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Test – 2 (Code-C)_(Answers) All India Aakash Test Series for Medical-2021

All India Aakash Test Series for Medical - 2021

TEST - 2 (Code-C)
Test Date : 10/11/2019

1. (1) 37. (4) 73. (3) 109. (4) 145. (1)
2. (2) 38. (2) 74. (4) 110. (3) 146. (4)
3. (4) 39. (3) 75. (4) 111. (3) 147. (2)
4. (1) 40. (1) 76. (3) 112. (2) 148. (2)
5. (1) 41. (2) 77. (2) 113. (1) 149. (2)
6. (1) 42. (2) 78. (3) 114. (2) 150. (4)
7. (1) 43. (2) 79. (3) 115. (4) 151. (1)
8. (2) 44. (1) 80. (2) 116. (1) 152. (3)
9. (1) 45. (3) 81. (4) 117. (3) 153. (1)
10. (4) 46. (3) 82. (3) 118. (1) 154. (4)
11. (2) 47. (4) 83. (2) 119. (4) 155. (4)
12. (4) 48. (1) 84. (3) 120. (1) 156. (4)
13. (1) 49. (2) 85. (1) 121. (2) 157. (4)
14. (1) 50. (3) 86. (2) 122. (3) 158. (4)
15. (3) 51. (3) 87. (2) 123. (3) 159. (1)
16. (1) 52. (2) 88. (3) 124. (2) 160. (1)
17. (4) 53. (3) 89. (4) 125. (2) 161. (3)
18. (4) 54. (2) 90. (3) 126. (1) 162. (4)
19. (3) 55. (2) 91. (3) 127. (3) 163. (2)
20. (2) 56. (3) 92. (3) 128. (4) 164. (2)
21. (1) 57. (2) 93. (3) 129. (1) 165. (4)
22. (1) 58. (1) 94. (1) 130. (4) 166. (1)
23. (4) 59. (4) 95. (2) 131. (2) 167. (4)
24. (4) 60. (3) 96. (1) 132. (2) 168. (3)
25. (4) 61. (4) 97. (4) 133. (1) 169. (2)
26. (3) 62. (3) 98. (1) 134. (4) 170. (4)
27. (2) 63. (2) 99. (4) 135. (3) 171. (2)
28. (3) 64. (1) 100. (2) 136. (3) 172. (4)
29. (1) 65. (2) 101. (3) 137. (2) 173. (1)
30. (4) 66. (4) 102. (4) 138. (2) 174. (3)
31. (2) 67. (3) 103. (3) 139. (4) 175. (3)
32. (4) 68. (1) 104. (2) 140. (1) 176. (3)
33. (3) 69. (4) 105. (1) 141. (1) 177. (3)
34. (4) 70. (1) 106. (4) 142. (2) 178. (1)
35. (2) 71. (3) 107. (2) 143. (4) 179. (2)
36. (3) 72. (2) 108. (1) 144. (4) 180. (2)

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All India Aakash Test Series for Medical-2021 Test - 2 (Code-C)_(Hints & Solutions)



1. Answer (1) dv
Sol.: Speed is constant ∴ =
Hint: v x = u x ,v y = −gt dt

Sol.: At any time t, the horizontal and vertical dv

Velocity is variable∴ ≠0
components of velocity can be written as dt
vx = 10 m/s and vy = –gt = –10t 
d 2v
if velocity is directed at angle 45° with the Acceleration vector is also variable ∴ ≠0
horizontal, then dt 2
vx = vy 7. Answer (1)

10 = 10t ⇒ t = 1 s Hint: Velocity in circular motion is tangential.

Thus, angle between acceleration and tangential
2. Answer (2) direction would be angle between acceleration
Hint: Uniformly accelerated motion in two and velocity.
v 2 202 400
2h 2 × 20 Sol.: a=
c = = = 40 m/s2
Sol.: Time of flight=
(T) = = 2s R 10 10
g g 
1 2 =
at = 10 m/s2 given
Horizontal Displacement = at dt
= × 10 × 4 = 20 m

( 202 + 202 )
Displacement =
( 2 × 202 )

= 20 2 m
3. Answer (4)
Hint: Use vector addition.

= 3iˆ + 4 jˆ
Sol.: P
  ac 40
P + Q = 8iˆ + 7 ˆj tan(θ)= = = 4
  at 10
Q = 8iˆ + 7 jˆ − P = 8iˆ + 7 jˆ − 3iˆ − 4 jˆ = 5iˆ + 3 jˆ
 θ =tan−1(4)
Q= 25 + 9= 34
8. Answer (2)
4. Answer (1)
Hint: Use concept of velocity of approach.
Hint: River-swimmer problem with minimum time
of crossing. Sol.: Velocity along line OP = 10 cos60° = 5 m/s.
d 200 20
Sol.: T=
min = = 20 s =
Time taken = 4s
v m /R 10 5
5. Answer (1) 9. Answer (1)
Hint & Sol.: Greater the vertical component of Hint: Relative acceleration between free falling
velocity of projection greater would be the time of particles is zero.
flight and the maximum height.
Sol.: Since relative acceleration = 0
6. Answer (1)
 ∴ relative velocity = 5 + 3 = 8 m/s is constant.
Hint: In uniform circular motion, speed ( v ) is
 Separation = relative velocity × time
constant, but velocity (v ) is variable due to
change in its direction. = 8 × 4 = 32 m

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Test - 2 (Code-C)_(Hints & Solutions) All India Aakash Test Series for Medical-2021

10. Answer (4) 15. Answer (3)

Hint: v2 = u2 + 2ats Hint: The relative velocity of A must be directed
towards B from A.
Sol.: v2 = 2 ats    
Sol.: rA + v At =rB + v B t
v2 = 2 × 2 × 4    
= 4 m/s ⇒ (v A − v B ) t = rB − v A
 
11. Answer (2) ⇒ Therefore v AB = rBA
v2 16. Answer (1)
Hint: ac =
R Hint & Sol.: Instantaneous speed is magnitude of
instantaneous velocity.
Sol.: From graph, ac tan(37°)t
17. Answer (4)
3 Hint: Time of flight = t1 + t2
ac = t
4 Sol.: Time of flight = 3 + 5 = 8 s
v2 3 2u sin(θ)
= t =8
R 4 g
2 × u × sin(30°)
⇒ v=
× 12 × 1= 3 m/s =8
4 4 10
U = 80 m/s
12. Answer (4)
18. Answer (4)
Hint: Flag flutters in the direction of velocity of   
wind with respect to the ship. = v (rain) − v (man)
Hint: v (rain/man)
 Sol.: As man starts walking with 6 m/s.
Sol.: v = 20iˆ m/s
 Let velocity of rain = v ( − ˆj )
v wind = 10 ˆj m/s
Velocity of man = 6iˆ m/s

= (10 jˆ − 20iˆ ) m/s
v wind/ship 
v (rain/man) = v ( − ˆj ) − 6iˆ
For this to be at angle 45°
v = 6 m/s
19. Answer (3)
 
Hint: ( A + B ) is in fourth quadrant.
 
Sol.: A + B= (4iˆ − 2 ˆj + 6kˆ ) + ( −2 ˆj − 6kˆ )= 4iˆ − 4 jˆ

tan θ =
 1
θ =tan−1   , north of west
13. Answer (1) ⇒ Angle with y-axis = 135°
Hint: 2-D motion under uniform acceleration. 20. Answer (2)
  
Sol.: v= u + at Hint: Equation of trajectory of a projectile.

v = ( 3i + 8 j ) + ( 2i + 2 ˆj ) t Sol.:

at t = 3 s

v ( 9iˆ + 14 ˆj ) m/s
14. Answer (1)
Hint & Sol.: As, for freely falling bodies, relative
acceleration is zero, the monkey will get hit by the

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All India Aakash Test Series for Medical-2021 Test - 2 (Code-C)_(Hints & Solutions)

1 x2
( )
=y x tan θ − g 1 + tan2 θ
2 u2
θ 45°⇒ tan ( θ=
= ) 1
y = 10 m
x = 20 m
20 m/s Time of flight= T=
21. Answer (1)
 2h
 d 2r = = u
x uT
Hint: a = 2 g

 dr
( )
Sol.: =
v = 10tiˆ + 3 ˆj m/s ⇒u=x
dt 2h
 28. Answer (3)
 dv
= ( )
a = 10iˆ m/s2
dt Hint: Speed at top most point ucos(θ)
1 1  1
22. Answer (1) m ( u cos ( θ ) )
Sol.: = mu 2 

Hint: v B /=
 
vB − vE 4  2  2
 1
Sol.: v B=
/E 10iˆ − 20 jˆ cos ( θ ) =
 θ = 60°
vB /E = (10 )2 + ( 20 )2 = 10 5 m/s
29. Answer (1)
23. Answer (4)      
Hint: OA,OB, OC,OD,OE and OF all are unit
Hint & Sol.: A particle under action of constant
force follows either a rectilinear path or a      
parabolic path. Sol.: OA + OB + OC + OD + OE + OF
    
= (OA + OD ) + (OB + OE ) + OC
24. Answer (4)
Hint & Sol.: The angle is 90° for uniform circular   
motion only. For circular motions with increasing = 0 + 0 + OC
and decreasing speeds, the angle is acute and 
= OC = 1 m
obtuse respectively.
30. Answer (4)
25. Answer (4)
  Hint: a = v2/R
 dr  dv
Hint: v = ;a  v2
dt dt Sol.: ∆a =2
 R
Sol.: r cos ( 3t ) iˆ + sin ( 3t ) ˆj
31. Answer (2)

 dr Hint: Horizontal component of velocity remains
v = 3 sin ( 3t ) tˆ + 3 cos ( 3t ) jˆ
= =
constant in projectile motion, i.e. u cos θ v cos α
 Sol.: 30cos60° = vcos45°
 dv 
a= =−9 cos ( 3t ) iˆ − 9 sin ( 3t ) ˆj =
dt v = 15 2 m/s
 32. Answer (4)
∴ acceleration is antiparallel r
  1 
26. Answer (3) r u cos ( θ ) t iˆ +  u sin ( θ ) t − gt 2  jˆ
Hint & Sol.: From triangle law of vector addition,  2 
   =
Sol.: u cos θ 20
= cos ( 30 ) 10 3 m/s
a+b = c
  1 2
27. Answer (2) =r 10 3 x (10 ) iˆ +  10 × 10 − × (10 )(10 )  ˆj
Hint: Horizontal projection of projectile  2 

