Design of Mechanical Tef Harvesting Machine: Thomas Gebre, Jegan Raj, Cheru Zeleke

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Thomas Gebre1, Jegan Raj2, Cheru Zeleke3
Lecturer in Mechanical Engineering,
college of engineering/ wolkite university, (Ethiopia)

Ethiopia use makes use of traditional tef cutter (Mached) manually operated to accomplish the cutting. This
method is time and labors consuming, and causes to tef not harvested on time. In order to design of tef
harvesting machines, physical and mechanical properties of tef stem must be known. The cutting force for tef
stems was measured by designing and fabricating a static and dynamic shear test apparatus and cutting force,
cutting energy and power have been evaluated. This research work is focusing on ease of harvesting operation
to the small land holders for harvesting of tef in less time and at low cost of equipment, ease of operation.

Keywords: Cutter Cost Of Equipment, Machine To Harvest Tef More Efficiently, Effective
Handling, Time Of Operation.


One of the economical cereal crops in Ethiopia is tef. It is indigenous to the country, and is a fundamental part
of the culture, tradition, and food security of the people. This crop is gaining international recognition and
acceptance, and is a means of foreign currency earning in addition to its value as food and industrial
crop at home. Currently, tef is grown on approximately 2.80 million hectares of land which is 27% of
the land area under cereal production. Tef accounts for about a quarter of the total cereal production
and is highly economical food grain in Ethiopia. Approximately, 6 million households grow tef and it is the
dominant cereal crop in 30 of the 83 high-potential agricultural woredas (Bekabil et al., 2011). The grain,
after grinding and fermentation of the dough, is used to make a thin flat pan cake called ‘injera”(Eleni, 2001).
It is well known that the agriculture sector in Ethiopia in general and the tef harvesting in particular depends
very much on man power labor. Manually harvesting Tef is the most common in our regions. It is time-
consuming, laborious and ergonomically unjustified. Today is the day of technology. Ethiopia is in the way of
growth and transformation. Mechanization must have own contribution for this growth. Design mechanical
harvester is unquestionable to solve all problems listed above.
Knowledge of the plant physical and mechanical properties is important for understanding the plant material
reaction to cutting forces and deformation. It will also make it easier to find logical solution to improved cutting
devise design (Persson, 1987). Cutting is often accomplished by shearing the plant material between a stationary
counter shear and a moving knife. Therefore it is necessary to determine the physico-mechanical properties such
as diameter, length, shearing and bending stress and energy. Study the shear strength for cutting stems is very

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valuable for selecting design and Operational parameters of equipments. Studies on the mechanical properties of
tef stems seem to be justified the characteristics of lodging strength but also due to the heritability of the
mechanical parameters observed by the variety [1].
Studies of cutting energy requirements have been conducted on winter rape [3], hemp [5], pea [6], rice [7],
soybean stalks [8], alfalfa and wheat [9], cotton stalks [11], maize stalks [12] and pyrethrum flowers [13]. These
studies showed that cutting energy is related to the stem mechanical and physical properties. Furthermore, most
cutting experiments were conducted using pendulum type apparatus or shear rig, which may not fully represent
the cutting process using reciprocating knives.
Persson (1987) reviewed several studies on the cutting speed and concluded that cutting power is only slightly
affected by cutting speed. studied the required shear energy for two varieties of rice and a variety of wheat in
cutting speeds of 2.53 and 4.5m/s and edge angle of 20 0and 400 [15].


The main objective of this research is to design mechanical cutter to harvest tef stem.


