Aakash Rank Booster Test Series For NEET-2020

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10/07/2020 CODE-A

Regd. Office: Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005, Ph.011-47623456

Aakash Rank Booster Test Series for NEET-2020

MM : 720 Test - 18 Time : 3.00 Hrs.

Answer Key
1. (2) 37. (2) 73. (2) 109. (4) 145. (2)
2. (1) 38. (4) 74. (4) 110. (2) 146. (2)
3. (4) 39. (2) 75. (4) 111. (2) 147. (2)
4. (2) 40. (2) 76. (2) 112. (2) 148. (1)
5. (3) 41. (2) 77. (3) 113. (4) 149. (2)
6. (3) 42. (1) 78. (1) 114. (3) 150. (1)
7. (1) 43. (2) 79. (1) 115. (1) 151. (2)
8. (2) 44. (2) 80. (4) 116. (3) 152. (2)
9. (2) 45. (1) 81. (3) 117. (4) 153. (4)
10. (1) 46. (4) 82. (4) 118. (2) 154. (1)
11. (3) 47. (3) 83. (2) 119. (1) 155. (2)
12. (3) 48. (1) 84. (2) 120. (3) 156. (3)
13. (4) 49. (1) 85. (3) 121. (4) 157. (2)
14. (3) 50. (2) 86. (3) 122. (3) 158. (2)
15. (4) 51. (1) 87. (3) 123. (1) 159. (4)
16. (3) 52. (2) 88. (1) 124. (4) 160. (3)
17. (3) 53. (1) 89. (2) 125. (3) 161. (4)
18. (3) 54. (3) 90. (2) 126. (4) 162. (2)
19. (2) 55. (4) 91. (3) 127. (4) 163. (2)
20. (1) 56. (1) 92. (1) 128. (2) 164. (2)
21. (1) 57. (1) 93. (2) 129. (3) 165. (3)
22. (2) 58. (4) 94. (3) 130. (1) 166. (3)
23. (1) 59. (3) 95. (3) 131. (4) 167. (4)
24. (2) 60. (2) 96. (4) 132. (3) 168. (2)
25. (3) 61. (1) 97. (2) 133. (2) 169. (2)
26. (2) 62. (2) 98. (2) 134. (1) 170. (1)
27. (1) 63. (3) 99. (4) 135. (1) 171. (4)
28. (4) 64. (3) 100. (1) 136. (2) 172. (3)
29. (1) 65. (4) 101. (3) 137. (4) 173. (2)
30. (4) 66. (2) 102. (4) 138. (4) 174. (4)
31. (3) 67. (2) 103. (4) 139. (4) 175. (4)
32. (4) 68. (3) 104. (2) 140. (4) 176. (2)
33. (3) 69. (2) 105. (2) 141. (2) 177. (3)
34. (4) 70. (1) 106. (3) 142. (4) 178. (2)
35. (2) 71. (3) 107. (1) 143. (1) 179. (2)
36. (2) 72. (1) 108. (1) 144. (2) 180. (1)

Test-18 (Code-A)_(Hints & Solutions) Aakash Rank Booster Test Series for NEET-2020

10/07/2020 CODE-A

Regd. Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005, Ph.011-47623456

Aakash Rank Booster Test Series for NEET-2020

MM : 720 Test - 18 Time : 3:00 Hrs.

Hints and Solutions

1. Answer (2) R
r 
2v1v 2 2
v av 
v1  v 2 E i  4 R 2T
2  40  v 2
48  R
40  v Ef  8  4   T  8R 2T
v = 60 km/h.
E  Ef  E i  4 R 2T
2. Answer (1)
At highest point v is perpendicular to g. 9. Answer (2)
  
