Active Calculus Multivariable (2018 Ed.)
Active Calculus Multivariable (2018 Ed.)
Active Calculus Multivariable (2018 Ed.)
2018 Edition
Steven Schlicker
David Austin Matthew Boelkins
Active Calculus - Multivariable
Active Calculus - Multivariable
Steve Schlicker
Grand Valley State University
Contributing Authors
David Austin
Grand Valley State University
Matt Boelkins
Grand Valley State University
Edition: 2018
© 2013–2018 Steven Schlicker
Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under
the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike
4.0 International License. The work may be used for free by any party so long
as attribution is given to the author(s), the work and its derivatives are used
in the spirit of “share and share alike”; no party may sell this work or any of
its derivatives for profit. All trademarks™ are the registered® marks of their
respective owners. The graphic
that may appear in other locations in the text shows that the work is li-
censed with the Creative Commons, that the work may be used for free by
any party so long as attribution is given to the author(s), that the work and
its derivatives are used in the spirit of “share and share alike,” and that no
party may sell this work or any of its derivatives for profit, with the fol-
lowing exception: it is entirely acceptable for university bookstores to sell
bound photocopied copies of the activities workbook to students at their stan-
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Features of the Text
Preview Activities. Each section of the text begins with a short introduc-
tion, followed by a preview activity. This brief reading and the preview
activity are designed to foreshadow the upcoming ideas in the remainder
of the section; both the reading and preview activity are intended to be
accessible to students in advance of class, and indeed to be completed by
students before a day on which a particular section is to be considered.
Activities. Every section in the text contains several activities. These are
designed to engage students in an inquiry-based style that encourages
them to construct solutions to key examples on their own, working either
individually or in small groups.
Exercises. There are dozens of calculus texts with (collectively) tens of thou-
sands of exercises. Rather than repeat a large list of standard and rou-
tine exercises in this text, we recommend the use of WeBWorK with its
access to the National Problem Library and its many multivariable cal-
culus problems. In this text, each section begins with several anonymous
WeBWorK exercises, and follows with several challenging problems. The
WeBWorK exercises are best completed in the .html version of the text
available at Almost every non-WeBWorK
problem has multiple parts, requires the student to connect several key
ideas, and expects that the student will do at least a modest amount
of writing to answer the questions and explain their findings. For in-
structors interested in a more conventional source of exercises, consider
the freely available APEX Calculus text by Greg Hartmann et al. at
Summary of Key Ideas. Each section concludes with a summary of the key
ideas encountered in the preceding section; this summary normally re-
flects responses to the motivating questions that began the section.
Links to technological tools. Many of the ideas of multivariable calculus
are best understood dynamically, and we encourage readers to make
frequent use of technology to analyze graphs and data. Since tech-
nology changes so often, we refrain from indicating specific programs
to use in the text. However, aside from computer algebra systems like
Maple, Mathematics, or Sage, there are many free graphing tools avail-
able for drawing three-dimensional surfaces or curves. These programs
can be used by instructors and students to assist in the investigations and
demonstrations. The use of these freely available applets is in accord with
our philosophy that no one should be required to purchase materials to
learn calculus. We are indebted to everyone who allows their expertise
to be openly shared. Below is a list of a few of the technological tools
that are available (links active at the writing of this edition). Of course,
you can find your own by searching the web.
• Wolfram Alpha, useful for graphing surfaces in 2D and 3D, and for general
calculations, at
• Wolfram Alpha widgets, searchable site for simple to use programs
using Wolfram Alpha, at
• GeoGebra, all purpose graphing tool with some computer algebra capa-
bilities, at Clicking on the magnifying glass
icon allows you to search a large database of GeoGebra applets.
This text is an extension of the single variable Active Calculus by Matt Boelkins.
The initial drafts of this multivariable edition were written by me; editing and
revisions were made by David Austin and Matt Boelkins. David Austin is
responsible for the beautiful full-color graphics in the text. Many of our col-
leagues at GVSU have shared their ideas and resources, which undoubtedly
had a significant influence on the product. We thank them for all of their
support. Most importantly, I want to thank thank the students who have used
this text and offered helpful advice and suggestions.
In advance, we also thank our colleagues throughout the mathematical
community who have or will read, edit, and use this book, and hence contribute
to its improvement through ongoing discussion. The following people have
used early drafts of this text and have generously offered suggestions that have
improved the text.
Feryâl Alayont Grand Valley State University
David Austin Grand Valley State University
Jon Barker and students St. Ignatius High School, Cleveland, OH
Matt Boelkins Grand Valley State University
Brian Drake Grand Valley State University
Brian Gleason Nevada State College
Mitch Keller Morningside College
The current .html version of the text is possible only because of the amazing
work of Rob Beezer and his development of PreTeXt. My ability to take
advantage of Rob’s work is largely due to the support of the American Institute
of Mathematics, which funded me for a weeklong workshop in Mathbook XML
in San Jose, CA, in April 2016. David Farmer also deserves credit for the
original conversion of the text from LATEX to PreTeXt.
I take full responsibility for all errors or inconsistencies in the text, and
welcome reader and user feedback to correct them, along with other suggestions
to improve the text.
David Austin, Matt Boelkins, Steven Schlicker, Allendale, MI, August,
Active Calculus -
Multivariable: our goals
Several fundamental ideas in calculus are more than 2000 years old. As a for-
mal subdiscipline of mathematics, calculus was first introduced and developed
in the late 1600s, with key independent contributions from Sir Isaac Newton
and Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz. Mathematicians agree that the subject has
been understood rigorously since the work of Augustin Louis Cauchy and Karl
Weierstrass in the mid 1800s when the field of modern analysis was devel-
oped, in part to make sense of the infinitely small quantities on which calculus
rests. As a body of knowledge, calculus has been completely understood for at
least 150 years. The discipline is one of our great human intellectual achieve-
ments: among many spectacular ideas, calculus models how objects fall under
the forces of gravity and wind resistance, explains how to compute areas and
volumes of interesting shapes, enables us to work rigorously with infinitely
small and infinitely large quantities, and connects the varying rates at which
quantities change to the total change in the quantities themselves.
While each author of a calculus textbook certainly offers their own creative
perspective on the subject, it is hardly the case that many of the ideas an
author presents are new. Indeed, the mathematics community broadly agrees
on what the main ideas of calculus are, as well as their justification and their
importance; the core parts of nearly all calculus textbooks are very similar.
As such, it is our opinion that in the 21st century—an age where the internet
permits seamless and immediate transmission of information—no one should
be required to purchase a calculus text to read, to use for a class, or to find a
coherent collection of problems to solve. Calculus belongs to humankind, not
any individual author or publishing company. Thus, a main purpose of this
work is to present a new multivariable calculus text that is free. In addition,
instructors who are looking for a calculus text should have the opportunity to
download the source files and make modifications that they see fit; thus this
text is open-source.
In Active Calculus - Multivariable, we endeavor to actively engage students
in learning the subject through an activity-driven approach in which the vast
majority of the examples are completed by students. Where many texts present
a general theory of calculus followed by substantial collections of worked ex-
amples, we instead pose problems or situations, consider possibilities, and then
ask students to investigate and explore. Following key activities or examples,
the presentation normally includes some overall perspective and a brief syn-
opsis of general trends or properties, followed by formal statements of rules or
theorems. While we often offer plausibility arguments for such results, rarely
do we include formal proofs. It is not the intent of this text for the instructor
or author to demonstrate to students that the ideas of calculus are coherent
and true, but rather for students to encounter these ideas in a supportive,
leading manner that enables them to begin to understand for themselves why
calculus is both coherent and true.
