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Forest Ecology and Management 181 (2003) 301–312

Classification of successional forest stages in

the Brazilian Amazon basin
Dengsheng Lua,*, Paul Mauselb,1, Eduardo Brondı́zioc,2, Emilio Moranc,3
Center for the Study of Institutions, Population, and Environmental Change (CIPEC),
Indiana University, Bloomington, IN 47408, USA
Department of Geography, Geology, and Anthropology, Indiana State University, Terre Haute, IN 47809, USA
Anthropological Center for Training and Research on Global Environmental Change,
Indiana University, Bloomington, IN 47405, USA
Received 6 July 2002; accepted 10 December 2002


Research on secondary succession in the Amazon basin has attracted great interest in recent years. However, methods used to
classify successional stages are limited. This research explores a method that can be used to differentiate regrowth stages. The
vegetation inventory data were collected in Altamira, Bragantina, Pedras, and Tome-Acu of the eastern Amazon basin. A nested
sampling strategy, organized by region, site, plot, and subplot, was employed for field data collection. Above-ground biomass
(AGB), forest stand volume (FSV), basal area, average stand height, average stand diameter (ASD), age, ratio of tree biomass to total
biomass (RTB), ratio of tree volume to total volume, and ratio of tree basal area to total basal area were calculated at the site level.
Canonical discriminant analysis (CDA) was used to differentiate successional stages and to identify the best forest stand parameters
to distinguish these stages. This research indicates that the CDA approach can be used to classify successional forest stages, but
using RTB or a combination of two stand parameters such as AGB and ASD are more feasible and recommended in practice.
# 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Classification; Secondary succession; Forest stand parameters; Canonical discriminant analysis; Amazon

1. Introduction serious deforestation for the last 50 years because of

road-building, logging, mining, and agricultural and
The Amazon basin contains the largest continuous cattle-raising expansion (Moran et al., 1994a; Skole
tropical forest in the world; however, it has suffered et al., 1994). The large area deforestation has resulted
in effects on climate change, biological diversity, hydro-
Corresponding author. Tel.: þ1-812-856-5767;
logical cycle, soil erosion and degradation (Shukla et al.,
fax: þ1-812-855-2634. 1990; Houghton, 1991; Skole and Tucker, 1993). After
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (D. Lu), deforestation, regeneration of vegetation is common and
[email protected] (P. Mausel), the resulting landscape often consists of patches of
[email protected] (E. Brondı́zio), successional forests and agricultural lands.
[email protected] (E. Moran).
Tel.: þ1-812-237-2254; fax: þ1-812-237-8029.
Different succession stages have their own stand
Tel.: þ1-812-855-6182; fax: þ1-812-855-3000. structures and different capability in influencing
Tel.: þ1-812-855-6182; fax: þ1-812-855-3000. the relationships between successional forests and

0378-1127/$ – see front matter # 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
302 D. Lu et al. / Forest Ecology and Management 181 (2003) 301–312