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Test - 2 (Code-C)_(Hints & Solutions) All India Aakash Test Series for Medical-2021

= 100 3iˆ + ( −400 ) jˆ 36. Answer (3)

Hint & Sol.: At maximum height, the speed is

(100 3 ) minimum and not equal to zero.
+ ( 400 )
37. Answer (4)
30000 + 160000 =
100 19 m Hint & Sol.:

33. Answer (3)

 x
Hint: y= x tan θ  1 − 
 R

 x
Sol.: y= x tan θ  1 − 
 R
New vector will be along (negative z)
dy 2 x tan ( θ )
m= = tan ( θ ) − = −3kˆ
dx R
38. Answer (2)
dm 2 tan ( θ ) dx 2u tan ( θ )
0− =
− x u 2 sin ( 2θ )
dt R dt R Hint: Horizontal Range (R) =
∴ =
a negative constant
Sol.: 20 =
( 20 )2 sin ( 2θ )
34. Answer (4) (10 )
Hint: Relative motion in 2-D =200 ( 400 ) sin ( 2θ )
Sol.: Resolving: 1
sin ( 2θ ) =
2θ= 30°
θ= 15° (with the horizontal)
⇒ 75° (with the vertical)
39. Answer (3)
Hint & Sol.: Both particles have zero initial
vertical velocity and therefore, would reach the
ground simultaneously.
Both particles will collide ⇒ minimum
separation = 0 40. Answer (1)
Hint: Equation of trajectory of a projectile
35. Answer (2)
Hint: Rain-man problem. =y x tan θ −
gx 2
2u 2
1 + tan2 θ )
Sol.: Comparing with equation of trajectory
b = tan(θ)
θ = tan–1(b)
41. Answer (2)
 
Hint: B || nB if n > 0

Sol.: 8 B has magnitude 8 times the magnitude
62 + v girl
2  
of B and has same direction as that of B .
v girl = 8 m/s 
∴ Magnitude of 8B = 8 × 5 = 40 unit

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42. Answer (2) zero and ball would appear to fall vertically
Hint & Sol.: In uniform circular motion, the downwards.
magnitude of acceleration (centripetal 44. Answer (1)
acceleration) is constant but its direction is Hint & Sol.: x = 3t, y = 4t + 4
variable. Thus statement (a) is wrong. For a
moving body, distance can never be zero but t=
displacement can be zero. 3
43. Answer (2) 4x
y +4
Hint: Relative motion in 2-D. 3
Sol.: As the ball is dropped, the horizontal 45. Answer (3)
velocity of ball and plane will be same. Thus Hint & Sol.: If θ1 + θ2 = 90°, the range of
relative velocity in horizontal direction would be projectiles is same.

46. Answer (3) [Ne]3s23p1 = Al
Hint: Anions are larger than cations, in case of [Ar]4s2 = Ca
isoelectronic species Order of (IE)1
Sol.: Size decreases with increase in effective Mg > Ca > Al > Na
nuclear charge.
51. Answer (3)
The correct order of ionic radii is
Hint: Transition metals have incomplete
So, P3– > S2– > Cl– > K+ d-subshell either in neutral atom or in their ions.
47. Answer (4) Sol.: (n – 1)d5ns2 is a typical transition element
Hint: F has lower negative electron gain enthalpy while ns1 is an s-block (group 1) element
than Cl. (n – 1)d10ns2np5 and ns2np5 are p-block (group
17) elements.
Sol.: ∆egH (kJ mol–1)
52. Answer (2)
F –328
Hint: AB2 type molecules with no lone pair of
Cl –349 electrons on central atom are linear.
S –200 Sol.: H2O, SO2 are bent, SO3 is trigonal planar.
O –141 Be in BeF2 is sp hybridised with no lone pair,
48. Answer (1) hence, linear.
53. Answer (3)
Hint: Al3+ has 10 electrons
Sol.: Both Al3+ ion and O2– ion have 10 electrons =
Hint: Bond order (Nb − Na )
each, hence, these are isoelectronic.
Where Nb = Number of electrons in bonding
49. Answer (2)
orbitals and Na = Number of electrons in
Hint: Fully filled and half filled subshells are antibonding orbitals.
found to be extraordinarily stable.
Sol.: NO+ and CO both have 14 electrons each
Sol.: Be ...... 2s2 fully filled hence will have the same bond order i.e. 3.
N ...... 2p3 half filled 54. Answer (2)
Hint: H atom bonded with F, O and N generally
Above electronic configurations are associated
gets involved in H-bonding.
with extra stability. Hence, their electron gain
enthalpies are positive. 55. Answer (2)
50. Answer (3) Hint: Hybridisation depends upon the value of n.
n = number of bond pair + number of lone pair.
Hint: Ionisation energy increases with increase in
effective nuclear charge Sol.: NH3; n = 3bp + 1 lp = 4 ∴ sp3 hybridisation

Sol.: [Ne]3s1 = Na SO3; n = 3bp + 0 lp = 3 ∴ sp2 hybridisation

[Ne]3s2 = Mg CO2; n = 2bp + 0 lp = 2 ∴ sp hybridisation

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Test - 2 (Code-C)_(Hints & Solutions) All India Aakash Test Series for Medical-2021

56. Answer (3) 65. Answer (2)

Hint: Chemical species having unpaired Hint: Bond order in SO24− ion
electron(s) are called paramagnetic while species
having all the electrons paired are called number of σ bonds + π bonds
diamagnetic. number of σ bonds
Sol.: O2, O2+ & O2– have unpaired electrons 6
Sol.: Bond order of S – O in SO24− ion= = 1.5
hence, paramagnetic but O22−
has all electrons 4
paired. Therefore, it is diamagnetic.
57. Answer (2)
Hint: Dipole moment is a vector quantity.

Sol.: 66. Answer (4)

Hint: Hybridisation of S in SF4 is sp3d.
58. Answer (1)
Hint: CH3 − CH =C =C2H − CH2 − OCH3
sp sp Sol.:
59. Answer (4)
Hint: sp hybridized central atom acquires linear
structure 67. Answer (3)
Sol.: O= N= O is linear. Hint: With increase of charge on anion,
polarisability will increase.
60. Answer (3)
Hint: In PCl5, there are 10 electrons around P Sol.: C4– > N3– > O2– > F– : Polarizability.
atom, So, it is an example of expanded octet. 68. Answer (1)
61. Answer (4)
Hint: In trigonal bipyramidal molecule two axial
bonds are longer than three equatorial bonds.
Hint: K+ O– – H, , Na C ≡ N.
Sol.: In ammonia all three N – H bond lengths
are equal.
In all the above structures both ionic and covalent
bonds are present. 69. Answer (4)
62. Answer (3) ( )
Hint: N2 14e− = σ1s 2 , σ ∗ 1s 2 , σ2s 2 , σ ∗ 2s 2
Hint: Br has 7 electrons in outermost shell.
π2 px 2

 , σ2 pz 2

 π2 py

Sol.: has 3 bp + 2 lp.

10 − 4
Sol.: Bond order of N2 molecule = 3
63. Answer (2)
+ 9−4
Hint: MO configuration of C2 is Bond order of N2=ion = 2.5
σ1s2σ * 1s2σ2s2σ * 2s2  − 10 − 5
π2p y
Bond order of N=
2 ion = 2.5
Sol.: C2 has two π bonds only.
70. Answer (1)
64. Answer (1)
Hint: Molecule having an unpaired electron is
called an odd electron species.
Sol.: NO2 has one unpaired electron so, it is an
odd electron species. In CO2, SO2 and CO
molecules, all the electrons are paired. Intramolecular H-bonding

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71. Answer (3) 78. Answer (3)

Hint: HClO4 :

Hint: Dipole moment of molecule is zero.

There are three Cl = O bonds in HClO4.
79. Answer (3)
Hint: On increasing bond order, bond length
Sol.: B.O. in CO = 3
B.O. in CO2 = 2
Sol.: dipole moment = x D
B.O. in CO32– ion= = 1.33
∴ Longest C – O bond length will be found in
72. Answer (2) CO32– ion.
Hint: If in a molecule or ion, bond order is 0, 80. Answer (2)
then, the molecule or ion will not exist. Hint: Oδ− – Hδ+ ... F− will be strongest.
2−2 Sol.: Strength of H-bond follows the order
Sol.: B.O. in =
He2 = 0
2 F ... H > O ... H > N ... H
73. Answer (3) 81. Answer (4)
Hint: In KO2, O2 –
ion is present which is Hint: In H – C ≡ N there are 2σ and 2π bonds.
Sol.: In, 4σ, 1π bonds
Sol.: BaO2 has O22− ion which is diamagnetic.