This approach is consistent with the following goals:
• To have students engage in an active, inquiry-driven approach, where
learners strive to construct solutions and approaches to ideas on their
own, with appropriate support through questions posed, hints, and guid-
ance from the instructor and text.
• To build in students intuition for why the main ideas in multivariable
calculus are natural and true. We strive to accomplish this by using spe-
cific cases to highlight the ideas for the general situation using contexts
that are common and familiar.
• To challenge students to acquire deep, personal understanding of multi-
variable calculus through reading the text and completing preview activ-
ities on their own, through working on activities in small groups in class,
and through doing substantial exercises outside of class time.
Because the text is free, any professor or student may use the electronic version
of the text for no charge. For reading on laptops or mobile devices, the best
electronic version to use is at, but you can
find links to a pdf and hard copy of the text at
Furthermore, because the text is open-source, any instructor may acquire the
full set of source files, which are available on GitHub.
This text may be used as a stand-alone textbook for a standard multivari-
able calculus course or as a supplement to a more traditional text. Chapter 9
introduces functions of several independent variables along with tools that will
be used to study these functions, namely vectors and vector-valued functions.
Chapter 10 studies differentiation of functions of several independent variables
in detail, addressing the typical topics including limits, partial derivatives, and
optimization, while Chapter 11 provides the standard topics of integration of
multivariable functions.
Electronic Edition Because students and instructors alike have access to the
book in electronic format, there are several advantages to the text over a
traditional print text. One is that the text may be projected on a screen
in the classroom (or even better, on a whiteboard) and the instructor may
reference ideas in the text directly, add comments or notation or features
to graphs, and indeed write right on the projected text itself. Students
can do the same when working at the board. In addition, students can
choose to print only whatever portions of the text are needed for them.
Also, the electronic versions of the text includes live .html links to on-
line programs, so student and instructor alike may follow those links to
additional resources that lie outside the text itself. Finally, students can
have access to a copy of the text anywhere they have a computer. The
.html version is far superior to the .pdf version; this is especially true for
viewing on a smartphone.
Note. In the .pdf version, there is not an obvious visual indicator of the
live .html links, so some availalable information is suppressed. If you are
using the text electronically in a setting with internet access, please know
that it is assumed you are using the .html version.
Activities Workbook Each section of the text has a preview activity and
at least three in-class activities embedded in the discussion. As it is the
expectation that students will complete all of these activities, it is ideal
for them to have room to work on them adjacent to the problem state-
ments themselves. A separate workbook of activities that includes only
the individual activity prompts, along with space provided for students
to write their responses, is in development.
that as people use the text, they will contribute corrections, suggestions,
and new material. At this time, the best way to communicate such
feedback is by email to Steve Schlicker at [email protected].
Acknowledgments vii
Index 293
Chapter 9
Motivating Questions
Preview Activity 9.1.1. Suppose you invest money in an account that pays
5% interest compounded continuously. If you invest P dollars in the account,
the amount A of money in the account after t years is given by
A = P e0.05t .
a. Find the amount of money in the account after 7 years if you originally
invest 1000 dollars.
c. Now consider only the situation where the amount invested is fixed at
1000 dollars. Calculate the amount of money in the account after t years
as indicated in Table 9.1.1. Round payments to the nearest penny.
d. Now consider the situation where we want to know the amount of money
in the account after 10 years given various initial investments. Calculate
the amount of money in the account as indicated in Table 9.1.2. Round
payments to the nearest penny.
e. Describe as best you can the combinations of initial investments and time
that result in an account containing $10,000.
Definition 9.1.4. The domain of a function f is the set of all inputs at which
the function is defined.
Activity 9.1.2. Identify the domain of each of the following functions. Draw
a picture of each domain in the xy-plane.
a. f (x, y) = x2 + y 2
b. f (x, y) =
x2 + y 2
c. Q(x, y) = x2 −y 2
d. s(x, y) = √ 1
1−xy 2
x2 sin(2y)
f (x, y) = ,
where g is the acceleration due to gravity. (Note that g is constant, 32 feet per
second squared. We will derive this equation in a later section.) To create a
table of values for f , we list the x-values down the first column and the y-values
across the first row. The value f (x, y) is then displayed in the location where
the x row intersects the y column, as shown in Table 9.1.5 (where we measure
x in feet per second and y in radians).
x2 sin(2y)
Table 9.1.5: Values of f (x, y) = g .
Activity 9.1.3. Complete Table 9.1.5 by filling in the missing values of the
function f . Round entries to the nearest tenth.
If f is a function of a single variable x, then we define the graph of f to be
the set of points of the form (x, f (x)), where x is in the domain of f . We then
plot these points using the coordinate axes in order to visualize the graph. We
can do a similar thing with functions of several variables. Table 9.1.5 identifies
points of the form (x, y, f (x, y)), and we define the graph of f to be the set of
these points.
Definition 9.1.6. The graph of a function f = f (x, y) is the set of points of
the form (x, y, f (x, y)), where the point (x, y) is in the domain of f .
We also often refer to the graph of a function f of two variables as the sur-
face generated by f . Points in the form (x, y, f (x, y)) are in three dimensions,
so plotting these points takes a bit more work than graphs of functions in two
dimensions. To plot these three-dimensional points, we need to set up a coor-
dinate system with three mutually perpendicular axes — the x-axis, the y-axis,
and the z-axis (called the coordinate axes). There are essentially two different
ways we could set up a 3D coordinate system, as shown in Figure 9.1.7; thus,
before we can proceed, we need to establish a convention.
z z
y x
x y
Figure 9.1.7: Left: A left hand system. Right: A right hand system
The distinction between these two figures is subtle, but important. In the
coordinate system shown at left in Figure 9.1.7, imagine that you are sitting
on the positive z-axis next to the label “z.” Looking down at the x- and
y-axes, you see that the y-axis is obtained by rotating the x-axis by 90◦ in
the counterclockwise direction. Again sitting on the positive z-axis in the
coordinate system at right in Figure 9.1.7, you see that the y-axis is obtained
by rotating the x-axis by 90◦ in the clockwise direction.
We call the coordinate system at right in Figure 9.1.7 a right-hand system;
if we point the index finger of our right hand along the positive x-axis and our
middle finger along the positive y-axis, then our thumb points in the direction
of the positive z-axis. Following mathematical conventions, we choose to use
a right-hand system throughout this book.
Now that we have established a convention for a right-hand system, we can
draw a graph of the distance function defined by f (x, y) = x sin(2y)
g . Note that
the function f is continuous in both variables, so when we plot these points in
the right hand coordinate system, we can connect them all to form a surface
in 3-space. The graph of the distance function f is shown in Figure 9.1.8.
y 150
1.5 100
1.0 50
There are many graphing tools available for drawing three-dimensional sur-
faces as indicated in the Preface (see Links to interactive graphics in Features
of the Text). Since we will be able to visualize graphs of functions of two
independent variables, but not functions of more than two variables, we will
primarily deal with functions of two variables in this text. It is important
to note, however, that the techniques we develop apply to functions of any
number of variables.
