Expressing Congratulation Ungkapan Selamat

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Ungkapan Selamat

Expression of congratulation adalah ungkapan selamat yang kita gunakan untuk memberikan ucapan selamat kepada seseorang
ketika berhasil melakukan sesuatu. Berikut adalah beberapa contoh expresssion of congratulation dan tanggapan yang tepat atas
ungkapan tersebut yang perlu diberikan oleh penerima ungkapan selamat:

Conversation 1

Rahel : Hey, Daniel! How

was the economics
competition? Did you and
your team go home with the
Daniel : Thank God, we did.
Fortunately we succeeded to
get the first place.
Rahel : Wow that’s a good
job, Dan. Congratulation on
your team success!
Daniel : Thank you very
much for saying so, Rahel.
So, how about you and your
team in astronomy
Rahel : Unfortunately, I and
my team didn’t get the first
place. We got the third place
but I was really happy since
we had won over many other
teams and gone that far.
Daniel : That’s the spirit,
Rahel! I am sure you and
your friend did it very well. I congratulate you on your great success.
Rahel : Thank you very much, Daniel. We still have to learn more to be the first like your teams did.
Daniel : Cool! Let’s fight for the next competition!
Conversation 2
Farhan : So, how long has it been since the first publishing of your first novel?
Yola : It’s been 3 weeks since then.
Farhan : So, how many copies have been sold this far?
Yola : Thank God. Many people seem to like it very much. Since the first publishing 3 weeks ago, there have been over 500 copies
Farhan : Splendid! I’d like to congratulate you on your success at your first time publishing your novels.
Yola : Thank you very much, Mr. Farhan. It’s very kind of you to say so
Farhan : Keep the good work, Yola. I know you could be a great author someday.

Vocabularies (kosa kata) Expression of Congratulation –

Contoh Dialog Ungkapan Selamat
Adj. = adjective / kata sifat
v. = verb/ kata kerja
n. = noun / kata benda
advrb. = adverb / keterangan
Competition = kompetisi, perlombaan (n).
Trophy = piala penghargaan (n)
First place = tempat/juara pertama
win over = menang atas (v).
That’s the spirit! = itu baru namanya semangat!
Since then = sejak saat itu (advrb).
Publishing = penerbitan (n)
Copies (of books) = eksemplar (n).
publish = mempublikasi, menerbitkan (v).
Basic Sentences Expression of Congratulation – Contoh Dialog
Ungkapan Selamat
Congratulating, ungkapan yang digunakan member ucapan selamat atas kesuksesan dan
keberhasilan seseorang
Congratulations! = Selamat!
I congratulate you on your achievements = Saya ucapkan selamat atas pencapaian Anda
Congratulation on your success = Selamat atas keberhasilan Anda
Congratulation on your achievements = Selamat atas prestasi/pencapaian Anda
Good job! = Kerja bagus!
Nice work! = Kerja bagus!
Well done, congratulation for you = Luar biasa, selamat untuk Anda
Splendid = Luar biasa
How fortunate = Beruntung sekali
You did very well = Kerja Anda sangat baik
You have done a good work = Kerja Anda sangat baik
I’d be the first to congratulate you on your success = Saya ingin jadi yang pertama
mengucapkan selamat atas kesuksesan Anda (lebih formal)
I’d like to congratulate you on your success = Saya ingin mengucapkan selamat atas
kesuksesanmu (lebih formal)
Please, accept my warmest congratulations = Terimalah ucapan selamat yang paling hangat
dari saya (formal)
May I congratulate you on… = Bolehkah saya mengucapkan selamat atas… (formal)
I must say congratulation on… = Saya harus mengucapkan selamat atas… (formal)
It was really great to hear about = Itu sangat hebat untuk didengar
You are fantastic! = Anda sangat hebat!
That’s excellent of you! = Anda luar biasa!
Responding congratulations, ungkapan yang digunakan untuk merespon dan menjawab ucapan
Thank you = Terima kasih
It’s very kind of you to say so = Anda sangat baik telah berkata demikian
Thanks you very much for saying so = Terima kasih banyak sudah berkata demikian
Thanks for your saying = Terima kasih atas ucapan Anda
I am glad you think so = Saya senang Anda berpikir demikian
Oh, it’s nothing special actually = Oh, sebenarnya ini bukan apa-apa
Thank you, I still have to learn more = Terima kasih, saya masih harus banyak belajar
Oh, not really = Oh, tidak juga
Oh, it was really nothing = Oh, itu bukan apa-apa
Nothing to it = Bukan apa-apa

