However, each master has a built-in search head, and that search head
requires that you specify a site for the master as a whole. Note that the
master's search head is for testing purposes only. Do not use it in a
production environment.
• This is an example of a cluster that has been configured for search affinity.
Each site has its own search head, which searches the set of peer nodes
on its site. Depending on circumstances, however, a search head might

also search peers outside its own site. See Multisite searching and search
• The peers replicate data across site boundaries. This behavior is
fundamental for both disaster recovery and search affinity.

Multisite replication and search factors

As with their single-site counterparts, multisite replication and search factors

determine the number of bucket copies and searchable bucket copies,
respectively, in the cluster. The difference is that the multisite replication and
search factors also determine the number of copies on each site. A multisite
replication factor for a three-site cluster might look like this:

site_replication_factor = origin:2, site1:1, site2:1, site3:1, total:4

This replication factor specifies that each site will get one copy of each bucket,
except when the site is the originating site for the data, in which case it will get
two copies. It also specifies that the total number of copies across the cluster is

In this particular example, the replication factor explicitly specifies all sites, but
that is not a requirement. An explicit site is a site that the replication factor
explicitly specifies. A non-explicit site is a site that the replication factor does
not explicitly specify.

Here is another example of a multisite replication factor for a three-site cluster.

This replication factor specifies only two of the sites explicitly:

site_replication_factor = origin:2, site1:1, site2:2, total:5

In this example, the number of copies that the non-explicit site3 gets varies. If
site1 is the origin, site1 gets two copies, site2 gets two copies, and site3 gets the
remainder of one copy. If site2 is the origin, site1 gets one copy, site2 gets two
copies, and site3 gets two copies. If site3 is the origin, site1 gets one copy, site2
gets two copies, and site3 gets two copies.

Note: In this example, the total value cannot be 4. It must be at least 5. This is
because, when the replication factor has non-explicit sites, the total must be at
least the sum of all explicit site and origin values.

For details on replication factor syntax and behavior, read "Configure the site
replication factor".

The site search factor works the same way. For details, read "Configure the site
search factor".

Multisite indexing

Multisite indexing is similar to single-site indexing, described in "The basics of

indexer cluster architecture". A single master coordinates replication across all
the peers on all the sites.

This section briefly describes the main multisite differences, using the example of
a three-site cluster with this replication factor:

site_replication_factor = origin:2, site1:1, site2:1, site3:1, total:4

These are the main multisite issues to be aware of:

• Data replication occurs across site boundaries, based on the replication

factor. If, in the example, a peer in site1 ingests the data, it will stream one
copy of the data to another peer in site1 (to fulfill the origin setting of 2),
one copy to a peer in site2, and one copy to a peer in site3.

• Multisite replication has the concept of the origin site, which allows the
cluster to handle data differently for the site that it originates on. The
example illustrates this. If site1 originates the data, it gets two copies. If
another site originates the data, site1 gets only one copy.

• As with single-site replication, you cannot specify the exact peers that will
receive the replicated data. However, you can specify the sites whose
peers will receive the data.

For information on how the cluster handles migrated single-site buckets, see
"Migrate an indexer cluster from single-site to multisite".

Multisite searching and search affinity

Multisite searching is similar in most ways to single-site searching, described in

"The basics of indexer cluster architecture". Each search occurs across a set of
primary bucket copies. There is one key difference, however.

Multisite clusters provide search affinity, which allows searches to occur on

site-local data. You must configure the cluster to take advantage of search
affinity. Specifically, you must ensure that both the searchable data and the
search heads are available locally.

To accomplish this, you configure the search factor so that each site has at least
one full set of searchable data. The master then ensures that each site has a
complete set of primary bucket copies, as long as the sites are functioning
properly. This is known as the valid state.

With search affinity, the search heads still distribute their search requests to all
peers in the cluster, but only the peers on the same site as the search head
respond to the request by searching their primary bucket copies and returning
results to the search head.

If the loss of some of a site's peers means that it no longer has a full set of
primaries (and thus is no longer in the valid state), bucket fix-up activities will
attempt to return the site to the valid state. During the fix-up period, peers on
remote sites will participate in searches, as necessary, to ensure that the search
head still gets a full set of results. After the site regains its valid state, the search
head once again uses only local peers to fulfill its searches.

Note: You can disable search affinity if desired. When disabled for a particular
search head, that search head can get its data from peers on any sites.

For more information on search affinity and how to configure the search factor to
support it, see "Implement search affinity in a multisite indexer cluster". For more
information on the internals of search processing, including search affinity, see
"How search works in an indexer cluster".

Multisite clusters and node failure

The way that multisite clusters deal with node failure has some significant
differences from single-site clusters.

Important: Before reading this section, you must understand the concept of a
"reserve" bucket copy. A reserve copy is a copy awaiting assignment to a peer.
As a consequence of multisite peer node failure, some bucket copies might not
be immediately assigned to a peer. For example, in a cluster with a total
replication factor of 5, the master might tell the originating peer to stream buckets
to just three other peers. This results in four copies (the original plus the three
streamed copies), with the fifth copy awaiting assignment to a peer once certain
conditions are met. The fifth, unassigned copy is known as a reserve copy. This
section describes how the cluster must sometimes reserve copies when peer
nodes fail.

How multisite clusters deal with peer node failure

When a peer goes down, bucket fix-up happens within the same site, if possible.
The cluster tries to replace any missing bucket copies by adding copies to peers
remaining on that site. (In all cases, each peer can have at most one copy of any
particular bucket.) If it is not possible to fix up all buckets by adding copies to
peers within the site, then, depending on the replication and search factors, the
cluster might make copies on peers on other sites.

The fix-up behavior under these circumstances depends partially on whether the
failed peer was on an explicit or non-explicit site.

If enough peers go down on an explicit site such that the site can no longer meet
its site-specific replication factor, the cluster does not attempt to compensate by
making copies on peers on other sites. Rather, it assumes that the requisite
number of peers will eventually return to the site. For new buckets also, it holds
copies in reserve for the return of peers to the site. In other words, it does not
assign those copies to peers on a different site, but instead waits until the first
site has peers available and then assigns the copies to those peers.

For example, given a three-site cluster (site1, site2, site3) with this replication

site_replication_factor = origin:2, site1:1, site2:2, total:5

the cluster ordinarily maintains two copies on site2. But if enough peers go down
on site2, so that only one remains and the site can no longer meet its replication
factor of 2, that remaining peer gets one copy of all buckets in the cluster, and
the cluster reserves another set of copies for the site. When a second peer
rejoins site2, the cluster streams the reserved copies to that peer.

When a non-explicit site loses enough peers such that it can no longer maintain
the number of bucket copies that it already has, the cluster compensates by
adding copies to other sites to make up the difference. For example, assume that
the non-explicit site3 in the example above has two copies of some bucket, and
that it then loses all but one of its peers, so that it can only hold one copy of each
bucket. The cluster compensates by streaming a copy of that bucket to a peer on
one of the other sites, assuming there is at least one peer that does not yet have
a copy of that bucket.

For information on how a cluster handles the case where all the peer nodes on a
site fail, see See "How the cluster handles site failure".

How the cluster handles site failure

Site failure is just a special case of peer node failure. Cluster fix-up occurs
following the rules described earlier for peer node failure. Of particular note, the
cluster might hold copies in reserve against the eventual return of the site.

For any copies of existing buckets that are held in reserve, the cluster does not
add copies to other sites during its fix-up activities. Similarly, for any new buckets
added after the site goes down, the cluster reserves some number of copies until
the site returns to the cluster.

Here is how the cluster determines the number of copies to reserve:

• For explicit sites, the cluster reserves the number of copies and
searchable copies specified in the site's search and replication factors.
• For non-explicit sites, the cluster reserves one searchable copy if the
total components of the site's search and replication factors are
sufficiently large, after handling any explicit sites, to accommodate the
copy. (If the search factor isn't sufficiently large but the replication factor is,
the cluster reserves one non-searchable copy.)

For example, say you have a three-site cluster with two explicit sites (site1 and
site2) and one non-explicit site (site3), with this configuration:

site_replication_factor = origin:2, site1:1, site2:2, total:5

site_search_factor = origin:1, site1:1, site2:1, total:2
In the case of a site going down, the cluster reserves bucket copies like this:

• If site1 goes down, the cluster reserves one searchable copy.

• If site2 goes down, the cluster reserves two copies, including one that is
• If site3 goes down, the cluster reserves one non-searchable copy.

Once the reserved copies are accounted for, the cluster replicates any remaining
copies to other available sites, both during fix-up of existing buckets and when
adding new buckets.

When the site returns to the cluster, bucket fix-up occurs for that site to the
degree necessary to ensure that the site has, at a minimum, its allocation of
reserved bucket copies, both for new buckets and for buckets that were on the
site when it went down.

If the site that fails is the site on which the master resides, you can bring up a
stand-by master on one of the remaining sites. See "Handle indexer cluster
master site failure".

How multisite clusters deal with master node failure

A multisite cluster handles master node failure the same as a single-site cluster.
The cluster continues to function as best it can under the circumstances. See
"What happens when a master node goes down".

Deploy the indexer cluster

Indexer cluster deployment overview

This topic describes the main steps to deploying indexer clusters. Subsequent
topics describe these steps in detail.

Before you attempt to deploy a cluster, you must be familiar with several areas of
Splunk Enterprise administration:

• How to configure indexers. In particular, see "How the indexer stores

indexes", along with the other topics in this manual that describe
managing indexes.
• What a search head does. For an introduction to distributed search, see
"About distributed search" in the Distributed Search manual. Note,
however, that you configure search heads for indexer clusters somewhat
differently from other search heads. For information on the differences see
"Search head configuration overview" in this manual.
• How to use a forwarder to get data into an indexer. See "Use
forwarders" in the Getting Data In manual.

Important: This chapter assumes that you are deploying independent search
heads in the indexer cluster. For information on how to incorporate search heads
that are members of a search head cluster, see "Integrate the search head
cluster with an indexer cluster" in the Distributed Search manual.

Migrating from a non-clustered Splunk Enterprise


Clustered indexers (peers) have several different requirements from

non-clustered indexers. It is important that you be aware of these issues before
you migrate your indexers. See "Key differences between clustered and
non-clustered deployments of indexers". After you read that material, go to
"Migrate non-clustered indexers to a clustered environment" for the actual
migration process.

Important: Before migrating an indexer from non-clustered to clustered, be

certain of your needs. The process goes in one direction only. There is no
supported procedure for converting an indexer from clustered to non-clustered.

Deploying a multisite cluster?

Multisite indexer clusters are considerably more complex than single-site

clusters. Deploying them requires that you consider some additional issues and
perform an entirely different set of configurations. If you are deploying a multisite
cluster, read this topic first and then read "Multisite indexer cluster deployment

Deploy a cluster

When you deploy a cluster, you enable and configure the cluster master and the
peer nodes that perform the indexing. You also enable a search head to search
data in the cluster. In addition, you usually set up forwarders to send data to the
cluster. Here is a diagram of a small cluster, showing the various nodes that you

These are the key steps in deploying clusters:

1. Identify your requirements:

a. Understand your data availability and failover needs. See "About indexer

b. Determine whether you will be deploying a basic, single-site cluster or a

multisite cluster. Multisite clusters offer strong disaster recovery capabilities

because they allow you to distribute copies of your data across multiple
locations. They also enable search affinity, which reduces network traffic by
limiting searches to local data. For more information, read "Multisite indexer

c. Decide what replication factor you want to implement. The replication factor
is the number of copies of raw data that the cluster maintains. Your optimal
replication factor depends on factors specific to your environment, but essentially
involves a trade-off between failure tolerance and storage capacity. A higher
replication factor means that more copies of the data will reside on more peer
nodes, so your cluster can tolerate more node failures without loss of data
availability. But it also means that you will need more nodes and more storage to
handle the additional data. For multisite clusters, you also need to decide how
many copies to put on each site. For more information, see "Replication factor".

Warning: Make sure you start by choosing the right replication factor for your
needs. It is inadvisable to increase the replication factor after the cluster contains
a significant amount of data. The cluster would need to perform a large amount
of bucket copying to match the increased replication factor, slowing significantly
the overall performance of your cluster while the copying is occurring.

d. Decide what search factor you want to implement. The search factor tells the
cluster how many searchable copies of indexed data to maintain. This helps
determine the speed with which a cluster can recover from a downed node. A
higher search factor allows the cluster to recover more quickly, but it also
requires more storage space and processing power. For most single-site
deployments, the default search factor value of 2 represents the right trade-off,
allowing searches usually to continue with little interruption when a node goes
down. For multisite clusters, you also need to decide how many searchable
copies to put on each site. For more information, see "Search factor".

Warning: Make sure you start by choosing the right search factor for your needs.
It is inadvisable to increase the search factor after the cluster contains a
significant amount of data. The cluster would need to perform a large amount of
processing (transforming non-searchable bucket copies into searchable copies)
to match the increased search factor, and this will have an adverse effect on the
overall performance of your cluster while the processing is occurring.

e. Identify other factors that also determine the size of your cluster; for example,
the quantity of data you will be indexing. It usually makes sense to keep all your
indexers in a single cluster, so for horizontal scaling, you will need to add peer
nodes beyond those required by the replication factor. Similarly, depending on
the anticipated search load, you might need to add more than one search head.

f. Study the topic "System requirements and other deployment considerations for
indexer clusters" for information on other key issues.

2. Install the Splunk Enterprise cluster instances on your network. At a

minimum, you will need (replication factor + 2) instances:

• You need at least the replication factor number of peer nodes, but you
might want to add more peers to boost indexing capacity, as mentioned in
step 1e.
• You also need two more instances, one for the master node and the
other for the search head.

For multisite clusters, you must also take into account the search head and peer
node requirements of each site, as determined by your search affinity and
disaster recovery needs. See "Multisite indexer cluster deployment overview".

For information on how to install Splunk Enterprise, read the Installation Manual.

3. Enable clustering on the instances:

a. Enable the master node. See "Enable the master node".

b. Enable the peer nodes. See "Enable the peer nodes".

c. Enable the search head. See "Enable the search head".

Important: For multisite clusters, the process of enabling cluster nodes is

different. See "Multisite indexer cluster deployment overview".

4. Complete the peer node configuration:

a. Configure the peers' index settings. This step is necessary only if you need to
augment the set of default indexes and apps. In general, all the peers must use
the same set of indexes, so if you add indexes (or apps that define indexes) to
one peer, you must add them to all peers, using a cluster-specific distribution
method. There might also be other configurations that you need to coordinate
across the set of peers. See "Prepare the peers for index replication" for
information on how to do this.

b. Configure the peers' data inputs. For most purposes, it is best to use
forwarders to send data to the peers, as discussed in "Ways to get data into an
indexer cluster". As that topic states, you will usually want to deploy
load-balancing forwarders with indexer acknowledgment enabled.

After you enable the nodes and set up data inputs for the peers, the cluster
automatically begins indexing and replicating the data.

5. Configure the master node to forward its data to the peer nodes. This
best practice provides several advantages. See "Best practice: Forward master
node data to the indexer layer".

Other deployment scenarios

This manual also provides guidance on a few other cluster deployment


• Add indexers with existing data to a cluster. See "Migrate non-clustered

indexers to a clustered environment".
• Deploy SmartStore indexes on a new indexer cluster. See "Deploy
SmartStore on a new indexer cluster".
• Migrate data currently on an indexer cluster to SmartStore. See "Migrate
existing data on an indexer cluster to SmartStore".
• Bootstrap SmartStore indexes onto an indexer cluster. See "Bootstrap
SmartStore indexes onto an indexer cluster".
• Migrate a single-site cluster to multisite. See "Migrate an indexer cluster
from single-site to multisite".
• Employ clusters purely for index scalability, where index replication is not
a requirement. See "Use indexer clusters to scale indexing".

Key differences between clustered and

non-clustered deployments of indexers
This topic describes key differences between clustered and non-clustered
indexers. In particular, it discusses issues regarding system requirements and

Read this topic carefully if you plan to migrate your current set of indexers
to a cluster.

Do not use deployment server or third-party deployment tools

with cluster peers

Neither the deployment server nor any third party deployment tool (such as
Puppet or CFEngine, among others) is supported as a means to distribute

configurations or apps to cluster peers (indexers).

To distribute configurations across the set of cluster peers, instead use the
configuration bundle method outlined in the topic "Update common peer
configurations". As that topic explains, the configuration bundle method involves
first placing peer apps on the master node, which then distributes those apps to
the peer nodes in a coordinated fashion.

For information on how to migrate app distribution from the deployment server to
the configuration bundle method, see "Migrate apps to a cluster".

Note: You can use deployment server to distribute updates to search heads in
indexer clusters, as long as they are standalone search heads. You cannot use
the deployment server to distribute updates to members of a search head

Differences in system requirements

Peer nodes have some different system requirements compared to non-clustered

indexers. Before migrating your indexer, read the topic "System requirements
and other deployment considerations for indexer clusters". In particular, be aware
of the following differences:

• When you convert an indexer to a cluster peer, disk usage will go up

significantly. Make sure that you have sufficient disk space available,
relative to daily indexing volume, search factor, and replication factor. For
detailed information on peer disk usage, read "Storage considerations".
• Cluster nodes cannot share Splunk Enterprise instances. The master
node, peer nodes, and search head must each run on its own instance.

Other considerations and differences from a non-cluster


In addition, note the following:

• For most types of cluster deployments, you should enable indexer

acknowledgment for the forwarders sending data to the peer. See "How
indexer acknowledgment works."
• You can simplify the process of connecting forwarders to peer nodes by
using the indexer discovery feature. See "Advantages of the indexer
discovery method."
• There will be some overall reduction in performance due to a few factors.

The primary one is indexer acknowledgment. In addition, the need to
store, and potentially index, replicated data coming from other peer nodes
has some affect on performance.
• When restarting cluster peers, you should use Splunk Web or one of the
cluster-aware CLI commands, such as splunk offline or splunk
rolling-restart. Do not use splunk restart. For details, see "Restart
the entire indexer cluster or a single cluster node."

Migrate a non-clustered indexer

To learn how to migrate an existing indexer to a cluster and the ramifications of

doing so, read the topic "Migrate non-clustered indexers to a clustered

System requirements and other deployment

considerations for indexer clusters
Indexer clusters are groups of Splunk Enterprise indexers, so, for the most part,
you just need to adhere to the system requirements for indexers. For detailed
software and hardware requirements for indexers, read "System requirements" in
the Installation Manual. The current topic notes additional requirements for

Note: System requirements vary somewhat for clusters with SmartStore

indexes. See SmartStore system requirements.

Summary of key requirements

These are the main issues to note:

• Each cluster node (master, peer, or search head) must reside on a

separate Splunk Enterprise instance.
• Each node instance must run on a separate machine or virtual machine,
and each machine must be running the same operating system.
• All nodes must be connected over a network.
• There are strict version compatibility requirements between cluster nodes.

For example, to deploy a cluster consisting of three peers, one master, and one
search head, you need five Splunk Enterprise instances running on five
machines connected over a network. And all machines must be running the
same operating system.

These are some additional issues to be aware of:

• Compared to a non-clustered deployment, clusters require more storage,

to accommodate the multiple copies of data.
• Index replication, in and of itself, does not increase your licensing needs.
• You cannot use a deployment server to distribute updates to peers.

See the remainder of this topic for details.

Required Splunk Enterprise instances

Each cluster node must reside on its own Splunk Enterprise instance. Therefore,
the cluster must consist of at least (replication factor + 2) instances: a minimum
of replication factor number of peer nodes, plus one master node and one or
more search heads. For example, if you want to deploy a cluster with a
replication factor of 3, you must set up at least five instances: three peers, one
master, and one search head. To learn more about the replication factor, see
"Replication factor" in this manual.

The size of your cluster depends on other factors besides the replication factor,
such as the amount of data you need to index. See "Indexer cluster deployment

Important: While the master has search capabilities, you should only use those
capabilities for debugging purposes. The resources of the master must be
dedicated to fulfilling its critical role of coordinating cluster activities. Under no
circumstances should the master be employed as a production search head. See
"Additional roles for the master node".

Splunk Enterprise version compatibility

Interoperability between the various types of cluster nodes is subject to strict

compatibility requirements. In brief:

• The master node must run the same or a later version from the peer
nodes and search heads.
• The search heads must run the same or a later version from the peer
• The peer nodes must all run exactly the same version, down to the
maintenance level.

Compatibility between the master and the peer nodes and search heads

Peer nodes and search heads can run different versions from the master, subject
to these restrictions:

• The master node must run the same or a later version than the peer
nodes and search heads.
• The master node can run at most three minor version levels later than the
peer nodes. For example, a 7.0 master node can run against 6.6, 6.5, and
6.4 peer nodes, but not 6.3 peer nodes.

Note: Mixed-version clusters are available only with recent versions of Splunk

• The master node must run version 6.2 or later.

• The peer nodes and search heads must run version 6.1 or later.
• For master nodes running version 6.1 or earlier, mixed-version clusters
are not available. The peer nodes and search heads must run the same
version as the master.

Compatibility between the master and 6.1 peer nodes

To run a 6.2 or later master against 6.1 peer nodes, you must set the attribute
use_batch_mask_changes in the master's server.conf file to false:

splunk edit cluster-config -use_batch_mask_changes false

You do not need to restart the master if you set this attribute with the CLI.

Caution: After upgrading all peer nodes to 6.2 or later, you must revert
use_batch_mask_changes to true.

Compatibility between peer nodes

All peer nodes must run the same version of Splunk Enterprise, down to the
maintenance level. You must update all peer nodes to a new release at the same
time. You cannot, for example, run an indexer cluster with some peer nodes at
6.n.2 and others at 6.n.1.

Compatibility between peer nodes and search heads

Starting with 6.3, the peer nodes and search heads can run different versions
from each other. The search heads must run the same or a later version from the

peer nodes.

Search head clusters participating in an indexer cluster have the same

compatibility requirements as individual search heads. For information on other
search head cluster version requirements, see "System requirements and other
deployment considerations for search head clusters" in the Distributed Search

Machine requirements

Each node of the cluster (master node, peer nodes, and search heads) must run
on its own, separate machine or virtual machine. Other than that, the hardware
requirements, aside from storage, are basically the same as for any Splunk
Enterprise instance. See "Reference hardware" in the Capacity Planning Manual.

The main difference is in the storage requirements for peer nodes, discussed

Note: The storage needs of the master node are significantly lower than those
specified in the "Reference hardware" topic, since the master does not index
external data.

Operating system requirements

Indexer clustering is available on all operating systems supported for Splunk

Enterprise. For a list of supported operating systems, see System requirements
in the Installation Manual.

All indexer cluster nodes (master node, peer nodes, and search heads) must run
on the same operating system.

If the indexer cluster is integrated with a search head cluster, then the search
head cluster instances, including the deployer, must run on the same operating
system as the indexer cluster nodes.

Synchronization of system clocks across the cluster

It is important that you synchronize the system clocks on all machines, virtual or
physical, that are running Splunk Enterprise instances participating in the cluster.
Specifically, this means your master node, peer nodes, and search heads.
Otherwise, various issues can arise, such as timing problems between the
master and peer nodes, search failures, or premature expiration of search


The synchronization method you use depends on your specific set of machines.
Consult the system documentation for the particular machines and operating
systems on which you are running Splunk Enterprise. For most environments,
Network Time Protocol (NTP) is the best approach.

Storage considerations

When determining storage requirements for your clustered indexes, you need to
consider the increased capacity, across the set of peer nodes, necessary to
handle the multiple copies of data.

It is strongly recommended that you provision all peer nodes to use the same
amount of disk storage.

Clusters use the usual settings for managing index storage, as described in
"Configure index storage".

Determine your storage requirements

It is important to ensure you have enough disk space to accommodate the

volume of data your peer nodes will be processing. For a general discussion of
Splunk Enterprise data volume and how to estimate your storage needs, refer to
"Estimating your storage requirements" in the Installation Manual. That topic
provides information on how to estimate storage for non-clustered indexers, so
you need to supplement its guidelines to account for the extra copies of data that
a cluster stores.

With a cluster, in addition to considering the volume of incoming data, you must
consider the replication factor and search factor to arrive at your total storage
requirements across the set of peer nodes. With a replication factor of 3, you are
storing three copies of your data. You will need extra storage space to
accommodate these copies, but you will not need three times as much storage.
Replicated copies of non-searchable data are smaller than copies of searchable
data, because they include only the data and not the associated index files. So,
for example, if your replication factor is 3 and your search factor is 2, you will
need more than two, but less than three, times the storage capacity compared to
storing the same data on non-clustered indexers.

Exactly how much less storage your non-searchable copies require takes some
investigation on your part. The index files excluded by non-searchable copies
can vary greatly in size, depending on factors described in "Estimating your

storage requirements" in the Installation Manual.

Important: A master is not aware of the amount of storage on individual peer

nodes, and therefore it does not take available storage into account when it
makes decisions about which peer node should receive a particular set of
replicated data. It also makes arbitrary decisions about which peer should make
some set of replicated data searchable (in cases where the search factor is 2 or
greater). Therefore, you must ensure that each peer node has sufficient storage
not only for the data originating on that peer, but also for any replicated copies of
data that might get streamed to it from other peers. You should continue to
monitor storage usage throughout the life of the cluster.

Storage requirement examples

As a ballpark figure, incoming syslog data, after it has been compressed and
indexed, occupies approximately 50% of its original size:

• 15% for the rawdata file.

• 35% for associated index files.

In practice, this estimate can vary substantially, based on the factors described in
"Estimating your storage requirements" in the Installation Manual.

Assume you have 100GB of syslog data coming into Splunk Enterprise. In the
case of a non-clustered indexer, that data would occupy approximately 50GB
(50% of 100GB) of storage on the indexer. However, in the case of clusters,
storage calculations must factor in the replication factor and search factor to
arrive at total storage requirements across all the cluster peers. (As mentioned
earlier, you cannot easily predict exactly how much storage will be required on
any specific peer.)

Here are two examples of estimating cluster storage requirements, both

assuming 100GB of incoming syslog data, resulting in 15GB for each set of
rawdata and 35GB for each set of index files:

• 3 peer nodes, with replication factor = 3; search factor = 2: This

requires a total of 115GB across all peer nodes (averaging 38GB/peer),
calculated as follows:
♦ Total rawdata = (15GB * 3) = 45GB.
♦ Total index files = (35GB * 2) = 70 GB.
• 5 peer nodes, with replication factor = 5; search factor = 3: This
requires a total of 180GB across all peer nodes (averaging 36GB/peer),
calculated as follows:

♦ Total rawdata = (15GB * 5) = 75GB.
♦ Total index files = (35GB * 3) = 105 GB.

Storage hardware

In pre-6.0 versions of Splunk Enterprise, replicated copies of cluster buckets

always resided in the colddb directory, even if they were hot or warm buckets.
Starting with 6.0, hot and warm replicated copies reside in the db directory, the
same as for non-replicated copies. This eliminates any need to consider faster
storage for colddb for clustered indexes, compared to non-clustered indexes.

Licensing information

As with any Splunk Enterprise deployment, your licensing requirements are

driven by the volume of data your indexers process. Contact your Splunk sales
representative to purchase additional license volume. Refer to "How licensing
works" in the Admin Manual for more information about Splunk Enterprise

There are just a few license issues that are specific to index replication:

• All cluster nodes, including masters, peers, and search heads, need to be
in an Enterprise license pool, even if they're not expected to index any
• Cluster nodes must share the same licensing configuration.
• Only incoming data counts against the license; replicated data does not.
• You cannot use index replication with a free license.

Ports that the cluster nodes use

These ports must be available to cluster nodes:

• On the master:
♦ The management port (by default, 8089) must be available to all
other cluster nodes.
• On each peer:
♦ The management port must be available to all other cluster nodes.
♦ The replication port must be available to all other peer nodes.
♦ The receiving port must be available to all forwarders sending data
to that peer.
• On each search head:
♦ The management port must be available to all other nodes.

♦ The http port (by default, 8000) must be available to any browsers
accessing data from the search head.

Deployment server and clusters

Do not use deployment server with cluster peers.

The deployment server is not supported as a means to distribute configurations

or apps to cluster peers. To distribute configurations across the set of cluster
peers, instead use the configuration bundle method outlined in the topic
"Update common peer configurations".

For information on how to migrate app distribution from deployment server to the
configuration bundle method, see "Migrate apps to a cluster".

Additional roles for the master node

As a general rule, you should dedicate the Splunk Enterprise instance running
the master node to that single purpose. Constrain use of the master's built-in
search head to debugging only.

Under limited circumstances, however, you might be able to colocate one or

more of these lightweight functions on the master instance:

• License master
• Monitoring console
• Search head cluster deployer

To use the master instance for any of these additional roles, the master's cluster
must remain below the following limits:

• 30 indexers
• 100,000 buckets
• 10 indexes
• 10 search heads

Do not colocate a deployment server on the master under any circumstances.

A master node and a deployment server both consume significant system

resources while performing their tasks. The master node needs reliable and
continuous access to resources to perform the ongoing management of the
cluster, and the deployment server can easily overwhelm those resources while
deploying updates to its deployment clients.

For a general discussion of management component colocation, see
Components that help to manage your deployment in the Distributed Deployment

Enable the indexer cluster master node

Before reading this topic, read Indexer cluster deployment overview.

A cluster has one, and only one, master node. The master node coordinates the
activities of the peer nodes. It does not itself store or replicate data (aside from its
own internal data).

Important: A master node cannot do double duty as a peer node or a search

node. The Splunk Enterprise instance that you enable as master node must
perform only that single indexer cluster role. In addition, the master cannot share
a machine with a peer. Under certain limited circumstances, however, the master
instance can handle a few other lightweight functions. See "Additional roles for
the master node".

You must enable the master node as the first step in deploying a cluster, before
setting up the peer nodes.

The procedure in this topic explains how to use Splunk Web to enable a master
node. You can also enable a master in two other ways:

• Directly edit the master's server.conf file. See "Configure the master with
server.conf" for details. Some advanced settings can only be configured
by editing this file.
• Use the CLI edit cluster-config command. See "Configure the master
with the CLI" for details.

Important: This topic explains how to enable a master for a single-site cluster
only. If you plan to deploy a multisite cluster, see "Configure multisite indexer
clusters with server.conf".

Enable the master

To enable an indexer as the master node:

1. Click Settings in the upper right corner of Splunk Web.

2. In the Distributed environment group, click Indexer clustering.

3. Select Enable indexer clustering.

4. Select Master node and click Next.

5. There are a few fields to fill out:

• Replication Factor.The replication factor determines how many copies

of data the cluster maintains. The default is 3. For more information on the
replication factor, see Replication factor. Be sure to choose the right
replication factor now. It is inadvisable to increase the replication factor
later, after the cluster contains significant amounts of data.
• Search Factor. The search factor determines how many immediately
searchable copies of data the cluster maintains. The default is 2. For more
information on the search factor, see Search factor. Be sure to choose the
right search factor now. It is inadvisable to increase the search factor later,
once the cluster has significant amounts of data.
• Security Key. This is the key that authenticates communication between
the master and the peers and search heads. The key must be the same
across all cluster nodes. The value that you set here must be the same
that you subsequently set on the peers and search heads as well.
• Cluster Label. You can label the cluster here. The label is useful for
identifying the cluster in the monitoring console. See Set cluster labels in
Monitoring Splunk Enterprise.

6. Click Enable master node.

The message appears, "You must restart Splunk for the master node to become
active. You can restart Splunk from Server Controls."

7. Click Go to Server Controls. This takes you to the Settings page where you
can initiate the restart.

Important: When the master starts up for the first time, it will block indexing on
the peers until you enable and restart the full replication factor number of peers.
Do not restart the master while it is waiting for the peers to join the cluster. If you
do, you will need to restart the peers a second time.

View the master dashboard

After the restart, log back into the master and return to the Clustering page in
Splunk Web. This time, you see the master clustering dashboard. For information

on the dashboard, see "View the master dashboard".

Perform additional configuration

For information on post-deployment master node configuration, see "Master

configuration overview".

Enable the peer nodes

Before reading this topic, read "Indexer cluster deployment overview".

You ordinarily need to enable multiple peer nodes to deploy a cluster. At a

minimum, you must enable at least replication factor number of peers - and
potentially more to accommodate horizontal scaling.

Before enabling the set of peers, you must enable and restart the master node,
as described in "Enable the master node". When the master starts up for the first
time, it will block indexing on the peers until you have enabled and restarted the
replication factor number of peers.

The procedure in this topic explains how to use Splunk Web to enable a peer
node. You can also enable a peer in two other ways:

• Directly edit the peer's server.conf file. See "Configure peer nodes with
server.conf" for details.
• Use the CLI edit cluster-config command. See "Configure peer nodes
with the CLI" for details.

Important: This topic explains how to enable a peer for a single-site cluster only.
If you plan to deploy a multisite cluster, see "Configure multisite indexer clusters
with server.conf".

Enable the peer

To enable an indexer as a peer node:

1. Click Settings in the upper right corner of Splunk Web.

2. In the Distributed environment group, click Indexer clustering.

3. Select Enable indexer clustering.

4. Select Peer node and click Next.

5. There are a few fields to fill out:

• Master URI. Enter the master's URI, including its management port. For
• Peer replication port. This is the port on which the peer receives
replicated data streamed from the other peers. You can specify any
available, unused port for this purpose. This port must be different from
the management or receiving ports.
• Security key. This is the key that authenticates communication between
the master and the peers and search heads. The key must be the same
across all cluster nodes. Set the same value here that you previously set
on the master node.

6. Click Enable peer node.

The message appears, "You must restart Splunk for the peer node to become

7. Click Go to Server Controls. This takes you to the Settings page where you
can initiate the restart.

8. Repeat this process for all the cluster's peer nodes.

When you have enabled the replication factor number of peers, the cluster can
start indexing and replicating data, as described in "Enable the master node".

View the peer dashboard

After the restart, log back into the peer node and return to the Clustering page in
Splunk Web. This time, you see the peer's clustering dashboard. For information
on the dashboard, see "View the peer dashboard".

Configure the peers

After enabling the peers, you need to perform additional configuration before you
start indexing data. For details, read these topics:

• "Configure the peer indexes in an indexer cluster"

• "Get data into the indexer cluster"

You might also need to configure some other settings on the peers. See "Peer
node configuration overview".

Enable the search head

Before reading this topic, read "Indexer cluster deployment overview".

To search the cluster, you need to enable at least one search head in the
indexer cluster.

Before enabling the search head, you must enable and restart the master node,
as described in "Enable the master node".

The procedure in this topic explains how to use Splunk Web to enable a search
head. You can also enable a search head in two other ways:

• Directly edit the search head's server.conf file. See "Configure the search
head with server.conf" for details. Some advanced settings, including
multi-cluster search, can only be configured by editing this file.
• Use the CLI edit cluster-config command. See "Configure the search
head with the CLI" for details.

Important: This topic explains how to enable an individual search head for a
single-site cluster only:

• If you plan to deploy a multisite cluster, see "Configure multisite indexer

clusters with server.conf".

• If you plan to incorporate search heads that are members of a search

head cluster, see "Integrate the search head cluster with an indexer
cluster" in the Distributed Search manual.

Enable the search head

To enable a Splunk instance as a search head in an indexer cluster:

1. Click Settings in the upper right corner of Splunk Web.

2. In the Distributed environment group, click Indexer clustering.

3. Select Enable clustering.

4. Select Search head node and click Next.

5. There are a few fields to fill out:

• Master URI. Enter the master's URI, including its management port. For
• Security key. This is the key that authenticates communication between
the master and the peers and search heads. The key must be the same
across all cluster nodes. Set the same value here that you previously set
on the master node.

6. Click Enable search head node.

The message appears, "You must restart Splunk for the search node to become
active. You can restart Splunk from Server Controls."

7. Click Go to Server Controls. This takes you to the Settings page where you
can initiate the restart.

Next steps

Now that you have enabled the search head, you can:

• View the search head dashboard

• Allow the search head to search other clusters
• Add search heads to the cluster
• Perform additional configuration on the search head

View the search head dashboard

After the restart, log back into the search head and return to the Clustering page
in Splunk Web. This time, you see the search head's clustering dashboard. See
"View the search head dashboard" for more information.

Allow the search head to search multiple clusters

From the dashboard, you can add additional clusters for the search head to
search. For details, see "Search across multiple indexer clusters".

Add search heads to an indexer cluster

You can set up multiple search heads to accommodate more simultaneous

searches. For information on how to determine your search head needs, see
"Hardware capacity planning" in the Capacity Planning manual.

If you want to set up more search heads for an indexer cluster, just repeat the
enablement procedure for additional instances. If you want to deploy a search
head cluster, so that the search heads share configurations and jobs, see the
additional configuration instructions in the topic "Integrate the search head cluster
with an indexer cluster" in the Distributed Search manual.

Perform additional configuration

For more information on configuration of search heads in an indexer cluster, see

"Search head configuration overview".

Best practice: Forward master node data to the

indexer layer
It is considered a best practice to forward all master node internal data to the
indexer (peer node) layer. This has several advantages:

• It accumulates all data in one place. This simplifies the process of

managing your data: You only need to manage your indexes and data at
one level, the indexer level.
• It enables diagnostics for the master node if it goes down. The data
leading up to the failure is accumulated on the indexers, where a search
head can later access it.

The preferred approach is to forward the data directly to the indexers, without
indexing separately on the master. You do this by configuring the master as a
forwarder. These are the main steps:

1. Make sure that all necessary indexes exist on the indexers. This is
normally the case, unless you have created custom indexes on the master node.
Since _audit and _internal exist on indexers as well as the master, you do not
need to create separate versions of those indexes to hold the corresponding
master data.

2. Configure the master as a forwarder. Create an outputs.conf file on the
master node that configures it for load-balanced forwarding across the set of
peer nodes. You must also turn off indexing on the master, so that the master
does not both retain the data locally as well as forward it to the peers.

Here is an example outputs.conf file:

# Turn off indexing on the master

index = false

defaultGroup = my_peers_nodes
forwardedindex.filter.disable = true
indexAndForward = false

This example assumes that each peer node's receiving port is set to 9997.

For details on configuring outputs.conf, read "Configure forwarders with

outputs.conf" in the Forwarding Data manual.

Prepare the peers for index replication

After you enable the peers, you might need to perform further configuration to
prepare them for index replication.

If you use only the default set of indexes and default configurations, you can start
replicating data right away. However, if you need to install apps or change
configurations on the peers, you usually must apply the set of changes to all
peers. In particular, if you need to add indexes (including indexes defined by an
app), you must do so in a way that ensures that the peers use a common set of

For information on how to configure indexes across cluster peers, read

"Configure the peer indexes in an indexer cluster".

For information on how to configure apps across peers, as well as other peer
configuration issues, read "Peer node configuration overview".

Use indexer clusters to scale indexing
The main purpose of indexer clusters is to enable index replication. However,
clusters can also be generally useful in scale-out deployment topologies as a
way to manage multiple indexers, even when index replication isn't a

For example, say you want to create a deployment of three indexers and one
search head, so that you can index larger quantities of data than a single indexer
is capable of. The customary way of doing this, and the only way possible prior to
Splunk Enterprise 5.0, is to set up each of the indexers independently, add in a
search head, and then use a tool like deployment server to coordinate the
indexer configurations.

With clustering, you can instead configure this deployment scenario as a cluster,
with three peer nodes replacing the three independent indexers. Even if you don't
need index replication and its key advantages like data availability and disaster
tolerance, there are several reasons why it might be beneficial to use a cluster to
coordinate multiple indexer instances:

• Simplified management and coordination of indexer configuration (in place

of using deployment server or performing manual updates). See "Update
common peer configurations" for details.
• Simplified set up and control of distributed search. See "Enable the search
• Better insight into the state of your indexers through the clustering
dashboards. See "View the master dashboard".
• Ability to take advantage of additional cluster management capabilities as
they're developed.

The main downsides of employing a cluster for scaling indexing capacity are

• You must install an additional Splunk Enterprise instance to function as

the cluster master node.
• The cluster does not support heterogeneous indexers. All cluster nodes
must be at the same version level. In addition, all peer nodes in a cluster
must use the same indexes.conf configuration. For further details, see the
next section, "Cluster peer management compared to deployment server".
• You cannot use the deployment server to distribute configurations or apps
across the cluster peers. For further details, see the next section, "Cluster
peer management compared to deployment server".

Cluster peer management compared to deployment server

One useful cluster feature is the ability to manage and update the configuration
for all indexers (peer nodes) from a central location, the master node. In that
respect, it's similar in function to the deployment server. Unlike the deployment
server, however, cluster peer management does not have any concept of server
classes. Because of this, and because of the way clusters coordinate their
activities, you cannot specify different app or indexes.conf configurations for
different groups of indexers. (All peer nodes in a cluster must use the same
indexes.conf configurations, as well as some other configurations, as described
in "Peer node configuration overview".) If you need to maintain a heterogeneous
set of indexers, you cannot employ clusters for scaling purposes.

On the other hand, the configuration bundle method used to download updates to
peer nodes has certain advantages over the deployment server. Specifically, it
not only distributes updates, it also validates them on the peers, and then (when
necessary) initiates a rolling restart of the peers. See "Update common peer
configurations" for details.

Important: Do not use deployment server or third-party distributed configuration

management software, such as Puppet or Chef, to deploy updates directly to
peer nodes. You can use such tools to deploy updates to the master, which then
deploys those updates to the peers. See "Use deployment server to distribute the
apps to the master".

Configure a cluster for scale-out deployment

To set up a cluster for scale-out deployment, without index replication, just set
both the replication factor and search factor to 1. This causes the cluster to
function purely as a coordinated set of Splunk Enterprise instances, without data
replication. The cluster will not make any duplicate copies of the data, so you can
keep storage size and processing overhead to a minimum.

Migrate non-clustered indexers to a clustered

Read the topic "Key differences between clustered and non-clustered
deployments of indexers" carefully if you plan to migrate your current set of
indexers to an indexer cluster. That topic describes issues that you must
understand before initiating the migration process.

You can add a non-clustered indexer to a cluster (as a peer node) at any time.
To do so, just enable the indexer as a peer, as described in "Enable the peer

Once the indexer has been made a peer, it participates in the cluster the same
as any other peer. Any new data coming into the peer gets replicated according
to the cluster's replication factor, and the peer is also a candidate for receiving
replicated data from other peers. Data already on the indexer does not get
automatically replicated, but it does participate in searches, as described below.

Important: Before migrating an indexer from non-clustered to clustered, be

certain of your needs. The process goes in one direction only. There is no
supported procedure for converting an indexer from clustered to non-clustered.

Manage legacy data

The term "legacy data" means data stored on an indexer prior to its conversion to
a cluster peer.

How the cluster handles legacy indexed data

When you add an existing indexer to the cluster, the cluster does not replicate
any buckets that are already on the indexer.

Buckets already on the indexer prior to its being added to the cluster are called
"standalone" buckets. Searches will still occur across those buckets and will be
combined with search results from the cluster's replicated buckets.

Is there any way to migrate my legacy data?

Because of the high processing cost of converting standalone buckets to

replicated buckets (due to the need to make multiple searchable and
non-searchable copies of those buckets to fulfill the cluster's replication and
search factors), it is generally a bad idea to attempt to do so, particularly in the
case of indexers with large numbers of standalone buckets. There is no
supported procedure for this conversion. If, however, you have a strong need for
such a conversion, contact Splunk Professional Services to discuss the trade-offs
and requirements for this operation.

Migrate apps to a cluster

In your current, non-clustered environment, you might be using deployment

server to distribute apps to your set of indexers. You will no longer be able to do

so once you convert the indexers to cluster peer nodes. See "Key differences
between clustered and non-clustered deployments of indexers" for details.

To distribute apps to peer nodes, you must instead use the configuration
bundle method described in "Update common peer configurations and apps".
You place the apps in a special location on the master node, and the master
pushes the apps to each indexer when you first enable it as a peer. If you need
to add or change apps later on, you make the changes and additions on the
master and then tell the master to push the updated configuration bundle to the
entire set of peers.

For information on how the configuration bundle method compares with the
deployment server, see "Cluster peer management compared to deployment

Important: You must use the configuration bundle method to distribute apps to
peer nodes; the deployment server is unsupported for that purpose.

How to migrate apps

It's recommended that you migrate apps at the time that you enable the cluster.
The procedure described below describes how to do that.

Important: You must be familiar with the preceding topics in the current chapter
before attempting this procedure. Start with "Indexer cluster deployment
overview" and read onwards until you return to this topic.

This procedure assumes that you are starting with a distributed search
environment with a set of indexers configured as deployment clients of a
deployment server. The deployment server is being used to push apps to the
indexers. It is these indexers that you will be converting to cluster peer nodes.
Once they've become peer nodes, you can no longer use the deployment server
to push apps to them; instead, you must use the configuration bundle method.

To migrate your apps at the time of cluster enablement, follow these steps:

1. Enable the master, as described in "Enable the master node".

2. On the deployment server, locate the set of apps that it pushes to the indexers
that you're planning to migrate. These should be under the deployment server's
$SPLUNK_HOME/etc/deployment-apps directory.

3. Copy these apps from the deployment server to the cluster master's
$SPLUNK_HOME/etc/master-apps directory. See "Structure of the configuration
bundle" for information on the master-apps directory.

4. Examine each app in master-apps for any indexes.conf file(s). In those files,
locate any stanzas that define new indexes. In each of those stanzas, add this
attribute/value pair:


This enables replication for the index. See "The indexes.conf repFactor attribute"
for more information.

Note: If you are the creator and maintainer of the app, you can also make this
change in $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/master-apps/<appname>/default/indexes.conf.

5. Convert each indexer to a cluster peer, one at a time:

a. Reconfigure the indexer so that it's no longer a deployment client.

b. Delete the deployed apps from the indexer's $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/apps

directory. Leave the default apps, such as Search, in place.

c. Enable the indexer as a cluster peer, as described in "Enable the peer


d. Restart the peer to complete the enablement process.

e. Verify that the master has pushed the expected set of apps to the peer's
$SPLUNK_HOME/etc/slave-apps directory.

6. Once all peers have been enabled, go to the master dashboard and verify that
the expected set of indexes is being replicated. This dashboard is described in
"View the master dashboard".

For more information on configuring cluster peers, see these topics:

• "Configure the peer indexes in an indexer cluster"

• "Peer node configuration overview"
• "Update common peer configurations and apps"

Upgrade an indexer cluster
The upgrade process differs considerably depending on the nature of the
upgrade. This topic covers these version-based scenarios:

• Upgrading from 6.x or 7.x.

• Upgrading to a new maintenance release (for example, from 6.1.1 to
• Upgrading from 5.x
• Upgrading from 5.0.1 or earlier

In addition, the topic describes:

• How to upgrade an indexer cluster that integrates with a search head

• How to perform a site-by-site upgrade of a multisite indexer cluster.

Migrating from single-site to multisite?

To convert a single-site indexer cluster to multisite, perform the upgrade first and
then read Migrate an indexer cluster from single-site to multisite.

Upgrading an indexer cluster that integrates with a search

head cluster?

If you are upgrading from 6.x or 7.x, you can upgrade each cluster separately,
following the steps for tiered upgrades. See Upgrade each tier separately.

Otherwise, you must upgrade both clusters at the same time:

1. Follow the procedure in this topic for the type of indexer cluster upgrade
that fits your deployment.
2. Stop all search head cluster members during the step in the indexer
cluster upgrade that calls for stopping the search head.
3. Perform the remainder of the search head cluster upgrade steps during
the step in the indexer cluster upgrade that calls for upgrading the search
head, using the upgrade process described in Perform a non-rolling
upgrade in Distributed Search.

Upgrading an indexer cluster that does not have a custom
security key?

The security key, also known as the pass4SymmKey setting, authenticates

communication between the master and the peers and search heads.

Starting in 6.6, a non-default security key is required. If the cluster's security key
was never explicitly set to a custom value, a warning message appears on the
master node:

pass4SymmKey setting in the clustering or general stanza of server.conf

is set to empty or the default value. You must change it to a different

To remediate this situation, you must set the security key on all the cluster nodes
(master, peer nodes, search heads) while the cluster is down. The key must be
the same across all cluster nodes.

You set the security key with the pass4SymmKey attribute in server.conf. See
Configure the security key.

To set the key during cluster upgrade, you must upgrade all cluster tiers at once,
following the procedure in Upgrade all tiers at once. Set the security key while all
nodes are down, so that they all have the same security key when they start up.

Upgrade a 6.x or 7.x indexer cluster

When upgrading a 6.x or 7.0 single-site indexer cluster to a later version, you
must take down and upgrade all peer nodes as a single operation. You cannot
perform a rolling, online upgrade of the peer nodes. If you have a multisite
cluster, however, you can upgrade one site at a time. See Site-by-site upgrade
for multisite indexer clusters.

You can upgrade all tiers of the cluster (master node, search heads, peer nodes)
at once or you can upgrade each tier separately.

The tiered approach is particularly useful if the search head tier consists of a
search head cluster, because it eliminates the need to upgrade the search head
cluster simultaneously with the indexer cluster peer nodes.

Caution: Even when upgrading each tier separately, it is strongly recommended

that you complete the entire upgrade process quickly, to avoid any possibility of

incompatibilities between node types running different versions.

To upgrade all cluster tiers at once, see Upgrade all tiers at once.

To upgrade each tier separately, see Upgrade each tier separately.

Upgrade all tiers at once

Perform the following steps:

1. Stop the master.

2. Stop all the peers and search heads.
When bringing down the peers, use the splunk stop command, not
splunk offline.
3. If the cluster does not use a non-default (custom) security key, you must
set one now. Starting in 6.6, indexer clusters require a non-default security
key. This key must be the same across all nodes in the cluster. See
Upgrading an indexer cluster that does not have a custom security key?.
On each node (master, peers, and search heads), set the key using the
procedure in Configure the security key.
4. Upgrade the master node, following the normal procedure for any Splunk
Enterprise upgrade, as described in How to upgrade Splunk Enterprise in
the Installation Manual. Do not upgrade the peers yet.
5. Start the master, accepting all prompts, if it is not already running.
6. Run splunk enable maintenance-mode on the master. To confirm that the
master is in maintenance mode, run splunk show maintenance-mode. This
step prevents unnecessary bucket fix-ups. See Use maintenance mode.
7. Upgrade the peer nodes and search heads, following the normal
procedure for any Splunk Enterprise upgrade, as described in How to
upgrade Splunk Enterprise in the Installation Manual.
If the search heads in the indexer cluster are members of a search head
cluster, see Upgrade a search head cluster.
8. Start the peer nodes and search heads, if they are not already running.
9. Run splunk disable maintenance-mode on the master. To confirm that the
master is not in maintenance mode, run splunk show maintenance-mode.

You can view the master dashboard to verify that all cluster nodes are up and

Upgrade each tier separately

When upgrading tiers separately:

• You must upgrade the tiers in the prescribed order.
• Within each tier, you must upgrade all nodes as a single operation.

Functionality introduced in the new release will not be available until all tiers
complete the upgrade.

Caution: Even when upgrading each tier separately, it is strongly recommended

that you complete the entire upgrade process quickly, to avoid any possibility of
incompatibilities between node types running different versions.

You must follow this order of upgrade when upgrading the tiers in discrete

1. Upgrade the master node.

2. Upgrade the search head tier.
3. Upgrade the peer node tier.

1. Upgrade the master node

1. Stop the master.

2. Upgrade the master, following the normal procedure for any Splunk
Enterprise upgrade, as described in How to upgrade Splunk Enterprise in
the Installation Manual.
3. Start the master, accepting all prompts, if it is not already running.

You can view the master dashboard to verify that all cluster nodes are up and

2. Upgrade the search head tier

The method that you use to upgrade the search head tier depends on whether or
not the tier consists of a search head cluster:

• If the search head tier consists of a search head cluster, follow the
procedure in Upgrade a search head cluster. If desired, you can perform a
rolling upgrade of the search head cluster, as described in that topic.

• If the search head tier consists of independent search heads, follow this

1. Stop all the search heads.

2. Upgrade the search heads, following the normal procedure for any Splunk
Enterprise upgrade, as described in How to upgrade Splunk Enterprise in

the Installation Manual.
3. Start the search heads, if they are not already running.

You can view the master dashboard to verify that all cluster nodes are up and

3. Upgrade the peer node tier

1. Run splunk enable maintenance-mode on the master.

To confirm that the master is in maintenance mode, run splunk show
maintenance-mode on the master.
This step prevents unnecessary bucket fix-ups. See Use maintenance
2. Stop all the peer nodes.
When bringing down the peers, use the splunk stop command, not
splunk offline.
3. Upgrade the peer nodes, following the normal procedure for any Splunk
Enterprise upgrade, as described in How to upgrade Splunk Enterprise in
the Installation Manual.
4. Start the peer nodes, if they are not already running.
5. Run splunk disable maintenance-mode on the master.
To confirm that the master is not in maintenance mode, run splunk show
maintenance-mode on the master.

You can view the master dashboard to verify that all cluster nodes are up and

Upgrade from 7.1 or later using rolling upgrade

When upgrading from 7.1 or later, you can perform a searchable rolling upgrade
of the indexer cluster. See Use rolling upgrade.

Site-by-site upgrade for multisite indexer clusters

If you have a multisite cluster, you can upgrade one site at a time, as long as you
are upgrading across no more than one sequential n.n version (for example, from
6.5 to 6.6, or 6.6 to 7.0, but not 6.5 to 7.0). Because each site has a full set of
primary copies, this method allows searches to continue uninterrupted during the

Caution: You cannot perform a site-by-site upgrade if you are upgrading across
more than one sequential n.n version (for example, from 6.4 to 6.6 or 6.5 to 7.0).
To upgrade across multiple sequential n.n versions, you must take down all peer

nodes across all sites during the upgrade process. You can do so by following
either of the procedures outlined in Upgrade a 6.x or 7.x indexer cluster.

Alternatively, to upgrade across multiple sequential n.n versions, you can

upgrade via interim releases of not more than a single n.n version. For example,
if you are upgrading from 6.4 to 6.6, you can first upgrade to a 6.5 interim release
using the site-by-site method. You can then upgrade to 6.6.

Functionality introduced in the new release will not be available until all nodes
complete the upgrade.

For a two-site cluster, the upgrade procedure has three distinct phases:

1 Upgrade of the master node.

2. Upgrade of the site1 peers and search heads.

3. Upgrade of the site2 peers and search heads.

Here are the steps in detail:

1. Stop the master.

2. Upgrade the master node, following the normal procedure for any Splunk
Enterprise upgrade, as described in How to upgrade Splunk Enterprise in the
Installation Manual.

3. Start the master, accepting all prompts, if it is not already running.

4. Run splunk enable maintenance-mode on the master. To confirm that the

master is in maintenance mode, run splunk show maintenance-mode. This step
prevents unnecessary bucket fix-ups. See Use maintenance mode.

5. Stop all the peers and search heads on site1 with the splunk stop command.

6. Upgrade the site1 peer nodes and search heads.

7. Start the site1 peer nodes and search heads, if they are not already running.

8. Run splunk disable maintenance-mode on the master. To confirm that the

master is not in maintenance mode, run splunk show maintenance-mode.

9. Wait until the master dashboard shows that both the search factor and
replication factor are met.

10. Run splunk enable maintenance-mode on the master. To confirm that the
master is in maintenance mode, run splunk show maintenance-mode.

11. Stop all the peers and search heads on site2 with the splunk stop command.

12. Upgrade the site2 peer nodes and search heads.

13. Start the site2 peer nodes and search heads, if they are not already running.

14. Run splunk disable maintenance-mode on the master. To confirm that the
master is not in maintenance mode, run splunk show maintenance-mode.

You can view the master dashboard to verify that all cluster nodes are up and

Upgrade to a maintenance release

To upgrade a cluster to a maintenance release (for example, from 6.1.0 to 6.1.1),

you do not need to bring down the entire cluster at once. Instead, you can
perform a rolling, online upgrade, in which you upgrade the nodes one at a time.

Caution: Even with a rolling upgrade, you should upgrade all nodes quickly, for
several reasons:

• Proper functioning of the cluster depends on all peer nodes running the
same version of Splunk Enterprise, as stated in System requirements and
other deployment considerations for indexer clusters.
• Other version compatibility requirements must also be met, as described
in tSystem requirements and other deployment considerations for indexer
• If you upgrade the master but not the peers, the cluster might generate
errors and warnings. This is generally okay for a short duration, but you
should complete the upgrade of all nodes as quickly as possible.

To upgrade a cluster node, follow the normal procedure for any Splunk
Enterprise upgrade, with the few exceptions described below. For general
information on upgrading Splunk Enterprise instances, see How to upgrade
Splunk Enterprise.

To perform a rolling maintenance upgrade, follow these steps:

1. Upgrade the master node

Upgrade the master node first.