Notation: We let R2 denote the set of all ordered pairs of real numbers in
the plane (two copies of the real number system) and let R3 represent the set
of all ordered triples of real numbers (which constitutes three-space).
b. Consider the set of points (x, y, z) that satisfy the equation y = −1.
Describe this set as best you can.
c. Consider the set of points (x, y, z) that satisfy the equation z = 0. De-
scribe this set as best you can.
Activity 9.1.4 shows that the equations where one independent variable is
constant lead to planes parallel to ones that result from a pair of the coordinate
axes. When we make the constant 0, we get the coordinate planes. The xy-
plane satisfies z = 0, the xz-plane satisfies y = 0, and the yz-plane satisfies
z = 0 (see Figure 9.1.9).
z z z
y y y
x x x
P = (x0 , y0 , z0 ) S
Figure 9.1.10: The distance formula in
R3 .
Activity 9.1.5.
a. Consider the right triangle P RS in the base of the box whose hypotenuse
is shown as the red line in Figure 9.1.10. What are the coordinates of
the vertices of this triangle? Since this right triangle lies in a plane, we
can use the Pythagorean Theorem to find a formula for the length of the
hypotenuse of this triangle. Find such a formula, which will be in terms
of x0 , y0 , x1 , and y1 .
b. Now notice that the triangle P RQ whose hypotenuse is the blue segment
connecting the points P and Q with a leg as the hypotenuse P R of the
triangle found in part (a) lies entirely in a plane, so we can again use the
Pythagorean Theorem to find the length of its hypotenuse. Explain why
the length of this hypotenuse, which is the distance between the points
P and Q, is p
(x1 − x0 )2 + (y1 − y0 )2 + (z1 − z0 )2 .
|P Q| = (x1 − x0 )2 + (y1 − y0 )2 + (z1 − z0 )2 .
Equation (9.1.1) can be used to derive the formula for a sphere centered at
a point (x0 , y0 , z0 ) with radius r. Since the distance from any point (x, y, z)
on such a sphere to the point (x0 , y0 , z0 ) is r, the point (x, y, z) will satisfy the
equation p
(x − x0 )2 + (y − y0 )2 + (z − z0 )2 = r
Squaring both sides, we come to the standard equation for a sphere.
The equation of a sphere.
The equation of a sphere with center (x0 , y0 , z0 ) and radius r is
(x − x0 )2 + (y − y0 )2 + (z − z0 )2 = r2 .
(x − x0 )2 + (y − y0 )2 = r2 .
9.1.4 Traces
When we study functions of several variables we are often interested in how
each individual variable affects the function in and of itself. In Preview Ac-
tivity 9.1.1, we saw that the amount of money in an account depends on the
interest rate and the duration of the investment. However, if we fix the interest
rate, the amount of money in the account depends only on the duration of the
investment, and if we set the duration of the investment constant, then the
amount of money in the account depends only on the interest rate. This idea
of keeping one variable constant while we allow the other to change will be an
important tool for us when studying functions of several variables.
As another example, consider again the distance function f defined by
x2 sin(2y)
f (x, y) =
where x is the initial velocity of an object in feet per second, y is the launch
angle in radians, and g is the acceleration due to gravity (32 feet per second
squared). If we hold the launch angle constant at y = 0.6 radians, we can
consider f a function of the initial velocity alone. In this case we have
f (x) = sin(2 · 0.6).
We can plot this curve on the surface by tracing out the points on the
surface when y = 0.6, as shown at left in Figure 9.1.11. The formula clearly
shows that f is quadratic in the x-direction. More descriptively, as we increase
the launch velocity while keeping the launch angle constant, the horizontal
distance the object travels increases proportional to the square of the initial
Similarly, if we fix the initial velocity at 150 feet per second, we can consider
the distance as a function of the launch angle only. In this case we have
1502 sin(2y)
f (y) = .
We can again plot this curve on the surface by tracing out the points on
the surface when x = 150, as shown at right in Figure 9.1.11. The formula
clearly show that f is sinusoidal in the y-direction. More descriptively, as
we increase the launch angle while keeping the initial velocity constant, the
horizontal distance traveled by the object is proportional to the sine of twice
the launch angle.
z z
1500 1500
1000 1000
500 500
x x
200 200
y 150 y 150
1.5 100 1.5 100
1.0 50 1.0 50
0.5 0.5
0 0
Figure 9.1.11: Left: The trace with y = 0.6. Right: The trace with x = 150.
The curves we define when we fix one of the independent variables in our
two variable function are called traces.
a. Identify the y = 0.6 trace for the distance function f defined by f (x, y) =
x2 sin(2y)
g by highlighting or circling the appropriate cells in Table 9.1.5.
Write a sentence to describe the behavior of the function along this trace.
−2 y
−4 −2 2 4
x 4
c. from that same initial point, determine the least steep path that leads to
the highest point.
Curves on a surface that describe points at the same height or level are
called level curves.
1.5 y 500
0.5 200
y 150
x 1.5 1.0 50
50 100 150 200 0
Figure 9.1.16: Left: Level curves. Right: Level curves at appropriate heights.
The use of level curves and traces can help us construct the graph of a
function of two variables.
Activity 9.1.8.
y y
x x
c. Compare and contrast the graphs of f and g. How are they alike? How
are they different? Use traces for each function to help answer these
The traces and level curves of a function of two variables are curves in space.
In order to understand these traces and level curves better, we will first spend
some time learning about vectors and vector-valued functions in the next few
sections and return to our study of functions of several variables once we have
those more mathematical tools to support their study.
Figure 9.1.18: z = x2 + y 2
Figure 9.1.20: z = x2 + y 2
x y
Figure 9.1.21: z = x2 − y 2
Figure 9.1.23: z = y 2 − x3 + x
−y 2
Figure 9.1.24: z = xye−x
9.1.7 Summary
and thus the equation of a sphere with center (x0 , y0 , z0 ) and radius r is
(x − x0 )2 + (y − y0 )2 + (z − z0 )2 = r2 .
1. Evaluate a function. Evaluate the function at the specified points.
f (x, y) = x + yx4 , (−3, 4) , (4, 5) , (5, 2)
At (−3, 4):
At (4, 5):
At (5, 2):
2. Sketch a contour diagram of each function. Then, decide whether its
contours are predominantly lines, parabolas, ellipses, or hyperbolas.
(a) z = x2 + 4y 2
(b) z = x2 − 2y 2
(c) z = −5x2
(d) z = y − 4x2
3. Match the surfaces with the verbal description of the level curves by
placing the letter of the verbal description to the left of the number of the
(a) z = 1
(b) z = 2x2 + 3y 2
(c) z = xy
(d) z = (x2 + y 2 )
(e) z = 2x + 3y
(f) z = (25 − x2 − y 2 )
(g) z = x2 + y 2
(b) Find the equation for the set of points whose distance from the y-axis
equals the distance from the xz-plane.
x2 + z 2 = r 2
y 2 = x2 + z 2
x2 = y 2 + z 2
x2 + y 2 = r 2
y2 + z 2 = r2
z 2 = x2 + y 2
(a) z = 3
(b) z = − 3 − x2 − y 2
(c) z = 1 − x2 − y 2
(d) z = x2 + y 2
(e) x + y + z = 2
C = f (x, t) = 20te−(5−x)t
f (3, 2) =
Give a practical interpretation of your answer: f (3, 2) is
11. A manufacturer sells aardvark masks at a price of $210 per mask and
butterfly masks at a price of $490 per mask. A quantity of a aardvark masks
and b butterfly masks is sold at a total cost of $550 to the manufacturer.