ecosystem change. Previous research has shown that (Tucker et al., 1998); and (4) remote-sensing methods
successional forests plays a key role in soil restoration (Mausel et al., 1993).
through the accumulation of biomass, the buildup of Vegetation age is the most straightforward method
litter and organic matter, and other beneficial soil/ used for the identification of successional forest stages
plant interactions (Moran et al., 2000a). In order to (Saldarriaga et al., 1988; Uhl et al., 1988). In general,
better understand the roles of successional forests, those successional forests with vegetation ages of less
intensive research focused on them is needed, requir- than 5 years are grouped as initial successional forest
ing a more universal standard that can be used to (SS1), with vegetation ages between 6 and 15 years as
classify different successional stages. Unfortunately, intermediate succession (SS2), and with the vegetation
to date there are few standard methods that can satisfy ages of greater than 15 years as advanced succession
the requirement of such intensive research due to the (SS3). Hence, age is the easiest way to classify
complex stand structure and species composition successional stages, but the successional forests with
(Moran and Brondı́zio, 1998). This paper presents a different vegetation ages could have similar stand struc-
method that can be used to differentiate successional tures and the same-age successional forests could also
stages by examining forest stand characteristics. have significantly different stand structures because of
the influence of soil fertility and soil structure, precipi-
tation patterns, land-use history, original vegetation,
2. Previous analysis of secondary clearing size, and other human activities (Uhl et al.,
succession stages 1988; Tucker et al., 1998; Moran et al., 2000a; Moran
et al., 2000b). Age alone is not a suitable forest stand
Tropical forests can be grouped roughly into cate- parameter to predict successional stages since many
gories of primary forest and successional forests. factors influence structural differences among sites
Primary forest is defined here as a forest that is not within the same-age class (Tucker et al., 1998).
greatly disturbed by natural disasters or human activ- Moran and Brondı́zio (1998) and Moran et al.
ities. Successional forest is defined here as a regrowth (2000a) defined successional stages of Amazonian
forest following a disturbance such as deforestation. tropical forest based on the analysis of average stand
Secondary succession describes the changes of plants height and basal area. They found that forest stand
that live in a particular community over time. Because height was a significant discriminator of regrowth in
of the importance and different capability of succes- SS1, SS2, and SS3 stages. In general, SS1 has average
sional forests in restoration of degraded moist tropical stand heights of less than 6 m and basal areas of less
environments, accurately differentiating them into than 10 m2/ha. SS2 has the stand height ranging from
different stages is valuable for better understanding 7 to 15 m associated with basal area ranging from 10
their role and their relationships with ecosystem to 25 m2/ha. SS3 has similar basal area as SS2 but has
change. This knowledge will promote better manage- higher average stand height, ranging from 13 to 17 m.
ment and utilization of natural resources. Much of the However, overlap exists in basal area and average
research focused on successional forest analyses has stand height between SS2 and SS3. It is difficult to
been conducted in recent years and has attracted great classify those successional forest sites when their
interest (Sader et al., 1989; Lucas et al., 1993; Mausel basal areas and average stand heights overlap.
et al., 1993; Foody and Curran, 1994; Steininger, Tucker et al. (1998) developed a complex succes-
1996; Li et al., 1994; Moran et al., 1994a; Moran sional stage classification system based on physiog-
et al., 1994b; Moran and Brondı́zio, 1998; Tucker nomic characteristics from the combined Altamira and
et al., 1998; Lu, 2001; Lu et al., 2002; Lucas et al., Bragantina field data. The primary structural features
2002). In previous research, at least four methods have which uniquely identify each stage include: (1) the
been used for differentiating successsional stages. contribution of trees and saplings to total basal area;
These methods include: (1) vegetation age (Saldar- (2) average total height; (3) mode total height; (4)
riaga et al., 1988; Uhl et al., 1988); (2) average stand average diameter at breast height; (5) tree basal area;
height and basal area (Moran and Brondı́zio, 1998; and (6) standard deviation of total height, which
Moran et al., 2000a); (3) physiognomic characteristics indicates the degree of structural diversity among
D. Lu et al. / Forest Ecology and Management 181 (2003) 301–312 303