For information on what happens when the master goes down, as well as what
happens when it comes back up, see What happens when the master node goes

2. Upgrade the search heads

The only impact to the cluster when you upgrade the search heads is disruption
to searches during that time.

3. Put the master into maintenance mode

Run splunk enable maintenance-mode on the master. To confirm that the master
is in maintenance mode, run splunk show maintenance-mode. This step prevents
unnecessary bucket fix-ups. See Use maintenance mode.

4. Upgrade the peer nodes

When upgrading peer nodes, note the following:

• Peer upgrades can disrupt ongoing searches.

• To minimize downtime and to limit any disruption to indexing and

searching, upgrade the peer nodes one at a time.

• To bring a peer down prior to upgrade, use the splunk offline command,
as described in Take a peer offline.

• During the interim between when you upgrade the master and when you
finish upgrading the peers, the cluster might generate various warnings
and errors.

• For multisite clusters, the site order of peer upgrades does not matter.

5. Take the master out of maintenance mode

Run splunk disable maintenance-mode on the master. To confirm that the

master is not in maintenance mode, run splunk show maintenance-mode.

Upgrade from 5.x to 6.x or later

When you upgrade from a 5.x indexer cluster to a 6.x or later cluster, you must
take all cluster nodes offline. You cannot perform a rolling, online upgrade.

Perform the following steps:

1. On the master, run the safe_restart_cluster_master script with the

--get_list option:

splunk cmd python safe_restart_cluster_master.py <master_uri> --auth

<username>:<password> --get_list
Note: For the master_uri parameter, use the URI and port number of the master
node. For example:

This command puts a list of all cluster bucket copies and their states into the file
$SPLUNK_HOME/var/run/splunk/cluster/buckets.xml. This list is fed back to the
master after the master upgrade.

To obtain a copy of this script, copy it from here: The safe_restart_cluster_master


For information on why this step is needed, see Why the

safe_restart_cluster_master script is necessary.

2. Stop the master.

3. Stop all the peers and search heads.

When you bring down the peers, use the splunk stop command, not splunk

4. Upgrade the master node, following the normal procedure for any Splunk
Enterprise upgrade, as described in How to upgrade Splunk Enterprise in the
Installation Manual. Do not upgrade the peers yet.

5. Start the master, accepting all prompts, if it is not already running.

6. Run the splunk apply cluster-bundle command, using the syntax described
in Update cluster peer configurations and apps. (This step is necessary to avoid
extra peer restarts, due to a 6.0 change in how the configuration bundle
checksum is calculated.)

7. Run splunk enable maintenance-mode on the master. To confirm that the
master is in maintenance mode, run splunk show maintenance-mode. This step
prevents unnecessary bucket fix-ups. See Use maintenance mode.

8. Upgrade the peer nodes and search heads, following the normal procedure for
any Splunk Enterprise upgrade, as described in How to upgrade Splunk
Enterprise in the Installation Manual.

9. Start the peer nodes and search heads, if they are not already running.

10. On the master, run the safe_restart_cluster_master script again, this time
with the freeze_from option, specifying the location of the bucket list created in
step 1:

splunk cmd python safe_restart_cluster_master.py <master_uri> --auth

<username>:<password> --freeze_from <path_to_buckets_xml>
For example:

splunk cmd python safe_restart_cluster_master.py <master_uri> --auth

admin:your_password --freeze_from
This step feeds the master the list of frozen buckets obtained in step 1.

11. Run splunk disable maintenance-mode on the master. To confirm that the
master is not in maintenance mode, run splunk show maintenance-mode.

You can view the master dashboard to verify that all cluster nodes are up and

Why the safe_restart_cluster_master script is necessary

The safe_restart_cluster_master script solves a problem in the way that the

5.x master node handles frozen bucket copies. This problem is fixed starting with
release 6.0. However, it is still an issue during master upgrades from 5.x. This
section provides detail on the issue.

When a peer freezes a copy of a bucket, the master stops doing fix-ups on that
bucket. It operates under the assumption that the other peers will eventually
freeze their copies of that bucket as well.

This works well as long as the master continues to run. However, because (in
5.x) the knowledge of frozen buckets is not persisted on either the master or the

peers, if you subsequently restart the master, the master treats frozen copies (in
the case where unfrozen copies of that bucket still exist on other peers) as
missing copies and performs its usual fix-up activities to return the cluster to a
complete state. If the cluster has a lot of partially frozen buckets, this process can
be lengthy. Until the process is complete, the master is not able to commit the
next generation.

To prevent this situation from occurring when you restart the master after
upgrading to 6.0, you must run the safe_restart_cluster_master script on the
master. As described in the upgrade procedure, when you initially run this script
on the 5.x master with the --get_list option, it creates a list of all cluster bucket
copies and their states, including whether they are frozen. When you then rerun it
after upgrading the master to 6.x, using the freeze_from option, it feeds the list to
the upgraded master so that it does not attempt fix-up of the frozen buckets.

The safe_restart_cluster_master script

To perform steps 1 and 9 of the upgrade procedure, you must run the
safe_restart_cluster_master script. This script does not ship with the
product. To obtain the script, copy the listing directly below and save it as

Important: You must also copy and save the parse_xml_v3 script, as described
in the next section, The parse_xml_v3 script.

Here are the contents of the script:

import httplib2
from urllib import urlencode
import splunk, splunk.rest, splunk.rest.format
from parse_xml_v3 import *
import json
import re
import time
import os
import subprocess

#before restarting the master, store the buckets list in

BUCKET_LIST_PATH = os.path.join(os.environ['SPLUNK_HOME'] , 'var' ,
'run' , 'splunk' , 'cluster' , 'buckets.xml')

def get_buckets_list(master_uri, auth):

f = open(BUCKET_LIST_PATH,'w')
atom_buckets = get_xml_feed(master_uri


def change_quiet_period(master_uri, auth):


def num_peers_up(master_uri, auth):

count = 0
f= open('peers.xml','w')
atom_peers =
regex= re.compile('"status">Up')
file = open('peers.xml','r')
for line in file:
match = regex.findall(line)
for line in match:
count = count + 1
return count

def wait_for_peers(master_uri,auth,original_number):
while(num_peers_up(master_uri,auth) != original_number):
num_peers_not_up = original_number -
print "Still waiting for " +str(num_peers_not_up) +" peers to
join ..."
print "All peers have joined"

def get_response_feed(url, auth, method='GET', body=None):

(user, password) = auth.split(':')
h = httplib2.Http(disable_ssl_certificate_validation=True)
h.add_credentials(user, password)
if body is None:
body = {}
response, content = h.request(url, method, urlencode(body))
if response.status == 401:
raise Exception("Authorization Failed", url, response)
elif response.status != 200:
raise Exception(url, response)

return splunk.rest.format.parseFeedDocument(content)

def get_xml_feed(url, auth, method='GET', body=None):

(user, password) = auth.split(':')

h = httplib2.Http(disable_ssl_certificate_validation=True)
h.add_credentials(user, password)
if body is None:
body = {}
response, content = h.request(url, method, urlencode(body))
if response.status == 401:
raise Exception("Authorization Failed", url, response)
elif response.status != 200:
raise Exception(url, response)

return content

def validate_rest(master_uri, auth):

return get_response_feed(master_uri +
'/services/cluster/master/info', auth)

def freeze_bucket(master_uri, auth, bid):

return get_response_feed(master_uri +
'/services/cluster/master/buckets/' + bid + '/freeze', auth, 'POST')

def freeze_from_file(master_uri,auth,path=BUCKET_LIST_PATH):
file = open(path) #read the buckets.xml from either path supplied or

handler = BucketHandler()
parse(file, handler)
buckets = handler.getBuckets()

fcount = 0
fdone = 0
for bid, bucket in buckets.iteritems():
if bucket.frozen:
fcount += 1
freeze_bucket(master_uri,auth, bid)
fdone += 1
except Exception as e:
print e

print "Total bucket count:: ", len(buckets), "; number frozen: ",
fcount, "; number re-frozen: ", fdone

def restart_master(master_uri,auth):
original_num_peers = num_peers_up(master_uri,auth)

print "\n" + "Issuing restart at the master" +"\n"


print "\n"+ "Master was restarted" + "\n"

print "\n" + "Waiting for all " +str(original_num_peers) + " peers
to come back up" +"\n"


print "\n" + "Making sure we have the correct number of frozen

buckets" + "\n"

if __name__ == '__main__':
usage = "usage: %prog [options] <master_uri> --auth admin:changeme"
parser = OptionParser(usage)
parser.add_option("-a","--auth", dest="auth",
metavar="user:password", default=':',
help="Splunk authentication parameters for the
master instance");
parser.add_option("-g","--get_list", action="store_true",help="get
a list of frozen buckets and strore them in buckets.xml");
parser.add_option("-f", "--freeze_from",dest="freeze_from",
help="path to the file that contains the list of
buckets to be frozen. ie path to the buckets.xml generated by the
get_list option above");

(options, args) = parser.parse_args()

if len(args) == 0:
parser.error("master_uri is required")
elif len(args) > 1:
parser.error("incorrect number of arguments")

master_uri = args[0]
validate_rest(master_uri, options.auth)
except Exception as e:
print "Failed to access the master info endpoint make sure
you've supplied the authentication credentials"
# Let's get a list of frozen buckets, stored in
print "Only getting the list of buckets and storing it at " +
print "Reading the list of buckets from" + options.freeze_from
+ "and refreezing them"
print "Restarting the master safely to preserve knowledge of
frozen buckets"

The parse_xml_v3 script

The parse_xml_v3 script contains certain helper functions needed by the

safe_restart_cluster_master script. This script does not ship with the
product. To obtain the script, copy the listing directly below and save it as

Here are the contents of the script:

import sys
from xml.sax import ContentHandler, parse
from optparse import OptionParser

class PeerBucketFlags:
def __init__(self):
self.primary = False
self.searchable = False

class Bucket:
def __init__(self):
self.peer_flags = {} # key is peer guid
self.frozen = False

class BucketHandler(ContentHandler):
def __init__(self):
self.buckets = {}
self.in_entry = False
self.in_peers = False
self.save_title = False
self.save_frozen = False
self.peer_nesting = 0
self.current_peer_flags = {}
self.current_guid = None
self.current_frozen_flag = ''
self.current_peer_field = None
self.current_peer_field_value = ''
self.current_bucket = ''

def getBuckets(self):
return self.buckets

def startDocument(self):

def endDocument(self):

def startElement(self, name, attrs):

if name == 'entry':
self.in_entry = True
elif self.in_entry and name == 'title':
self.save_title = True
elif self.in_entry and name == 's:key' and attrs.get('name') ==
self.save_frozen = True
elif name == 's:key' and attrs.get('name') == 'peers':
self.in_peers = True
elif self.in_peers and name == 's:key':
self.peer_nesting += 1
if self.peer_nesting == 1:
self.current_peer_flags = PeerBucketFlags()
self.current_guid = attrs.get('name').encode('ascii')
elif self.peer_nesting == 2:
self.current_peer_field =
self.current_peer_field_value = ''

def endElement(self,name):
if name == 'entry':
self.in_entry = False
elif self.save_title:
(idx, local_id, origin_guid) =
except ValueError as e:
print "Invalid? ", self._locator.getLineNumber()
print self.current_bucket
print e
self.buckets[self.current_bucket] = Bucket()
self.save_title = False
elif self.save_frozen:
if self.current_frozen_flag in [1, '1', 'True', 'true']:
self.buckets[self.current_bucket].frozen = True
self.current_frozen_flag = ''
self.save_frozen = False
elif self.peer_nesting == 2 and name == 's:key':
if self.current_peer_field == 'bucket_flags':
self.current_peer_flags.primary =
(self.current_peer_field_value == '0xffffffffffffffff')
elif self.current_peer_field == 'search_state':
self.current_peer_flags.searchable =
self.current_peer_field_value == 'Searchable'
# Nesting level goes down in either case.
self.peer_nesting -= 1
elif self.peer_nesting == 1 and name == 's:key':
= self.current_peer_flags
self.peer_nesting -= 1

elif self.in_peers and self.peer_nesting == 0 and name ==
self.in_peers = False

def characters(self, content):

if self.save_title:
self.current_bucket += content.encode('ascii').strip()
elif self.save_frozen:
self.current_frozen_flag += content.encode('ascii').strip()
if self.peer_nesting > 0:
s = content.encode('ascii').strip()
if s:
self.current_peer_field_value += s
Upgrade from 5.0.1 or earlier

During an upgrade from 5.0.1 or earlier, the /cluster directory under

$SPLUNK_HOME/etc/master-apps (on the master) and
$SPLUNK_HOME/etc/slave-apps (on the peers) is renamed to /_cluster. This
happens automatically. For details on this directory, see Update common peer

When the master restarts after an upgrade from 5.0.1 or earlier, it performs a
rolling restart on the set of peer nodes, to push the latest version of the
configuration bundle (with the renamed /_cluster directory).

Use rolling upgrade

Splunk Enterprise version 7.1.0 and later supports rolling upgrade for indexer
clusters. Rolling upgrade lets you perform a phased upgrade of indexer peers
with minimal interruption to your ongoing searches. You can use rolling upgrade
to minimize search disruption when upgrading peer nodes to a new version of
Splunk Enterprise.

Requirements and considerations

Review the following requirements and considerations before you initiate a rolling

• Rolling upgrade only applies to upgrades from version 7.1.x to a later

version of Splunk Enterprise.
• The cluster master and all peer nodes must be running version 7.1.0 or
later. For upgrade instructions, see Upgrade an indexer cluster.

• All search heads and search head clusters must be running version 7.1.0
or later.
• Do not attempt any clustering maintenance operations, such as rolling
restart, bundle pushes, or node additions, during upgrade.

Hardware or network failures that prevent node shutdown or restart might require
manual intervention.

How a rolling upgrade works

When you initiate a rolling upgrade, you select a peer and take it offline. During
the offline process, the master reassigns bucket primaries to other peers to retain
the searchable state, and the peer completes any in-progress searches within a
configurable timeout. See The fast offline process.

After the master shuts down the peer, you perform the software upgrade and
bring the peer back online, at which point the peer rejoins the cluster. You repeat
this process for each peer node until the rolling upgrade is complete.

A rolling upgrade behaves in the following ways:

• Peer upgrades occur one at a time based on the default search factor of
SF=2. With SF=3 or greater, you can upgrade the search factor minus one
number of peers at a time. For example, with SF=3 you can upgrade two
peers at a time.
• The peer waits for any in-progress searches to complete. It will wait up to
a maximum time period determined by the
decommission_search_jobs_wait_secs attribute in server.conf. The
default of 180 seconds is enough time for the majority of searches to
complete in most cases.
• Rolling upgrades apply to both historical searches and real-time searches.

In-progress searches that take longer than the default 180 seconds might
generate incomplete results and a corresponding error message. If you have a
scheduled search that must complete, either increase the
decommission_search_jobs_wait_secs value or do not perform a rolling upgrade
within the search's timeframe.

Before you perform a rolling upgrade, make sure the search_retry attribute in
the [search] stanza of limits.conf is set to false (the default). Setting this to
true might cause searches that take longer than the
decommission_search_jobs_wait_secs value to generate duplicate or partial
results without an error message.

Perform a rolling upgrade

To upgrade an indexer cluster with minimal search interruption, perform the

following steps:

1. Run preliminary health checks

On the master, run the splunk show cluster-status command with the verbose
option to confirm the cluster is in a searchable state:

splunk show cluster-status --verbose

This command shows information about the cluster state. Review the command
output to confirm that the search factor is met and all data is searchable before
you initiate the rolling upgrade.

The cluster must have two searchable copies of each bucket to be in a

searchable state for a rolling upgrade.

Here is an example of the output from the splunk show cluster-status

--verbose command:

splunk@master1:~/bin$ ./splunk show cluster-status --verbose

Pre-flight check successful .................. YES

??????? Replication factor met ............... YES
??????? Search factor met .................... YES
??????? All data is searchable ............... YES
??????? All peers are up ..................... YES
??????? CM version is compatible ............. YES
??????? No fixup tasks in progress ........... YES
??????? Splunk version peer count { 7.1.0: 3 }

Indexing Ready YES

idx1 0026D1C6-4DDB-429E-8EC6-772C5B4F1DB5 default

Searchable YES
Status Up
Bucket Count=14
Splunk Version=7.1.0

idx3 31E6BE71-20E1-4F1C-8693-BEF482375A3F default

Searchable YES
Status Up
Bucket Count=14
Splunk Version=7.1.0

idx2 81E52D67-6AC6-4C5B-A528-4CD5FEF08009 default
Searchable YES
Status Up
Bucket Count=14
Splunk Version=7.1.0
The output shows that the health check is successful, which indicates the cluster
is in a searchable state to perform a rolling upgrade.

For information on health check criteria, see Health check output details.

Health checks do not cover all potential cluster health issues. The checks apply
only to the criteria listed.

Or, send a GET request to the following endpoint to monitor cluster health:

If the endpoint output shows pre_flight_check: 1, then the health is successful.

For endpoint details, see cluster/master/health in the REST API Reference


2. Upgrade the cluster master

1. Stop the cluster master.

2. Upgrade the cluster master, following Splunk Enterprise upgrade
procedure. See How to upgrade Splunk Enterprise in the Installation
3. Start the cluster master and accept all prompts, if it is not already running.

You can use the cluster master dashboard to verify that all cluster nodes are up
and running. See View the master dashboard.

3. Initialize rolling upgrade

Run the following CLI command on the cluster master:

splunk upgrade-init cluster-peers

Or, send a POST request to the following endpoint:

This initializes the rolling upgrade and puts the cluster in maintenance mode.

For endpoint details, see cluster/master/control/control/rolling_upgrade_init in the
REST API Reference Manual.

4. Take the peer offline

Taking multiple peers offline simultaneously can impact searches.

Run the following CLI command on the peer node:

splunk offline
Or, send a POST request to the following endpoint.

The master reassigns bucket primaries, completes any ongoing searches, and
then shuts down the peer.

For endpoint details, see cluster/slave/control/control/decommission in the REST

API Reference Manual.

(Optional) Monitor peer status

To monitor the status of the offline process, send a GET request to the following

If the response shows "ReassigningPrimaries", the peer is not yet shut down.

For endpoint details, see cluster/master/peers/{name} in the REST API

Reference Manual.

5. Upgrade the peer node

Upgrade the peer node, following standard Splunk Enterprise upgrade

procedure. See How to upgrade Splunk Enterprise in the Installation Manual.

6. Bring the peer online

Run the following command on the peer node.

splunk start

The peer node starts and automatically rejoins the cluster.

7. Validate version upgrade

Validate the version upgrade using the following endpoint:

For endpoint details, see cluster/master/peers/{name} in the REST API
Reference Manual.

8. Repeat steps 4-7

Repeat steps 4-7 until upgrade of all peer nodes is complete.

9. Finalize rolling upgrade

Run the following CLI command on the cluster master:

splunk upgrade-finalize cluster-peers

Or, send a POST request to the following endpoint:

This completes the upgrade process and takes the cluster out of maintenance

For endpoint details, see cluster/master/control/control/rolling_upgrade_finalize in

the REST API Reference Manual.

Get data into the indexer cluster

Ways to get data into an indexer cluster

Cluster peer nodes can get their data directly from any of the same sources as a
non-clustered indexer. However, if data fidelity matters to you, you will use
forwarders to initially consume the data before forwarding it to the peer nodes,
rather than ingesting the data directly into the nodes.

Advantages of forwarders for data input

There are several key reasons for using forwarders to send data to your cluster:

• To ensure that all incoming data gets indexed. By activating the

forwarder's optional indexer acknowledgment feature, you can ensure
that all incoming data gets indexed and stored on the cluster. It works like
this: When a peer receives a block of data from a forwarder, it sends the
forwarder an acknowledgment after it successfully indexes the data. If the
forwarder does not receive an acknowledgment from the peer, it resends
the data. The forwarder continues to resend the data until it gets the
acknowledgment. Indexer acknowledgment is the only way to ensure
end-to-end data fidelity. See "How indexer acknowledgment works."

• To handle potential node failure. With load-balanced forwarders, if one

peer in the group goes down, the forwarder continues to send its data to
the remaining peers in the group. If, instead, you use direct inputs to the
peers, the data source cannot continue to send data when its receiving
peer goes down. See "How load balancing works."

• To simplify the process of connecting data sources and peer nodes.

By enabling indexer discovery on your forwarders, the forwarders
automatically load balance across all available peer nodes, including any
that are later added to the cluster. See "Advantages of the indexer
discovery method."

Configure inputs directly on the peers

If you decide not to use forwarders to handle your data inputs, you can set up
inputs on each peer in the usual way; for example, by editing inputs.conf on the
peers. For information on configuring inputs, read "Configure your inputs" in the

Getting Data In Manual.

Use forwarders to get data into the indexer cluster

The main reasons to use forwarders with indexer clusters are:

• To ensure that all incoming data gets indexed. By activating the

forwarder's optional indexer acknowledgment feature, you can ensure
that all incoming data gets indexed and stored on the cluster. See "How
indexer acknowledgment works."

• To handle potential node failure. With load-balanced forwarders, if one

peer in the group goes down, the forwarder continues to send its data to
the remaining peers in the group. See "How load balancing works."

• To simplify the process of connecting data sources and peer nodes.

By enabling indexer discovery on your forwarders, the forwarders
automatically load balance across all available peer nodes, including any
that are later added to the cluster. See "Advantages of the indexer
discovery method."

To use forwarders to get data into clusters, you must perform two types of

• Connect forwarders to peer nodes.

• Configure the forwarders' data inputs.

Before continuing, you must be familiar with forwarders and how to use them to
get data into Splunk Enterprise. For an introduction to forwarders, read "About
forwarding and receiving" in the Forwarding Data manual. Subsequent topics in
that manual describe all aspects of deploying and configuring forwarders.

Connect forwarders to peer nodes

There are two ways to connect forwarders to peer nodes:

• Use the indexer discovery feature. With indexer discovery, each

forwarder queries the master node for a list of all peer nodes in the cluster.
It then uses load balancing to forward data to the set of peer nodes. In the
case of a multisite cluster, a forwarder can optionally query the master for
a list of all peers on a single site. See "Use indexer discovery to connect

forwarders to peer nodes."

• Connect forwarders directly to peer nodes. This is the traditional

method for establishing forwarder/indexer connectivity. You specify the
peer nodes directly on the forwarders as receivers. See "Connect
forwarders directly to peer nodes."

Advantages of the indexer discovery method

Indexer discovery has advantages over the traditional method:

• When new peer nodes join the cluster, you do not need to reconfigure and
restart your forwarders to connect to the new peers. The forwarder
automatically gets the updated list of peers from the master. It uses load
balancing to forward to all peers in the list.

• You can add new forwarders without needing to determine the current set
of cluster peers. You just configure indexer discovery on the new

• You can use weighted load balancing when forwarding data across the
set of peers. With indexer discovery, the master can track the amount of
total disk space on each peer and communicate that information to the
forwarders. The forwarders then adjust the amount of data they send to
each peer, based on the disk capacity.

Configure the data inputs to each forwarder

After you specify the connection between the forwarders and the receiving peers
using the method you prefer, you must specify the data inputs to each forwarder,
so that the forwarder has data to send to the cluster. You usually do this by
editing the forwarder's inputs.conf file.

Read the Getting Data In manual, starting with "What Splunk can index" for
detailed information on configuring data inputs. The topic in that manual entitled
"Use forwarders" provides an introduction to specifying data inputs on

How indexer acknowledgment works

To ensure end-to-end data fidelity, you must explicitly enable indexer

acknowledgment on each forwarder sending data to the cluster.

In brief, indexer acknowledgment works like this: The forwarder sends data
continuously to the receiving peer, in blocks of approximately 64kB. The
forwarder maintains a copy of each block in memory until it gets an
acknowledgment from the peer. While waiting, it continues to send more data

If all goes well, the receiving peer:

1. receives the block of data, parses and indexes it, and writes the data (raw data
and index data) to the file system.

2. streams copies of the raw data to each of its target peers.

3. receives notification from each target peer of either a successful or

unsuccessful write.

4. sends an acknowledgment back to the forwarder.

The acknowledgment assures the forwarder that the data was successfully
written to the cluster. Upon receiving the acknowledgment, the forwarder
releases the block from memory.

If the forwarder does not receive the acknowledgment, that means there was a
failure along the way. Either the receiving peer went down or that peer was
unable to contact its set of target peers. The forwarder then automatically
resends the block of data. If the forwarder is using load-balancing, it sends the
block to another receiving node in the load-balanced group. If the forwarder is not
set up for load-balancing, it attempts to resend data to the same node as before.

For more information on how indexer acknowledgment works, read "Protect

against loss of in-flight data" in the Forwarding Data manual.

How load balancing works

In load balancing, the forwarder distributes incoming data across several

receiving peer nodes. Each node gets a portion of the total data, and together the
receiving nodes get all the data.

Splunk forwarders perform "automatic load balancing". The forwarder routes data
to different nodes based on a specified time interval. For example, assume you
have a load-balanced group consisting of three peer nodes: A, B, and C. At the
interval specified by the autoLBFrequency attribute in outputs.conf (30 seconds
by default), the forwarder switches the data stream to another node in the group,

selected at random. So, every 30 seconds, the forwarder might switch from node
B to node A to node C, and so on. If one node is down, the forwarder
immediately switches to another.

Note: To expand on this a bit, each of the forwarder's inputs has its own data
stream. At the specified interval, the forwarder switches the data stream to the
newly selected node, if it is safe to do so. If it cannot safely switch the data
stream to the new node, it keeps the connection to the previous node open and
continues to send the data stream to that node until it has been safely sent.

Load balancing, in conjunction with indexer acknowledgment, is of key

importance in a clustered deployment because it helps ensure that you don't lose
any data in case of node failure. If a forwarder does not receive indexer
acknowledgment from the node it is sending data to, it resends the data to the
next available node in the load-balanced group.

Forwarders using the indexer discovery feature always use load balancing to
send data to the set of peer nodes. You can enable weighted load balancing,
which means that the forwarder distributes data based on each peer's disk
capacity. For example, a peer with a 400GB disk receives twice the data of a
peer with a 200GB disk. See "Use weighted load balancing."

For further information on:

• load balancing with indexer discovery, see "Use indexer discovery to

connect forwarders to peer nodes."
• load balancing without indexer discovery, see "Set up load balancing" in
the Forwarding Data manual.
• how load balancing works with indexer acknowledgment, read "Protect
against loss of in-flight data" in the Forwarding Data manual.

Use indexer discovery to connect forwarders to

peer nodes
Indexer discovery streamlines the process of connecting forwarders to peer
nodes in indexer clusters. It simplifies the set-up and maintenance of an indexer
cluster. See Advantages of the indexer discovery method. Indexer discovery is
available only for forwarding to indexer clusters.

Each forwarder queries the master node for a list of all peer nodes in the cluster.
It then uses load balancing to forward data to the set of peer nodes. In the case

of a multisite cluster, a forwarder can query the master for a list of all peers on a
single site.

How indexer discovery works

Briefly, the process works like this:

1. The peer nodes provide the master with information on their receiving ports.

2. The forwarders poll the master at regular intervals for the list of available peer
nodes. You can adjust this interval. See Adjust the frequency of polling.

3. The master transmits the peer nodes' URIs and receiving ports to the

4. The forwarders send data to the set of nodes provided by the master.

In this way, the forwarders stay current with the state of the cluster, learning of
any peers that have joined or left the cluster and updating their set of receiving
peers accordingly.

In the case of a multisite cluster, each forwarder can identify itself as a member
of a site. In that case, the master transmits a list of all peer nodes for that site
only, and the forwarder limits itself to load balancing across that site. See Use
indexer discovery in a multisite cluster.

In addition, the peer nodes can use weighted load balancing to adjust the
amount of data they send to each peer based on that peer's relative disk
capacity. See Use weighted load balancing.

Note: If the master goes down, the forwarders will rely on their most recent list of
available peer nodes. However, the list does not persist through a forwarder
restart. Therefore, if a forwarder restarts while the master is down, it will not have
a list of peer nodes and will not be able to forward data, resulting in potential data
loss. Similarly, if a forwarder starts up for the first time, it must wait for the master
to return before it can get a list of peers.

Configure indexer discovery

These are the main steps for setting up connections between forwarders and
peer nodes, using indexer discovery:

1. Configure the peer nodes to receive data from forwarders.

2. Configure the master node to enable indexer discovery.

3. Configure the forwarders.

After you set up the connection, you must configure the data inputs on the
forwarders. See Configure the data inputs to each forwarder.

1. Configure the peer nodes to receive data from forwarders

In order for a peer to receive data from forwarders, you must configure the peer's
receiving port. One way to specify the receiving port is to edit the peer's
inputs.conf file. For example, this setting in inputs.conf sets the receiving port to

disabled = 0
Restart the peer node after making the change.

See Enable a receiver in the Forwarding Data manual.

Caution: When using indexer discovery, each peer node can have only a single
configured receiving port. The port can be configured for either splunktcp or
splunktcp-ssl, but not for both. You must use the same method for all peer
nodes in the cluster: splunktcp or splunktcp-ssl.

You can simplify peer input configuration by deploying a single, identical

inputs.conf file across all the peers. The receiving port that you specify in the
common copy of inputs.conf will supersede any ports you enable on each
individual peer. For details on how to create and deploy a common inputs.conf
across all peers, see Update common peer configurations and apps.

When forwarding to a multisite cluster, you can configure the forwarder to send
data only to peers in a specified site. See Use indexer discovery in a multisite

2. Configure the master node to enable indexer discovery

In server.conf on the master, add this stanza:

pass4SymmKey = <string>
polling_rate = <integer>

indexerWeightByDiskCapacity = <bool>
Note the following:

• The pass4SymmKey attribute specifies the security key used with

communication between the cluster master and the forwarders. Its value
must be the same for all forwarders and the master node. The
pass4SymmKey attribute used for indexer_discovery should have a different
value from the pass4SymmKey attribute used for communication between
the master and the cluster nodes, which is set in the [clustering] stanza,
as described in Configure the security key.
• The polling_rate attribute (optional) provides a means to adjust the rate
at which the forwarders poll the master for the latest list of peer nodes. Its
value must be an integer between 1 and 10. The default is 10. See Adjust
the frequency of polling.
• The indexerWeightByDiskCapacity attribute (optional) determines whether
indexer discovery uses weighted load balancing. The default is false. See
Use weighted load balancing.

3. Configure the forwarders

a. Configure the forwarders to use indexer discovery

On each forwarder, add these settings to the outputs.conf file:

pass4SymmKey = <string>
master_uri = <uri>

indexerDiscovery = <name>

defaultGroup = <target_group>
Note the following:

• In the [indexer_discovery:<name>] stanza, the <name> references the

<name> set in the indexerDiscovery attribute in the
[tcpout:<target_group>] stanza.
• The pass4SymmKey attribute specifies the security key used with
communication between the master and the forwarders. Its value must be
the same for all forwarders and the master node. You must explicitly set
this value for each forwarder.
• The <master_uri> is the URI and management port for the master node.
For example: "".

• In the [tcpout:<target_group>] stanza, set the indexerDiscovery
attribute, instead of the server attribute that you would use to specify the
receiving peer nodes if you were not enabling indexer discovery. With
indexer discovery, the forwarders get their list of receiving peer nodes
from the master, not from the server attribute. If both attributes are set,
indexerDiscovery takes precedence.

b. Enable indexer acknowledgment for each forwarder

Note: This step is required to ensure end-to-end data fidelity. If that is not a
requirement for your deployment, you can skip this step.

To ensure that the cluster receives and indexes all incoming data, you must turn
on indexer acknowledgment for each forwarder.

To configure indexer acknowledgment, set the useACK attribute in each

forwarder's outputs.conf, in the same stanza where you set the
indexerDiscovery attribute:

indexerDiscovery = <name>
For detailed information on configuring indexer acknowledgment, read Protect
against loss of in-flight data in the Forwarding Data manual.


In this example:

• The master node enables indexer discovery.

• The master and forwarders share a security key.
• Forwarders will send data to peer nodes weighted by the total disk
capacity of the peer nodes' disks.
• The forwarders use indexer acknowledgment to ensure end-to-end fidelity
of data.

In the master node's: server.conf:

pass4SymmKey = my_secret
indexerWeightByDiskCapacity = true
In each forwarder's outputs.conf:

pass4SymmKey = my_secret
master_uri =

autoLBFrequency = 30
forceTimebasedAutoLB = true
indexerDiscovery = master1

defaultGroup = group1
Use indexer discovery in a multisite cluster

In multisite clustering, the cluster is partitioned into sites, typically based on the
location of the cluster nodes. See Multisite indexer clusters. When using indexer
discovery with multisite clustering, you can configure each forwarder to be
site-aware, so that it forwards data to peer nodes only on a single specified site.

When you use indexer discovery with multisite clustering, you must assign a
site-id to all forwarders, whether or not you want the forwarders to be

• If you want a forwarder to be site-aware, you assign it a site-id for a site

in the cluster, such as "site1," "site2," and so on.

• If you do not want a forwarder to be site-aware, you assign it the special

site-id of "site0". When a forwarder is assigned "site0", it will forward to
peers across all sites in the cluster.

Assign a site-id to each forwarder

To assign a site-id, add this stanza to the forwarder's server.conf file:

site = <site-id>
Note the following:

• You must assign a <site-id> to each forwarder sending data to a multisite

cluster. This must either be a valid site in the cluster or the special value
• If you want the forwarder to send data only to peers at a specific site,
assign the id for that site, such as "site1."

• If you want the forwarder to send data to all peers, across all sites, assign
a value of "site0".
• If you do not assign any id, the forwarder will not send data to any peer
• See also Site values.

Configure the forwarder site failover capability

If you assign a forwarder to a specific site and that site goes down, the forwarder,
by default, will not fail over to another site. Instead, it will stop forwarding data if
there are no peers available on its assigned site. To avoid this issue, you must
configure the forwarder site failover capability.

To configure the forwarder site failover capability, set the

forwarder_site_failover attribute in the master node's server.conf file.

For example:

forwarder_site_failover = site1:site2, site2:site3
This example configures failover sites for site1 and site2. If site1 fails, all
forwarders configured to send data to peers on site1 will instead send data to
peers on site2. Similarly, if site2 fails, all forwarders explicitly configured to send
data to peers on site2 will instead send data to peers on site3.

Note: The failover capability does not relay from site to site. In other words, in
the previous example, if a forwarder is set to site1 and site1 goes down, the
forwarder will then start forwarding to peers on site2. However, if site2
subsequently goes down, the site1 forwarder will not then failover to site3. Only
forwarders explicitly set to site2 will failover to site3. Each forwarder can have
only a single failover site.

The forwarders revert to their assigned site, as soon as any peer on that site
returns to the cluster. For example, assume that the master includes this

forwarder_site_failover = site1:site2
When site1 goes down, such that there are no peers running on site1, the
forwarders assigned to site1 start sending data to peers on site2 instead. This
failover condition continues until a site1 peer returns to the cluster. At that point,
the forwarders assigned to site1 start forwarding to that peer. They no longer

forward to peers on site2.

Use weighted load balancing

When you enable indexer discovery, the forwarders always stream the incoming
data across the set of peer nodes, using load balancing to switch the data stream
from node to node. This operates in a similar way to how forwarders without
indexer discovery use load balancing, but with some key differences. In
particular, you can enable weighted load balancing.

In weighted load balancing, the forwarders take each peer's disk capacity into
account when they load balance the data. For example, a peer with a 400GB
disk receives approximately twice the data of a peer with a 200GB disk.

Important: The disk capacity refers to the total amount of local disk space on the
peer, not the amount of free space.

How weighted load balancing works

Weighted load balancing behaves similarly to normal forwarder load balancing.

The autoLBFrequency attribute in the forwarder's outputs.conf file still
determines how often the data stream switches to a different indexer. However,
when the forwarder selects the next indexer, it does so based on the relative disk
capacities. The selection itself is random but weighted towards indexers with
larger disk capacities.

In other words, the forwarder uses weighted picking. So, if the forwarder has an
autoLBFrequency set to 60, then every sixty seconds, the forwarder switches the
data stream to a new indexer. If the load balancing is taking place across two
indexers, one with a 500GB disk and the other with a 100GB disk, the indexer
with the larger disk is five times as likely to be picked at each switching point.

The overall traffic sent to each indexer is based this ratio:


For a general discussion of load balancing in indexer clusters, see How load
balancing works.

Enable weighted load balancing

The indexerWeightByDiskCapacity attribute in the master node's server.conf file

controls weighted load balancing:

indexerWeightByDiskCapacity = <bool>
Note the following:

• The indexerWeightByDiskCapacity attribute is set to false by default. To

enable weighted load balancing, you must set it to true.

Change the advertised disk capacity for an indexer

In some cases, you might want weighted load balancing to treat an indexer as
though it has a lower disk capacity than it actually has. You can use the
advertised_disk_capacity attribute to accomplish this. For example, if you set
that attribute to 50 (signifiying 50%) on an indexer with a 500GB disk, weighted
load balancing will proceed as though the actual disk capacity was 250GB.

You set the advertised_disk_capacity attribute in the indexer's server.conf file:

advertised_disk_capacity = <integer>
Note the following:

• The advertised_disk_capacity attribute indicates the percentage that will

be applied to the indexer's actual disk capacity before it sends the
capacity to the master. For example, if set to 50 on an indexer with a
500GB disk, the indexer tells the master that the disk capacity is 250GB.
• The value can vary from 10 to 100.
• The default is 100.

Adjust the frequency of polling

Forwarders poll the master at regular intervals to receive the most recent list of
peers. In this way, they become aware of any changes to the set of available
peers and can modify their forwarding accordingly. You can adjust the rate of

The frequency of polling is based on the number of forwarders and the value of
the polling_rate attribute, configured in the master's server.conf file. The

polling interval for each forwarder follows this formula:

(number_of_forwarders/polling_rate + 30 seconds) * 1000 = polling

interval, in milliseconds
Here are some examples:

# 100 forwarders, with the default polling_rate of 10

(100/10 + 30) * 1000 = 40,000 ms., or 40 seconds

# 10,000 forwarders, with the default polling_rate of 10

(10000/10 + 30) * 1000 = 1,030,000 ms., or 1030 seconds, or about 17

# 10,000 forwarders, with the minimum polling_rate of 1

(10000/1 + 30) * 1000 = 10,030,000 ms., or 10,030 seconds, or a bit
under three hours
To configure polling_rate, add the attribute to the [indexer_discovery] stanza
in server.conf on the master:

polling_rate = <integer>
Note the following:

• The polling_rate attribute must be an integer between 1 and 10.

• The default is 10.

Configure indexer discovery with SSL

You can configure indexer discovery with SSL. The process is nearly the same
as configuring without SSL, with just a few additions and changes:

1. Configure the peer nodes to receive data from forwarders over SSL.

2. Configure the master node to enable indexer discovery.

3. Configure the forwarders for SSL.

The steps below provide basic configuration information only, focusing on the
differences when configuring for SSL. For full details on indexer discovery
configuration, see Configure indexer discovery.

1. Configure the peer nodes to receive data from forwarders over SSL

Edit each peer's inputs.conf file to specify the receiving port and to configure the
necessary SSL settings:

disabled = 0

serverCert = <path to server certificate>
sslPassword = <certificate password>

# Set rootCA in inputs.conf only if sslRootCAPath is not set in the

peer's server.conf
rootCA = <path to certificate authority list>
Note: When using indexer discovery, each peer node can have only a single
receiving port. For SSL, you must configure a port for splunktcp-ssl only. Do not
configure a splunktcp stanza.

2. Configure the master node to enable indexer discovery

In server.conf on the master, add this stanza:

pass4SymmKey = <string>
polling_rate = <integer>
indexerWeightByDiskCapacity = <bool>
This is the same as for configuring a non-SSL set-up.

3. Configure the forwarders for SSL

On each forwarder, add these settings to the outputs.conf file:

pass4SymmKey = <string>
master_uri = <uri>

indexerDiscovery = <name>
useACK = true
clientCert = <path to client certificate>
sslPassword = <CAcert password>

# Set sslRootCAPath in outputs.conf only if sslRootCAPath is not set in

the forwarder's server.conf

sslRootCAPath = < path to root certificate authority file>

defaultGroup = <target_group>

Connect forwarders directly to peer nodes

These are the main steps for setting up connections between forwarders and
peer nodes, using the traditional method of connecting each forwarder directly to
each peer node:

1. Configure the peer nodes to receive data from forwarders.

2. Configure the forwarders to send data to the peer nodes.

3. Enable indexer acknowledgment for each forwarder. This step is required to

ensure end-to-end data fidelity. If that is not a requirement for your deployment,
you can skip this step.

Once you finish setting up the connection, you must configure the data inputs on
the forwarders. See "Configure the forwarder's data inputs".

1. Configure the peer nodes to receive data from forwarders

In order for a peer to receive data from forwarders, you must configure the peer's
receiving port. For information on how to configure the receiving port, read
"Enable a receiver" in the Forwarding Data manual.

One way to specify the receiving port is to edit the peer's inputs.conf file. You can
simplify peer input configuration by deploying a single, identical inputs.conf file
across all the peers. The receiving port that you specify in the common copy of
inputs.conf will supersede any ports you enable on each individual peer. For
details on how to create and deploy a common inputs.conf across all peers,
read "Update common peer configurations".

2. Configure the forwarders to send data to the peer nodes

When you set up a forwarder, you specify its receiving peer by providing the
peer's IP address and receving port number. For example: You
do this in the forwarder's outputs.conf file, as described in "Configure forwarders
with outputs.conf" in the Forwarding Data manual. To specify the receiving peer,
set the server attribute, like this:

The receiving port that you specify here is the port that you configured on the
peer in step 1.

To set up the forwarder to use load-balancing, so that the data goes to multiple
peer nodes in sequence, you configure a load-balanced group of receiving peers.
For example, this attribute/value pair in outputs.conf specifies a load-balanced
group of three peers:

To learn more about configuring load balancing, read "Set up load balancing" in
the Forwarding Data manual.

Note: There are several other ways that you can specify a forwarder's receiving
peer(s). For example:

• You can specify the receiving peer during universal forwarder deployment
(for Windows universal forwarders only), as described in Install a Windows
universal forwarder from an installer in the Universal Forwarder manual.
• You can specify the receiver with the CLI command add forward-server,
as described in Enable a receiver in the Forwarding Data manual.

Both of these methods work by modifying the underlying outputs.conf file. No

matter what method you use to specify the receiving peers, you still need to
directly edit the underlying outputs.conf file if you want to turn on indexer
acknowledgment, as described in the next step.

3. Enable indexer acknowledgment for each forwarder

This step is required to ensure end-to-end data fidelity. If that is not a

requirement for your deployment, you can skip this step.

To ensure that the cluster receives and indexes all incoming data, you must turn
on indexer acknowledgment for each forwarder.

Caution: Indexer acknowledgement can, under some circumstances, result in

duplicate events. To learn about this issue and how to work around it, see
Protect against loss of in-flight data in the Forwarding Data manual.

To configure indexer acknowledgment, set the useACK attribute in each

forwarder's outputs.conf:

For detailed information on configuring indexer acknowledgment, read Protect
against loss of in-flight data in the Forwarding Data manual.

Caution: For indexer acknowledgment to work properly, the forwarders' wait

queues must be configured to the optimal size. For forwarders at version 5.0.4 or
above, the system handles this automatically. For earlier version forwarders,
follow the instructions in the version of the Protect against loss of in-flight data
topic for that forwarder version. Specifically, read the subtopic on adjusting the
maxQueueSize setting.

Example: A load-balancing forwarder with indexer acknowledgment

Here is a sample outputs.conf configuration for a forwarder that is using load

balancing to send data in sequence to three peers in a cluster. It assumes that
each of the peers has previously been configured to use 9997 for its receiving


The forwarder starts by sending data to one of the peers listed for the server
attribute. After 40 seconds, it switches to another peer, and so on. If, at any time,
it doesn't receive acknowledgment from the current receiving node, it resends the
data, this time to the next available node.

Configure the indexer cluster

Indexer cluster configuration overview

To configure the indexer cluster, you configure the individual nodes. You perform
two types of configuration:

• Configuration of the behavior of the cluster itself.

• Configuration of the cluster's indexing and search behavior.

The current chapter provides an overview of the ways to configure cluster

behavior specifically.

Configuration of each node type

The settings for each node type handle different aspects of the cluster:

• Master node. Configuration of overall cluster behavior.

• Peer node. Configuration of individual peer node and cluster indexing
• Search head. Configuration of individual search head and search
behavior in an indexer cluster.

See the chapters on specific node types for information on configuring each node
type. The chapter "Configure the peers," for example, includes some topics on
configuring the peer cluster node settings and other topics that describe how to
configure the indexes that a peer uses.

Methods for configuring cluster behavior

Initial configuration of each node occurs during deployment. If you need to

change the configuration of a cluster node post-deployment, you have these

• You can edit the configuration from the node's dashboard in Splunk Web,
as described in "Configure the indexer cluster with the dashboards".

• You can directly edit the [clustering] stanza in the node's server.conf
file. See "Configure the indexer cluster with server.conf" for details. To
configure some advanced settings, you must edit this file.

• You can use the CLI. See "Configure and manage the indexer cluster with
the CLI" for details.

Configure the indexer cluster with the dashboards

To configure an indexer cluster node through its dashboard:

1. Click Settings on the upper right side of Splunk Web on the node.

2. In the Distributed Environment group, click Indexer clustering.

3. Select the Edit button on the upper right side of the dashboard.

For information on the settings for each node type, see:

• "Configure the master with the dashboard"

• "Configure peer nodes with the dashboard"
• "Configure the search head with the dashboard"

Configure the indexer cluster with server.conf

Before reading this topic, see "About configuration files" and the topics that follow
it in the Admin Manual. Those topics explain how Splunk Enterprise uses
configuration files.

Indexer cluster settings reside in the server.conf file, located in

$SPLUNK_HOME/etc/system/local/. When you deploy a cluster node through
Splunk Web or the CLI, the node saves the settings to that file. You can also edit
server.conf file directly, either to deploy initially or to change settings later.

The main server.conf stanza that controls indexer clustering is [clustering].

Besides the basic attributes that correspond to settings in Splunk Web,
server.conf provides a number of advanced settings that control communication
between cluster nodes. Unless advised by Splunk Support, do not change those

This topic discusses some issues that are common to all node types.

Configure the various node types

For specific instructions for each node type, see:

• "Configure the master with server.conf".

• "Configure peer nodes with server.conf".
• "Configure the search head with server.conf".

For details on all the clustering attributes, including the advanced ones, read the
server.conf specification.

For multisite cluster configurations, also read "Configure multisite indexer

clusters with server.conf".

Configure the security key

Set the pass4SymmKey attribute to configure a security key that authenticates

communication between the master, peers, and search heads. You must use the
same key value for all cluster nodes.

You set pass4SymmKey when you deploy the cluster. For details on how to set the
key on the master node, see Enable the indexer cluster master node. You also
set it when when enabling the peer nodes and search heads.

If you set the key directly in server.conf, you must set it inside the [clustering]
stanza for indexer clustering.

Important: Save a copy of the key in a safe place. Once an instance starts
running, the security key changes from clear text to encrypted form, and it is no
longer recoverable from server.conf. If you later want to add a new node, you
will need to use the clear text version to set the key.

For information on setting the security key for a combined search head cluster
and indexer cluster, see Integrate the search head cluster with an indexer cluster
in Distributed Search.

Restart after modifying server.conf?

After you configure an instance as a cluster node for the first time, you need to
restart it for the change to take effect.

If you make a configuration change later on, you might not need to restart the

instance, depending on the type of change. Avoid restarting peers when
possible. Restarting the set of peers can result in prolonged amounts of

Initial configuration

After initially configuring instances as cluster nodes, you need to restart all of
them (master, peers, and search head) for the changes to take effect. You can
do this by invoking the CLI restart command on each node:

$SPLUNK_HOME/bin/splunk restart
When the master starts up for the first time, it blocks indexing on the peers until
you enable and restart the replication factor number of peers. Do not restart the
master while it is waiting for the peers to join the cluster. If you do, you will need
to restart the peers a second time.

Important: Although you can use the CLI restart command when you initially
enable an instance as a cluster peer node, do not use it for subsequent restarts.
The restart command is not compatible with index replication once replication
has begun. For more information, including a discussion of safe restart methods,
read "Restart a single peer".

Subsequent configuration changes

If you change any of the following attributes in the server.conf file, you do not
need to restart the node.

On a peer node:

• master_uri
• notify_scan_period

On a search head:

• master_uri

On a master node:

• quiet_period
• heartbeat_timeout
• restart_timeout
• max_peer_build_load
• max_peer_rep_load
• cluster_label

• access_logging_for_heartbeats
• use_batch_mask_changes
• percent_peers_to_restart
• summary_replication

All other cluster-related configuration changes require a restart.

Configure and manage the indexer cluster with the

You can use the CLI to perform a wide set of indexer cluster activities, including:

• Configuring cluster nodes

• Viewing cluster information
• Managing the cluster

Some clustering commands are available only for a specific node type, such as
the master node.

This topic discusses issues that are common to all node types.

Configure cluster nodes

You can use the CLI to enable any of the cluster node types or to change their
configurations later:

• To enable or edit a master node, see "Configure the master with the CLI".

• To enable or edit a peer node, see "Configure peer nodes with the CLI".

• To enable or edit a search head, see "Configure the search head with the

For details on specific command-line options, read "Configure the indexer cluster
with server.conf".

For multisite cluster configurations, also read "Configure multisite indexer

clusters with the CLI".

Specify a security key

You specify a security key for the cluster by appending the -secret flag when
you enable each cluster node. For example, you specify it when configuring a
peer node:

splunk edit cluster-config -mode slave -master_uri -replication_port 9887 -secret your_key
The security key authenticates communication between the master and the peers
and search heads. The key is required and must be the same across all cluster

View cluster information

There are a number of splunk list commands that return different types of
cluster information. For example, to get detailed information on each peer in the
cluster, run this command on the master:

splunk list cluster-peers

To get information on the cluster configuration, run this command from any node:

splunk list cluster-config

See the CLI clustering help for the full set of splunk list commands.

Manage the cluster

You can also use the CLI to perform a number of different actions on the cluster.
Those actions are described in their own topics:

• Use the splunk offline command to take a peer offline.

• Use the splunk apply cluster-bundle command to update common peer
• Use the splunk rolling-restart cluster-peers command to restart all
the cluster peers.
• Use the splunk enable maintenance-mode command to enable
maintenance mode.
• Use the splunk remove excess-buckets command to remove excess
bucket copies.
• Configure multi-cluster search.

Get help on the CLI commands

The CLI provides online help for its commands. For general help on the full set of
clustering commands, go to $SPLUNKHOME/bin and type:

splunk help cluster

For help on specific commands, specify the command name. For example:

splunk help list cluster-config

For general information on the CLI, read the "Administer Splunk Enterprise with
the command line interface (CLI)" chapter in the Admin Manual, or type:

splunk help

Configure the master

Master configuration overview

You initially configure the master when you enable it, as described in "Enable the
master node". This is usually all the configuration the master needs.

Change the configuration

If you need to edit the configuration, you have these choices:

• You can edit the configuration from the master node dashboard in Splunk
Web. See "Configure the master with the dashboard".

• You can directly edit the [clustering] stanza in the master's server.conf
file. To configure some advanced settings, you must edit this file. See
"Configure the master with server.conf".

• You can use the CLI. See "Configure the master with the CLI".

After you change the master configuration, you must restart the master for the
changes to take effect.

Important: The master has the sole function of managing the other cluster
nodes. Do not use it to index external data or to search the cluster.

Changes that require caution

Be careful when making changes to these settings:

• Replication factor and search factor. It is inadvisable to increase either

of these settings after your indexer cluster contains significant amounts of
data. This will kick off a great deal of bucket activity, affecting the cluster's
performance adversely while bucket copies are being created or made

• Heartbeat timeout. Do not change the heartbeat_timeout attribute from

its default value of 60 (seconds) unless instructed to do so by Splunk
Support. In particular, do not decrease it. This can overload the peers.

Configure a stand-by master

To prepare for master node failure, configure a stand-by master that can take
over if the current master goes down. See "Replace the master node on the
indexer cluster".

Configure a multisite master

A multisite master has a number of configuration differences and additions,

compared to a basic, single-site cluster. See "Configure multisite indexer clusters
with server.conf".

Configure the master with the dashboard

You can edit the configuration of an existing master node through its dashboard:

1. In Splunk Web, click Settings > Indexer clustering.

The Master Node dashboard appears.
2. Select the Edit button on the upper right side of the dashboard.
The Edit button presents several options:
♦ Node Type. Change the instance's node type. Caution: It is
extremely unlikely that you will want to change the node type for
nodes in an active cluster. Consider the consequences carefully
before doing so.
♦ Master Node Configuration. Change these master node settings:
◊ Replication Factor. Change the cluster's replication factor.
Caution: It is inadvisable to increase the replication factor
after your cluster contains significant amounts of data. Doing
so will kick off a great deal of bucket activity, which will have
an adverse effect on the cluster's performance while bucket
copies are being created.
◊ Search Factor. Change the cluster's search factor. Caution:
It is inadvisable to increase the replication factor after your
cluster contains significant amounts of data. Doing so will
kick off a great deal of bucket activity, which will have an
adverse effect on the cluster's performance while bucket
copies are being made searchable.
◊ Security Key. Change the security key. Only change the
security key if you are also changing it for all other nodes in
the cluster. The key must be the same across all instances
in a cluster.

◊ Cluster Label. Label the cluster. The label is useful for
identifying the cluster in the monitoring console. See Set
cluster labels in Securing Splunk Enterprise.

The Master Node Configuration option is disabled for

multisite clusters.
♦ Configuration Bundle Actions. Click Push to distribute the
configuration bundle from the master node to peer nodes.
Optionally, validate the bundle and check restart without applying
the bundle, or rollback to the previous bundle. See Update common
peer configurations and apps.
♦ Data Rebalance. Rebalance the buckets so that each peer has
approximately the same number of bucket copies. See Rebalance
the indexer cluster.
♦ Disable Indexer Clustering. Remove this node from the cluster.
Caution: If you remove the master node from the cluster, the entire
cluster will eventually fail.

For information on using this dashboard to enable a master node initially, see
Enable the indexer cluster master node.

For information on using this dashboard to view cluster status, see View the
master dashboard.

Configure the master with server.conf


Before reading this topic, see Configure the indexer cluster with server.conf. It
discusses configuration issues that are common to all cluster node types.

Enable the master node

The following example shows the basic settings that you configure when
enabling a master node. Unless otherwise noted, the settings are required. The
configuration attributes correspond to fields on the Enable clustering page of
Splunk Web.

mode = master

replication_factor = 4
search_factor = 3
pass4SymmKey = whatever
cluster_label = cluster1
This example specifies that:

• the instance is a cluster master node.

• the cluster's replication factor is 4.
• the cluster's search factor is 3.
• the security key is "whatever". All nodes in the cluster use the same
security key. See Configure the security key.
• the cluster label is "cluster1." The optional cluster label is useful for
identifying the cluster in the monitoring console. See Set cluster labels in
Monitoring Splunk Enterprise. You set this attribute on the master node

Important: When the master starts up for the first time, it will block indexing on
the peers until you enable and restart the full replication factor number of peers.
Do not restart the master while it is waiting for the peers to join the cluster. If you
do, you will need to restart the peers a second time.

Note: When you enable the master node in Splunk Web, the resulting
server.conf stanza includes attributes only for non-default values. For example,
if you accept the default replication factor of 3 and do not enter a new value for it,
the resulting stanza does not include the replication_factor attribute.

Edit the master settings

You can change these settings later, if necessary. For example, to change the
cluster's security key, you edit the pass4SymmKey value on each node.

For details on all cluster attributes, including some advanced ones that rarely
require editing, read the server.conf specification.

Configure the master with the CLI

Read this first

Before reading this topic, see:

• "Configure and manage the indexer cluster with the CLI". This topic
explains the basics of indexer cluster configuration with the CLI. It

provides details on issues that are common to all cluster node types.

Enable the master node

The following example shows the basic settings that you typically configure when
enabling a master node. The configuration attributes correspond to fields on the
Enable clustering page of Splunk Web.

splunk edit cluster-config -mode master -replication_factor 4

-search_factor 3 -secret your_key -cluster_label cluster1

splunk restart
Important: When the master starts up for the first time, it will block indexing on
the peers until you enable and restart the full replication factor number of peers.
Do not restart the master while it is waiting for the peers to join the cluster. If you
do, you will need to restart the peers a second time.

Edit the master settings

You can also use the CLI to edit the configuration later. Use the splunk edit
cluster-config command, the same command used to enable the master

Refer to the CLI clustering help, along with the server.conf specification file, for
the list of configurable settings.