(a) Express the manufacturer’s profit, P, as a function of a and b.
P (a, b) = dollars.
(b) The curves of constant profit in the ab-plane are
12. Consider the concentration, C, in mg per liter (L), of a drug in the blood
as a function of x, the amount, in mg, of the drug given and t, the time in hours
since the injection. For 0 ≤ x ≤ 4 and t ≥ 0, we have C = f (x, t) = te−t(5−x) .
Graph the following two single variable functions on a separate page, being
sure that you can explain their significance in terms of drug concentration.
(a) f (4, t)
(b) f (x, 1)
Using your graph in (a), where is f (4, t)
a maximum? t =
a minimum? t =
Using your graph in (b), where is f (x, 1)
a maximum? x =
a minimum? x =
13. By setting one variable constant, find a plane that intersects the graph
of z = 3y 2 − 9x2 + 1 in a:
(a) Parabola opening upward: the plane =
(Give your answer by specifying the variable in the first answer blank and
a value for it in the second.)
(b) Parabola opening downward: the plane =
(Give your answer by specifying the variable in the first answer blank and
a value for it in the second.)
(c) Pair of intersecting straight lines: the plane =
(Give your answer by specifying the variable in the first answer blank and
a value for it in the second.)
14. Find the equation of each of the following geometric objects.
a. The plane parallel to the xy-plane that passes through the point (−4, 5, −12).
b. The plane parallel to the yz-plane that passes through the point (7, −2, −3).
c. The sphere centered at the point (2, 1, 3) and has the point (−1, 0, −1)
on its surface.
d. The sphere whose diameter has endpoints (−3, 1, −5) and (7, 9, −1).
16. When people buy a large ticket item like a car or a house, they often
take out a loan to make the purchase. The loan is paid back in monthly
installments until the entire amount of the loan, plus interest, is paid. The
monthly payment that the borrower has to make depends on the amount P
of money borrowed (called the principal), the duration t of the loan in years,
and the interest rate r. For example, if we borrow $18,000 to buy a car, the
monthly payment M that we need to make to pay off the loan is given by the
M (r, t) = 1 .
1− r 12t
( 12 )
a. Find the monthly payments on this loan if the interest rate is 6% and
the duration of the loan is 5 years.
9.2 Vectors
Motivating Questions
• What is a vector?
Quantities like length, speed, area, and mass are all measured by numbers
(called scalars). Other quantities, like velocity, force, and displacement, have
two attributes: magnitude and direction. These quantities are represented by
vectors and are the study of this section. For example, we will use vectors to
calculate work done by a constant force, calculuate torque, determine direction
vectors for lines and normal vectors for planes, define curvature, and determine
the direction of greatest increase on a surface. For most of these applications,
we will interested in using vectors to measure direction and/or speed. Vectors
will be a major tool for us in determining the behavior of functions of several
If we are at a point x in the domain of a function of one variable, there
are only two directions in which we can move: in the positive or negative x-
direction. If, however, we are at a point (x, y) in the domain of a function
of two variables, there are many directions in which we can move. Thus, it
is important for us to have a means to indicate direction, and we will do so
using vectors. This notion of direction in space will be critical for us to find
direction vectors for lines, tangent lines to curves, normal vectors to planes,
and to determine direction of motion.
(0,0) moveto
(1,1) lineto stroke
(1,-1) lineto stroke
(0,0) lineto stroke
The key idea in these commands is that we start at the origin, then tell
Postscript that we want to start at the point (0, 0), draw a line from the
point (0, 0) to the point (1, 1) (this is what the lineto and stroke commands
do), then draw lines from (1, 1) to (1, −1) and (1, −1) back to the origin. Each
of these commands encodes two important pieces of information: a direction
in which to move and a distance to move. Mathematically, we can capture this
information succinctly in a vector. To do so, we record the movement on the
map in a pair hx, yi (this pair hx, yi is a vector), where x is the horizontal
displacement and y the vertical displacement from one point to another. So,
for example, the vector from the origin to the point (1, 1) is represented by the
vector h1, 1i.
9.2. VECTORS 21
a. What is the vector v1 = hx, yi that describes the displacement from the
point (1, 1) to the point (1, −1)? How can we use this vector to determine
the distance from the point (1, 1) to the point (1, −1)?
vector originates) at the origin and the tip (the terminal point of the vector) at
(3, 4), as illustrated at left in Figure 9.2.3. A vector with its tail at the origin
is said to be in standard position.
y y
R(4, 5)
x Q(1, 1) x
3 1 4
Figure 9.2.3: Left: Standard position. Right: A vector between two points.
Alternatively, we may place the tail of the vector h3, 4i at another point,
such as Q(1, 1). After a displacement of three units to the right and four units
up, the tip of the vector is at the point R(4, 5) (see the vector at right in
Figure 9.2.3).
In this example, the vector led to the directed line segment from Q to R,
which we denote as QR. We may also turn the situation around: given the two
points Q and R, we obtain the vector h3, 4i because we move horizontally three
units and vertically four units to get from Q to R. In other words, QR = h3, 4i.
In general, the vector QR from the point Q = (q1 , q2 ) to R = (r1 , r2 ) is found
by taking the difference of coordinates, so that
QR = hr1 − q1 , r2 − q2 i.
P (3, 4)
OP = h3, 4i
While we often illustrate vectors in the plane since it is easier to draw pic-
tures, different situations call for the use of vectors in three or more dimensions.
For instance, a vector v in n-dimensional space, Rn , has n components and
may be represented as
v = hv1 , v2 , v3 , . . . , vn i.
The next activity will help us to become accustomed to vectors and oper-
ations on vectors in three dimensions.
a. Using the two specific vectors above, what is the natural way to define
the vector sum u + v?
We can now add vectors and multiply vectors by scalars, and thus we
can add together scalar multiples of vectors. This allows us to define vector
subtraction, v − u, as the sum of v and −1 times u, so that
v − u = v + (−1)u.
In the context of R3 , we let i = h1, 0, 0i, j = h0, 1, 0i, and k = h0, 0, 1i, and
we can write the vector ha, b, ci in R3 as
The vectors i, j, and k are called the standard unit vectors (as we will learn
momentarily, unit vectors have length 1), and are important in the physical
9.2. VECTORS 25
We know that the scalar sum 1 + 2 is equal to the scalar sum 2 + 1. This
is called the commutative property of scalar addition. Any time we define
operations on objects (like addition of vectors) we usually want to know what
kinds of properties the operations have. For example, is addition of vectors a
commutative operation? To answer this question we take two arbitrary vectors
v and u and add them together and see what happens. Let v = hv1 , v2 i and
u = hu1 , u2 i. Now we use the fact that v1 , v2 , u1 , and u2 are scalars, and that
the addition of scalars is commutative to see that
v + u = hv1 , v2 i + hu1 , u2 i
= hv1 + u1 , v2 + u2 i
= hu1 + v1 , u2 + v2 i
= hu1 , u2 i + hv1 , v2 i
= u + v.