AlO2– has O2− ion which is diamagnetic. NO2+

ion has all the electrons paired, hence it is also In, 4σ, 2π bonds
74. Answer (4)
Hint: CO2 is linear, HgCl2 is also linear. On the In, O = N – N = O 3σ, 2π bonds
other hand SO2, NO2, I3+ are bent.
82. Answer (3)
75. Answer (4) Hint: Bond type Bond length (pm)
Hint: Double bond has 1σ and 1π bond. C–H 107
C–C 154
Sol.: C–N 143
83. Answer (2)
Hint: C – N bond in CN– ion is polar.
Number of σ bonds = 16
While N – N bond in N2 is non polar.
Number of π bonds = 2 84. Answer (3)
76. Answer (3)
Hint: NO is paramagnetic while NO+ is Hint: In , there is no π bond.
Sol.: Bond order in NO = 2.5
Bond order in NO+ = 3
Sol.: has 2π bonds
77. Answer (2)

Hint: represents π-antibonding O = C = O has 2π bonds

molecular orbital. N≡N has 2π bonds

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Test - 2 (Code-C)_(Hints & Solutions) All India Aakash Test Series for Medical-2021

85. Answer (1) 88. Answer (3)

Hint: F.C. = total number of valence electrons
– total number of nonbonding electrons − (total Hint: has 2 l.p. on central atom.
number of bonding electrons)
Sol.: F.C. on central oxygen atom of O3 Sol.: Xe in XeF6 has 1 lone pair
1 S in SO3 has 0 lone pair
= 6 − 2 − (6)
= +1 P in PO34− has 0 lone pair
86. Answer (2)
89. Answer (4)

P is sp hybridized and it acquires tetrahedral
Both are sp3 hybridized.
87. Answer (2)
Hint: NO2+ has linear geometry. 90. Answer (3)
Sol.: Molecule/ion Bond angle Hint: A metal ion having pseudo inert gas like
NO2+ configuration i.e. having complete d subshell is
found to have greater covalent character.
NO2 134°
Sol.: AgCl has the highest degree of covalent
NO2− 115° character.

91. Answer (3) Monocotyledonae. Both belong to the division
Hint: Metabolic reactions that occur in vitro are Angiospermae.
living reactions. 95. Answer (2)
Sol.: Metabolism is defining feature of all living Hint: ICBN - International Code of Botanical
organisms because non living objects do not Nomenclature
show metabolism. Sol.: The set of rules and recommendations
92. Answer (3) dealing with the formal names of plants is given
in ICBN. Plant cells have cellulosic cell wall.
Hint: First word in the biological name of an
96. Answer (1)
organism is generic name.
Hint: Linnaeus proposed ‘two kingdom system’ of
Sol.: Author citation is written after the specific classification.
epithet of the organism.
Sol.: Kingdom Plantae and Kingdom Animalia
93. Answer (3) were the two kingdoms proposed by Linnaeus.
Hint: Herbaria and botanical gardens are 97. Answer (4)
concerned with plants only. Hint: Some members in Protista and Monera are
Sol.: Museum is a place used for storing, autotrophs.
preservation and exhibition of both plants and Sol.: All the members of Fungi and Animalia are
animals. Catalogue includes the alphabetical heterotrophic.
arrangement of species of a particular place 98. Answer (1)
describing their feature.
Hint: Three-domain system divides the kingdom
94. Answer (1) Monera into two domains.
Hint: Wheat and mango, both are angiosperms. Sol.: Three domains are Bacteria, Archaea and
Sol.: Mango belongs to the class Dicotyledonae Eukarya. All the eukaryotes are grouped in
and wheat belongs to the class Eukarya.

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99. Answer (4) 107. Answer (2)

Hint: Lichens cannot tolerate air pollution. Hint: Phycobiont is algal partner in lichen.
Sol.: Lichens can grow in most inhospitable and Sol.: Algal partner in lichens picks up water and
uninhabited place but cannot tolerate air pollution mineral salts from the fungus and prepare food
especially due to SO2, therefore these are by the process of photosynthesis.
considered as pollution indicators. 108. Answer (1)
100. Answer (2) Hint: Cyanobacteria are blue-green algae.
Sol.: Cyanobacteria are photosynthetic
Hint: Kingdom Protista includes only unicellular
prokaryotes. They are mainly fresh-water forms,
eukaryotic organisms.
though few are marine.
Sol.: Spirogyra - Kingdom Plantae 109. Answer (4)
Nostoc, Anabaena, Mycoplasma - Kingdom Hint: Heterocysts contain nitrogenase enzyme.
Sol.: Heterocysts lack PS II activities and CO2
Amoeba, Chlamydomonas, Paramoecium, fixation is done only by vegetative cells. PS I in
Chlorella, Euglena, Gonyaulax - Kingdom Protista heterocyst generates ATP required to fix
101. Answer (3) nitrogen.
Hint: Cellulosic cell wall is found in plants. 110. Answer (3)
Hint: Potato spindle tuber disease is caused by a
Sol.: Cell wall in monerans (except
Archaebacteria and Mycoplasma) is made up of
peptidoglycan and cell wall in fungi is made up of Sol.: Viroids are infectious RNA particles which
chitin. were discovered by T.O. Diener.
102. Answer (4) 111. Answer (3)
Sol.: Heterotrophic bacteria are most abundant in
Hint: Bovine spongiform encephalopathy is nature. The majority are important decomposers.
caused by a prion.
112. Answer (2)
Sol.: Prions are abnormally folded infectious
Hint: The bacteria exhibit a primitive form of
protein particles. They lack nucleic acid.
sexual reproduction.
103. Answer (3) Sol.: In bacteria, there is no gamete formation
Hint: Both algae and fungi are eukaryotic. and fusion. Exchange of genetic material, i.e.,
genetic recombination occurs by transformation,
Sol.: Algae are photosynthetic and fungi are non-
conjugation and transduction methods.
113. Answer (1)
104. Answer (2)
Hint: Diatoms are photosynthetic protists and are
Hint: Sole members of kingdom Monera are called Chrysophytes.
Sol.: Diatoms are found in fresh water as well as
Sol.: Bacteria are structurally simple but very in marine water. They float passively in water
complex in behaviour. current. Their silica embedded cell wall forms
105. Answer (1) diatomaceous earth.
114. Answer (2)
Hint: Vibrium is comma-shaped.
Hint: Chemosynthetic autotrophic bacteria do not
Sol.: Coccus - Spherical utilise light as energy source.
Bacillus - Rod-shaped Sol.: Chemosynthetic autotrophic bacteria obtain
Spirillum - Spiral energy for the synthesis of food by oxidising
ceratin inorganic substances.
106. Answer (4)
115. Answer (4)
Hint: Methanogens produce methane from the Hint: Bacteria play a great role in recycling of
dung of ruminants. nutrients like nitrogen, phosphorous, iron and
Sol.: Methanogens are Archaebacteria. They sulphur.
have a different cell wall structure than other Sol.: Mumps is a viral disease and viruses do not
bacteria. play a role in recycling of nutrients.

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Test - 2 (Code-C)_(Hints & Solutions) All India Aakash Test Series for Medical-2021

116. Answer (1) 125. Answer (2)

Hint: Viroids are infectious RNA particles which Hint: Paramoecium is a ciliated protozoan.
are devoid of protein coat. Sol.: Trypanosoma is a flagellated protozoan.
Sol.: Both viruses and viroids are obligate Marine forms of amoeboid protozoans have silica
parasites. Both of them cause disease in plants. shells on their surface. Plasmodium causes
117. Answer (3)
126. Answer (1)
Hint: Mycoplasma lack cell wall.
Hint: Spores of slime moulds are extremely
Sol.: Mycoplasma infects both animals and resistant and survive for many years.
plants and have both RNA and DNA. Sol.: During unfavourable conditions entire
118. Answer (1) plasmodium forms sporocarp which contains a
Hint: Kingdom Protista has only unicellular stalk having a sporangium at its tip. In sporangia
eukaryotic organisms. spores are produced. Spores have cell wall
127. Answer (3)
Sol.: Boundaries of Kingdom Protista are not well
defined. They have the features of fungi, plants Hint: Chlamydospores are formed under
and animals. unfavourable conditions.
119. Answer (4) Sol.: Chlamydospores are thick walled resting
resistant spores.
Hint: Protista reproduce sexually by a process
128. Answer (4)
involving cell fusion and zygote formation.
Hint: Zoospores are formed in the members of
Sol.: Crysophytes are mostly photosynthetic. All Phycomycetes.
the major groups of protozoans have parasitic
individuals. Sol.: In Phycomycetes, the mycelia are aseptate
and coenocytic. Their spores are produced
120. Answer (1) endogenously. They also reproduce sexually.
Sol.: In diatoms the cell wall has two thin 129. Answer (1)
overlapping shells which fit together like a soap Sol.: Venus flytrap is partially heterotrophic plant.
130. Answer (4)
121. Answer (2)
Hint: In wheat, rust is caused by Puccinia and
Hint: Diatoms are the chief producers in the smut is caused by Ustilago.
Sol.: Both Puccinia and Ustilago are the
Sol.: Walls in diatoms are embedded with silica. members of Basidiomycetes.
Large amount of their cell wall deposits in their 131. Answer (2)
habitat forms diatomaceous earth over billion of
years. Hint: The given figure is of Aspergillus.
Sol.: Aspergillus belong to the class
122. Answer (3)
Ascomycetes (sac-fungi). It produces conidia
Hint: M.W. Beijerinck used the extract of the exogenously.
infected plants of tobacco to which he called 132. Answer (2)
‘Contagium vivum fluidum’.
Hint: Agaricus is a member of Basidiomycetes.
Sol.: The extract of infected tobacco plant
Sol.: In Agarcius, the dikaryotic structure
contained tobacco mosaic virus (TMV).
ultimately gives rise to basidium in which
123. Answer (3) karyogamy and meiosis take place.
Hint: Viruses cannot synthesise proteins by self. 133. Answer (1)
Sol.: No virus contains both RNA and DNA. They Hint: Deuteromycetes are commonly known as
have either RNA or DNA. imperfect fungi.
124. Answer (2) Sol.: Alternaria, Colletotrichum and Trichoderma
are the members of Deuteromycetes.
Hint: Cilia and cell wall are not found in
euglenoids. 134. Answer (4)
Hint: Early blight of potato is caused by
Sol.: Euglenoids have a covering of pellicle which
Alternaria and late blight of potato is caused by
is proteinaceous. This covering provides flexibility
to the organisms.

