School Teacher SHS Track Week No. Inclusive Dates Learning Area Scheduled Time 7:30am - 8:30am/ 9:45am-Topic

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School Caraga National High School Grade Level & Quarter Grade 11

1st Semester/1st Quarter

Week No. Week 11 Learning Area English for Academic and Professional
Inclusive Dates 5-8 AUGUST 2019 Purposes
Scheduled Time 7:30am -8:30am/ 9:45am- Topic Reading Academic Text
10:45am/10:45am 11:45am
MONDAY TUESDAY (continuation) WEDNESDAY (continuation) THURSDAY(continuation)
A. Content: Writing Concept Paper A. Content: Writing Concept Paper A. Content: Writing Concept Paper A. Content: Writing Concept Paper

Content Standard: Understands Content Standard: Understands the principles and uses Content Standard: Understands the principles Content Standard: Understands the principles and
the principles and uses of concept of concept paper and uses of concept paper uses of concept paper
Performance Standard: Produces a well-balanced Performance Standard: Produces a well- Performance Standard: Produces a well-balanced
Performance Standard: Produces concept paper in a specific discipline balanced concept paper in a specific discipline concept paper in a specific discipline
a well-balanced concept paper in a
specific discipline Curriculum Guide Page No. 3 of 6 Curriculum Guide Page No. 3 of 6 Curriculum Guide Page No. 3 of 6

Curriculum Guide Page No. 3 of 6

B. Learning B. Learning Competencies/Objectives: B. Learning Competencies/Objectives: B. Learning Competencies/Objectives:
At the end of sixty minute period, the learner are At the end of sixty minute period, the At the end of sixty minute period, the learner
At the end of sixty minute able to: learner are able to: are able to:
period, the learner are able to:  Determines the ways a writer can elucidate  Determines the ways a writer can  Determines the ways a writer can
 Determines the ways a on a concept paper by definition, explication elucidate on a concept paper by elucidate on a concept paper by
writer can elucidate on a and clarification; definition, explication and definition, explication and clarification;
concept paper by clarification;
definition, explication Curriculum Guide Page No: 3 of 6 Curriculum Guide Page No: 3 of 6
and clarification; Curriculum Guide Page No: 3 of 6

Curriculum Guide Page No: 3 of 6

C. Subject Matter: C. Subject Matter: C. Subject Matter: C. Subject Matter:

 Writing Concept Paper  Writing Concept Paper  Writing Concept Paper  Writing Concept Paper