individual plants. They found that the central discri- Hence, this paper attempts to develop a new method
minating factor between successional stages was the for distinguishing successional stages in order to meet
contribution of sapling and trees to the fallow’s total the requirement of comparative analysis. It is assumed
basal area. The sapling/tree basal area relationships that a good method for differentiating successional
can help predict other structural features and effec- stages should have the following characteristics: (1)
tively differentiate regrowth stages. For example, the simple and straightforward, easy to use; (2) compre-
percent tree contribution to total basal area is zero in hensive factors that can describe the difference
SS1, between 14 and 49% in SS2 and between 50 and between various successional stages and can reflect
93% in SS3. However, basal area is often affected by the different forest stand structures and environmental
the vegetation density and species composition. It is influence; (3) a standard that can be used for a large
not a suitable stand parameter when using it to classi- area; and (4) a potential for application using remote-
fying successional stages in different environmental sensing data in a large area.
sites (Lu, 2001).
In the Amazon basin, remote-sensing technology has
been extensively used to analyze successional stages 3. Methods
during the past 10 years (Lucas et al., 1993; Mausel et al.,
1993; Foody and Curran, 1994; Li et al., 1994; Moran 3.1. Description of the study area
et al., 1994a; Moran et al., 1994b; Brondı́zio et al., 1994,
1996; Foody et al., 1996; Steininger, 1996; Rignot et al., Altamira lies along the Transamazon highway and
1997; Moran and Brondı́zio, 1998; McCracken et al., has experienced high rates of deforestation and sec-
1999; Lu, 2001; Lu et al., 2002; Lucas et al., 2002). ondary succession with the implementation of agro-
Mausel et al. (1993) analyzed landsat thematic mapper pastoral projects since colonization began in 1971
(TM) spectral responses with different successional (Moran, 1976). In contrast, Marajo historically has
stages and concluded that TM data can be used success- been home to native nonindigenous (i.e. Caboclo)
fully to identify three successional stages if supported by
strong field survey data. Similar studies were conducted
by Moran et al. (1994a), Li et al. (1994), and Brondı́zio
et al. (1996). They found that extraction and classifica-
tion of homogeneous objects (ECHO) was a good
classifier for distinguishing different successional stages
and mature forest. However, the classification accuracy
greatly depends on the quality of training datasets and
requires abundant and accurate field measurements from
all classes of interest. One of the key steps for successful
classification is to select high quality successional forest
sites as training sample datasets. Confusion often occurs
in identifying different successional stages or distin-
guishing between advanced successional forest and
mature forest, since remotely sensed data primarily
capture canopy information. The canopy structures
between advanced successional forest and mature forest
can be very similar, although they have different ages,
species complexity, and biomass amounts. The smooth
transition between different successional stages also
causes differentiation difficulty.
Previous research has indicated that there are no
ideal methods that can be used to classify different
successional stages in the moist tropical region. Fig. 1. Locations of the four Amazon study areas.
304 D. Lu et al. / Forest Ecology and Management 181 (2003) 301–312

Fig. 2. A nested sampling strategy for vegetation inventory during field work.

population engaged primarily in agroforestry activ- categorical level, representing the study area that
ities in floodplain and swidden agricultural fields. The includes all sample sites. Sites in this region were
Bragantina region has gone through several land use selected for plot sampling. In general, 10 plots
phases and short-fallow swidden cultivation is now (10 m  15 m) in each site are allocated and one ran-
dominant. Cultivation of secondary growth areas has domly selected subplot (5 m  2 m) is nested within
been common for decades, and islands of mature each plot. Plots are designed to inventory trees and
forest are rare. Tome-Acu has experienced the most subplots are used to inventory saplings, seedlings, and
intensive agriculture of the four sites (a black pepper herbaceous species. In each plot, all the individual trees
monoculture until the late 1960s), and for the past two (diameter at breast height or DBH ¼ 10 cm) were
decades it has been associated with agroforestry devel- identified and measured for DBH, stem height (the
opment conducted by the Japanese colonists who have height of the first major branch), and total height. In
lived there since the 1930s. It is now experiencing the the subplot, all saplings (between 2 and 10 cm DBH),
start of pasture formation. Fig. 1 shows the locations of seedlings (less than 2 cm DBH), and herbaceous vege-
the four study areas discussed above. tation (as a percent of ground cover) were identified and
counted, and diameter and total height were recorded for
3.2. Field data collection all individuals with DBH between 2 and 10 cm. Table 1
summarizes the vegetation inventory data collected
A nested sampling strategy, organized by region, from selected study areas. A total of 52 sites of different
site, plot, and subplot, was employed to collect vege- successional forest stages and 12 sites of mature forests
tation inventory data (Fig. 2). The region is the highest were measured during the dry season in 1992–1994.
D. Lu et al. / Forest Ecology and Management 181 (2003) 301–312 305

Table 1
Summary of collected sites, plots, and subplots from the study areas

Region Successional forests Mature forest Total sites

Sites Plots Subplots Sites Plots Subplots

Altamira 18 111 219 2 20 20 20

Bragantina 14 98 187 4 28 28 18
Pedras 8 51 157 5 30 30 13
Tome-Acu 12 110 135 1 10 10 13
Total 52 370 698 12 88 88 64