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Sol.: Alternaria is the member of Deuteromycetes appendix (a finger-like tubular projection) which
and Phytophthora is the member of arises from the caecum, is vestigial in human
phycomycetes. beings. Caecum opens into the colon.
135. Answer (3) 143. Answer (4)
Hint: The fungus which is used extensively in Hint: Disorder that is preceded by nausea.
biochemical and genetic work belongs to Sol.: Vomiting is the ejection of stomach contents
Ascomycetes through mouth.
Sol.: Neurospora is used extensively in Indigestion is caused due to inadequate enzyme
biochemical and genetic work. They produce secretion, anxiety, food poisoning, overeating and
asexual spores exogenously and ascospores spicy food.
144. Answer (4)
136. Answer (3)
Hint: Identify the characteristic feature of
Hint: These are involved in grinding of food. kwashiorkor disease.
Sol.: Premolars and last molar are a part of Sol.: Marasmus is produced by a simultaneous
permanent dentition. deficiency of proteins and calories. It is found in
137. Answer (2) infants less than one year of age. In Marasmus,
Hint: Product of mastication that passes from oral both growth rate and body weight decline
cavity to stomach. considerably.
Sol.: In stomach, food mixes with acidic gastric 145. Answer (1)
juice by the churning movements producing Hint: Structure that has a cystic duct.
chyme. Sol.: Gall bladder stores bile composed of bile
138. Answer (2) pigments, bile salts, cholesterol and
phospholipids but no enzymes.
Hint: 70% starch is hydrolysed in small intestine
146 Answer (4)
Sol.: Salivary amylase converts starch into
maltose. Hint: Ileum is the last part of the small intestine.
Sol.: Ileo-caecal valve prevents the backward
flow of the faecal matter. The faecal matter is
temporarily stored in the rectum till defecation.
139. Answer (4)
Sphincter of Boyden controls opening of common
Hint: Enzyme which acts on nucleic acid bile duct into hepatopancreatic duct.
Sol.: The enzymes in succus entericus are a part 147. Answer (2)
of intestinal juice. It includes dipeptidases,
Hint: Enzyme secreted by accessory digestive
maltase, lactase, sucrase, nucleotidase,
nucleosidase and intestinal lipases.
Sol.: Carbohydrates in the chyme are hydrolysed
140. Answer (1)
by pancreatic amylase into disaccharides.
Hint: Layer which is located outer to mucosa
148. Answer (2)
Sol.: The submucosal layer is formed of loose
Hint: Lymph turns white upon absorption of lipids.
connective tissue containing nerves, blood and
lymph vessels. In duodenum, Brunner’s glands Sol.: B-Lacteals, A-Villi,
are present in sub mucosal layer. C-Artery, D-Vein
141. Answer (1) 149. Answer (2)
Hint: Digested food gets absorbed in small Hint: Largest gland of the body.
intestine. Sol.: Hepatic lobule is the structural and
Sol.: Bio-macromolecules (protein, nucleic acids, functional unit of liver. Glisson’s capsule is a
polysaccharides and lipids) have to be broken mammalian feature.
down and converted into simple substances in 150. Answer (4)
the digestive system.
Hint: Assimilation occurs after digestion and
142. Answer (2) absorption.
Hint: Identify a part of large intestine. Sol.: Although absorption in human digestive
Sol.: Caecum is a small blind sac which hosts system occurs chiefly in small intestine, some
some symbiotic micro-organisms. Vermiform amount of absorption also occurs in the stomach.

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Test - 2 (Code-C)_(Hints & Solutions) All India Aakash Test Series for Medical-2021

151. Answer (1) 160. Answer (1)

Hint: Frenulum means a small fold. Hint: Source and target organ of this hormone is
Sol.: Tongue is a voluntary muscular and stomach.
glandular structure which occupies the floor of the Sol.: Secretin promotes release of bicarbonates
mouth. It is attached to the floor of the mouth by a in the pancreatic juice. It increases secretion of
fold called the lingual frenulum. bile and decreases gastric secretion and motility.
152. Answer (3) Somatostatin suppresses the release of
Hint: Dentition that has well-developed roots. hormones from digestive tract.
Sol.: When a set of temporary milk teeth are 161. Answer (3)
replaced by a set of permanent teeth, the type of
Hint: Wheezing occurs due to constriction of
dentition is called diphyodont.
153. Answer (1)
Sol.: Asthma occurs due to allergic reaction to
Hint: Structure into which the buccal cavity foreign substances that affect the respiratory
opens. tract.
Sol.: A cartilaginous flap called epiglottis prevents
162. Answer (4)
the entry of food into the glottis i.e. opening of the
wind pipe, during swallowing. Hint: Residual volume remains same in lungs
154. Answer (4) even after a forceful exhalation.
Hint: Cells which are wine glass shaped in Sol.: Expiratory capacity is a sum of tidal volume
structure. and expiratory reserve volume.
Sol.: Parietal cells secrete HCl and goblet cells EC = TV + ERV
secrete mucus. = 500 + 1000
155. Answer (4) = 1500 ml.
Hint: Structure related to tonsils. 163. Answer (2)
Sol.: Lymphoid tissue of pharynx is called tonsil. Hint: Largest class in the animal kingdom.
Tonsils are arranged in a ring like-manner called -
Waldeyer’s ring. Sol.: Lower invertebrates like sponges,
coelenterates, flatworms, etc, exchange O2 with
156. Answer (4)
CO2 by simple diffusion over their entire body
Hint: Structure that has maximum surface area. surface.
Sol.: In small intestine, the cells forming the villi 164. Answer (2)
produce numerous microscopic projections called
microvilli which give a brush border appearance. Hint: Spinal cord is dorsal in humans.
These modifications increase the surface area Sol.: The thoracic chamber is formed dorsally by
enormously. the vertebral column, ventrally by the sternum,
157. Answer (4) laterally by the ribs and on the lower side by
Hint: Identify water insoluble substances. dome-shaped diaphragm.
Sol.: Fatty acids and glycerol are first 165. Answer (4)
incorporated into small droplets called micelles Hint: Bronchioles of conducting part have
which move into the intestinal mucosa. They are cartilaginous rings.
rearranged into very small protein coated fat Sol.: The trachea, primary, secondary and tertiary
globules called the chylomicrons which are bronchi and initial bronchioles are supported by
transported into lacteals in villi. Lacteals incomplete cartilaginous rings.
ultimately release the absorbed substances into
the blood stream. 166. Answer (1)
158. Answer (4) Hint: Reflex related to stretch receptors.
Hint: Present in beverages like wine. Sol.: In the walls of bronchi and bronchioles,
Sol.: Absorption of water, simple sugars and stretch receptors are located and are stimulated
alcohol takes place in stomach. No significant by overstretching of lungs. Nerve impulses are
digestive activity occurs in the large intestine. sent along the vagus nerve to inhibit the
inspiratory area. This results in cessation of
159. Answer (1)
inhalation and start of exhalation. Therefore, it is
Hint: Action of amylase mainly a protective mechanism for preventing
Sol.: Salivary amylase acts optimally at pH 6.8. excessive inflation of lungs.

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All India Aakash Test Series for Medical-2021 Test - 2 (Code-C)_(Hints & Solutions)

167. Answer (4) Sol.: Diffusion / respiratory / alveolar-capillary

Hint: Forced exhalation is an active process. membrane is made up of three layers:
Sol.: Forceful exhalation is due to contraction of (i) Thin squamous epithelium of alveoli.
internal intercostals and abdominal muscles. (ii) Endothelial lining of alveolar capillaries.
168. Answer (3) (iii) Between the above two layers acellular
Hint: Expulsion of air from lungs to atmosphere. basement substance is present.
Sol.: Expiration is the moving of air out of lungs 175. Answer (3)
when the pressure within the lungs is more than Hint: About 7% of CO2 is carried in dissolved
the atmospheric pressure. state through plasma.
169. Answer (2) Sol.: About 97% of O2 is transported by RBCs in
Hint: Rate of breathing is higher in newborns the blood. The remaining 3% of O2 is carried in
than adults. dissolved state through plasma.
Sol.: Breathing rate is nearly 40 times per minute 176. Answer (3)
in newly born. Hint: ‘S’ shaped curve is obtained.
170. Answer (4) Sol.: Sigmoid curve is called the oxygen
Hint: Tidal volume is the air breathed in or out in dissociation curve, is highly useful in studying the
a normal breath. effect of factors like pCO2, H+ concentration, etc,
on binding of O2 with haemoglobin.
Sol.: 177. Answer (3)
Hint: High pCO2 shifts oxygen dissociation curve
to right.
Sol.: A rise in pCO2 or fall in pH decreases
oxygen affinity of haemoglobin, raising the P50
value. Conversely, a fall in pCO2 and rise in pH
increases oxygen affinity of haemoglobin.
178. Answer (1)
171. Answer (2) Hint: Central chemoreceptors are located in
Hint: VC = ERV + TV + IRV. medulla.
Sol.: Total lung capacity includes residual Sol.: Increase in CO2 and H+ ions can activate
volume, expiratory reserve volume, tidal volume the rhythm centre, which in turn can signal the
and inspiratory reserve volume. rhythm centre to make necessary adjustments in
the respiratory process by which these
172. Answer (4)
substances can be eliminated. Central chemo
Hint: Spirometer can only measure air being receptors can recognize changes in CO2 and H+
breathed in or out. concentration and send necessary signals to the
Sol.: With exception of FRC, RV and TLC, all rhythm centre for remedial actions.
other lung volumes and capacities can be 179. Answer (2)
measured with the help of a simple spirometer.
Hint: Both centres are located within hindbrain.
173. Answer (1)
Sol.: The respiratory centre is composed of a
Hint: In systemic arteries, pCO2 is lower and pO2 group of neurons located in the medulla
is higher. oblongata. The pneumotaxic centre regulates the
Sol.: rate of breathing.
Respiratory rhythm centre and pneumotaxic
centre are located in medulla oblongata and pons
region of hindbrain respectively.
180. Answer (2)
Hint: In emphysema, lungs remain inflated as
174. Answer (3) exhalation becomes difficult.
Hint: Diffusion membrane is the respiratory Sol.: In emphysema, alveolar sacs remain filled
membrane. with air even after expiration.