3. Answer (4)   r F
2R R 10. Answer (1)
T   2
GM g 20  70  50 
 K  30 
R 1  2 
= 84.6 minutes. 2
K 
4. Answer (2) 3
i  j 1 1 10 2  50  40 
  1     30 
2 2 2 t 3 2 
5. Answer (3) t = 1 minute
11. Answer (3)
A2  B 2  2 AB cos   A2  B 2  2 AB cos 
From the truth table given
4ABcos = 0
Y  A  B  X  OR gate
 = 90°
6. Answer (3) 12. Answer (3)
In uniform circular motion speed remains In active region, transistor acts as an amplifier.
constant. 13. Answer (4)
7. Answer (1) E will be minimum for n1 = 4 and n2 = 5 among
Static friction is self adjusting force of friction. the given sets.
8. Answer (2) 14. Answer (3)
4 4  KQ KQ
R 3  8   r 3  VA  
3 3  a 5a

Aakash Rank Booster Test Series for NEET-2020 Test-18 (Code-A)_(Hints & Solutions)

VB   
a 5a
20. Answer (1)
VA  VB     mM  2M  
a 5a a 5a v  5  2
mM  mM
2K Q 2K Q v = 9 m/s.
= 
a 5a 21. Answer (1)
2K Q  1 
= 1 . w = k  x 2dx
a  5  a

15. Answer (4) k  1 1 

= 
VA 
  1  2 a a 
a 3a 3a
KQ KQ 2KQ w = 
VB     2a
a 3a 3a
22. Answer (2)
VA  VB  V = constant
3a   
 qE  q v  B 
4  Qq 
WE  q(VA  VB )   
3  40a   E B
16. Answer (3) 23. Answer (1)

17. Answer (3) I  Ix  Iy

 20
v   500 m/s ma2 ma2
K  1   
  12 12
 25 
18. Answer (3) ma 2

24. Answer (2)
l l 2l Working of transformer is based on mutual
R = 1  2  
A A A induction.
  2 25. Answer (3)
 = 1 .
2 p
Pressure head =
19. Answer (2) g
26. Answer (2)
1  1 1 
=    1   
f R
 1 R 2 

= 1.5  1  
= 0.5 
f = + 10 cm.
Test-18 (Code-A)_(Hints & Solutions) Aakash Rank Booster Test Series for NEET-2020

27. Answer (1) 34. Answer (4)

D 1  1 1 9  4  5
Fringe width = R   R  R
d  2 2 2
3   36  36
28. Answer (4) 36
Kmax  h  0 
hc 35. Answer (2)
or eV0   0
 12420
Eph  eV  6.210 eV,
hc  1 1  2000

or V0  
e   0 

 6.21  4  2.21 eV
29. Answer (1) Vsp  2.21volt
z n 36. Answer (2)
V and r 
n z
Imax  4I  I  2 4I 2  9I
2r n3
T   T  2
v z Imin  4I  I  2 4I 2  I .
30. Answer (4) 37. Answer (2)
A  m  60
M = mL A
r   30
( A  m )
i  60
M = m2R 2
L sin60
= m 2    3
 sin30
2 38. Answer (4)
= mL
 R1 = 1.5 × 3 = 4.5 cm, R2 = 1.5 × 4 = 6.0 cm
2M R = R1 + R2 = 10.5 cm.
= .
 39. Answer (2)
31. Answer (3) P 100
  out 
12420 Pin 0.6  220
 Å
E (eV) = 0.76
12420 40. Answer (2)
  4140 Å .
3 2202
32. Answer (4) R40 W   1210 
m 2202
2 R110 W   440  c
v  110
1  
c V40 W  220 V  fuse
v  3 41. Answer (2)
1   
c 5 tan30 1 2 2
tan  '   
v 4 4 cos30 3 3 3
  v c
c 5 5 2
 '  tan1   .
33. Answer (3) 3
237  209 42. Answer (1)
 7
4 d d
  12t 2  24t,    24t  24,
   92  (83  14)  5 dt dt
Hence x = 7, y = 5  = 0 at t = 1 s.