An important academic paper An important academic paper that the student must An important academic paper that the An important academic paper that the student
that the student must learn to learn to read and write critically is the concept student must learn to read and write must learn to read and write critically is the
read and write critically is the paper. Presenting samples of brief as well as full- critically is the concept paper. Presenting concept paper. Presenting samples of brief as
concept paper. Presenting blown concept papers from different areas of samples of brief as well as full-blown well as full-blown concept papers from different
samples of brief as well as full- knowledge, this module not only clarifies what a concept papers from different areas of areas of knowledge, this module not only
blown concept papers from concept paper is and its contents, but also knowledge, this module not only clarifies clarifies what a concept paper is and its
different areas of knowledge, this foregrounds the values it communicates, the what a concept paper is and its contents, contents, but also foregrounds the values it
module not only clarifies what a strategies that may be employed in reading and but also foregrounds the values it communicates, the strategies that may be
concept paper is and its contents, writing one, and the characteristics of a well-written communicates, the strategies that may be employed in reading and writing one, and the
but also foregrounds the values it concept paper. As each article presents a concept employed in reading and writing one, and characteristics of a well-written concept paper.
communicates, the strategies and builds on the others, you may employ a the characteristics of a well-written concept As each article presents a concept and builds on
that may be employed in reading sequential approach: motivating learners, informing paper. As each article presents a concept the others, you may employ a sequential
and writing one, and the the students of the objectives, presenting either and builds on the others, you may employ a approach: motivating learners, informing the
characteristics of a well-written well-explained and illustrated information, or guide sequential approach: motivating learners, students of the objectives, presenting either
concept paper. As each article questions for the lesson proper, providing informing the students of the objectives, well-explained and illustrated information, or
presents a concept and builds on learning/practice activities and interesting modes of presenting either well-explained and guide questions for the lesson proper, providing
the others, you may employ a assessment together with appreciative feedback, illustrated information, or guide questions learning/practice activities and interesting
sequential approach: motivating and clinching summaries and reminders. for the lesson proper, providing modes of assessment together with appreciative
learners, informing the students learning/practice activities and interesting feedback, and clinching summaries and
of the objectives, presenting 1. A motivating introduction arouses curiosity, modes of assessment together with reminders.
either well-explained and entices the students to stop, look, listen, and try appreciative feedback, and clinching
illustrated information, or guide relevant “gimmicks,” and/or hints the relevance and summaries and reminders.
questions for the lesson proper, significance of the concept to their lives, or their
providing learning/practice future. 1. A motivating introduction arouses 1. A motivating introduction arouses curiosity,
activities and interesting modes curiosity, entices the students to stop, look, entices the students to stop, look, listen, and try
of assessment together with 2. Specifying the objectives of the lesson as short- listen, and try relevant “gimmicks,” and/or relevant “gimmicks,” and/or hints the relevance
appreciative feedback, and term learning outcomes gives clear directions to the hints the relevance and significance of the and significance of the concept to their lives, or
clinching summaries and student about what he/she expects to learn. These concept to their lives, or their future. their future.
reminders. also provide the foundation for course planning,
including organizing course content, designing 2. Specifying the objectives of the lesson as 2. Specifying the objectives of the lesson as
1. A motivating introduction instructional materials, and methods. short-term learning outcomes gives clear short-term learning outcomes gives clear
arouses curiosity, entices the directions to the student about what he/she directions to the student about what he/she
students to stop, look, listen, and 3. For the lesson proper to be well understood, expects to learn. These also provide the expects to learn. These also provide the
try relevant “gimmicks,” and/or unlocking verbal difficulties, leading questions, clear foundation for course planning, including foundation for course planning, including
hints the relevance and explanations, apt illustrations, and examples may be organizing course content, designing organizing course content, designing
significance of the concept to used. instructional materials, and methods. instructional materials, and methods.
their lives, or their future.
a. Interesting and relevant Learning 3. For the lesson proper to be well 3. For the lesson proper to be well understood,
2. Specifying the objectives of activities and practice exercises would understood, unlocking verbal difficulties, unlocking verbal difficulties, leading questions,
the lesson as short-term learning enhance learning and may lead to a leading questions, clear explanations, apt clear explanations, apt illustrations, and
outcomes gives clear directions writing assignment. illustrations, and examples may be used. examples may be used.
to the student about what
he/she expects to learn. These b. Assessment questions and projects may a. Interesting and relevant Learning a. Interesting and relevant Learning
also provide the foundation for be either tried and tested types, or activities and practice exercises activities and practice exercises would
course planning, including daring and do-able ones. would enhance learning and may enhance learning and may lead to a
organizing course content, lead to a writing assignment. writing assignment.
designing instructional materials, c. Positive and encouraging feedback for
and methods. the activities or the assessment results b. Assessment questions and projects b. Assessment questions and projects may
should be devised. may be either tried and tested be either tried and tested types, or
3. For the lesson proper to be types, or daring and do-able ones. daring and do-able ones.
well understood, unlocking 4. The Reminder is a boxed aide-mémoire or prompt
verbal difficulties, leading for both the teacher and the student. c. Positive and encouraging feedback c. Positive and encouraging feedback for
questions, clear explanations, apt for the activities or the assessment the activities or the assessment results
illustrations, and examples may 5. The Summary winds up the lesson with a results should be devised. should be devised.
be used. reiteration of important points.
4. The Reminder is a boxed aide-mémoire or 4. The Reminder is a boxed aide-mémoire or
a. Interesting and relevant To challenge the student to prepare a well-written prompt for both the teacher and the prompt for both the teacher and the student.
Learning activities and concept paper on “walls,” the module closes with a student.
practice exercises would power point presentation focusing on various kinds 5. The Summary winds up the lesson with a
enhance learning and of walls, their diverse uses, and their structural 5. The Summary winds up the lesson with a reiteration of important points.
may lead to a writing materials. Ranging from the house wall, to the reiteration of important points.
assignment. mural, the prison walls, the virtual economic walls, To challenge the student to prepare a well-
the color bars, the socio-political divides, the To challenge the student to prepare a well- written concept paper on “walls,” the module
b. Assessment questions religious walls, the psychological walls, the cordon written concept paper on “walls,” the closes with a power point presentation focusing
and projects may be sanitaire; the famous walls of the world – the module closes with a power point on various kinds of walls, their diverse uses, and
either tried and tested Wailing Wall, the Berlin Wall, the Great Wall of presentation focusing on various kinds of their structural materials. Ranging from the
types, or daring and do- China, the Walls of Babylon, the walled complex of walls, their diverse uses, and their structural house wall, to the mural, the prison walls, the
able ones. Sacsayhuaman of Peru, the Intramuros, and the materials. Ranging from the house wall, to virtual economic walls, the color bars, the socio-
Vietnam Veterans Memorial Wall in the United the mural, the prison walls, the virtual political divides, the religious walls, the
c. Positive and encouraging States – ---the rich variety of digital graphics economic walls, the color bars, the socio- psychological walls, the cordon sanitaire; the
feedback for the provokes student imagination and thinking into political divides, the religious walls, the famous walls of the world – the Wailing Wall,
activities or the creating a remarkable, even exceptional concept psychological walls, the cordon sanitaire; the the Berlin Wall, the Great Wall of China, the
assessment results paper either on building walls, or breaking walls in famous walls of the world – the Wailing Walls of Babylon, the walled complex of
should be devised. his/her discipline. Wall, the Berlin Wall, the Great Wall of Sacsayhuaman of Peru, the Intramuros, and the
China, the Walls of Babylon, the walled Vietnam Veterans Memorial Wall in the United
4. The Reminder is a boxed aide- Sample Matrix of Essentials in Organizing Concept complex of Sacsayhuaman of Peru, the States – ---the rich variety of digital graphics
mémoire or prompt for both the Paper Intramuros, and the Vietnam Veterans provokes student imagination and thinking into
teacher and the student. Text Title Critical Reading Activities Memorial Wall in the United States – ---the creating a remarkable, even exceptional concept
1. “Boondocks” The core Naming rich variety of digital graphics provokes paper either on building walls, or breaking walls
definition at the and
5. The Summary winds up the heart of a concept defining at
student imagination and thinking into in his/her discipline.
lesson with a reiteration of paper least thirty creating a remarkable, even exceptional
five new
important points. English concept paper either on building walls, or
words breaking walls in his/her discipline.
To challenge the student to from
prepare a well-written concept Writing
paper on “walls,” the module brief
closes with a power point
presentation focusing on various al Sample Matrix of Essentials in Organizing
kinds of walls, their diverse uses, of new Concept Paper
English Text Title Critical Reading Activities
and their structural materials. words
Sample Matrix of Essentials in Organizing Focus
Ranging from the house wall, to derived Concept Paper 1. The core Naming and defining at
from Text Title Critical Activities “Boondocks definition at the least thirty five new
the mural, the prison walls, the Filipino Reading ” heart of a concept English words borrowed
virtual economic walls, the color 2. “Months of the Strategy for Guessing Focus paper from Filipino; Writing
Year” and “Days of concept meanings 1. The core Naming and defining at brief etymological
bars, the socio-political divides, the Week” clarification: of words “Boondocks definition least thirty five new narratives of new English
Greek and Latin, after words derived from
the religious walls, the and other identifying
” at the English words borrowed
heart of from Filipino; Writing brief Filipino
psychological walls, the cordon etymological their a etymological narratives of 2. “Months Strategy for Guessing meanings of
narratives Roots, concept new English words derived of the Year” concept words after identifying
sanitaire; the famous walls of the prefixes and “Days clarification: their Roots, prefixes and
paper from Filipino
world – the Wailing Wall, the and of the Greek and Latin, suffixes; narrating
2. “Months Strategy Guessing meanings of
suffixes; Week” and other etymological stories
Berlin Wall, the Great Wall of of the Year” for words after identifying
narrating etymological
and “Days concept their Roots, prefixes and
etymologic narratives
China, the Walls of Babylon, the al stories
of the clarificati suffixes; narrating
Week” on: etymological stories
walled complex of Sacsayhuaman Greek
of Peru, the Intramuros, and the and
Vietnam Veterans Memorial Wall and
in the United States – ---the rich other
variety of digital graphics ical
provokes student imagination s
and thinking into creating a
remarkable, even exceptional
concept paper either on building
walls, or breaking walls in his/her

