Field Guide For Fathers.: Talking To Children - The Basic Foxhole Father Philosophy

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Foxhole Father

The Field Guide for Fathers

Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Talking to Children - The Basic Foxhole Father Philosophy

The basic Foxhole Father philosophy starts with becoming the masculine
nonjudgmental sanctuary for your children. This should be the basis for
your fathering.

This leads to communicating with your children in very deliberate ways.

Throughout this book, I will explain what this means.

Your children will face life choices every day.

Your Foxhole Father mission is to teach them the life skills to successfully
navigate those choices.

Along with their mother, you are the first and most important teacher they
will ever have. You are their life’s guide. Every interaction with your
children must start with absolute respect for them as individuals.

Your children will say or do things that upset you. That is a given. This
book will show you how to approach these situations to give your children
the best possible outcomes.

When situations arise, listen with respect and objectivity. If you believe
they are about to make a decision not in THEIR best interest, express why
you believe that. Remember, your reasons should always be based on their
best interest. Express them that way. Your advice should never be based
Foxhole Father
The Field Guide for Fathers

Chapter 1

on your personal feelings.

You should always acknowledge that you know their best thought process
brought them to the choices they are making. You should always
acknowledge that they are human just like you, and that they are doing
the best they can to navigate their lives.

Most importantly, your interaction with your children at these moments

needs to be free of judgments.

Have faith that there are ways to have constructive discussions related to
controversial and emotionally charged topics. Much of this is in your control
and in the level of self-control you maintain. If you are truly dedicated,
you can become the father your children need and deserve, ever
considering the long-term ramifications of even the smallest interaction.

Most fathers feel an overwhelming urgency to have an immediate answer

to every question and an immediate solution to every problem. We
naturally want problems quickly resolved. Yes, during our evolution, this
trait made for a successful cave man, but it is sometimes a terrible trait to
have while parenting.

We need to fight this tendency and learn to pause and self-observe.

The Foxhole Father exhibits great self-control.

Once we control our tendency toward instinctive and reactive problem

solving, we can begin to parent deliberately.

You have a life’s worth of perspectives and insights formed from your
accumulated experiences.

These are some of your best parenting tools.

If you use them properly, they can:

1. help your child better understand situations they are experiencing,

and then you can …
2. detail potential consequences, short- and long-term, that they may
not have considered and then …

Foxhole Father
The Field Guide for Fathers

Chapter 1

3. teach them how their actions may be perceived by the world.

If you don’t approach your children the right way, all of the benefits of your
life experiences could be ignored by them.

The perspectives and insights, acquired over our lifetimes, form the very
fabric of our psychological and emotional being. We can call these our “gut
feelings” or “instincts,” but they also can be called ingrained personal
tendencies and biases.

Why is this important to realize, especially when it comes to parenting?

When we are presented with a child-related issue of any kind, these

ingrained personal tendencies and biases are going to rise quickly in our
hearts and minds and attempt to guide and filter our parenting. Our inner
cave man will want to come out, but we must learn to leave him in his

We need to remember it’s not about us, and our parenting instincts
derived from our life experience will not necessarily equate to the correct
parenting for our children. So, using one of my basic parenting tenets, we
should evaluate every situation individually and with an open mind, and
base our parenting on what is best for the child. This type of parenting is
more difficult and more time consuming.

How so?

Some fathers simply follow their first knee-jerk reactions in all situations.
These emotion-based decisions are quick and easy for the father but
sometimes harmful for the children. This type of decision making rarely
considers the child adequately.

The Foxhole Father will take each parenting moment separately and
evaluate it based on what is best for each individual child. The Foxhole
Father is patient, thoughtful and deliberate.

No matter what the situation or topic—romance, grades, sex, or

drugs—you should take a systematic approach. You need to understand
where your child is within his or her development emotionally,
psychologically, and physically. You then must parent that unique child

Foxhole Father
The Field Guide for Fathers

Chapter 1

through the situation.

Too often parents react to surface facts and make incorrect assumptions
without allowing their children to fully express themselves. These incorrect
assumptions are then filtered through the parent’s accumulated life
experience, the child’s best interest is not considered, and parenting
decisions are made. We can all see how this can lead to parenting
disasters. Many parenting situations are treated one dimensionally and
with little planning and forethought about the best possible outcomes.

You never have to make these common mistakes again.

What are the basic steps?

1. Remain calm and respectful; talk in a normal tone; never escalate.

2. Listen to the facts without interruption.
3. Listen to your child’s feelings without interruption.
4. Ignore your personal feelings and biases.
5. Never use judgmental or critical language.
6. Filter your fathering through what is best for your child.
7. Suggest solutions.

These steps become more important as the intensity of the parenting

situation rises.

Using the steps listed above will teach your children to be independent

By approaching them respectfully and without judgment, they will learn to

be thoughtful and deliberate about their actions, and conscious of the
ramifications of them.

Your children will begin to see you as their advocate and protector.

Learning and using the steps above could open you and your children to an
entirely new relationship.

These concepts are explored in greater detail in the chapters to come.

Intense situations are some of the best teaching moments you will ever

Foxhole Father
The Field Guide for Fathers

Chapter 1

have, so don’t waste them. We need to make the best parenting

impact during these moments. Too often teaching moments are lost
to loud voices and high emotions on both sides. By becoming a Foxhole
Father, you can break harmful parenting patterns.

Foxhole Father, The Field Guide for Fathers gives you tools to avoid many
common parenting pitfalls.

Thank you for downloading the first chapter of Foxhole Father, The Field
Guide for Fathers.

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