2. (v + u) + w = v + (u + w)
3. The vector 0 = h0, 0, . . . , 0i has the property that v + 0 = v. The
vector 0 is called the zero vector.
4. (−1)v + v = 0. The vector (−1)v = −v is called the additive
inverse of the vector v.
5. (a + b)v = av + bv
6. a(v + u) = av + au
7. (ab)v = a(bv)
8. 1v = v.
u u u
v v
Figure 9.2.5: A vector sum (left), summing displacements (center), the par-
allelogram law (right).
v w−u
u u
w =u+v w
− 2v
Activity 9.2.4.
u u
v v
Activity 9.2.5.
y y
(v1 , v2 )
v v2
x x
2 4 v1
Figure 9.2.9: Left: AB. Right: An arbitrary vector, v.
a. Let A = (2, 3) and B = (4, 7), as shown at left in Figure 9.2.9. Compute
d. Suppose that u = h2, 3i and v = h−1, 2i. Find |u|, |v|, and |u + v|. Is it
true that |u + v| = |u| + |v|?
e. Under what conditions will |u + v| = |u| + |v|? (Hint: Think about how
u, v, and u + v form the sides of a triangle.)
f. With the vector u = h2, 3i, find the lengths of 2u, 3u, and −2u, respec-
tively, and use proper notation to label your results.
i. Find a unit vector v whose direction is the same as u = h2, 3i. (Hint:
Consider the result of part (g).)
9.2. VECTORS 29
9.2.7 Summary
• Two vectors are equal if they have the same direction and magnitude.
Notice that position is not considered, so a vector is independent of its
u + v = hu1 + v1 , u2 + v2 , . . . , un + vn i.
1. For each of the following, perform the indicated computation.
(a) (−8 ĩ + 4 j̃ + 9 k̃ ) − (3 ĩ − 3 j̃ − 9 k̃ ) =
(b) (−6 ĩ + 3 j̃ + 6 k̃ ) − 2(2 ĩ + 7 j̃ − 7 k̃ ) =
2. Find a vector a that has the same direction as h−6, 3, 6i but has length
Answer: a =
3. Let a =< −2, 3, 0 > and b =< −2, 1, −2 >.
Show that there are scalars s and t so that sa + tb =< 4, −8, −2 >.
You might want to sketch the vectors to get some intuition.
4. Resolve the following vectors into components:
(a) The vector ~v in 2-space of length 7 pointing up at an angle of π/3
measured from the positive x-axis.
~v = ~i + ~j
(b) The vector w ~ in 3-space of length 5 lying in the xz-plane pointing
upward at an angle of π/4 measured from the positive x-axis.
~v = ~i + ~j + ~k
5. Find all vectors ~v in 2 dimensions having ||~v || = 17 where the ĩ -component
of ~v is 8 ĩ .
(If you find more than one vector, enter them in a comma-separated list.)
15. Recall that given any vector v, we can calculate its length, |v|. Also,
we say that two vectors that are scalar multiples of one another are parallel.
a. Let v = h3, 4i in R2 . Compute |v|, and determine the components of the
vector u = |v|
v. What is the magnitude of the vector u? How does its
direction compare to v?
b. Let w = 3i − 3j in R2 . Determine a unit vector u in the same direction
as w.
c. Let v = h2, 3, 5i in R3 . Compute |v|, and determine the components of
the vector u = |v|
v. What is the magnitude of the vector u? How does
its direction compare to v?
d. Let v be an arbitrary nonzero vector in R3 . Write a general formula for
a unit vector that is parallel to v.
your components will be in terms of |v| and the cosine and sine of some
b. The total force holding the picture up is given by u + v. The force acting
to pull the picture down is given by the weight of the picture. Find the
force vector w acting to pull the picture down.
c. The picture will hang in equilibrium when the force acting to hold it up
is equal to the force acting to pull it down. Equate these forces to find
the components of the vectors u and v.
Motivating Questions
• How is the dot product of two vectors defined and what geometric infor-
mation does it tell us?
u · v = u1 v1 + u2 v2 .
b. Find i · i and i · j.
d. On the axes in Figure 9.3.1, plot the vectors u = h1, 3i and v = h−3, 1i.
Then, find u · v. What is the angle between these vectors?
4 y
-4 -2 2 4
Figure 9.3.1: For part (d)
4 y
-4 -2 2 4
Figure 9.3.2: For part (e)
For each of the following vectors v, plot the vector on Figure 9.3.2 and
then compute the dot product u · v.
• v = h3, 2i.
• v = h3, 0i.
• v = h3, −1i.
• v = h3, −2i.
• v = h3, −4i.
f. Based upon the previous part of this activity, what do you think is the
sign of the dot product in the following three cases shown in Figure 9.3.3?
v v
u u u
u · v = u1 v1 + u2 v2 + . . . + un vn .
(As we will see shortly, the dot product arises in physics to calculate the
work done by a vector force in a given direction. It might be more natural
to define the dot product in this context, but it is more convenient from a
mathematical perspective to define the dot product algebraically and then
view work as an application of this definition.)
For instance, we find that
Notice that the resulting quantity is a scalar. Our work in Preview Activ-
ity 9.3.1 examined dot products of two-dimensional vectors.
The dot product is a natural way to define a product of two vectors. In ad-
dition, it behaves in ways that are similar to the product of, say, real numbers.
2. (u + v) · w = (u · w) + (v · w).
3. if c is a scalar, then (cu) · w = c(u · w).
In other words, the dot product of a vector with itself gives the square of
the length of the vector: u · u = |u|2 .
The dot product can help us understand the angle between two vectors. For
instance, if we are given two vectors u and v, there are two angles that these
vectors create, as depicted at left in Figure 9.3.5. We will call θ, the smaller of
these angles, the angle between these vectors. Notice that θ lies between 0 and
v u u−v
θ θ
2π − θ
Figure 9.3.5: Left: The angle between u and v. Right: The triangle formed
by u, v, and u − v.
To determine this angle, we may apply the Law of Cosines to the triangle
shown at right in Figure 9.3.5.
Using the fact that the dot product of a vector with itself gives us the
square of its length, together with the properties of the dot product, we find:
θ = cos .
The real beauty of this expression is this: the dot product is a very simple
algebraic operation to perform yet it provides us with important geometric
information — namely the angle between the vectors — that would be difficult
to determine otherwise.
a. The length of the vector u = h1, 2, −3i using the dot product.
b. The angle between the vectors u = h1, 2i and v = h4, −1i to the nearest
tenth of a degree.
c. The angle between the vectors y = h1, 2, −3i and z = h−2, 1, 1i to the
nearest tenth of a degree.
d. If the angle between the vectors u and v is a right angle, what does the
expression u · v = |u||v| cos(θ) say about their dot product?
e. If the angle between the vectors u and v is acute—that is, less than
π/2—what does the expression u · v = |u||v| cos(θ) say about their dot
f. If the angle between the vectors u and v is obtuse—that is, greater than
π/2—what does the expression u · v = |u||v| cos(θ) say about their dot
More generally, the sign of the dot product gives us useful information
about the relative orientation of the vectors. If we remember that
v v
u u u
u·v >0 u·v =0 u·v <0
A θ B
|F| cos θ
Figure 9.3.7: A force F displacing an object.
9.3.5 Projections
u u
proj⊥v u proj⊥v u
projv u v projv u v
Suppose we are given two vectors u and v as shown at left in Figure 9.3.8.