Warning: Do not increase the replication factor or search

factor on the master

Although it is possible to change the settings for the replication factor and search
factor, it is inadvisable to increase either of them after your cluster contains
significant amounts of data. Doing so will kick off a great deal of bucket activity,
which will have an adverse effect on the cluster's performance while bucket
copies are being created or made searchable.

Replace the master node on the indexer cluster

You might need to replace the master node for either of these reasons:

• The node fails.

• You must move the master to a different machine or site.

Although there is currently no master failover capability, you can prepare the
indexer cluster for master failure by configuring a stand-by master that you can
immediately bring up if the primary master goes down. You can use the same
method to replace the master intentionally.

This topic describes the key steps in replacing the master:

1. Back up the files that the replacement master needs.

This is a preparatory step. You must do this before the master fails or
otherwise leaves the system.
2. Ensure that the peer and search head nodes can find the new master.
3. Replace the master.

In the case of a multisite cluster, you must also prepare for the possible failure of
the site that houses the master. See Handle master site failure.

Back up the files that the replacement master needs

There are two static configurations that you must backup so that you can later
copy them to the replacement master:

• The master's server.conf file, which is where the master cluster settings
are stored. You must back up this file whenever you change the master's
cluster configuration.

• The master's $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/master-apps directory, which is where

common peer configurations are stored, as described in Update cluster
peer configurations. You must back up this directory whenever you update
the set of content that you push to the peer nodes.

In addition to the above configuration files, make sure to back up any other
configuration files that you have customized on cluster master, such as
inputs.conf, web.conf, and so on.

In preparing a replacement master, you must copy over only the master's static
state. You do not copy or otherwise deal with the dynamic state of the cluster.
The cluster peers as a group hold all information about the dynamic state of a
cluster, such as the status of all bucket copies. They communicate this
information to the master node as necessary, for example, when a downed
master returns to the cluster or when a stand-by master replaces a downed
master. The master then uses that information to rebuild its map of the cluster's
dynamic state.

Ensure that the peer and search head nodes can find the new

You can choose between two approaches for ensuring that the peer nodes and
search head can locate the replacement instance and recognize it as the master:

• The replacement uses the same IP address and management port as

the primary master. To ensure that the replacement uses the same IP
address, you must employ DNS-based failover, a load balancer, or some
other technique. The management port is set during installation, but you
can change it by editing web.conf.

• The replacement does not use the same IP address or management

port as the primary master. In this case, after you bring up the new
master, you must update the master_uri setting on all the peers and
search heads to point to the new master's IP address and management

Neither approach requires a restart of the peer or search head nodes.

Replace the master


You must have up-to-date backups of the two sets of static configuration files, as
described in Back up the files that the replacement master needs.


If you want to skip steps 3 and 5, you can replace the [general] and
[clustering] stanzas on the replacement master in step 4, instead of copying
the entire server.conf file.

1. Stop the old master, if this is a planned replacement. If the replacement is

due to a failed master, then this step has already been accomplished for
2. Install, start, and stop a new Splunk Enterprise instance. Alternatively, you
can reuse an existing instance that is not needed for another purpose.
This will be the replacement master.
3. Copy the sslPassword setting from the replacement master's server.conf
file to a temporary location.

In release 6.5, the sslKeysfilePassword attribute was deprecated and
replaced by the sslPassword attribute. If the server.conf file is using
sslKeysfilePassword, then copy that setting instead.
4. Copy the backup of the old master's server.conf and
$SPLUNK_HOME/etc/master-apps files to the replacement master.
5. Delete the sslPassword setting in the copied server.conf, and replace it
with the version of the setting that you saved in step 3.
6. Start the replacement master.
7. Make sure that the peer and search head nodes are pointing to the new
master through one of the methods described in Ensure that the peer and
search head nodes can find the new master.

For information on the consequences of a master failing, see What happens

when the master node goes down.

Configure the peers

Peer node configuration overview

Configuration of the peer nodes falls under two categories:

• Configuration of the basic indexer cluster settings, such as the master URI
and the replication port.
• Configuration of input, indexing, and related settings. This includes the
deployment of apps to the peer nodes.

Initial configuration

Most peer cluster configuration happens during initial deployment:

1. When you enable the peer, you specify its cluster settings, such as its master
node and the port on which it receives replicated data. See Enable the peer

2. After you enable the set of peers, you configure their indexes, if necessary.
See Configure the peer indexes in an indexer cluster.

3. Finally, you configure their inputs, usually by means of forwarders. See Use
forwarders to get data into the indexer cluster.

These are the key steps in configuring a peer. You might also need to update the
configurations later, as with any indexer.

Change the cluster configuration

There are two main reasons to change the cluster node configuration:

• Redirect the peer to another master. This can be useful in the case
where the master fails but you have a stand-by master ready to take over.
For information on stand-by masters, see Replace the master node on the
indexer cluster.

• Change the peer's security key for the cluster. Only change the key if
you are also changing it for all other nodes in the cluster. The key must be
the same across all instances in a cluster.

To edit the cluster configuration, change each peer node individually, using one
of these methods:

• Edit the configuration from the peer node dashboard in Splunk Web. See
Configure peer nodes with the dashboard.

• Edit the peer's server.conf file. See Configure peer nodes with
server.conf for details.

• Use the CLI. See Configure peer nodes with the CLI for details.

For additions and differences when configuring multisite peer nodes, see
Configure multisite indexer clusters with server.conf.

Configure indexing and related behavior

The set of index stanzas in indexes.conf must be identical across all peers,
aside from very limited exceptions described in Manage configurations on a
peer-by-peer basis. It is also important that index-time processing be the same
across the peers. For the cluster to properly replicate data and handle node
failover, peers must share the same indexing functionality, and they cannot do
this if certain key files vary from peer to peer.

As a best practice, you should treat your peers as interchangeable, and therefore
you should maintain identical versions of configuration files and apps across all
peers. At the least, the following files should be identical:

• indexes.conf
• props.conf
• transforms.conf

To ensure that the peers share a common set of configuration files and apps,
place the files and apps on the master and then use the configuration bundle
method to distribute them, in a single operation, to the set of peers.

These topics describe how to maintain identical configurations across the set of

• Manage common configurations across all peers

• Manage app deployment across all peers
• Configure the peer indexes in an indexer cluster
• Update common peer configurations and apps

Manage single-peer configurations

You might occasionally need to handle some configurations on a peer-by-peer

basis, for testing or other purposes. As a general rule, however, try to use the
same configurations across all peers, so that the peers are interchangeable.

For information on single-peer configuration, see Manage configurations on a

peer-by-peer basis.

Configure peer nodes with the dashboard

You can edit the configuration of an existing peer node through its dashboard. To
access the dashboard:

1. Click Settings on the upper right side of Splunk Web.

2. In the Distributed Environment group, click Indexer clustering.

3. Select the Edit button on the upper right side of the dashboard.

The Edit button provides a number of options that affect the configuration.

Note: The Edit button is disabled for multisite clusters.

For information on using this dashboard to enable a peer node initially, see
Enable the peer nodes.

For information on using this dashboard to view cluster status, see View the peer

Change cluster configuration

To change the configuration for this peer node, select the Configuration option:

• To change the master, edit the Master URI field.

• To change the replication port, edit the Peer replication port field.
• To change the security key, edit the Security key field.

Remove the peer from a cluster

To remove the peer from the cluster, select the Disable Indexer Clustering

Other edits

The Edit button presents one other option: Node Type.

It is extremely unlikely that you will want to change the node type for nodes in an
active cluster. Consider the consequences carefully before doing so.

Configure peer nodes with server.conf


Before reading this topic, see Configure the indexer cluster with server.conf. It
discusses configuration issues that are common to all cluster node types.

Enable a peer node

The following example shows the basic settings that you must configure when
enabling a peer node. The configuration attributes shown in these examples
correspond to fields on the Enable clustering page of Splunk Web.


master_uri =
mode = slave
pass4SymmKey = whatever
This example specifies that:

• the peer will use port 9887 to listen for replicated data streamed from the
other peers. You can specify any available, unused port as the replication
port. Do not re-use the management or receiving ports.
• the peer's cluster master resides at
• the instance is a cluster peer ("slave") node.
• the security key is "whatever".

Edit the peer settings

You can change these settings later, if necessary. For example, to change the
cluster's security key, you change the pass4SymmKey value on each node.

Configure peer nodes with the CLI

Read this first

Before reading this topic, see:

• Configure and manage the indexer cluster with the CLI. This topic explains
the basics of cluster configuration with the CLI. It provides details on
issues that are common to all indexer cluster node types.

Enable a peer node

The following example shows the basic settings that you typically configure when
enabling a peer node. The configuration attributes correspond to fields on the
Enable clustering page of Splunk Web.

To enable an instance as a peer node, set mode to "slave". You also need to
specify master_uri and replication_port. In addition, you must specify the
cluster-wide security key (secret):

splunk edit cluster-config -mode slave -master_uri -replication_port 9887 -secret your_key

splunk restart
Edit the peer settings

You can also use the CLI to edit the configuration later. Use the splunk edit
cluster-config command, the same command that you use to enable the peer

Refer to the CLI clustering help, along with the server.conf specification file, for
the list of configurable settings.

Manage common configurations across all peers
You should attempt to maintain a common set of configuration files, including
apps, across all peers in an indexer cluster. This enhances high availability by
making the peers essentially interchangeable. In addition, certain configurations
must be identical so that all the peers index the data in the same way.

The master node distributes files and apps to all peers as a single action, through
the configuration bundle method. You must use this method to manage
common configurations. See Update common peer configurations and apps.

Files that need to be identical across all peers

It is highly recommended that you distribute the same versions of these files
across all peers:

• indexes.conf. It is critical that all peers share the same set of clustered

• props.conf and transforms.conf. All peers must use the same set of
rules when indexing data.

Beyond these three key files, you can greatly simplify cluster management by
maintaining identical versions of other configuration files across all peers. For
example, if your peers are able to share a single set of inputs, you can maintain a
single inputs.conf file across all peers.

Because apps often contain versions of those configuration files, you should
ordinarily distribute the same set of apps to all peers, rather than installing them
individually on single peers. See Manage app deployment across all peers.

Note: Under limited circumstances (for example, to perform local testing or

monitoring), you might want to add an index to one peer but not the others. You
can do this by creating a single-peer indexes.conf, as long as you are careful
about how you configure the index and are clear about the ramifications. The
data in such an index will not get replicated. The single-peer indexes.conf
supplements, but does not replace, the common version of the file that all peers
get. You can similarly maintain single-peer apps, if necessary. See Add an index
to a single peer.

Distribute configuration files to all peers

To distribute configurations across the peer nodes:

1. If distributing any indexes.conf files, configure them so that they support index
replication. See Configure the peer indexes in an indexer cluster.

2. Place the files in the $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/master-apps directory on the master.

The set of subdirectories in this location constitute the configuration bundle.

3. Use Splunk Web or the CLI to distribute the configuration bundle to the peer

For details on these steps, see Update common peer configurations and apps.

Configuration management for peers compared to standalone


The configuration bundle method is the only supported method for managing
common configurations and app deployment across the set of peers. It ensures
that all peers use the same versions of these files.

Note these critical differences in how you manage peer configuration files
compared to configurations for standalone indexers:

• Do not make configuration changes on individual peers that will modify

configurations you need to maintain on a cluster-wide basis. For example,
do not use Splunk Web or the CLI to configure index settings.

• Do not edit cluster-wide configuration files, like indexes.conf, directly on

the peers. Instead, edit the files on the master and distribute them through
the configuration bundle method.

• Do not use deployment server or any third party deployment tool, such as
Puppet or CFEngine, to manage common configuration files across peer
nodes. Instead, use the configuration bundle method.

When you distribute updates through the configuration bundle, the master
orchestrates the distribution to ensure that all peers use the same set of
configurations, including the same set of clustered indexes.

If, despite all recommendations, you choose to use another distribution method

instead of the configuration bundle method, you must make sure, at a minimum,
that settings for any new clustered indexes are successfully distributed to all
peers, and that all the peers have been reloaded, before you start sending data
to the new indexes.

Note: Although you cannot use deployment server to directly distribute apps to
the peers, you can use it to distribute apps to the master node's configuration
bundle location. Once the apps are in that location, the master node can then
distribute them to the peer nodes via the configuration bundle method. See Use
deployment server to distribute the apps to the master.

Manage app deployment across all peers

Before reading this topic, see Manage common configurations across all peers.
App deployment is just a special case of the configuration file deployment
described in that topic.

You must use the master node to deploy apps to the peer nodes. Do not use
deployment server or any third party deployment tool, such as Puppet or

Distribute an app to the peer nodes

To distribute an app across the peer nodes:

1. Inspect the app for indexes.conf files. For each index defined in an
app-specific indexes.conf file, set repFactor=auto, so that the index gets
replicated across all peers. See The indexes.conf repFactor attribute.
2. Place the app in the $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/master-apps directory on the
master. The set of subdirectories in this location constitute the
configuration bundle.
3. Use Splunk Web or the CLI to distribute the configuration bundle to the
peer nodes.

For detailed information on each of these steps, see Update common peer
configurations and apps.

Once an app has been distributed to the set of peers, you launch it on each peer
in the usual manner, with Splunk Web. See the chapter Meet Splunk apps in the
Admin Manual.

When it comes time to access an app, you do so from the search head, not from
an individual peer. Therefore, you must also install the app on the search head.
On the search head, put the app in the conventional location for apps, that is,
under the $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/apps directory. Install the app in the usual
fashion, according to the app-specific instructions.

Delete an app from the peer nodes

To delete an app that you previously distributed to the peers, remove its directory
from the configuration bundle. When you next push the bundle, the app will be
deleted from each peer.

Configure the peer indexes in an indexer cluster

You configure indexes by editing the indexes.conf file. This file determines an
indexer's set of indexes, as well as the size and attributes of its buckets. Since
all peers in a cluster must use the same set of indexes (except for limited
purposes, described later), the indexes.conf file should ordinarily be the same
across all peers.

The cluster peers deploy with a peer-specific default indexes.conf file that
handles basic cluster needs. If you want to add indexes or change bucket
behavior, you edit a new indexes.conf file in a special location on the master
and then distribute the file simultaneously to all the peers.

Important: You cannot use Splunk Web or the CLI to configure index settings on
peer nodes. You must edit indexes.conf directly.

All peers must use the same set of indexes.conf files

The set of indexes.conf files should ordinarily be identical across all peers in a
cluster. In particular, all peers must use the same set of clustered indexes. This
is essential for index replication to work properly. (The master node, on the other
hand, has its own, separate indexes.conf file, because it indexes only its own
internal data.) There is a limited exception to this stricture, which is described a
bit later.

When you first create the cluster, the master distributes a special default
indexes.conf file to each of the peers. This version supplements the standard
default indexes.conf that all indexers get. The peer-specific default
indexes.conf turns on replication for the main index, as well as the internal

indexes, such as _audit and _internal.

Depending on your system, you might also need to edit and distribute a modified
indexes.conf to the peers, to accommodate additional indexes or changes to
bucket attributes. To ensure that all peers use the same indexes.conf, you must
use the master node to distribute the file to all the peers as a single process.This
process, known as the configuration bundle method, is described in Update
common peer configurations and apps.

You must also use the configuration bundle method to distribute apps across all
the peers. These apps might contain their own indexes.conf files, which will
layer appropriately with any non-app version of the file that you might also
distribute to the peers. For information on app distribution, read Manage app
deployment across all peers.

Note: Under limited circumstances (for example, to perform local testing or

monitoring), you can create an indexes.conf for a single peer only. Such an
index will not get replicated. The single-peer indexes.conf supplements, but
does not replace, the common version of the file that all peers get. See Add an
index to a single peer for details.

Configure a set of indexes for the peers

There are two steps to configuring indexes across the set of peers:

1. Edit a common indexes.conf file on the master.

2. Use the master to distribute the file across the set of peers.

These two steps are described below.

1. Edit indexes.conf

For details on configuring indexes.conf, read the topics in the chapters Manage
indexes and Manage index storage in this manual. For a list of all indexes.conf
attributes, see the indexes.conf specification file in the Admin Manual.

For the most part, you edit the cluster peer indexes.conf in the same way as for
any indexer. However, there are a few differences to be aware of.

The indexes.conf repFactor attribute

When you add a new index stanza, you must set the repFactor attribute to
"auto". This causes the index's data to be replicated to other peers in the cluster.
For example:

homePath=<path for hot and warm buckets>
coldPath=<path for cold buckets>
thawedPath=<path for thawed buckets>
Note: By default, repFactor is set to 0, whichmeans that the index will not be
replicated. For clustered indexes, you must set it to "auto".

The only valid values for repFactor are 0 and "auto".

Resetting repFactor from "auto" to 0 will stop further replication, but it will not
automatically remove copies of already replicated buckets. In addition, searches
across buckets with multiple copies will return duplicate events. To free up
associated disk space and eliminate the possibility of duplicate events, you must
remove the excess copies manually.

Specify the index path attributes with forward-slash directory separators

In heterogeneous environments, it is possible that the master node's operating

system could use a different convention for specifying directory paths from the
peer nodes' operating system. This presents a problem because you edit the
indexes.conf file on the master but then you distribute it to the peers.

For example, if you have a Windows master and a set of Linux peers, the normal
way to specify the homePath on the Windows master, where the file gets edited,
would be to use the Windows backward-slash convention as a directory
separator, while the Linux peers, where the file gets distributed, require forward

To deal with this possibility, the best practice is to always use forward slashes
when specifying directory paths in in the index path attributes, no matter which
operating systems your master and peers use. For example:

homePath = $SPLUNK_HOME/var/lib/splunk/defaultdb/db/
Splunk Enterprise always accepts the forward slash as a directory separator.

2. Distribute the new indexes.conf file to the peers

After you edit indexes.conf, you need to distribute it to the cluster's set of peer
nodes. To learn how to distribute configuration files, including indexes.conf,
across all the peers, read Update common peer configurations and apps.

For information about other types of peer configuration, including app distribution,
read Peer node configuration overview.

View the indexes

To see the set of indexes on your peer nodes, click the Indexes tab on the
master dashboard. See View the master dashboard.

Note: A new index appears under the tab only after it contains some data. In
other words, if you configure a new index on the peer nodes, a row for that index
appears only after you send data to that index.

Update common peer configurations and apps

The peer update process described in this topic ensures that all peer nodes
share a common set of key configuration files. You must manually invoke this
process to distribute and update common files, including apps, to the peer nodes.
The process also runs automatically when a peer joins the cluster.

For information on peer configuration files, see Manage common configurations

across all peers. That topic details exactly which files must be identical across all
peers. In brief, the configuration files that must be identical in most
circumstances are indexes.conf, props.conf, and transforms.conf. Other
configuration files can also be identical, depending on the needs of your system.
Since apps usually include versions of those key files, you should also maintain a
common set of apps across all peers.

The set of configuration files and apps common to all peers, which is managed
from the master and distributed to the peers in a single operation, is called the
configuration bundle. The process used to distribute the configuration bundle is
known as the configuration bundle method.

To distribute new or edited configuration files or apps across all the peers, you
add the files to the configuration bundle on the master and tell the master to
distribute the files to the peers.

Structure of the configuration bundle

The configuration bundle consists of the set of files and apps common to all peer

On the master

On the master, the configuration bundle resides under the

$SPLUNK_HOME/etc/master-apps directory. The set of files under that directory
constitute the configuration bundle. They are always distributed as a group to all
the peers. The directory has this structure:

Note the following:

• The /_cluster directory is a special location for configuration files that

need to be distributed across all peers:
♦ The /_cluster/default subdirectory contains a default version of
indexes.conf. Do not add any files to this directory and do not
change any files in it. This peer-specific default indexes.conf has a
higher precedence than the standard default indexes.conf, located
under $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/system/default.
♦ The /_cluster/local subdirectory is where you can put new or
edited configuration files that you want to distribute to the peers.
♦ For 5.0/5.0.1 upgrades: In Splunk Enterprise versions 5.0 and
5.0.1, the /_cluster directory was named /cluster (no
underscore). When you upgrade a 5.0/5.0.1 master node to 5.0.2 or
later, its /cluster directory is automatically renamed to /_cluster.
When you then restart the master following completion of the
upgrade, it performs a rolling restart on its peer nodes and pushes
the new bundle, with the renamed /_cluster directory, to the
peers. The slave-apps directory on all the peer nodes (including
any 5.0/5.0.1 peers) will then contain the renamed directory.
• The /<app-name> subdirectories are optional. They provide a way to
distribute any app to the peer nodes. Create and populate them as
needed. For example, to distribute "appBestEver" to the peer nodes, place
a copy of that app in its own subdirectory:

• To delete an app that you previously distributed to the peers, remove its
directory from the configuration bundle. When you next push the bundle,
the app will be deleted from each peer.
• The master only pushes the contents of subdirectories under master-apps.
It will not push any standalone files directly under master-apps. For
example, it will not push the standalone file /master-apps/file1.
Therefore, be sure to place any standalone configuration files in the
/_cluster/local subdirectory.

You explicitly tell the master when you want it to distribute the latest configuration
bundle to the peers. In addition, when a peer registers with the master (for
example, when the peer joins the cluster), the master distributes the current
configuration bundle to it.

When the master distributes the bundle to the peers, it distributes the entire
bundle, overwriting the entire contents of any configuration bundle previously
distributed to the peers.

The master-apps location is only for peer node files. The master does not use the
files in that directory for its own configuration needs.

On the peers

On the peers, the distributed configuration bundle resides under

$SPLUNK_HOME/etc/slave-apps. This directory is created soon after a peer is
enabled, when the peer initially gets the latest bundle from the master. Except for
the different name for the top-level directory, the structure and contents of the
configuration bundle are the same as on the master:

Leave the downloaded files in this location and do not edit them. If you later
distribute an updated version of a configuration file or app to the peers, it will
overwrite any earlier version in $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/slave-apps. You want this to
occur, because all peers in the cluster must be using the same versions of the
files in that directory.

For the same reason, do not add any files or subdirectories directly to
$SPLUNK_HOME/etc/slave-apps. The directory gets overwritten each time the
master redistributes the configuration bundle.

When Splunk software evaluates configuration files, the files in the

$SPLUNK_HOME/etc/slave-apps/[_cluster|<app-name>]/local subdirectories
have the highest precedence. For information on configuration file precedence,
see Configuration file precedence in the Admin Manual.

Settings that you should not distribute through the

configuration bundle

The $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/slave-apps directory on the peers is read-only. This is

necessary and beneficial behavior, because each time you distribute a new
bundle, the directory gets overwritten in its entirety. You would thus otherwise
lose any changes made to settings in that directory. Also, the cluster relies on the
settings in that directory being identical across all peers.

Therefore, if you distribute a setting through the configuration bundle method that
the peer needs to update automatically in some way, the peer will do so by
creating a new version of the app under $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/apps. Since you
cannot have two apps with the same name, this generates "unexpected duplicate
app" errors in splunkd.log.

A common cause of this behavior is distributing SSL passwords through the

configuration bundle. Splunk Enterprise overwrites the password with an
encrypted version upon restart. But if you distribute the setting through the
configuration bundle, the peers cannot overwrite the unencrypted password in its
bundle location under $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/slave-apps. Therefore, upon restart
after bundle push, they instead write the encrypted version to
$SPLUNK_HOME/etc/apps, in an app directory with the same name as its name
under $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/slave-apps.

For example, do not push the following setting in inputs.conf:

password = <your_password>
If the setting is in an app directory called "newapp" in the configuration bundle,
upon restart the peer will create a "newapp" directory under
$SPLUNK_HOME/etc/apps and put the setting there. This results in duplicate
"newapp" apps.

Best practice for distributing app.conf in the configuration

If you add a new reload.<conf_file_name> = simple parameter to app.conf in

the configuration bundle, you must first push app.conf to the peer nodes, before
you push updates to the configuration file referenced in the new parameter. After
you push the app.conf file, subsequent changes to the referenced configuration
file in the app context will not require a peer restart.

For example, if you add reload.inputs = simple to app.conf, then push

app.conf to peer nodes, when you next push an update to inputs.conf in the
specific app context, peer nodes will reload but will not require a restart.

To distribute app.conf in the configuration bundle:

1. For each app that you want to distribute, determine if app.conf contains a
new reload.<conf_file_name> = simple parameter.
2. Remove any configuration files referenced in reload.<conf_file_name> =
simple from the configuration bundle.
3. Push the modified configuration bundle containing app.conf to the set of
peers. See Apply the bundle to the peers.
4. Return the referenced configuration file to the appropriate app directory in
the configuration bundle.
5. Make any changes to the configuration file that you want to distribute to
peer nodes.
6. Push the configuration bundle to the peers.

For more information on reload.<conf_file_name> = simple, see app.conf in the

Admin Manual.

Distribute the configuration bundle

To distribute new or changed files and apps across all peers, follow these steps:

1. Prepare the files and apps and test them.

2. Move the files and apps into the configuration bundle on the master node.
3. (Optional) Validate the bundle and check restart.
4. Apply the bundle to the peers.
The master pushes the entire bundle to the peers. This overwrites the
contents of the peers' current bundle.

1. Prepare the files and apps for the configuration bundle

Make the necessary edits to the files you want to distribute to the peers. It is
advisable that you then test the files, along with any apps, on a standalone test
indexer to confirm that they are working correctly, before distributing them to the
set of peers. Try to combine all updates in a single bundle, to reduce the impact
on the work of the peer nodes.

For more information on how to configure the files, see Manage common
configurations across all peers and Configure the peer indexes in an indexer

If the configuration bundle subdirectories contain any indexes.conf files that

define new indexes, you must explicitly set each index's repFactor attribute to
auto. This is necessary for indexes.conf files that reside in app subdirectories,
as well as any indexes.conf file in the _cluster subdirectory.

For more information, see The indexes.conf repFactor attribute.

2. Move the files and apps into the configuration bundle on the master

When you are ready to distribute the files and apps, copy them to
$SPLUNK_HOME/etc/master-apps/ on the master:

• Put apps directly under the master-apps directory. For example,

• Put standalone files in the
$SPLUNK_HOME/etc/master-apps/_cluster/local subdirectory.

3. (Optional) Validate the bundle and check restart

You can validate the bundle and check whether applying the bundle will require a
restart of the peer nodes, without applying the bundle. Once you confirm that the
bundle is valid across all peer nodes, you can then apply it as a separate step.

Validation is useful for ensuring that the bundle will apply across all peer nodes
without problems. The validation process also provides information that is useful
for debugging invalid bundles.

The ability to check restart is useful for admins who want to defer bundle
distribution until a period of low activity or a maintenance window, and avoid
possible restart-related indexing or search interruption. See Restart or reload

after configuration bundle changes?

You can validate the bundle and check restart using Splunk Web or the CLI.

Use Splunk Web to validate the bundle and check restart

Use the Validate and Check Restart button to validate the bundle and check if
peer nodes will require a restart. This button performs the same function as the
CLI command: splunk validate cluster-bundle --check-restart. See Use the
CLI to validate the bundle and check restart.

To validate the bundle and check restart:

1. On the master node, in Splunk Web, click Settings > Indexer Clustering.
The Master Node dashboard opens.
2. Click Edit > Configuration Bundle Actions.
3. Click Validate and Check Restart > Validate and Check Restart.
A message appears that indicates bundle validation and check restart

success or failure.
If bundle validation and check restart succeeds, then the bundle is
acceptable for distribution to the peer nodes. Information about the
validated bundle appears in the UI, including whether a restart of peer
nodes is required. The UI also displays bundle checksums, which you can
use to identify and track the active bundle, the previous bundle, and the
latest check restart bundle.

You can distribute the bundle from the master to the peer nodes using
either Splunk Web or the CLI. See 4. Apply the bundle.

If validation and check restart fails, then the bundle is not acceptable for
distribution to the peers. In this case, review the bundle details for
information that might help you troubleshoot the issue. Make sure that the
configuration bundle structure is correct for distribution to peer nodes. See
Structure of the configuration bundle.

Use the CLI to validate the bundle and check restart

To validate the bundle only, run splunk validate cluster-bundle:

splunk validate cluster-bundle

This command returns a message confirming that bundle validation has started.
In certain failure conditions, it also indicates the cause of failure.

To validate the bundle and check whether a restart is necessary, include the
--check-restart parameter:

splunk validate cluster-bundle --check-restart

This version of the command first validates the bundle. If validation succeeds, it
then checks whether a peer restart is necessary.

To view the status of bundle validation, run the splunk show

cluster-bundle-status command:

splunk show cluster-bundle-status

This command indicates validation success. In the case of validation failure, it
provides insight into the cause of failure. It also indicates if peer restart is

Here is an example of the output from the splunk show cluster-bundle-status

command after a successful validation:

timestamp=1495569737 (in localtime=Tue May 23 13:02:17
timestamp=1495569737 (in localtime=Tue May 23 13:02:17
timestamp=1495574646 (in localtime=Tue May 23 14:24:06

last_check_restart_result=restart required
timestamp=1495574646 (in localtime=Tue May 23 14:24:06

Peer 1 1D00A8C2-026B-4CAF-90D6-5D5D39445569 default

last_check_restart_result=restart required
The last_validated_bundle identifies the newly validated bundle. Notice that it
differs from the active_bundle, which identifies the bundle that was most recently
applied and is currently active across the peer nodes.

The last_validation_succeeded=1 field indicates that validation succeeded.

On the master, the last_check_restart_result=restart required field indicates

that a restart is required on at least one of the cluster peers.

On the peers, the last_check_restart_result=restart required field indicates

that a restart of that individual peer is required.

If you validate the bundle without applying it, the contents of the
$SPLUNK_HOME/etc/master-apps directory on the master will differ from the
contents of the $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/slave-apps directory on the peer nodes until
you do apply the bundle. This has no effect on the operation of the cluster, but it
is important to be aware that the difference exists.

4. Apply the bundle to the peers

To apply the configuration bundle to the peers, you can use Splunk Web or the

You cannot initiate a configuration bundle push if a bundle push is currently in


Use Splunk Web to apply the bundle

To apply the configuration bundle to the peers:

1. On the master, in Splunk Web, click Settings > Indexer clustering.
The Master Node dashboard appears.
2. Click Edit > Configuration Bundle Actions.
The configuration bundle actions dashboard opens, showing information
on the last successful bundle push.

3. Click Push.
A pop-up window warns you that the distribution might, under certain
circumstances, initiate a restart of all peer nodes. For information on which
configuration changes cause a peer restart, see Restart or reload after
configuration bundle changes?.
4. Click Push Changes.
The screen provides information on the distribution progress. Once the
distribution completes or aborts, the screen indicates the result.
♦ In the case of a successful distribution, after each peer successfully
validates the bundle, the master coordinates a rolling restart of all
the peer nodes, if necessary.
♦ In the case of an aborted distribution, it indicates which peers could
not receive the distribution. Each peer must successfully receive
and apply the distribution. If any peer is unsuccessful, none of the
peers will apply the bundle.
When the push is successful, the peers use the new set of configurations,
now located in their local $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/slave-apps.

Leave the files in $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/slave-apps.

For more information on the distribution process, see the following section on
applying the bundle through the CLI.

Use the CLI to apply the bundle

1. To apply the configuration bundle to the peers, run this CLI command on
the master:

splunk apply cluster-bundle

It responds with this warning message:

Caution: Under some circumstances, this command will initiate a

rolling restart
of all peers. This depends on the contents of the configuration
bundle. For
details, refer to the documentation. Do you wish to continue?
For information on which configuration changes cause a rolling restart,
see Restart or reload after configuration bundle changes?.
2. To proceed, respond to the message with y. You can avoid this message
by appending the flag --answer-yes to the command:

splunk apply cluster-bundle --answer-yes

The splunk apply cluster-bundle command causes the master to
distribute the new configuration bundle to the peers, which then
individually validate the bundle. During this process, each peer validates
the settings for all indexes.conf files in the bundle. After all peers
successfully validate the bundle, the master coordinates a rolling restart of
all the peer nodes, if necessary.

The download and validation process usually takes just a few seconds to
complete. If any peer is unable to validate the bundle, it sends a message
to the master, and the master displays the error on its dashboard in
Splunk Web. The process will not continue to the next phase - reloading or
restarting the peers - unless all peers successfully validate the bundle.

If validation is not successful, you must fix any problems noted by the
master and rerun splunk apply cluster-bundle.

Once validation is complete, the master tells the peers to reload or, if
necessary, it initiates a rolling restart of all the peers. For details on how
rolling restart works, see Use rolling restart. To set searchable rolling
restart as the default mode for rolling restarts triggered by a bundle push,
see Use searchable rolling restart with configuration bundle push.

When the process is complete, the peers use the new set of
configurations, located in their local $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/slave-apps.

Leave the files in $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/slave-apps.

Once an app has been distributed to the set of peers, you launch and manage it
on each peer in the usual manner, with Splunk Web. See Managing app

configurations and properties in the Admin Manual.

The apply cluster-bundle command takes an optional flag, --skip-validation,

for use in cases where a problem exists in the validation process. You should
only use this flag under the direction of Splunk Support and after ascertaining
that the bundle is valid. Do not use this flag to circumvent the validation process
unless you know what you are doing.

You can also validate the bundle without applying it. This is useful for debugging
some validation issues. See 3. (Optional) Validate the bundle.

Use the CLI to view the status of the bundle push

To see how the cluster bundle push is proceeding, run this command from the

splunk show cluster-bundle-status

This command tells you whether bundle validation succeeded or failed. It also
indicates the restart status of each peer.

Restart or reload after configuration bundle changes?

Some changes to files in the configuration bundle require that the peers restart.
In other cases, the peers can reload, avoiding any interruption to indexing or
searching. The bundle reload phase on the peers determines whether a restart is
required and directs the master to initiate a rolling restart of the peers only if

Reload occurs when:

• You make changes or additions to transforms.conf or props.conf.

• You make any of these changes in indexes.conf:
♦ Adding new index stanzas
♦ Enabling or disabling an index with no data
♦ Changing any attributes not listed as requiring restart in Determine
which indexes.conf changes require restart.

Restart occurs when:

• The configuration bundle contains changes to any configuration files

besides indexes.conf, props.conf, or transforms.conf.

• You make any of the indexes.conf changes described in Determine which
indexes.conf changes require restart.
• You delete an existing app from the configuration bundle.

For more information, see When to restart Splunk Enterprise after a configuration
file change in the Admin Manual.

Use searchable rolling restart with configuration bundle push

Searchable rolling restart lets you perform a rolling restart of peer nodes with
minimal interruption of in-progress searches. You can set searchable rolling
restart in server.conf as the default mode for all rolling restarts triggered by a
configuration bundle push. For instructions, see Set searchable rolling restart as
default mode for bundle push.

For more information, see Use searchable rolling restart.

Rollback the configuration bundle

You can rollback the configuration bundle to the previous version. This action
allows you to recover from a misconfigured bundle.

The rollback action toggles the most recently applied configuration bundle on the
peers with the previously applied bundle. You cannot rollback beyond the
previous bundle.

For example, say that the peers have an active configuration bundle "A" and you
apply a configuration bundle "B", which then becomes the new active bundle. If
you discover problems with B, you can rollback to bundle A, and the peers will
then use A as their active bundle. If you rollback a second time, the peers will
return again to bundle B . If you rollback a third time, the bundles will return again
to A, and so on. The rollback action always toggles the two most recent bundles.

You can rollback the configuration bundle using Splunk Web or the CLI.

Rollback the configuration bundle using Splunk Web

1. On the master, in Splunk Web, click Settings > Indexer Clustering.

The Master Node dashboard opens.
2. Click Edit > Configuration Bundle Actions.
3. Click Rollback.
A message appears that indicates rollback success or failure.

If no previous configuration bundles exists, the Rollback button will be

Rollback the configuration bundle using the CLI

To rollback the configuration bundle, run this command from the master node:

splunk rollback cluster-bundle

As with splunk apply cluster-bundle, this command initiates a rolling restart of
the peer nodes, when necessary.

You can use the splunk show cluster-bundle-status command to determine

the current active bundle. You can use the cluster/master/info endpoint to get
information about the current active and previous active bundles.

If the master-apps folder gets corrupted, resulting in rollback failure, a message

specifying the failure and the workaround appears on the master node
dashboard, as well as in splunkd.log. To remediate, follow the instructions in the
message. This includes removing the $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/master-apps.dirty
marker file, which indicates failure, and manually copying over the active bundle,
as specified in the message.

On Windows, the rollback operation fails if there are open file handles to
$SPLUNK_HOME/etc/master-apps and its contents.

Distribution of the bundle when a peer starts up

After you initially configure a Splunk instance as a peer node, you must restart it
manually in order for it to join the cluster, as described in Enable the peer nodes.
During this restart, the peer connects with the master, downloads the current
configuration bundle, validates the bundle locally, and then restarts again. The
peer only joins the cluster if bundle validation succeeds. This same process also

occurs when an offline peer comes back online.

If validation fails, the user must fix the errors and run splunk apply
cluster-bundle from the master.

Use deployment server to distribute the apps to the master

Although you cannot use deployment server to directly distribute apps to the
peers, you can use it to distribute apps to the master node's configuration bundle
location. Once the apps are in that location, the master can distribute them to the
peer nodes, using the configuration bundle method described in this topic.

In addition to the deployment server, you can also use third party distributed
configuration management software, such as Puppet or Chef, to distribute apps
to the master.

To use the deployment server to distribute files to the configuration bundle on the

1. Configure the master as a client of the deployment server, as described in

Configure deployment clients in Updating Splunk Enterprise Instances.
2. On the master, edit deploymentclient.conf and set the repositoryLocation
attribute to the master-apps location:

serverRepositoryLocationPolicy = rejectAlways
repositoryLocation = $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/master-apps
3. On the deployment server, create and populate one or more deployment
apps for download to the master's configuration bundle. Make sure that
the apps follow the structural requirements for the configuration bundle, as
outlined earlier in this topic. For information on creating deployment apps,
see Create deployment apps in Updating Splunk Enterprise Instances .
4. Create one or more server classes that map the master to the deployment
apps. For information on creating server classes, see Create server
classes in Updating Splunk Enterprise Instances.
5. Each server class must include the stateOnClient = noop setting:

stateOnClient = noop
Do not override this setting at the app stanza level.
6. Download the apps to the master node. Once the master receives the new
or updated deployment apps in the configuration bundle, you can
distribute the bundle to the peers, using the method described in the
current topic.

Take steps to ensure that the master does not restart automatically after
receiving the deployment apps. Specifically, when defining deployment
app behavior, do not change the value of the restartSplunkd setting from
its default of false in serverclass.conf. If you are using forwarder
management to define your server classes, make sure that the "Restart
splunkd" field on the Edit App screen is not checked.

For detailed information on the deployment server and how to perform necessary
operations, read the Updating Splunk Enterprise Instances manual.

Manage configurations on a peer-by-peer basis

Most configurations need to be the same across all peers. See Manage common
configurations across all peers. For limited purposes, such as testing, you can
handle some configurations on a peer-by-peer basis.

Configure data inputs

Forwarders are the recommended way to handle data inputs to peers. For
information on configuring this process, read Use forwarders to get your data into
the indexer cluster.

If you want to input data directly to a peer, without a forwarder, you can configure
your inputs on the peer in the same way as for any indexer. For more
information, read Configure your inputs in the Getting Data In manual.

Important: Although you can configure inputs on a peer-by-peer basis, consider

whether your needs allow you to use a single set of inputs across all peers. This
should be possible if all data is channeled through forwarders, and the receiving
ports on all peers are the same. If that is the case, you can use the master node
to manage a common inputs.conf file, as described in Update common peer
configurations and apps.

Add an index to a single peer

If you need to add an index to a single peer, you can do so by creating a

separate indexes.conf file on the peer. However, the data in the new index will
remain only on that peer and will not get replicated. The main use case for this is
to perform some sort of local testing or monitoring, possibly involving an app that
you download to only that one peer. The peer-specific indexes.conf
supplements, but does not replace, the common versions of the file that all peers


If you create a version of indexes.conf for a single peer, you can put it in any of
the acceptable locations for an indexer, as discussed in About configuration files
and Configuration file directories in the Admin Manual. The one place where you
cannot put the file is under $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/slave-apps, which is where the
configuration bundle resides on the peer. If you put it there, it will get overwritten
the next time the peer downloads a configuration bundle.

Important: If you add a local index, leave its repFactor attribute set to the
default value of 0. Do not set it to auto. If you do set it to auto, the peer will
attempt to replicate the index's data to other peers in the cluster. Since the other
peers will not be configured for the new index, there will be nowhere on those
peers to store the replicated data, resulting in various, potentially serious,
problems. In addition, when the master next attempts to push a configuration
bundle to the peers, the peer with the incorrectly configured index will return a
bundle validation error to the master, preventing the master from successfully
applying the bundle to the set of peers.

Make other configuration changes

If you need to make some other configuration changes specific to an individual

peer, you can configure the peer in the usual way for any Splunk Enterprise
instance, clustered or not. You can use Splunk Web or the CLI, or you can
directly edit configuration files.

Restart the peer

As with any indexer, you sometimes need to restart a peer after you change its
configuration. Unlike non-clustered indexers, however, do not use the CLI splunk
restart command to restart the peer. Instead, use the restart capability in Splunk
Web. For detailed information on how to restart a cluster peer, read Restart a
single peer.

For information on configuration changes that require a restart, see Restart after
modifying server.conf? and Restart or reload after configuration bundle

Configure the search head

Search head configuration overview

Configuration of the search head in an indexer cluster falls into these categories:

• Cluster node configuration. The basic configuration of the search head

node occurs during initial deployment of the indexer cluster. You can edit
the configuration later.

• Advanced features and topologies. These features, such as mounted

bundles, are available to all search heads, whether or not they are
participating in an indexer cluster.

• Combined searches. You can combine searches across multiple clusters

or across clustered and non-clustered search peers.

Important: This chapter discusses independent search heads that function as

nodes in an indexer cluster. For information on how to incorporate search heads
that are members of a search head cluster into an indexer cluster, see
"Integrate the search head cluster with an indexer cluster" in the Distributed
Search manual. In addition, see the "Configure search head clustering" chapter
in the Distributed Search manual.

Cluster node configuration

Basic configuration of a Splunk Enterprise instance as a search head for an

indexer cluster occurs when you initially deploy the indexer cluster. You can edit
the configuration later.

Perform the initial configuration

You configure and enable the search head at the same time that you enable the
other cluster nodes, as described in "Enable the search head". The cluster's set
of peer nodes become search peers of the search head. For basic functionality,
you do not need to set any other configurations.

Edit the configuration

There are two main reasons for editing the basic search head configuration for a
particular cluster:

• Redirect the search head to another master for the same cluster. This
can be useful in the case where a master fails but you have a stand-by
master for that cluster which you can redirect the search head to. For
information on stand-by masters, see "Replace the master node on the
indexer cluster".

• Change the search head's security key for the cluster. Only change
the key if you are also changing it for all other nodes in the cluster. The
key must be the same across all instances in a cluster.

To edit the search head's cluster node configuration, use one of these methods:

• Edit the configuration from the search head node dashboard in Splunk
Web. See "Configure the search head with the dashboard".

• Edit the search head's server.conf file. See "Configure the search head
with server.conf".

• Use the CLI. See "Configure the search head with the CLI".

Configure multisite search heads

For additions and differences when configuring multisite search heads, see
"Implement search affinity in a multisite indexer cluster" and "Configure multisite
indexer clusters with server.conf".

Advanced features and topologies

To implement some advanced features of distributed search, such as mounted

bundles, you must edit distsearch.conf on the search head.

For instructions on how to perform advanced configuration, read the Distributed

Search manual. That book focuses on environments with non-clustered indexers,
but you configure most advanced search head features in the same way when
working with indexer clusters, except as described here.

Search heads running on an indexer cluster compared to search heads

running against non-clustered indexers

Most settings and capabilities are the same for search heads running on an
indexer cluster and those running against non-clustered indexers.

The main difference is that, for indexer clusters, search heads and search peers
are automatically connected to each other as part of the cluster enablement
process. You do not perform any configuration in distsearch.conf to enable
automatic discovery.

A few attributes in distsearch.conf are not valid for search heads in indexer
clusters. A search head in an indexer cluster ignores these attributes:

As when running against non-clustered indexers, search head access to search
peers is controlled through public key authentication. However, you do not need
to distribute the keys manually. The search head in an indexer cluster
automatically pushes its public key to the search peers.

Mounted bundles and search peer configurations

Most distsearch.conf settings are valid only for search heads. However, to
implement mounted bundles, you need to distribute a small distsearch.conf file
to the search peers. For indexer clusters, you should use the master node to
distribute this file to the peers. For information on how to use the master to
manage peer configurations, read "Update common peer configurations and
apps" in this manual. For information on how to configure mounted bundles, read
the "Mount the knowledge bundle" chapter in the Distributed Search manual.

How the Distributed Search page works with indexer clusters

Do not use the Distributed Search page on Splunk Web to configure a search
head in an indexer cluster or to add peers to the cluster. You can, however, use
that page to view the list of search peers.

Combined searches

To search across multiple indexer clusters, see "Search across multiple indexer

To search across both clustered and non-clustered search peers, see see
"Search across both clustered and non-clustered search peers".

Configure the search head with the dashboard

You can edit the configuration of an existing search head node through its
dashboard. To access the dashboard:

1. Click Settings on the upper right side of Splunk Web.

2. In the Distributed Environment group, click Indexer clustering.

The dashboard includes a number of menu items and actions that affect the

For information on using this dashboard to enable a search head initially, see
Enable the search head.

For information on using this dashboard to view indexer cluster status, see View
the search head dashboard.

Change configuration for a particular cluster

To change the search head's configuration for a particular indexer cluster, select
the Edit Configuration action on the cluster's row:

• To change the master, edit the Master URI field.

• To change the security key, edit the Security key field.

Join another indexer cluster

To connect the search head to another cluster, see Search across multiple
indexer clusters.

Remove the search head from a cluster

To remove the search head from an indexer cluster, select the Remove Cluster
action on the row for that cluster. This disassociates the search head from that
cluster, but leaves it connected to all other clusters, if any.

To remove the search head from all clusters, select Disable Clustering from the
Edit menu on the upper right corner of the dashboard.

Other edits

If you need to change this instance to some other node type, like a peer node,
you can do so through the Edit button on the upper right side of the dashboard.

It is extremely unlikely that you will want to change the node type for nodes in an
active cluster. Consider the consequences carefully before doing so.

The Edit button is disabled for multisite clusters.

Configure the search head with server.conf


Before reading this topic, see Configure the indexer cluster with server.conf. It
discusses configuration issues that are common to all cluster node types.

Enable a search head

The following example shows the basic settings that you must configure when
enabling a search head node. The configuration attributes shown here
correspond to fields on the Enable clustering page of Splunk Web.

master_uri =
mode = searchhead
pass4SymmKey = whatever
This example specifies that:

• the search head's cluster master resides at

• the instance is a cluster search head.
• the security key is "whatever".

Edit the search head settings

You can change these settings later, if necessary. For example, to change the
cluster's security key, you change the pass4SymmKey value on each node.

You can also configure the search head to search across multiple indexer
clusters or across clustered and non-clustered search peers. See:

• Search across multiple indexer clusters

• Search across both clustered and non-clustered search peers.

Configure the search head with the CLI

Read this first

Before reading this topic, see:

• "Configure and manage the indexer cluster with the CLI". This topic
explains the basics of indexer cluster configuration with the CLI. It
provides details on issues that are common to all cluster node types.

Enable a search head

The following example shows the basic settings that you typically configure when
enabling a search head. The configuration attributes correspond to fields on the
Enable clustering page of Splunk Web.

To enable an instance as a search head, set mode to "searchhead". You also

need to specify the master_uri and the cluster-wide security key (secret):

splunk edit cluster-config -mode searchhead -master_uri -secret your_key

splunk restart
Edit the search head settings

You can also use the CLI to edit the configuration later.

Important: When you first enable a search head, you use the splunk edit
cluster-config command. To change the search head configuration, you must
instead use the splunk edit cluster-master command.

For example, to change the security key (secret), use this command:

splunk edit cluster-master -secret

Important: The splunk edit cluster-master command always takes the current
master URI:port value as its initial parameter. For example, this command
connects the search head to a different master by setting a new value for the
-master_uri parameter, but it provides the value for the old master as its initial

splunk edit cluster-master -master_uri
Refer to the CLI clustering help, along with the server.conf specification file, for
the list of configurable settings.

Search across multiple indexer clusters

You can configure a search head to search across multiple indexer clusters. The
method you use depends on whether the clusters are single-site or multisite.

Configure multi-cluster search for single-site indexer clusters

To configure multi-cluster search:

1. Configure the search head for one of the clusters in the usual way, as
described in "Enable the search head".

2. Point the search head at the master for the new cluster. You can do this with
Splunk Web, through the CLI, or by editing the search head's server.conf file.

In Splunk Web

In Splunk Web, configure multi-cluster search from the search head dashboard:

1. Select the Add cluster to be searched button on the uppper right corner of
the dashboard.

2. Fill out the fields in the pop-up window:

• Master URI. Enter the master's URI, including its management port. For
• Security Key. This is the key that authenticates communication between
a cluster's master, peers, and search heads. The key must be the same
across all nodes in a cluster. Enter the security key for the new cluster

here. The key might be different for each of the search head's clusters.

To remove the search head from a cluster, see "Remove the search head from a

Through the CLI

In the CLI, you can configure multi-cluster search with these commands:

splunk add cluster-master <master_uri:port>

splunk edit cluster-master <master_uri:port>
splunk remove cluster-master <master_uri:port>
splunk list cluster-master
You do not need to restart the search head after running these commands.

For example, to add the search head to a cluster whose master is located at, run this command:

splunk add cluster-master

For more information on any command, see its CLI help.

By editing server.conf

You can configure multi-cluster search in the search head's server.conf file by
specifying a comma-separated list of master node references in the master_uri
attribute, followed by individual stanzas for each master. For example:

mode = searchhead
master_uri = clustermaster:east, clustermaster:west


In this example, the search head will use the pass4SymmKey "someSecret" when
communicating with SplunkMaster01 and pass4SymmKey "anotherSecret" when
communicating with SplunkMaster02.

After you edit server.conf, you must restart the search head for the changes to
take effect.

For details on configuring multi-cluster search, see the server.conf specification


Configure multi-cluster search for multisite indexer clusters

A search head can search across multiple multisite clusters or a combination of

single-site and multisite clusters. To configure this, you need to specify the
search head's site attribute when connecting it to a multisite cluster.

Through the CLI

In the CLI, you configure multi-cluster search with the splunk add
cluster-master command. When adding a multisite cluster, include the search
head's site value:

splunk add cluster-master <master_uri:port> -site site<n>

You do not need to restart the search head after running this command.

By editing server.conf

To configure multi-cluster search for a multisite cluster, you need to set two
multisite-specific attributes: site and multisite. The locations of these attributes
vary, depending on a few factors.

If the search head will be searching across only multisite clusters, and the
search head is on the same site in each cluster, put the site attribute under
the [general] stanza and the multisite attribute under each [clustermaster]


mode = searchhead
master_uri = clustermaster:multieast, clustermaster:multiwest


If the search head will be searching across only multisite clusters, and the
search head is on a different site in each cluster, put both the site and the
multisite attributes under the [clustermaster] stanzas:

mode = searchhead
master_uri = clustermaster:multieast, clustermaster:multiwest


If the search head will be searching across a combination of single-site and
multisite clusters, put both the site and the multisite attributes under the
[clustermaster] stanza for any multisite clusters. In this example, the search
head searches across two clusters, only one of which is multisite:

mode = searchhead
master_uri = clustermaster:multi, clustermaster:single


After you edit server.conf, you must restart the search head for the changes to
take effect.

For more information on multisite cluster configuration, see "Configure multisite

indexer clusters with server.conf".

Search across both clustered and non-clustered
search peers
You can search across both clustered and non-clustered search peers:

1. Configure an indexer cluster search head in the standard fashion, as

described in "Enable the search head".

2. Use Splunk Web or the CLI to add one or more non-clustered search peers, as
described in "Add search peers to the search head" in Distributed Search.

Note the following:

• The procedure assumes that you are starting with a new Splunk
Enterprise instance that you want to enable as a search head for both an
indexer cluster and one or more non-clustered indexers. If the instance is
already functioning as a search head in one of those two roles, you only
need to enable it for the other role. For example, if the search head is
already part of an indexer cluster, then you only perform step 2.
• You must specify the non-clustered search peers through either Splunk
Web or the CLI. Due to authentication issues, you cannot specify the
search peers by directly editing distsearch.conf. When you add a search
peer with Splunk Web or the CLI, the search head prompts you for public
key credentials. It has no way of obtaining those credentials when you add
a search peer by directly editing distsearch.conf. For more information
on public keys and distributed search, read "Add search peers to the
search head" in Distributed Search.

• An indexer can be either a cluster peer, in which case, it is automatically a

search peer for that cluster's search head, or a non-clustered search peer,
with an entry in the search head's distsearch.conf file. It cannot be both.
If you mistakenly configure an indexer as both a cluster peer and a
non-clustered search peer, the search head's Distributed Search page in
Splunk Web will contain two entries for the peer, and the status for one
entry will read, "Peer member of cluster and distsearch.conf". To
remediate, disable or delete the entry for that peer in distsearch.conf.

• This type of search is not compatible with search head pooling.

Deploy and configure a multisite indexer

Multisite indexer cluster deployment overview

Before reading this topic, see:

• "Indexer cluster deployment overview". That topic provides a general

overview of deployment for both single-site and multisite indexer clusters.
The topic you are reading now describes only the multisite differences.

Important: This chapter assumes that you are deploying independent search
heads in the multisite indexer cluster. For information on how to incorporate
search heads that are members of a search head cluster, see "Integrate the
search head cluster with an indexer cluster" in the Distributed Search manual.

Migrating from a single-site cluster?

To migrate from a single-site to a multisite indexer cluster, read "Migrate an

indexer cluster from single-site to multisite".

Deploy a multisite indexer cluster

To deploy a multisite cluster, you configure the set of nodes for each site:

• A single master resides on one of the sites and controls the entire multisite
• A set of peer nodes resides on each site.
• A search head resides on each site that searches cluster data. If you want
all searches to be local, you must install a search head on each site. This
is known as search affinity.

For example, to set up a two-site cluster with three peers and one search head
on each site, you install and configure these instances:

• One master node on one of the sites, either site 1 or site 2

• Three peer nodes on site 1
• Three peer nodes on site 2
• One search head on site 1
• One search head on site 2

Note: The master itself is not actually a member of any site, aside from its
physical location. However, each master has a built-in search head, and that
search head requires that you set a site attribute in the master's configuration.
You must specify a site for the master, even if you never use its built-in search
head. Note that the search head is for testing only. Do not use it for production

Configure multisite nodes

To deploy and configure multisite cluster nodes, you must directly edit
server.conf or use the CLI. You cannot use Splunk Web.

Multisite-specific configuration settings

When you deploy a multisite cluster, you configure the same settings as for
single-site, along with some additional settings to specify the set of sites and the
location of replicated and searchable copies across the sites.

On the master, you:

• Enable the cluster for multisite.

• Enumerate the set of sites for the cluster.
• Set a multisite replication factor.
• Set a multisite search factor.
• Adjust the single-site replication and search factors as necessary. See
"Multisite cluster does not meet its replication or search factors."

On each cluster node, you:

• Identify the site that the node resides on.

Configure with server.conf

To configure a multisite master node with server.conf, see "Configure multisite

indexer clusters with server.conf".

Configure with the CLI

To configure a multisite master node with the CLI, see "Configure multisite
indexer clusters with the CLI"

Use indexer discovery with a multisite cluster

If you are using indexer discovery to connect forwarders to the peer nodes, you
must assign a site to each forwarder. See "Use indexer discovery in a multisite

Implement search affinity in a multisite indexer

One of the key benefits of multisite indexer clustering is that it allows you to
configure a cluster so that search heads get search results only from data stored
on their local sites. This reduces network traffic while still providing access to the
entire set of data, because each site contains a full copy of the data. This benefit
is known as search affinity.

For example, say you have two data centers in California, one in San Francisco
and the other in Los Angeles. You set up a two-site cluster, with each site
corresponding to a data center. Search affinity allows you to reduce
long-distance network traffic. Search heads at the San Francisco data center get
results only from the peers in San Francisco, while search heads in Los Angeles
get results only from their local peers.

How search affinity works

For those sites that you want to support search affinity, you must configure
multisite clustering so that the site has a full set of searchable data and a local
search head. The search head on any particular site then gets data only from its
local site, as long as that site is valid.

When search affinity is functioning, each search head sends its searches to all
peers, across all sites, but only the local peers search their data and return
results to the search head.

If a local peer holding some of the searchable data goes down and the site
temporarily loses its valid state, the search head will, if necessary, get data from
peers on remote sites while the local site is undergoing bucket fixing. During this
time, the search head will still get as much of the data as possible from the local

Once the site regains its valid state, new searches again occur across only the
local site.