  

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Test – 2 (Code-D)_(Answers) All India Aakash Test Series for Medical-2021

All India Aakash Test Series for Medical - 2021

TEST - 2 (Code-D)
Test Date : 10/11/2019

1. (3) 37. (1) 73. (2) 109. (3) 145. (2)
2. (1) 38. (2) 74. (3) 110. (1) 146. (4)
3. (2) 39. (1) 75. (4) 111. (4) 147. (2)
4. (2) 40. (1) 76. (3) 112. (2) 148. (3)
5. (2) 41. (1) 77. (4) 113. (1) 149. (4)
6. (1) 42. (1) 78. (1) 114. (2) 150. (1)
7. (3) 43. (4) 79. (2) 115. (3) 151. (4)
8. (2) 44. (2) 80. (3) 116. (3) 152. (2)
9. (4) 45. (1) 81. (2) 117. (4) 153. (2)
10. (3) 46. (3) 82. (2) 118. (1) 154. (4)
11. (2) 47. (4) 83. (3) 119. (2) 155. (3)
12. (4) 48. (3) 84. (2) 120. (4) 156. (1)
13. (3) 49. (2) 85. (3) 121. (1) 157. (1)
14. (4) 50. (2) 86. (3) 122. (2) 158. (4)
15. (2) 51. (1) 87. (2) 123. (3) 159. (4)
16. (4) 52. (3) 88. (1) 124. (4) 160. (4)
17. (1) 53. (2) 89. (4) 125. (3) 161. (4)
18. (3) 54. (3) 90. (3) 126. (2) 162. (4)
19. (2) 55. (4) 91. (3) 127. (4) 163. (1)
20. (3) 56. (2) 92. (4) 128. (1) 164. (3)
21. (4) 57. (3) 93. (1) 129. (4) 165. (1)
22. (4) 58. (3) 94. (2) 130. (1) 166. (4)
23. (4) 59. (2) 95. (2) 131. (2) 167. (2)
24. (1) 60. (3) 96. (4) 132. (1) 168. (2)
25. (1) 61. (4) 97. (1) 133. (3) 169. (2)
26. (2) 62. (4) 98. (4) 134. (3) 170. (4)
27. (3) 63. (3) 99. (3) 135. (3) 171. (1)
28. (4) 64. (2) 100. (1) 136. (2) 172. (4)
29. (4) 65. (3) 101. (2) 137. (2) 173. (4)
30. (1) 66. (1) 102. (2) 138. (1) 174. (2)
31. (3) 67. (4) 103. (3) 139. (3) 175. (1)
32. (1) 68. (1) 104. (3) 140. (3) 176. (1)
33. (1) 69. (3) 105. (2) 141. (3) 177. (4)
34. (4) 70. (4) 106. (1) 142. (3) 178. (2)
35. (2) 71. (2) 107. (4) 143. (1) 179. (2)
36. (4) 72. (1) 108. (1) 144. (4) 180. (3)

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All India Aakash Test Series for Medical-2021 Test - 2 (Code-D)_(Hints & Solutions)


1. Answer (3) =200 ( 400 ) sin ( 2θ )
Hint & Sol.: If θ1 + θ2 = 90°, the range of
projectiles is same. sin ( 2θ ) =
2. Answer (1) 2
Hint & Sol.: x = 3t, y = 4t + 4 2θ= 30°
x θ= 15° (with the horizontal)
3 ⇒ 75° (with the vertical)
4x 9. Answer (4)
=y +4
3 Hint & Sol.:
3. Answer (2)
Hint: Relative motion in 2-D.
Sol.: As the ball is dropped, the horizontal
velocity of ball and plane will be same. Thus
relative velocity in horizontal direction would be
zero and ball would appear to fall vertically
4. Answer (2) New vector will be along (negative z)
Hint & Sol.: In uniform circular motion, the = −3kˆ
magnitude of acceleration (centripetal
acceleration) is constant but its direction is 10. Answer (3)
variable. Thus statement (a) is wrong. For a Hint & Sol.: At maximum height, the speed is
moving body, distance can never be zero but minimum and not equal to zero.
displacement can be zero. 11. Answer (2)
5. Answer (2) Hint: Rain-man problem.
 
Hint: B || nB if n > 0 Sol.:

Sol.: 8 B has magnitude 8 times the magnitude
 
of B and has same direction as that of B .

∴ Magnitude of 8B = 8 × 5 = 40 unit
6. Answer (1)
Hint: Equation of trajectory of a projectile

=y x tan θ −
gx 2
2u 2
1 + tan2 θ ) 10=
62 + v girl

Sol.: Comparing with equation of trajectory v girl = 8 m/s

b = tan(θ) 12. Answer (4)
θ = tan–1(b) Hint: Relative motion in 2-D
7. Answer (3) Sol.: Resolving:
Hint & Sol.: Both particles have zero initial
vertical velocity and therefore, would reach the
ground simultaneously.
8. Answer (2)
u 2 sin ( 2θ )
Hint: Horizontal Range (R) =

Sol.: 20 =
( 20 )2 sin ( 2θ ) Both particles will collide ⇒ minimum
(10 ) separation = 0

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Test - 2 (Code-D)_(Hints & Solutions) All India Aakash Test Series for Medical-2021

13. Answer (3) 19. Answer (2)

 x Hint: Horizontal projection of projectile
Hint: y= x tan θ  1 − 
 R  Sol.:
 x
Sol.: y= x tan θ  1 − 
 R
dy 2 x tan ( θ )
m= = tan ( θ ) −
dx R
= 0−
2 tan ( θ ) dx
2u tan ( θ )
− x
dt R dt R 2h
Time of flight= T=
dm g
∴ =
a negative constant
dt 2h
= = u
x uT
14. Answer (4) g
  1 
Hint:= r u cos ( θ ) t iˆ +  u sin ( θ ) t − gt 2  ˆj g
 2  ⇒u=x
Sol.: u cos θ 20
= cos ( 30 ) 10 3 m/s 20. Answer (3)
  2
Hint & Sol.: From triangle law of vector addition,
r 10 3 x (10 ) iˆ +  10 × 10 − × (10 )(10 )  ˆj   
 2  a+b = c
21. Answer (4)
= 100 3iˆ + ( −400 ) jˆ  
 dr  dv
Hint: v = ;a

(100 3 )
+ ( 400 )
2 dt dt
=r 
Sol.: r cos ( 3t ) i + sin ( 3t ) ˆj
= ˆ
30000 + 160000 = 100 19 m 
 dr
15. Answer (2) v = 3 sin ( 3t ) tˆ + 3 cos ( 3t ) jˆ
Hint: Horizontal component of velocity remains 
 dv 
constant in projectile motion, i.e. u cos θ v cos α a= = −9 cos ( 3t ) iˆ − 9 sin ( 3t ) ˆj =
Sol.: 30cos60° = vcos45° 
∴ acceleration is antiparallel r
v = 15 2 m/s 22. Answer (4)
16. Answer (4) Hint & Sol.: The angle is 90° for uniform circular
Hint: a = v2/R motion only. For circular motions with increasing
 v2 and decreasing speeds, the angle is acute and
Sol.: ∆a =2 obtuse respectively.
23. Answer (4)
17. Answer (1)
      Hint & Sol.: A particle under action of constant
Hint: OA,OB, OC,OD,OE and OF all are unit force follows either a rectilinear path or a
vectors. parabolic path.
      24. Answer (1)
Sol.: OA + OB + OC + OD + OE + OF   
     Hint: v B /= vB − vE
= (OA + OD ) + (OB + OE ) + OC

   Sol.: v = 10iˆ − 20 jˆ
B /E
= 0 + 0 + OC 
= OC = 1 m
vB /E = (10 )2 + ( 20 )2 = 10 5 m/s

18. Answer (3) 25. Answer (1)

Hint: Speed at top most point ucos(θ)  d 2r
Hint: a = 2
1 1  1 dt
m ( u cos ( θ ) )
Sol.: =  mu 2  
 dr
42  2 Sol.: = (
v = 10tiˆ + 3 ˆj m/s
cos ( θ ) =  dv

2 =
a = 10iˆ m/s2
( )
θ = 60°

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26. Answer (2) 30. Answer (1)

Hint: Equation of trajectory of a projectile. Hint & Sol.: Instantaneous speed is magnitude of
Sol.: instantaneous velocity.
31. Answer (3)
Hint: The relative velocity of A must be directed
towards B from A.
   
Sol.: rA + v At =rB + v B t
   
⇒ (v A − v B ) t =
rB − v A
 
⇒ Therefore v AB = rBA
32. Answer (1)
Hint & Sol.: As, for freely falling bodies, relative
( )
1 x
=y x tan θ − g 2 1 + tan2 θ acceleration is zero, the monkey will get hit by the
2 u
θ 45°⇒ tan ( θ=
= ) 1 33. Answer (1)
y = 10 m Hint: 2-D motion under uniform acceleration.
  
Sol.: v= u + at
x = 20 m

20 m/s v = ( 3i + 8 j ) + ( 2i + 2 ˆj ) t
27. Answer (3) at t = 3 s

 
Hint: ( A + B ) is in fourth quadrant. v ( 9iˆ + 14 ˆj ) m/s
  34. Answer (4)
Sol.: A + B= (4iˆ − 2 ˆj + 6kˆ ) + ( −2 ˆj − 6kˆ )= 4iˆ − 4 jˆ
Hint: Flag flutters in the direction of velocity of
wind with respect to the ship.

Sol.: v = 20iˆ m/s

v wind = 10 ˆj m/s

= (10 ˆj − 20iˆ ) m/s
v wind/ship

⇒ Angle with y-axis = 135°

28. Answer (4)
  
= v (rain) − v (man)
Hint: v (rain/man)

Sol.: As man starts walking with 6 m/s.

