Summative in Sci 3rd Grading

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Test 1. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. It is a change in position with respect to a reference point.
A. motion B. distance C. reference point D. meter
2. It is important in understanding motion because it serves as basis for which the movement of an object has moved or
A. meter stick B. reference point C. motion D. motion
3. A standard unit of measure of how far or near two points are from one another.
A. meter B. measuring tools C. distance D. tape measure
4. It is a standard unit of measurement used to measured distance or length.
A. meter B. cellphone C. Chair D. motion
5. Which of the following is example of tools for measuring distance?
A. rope B. rubber bond C. wood furniture D. meter stick
6. 1 kilometer is equal to ____________
A. 10 meters B. 1000 meters C. 100 meters D. 10000 meters
7. It is kind of light which can be seen with our eyes. What it is
A. Flash light B. visible light C. emergency light D. All of the above
8. A kind of light refers to the bending of light as it passes through different materials.
A. reflection B. refraction C. Absorption D. Transmission
9. It refers to the bouncing back of light when it hits an object especially mirror.
A. absorption B. refraction C. Reflection D. sunlight
10. It refers to a materials taking of light and not reflecting it back.
A. Transmission B. Refraction C. reflection D. Absorption
11. It refers to the passing of light through some materials.
A. reflection B. refraction C. Absorption D. Transmission
12. Which is an example of reflection materials?
A. wooden furniture B. Plastic cups C. Books D. water
13. It is a kind of materials which allow all light to pass through them.
A. Opaque B. Transparent c. Translucent D. concrete
14. Which of the following is an example of Opaque materials?
A. Falling leaves B. Concrete walls C. Coupon Bond D. Water
15. White colored t-shirt is an example of _______?
A. Heat Reflection B. Heat Absorption C. Heat Conductor D. None of the above
16. Black colored t-shirt is an example of________?
A. Heat Reflection B. Heat Absorption C. Heat Conductor D. None of the above
17. Which of the following color is the most fastest to absorb heat?
A. Brown B. Green c. Cream D. Yellow
18. It is a properties of science which is produced due to vibrations?
A. Water B. Air C.Sound D. stones
19. This refers to the highness and lowness of notes of music.
A. InstrumentsB. Pitch C. Loudness D. Quality
20. This refers to the shape of the sound waves it produce. The smoother the shape of the sound waves it produce the
better while if the shape of the sound waves is ragged, the sound it produces is noise and unpleasant to the ears.
A. Music B. Quality C. Loudness D. Pitch
21. This refers to the volume or sound pressure produced by the vibrations of an object.
A. InstrumentsB. Quality C. Loudness D. Pitch
22. Which of the following is an example of a Pleasant sound?
A. Fast moving vehicles B. Barking a lot of dogs C. Music D. Crash plane
23. Which of the following example is better t-shirt color to used during summer season?
A. Black B. Red C. White D. Red
25. Which of the following is an example of unpleasant sound?
A. Melody music B. Golden voice C. selling in the market D. Music in the church
26. It is a kind of material which is ductile and are good conductors for electricity.
A. Rope B. Straw C. Clothes D. Copper wires
27. Copper is a kind of materials that allow electricity and heat to flow freely through them and allowing electricity and
heat to be transferred from the source to another. What kind of material is a copper?
A. Water B. Insulator C. Magnet D. Conductor
28. Which of the following is a good conductors?
A. Wood B. Plastic C. Marble D. Metals
29. It is a kind of materials which do not allow heat and electricity to pass through them. What does it called?
A. Radiator B. Insulator C. Conductor D. Predator
30. Materials which is made up of plastic, leather, wood, rubber, and clothes are good examples of?
A. Conductor B. Metals C. Insulator D. Predator


Test 11. Write TRUE if the statement is right and FALSE if it is not.
_______1. Sturdy rope and straw are example of measuring distance.
_______2. The standard units of measurements of distance is meters.
_______3. Stainless materials is used in cooking because of being good kind of insulator.
_______4. The measure of how far and near two points from one another is called distance.
_______5. The metric system of measurements is only used in Philippines.
_______6. The metric system of measurements is used by scientists throughout the world.
_______7. 10 kilometers is equal to 1000 meters.
_______8. Motion means movement.
_______9. Humans can leave without the light.
_______10. Metals is an example of Insulator.
_______11. Pitch refers to the volume or sound pressure produced by vibrations.
_______12. For string instruments, if the length of the string is long then the instruments produce a low notes.
_______13. Plastic is an example of conductor.
_______14. Quality of the sound refers to the highness and lowness of the notes.
_______15. Sound is louder during daytime rather than nighttime.

TEST 111. Match the concept in the column B with its description in column A.
Column A Column B
_______1. Circuit where electricity cannot flow A. Battery
_______2. A complete path of electricity B. Circuit
_______3. A source of energy C. Closed
_______4. Circuit where electricity flows freely D. Light Bulb
_______5. Connect the light bulb and the battery E. Open
F. Wires

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