For more details on how the cluster handles search affinity, see "Multisite indexer
cluster architecture" and "Search locally in a multisite cluster".

Implement search affinity

With multisite clusters, search affinity is enabled by default. However, you must
perform a few steps to take advantage of it. Specifically, you must ensure that
both the searchable data and the search heads are available locally.

To implement search affinity:

1. Configure the site search factor so that you have at least one searchable copy
on each site where you require search affinity.

One way to do this is to explicitly specify a search factor for each site that
requires search affinity. For example, a four-site cluster with site_search_factor
= origin:1, site1:1, site2:1, total:3 ensures that both site1 and site2 have
searchable copies of every bucket. The third set of searchable copies will be
spread across the two non-explicit sites, with no guarantee that either site will
have a full set of searchable copies. Thus, search affinity is enabled for only site1
and site2. Site1 and site2 will each hold primary copies of all buckets.

There are also ways to configure the site search factor to ensure that all sites
have searchable copies, even without explicitly specifying some or all of them.
For example, a three-site cluster with site_search_factor = origin:1, total:3
guarantees one searchable copy per site, and thus enables search affinity for
each site. Each site will have primary copies of all buckets.

For more information on how replication and search factors distribute copies
across sites, see "Configure the site replication factor" and "Configure the site
search factor".

2. Deploy a search head on each site where you require search affinity.

Disable search affinity

You can disable search affinity for any search head. When search affinity is
disabled, the search head does not attempt to obtain search results from a single
site only. Rather, it can obtain results from multiple sites. This can be useful, for
example, if you have two data centers in close proximity with low latency, and
you want to improve overall performance by spreading the processing across
indexers on both sites.

What happens when search affinity is disabled

When search affinity is disabled on a search head, search results can come from
indexers on any or all sites. If the site search factor stipulates searchable bucket
copies on multiple sites, the search head uses undefined criteria to choose which
of the searchable copies to search. It is likely to choose some bucket copies from
one site and other bucket copies from other sites, so the results will come from
multiple sites.

Search heads always select from primary bucket copies. For example, say you
have a two site cluster with this search factor:

site_search_factor = origin:2, total:3

The origin site will store two searchable copies and the second site will store one
searchable copy of each bucket. So, for some buckets (those originating on
site1), site1 will have two searchable copies and for other buckets (those
originating on site2), site2 will have two searchable copies. Each site, however,
has only a single primary copy.

A search head with search affinity enabled limits its searches to the primary
copies on its own site, when possible.

In contrast, a search head with search affinity disabled distributes its search
across primary copies on both sites. For a given bucket, you cannot know
whether it will select the primary on site1 or the primary on site2. It does tend to
use the same primaries from one search to the next.

How to disable search affinity

To disable search affinity for a search head, set the search head's site value to
"site0" in server.conf:

site = site0

multisite = true
By setting site=site0, you cause searches to behave like they would on a
single-site cluster, with no preference for any particular site.

For more information on configuring multisite search heads, see "Configure the

search heads."

Configure multisite indexer clusters with

Read this first

Before reading this topic, see:

• "Multisite indexer cluster deployment overview". This topic provides

important background information about configuring a multisite cluster.

• "Configure the indexer cluster with server.conf". This topic explains the
basics of cluster configuration. It focuses on single-site clusters, but most
of the information is relevant to multisite clusters as well.

How multisite configuration differs from single-site


You configure multisite indexer clusters in a similar way to how you configure
clusters for a single site, with the exception of a few new attributes:

On all multisite cluster nodes (master/peers/search heads):

• The site attribute specifies the site that a node resides on.

On the master node and search head:

• The multisite attribute indicates that the master or search head is

participating in a multisite cluster.

On the master node only:

• The available_sites attribute names the sites that the master is

• The site_replication_factor replaces the standard replication_factor
used with single-site clusters. For details, see "Configure the site
replication factor".
• The site_search_factor replaces the standard search_factor used with
single-site clusters. For details, see "Configure the site search factor".

Important: Although the site_replication_factor effectively replaces the
single-site replication_factor, and the site_search_factor replaces single-site
search_factor, those single-site attributes continue to exist in the master's
configuration, with their default values of 3 and 2, respectively. This can cause
problems on start-up if any site has fewer peer nodes than either of those values;
that is, if any site has only one or two peer nodes. The symptom will be a
message that the multisite cluster does not meet its replication or search factor.
For example, if one of your sites has only two peers, the default single-site
replication factor of 3 will cause the error to occur. To avoid or fix this problem,
you must set the single-site replication and search factors to values that are less
than or equal to the smallest number of peers on any site. In the case where one
site has only two peers, you must therefore explicitly set the replication_factor
attribute to a value of 2. See "Multisite cluster does not meet its replication or
search factors."

If you are migrating a cluster from single-site to multisite, you must keep the
existing replication_factor and search_factor attributes for the existing
single-site buckets, while also adding the new multisite site_replication_factor
and site_search_factor attributes for the new multisite buckets. See "Migrate an
indexer cluster from single-site to multisite".

Configure multisite cluster nodes

To configure a multisite cluster, you configure the nodes for each site, editing
each node's server.conf file. For details on the clustering attributes, read the
server.conf specification.

Site values

Site values identify the site on which a node resides. You assign a site value to
each node in a multisite cluster. To do this, you set the site attribute in the
node's [general] stanza.

Site values have the syntax:


where <n> is an integer in the range of 0 to 63: site1, site2, site3, ....

For example:


The special value "site0" can be set only on search heads or on forwarders that
are participating in indexer discovery:

• For a search head, "site0" disables search affinity for the search
head.?See Disable search affinity.
• For a forwarder participating in indexer discovery, "site0" causes the
forwarder to send data to all peer nodes across all sites. See Use indexer
discovery in a multisite cluster.

Configure the master node

You configure the key attributes for the entire cluster on the master node. Here is
an example of a multisite configuration for a master node:

site = site1

mode = master
multisite = true
available_sites = site1,site2
site_replication_factor = origin:2,total:3
site_search_factor = origin:1,total:2
pass4SymmKey = whatever
cluster_label = cluster1
This example specifies that:

• the instance is located on site1.

• the instance is a cluster master node.
• the cluster is multisite.
• the cluster consists of two sites: site1 and site2.
• the cluster's replication factor is the default "origin:2,total:3".
• the cluster's search factor is "origin:1,total:2".
• the cluster's security key is "whatever".
• the cluster label is "cluster1."

Note the following:

• You specify the site attribute in the [general] stanza. You specify all
other multisite attributes in the [clustering] stanza.
• You can locate the master on any site in the cluster, but each cluster has
only one master.
• You must set multisite=true.
• You must list all cluster sites in the available_sites attribute.
• You must set a site_replication_factor and a site_search_factor. For
details, see Configure the site replication factor and Configure the site
search factor.
• The pass4SymmKey attribute, which sets the security key, must be the same
across all cluster nodes. See Configure the indexer cluster with
server.conf for details.
• The cluster label is optional. It is useful for identifying the cluster in the
monitoring console. See Set cluster labels in Monitoring Splunk

Important: When the master starts up for the first time, it blocks indexing on the
peers until you enable and restart the full replication factor number of peers. For
example, given a three-site cluster with "site_replication_factor = origin:2, site1:1,
site2:2, site3:3, total:8", the master blocks indexing until there are at least eight
peers in total across all sites, including at least one in site1, two in site2, and
three in site3.

Do not restart the master while it is waiting for the peers to join the cluster. If you
do, you will need to restart the peers a second time.

Configure the peer nodes

To configure a peer node in a multisite cluster, you set a site attribute in the
[general] stanza. All other configuration settings are identical to a peer in a
single-site cluster.

Here is an example configuration for a multisite peer node:

site = site1


master_uri =
mode = slave
pass4SymmKey = whatever
This example specifies that:

• the instance is located in site1. A peer can belong to only a single site.
• the peer will use port 9887 to listen for replicated data streamed from the
other peers. You can specify any available, unused port as the replication
port. Do not re-use the management or receiving ports.
• the peer's cluster master is located at
• the instance is a cluster peer ("slave") node.
• the security key is "whatever".

Configure the search heads

Multisite search heads can provide search affinity. For information, see
"Implement search affinity in a multisite indexer cluster".

To configure a search head in a multisite cluster, you set a site attribute in the
[general] stanza and a multisite attribute in the [clustering] stanza. All other
configuration settings are identical to a search head in a single-site cluster. Here
is an example configuration for a multisite search head node:

site = site1

multisite = true
master_uri =
mode = searchhead
pass4SymmKey = whatever
This example specifies that:

• the instance is located in site1. A search head can belong to only a single
site per master.
• the search head is a member of a multisite cluster.
• the search head's cluster master is located at
• the instance is a cluster search head.
• the security key is "whatever".

Note: You can also use server.conf to enable multi-cluster search, in which the
search head searches across multiple clusters, multisite or single-site. For
searching across multiple multisite clusters, you can configure the search head to
be a member of a different site on each cluster. For details, see "Configure
multi-cluster search for multisite clusters".

When reconfiguring a search head that is up-and-running, Splunk recommends

that you use the CLI command described in "Configure multisite indexer clusters

with the CLI", rather than editing server.conf directly. If you use the CLI, you do
not need to restart the search head.

Restart the cluster nodes

After initial configuration

After configuring instances as multisite cluster nodes, you need to restart all of
them (master, peers, and search head) for the changes to take effect. You can
do this by invoking the CLI restart command on each node:

$SPLUNK_HOME/bin/splunk restart
Important: When the master starts up for the first time, it blocks indexing on the
peers until you enable and restart the full replication factor number of peers. For
example, given a three-site cluster with "site_replication_factor = origin:2, site1:1,
site2:2, site3:3, total:8", the master blocks indexing until there are at least eight
peers in total across all sites, including at least one in site1, two in site2, and
three in site3.

Do not restart the master while it is waiting for the peers to join the cluster. If you
do, you will need to restart the peers a second time.

After changing the configuration

On the master

You must restart the master after you change any of the following attributes:

• multisite
• available_sites
• site_replication_factor
• site_search_factor

After you restart the master, you must also initiate a rolling-restart of the cluster
peers. If you don't, the cluster will be in an indeterminate state. For information
on the splunk rolling-restart command, see "Use rolling restart".

You do not need to restart if you change the site value on a master.

On the peers

If you change the site value on a peer, you must restart it for the change to take

Important: Although you can use the CLI restart command when you initially
enable an instance as a cluster peer node, you should not use it for subsequent
restarts. The restart command is not compatible with index replication once
replication has begun. For more information, including a discussion of safe
restart methods, see "Restart a single peer".

On the search head

You do not need to restart if you change the site value on a search head.

Configure multisite indexer clusters with the CLI

Read this first

Before reading this topic, see:

• "Multisite indexer cluster deployment overview". This topic provides

important background information about configuring a multisite cluster.

• "Configure the indexer cluster with the CLI". This topic explains the basics
of using the CLI to configure a cluster. It focuses on single-site clusters,
but most of its information is relevant to multisite clusters as well.

• "Configure multisite indexer clusters with server.conf". This topic provides

useful information on configuring a multisite cluster, including details on
the attributes corresponding to the command-line options described in the
current topic.

Configure multisite cluster nodes

You configure instances as multisite cluster nodes with the splunk edit
cluster-config command. After enabling an instance, you must restart it.

Site values

Site values identify the site on which a node resides. You assign a site value to
each node in a multisite cluster.

Site values have the syntax:


where <n> is an integer in the range of 1 to 63: site1, site2, site3, ....

Note: In the case of a search head only, you can also set the site value to
"site0". This setting disables search affinity for the search head.

Configure the master node

Here is an example of a multisite configuration for a master mode:

splunk edit cluster-config -mode master -multisite true -available_sites

site1,site2 -site site1 -site_replication_factor origin:2,total:3
-site_search_factor origin:1,total:2

splunk restart
This example specifies that:

• the instance is a cluster master node.

• the cluster is multisite.
• the cluster consists of two sites: site1 and site2.
• the master is located on site1.
• the cluster's replication factor is the default "origin:2,total:3".
• the cluster's search factor is "origin:1,total:2".

Note the following:

• Each cluster has only one master.

• You must set multisite to true for multisite cluster masters.
• You must list all cluster sites with the available_sites attribute.
• You must set a site_replication_factor and a site_search_factor. For
details, see "Configure the site replication factor" and "Configure the site
search factor".

You might also need to adjust the single-site replication and search factors. See
"How multisite configuration differs from single-site configuration."

Important: When the master starts up for the first time, it blocks indexing on the
peers until you enable and restart the full replication factor number of peers. For
example, given a three-site cluster with "site_replication_factor = origin:2, site1:1,
site2:2, site3:3, total:8", the master blocks indexing until there are at least eight
peers in total across all sites, including at least one in site1, two in site2, and
three in site3.

Do not restart the master while it is waiting for the peers to join the cluster. If you
do, you will need to restart the peers a second time.

Note: You do not need to restart the master if you later change its site value.

Configure the peer nodes

To configure a peer node in a multisite cluster, you set a site attribute. All other
configuration settings are identical to a peer in a single-site cluster.

Here is an example configuration for a multisite peer node:

splunk edit cluster-config -mode slave -site site1 -master_uri -replication_port 9887

splunk restart
This example specifies that:

• the instance is a cluster peer ("slave") node.

• the instance is located in site1. A peer can belong to only a single site.
• the peer's cluster master is located at
• the peer will use port 9887 to listen for replicated data streamed from the
other peers. You can specify any available, unused port as the replication
port. Do not re-use the management or receiving ports.

Note: You do not need to restart the peer if you later change its site value.

Configure the search heads

To configure a search head for a multisite cluster, set the site parameter. All
other settings are the same as for a search head in a single-site cluster.

You use different commands to configure a search head initially and to change
its configuration later.

To initially configure a search head:

Use the splunk edit cluster-config command. Here is an example

configuration for a multisite search head:

splunk edit cluster-config -mode searchhead -site site1 -master_uri

splunk restart
This example specifies that:

• the instance is a cluster search head.

• the search head is located in site1. A search head can belong to only one
site in each cluster.
• the search head's cluster master is located at

To disable search affinity for a search head, so that it gets its data randomly from
all sites in the cluster, set the site attribute to "site0".

Note: When you specify the site parameter, the command automatically sets
multisite=true in the search head's server.conf file. You do not need to
explicitly pass a multisite parameter.

To edit the search head configuration later:

Use the splunk edit cluster-master command, not the splunk edit
cluster-config command.

For example, assume that you initially configured a single-site search head using
the splunk edit cluster-config command:

splunk edit cluster-config -mode searchhead -master_uri

splunk restart
To later reconfigure the search head for a multisite cluster, use the splunk edit
cluster-master command:

splunk edit cluster-master -site site1

Important: The splunk edit cluster-master command always takes the current
master URI:port value as its initial parameter. For more examples, see
"Configure the indexer cluster search head with the CLI".

For information on configuring a multisite search head for multi-cluster search,

see "Configure multi-cluster search for multisite clusters".

Note: You do not need to restart the search head if you later change its site

Configure the site replication factor
Read this first

Before attempting to configure the site replication factor, you must be familiar

• The basic, single-site replication factor. See "The basics of indexer cluster
architecture" and "Replication factor".
• Multisite cluster configurations. See "Configure multisite indexer clusters
with server.conf".

What is a site replication factor?

To implement multisite indexer clustering, you must configure a site replication

factor. This replaces the standard replication factor, which is specific to
single-site deployments. You specify the site replication factor on the master
node, as part of the basic configuration of the cluster.

The site replication factor provides site-level control over the location of bucket
copies, in addition to providing control over the total number of copies across the
entire cluster. For example, you can specify that a two-site cluster maintain a
total of three copies of all buckets, with one site maintaining two copies and the
second site maintaining one copy.

You can also specify a replication policy based on which site originates the
bucket. That is, you can configure the replication factor so that a site receiving
external data maintains a greater number of copies of buckets for that data than
for data that it does not originate. For example, you can specify that each site
maintains two copies of all data that it originates but only one copy of data
originating on another site.


You configure the site replication factor with the site_replication_factor

attribute in the master's server.conf file. The attribute resides in the [clustering]
stanza, in place of the single-site replication_factor attribute. For example:

mode = master

site_replication_factor = origin:2,total:3
site_search_factor = origin:1,total:2
You can also use the CLI to configure the site replication factor. See "Configure
multisite indexer clusters with the CLI".

Warning: You must configure the site_replication_factor attribute correctly.

Otherwise, the master will not start.

Here is the formal syntax:

site_replication_factor = origin:<n>, [site1:<n>,] [site2:<n>,] ...,


• <n> is a positive integer indicating the number of copies of a bucket.

• origin:<n> specifies the minimum number of copies of a bucket that will
be held on the site originating the data in that bucket (that is, the site
where the data first entered the cluster). When a site is originating the
data, it is known as the "origin" site.
• site1:<n>, site2:<n>, ..., indicates the minimum number of copies
that will be held at each specified site. The identifiers "site1", "site2", and
so on, are the same as the site attribute values specified on the peer
• total:<n> specifies the total number of copies of each bucket, across all
sites in the cluster.

Note the following:

• This attribute specifies the per-site replication policy. It is specified globally

and applies to all buckets in all indexes.

• This attribute is valid only if mode=master and multisite=true. Under

those conditions, it supersedes any replication_factor attribute.

• The origin and total values are required.

• Site values (site1:<n>, site2:<n>, ...) are optional. A site that is

specified here is known as an "explicit" site. A site that is not specified is
known as a "non-explicit" site.

• Here is how the cluster determines the minimum number of copies a site

♦ When a site is functioning as origin, the minimum number of copies
the site gets is the greater of either its site value, if any, or origin.
♦ When a site is not functioning as origin, the site value, if any,
determines the minimum number of copies the site gets.
♦ A non-explicit site is not guaranteed any copies except when it is
functioning as the origin site.

For example, in a four-site cluster with

"site_replication_factor = origin:2, site1:1, site2:2, site3:3,
total:8", site1 gets two copies of any data that it originates
and one copy of data that any other site originates. Site2
gets two copies of data, whether or not it originates it. Site3
gets three copies of data, whether or not it originates it. The
non-explicit site4 gets two copies of data that it originates,
two copies of data that site2 or site3 originates, and one
copy of data that site1 originates. (Site4 gets the number of
copies necessary to ensure that the number of copies of
each bucket meets the total value of 8.) Here is how you
calculate site4's number of copies, according to where the
data originates:

originate at site1 -> 2 copies in site1, 2 copies in site2, 3 copies in

site3, 1 copy in site4 => total=8
originate at site2 -> 1 copy in site1, 2 copies in site2, 3 copies in
site3, 2 copies in site4 => total=8
originate at site3 -> 1 copy in site1, 2 copies in site2, 3 copies in
site3, 2 copies in site4 => total=8
originate at site4 -> 1 copy in site1, 2 copies in site2, 3 copies in
site3, 2 copies in site4 => total=8

• When specifying the site_replication_factor, here is how you

determine the minimum required value for total, based on the site and
origin values:
♦ If there are some non-explicit sites, then the total value must be at
least the sum of all explicit site and origin values.

For example, with a three-site cluster and "site_replication_factor =

origin:2, site1:1, site2:2", the total must be at least 5: 2+1+2=5.
For another three-site cluster with "site_replication_factor = origin:2,
site1:1, site3:3", the total must be at least 6: 2+1+3=6.

♦ If all sites are explicit, then the total must be at least the minimum
value necessary to fulfill the dictates of the site and origin values.

For example, with a three-site cluster and "site_replication_factor =
origin:1, site1:1, site2:1, site3:1", the total must be at least 3,
because that configuration never requires more than three copies.
For a three-site cluster and "site_replication_factor = origin:2,
site1:1, site2:1, site3:1", the total must be at least 4, because one
of the sites will always be the origin and thus require two copies,
while the other sites will each require only one. For a three-site
cluster and "site_replication_factor = origin:3, site1:1, site2:2",
site3:3", the total must be at least 8, to cover the case where site1
is the origin.

The easiest way to determine this is to substitute the origin value

for the smallest site value and then sum the site values (including
the substituted origin value). So, in the last example
("site_replication_factor = origin:3, site1:1, site2:2", site3:3"), site1
has the smallest value, which is 1. You substitute the origin's 3 for
that 1 and then add the site2 and site3 values: 3+2+3=8.

• Because the total value can be greater than the total set of explicit
values, the cluster needs a strategy to handle any "remainder" bucket
copies. Here is the strategy:
♦ If copies remain to be assigned after all site and origin values have
been satisfied, those remainder copies are distributed across all
sites, with preference given to sites with less or no copies, so that
the distribution is as even as possible. Assuming that there are
enough remainder copies available, each site will have at least one
copy of the bucket.

For example, given a four-site cluster with "site_replication_factor =

origin:1, site1:1, site4:2, total:4", if site1 is the origin, there will be
one remainder copy. This copy gets distributed randomly to either
site2 or site3. However, if site2 is the origin, it gets one copy,
leaving no remainder copies to distribute to site3.

In another example, given a four-site cluster where

"site_replication_factor = origin:2, site1:2, site4:2, total:7", if site1 is
the origin, there are three remainder copies to distribute. Because
site2 and site3 have no explicitly assigned copies, the three copies
are distributed between them, with each site getting at least one
copy. If site2 is the origin, however, it gets two copies and site3
gets the one remainder copy.

This entire process depends on the availability of a sufficient
number of peers on each site. If a site does not have enough peers
available to accept additional copies, the copies go to sites with
available peers. In any case, at least one copy will be distributed or
reserved for each site, assuming enough copies are available.

Here are a few more examples:

◊ A three-site cluster with "origin:1, total:3": The distribution
guarantees one copy per site.
◊ A three-site cluster with "origin:1, total:4": The distribution
guarantees one copy per site, with one additional copy going
to a site that has at least two peers.
◊ A three-site cluster with "origin:1, total:9", where site1 has
only one peer and site2 and site3 have 10 peers each: The
distribution guarantees one copy per site, with the six
remaining copies distributed evenly between site2 and site3.
♦ If all peers on one non-explicit site are down and there are still
remainder copies after all other non-explicit sites have received a
copy, the cluster will reserve one of the remainder copies for that
site, pending the return of its peers. During that time, the
site_replication_factor cannot be met, because the total number
of copies distributed will be one less than the specified total value,
due to the copy that is being held in reserve for the site with the
downed peers.

For example, given a four-site cluster with "site_replication_factor =

origin:1, site1:1, site4:2, total:5", if site1 is the origin, there will be
two remainder copies to distribute between site2 and site3. If all the
peers on site2 are down, one remainder copy goes to site3 and the
other copy will be held in reserve until one of the site2 peers rejoins
the cluster. During that time, the site_replication_factor is not
met. However, given a four-site cluster with "site_replication_factor
= origin:1, site1:1, site4:2, total:4" (the only difference from the last
example being that the total value is 4 instead of 5), if site1 is the
origin, there will be only one remainder copy, which will go to either
site2 or site3. If all the peers on site2 are down, the copy will go to
site3 and no copy will be held in reserve for site2. The
site_replication_factor is met in this example, because no
copies are being held in reserve for site2.

• Each site must deploy a set of peers at least as large as the greater of the
origin value or its site value.

For example, given a three-site cluster with "site_replication_factor =
origin:2, site1:1, site2:2, site3:3, total:8", the sites must have at least the
following number of peers: site1: 2 peers; site2: 2 peers; site3: 3 peers.

• The total number of peers deployed across all sites must be greater than
or equal to the total value.

• The total value must be at least as large as the replication_factor

attribute, which has a default value of 3. Therefore, if the total value is 2,
you should explicitly set the value of replication_factor to 2.

• If you are migrating from a single-site cluster, the total value must be at
least as large as the replication_factor for the single-site cluster. See
"Migrate an indexer cluster from single-site to multisite".

• The attribute defaults to: "origin:2, total:3."


• A cluster of two sites (site1, site2), with the default

"site_replication_factor = origin:2, total:3": For any given bucket, the
site originating the data stores two copies. The remaining site stores one

• A cluster of three sites (site1, site2, site3), with the default

"site_replication_factor = origin:2, total:3": For any given bucket, the
site originating the data stores two copies. One of the two non-originating
sites, selected at random, stores one copy, and the other doesn't store
any copies.

• A cluster of three sites (site1, site2, site3), with

"site_replication_factor = origin:1, site1:1, site2:1, site3:2, total:5":
For all buckets, site1 and site2 store a minimum of one copy each and
site3 stores two copies. The fifth copy gets distributed to either site1 or
site2, because those sites have fewer assigned copies than site3.

• A cluster of three sites (site1, site2, site3), with

"site_replication_factor = origin:2, site1:1, site2:1, total:4": Site1
stores two copies of any bucket it is originating and one copy of any other
bucket. Site2 follows the same pattern. Site3, whose site value is not
explicitly defined, follows the same pattern.

• A cluster of three sites (site1, site2, site3), with
"site_replication_factor = origin:2, site1:1, site2:2, total:5": Site1
stores two copies of any bucket it originates, one or two copies of any
bucket site2 originates, and one copy of any bucket that site3 originates.
Site2 stores two copies of any bucket, whether or not it originates it. Site3,
whose site value is not explicitly defined, stores two copies of any bucket it
originates, one copy of any bucket site1 originates, and one or two copies
of any bucket site2 originates. (When site2 originates a bucket, one copy
remains after initial assignments. The master assigns this randomly to
site1 or site3.)

• A cluster of three sites with "site_replication_factor = origin:1,

total:4": Four copies of each bucket are distributed randomly across all
sites, with each site getting at least one copy.

Handle the persistence of the single-site replication_factor

Important: Although the site_replication_factor effectively replaces the

single-site replication_factor, the single-site attribute continues to exist in the
master's configuration, with its default value of 3. This can cause problems on
start-up if any site has fewer than three peer nodes. The symptom will be a
message that the multisite cluster does not meet its replication factor. For
example, if one of your sites has only two peers, the default single-site replication
factor of 3 will cause the error to occur. To avoid or fix this problem, you must set
the single-site replication factor to a value that is less than or equal to the
smallest number of peers on any site. In the case where one site has only two
peers, you must therefore explicitly set the replication_factor attribute to a
value of 2. See "Multisite cluster does not meet its replication or search factors."

Configure the site search factor

Read this first

Before attempting to configure the site search factor, you must be familiar with:

• The basic, single-site search factor. See "The basics of cluster

architecture" and "Search factor".
• The site replication factor. See "Configure the site replication factor".
• Multisite cluster configurations. See "Configure multisite indexer clusters
with server.conf".

What is a site search factor?

To implement multisite indexer clustering, you must configure a site search

factor. This replaces the standard search factor, which is specific to single-site
deployments. You specify the site search factor on the master node, as part of
the basic configuration of the cluster.

The site search factor provides site-level control over the location of searchable
bucket copies, in addition to providing control over the total number of searchable
copies across the entire cluster. For example, you can specify that a two-site
cluster maintain a total of three searchable copies of all buckets, with one site
maintaining two copies and the second site maintaining one copy.

You can also specify a search policy based on which site originates the bucket.
That is, you can configure the search factor so that a site receiving external data
maintains a greater number of searchable copies of buckets for that data than for
data that it does not originate. For example, you can specify that each site
maintains two searchable copies of all data that it originates but only one copy of
data originating on another site.

The site search factor helps determine whether the cluster has search affinity.
See "Implement search affinity in a multisite indexer cluster".


The syntax for site_search_factor and site_replication_factor are identical,

except for the additional requirement that the values and explicit sites in
site_search_factor be a subset of those in site_replication_factor. This
section describes the syntax in full detail.

You configure the site search factor with the site_search_factor attribute in the
master's server.conf file. The attribute resides in the [clustering] stanza, in
place of the single-site search_factor attribute. For example:

mode = master
site_replication_factor = origin:2,total:3
site_search_factor = origin:1,total:2
You can also use the CLI to configure the site search factor. See "Configure
multisite indexer clusters with the CLI".

Warning: You must configure the site_search_factor attribute correctly.
Otherwise, the master will not start.

Here is the formal syntax:

site_search_factor = origin:<n>, [site1:<n>,] [site2:<n>,] ...,


• <n> is a positive integer indicating the number of searchable copies of a

• origin:<n> specifies the minimum number of searchable copies of a
bucket that will be held on the site originating the data in that bucket (that
is, the site where the data first entered the cluster). When a site is
originating the data, it is known as the "origin" site.
• site1:<n>, site2:<n>, ..., indicates the minimum number of
searchable copies that will be held at each specified site. The identifiers
"site1", "site2", and so on, are the same as the site attribute values
specified on the peer nodes.
• total:<n> specifies the total number of searchable copies of each bucket,
across all sites in the cluster.

Note the following:

• This attribute specifies the per-site searchable copy policy. It is specified

globally and applies to all buckets in all indexes.

• This attribute is valid only if mode=master and multisite=true. Under

those conditions, it supersedes any search_factor attribute.

• The origin and total values are required.

• Site values (site1:<n>, site2:<n>, ...) are optional. A site that is

specified here is known as an "explicit" site. A site that is not specified is
known as a "non-explicit" site.

• To determine the minimum number of searchable copies a site gets, use

the same rules as for determining the minimum number of replicated
copies a site gets through site_replication_factor. See "Configure the
site replication factor".

• To determine the minimum required value for total, use the same rules

as for determining the minimum total value for the
site_replication_factor. See "Configure the site replication factor".

• Because the total value can be greater than the total set of explicit
values, the cluster needs a strategy to handle any "remainder" searchable
bucket copies. The strategy follows the strategy for remainder replicated
copies, described in "Configure the site replication factor".

• All values must be less than or equal to their corresponding values in the

For example, if you have a three-site cluster with "site_replication_factor =

origin:2, site1:1, site2:2, total:5", then, in site_search_factor, the origin
value cannot exceed 2, the site1 value cannot exceed 1, the site2 value
cannot exceed 2, and the total value cannot exceed 5.

• If a site value is explicit in site_search_factor, it must also be explicit in

site_replication_factor. However, an explicit site value in
site_replication_factor does not need be explicit in

For example, if you have a three-site cluster with "site_replication_factor =

origin:2, site1:1, site2:2, total:5" (with a non-explicit site3), you can specify
"site_search_factor = origin:1, site2:2, total:4" (removing the explicit site1),
but you cannot specify "site_search_factor = origin:1, site1:1, site2:2,
site3:1, total:4" (making the non-explicit site3 explicit).

• For search affinity, you must configure the site_search_factor so that

you have at least one searchable copy on each site where you require
search affinity. Only explicit sites adhere to search affinity.

• If you are migrating from a single-site cluster, the total value must be at
least as large as the search_factor for the single-site cluster. See
"Migrate an indexer cluster from single-site to multisite".

• The attribute defaults to: "origin:1, total:2."


For examples of site search factor syntax, refer to the examples in "Configure the
site replication factor". The syntax for specifying origin/site/total values in
site_search_factor is identical to site_replication_factor.

Handle the persistence of the single-site search_factor

Important: Although the site_search_factor effectively replaces the single-site

search_factor, the single-site attribute continues to exist in the master's
configuration, with its default value of 2. This can cause problems on start-up if
any site has only one peer node. The symptom will be a message that the
multisite cluster does not meet its search factor. To avoid or fix this problem, you
must set the single-site search factor to a value that is less than or equal to the
smallest number of peers on any site. In the case where one site has only one
peer, you must therefore explicitly set the search_factor attribute to a value of 1.
See "Multisite cluster does not meet its replication or search factors."

Migrate an indexer cluster from single-site to

You can migrate an indexer cluster from single-site to multisite. During this
process, you incorporate your existing single-site cluster into a new multisite

Post-migration bucket behavior

After migration, all buckets created before migration continue to adhere to their
single-site replication and search factor policies, by default. You can alter this
behavior so that pre-migration buckets adhere instead to the multisite policies, by
changing the constrain_singlesite_buckets setting on the master's
server.conf to "false".

Buckets created after migration always adhere to the multisite policies.

Maintain existing buckets as single-site

In the default scenario, after the migration, the cluster holds both single-site and
multisite buckets. It maintains them separately, following these rules:

• Single-site buckets (those existing at the time of migration) continue to

respect the single-site replication_factor and search_factor settings.
• Multisite buckets (those created after migration) follow the multisite
site_replication_factor and site_search_factor policies.

Convert existing buckets to multisite

If you configure the master node to convert existing buckets to multisite, all
buckets will adhere to the settings for site_replication_factor and
site_search_factor, once the migration process is finished.

If you change the master node configuration before migration, existing buckets
will follow the site_replication_factor and site_search_factor policies
immediately, post-migration.

You can also change the master node configuration later, post-migration. Any
pre-migration buckets that have been following the single-site policies will then
follow the multisite policies.

To see how many buckets will require conversion to multisite, use

before changing the master node configuration.

Configure the master to convert existing buckets to multisite

To change the default behavior, so that existing single-site buckets adhere to the
multisite replication and search factor policies, change the
constrain_singlesite_buckets setting on the master's server.conf to "false":

mode = master
constrain_singlesite_buckets = false
You must restart the master node for the change to take effect.

Depending on when you want the associated, and potentially lengthy, bucket
fixup to occur, you can make this configuration change either before migrating
the cluster to muiltsite, or at some convenient time post-migration.

Perform the multisite migration


• The master node must be running Splunk Enterprise version 7.2 or later.
• All nodes in the post-migration cluster must adhere to the version
compatibility rules described in Splunk Enterprise version compatibility.
Therefore, before migrating to multisite, you might need to upgrade your
single-site cluster. Follow the appropriate procedure in Upgrade an

indexer cluster.
• If you want existing buckets to adhere to the multisite replication and
search policies post-migration, you must change a configuration on the
master node. See Configure the master to convert existing buckets to
multisite. Alternatively, you can perform this step at any time


To migrate a single-site cluster to multisite, configure each node for multisite:

1. Configure the master node for multisite and restart it, following the instructions
in Configure multisite indexer clusters with the CLI. For example:

splunk edit cluster-config -mode master -multisite true -available_sites

site1,site2 -site site1 -site_replication_factor origin:2,total:3
-site_search_factor origin:1,total:2

splunk restart
Note the following:

• Do not remove the existing single-site attributes for replication factor and
search factor, replication_factor and search_factor. The master needs
them to handle the migrated buckets.

• The total values for site_replication_factor and site_search_factor

must be at least as large as replication_factor and search_factor,

• If the number of peers on any site is less than the single-site

replication_factor or search_factor, you must reduce the values of
those attributes to match the least number of peers on any site. For
example, if replication_factor is 3 and search_factor is 2, and one of
the sites has only 2 peers, you must change replication_factor to 2.
Otherwise, the migrated buckets might not meet the replication and search
factors, due to the way the cluster replicates migrated buckets. See
Multisite cluster does not meet its replication or search factors.

2. Set maintenance mode on the master:

splunk enable maintenance-mode

This step prevents unnecessary bucket fix-ups. See Use maintenance mode.

To confirm that the master has entered maintenance mode, run splunk show

3. Configure the existing peer nodes for multisite. For each peer, specify its
master node and site. For example:

splunk edit cluster-config -site site1

You will be prompted to restart the peer.

Do this for each peer, specifying the site for that peer.

4. If you want to add new peers to the cluster, follow the instructions in Configure
multisite indexer clusters with the CLI. For example:

splunk edit cluster-config -mode slave -site site1 -master_uri -replication_port 9887

splunk restart
Do this for each new peer that you want to add to the cluster.

5. Configure the search heads for multisite. For each search head, specify its
master node and site. For example:

splunk edit cluster-master -site site1

Do this for each search head, specifying the site for that search head.

Note: The configuration is essentially the same if the search heads are members
of a search head cluster. See Integrate with a multisite indexer cluster in
Distributed Search.

6. If you want to add new search heads to the cluster, follow the instructions in
Configure multisite indexer clusters with the CLI. For example:

splunk edit cluster-config -mode searchhead -site site1 -master_uri

splunk restart
Do this for each new search head that you want to add to the cluster.

7. Disable maintenance mode on the master:

splunk disable maintenance-mode
To confirm that the master has left maintenance mode, run splunk show

You can view the master dashboard to verify that all cluster nodes are up and

During the migration, the cluster tags each single-site bucket with a site value.

Note: You can also configure a multisite cluster by directly editing server.conf.
See Configure multisite indexer clusters with server.conf

8. If you are using indexer discovery to connect forwarders to the peer nodes,
you must assign a site to each forwarder. See Use indexer discovery in a
multisite cluster.

If you configured the master to convert existing single-site buckets to the multisite
replication and search factor policies, bucket fixup will likely continue for some
time after the cluster migration process itself completes. If you have a large
number of existing buckets, the bucket fixup can continue for a long time.

How the cluster migrates and maintains existing buckets

Buckets in multisite clusters include a property that identifies the origin site.
Buckets in single-site clusters do not include that property. So, when a cluster
migrates from single-site to multisite, it must tag each single-site bucket with an
origin site value. Since the bucket name includes the GUID of the originating
peer, the cluster always knows the originating peer. With that information, it infers
an origin site for the bucket:

• If the originating peer still exists in the cluster, the cluster assumes that the
bucket originated on the site that the originating peer has been assigned
to. It sets the bucket's origin to that site.
• If the originating peer is no longer in the cluster, the cluster assumes that
the site with the most copies of the bucket is the origin site. It sets the
bucket's origin to that site.

If the cluster is configured to maintain existing buckets as single-site

Here is how the cluster uses the inferred origin site to maintain the single-site
bucket going forward, to handle any necessary fix-up so that the bucket
continues to meet the single-site replication and search factors:

• If the cluster needs to replicate additional copies of the bucket to fulfill the
replication factor, it only replicates within the bucket's inferred origin site.
• If the cluster needs to make a non-searchable copy of the bucket
searchable to fulfill the search factor, it might do so on a non-origin site, if
a non-searchable copy of that bucket already exists on some other site.

The cluster will never create a new copy of the bucket on a non-origin site.

Because, when pre-migraiton buckets are maintained as single-site, the cluster

creates new copies of those buckets only on the origin site, it is possible to
experience a situation where the replicaion factor cannot be met. For example, if
replication_factor is set to 3, but there are only two peer nodes on the origin
site, the cluster will not create a third copy on a non-origin site, even if there had
previouly been a third copy of the bucket on a non-origin site.

To remediate this situation, you can either convert pre-migration buckes to

multisite or you can reduce the single-site replication factor so that it does not
exceed the number of peer nodes on any site.

If the cluster is configured to convert existing buckets to multisite

The cluster uses the described methodology to infer an origin site for each

The cluster's process of converting buckets from adherence to the single-site

policies to adherence to the multisite policies is the same as any bucket-fixup
process, involving cross-site streaming and such. If you have a large number of
existing buckets, the process can take a long time to complete. This fixup
process has the same priority as any other concurrent fixup processes.

While fixup is continuing, the master dashboard indicates that the replication
factor and search factors are not met. Once the fixup process is finished, the
cluster returns to a complete state, as indicated by the master dashboard.

Handle blocked indexing on the new site

If you configure the master node for multisite clustering, but the new site is not
yet fully operational, the master blocks indexing while it waits for enough peers to
become available to fulfill the multisite replication factor. To unblock indexing,
you can run the splunk set indexing-ready command on the master. See
Restart indexing in multisite cluster after master restart or site failure.

View indexer cluster status

View the master dashboard

This dashboard provides detailed information on the status of the entire indexer
cluster. You can also get information on each of the master's peer nodes from

For information on the other clustering dashboards, read:

• "View the peer dashboard"

• "View the search head dashboard"

Access the master dashboard

1. Click Settings on the upper right side of Splunk Web.

2. In the Distributed Environment group, click Indexer clustering.
The Master Node dashboard appears.

You can only view this dashboard on an instance that has been enabled as a

View the master dashboard

The master dashboard contains these sections:

• Cluster overview
• Peers tab
• Indexes tab
• Search Heads tab

Cluster overview

The cluster overview summarizes the health of your cluster. It tells you:

• whether the cluster's data is fully searchable; that is, whether all buckets in
the cluster have a primary copy.
• whether the search and replication factors have been met.
• how many peers are searchable.
• how many indexes are searchable.

Depending on the health of your cluster, it might also provide warning messages
such as:

• Some data is not searchable.

• Replication factor not met.
• Search factor not met.

For details on the information presented in the cluster overview, browse the tabs

On the upper right side of the dashboard, there are three buttons:

• Edit. For information on this button, see Configure the master with the

• More Info. This button provides details on the master node configuration:
♦ Name. The master's serverName, as specified in the master's
$SPLUNK_HOME/etc/system/local/server.conf file.
♦ Replication Factor. The cluster's replication factor.
♦ Search Factor. The cluster's search factor.
♦ Generation ID. The cluster's current generation ID.
• Documentation.

Peers tab

For each peer, the master dashboard lists:

• Peer Name. The peer's serverName, as specified in the peer's

$SPLUNK_HOME/etc/system/local/server.conf file.
• Fully searchable. This column indicates whether the peer currently has a
complete set of primaries and is fully searchable.
• Site. (For multisite only.) This column displays the site value for each
• Status. The peer's status. For more information about the processes
discussed here, see Take a peer offline. Possible values include:
♦ Up
♦ Pending. This occurs when a replication fails. It transitions back to
Up on the next successful heartbeat from the peer to the master.
♦ AutomaticDetention. A peer goes into this state when it runs low on
disk space. While in this state, a peer does not index external or
internal data or serve as a replication target. It continues to
participate in searches. See Put a peer in detention.

♦ ManualDetention. A peer goes into this state through manual
intervention. While in this state, a peer does not consume or index
external data or serve as a replication target. It continues to
participate in searches. See Put a peer in detention.
♦ ManualDetention-PortsEnabled. A peer goes into this state through
manual intervention. While in this state, a peer continues to
consume and index external data, but it does not serve as a
replication target. It continues to participate in searches. See Put a
peer in detention.
♦ Restarting. When you run the splunk offline command without
the enforce-counts flag, the peer enters this state temporarily after
it leaves the ReassigningPrimaries state. It remains in this state for
the restart_timeout period (60 seconds by default). If you do not
restart the peer within this time, it then moves to the Down state. The
peer also enters this state during rolling restarts or if restarted via
Splunk Web.
♦ ShuttingDown. The master detects that the peer is shutting down.
♦ ReassigningPrimaries. A peer enters this state temporarily when
you run the splunk offline command without the enforce-counts
♦ Decommissioning. When you run the splunk offline command
with the enforce-counts flag, the peer enters this state and remains
there until all bucket fixing is complete and the peer can shut down.
♦ GracefulShutdown. When you run the splunk offline command
with the enforce-counts flag, the peer enters this state when it
finally shuts down at the end of a successful decommissioning. It
remains in this state for as long as it is offline.
♦ Stopped. The peer enters this state when you stop it with the
splunk stop command.
♦ Down. The peer enters this state when it goes offline for any reason
other than those resulting in a status of GracefulShutdown or
Stopped: either you ran the version of the splunk offline
command without the enforce-counts flag and the peer shut down
for longer than the restart_timeout period (60 seconds by default),
or the peer went offline for some other reason (for instance, it
• Buckets. The number of buckets for which the peer has copies.

To get more information for any peer, click on the arrow to the left of the peer
name. These fields appear:

• Location. The peer's IP address and port number.

• Last Heartbeat. The time of the last heartbeat the master received from
the peer.
• Replication port. The port on which the peer receives replicated data
from other peers.
• Base generation ID. The peer's base generation ID, which is equivalent
to the cluster's generation ID at the moment that the peer last joined the
cluster. This ID will be less or equal to the cluster's current generation ID.
So, if a peer joined the cluster at generation 1 and has stayed in the
cluster ever since, its base generation ID remains 1, even though the
cluster might have incremented its current generation ID to, say, 5.
• GUID. The peer's GUID.

Note: After a peer goes down, it continues to appear on the list of peers,
although its status changes to "Down" or "GracefulShutdown." To remove the
peer from the master's list, see Remove a peer from the master's list.

Indexes tab

For each index, the master dashboard lists:

• Index Name. The name of the index. Internal indexes are preceded by an
underscore (_).
• Fully searchable. Is the index fully searchable? In other words, does it
have at least one searchable copy of each bucket? If even one bucket in
the index does not have a searchable copy, this field will report the index
as non-searchable.
• Searchable Data Copies. The number of complete searchable copies of
the index that the cluster has.
• Replicated Data Copies. The number of copies of the index that the
cluster has. Each copy must be complete, with no buckets missing.
• Buckets. The number of buckets in the index. This number does not
include replicated bucket copies.
• Cumulative Raw Data Size. The size of the index's raw data, excluding
hot buckets. This number does not included replicated copies of the raw

The list of indexes include the internal indexes, _audit and _internal. As you
would expect in a cluster, these internal indexes contain the combined data
generated by all peers in the cluster. If you need to search for the data generated
by a single peer, you can search on the peer's host name.

This tab also reveals a button with the label, Bucket Status. If you click on it, you
go to the Bucket Status dashboard. See View the bucket status dashboard..

Note: A new index appears here only after it contains some data. In other words,
if you configure a new index on the peer nodes, a row for that index appears only
after you send data to that index.

Search heads tab

For each search head accessing this cluster, the master dashboard lists:

• Search head name. The search head's serverName, as specified in its

$SPLUNK_HOME/etc/system/local/server.conf file.
• Site. (For multisite only.) This column displays the site value for each
search head.
• Status. Is the search head up or down? The master decides that a search
head is down if the search head does not poll the master for generation
information within a period twice the length of the
generation_poll_interval. That attribute is configurable in server.conf.

Note: The list includes the master node as one of the search heads. Although
the master has search head capabilities, you should only use those capabilities
for debugging purposes. The resources of the master must be dedicated to
fulfilling its critical role of coordinating cluster activities. Under no circumstances
should the master be employed as a production search head. Also, unlike a
dedicated search head, the search head on the master cannot be configured for
multi-cluster search; it can only search its own cluster.

To get more information for any search head, click on the arrow to the left of the
search head name. These fields appear:

• Location. The search head's server name and port number.

• GUID. The search head's GUID.

View the bucket status dashboard

The Bucket Status dashboard provides status for the buckets in the cluster. It
contains three tabs:

• Fixup Tasks - In Progress

• Fixup Tasks - Pending
• Indexes with Excess Buckets

Fixup Tasks - In Progress

This tab provides a list of buckets that are currently being fixed. For example, if a
bucket has too few copies, fixup activities must occur to return the cluster to a
valid and complete state. While those activities are occurring, the bucket
appears on this list.

Fixup Tasks - Pending

This tab provides a list of buckets that are waiting to be fixed. You can filter the
fixup tasks by search factor, replication factor, and generation.

For more information on bucket fixup activities, see What happens when a peer
goes down.

This tab also includes an Action button that allows you to fix issues with
individual buckets. For details, see Handle issues with individual buckets.

Indexes with Excess Buckets

This tab provides a list of indexes with excess bucket copies. It enumerates both
buckets with excess copies and buckets with excess searchable copies. It also
enumerates the total excess copies in each category. For example, if your index
"new" has one bucket with three excess copies, one of which is searchable, and
a second bucket with one excess copy, which is non-searchable, the row for
"new" will report:

• 2 buckets with excess copies

• 1 bucket with excess searchable copies
• 4 total excess copies
• 1 total excess searchable copies

If you want to remove the excess copies for a single index, click the Remove
button on the right side of the row for that index.

If you want to remove the excess copies for all indexes, click the Remove All
Excess Buckets button.

For more information on excess bucket copies, see Remove excess bucket
copies from the indexer cluster.

Use the monitoring console to view status

You can use the monitoring console to monitor most aspects of your deployment,
including the status of your indexer cluster. The information available through the
console duplicates much of the information available on the master dashboard.

For more information, see Use the monitoring console to view indexer cluster

View the peer dashboard

The indexer cluster peer dashboard provides detailed information on the status of
a single peer node.

For a single view with information on all the peers in a cluster, use the master
node dashboard instead, as described in "View the master dashboard".

Access the peer dashboard

To view the peer dashboard:

1. Click Settings on the upper right side of Splunk Web.

2. In the Distributed Environment group, click Indexer clustering.

You can only view this dashboard on an instance that has been enabled as a

View the dashboard

The dashboard provides information on the peer's status:

• Name. The peer's serverName, as specified in its

$SPLUNK_HOME/etc/system/local/server.conf file.
• Replication port. The port on which the peer receives replicated data
from other peers.
• Master location. The master node's IP address and port number.
• Base Generation ID. The peer's base generation ID, which is equivalent
to the cluster's generation ID at the moment that the peer last joined the
cluster. This ID will be less or equal to the cluster's current generation ID.
So, if a peer joined the cluster at generation 1 and has stayed in the

cluster ever since, its base generation ID remains 1, even though the
cluster might have incremented its current generation ID to, say, 5.

Configure the peer

The Edit button at the top right of the peer dashboard offers several options for
changing the configuration of the peer. See "Configure peer nodes with the

Note: The Edit button is disabled for multisite clusters.

View the search head dashboard

This dashboard provides detailed information on the status of the search head in
an indexer cluster.

Access the dashboard

To access the dashboard:

1. Click Settings on the upper right side of Splunk Web.

2. In the Distributed Environment group, click Indexer clustering.

You can only view this dashboard on an instance that has been enabled as a
cluster search head.

View the dashboard

The dashboard lists the master nodes for all clusters the search head belongs to,
along with some information on the status of each cluster.

For more information on the master node and its cluster, click the arrow at the far
left of each row.

You can get information on the search head itself by selecting the More Info
button on the upper right corner of the dashboard:

• Name. The search head's serverName, as specified in its

$SPLUNK_HOME/etc/system/local/server.conf file.

Configure the search head

The dashboard offers several options for acting on the search head or otherwise
changing its configuration. See "Configure the search head with the dashboard."

View information on search peers

You can also view information on the search head's search peers (identical, in
clustering, to the set of cluster peer nodes) from the search head's Distributed
Search page in Splunk Web:

1. On the search head, click Settings in the upper right corner of Splunk Web.

2. In the Distributed environment section, click Distributed search.

3. Click Search peers to view the set of search peers.

Caution: Do not use the Distributed Search page in Splunk Web to change your
search head configuration or to add peers. For information on how to configure
an indexer cluster search head correctly, see "Search head configuration

Use the monitoring console to view indexer cluster

You can use the monitoring console to monitor most aspects of your deployment.
This topic discusses the console dashboards that provide insight into indexing

The primary documentation for the monitoring console is located in Monitoring

Splunk Enterprise.

There are two indexer clustering dashboards under the Indexing menu:

• Indexer Clustering: Status

• Indexer Clustering: Service Activity

The Indexer Clustering: Status dashboard provides information on the state of

your cluster. To a large extent, it duplicates the information in the master
dashboard, described in "View the master dashboard".

The Indexer Clustering: Service Activity dashboard provides information on
matters such as bucket-fixing activities and warnings and errors.

View the dashboards themselves for more information. In addition, see "Indexer
Clustering: Status" and "Indexer Clustering: Service Activity" in the Distributed
Management Console Manual.

Manage the indexer cluster

Take a peer offline

Use the splunk offline command to take a peer offline.

Caution: Do not use splunk stop to take a peer offline. Instead, use splunk
offline. It stops the peer in a way that minimizes disruption to your searches.

Depending on your needs, you can take a peer offline permanently or

temporarily. In both cases, the cluster performs actions to regain its valid and
complete states:

• A valid cluster has primary copies of all its buckets and therefore is able
to handle search requests across the entire set of data. In the case of a
multisite cluster, a valid cluster also has primary copies for every site with
search affinity.
• A complete cluster has replication factor number of copies of all its
buckets, with search factor number of searchable copies. It therefore
meets the designated requirements for failure tolerance. A complete
cluster is also a valid cluster.

Offline use cases

The splunk offline command has two versions, one that takes the peer offline
temporarily and another that takes it offline permanently.

When you take a peer offline temporarily

When you take a peer offline temporarily, it is usually to perform an upgrade or

other maintenance for a short period of time. You want the cluster to continue to
process data and handle searches without interruption, but it is acceptable if the
cluster does not meet its replication factor or search factor during the brief time
that the peer is offline.

When a peer goes offline temporarily, the master kicks off processes to return it
to a valid state, but it does not ordinarily attempt to return it to a complete state,
because the cluster regains its complete state as soon as the peer comes back

When you take a peer offline permanently

When you take an indexer cluster peer offline permanently, you want to ensure
that the cluster continues to process data and handle searches without
interruption. You also want the cluster to replace any copies of buckets that are
lost by the peer going offline. For example, if the offline peer was maintaining
copies of 10 buckets (three searchable and seven non-searchable), the cluster
must recreate those copies on other peers in the cluster, to fulfill its replication
factor and search factor.

When a peer goes offline permanently, the master kicks off various bucket-fixing
processes, so that the cluster returns to a valid and complete state.

The splunk offline command

The splunk offline command handles both types of peer shutdown: temporary
and permanent. It takes the peer down gracefully, attempting to allow in-progress
searches to complete, while also returning the cluster quickly to the valid state. In
this way, it tries to eliminate disruption to existing or future searches.

The splunk offline command also initiates remedial bucket-fixing activities to

return the cluster to a complete state. Depending on the version of the command
that you run, it will start this process either immediately or after waiting a
specified period of time, to give the peer time to come back on line and avoid the
need for bucket-fixing.

There are two versions of the splunk offline command that correspond to the
typical use cases:

• splunk offline. Used to take a peer down temporarily for maintenance

operations. Also known as the "fast offline" command.
• splunk offline --enforce-counts. Used to remove a peer permanently
from the cluster. Also known as the "enforce-counts offline" command.

Take a peer down temporarily: the fast offline command

The fast version of the splunk offline command has the simple syntax: splunk

The cluster attempts to regain its valid state before the peer goes down. It does
not attempt to regain its complete state. You can use this version to bring the
peer down briefly without kicking off any bucket-fixing activities.

You can also use this version in cases where you want the peer to go down
permanently but quickly, with the bucket-fixing occurring after it goes down.

The fast offline process

The peer goes down after the cluster attempts, within certain constraints, to meet
two conditions:

• Reallocation of primary copies on the peer, so that the cluster regains its
valid state
• Completion of any searches that the peer is currently participating in

The peer goes down after its primary bucket copies have been reallocated to
searchable copies on other peers, so that the cluster regains its valid state. The
maximum time period allotted for the primary allocation activity is determined by
the value of the decommission_node_force_timeout setting in the peer node's
server.conf file, which is five minutes by default.

You can also change the primary allocation timeout period for just a single
execution of the splunk offline command. See Syntax for the fast offline

Note: If the cluster has a search factor of 1, the cluster does not attempt to
reallocate primary copies before allowing the peer to go down. With a search
factor of 1, the cluster cannot fix the primaries without first creating new
searchable copies, which takes significant time and thus would defeat the goal of
a fast shutdown.

The peer also waits for any ongoing searches to complete, up to a maximum
time period, as determined by the decommission_search_jobs_wait_secs
attribute in server.conf. The default for this attribute is three minutes.

Once these conditions have been met, or the maximum durations for the
activities have been exceeded, the peer goes down.

Syntax for the fast offline command

Here is the syntax for the fast version of the splunk offline command:

splunk offline
You run this command directly on the peer.

When you run this command, the peer shuts down after the cluster returns to a
valid state and the peer completes any ongoing searches, as described in The
fast offline process.

To change the time period allocated for the cluster to return to the valid state, run
this form of the command:

splunk offline --decommission_node_force_timeout <seconds>

This changes the primary allocation timeout period for the current offline
operation only. For example, to change the timeout period to 10 minutes for the
current operation:

splunk offline --decommission_node_force_timeout 600

Any future offline operations for this peer will use the value for the setting saved
in server.conf, which is five minutes by default.

After the peer shuts down, you have 60 seconds (by default) to complete any
maintenance work and bring the peer back online. If the peer does not return to
the cluster within this time, the master initiates bucket-fixing activities to return
the cluster to a complete state. If you need more time, you can extend the time
that the master waits for the peer to come back online by configuring the
restart_timeout attribute, as described in Extend the restart period.

Important: To minimize any bucket-fixing activities, you should ordinarily take

down only one peer at a time. If you are performing an operation that involves
taking many peers offline temporarily, consider invoking maintenance mode
during the operation. See Use maintenance mode.

For detailed information on the processes that occur when a peer goes offline,
read What happens when a peer node goes down.

Extend the restart period

If you need to perform maintenance on a peer and you expect the time required
to exceed the master's restart_timeout period (set to 60 seconds by default),
you can change the value of that setting. Run this CLI command on the master:

splunk edit cluster-config -restart_timeout <seconds>

For example, this command resets the timeout period to 900 seconds (15

splunk edit cluster-config -restart_timeout 900
You can run this command on the fly. You do not need to restart the master after
it runs.

