Capsection Five

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Section Five: Teacher Candidate Reflection

As we continue, I now have the opportunity to reflect upon my personal experience

within the Medaille College M.S. Ed. Program. Having the opportunity to reflect on the

culmination of life, work and educational experiences that has brought me to this point fills me

with pride. This reflection of my journey speaks to my core beliefs of the necessity for continual

personal and professional growth. Along with the pursuit of excellence in planning, instruction,

assessment, classroom management and desire to engage children through innovative ways to

present the curriculum. This section will prove that my past and present experiences, along with

connections to Teacher Education Accreditation Council and the Council for Accreditation for

Educator Preparation will determine my readiness to be an exceptional elementary education.

Embarking on this academic journey has been one of the most difficult, but extraordinary

experiences of my life. The process of reflecting on this journey has allowed me to realize the

tangible and intangible experience I have gained, which has prepared me for a future educator.

(TEAC/CAEP 1. Content and Pedagogical Knowledge) In addition, the development of this

portfolio has allowed me to develop academically and personally, something which I value

substantially (TEAC/CAEP Standard 5. Provider Quality Assurance and Continuous

Improvement). The accomplishment I feel each week as I progress through this experience is the

realization of success. This experience is unique because I have already had the opportunity to be

teaching in the classroom. Working as an uncertified teacher for the previous 2 years while

attending Medaille has proven monumental to my growth and readiness as a certified educator. I

have been able to transfer my knowledge and skills gained at Medaille directly to the classroom;

week after week implementing strategies and practices in which I was learning. Specifically,

with notable mention, EDU 504: Early Field Experience Seminar provided me with insight into
the parent-teacher relationship, which helped facilitate growth towards a more personal but

professional connection (TEAC/CAEP Standard 1. Content and Pedagogical Knowledge

TEAC/CAEP Claim 1: Medaille College graduates know the subject matter in their certification

area(s), TEAC/CAEP Claim 3: Medaille College graduates are caring educators.). While I cannot

emphasize enough the privilege I have had teaching while enrolled in teachers college, I have

also learned a great deal being exposed to the Buffalo school system and Saturday academy.

Each school has given me an educational or enlightening take away that I will carry with me as I

continue on my educational journey. A school I became very fond of was Frank A. Sedita

Academy. Spending a majority of the time there allowed me to really connect with the

community, venders, students and their families. Each time I arrived it felt more and more like

home, and it allowed me to truly feel more comfortable and confident in that environment. I

enjoyed this school so much because I feel it really benefited the community and provided the

families a positive, welcoming and loving environment for them to come to and build

educational and social skills. I remember our first time there; being outside playing basketball

with the children, it was so rewarding seeing their joy and confidence build with every successful

shot (TEAC/CAEP Standard 2. Clinical Partnerships and Practice, Claim 2: Medaille College

graduates meet the needs of diverse learners through effective pedagogy and best teaching

practices, Claim 3: Medaille College graduates are caring educators) The conference was such a

different approach to educating the future teachers, but it was so necessary. The education

system is more than just delivering lesson plans to kids, more than just inside the school, it is

what teachers must to do from an administrative side to advocate for children (TEAC/CAEP

Standard 1. Content and Pedagogical Knowledge, Claim 3: Medaille College graduates

are caring educators)
Having completed my undergraduate degree minor in development psychology, ESP

600: Foundations of Special Education reminded me of my love of developmental learning. It

allowed me to take my previous knowledge of children with exceptionalities and apply it to the

classroom; carefully attending to the needs of each student. When reflecting on incorporating

effective and appropriate lessons for children of all needs, I am reminded of a quote heard in first

semester: “fair is not equal”. This has had a profound impact on me as a future educator as it

serves as a reminder that lesson planning, instruction and assessment are not a blanket for

everyone in the class. They are tailored to the needs of the diverse learning styles and

developmental levels which make up a classroom environment (TEAC/CAEP Standard 1.

Content and Pedagogical Knowledge, Claim 1: Medaille College graduates know the subject

matter in their certification area(s), Claim 2: Medaille College graduates meet the needs of

diverse learners through effective pedagogy and best teaching practices, Claim

3: Medaille College graduates are caring educators).

