E-Commerce Development in Bangladesh
E-Commerce Development in Bangladesh
E-Commerce Development in Bangladesh
11; 2018
ISSN 1913-9004 E-ISSN 1913-9012
Published by Canadian Center of Science and Education
Received: September 18, 2018 Accepted: October 24, 2018 Online Published: October 29, 2018
doi:10.5539/ibr.v11n11p201 URL: https://doi.org/10.5539/ibr.v11n11p201
The whole world is experiencing the major transformation in retail business, and Bangladesh does not differ
from the global trend. The e-commerce in Bangladesh is still a young and emerging industry; it is growing fast.
In this paper, we have presented the characteristics of Bangladesh e-commerce, its past and present development
based on secondary data from different sources. Also, a questionnaire-based survey conducted to know the
perception of online consumers and their previous shopping experience. The study highlighted the challenges
and areas for perfection in the e-commerce market in Bangladesh. The article comprises a suggestion for
improvements in marketing activities for the Bangladesh online stores.
Keywords: e-commerce, Bangladesh, consumer attitude
1. Introduction
E-commerce or Electronic commerce has brought revolutionary changes in the business. The inception of
internet technology made it possible. The whole world is experiencing a tremendous transition in business, now
a day’s internet is used as a tool for business. According to data statistics, 52% of the world population are
internet users (Internet W. S., 2018). That gives us an indication of how e-commerce is going to make an impact
on the future or currently impacting on our business and social life. E-commerce business principle can apply in
all business models, i.e., B2B (Business to Business), B2C (business to consumer), C2C (Consumer to
Consumer) and C2B (Consumer to Business). Last two decades the world has noticed incredible growth in e-
commerce. In 2017, the worldwide e-commerce sales amounted to 2.3 trillion USD and projected to raise 4.88
trillion USD by 2021 (eMarketer, 2018).
In Bangladesh e-commerce still in developing phase, though it has started in the late 1990s (e-cab, 2016). During
that time, small numbers of non-resident Bangladeshi used e-commerce services to send gifts and books to their
dear one in Dhaka capital city of Bangladesh. Later in the year 2001-2008, it has experienced little growth due to
lack of knowledge and infrastructure. The situation has started changing in 2012-2013 when two e-commerce
site akhoni and ajkerdeal introduce themselves to the online consumers. It has received good appreciation from
the consumers mainly in Dhaka. The outcome of the E-com venture not only enticed business entrepreneur to
invest and hit the market from Bangladesh but also from abroad as well. Some foreign investor like Olx, daraz,
and kaymu joined the competition along with local (Rashed, 2017). There has been decent growth in e-
commerce in the last couple of years; some e-commerce service provider launches their service. A site like
rokomari.com, who have adopted a similar business strategy like Amazon started selling books. Currently
holding the top position in the industry and began expanding their business into other product categories.
Bikroy.com is another example; they adopted the unique business model. They provide both buying and selling
options for the consumer goods in their platform. FMCG and grocery sector also step into the e-commerce
industry othoba.com, pickaboo and chaldal.com represent respective areas. Renown business conglomerate and
business group of the country shown interest to join in e-commerce trade. Online food delivery services also got
a very positive response from food lovers. Due to high traffic congestion and inadequate driving condition
consumers prefer to order food online then visit the restaurant. Hungry Naki and Food panda two very well
known delivery e-commerce platform in Dhaka and Chittagong (export.gov, 2017).
The growing popularity of online shopping and increased number of internet users showing great prospect of e-
commerce development in Bangladesh. The application of e-commerce will be different in Bangladesh than it
http://ibr.ccsenet.org International Business Research Vol. 11, No. 11; 2018
is in China, Europe and America because of the social and cultural difference, overwhelming popularity of
traditional business models, typical consumer behaviors, and consumer expectations.
2. The Objective and Methodology
The objective of this study to get a clear picture of the past and present situation of e-commerce in Bangladesh.
How it evolves over the years, current status, infrastructure development, government policy and consumers
perception about e-commerce all these issues will be address and discussed.
Our study is primarily based on secondary data. The data and information have collected from government
reports, website, newspapers, online blogs, Journals, and Research paper, etc. We have conducted a small survey
to get the primary data to learn about consumer’s perception of e-commerce. Dhaka and Chittagong are two
major cities that have seen significant development of e-business. So our questionnaire is distributed to that areas
and data are collected from local consumers.
This paper analyzes those data that present in reports and survey. We also discussed the various factors that have
a substantial impact on E-commerce development in Bangladesh. Our aim is to help the businesses that want to
expand e-business in Bangladesh. Provide them with a better understanding of Bangladesh's e-commerce
development, distinctiveness, and hurdles. The understanding of e-consumer behavior, preferences, and
expectations are enormously crucial for businesses people, to ensure that they can apply the appropriate strategy
when expanding e-commerce in Bangladesh.
3. E-Commerce in Bangladesh
The economic growth of Bangladesh is quite steady and showing an upward trend. Last one decade it has shown
significant improvement, even during the world financial recession the GDP growth was remarkable. Now it is
considered one of the fastest growing major economies in the world with a GDP growth rate of over 7.1%. It
also got the attention and emerged itself as one of the leading frontier marketplaces for global investors. In 2016,
the IMF stated that it was the 2nd fastest-growing major economy in the world (Payal, 2017).
3.1 Internet Users and Infrastructure Development
Bangladesh has seen e-commerce inception in the late 90’s and early 2000’s. Even though there was a lack of
infrastructure, internet facilities, and government policy but it received better appreciation from the consumers.
In 2013, the government allowed to purchase and sale of goods and online services by using international credit
cards (export.gov, 2017). Before that wireless internet service, WiMAX and 3G roll out some major cities and
internet speed got faster. To some extent, that gave a major boost to the online business. Initially, the growth was
not that significant, but it was promising. In 2016, the e-commerce industry recorded a 67% growth in the first
three quarters, and the country's e-commerce transaction reached 3.59 billion takas (50 million U.S. dollars)
(Xinhua, 2016).
Fastest internet connection and internet users are the key factors that help to boom e-commerce business. Last
couple of years, Bangladesh experiencing tremendous growth in this sector. In 2016, the internet penetration rate
was 13.2%, and the number of internet users was 21.39 million (internetlivestats, 2016). In 2017, the number
increased triple times, the internet users raised to 80.43 million and the penetration rate was 48.4% (Internet w. s.,
2018). According to Bangladesh telecommunication regulatory commission (BTRC), latest statistics (June 2018)
shows that the number further increased to 87.79 million users and the penetration rate is 52.77% (BTRC,
www.btrc.gov.bd, 2018). Figure 1 shows a graphical presentation of users and penetration rate.
Penetration Rate
Internet Users
Mobile Internet
12% 30%
18-2425-35 MaleFemale
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