You can also change this value in server.conf on the master.

Take a peer down permanently: the enforce-counts offline


The enforce-counts version of the offline command is intended for use when you
want to take a peer offline permanently, but only after the cluster has returned to
its complete state.

In this version of the command, the cluster performs the necessary bucket-fixing
activities to regain its valid and complete state before allowing the peer to go

The enforce-counts offline process

The peer goes down after the cluster meets two conditions:

• Completion of all bucket-fixing activities that are necessary for the cluster
to regain its complete state
• Completion of ongoing searches that the peer is participating in,
constrained by a time limit

The peer goes down only after its searchable and non-searchable bucket copies
have been reallocated to other peers, causing the cluster to regain its complete

Because this version of splunk offline requires that the cluster return to a
complete state before the peer can go down, certain preconditions are necessary
before you can run this command:

• The cluster must have (replication factor + 1) number of peers, so that it

can reallocate bucket copies to other peers as necessary and can
continue to meet its replication factor after the peer goes down.
• In a multisite cluster, the peer's site must have enough peers so that the
site continues to fulfill the requirements of its site replication factor, in
terms of the number of origin or explicit peers.
• The cluster cannot be in maintenance mode, because bucket fixup does
not occur during maintenance mode.

The peer also waits for any ongoing searches to complete, up to a maximum
time, as determined by the decommission_search_jobs_wait_secs attribute in
server.conf. The default for this attribute is three minutes.

Syntax for the enforce-counts offline command

Here is the syntax for the enforce-counts version of the splunk offline

splunk offline --enforce-counts

You run this command directly on the peer.

This version of the command initiates an operation called decommissioning,

during which the master coordinates a wide range of remedial processes. The
peer does not shut down until those processes finish and the cluster returns to a
complete state. This can take quite a while if the peer is maintaining a large set
of bucket copies.

The actual time required to return to the complete state depends on the amount
and type of data the peer was maintaining. See Estimate the cluster recovery
time when a peer gets decommissioned for details.

If the cluster is unable to return to the complete state, the peer will not shut down.
This is due to issues described in The enforce-counts offline process. If you need
to take a peer offline despite such issues, run the fast version of the splunk
offline command instead.

For detailed information on the processes that occur when a peer gets
decommissioned, read What happens when a peer node goes down.

After a peer goes down, it continues to appear on the list of peers on the master
dashboard, although its status changes to "GracefulShutdown." To remove the
peer from the master's list, see Remove a peer from the master's list.

Estimate the cluster recovery time when a peer gets


When you decommission a peer, the master coordinates activities among the
remaining peers to fix the buckets and return the cluster to a complete state. For
example, if the peer going offline is storing copies of 10 buckets and five of those
copies are searchable, the master instructs peers to:

• Stream copies of those 10 buckets to other peers, so that the cluster
regains a full complement of bucket copies (to match the replication
• Make five non-searchable bucket copies searchable, so that the cluster
regains a full complement of searchable bucket copies (to match the
search factor).

This activity can take some time to complete. Exactly how long depends on many
factors, such as:

• System considerations, such as CPU specifications, storage type,

interconnect type.
• Amount of other indexing currently being performed by the peers that
are tasked with making buckets searchable.
• The size and number of buckets stored on the offline peer.
• The size of the index files on the searchable copies stored on the offline
peer. (These index files can vary greatly in size relative to rawdata size,
depending on factors such as amount of segmentation.) For information
on the relative sizes of rawdata and index files, read Storage
• The search factor. This determines how quickly the cluster can convert
non-searchable copies to searchable. If the search factor is at least 2, the
cluster can convert non-searchable copies to searchable by copying index
files to the non-searchable copies from the remaining set of searchable
copies. If the search factor is 1, however, the cluster must convert
non-searchable copies by rebuilding the index files, a much slower
process. (For information on the types of files in a bucket, see Data files.)

Despite these variable factors, you can make a rough determination of how long
the process will take. Assuming you are using Splunk Enterprise reference
hardware, here are some basic estimates of how long the two main activities

• To stream 10GB (rawdata and/or index files) from one peer to another
across a LAN takes about 5-10 minutes.
• The time required to rebuild the index files on a non-searchable bucket
copy containing 4GB of rawdata depends on a number of factors such as
the size of the resulting index files, but 30 minutes is a reasonable
approximation to start with. Rebuilding index files is necessary if the
search factor is 1, meaning that there are no copies of the index files
available to stream. A non-searchable bucket copy consisting of 4GB
rawdata can grow to a size approximating 10GB once the index files have
been added. As described earlier, the actual size depends on numerous


Use maintenance mode

Maintenance mode halts most bucket fixup activity and prevents frequent rolling
of hot buckets. It is useful when performing peer upgrades and other
maintenance activities on an indexer cluster. Because it halts critical bucket fixup
activity, use maintenance mode only when necessary.

Why use maintenance mode

Certain conditions can generate errors during hot bucket replication and cause
the source peer to roll the bucket. While this behavior is generally beneficial to
the health of the indexer cluster, it can result in many small buckets across the
cluster, if errors occur frequently. Situations that can generate an unacceptable
number of small buckets include persistent network problems or repeated
offlining of peers.

To stop this behavior, you can temporarily put the cluster into maintenance
mode. This can be useful for system maintenance work that generates repeated
network errors, such as network reconfiguration. Similarly, if you need to upgrade
your peers or otherwise temporarily offline several peers, you can invoke
maintenance mode to forestall bucket rolling during that time.

Note: The CLI commands splunk apply cluster-bundle and splunk

rolling-restart incorporate maintenance mode functionality into their behavior
by default, so you do not need to invoke maintenance mode explicitly when you
run those commands. A message stating that maintenance mode is running
appears on the master dashboard.

The effect of maintenance mode on cluster operation

To prevent buckets from rolling unnecessarily, maintenance mode halts most

bucket fix-up activity. The only bucket fix-up that occurs during maintenance
mode is primary fixup. The master will attempt, when necessary, to reassign
primaries to available searchable bucket copies.

In particular, the cluster does not perform fixup that entails replicating buckets or
converting buckets from non-searchable to searchable. This means that the
master does not enforce replication factor or search factor policy during
maintenance mode. Therefore, if the cluster loses a peer node during

maintenance mode, it can be operating under a valid but incomplete state. See
Indexer cluster states to understand the implications of this.

Similarly, if the cluster loses peer nodes in numbers greater than the replication
factor, it also loses its valid state for the duration of maintenance mode.

In addition, if the cluster loses even a single peer node while in maintenance
mode, it can potentially return incomplete results for searches running during the
subsequent period of primary fixup. This period is usually short, often just a few
seconds, but even a short period of primary fixup can affect in-progress

Maintenance mode works the same for single-site and multisite clusters. It has
no notion of sites.

Enable maintenance mode

Put the cluster into maintenance mode before starting maintenance activity.
Once you have finished with maintenance, you should disable maintenance

To invoke maintenance mode, run this CLI command on the master node:

splunk enable maintenance-mode

When you run the enable command, a message warning of the effects of
maintenance mode appears and requires confirmation that you want to continue.

Effective with version 6.6, maintenance mode persists across master restarts.

Disable maintenance mode

To return to the standard bucket-rolling behavior, run:

splunk disable maintenance-mode

Determine maintenance mode status

To determine whether maintenance mode is on, run:

splunk show maintenance-mode

A returned value of 1 indicates that maintenance mode is on. 0 indicates that

maintenance mode is off.

Restart the entire indexer cluster or a single peer

This topic describes how to restart the entire indexer cluster (unusual) or a single
peer node.

When you restart a master or peer node, the master rebalances the primary
bucket copies across the set of peers, as described in Rebalance the indexer
cluster primary buckets.

For information on configuration changes that require a restart, see Restart after
modifying server.conf? and Restart or reload after configuration bundle

Restart the entire cluster

You ordinarily do not need to restart the entire cluster. If you change a master's
configuration, you restart just the master. If you update a set of common peer
configurations, the master restarts just the set of peers, and only when
necessary, as described in Update common peer configurations.

If, for any reason, you do need to restart both the master and the peer nodes:

1. Restart the master node, as you would any instance. For example, run this CLI
command on the master:

splunk restart
2. Once the master restarts, wait until all the peers re-register with the master,
and the master dashboard indicates that all peers and indexes are searchable.
See View the master dashboard.

3. Restart the peers as a group, by running this CLI command on the master:

splunk rolling-restart cluster-peers

See Use rolling restart.

If you need to restart the search head, you can do so at any time, as long as the
rest of the cluster is running.

Restart a single peer

You might occasionally have need to restart a single peer; for example, if you
change certain configurations on only that peer.

Do not use the CLI splunk restart command to restart the peer, for the reasons
described later in this section. Instead, there are two ways that you can safely
restart a single peer:

• Use Splunk Web (Settings>Server Controls).

• Run the command splunk offline, followed by splunk start.

When you use Splunk Web or the splunk offline/splunk start commands to
restart a peer, the master waits 60 seconds (by default) before assuming that the
peer has gone down for good. This allows sufficient time for the peer to come
back on-line and prevents the cluster from performing unnecessary remedial

Note: The actual time that the master waits is determined by the value of the
master's restart_timeout attribute in server.conf. The default for this attribute is
60 seconds. If you need the master to wait for a longer period, you can change
the restart_timeout value, as described in Extend the restart period.

The splunk offline/splunk start restart method has an advantage over the
Splunk Web method in that it waits for in-progress searches to complete before
stopping the peer. In addition, since it involves a two-step process, you can use it
if you need the peer to remain down briefly while you perform some

For information on the splunk offline command, read Take a peer offline.

Caution: Do not use the splunk restart command to restart the peer. If you use
the splunk restart command, the master will not be aware that the peer is
restarting. Instead, after waiting a default 60 seconds for the peer to send a
heartbeat, the master will initiate the usual remedial actions that occur when a
peer goes down, such as adding its bucket copies to other peers. The actual time
the master waits is determined by the master's heartbeat_timeout attribute. It is
inadvisable to change its default value of 60 seconds without consultation.

Use rolling restart
A rolling restart performs a phased restart of all peer nodes, so that the indexer
cluster as a whole can continue to perform its function during the restart process.
A rolling restart also helps ensure that load-balanced forwarders sending data to
the cluster always have a peer available to receive the data.

A rolling restart occurs under these circumstances:

• You initiate a rolling restart in Splunk Web.

• You run the splunk rolling-restart CLI command.
• The cluster master automatically initiates a rolling restart, when
necessary, after distributing a configuration bundle to the peer nodes. For
details on this process, see Distribute the configuration bundle.

Rolling restart modes

There are two rolling restart modes for indexer clusters:

• Rolling restart: Restarts peer nodes in successive groups (based on a

pre-defined percentage) with no guarantee that the cluster is searchable.
See How a rolling restart works.
• Searchable rolling restart: Restarts peer nodes one at a time with
minimal interruption of ongoing searches. See Use searchable rolling

To set the default rolling restart mode for the splunk rolling-restart
cluster-peers command, see Set rolling restart behavior in server.conf.

How a rolling restart works

During a rolling restart, approximately 10% (by default) of the peer nodes
simultaneously undergo restart, until all peers in the cluster complete restart. If
there are less than 10 peers in the cluster, one peer at a time undergoes restart.
The master node orchestrates the restart process, sending a message to each
peer when it is its turn to restart.

The restart percentage tells the master how many restart slots to keep open
during the rolling-restart process. For example, if the cluster has 30 peers and
the restart percentage is set to the default of 10%, the master keeps three slots
open for peers to restart. When the rolling-restart process begins, the master
issues a restart message to three peers. As soon as each peer completes its

restart and contacts the master, the master issues a restart message to another
peer, and so on, until all peers have restarted. Under normal circumstances, in
this example, there will always be three peers undergoing restart, until the end of
the process.

If the peers are restarting slowly due to inadequately provisioned machines or

other reasons, the number of peers simultaneously undergoing restart can
exceed the restart percentage. See Handle slow restarts.

At the end of the rolling restart period, the master rebalances the cluster primary
buckets. See Rebalance the indexer cluster primary buckets to learn more about
this process.

Here are a few things to note about the behavior of a rolling restart:

• The master restarts the peers in random order.

• The cluster enters maintenance mode for the duration of the rolling restart
period. This prevents unnecessary bucket fixup while a peer undergoes
• During a rolling restart, there is no guarantee that the cluster will be fully

Initiate a rolling restart

You can initiate a rolling restart from Splunk Web or from the command line.

Initiate a rolling restart from Splunk Web

1. Log in to the cluster master instance.

2. Click Settings > Indexer clustering.
3. Click Edit > Rolling restart.

4. (Optional) In the "Percent peers to restart" field, enter a number to change

the percentage of peers you want the cluster master to restart
simultaneously. The default percentage is 10.

If you make changes to the percentage, the master overrides the default
value for percent_peers_to_restart in server.conf and the new value
becomes the default.
5. (Optional) If the cluster is a multisite cluster, you can change the order in
which sites in the cluster restart. Click the Specify site order checkbox,
then click the drop-down boxes to arrange the available sites in the order
that you want them to restart.

The site order drop down boxes only appear if the cluster is a multisite
6. Click Begin rolling restart.

Initiate a rolling restart from the command line

You can invoke the splunk rolling-restart command from the master:

splunk rolling-restart cluster-peers

Specify the percentage of peers to restart at a time

By default, 10% of the peers restart at a time. The restart percentage is

configurable through the percent_peers_to_restart attribute in the [clustering]
stanza of server.conf. For convenience, you can configure this setting with the
CLI splunk edit cluster-config command.

For example, to cause 20% of the peers to restart simultaneously, run this

splunk edit cluster-config -percent_peers_to_restart 20

To cause all peers to restart immediately, run the command with a value of 100:

splunk edit cluster-config -percent_peers_to_restart 100
An immediate restart of all peers can be useful under certain circumstances,
such as when no users are actively searching and no forwarders are actively
sending data to the cluster. It minimizes the time required to complete the restart.

After you change the percent_peers_to_restart value, you must run the splunk
rolling-restart command to initiate the actual restart.

Use searchable rolling restart

Splunk Enterprise 7.1.0 and later provides a searchable option for rolling restarts.
The searchable option lets you perform a rolling restart of peer nodes with
minimal interruption of ongoing searches. You can use searchable rolling restart
to minimize search disruption, when a rolling restart is required due to regular
maintenance or a configuration bundle push.

How searchable rolling restart works

When you initiate a searchable rolling restart, the master performs a restart of all
peer nodes one at a time. During the restart process for each peer, the master
reassigns bucket primaries to other peers to retain the searchable state, and all
in-progress searches complete within a configurable timeout. The master then
restarts the peer and the peer rejoins the cluster. This process repeats for each
peer until the rolling restart is complete.

Things to note about the behavior of searchable rolling restart:

• The master restarts peers one at a time.

• The master runs health checks to confirm that the cluster is in a
searchable state before it initiates the searchable rolling restart.
• The peer waits for in-progress searches to complete, up to a maximum
time period, as determined by the decommission_search_jobs_wait_secs
attribute in server.conf. The default for this attribute is 180 seconds. This
covers the majority of searches in most cases.
• Searchable rolling restart applies to both historical searches and real-time

In-progress searches that take longer than the

decommission_search_jobs_wait_secs (default=180s), might generate
incomplete results and a corresponding error message. If you have a scheduled
search that must complete, either increase the
decommission_search_jobs_wait_secs value, or do not run a searchable rolling

restart within the search's timeframe.

Before you initiate a searchable rolling restart, make sure the search_retry
attribute in the [search] stanza of limits.conf is set to false (the default).
Setting this to true might cause searches that take longer than the
decommission_search_jobs_wait_secs to generate duplicate or partial results
with no error message.

Initiate a searchable rolling restart

You can initiate a searchable rolling restart from Splunk Web or from the
command line.

Inititate a searchable rolling restart from Splunk Web

1. On the master, click Settings > Indexer Cluster.

2. Click Edit > Rolling Restart.
3. In the Index Cluster Rolling Restart modal, select Searchable.

4. Click Begin Rolling Restart.

This initiates the searchable rolling restart.
5. (Optional) To proceed with the searchable rolling restart despite health
check failures, select the Force option. This option overrides health
checks and allows the searchable rolling restart to proceed.

Use the Force option with caution. This option can impact searches.

6. Click Begin Rolling Restart.
This initiates the searchable rolling restart. You can monitor the progress
of the searchable rolling restart in the Master dashboard.

Initiate a searchable rolling restart from the command line

To perform a searchable rolling restart from the command line:

1. (Optional) Run preliminary health checks to determine if the cluster is in a

searchable state (search factor is met and all data is searchable).
2. Initiate a searchable rolling restart (includes health checks).
Optionally, initiate a searchable rolling restart using the force option
(overrides health checks).

1. (Optional) Run preliminary health checks

To check the current health of the cluster, run the following command on the

splunk show cluster-status --verbose

This command shows information about the cluster state. Review the command
output to confirm that the cluster is in a searchable state (search factor is met, all
data is searchable) before you initiate the searchable rolling restart.

The cluster must have two searchable copies of each bucket to be in a

searchable state for a searchable rolling restart.

Here is an example of the output from the splunk show cluster-status

--verbose command:

splunk@master1:~/bin$ ./splunk show cluster-status --verbose

Pre-flight check successful .................. YES

??????? Replication factor met ............... YES
??????? Search factor met .................... YES
??????? All data is searchable ............... YES
??????? All peers are up ..................... YES
??????? CM version is compatible ............. YES
??????? No fixup tasks in progress ........... YES
??????? Splunk version peer count { 7.1.0: 3 }

Indexing Ready YES

idx1 0026D1C6-4DDB-429E-8EC6-772C5B4F1DB5 default

Searchable YES
Status Up
Bucket Count=14
Splunk Version=7.1.0

idx3 31E6BE71-20E1-4F1C-8693-BEF482375A3F default

Searchable YES
Status Up
Bucket Count=14
Splunk Version=7.1.0

idx2 81E52D67-6AC6-4C5B-A528-4CD5FEF08009 default

Searchable YES
Status Up
Bucket Count=14
Splunk Version=7.1.0
The output shows that the health check is successful, which indicates the cluster
is in a searchable state for a searchable rolling restart.

Health check output details

The table shows output values for the criteria used to determine the health of the
indexer cluster.

Health Check Description
Replication The cluster has the specified number of copies
factor met of raw data.
Search factor The cluster has the specified number of
met searchable copies of data.
All data is
YES The cluster has a searchable copy of all data.
CM version is The cluster master is running a compatible
compatible version of Splunk Enterprise.
No cluster remedial activities (such as bucket
No fixup tasks in
YES replication or indexing non-searchable bucket
copies) is underway.
All peers are up YES All indexer cluster peers are running.
Splunk version 7.1 or later : Number of peers running the Splunk Enterprise
peer count # of peers version.
Health checks are not all inclusive. Checks apply only to the criteria listed.

2. Initiate a searchable rolling restart

To initiate a searchable rolling restart:

On the master, invoke the splunk rolling-restart cluster-peers command

using the searchable option.

splunk rolling-restart cluster-peers -searchable true

This command automatically runs health checks against the cluster. If these
health checks fail, the command returns the following message that indicates the
cluster is not in a searchable state.

"Request rejected. Wait until search factor is met and all data is

If you want to proceed with the searchable rolling restart despite the health check
failure, use the force option to override the health check and initiate the
searchable rolling restart, as follows:

On the master, invoke the splunk rolling-restart cluster-peers command

using the force option.

splunk rolling-restart cluster-peers -searchable true \

-force true \
-restart_inactivity_timeout <secs> \
-decommission_force_timeout <secs>
When using the force option you can specify custom values for the following
additional parameters. If you do not specify these parameters their default values
are used.

• decommission_force_timeout: The amount of time, in seconds, after which

the master forces the peer to restart. Default: 180.
• restart_inactivity_timeout: The amount of time, in seconds, after which
the master considers the peer restart a failure and proceeds to restart
other peers. Default: 600.

Set rolling restart default behavior in server.conf

You can set the default behavior for rolling restart using the rolling_restart
attribute in the [clustering] stanza of server.conf. This attribute lets you define
the type of rolling restart the master performs on the peers. It also provides a

convenient way to automatically load options for the splunk rolling-restart
cluster-peers command as an alternative to passing them from the command

The rolling_restart attribute supports these settings:

• restart: Initiates a rolling restart.

• shutdown: Initiates a staged rolling restart. Shuts down a single peer, then
waits for a manual restart. The process repeats until all peers are
• searchable: Initiates a rolling restart with minimum search interruption.
• searchable_force: Overrides cluster health checks and initiates a
searchable rolling restart.

Specifying the searchable option in the CLI or UI overrides the rolling_restart

= shutdown setting in server.conf.

To set the rolling_restart attribute:

1. On the master, edit $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/system/local/server.conf

2. In the [clustering] stanza, specify the rolling_restart attribute value.
For example:

mode = master
replication_factor = 3
search_factor = 2
pass4SymmKey = whatever
rolling_restart = searchable
3. Restart the master.

When you set rolling_restart = searchable_force, you can specify custom

values for the following additional attributes in the [clustering] stanza. If you do
not specify these attributes their default values are used.

• decommission_force_timeout: The amount of time, in seconds, after which

the master forces the peer to restart. Default: 180.
• restart_inactivity_timeout : The amount of time, in seconds, after
which the master considers the peer restart a failure and proceeds to
restart other peers. Default: 600.

For more information, see server.conf.spec in the Admin Manual.

Set searchable rolling restart as default mode for bundle push

Configuration bundle pushes that require a restart use the rolling_restart

value in server.conf. You can set the rolling_restart value to searchable to
make searchable rolling restart the default mode for all rolling restarts triggered
by a bundle push.

To set searchable rolling restart as the default mode for configuration bundle
push, use the following attributes in the [clustering] stanza of server.conf:

rolling_restart = searchable | searchable_force

For more information on configuration bundle push for indexer clusters, see
Apply the bundle to the peers.

Disable deferred scheduled searches

By default, during a searchable rolling restart, scheduled saved searches are

deferred until after the restart is completed, based on the
defer_scheduled_searchable_idxc attribute in savedsaearches.conf. You can
disable this default behavior so that scheduled saved searches are not deferred,
as follows: :

1. On the search head, edit

2. Set defer_scheduled_searchable_idxc to false.

defer_scheduled_searchable_idxc = false
3. Restart Splunk.

When defer_scheduled_searchable_idxc is disabled, scheduled saved searches

might return partial results.

To reenable deferred scheduled searches, set

defer_scheduled_searchable_idxc = true.

For more information on defer_scheduled_searchable_idxc, see

savedsearches.conf in the Admin Manual.

Rolling restart on a multisite cluster

With a multisite cluster, by default, the rolling restart proceeds with site

awareness. That is, the master restarts all peers on one site before proceeding to
restart the peers on the next site, and so on. This ensures that the cluster is
always fully searchable, assuming that each site has a full set of primaries.

Invoke rolling restart on a multisite cluster

When you invoke the splunk rolling-restart command on a multisite cluster,

the master completes a rolling restart of all peers on one site before proceeding
to the peers on the next site.

You can specify the site restart order, through the -site-order parameter.

Here is the multisite version of the command:

splunk rolling-restart cluster-peers [-site-order site<n>,site<n>, ...]

Note the following points regarding the -site-order parameter:

• This parameter specifies the site restart order.

• You can specify a subset of sites. Only the specified sites are restarted, in
the order given.
• The default, if this parameter is not specified, is to select sites at random.

For example, if you have a three-site cluster, you can specify rolling restart with
this command:

splunk rolling-restart cluster-peers -site-order site1,site3,site2

The master initiates the restarts in this order: site1, site3, site2. So, the master
first initiates a rolling restart for the peers on site1 and waits until the site1 peers
complete their restarts. Then the master initiates a rolling restart on site3 and
waits until it completes. Finally, it initiates a rolling restart on site2.

If you do not want the peer nodes to restart on a site-by-site basis, but instead
prefer the master to select the next restart peer randomly, from across all sites,
you can use the parameter -site-by-site=false.

How the master determines the number of multisite peers to restart in each

You can specify the percentage of peers that restart simultaneously by editing
the percent_peers_to_restart attribute in server.conf, in the same way that
you do for a single-site cluster. This percentage is always calculated globally,
even for site-aware rolling restarts.

Assuming the default of 10%, in a two-site cluster with 10 peers on site1 and 20
peers on site2, for a total of 30 peers, the master restarts three peers at a time.

The restart proceeds like this:

1. The master selects a site to restart first, for example, site2. (The site order
is configurable.)
2. The master restarts three peers from site2.
3. The master continues to restart peers from site2 as slots become
available, until it restarts all 20 peers on site2. It waits until all peers on
site2 restart before proceeding to site1. The master does not split restart
slots across multiple sites.
4. The master restarts three peers on site1.
5. The master continues to restart peers from site1 until it restarts all 10
peers on site1.

Handle slow restarts

If the peer instances restart slowly, the peers in one group might still be
undergoing restart when the master tells the next group to initiate restart. This
can occur, for example, due to inadequate machine resources. To remedy this
issue, you can increase the value of restart_timeout in the master's
server.conf file. Its default value is 60 seconds.

Rebalance the indexer cluster

By rebalancing the indexer cluster, you balance the distribution of bucket copies
across the set of peer nodes. A balanced set of bucket copies optimizes each
peer's search load and, in the case of data rebalancing, each peer's disk storage.

Types of indexer cluster rebalancing

There are two types of indexer cluster rebalancing:

• Primary rebalancing
• Data rebalancing

Primary rebalancing

The goal of primary rebalancing is to balance the search load across the peer

Primary rebalancing redistributes the primary bucket copies across the set of
peer nodes. It attempts, to the degree possible, to ensure that each peer has
approximately the same number of primary copies.

Primary rebalancing simply reassigns primary markers across the set of existing
searchable copies. It does not move searchable copies to different peer nodes.
Because of this limitation, primary rebalancing is unlikely to achieve a perfect
balance of primaries.

Because primary rebalancing only reassigns markers and does not cause any
bucket copies to move between peers, it occurs quickly.

Data rebalancing

The goal of data rebalancing is to balance the storage distribution across the
peer nodes.

Data rebalancing redistributes bucket copies, so that each peer has

approximately the same number of copies. It balances searchable,
non-searchable, and primary copies.

During data rebalancing, the cluster moves bucket copies from peers with more
copies to peers with fewer copies. Since this type of rebalancing includes
searchable copies, it overcomes the limitation inherent in primary rebalancing
and achieves a significantly better balance of primaries.

Because data rebalancing involves significant fixup activity, such as moving

bucket copies between peers, it can be a slow and lengthy process.

Rebalance indexer cluster primary bucket copies

When you start or restart a master or peer node, the master rebalances the set of
primary bucket copies across the peers, in an attempt to spread the primary
copies as equitably as possible. Ideally, if you have four peers and 300 buckets,
each peer would hold 75 primary copies. The purpose of primary rebalancing is
to even the search load across the set of peers.

How primary rebalancing works

To achieve primary rebalancing, the master reassigns the primary state from
existing bucket copies to searchable copies of the same buckets on other peers,
as necessary. This rebalancing is a best-effort attempt; there is no guarantee that
full, perfect rebalance will result.

Primary rebalancing occurs automatically whenever a peer or master node joins
or rejoins the cluster. In the case of a rolling restart, rebalancing occurs once, at
the end of the process.

Note: Even though primary rebalancing occurs when a new peer joins the
cluster, that peer won't participate in the rebalancing, because it does not yet
have any bucket copies. The rebalancing takes place among any existing peers
that have searchable bucket copies.

When performing primary rebalancing on a bucket, the master just reassigns the
primary state from one searchable copy to another searchable copy of the same
bucket, if there is one and if, by doing so, the balance of primaries across peers
will improve. It does not cause peers to stream bucket copies, and it does not
cause peers to make unsearchable copies searchable. If an existing peer does
not have any searchable copies, it will not gain any primaries during rebalancing.

Initiate primary rebalancing manually

If you want to initiate the primary rebalancing process manually, you can either
restart a peer or hit the
/services/cluster/master/control/control/rebalance_primaries REST
endpoint on the master. For example, run this command on the master node:

curl -k -u admin:pass --request POST \

For more information, refer to the REST API documentation for

Rebalance primaries on a multisite cluster

There are a few differences in how primary rebalancing works in a multisite

cluster. In a multisite cluster, multiple sites typically have full sets of primary
copies. When you rebalance the cluster, the rebalancing occurs independently
for each site. For example, in a two-site cluster, the cluster separately rebalances
the primaries in site1 and site2. It does not shift primaries between the two sites.

The start or restart of a peer on any site triggers primary rebalancing on all sites.
For example, if you restart a peer on site1 in a two-site cluster, rebalancing
occurs on both site1 and site2.

View the number of primaries on a peer

To gain insight into the primary load for any peer, you can use the
cluster/master/peers endpoint to view the number of primaries that the peer
currently holds. The primary_count shows the number of primaries that the peer
holds for its local site. The primary_count_remote shows the number of primaries
that the peer holds for non-local sites, including site0.

By using this endpoint on all your peers, you can determine whether the cluster
could benefit from primary rebalancing.

See the REST API documentation for cluster/master/peer.

Summary of indexer cluster primary rebalancing

Primary rebalancing is the rebalancing of the primary assignments across

existing searchable copies in the cluster.

It occurs under these circumstances:

• A peer joins or rejoins a cluster.

• At the end of a rolling restart.
• A master rejoins the cluster.
• You manually hit the rebalance_primaries REST endpoint on the master.

Rebalance indexer cluster data

To rebalance indexer cluster data, you rebalance the set of bucket copies so that
each peer holds approximately the same number of copies. This helps ensure
that each peer has a similar storage distribution.

The problem of imbalanced data

Imbalanced data increases the likelihood that one or more peers will run out of
disk space and thus transition to the detention state. In the detention state, the
peer no longer indexes new data, and so forwarders can no longer send data to
that peer. When that happens, a load-balanced forwarder shifts its incoming data
to other peers, increasing the indexing burden on those peers. In the worst-case
scenario, if the forwarder is not configured for load-balancing, its data gets lost.

In addition, as its existing data ages, the peer in detention will contain relatively
older data compared to other peers. Since most searches focus on newer data,
this means that the peer's data will typically get searched less frequently, shifting

the burden of the search load onto the peers that are not in detention.

Aside from detention considerations, imbalanced data can affect peer utilization
during searches. If some peer nodes hold more bucket copies for a particular
index compared to other peer nodes, they will have a greater part of the search
workload for searches on that index. For this reason, data rebalancing is
index-aware. When rebalancing completes, each peer will have approximately
the same number of bucket copies for each index.

Conditions that cause imbalanced data

A number of factors can cause an imbalance of bucket copies. These include:

• Newly added peer nodes. When you add a new peer, it initially has no
bucket copies. Through data rebalancing, you can move copies onto that
peer from other peers.
• Uneven forwarding of data. If the forwarders are sending more data to
some peer nodes, it is likely that those peers will hold more bucket copies.
Rebalancing provides a way to move copies from those peers to peers
with fewer copies.

What data rebalancing accomplishes

Data rebalancing attempts to achieve an equitable distribution of bucket copies

across the set of peer nodes. It factors in several bucket characteristics:

• Data rebalancing balances both non-searchable and searchable bucket

• Data rebalancing balances for each index, so that, in addition to each peer
holding approximately the same number of bucket copies in total, each
peer will hold the same number of bucket copies for each index. See Data
rebalancing and indexes.
• Data rebalancing operates on warm and cold buckets only. It does not
rebalance hot buckets.
• Data rebalancing operates only on buckets that meet their replication and
search factors.

Data rebalancing attempts to achieve a best-effort balance, not a perfect

balance. See Configure the data rebalancing threshold.

Limitations of data rebalancing

Data rebalancing has limitations regarding its effect on storage utilization and its
effect on concurrent searches:

• Storage utilization. Data rebalancing balances the number of bucket

copies, not the actual data storage. In addition, data rebalancing attempts
to achieve a practical balance, not a perfect balance. In most cases, the
process achieves an optimal approximation of balanced storage.
♦ The process assumes that all peers have the same amount of disk
storage available for indexes. It is a best practice to use
homogeneous instances for your peer nodes.
♦ The process assumes that all buckets are the same size, although
bucket size does sometimes vary.
♦ The process stops when the number of copies on each peer are
within a small range of a perfect balance. It does not ordinarily
attempt to put precisely the same number of copies on each peer.
See Configure the data rebalancing threshold.
• Concurrent searches. Because data rebalancing can cause primary
bucket copies to move to new peers, search results are not guaranteed to
be complete while data rebalancing continues. For this reason, the best
practice is to run data rebalancing during a maintenance window.

How data rebalancing works

The master node controls the data rebalancing process. To achieve the goal of
equitable distribution of bucket copies across all peer nodes, the master moves
bucket copies from peers with an above-average number of copies to peers with
a below-average number of copies. It continues this process until the cluster is
balanced, with each peer holding approximately the same number of bucket

To achieve rebalancing, the cluster uses the fundamental processes of bucket

fixup. It streams bucket copies from one peer to another. The process of
"moving" a copy to another peer thus involves streaming the copy from a peer
with an above-average number of copies to one with a below-average number of
copies, followed by removal of the extra copy from a peer with an above-average
number of copies.

The cluster processes buckets sequentially, one after another, until rebalancing
is complete. It does not wait for one bucket to complete before starting
rebalancing on the next, so there will typically be a number of buckets

simultaneously undergoing rebalancing. See Control rebalancing load.

Data rebalancing removes any excess bucket copies, both at the start of the
rebalancing process and during rebalancing, as extra bucket copies are

The master performs primary rebalancing at the end of the data rebalancing

The rebalancing process can terminate prematurely, either due to manual

intervention or because it times out. Termination conditions are discussed
elsewhere in this topic.

Data rebalancing and indexes

The rebalancing process balances the bucket copies by index. When rebalancing
completes, each peer holds approximately the same number of bucket copies in
total, as well as the same number of copies split by index.

For example, say you have a cluster with four peers and two indexes, index1 and
index2. Index1 has 100 bucket copies distributed across all peers. Index2 has
300 copies distributed across all peers, for a total of 400 copies of all buckets
across all peers.

Before rebalancing, the bucket distribution across the set of peers might look like

• Peer1: 110 total

♦ Index1: 10
♦ Index2: 100
• Peer2: 100 total
♦ Index1: 50
♦ Index2: 50
• Peer3: 50 total
♦ Index1: 20
♦ Index2: 30
• Peer4: 140 total
♦ Index1: 20
♦ Index2: 120

After rebalancing , the bucket distribution will look approximately like this:

• Peer1: 100 total

♦ Index1: 25
♦ Index2: 75
• Peer2: 100 total
♦ Index1: 25
♦ Index2: 75
• Peer3: 100 total
♦ Index1: 25
♦ Index2: 75
• Peer4: 100 total
♦ Index1: 25
♦ Index2: 75

Data rebalancing in multisite indexer clusters

Multisite data rebalancing operates in essentially the same way as single-site

rebalancing. However, in multisite clusters, the master first balances each bucket
across sites to the degree that the site configuration allows. It then balances the
bucket within each site.

The degree to which you can balance a multisite cluster across sites depends on
the site replication and search factors. For example, if you have a site replication
factor of origin:2,total:3, the cluster maintains two-thirds of the copies on their
origin site. If one site originates more buckets than another, rebalancing cannot
address the resulting imbalance without violating the site replication factor, and
so the imbalance will remain. Similarly, the cluster will not rebalance in a way that
violates explicit site requirements. Intersite balancing does, however, balance
non-explicit copies across sites.

Initiate data rebalancing

You can rebalance the data for all indexes or for just a single index. In addition,
you can set a timeout for the rebalancing.

To rebalance the data, run this CLI command on the master node:

splunk rebalance cluster-data -action start [-index index_name]

[-max_runtime interval_in_minutes]
Note the following:

• Use the optional -index parameter to rebalance just a single index.

Otherwise, the command rebalances all indexes.
• Use the optional -max_runtime parameter to limit the rebalance activity to

a specified number of minutes. The rebalancing stops automatically if the
timeout limit is reached, even if there are still more buckets to process. For
details on what happens when data rebalancing stops prematurely, see
Stop data rebalancing.

You can also initiate rebalancing from the master dashboard. See Use the
master dashboard to initiate and configure rebalancing.

Note: It is best to perform data rebalancing during a maintenance window for

these reasons:

• Data rebalancing can cause primary bucket copies to move to new peers,
so search results are not guaranteed to be complete while data
rebalancing continues.
• The fix-up activities associated with data rebalancing have a low priority
compared to other bucket fix-up activities, such as maintaining the
replication and search factors, so rebalancing will wait while other fix-up
activity completes.

Stop data rebalancing

To stop data rebalancing prematurely, run this CLI command on the master

splunk rebalance cluster-data -action stop

For any bucket in the midst of rebalancing when this command occurs, the
cluster finishes the current process. It does not initiate any additional processing
on the bucket, however. For example, if the cluster is in the midst of copying a
non-searchable copy of a bucket, it finishes making the copy. It does not check
whether the bucket balance can improve by also processing a searchable copy.
It also does not remove any excess copies of the bucket.

View status of data rebalancing

To see whether data rebalancing is running, run this CLI command on the master

splunk rebalance cluster-data -action status

You can also use the master dashboard to view rebalancing status. See Use the
master dashboard to initiate and configure rebalancing.

Configure the data rebalancing threshold

The master attempts to achieve a reasonable, but not perfect, balance, in which
the resulting number of copies on each peer lies within a narrow range to either
side of the average number of copies for all peers.

This balance is configurable through the rebalance_threshold attribute in the

master's server.conf. You can adjust the setting either directly in server.conf or
by means of the CLI. For example:

splunk edit cluster-config -mode master -rebalance_threshold 0.95 -auth

You can also configure the rebalancing threshold through the master dashboard.
See Use the master dashboard to initiate and configure rebalancing.

A rebalance_threshold value of 1.00 means that rebalancing will continue until

the cluster is fully balanced, with each peer having the same number of copies.
The default value is 0.90, which means that rebalancing will continue until each
peer is within 90% of a perfect balance.

With the default setting of 0.90, rebalancing continues until the number of copies
on each peer lies within a range of .90 to 1.10 of the average. For example, if you
have three peers holding between them a total of 300 copies, meaning that there
is an average of 100 copies per peer, the rebalancing process stops when every
peer holds between 90 and 110 copies.

If you decide instead that a 95% balance is preferable, you can set
rebalance_threshold to 0.95. The master will then perform any necessary
rebalancing until the number of copies on each peer lies within a range of .95 to
1.05 of the average.

The cluster considers each index individually against the threshold. That is, the
goal of the rebalancing is to ensure that each index is balanced to the tolerance
set by the rebalance_threshold attribute.

Control rebalancing load

You can configure the rebalancing load to minimize the effect that the
consequent fix-up activity has on peer indexing and search performance.

The maximum number of buckets that can be rebalancing at a time is subject to

the same attributes that determine peer load for any fix-up activity:

max_peer_rep_load and max_peer_build_load in the [clustering] stanza of

Data rebalancing uses the value of these attributes reduced by 1, if the attribute
value is greater than 1. For example, if you set max_peer_rep_load to 4, then the
peer can participate in a maximum of three (not four) concurrent rebalancing
replications as a target.

Use the master dashboard to initiate and configure rebalancing

You can initiate and configure rebalancing through the master dashboard. See
Configure the master with the dashboard.

1. Click the Edit button on the upper right side of the dashboard.
2. Select the Data Rebalance option.
A pop-up window appears with several fields.
3. Fill out the fields as necessary:
♦ Threshold. Change the rebalancing threshold.
♦ Max Runtime. Stop the rebalancing process after a set period of
time. If you leave this field empty, rebalancing continues until all
peers are within the threshold limit.
♦ Index. Run rebalancing on a single index or across all indexes.
4. To start rebalancing, click the Start button.

The window also provides rebalance status information.

Remove excess bucket copies from the indexer

Excess bucket copies are copies that exceed the cluster's replication factor or
search factor. For example, if the cluster has a replication factor of 3, each
bucket should optimally have exactly three copies residing across the set of peer
nodes. If one bucket has four copies, that bucket has one excess copy.

Excess copies do not interfere with the operation of the cluster, but they are
unnecessary and require extra disk space.

You can view and remove excess bucket copies from the Master dashboard or
from the CLI.

How excess copies originate

Excess copies can result from peers leaving the cluster and then returning to it.
When a peer goes down, the cluster initiates bucket fixing activities to
compensate for any copies on that peer, because those copies are no longer
available to the cluster. The goal of bucket fixing is return the cluster to the
complete state, where each bucket has a replication factor number of copies
and a search factor number of searchable copies.

If the peer later returns to the indexer cluster, any bucket copies that the peer
retained while down are once again available to the cluster. This can result in the
cluster maintaining excess copies of some buckets, as described in the topic
What happens when a peer node comes back up.

In effect, a returning peer can cause the cluster to store more copies of some
buckets than are needed to fulfill the replication factor and, possibly, the search
factor as well. It can sometimes be useful to keep the extra copies around, as
that topic explains, but you can save disk space by instead removing them.

Use the Master dashboard

To view or remove excess bucket copies:

1. On the master node, click Settings on the upper right side of Splunk Web.

2. In the Distributed Environment group, click Indexer clustering.

This takes you to the Master dashboard.

3. Select the Indexes tab.

4. Click the Bucket Status button.

This takes you to the Bucket Status dashboard.

5. Select the Indexes with Excess Buckets tab.

This tab provides a list of indexes with excess bucket copies. It enumerates both
buckets with excess copies and buckets with excess searchable copies. It also
enumerates the total excess copies in each category. For example, if your index
"new" has one bucket with three excess copies, one of which is searchable, and
a second bucket with one excess copy, which is non-searchable, the row for
"new" will report:

• 2 buckets with excess copies
• 1 bucket with excess searchable copies
• 4 total excess copies
• 1 total excess searchable copies

If you want to remove the excess copies for a single index, click the Remove
button on the right side of the row for that index.

If you want to remove the excess copies for all indexes, click the Remove All
Excess Buckets button.

Use the CLI

The Splunk CLI has two commands that help manage and remove excess bucket
copies. You can run these commands either across the entire set of indexes or
on just a single index.

Determine whether the cluster has extra copies

To find out how many buckets have extra copies, including extra searchable
copies, run this command from the master:

splunk list excess-buckets [index-name]

The output from splunk list excess-buckets looks like this:

Total number of buckets=4
Number of buckets with excess replication copies=0
Number of buckets with excess searchable copies=0
Total number of excess replication copies across all buckets=0
Total number of excess searchable copies across all buckets=0
Total number of buckets=4
Number of buckets with excess replication copies=0
Number of buckets with excess searchable copies=0
Total number of excess replication copies across all buckets=0
Total number of excess searchable copies across all buckets=0
Total number of buckets=5
Number of buckets with excess replication copies=5
Number of buckets with excess searchable copies=5
Total number of excess replication copies across all buckets=10
Total number of excess searchable copies across all buckets=5

Remove extra bucket copies

To remove all extra bucket copies from the cluster (or from one index on the
cluster), run this command from the master:

splunk remove excess-buckets [index-name]

The master determines which peers to remove the extra copies from. This is not
configurable, and the extras will not necessarily be removed from the peer that
has most recently returned to the cluster.

Put a peer into detention

When a peer is in the state of detention, its functionality is reduced. It stops
replicating data from other peer nodes and, depending on the type of detention,
stops indexing most or all data. It continues to participate in searches.

A peer can enter detention either automatically, in response to a low level of free
disk space, or manually.

Automatic detention

When a peer enters the detention state automatically, it

• stops indexing all data, internal and external.

• stops replicating data from other peer nodes.
• continues to participate in searches.

The peer node enters the detention state automatically when it runs low on disk
space. The setting that controls automatic detention is minFreeSpace in
server.conf. The default value is 5000, or 5GB, meaning that the peer enters
detention when it has less than 5GB of free disk space.

The peer automatically leaves the detention state when its free disk space grows
to exceed minFreeSpace.

Manual detention

When a peer enters the detention state manually, it

• stops replicating data from other peer nodes.

• optionally disables external data ports, causing it to stop indexing most
types of external data.
• continues to index internal data.
• continues to participate in searches.

When you manually put a peer into the detention state, it remains in detention
until you remove it from detention. Manual detention persists through peer

The effect of disabling external data ports

You can optionally disable external data ports when setting a peer to manual
detention. This brings a halt to the indexing of most external data, including

• TCP inputs
• UDP inputs
• HTTP event collector data inputs
• data sent from a forwarder to the peer through its receiving port

However, external data can continue to enter the peer through these methods:

• scripted inputs
• file and folder monitoring
• the receivers/stream endpoint

In addition, the indexer can continue to route incoming data to another Splunk
Enterprise instance or to a third-party system.

Use cases

Here are some of the key use cases for manual detention:

• To bring a near halt to the growth of disk usage on the peer, for example,
if the peer is close to running out of space.
• To effectively decommission an old peer, making it available only for
searches on existing data.
• To stop a troublesome peer from handling external or replicated data,
while keeping the peer available for diagnostics.
• To force new data to go to the new peers, when you add new peers to a

Note: You can also use data rebalancing to move data to

new peers. See Rebalance the cluster.

• To slow the growth of disk usage on a peer that belongs to a pre-approved
firewall exception list and needs to continue receiving incoming data. For
this use case, you can configure the peer to stop replication activity but
continue to consume external data.

Put a peer into manual detention

To put a peer into detention, run the CLI command splunk edit cluster-config
with the -manual_detention parameter.

You can set the -manual_detention parameter to one of several values:

• on. The peer enters detention and closes the ports that consume incoming
data. These ports are the receiving TCP, UDP, and HTTP event collector
ports.The effect of closing the ports is to halt indexing of most external
data. The peer continues to index internal data. The peer stops replicating
data from other peer nodes.
• on_ports_enabled. The peer enters detention and the ports stay open to
accept incoming data. The peer continues to index both external and
internal data. The peer stops replicating data from other peer nodes.
• off. The peer is not in detention. This is the default.

You can run this command from the peer itself or from the master node.

Caution: The peer must be in the Up state, or "status," before you put it in
detention. For information on how to determine the status of a peer, see View the
master dashboard.

To run the command from the peer:

splunk edit cluster-config -auth <username>:<password>

-manual_detention [off|on|on_ports_enabled]
To run the command from the master node:

splunk edit cluster-config -auth <username>:<password> -peers

<peer_guid1>,<peer_guid2>,... -manual_detention
Note the following:

• -peers specifies the set of peers that you want to put in detention. Identify
each peer by its GUID. When you run the command from the master
node, you must include this parameter.

Take a peer out of manual detention

To take a peer out of detention:

splunk edit cluster-config -auth <username>:<password>

-manual_detention off
Use a REST endpoint to put the peer into manual detention

You can use the REST endpoint

cluster/slave/control/control/set_manual_detention to put a peer into
manual detention.

Note: A previous endpoint,

cluster/slave/control/control/set_detention_override, has been
deprecated. Use cluster/slave/control/control/set_manual_detention in its

See the REST API documentation for


View the detention state

You can view the states, detention-related or otherwise, of all peers from the
master dashboard. See View the master dashboard.

These are the possible detention states:

• AutomaticDetention. Peer entered detention automatically.

• ManualDetention. Peer entered detention manually and no longer
consumes external data.
• ManualDetention-PortsEnabled. Peer entered detention manually and
continues to consume external data.

You can also use the DMC to view the state of the peers.

In addition, some CLI commands also provide peer state information:

• To view the state of all peers, run this command on the master:

splunk list cluster-peers

• To view the state of a single peer, run this command on the peer:

splunk list cluster-config

Remove a peer from the master's list

After a peer goes down, it remains on the master's list of peer nodes. The main
effect is that it continues to appear on the master dashboard, although its status
changes to "Down" or "GracefulShutdown", depending on how it went down.

You can use the splunk remove cluster-peers command to remove peers from
the list:

splunk remove cluster-peers -peers <guid>,<guid>,<guid>,...

Note the following:

• All peers removed must be in the "Down" or "GracefulShutdown" state.

• You specify the peers with a comma-separated list of GUIDs, one per
• The GUIDs can be specified with or without hyphens. For example:
4EB4D230-CB8B-4DEB-AD68-CF9209A6868A and
4EB4D230CB8B4DEBAD68CF9209A6868A are both valid.
• If any GUID on the list is invalid, because one of the GUIDs does not
correlate to a downed peer, the master aborts the entire operation.

You can also remove the peer from the master's list by restarting the master.

For information on the master dashboard's list of peers, see View the master

Manage a multisite indexer cluster

Handle master site failure

If the site holding the master node fails, you lose the master's functionality. You
must quickly start a new master on one of the remaining sites.

In the meantime, the cluster continues to function as best it can. The peers
continue to stream data to other peers based on the list of target peers that they
were using at the time the master went down. If some of their target peers go
down (as would likely be the case in a site failure), they remove them from their
lists of streaming targets and continue to stream data to any peers remaining on
their lists.

To deal with master site failure, do the following:

1. Configure a stand-by master on at least one of the sites not hosting the current
master. See Replace the master node on the indexer cluster. This is a
preparatory step. You must do this before the need arises.

2. When the master site goes down, bring up a stand-by master on one of the
remaining sites. See Replace the master node on the indexer cluster.

3. Restart indexing on the cluster, following the instructions in Restart indexing in

multisite cluster after master restart or site failure.

The new master now fully replaces the old master.

Note: If the failed site later comes back up, you need to point the peers on that
site to the new master. See Ensure that the peer and search head nodes can find
the new master.

Restart indexing in multisite cluster after master

restart or site failure
When a master restarts, it blocks indexing until enough peers exist across the
indexer cluster to fulfill the replication factor. In a basic, single-site cluster, this is
usually desired behavior. However, in the case of a multisite cluster, you might
want to restart indexing even though you do not have enough available peers to

fulfill all aspects of the site replication factor (for example, in the case of site

The two cases where this need typically arises are:

• A site goes down and you later need to restart the master for any reason.
• The site with the master goes down and you bring up a stand-by master
on another site.

If a site goes down but the master, running on another site, remains up, indexing
continues as usual, because the master only runs the check at start-up.

Run the splunk set indexing-ready command on the master to unblock

indexing when replication factor number of peers are not available:

splunk set indexing-ready -auth admin:your_password

For example, assume you have a three-site cluster configured with
"site_replication_factor = origin:1, site1:2, site2:2, site3:2, total:7", with the master
located on site1. If site2 goes down and you subsequently restart the master, the
master blocks indexing after it restarts, because it is waiting to hear from a
minimum of two peers on site2 ("site2:2"). In this situation, you can use the
command to restart indexing on the remaining sites.

Similarly, if site1, which has the master, goes down and you bring up a stand-by
master on site2, the new master initially blocks indexing because site1 is not
available. You can then use the command to tell the new master to restart

Important: You must run the splunk set indexing-ready command every time
you restart the master under the listed circumstances. The command unblocks
indexing only for the current restart.

Note: Although this command is designed with site failure in mind, you can also
use it to restart indexing on a single-site cluster prior to the replication factor
number of peers being available. In that circumstance, however, it is usually
better just to wait until the replication number of peers rejoin the cluster.

Convert a multisite indexer cluster to single-site

You can convert a multisite indexer cluster to a basic, single-site cluster. When
you do so, all peers and search heads become part of the implicit single site.

1. Stop all cluster nodes (master/peers/search heads).

2. On the master, edit server.conf:

a. Set multisite to false.

b. Set the single-site replication_factor and search_factor attributes to

implement the desired replication behavior.

c. Remove the site attribute.

3. On each search head, edit server.conf:

a. Set multisite to false.

b. Remove the site attribute.

4. On each peer, edit server.conf:

a. Remove the site attribute.

5. Start the master node.

6. Start the peer nodes and search heads.

Note the following:

• The master ignores any multisite attributes remaining in server.conf

(site_replication_factor and so on).

• Upon restart, the master picks a primary copy for each bucket.

• After the conversion, any bucket copies that exceed the single-site
replication factor remain in place. For information on removing these extra
copies, see Remove excess bucket copies.

• Future bucket replication and bucket fixing will follow the values set for the
single-site replication and search factors.

For information on how to convert a single-site cluster to multisite, see Migrate an

indexer cluster from single-site to multisite.

Move a peer to a new site
Use this procedure to relocate a peer to another site. This can be useful if a peer
was shipped to the wrong site and the mistake was discovered only after the
peer was deployed on the cluster.

1. Take the peer offline with the offline command, as described in Take a peer
offline. The master will reassign the bucket copies handled by this peer to other
peers in the same site.

2. Ship the peer's server to the new site.

3. Delete the entire Splunk Enterprise installation from the server, including its
index database with all bucket copies.

4. Reinstall Splunk Enterprise on the server, re-enable clustering, and set the
peer's site value to the new site location.

The peer rejoins the cluster as a new peer.

Decommission a site in a multisite indexer cluster

To decommission a site, you reconfigure several site-specific attributes.

Decommission a site

Caution: Before proceeding, be aware of these issues:

• If a peer on the decommissioned site contains any buckets that were

created before the peer was part of a cluster, such buckets exist only on
that peer and therefore will be lost when the site is decommissioned.
• Similarly, if the decommissioned site started out as a single-site cluster
before it became part of a multisite cluster, any buckets that were created
when it was a single-site cluster exist only on that site and will be lost
when the site is decommissioned.
• Once the master restarts at the end of the decommissioning process, it
will commence bucket fix-up activities to return the cluster to a complete
state. This can take a considerable amount of time, particularly if the
decommissioned site held a large number of origin buckets.


The cluster must meet these conditions before you decommission one of its

• The cluster must be in a complete state.

• The master node cannot be on the site that you are planning to
decommission. If it is, move the master to to a new site, following the
guidelines in Handle master site failure.
• The site_replication_factor attribute must be configured so that at least
one copy of each bucket resides on a site not due for decommissioning.
For example, in a two-site cluster, a valid configuration would be
site_replication_factor = origin:1,total:2.
• The site_search_factor attribute must be configured so that at least one
searchable copy of each bucket resides on a site not due for
decommissioning. For example, in a two-site cluster, a valid configuration
would be site_search_factor = origin:1,total:2.
• If you need to reconfigure site_replication_factor or
site_search_factor so that all buckets have copies on other sites, you
must then wait until the master completes fix-up activities and returns the
cluster to a complete state before proceeding with the decommissioning.


1. For each search head on the site, either disable the search head or
change the search head's site attribute to specify a remaining site. For
example, to change the search head's site to site2:

splunk edit cluster-master -site


See Configure the search heads.

2. For each forwarder that uses indexer discovery and specifies the
decommissioned site, change its site attribute to specify a remaining site.
For example, to change the forwarder's site to site2:

site = site2
You must restart the forwarder for the configuration change to take effect.
See Use indexer discovery in a multisite cluster.
3. Run splunk enable maintenance-mode on the master. This step prevents
unnecessary bucket fix-ups. See Use maintenance mode.
4. To confirm that the master has entered maintenance mode, run splunk
show maintenance-mode.
5. Update these attributes on the master:

♦ available_sites
♦ site_replication_factor
♦ site_search_factor
♦ site_mappings
For details on the necessary updates, see Reconfigure attributes.
6. Restart the master. This step causes the attribute changes to take effect.
Note: When the master restarts, the peers from the decommissioned site
will unsuccessfully try to rejoin the cluster. Ignore the resulting messages.
7. Run splunk disable maintenance-mode on the master. This step starts
fix-up activities for peers on the remaining sites.
8. To confirm that the master has left maintenance mode, run splunk show
9. Run splunk stop on each peer on the decommissioned site. You can now
remove these peers from the site.
10. To verify that that the decommissioning was successful, look at the top of
the master dashboard. It should state that both the search factor and the
replication factor are met. When both are met, the cluster is in a complete
state, indicating that the decommissioning was successful. See View the
master dashboard.
Note: Because site decommissioning typically involves a large amount of
bucket fix-up activity, it can take a considerable amount of time for the
cluster to return to its complete state.

Reconfigure attributes

When you decommission a site, you must make changes to several site-specific
attributes in server.conf on the master node:

• available_sites: Remove the decommissioned site from the site list for
this attribute.
• site_replication_factor and site_search_factor: If the
decommissioned site is an explicit site in either of these attributes, remove
it and otherwise reconfigure the attribute as necessary.
• site_mappings: Add a mapping for the decommissioned site to this
attribute. See Map the decommissioned site.

You must restart the master node after you change any of these attributes.

Map the decommissioned site

When a site gets decommissioned, the origin bucket copies for that site remain
bound to the decommissioned site until you map the site to a remaining, active
site. This can make the cluster unable to meet its replication or search factors.

To deal with this issue, you can map decommissioned sites to active sites. The
bucket copies for which a decommissioned site is the origin site will then be
replicated to the active site specified by the mapping, allowing the cluster to
again meet its replication and search factors.