3.3. Calculation of forest stand parameters where DW1 is individual tree or sapling biomass (in
kg) when DBH is less than 25 cm. This model was
The diameter at breast height (DBH) and total tree established using 132 sample trees from successional
height are two basic parameters of individual trees, forests with DBH between 1.2 and 28.6 cm (Nelson
which are often measured in the fieldwork. Other et al., 1999). The study area was located in the central
vegetation stand parameters such as stand volume, Amazon of Brazil. Hence, this model is used in this
above-ground biomass, and basal area can be calcu- research when the DBH falls within 1.2–28.6 cm.
lated based on the DBH and/or tree height of indi- However, this model is not suitable to extrapolate
vidual trees at a plot or site level. Eight vegetation the biomass estimation for those trees with DBHs
stand parameters: average stand diameter, average greater than 25 cm because few sampling trees of this
stand height, basal area, forest stand volume, above- size were used to develop this model. Thus, for those
ground biomass, ratio of tree biomass to total bio- individual trees with DBHs greater than 25 cm, for-
mass, ratio of tree volume to total volume, and ratio mula (3) (Overman et al., 1994) was used to calculate
of tree basal area to total basal area, were calculated the biomass:
at the site level.
lnðDW2Þ ¼ 3:843 þ 1:035  lnðD2  HÞ; (3)
Individual tree volume is defined as the function of
DBH, tree height, and tree form factor: V ¼ BA  where DW2 is the individual tree biomass when DBH
H  FF; where V is volume, BA basal area, H tree is greater than or equal to 25 cm. This model for
height and FF is tree form factor, defined as the ratio of biomass estimation was established using 54 sample
tree diameter at middle height and tree diameter at trees from mature lowland ‘‘terra firme’’ forest in the
breast height (Spurr, 1952). In practice, the diameter at Amazon with DBH between 8 and 100 cm (Overman
middle tree height is not easily available. In this et al., 1994). However, this model is not suitable for
research, the volume (m3) for an individual tree is estimating biomass for those trees with DBHs of less
defined as a function of basal area and total height: than 10 cm because only one sample tree of that size
was used to establish this model.
V ¼ BA  H or V ¼ 104  14 p  D2  H (1)
In our research, forest stand parameters such as
where BA ¼ ðp=4Þ  D2 , D the tree DBH (cm) and H biomass and volume at a given site were aggregated
is the total tree height (m). from the individual sapling and tree parameters. The
Two models were used to calculate above-ground formulas listed below were defined for calculation of
biomass of individual trees. For those individual sap- forest stand parameters at a site level.
lings and trees with DBH less than 25 cm, formula (2)
1. Average stand diameter (ASD; cm):
(Nelson et al., 1999) was used to calculate the bio-
 Ps  P
i¼1 DS
 ðPA=SAÞ þ mþn j¼1 DT
lnðDW1Þ ¼  2:5202 þ 2:1400 sþmþn
 ln D þ 0:4644  ln H; (2) (4)
306 D. Lu et al. / Forest Ecology and Management 181 (2003) 301–312