Motivated by our discussion of work, we would like to write u as a sum of two
vectors, one of which is parallel to v and one of which is orthogonal. That is,
we would like to write
u = projv u + proj⊥v u, (9.3.2)
where projv u is parallel to v and proj⊥v u is orthogonal to v. We call the
vector projv u the projection of u onto v. Note that, as the diagram at right
in Figure 9.3.8 illustrates, it is also possible to create a projection even if the
angle between the vectors u and v exceeds π2 .
To find the vector projv u, we will dot both sides of Equation (9.3.2) with
the vector v, to find that
u · v = (projv u + proj⊥v u) · v
= (projv u) · v + (proj⊥v u) · v
= (projv u) · v.
u · v = (projv u) · v = sv · v,
Moreover, since
u = projv u + proj⊥v u,
it follows that
proj⊥v u = u − projv u.
This shows that once we have computed projv u, we can find proj⊥v u simply
by calculating the difference of two known vectors.
a. Let v = h4, −8i. Find compv u, projv u and proj⊥v u, and draw a picture
to illustrate. Finally, express u as the sum of two vectors where one is
parallel to v and the other is perpendicular to v.
b. Now let v = h−2, 4i. Without doing any calculations, find projv u. Ex-
plain your reasoning. (Hint: Refer to the picture you drew in part (a).)
c. Find a vector w not parallel to z = h3, 4i such that projz w has length
10. Note that there are infinitely many different answers.
9.3.6 Summary
u · v = u1 v1 + u2 v2 + · · · + un vn .
• The dot product provides us with information about the angle between
the vectors since
u · v = |u| |v| cos(θ),
where θ is the angle between u and v.
• Two vectors are orthogonal if the angle between them is π/2. In terms
of the dot product, the vectors u and v are orthogonal if and only if
u · v = 0.
1. Find a · b if
a = h−1, −2, 2i and b = h1, 0, −2i
Is the angle between the vectors "acute", "obtuse" or "right"?
2. Determine if the pairs of vectors below are "parallel", "orthogonal", or
a = h0, 5, −4i and b = h0, 15, 75/4i are
a = h0, 5, −4i and b = h0, 15, −12i are
a = h0, 5, −4i and b = h0, 10, −7i are
3. Perform the following operations on the vectors ~u = h2, 2, 0i, ~v =
h−5, 0, −2i, and w ~ = h−2, 4, 4i.
~u · w~=
(~u · ~v )~u =
((w~ · w)~
~ u) · ~u =
~u · ~v + ~v · w~=
4. Find a · b if |a| = 8, |b| = 3, and the angle between a and b is π
9 radians.
a·b =
any real number
10. Find the angle between the diagonal of a cube of side length 10 and the
diagonal of one of its faces. The angle should be measured in radians.
11. Let v = h−2, 5i in R2 , and let y = h0, 3, −2i in R3 .
a. Is h2, −1i perpendicular to v? Why or why not?
b. Find a unit vector u in R2 such that u is perpendicular to v. How many
such vectors are there? Justify your answers.
c. Is h2, −1, −2i perpendicular to y? Why or why not?
d. Find a unit vector w in R3 such that w is perpendicular to y. How many
such vectors are there?Justify your answers.
e. Let z = h2, 1, 0i. Find a unit vector r in R3 such that r is perpendicular
to both y and z. How many such vectors are there? Explain your process.
12. Consider the triangle in R3 given by P = (3, 2, −1), Q = (1, −2, 4), and
R = (4, 4, 0).
a. Find the measure of each of the three angles in the triangle, accurate to
0.01 degrees.
b. Choose two sides of the triangle, and call the vectors that form the sides
(emanating from a common point) a and b.
i. Compute projb a, and proj⊥b a.
ii. Explain why proj⊥b a can be considered a height of triangle P QR.
iii. Find the area of the given triangle.
13. Let u and v be vectors in R5 with u · v = −1, |u| = 2, |v| = 3. Use the
properties of the dot product to find each of the following.
a. u · 2v
b. v · v
c. (u + v) · v
d. (2u + 4v) · (u − 7v)
e. |u||v| cos(θ), where θ is the angle between u and v
f. θ
14. One of the properties of the dot product is that (u + v) · w = (u · w) +
(v · w). That is, the dot product distributes over vector addition on the right.
Here we investigate whether the dot product distributes over vector addition
on the left.
a. Let u = h1, 2, −1i, v = h4, −3, 6i, and v = h4, 7, 2i. Calculate
u · (v + w) and (u · v) + (u · w).
What do you notice?
b. Use the properties of the dot product to show that in general
x · (y + z) = (x · y) + (x · z)
for any vectors x, y, and z in Rn .
15. When running a sprint, the racers may be aided or slowed by the wind.
The wind assistance is a measure of the wind speed that is helping push the
runners down the track. It is much easier to run a very fast race if the wind
is blowing hard in the direction of the race. So that world records aren’t
dependent on the weather conditions, times are only recorded as record times
if the wind aiding the runners is less than or equal to 2 meters per second.
Wind speed for a race is recorded by a wind gauge that is set up close to
the track. It is important to note, however, that weather is not always as
cooperative as we might like. The wind does not always blow exactly in the
direction of the track, so the gauge must account for the angle the wind makes
with the track. Suppose a 4 mile per hour wind is blowing to aid runners by
making a 38◦ angle with the race track. Determine if any times set during such
a race would qualify as records.
Molecular geometry is the geometry de-
termined by arrangements of atoms in H
molecules. Molecular geometry includes
measurements like bond angle, bond
length, and torsional angles. These at-
tributes influence several properties of C
molecules, such as reactivity, color, and po- H
Figure 9.3.9: A methane
Motivating Questions
• How and when is the cross product of two vectors defined?
• What geometric information does the cross product provide?
The last two sections have introduced some basic algebraic operations on
vectors—addition, scalar multiplication, and the dot product—with useful geo-
metric interpretations. In this section, we will meet a final algebraic operation,
the cross product, which again conveys important geometric information.
To begin, we must emphasize that the cross product is only defined for
vectors u and v in R3 . Also, remember that we use a right-hand coordinate
system, as described in Section 9.1. In particular, recall that the vectors i, j,
and k are oriented as shown below in Figure 9.4.1. Earlier, we noticed that if
we point the index finger of our right hand in the direction of i and our middle
finger in the direction of j, then our thumb points in the direction of k.
Preview Activity 9.4.1. The cross product of two vectors, u and v, will
itself be a vector denoted u × v. The direction of u × v is determined by the
right-hand rule: if we point the index finger of our right hand in the direction
of u and our middle finger in the direction of v, then our thumb points in the
direction of u × v.
a. We begin by defining the cross products using the vectors i, j, and k.
Referring to Figure 9.4.1, explain why i, j, k in that order form a right-
hand system. We then define i × j to be k — that is i × j = k.
b. Now explain why i, k, and −j in that order form a right-hand system.
We then define i × k to be −j — that is i × k = −j.
c. Continuing in this way, complete the missing entries in Table 9.4.2.
i×j=k i × k = −j j×k=
d. Up to this point, the products you have seen, such as the product of
real numbers and the dot product of vectors, have been commutative,
meaning that the product does not depend on the order of the terms.