Note: The site_replication_factor and site_search_factor attributes

determine the cluster's number of origin bucket copies.


Map the site before you decommission it. See Decommission a site.

To map a site that you are planning to decommission to a remaining site, use the
site_mappings attribute in server.conf. Set this attribute on the master node
only, using this syntax:

site_mappings = <comma-separated string>

Note the following:

• The <comma-separated string> contains mappings from decommissioned

sites to the remaining, active sites. These mappings can be of two types:
♦ <decommissioned_site_id>:<active_site_id>. For example,
site2:site3, where site2 is a decommissioned site and site3 is an
active site. This is called an explicit mapping. There can be multiple
explicit mappings.
♦ default_mapping:<active_site_id>. For example,
default_mapping:site4, where site4 is an active site. There can be
at most one default mapping. It is recommended that you always
include a default mapping, as fallback for an incorrect or missing
explicit mapping.
• In the case of <decommissioned_site_id>:<active_site_id>, the origin
bucket copies in <decommissioned_site_id> will get replicated from
remaining sites to peers on the <active_site_id>. This allows the cluster
to meet the requirements of its replication and search factors.
• In the case of default_mapping:<active_site_id>, the origin bucket
copies for any decommissioned site without an explicit mapping will get
replicated to <active_site_id>.
• If an active site in a mapping is itself later decommissioned, its previous
mappings must be remapped to a currently active site. For example, in the
case of site2:site3, if site3 is itself decommissioned, you must replace the
previous mapping, site2:site3, with a new set of mappings that map both
site2 and site3 to an active site, such as site4, using the string


Restart the master node after changing this attribute.


These examples assume a cluster that originally had five sites, site1 through

• "site_mappings = site2:site3" This configuration maps a

decommissioned site2 to an active site3. The mapping causes origin
bucket copies for site2 to replicate to site3. There is no default site
• "site_mappings = site1:site3,default_mapping:site4" This
configuration maps a decommissioned site1 to site3 and maps all other
decommissioned sites to site4. The mapping causes origin bucket copies
for the decommissioned sites to replicate to their respective mapped sites.
• "site_mappings = default_mapping:site5" This configuration maps all
decommissioned sites to site5. The mapping causes origin bucket copies
for all decommissioned sites to replicate to site5.

How indexer clusters work

Basic indexer cluster concepts for advanced users

To understand how a cluster functions, you need to be familiar with a few

• Replication factor. This specifies how many copies of the data the cluster
maintains. It influences the cluster's resiliency, its ability to withstand
multiple node failures.
• Search factor. This specifies how many copies of the data are
searchable. It influences how quickly a cluster can recover from a
downed node.
• Buckets. These are the basic storage containers for indexes. They
correspond to subdirectories in the indexer's database.
• Cluster states. These states describe the health of the cluster.

You can find an overview to these concepts in the introductory topic on cluster
architecture, Basic indexer cluster architecture. Topics in the chapter you are
now reading provide more detail.

Replication factor
As part of setting up an indexer cluster, you specify the number of copies of data
that you want the cluster to maintain. Peer nodes store incoming data in
buckets, and the cluster maintains multiple copies of each bucket. The cluster
stores each bucket copy on a separate peer node. The number of copies of each
bucket that the cluster maintains is the replication factor.

Replication factor and cluster resiliency

The cluster can tolerate a failure of (replication factor - 1) peer nodes. For
example, to ensure that your system can tolerate a failure of two peers, you must
configure a replication factor of 3, which means that the cluster stores three
identical copies of each bucket on separate nodes. With a replication factor of 3,
you can be certain that all your data will be available if no more than two peer
nodes in the cluster fail. With two nodes down, you still have one complete copy
of data available on the remaining peers.

By increasing the replication factor, you can tolerate more peer node failures.
With a replication factor of 2, you can tolerate just one node failure; with a
replication factor of 3, you can tolerate two concurrent failures; and so on.

The trade-off is that you need to store and process all those copies of data.
Although the replicating activity doesn't consume much processing power, still,
as the replication factor increases, you need to run more indexers and provision
more storage for the indexed data. On the other hand, since data replication itself
requires little processing power, you can take advantage of the multiple indexers
in a cluster to ingest and index more data. Each indexer in the cluster can
function as both originating indexer ("source peer") and replication target ("target
peer"). It can index incoming data and also store copies of data from other
indexers in the cluster.

Example: Replication factor in action

In the following diagram, one peer is receiving data from a forwarder, which it
processes and then streams to two other peers.The cluster will contain three
complete copies of the peer's data, one copy on each peer.

Note: This diagram represents a highly simplified version of peer replication,

where all data is entering the system through a single peer. There are a few
issues that add complexity to a real-life scenario:

• In most clusters, each of the peer nodes would be functioning as both

source and target peer, receiving external data from a forwarder, as well

as replicated data from other peers.
• To accommodate horizontal scaling, a cluster with a replication factor of 3
could consist of many more peers than three. At any given time, each
source peer would be streaming copies of its data to two target peers, but
each time it started a new hot bucket, its set of target peers could
potentially change.

Later topics in this chapter describe in detail how clusters process data.

Replication factor in multisite clusters

A multisite cluster uses a special version of the replication factor, the site
replication factor. This determines not only the number of copies that the entire
cluster maintains but also the number of copies that each site maintains. For
information on the site replication factor, see Configure the site replication factor.

Search factor
When you configure the master node, you designate a search factor. The
search factor determines the number of searchable copies of data the indexer
cluster maintains. In other words, the search factor determines the number of
searchable copies of each bucket. The default value for the search factor is 2,
meaning that the cluster maintains two searchable copies of all data. The search
factor must be less than or equal to the replication factor.

Searchable and non-searchable bucket copies

The difference between a searchable and a non-searchable copy of a bucket is

this: The searchable copy contains both the data itself and some very extensive
index files that the peer node uses to search the data. The non-searchable copy
contains just the data. Even the data stored in the non-searchable copy,
however, has undergone initial processing and is stored in a form that makes it
possible to create the index files later, if necessary. For more information on the
files that constitute Splunk Enterprise indexes, read the subtopic Data files.

Search recovery from peer node failure

With a search factor of at least 2, the cluster is able to continue searching with
little interruption if a peer node goes down. For example, say you specify a
replication factor of 3 and a search factor of 2. The cluster will maintain three
copies of all buckets on separate peers across the cluster, and two copies of

each bucket will be searchable. Then, if a peer goes down and it contains a
bucket copy that has been participating in searches, a searchable copy of that
bucket on another peer can immediately step in and start participating in

On the other hand, if the cluster's search factor is only 1 and a peer goes down,
there will be a significant lag before searching can resume across the full set of
cluster data. Although non-searchable copies of the buckets can be made
searchable, doing so takes time, because the index files must first be built from
the raw data file. The processing time can be significant if the peer that went
down was storing a large quantity of searchable data. For help estimating the
time needed to make non-searchable copies searchable, look here.

The reason you might want to limit the number of searchable copies on your
cluster is because searchable data occupies a lot more storage than
non-searchable data. The trade-off, therefore, is between quick access to all your
data in case of peer node failure versus increased storage requirements. For
help estimating the relative storage sizes of searchable and non-searchable data,
read Storage considerations. For most needs, the default search factor of 2
represents the right trade-off.

Search factor in multisite clusters

A multisite cluster uses a special version of the search factor, the site search
factor. This determines not only the number of searchable copies that the entire
cluster maintains but also the number of searchable copies that each site
maintains. For information on the site search factor, see Configure the site
search factor.

Buckets and indexer clusters

Splunk Enterprise stores indexed data in buckets, which are directories
containing both the data and index files into the data. An index typically consists
of many buckets, organized by age of the data.

The indexer cluster replicates data on a bucket-by-bucket basis. The original

bucket copy and its replicated copies on other peer nodes contain identical sets
of data, although only searchable copies also contain the index files.

In a cluster, copies of buckets originating from a single source peer can be

spread across many target peers. For example, if you have five peers in your

cluster and a replication factor of 3 (a typical scenario for horizontal scaling), the
cluster will maintain three copies of each bucket (the original copy on the source
peer and replicated copies on two target peers). Each time the source peer starts
a new hot bucket, the master gives the peer a new set of target peers to replicate
data to. Therefore, while the original copies will all be on the source peer, the
replicated copies of those buckets will be randomly spread across the other
peers.This behavior is not configurable. The one certainty is that you will never
have two copies of the same bucket on the same peer. In the case of a multisite
cluster, you can also configure the site location of the replicated copies, but you
still cannot specify the actual peer location.

The following diagram shows the scenario just described - five peers, a
replication factor of 3, and seven original source buckets, with their copies
spread across all the peers. To reduce complexity, the diagram only shows the
buckets for data originating from one peer. In a real-life scenario, most, if not all,
of the other peers would also be originating data and replicating it to other peers
on the cluster.

In this diagram, 1A is a source bucket. 1B and 1C are copies of that bucket. The
diagram uses the same convention with 2A/B/C, 3A/B/C, and so on.

You need a good grasp of buckets to understand cluster architecture. The rest of
this section describes some bucket concepts of particular importance for a
clustered deployment. For a thorough introduction to buckets, read "How the
indexer stores indexes".

Data files

There are two key types of files in a bucket:

• The processed external data in compressed form (rawdata)

• Indexes that point to the rawdata (index files, also referred to as tsidx

Buckets contain a few other types of files as well, but these are the ones that are
most important to understand.

Rawdata is not actually "raw" data, as the term might be defined by a dictionary.
Rather, it consists of the external data after it has been processed into events.
The processed data is stored in a compressed rawdata journal file. As a journal
file, the rawdata file, in addition to containing the event data, contains all
information necessary to generate the associated index files, if they are missing.

All bucket copies, both searchable and non-searchable, contain rawdata files.
Searchable copies also contain index files.

When a peer node receives a block of data from a forwarder, it processes the
data and adds it to the rawdata file in its local hot bucket. It also indexes it,
creating the associated index files. In addition, it streams copies of just the
processed rawdata to each of its target peers, which then adds it to the rawdata
file in its own copy of the bucket. The rawdata in both the original and the
replicated bucket copies are identical.

If the cluster has a search factor of 1, the target peers store only the rawdata in
the bucket copies. They do not generate index files for the data. By not storing
the index files on the target peers, you limit storage requirements. Because the
rawdata is stored as a journal file, if the peer maintaining the original, fully
indexed data goes down, one of the target peers can step in and generate the
indexes from its copy of the rawdata.

If the cluster has a search factor greater than 1, some or all of the target peers
also create index files for the data. For example, say you have a replication factor
of 3 and a search factor of 2. In that case, the source peer streams its rawdata to
two target peers. One of those peers then uses the rawdata to create index files,
which it stores in its copy of the bucket. That way, there will be two searchable
copies of the data (the original copy and the replicated copy with the index files).
As described in "Search factor", this allows the cluster to recover more quickly in
case of peer node failure. For more information on searchable bucket copies, see
"Bucket searchability" later in this topic.

See these topics for more information on bucket files:

• For information on how bucket files get regenerated when a peer goes
down, read "What happens when a peer node goes down".
• For information on the relative sizes of rawdata and index files, read
"Storage considerations".

Bucket stages

As a bucket ages, it rolls through several stages:

• hot
• warm
• cold
• frozen

For detailed information about these stages, read "How the indexer stores

For the immediate discussion of cluster architecture, you just need a basic
understanding of these bucket stages. A hot bucket is a bucket that's still being
written to. When an indexer finishes writing to a hot bucket (for example,
because the bucket reaches a maximum size), it rolls the bucket to warm and
begins writing to a new hot bucket. Warm buckets are readable (for example, for
searching) but the indexer does not write new data to them. Eventually, a bucket
rolls to cold and then to frozen, at which point it gets archived or deleted.

There are a couple other details that are important to keep in mind:

• Hot/warm and cold buckets are stored in separately configurable

• The filename of a warm or cold bucket includes the time range of the data
in the bucket. For detailed information on bucket naming conventions,
read "What the index directories look like".
• Searches occur across hot, warm, and cold buckets.
• The conditions that cause buckets to roll are configurable, as described in
"Configure index storage".
• For storage hardware information, such as help on estimating storage
requirements, read "Storage considerations".

Bucket searchability and primacy states

A copy of a bucket is either searchable or non-searchable. Since a cluster can

maintain multiple searchable copies of a bucket, the cluster needs a way to
identify which copy participates in a search. To handle this, clusters use the
concept of primacy. A searchable bucket copy is either primary or non-primary.

A bucket copy is searchable if it contains index files in addition to the rawdata

file. The peer receiving the external data indexes the rawdata and also sends
copies of the rawdata to its peers. If the search factor is greater than 1, some or
all of those peers will also generate index files for the buckets they're replicating.
So, for example, if you have a replication factor of 3 and a search factor of 2 and
the cluster is complete, the cluster will contain three copies of each bucket. All
three copies will contain the rawdata file, and two of the copies (the copy on the
source peer and one of the copies on the target peers) will also contain index
files and therefore be searchable. The third copy will be non-searchable, but it
can be made searchable if necessary. The main reason that a non-searchable
copy gets made searchable is because a peer holding a searchable copy of the
bucket goes down.

A primary copy of a bucket is the searchable copy that participates in a search. A

single-site valid cluster has exactly one primary copy of each bucket. That way,
one and only one copy of each bucket gets searched. If a node with primary
copies goes down, searchable but non-primary copies on other nodes can
immediately be designated as primary, thus allowing searches to continue
without any need to first wait for new index files to be generated.

Note: In the case of a multisite cluster, a valid cluster is a cluster that has a set of
primary copies for each site that supports search affinity. In search affinity,
search heads perform searches across the peers on their local site. This requires
that each site have its own set of primary buckets.

Initially, the copy of the bucket on the peer originating the data is the primary
copy, but this can change over time. For example, if the peer goes down, the
master reassigns primacy from any primary copies on the downed peer to
corresponding searchable copies on remaining peers. For more information on
this process, read "What happens when a peer node goes down".

Primacy reassignment also occurs when the master rebalances the cluster, in an
attempt to achieve a more even distribution of primary copies across the set of
peers. Rebalancing occurs under these circumstances:

• A peer joins or rejoins a cluster.

• A master rejoins the cluster.
• You manually hit the rebalance_primaries REST endpoint on the master.

See "Rebalance the indexer cluster primary buckets" for details.

The following diagram shows buckets spread across all the peers, as in the
previous diagram. The cluster has a replication factor of 3 and a search factor of
2, which means that the cluster maintains two searchable copies of each bucket.
Here, the copies of the buckets on the source peer are all primary (and therefore
also searchable). The buckets' second searchable (but non-primary) copies are
spread among most of the remaining peers in the cluster.

The set of primary bucket copies define a cluster's generation, as described in

the next section.


A generation identifies which copies of a cluster's buckets are primary and

therefore will participate in a search.

Note: The actual set of buckets that get searched also depends on other factors
such as the search time range. This is true for any indexer, clustered or not.

The generation changes over time, as peers leave and join the cluster. When a
peer goes down, its primary bucket copies get reassigned to other peers. The

master also reassigns primaries under certain other circumstances, in a process
known as "cluster rebalancing".

Here is another way of defining a generation: A generation is a snapshot of a

valid state of the cluster; "valid" in the sense that every bucket on the cluster has
exactly one primary copy.

All peers that are currently registered with the master participate in the current
generation. When a peer joins or leaves the cluster, the master creates a new

Note: Since the process of reassigning primary to new bucket copies is not
instantaneous, the cluster might quickly go through a number of generations
while reassigning primacy due to an event such as a downed peer, particularly in
the case where numerous primaries were residing on the downed peer.

The generation is a cluster-wide attribute. Its value is the same across all sites in
a multisite cluster.

How cluster nodes use the generation

Here is how the various cluster nodes use generation information:

• The master creates each new generation, and assigns a generation ID to

it. When necessary, it communicates the current generation ID to the
peers and the search head. It also keeps track of the primary bucket
copies for each generation and on which peers they are located.

• The peers keep track of which of their bucket copies are primary for each
generation. The peers retain primary information across multiple

• For each search, the search head uses the generation ID that it gets from
the master to determine which peers to search across.

When the generation changes

The generation changes under these circumstances:

• The master comes online.

• A peer joins the cluster.
• A peer goes down, either intentionally (through the CLI offline command)
or unintentionally (by crashing). When a peer goes down, the master

reassigns primacy from bucket copies on the downed node to searchable
copies of the same buckets on the remaining nodes and creates a new
• Whenever rebalancing of the primary copies occurs, such as when you
manually hit the rebalance_primaries REST endpoint on the master. For
information on rebalancing, see "Rebalance the indexer cluster primary
• When the master resolves certain bucket anomalies.

The master does not create a new generation merely when a bucket rolls from
hot to warm, thus causing a new hot bucket to get created (unless the bucket
rolled for one of the reasons listed above). In that situation, the set of peers
doesn't change. The search head only needs to know which peers are part of the
generation; that is, which peers are currently participating in the cluster. It does
not need to know which bucket copies on a particular peer are primary; the peer
itself keeps track of that information.

How the generation is used in searches

The search heads poll the master for the latest generation information at regular
intervals. When the generation changes, the master gives the search heads the
new generation ID and a list of the peers that belong to that generation. Each
search head, in turn, gives the peers the ID whenever it initiates a search. The
peers use the ID to identify which of their buckets are primary for that search.

Usually, a search occurs over the most recent generation of primary bucket
copies. In the case of long-running searches, however, it is possible that a
search could be running across an earlier generation. This situation typically
occurs because a peer went down in the middle of the search. This allows the
long-running search to complete, even though some data might be missing due
to the downed peer node. The alternative would be to start the search over
again, which you can always do manually if necessary.

Why a downed peer causes the generation to change

The reason that a downed peer causes the master to create a new generation is
because, when a peer goes down, the master reassigns the downed peer's
primary copies to copies on other peers. A copy that was not primary for a
previous generation becomes primary in the new generation. By knowing the
generation ID associated with a search, a peer is able to determine which of its
buckets are primary for that search.

For example, the diagram that follows shows the same simplified version of a
cluster as earlier, after the source node holding all the primary copies has gone
down and the master has directed the remaining peers in fixing the buckets.
First, the master reassigned primacy to the remaining searchable copy of each
bucket. Next, it directed the peers to make their non-searchable copies
searchable, to make up for the missing set of searchable copies. Finally, it
directed the replication of a new set of non-searchable copies (1D, 2D, etc.),
spread among the remaining peers.

Even though the source node went down, the cluster was able to fully recover
both its complete and valid states, with replication factor number (3) of total
bucket copies, search factor number (2) of searchable bucket copies, and exactly
one primary copy of each bucket. This represents a different generation from the
previous diagram, because primary copies have moved to different peers.

Note: This diagram only shows the buckets originating from one of the peers. A
more complete version of this diagram would show buckets originating from
several peers as they have migrated around the cluster.

How the cluster handles frozen buckets

In the case of a standalone indexer, when a bucket rolls to frozen, the indexer
deletes it from its colddb directory. Depending on its retirement policy, the
indexer might copy it to an archive directory before deleting it. See "Archive

indexed data."

In the case of an indexer cluster, when a peer freezes a copy of a bucket, it

notifies the master. The master then stops doing fix-ups on that bucket. It
operates under the assumption that the other peers will eventually freeze their
copies of that bucket as well. If the freezing behavior is determined by the
maxTotalDataSizeMB attribute, which limits the maximum size of an index, it can
take some time for all copies of the bucket, as an index will typically be a different
size on each peer. Therefore, the index can reach its maximum size on one peer,
causing the oldest bucket to freeze, even though the index is still under the limit
on the other peers.

Note: In 6.3, a change was made in how the cluster responds to frozen primary
bucket copies, in order to prolong the time that a bucket remains available for

• In a pre-6.3 cluster, when a primary copy freezes, the cluster does not
attempt to reassign the primary to any other remaining searchable copy.
Searching on a bucket ceases once the primary is frozen.
• In 6.3 and later, when a primary copy freezes, the cluster reassigns the
primary to another searchable copy, if one exists. Searching then
continues on that bucket with the new primary copy. When that primary
also freezes, the cluster attempts to reassign the primary yet again to
another searchable copy. Once all searchable copies of the bucket have
been frozen, searching ceases on that bucket.

In both pre-6.3 and post-6.3, when a copy freezes, the cluster does not perform
fix-up on the bucket; that is, it does not attempt to create a new copy,or to
convert a non-searchable copy to searchable, to meet replication and search
factors for the bucket.

Indexer cluster states

An indexer cluster in good working order is both valid and complete:

• A valid cluster has exactly one primary copy of each bucket. In the case
of a multisite cluster, a valid cluster has one full set of primary copies for
each site that supports search affinity.

• A complete cluster has replication factor number of copies of each

bucket and search factor number of searchable copies of each bucket.
In the case of a multisite cluster, the number of bucket copies must also

fulfill the site-specific requirements for the replication and search factors.

Note these points:

• A valid cluster is able to handle search requests across the entire set of
data. A valid multisite cluster also meets any inherent search affinity goals.

• A complete cluster meets the designated requirements for failure


• A complete cluster is also a valid cluster, but a valid cluster is not

necessarily complete.

In addition, to ensure robust data availability, a cluster must not only be

complete, but its search factor must be set to at least 2. This guarantees that a
search head can continue to search across the cluster without interruption, if a
peer goes down.

When a peer node goes down, the master directs the cluster in activities
designed to recover both its valid and complete states. In some cases, the
cluster might be able to return to a valid state but not to a complete state. (For
example, consider a cluster containing three peers, with a replication factor of 3.
If one peer goes down, the cluster cannot recover its complete state as long as
the peer remains down, but it should be able to recover its valid state.) See
"What happens when a peer node goes down" for details on how the cluster
recovers from a downed node.

How clustered indexing works

When discussing how data and messages flow between nodes during indexing, it
is useful to distinguish between the two roles that a peer node plays:

• Source node. The source node ingests data from forwarders or other
external sources.
• Target node. The target node receive streams of replicated data from the
source nodes.

In practice, a single peer functions as both a source and a target node, often

Important: In a typical indexer cluster deployment, all the peer nodes are source
nodes; that is, each node has its own set of external inputs. This is not a

requirement, but it is generally the best practice. There is no reason to reserve
some peers for use just as target nodes. The processing cost of storing
replicated data is minimal, and, in any case, you cannot currently specify which
nodes will receive replicated data. The master determines that on a
bucket-by-bucket basis, and the behavior is not configurable. You must assume
that all the peer nodes will serve as targets.

Note: In addition to replicating external data, each peer replicates its internal
indexes to other peers in the same way. To keep things simple, this discussion
focuses on external data only.

How the target peers are chosen

Whenever the source peer starts a hot bucket, the master node gives it a list of
target peers to stream its replicated data to. The list is bucket-specific. If a source
peer is writing to several hot buckets, it could be streaming the contents of each
bucket to a different set of target peers.

The master chooses the list of target peers randomly. In the case of multisite
clustering, it respects site boundaries, as dictated by the replication factor, but
chooses the target peers randomly within those constraints.

When a peer node starts

These events occur when a peer node starts up:

1. The peer node registers with the master and receives the latest configuration
bundle from the master.

2. The master rebalances the primary bucket copies across the cluster and
starts a new generation.

3. The peer starts ingesting external data, in the same way as any indexer. It
processes the data into events and then appends the data to a rawdata file. It
also creates associated index files. It stores these files (both the rawdata and the
index files) locally in a hot bucket. This is the primary copy of the bucket.

4. The master gives the peer a list of target peers for its replicated data. For
example, if the replication factor is 3, the master gives the peer a list of two target

5. If the search factor is greater than 1, the master also tells the peer which of its
target peers should make its copy of the data searchable. For example, if the

search factor is 2, the master picks one specific target peer that should make its
copy searchable and communicates that information to the source peer.

6. The peer begins streaming the processed rawdata to the target peers
specified by the master. It does not wait until its rawdata file is complete to start
streaming its contents; rather, it streams the rawdata in blocks, as it processes
the incoming data. It also tells any target peers if they need to make their copies
searchable, as communicated to it by the master in step 5.

7. The target peers receive the rawdata from the source peer and store it in local
copies of the bucket.

8. Any targets with designated searchable copies start creating the necessary
index files.

9. The peer continues to stream data to the targets until it rolls its hot bucket.

Note: The source and target peers rarely communicate with each other through
their management ports. Usually, they just send and receive data to each other
over their replication ports. The master node manages the overall process.

This is just the breakdown for data flowing from a single peer. In a cluster,
multiple peers will be both originating and receiving data at any time.

When a peer node rolls a hot bucket

When a source peer rolls a hot bucket to warm (for example, because the bucket
has reached its maximum size), the following sequence of events occurs:

1. The source peer tells the master and its target peers that it has rolled a bucket.

2. The target peers roll their copies of the bucket.

3. The source peer continues ingesting external data as this process is occurring.
It indexes the data locally into a new hot bucket and streams the rawdata to a
new set of target peers that it gets from the master.

4. The new set of target peers receive the rawdata for the new hot bucket from
the source peer and store it in local copies of the bucket. The targets with
designated searchable copies also start creating the necessary index files.

5. The source peer continues to stream data to the targets until it rolls its next hot
bucket. And so on.

How a peer node interacts with a forwarder

When a peer node gets its data from a forwarder, it processes it in the same way
as any indexer getting data from a forwarder. However, in a clustering
environment, you should ordinarily enable indexer acknowledgment for each
forwarder sending data to a peer. This protects against loss of data between
forwarder and peer and is the only way to ensure end-to-end data fidelity. If the
forwarder does not get an acknowledgment for a block of data it has sent to a
peer, it resends the block.

For details on how to set up forwarders to send data to peers, read "Use
forwarders to get your data into the indexer cluster". To understand how peers
and forwarders process indexer acknowledgment, read the section "How indexer
acknowledgment works" in that topic.

How search works in an indexer cluster

In a single-site indexer cluster, the search head performs searches across the
entire set of peers.

With a multisite indexer cluster, you can implement search affinity. With search
affinity, searches occur across peers on the same site as the search head. This
improves network efficiency without reducing access to the full set of cluster

Under rare circumstances, described later, you might want to initiate a search on
a single peer.

Search across a single-site cluster

Searching across an indexer cluster works in a way similar to how distributed

search works with non-clustered indexers. The main difference is that the
search head gets its list of search peers from the master node. It also gets a
generation ID from the master. After that, it communicates directly with the peers.

Note: In an indexer cluster search, the search peers are the set of cluster peers
that are currently registered with the master (in other words, the peers that are
up-and-running and participating in the cluster).

When the search head initiates a search:

1. The search head contacts the master node.

2. The master node gives the search head the current generation ID and a list of
the peers in that generation (that is, the peers that are currently registered with
the master).

3. The search head communicates with the search peers in the same way as in a
distributed search not involving an indexer cluster. It provides the peers with
exactly the same information (search request and knowledge bundle), except
that it also gives the search peers the generation ID.

4. The search peers use the generation ID to identify which of their bucket
copies, if any, are primary for the generation and thus need to participate in the
search. As in any other search, the peers also use the search's time range to
determine whether to search a particular bucket.

5. The search peers search their primary copies of buckets and send the results
back to the search head, which consolidates the results.

You can integrate the indexer cluster with a search head cluster, for search head
scaling and high availability. See "Integrate the search head cluster with an
indexer cluster" in the Distributed Search manual.

For details on these and other available features of distributed search, read the
Distributed Search manual, starting with "About distributed search". Also, read
"Configure the search head" in this manual to learn about a few configuration
differences when dealing with a search head in an indexer cluster.

Search locally in a multisite cluster

In a multisite cluster, you typically put search heads on each site. This allows you
to take advantage of search affinity. In search affinity, searches normally run
across only peers on the same site as the requesting search head.

Search affinity is always enabled with multisite clusters. However, you must
perform a few steps to take advantage of it. Specifically, you must ensure that
both the searchable data and the search heads are available locally. For
information on how to set up search affinity, see "Implement search affinity in a
multisite indexer cluster".

Once a site has been configured for search affinity, the actual search process
works the same as for single-site clusters. The search head distributes the
current generation ID, along with the search and knowledge bundle, to all peers

across the entire cluster. The local peers, however, are the only ones to respond,
if the cluster is in a valid state. They search their primary buckets and return
results to the search head, using the generation ID to determine which of their
bucket copies are primary.

If the cluster is not in a valid state and the local site does not have a full
complement of primaries (typically, because some peers on the site are down),
remote peers also participate in the search, providing results from any primaries
missing from peers local to the site. In that case, the search does not adhere to
search affinity, in order to maintain access to the full set of data. Once the site
returns to a valid state, subsequent searches again adhere to search affinity.

Note: Hot bucket data is replicated in blocks, as described in "How clustered

indexing works". If a local search involves a replicated hot bucket copy, where
the origin copy is on a different site, there might be a time lag while the local peer
waits to get the latest block of hot data from the originating peer. During this time,
the search does not return the latest data.

Search a single peer

For debugging purposes, you might occasionally need to search a single peer
node. You do this by initiating the search directly on the peer, in the usual
manner. The search accesses any searchable data on that peer. It does not
have access to unsearchable copies of data on the peer or to searchable copies
of data on other peers.

Note: Keep in mind that there is no way to configure exactly what data will be
searchable on any individual peer. However, at a minimum, all data that has
entered the cluster through the peer should be searchable on that peer.

How indexer clusters handle report and data model

acceleration summaries
By default, indexer clusters do not replicate report acceleration and data model
acceleration summaries. This means that only primary bucket copies will have
associated summaries.

You can configure the master so that the cluster does replicate summaries. All
searchable bucket copies will then have associated summaries. This is the
recommended behavior.

Note: The replicated summary feature is not available for peer nodes running
version 6.3 or below.

For details on report acceleration and data model acceleration, read the chapter
"Use data summaries to accelerate searches" in the Knowledge Manager

Where summaries reside

The summaries reside on the peer nodes in their own directories. You specify the
directory locations in indexes.conf, with the summaryHomePath and
tstatsHomePath attributes for the report acceleration and data model acceleration
summaries, respectively. See the indexes.conf specification file for details.

A summary correlates with one or more buckets, depending on the summary's

time span.

Replicated summaries

If you want the cluster to replicate summaries, you must set this attribute in the
master node's server.conf file:

summary_replication = true
You must restart the master.

You can also use the CLI on the master node to set the attribute:

splunk edit cluster-config -summary_replication true

This command does not require a restart.

When the cluster is configured to replicate summaries, the cluster takes steps to
ensure that each searchable bucket copy has an associated summary copy:

• For hot buckets. The cluster creates a summary for each searchable
copy of a hot bucket.

• For warm/cold buckets. The cluster replicates summaries for searchable

copies of warm or cold buckets, when necessary. The cluster will use
replication to fill in any missing summaries for searchable copies of warm
or cold buckets.

When you turn on summary replication for the first time, the cluster might need to
replicate a large number of summaries. This can have an impact on network
bandwidth. To limit the number of summary replications occurring
simultaneously, you can change the value of the max_peer_sum_rep_load
attribute in the master node's server.conf file. Its default value is 5.

Non-replicated summaries

If you keep the default behavior, the cluster will not replicate summaries. This
section describes how the cluster handles non-replicated summaries.

A summary correlates with one or more buckets, depending on the summary's

time span. When a summary is generated, it resides on the peer that holds the
primary copy of the bucket for that time span. If the summary spans multiple
buckets, and the primary copies of those buckets reside on multiple peers, then
each of those peers will hold the corresponding part of the summary.

If primacy gets reassigned from one copy of a bucket to another (for example,
because the peer holding the primary copy fails), the summary does not move to
the peer with the new primary copy. Therefore, it becomes unavailable. It will not
be available again until the next time Splunk Enterprise attempts to update the
summary, finds that it is missing, and then regenerates it.

In multisite clusters, like single-site clusters, the summaries reside with the
primary bucket copy. Because a multisite cluster has multiple primaries, one for
each site that supports search affinity, the summaries reside with the particular
primary that the generating search head accessed when running the search. Due
to site affinity, that usually means that the summaries reside on primaries on the
same site as the generating search head.

Summary replication and contention for resources

A search head with acceleration enabled runs special searches on the peers.
These searches build the summaries. See, for example, the description of
building report acceleration summaries in "Manage report acceleration" in the
Knowledge Manager Manual.

In the case of replicated summaries on an indexer cluster, summaries are built

on each searchable copy of a hot bucket. A peer node can be building
summaries simultaneously both for copies of buckets originating on that peer and
also for copies of buckets originating on other peers. This means that, with
summary replication enabled, summary-generating searches use more resources
across the cluster, and the searches to take longer to complete.

How indexer cluster nodes start up
This topic describes what happens when:

• the master node starts

• a peer node joins a new cluster
• a peer node joins an existing cluster

When the master node starts

When a master node comes online (either the first time or subsequently), it
begins listening for cluster peers. Each online peer registers with the master, and
the master adds it to the cluster. The master waits until the replication factor
number of peers register, and then it starts performing its functions.

When you first deploy the cluster, you must enable the master before enabling
the peer nodes, as described in "Indexer cluster deployment overview". The
master blocks indexing on the peers until you enable and restart the full
replication factor number of peers.

If you subsequently restart the master, it waits for a quiet period of 60

seconds, so that all peers have an opportunity to register with it. Once the quiet
period ends and the replication factor number of peers register with it, the master
can start performing its coordinating functions, such as rebalancing the primary
bucket copies and telling peers where to stream copies of incoming data.
Therefore, you must make sure that there are at least replication factor number
of peers running when you restart the master.

After the 60 second quiet period is over, you can view the master dashboard for
information on the status of the cluster.

For more information on what occurs when a master goes down and then
restarts, see "What happens when the master node goes down".

When a peer joins a new cluster

When you initially deploy a cluster, you must first enable the master and then
enable the peer nodes, as described in "Indexer cluster deployment overview".
The master blocks indexing on the peers until you enable and restart the full
replication factor number of peers.

Each peer registers with the master when it comes online, and the master
automatically distributes the latest configuration bundle to it. The peer then
validates the configuration bundle locally. The peer will only join the cluster if
bundle validation succeeds.

The peer starts indexing data after the replication factor number of peers join the

When a peer joins an existing cluster

A peer can also come online at some later time, when the cluster is already up
and running with a master and the replication factor number of peers. The peer
registers with the master when it comes online, and the master distributes the
latest configuration bundle to it. The peer validates the configuration bundle
locally. The peer joins the cluster only if bundle validation succeeds.

Note: Adding a new peer to an existing cluster causes a rebalancing of primary

bucket copies across the set of existing peer nodes, as described in "Rebalance
the indexer cluster primary buckets". However, the new peer won't get any of
those primary copies, because the master performs rebalancing only across the
set of searchable copies, and a new peer has no searchable copies when it
starts up. The peer can participate in future bucket replication, but the master
does not automatically shift bucket copies or reassign primaries from existing
peers to the new peer.

What happens when a peer node goes down

A peer node can go down either intentionally (by invoking the CLI offline
command, as described in Take a peer offline) or unintentionally (for example, by
a server crashing).

No matter how a peer goes down, the master coordinates remedial activities to
recreate a full complement of bucket copies. This process is called bucket
fixing. The master keeps track of which bucket copies are on each node and
what their states are (primacy, searchability). When a peer goes down, the
master can therefore instruct the remaining peers to fix the cluster's set of
buckets, with the aim of returning to the state where the cluster has:

• Exactly one primary copy of each bucket (the valid state). In a multisite
cluster, the valid state means that there is a primary copy on each site that
supports search affinity, based on the site_search_factor.

• A full set of searchable copies for each bucket, matching the search
factor. In the case of a multisite cluster, the number of searchable bucket
copies must also fulfill the site-specific requirements for the search factor.
• A full set of copies (searchable and non-searchable combined) for each
bucket, matching the replication factor (the complete state). In the case of
a multisite cluster, the number of bucket copies must also fulfill the
site-specific requirements for the replication factor.

Barring catastrophic failure of multiple nodes, the master can usually recreate a
valid cluster. If the cluster (or the site in a multisite cluster) has a search factor of
at least 2, it can do so almost immediately. Whether or not a master can also
recreate a complete cluster depends on the number of peers still standing
compared to the replication factor. At least replication factor number of peers
must remain standing for a cluster to be made complete. In the case of a
multisite cluster, each site must have available at least the number of peers
specified for it in the site replication factor.

The time that the cluster takes to return to a complete state can be significant,
because it must first stream buckets from one peer to another and make
non-searchable bucket copies searchable. See Estimate the cluster recovery
time when a peer gets decommissioned for more information.

Besides the remedial steps to fix the buckets, a few other key events happen
when a node goes down:

• The master rolls the generation and creates a new generation ID, which
it communicates to both peers and search heads when needed.
• Any peers with copies of the downed node's hot buckets roll those copies
to warm.

When a peer node gets taken offline intentionally

The splunk offline command removes a peer from the cluster and then stops
the peer. It takes the peer down gracefully, allowing any in-progress searches to
complete while quickly returning the cluster to a fully searchable state.

There are two versions of the splunk offline command:

• splunk offline: This is the fast version version of the splunk offline
command. The peer goes down quickly, after a maximum of five minutes,
even if searches or remedial activities are still in progress.
• splunk offline --enforce-counts: This is the enforce-counts version of
the command, which is designed to validate that the cluster has returned

to the complete state. If you invoke the enforce-counts flag, the peer does
not go down until all remedial activities are complete.

For detailed information on running the splunk offline command, see Take a
peer offline.

The fast offline command

The fast version of the splunk offline command has this syntax:

splunk offline
This version of the command causes the following sequence of actions to occur:

1. Partial shutdown. The peer immediately undergoes a partial shutdown. The

peer stops accepting both external inputs and replicated data. It continues to
participate in searches for the time being.

2. Primacy reassignment. The master reassigns primacy from any primary

bucket copies on the peer to available searchable copies of those buckets on
other peers (on the same site, if a multisite cluster). At the end of this step, which
should take just a few moments if the cluster (or the cluster site) has a search
factor of at least 2, the cluster returns to the valid state.

During this step, the peer's status is ReassigningPrimaries.

3. Generation ID rolling. The master rolls the cluster's generation ID. At the end
of this step, the peer no longer joins in new searches, but it continues to
participate in any in-progress searches.

4. Full shutdown. The peer shuts down completely after a maximum of five
minutes, or when in-progress searches and primacy re-assignment activities
complete - whichever comes first. It no longer sends heartbeats to the master.
For details on the conditions that precede full shutdown, see The fast offline

5. Restart count. After the peer shuts down, the master waits the length of the
restart_timeout attribute (60 seconds by default), set in server.conf. If the peer
comes back online within this period, the master rebalances the cluster's set of
primary bucket copies but no further remedial activities occur.

During this step, the peer's status is Restarting. If the peer does not come back
up within the timeout period, its status changes to Down.

6. Remedial activities. If the peer does not restart within the restart_timeout
period, the master initiates actions to fix the cluster buckets and return the cluster
to a complete state. It tells the remaining peers to replicate copies of the buckets
on the offline peer to other peers. It also compensates for any searchable copies
of buckets on the offline peer by instructing other peers to make non-searchable
copies of those buckets searchable. At the end of this step, the cluster returns to
the complete state.

If taking the peer offline results in less than replication factor number of
remaining peers, the cluster cannot finish this step and cannot return to the
complete state. For details on how bucket-fixing works, see Bucket-fixing

In the case of a multisite cluster, remedial activities take place within the same
site as the offline peer, if possible. For details, see Bucket-fixing in multisite

The enforce-counts offline command

The enforce-counts version of the splunk offline command has this syntax:

splunk offline --enforce-counts

This version of the splunk offline command runs only if certain conditions are
met. In particular it will not run if taking the peer offline would result in less than
replication factor number of peers remaining in the cluster. See The
enforce-counts offline process for the set of conditions necessary to run this

This version of the command initiates a process called decommissioning,

during which the following sequence of actions occurs:

1. Partial shutdown. The peer immediately undergoes a partial shutdown. The

peer stops accepting both external inputs and replicated data. It continues to
participate in searches for the time being.

2. Primacy reassignment. The master reassigns primacy from any primary

bucket copies on the peer to available searchable copies of those buckets on
other peers (on the same site, if a multisite cluster). At the end of this step, which
should take just a few moments if the cluster (or the cluster site) has a search
factor of at least 2, the cluster returns to the valid state.

During this step, the peer's status is ReassigningPrimaries.

3. Generation ID rolling. The master rolls the cluster's generation ID. At the end
of this step, the peer no longer joins in new searches, but it continues to
participate in any in-progress searches.

4. Remedial activities. The master initiates actions to fix the cluster buckets so
that the cluster returns to a complete state. It tells the remaining peers to
replicate copies of the buckets on the offline peer to other peers. It also
compensates for any searchable copies of buckets on the offline peer by
instructing other peers to make non-searchable copies of those buckets
searchable. At the end of this step, the cluster returns to the complete state.

During this step, the peer's status is Decommissioning. For details on how
bucket-fixing works, see Bucket-fixing scenarios.

5. Full shutdown. The peer shuts down when the cluster returns to the complete
state. Once it shuts down, the peer no longer sends heartbeats to the master. At
this point, the peer's status changes to GracefulShutdown. For details on the
conditions that precede full shutdown, see The enforce-counts offline process.

When a peer node goes down unintentionally

When a peer node goes down for any reason besides the offline command, it
stops sending the periodic heartbeat to the master. This causes the master to
detect the loss and initiate remedial action. The master coordinates essentially
the same actions as when the peer gets taken offline intentionally, except for the

• The downed peer does not continue to participate in ongoing searches.

• The master waits only for the length of the heartbeat timeout (by default,
60 seconds) before reassigning primacy and initiating bucket-fixing

Searches can continue across the cluster after a node goes down; however,
searches will provide only partial results until the cluster regains its valid state.

In the case of a multisite cluster, when a peer goes down on one site, the site
loses its search affinity, if any, until it regains its valid state. During that time,
searches continue to provide full results through involvement of remote peers.

Bucket-fixing scenarios

To replace bucket copies on a downed peer, the master coordinates

bucket-fixing activities among the peers. Besides replacing all the bucket copies,

the cluster must ensure that it has a full complement of primary and searchable

Note: The bucket-fixing process varies somewhat for clusters with SmartStore
indexes. See Indexer cluster operations and SmartStore.

Bucket fixing involves three activities:

• Compensating for any primary copies on the downed peer by assigning

primary status to searchable copies of those buckets on other peers.
• Compensating for any searchable copies by converting non-searchable
copies of those buckets on other peers to searchable.
• Replacing all bucket copies (searchable and non-searchable) by
streaming a copy of each bucket to a peer that doesn't already have a
copy of that bucket.

For example, assume that the downed peer had 10 bucket copies, and five of
those were searchable, and two of the searchable copies were primary. The
cluster must:

• Reassign primary status to two searchable copies on other peers.

• Convert five non-searchable bucket copies on other peers to searchable.
• Stream 10 bucket copies from one standing peer to another.

The first activity - converting a searchable copy of a bucket from non-primary to

primary - happens very quickly, because searchable bucket copies already have
index files and so there's virtually no processing involved. (This assumes that
there is a spare searchable copy available, which requires the search factor to be
at least 2. If not, the cluster has to first make a non-searchable copy searchable
before it can assign primary status to the copy.)

The second activity - converting a non-searchable copy of a bucket to searchable

- takes some time, because the peer must copy the bucket's index files from a
searchable copy on another peer (or, if there's no other searchable copy of that
bucket, then the peer must rebuild the bucket's index files from the rawdata file).
For help estimating the time needed to make non-searchable copies searchable,
read Estimate the cluster recovery time when a peer gets decommissioned.

The third activity - streaming copies from one peer to another - can also take a
significant amount of time (depending on the amount of data to be streamed), as
described in Estimate the cluster recovery time when a peer gets

The two examples below illustrate how a master 1) recreates a valid and
complete cluster and 2) creates a valid but incomplete cluster when insufficient
nodes remain standing. The process operates the same whether the peer goes
down intentionally or unintentionally.

Remember these points:

• A cluster is valid when there is one primary searchable copy of every

bucket. Any search across a valid cluster provides a full set of search

• A cluster is complete when the cluster has replication factor number of

copies of buckets with search factor number of searchable copies.

• A cluster can be valid but incomplete if there are searchable copies of all
buckets, but there are less than replication factor number of copies of
buckets. So, if a cluster with a replication factor of 3 has exactly three peer
nodes and one of those peers goes down, the cluster can be made valid
but it cannot be made complete, since, with just two standing nodes, it is
not possible to fulfill the replication factor by maintaining three sets of

Example: Fixing buckets to create a valid and complete cluster


• The peer went down unintentionally (that is, not in response to an offline

• The downed peer is part of a cluster with these characteristics:

♦ 5 peers, including the downed peer
♦ replication factor = 3
♦ search factor = 2
• The downed peer holds these bucket copies:
♦ 3 primary copies of buckets
♦ 10 searchable copies (including the primary copies)
♦ 20 total bucket copies (searchable and non-searchable combined)

When the peer goes down, the master sends messages to various of the
remaining peers as follows:

1. For each of the three primary bucket copies on the downed peer, the master
identifies a peer with another searchable copy of that bucket and tells that peer to

mark the copy as primary.

When this step finishes, the cluster regains its valid state, and any subsequent
searches provide a full set of results.

2. For each of the 10 searchable bucket copies on the downed peer, the master
identifies 1) a peer with a searchable copy of that bucket and 2) a peer with a
non-searchable copy of the same bucket. It then tells the peer with the
searchable copy to stream the bucket's index files to the second peer. When the
index files have been copied over, the non-searchable copy becomes

3. For each of the 20 total bucket copies on the downed peer, the master
identifies 1) a peer with a copy of that bucket and 2) a peer that does not have a
copy of the bucket. It then tells the peer with the copy to stream the bucket's
rawdata to the second peer, resulting in a new, non-searchable copy of that

When this last step finishes, the cluster regains its complete state.

Example: Fixing buckets to create a valid but incomplete cluster


• The peer went down unintentionally (that is, not in response to an offline

• The downed peer is part of a cluster with these characteristics:

♦ 3 peers, including the downed peer
♦ replication factor = 3
♦ search factor = 1
• The downed peer holds these bucket copies:
♦ 5 primary copies of buckets
♦ 5 searchable copies (the same as the number of primary copies;
because the search factor = 1, all searchable copies must also be
♦ 20 total bucket copies (searchable and non-searchable combined)

Since the cluster has just three peers and a replication factor of 3, the downed
peer means that the cluster can no longer fulfill the replication factor and
therefore cannot be made complete.

When the peer goes down, the master sends messages to various of the
remaining peers as follows:

1. For each of the five searchable, primary bucket copies on the downed node,
the master first identifies a peer with a non-searchable copy and tells the peer to
make the copy searchable. The peer then begins building index files for that
copy. (Because the search factor is 1, there are no other searchable copies of
those buckets on the remaining nodes. Therefore, it is not possible for the
remaining peers to make non-searchable bucket copies searchable by streaming
index files from another searchable copy. Rather, they must employ the slower
process of creating index files from the rawdata file of a non-searchable copy.)

2. The master then tells the peers from step 1 to mark the five, newly searchable
copies as primary. Unlike the previous example, the step of designating other
bucket copies as primary cannot occur until non-searchable copies have been
made searchable. Because the cluster's search factor = 1, there are no standby
searchable copies.

Once step 2 completes, the cluster regains its valid state. Any subsequent
searches provide a full set of results.

3. For the 20 bucket copies on the downed node, the master cannot initiate any
action to make replacement copies (so that the cluster will again have the three
copies of each bucket, as specified by the replication factor), because there are
too few peers remaining to hold the copies.

Since the cluster cannot recreate a full set of replication factor number of copies
of buckets, the cluster remains in an incomplete state.

Pictures, too

The following diagram shows a cluster of five peers, with a replication factor of 3
and a search factor of 2. The primary bucket copies reside on the source peer
receiving data from a forwarder, with searchable and non-searchable copies of
that data spread across the other peers.

Note: This is a highly simplified diagram. To reduce complexity, it shows only the
buckets for data originating on one peer. In a real-life scenario, most, if not all, of
the other peers would also be originating data and replicating it to other peers on
the cluster.

The next diagram shows the same simplified version of the cluster, after the
source node holding all the primary copies has gone down and the master has
finished directing the remaining peers in fixing the buckets:

The master directed the cluster in a number of activities to recover from the
downed peer:

1. The master reassigned primacy from bucket copies on the downed peer to
searchable copies on the remaining peers. When this step finished, it rolled the
generation ID.

2. It directed the peers in making a set of non-searchable copies searchable, to

make up for the missing set of searchable copies.

3. It directed the replication of a new set of non-searchable copies (1D, 2D, etc.),
spread among the remaining peers.

Even though the source node went down, the cluster was able to fully recover
both its complete and valid states, with replication factor number of total buckets,
search factor number of searchable bucket copies, and exactly one primary copy
of each bucket. This represents a different generation from the previous diagram,
because primary copies have moved to different peers.

Bucket-fixing in multisite clusters

The processes that multisite clusters use to handle node failure have some
significant differences from single-site clusters. See Multisite clusters and node

View bucket-fixing status

You can view the status of bucket fixing from the Master dashboard. See View
the master dashboard.

What happens when a peer node comes back up

A peer node can go down either intentionally (through the CLI offline
command) or unintentionally (for example, by a server crashing). When the peer
goes down, the cluster undertakes remedial activities, also known as bucket
fixing, as described in the topic, "What happens when a peer node goes down."
The topic you're now reading describes what happens when and if the peer later
returns to the cluster.

When a peer comes back up, it starts sending heartbeats to the master. The
master recognizes it and adds it back into the cluster. If the peer still has intact

bucket copies from its earlier activities in the cluster, the master adds those
copies to the counts it maintains of buckets. The master also rebalances the
cluster, which can result in searchable bucket copies on the peer, if any, being
assigned primary status. For information on rebalancing, see "Rebalance the
indexer cluster primary buckets."

Note: When the peer connects with the master, it checks to see whether it
already has the current version of the configuration bundle. If the bundle has
changed since it went down, the peer downloads the latest configuration bundle,
validates it locally, and restarts. The peer rejoins the cluster only if bundle
validation succeeds.

How the master counts buckets

To understand what happens when a peer returns to the cluster, you must first
understand how the master tracks bucket copies.

The master maintains counts for each bucket in the cluster. For each bucket, it

• how many copies of the bucket exist on the cluster.

• how many searchable copies of the bucket exist on the cluster.

The master also ensures that there's always exactly one primary copy of a given

With multisite clusters, the master keeps track of copies and searchable copies
for each site, as well as for the cluster as a whole. It also ensures that each site
with an explicit search factor has exactly one primary copy of each bucket.

These counts allow the master to determine whether the cluster is valid and
complete. For a single-site cluster, this means that the cluster has:

• Exactly one primary copy of each bucket.

• A full set of searchable copies for each bucket, matching the search
• A full set of copies (searchable and non-searchable) for each bucket,
matching the replication factor.

For a multisite cluster, a valid and complete cluster has:

• Exactly one primary copy of each bucket for each site with an explicit
search factor.

• A full set of searchable copies for each bucket, matching the search factor
for each site as well as for the cluster as a whole.
• A full set of copies (searchable and non-searchable) for each bucket,
matching the replication factor for each site as well as for the cluster as a

Bucket-fixing and the copies on the peer

When a peer goes down, the master directs the remaining peers in bucket-fixing
activities. Eventually, if the bucket fixing is successful, the cluster returns to a
complete state.

If the peer later returns to the cluster, the master adds its bucket copies to its
counts (assuming that the copies were not destroyed by whatever problem
caused the peer to go down in the first place). The consequences vary somewhat
depending on whether bucket-fixing activity has completed by the time the peer
comes back up.

If bucket-fixing is finished

If bucket-fixing has already completed and the cluster is in a complete state, the
copies from the returned peer are just extras. For example, assume the
replication factor is 3 and the cluster has fixed all the buckets so that there are
again three copies of each bucket in the cluster, including the ones that the
downed peer was maintaining before it went down. When the downed peer then
comes back up with its copies intact, the master just adds those copies to the
count, so that instead of three copies, there will be four copies of some buckets.
Similarly, there could be an excess of searchable bucket copies if the returned
peer was maintaining some searchable bucket copies. These excess copies
might come in handy later, if another peer maintaining copies of some of those
buckets goes down.

If bucket-fixing is still underway

If the cluster is still replacing the copies that were lost when the peer went down,
the return of the peer can curtail the bucket-fixing. Once the master has added
the copies on the returned peer to its counts, it knows that the cluster is complete
and valid, and so it will no longer direct the other peers to make copies of those
buckets. However, any peers that are currently in the middle of some
bucket-fixing activity, such as copying buckets or making copies searchable, will
complete their work on those copies. Since bucket-fixing is time-intensive, it is
worthwhile to bring a downed peer back online as soon as possible, particularly if
the peer was maintaining a large number of bucket copies.

Remove excess bucket copies

If the returning peer results in extra copies of some buckets, you can save disk
space by removing the extra copies. See Remove excess bucket copies from the
indexer cluster.

What happens when the master node goes down

The master is essential to the proper running of an indexer cluster, with its role
as coordinator for much of the cluster activity. However, if the master goes down,
the peers and search head have default behaviors that allow them to function
fairly normally, at least for a while. Nevertheless, you should treat a downed
master as a serious failure.

To deal with the possibility of a downed master, you can configure a stand-by
master that can take over if needed. For details, see "Replace the master node
on the indexer cluster".

When a master goes down

If a master goes down, the cluster can continue to run as usual, as long as there
are no other failures. Peers can continue to ingest data, stream copies to other
peers, replicate buckets, and respond to search requests from the search head.

When a peer rolls a hot bucket, it normally contacts the master to get a list of
target peers to stream its next hot bucket to. However, if a peer rolls a hot bucket
while the master is down, it will just start streaming its next hot bucket to the
same set of peers that it used as targets for the previous hot bucket.

Eventually, problems will begin to arise. For example, if a peer goes down and
the master is still down, there will be no way to coordinate the necessary
remedial bucket-fixing activity. Or if, for some reason, a peer is unable to
connect with one of its target peers, it has no way of getting another target.

The search head can also continue to function without a master, although
eventually the searches will be accessing incomplete sets of data. (For example,
if a peer with primary bucket copies goes down, there's no way to transfer
primacy to copies on other peers, so those buckets will no longer get searched.)
The search head will use the last generation ID that it got before the master went
down. It will display a warning if one or more peers in the last generation are

When the master comes back up

Peers continue to send heartbeats indefinitely, so that, when the master comes
back up, they will be able to detect it and reconnect.

When the master comes back up, it waits for a quiet period of 60 seconds, so
that all peers have an opportunity to re-register with it. Once the quiet period
ends, the master has a complete view of the state of the cluster, including the
state of peer nodes and buckets. Assuming that at least the replication factor
number of peers have registered with it, the master initiates any necessary
bucket-fixing activities to ensure that the cluster is valid and complete. In
addition, it rebalances the cluster and updates the generation ID as needed.

Bucket fixing can take some time to complete, because it involves copying
buckets and making non-searchable copies searchable. For help estimating the
time needed to complete the bucket-fixing activity, look here.

After the 60 second quiet period is over, you can view the master dashboard for
accurate information on the status of the cluster.

Note: You must make sure that at least replication factor number of peers are
running when you restart the master.

Implement SmartStore to reduce local
storage requirements

About SmartStore
SmartStore is an indexer capability that provides a way to use remote object
stores, such as Amazon S3, to store indexed data.

As a deployment's data volume increases, demand for storage typically outpaces

demand for compute resources. SmartStore allows you to manage your indexer
storage and compute resources in a cost-effective manner by scaling those
resources separately.

SmartStore introduces a remote storage tier and a cache manager. These

features allow data to reside either locally on indexers or on the remote storage
tier. Data movement between the indexer and the remote storage tier is
managed by the cache manager, which resides on the indexer.

With SmartStore, you can reduce the indexer storage footprint to a minimum and
choose I/O optimized compute resources. Most data resides on remote storage,
while the indexer maintains a local cache that contains a minimal amount of data:
hot buckets, copies of warm buckets participating in active or recent searches,
and bucket metadata.

You can enable SmartStore for all indexes or for a subset of indexes.

SmartStore advantages

SmartStore offers several advantages to the deployment's indexing tier:

• Reduced storage cost. Your deployment can take advantage of the

economy of remote object stores, instead of relying on costly local
• Access to high availability and data resiliency features available through
remote object stores.
• The ability to scale compute and storage resources separately, thus
ensuring that you use resources efficiently.
• Simple and flexible configuration with per-index settings.

SmartStore offers additional advantages specific to deployments of indexer

• Fast recovery from peer failure and fast data rebalacing, requiring only
metadata fixups for warm data.
• Lower overall storage requirements, as the system maintains only a single
permanent copy of each warm bucket.
• Full recovery of warm buckets even when the number of peer nodes that
goes down is greater than or equal to the replication factor.
• A bootstrapping capability that allows a new cluster to inherit the data from
an old cluster.
• Global size-based data retention.
• Simplified upgrades.