3.1 cutting of grains stem

In all cutting process, failure in shear or impact or both is possible when a system of forces act on the material.
Before shear failure, the material is invariably first compressed then bend which increases the work required in a
cutting operation [2]. O’Dogherty et al (1991) studied the impact cutting behavior of grass and straw stems with
sharp and blunt blades. At low cutting speeds of grass stem, about 65% of the energy was utilized in overcoming
friction. For straw the frictional component was relatively low (5-10) %and stem kinetic energy was equal about
20% of the total energy input. Tuck et al (1991) studied the performance characteristics of rotary cutting
mechanisms when cutting single and groups of grass stems. Results showed that when cutting groups of stems
most uncut stems occurred at speeds of 20 m/s and less for blunt blades.
Ghahraeiet al (2008) designed and developed a special cutting system for sweet sorghum harvester. Developed
cutting mechanism in this research had a rotary disk with 50 cm diameter and four cutting blade. The stalks cut
with the impact inertia forces at the linear velocity of 27 m/s by cutting blade. The stalks cut with the impact
inertia forces at the linear velocity of 27 m/s by cutting blade. Harvesting tests in sweet sorghum farm with
forward speed of 5km/h and tow series of blade with angles 30° and 45° on stalk were accomplished. Blade with
45° angle accomplished a fine cutting on stalks. Field test of harvester for harvesting of 1 ha had total harvesting
time of 45 minute including gathering of harvested stalk without any crushes or uncut stalks. Persson (1993)
designed, built and tested a rotary counter shear mower. It consisted of two concentric counter-rotating discs.
Results of tests showed that increase of forward speed will improve the cutting performance. Cutting speed with
this type of rotors is less than other type of rotary disc cutters. Field experiments on alfalfa showed that the
power consumption was less than 1.6 kW/m of cutting width. The rotary counter shear mower worked
satisfactory in fine crops, tangled crops and crops mixed with residue.

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Bautista et al (2005) designed a rotary cutting reaper for rice. Their purpose was replacing the reciprocating
cutter bar assembly with a rotary cutting system borrowed from grass cutters. These rotary cutters require fewer
blades and less manufacturing tolerance. From the laboratory studies, the number of blades per disc was set a
three; blade tip speed was set as 23- 30 m/s and forward speed ranged from 2.8 t0 3.3 km/h.

3.2. Design Consideration

3.2.1. Design of power transmission
The power transmission systems used in the design of machine are shaft, bearing, rotary knife and clutches.
Design of shaft
A shaft is a rotating machine element that transmits power (Khurmi and Gupta, 2005; Nwaigwe et al, 2012). The
design of shaft includes the determination of the correct shaft diameter to ensure satisfactory strength and
rigidity while transmitting power under various operating and loading conditions. Design of shaft is based on the
maximum shear stress theory. Shafts are usually subjected to torsion, bending, and axial loads. For a solid shaft
having little or no axial loading, the diameter of the shaft can be calculated using the equation given by ASME
code (ASME, 1995) as:

….. E.q.1
d = diameter of the shaft (m),
Mt = tensional moment (Nm),
Mb = bending moment (Nm),
Kb and Kt = combined shock and fatigue factor applied to bending and tensional moment respectively.
Kb = 1.2 to 2.0; Kt= 1.0 to 1.5. τmax = allowable stress (55 MPa for shaft without key way and 40 MPa for shaft
with key). For rotating shafts, when load is suddenly applied (minor shock): It must be noted that factor
of safety need to be considered in actual design work. The standard sizes of transmission shafts are: 25 mm to
60 mm with 5 mm steps; 60 mm to 110 mm with 10 mm steps; 110 mm to 140 mm with 15 mm steps; and 140
mm to 500 mm with 20 mm steps (Gupta and Khurmi, 2005).
The material used for shafts should have the following properties:
 It should have high strength.
 It should have good mach inability.
 It should have low notch sensitivity factor.
 It should have good heat treatment properties.
 It should have high wear resistant properties.
This shaft transmits power between the source and the machines absorbing power and carry machine
parts such as blade, gear and bearing, therefore they are subjected to bending in addition to twisting then
stresses due to combined tensional and bending loads. When the shaft is subjected to a twisting moment (or
torque) then the diameter of the shaft may be obtained by using the torsion equation.

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……………………………………………………………………………………………… E.q. 2
T= Twisting moment (Torque) acting upon the shaft.
Tensional shear stress.

D= Diameter of shaft,
Shafts are usually subjected to torsion, bending, and axial loads. For a solid shaft having little or no axial
loading, the diameter of the shaft can be calculated using the equation given by ASME code (ASME, 1995) as:


M: Bending moment,
Bending Stress

3.2.2 Rotary Knife Design

𝐹cutter = 𝑆cutter× 𝐴tef stem

……………….……………………………………………………………………… E.q.4
𝐹 cutter =Cutting Force, 𝑆 cutter = Maximum shear stress
𝐴 teff stem = Cross-sectional area of teff

…………………………………………………………………………………………… .E.q.5
3.2.3 Rolling contact bearing selection
The deep groove ball bearings are selected due to their high load carrying capacity and suitability for high
running speeds. The load carrying capacity of a ball bearing is related to the size and number of the balls.
3.2.4 Life of a Bearing
The life of an individual ball (or roller) bearing may be defined as the number of revolutions (or hours at some
given constant speed) which the bearing runs before the first evidence of fatigue develops in the material of one
of the rings or any of the rolling elements.
The rating life of a group of apparently identical ball or roller bearings is defined as the number of revolutions
(or hours at some given constant speed) that 90 per cent of a group of bearings will complete or exceed before
the first evidence of fatigue develops (i.e. Only 10 per cent of a group of bearings fail due to fatigue).