Pengertian Congratulation:

atau ucapan selamat adalah ucapan atau ungkapan yang
diberikan kepada orang yang sedang mendapatkan atau mengalami sesuatu
kebahagiaan). Dalan hal ini tidak terbatas pada mendapatkan jabatan, barang
baru saja, tetapi juga termasuk saat seseorang sedang merayakan sesuatu. Ex:
sedang merayakan hari besar.
Contoh Kalimat Congratulation / ucapan selamat dalam bahasa


Happy Ied day! Selamat hari raya idul fitri!

Merry Christmas! Selamat hari natal!

Happy new year ! Selamat tahun baru!

Happy feast day ! Selamat hari ramadhan!

Happy anniversary ! Selamat ulang tahun !

Happy birthday! Selamat ulang tahun !

Have a nice sleep! Selamat tidur!

Have a nice dream! Semoga mimpi indah!

Sleep tight! Selamat tidur lelap!

Have a good trip! Selamat berbahagia!

Congratulation! Selamat!

Congratulations on passing your Selamat atas lulusnya ujiann anda!


Congratulations on getting a Selamat mendapat beasiswa!


Congratulations on your Selamat bertunangan!


Congratulations on your success! Selamat atas kesuksesan anda!

Congratulations on the birth of Selamat atas lahirnya anak anda!


Congratulations on your promotion Selamat atas kenaikan pangkat

! anda!

Congratulations on getting a new Selamat mendapat kerja baru!


Congratulations to you! Saya ucapkan selamat ke[ada


Congratulations on your getting Selamat atas gelar anda!

I convey my congratulations to Saya ucapkan selamat kepada
you! anda!

My heartiest congratulations to Ucapan selamatku yang mendalam

you! untukmu!

Congratulations on your Selamat atas dipilihnya anda

appointment menjadi
as a main director! direktur utama!

Contoh lain dalam Memberi Selamat (Congratulation)


1. Congatulation!

2. Congatulation on your success in debate contest!

3. congratulation on your marriage.

4. You have done a fantastic job, man!

5. well done, congratulation on you

6. I would be the first to congratulate you on your...(formal)

7. I'd like to congratulate you on your...(formal)

8. Please accept my warmest congratulation on your... (formal)


1. Thanks, I hope you'd be the next

2. I am not that good

3. Oh, it's not special actually

4. thank you very much for saying it.

Contoh Dialog Ucapan Selamat (Congratulation)

Rere dan Rani telah berteman sejak
lama. Rere memberitahu Rani bahwa ia telah memenangkan lomba pidato bahasa
Inggris se-Indonesia. Mendengar itu, Rani langsung memberikan ucapan selamat
kepada Rere. 

Rere : Hai Rani, Have you heard a

good news of mine?

Rani : You told me nothing, but let

me guess.. hmm wait, wait.. you got a surprise from you father?

Rere : You're wrong!

Rani : Hmm, enough, just tell me,


Rere : You know that I had speech

contest in Jakarta last week? I have won it!!

Rani : Are you serious? Did you win

it? Oh my god, I can't believe it.

Rere : Of course I am..

Rani : Great, Congratulation. You

have no idea how happy I am for you

Rere : Thanks, I appreciate that

Rani : I believe you are the best as


Rere : How nice of you to say that..

Now, lets have a lunch on my treat,

Rani : With great pleasure,



Rare : Hai Rani, sudah dengar kabar

baik dariku?
Rani : Kamu belum memberitahuku sama
sekali, hmm tunggu, kamu dapat surprise dari ayahmu ya?

Rere : Salaah..

Rani : Oke, beritahu dong.

Rere : Kamu tahu kalau aku mengikuti

lomba pidato di Jakarta minggu lalu, kan? Aku juara lho.

Rani : Hah? Serius? Kamu juara? Ya


Rere : Tentu saja dong.

Rani : Selamat ya, kamu tahu betapa

bahagianya aku untukmu.

Rere : Terimakasih, aku


Rani : Aku percaya kamu selalu yang

terbaik seperti biasanya.

Rere : Baik sekali kamu berkata

demikian. Makan siang yuk. Aku yang traktir.

Rani : Dengan senang hati.

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