An intelligent cache manager ensures that, for most search use cases,
SmartStore provides similar performance to local storage configurations.

Choosing SmartStore

While SmartStore-enabled indexes can significantly decrease storage and

management costs under the right circumstances, there are also times when you
might find it preferable to continue to rely on local storage.

When to consider moving to SmartStore

SmartStore can help you to achieve significant costs savings for medium to large
scale deployments. In particular, consider enabling SmartStore under these

• As the amount of data in local storage continues to grow. While local

storage costs might not be a significant issue for a small deployment, you
should reconsider your use of local storage as your deployment scales
over time.
• If you are using indexer clusters to take advantage of features such as
data recovery and disaster recovery. Through SmartStore, you can
achieve these aims through the native capabilities of the remote store,
without the need to store large amounts of redundant data on local
• If you are using indexer clusters and you find that considerable amounts of
your time and your compute resources are devoted to managing the
cluster. Through SmartStore, you can eliminate much of the cluster
management overhead. In particular, you can greatly reduce the scale of
time-consuming activities such as offlining peer nodes, data rebalancing,

and bucket fixup, because most of the data no longer resides on the peer
• When most searches are over recent data.

When not to move to SmartStore

There are a few situations where local storage might be a better choice:

• If you have a small deployment, with limited amounts of stored data, the
advantages of SmartStore might not compensate for the costs of setting
up and maintaining a remote store.
• If you have frequent need to run rare searches, SmartStore might not be
appropriate for your purposes, as rare searches can require the indexer to
copy large amounts of data from remote to local storage, causing a
performance impact. This is particularly the case with searches that cover
long timespans. If, however, the searches are across recent data and thus
the necessary buckets are already in the cache, then there is no
performance impact.
• If you run frequent long lookback searches, you might need to increase
your cache size or continue to rely on local storage.

Features not supported by SmartStore

The following capabilities are not available for SmartStore-enabled indexes. Their
corresponding settings must use their default values.

• Tsidx reduction. Do not set enableTsidxReduction to "true". Tsidx

reduction modifies bucket contents and is not supported by SmartStore.
• Data integrity control feature. SmartStore-enabled indexes are not
compatible with the data integrity control feature, described in Manage
data integrity in the Securing Splunk Enterprise manual.
• Disabling bloom filters. Do not set createBloomfilter to "false". Bloom
filters play an important role in SmartStore by helping to reduce
downloads of tsidx files from remote storage.
• Changing the location of bloom filters. Do not change bloomHomePath.
Bloom filters must remain in their default locations inside their bucket
• Summary replication. Summary replication is unnecessary with
SmartStore, because summaries are uploaded to remote storage after
creation and are accessible to all peers in the cluster.
• Hadoop data roll.
• Certain other indexes.conf settings are incompatible with SmartStore.
See Settings in indexes.conf that are incompatible with SmartStore or

otherwise restricted

Current restrictions on SmartStore use

At this time, SmartStore support requires that your indexing tier conform to
certain restrictions:

• No use of report acceleration or data model acceleration summaries.

Because of this restriction, SmartStore is currently not compatible with any
app, such as Splunk Enterprise Security, that uses these summaries.
• Available for indexer clusters only. SmartStore is not available for
standalone indexers except for limited testing purposes.
• All nodes (peer nodes, master node, and search heads) in the indexer
cluster must be running the same version of Splunk Enterprise, down to
the maintenance level.
• Replication factor and search factor must be equal (for example, 3/3 or
• The home path and cold path of each index must point to the same
• Certain other indexes.conf settings are restricted with SmartStore. See
Settings in indexes.conf that are incompatible with SmartStore or
otherwise restricted
• A SmartStore-enabled index cannot be converted to non-SmartStore.

SmartStore architecture overview

The architectural goal of the SmartStore feature is to minimize the amount of
data on local storage, while maintaining the fast indexing and search capabilities
characteristic of Splunk Enterprise deployments. Except in a few uncommon
scenarios, indexers return search results for SmartStore-enabled indexes with
speeds similar to those for non-SmartStore indexes.

SmartStore in a nutshell

A SmartStore-enabled index minimizes its use of local storage, with the bulk of
its data residing on remote object stores such as S3.

Indexing and searching of data occurs on the indexer, just as in a traditional

deployment that stores all data locally.

The key difference with SmartStore is that the remote object store becomes the
location for master copies of warm buckets, while the indexer's local storage is
used to cache copies of warm buckets currently participating in a search or that
have a high likelihood of participating in a future search.

A cache manager on the indexer fetches copies of warm buckets from the
remote store and places them in the indexer's local cache when the buckets are
needed for a search. The cache manager also evicts warm bucket copies from
the cache once their likelihood of being searched again diminishes.

Buckets and SmartStore

With SmartStore indexes, as with non-SmartStore indexes, hot buckets are built
in the indexer's local storage cache. However, with SmartStore indexes, when a
bucket rolls from hot to warm, a copy of the bucket is uploaded to remote
storage. The remote copy then becomes the master copy of the bucket.

Eventually, the cache manager evicts the local bucket copy from the cache.
When the indexer needs to search a warm bucket for which it doesn't have a
local copy, the cache manager fetches a copy from remote storage and places it
in the local cache.

The remote storage has a copy of every warm bucket.

Each indexer's local cache contains several types of data:

• Hot buckets. Hot buckets are created in local storage. They continue to
reside solely on the indexer until they roll to warm.
• Copies of warm buckets that are currently participating in searches.
• Copies of recently created or recently searched warm buckets. The
indexer maintains a cache of warm buckets, to minimize the need to fetch
the same buckets from remote storage repeatedly.
• Metadata for remote buckets. The indexer maintains a small amount of
information about each bucket in remote storage.

The buckets of SmartStore indexes ordinarily have just two active states: hot and
warm. The cold state, which is used with non-SmartStore indexes to distinguish
older data eligible for moving to cheap storage, is not necessary with SmartStore
because warm buckets already reside on inexpensive remote storage. Buckets
roll directly from warm to frozen.

Cold buckets can, in fact, exist in a SmartStore-enabled index, but only under
limited circumstances. Specifically, if you migrate an index from non-SmartStore

to SmartStore, any migrated cold buckets use the existing cold path as their
cache location, post-migration.

In all respects, cold buckets are functionally equivalent to warm buckets. The
cache manager manages the migrated cold buckets in the same way that it
manages warm buckets. The only difference is that the cold buckets will be
fetched into the cold path location, rather than the home path location.

As with non-SmartStore indexes, archived frozen buckets can be thawed to local


The cache manager

The indexer's cache manager manages the local cache. It fetches copies of
warm buckets from remote storage when the buckets are needed for a search. It
also evicts buckets from the cache, based on factors such as the bucket's search
frequency, its data recency, and various other, configurable criteria.

Certain characteristics that are common to the great majority of Splunk platform
searches drive the cache manager's strategy for optimizing bucket location.
Specifically, most searches have these characteristics:

• They occur over near-term data. 97% of searches look back 24 hours or
• They have spatial and temporal locality. If a search finds an event at a
specific time or in a specific log, it's likely that other searches will look for
events within a closely similar time range or in that log.

The cache manager therefore favors recently created buckets and recently
accessed buckets, ensuring that most of the data that you are likely to search is
available in local cache. Those buckets that are likely to participate in searches
only infrequently still exist on remote storage and can be fetched to local storage
as needed.

Indexer clusters

With SmartStore indexes, indexer clusters maintain replication and search factor
copies of hot buckets only. The remote storage is responsible for ensuring the
high availability, data fidelity, and disaster recovery of the warm buckets.

Because the remote storage handles warm bucket high availability, peer nodes
replicate only warm bucket metadata, not the buckets themselves. This means
that any necessary bucket fixup for SmartStore indexes proceeds much more

quickly than it does for non-SmartStore indexes.

If a group of peer nodes equaling or exceeding the replication factor goes down,
the cluster does not lose any of its SmartStore warm data because copies of all
warm buckets reside on the remote store.

SmartStore data flow

This diagram encapsulates the flow of data for a SmartStore-enabled index in an

indexer cluster.

Data streams to a source indexer, which indexes it and saves it locally in a hot
bucket. The indexer also replicates the hot bucket data to target indexers. So far,
the data flow is identical to the data flow for non-SmartStore indexes.

When the hot bucket rolls to warm, the data flow diverges, however. The source
indexer copies the warm bucket to the remote object store, while leaving the
existing copy in its cache, since searches tend to run across recently indexed
data. The target indexers, however, delete their copies, because the remote
store ensures high availability without the need to maintain multiple local
copies.The master copy of the bucket now resides on the remote store.

The cache manager on the indexer is central to the SmartStore data flow. It
fetches copies of buckets from the remote store, as necessary, to handle search
requests. It also evicts older or less searched copies of buckets from the cache,

as the likelihood of their participating in searches decreases over time. The job of
the cache manager is to optimize use of the available cache, while ensuring that
searches have immediate access to the buckets they need.

For further information

The chapter How SmartStore works offers a deeper understanding of the

SmartStore architecture. It includes these topics:

• The SmartStore cache manager

• How indexing works in SmartStore
• How search works in SmartStore
• Indexer cluster operations and SmartStore

Deploy SmartStore

SmartStore system requirements

The requirements for SmartStore-enabled indexers are basically the same as for
non-SmartStore-enabled indexers. The main differences are:

• Local storage requirements

• The need to connect to remote storage

Indexer requirements

Hardware requirements

Hardware requirements, with the exception of local storage (see below), are the
same as for any Splunk Enterprise indexer. See:

• System requirements and other deployment considerations for indexer

clusters in this manual
• Reference hardware in Capacity Planning Manual

SmartStore operations generally have no signifciant impact on CPU


Local storage requirements

If you are running Spunk Enterprise on local Linux machines, the preferred local
storage type is SSD.

If you are running Splunk Enterprise on AWS instances, use AWS with SSD (for
example, AWS I3s, AWS R5s).

The amount of local storage available on each indexer for cached data must be
in proportion to the expected working set. For best results, provision enough local
storage to accommodate the equivalent of 30 days' worth of indexed data. For
example, if the indexer is adding approximately 100GB/day of indexed data, the
recommended size reserved for cached data is 3000GB. At a minimum, provision
enough storage to keep at least 7-10 days of data in cache, as searches typically
occur on data indexed within the last 7 - 10 days.

Note: The size of data indexed is typically around 50% of the size of data
ingested, due to compression of data during indexing. However, there are a
number of other factors that also enter into determining the size ratio of indexed
data to ingested data. For a general discussion of Splunk Enterprise data volume
and how to estimate your storage needs, refer to "Estimating your storage
requirements" in the Installation Manual.

Other factors that enter into determining storage requirements include:

• The distribution of ingested data across the indexer cluster. Strive for
balanced data ingestion across the indexers, so that all the indexers are
indexing, and storing, approximately the same amount of data.
• The number of hot buckets on the indexers. Hot buckets follow replication
and search factor policies, so they have, on a per bucket basis, larger
storage requirements than warm buckets of the same size.

For purposes of configuring size, the cache is identical with the partition that the
cache resides on. Typically, that partition also includes many other files, such as
splunk binaries, the operating system, search artifacts, non-SmartStore indexes
(if any), and so on. The index data itself resides in $SPLUNK_DB. For more
information on cache sizing, see "Initiate eviction based on occupancy of the
cache's disk partition".

Operating system requirements

Each on-prem machine must run the same Linux 3.x+ 64-bit operating system.

If, instead, you are running Splunk Enterprise on AWS instances, use AWS with
SSD (for example, AWS I3s, AWS R5s).

Splunk Enterprise version requirements

All nodes (peer nodes, master node, and search heads) in the indexer cluster
must be running the same version of Splunk Enterprise, down to the
maintenance level.

Other indexer cluster requirements

You must enable SmartStore for the same set of indexes on all peer nodes.

As with non-SmartStore-related index settings, all SmartStore-specific settings

must be configured identically across the peer nodes.

For indexer cluster requirements in general, see System requirements and other
deployment considerations for indexer clusters.

Network requirements

The indexers are clients of the remote store and use the standard https port to
communicate with it.

Remote store requirements

See Configure the remote store for SmartStore.

Configure the remote store for SmartStore

Before you configure SmartStore settings on the indexers, you must ensure that
your remote store is properly set up, so that it is available to the indexers.

Later, when you configure remote volumes for SmartStore, you configure settings
specific to the remote store in indexes.conf. The indexer uses those settings to
communicate with the remote store.

Supported remote storage services

Currently supported remote storage services are:

• S3
• S3-API-compliant object stores

To determine whether your object store is S3-compliant, use the S3 compatibility

checking tool, located here: https://github.com/splunk/s3-tests. To use the tool,
follow the instructions in the repository's README file.

Configure an S3 remote store

When configuring S3 buckets:

• The buckets must have read, write, and delete permissions.

• If the indexers are running on EC2, provision the buckets for the same
region as the EC2 instances that use it.

See the Amazon S3 documentation for information on on how to create and
configure buckets.

For S3-specific settings available through Splunk Enterprise, search for settings
in the indexes.conf spec file that start with remote.s3.

For information on security-related settings, such as settings for S3

authentication and encryption, see SmartStore security strategies.

Choose the storage location for each index

You can configure SmartStore globally, using the same settings for all indexes,
or you can configure SmartStore on a per-index basis. If you configure
SmartStore on a per-index basis, the indexer cluster can have both SmartStore
and non-SmartStore indexes. You can also specify different remote storage
volumes for different SmartStore indexes.

To summarize, you can choose from these storage options:

• All indexes stored remotely, on a single volume.

• All indexes stored remotely, on multiple volumes.
• Some indexes stored remotely, with others stored locally.

Even with a SmartStore index, some index data is temporarily stored locally, in
the cache. However, except for hot buckets, the index's master copies of buckets
are stored remotely. For the sake of simplicity, the list of storage options
assumes the index's master copies when discussing storage volumes and does
not consider data stored locally in the SmartStore cache.

Keep these limitations in mind:

• Each SmartStore index is limited to a single remote volume.

• Each indexer cluster is limited to a single remote storage type across all
indexes. At this time, the only type of remote storage that SmartStore
supports is S3, including S3-compatible stores.
• All peer nodes on an indexer cluster must use the same SmartStore

SmartStore security strategies
SmartStore security strategies vary according to the type of remote storage
service. This topic covers security when using S3 as the remote storage service.

Authenticate with the remote storage service

If the indexer is running on EC2, use the access and secret keys from its IAM

If the indexer is not running on EC2, use hardcoded keys in indexes.conf. These
are the relevant settings for hardcoding the S3 keys:

• remote.s3.access_key. Specifies the access key to use when

authenticating with the remote storage system.
• remote.s3.secret_key. Specifies the secret key to use when
authenticating with the remote storage system.
• remote.s3.endpoint. Specifies the URL of the remote storage system.
This setting tells the indexer where to go for S3 authentication. Use the
value for the S3 bucket region. For example,

For more information on these attributes, see the indexes.conf spec file.

The credentials you use, whether from the IAM role or from indexes.conf, need
permission to perform S3 operations. They also need permission to perform KMS
operations, if you are encrypting data-at-rest on the remote store.

Manage SSL certifications for the remote store

The SSL certification settings vary according to the remote storage service type.
This section provides information for managing SSL for an S3 remote store,
using the settings provided in indexes.conf. For more details on any of these
settings, as well as for information on additional S3-related SSL settings, see the
indexes.conf spec file.

The S3 SSL settings are overlaid on the sslConfig stanza in server.conf,

except for sslVerifyServerCert, sslAltNameToCheck, and
sslCommonNameToCheck. Therefore, if you run into issues, consult the server.conf
SSL settings, in addition to the remote-storage-specific settings.

Specify SSL settings on a per-remote-volume basis.

The following table includes common attributes and their recommended values.

SSL setting Description

Specifies whether to check
remote.s3.sslVerifyServerCert the server cert provided by true
the S3 endpoint.
remote.s3.sslVersions The SSL version to use. tls1.2
List of alternative names in
the certificate presented by
remote.s3.sslAltNameToCheck the server to match against. N/A
For example,

Absolute path to the PEM

remote.s3.sslRootCAPath format file containing list of N/A
root certificates.
Check with your security experts
Ciphers to use to connect
with S3.
Check with your security experts
remote.s3.ecdhCurves ECDH curves to send.
prime256v1, secp384r1, secp521
Encrypt the data on the remote store

SmartStore supports server-side encryption of data-at-rest on S3. SmartStore

supports three encryption schemes through the remote.s3.encryption attribute
in indexes.conf:

remote.s3.encryption = sse-s3 | sse-kms | sse-c | none

The default is "none".

Configure this attribute on a per-volume basis.

The recommended method for encryption on the remote store is sse-c

(server-side encryption with customer keys). This method avoids running into
throttling issues from KMS.

Choosing the encryption method is a one-time decision. You cannot change the
encryption method later.

See the indexes.conf spec file for detailed information on each of these settings.
Also, read the Amazon documentation for configuring server-side encryption.

Encryption occurs at the time of data upload. When you configure encryption for
the remote volume, you do not cause data already on the volume to be

If you disable encryption, you do not cause existing encrypted data to be

decrypted. Any encrypted data becomes unusable, because Splunk Enterprise
cannot decrypt it.

Encryption with sse-c

Here is an example of setting server-side encryption with customer keys:

remote.s3.encryption = sse-c
remote.s3.encryption.sse-c.key_type = kms
remote.s3.encryption.sse-c.key_refresh_interval = 86400
// 86400 equals 24 hours. This is the default and recommended value. The
minimum value is 3600.
// Setting a very low value can degrade performance.
remote.s3.kms.auth_region = <aws_region>
remote.s3.kms.key_id = <kms_keyid>
// The kms_keyid must be a unique key ID, the Amazon Resource Name (ARN)
of the CMK,
// or the name or ARN of an alias that points to the CMK.

// SSL settings for KMS communication

remote.s3.kms.sslVerifyServerCert = true
remote.s3.kms.sslVersions = tls1.2
remote.s3.kms.sslAltNameToCheck = kms.<aws_region>.amazonaws.com
remote.s3.kms.sslRootCAPath = $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/auth/kms_rootcert.pem
remote.s3.kms.ecdhCurves = prime256v1, secp384r1, secp521r1
Encryption with sse-s3

Here is an example of setting server-side encryption with AES256:


remote.s3.encryption = sse-s3
Encryption with sse-kms

Here is an example of setting server-side encryption with KMS-managed keys:

remote.s3.encryption = sse-kms
remote.s3.kms.key_id = <kms_keyid>

Deploy SmartStore on a new indexer cluster

During this procedure, you:

1. Install a new indexer cluster.

2. Configure the cluster peer nodes to access the remote store.
3. Test the deployment.

Note: This procedure configures SmartStore for a new indexer cluster only. It
does not describe how to load existing data onto an indexer cluster. To migrate
existing local indexes to SmartStore, see Migrate existing data on an indexer
cluster to SmartStore. To bootstrap existing SmartStore data onto a new indexer
cluster, see Bootstrap SmartStore indexes onto an indexer cluster.



• Indexer cluster deployment overview

• Update common peer configurations and apps
• SmartStore system requirements
• Configure the remote store for SmartStore
• Choose the storage location for each index
• Documentation provided by the vendor of the remote storage service that
you are using

Deploy SmartStore

The following procedure assumes that you are deploying SmartStore on a new
indexer cluster. It also assumes that you are deploying SmartStore for all indexes
on the cluster, using a single remote location. If you want to deploy SmartStore
for some indexes only, or if you want to use multiple remote locations for the
SmartStore indexes, you can modify the procedure to fit your need.

1. Ensure that you have met the prerequisites. In particular, read:
♦ SmartStore system requirements
♦ Configure the remote store for SmartStore
2. Understand SmartStore security strategies and prepare to implement
them as necessary during the deployment process. See SmartStore
security strategies.
3. Install a new Splunk Enterprise instance and enable it as the master node
for a new indexer cluster. See Enable the indexer cluster master node.
4. Set the indexer cluster's replication factor and search factor to equal
values, for example, 3/3.
5. On the master node, create or edit
$SPLUNK_HOME/etc/master-apps/_cluster/local/indexes.conf and
specify the SmartStore settings, as shown in the example below. When
the peer nodes later start up, the master automatically distributes these
settings, along with the rest of the configuration bundle, to the peer nodes.

Here is an example of how to configure the SmartStore indexes on the

cluster peers, using an S3 remote object store. In this example, all indexes
use a single remote storage volume, and the remote volume is given the
name "remote_store". In addition, the example configures one new index,

# Configure all indexes to use the SmartStore remote volume called
# "remote_store".
# Note: If you want only some of your indexes to use SmartStore,
# place this setting under the individual stanzas for each of the
# SmartStore indexes, rather than here.
remotePath = volume:remote_store/$_index_name

repFactor = auto

# Configure the remote volume

storageType = remote

# On the next line, the path attribute points to the remote

storage location
# where indexes reside. Each SmartStore index resides directly
below the location
# specified by the path attribute. The <scheme> identifies a
supported remote
# storage system type, such as S3. The
<remote-location-specifier> is a
# string specific to the remote storage system that specifies the

# of the indexes inside the remote system.
# This is an S3 example: "path = s3://mybucket/some/path".

path = <scheme>://<remote-location-specifier>

# The following S3 settings are required only if you?re using the

access and secret
# keys. They are not needed if you are using AWS IAM roles.

remote.s3.access_key = <S3 access key>

remote.s3.secret_key = <S3 secret key>
remote.s3.endpoint = https:|http://<S3 host>

# This example stanza configures a custom index, "cs_index".

homePath = $SPLUNK_DB/cs_index/db
thawedPath = $SPLUNK_DB/cs_index/thaweddb
# SmartStore-enabled indexes do not use coldPath, but you must
still specify it here.
coldPath = $SPLUNK_DB/cs_index/colddb
For details on these settings, see Configure SmartStore. Also see
indexes.conf.spec in the Admin Manual.
6. On the master node, run:

splunk apply cluster-bundle --answer-yes

7. Install and enable the peer nodes and search head, as for any new
indexer cluster. See Enable the peer nodes and Enable the search head.
Wait briefly for the peer nodes to download the configuration bundle with
the SmartStore settings. To view the status of the configuration bundle
process, you can run the splunk show cluster-bundle-status command,
described in Update common peer configurations and apps.
8. Test the deployment.
1. You can monitor the status of the cluster start-up process from the
master with this command:

splunk show cluster-status -auth <admin>:<password>

2. To confirm remote storage access across the indexer cluster, run
this command from one of the peer nodes:

splunk cmd splunkd rfs -- ls --starts-with


This command recursively lists any files that are present in the
remote volume. It is recommended that you first place a sample
text file in the remote volume. If you see the file when you run the
command, you have access to the remote store.
3. Send some data to the indexers and wait for buckets to roll. If you
don't want to wait for buckets to roll naturally, you can manually roll

some buckets from a peer node:

splunk _internal call

/data/indexes/<index_name>/roll-hot-buckets -auth
Look for warm buckets being uploaded to remote storage.
4. At this point, you should be able to run normal searches against
this data. In the majority of cases, you will not be transferring any
data from the remote storage, because the data will already be in
the local cache. To validate data fetching from remote storage, do
the following:
1. On one of the indexers, evict a bucket from the cache, using
this REST endpoint:

where <cid> is bid|<bucketId>|. For example:
2. Run a search locally on the indexer. The search must be one
that requires data from the evicted bucket.
The indexer must now transfer the bucket from remote storage to
run the search. After running the search, you can check that the
bucket has reappeared in the cache.

Follow-on steps

Once your cluster is running with SmartStore, there are a number of

configuration matters that warrant your immediate attention. In particular:

• On the master node, edit the

$SPLUNK_HOME/etc/master-apps/_cluster/local/indexes.conf file and
configure the maxGlobalDataSizeMB and frozenTimePeriodInSecs settings,
as necessary, to ensure that the cluster follows your desired freezing
behavior. See Configure data retention for SmartStore indexes.

This step is extremely important, to avoid unwanted bucket freezing and possible
data loss. SmartStore bucket-freezing behavior and settings are different from
the non-SmartStore behavior and settings.

• On the master node, edit

$SPLUNK_HOME/etc/master-apps/_cluster/local/server.conf to make
any necessary changes to the SmartStore-related server.conf settings on
the peer nodes. In particular, configure the cache size to fit the needs of
your deployment. See Configure the SmartStore cache manager.

Once you have made these changes to the configuration bundle on the master
node, apply the bundle to distribute the settings to the peer nodes:

splunk apply cluster-bundle --answer-yes

For details on other SmartStore settings, see Configure SmartStore.

Migrate existing data on an indexer cluster to

You can migrate the existing data on your indexer cluster from local storage to
the remote store.

This procedure describes how to migrate all the indexes on the indexer cluster to
SmartStore. You can modify the procedure if you only want to migrate some of
the indexes. Indexers support a mixed environment of SmartStore and
non-SmartStore indexes.

Because this process requires the cluster to upload large amounts of data, it can
take a long time to complete and can have a significant impact on concurrent
indexing and searching.

You cannot revert an index to non-SmartStore after you migrate it to SmartStore.

Migrate data

Perform the migration operation in two phases:

1. Test the SmartStore configurations and remote connectivity on a

standalone test instance.
2. Run the migration by applying the configurations to your production
indexer cluster.


• Read:
♦ SmartStore system requirements
♦ Configure SmartStore
♦ Update common peer configurations and apps
♦ Configure the remote store for SmartStore
♦ Choose the storage location for each index

♦ Documentation provided by the vendor of the remote storage
service that you are using
• If the cluster was once migrated from single-site to multisite, you must
convert any pre-existing, single-site buckets to follow the multisite
replication and search policies. To do so, change the
constrain_singlesite_buckets setting in the master's server.conf file to
"false" and restart the master node. See Configure the master to convert
existing buckets to multisite.
• The cluster should be on the smaller side, with a maximum of 20 indexers.
If you want to migrate a larger cluster, consult Splunk Professional
• Reconfigure the cluster as necessary to conform with the lists of
unsupported features, current restrictions, and incompatible settings:
♦ Features not supported by SmartStore
♦ Current restrictions on SmartStore use. Regarding the requirement
that replication factor and search factor be equal, you can make
this change post-migration.
♦ Settings in indexes.conf that are incompatible with SmartStore or
otherwise restricted

1. Test the configuration on a standalone instance

The purpose of performing the test on a standalone instance is to:

• test remote store connectivity.

• validate the configuration.

For production purposes, you must run SmartStore on an indexer cluster.

However, for limited testing purposes such as those described here, you can run
SmartStore on a non-clustered, standalone indexer.


1. Ensure that you have met all prerequisites relevant to this test setup. In
particular, read:
♦ SmartStore system requirements
♦ Configure the remote store for SmartStore
2. Understand SmartStore security strategies and prepare to implement
them as necessary during the deployment process. See SmartStore
security strategies.
3. Install a new Splunk Enterprise instance. For information on how to install
Splunk Enterprise, read the Installation Manual.

Edit indexes.conf in $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/system/local to specify the
SmartStore settings for your indexes. These should be the same group of
settings that you intend to use later on your production deployment.

Here is an example of how to configure the SmartStore indexes on an

instance, using an S3 remote object store. In this example, all indexes are
SmartStore-enabled and use a single remote storage volume, and the
remote volume is given the name "remote_store". In addition, the example
configures one new index, "cs_index".

# Configure all indexes to use the SmartStore remote volume called
# "remote_store".
# Note: If you want only some of your indexes to use SmartStore,
# place this setting under the individual stanzas for each of the
# SmartStore indexes, rather than here.
remotePath = volume:remote_store/$_index_name

# Configure the remote volume

storageType = remote

# On the next line, the path attribute points to the remote

storage location
# where indexes reside. Each SmartStore index resides directly
below the location
# specified by the path attribute. The <scheme> identifies a
supported remote
# storage system type, such as S3. The
<remote-location-specifier> is a
# string specific to the remote storage system that specifies the
# of the indexes inside the remote system.
# This is an S3 example: "path = s3://mybucket/some/path".

path = <scheme>://<remote-location-specifier>

# The following S3 settings are required only if you?re using the

access and secret
# keys. They are not needed if you are using AWS IAM roles.

remote.s3.access_key = <S3 access key>

remote.s3.secret_key = <S3 secret key>
remote.s3.endpoint = https:|http://<S3 host>

# Configure a test index.

# Here is the configuration for an example "cs_index" index.
homePath = $SPLUNK_DB/cs_index/db

4. thawedPath = $SPLUNK_DB/cs_index/thaweddb
coldPath = $SPLUNK_DB/cs_index/colddb
For details on these settings, see Configure SmartStore. Also see
indexes.conf.spec in the Admin Manual.
5. Restart the instance.
6. Test the deployment:
1. To confirm remote storage access, run this command on the

splunk cmd splunkd rfs -- ls --starts-with


This command recursively lists any files that are present in the
remote store. It is recommended that you first place a sample text
file in the remote store. If you see the file when you run the
command, you have access to the remote store.
2. Send some data to the instance and wait for buckets to roll. If you
don't want to wait for buckets to roll naturally, you can manually roll
some buckets:

splunk _internal call

/data/indexes/<index_name>/roll-hot-buckets -auth
Look for warm buckets being uploaded to remote storage.
3. At this point, you should be able to run normal searches against
this data. In most cases, you will not be transferring any data from
the remote storage, because the data will already be in the local
cache. To validate data fetching from remote storage, do the
1. Evict a bucket from the cache, using this REST endpoint:

where <cid> is bid|<bucketId>|. For example:
2. Run a search that requires data from the evicted bucket.
The instance must now transfer the bucket from remote storage to
run the search. After running the search, you can check that the
bucket has reappeared in the cache.

2. Run the migration on the indexer cluster

In this procedure, you configure your cluster for SmartStore. The goal of the
procedure is to migrate all existing warm and cold buckets on all indexes to
SmartStore. Going forward, all new warm buckets will also reside in SmartStore.

The migration process takes a while to complete. If you have a large amount of
data, it can take a long while. Expect some degradation of indexing and search
performance during the migration. For that reason, it is best to schedule the
migration for a time when your indexers will be relatively idle.


1. Ensure that you have met the prerequisites. In particular, read:

♦ SmartStore system requirements
♦ Configure the remote store for SmartStore
♦ Features not supported by SmartStore
♦ Current restrictions on SmartStore use
2. Understand SmartStore security strategies and prepare to implement
them as necessary during the deployment process. See SmartStore
security strategies.
3. Upgrade all cluster nodes (master, peer nodes, search heads) to the latest
version of Splunk Enterprise. See Upgrade an indexer cluster.
4. Confirm that the cluster is in a valid and complete state, with both
replication and search factors met. Go to the Master Dashboard to
5. Confirm that there are no bucket fixup tasks in progress or pending. Go to
the Master Dashboard, click on the Indexes tab, and then click on the
Bucket Status button to confirm.
6. Run splunk enable maintenance-mode on the master. To confirm that the
master is in maintenance mode, run splunk show maintenance-mode.
7. Stop all the peer nodes. When bringing down the peers, use the splunk
stop command, not splunk offline.
8. On the master node, edit the existing
$SPLUNK_HOME/etc/master-apps/_cluster/local/indexes.conf file to
make the following additions.

Do not replace the existing indexes.conf file, because you need to keep
its current settings, such as its index-definition settings. Instead, merge
these additional settings into the existing file. Be sure to remove any other
copies of these settings from the file.

1. Specify the SmartStore index global and volume settings.

Assuming that you have already tested these settings on your
standalone instance, you can simply copy the settings over from
your standalone instance. For example:

# Configure all indexes to use the SmartStore remote volume

# "remote_store".
# Note: If you want only some of your indexes to use
# place this setting under the individual stanzas for each
of the
# SmartStore indexes, rather than here.
remotePath = volume:remote_store/$_index_name

# Configure the remote volume

storageType = remote

# On the next line, the path attribute points to the remote

storage location
# where indexes reside. Each SmartStore index resides
directly below the location
# specified by the path attribute. The <scheme> identifies a
supported remote
# storage system type, such as S3. The
<remote-location-specifier> is a
# string specific to the remote storage system that
specifies the location
# of the indexes inside the remote system.
# This is an S3 example: "path = s3://mybucket/some/path".

path = <scheme>://<remote-location-specifier>

# The following S3 settings are required only if you?re

using the access and secret
# keys. They are not needed if you are using AWS IAM roles.
remote.s3.access_key = <S3 access key>
remote.s3.secret_key = <S3 secret key>
remote.s3.endpoint = https:|http://<S3 host>
2. Configure the maxGlobalDataSizeMB and frozenTimePeriodInSecs
settings, as necessary, to ensure that the cluster will follow your
desired freezing behavior, post-migration. See Configure data
retention for SmartStore indexes.

This step is extremely important, to avoid unwanted bucket freezing

and possible data loss. SmartStore bucket-freezing behavior and
settings are different from the non-SmartStore behavior and
9. On the master node, edit
$SPLUNK_HOME/etc/master-apps/_cluster/local/server.conf to make
any necessary changes to the SmartStore-related server.conf settings on
the peer nodes. In particular, configure the cache size to fit the needs of
your deployment. See Configure the SmartStore cache manager.
10. On the master node, run:

splunk apply cluster-bundle --answer-yes
11. Start all the peer nodes. Wait briefly for the peer nodes to download the
configuration bundle with the SmartStore settings. To view the status of
the configuration bundle process, you can run the splunk show
cluster-bundle-status command, described in Update common peer
configurations and apps.
12. Run splunk disable maintenance-mode on the master. To confirm that the
master is not in maintenance mode, run splunk show maintenance-mode.
13. Wait briefly for the peer nodes to begin uploading their warm and cold
buckets to the remote store.

Cold buckets use the cold path as their cache location, post-migration.

In all respects, cold buckets are functionally equivalent to warm buckets.

The cache manager manages the migrated cold buckets in the same way
that it manages warm buckets. The only difference is that the cold buckets
will be fetched into the cold path location, rather than the home path
14. To confirm remote storage access across the indexer cluster, run this
command from one of the peer nodes:

splunk cmd splunkd rfs -- ls --starts-with volume:remote_store

This command recursively lists any files that are present in the remote
store. It should show that the cluster is starting to upload warm buckets to
the remote store. If necessary, wait a little while for the first uploads to
15. On the master node, make any necessary changes to ensure that the
indexer cluster's replication factor and search factor use the same values,
for example, 3/3.
16. To determine that migration is complete:
♦ Confirm that the cluster is in a valid and complete state, with both
replication and search factors met.
♦ Confirm that the search |rest splunk_server=idx1 ...
/services/admin/cacheman |search cm:bucket.stable=0 |stats
count returns 0.
17. Test SmartStore functionality. At this point, you should be able to run
normal searches against this data. In the majority of cases, you will not be
transferring any data from the remote storage, because the data will
already be in the local cache. To validate data fetching from remote
storage, do the following:
1. On one of the peer nodes, look for a fully populated bucket,
containing both tsidx files and the rawdata file.
2. Evict the bucket from the cache, using this REST endpoint:

where <cid> is bid|<bucketId>|. For example:
3. Run a search locally on the peer node. The search must be one
that requires data from the evicted bucket.
The peer must now transfer the bucket from remote storage to run the
search. After running the search, you can check that the bucket has
reappeared in the cache.

If you need to restart the cluster during migration, upon restart, migration will
continue from where it left off.

Refrain from rebalancing data or removing excess buckets until you have run the
SmartStore-enabled cluster successfully for a while. In particular, run these
operations only after you have set the replication factor and search factor to use
equal values and the cluster has performed any related bucket fixup.

Monitor the migration process

You can run an endpoint from the master node to determine the status of the

$ splunk search "|rest /services/admin/cacheman/_metrics |fields

splunk_server migration.*" -auth admin:passwd
The endpoint returns data on the migration, which you can use to determine how
far along in the process each of the peers is. In this example, peer1 is on its 8th
job, out of a total of 35, so the peer's migration is about 20-25% complete. The
start_epoch field tells you when the migration began, allowing you to extrapolate
an approximate completion time:

splunk_server migration.current_job migration.start_epoch

migration.status migration.total_jobs
--------------- ----------------------- ---------------------
--------------- ---------------------
peer1.ajax.com 8 1484942186
running 35
peer2.ajax.com 7 1484942190
running 37
peer2.ajax.com 5 1484942194
running 36

Once migration.status reaches "finished" on all peers, the migration is finished,
and current_job will match total_jobs.

Note: If any peer restarts during migration, its migration information is lost, and
this endpoint cannot be used to check status of that peer, although the migration
will, in fact, resume. The peer's reported status will remain "not_started" even
after migration resumes.

Instead, you can run the following endpoint on the restarted peer:

"|rest /services/admin/cacheman |search cm:bucket.stable=0 |stats

The count equals the number of upload jobs remaining, where an upload job
represents a single bucket to be uploaded, or, in other words, (total_jobs -
current_jobs) from the earlier endpoint. The count decrements to zero as
migration continues.

Bootstrap SmartStore indexes onto an indexer

Bootstrapping is the process of transferring SmartStore buckets to a new indexer
cluster. You first bring down an old indexer cluster with SmartStore indexes. You
then point a new indexer cluster to the remote storage location previously used
by the decommissioned cluster. The new cluster inherits the SmartStore buckets
from the old cluster.

For example, if you want to replace an indexer cluster, you can take down the old
cluster and bootstrap a new cluster. The new cluster inherits all the buckets from
the old cluster. This can be useful if you need to upgrade the machines running
your indexer cluster.

You cannot run two indexer clusters against the same remote store. That is, you
must shut down the cluster currently accessing buckets from the remote store
before you bootstrap a new cluster to access the same buckets from the remote

How to bootstrap indexes onto a cluster at initial start-up

You can bootstrap all indexes, or just a subset of indexes, from the remote store.
See Deploy SmartStore on a new indexer cluster for information on how to use

indexes.conf to configure SmartStore either globally or on a per-index basis.

You can bootstrap SmartStore indexes when the cluster initially starts up or later
in its life cycle. This section describes how to bootstrap indexes at cluster initial
start-up. The process for bootstrapping indexes later is a simple variant of adding
an index to an existing indexer cluster.

To bootstrap SmartStore indexes onto a new indexer cluster:

1. Bring down the old cluster after ensuring that all local data, including data
from any hot buckets, is available on the remote store.
2. Bring up the new cluster and configure its indexes for SmartStore. Follow
the procedure in Deploy SmartStore on an indexer cluster.
Note the following:
♦ When configuring indexes.conf, include all indexes that you want
to bootstrap onto the new cluster.
♦ You must set repFactor=auto on all indexes that you intend to
♦ Configure the path attribute to point to the same remote storage
location as on the old cluster.
♦ You must maintain the remote store encryption and access settings
used by the old cluster.
♦ All indexes that you bootstrap must be SmartStore-enabled on the
new cluster. You cannot use bootstrapping to revert an index to

When the indexer cluster master node initiates the bootstrap


The master node initiates bootstrapping under either of these conditions:

• When the replication factor number of peer nodes have registered with the
master after indexer cluster start-up.
• After the master pushes a new bootstrapping configuration to the peer
nodes through the configuration bundle method. This allows you to
bootstrap SmartStore indexes after the cluster is already up and running,
or to bootstrap SmartStore indexes selectively at varying points in the life
of the cluster.

The bootstrap process

During bootstrapping, the master node coordinates a discovery process:

1. The master obtains a list of all SmartStore indexes from the peer nodes.
2. Bootstrapping proceeds on a per-index basis:
1. The master assigns one peer to obtain a list of all buckets for the
index from the remote store.
2. The peer returns the bucket list to the master in batches.

Batch size is controlled by the

recreate_index_fetch_bucket_batch_size attribute in the master
node's server.conf file.
3. The master uses the list to assign buckets, randomly but evenly,
across all available peer nodes.
4. The master provides each peer node with a set of target peer
nodes, of a number equal to the replication factor.
5. Each peer node downloads, from the remote store, the metadata
for its assigned buckets.
6. The peer node uses the downloaded metadata to update the
index's .bucketManifest file and to create empty directories for its
assigned buckets. The primary marker for each bucket resides on
the peer that downloaded that bucket's metadata from the remote
7. The peer node replicates copies of its primary buckets' metadata to
target peer nodes to meet the replication factor.

The bootstrapping process proceeds quickly because only the bucket metadata
is downloaded and replicated. The bucket contents themselves are not
downloaded during bootstrapping, but only later, if needed for searching.

Manage SmartStore

Configure SmartStore
SmartStore configuration settings reside in three files:

• indexes.conf
• server.conf
• limits.conf

SmartStore settings in indexes.conf

The SmartStore settings in indexes.conf enable and control SmartStore indexes.

You can enable SmartStore for all of an indexer's indexes, or you can enable
SmartStore on an index-by-index basis, allowing a mix of SmartStore and
non-SmartStore indexes on the same indexer.

When you configure these settings on an indexer cluster's peer nodes, you must
deploy the settings through the configuration bundle method. As with all settings
in indexes.conf, SmartStore settings must be the same across all peer nodes.

The table lists the main SmartStore-related settings in indexes.conf .

SmartStore indexes.conf setting Description
Enables SmartStore and
index sets the remote path for
remotePath = <root path for remote
or the index's volume. See
global Deploy SmartStore on a
new indexer cluster.
Sets the volume's
storage type to remote.
storageType = remote volume
See Deploy SmartStore
on a new indexer cluster.
path = volume Sets the remote storage
<scheme>://<remote-location-specifier> location where indexes
reside. See Deploy
SmartStore on a new

indexer cluster.
Determines bucket
freezing behavior. Sets
the maximum amount of
space that the warm
index buckets of a SmartStore
maxGlobalDataSizeMB = <integer> or index can occupy. When
global this maximum is
exceeded, the oldest
bucket gets frozen. See
Configure data retention
for SmartStore indexes.
Specifies the time period,
based on the bucket's
age, that the cache
manager attempts to
protect a recent bucket
from eviction. This setting
hotlist_recency_secs = <integer> index operates on a per-index
level, while the version of
the setting in
server.conf operates
across all indexes. See
Configure the SmartStore
cache manager.
Specifies the time period,
based on the bucket's
age, that the cache
manager attempts to
protect the bucket's
non-journal and non-tsidx
files, such as the
hotlist_bloom_filter_recency_hours = bloomfilter file, from
<integer> eviction. This setting
operates on a per-index
level, while the version of
the setting in
server.conf operates
across all indexes. See
Configure the SmartStore
cache manager.

If remotePath is specified for an index, the index's coldPath setting is ignored.
However, you must still specify a value for coldPath, even though it is ignored.

In indexes.conf, you can also configure various settings specific to your remote
storage type. For example, there are a number of settings that begin with
remote.s3. These settings are specific to S3, such as remote.s3.access_key and
remote.s3.secret_key. You configure these settings in the stanza where you
configure the remote volume.

For SmartStore indexes, always use the default value of "auto" (750 MB) for
maxDataSize. This setting, which is not specific to SmartStore, controls the
maximum bucket size,

For details on these and other indexes.conf settings, see indexes.conf.spec. .

SmartStore settings in server.conf

The SmartStore-related settings in server.conf control the behavior of indexers,

including the functionality of the cache manager. The table lists the most
frequently configured settings.

SmartStore server.conf setting Stanza level Description

Sets the policy that
determines which
buckets the cache
manager evicts next.
eviction_policy = <string> [cachemanager]
Defaults to "lru". See
Configure the
SmartStore cache
Specifies the
maximum space, in
megabytes, that the
cache can occupy on a
max_cache_size = <integer> [cachemanager]
disk partition. See
Configure the
SmartStore cache
eviction_padding = <integer> [cachemanager] Specifies the
additional space, in
megabytes, beyond

minFreeSpace that the
cache manager uses
as the threshold to
start evicting data. See
Configure the
SmartStore cache
Specifies the time
period, based on the
bucket's age, that the
cache manager
attempts to protect a
recent bucket from
eviction. This setting
operates on a global
hotlist_recency_secs = <integer> [cachemanager] level, across all
indexes, while the
version of the setting
in indexes.conf
operates on a
per-index level. See
Configure the
SmartStore cache
hotlist_bloom_filter_recency_hours [cachemanager] Specifies the time
= <integer> period, based on the
bucket's age, that the
cache manager
attempts to protect the
bucket's non-journal
and non-tsidx files,
such as the
bloomfilter file, from
eviction. This setting
operates on a global
level, across all
indexes, while the
version of the setting
in indexes.conf
operates on a
per-index level. See
Configure the

SmartStore cache
Includes various,
mostly low-level,
settings that control
various settings [clustering]
remote bucket
operations in indexer
Causes the splunk
clean eventdata
cleanRemoteStorageByDefault =
[general] command to clean the
remote indexes.
Defaults to "false".
For details on these and other server.conf settings, see server.conf.spec.

Most of the SmartStore server.conf settings, including all of the common ones,
are configured on the peer nodes. A few rarely-changed settings are configured
instead on the master node. All settings configured on the peer nodes must be
the same across all peer nodes.

SmartStore settings in limits.conf

The limits.conf file contains several low-level search-related settings; for

example, bucket_localize_max_timeout_sec. These settings are primarily
related to the process of localizing buckets. Do not change the settings without a
clear understanding of the underlying processes.

For details on limits.conf settings, see limits.conf.spec.

Settings in indexes.conf that are incompatible with SmartStore

or otherwise restricted

SmartStore indexer clusters support a subset of features available in

non-SmartStore indexer clusters. Settings related to incompatible features
require special consideration.

In addition, SmartStore clusters handle certain needs, such as data retention,

differently from non-SmartStore clusters. The associated settings are also

For information on features that are unsupported or restricted when using
SmartStore, see:

• Features not supported by SmartStore

• Current restrictions on SmartStore use

The following indexes.conf settings must remain unset:

• bloomHomePath
• summaryHomePath
• tstatsHomePath

The following indexes.conf settings must retain their default values:

• createBloomfilter. Do not change from default of true.

• enableOnlineBucketRepair. Do not change from default of true.
• isReadOnly. Do not change from default of false.
• journalCompression. Do not change from default of gzip.
• enableTsidxReduction. Do not change from default of false.
• maxDataSize. Do not change from default of auto (recommended).

The following indexes.conf settings are ignored by SmartStore:

• maxWarmDBCount
• maxTotalDataSizeMB
• warmToColdScript
• homePath.maxDataSizeMB
• coldPath.maxDataSizeMB

Configure the SmartStore cache manager

The cache manager maximizes search efficiency through intelligent management
of the local cache. It favors retaining in the cache copies of buckets and files that
have a high likelihood of participating in future searches. When the cache fills up,
the cache manager removes, or "evicts", copies of buckets that are least likely to
participate in future searches.

Since the cache manager removes only the cached copies of buckets, the
eviction process does not result in loss of data. The master copies continue to
reside in remote storage,

For details on how the cache manager operates, see The SmartStore cache

Cache manager settings reside in the [cachemanager] stanza in server.conf. You
configure the cache manager on an indexer cluster's peer nodes.

The cache manager operates at the global level. Aside from the recency settings,
you cannot configure the cache manager on a per-index basis.

Set the cache eviction policy

The eviction_policy setting in server.conf determines the cache eviction


lru (default) Evict the least recently used bucket.
Evict the bucket with the oldest events first, unless it has been
accessed recently.
lrlt Evict the bucket with the oldest events first.
random Randomly evict a bucket.
noevict Don?t evict.
Do not change eviction_policy from its default value of "lru" without consulting
Splunk Support.

Initiate eviction based on occupancy of the cache's disk


These settings in server.conf initiate eviction based on occupancy of the

cache's disk partition:

• The max_cache_size setting specifies the maximum occupied space, in

megabytes, for the disk partition that contains the cache.
• The minFreeSpace setting specifies the minimum free space, in
megabytes, for a partition.
• The eviction_padding setting controls the amount of additional space, in
megabytes, that the cache manager protects, beyond the minFreeSpace

The minFreeSpace setting is not strictly a cache-specific setting, and therefore it

does not reside in the [cachemanager] stanza, but it nevertheless helps
determine cache size limits.

When the occupied space on the cache's partition exceeds max_cache_size, or
the partition's free space falls below (minFreeSpace +eviction_padding), the
cache manager begins to evict data.

Set cache retention periods based on data recency

You can protect recently indexed data from eviction. You can use this capability
in two ways:

• On a global level (across all indexes), to favor recently indexed data over
recently used data.
• On a per-index level, to favor data in critical indexes over data in
non-critical indexes.

To set cache retention periods based on data recency, use the

hotlist_recency_secs and hotlist_bloom_filter_recency_hours settings.
These settings serve to override the eviction policy. You can scope these
settings globally or on a per-index level.

The hotlist_recency_secs setting causes the cache manager to protect buckets

that contain recent data over other buckets. When eviction is necessary, the
cache manager will not evict buckets until their configured retention periods have
passed, unless all other buckets have already been evicted.

Similarly, the hotlist_bloom_filter_recency_hours setting protects certain small

metadata files, such as the bloomfilter file, from eviction. By inspecting such
metadata files, the cache manager can sometimes eliminate the need to fetch
larger bucket files, such as the rawdata journal and the tsidx files, from remote
storage when handling search requests. See The SmartStore cache manager.

When you configure these settings globally, they override the eviction policy,
which, by default, favors buckets that have been recently searched. For example,
if hotlist_recency_secs is set globally to 604800 (7 days), the cache manager
will attempt to retain buckets with data that is less than seven days old. It will
instead evict older buckets, even if those older buckets were searched more
recently. The cache manager will only evict buckets containing data less than
seven days old if there are no older buckets to evict.

By configuring the recency settings on a per-index level, you can favor data in
critical indexes over data in less critical indexes. Since all SmartStore indexes
share the cache and otherwise follow the global cache eviction policy, the
per-index recency settings provide the only means to retain data from critical
indexes for a longer period than data from less critical indexes.

For example, if you have an index with critical data, such as the ES
threat_activity index, and another index whose data is less critical, such as the
default _internal index, you can set hotlist_recency_secs to 5184000 (60
days) for threat_activity, while keeping the default setting of 86400 (1 day) for
_internal. By doing so, you cause the cache manager to favor threat_activity
buckets over _internal buckets, thus reducing the likelihood that the cache will
need to fetch data from the remote store to handle threat_activity searches.

Details of settings that control retention based on data recency

The hotlist_recency_secs setting affects the cache retention period for warm
buckets. The cache manager attempts to defer bucket eviction until the interval
between the bucket's latest time and the current time exceeds this setting. This
setting defaults to 86400 seconds, or 24 hours.

The hotlist_bloom_filter_recency_hours setting affects the cache retention

period for small warm bucket files. The cache manager attempts to defer eviction
of the non-journal and non-tsidx bucket files, such as the bloomfilter file, until
the interval between the bucket's latest time and the current time exceeds this
setting. This setting defaults to 360 hours, or 15 days.

You configure each setting in server.conf or indexes.conf, depending on

whether you want to configure the setting for all SmartStore indexes or for
individual indexes.

Configure recency for all indexes

To configure the hotlist_recency_secs and

hotlist_bloom_filter_recency_hours settings globally, for all SmartStore
indexes, you must set them in the [cachemanager] stanza in server.conf.

You can override the global settings on a per-index basis.

Configure recency for individual indexes

To configure the hotlist_recency_secs and

hotlist_bloom_filter_recency_hours settings on a per-index basis, you must
set them in each index's stanza in indexes.conf.

If you do not configure the settings for a particular SmartStore index, that index
inherits the global value from server.conf.

Set the maximum download and upload rates

The max_concurrent_downloads setting in server.conf specifies the maximum

number of buckets that can be downloaded simultaneously from remote storage.
Its default is 8.

The max_concurrent_uploads setting in server.conf specifies the maximum

number of buckets that can be uploaded simultaneously to remote storage. Its
default is 8.

Configure data retention for SmartStore indexes

Data retention policy for SmartStore indexes on indexer clusters is configured
using settings similar to those for non-SmartStore indexes. However, with
SmartStore indexes, data retention is managed cluster-wide, rather than on a
per-indexer basis.

Once a bucket in the index meets the criteria for freezing, the cluster removes
the bucket entirely from the system, both from remote storage and from any local
caches where copies of it exist.

Because SmartStore indexes do not support the cold bucket state, buckets roll to
frozen directly from warm.

For general information on bucket freezing and archiving, see Set a retirement
and archiving policy and Archive indexed data. Most of the material in those
topics is relevant to all indexes, SmartStore or not. The differences are covered

Data retention policy

Use these indexes.conf settings to configure data retention policies for a

SmartStore index:

• maxGlobalDataSizeMB
• frozenTimePeriodInSecs

Like all indexes.conf settings, the settings must be the same for all peer nodes
on an index cluster. Use the configuration bundle method to distribute the
settings from the master node to the peer nodes, as described in Update
common peer configurations and apps.

These settings, available for non-SmartStore indexes only, have no effect on a
SmartStore index:

• maxTotalDataSizeMB
• maxWarmDBCount


The maxGlobalDataSizeMB setting specifies the maximum size, in MB, for all
warm buckets in a SmartStore index on a cluster. When the size of an index's set
of warm buckets exceeds this value, the cluster freezes the oldest buckets, until
the size again falls below this value.

The total size of an index's warm buckets approximates closely the size that the
index occupies in remote storage. Note these aspects of the size calculation:

• It applies on a per-index basis.

• It applies across all peers in the cluster.
• It includes the sum of the size of all buckets that reside on remote storage,
along with any buckets that have recently rolled from hot to warm on a
peer node and are awaiting upload to remote storage.
• It includes only one copy of each bucket. If a duplicate copy of a bucket
exists on a peer node, the size calculation does not include it. For
example, if the bucket exists on both remote storage and on a peer node's
local cache, the calculation ignores the copy on local cache.
• It includes only the size of the buckets themselves. It does not include the
size of any associated files, such as report acceleration or data model
acceleration summaries.

If the total size that the warm buckets of an index occupy exceeds
maxGlobalDataSizeMB, the oldest bucket in the index is frozen. For example,
assume that maxGlobalDataSizeMB is set to 5000 for an index, and the index's
warm buckets occupy 4800 MB. If a 750 MB hot bucket then rolls to warm, the
index size now exceeds maxGlobalDataSizeMB, triggering bucket freezing. The
cluster freezes the oldest buckets on the index, until the total warm bucket size
falls below maxGlobalDataSizeMB.

You set this value under the stanza for the index to which it applies. To specify
the same value for all indexes, you can set it at the global stanza level. In that
case, however, the value still applies individually to each index. That is, if you set
maxGlobalDataSizeMB at the global stanza level to 5000 MB, then indexA has its
own maximum of 5000 MB, indexB has its own maximum of 5000 MB, and so on.

This setting defaults to 0, which means that it does not limit the amount of space
that the warm buckets on an index can occupy.

If maxGlobalDataSizeMB is reached before frozenTimePeriodInSecs, data will be

rolled to frozen before the configured time period has elapsed. This can result in
unintended data loss.


This setting is the same setting used with non-SmartStore indexes. It specifies
that buckets freeze when they reach the configured age. The default value is
188697600 seconds, or approximately 6 years.

For details on this setting, see Freeze data when it grows too old.

The process of freezing buckets

The process of freezing a SmartStore index's buckets proceeds in this fashion:

1. The master node runs a search every 15 minutes, by default, on all peer
nodes, to identify any buckets that need to be frozen.

The search period is controlled by the remote_storage_retention_period

setting in server.conf on the master.
2. For each bucket to be frozen, the master randomly assigns the job to one
of the peers with a local copy of the bucket; that is, to one of the peers
with metadata for the bucket in its index's .bucketManifest file.
3. For each bucket to be frozen:
1. The designated peer checks whether the bucket is present on
remote storage. It continues the freezing process for that bucket
only if the bucket exists on remote storage. Otherwise, the peer
skips the bucket.

The most likely reason for a warm bucket not existing on remote
storage is if the bucket recently rolled from hot to warm.
2. The next steps taken by the bucket's designated peer vary,
depending on whether the cluster peers are configured to archive
frozen buckets before deleting them:
◊ If the cluster peers are configured to archive buckets, the
designated peer fetches the bucket from remote storage if it
is not already in local cache. It then archives the bucket and
removes its local copy.

◊ If the peers are configured to remove frozen buckets without
first archiving them, the designated peer does not fetch the
bucket. It simply removes its local copy.
For information on how to configure archiving, see Archive indexed
3. The designated peer removes the bucket from the remote store.
4. The designated peer notifies the master of the remote store
5. The master tells each other peer with a local copy of the bucket to
remove its copy.

The term "local bucket copy" means all information about the bucket on the peer.
When a peer removes its local bucket copy during the freezing process, it
removes the bucket's metadata from the index's .bucketManifest file, as well as
any copy of the bucket in its cache. If there is no copy in its cache, then it
removes the empty directory for that bucket.

