St. Vincent School Foundation, Inc
St. Vincent School Foundation, Inc
St. Vincent School Foundation, Inc
CONTENT STANDARDS The learner demonstrates understanding of fitness and exercise in optimizing one’s health as a habit; as requisite for physical activity assessment
performance, and as a career opportunity
PERFORMANCE STANDARDS The learner leads fitness events with proficiency and confidence resulting in independent pursuit and in influencing others positively
MOST ESSENTIAL LEARNING 1. Self-assesses health-related fitness (HRF). status, barriers to physical activity assessment participation and one’s diet.
MATERIAL Learning Management System (LMS), Laptop, Webcam, PowerPoint Presentation, Worksheets
Callo, Lualhati, F. and Dajime, Peter, F. (2016). Physical Education and Health Volume 1. Rex Bookstore
RESOURCES Physical Education and Health. DIWA Senior High School Series. DIWA Textbooks
Guide Question: “Study the pictures. What can you tell based on your observations?”
2. MOTIVATION (10 Minutes)
Reflect Upon!! Think of healthy adults in your neighborhood. In your opinion,
how have they remained healthy through the years?
“What are the possible reasons why other adults are still healthy despite old age?”
1. In the past week, how active were you doing during your PE class?
a. I did not join the PE class b. I just stood/walked around during class
c. I ran and played a bit d. I ran and played most of the time
2. In the past week, how many days were you active for at least 60 minutes?
a. 0 b. 1 to 2 days
c. 3 to 4 days d. 5 or more days
3. In the past week, how many days did you spend watching TV or playing video games for more than 2 hours?
a. 5 or more days b. 3 to 4 days
c. 1 to 2 days d. 0
5. In the past week, how many hours in a day did you spend playing video games or surfing the net?
a. more than 4 hours b. 3 to 4 hours
c. 1 to 2 hours d. less than an hour
Scoring Guideline:
1. equate the following points for each response to question above:
a = 1 point
b = 2 points
c = 3 points
d = 4 points
2. Sum up all the points from each question.
3. Rate your score:
“Excellent” if your score is 20
“Good” if you score 15-10
“Needs Improvement” if your score is 9 or lower
4. Based on your score and your rating, write three things that you can improve on and why you chose these three
What are your top 3 barriers? Write specific ways on how you can overcome these barriers.
1. _______________________________________________________________________
2. _______________________________________________________________________
3. _______________________________________________________________________
TOPIC/ LESSON NAME Frequency Intensity Time Type (FITT) principle and Moderate to vigorous physical activities
CONTENT STANDARDS The learner demonstrates understanding of fitness and exercise in optimizing one’s health as a habit; as requisite for physical activity assessment
performance, and as a career opportunity
PERFORMANCE STANDARDS The learner leads fitness events with proficiency and confidence resulting in independent pursuit and in influencing others positively
1. Sets Frequency Intensity Time Type (FITT) goals based on training principles to achieve and/or maintain health-related fitness
COMPETENCY/IES 2. Engages in moderate to vigorous physical activities (MVPAs) for at least 60 minutes most days of the week in a variety of
settings in- and out of school
At the end of the lesson, the learners should be able to:
TARGET SPECIFIC LEARNING 1. explain the FITT Principle as a guide in designing exercise programs;
OUTCOMES 2. recognize the importance of a warm-up and cool-down; and
3. design a simple aerobic exercise program using FITT Principle
ICT Literacy
FOCUS Communication
Callo, Lualhati, F. and Dajime, Peter, F. (2016). Physical Education and Health Volume 1. Rex Bookstore
RESOURCES Physical Education and Health. DIWA Senior High School Series. DIWA Textbooks
Fitness Test Score
(within or below Optimal Range)
1-meter run
Sit and Reach