For instance, 2 · 5 = 5 · 2. The table above suggests, however, that
the cross product is anti-commutative: for any vectors u and v in R3 ,
u × v = −v × u. If we consider the case when u = v, this shows that
v × v = −(v × v). What does this tell us about v × v; in particular,
what vector is unchanged by scalar multiplication by −1?
e. It is not difficult to show that the cross product interacts with scalar
multiplication and vector addition as one would expect: that is
(cu) × v = c(u × v)
(u + v) × w = (u × w) + (v × w)
(2i + j) × k = (2i × k) + (j × k)
= 2(i × k) + (j × k)
= − 2j + i.
Using these properties along with Table 9.4.2, find the cross product u×v
if u = 2i + 3j and v = −i + k.
f. Verify that the cross product u×v you just found in part (e) is orthogonal
to both u and v.
g. Consider the vectors u and v in the xy-plane as shown below in Fig-
ure 9.4.3.
θ u x
Explain why u = |u|i and v = |v| cos(θ)i + |v| sin(θ)j. Then compute the
length of |u × v|.
i×j=k i × k = −j j×k=i
j × i = −k k×i=j k × j = −i
If, in addition, we assume the cross product behaves like we think a prod-
uct should (e.g., the cross product distributes over vector addition), we can
compute the cross product in terms of the components of general vectors to
find a formula for the cross product. Doing so we see that
u × v = (u1 i + u2 j + u3 k) × (v1 i + v2 j + v3 k)
= u1 i × (v1 i + v2 j + v3 k) + u2 j × (v1 i + v2 j + v3 k)
+ u3 k × (v1 i + v2 j + v3 k)
= u1 v1 i × i + u1 v2 i × j + u1 v3 i × k + u2 v1 j × i + u2 v2 j × j
+ u2 v3 j × k + u3 v1 k × i + u3 v2 k × j + u3 v3 k × k
= u1 v2 k − u1 v3 j − u2 v1 k + u2 v3 i + u3 v1 j − u3 v2 i
= (u2 v3 − u3 v2 )i − (u1 v3 − u3 v1 )j + (u1 v2 − u2 v1 )k.
(Like the dot product, the cross product arises in physical applications, e.g.,
torque, but it is more convenient mathematically to begin from an algebraic
The previous calculations lead us to define the cross product of vectors in
R3 as follows.
Activity 9.4.2. Suppose u = h0, 1, 3i and v = h2, −1, 0i. Use the formula
(9.4.1) for the following.
b. Evaluate the dot products u · (u × v) and v · (u × v). What does this tell
you about the geometric relationship among u, v, and u × v?
The cross product satisfies the following properties, some of which were
illustrated in Preview Activity 9.4.1 and may be easily verified from the defi-
nition (9.4.1).
Properties of the cross product.
Let u, v, and w be vectors in R3 , and let c be a scalar. Then
1. u × v = −(v × u)
2. (u + v) × w = (u × w) + (v × w)
3. (cu) × w = c(u × w) = u × (cv)
4. u × v = 0 if u and v are parallel.
5. The cross product is not associative; that is, in general
(u × v) × w 6= u × (v × w).
Just as we found for the dot product, the cross product provides us with
useful geometric information. In particular, both the length and direction of
the cross product u × v encode information about the geometric relationship
between u and v.
Therefore, we have found |u × v|2 = |u|2 |v|2 sin2 (θ), which means that
Note that the third property stated above says that u × v = 0 if u and v
are parallel. This is reflected in Equation (9.4.2) since sin(θ) = 0 if u and v
are parallel, which implies that u × v = 0.
Equation (9.4.2) also has a geometric implication. Consider the parallelo-
gram formed by two vectors u and v, as shown in Figure 9.4.5.
|v| sin θ
θ u
Remember that the area of a parallelogram is the product of its base and
height. As shown in the figure, we may consider the base of the parallelogram
to be |u| and the height to be |v| sin(θ). This means that the area of the
parallelogram formed by u and v is
Activity 9.4.3.
a. Find the area of the parallelogram formed by the vectors u = h1, 3, −2i
and v = h3, 0, 1i.
b. Find the area of the parallelogram in R3 whose vertices are (1, 0, 1),
(0, 0, 1), (2, 1, 0), and (1, 1, 0). (Hint: It might be helpful to draw a
picture to see how the vertices are arranged so you can determine which
vectors you might use.)
= u1 u2 v3 − u1 u3 v2 − u2 u1 v3 + u2 u3 v1 + u3 u1 v2 − u3 u2 v1
There is yet one more geometric implication we may draw from this result.
Suppose u, v, and w are vectors in R3 that are not coplanar and that form a
three-dimension parallelepiped as shown in Figure 9.4.6.
α v
c. Find a vector orthogonal to the plane containing the points (0, 1, 2),
(4, 1, 0), and (−2, 2, 2).
d. Given the vectors u and v shown below in Figure 9.4.7, sketch the cross
products u × v and v × u.
When a force is applied to an object, Newton’s Second Law tells us that the
force is equal to the rate of change of the object’s linear momentum. Similarly,
the torque applied to an object is equal to the rate of change of the object’s
angular momentum. In other words, torque will cause the bolt to rotate.
In many industrial applications, bolts are required to be tightened using a
specified torque. Of course, the magnitude of the torque is |τ | = |F × r| =
|F||r|| sin(θ). Thus, to produce a larger torque, we can increase either |F| or
|r|, which you may know if you have ever removed lug nuts when changing a
flat tire. The ancient Greek mathematician Archimedes said: “Give me a lever
long enough and a fulcrum on which to place it, and I shall move the world.”
A modern spin on this statement is: “Allow me to make |r| large enough, and
I shall produce a torque large enough to move the world.”
9.4.6 Summary
• The cross product is defined only for vectors in R3 . The cross product of
vectors u = u1 i + u2 j + u3 k and v = v1 i + v2 j + v3 k in R3 is the vector
1. If a = i + j + 4k and b = i + j + 5k
Compute the cross product a × b.
a×b= i+ j+ k
2. Suppose ~v · w ~ = 7 and ||~v × w||
~ = 3, and the angle between ~v and w
~ is θ.
(a) tan θ =
(b) θ =
3. You are looking down at a map. A vector u with |u| = 8 points north
and a vector v with |v| = 2 points northeast. The crossproduct u × v points:
A) south
B) northwest
C) up
D) down
Please enter the letter of the correct answer: The magnitude |u × v|
4. If a = i + 9j + k and b = i + 18j + k, find a unit vector with positive first
coordinate orthogonal to both a and b.
i+ j+ k
5. Sketch the triangle with vertices O, P = (0, 7, 4) and Q = (0, 5, 6) and
compute its area using cross products.
6. Let A = (−4, −4, 5), B = (−1, −2, 3), and P = (k, k, k). The vector from
A to B is perpendicular to the vector from A to P when k = .
7. Find two unit vectors orthogonal to a = h−3, 3, −2i and b = h−4, −2, −3i
Enter your answer so that the first non-zero coordinate of the first vector
is positive.
First Vector: h , , i
Second Vector: h , , i
8. Use the geometric definition of the cross product and the properties of
the cross product to make the following calculations.
(a) ((~i + ~j) ×~i) × ~j =
(b) (~j + ~k) × (~j × ~k) =
(c) 3~i × (~i + ~j) =
(d) (~k + ~j) × (~k − ~j) =
9. Are the following statements true or false?
(a) If ~v and w
~ are any two vectors, then ||~v + w||
~ = ||~v || + ||w||.