Aakash Rank Booster Test Series for NEET-2020 Test-18 (Code-A)_(Hints & Solutions)

43. Answer (2) 5

T2  300(8) 3
TL  mg  2

 
 300  23 3

mv 22
TH   mg = 1200 K

t2 = 927°C.
TL  TH  6 mg
45. Answer (1)
44. Answer (2) Q   idt  area under the curve
TV 1 
  1 1
T1V11  T2V21
= 1.57 C

46. Answer (4)

V(CO)6  e  [V(CO)6 ]
EAN35 EAN36

47. Answer (3)

Extent of hybridisation is very less for PH3
48. Answer (1)
2°-Amines are optically inactive.
49. Answer (1)

54. Answer (3)

Thermal stability : MgO > CaO > SrO > BaO
55. Answer (4)
(1) Cl2  2NaOH 
NaCl  NaOCl  H2O
50. Answer (2)
(2) 3Br2  6NaOH 
 5NaBr  NaBrO3  3H2O
nRT 0.1 0.0821 2  273 (3) 3XeF4  6H2O  2Xe  XeO3  12HF  3 O2
VH2    4.48 lit 2
P 1
(4) XeF2  H2O  1
 Xe  2HF  O2
51. Answer (1) 2
56. Answer (1)
B.P : SbH3 > NH3 > ASH3 > PH3 
2 MNO3   2MNO2  O 2 ; M  Na,K,Rb,Cs 
52. Answer (2)
2 M NO 3 2 

 2 MO  2NO 2  O 2 ;
O 22  has no unpaired electron.
M  Be,Mg,Ca,Sr, Ba 
53. Answer (1) 
4 LiNO3   2Li2 O  2 NO 2  O 2

Test-18 (Code-A)_(Hints & Solutions) Aakash Rank Booster Test Series for NEET-2020

57. Answer (1) 69. Answer (2)

Solid CO2 is known as dry ice. 2.303 a
k = log
58. Answer (4) t a–x
In face centered cubic unit cell, number of 2.303 1000
k = log
tetrahedral voids = 8 100  60 1
Number of octahedral voids = 4 2.303
k = 3log10
59. Answer (3) 100  60
Methanol and water mixture shows positive 2.303
=  1.15  103 s1
deviation from Raoult’s law. 100  20
60. Answer (2) 70. Answer (1)
Ecell  0.8  0.76  1.56 V Molecularity of a reaction cannot be zero and it is
only defined for an elementary step.
G° = – 2 × 1.56 × 96500 = 301080 J = 301 kJ
71. Answer (3)
61. Answer (1)
SO2, O2, NO and SO3 all are in same phase.
x 72. Answer (1)
Freundlich adsorption isotherm :  (P)n
m Due to H-bonding, NH3 has more boiling point
1 than PH3.
  k(P)n
m 73. Answer (2)
In SO2, S has +4 oxidation state but highest
x 1
 log    log(k)  log(P) possible oxidation state of S is +6.
m n
74. Answer (4)
62. Answer (2)
 Extent of hydration : F– > Cl– > Br– > I–
Iron is galvanised by zinc.
 Boiling point : I2 > Br2 > Cl2 > F2
63. Answer (3)
 Bond enthalpy : Cl2 > Br2 > F2 > I2
The strength of ligands is : CN(–)  NH3  Cl(–) 75. Answer (4)
64. Answer (3) Sc3+ has no d-electron.
[Ma2b2c2] have 5 possible geometrical isomers. 76. Answer (2)
65. Answer (4) [NiCl4 ]2 : Ni2 

 [Ar]3d 8 4s 0 4 p 0

77. Answer (3)

66. Answer (2)
[M(AA)3] exists in d and  forms.
78. Answer (1)
Benzylic H-atom is most reactive for free radical
substitution reaction.
79. Answer (1)
67. Answer (2)
Nylon-2-nylon-6 is a biodegradable polymer.
68. Answer (3)
 9 g Al  1 F  3 g Al   3  0.33 F

Aakash Rank Booster Test Series for NEET-2020 Test-18 (Code-A)_(Hints & Solutions)