A pendulum type dynamic tester was fabricated. It shows the different forces acting on the blade edge and pivot
point in order to find out the cutting forces in laboratory which enables to assess the designed cutting

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energy for tef stem diameter and moisture content. The physical parameters like stem diameter, moisture
content, etc. of tef stems were calculated through standard methods.

Fig 1. Schematic diagram of pendulum type dynamic tester

F1 and F2: Force acting at pivot (A) and at cutting point of blade (B).
h1- Distance between centre of gravity and centre of gravity of pendulum at Releasing angle.

4.1 Cutting energy

The cutting energy of the stem was determined by the difference between θ 2 and θ1. Expressions for determining
cutting energy requirement and peripheral knife speed were given as stated by Prasad and Gupta (1975). The
energy dissipated in cutting a specimen in given formula
E = W L (cos θ2 – cos θ1) ………………………………………………………………. E.q 6
E = Energy dissipated, (kgm)
W = Weight of the swinging part, (kg)
L = Distance of centre of gravity of the swinging part from the pivot point of the pendulum, (m)
θ2= Maximum angle of deflection on the pendulum frame from vertical after cutting the specimen,
θ1= Maximum angle of deflection of the pendulum from vertical at the end of free swing, (deg)
θs = swinging angle

4.2 Maximum cutting force (N)

…………………………………………………………………………………… E.q. 7
Fmax = is maximum cutting force (N)
d= is stalk diameter (m).

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4.3 Determining moment of inertia
Teff stalk like of most cereal has circular and hollow shape, thus its moment of inertia obtained from equation-3
as bellow:

……………..………………………………………………………………………. E.q. 8

t is thickness of wall (mm)
d is diameter of stalk (mm).
4.4 Blade velocity
The maximum blade velocity at impact can be determined by nothing the angle of swing between the vertical
and rest position. When the pendulum weight W is released through an angle θ,

………………………………………………………………………… E.q.9
4.5 Moisture content
The moisture content of the tef stem was measured according to standard method. About 500 gm sample of
stem was kept in an oven for 24 hours at 105 0C. The loss in weight of the sample was recorded and the
moisture content in percent was determined as in equation.

…………………………………………………………………………. E.q.10
MC = Moisture content, per cent,
Wi = Initial weight, kg, Wd = Dried weight of sample, kg

4.6. Design Considerations

The tef harvesting machine was designed on the following considerations.
The materials for the construction of the various component parts were selected on the basis of the force that
would be acting on them, the work they are expected to perform and the environmental condition in which they
would function.

4.7. Description of the Machine

The major components of the tef harvesting machine has the frame contain 2HP gasoline engine, power
transmission shaft, bearings and cutting blades.. Figure 2 gives details of designed machine drawing using catia

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Fig 2. Diagram for Tef harvesting Machine


6.1 Physical properties of teff stem

The physical properties of teff stem is measured and listed on the following table
Table 1.Average of measured values for physical properties of teff stalks
.variety Thickness of wall (mm) Diameter of stalk (mm) height of stalk (m)
Dessie 0.12 1.9 0.78
Tiffany 0.10 1.5 0.73

6.2 mechanical properties of tef stem

Cutting force is calculated and cutting energy is determines.

Fig.3 .Effect of stem cross-sectional area on the static cutting force at moisture content of 15%
(wet basis).

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Effect of stem diameter on cutting energy and force
It showed that the cutting energy and force required for cutting teff stems increased as the diameter of the
stem increases.
Effect of moisture content on cutting energy and force
It was observed that the cutting energy and force for tef stems decreases with increases in moisture content.
The moisture content has expressed a increasing effect on cutting energy and force. Increasing moisture content
leads to decreased cutting energy.
Design of teff stem cutting important parameters
The components of the machine is designed according the formula and summarized according to the table 2
Table 2 Important parameters to be used in the design of a teff harvester
parameter value parameter value
Cutting blade length 46 cm Width of removable frame 78cm
Number of blade 1 Length of removable frame 110 cm
Rotary speed of cutting 431 rpm power of engine 2hp
Diameter of shaft 40mm


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