2. Average stand height (ASH; m): variables. The purpose of using CDA in this research
 Ps  Pmþn is to investigate the differences among various succes-
i¼1 HS  ðPA=SAÞ þ j¼1 HT sional stages and to find the best forest stand para-
ASH ¼ (5)
sþmþn meters that can be used to distinguish these stages. The
3. Basal area (BA; m2/ha): category of dependent variable in this research is the
Ps Pmþn different successional stages. In the initial classifica-
i¼1 BAS j¼1 BAT tion, age was used to classify these successional stages
BA ¼ þ (6)
SA PA into four categories: SS1 when age is 1–5 years, SS2
4. Forest stand volume (FSV; m3/ha): when age is 6–15 years, SS3 when age is 16–29 years,
Ps Pmþn and SS4 when age is greater than 30 years. The
i¼1 VS j¼1 VT independent variables are forest stand parameters
FSV ¼ þ (7)
SA PA calculated using formulas (4)–(11) at the site level:
5. Above-ground biomass (AGB; kg/m2):
Pm Pn The implementation of CDA provides some impor-
i¼1 DW1i þ j¼1 DW2j tant information for classifying sample plots and
AGB ¼ identifying important parameters (Huberty, 1994;
DW1k Markin, 1996). For example, a scatterplot of the first
þ k¼1 (8) two CDA functions provides information related to
vegetation clusters. The eigenvalues show how much
6. Ratio of tree biomass to total biomass (RTB): of the variance in the dependent variables is accounted
tree biomass for by each function. Relative percent of variance
RTB ¼ (9) indicates how many functions are important. The first
total biomass
function maximizes the difference between the values
7. Ratio of tree volume to total volume (RTV): of the dependent variable. The second function is
tree volume orthogonal to it and maximizes the difference between
RTV ¼ (10) values of the dependent variable, controlling for the
total volume
first factor, and so on. Wilk’s Lambda is used to test the
8. Ratio of tree basal area to total basal area (RTBA):
significance of each discriminant function, specifi-
tree BA cally the significance of the eigenvalue for a given
RTBA ¼ (11) function. It measures the difference between groups of
total BA
the centroid (vector) of means on the independent
In the above equations, DS, HS, BAS, and VS are variable. The smaller the Wilk’s Lambda, the greater
sapling DBH, height, basal area, and volume, respec- the difference, and the more important the indepen-
tively; DT, HT, BAT, and VT tree DBH, height, basal dent variable is to the discriminant function. Canoni-
area, and volume, respectively; m is the total tree cal correlation (R) measures the association between
number when DBH falls within 10–25 cm in a site; the groups formed by the dependent variable and the
n the total tree number when DBH is greater than or given discriminant function. A larger correlation R
equal to 25 cm in a site; s the total sapling number value indicates high correlation between the discrimi-
when DBH falls within 2–10 cm in a subplot area; and nant function and the groups (McGarigal et al., 2000).
PA and SA are the total plot area and total subplot area
(in m2) in a site, respectively.
4. Results and discussion
3.4. Data analysis
4.1. Classification of successional stages
Canonical discriminant analysis (CDA) is used to
classify a categorical dependent variable that has more The successional stages were first roughly classified
than two categories (e.g. different successional stages according to vegetation age and CDA was used to
here), based on a number of interval independent investigate the difference between the stages. Fig. 3
D. Lu et al. / Forest Ecology and Management 181 (2003) 301–312 307

Fig. 3. Scatterplot of cases by the first two functions from canonical discriminant analysis based on the original successional stages grouped
by age.

illustrates the scatterplot that is derived from the first SS3 although SS4 were older than SS3. Also SS2
two CDA functions and Table 2 provides the CDA and SS3 classification accuracies were not satisfac-
classification results based on the original succes- tory. These classification results imply that vegetation
sional stages grouped by age. An overall classification age is not a good forest stand parameter to distinguish
accuracy of 73.1% was obtained. The main confusions successional stages because vegetation ages are not
were from SS2 and SS3 and from SS3 and SS4. The linearly related to the forest stand parameters and
SS4 classification accuracy was especially low many factors affect the relationships between age
because SS4 had similar forest stand structures as and forest stand features (Moran and Brondizio,
1998; Moran et al. (2000a,b)).
Table 2 The CDA approach can identify misclassified cases
Classification results using canonical discriminant analysis of and provide their predicted categories for those mis-
original successional stages grouped by age classified cases. Therefore, these misclassified cases
Class SS1 SS2 SS3 SS4 Total
can be adjusted to a suitable category based on the
predicted one from the CDA results. This process can
Count be repeated and misclassified cases can be adjusted
SS1 16 3 0 0 19
SS2 0 13 2 4 19
until all cases are almost 100% correctly classified into
SS3 0 4 7 1 12 suitable categories. The following analysis focuses on
SS4 0 0 0 2 2 the results from the adjusted successional stages. Fig. 4
Percent illustrates the result after repeatedly implementing
SS1 84.2 15.8 0 0 100.0 CDA. Thus all cases are successfully classified into
SS2 0 68.4 10.5 21.1 100.0 SS1, SS2, SS3, and SS4 with almost 100% accuracy.
SS3 0 33.3 58.3 8.3 100.0 The first CDA function can almost classify all cases
SS4 0 0 0 100.0 100.0
into suitable successional stages. The second CDA
Note: 73.1% of original, grouped cases were correctly classified. function is suitable for differentiating SS1 from SS2
308 D. Lu et al. / Forest Ecology and Management 181 (2003) 301–312

Fig. 4. Scatterplot of cases by the first two functions from canonical discriminant analysis based on the adjusted successional stages.