Let velocity of rain = v ( − ˆj )
tan θ =
Velocity of man = 6iˆ m/s 20
  1
v (rain/man) = v ( − ˆj ) − 6iˆ θ =tan−1   , north of west
For this to be at angle 45° 35. Answer (2)
v = 6 m/s v2
29. Answer (4) Hint: ac =
Hint: Time of flight = t1 + t2 =
Sol.: From graph, ac tan(37°)t
Sol.: Time of flight = 3 + 5 = 8 s 3
ac = t
2u sin(θ) 4
g v2 3
= t
2 × u × sin(30°) R 4
10 3 3
⇒ v= Rt= × 12 × 1= 3 m/s
u = 80 m/s 4 4

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36. Answer (4) dv
Sol.: Speed is constant ∴ =
Hint: v2 = u2 + 2ats dt

Sol.: v2 = 2 ats dv
Velocity is variable∴ ≠0
v2 = 2 × 2 × 4 
d 2v
= 4 m/s Acceleration vector is also variable ∴ ≠0
dt 2
37. Answer (1)
41. Answer (1)
Hint: Relative acceleration between free falling
particles is zero. Hint & Sol.: Greater the vertical component of
velocity of projection greater would be the time of
Sol.: Since relative acceleration = 0 flight and the maximum height.
∴ relative velocity = 5 + 3 = 8 m/s is constant. 42. Answer (1)
Separation = relative velocity × time Hint: River-swimmer problem with minimum time
of crossing.
= 8 × 4 = 32 m
d 200
38. Answer (2) Sol.: T=
min = = 20 s
v m /R 10
Hint: Use concept of velocity of approach.
43. Answer (4)
Sol.: Velocity along line OP = 10 cos60° = 5 m/s. Hint: Use vector addition.

20 = 3iˆ + 4 jˆ
Sol.: P
= = 4s
Time taken
5  
P + Q = 8iˆ + 7 ˆj
39. Answer (1)
 
Hint: Velocity in circular motion is tangential. Q = 8iˆ + 7 jˆ − P = 8iˆ + 7 jˆ − 3iˆ − 4 jˆ = 5iˆ + 3 jˆ
Thus, angle between acceleration and tangential 
direction would be angle between acceleration Q= 25 + 9= 34
and velocity. 44. Answer (2)
2 2 Hint: Uniformly accelerated motion in two
v 20 400
Sol.: a=
c = = = 40 m/s2 dimensions.
R 10 10
 2h 2 × 20
dv Sol.: Time of flight=
(T) = = 2s
at = 10 m/s2 given g g
1 2
Horizontal Displacement = at
= × 10 × 4 = 20 m

( 202 + 202 )
Displacement =
( 2 × 202 )

= 20 2 m
45. Answer (1)
Hint: v x = u x ,v y = −gt
a 40
tan(θ)= c= = 4
at 10 Sol.: At any time t, the horizontal and vertical
components of velocity can be written as
θ =tan−1(4) vx = 10 m/s and vy = –gt = –10t
40. Answer (1) if velocity is directed at angle 45° with the
 horizontal, then
Hint: In uniform circular motion, speed ( v ) is
 vx = vy
constant, but velocity (v ) is variable due to
change in its direction. 10 = 10t ⇒t=1s

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46. Answer (3) 52. Answer (3)
Hint: A metal ion having pseudo inert gas like
configuration i.e. having complete d subshell is Hint: In , there is no π bond.
found to have greater covalent character.
Sol.: AgCl has the highest degree of covalent
47. Answer (4) Sol.: has 2π bonds

O = C = O has 2π bonds
N≡N has 2π bonds
Both are sp3 hybridized. 53. Answer (2)
48. Answer (3) Hint: C – N bond in CN– ion is polar.
While N – N bond in N2 is non polar.
Hint: has 2 l.p. on central atom. 54. Answer (3)
Hint: Bond type Bond length (pm)
Sol.: Xe in XeF6 has 1 lone pair C–H 107
S in SO3 has 0 lone pair C–C 154
C–N 143
P in PO34− has 0 lone pair
55. Answer (4)
49. Answer (2)
Hint: In H – C ≡ N there are 2σ and 2π bonds.
Hint: NO2+ has linear geometry.
Sol.: Molecule/ion Bond angle Sol.: In, 4σ, 1π bonds
NO2+ 180°
NO2 134°
In, 4σ, 2π bonds
NO2− 115°
50. Answer (2)
In, O = N – N = O 3σ, 2π bonds

Hint: 56. Answer (2)

Hint: Oδ− – Hδ+ ... F− will be strongest.
P is sp3 hybridized and it acquires tetrahedral Sol.: Strength of H-bond follows the order
shape. F ... H > O ... H > N ... H
51. Answer (1) 57. Answer (3)
Hint: F.C. = total number of valence electrons Hint: On increasing bond order, bond length
1 decreases.
– total number of nonbonding electrons − (total
2 Sol.: B.O. in CO = 3
number of bonding electrons) B.O. in CO2 = 2
Sol.: F.C. on central oxygen atom of O3 4
B.O. in CO32– ion= = 1.33
1 3
= 6 − 2 − (6)
2 ∴ Longest C – O bond length will be found in
= +1 CO32– ion.

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58. Answer (3)

Hint: HClO4 : Sol.: dipole moment = x D

There are three Cl = O bonds in HClO4.

59. Answer (2)
66. Answer (1)

Hint: represents π-antibonding

molecular orbital.
60. Answer (3)
Hint: NO is paramagnetic while NO+ is Intramolecular H-bonding
diamagnetic 67. Answer (4)
Sol.: Bond order in NO = 2.5
Bond order in NO = 3 +
( )
Hint: N2 14e− = σ1s 2 , σ ∗ 1s 2 , σ2s 2 , σ ∗ 2s 2

61. Answer (4) π2 px 2

 , σ2 pz 2
Hint: Double bond has 1σ and 1π bond.  π2 py

10 − 4
Sol.: =
Sol.: Bond order of N2 molecule = 3

Number of σ bonds = 16 + 9−4

Bond order of N2=ion = 2.5
Number of π bonds = 2
62. Answer (4) − 10 − 5
Bond order of N=
2 ion = 2.5
Hint: CO2 is linear, HgCl2 is also linear. On the 2
+ 68. Answer (1)
other hand SO2, NO2, I3 are bent.
63. Answer (3) Hint: In trigonal bipyramidal molecule two axial
bonds are longer than three equatorial bonds.
Hint: In KO2, O2– ion is present which is
paramagnetic. Sol.: In ammonia all three N – H bond lengths
are equal.
Sol.: BaO2 has O2 ion which is diamagnetic. 69. Answer (3)

AlO2 has O ion which is diamagnetic. NO2+ Hint: With increase of charge on anion,
ion has all the electrons paired, hence it is also polarisability will increase.
diamagnetic Sol.: C4– > N3– > O2– > F– : Polarizability.
64. Answer (2)
70. Answer (4)
Hint: If in a molecule or ion, bond order is 0,
then, the molecule or ion will not exist. Hint: Hybridisation of S in SF4 is sp3d.

Sol.: B.O. in =
He2 = 0
2 Sol.:
65. Answer (3)

71. Answer (2)

Hint: Dipole moment of molecule is zero. Hint: Bond order in SO24− ion
number of σ bonds + π bonds
number of σ bonds

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6 80. Answer (3)

Sol.: Bond order of S – O in SO24− ion= = 1.5
4 Hint: Chemical species having unpaired
electron(s) are called paramagnetic while species
having all the electrons paired are called
Sol.: O2, O2+ & O2– have unpaired electrons
72. Answer (1) hence, paramagnetic but O22− has all electrons
Hint: Molecule having an unpaired electron is paired. Therefore, it is diamagnetic.
called an odd electron species. 81. Answer (2)
Sol.: NO2 has one unpaired electron so, it is an Hint: Hybridisation depends upon the value of n.
odd electron species. In CO2, SO2 and CO n = number of bond pair + number of lone pair.
molecules, all the electrons are paired. Sol.: NH3; n = 3bp + 1 lp = 4 ∴ sp3 hybridisation
73. Answer (2) SO3; n = 3bp + 0 lp = 3 ∴ sp2 hybridisation
Hint: MO configuration of C2 is
CO2; n = 2bp + 0 lp = 2 ∴ sp hybridisation
π2p2x 82. Answer (2)
σ1s2σ * 1s2σ2s2σ * 2s2 
π2p y
Hint: H atom bonded with F, O and N generally
gets involved in H-bonding.
Sol.: C2 has two π bonds only.
83. Answer (3)
74. Answer (3) 1
Hint: Bond order (Nb − Na )
Hint: Br has 7 electrons in outermost shell. 2
Where Nb = Number of electrons in bonding
orbitals and Na = Number of electrons in
Sol.: has 3 bp + 2 lp. antibonding orbitals.
Sol.: NO+ and CO both have 14 electrons each
hence will have the same bond order i.e. 3.
75. Answer (4) 84. Answer (2)
Hint: AB2 type molecules with no lone pair of
Hint: K+ O– – H, , Na+ C ≡ N. electrons on central atom are linear.
Sol.: H2O, SO2 are bent, SO3 is trigonal planar.
In all the above structures both ionic and covalent Be in BeF2 is sp hybridised with no lone pair,
bonds are present. hence, linear.
76. Answer (3) 85. Answer (3)
Hint: Transition metals have incomplete
Hint: In PCl5, there are 10 electrons around P
d-subshell either in neutral atom or in their ions.
atom, So, it is an example of expanded octet.
Sol.: (n – 1)d5ns2 is a typical transition element
77. Answer (4)
while ns1 is an s-block (group 1) element
Hint: sp hybridized central atom acquires linear (n – 1)d10ns2np5 and ns2np5 are p-block (group
structure 17) elements.
Sol.: O= N= O is linear. 86. Answer (3)
Hint: Ionisation energy increases with increase in
78. Answer (1)
effective nuclear charge
Hint: CH3 − CH =C =C2H − CH2 − OCH3
sp sp Sol.: [Ne]3s1 = Na
79. Answer (2) [Ne]3s2 = Mg
Hint: Dipole moment is a vector quantity. [Ne]3s23p1 = Al
[Ar]4s2 = Ca
Sol.: Order of (IE)1
Mg > Ca > Al > Na

