Command The Morning

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As you begin your day, this prayer releases the blessings of the Lord and stops the
hidden schemes of the enemy against your life.

————— P R A Y E R —————

(Original by Grant Mahoney with major revisions by Jacquelin Hanselman)

And have you ever ordered Morning, ‘Get up!,’ told Dawn, ‘Get to work!’ So you could
seize Earth like a blanket and shake out the wicked like cockroaches? As the sun brings
everything to light, brings out all the colors and shapes, the cover of darkness is
snatched from the wicked—they’re caught in the very act! From the wicked, their light is
withheld, and their uplifted arm is broken. (Job 38:12-15 The Message and AMP)

Just Judge of the Universe, Ancient of Days, Creator of the heavens and the earth and
all it contains, I thank You that I am able to enter into Your Court this day by the Blood
of the Lamb. I thank You for Your mercy and loving kindness that is new every morning.
I thank You for the wisdom and counsel that comes from Your Word that is a lamp unto
my feet and a light unto my path. I thank You that You direct my path today and that
You make my thoughts to be in agreement with Your will, and so shall I prosper and
succeed. I thank You that You surround me with favor as a shield, for the shields of the
earth belong to my God. I thank You for Your great grace that enables me to walk in
faith and to continue to press towards the prize of being conformed to the image of
Jesus Christ, going from glory to glory as a manifested Son of God.

I petition the Court of Mercy to dismantle every Council of Darkness that is releasing
judgments and accusations against my family this day (Psalm 64:6). By their search
through the books of hell, they have presented a court case that demands our
punishment for the iniquity of our bloodlines. I ask for their judgments of death and
destruction to be overturned by my heartfelt brokenness, tears of repentance, and
prayers for the forgiveness of all ancestral bloodline wickedness. Until these iniquities
can be addressed in the Mercy Court, I ask for a continuance until these accusations
can be examined through the light of truth and revelation. I ask for the angelic execution
of the Order of Assistance on the authority of the Divorce Decrees against these
demonic forces recorded in the Books of Heaven on____________________________
(Enter the date you completed the Petition of Divorce from the Bloodline (p. 83). Be
certain to complete the Court Order for Assistance to the Bloodlines (p. 89)).

I thank You for the honor of Sonship and the authority that You have given to me over
all the power of the enemy, so what I proclaim in Heaven is recorded and manifests in
the earth today. I thank You that in all these matters, I am more than a conqueror
through Him who loves me (Romans 8:37) and an Overcomer by the Blood of the Lamb
(Revelation 12:11). I walk in constant victory because You are the defender of my life
(Psalm 18). I thank You, Father, that I am not dismayed by the vast multitude that
stands against me because the battle is Yours, and the victory is mine (2 Chronicles

Your Word says that Jehovah marches out like a champion, like a warrior He stirs up
His zeal; with a shout, He raises the battle cry and triumphs over His enemies (Isaiah
42:13). For Jehovah consumes with fire every wicked power operating in the night
season against my life, family, region, and the Body of Christ (Isaiah 26:11). The Lord of
Hosts draws out for destruction the great horde of wickedness that has been warring to
destroy our destiny as shining stars in the universe (Philippians 2:15b, Daniel 12:3).

You are Jehovah, my Champion in war. I shout “Yod Hey Vav Hey,” the sacred name of
God, over my life! I thank You for Your love, mercy, and faithfulness defending me
against the attack of my enemies. For You are Jehovah Sabaoth, the Commander and
Chief of the Angel Armies, my Champion of War. I thank You that it gives You pleasure
to fight these battles. I thank You that I can just rest in Christ Jesus and receive the

I am encouraged by Your faithfulness to Your promises. Fear not for I am with you; Be
not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you; I will help you; I will uphold you
with My righteous right hand. Behold, all who are incensed against you shall be put to
shame and confounded; those who strive against you shall be as nothing and shall
perish. You will seek those who contend with you, but you shall not find them; those
who war against you shall be as nothing at all. For I, the Lord your God, hold your right
hand; it is I who say to you, “Fear not, I am the one who helps you!” (Isaiah 41:10-13
ESV). My heart safely trusts in You and Your ability to keep me against all the power of
the enemy.

I ask that these decrees released against the fallen sons of God, their armies, and the
human agents of darkness be recorded in Heaven, be in agreement with Your will, and
result in Your judgment against my spiritual enemies. Judge every enemy in the
heavenlies, on the earth, under the earth, in the seas, under the seas, in the high
places, under the high places, in the mountains, and under the mountains. I request the
commissioning of the angel armies to enforce these decrees on behalf of my mountains
of influence, my family by blood and marriage, my seed, the destiny of my bloodline, my
portion and lot, and my birthright.

According to Job 22:28 (NASB), You will also decree a thing, and it will be established
for you; And light will shine on your ways.

I decree the following over all that concerns me:

I decree blessings into the heavens for everyone and everything that concerns me. I
walk in victory today and every day of my life.

I take authority over this day and draw upon the resources of the Kingdom of God for all
of my physical, emotional, financial, and spiritual needs. For the Lord has promised to
meet all of my needs according to the riches of glory in Christ Jesus. I bring my needs
before You now (list specific needs for the day):

This is the day that the Lord has made, and I will rejoice and be glad in it.

I decree that all the elements of this day will cooperate with me. I seize this day out of
the hands of the enemy. I shake off all frustration and futility.