and SS4 from SS3, but cannot distinguish SS2 from function and the dependent variable (R ¼ 0:979)
SS3. implies that the first CDA function can be used to
distinguish different successional stages. The second
4.2. Identification of forest stand parameters CDA function also has a strong relationship with the
dependent variable, but it is relatively weak compared
Eigenvalue for each CDA function is an important to the first CDA function. Comparison of Table 3 and
factor indicating its power in distinguishing between Fig. 4 indicates that the first CDA function has the
different categories. Table 3 shows that the first two capability to differentiate successional stages because
functions are the most powerful differentiating dimen- it is a comprehensive factor derived from several stand
sions because they accounts for 69.6 and 28.2% of the parameters (e.g. RTB, ASD). However, in practice,
total variance, respectively. The third and higher CDA using CDA functions to classify successional stages is
functions can be ignored due to their low eigenvalues. not convenient because of the time-consuming.
A very strong relationship between the first CDA Hence, directly using one or two suitable stand para-
meters are ideal to differentiate successional stages.
The Wilk’s Lambda for each independent variable
Table 3
and structure matrix are extremely useful for identifica-
Eigenvalues and canonical correlation coefficients based on
adjusted successional stages using canonical discriminant analysis tion of appropriate stand parameters for classification of
successional stages. Table 4 indicates that ASD, RTB,
Function Eigenvalue Percent of Cumulative Canonical
AGB, and FSVare the most important stand parameters
variance percent correlation
that contribute to the discriminant function because they
1 22.940 69.6 69.6 0.979 have small Wilk’s Lambda values (less than 0.087). The
2 9.293 28.2 97.8 0.950 structure matrix shows the correlations of each variable
3 0.742 2.2 100.0 0.653
with each discriminant function, indicating how closely
D. Lu et al. / Forest Ecology and Management 181 (2003) 301–312 309

Table 4 strongly related to each other—their correlation coeffi-

Wilk’s Lambda for each independent variable and the structure
cients are close to 1.0 (Table 5). Therefore, according to
matrix between CDA functions and independent variables based on
adjusted successional stages the Wilk’s Lambda values and structure matrix (Table 4)
and the correlation between selected stand parameters
Variables Function 1 Function 2 Function 3 Lambda (Table 5), it can be concluded that RTB, ASD, and AGB
ASD 0.696 0.121 0.371 0.081 or FSV are the best stand parameters.
RTB 0.691 0.042 0.346 0.083 The sample cases used for classification of succes-
RTV 0.656 0.098 0.315 0.091 sional stages using CDA can be reordered and grouped
AGB 0.634 0.436 0.154 0.083
according to the classification results of SS1, SS2,
FSV 0.603 0.475 0.234 0.087
RTBA 0.600 0.014 0.248 0.108 SS3, and SS4. Therefore, the ranges of forest stand
ASH 0.536 0.045 0.118 0.131 parameters for each successional stage can be identi-
BA 0.302 0.101 0.094 0.313 fied based on these sample sites (Table 6). The results
Note: AGB: above-ground biomass; ASD: average stand diameter; listed in Table 6 indicate that RTB and AGB or FSV
ASH: average stand height; BA: basal area; FSV: forest stand appear the best stand parameters. RTB is the only
volume; RTB: ratio of tree biomass to total biomass; RTBA: ratio forest stand parameter that can differentiate succes-
of tree basal area to total basal area; RTV: ratio of tree volume to sional forests into SS1, SS2, SS3, and SS4. AGB (or
total volume.
FSV) is suitable for distinction between SS2, SS3, and
SS4 and ASD and ASH is suitable for distinction
between SS1 and SS2, but they cannot distinguish
a variable is related to each CDA function. ASD and other successional stages. Other parameters such as
RTB are the best stand parameters because they are RTV, RTBA, BA, and age are not suitable for the
most strongly related to the first CDA function (the classification of successional stages.
coefficients are 0.69). AGB and FSVare also good stand
parameters because they are best related to the second
CDA function. The results in Table 4 imply that ASD, 5. Discussion and conclusion
RTB, AGB, and FSV may be good indicators when they
are used for classifying different successional stages Different successional stages have their own specific
because they have small Wilk’s Lambda values and stand structures. Fig. 5 illustrates the average forest
strong relationships with CDA functions. In practice, stand parameters for each stage. In order to analyze the
one or two stand parameters are suitable because some stand structures of advanced successional stage, mature
stand parameters have strong correlations to each other. forest is also included in this figure and Table 6. The
For example, AGB and FSV, RTB and RTV are very slopes of these curves in Fig. 5 indicate that the tree