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87. Answer (2) 89. Answer (4)

Hint: Fully filled and half filled subshells are Hint: F has lower negative electron gain enthalpy
than Cl.
found to be extraordinarily stable.
Sol.: ∆egH (kJ mol–1)
Sol.: Be ...... 2s2 fully filled F –328

N ...... 2p3 half filled Cl –349

S –200
Above electronic configurations are associated
O –141
with extra stability. Hence, their electron gain
90. Answer (3)
enthalpies are positive.
Hint: Anions are larger than cations, in case of
88. Answer (1) isoelectronic species
Hint: Al3+ has 10 electrons Sol.: Size decreases with increase in effective
nuclear charge.
Sol.: Both Al3+ ion and O2– ion have 10 electrons The correct order of ionic radii is
each, hence, these are isoelectronic. So, P3– > S2– > Cl– > K+

91. Answer (3) 96. Answer (4)
Hint: The fungus which is used extensively in Hint: In wheat, rust is caused by Puccinia and
biochemical and genetic work belongs to smut is caused by Ustilago.
Ascomycetes Sol.: Both Puccinia and Ustilago are the
Sol.: Neurospora is used extensively in members of Basidiomycetes.
biochemical and genetic work. They produce 97. Answer (1)
asexual spores exogenously and ascospores Sol.: Venus flytrap is partially heterotrophic plant.
98. Answer (4)
92. Answer (4)
Hint: Zoospores are formed in the members of
Hint: Early blight of potato is caused by Phycomycetes.
Alternaria and late blight of potato is caused by Sol.: In Phycomycetes, the mycelia are aseptate
Phytophthora. and coenocytic. Their spores are produced
Sol.: Alternaria is the member of Deuteromycetes endogenously. They also reproduce sexually.
and Phytophthora is the member of 99. Answer (3)
Hint: Chlamydospores are formed under
93. Answer (1) unfavourable conditions.
Hint: Deuteromycetes are commonly known as Sol.: Chlamydospores are thick walled resting
imperfect fungi. resistant spores.
Sol.: Alternaria, Colletotrichum and Trichoderma 100. Answer (1)
are the members of Deuteromycetes. Hint: Spores of slime moulds are extremely
94. Answer (2) resistant and survive for many years.
Hint: Agaricus is a member of Basidiomycetes. Sol.: During unfavourable conditions entire
plasmodium forms sporocarp which contains a
Sol.: In Agarcius, the dikaryotic structure stalk having a sporangium at its tip. In sporangia
ultimately gives rise to basidium in which spores are produced. Spores have cell wall
karyogamy and meiosis take place.
101. Answer (2)
95. Answer (2) Hint: Paramoecium is a ciliated protozoan.
Hint: The given figure is of Aspergillus. Sol.: Trypanosoma is a flagellated protozoan.
Sol.: Aspergillus belong to the class Marine forms of amoeboid protozoans have silica
Ascomycetes (sac-fungi). It produces conidia shells on their surface. Plasmodium causes
exogenously. malaria.

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102. Answer (2) 111. Answer (4)

Hint: Cilia and cell wall are not found in Hint: Bacteria play a great role in recycling of
euglenoids. nutrients like nitrogen, phosphorous, iron and
Sol.: Euglenoids have a covering of pellicle which
is proteinaceous. This covering provides flexibility Sol.: Mumps is a viral disease and viruses do not
to the organisms. play a role in recycling of nutrients.
103. Answer (3) 112. Answer (2)
Hint: Viruses cannot synthesise proteins by self. Hint: Chemosynthetic autotrophic bacteria do not
utilise light as energy source.
Sol.: No virus contains both RNA and DNA. They
have either RNA or DNA. Sol.: Chemosynthetic autotrophic bacteria obtain
energy for the synthesis of food by oxidising
104. Answer (3) ceratin inorganic substances.
Hint: M.W. Beijerinck used the extract of the 113. Answer (1)
infected plants of tobacco to which he called Hint: Diatoms are photosynthetic protists and are
‘Contagium vivum fluidum’. called Chrysophytes.
Sol.: The extract of infected tobacco plant Sol.: Diatoms are found in fresh water as well as
contained tobacco mosaic virus (TMV). in marine water. They float passively in water
105. Answer (2) current. Their silica embedded cell wall forms
Hint: Diatoms are the chief producers in the diatomaceous earth.
ocean. 114. Answer (2)
Sol.: Walls in diatoms are embedded with silica. Hint: The bacteria exhibit a primitive form of
Large amount of their cell wall deposits in their sexual reproduction.
habitat forms diatomaceous earth over billion of Sol.: In bacteria, there is no gamete formation
years. and fusion. Exchange of genetic material, i.e.,
106. Answer (1) genetic recombination occurs by transformation,
conjugation and transduction methods.
Sol.: In diatoms the cell wall has two thin
overlapping shells which fit together like a soap 115. Answer (3)
box. Sol.: Heterotrophic bacteria are most abundant in
nature. The majority are important decomposers.
107. Answer (4)
116. Answer (3)
Hint: Protista reproduce sexually by a process
involving cell fusion and zygote formation. Hint: Potato spindle tuber disease is caused by a
Sol.: Crysophytes are mostly photosynthetic. All
the major groups of protozoans have parasitic Sol.: Viroids are infectious RNA particles which
individuals. were discovered by T.O. Diener.
117. Answer (4)
108. Answer (1)
Hint: Heterocysts contain nitrogenase enzyme.
Hint: Kingdom Protista has only unicellular
eukaryotic organisms. Sol.: Heterocysts lack PS II activities and CO2
fixation is done only by vegetative cells. PS I in
Sol.: Boundaries of Kingdom Protista are not well
heterocyst generates ATP required to fix
defined. They have the features of fungi, plants
and animals.
118. Answer (1)
109. Answer (3)
Hint: Cyanobacteria are blue-green algae.
Hint: Mycoplasma lack cell wall.
Sol.: Cyanobacteria are photosynthetic
Sol.: Mycoplasma infects both animals and prokaryotes. They are mainly fresh-water forms,
plants and have both RNA and DNA. though few are marine.
110. Answer (1) 119. Answer (2)
Hint: Viroids are infectious RNA particles which Hint: Phycobiont is algal partner in lichen.
are devoid of protein coat. Sol.: Algal partner in lichens picks up water and
Sol.: Both viruses and viroids are obligate mineral salts from the fungus and prepare food
parasites. Both of them cause disease in plants. by the process of photosynthesis.

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120. Answer (4) 129. Answer (4)

Hint: Methanogens produce methane from the Hint: Some members in Protista and Monera are
dung of ruminants. autotrophs.
Sol.: Methanogens are Archaebacteria. They Sol.: All the members of Fungi and Animalia are
have a different cell wall structure than other heterotrophic.
bacteria. 130. Answer (1)
121. Answer (1) Hint: Linnaeus proposed ‘two kingdom system’ of
Hint: Vibrium is comma-shaped. classification.
Sol.: Coccus - Spherical Sol.: Kingdom Plantae and Kingdom Animalia
Bacillus - Rod-shaped were the two kingdoms proposed by Linnaeus.
Spirillum - Spiral 131. Answer (2)
122. Answer (2) Hint: ICBN - International Code of Botanical
Hint: Sole members of kingdom Monera are Nomenclature
bacteria. Sol.: The set of rules and recommendations
Sol.: Bacteria are structurally simple but very dealing with the formal names of plants is given
complex in behaviour. in ICBN. Plant cells have cellulosic cell wall.
123. Answer (3) 132. Answer (1)
Hint: Both algae and fungi are eukaryotic. Hint: Wheat and mango, both are angiosperms.
Sol.: Algae are photosynthetic and fungi are non- Sol.: Mango belongs to the class Dicotyledonae
photosynthetic. and wheat belongs to the class
Monocotyledonae. Both belong to the division
124. Answer (4)
Hint: Bovine spongiform encephalopathy is
133. Answer (3)
caused by a prion.
Hint: Herbaria and botanical gardens are
Sol.: Prions are abnormally folded infectious
concerned with plants only.
protein particles. They lack nucleic acid.
Sol.: Museum is a place used for storing,
125. Answer (3)
preservation and exhibition of both plants and
Hint: Cellulosic cell wall is found in plants. animals. Catalogue includes the alphabetical
Sol.: Cell wall in monerans (except arrangement of species of a particular place
Archaebacteria and Mycoplasma) is made up of describing their feature.
peptidoglycan and cell wall in fungi is made up of 134. Answer (3)
Hint: First word in the biological name of an
126. Answer (2) organism is generic name.
Hint: Kingdom Protista includes only unicellular Sol.: Author citation is written after the specific
eukaryotic organisms. epithet of the organism.
Sol.: Spirogyra - Kingdom Plantae 135. Answer (3)
Nostoc, Anabaena, Mycoplasma - Kingdom Hint: Metabolic reactions that occur in vitro are
Monera living reactions.
Amoeba, Chlamydomonas, Paramoecium, Sol.: Metabolism is defining feature of all living
Chlorella, Euglena, Gonyaulax - Kingdom Protista organisms because non living objects do not
127. Answer (4) show metabolism.
Hint: Lichens cannot tolerate air pollution. 136. Answer (2)
Sol.: Lichens can grow in most inhospitable and Hint: In emphysema, lungs remain inflated as
uninhabited place but cannot tolerate air pollution exhalation becomes difficult.
especially due to SO2, therefore these are Sol.: In emphysema, alveolar sacs remain filled
considered as pollution indicators. with air even after expiration.
128. Answer (1) 137. Answer (2)
Hint: Three-domain system divides the kingdom Hint: Both centres are located within hindbrain.
Monera into two domains. Sol.: The respiratory centre is composed of a
Sol.: Three domains are Bacteria, Archaea and group of neurons located in the medulla
Eukarya. All the eukaryotes are grouped in oblongata. The pneumotaxic centre regulates the
Eukarya. rate of breathing.