So I speak to you—sun, moon, and stars, and all the elements of the earth—you will
release favor to my family today. Elemental forces of the earth—air, water, fire, weather,
wind, rain, snow, and temperature cooperate with Almighty God to bless and prosper
the Sons of God. I decree that our water is sweet, the weather is temperate, and the
rain falls as needed for the crops on the earth.

By my God-ordained authority over my mountains of influence, I decree that:

Confusion and chaos engulf the Council of Darkness working to establish the
government of Hell on the earth and destroy the Body of Christ. The blood of Jesus
Christ obliterates every evil strategy, every prophecy of darkness, and the timetable of
hell programmed into the seasonal cycle of the sun, moon, and stars. For the gates of
hell, the Council of Darkness, shall not prevail against my life, my family, and the Body
of Christ today.

I decree that all unjust laws and judgments released by the Council of Darkness are
overturned by the just laws and judgments of the Superior Court of Heaven.

For the mighty, stubborn, unrelenting, ancient sword of the Lord with the victorious
angel armies severs, disrupts, and overthrows all trading floors of darkness, and
dissolves the covenants of death between the human agents of darkness and the fallen
sons of God. Expose the wicked trading floors in our nation.

I decree that all human agents of darkness be silenced like the Queen of Heaven 8 in
Isaiah 47. The blood of Jesus Christ covers all satanic prayers, incantations, chants,
spells, fetishes, prophetic acts, and prophecies of darkness. You are forbidden to hinder
the destiny of the Sons of God.

I decree that the human agents of darkness and the fallen sons of God turn their hatred
on one another like the enemies of Israel in the Old Testament! Let all human agents be
confronted with the truth of their bondage to darkness. Repent for your sins or die in
your iniquity!

Every evil word, blood sacrifice, entanglement of iniquity, engraving, laws of darkness,
and assignments of death, destruction, and futility programmed by human agents of
darkness in the heavenlies this day and in the past is abolished and of no effect by the
blood of Jesus Christ. All wicked schemes are thwarted and must fall to the earth as
dust. All demonic hordes released must cease and desist in their assignment.
Every demonic seed planted in the heavens, on the earth, under the earth, and in the
seas, under the seas, in the high places, and under the high places, in the mountains,
and under the mountains be uprooted, wither, and die today. Every tree of darkness
planted in this region, this state, this nation, and the nations of the earth is destroyed by
the lightning of God. Not one tendril remains!

The blood of Jesus destroys the grid of darkness, the veil of hell, constructed over
everyone that concerns me. Release the captives in my family, the region, the nation,
and the Body of Christ from the black light of self-righteousness. Break off every

May the lightnings and thundering’s of the Lord be manifested in the heavens as this
war wages on behalf of the Body of Christ in __________________(list your region and

Destroy every satanic blockade in the heavenlies hindering the access of the Body of
Christ to the heavenly realms.

I decree that the blood of Jesus Christ cleanses the portals in my region. Access is
denied to the human agents of darkness who have controlled the spiritual atmosphere!
Angel armies set up checkpoints and restrict access to only those whose names are
written in the Lamb's Book of Life. Protect this region according to Psalm 91. Alert the
Body of Christ to any invasion by the enemy.

Because the Blood of the Lamb is applied to the doorposts and lintels of our lives, the
angel of death and destruction must pass over, and all the plagues of Egypt cannot
penetrate our secret place in God.

I decree that the body and blood of Jesus Christ restores and heals the DNA in my
family, making of no effect every hidden equation programmed by hell into our DNA
through inner vows, bitterness, iniquity, and trauma.

Let every battle in the heavenlies be in favor of the angels assigned to convey our

Let the heavens declare the glory of God over our lives!

I walk in victory in every area of my life.

Walk with me, Spirit of the Lord, with the spirits of wisdom and understanding, counsel
and might, knowledge and the fear of the Lord. I exalt wisdom as my sister and
embrace understanding as my kin. I do receive the promises of long life and prosperity.
I excel this year, and nothing shall hinder the race that I have chosen to complete for
the Lord. The Holy Spirit anoints me with the oil of gladness and the mantle of praise.
My ears shall hear good news and be sensitive to the Spirit of God as His wisdom is
released into my life. My life is secure in Christ in God. My entire household is saved
and serving the Lord God Almighty.

Father, give me ability that is equal to my opportunity. Empower me to pluck the seed of
success. Empower me to reach my goal—my destiny. Give me sufficient days to fulfill
all that is written in my book of destiny for my time on the earth. Guide my words and
actions to bear eternal fruit. Father, give me divine alertness to recognize divine
opportunities. Give me divine discernment to recognize every counterfeit door of the

I walk in the kairos time of God! I disengage from the limited time of this earth and
engage with the rich eternal time of Heaven. Today I refuse to be at the right place at
the wrong time.

Just Judge of the Universe, Ancient of Days, Creator of the heavens and the earth and
all it contains, I thank You that You have heard my prayers and decrees. I ask for these
decrees to be recorded in Heaven, be in agreement with Your will, and all judgments be
released in our favor by the courts. I ask the angel armies to enforce these decrees
today on behalf of all that concerns me: my family, ministry, destiny, portion, lot,
birthright, and bloodline. I thank You for enforcing these decrees in the heavens for
Kingdom purposes on the earth today. I thank You that I walk in constant victory. I thank
You, Father, that Your Word says that the battle is Yours and victory is mine. I thank
You that I can rest in Christ Jesus and simply receive the victory.

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