  Another course which pushed my academic boundaries was ECI 510: Research in

Education. This course showcases my ability to research, analyze and think critically while

reviewing professional sources. It demonstrates the importance of continuing professional and

academic development through reputable peer reviewed sources to increase my own knowledge

and provide a better learning experienced for my students. It has developed the skills necessary

to organize and plan effective instructional periods and draw conclusions of a child’s assessment

of learning (TEAC/CAEP 1. Content and Pedagogical Knowledge, Standard 4. Program Impact,

Standard 5. Provider Quality Assurance and Continuous Improvement)

While I have mentioned the impact ECI: Culturally Responsive Pedagogy has had on me, I

would be remis if I did not touch on the pivotal effect this had on me and my ability to educate
all my students to the best of their ability. This course came during the Black Lives Matter

movement which highlighted the dire need for everyone to take responsibility and action toward

historic fundamental change. This change starts with me in a classroom realizing my own

privilege. This requires me to constantly be open to learning, growing and providing an

environment and material which aims to educate and impower children. Children must see

themselves in their future and it is my duty as an educator to provide and education that is rich

with cultural diversity (TEAC/CAEP Standard 1: Content and Pedagogical Knowledge, Standard

4. Program Impact, Claim 2: Medaille College graduates meet the needs of diverse learners

through effective pedagogy and best teaching practices, Claim 3: Medaille College graduates

are caring educators).

Lastly, the course EDU 571: Technology for the Classroom was one of the most practical

and useful experiences, especially since our studies have continued through a global pandemic.

This shifted the population of learners to be educated remotely, which is a testament to a teacher,

and students, need to be flexible, resilient and consistent with their goals. This course has

substantially increased my ability to provide an innovative and interactive online platform where

I can engage students to increase their education. I have been given resources that makes me

excited to use in the classroom. The Weebly website and Google Classroom are simply two I can

visualize using quite frequently to create diverse and relative material to keep my students

engaged and learning. It has also addressed the need to educate my students of their diligence

toward cyber safety and appropriate usage of the internet (TEAC/CAEP Standard 1. Content and

Pedagogical Knowledge, Standard 4. Program Impact, Claim 1: Medaille College graduates

know the subject matter in their certification area(s), Claim 2: Medaille College graduates meet

the needs of diverse learners through effective pedagogy and best teaching practices).

Reediness to Become a Teacher

This portfolio is the tangible realization of my preparedness to embark on the profession

of as an elementary educator. As I move to this area of my portfolio where I proclaim my

readiness to become a teacher, I must first start with a quote from one of my favourite books

Bubblegum Pie “I didn’t give up… I was bold and persistent though progress was slow. I’d never

trade the hard road for the easier street; it’s made [my success] so much more sweet.” This quote

speaks directly to my ability to remain persistent through times of challenge and uncertainty.

Embarking on this journey to complete my Master of Education while raising 3 young children

and working fulltime demonstrates how passionate I am about becoming an educator and how

devoted I am to my passions. I have demonstrated throughout each section by ability to reflect

and grow academically and professionally. In addition, I continue to exhibit growth in areas

pertaining to ethical development. This withstanding growth will contribute to my success as an

educator because it will be the mindset I encourage in my classroom; that dedication and

perseverance will provide the greatest successes. The M.S. Ed portfolio has given me the

opportunity to prove the importance of having a continual pedagogical focus on planning and

organization while being sensitive to the needs of the students. I am grateful for the opportunity

to widen my perspective on exceptional behaviours and to best accommodate all learners in a

least restrictive environment. It has provided me with strategies and tools to manage a classroom

and maintain student engagement; for, when children are engaged and learning, they are less

likely to need management or redirection. As a future educator, I will continuously advocate for

the importance of family involvement to ensure success of a child and promote a strong school

community. My time at Medaille has given me perspective; traveling to another country and
learning about the similarities and differences of our educations systems has increased my

knowledge and my skillset. I have come to realize that our focus is the same; to be an active

participant in the development of a child’s future and we must fight for them both inside and

outside the classroom. Building strong schools is all about building strong communities.


My journey to get to this point has not always been direct and correct, but it has been

mine. Without my path I perhaps would not have realized my passion to teach or had developed

a love for educating our future. Completing the reflection section of this portfolio allow me the

opportunity to take in all I have accomplished to this point and it has been enlightening. It has

allowed me to highlight the acquisition of the many tools and skills provided to me, as well as

the academic competencies that my time at Medialle have proven to be invaluable.

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