Sample Matrix of Essentials in

Organizing Concept Paper
Text Title Critical Activities
1. The core Naming and
“Boondocks definition defining at least
” at the thirty five new
heart of English words
a borrowed from
concept Filipino; Writing
paper brief
narratives of
new English
words derived
from Filipino
2. “Months Strategy Guessing
of the Year” for meanings of
and “Days concept words after
of the clarificati identifying their
Week” on: Roots, prefixes
Greek and suffixes;
and narrating
Latin, etymological
and stories
D. References: D. References: D. References: D. References:

TM/TG Pages: 67-69 TM/TG Pages: 67-69 TM/TG Pages: 67-69 TM/TG Pages: 67-69
LM Pages: 85-94 LM Pages: 85-94 LM Pages: 85-94 LM Pages: 85-94
Additional Learning Materials: Additional Learning Materials: Internet Additional Learning Materials: Internet Additional Learning Materials: Internet

E. Activity/Strategies: E. Activity/Strategies: E. Activity/Strategies: E. Activity/Strategies:

 The students will reading  The students will reading any article and they will  The students will reading any article and  The students will reading any article and they
any article and they will be be writing a concept paper based on their specific they will be writing a concept paper will be writing a concept paper based on their
writing a concept paper track. based on their specific track. specific track.
based on their specific track.

Assessment: Assessment: Assessment:

 Quiz  Quiz  Quiz
 Quiz

F. Remarks: F. Remarks: F. Remarks: F. Remarks:

This learning area English for This learning area English for Academic and Professional This learning area English for Academic and This learning area English for Academic and
Academic and Professional Purposes Purposes contained 80 hours in the whole semester with 1 Professional Purposes contained 80 hours in the Professional Purposes contained 80 hours in the whole
contained 80 hours in the whole hour per session. whole semester with 1 hour per session. semester with 1 hour per session.
semester with 1 hour per session.

Prepared by: Checked by: Noted by: Approved:

SHS Teacher 1 Master Teacher, Academic Track SHS Focal Person Secondary School Principal IV

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