Prayer To Break Off Generational Curses

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Prayer to Break Off Generational Curses

I break all curses or vows that have ever been spoken over me from my mother and father and
from all generational curses that have been spoken over anyone in my ancestry all the way back
to Adam and Eve.

In Jesus Christ’s name I declare that I am not in agreement to any form of sin, or disobedience
that operates in this world and against the throne of God, as I am not in agreement to any person,
or family member who deliberately sinned, or perverted God's ways. In the Mighty name of
Jesus Christ I thank You Father God for Your good and righteous ways and I seek to live my life
by Your Spirit and reap the rewards of living by Your righteousness.

I repent for every relative connected to my family ancestry who has deliberately, or without
spiritual wisdom sinned against my Lord, or His people. I realize that all sin will be judged one
day and that each one of us is accountable for what we have said, or done, but I am repenting for
my families sins in that I shall be released from any curse these sins may have produced against
me. I put all of my sins and my ancestors’ sins at the foot of the cross and declare that Jesus
Christ has forgiven us for all.

I break all generational curses of pride, lust, perversion, rebellion, witchcraft, idolatry, poverty,
sickness, infirmity, disease, rejection, fear, confusion, addiction, death, and destruction in the
name of Jesus.

I curse all traumas in my ancestors and descendants lives that have had any right to me and
command all memory of these to be forever forgotten and never remembered again. I replace
these traumas with peace. I speak that any and all nightmares in sleep will be turned to joy and
loving dreams and visions from the Lord.

I renounce the behavior of any relative in our family background who has lived more for the
world, than for God. I renounce any ungodly beliefs, traditions, rituals, or customs that my
people may have followed or acted upon. I repent of those family members who sought to fulfill
the selfishness of their desires, and those who have perverted God's righteousness for I myself
choose to serve God and live by His ways.

I declare that my descendants will receive blessing and favor from this day forward. That we
will be blessed with love, joy and peace throughout our lives and that Jesus will be the King of
our lives. Amen.
Prayer to Renounce the Jezebel Spirit

Heavenly Father,

I come before you with a contrite, humble and sincere heart. Thank you for having my eyes
opened and scales removed today to the truth of what I have been battling in my life. I was truly
a victim of my circumstances as I was an innocent child that was being controlled, manipulated
and hurt through my father (and mother) as they were hurt by the enemy through their parents as
did their ancestors as the pain and abuse was a vicious cycle that will now be broken over my life
and all of my descendants. I am ready for this controlling spirit to be broken off of my life once
and for all as today I take back what the enemy has stolen from me and I command all painful
memories of my past to be removed forever, never to be remembered again. I forgive all that
have hurt me in my past and break off all spirits of offense that I have taken. I choose to forgive
my father for all that he did to hurt me. I choose to forgive my mother for all that she did to hurt
me (and you can name anyone else that has hurt you as there is power in forgiveness).

I cancel every negative unscriptural word ever spoken over my life and all physical or sexual acts
that have hurt me throughout my lifetime. I break the power of the spirits of confusion, fear,
control, anger, deceit, pride, arrogance and manipulation and exchange all hurts and pains from
my past to be taken by Jesus Christ and forever healed and replaced with His love, joy and peace
for the remainder of my days on earth. I command all the effects from serving the spirit of
Jezebel be broken off of me and my descendants forever.

I now command every demonic influence from the spirit of Jezebel to be broken off of my life
and I truly repent for my serving of this spirit either intentionally or inadvertently. I renounce all
wrong associations that I had which served the spirit of Jezebel. I repent for all those that I have
hurt with my controlling behavior and declare that I will no longer serve the powers of witchcraft
from this moment forward. I declare a divorce with the spirit of Jezebel. I want nothing to do
with the wickedness of that spirit in my life and declare that I will serve only the one true and
living God with all of my being.

All the wounds that Jesus took for me on the cross were sufficient for me to be healed forever
and I exchange my broken heart for a new heart that is soft, gentle, loving, pure and strong
(symbolically pull a knife out of your old heart and replace it with a new one from your heavenly
Papa who loves you unconditionally).

I declare that I will serve Jesus Christ and His Word with all of my heart from this moment
forward. I declare I will not compromise my living to any standard below Christ’s love, purity
and Holiness. Thank you, Jesus, for healing my broken heart forevermore and giving me a new
life to serve you with. In Jesus blessed name. Amen !
Next just rest and take a deep breath with your new clean heart and receive the peace from your loving
Papa Father. You should feel the weight of the world lifted from your shoulders and feel a tremendous
peace like you have never felt before. There are power in your words and death and life is in the power of
the tongue.

Prayer to Renounce the Spirit of Ahab

Pray the below prayer if you have been married or affected by someone that had the Jezebel

Father in Heaven, I come to You in the name of Jesus Christ, my Savior and Lord. Father, it is
my desire to see Your Kingdom come into my life and into my marriage (or future marriage) and
my family in a new and powerful way. Right now I make a decision to forgive any and everyone
who has had influence in my life to cause me to be less than the person of God You wanted me
to be. Father, I forgive the following persons who have unfairly controlled me (name anyone
who comes to mind).

I repent of being like an Ahab and ask You to forgive me. I now take back the authority and
responsibility You have given to me. By the power that works in me according to Your strength
and anointing, I will watch over and minister to my new husband or wife in Christ and my
children. Father, I ask for wisdom and guidance as I do this.

In the Name of Jesus, I break every curse that has come upon me or been spoken over me and
my family because of the influence of the Spirit of Jezebel within my husband or wife and any
sins of his or our ancestors. I command every evil spirit that has come in through curses that
have been spoken over me to leave me. Go out of me, now, in the name of Jesus Christ! You
must also loose my husband or wife and family. I say to you evil spirits, GO! I declare that I am
bold in the Lord and command restoration of everything that the Spirit of Jezebel has done to
hurt me. I am blessed and highly favored and am strong in the Lord and decree that my future
life will be far greater than my former. As a believer in Jesus Christ I have been granted the
same authority as Christ and declare divine health throughout every cell in my body. I have the
mind of Christ ! I will help others that I know to get set free from every Spirit of Jezebel and
Spirit of Ahab and decree that I will have a strong anointing over those spirits the rest of my life.

Thank You, Father, for deliverance and healing, now and in the days to come. Praise Your Holy
Name. AMEN!

Prayer to Renounce the Leviathan Spirit

Lord, I come before you with a humble and contrite spirit and command all spirits of pride to be
gone from me forever in Jesus name. I ask you to remove from my life any influence from the
spirit of Leviathan. I reject this spirit completely and with all my heart and command it to be
broken off me forever, never to return again. Forgive me for any ways that I have served this
spirit either intentionally or inadvertently. Forgive me for any ways in which I have been twisted
or have twisted the truth, that I have listened to distortion of the truth or have distorted the truth.
I devote myself to bringing unity, not division or confusion, into the church and in my personal
relationships and will therefore honor other Godly members and those you have placed in
authority over me.

It states in Isaiah 27:1 “In that day the Lord with His severe sword, great and strong, will punish
Leviathan the fleeing serpent, Leviathan that twisted serpent; And He will slay the reptile that is
in the sea”. I declare that Leviathan is severed from my life now and forever more. By your
grace I will speak the truth in love and dedicate myself to expressing the truth of your word in
my life, and have a humble and contrite spirit in the precious name of Jesus. Amen." 

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