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Respiratory rhythm centre and pneumotaxic 144. Answer (4)

centre are located in medulla oblongata and pons Hint: Spirometer can only measure air being
region of hindbrain respectively. breathed in or out.
138. Answer (1) Sol.: With exception of FRC, RV and TLC, all
Hint: Central chemoreceptors are located in other lung volumes and capacities can be
medulla. measured with the help of a simple spirometer.
Sol.: Increase in CO2 and H+ ions can activate 145. Answer (2)
the rhythm centre, which in turn can signal the Hint: VC = ERV + TV + IRV.
rhythm centre to make necessary adjustments in
the respiratory process by which these Sol.: Total lung capacity includes residual
substances can be eliminated. Central chemo volume, expiratory reserve volume, tidal volume
receptors can recognize changes in CO2 and H+ and inspiratory reserve volume.
concentration and send necessary signals to the 146. Answer (4)
rhythm centre for remedial actions. Hint: Tidal volume is the air breathed in or out in
139. Answer (3) a normal breath.
Hint: High pCO2 shifts oxygen dissociation curve Sol.:
to right.
Sol.: A rise in pCO2 or fall in pH decreases
oxygen affinity of haemoglobin, raising the P50
value. Conversely, a fall in pCO2 and rise in pH
increases oxygen affinity of haemoglobin.
140. Answer (3)
Hint: ‘S’ shaped curve is obtained.
Sol.: Sigmoid curve is called the oxygen
dissociation curve, is highly useful in studying the 147. Answer (2)
effect of factors like pCO2, H+ concentration, etc, Hint: Rate of breathing is higher in newborns
on binding of O2 with haemoglobin. than adults.
141. Answer (3) Sol.: Breathing rate is nearly 40 times per minute
Hint: About 7% of CO2 is carried in dissolved in newly born.
state through plasma. 148. Answer (3)
Sol.: About 97% of O2 is transported by RBCs in Hint: Expulsion of air from lungs to atmosphere.
the blood. The remaining 3% of O2 is carried in Sol.: Expiration is the moving of air out of lungs
dissolved state through plasma. when the pressure within the lungs is more than
142. Answer (3) the atmospheric pressure.
Hint: Diffusion membrane is the respiratory 149. Answer (4)
membrane. Hint: Forced exhalation is an active process.
Sol.: Diffusion / respiratory / alveolar-capillary Sol.: Forceful exhalation is due to contraction of
membrane is made up of three layers: internal intercostals and abdominal muscles.
(i) Thin squamous epithelium of alveoli.
150. Answer (1)
(ii) Endothelial lining of alveolar capillaries.
Hint: Reflex related to stretch receptors.
(iii) Between the above two layers acellular
Sol.: In the walls of bronchi and bronchioles,
basement substance is present.
stretch receptors are located and are stimulated
143. Answer (1) by overstretching of lungs. Nerve impulses are
Hint: In systemic arteries, pCO2 is lower and pO2 sent along the vagus nerve to inhibit the
is higher. inspiratory area. This results in cessation of
Sol.: inhalation and start of exhalation. Therefore, it is
mainly a protective mechanism for preventing
excessive inflation of lungs.
151. Answer (4)
Hint: Bronchioles of conducting part have
cartilaginous rings.

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Sol.: The trachea, primary, secondary and tertiary transported into lacteals in villi. Lacteals
bronchi and initial bronchioles are supported by ultimately release the absorbed substances into
incomplete cartilaginous rings. the blood stream.
152. Answer (2) 160. Answer (4)
Hint: Spinal cord is dorsal in humans. Hint: Structure that has maximum surface area.
Sol.: The thoracic chamber is formed dorsally by Sol.: In small intestine, the cells forming the villi
the vertebral column, ventrally by the sternum, produce numerous microscopic projections called
laterally by the ribs and on the lower side by microvilli which give a brush border appearance.
dome-shaped diaphragm. These modifications increase the surface area
153. Answer (2) enormously.
Hint: Largest class in the animal kingdom. 161. Answer (4)
Sol.: Lower invertebrates like sponges, Hint: Structure related to tonsils.
coelenterates, flatworms, etc, exchange O2 with Sol.: Lymphoid tissue of pharynx is called tonsil.
CO2 by simple diffusion over their entire body Tonsils are arranged in a ring like-manner called -
surface. Waldeyer’s ring.
154. Answer (4) 162. Answer (4)
Hint: Residual volume remains same in lungs Hint: Cells which are wine glass shaped in
even after a forceful exhalation. structure.
Sol.: Expiratory capacity is a sum of tidal volume Sol.: Parietal cells secrete HCl and goblet cells
and expiratory reserve volume. secrete mucus.
EC = TV + ERV 163. Answer (1)
= 500 + 1000 Hint: Structure into which the buccal cavity
= 1500 ml. opens.
155. Answer (3) Sol.: A cartilaginous flap called epiglottis prevents
Hint: Wheezing occurs due to constriction of the entry of food into the glottis i.e. opening of the
bronchioles. wind pipe, during swallowing.
Sol.: Asthma occurs due to allergic reaction to 164. Answer (3)
foreign substances that affect the respiratory Hint: Dentition that has well-developed roots.
tract. Sol.: When a set of temporary milk teeth are
156. Answer (1) replaced by a set of permanent teeth, the type of
Hint: Source and target organ of this hormone is dentition is called diphyodont.
stomach. 165. Answer (1)
Sol.: Secretin promotes release of bicarbonates Hint: Frenulum means a small fold.
in the pancreatic juice. It increases secretion of Sol.: Tongue is a voluntary muscular and
bile and decreases gastric secretion and motility. glandular structure which occupies the floor of the
Somatostatin suppresses the release of mouth. It is attached to the floor of the mouth by a
hormones from digestive tract. fold called the lingual frenulum.
157. Answer (1) 166. Answer (4)
Hint: Action of amylase Hint: Assimilation occurs after digestion and
Sol.: Salivary amylase acts optimally at pH 6.8. absorption.
158. Answer (4) Sol.: Although absorption in human digestive
system occurs chiefly in small intestine, some
Hint: Present in beverages like wine.
amount of absorption also occurs in the stomach.
Sol.: Absorption of water, simple sugars and
167. Answer (2)
alcohol takes place in stomach. No significant
digestive activity occurs in the large intestine. Hint: Largest gland of the body.
159. Answer (4) Sol.: Hepatic lobule is the structural and
functional unit of liver. Glisson’s capsule is a
Hint: Identify water insoluble substances.
mammalian feature.
Sol.: Fatty acids and glycerol are first
168. Answer (2)
incorporated into small droplets called micelles
which move into the intestinal mucosa. They are Hint: Lymph turns white upon absorption of lipids.
rearranged into very small protein coated fat Sol.: B-Lacteals, A-Villi,
globules called the chylomicrons which are C-Artery, D-Vein

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All India Aakash Test Series for Medical-2021 Test - 2 (Code-D)_(Hints & Solutions)

169. Answer (2) 175. Answer (1)

Hint: Enzyme secreted by accessory digestive Hint: Digested food gets absorbed in small
gland. intestine.
Sol.: Carbohydrates in the chyme are hydrolysed
Sol.: Bio-macromolecules (protein, nucleic acids,
by pancreatic amylase into disaccharides.
polysaccharides and lipids) have to be broken
170 Answer (4) down and converted into simple substances in
Hint: Ileum is the last part of the small intestine. the digestive system.
Sol.: Ileo-caecal valve prevents the backward 176. Answer (1)
flow of the faecal matter. The faecal matter is
temporarily stored in the rectum till defecation. Hint: Layer which is located outer to mucosa
Sphincter of Boyden controls opening of common Sol.: The submucosal layer is formed of loose
bile duct into hepatopancreatic duct. connective tissue containing nerves, blood and
171. Answer (1) lymph vessels. In duodenum, Brunner’s glands
Hint: Structure that has a cystic duct. are present in sub mucosal layer.
Sol.: Gall bladder stores bile composed of bile 177. Answer (4)
pigments, bile salts, cholesterol and Hint: Enzyme which acts on nucleic acid
phospholipids but no enzymes.
Sol.: The enzymes in succus entericus are a part
172. Answer (4)
of intestinal juice. It includes dipeptidases,
Hint: Identify the characteristic feature of maltase, lactase, sucrase, nucleotidase,
kwashiorkor disease. nucleosidase and intestinal lipases.
Sol.: Marasmus is produced by a simultaneous
178. Answer (2)
deficiency of proteins and calories. It is found in
infants less than one year of age. In Marasmus, Hint: 70% starch is hydrolysed in small intestine
both growth rate and body weight decline
Sol.: Salivary amylase converts starch into
173. Answer (4)
Hint: Disorder that is preceded by nausea.
Sol.: Vomiting is the ejection of stomach contents
179. Answer (2)
through mouth.
Indigestion is caused due to inadequate enzyme Hint: Product of mastication that passes from oral
secretion, anxiety, food poisoning, overeating and cavity to stomach.
spicy food. Sol.: In stomach, food mixes with acidic gastric
174. Answer (2) juice by the churning movements producing
Hint: Identify a part of large intestine. chyme.
Sol.: Caecum is a small blind sac which hosts 180. Answer (3)
some symbiotic micro-organisms. Vermiform Hint: These are involved in grinding of food.
appendix (a finger-like tubular projection) which
arises from the caecum, is vestigial in human Sol.: Premolars and last molar are a part of
beings. Caecum opens into the colon. permanent dentition.

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