Thawed data

If you thaw data from an archive, the thawed data is stored locally. You cannot
add thawed data to your set of SmartStore data. Thawed data does not get
uploaded to remote storage and the cache manager does not manage it in any
way. For more information on the thawed bucket state, see Restore archived
indexed data.

Add a SmartStore index

As with all indexes.conf settings, use the configuration bundle method when
adding an index to the peer nodes on an indexer cluster.

Note the following:

• SmartStore-related settings in indexes.conf are usually configured at the

global level, not at the individual index level. In that case, it is unlikely that
you will need to specify those settings when adding a new index.
However, if you are using multiple remote volumes or if you have a mix of
SmartStore and non-SmartStore indexes, you must specify the
SmartStore settings at the index level.
• If the SmartStore settings are configured globally, then a new index stanza
usually needs only the homePath, thawedPath, and coldPath settings.

• You must specify a value for coldPath, even though SmartStore does not
use the coldPath.
• See SmartStore settings in indexes.conf for a list of relevant SmartStore

For example, assume that you have already set all SmartStore-related
configurations at the global level. Then, to configure a new index called
"cs_index", just add the following stanza to indexes.conf on the peer nodes:

homePath = $SPLUNK_DB/cs_index/db
thawedPath = $SPLUNK_DB/cs_index/thaweddb
coldPath = $SPLUNK_DB/cs_index/colddb

Troubleshoot SmartStore
SmartStore, in common with other features of Splunk Enterprise, provides a
number of tools that you can use to troubleshoot your deployment:

• Log files
• CLI commands
• REST endpoints

This topic discuss each of these tools in the SmartStore troubleshooting context.
In addition, it covers some common SmartStore issues and their possible

Troubleshoot with log files

Several log files can provide insight into the state of SmartStore operations.

splunkd.log. Examine these log channels:

• S3Client. Communication with S3.

• StorageInterface. External storage activity (at a higher level than
• CacheManager. Activity of the cache manger component.
• CacheManagerHandler. Cache manager REST endpoint activity (both
server and client side).

search.log . Examine these log channels:

• CacheManagerHandler. Bucket operations with cache manger REST
endpoint activity.
• S2BucketCache. Search-time bucket management (open, close, and so
• BatchSearch, CursoredSearch, IndexScopedSearch, ISearchOperator.
Search activity related to buckets.


• Contains information on bucket operations, such as upload, download,

evict, and so on.


• Contains metrics concerning operations on external storage.


• Contains a trail of the search process activity against the cache manger
REST endpoint.

Test connectivity with remote storage

One common problem is connectivity with the remote storage. Connectivity

problems can result from network or permissions issues. Use the splunkd cmd
rfs command to test connectivity with remote storage. This section demonstrates
some uses for the command.

List the contents of the "foobar" index on remote storage:

splunk cmd splunkd rfs ls index:foobar

List the contents of a given bucket on remote storage:

splunk cmd splunkd rfs ls

Test getting a file from remote storage:

splunk cmd splunkd rfs getF


Troubleshoot with REST searches

Use the following search to get a list of buckets that are actively being searched:

| rest /services/admin/cacheman search=cm:bucket.ref_count>0

The ref_count value increments by 1 when the search opens the bucket and
decrements by 1 when the search closes the bucket.

Use the following search to get a list of buckets that have not been uploaded to
the remote store (that is, are not "stable" on the remote store):

| rest /services/admin/cacheman search=cm:bucket.stable=0

Common issues

Searches are running slowly or appear stuck

Slow or stuck searches are often due to these issues:

• Performance issues with remote storage.

• The cache manger is evicting buckets too aggressively.
• Cold cache issues. A cold cache occurs when a peer participating in a
search does not have a local copy of some needed buckets and therefore
must download the buckets from remote storage. A cold cache can result
from the master reassigning primary bucket copies to different peers.

Searches erroring out

The search-related error message "Failed to localize fileSet='....' for bid='...'.

Results will be incomplete." indicates an error condition while downloading the
specified bucket,

For more details, examine splunkd.log on the indexer issuing the error.

Disk full issues

A disk full related message indicates that the cache manager is unable to evict
sufficient buckets. These are some possible causes:

• Search load overwhelming local storage. For example, the entire cache
might be consumed by buckets opened by at least one search process.
When the search ends, this problem should go away.

• Cache manager issues. If the problem persists beyond a search, the
cause could be related to the cache manager. Examine splunkd.log on
the indexer issuing the error.

How SmartStore works

The SmartStore cache manager

Each indexer incorporates a cache manager that manages the SmartStore data
in local storage. The cache manager attempts to maintain in local storage any
data that is likely to participate in future searches. By caching the search working
set, the cache manager minimizes the potential of search delays resulting from
data being downloaded from the remote store.

Each indexer's cache manager operates independently from those on other


The cache manager performs these functions:

• It copies buckets from local to remote storage when the buckets roll from
hot to warm.
• It fetches bucket files from remote storage into the local storage cache
when a search needs the files.
• It evicts files from the local storage cache when they are no longer likely to
be needed for future searches.

How the cache manager handles hot buckets rolling to warm

When a hot bucket rolls to warm, the cache manager uploads a copy of the
bucket to the remote storage. Once uploaded to remote storage, the bucket is
eligible for eviction from the local cache. This process is described in detail in
How indexing works in SmartStore.

Once a bucket is uploaded to remote storage, the files in it do not change, but a
few files can be added to it later. For example, the cache manager might upload
delete journals, as they are created on the indexer.

How the cache manager fetches buckets

The cache manager fetches bucket files from remote storage to fulfill search

When the cache manager fetches a file from remote storage, it copies the file to
the local cache. The master copy of the file remains on remote storage.

The cache manager does not always fetch entire buckets from remote storage.
Instead, it can fetch individual bucket files if the search might not need the entire
bucket. For example, by fetching the bloomfilter file first, the cache manager
can, in some cases, avoid the need to fetch the rest of the bucket. Similarly,
some searches, such as metadata and tstats, do not need the rawdata
journal.gz file. Others, such as dbinspect and eventcount, do not need any
bucket content.

The cache manager attempts to prefetch buckets during a search, so that each
bucket is already local by the time the search is ready to access it. When
prefetching buckets, the cache manager uses a heuristic that adjusts according
to how the bloomfilter and tsidx files in other buckets eliminate results.
Accordingly, the cache manager might prefetch either entire buckets or just
individual files within buckets. For example, during a search, if the search on
several previous buckets did not require the tsidx files, the cache manager does
not prefetch tsidx files as it continues to process additional buckets.

When prefetching, the cache manager notes how long the search process is
taking per bucket, and it prefetches buckets at a speed that allows the search to
continue uninterrupted without the need to wait for a bucket fetch to complete.
The cache manager also adjusts its speed to avoid prefetching an excessive
number of buckets.

How the cache manager evicts buckets

The cache manager attempts to minimize the use of local storage by retaining
those buckets and files that have a high likelihood of participating in a future
search and evicting the rest. When the cache manager evicts a bucket, it
removes the copy of that bucket residing on the cache. Because cached buckets
are local copies of buckets whose master copies reside in remote storage, the
eviction process does not result in loss of data.

When a bucket is evicted from the cache, its directory remains in the cache, but
the directory is now empty. The .bucketManifest file for the bucket's index also
retains metadata for the bucket.

The cache manager does not necessarily evict all files in a bucket. It favors
evicting large files, such as the rawdata journal and the tsidx files, while leaving
small files, such as bloomfilter and metadata, in the cache. By doing so, the
cache manager can reduce the need to fetch the large files from remote storage.
For example, inspection of a bucket's bloomfilter file at the start of a search can
sometimes eliminate the need to search the bucket's data, therefore avoiding the
need to fetch the bucket's rawdata journal and tsidx files.

The cache manager operates according to a configurable policy. The default
policy is "lru", which tells the cache manager to evict the least recently used
bucket. To learn about the set of eviction policies available, see Set the eviction

Configure the cache manager

See Configure the SmartStore cache manager.

How indexing works in SmartStore

Indexers handle buckets in SmartStore indexes differently from buckets in
non-SmartStore indexes.

Bucket states and SmartStore

Indexers maintain buckets for non-SmartStore indexes in these states:

• Hot buckets
• Warm buckets
• Cold buckets

Indexers maintain buckets for SmartStore indexes in these states only:

• Hot buckets
• Warm buckets

The hot buckets of SmartStore indexes reside on local storage, just as with
non-SmartStore indexes. Warm buckets reside on remote storage, although
copies of those buckets might also reside temporarily in local storage.

The concept of cold buckets goes away, because the need to distinguish
between warm and cold buckets no longer exists. With non-SmartStore indexes,
the cold bucket state exists as a way to identify older buckets that can be safely
moved to some type of cheaper storage, because buckets are typically searched
less frequently as they age. But with SmartStore indexes, warm buckets are
already on inexpensive storage, so there is no reason to move them to another
type of storage as they age.

Buckets roll to frozen directly from warm.

Cold buckets can, in fact, exist in a SmartStore index, but only under limited
circumstances. Specifically, if you migrate an index from non-SmartStore to
SmartStore, any migrated cold buckets will use the existing cold path as their
cache location, post-migration.

In all respects, cold buckets in SmartStore indexes are functionally equivalent to

warm buckets. The cache manager manages the migrated cold buckets in the
same way that it manages warm buckets. The only difference is that the cold
buckets, when needed, will be fetched into the cold path location, rather than the
home path location.

The indexing process

The indexing process is the same with SmartStore and non-SmartStore indexes.

The indexer indexes the incoming data and writes the data to hot buckets in local
storage. In the case of an indexer cluster, the source peer streams the hot bucket
data to target peers to fulfill the replication factor.

When buckets roll to warm, however, the SmartStore process differs from

Warm bucket handling

Starting from the point that a bucket rolls from hot to warm, the indexer handles
SmartStore indexes differently from non-SmartStore indexes.

When a bucket in a SmartStore index rolls to warm, the bucket is copied to

remote storage.

The rolled bucket does not immediately get removed from the indexer's local
storage. Rather, it remains cached locally until it is evicted in response to the
cache manager's eviction policy. Because searches tend to occur most
frequently across recent data, this process helps to minimize the number of
buckets that need to be retrieved from remote storage to fulfill a search request.

After the cache manager finally does remove the bucket from the indexer's local
storage, the indexer still retains metadata information for that bucket in the
index's .bucketManifest file. In addition, the indexer retains an empty directory
for the bucket.

In the case of an indexer cluster, when a bucket rolls to warm, the source peer
uploads the bucket to remote storage. The source peer continues to retain its

bucket copy in local cache until, in due course, the cache manager evicts it.

After successfully uploading the bucket, the source peer sends messages to the
bucket's target peers, notifying them that the bucket has been uploaded to
remote storage. The target peers then evict their local copies of the bucket, so
that the cluster, as a whole, caches only a single copy of the rolled bucket, in the
source peer's local storage.

During the upload process, if the target peers do not hear from the source peer
within five minutes, they query the remote storage to learn whether the bucket
was uploaded. If it wasn't uploaded by the source peer, one of the target peers
then uploads it.

The target peers retain metadata for the bucket, so that the cluster has enough
copies of the bucket, in the form of its metadata, to match the replication factor.
When the source peer's copy of the bucket eventually gets evicted, the source
peer, too, retains the bucket metadata.

In addition to retaining metadata information for the bucket, the source peer
continues to retain the primary designation for the bucket. The peer with primary
designation fetches the bucket from remote storage when the bucket is needed
for a search.

Bucket freezing and SmartStore

See Configure data retention for SmartStore indexes.

How search works in SmartStore

SmartStore is optimized for certain characteristics that are common to the great
majority of Splunk platform searches. Specifically, most searches have these

• They occur over near-term data. 97% of searches look back 24 hours or
• They have spatial and temporal locality. If a search finds an event at a
specific time or in a specific log, it's likely that other searches will look for
events within a closely similar time range or in that log.

The cache manager favors recently created buckets and recently accessed
buckets, attempting to ensure that most of the data that a search is likely to need

is available in local cache. Similarly, the cache manager tends to evict buckets
that are likely to participate in searches only infrequently.

Most fundamentals of search are the same for SmartStore and non-SmartStore
indexes. An indexer searches buckets in response to a request from a search
head. The process of searching buckets always occurs in local storage. As the
first step in any search, the indexer compiles a list of buckets that it needs to
search across.

To understand how search works on a SmartStore index and how it differs from
search on a non-SmartStore index, it is necessary to differentiate between these
bucket states:

• Hot buckets
• Warm buckets residing in the local cache
• Warm buckets not residing in the local cache

Hot buckets always reside in local storage, whether the bucket is part of a
SmartStore index or a non-SmartStore index. Therefore, searches of hot buckets
work the same in both environments.

The search process differs, however, when it comes to searches of warm


When an indexer needs to search a warm bucket for a SmartStore index, it first
"opens" that bucket. Later, when it has finished searching the bucket, it "closes"
it. The designation of "open" and "closed" is necessary for the proper functioning
of the cache eviction process. When a bucket is open, the indexer's cache
manager knows that the bucket is participating in a search and is thus not eligible
for eviction. Once a bucket is closed, it becomes eligible for eviction.

Once the warm bucket is open, the indexer determines whether the bucket
currently resides in the local cache. The next stage of processing depends on
whether the bucket is currently in the cache:

• If the bucket resides in the local cache, the indexer searches it as usual.
After the bucket has been searched and closed, it becomes eligible for

• If the bucket does not reside in the local cache, the cache manager must
first fetch a copy of it from remote storage and place it in the local cache.
The indexer then searches the bucket as usual. After the bucket has been
searched and closed, it becomes eligible for eviction.

Note: In some cases, the cache manager only fetches certain bucket files, not
the entire bucket. See How the cache manager fetches buckets.

As with non-SmartStore indexes, only the primary copy of a hot bucket

participates in a search. In the case of a warm bucket, only the peer with the
primary designation for that bucket fetches the bucket or accesses a cached

Because the primary designation for a bucket rarely switches between peers,
warm buckets in cache usually reside on the peer with the primary designation
for that bucket. It is unusual for copies of the same warm bucket to reside in
caches on multiple peers, or for the bucket's primary designation to reside on a
peer without a local copy while another peer already has a local copy of that

Indexer cluster operations and SmartStore

Indexer clusters treat SmartStore indexes differently from non-SmartStore
indexes in some fundamental ways:

• The responsibility for high availability and disaster recovery of SmartStore

warm buckets shifts from the cluster to the remote storage service. This
shift offers the important advantage that warm bucket data is fully
recoverable even if the cluster loses a set of peer nodes that equals or
exceeds the replication factor in number.

• The effect of the replication factor on SmartStore warm buckets differs

from its effect on non-SmartStore warm buckets. In particular, the cluster
uses the replication factor to determine how many copies of SmartStore
warm bucket metadata it maintains. The cluster does not attempt to
maintain multiple copies of the warm buckets themselves. In cases of
warm bucket fixup, the cluster only needs to replicate the bucket
metadata, not the entire contents of the bucket directories.

Replication factor and replicated bucket copies

A cluster treats hot buckets in SmartStore indexes the same way that it treats hot
buckets in non-SmartStore indexes. It replicates the hot buckets in local storage
across the replication factor number of peer nodes.

When a bucket in a SmartStore index rolls to warm and moves to remote
storage, the remote storage service takes over responsibility for maintaining high
availability of that bucket. The replication factor has no effect on how the remote
storage service achieves that goal.

At the point that the bucket rolls to warm and gets uploaded to remote storage,
the peer nodes no longer attempt to maintain replication factor number of local
copies of the bucket. The peer node that was the source for that bucket
continues to maintain a copy of the bucket in local cache for some period of time,
as determined by the cache eviction policy. The peer nodes that were targets for
that bucket, however, immediately evict their copies from their local caches.

Even when copies of a bucket are no longer stored locally, the replication factor
still controls the metadata that the cluster stores for that bucket. Peer nodes
equal in number to the replication factor maintain metadata information about the
bucket in their .bucketManifest files. Those peer nodes also maintain empty
directories for the bucket, if a copy of the bucket does not currently reside in their
local cache.

For example, if the cluster has a replication factor of 3, three peer nodes continue
to maintain metadata information, along with populated or empty directories, for
each bucket.

By maintaining metadata for each bucket on the replication factor number of peer
nodes, the cluster simplifies the process of fetching the bucket when it is needed,
in the case of any interim peer node failure.

Unlike non-SmartStore indexes, a cluster can recover most of the data in

SmartStore indexes if it loses peer nodes that equal or exceed the replication
factor in number. In such a circumstance, the cluster can recover all of the
SmartStore warm buckets, because those buckets are stored remotely and so
are unaffected by peer node failure. The cluster will likely lose some of its
SmartStore hot buckets, because those buckets are stored locally.

For example, in a cluster with a replication factor of 3, the index loses both hot
and warm data from its non-SmartStore indexes if three or more peer nodes are
simultaneously offline. However, the same cluster can lose any number of peer
nodes, even all of its peer nodes temporarily, and still not lose any SmartStore
warm data, because that data resides on remote storage.

Search factor, searchable copies, and primary copies

The search factor has the same effect on hot buckets in SmartStore indexes as it
does on hot buckets in non-SmartStore indexes. That is, the search factor
determines the number of copies of each replicated bucket that include the tsidx
files and are thus searchable.

For SmartStore warm buckets, the search factor has no practical meaning. The
remote storage holds the master copy of each bucket, and that copy always
includes the set of tsidx files, so it is, by definition, searchable. When, in
response to a search request, a peer node's cache manager fetches a copy of a
bucket to the node's local cache, that copy is searchable to the degree that it
needs to be for the specific search. As described in How the cache manager
fetches buckets, the cache manager attempts to download only the bucket files
needed for a particular search. Therefore, in some cases, the cache manager
might not download the tsidx files.

Primary tags work the same with SmartStore indexes as with non-SmartStore
indexes. Each bucket has exactly one peer node with a primary tag for that
bucket. For each search, the peer node with the primary tag for a particular warm
bucket is the one that searches that bucket, first fetching a copy of that bucket
from remote storage when necessary

How an indexer cluster handles SmartStore bucket fixup

stemming from peer node failure

When a peer node fails, indexer clusters handle bucket fixup for SmartStore
indexes in basically the same way as for non-SmartStore indexes, with a few
differences. For a general discussion of peer node failure and the bucket-fixing
activities that ensue, see What happens when a peer node goes down.

This section covers the differences in bucket fixup that occur with SmartStore.
One advantage of SmartStore is that loss of peer nodes equal to, or in excess of,
the replication factor in number does not result in loss of warm bucket data. In
addition, warm bucket fixup proceeds much faster for SmartStore indexes.

Bucket fixup with SmartStore

In the case of hot buckets, bucket fixup for SmartStore indexes proceeds the
same way as for non-SmartStore indexes.

In the case of warm buckets, bucket fixup for SmartStore indexes proceeds much

more quickly than it does for non-SmartStore indexes. This advantage occurs
because SmartStore bucket fixup requires updates only to the .bucketManifest
files on each peer node, without the need to stream the buckets themselves. In
other words, bucket fixup replicates only bucket metadata.

Each peer node maintains a .bucketManifest file for each of its indexes. The file
contains metadata for each bucket copy that the peer node maintains. When you
replicate a bucket from a source peer to a target peer, the target peer adds
metadata to its .bucketManifest file for that bucket copy.

The buckets themselves are not replicated during SmartStore fixup because the
master copy of each bucket remains present on remote storage and is
downloaded to the peer nodes' local storage only when needed for a search.

During SmartStore replication, the target peer nodes also create an empty
directory for each warm bucket that has metadata in their .bucketManifest files.

For the sake of efficiency, this metadata streaming activity is batched, which
allows the cluster to quickly make large numbers of updates to the
.bucketManifest files.

As with non-SmartStore indexes, the SmartStore bucket fixup process also

ensures that exactly one peer node has a primary tag for each bucket.

Fixup when the number of nodes that fail is less than the replication factor

For both SmartStore and non-SmartStore indexes, the cluster can fully recover
its valid and complete states through the fixup process. The fixup process for
SmartStore warm buckets requires only the replication of metadata internal to the
cluster, so it proceeds much more quickly.

Fixup when the number of nodes that fail equals or exceeds the replication

In contrast to non-SmartStore indexes, a cluster can recover all the warm bucket
data for its SmartStore indexes even when the number of failed nodes equals or
exceeds the replication factor. As with non-SmartStore indexes, though, there will
likely be some data loss associated with hot buckets.

The cluster needs to recover only missing warm bucket metadata because the
warm buckets themselves remain present on remote storage.

To recover any lost warm bucket metadata, the master node uses its
comprehensive list of all bucket IDs. It compares those IDs with the IDs in the set
of .bucketManifest files on the peer nodes, looking for IDs that are present in its
list but are not present in any .bucketManifest file. For all such bucket IDs, the
master assigns peer nodes to query the remote storage for the information
necessary to populate metadata for those buckets in their .bucketManifest files.
Additional fixup occurs to meet the replication factor requirements for the
metadata and to assign primary tags.

If the master node goes down during this recovery process, the warm bucket
metadata is still recoverable. When the cluster regains a master node, the master
initiates bootstrapping to recover all warm bucket metadata. For information on
bootstrapping, see Bootstrap a SmartStore indexer cluster.

Troubleshoot indexers and clusters of

Non-clustered bucket issues

This section tells you how to deal with an assortment of bucket problems that can
exist independent of clustering.

Rebuild all buckets

The indexer usually handles crash recovery without your intervention. If an

indexer goes down unexpectedly, some recently received data might not be
searchable. When you restart the indexer, it will automatically run the fsck
command in the background. This command diagnoses the health of your
buckets and rebuilds search data as necessary.

Caution: It is unlikely that you will need to run fsck manually. This is a good
thing, because to run it manually, you must stop the indexer, and the command
can take several hours to complete if your indexes are large. During that time
your data will be inaccessible. However, if Splunk Support directs you to run it,
the rest of this section tells you how to do so.

To run fsck manually, you must first stop the indexer. Then run fsck against the
affected buckets. To run fsck against buckets in all indexes, use this command:

splunk fsck repair --all-buckets-all-indexes

This will rebuild all types of buckets (hot/warm/cold) in all indexes.

To rebuild all buckets in just a single index, use this version of the command:

splunk fsck repair --all-buckets-one-index --index-name=<your_index>

Note: The fsck command only rebuilds buckets created by version 4.2 or later of
Splunk Enterprise.

The fsck repair command can take several hours to run, depending on the size
of your indexes If you determine that you only need to rebuild a few buckets, you
can run the rebuild command on just those buckets, as described in the next
section, Rebuild a single bucket.

If you just want to diagnose the state of your indexes (without taking any
immediate remedial action), run:

splunk fsck scan --all-buckets-all-indexes

To learn more about the fsck command, including a list of all options available,

splunk fsck --help

Rebuild a single bucket

If the index and metadata files in a bucket (version 4.2 and later) somehow get
corrupted, you can rebuild the bucket from the raw data file alone. Use this

splunk rebuild <bucket directory>

The indexer automatically deletes the old index and metadata files and rebuilds
them. You don't need to delete any files yourself.

You must stop the indexer before running the rebuild command.


• Rebuilding a bucket does not count against your license.

• The time required to rebuild a bucket can be significant. Depending on
various system considerations, such as your hardware specifications, it
can take anywhere from half an hour to a few hours to rebuild a 10 GB
• splunk rebuild is an alias of splunk fsck repair ?one-bucket.

Recover invalid pre-4.2 hot buckets

A hot bucket becomes an invalid hot (invalid_hot_<ID>) bucket when the

indexer detects that the metadata files (Sources.data, Hosts.data,
SourceTypes.data) are corrupt or incorrect. Incorrect data usually signifies
incorrect time ranges; it can also mean that event counts are incorrect.

The indexer ignores invalid hot buckets. Data does not get added to such
buckets, and they cannot be searched. Invalid buckets also do not count when
determining bucket limit values such as maxTotalDataSizeMB. This means that
invalid buckets do not negatively affect the flow of data through the system, but it
also means that they can result in disk storage that exceeds the configured

maximum value.

To recover an invalid hot bucket, use the recover-metadata command:

1. Make backup copies of the metadata files, Sources.data, Hosts.data,


2. Rebuild the metadata from the raw data information:

splunk cmd recover-metadata path_to_your_hot_buckets/invalid_hot_<ID>

3. If successful, rename the bucket as it would normally be named.

Rebuild index-level bucket manifests

The index-level bucket manifest file is .bucketManifest. It contains a list of all

buckets in the index.

It is unusual to need to rebuild the manifest. One situation where you might need
to do so is if you manually copy a bucket into an index.

Only rebuild the manifest if Splunk Support directs you to. Do not rebuild it on
your own.

This command rebuilds the .bucketManifest file for the main index only:

splunk _internal call /data/indexes/main/rebuild-bucket-manifest

To rebuild the manifests for all indexes, use the asterisk (*) wildcard:

splunk _internal call /data/indexes/*/rebuild-bucket-manifest

Bucket replication issues

Network issues impede bucket replication

If there are problems with the connection between peer nodes such that a source
peer is unable to replicate a hot bucket to a target peer, the source peer rolls the
hot bucket and start a new hot bucket. If it still has problems connecting with the
target peer, it rolls the new hot bucket, and so on.

To prevent a situation from arising where a prolonged failure causes the source
peer to generate a large quantity of small hot buckets, the source peer, after a
configurable number of replication errors to a single target peer, stops rolling hot
buckets in response to the connection problem with that target peer. The default
is three replication errors. The following banner message then appears one or
more times in the master node's dashboard, depending on the number of source
peers encountering errors:

Search peer <search peer> has the following message: Too many streaming
errors to target=<target
peer>. Not rolling hot buckets on further errors to this target. (This
condition might exist with
other targets too. Please check the logs.)
While the network problem persists, there might not be replication factor number
of copies available for the most recent hot buckets.

If a particular peer is consistently being reported by other peer nodes as being

the cause of replication errors, you can temporarily put the peer in manual
detention. Once the root problem has been resolved, remove the peer from
manual detention. See Put a peer into detention.

Configure the allowable number of replication errors

To adjust the allowable number of replication errors, you can configure the
max_replication_errors attribute in server.conf on the source peer. However, it
is unlikely that you will need to change the attribute from its default of 3, because
replication errors that can be attributed to a single network problem are bunched
together and only count as one error. The "Too many streaming errors" banner
message might still appear, but it can be ignored.

Note: The bunching of replication errors is a change introduced in release 6.0.

With this change, the number of errors will be unlikely to exceed the default value
of 3, except in unusual conditions.

Evidence of replication failure on the source peer

Evidence of replication failure appears in the source peer's splunkd.log, with a

reference to the failed target peer(s). You can locate the relevant lines in the log
by searching on "CMStreamingErrorJob". For example, this grep command finds
that there have been 15 streaming errors to the peer with the GUID

grep CMStreamingErrorJob ../var/log/splunk/splunkd.log* | cut -d' '
-f10 | sort |uniq -c | sort -nr
15 failingGuid=B3D35EF4-4BC8-4D69-89F9-3FACEDC3F46E
Unable to disable and re-enable a peer

When you disable an indexer as a peer, any hot buckets that were on the peer at
the time it was disabled are rolled to warm and named using the standalone
bucket convention. If you later re-enable the peer, a problem arises because the
master remembers those buckets as clustered and expects them to be named
according to the clustered bucket convention, but instead they are named using
the convention for standalone buckets. Because of this naming discrepancy, the
peer cannot rejoin the cluster.

To work around this issue, you must clean the buckets or otherwise remove the
standalone buckets on the peer before re-enabling it.

Multisite cluster does not meet its replication or search factors

The symptom is a message that the multisite cluster does not meet its replication
or search factors. This message can appear, for example, on the master
dashboard. This condition occurs immediately after bringing up a multisite

Compare the values for the single-site replication_factor and search_factor

attributes to the number of peers that you have on each site. (If you did not
explicitly set the single-site replication and search factors, then they default to 3
and 2, respectively.) These attribute values cannot exceed the number of peers
on any site. If either exceeds the number of peers on the smallest site, change it
to the number of peers on the smallest site. For example, if the number peers on
the smallest site is 2, and you are using the default values of
replication_factor=3 and search_factor=2, you must explicitly change the
replication_factor to 2.

This condition can occur after you convert a single-site cluster to multisite. If you
configure the cluster as multisite from the very beginning, before you first start it
up, the issue does not occur.

Anomalous bucket issues

Anomalous buckets are buckets that remain in the fixup state indefinitely, without
making any progress. Such buckets can indicate or cause a larger problem with

your system. An anomalous bucket, for example, can prevent the cluster from
meeting its replication and search factors.

The Bucket Status dashboard lets you identify anomalous buckets. It also allows
you to take actions on those buckets that can often fix them. Specifically, you

• Get details on a bucket.

• Roll the bucket from hot to warm.
• Resync the state of a bucket copy between a peer and the master.
• Delete a copy of the bucket on a single peer, or delete all copies of the
bucket across all peers.

Consult with Splunk Support before performing these actions on a bucket. Some
of the actions, performed without full understanding, can lead to further problems
with your system or even to irreversible data loss.

Identify anomalous buckets

To identify anomalous buckets and to take action on them, use the Bucket Status

1. From the Master dashboard, go to the Bucket Status dashboard. See

View the bucket status dashboard.
2. Click the Fixup Tasks - Pending tab.

You can filter the list of pending buckets by fixup type and by the amount of time
that they have been waiting for fixup. If a bucket has been waiting an unusual
amount of time for fixup, it might be the cause of problems.

Take action on an anomalous bucket

For buckets that have been stuck in fixup for long periods of time, you can take
remedial action.

1. Click Action for the bucket that you want to manage.

2. Select one of the available actions:
♦ View bucket details
♦ Roll
♦ Resync
♦ Delete Copy
A pop-up window appears to guide you through the selected action.

Use the following sequence when performing actions on anomalous bucket.

1. View bucket details

2. Roll
3. Resync
4. Delete Copy

Only perform the next action if the previous one does not resolve the issue.

View bucket details

This pop-up window provides details on the bucket such as:

• The bucket size

• Whether it is frozen
• Whether it has been force-rolled
• Whether it is a standalone bucket
• The peers on which it resides

These details can help to narrow down the cause of the bucket problem and what
action to take to remediate it.


This action rolls the bucket from the hot state to the warm state. It has an effect
only on hot buckets.


The master holds information about each copy of a bucket. However, in some
cases, the master can have incorrect information about the copy on a particular
peer. This condition can occur when communication problems arise between the
master and a peer.

Here are some examples of bucket copy state information that can be out of sync
between peer and master:

• Whether the copy is searchable

• Whether the copy is hot or warm
• Whether the copy is primary
• Whether the copy exists on that peer

The peer knows the state of its bucket copies, so if the peer and the master have
different state information for a bucket copy, the information on the master is

To resolve this problem, resync the bucket copy's state on the master. When you
resync a bucket, you specify the peer with the copy that you need to resync. The
resync process causes the peer to send the master its current information about
the bucket copy.

Delete Copy

You can delete either a single copy of a bucket on a specific peer, or all copies of
a bucket across the entire cluster.

If deleting a single copy causes the cluster to lose its complete state, the cluster
will engage in fixup activities so that the bucket again meets both the search
factor and the replication factor. This situation might result in another copy of the
bucket appearing on the same peer. If, however, the specified bucket is frozen,
the cluster does not attempt any fixup activities.

Performing the delete action on all copies of a bucket across the cluster results in
irreversible data loss.

Configuration bundle issues

This topic describes problems that can arise when pushing a configuration
bundle from the master to the peer nodes.

Bundle validation failure when pushing a very large bundle

If you attempt to push a very large configuration bundle (>200MB), bundle

validation might fail due to various timeouts. To remediate, you can adjust the
number of peers that the master simultaneously pushes the bundle to.

By default, the master pushes the bundle to all peers simultaneously. The
max_peers_to_download_bundle setting in server.conf provides a means to limit
the number of peers that receive the bundle simultaneously.

For example if you set max_peers_to_download_bundle = 3, the master pushes

the bundle to three peers at a time. When one peer finishes the download, the
master pushes the bundle to another peer, and so on, until all peers have

received the bundle.

For details, see the server.conf specification.

Bundle validation remains in progress and does not complete

If the bundle validation process remains in progress on the master, and no

validation response appears, you must cancel and reset the the bundle push
operation to escape the in-progress state.

To cancel and reset the bundle push operation, hit the following endpoint on the
master: cluster/master/control/default/cancel_bundle_push.

Archive data with Hadoop Data Roll

About archiving indexes with Hadoop Data Roll

As of Splunk Enterprise version 6.5.0, Hadoop Data Roll is included with your
Splunk license. Hadoop Data Roll provides a user-friendly way for you to copy
warm, cold, and frozen index data as archived data. Archive Splunk indexed data
into HDFS or S3 so that you can:

• Search archived data that is no longer available in Splunk.

• Search across archived buckets and indexes.
• Perform batch processing analysis for archived data.
• Archive indexer data to meet your data retention policies without using
valuable indexer space.

Hadoop Data Roll is not supported for Windows

Setting it up

To configure archiving, you tell Splunk Enterprise:

• Which indexes to archive.

• Where to put the archived data in HDFS or S3.
• At what age buckets should be copied to the archive in HDFS.

There are two ways to configure the above information:

• By editing indexes.conf
• In Splunk Web

System requirements

Make sure you have access to at least one Hadoop cluster (with data in it) and
the ability to run MapReduce jobs on that data.

Make sure you have Java 1.6 and above. However, we suggest you upgrade to a
version higher than 1.6 for best results.

Hadoop Data Roll is supported on the following Hadoop distributions and


• Apache Hadoop
♦ 0.20
♦ 1.0.2
♦ 1.0.3
♦ 1.0.4
♦ 2.4
♦ 2.6
♦ 2.7
• Cloudera Distribution Including Apache Hadoop
♦ 4.2
♦ 4.3.0
♦ 4.4 (HA NN and HA JT)
♦ 5.0
♦ 5.3
♦ 5.3 (HA)
♦ 5.4
♦ 5.5
♦ 5.6
• Hortonworks Data Platform (HDP)
♦ 1.3
♦ 2.0
♦ 2.1
♦ 2.2
♦ 2.3
♦ 2.4
• MapR
♦ 2.1
♦ 3.0
♦ 5.0
• Amazon Elastic MapReduce (EMR)
• IBM InfoSphere BigInsights
♦ 5.1
• Pivotal HD

What you need on your Hadoop nodes

On Hadoop TaskTracker nodes you need a directory on the *nix file system
running your Hadoop nodes that meets the following requirements:

• One gigabyte of free disk space for a copy of Splunk.

• 5-10GB of free disk space for temporary storage. This storage is used by
the search processes.

What you need on your Hadoop file system

On your Hadoop file system (HDFS or otherwise) you will need:

• A subdirectory under jobtracker.staging.root.dir (usually /user/) with

the name of the user account under which Splunk Analytics for Hadoop is
running on the search head. For example, if Splunk Analytics for Hadoop
is started by user "BigDataUser" and
jobtracker.staging.root.dir=/user/ you need a directory
/user/HadoopAnalytics that is accessible by user "BigDataUser".

• A subdirectory under the above directory that can be used by this server
for intermediate storage, such as /user/hadoopanalytics/server01/

Searching archived indexes

You can search archived buckets as you normally search, simply include the
archive virtual index in your searches. See Search archived index data for
information about search commands that work with indexes stored in Hadoop.

You can for example, create one search that searches Splunk for:

• Data in a Splunk Enterprise index.

• Archived data copied into HDFS or S3.

Search performance

When you search archives, Splunk Enterprise performs batch searches on

archived data, which is usually much slower than searches of indexed data.
Since Splunk deletes cold data based on your indexes.conf settings, archived
could also still be present in Splunk Enterprise indexes. It is important to be
familiar with your archive and Splunk indexer retention policies and settings so
that if you are looking for specific data that is still in Splunk, you can run more
efficient searches.

To improve search time when searching archives, you can use dates to limit the
buckets that are searched. The storage path in Splunk Indexer data includes the
earliest time and the latest time of the buckets. So when you search within a
certain time, Splunk is able to use that information to narrow searches to relevant
buckets, rather than searching through the entire archived index.

How Hadoop Data Roll works
Once you configure an index as an Archive, a number of processes work to
move aged data into archived indexes:

1. A saved search | archivebuckets automatically runs once an hour on the

search head. This is a custom command packaged with the archiver which is
implemented as the Python script archivebuckets.py.

2. archivebuckets queries the local REST endpoints to discover which indexes

should be archived, and where to archive the indexes.

3. archivebuckets copies the Hadoop Data Roll jars into its own app directory,
then launches distributed searches for each provider for the indexes to be

The search used in this step is | copybuckets, which is a custom command

automatically implemented by copybuckets.py.

4. The information for the index and its provider is fed to the search.

5. For each indexer, Splunk copies the knowledge bundle needed to run the

6. On the indexer, copybuckets launches a Java process, with the same entry
point (the SplunkMR class) used for Splunk Analytics for Hadoop searches.

7. Splunk passes the info about providers and indexes to the Java process using

8. When the Java process sends events back to Splunk, it writes them to stdout,
and the custom search command (copybuckets.py) writes them back to the
search process using stdout.

9. The Java process logs these actions to the splunk_archiver.log file.

10. The Java process checks all buckets in the designated indexes. If the
buckets are ready to be archived, the process determines whether the buckets
already exist in the archive. It accesses the archive using the provider

11. If the bucket has not yet been archived, the bucket is copied to a temporary
directory at the archive. Once the bucket it is completely copied, and a receipt file

added, it is moved to the correct folder in the archive.

12. If the bucket is previously archived, any new data that has reached it's
archived date is copied into that bucket.

13. Archived buckets are ready to be searched in Splunk Web.

About the Hadoop Data Roll processes

Two search commands are defined to correspond with python scripts:

archivebuckets -> archivebuckets.py

copybuckets -> copybuckets.py
The implementation of the Hadoop Data Roll process uses the following

process name notes
process on
This is the search activity, including scheduling, that
the Search archivebuckets
occurs on the Search Head
process on
the Search
Search copybuckets
This is all of the Search Activity that occurs in the
process on <JSON describing
an indexer indexes>
process on copybuckets.py
an indexer
Java Virtual Hunk Java code This process ties the other processes together, and
Machine does the following:
process on
an indexer 1. Writes files to HDFS

2. logs information to

3. Writes events to stdout, which is piped back to the
Splunk search process | copybuckets <JSON
describing indexes>

4. Information written in the Splunk Search process

becomes an event returned by the search, and you
can see these events in Splunk Enterprise with the
search command | archivebuckets
How the processes work together

The Hadoop Data Roll search framework strings these processes together and
pipes them as follows:

1. <code>stdout of the python process on an indexer copybuckets.py to stdin for

the search process on the indexer archivebuckets.

2. stdout of | copybuckets <JSON describing indexes> to stdin to python

process on the Search Head archivebuckets.py.

3. stdout of archivebuckets.py into search scheduler for the search process on

the Search Head archivebuckets.

4. The python process on the Search Head copybuckets.py script pipes stdout
of Hadoop Data Roll Java code (Java Virtual Machine process on an indexer) to
stdout to the search process on the indexer copybuckets <JSON describing

At the end of this process, anything that the Hadoop Data Roll Java code (JVM
process on an indexer) writes to stdout becomes events returned from the
search scheduler | archivebuckets.

Finalizing or aborting archiving process

When Hadoop Data Roll pauses or finalizes a search, this information must be
passed to downstream processes.

For example, if the search process on an indexer shuts down, the search could
kill the child process, which then prevents the indexer Python process from
shutting shut down gracefully. If the Python process is using a shared resource
such as a database connection, or an output stream to HDFS, this could cause
failure and possible loss of data.

To resolve this, the search process lets the child process decide what to do
should the search process suspend or shut down. If the search process on an
indexer is paused, it stops reading from its pipe to the Python process on an
indexer. When this happens, the Python process on the indexer can no longer
write to the pipe once the buffer fills up.

The Python process is able to determine that the search process on an indexer
still exists, but is paused.

If the search process on an indexer is stopped/finalized, it shuts down and the

pipe to the Python search process is broken. This is how the Splunk custom
search commands know that the upstream search has stopped running. This
occurs whether the search is shut down cleanly due to user action, or shut down
violently due to an upstream crash.

If the archiving Java process in the indexer finds a broken pipe to the indexer
search process, it logs that information, but continues to finish archiving until the
buffer is full. if this is not desired, simply kill the Java process.

Add or edit an HDFS provider in Splunk Web

You can set up multiple providers with multiple indexes for one provider. Have
the following information at hand:

• The host name and port for the NameNode of the Hadoop cluster.
• The host name and port for the JobTracker of the Hadoop cluster.
• Installation directories of Hadoop command line libraries and Java
• Path to a writable directory on the DataNode/TaskTracker *nix filesystem,
the one for which the Hadoop user account has read and write permission.
• Path to a writable directory in HDFS that can be used exclusively by
Splunk on this search head.

You can also add HDFS providers by editing indexes.conf.

Add a provider

1. In the top menu, select Settings > Virtual Indexes.

2. Select the Providers tab and click New Provider or the name of the provider
you want to edit.

3. The Add New/Edit Provider page, give your provider a Name.

4. Select the Provider Family in the drop down list (note that this field cannot be

5. Provide the following Environment Variables:

• Java Home: provide the path to your Java instance.

• Hadoop Home: Provide the path to your Hadoop client directory.

6. Provide the following Hadoop Cluster Information:

• Hadoop Version: Specify which version of Hadoop the cluster is running

one of: Hadoop 1.0, Hadoop 2.0 with MRv1 or Hadoop 2.0 with Yarn.

• JobTracker: Provide the path to the Job Tracker.

• File System: Provide the path to the default file system.

7. Provide the following Settings:

• HDFS working directory: This is a path in HDFS (or whatever the default
file system is) that you want to use as a working directory.

• Job queue: This is job queue where you want the MapReduce jobs for
this provider to be submitted to.

8. Click Add Secure Cluster to configure security for the cluster and provide
your Kerberos Server configuration.

9. The Additional Settings fields specify your provider configuration variables.

Hadoop Data Roll populates these preset configuration variables for each
provider you create. You can leave the preset variables in place or edit them as
needed. If you want to learn more about these settings, see Provider
Configuration Variables in the reference section of this manual.

Note: If you are configuring Splunk Analytics for Hadoop to work with YARN, you
must add new settings. See "Required configuration variables for YARN" in this

9. Click Save.

Configure Splunk index archiving to Hadoop using
the configuration files
Before you begin, note the following:

• You must configure a Hadoop provider.

• Splunk must be installed using the same user for all indexers and Splunk
Enterprise instances. This is the user which connects to HDFS for
archiving and the user and user permissions must be consistent.
• The data in the referring Index must be in warm, cold, or frozen buckets
• The Hadoop client libraries must be in the same location on each indexer.
Likewise, the Java Runtime Environment must be installed in the same
location on each indexer. See System and software requirements for
updated information about the required versions.
• The Splunk user associated with the Splunk indexer must have permission
to write to the HDFS node.
• Splunk cannot currently archive buckets with raw data larger than 5GB to
S3. You can configure your Splunk Enterprise bucket sizes in
indexes.conf. See Archiving Splunk indexes to S3 in this manual for
known issues when archiving to S3.

Set bundle deletion parameters

Use the following attribute to specify how many bundles may accrue before
Splunk Enterprise deletes them:

vix.splunk.setup.bundle.reap.limit = 5
The default value is 5, which means that when there are more than five bundles,
Splunk Enterprise will delete the oldest one.

Configure index archiving in the configuration file

In indexes.conf, configure the following stanza:


• vix.output.buckets.from.indexes is the exact name of the Splunk index
you want to copy into an archive. For example: "splunk_index." You can
list multiple Splunk indexes separated by commas.

• vix.output.buckets.older.than is the age at which bucket data in the

Splunk Index should be archived. For example, if you specify 432000
seconds (5 days), data will be copied into the archive when it is five days
old. Note that Splunk does delete data after a while, based on index
settings, so make sure that this setting copies the Splunk data before it is
deleted in the Splunk Enterprise indexer.

• vix.output.buckets.path is the directory in HDFS where the archive

bucket should be stored. For example:
"/user/root/archive/splunk_index_archive". If you are using S3, you should
prefix this value with s3n://<s3-bucket>/ and add the additional attributes
from the code example below.

• vix.provider is the virtual index provider for the new archive.

For S3 directories you must prefix vix.output.buckets.path with

s3n://<s3-bucket>/ and then add the following additional attributes to the
provider stanza:

vix.fs.s3n.awsAccessKeyId = <your aws access key ID>

vix.fs.s3n.awsSecretAccessKey = <your aws secret access key>
Limit the bandwidth used for archiving

You can set bandwidth throttling to limit the transfer rate of your archives.

You set throttling for a provider, that limit is then applied across all archives
assigned to that provider. To configure throttling, add the following attribute under
the virtual index provider stanza you want to throttle.

vix.output.buckets.max.network.bandwidth = <bandwidth in bits/second>

For more about configuring a provider in indexes.conf see Add or edit a provider
in Splunk Web.

Archive Splunk indexes to Hadoop in Splunk Web

Before you begin, note the following:

• You must configure a Hadoop provider.
• Splunk must be installed using the same user for all indexers and Splunk
Enterprise instances. This is the user which connects to HDFS for
archiving and the user and user permissions must be consistent.
• The data in the referring Index must be in warm, cold, or frozen buckets
• The Hadoop client libraries must be in the same location on each indexer.
Likewise, the Java Runtime Environment must be installed in the same
location on each indexer. See System and software requirements for
updated information about the required versions.
• The Splunk user associated with the Splunk indexer must have permission
to write to the HDFS node.
• Splunk cannot currently archive buckets with raw data larger than 5GB to
S3. You can configure your Splunk Enterprise bucket sizes in
indexes.conf. See Archiving Splunk indexes to S3 in this manual for
known issues when archiving to S3.

Configure index archiving with the user interface

1. Navigate to Settings > Virtual Indexes and select the Archived Indexes tab.
You can edit any existing archived index by clicking the arrow to its left.

2. Click New Archived Indexes to archive another index.

3. Type the names of the indexes you want to archive. You can add multiple
indexes. Indexes that are already archived are disabled in the drop down list.

4. Provide a suffix for the new archive indexes. For example, if you select the
"_archive" suffix, the new archived index will be "indexname_archive".

5. Select the Hadoop Provider that the new archived indexes will be assigned to.

Note you can determine the bandwidth by provider that these archives can use.
See "Set bandwidth limits for archiving" in this topic.

6. For Destination path in HDFS, provide the path to the working directory your
provider should use for this data. For example:
/user/root/archive/splunk_index_archive. If you are copying data to S3, prefix
this path with: s3n://<s3-bucket>/

7. Determine the age of the data that is copied to the archived index. For
example, if you select "5 Days," data is copied from the warm, cold, or frozen
bucket in the indexer to the archive bucket when it is five days old. Note: Splunk

deletes data after a period of time defined in your indexer settings, so make sure
that this field is set to copy the buckets before they are deleted.

Set bandwidth limits for archiving

If you have concerns about the bandwidth required for consistent archiving, you
can set bandwidth throttling. When you set throttling for a provider, the limit you
set for your provider is then applied across all indexes assigned to that provider.

Note: We currently cannot guarantee bandwitdh limits for bucket archival to S3

file systems.

To set bandwidth throttling:

1. In the Archived Indexes tab, click on Max bandwidth (Provider) for the index
you want to edit. This opens the Edit Provider page for that index.

2. Under "Archive Settings" check Enable Archive Bandwidth Throttling.

3. Enter the maximum bandwidth you want to allow for all archived indexes
associated with the provider.

4. Click Save.

Archive Splunk indexes to Hadoop on S3

For best performance and to avoid bucket size limits, you should use the S3A
filesystem that was introduced in Apache Hadoop 2.6.0. Configuration for
different Hadoop distribution may differ.

Configure archiving to Amazon S3

To enable Splunk Enterprise to archive Splunk data to S3:

1. Add the following configuration to your providers:

vix.env.HADOOP_HOME: /absolute/path/to/apache/hadoop-2.6.0
vix.fs.s3a.access.key: <AWS access key>
vix.fs.s3a.secret.key: <AWS secret key>
vix.env.HADOOP_TOOLS: $HADOOP_HOME/share/hadoop/tools/lib

2. Using the above configuration, now create an archive index with path prefixed
with s3a://:

In this example,

• s3a is the implementation Hadoop will use to transfer and read files from
the supplied path
• bucket is the name of your S3 bucket
• /path/to/archive are directories within the bucket

Further configuration for unique setups

You may need to further configure Splunk Enterprise to search S3 archives

depending on the specifics of your configuration.

If you are using a search head exclusively

If you're just using a search head to search your archives, then set the provider's
vix.mode attribute to stream:

vix.mode = stream

When vix.mode is set to stream, Splunk Enterprise streams all the data the
search matches to the search head, and will not spawn MapReduce jobs on

If you have configured a search head with a Hadoop cluster

If the Hadoop version for search head archive indexes is compatible with your
Hadoop cluster, no additional configuration is necessary to search your archive
indexes. Just go to the Splunk Web search bar and enter:


The search head will spawn Hadoop MapReduce jobs against your archive when
it's appropriate to do so.

If your Hadoop cluster version is not compatible with your Hadoop Home

You can still use Data Roll if your Hadoop cluster is not compatible with your
Hadoop client libraries (that have the S3a filesystem). An example of this is if you
are using Apache Hadoop 2.6.0 for archiving, but you are using Hadoop 1.2.0 for
your Hadoop cluster. To do this, use the older S3n filesystem to search your

To configure S3n and an older Hadoop cluster to search your archives:

1. Configure a Provider for your Hadoop cluster.

2. For every archive index, configure indexes.conf from your terminal and add a
new virtual index with these properties:

vix.output.buckets.path =
vix.provider = <hadoop_cluster_provider>
3. Make sure the vix.output.buckets.path is S3n so that Splunk Enterprise can
search using the older filesystem to search your archives..

For example. Given an archive index named "main_archive", destination path

"s3a://my-bucket/archive_root/main_archive" and provider = "hadoop_cluster",
you should configure a virtual index like this:

[main_archive_search] vix.output.buckets.path =
s3n://my-bucket/archive_root/main_archive vix.provider = hadoop_cluster

Known Issues with S3

When using Hadoop's S3N filesystem, you're limited to uploading files that are
less than 5GB. While it's rare, it's possible that Splunk buckets become larger
than 5GB. These buckets would not get archived when using the S3N filesystem.

If you use the S3N filesystem, configure your indexes to roll buckets from hot to
warm at a size less than 5 GB via the maxDataSize attribute in indexes.conf.

Data Roll archiving requires, at a minimum, read-after-write consistency. For the

US Standard region, S3 only guarantees this when accessed via the Northern
Virginia endpoint. See the Amazon AWS S3 FAQ for more details.

For more information about archiving with S3a, see <a


blog about faster and limitless archiving with S3A</a>.

Bucket raw data limit

Because of how Hadoop interacts with the S3 file system, Splunk Enterprise
cannot currently archive buckets with raw data sets larger than 5GB to S3.

We recommend that you use a S3FileSystem implementation that supports

uploads larger than 5GB. To ensure that all your data is archived, configure your
indexes to roll buckets from hot to warm at a size less than 5 GB via the
maxDataSize attribute in indexes.conf.

Data copy process

When archiving to S3, data is copied twice. This is because S3 does not support
file renaming and the FileSystem implements file rename as follows:

• Download the file

• Upload it renamed
• Delete the original file

This process does not create duplicate data in your archive.

Bandwidth throttling limitations

Splunk Enterprise cannot guarantee that bandwidth throttling will be respected

when archiving to S3. Splunk will still attempt to throttle bandwidth where
possible, if configured to do so.

Search indexed data archived to Hadoop

Once you properly install and configure your archive indexes, you can create
reports and visualize data as you would against data in a traditional Splunk
index. Using virtual indexes alongside traditional Splunk Enterprise indexes, you
can gather data from the virtual index alone; or you can query both local and
virtual indexes for a single report.

For the most part, you can create reports for virtual indexes much as you would
for local indexes. For more information about creating reports, see the Splunk
Enterprise Search Manual.

Since events are not sorted, any search command which depends on implicit
time order will not work exactly the way you'd expect. (For example: head, delta,
or transaction.) This means that a few search commands operate differently
when used on virtual indexes, mostly because of the way Hadoop reports

You can still use these commands, and may particularly want to when creating a
single report for local and virtual indexes, but you should be aware of how they
operate and return data differently.

Search language

For the most part, you can use Splunk Enterprise search language to create your
reports. However, because Hadoop does not support strict requirements on the
order of events, there are a few differences.

The following commands are not supported when the search includes an
archived index:

• transactions
• localize

The following commands work on archived indexes, but their results may differ
from Splunk. This is because in Hadoop, descending time order of events is not

• streamstats
• head
• delta
• tail
• reverse
• eventstats
• dedup (Since the command cannot distinguish order within an HDFS
directory to pick the item to remove, Splunk Analytics for Hadoop will
choose the item to remove based on modified time, or file order.)

Distributable and non-distributable commands in archives

Distributable search commands are the most effective commands Hadoop Data
Roll reports because they can be distributed to search peers and archive
indexes. Generally, non-distributable commands only work on local indexes and
are not as effective on archived indexes.

You can create searches across different index types that use both distributable
and non-distributable commands as long as you keep in mind that these such a
search returns all data from the local indexes but limited data from the virtual

Header extractions to avoid when working with virtual indexes

Archived indexes do not support configuration of index time fields. Therefore

properties specific to index-time field extractions do not apply to archive indexes.
This includes the following properties:

• TIMESTAMP_FIELDS = field1,field2,...,fieldn

Archive cold buckets to frozen in Hadoop

Data is aged locally on every indexer. The way you configure your index
determines the data size or age at which the data to moves to the next state (hot,
warm, cold, frozen) and is ultimately deleted.

Once you configure an index to archive data, the archiving of indexes runs on a
schedule that is determined globally on the Splunk search head.

When both processes occur, a disconnect can occur between the indexer's local
processes and the archiving process. As a result, the indexers can delete a
bucket before it's been archived.

To avoid buckets from being deleted you can use the the splunk_archiver app
coldToFrozen.sh script on the local indexer process. This script shifts the
responsibility for deleting buckets from the indexer to Hadoop Data Roll, so only
use this script for indexes that are being archived.

Consider the coldToFrozen.sh script as a fallback and not your primary hook for
archiving. This script buys you more time when either your system is receiving
data faster than normal, or when the archiving storage layer is down, so that
you'll have more time to archive a given bucket. To facilitate this further, for each
archive index you can set your vix.output.buckets.older.than = seconds as
low as possible, so that buckets are archived as quickly as possible.

Configure the cold bucket to roll to frozen

Note the following if you are using the coldToFrozen.sh script:

• The script must be installed on each stanza which configures an index that
is being archived.
• All the search peers to the search head must have the script installed. You
can do each peer manually or use the deployer for search head clusters.
• The script must be removed from any index for which you disable
archiving. Otherwise, the script will continue to run and the data will overfill
your existing disk space because there is no archive to receive that data
(and thus it will not get deleted).
• Do not add this script to any indexers that are not configured to archive

For each Splunk index, use the provided script located in

$SPLUNK_HOME/etc/apps/splunk_archiver/bin/ and named coldToFrozen.sh to
archive your cold data to frozen. This path may very depending upon your
configuration path. For example:

[<index name>]
coldToFrozenScript =

Troubleshoot Hadoop Data Roll

Issue: Splunk user permission issues disrupt the ability to
copy data to HDFS from the Indexers

Data archiving is performed from the Indexers. However, all the archiving setup
is done from the Search Head. Permissions issues between the search head and
indexer will prevent archiving.

For example, if the indexer permissions are not identical to the search head you
might see this exception:

java.io.IOException: Login failure for null from keytab
javax.security.auth.login.LoginException: Unable to obtain password
from user
You can test persmissions by copying files from the Indexers as the Splunk user
to HDFS: hadoop fs -put somefile /user/splunk/archive

Check the following to make sure the Splunk user is configured consistently with
the HDFS permissions:

• Kerberos Keytab path

• Hadoop Client library path
• Java library path
• Splunk user exists on the indexers.
• Splunk user has permission to write to HDFS.

Issue: You need to collect archiving errors

Trap all archiving errors in a generic way and then raise an alert

To open the archiving dashboard for debugging, access: Settings > Virtual Index
> Archived Indexes > View Dashboards

Splunk Web uses the following query:

index=_internal source=*splunk_archiver.log* earliest=-1d | rex

max_match=1000 "\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2} \d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}\.\d+ -\d{4}
(?<severity>\w+) " | where severity="ERROR"


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