Department of Education: English For Academic and Professional Purposes

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

ENGLISH FOR ACADEMIC AND C. The topic sentence, the body and the
PRE-TEST D. None of the above
_______6.What is the purpose of the topic
NAME: _________________________________
A. To give coherence to the paragraph.
GRADE & SECTION: ___________________ B. To help with the flow of sentences.
C. To help the reader understand what the
Directions: Read the statements below and paragraph will be about.
choose the best answer. Write your answers D. None of the above
before the number. NO ERASURES. _______7.What is 'academic writing'?
A. A technique to write balanced, accurate
_______1. Who are the target readers of an and professional assignments
academic essay? B. An old-fashioned way of writing.
A. Parents, workers, teachers C. How university professors write.
B. Teachers, students, academic community D. The writing you find in textbooks
C. Students, out-of-school youth, government _______8.Choose three words to describe
officials academic writing:
D. None of the above A. Talented, stylish, inspiring
_______2.What are the purposes of doing an B. Precise, clear, objective
academic writing? C. Decisive, divisive, derisive
A. To settle, to negotiate and to inform D. Subjective, obscure, vague
B. To defend, to challenge and to question _______9.What is true of the introductory
C. To inform, to persuade and to argue a paragraph?
specific point A. ends with the thesis.
D. To guess, to hypothesize and to make B. introduces the big idea of the essay
conclusions C. starts with a hook
_______3.Writing academic papers requires D. all of these
deliberate, thorough and careful thought. _______10.What is the sequence of an essay?
Therefore, what should one do to achieve a A. Introduction, Body Paragraph, Body
well-crafted academic essay? Paragraph, Conclusion
A. One must depend on his/her own opinions B. Body Paragraph, Introduction, Conclusion,
alone. Body Paragraph
B. One must conduct a research on the topic C. Introduction, Body Paragraph, Conclusion,
at hand. Body Paragraph
C. One must not consult the Internet for D. Conclusion, Introduction, Body Paragraph,
unsure sources. Body Paragraph
D. One must depend highly on the Internet _______11. As long as you know your tutor,
for easy information access. you don't need to use a formal style of
_______4.An academic essay must use writing. It's good to be friendly.
appropriate vocabulary words but not too A. Some tutors like you to be formal but some
pretentious, highfalutin words. Which among don't mind as long as you do the work.
these words is the simplified version of the B. You only need to be formal in exams, not
term, "supercalifragilisticexpialidocious"? regular coursework.
A. beautiful; pretty C. It's good to be friendly but always use
B. exquisite; one-of-a-kind formal English when you write assignments.
C. extraordinarily good; wonderful D. Formal English is too old-fashioned these
D. hardworking; industrious days
_______5.What are the three main parts of an _______12.Contractions are:
essay? A. what happens when you have a baby
A. The hook, the main idea and the B. when someone says the opposite to you
conclusion. C. when something is too narrow
B. The introduction, the body and the D. a shortened form of a word
conclusion. _______13.Which example is correct?
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education

A. However, the main reasons are time, A Visualize

money and cost. B. Predict
B. However the main reasons, are time, C. Connect
money, and, cost. D. Clarify
C. However, the main reasons are time money _______22.Create mental images of the
and cost. settings, characters, and events in the text.
D. However, the main reasons, are time A. Connect
money, and cost. B. Visualize
_______14.Which is correct? C. Clarify
A. They were effected badly by the incident D. Evaluate
B. The incident effected them badly. _______23.Stop and ask yourself questions to
C. They were affected badly by the incident. see if the text makes sense.
D. The affects of the incident were bad. A. Clarify
_______15.Choose the right one: B. Evaluate
A. It's bowl's empty. C. Question
B. Its bowl's empty. D. Predict
C. Its' bowls' empty. _______24. Think about what you already
D. It's bowls empty. know about the text. Find ways to relate the
_______16.'Information on the internet is text to yourself, other texts, and the world
'free'. Anyone can use it without having to around you.
reference it.' A. Predict
A. True B. Visualize
B. False C. Clarify
C. It depends on how important the D. Connect
assignment is. _______25. Think about the text as a whole
D. You only need to reference authors' work and form opinions about what you read.
on the internet A. Evaluate
_______17.What is an academic language... B. Question a set of vocabulary terms used in schools C. Predict
B. comes as second nature to native D. Connect
speakers, but is difficult for ELLs to acquire _______26.Stopping when you are confused to the linguistic register that students are reread or look up a word you don't know.
expected to use in school subjects A. Connect
D. All of the above B. Clarify
_______18.When do you use formal language? C. Evaluate
A. In an academic essay. D. Predict
B.W hen you talk to a friend. _______27. When you give your opinion of a
C. When you write a text message. book or story, you are using the strategy.
D. In sending emails. A. Question
_______19.What does it mean to write B. Evaluation
academically? C. Summarize
A. To write in order to pass final exams D. Clarify
B. To write paper for scholars _______28. Making pictures in your mind as
C. To write using proper English language you read is an example of .
D. To avoid copy pasting from the Internet A. Predicting
_______20.The term, "VERY OFTEN" may be B. Connecting
improved using a more appropriate academic C. Visualization
word which is: D. Clarifying
A. Frequently _______29.Wondering about why a character
B. Rarely acted in a certain why is using the
C. Seriously comprehension skill of .
D. Stubbornly A. Visualizing
_______21.Determine what you think will B. Summarizing
happen in the text. C. Predicting
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education