Table 5
Correlation coefficients between forest stand parameters


AGE 1.000 0.431 0.641 0.393 0.653 0.371 0.629 0.603 0.664
AGB 0.431 1.000 0.840 0.993 0.817 0.884 0.845 0.847 0.801
RTB 0.641 0.840 1.000 0.811 0.995 0.752 0.996 0.942 0.922
FSV 0.393 0.993 0.811 1.000 0.782 0.897 0.815 0.826 0.765
RTV 0.653 0.817 0.995 0.782 1.000 0.733 0.994 0.942 0.920
BA 0.371 0.884 0.752 0.897 0.733 1.000 0.741 0.829 0.663
RTBA 0.629 0.845 0.996 0.815 0.994 0.741 1.000 0.936 0.915
ASD 0.603 0.847 0.942 0.826 0.942 0.829 0.936 1.000 0.890
ASH 0.664 0.801 0.922 0.765 0.920 0.663 0.915 0.890 1.000

Note: AGB: above-ground biomass; AGE: vegetation age; ASD: average stand diameter; ASH: average stand height; BA: basal area; FSV:
forest stand volume; RTB: ratio of tree biomass to total biomass; RTBA: ratio of tree basal area to total basal area; RTV: ratio of tree volume to
total volume.
310 D. Lu et al. / Forest Ecology and Management 181 (2003) 301–312

Table 6
Characteristics of selected forest stand parameters for each successional stage and mature forest

Variables SS1 SS2 SS3 SS4 MF

RTB 0 0.15–0.45 0.48–0.89 0.91–0.99 0.89–1.00

RTV 0 0.18–0.54 0.51–0.94 0.92–1.00 0.92–1.00
RTBA 0 0.13–0.43 0.42–0.89 0.89–1.00 0.82–1.00
AGB (kg/m2) 0–4.62 3.41–7.03 7.28–13.55 20.34–29.30 17.45–39.45
FSV (m3/ha) 0–49.10 34.09–84.07 89.57–185.44 303.66–517.40 273.03–658.45
BA (m2/ha) 0–13.33 9.94–19.21 15.45–32.24 26.13–36.78 27.38–56.13
ASD (cm) 0–4.61 10.84–15.42 12.85–22.14 19.82–29.25 23.11–39.27
ASH (m) 0–6.03 6.40–11.24 8.73–14.45 11.51–20.27 15.20–20.09
Age (year) 1–5 3–15 7–29 15–25 Unknown

Fig. 5. Characteristics of different successional stages and mature forest. Note: AGB: above-ground biomass (kg/m2); ASD: average stand
diameter (cm); ASH: average stand height (m); BA: basal area (m2/ha); FSV: forest stand volume (10 m3/ha); RTB (RTV, RTBA): ratio of tree
biomass (volume, basal area) to total biomass (volume, basal area) (percent).
D. Lu et al. / Forest Ecology and Management 181 (2003) 301–312 311

contribution to total above-ground biomass (or volume, National Institutes of Health’s NICHD (grant
basal area) is almost linearly increased from initial to 9710386A), and NASA’s LBA program (grant
advanced successional stages (from SS1 to SS4). This N005-334) for the support that made possible the data
implies that sapling or seedling vegetations are rapidly collection and analysis for this paper. We also thank
decreased as vegetation grows. The increase rates of Indiana State University and Indiana University for
above-ground biomass, forest stand volume, and basal facilities and support of our work and collaborators in
area increase slowly at the initial stages (SS1 and SS2), Brazil, especially the LBA Program, EMBRAPA, and
then they rapidly increase in advanced stages (SS3 and INPE. None of the colleagues or funding agencies
SS4). In contrast, average stand diameter and height mentioned above should be held responsible for the
increased relatively fast in initial stages, then increase views presented herein.
slowly in advanced stages.
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