80. Answer (4) Molecular formula = (CH2O)3 = C3H6O3

85. Answer (3)
group is deactivating whereas group is For 2p and 3s orbitals, n +  = 3.
86. Answer (3)
81. Answer (3)
pH  [pK w  pK a  pKb ]
87. Answer (3)

88. Answer (1)

Calgon is sodium salt of Hexa meta phosphoric
82. Answer (4) acid (HPO3)6
89. Answer (2)
Borax : Na2B4O710H2O

83. Answer (2)
Cheilosis is caused due to deficiency to vitamin
84. Answer (2) 90. Answer (2)
molecular mass 90
n  3
Empirical formula mass 30

91. Answer (3) 99. Answer (4)
Under unfavourable conditions, slime moulds Succinate dehydrogenase is found attached to
form the fruiting bodies. the inner mitochondrial membrane.
92. Answer (1) 100. Answer (1)
Ulothrix - Starch NADH2 molecules produced during glycolysis can
93. Answer (2) enter the mitochondria through shuttles only.
Dinoflagellates show red tide. 101. Answer (3)
94. Answer (3) DPD  A – 10 atm ; B – 4 atm ; C – 1 atm
Almond - seeds
95. Answer (3) Direction of H2O movement
Oldest layer of phloem lies just inner to pericycle. 102. Answer (4)
96. Answer (4) Coconut is monoecious
Duplication of centrioles and DNA takes place in 103. Answer (4)
S phase.
In over 60% angiosperm pollen is shed at two-
97. Answer (2) celled stage.
98. Answer (2) 104. Answer (2)
Primary CO2 acceptor in C4 plants is PEP and Round seed shape is dominant over wrinkle seed
primary CO2 fixation product is OAA. shape.

Test-18 (Code-A)_(Hints & Solutions) Aakash Rank Booster Test Series for NEET-2020

105. Answer (2) 121. Answer (4)

106. Answer (3) 122. Answer (3)
More the BOD, more the polluting potential of Condensation step of TCA cycle.
123. Answer (1)
107. Answer (1)
Pseudocopulation mechanism.
124. Answer (4)
108. Answer (1)
Bulbil of Agave
109. Answer (4)
125. Answer (3)
110. Answer (2)
Montreal protocol is related to control the Citrus shows polyembryony.
emission of ODS. 126. Answer (4)
111. Answer (2)
Taxonomy + evolutionary relationship =
systematics. Herbarium has preserved plant only
127. Answer (4)
112. Answer (2)
Sleeping sickness is caused by Trypanosoma. Autosomal recessive trait
113. Answer (4) 128. Answer (2)
D. J. Ivanovsky discovered TMV. Meselson and Stahl experiment
114. Answer (3) 129. Answer (3)
Female gametophyte of gymnosperms is called 130. Answer (1)
endosperm (n) In Mung bean, resistance to YMV is due to
115. Answer (1) mutation breeding.
Family – Solanaceae 131. Answer (4)
116. Answer (3) Nucleopolyhedrovirus is species specific.
Vascular cambium is secondary meristem. 132. Answer (3)
117. Answer (4) Immigration increases population density in newly
118. Answer (2) colonized habitat
Crossing over occurs between non-sister 133. Answer (2)
chromatids of homologus chromosomes.
134. Answer (1)
119. Answer (1)
Hotspots show species richness.
Root pressure
120. Answer (3) 135. Answer (1)
Magnesium Eutrophication is natural aging of lake.

136. Answer (2) Stress hormone is cortisol which stimulates the
Progesterone is required for the maintenance of synthesis of glucose i.e. gluconeogenesis and
endometrium. glycogenolysis.
137. Answer (4) 140. Answer (4)
Among the reversible contraceptives, IUDs and ELISA is used to detect HIV infection. If a person
implants have the least failure rate. One of the is ELISA positive then the western blot test is
primary reason for this is that they are very less administered to confirm the diagnosis.
user dependent. 141. Answer (2)
138. Answer (4) Both corpus luteum and placenta are temporary
Herpes simplex virus – Genital herpes. endocrine glands which secrete high levels of
139. Answer (4) progesterone.