D. Questioning supernatural order . . . And the greater

_______30."This story reminds me of part . . . is coming to be written by people
something I heard on the news," is an who not only have no such belief, but are
example of which strategy? even ignorant of the fact that there are still
A. Visualizing people in the world so 'backward' or so
B. Connection 'eccentric' as to continue to believe."
C. Clarifying A. Matthew Arnold
D. Summarizing B. C.S. Lewis
_______31. One of the disadvantages of this C. T.S. Eliot
school of criticism is that it tends to make D. G.K. Chesterton
readings too subjective. _______37. A critic of Thomas Otway's "Venice
A. Reader Response Criticism Preserv'd" wishes to know why the play's
B. Formalist Criticism conspirators, despite the horrible, bloody
C. Historical Criticism details of their obviously brutish plan, are
D. These are all equally subjective portrayed in a sympathetic light. She
_______32. This literary critic coined the term examines the author's life and times and
"fancy." discovers that there are obvious similarities
A. Samuel Taylor Coleridge between the conspiracy in the play and
B. Virginia Woolf the Popish Plot. She is most likely a _________
C. Matthew Arnold critic.
D. Carl Jung A. Tory
_______33. Michael Foucault was the major B. Historical
practitioner of this school of criticism. C. Feminist
A. Structuralism D. Psychological
B. Mimetic Criticism _______38. This poet might be described as a
C. Deconstructionism moral or philosophical critic for arguing that
D. Formalist Criticism works must have "high seriousness."
_______34. This critical approach assumes A. T.S. Eliot
that language does not refer to any external B. Virginia Woolf
reality. It can assert several, contradictory C. Elizabeth Browning
interpretations of one text. D. Matthew Arnold
A. Structuralism _______39. A critic examining Pope's "An
B. Deconstructionism Essay on Man" asks herself: How well does
C. Formalist Criticism this
D. Mimetic Criticism poem accord with the real world? Is it
_______35. A critic examining John Milton's accurate? Is it moral? She is most likely a
"Paradise Lost" focuses on the physical _____ critic.
description of the Garden of Eden, on the A. Mimetic
symbols of hands, seed, and flower, and B. Formalist
on the characters of Adam, Eve, Satan, and C. Feminist
God. He pays special attention to the D. Reader Response
epic similes and metaphors and the point of _______40. One of the potential disadvantages
view from which the tale is being told. of this approach to literature is that it can
He looks for meaning in the text itself, and reduce meaning to a certain time frame,
does not refer to any biography of Milton. rather than making it universal throughout
He is most likely a ____ critic. the ages.
A. Formalist A. Historical
B. Mimetic B. Feminist
C. Reader Response C. Formalist
D. Feminist D. Mimetic
_______36. This literary critic warned: "We _____41. The New Critics were:
must remember that the greater part of our A. Feminist critics
current reading matter is written for us by B. Psychological Critics
people who have no real belief in a C. Marxist critics
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education

D. Formalist critics critical approach is this critic using?

_____42. What approach to literary criticism A. Mimetic approach
requires the critic to know about the author's B. Psychological approach
life C. Historical approach
and times? D. Formalist approach
A. All of these _____50. One archetype in literature is the
B. Mimetic scapegoat. Which of these literary characters
C. Historical serves that purpose?
D. Formalist A. Billy Budd
_____43. Formalist critics believe that the B. Hamlet
value of a work cannot be determined by the C. Captain Ahab
author's intention. What term do they use D. Ophelia
when speaking of this belief?
A. The intentional fallacy
B. The affective fallacy Jan Alleana M. Fernandez
C. The pathetic fallacy Subject Teacher
D. The objective correlative
_____44. Which poet popularized the term What is your expectation in this subject?
objective correlative, which is often used in _____________________________________________
formalist criticism? _____________________________________________
A. Virginia Woolf _____________________________________________
B. C.S. Lewis _____________________________________________
C. T.S. Eliot _____________________________________________
D. Matthew Arnold _____________________________________________
_____45. In a Freudian approach to literature, _____________________________________________
concave images are usually seen as: _____________________________________________
A. Male symbols _____________________________________________
B. Evidence of an Oedipus complex _____________________________________________
C. Phallic symbols _________
D. Female symbols
_____46. He was an influential force in What is your expectation to your subject
archetypal criticism. teacher?
A. Freud _____________________________________________
B. Jung _____________________________________________
C. Richards _____________________________________________
D. Tate _____________________________________________
_____47. Seven is an archetype associated _____________________________________________
with: _____________________________________________
A. Astrology _____________________________________________
B. Perfection _____________________________________________
C. Birth _____________________________________________
D. Death _____________________________________________
_____48. This feminist critic proposed that all
female characters in literature are in at least
one of the following stages of development:
the feminine, feminist, or female stage.
A. Virginia Woolf
B. Ellen Mores
C. Mary Wolstencraft
D. Elaine Showalter
_____49. A critic argues that in John Milton's
"Samson Agonistes," the shearing of
Samson's locks is symbolic of his castration
at the hands of Delilah. What kind of

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