Aakash Rank Booster Test Series for NEET-2020 Test-18 (Code-A)_(Hints & Solutions)

142. Answer (4) 156. Answer (3)

Mutations can bring about changes in a span of In myocardial infarction, ST segment is elevated.
single generation which can also be carried to 157. Answer (2)
future generations. Joints of the vertebral bodies are cartilaginous
143. Answer (1) joints.
The Neanderthal man lived in near east and 158. Answer (2)
central Asia between 100000-40000 years ago. Optic nerve is second cranial nerve.
144. Answer (2) 159. Answer (4)
Beta particles, X-rays and gamma rays are
ionising rays.
160. Answer (3)
145. Answer (2)
Auerbach (Myenteric) plexus is located between
In males testosterone is produced by the gonads
the inner circular and outer longitudinal muscles.
(Leydig cells)
161. Answer (4)
146. Answer (2)
Uricose gland is present in male cockroach.
Size of blastomeres decreases during cleavage
as the N/C ratio increase. 162. Answer (2)
147. Answer (2) Vital capacity includes ERV, TV and IRV.
Temperature, pH and substrate concentration 163. Answer (2)
directly affect enzyme activity. 8 pairs of spiracles are present in abdomen of
148. Answer (1) cockroach. 2 pairs are present in the thoracic
Sporozoites infect liver cells in humans after
which they mature into schizonts. 164. Answer (2)
149. Answer (2) Hydrolases are biochemical catalysts that use
water to break a chemical bond.
Green glands and coxal glands are excretory
organs. 165. Answer (3)
150. Answer (1) Serosa is found on the outer wall of the organs of
the abdominal cavity.
Earthworm and leeches have direct mode of
development whereas Nereis may involve a 166. Answer (3)
trochophore larva. Respiratory Gas O2 CO2
151. Answer (2) 159 0.3
Atmospheric Air
In open circulatory system blood flows freely
through cavities and there are no vessels to Alveoli 104 40
conduct the blood. Blood (Deoxygenated) 40 45
152. Answer (2) Blood (Oxygenated) 95 40
Urea and ammonia are formed during protein
Tissues 40 45
metabolism. Purine metabolism contributes to
uric acid formation. 167. Answer (4)
153. Answer (4) ANF is responsible for decrease in blood volume
Insulin helps lower blood glucose levels. and pressure.
hypoglycemia does not occur in diabetes 168. Answer (2)
insipidus. Low levels of oestrogen cause osteoporosis in
154. Answer (1) menopausal women.
Hyoid is a U-shaped bone in the neck which 169. Answer (2)
supports the tongue. Crista is present in semicircular canal.
155. Answer (2) 170. Answer (1)
Fossa ovalis is a remnant of the fibrous sheet that Squamous epithelium is found in tissues where
covered foramen ovale during fetal development. rapid diffusion is required.

Test-18 (Code-A)_(Hints & Solutions) Aakash Rank Booster Test Series for NEET-2020

171. Answer (4) 175. Answer (4)

Indirect gene transfer is vector mediated gene Limulus is a living fossil
transfer. 176. Answer (2)
172. Answer (3) Cro magnon man is Homo sapiens Fossilis.
177. Answer (3)
Dense regular connective tissue is found in
Neophron (Vulture) is a bird and is oviparous.
ligaments, tendon and aponeurosis.
178. Answer (2)
173. Answer (2)
Lymph lacks RBCs. Igs are present in lymph and
Organisms belonging to Arthropoda have jointed serum.
appendage like Periplaneta. 179. Answer (2)
174. Answer (4) Cytidine is nucleoside
Mimicry and protective colouration favours natural 180. Answer (1)
selection theory Low pH favours right shift in ODC.


Edition: 2020-21

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