(c) For any scalar c and any vector ~v , we have ||c~v || = c||~v ||.
b. Using the properties of the cross product and what you know about cross
products involving the fundamental vectors i and j, compute u × v.
13. Consider the triangle in R3 formed by P (3, 2, −1), Q(1, −2, 4), and
R(4, 4, 0).
−−→ −→
a. Find P Q and P R.
b. Observe that the area of 4P QR is half of the area of the parallelogram
−−→ −→
formed by P Q and P R. Hence find the area of 4P QR.
c. Find a unit vector that is orthogonal to the plane that contains points
P , Q, and R.
d. Determine the measure of ∠P QR.
u × (v + w) and (u × v) + (u × w).
x × (y + z) = (x × y) + (x × z)
(u × v) · w = (w × u) · v = (v × w) · u.
d. Now suppose that u, v, and w do not lie in a plane when they eminate
from a common initial point.
a. Given that the parallepiped determined by u, v, and w must have
positive volume, what can we say about (u × v) · w?
b. Now suppose that u, v, and w all lie in the same plane. What value
must (u × v) · w have? Why?
c. Explain how (i.) and (ii.) show that if u, v, and w all eminate from
the same initial point, then u, v, and w lie in the same plane if and
only if (u×v)·w = 0. This provides a straightforward computational
method for determining when three vectors are co-planar.
Motivating Questions
2 y
-2 -1 1 2 3 4
Figure 9.5.1: The line through (2, −1) with slope 23 .
Preview Activity 9.5.1. We are familiar with equations of lines in the plane
in the form y = mx + b, where m is the slope of the line and (0, b) is the y-
a. Suppose we increase x by 1 from the point (2, −1). How does the y-value
change? What is the point on the line with x-coordinate 3?
b. Suppose we decrease x by 3.25 from the point (2, −1). How does the
y-value change? What is the point on the line with x-coordinate −1.25?
d. Observe that the slope of the line is related to any vector whose y-
component divided by the x-component is the slope of the line. For
the line in this exercise, we might use the vector h3, 2i, which describes
the direction of the line. Explain why the terminal points of the vectors
r(t), where
r(t) = h2, −1i + h3, 2it,
trace out the graph of the line through the point (2, −1) with slope 32 .
whose terminal points trace out the line L that is described in (e). That
is, you should be able to locate any point on the line by determining a
corresponding value of t.
for some constants m and b. The value of m (the slope) tells us how the
dependent variable changes for every one unit increase in the independent
variable, while the point (0, b) is the y-intercept and anchors the line to a
location on the y-axis. Alternatively, we can think of the slope as being related
to the vector h1, mi, which tells us the direction of the line, as shown on the
left in Figure 9.5.2. Thus, we can identify a line in space by fixing a point P
and a direction v, as shown on the right. Since we also have vectors in space
to provide direction, this same idea of a point and a direction determining a
line works in Rn for any n.
5 y 5 y
4 4
3 3
2 2 v
h1, mi
1 1
x x
-2 -1 1 2 3 4 -2 -1 1 2 3 4
-1 -1
Figure 9.5.2: A vector description of a line
The fixed vector v in the definition is called a direction vector for the line.
As we saw in Preview Activity 9.5.1, to find an equation for a line through
point P in the direction of vector v, observe that any vector parallel to v will
have the form tv for some scalar t. So, any vector emanating from the point
P in a direction parallel to the vector v will be of the form
OP + vt (9.5.1)
4 4 4
3 3 3
2 2 tv 2
−−→ −−→ −−→
1 OP 1 OP 1 OP
-2 -1 1 2 3 4 -2 -1 1 2 3 4 -2 -1 1 2 3 4
z z z
1 -2 1 -2 1 -2
-1 -1 -1
y y y
-3 -2 -1 1 2 3 -3 -2 -1 1 2 3 -3 -2 -1 1 2 3
1 -1 P2 1 -1 P2 1 -1 P2
2 2 2
-2 P1 -2 P1 -2 P1
x x x
3 3 3
-3 -3 -3
Activity 9.5.2. Let P1 = (1, 2, −1) and P2 = (−2, 1, −2). Let L be the line
in R3 through P1 and P2 , and note that three snapshots of this line are shown
in Figure 9.5.5.
a. Find a direction vector for the line L.
b. Find a vector equation of L in the form r(t) = r0 + tv.
c. Consider the vector equation s(t) = h−5, 0, −3i + th6, 2, 2i. What is the
direction of the line given by s(t)? Is this new line parallel to line L?
d. Do r(t) and s(t) represent the same line, L? Explain.
which describe the coordinates of the points on the line. The variable t repre-
sents an arbitrary scalar and is called a parameter. In particular, we use the
following language.
Notice that there are many different parametric equations for the same line.
For example, choosing another point P on the line or another direction vector
v produces another set of parametric equations. It is sometimes useful to think
of t as a time parameter and the parametric equations as telling us where we
are on the line at each time. In this way, the parametric equations describe a
particular walk taken along the line; there are, of course, many possible ways
to walk along a line.
Activity 9.5.3. Let P1 = (1, 2, −1) and P2 = (−2, 1, −2), and let L be the
line in R3 through P1 and P2 , which is the same line as in Activity 9.5.2.
b. Does the point (1, 2, 1) lie on L? If so, what value of t results in this
Now that we have a way of describing lines, we would like to develop a means
of describing planes in three dimensions. We studied the coordinate planes
and planes parallel to them in Section 9.1. Each of those planes had one of
the variables x, y, or z equal to a constant. We can note that any vector in
a plane with x constant is orthogonal to the vector h1, 0, 0i, any vector in a
plane with y constant is orthogonal to the vector h0, 1, 0i, and any vector in a
plane with z constant is orthogonal to the vector h0, 0, 1i. This idea works in
general to define a plane.
Definition 9.5.6. A plane p in space is the set of all terminal points of vectors
emanating from a given point P0 perpendicular to a fixed vector n, as shown
in Figure 9.5.7.
n = ha, b, ci
P = (x, y, z)
P0 = (x0 , y0 , z0 )
We may take the scalar equation of a plane a little further and note that
a(x − x0 ) + b(y − y0 ) + c(z − z0 ) = 0,
it equivalently follows that
x + 2y + z = 1.
−2x + y − 3z = 4,
Activity 9.5.4.
a. Write a scalar equation of the plane p1 passing through the point (0, 2, 4)
and perpendicular to the vector n = h2, −1, 1i.
P2 p
P0 P1
−−−→ −−−→
Observe that the vectors P0 P1 and P0 P2 both lie in the plane p. If we form
their cross-product
−−−→ −−−→
n = P0 P1 × P0 P2 ,
we obtain a normal vector to the plane p. Therefore, if P is any other point on
p, it then follows that P0 P will be perpendicular to n, and we have, as before,
the equation
n · P0 P = 0. (9.5.5)
Activity 9.5.5. Let P0 = (1, 2, −1), P1 = (1, 0, −1), and P2 = (0, 1, 3) and let
p be the plane containing P0 , P1 , and P2 .
−−−→ −−−→
a. Determine the components of the vectors P0 P1 and P0 P2 .
e. The angle between two planes is the acute angle between their respective
normal vectors. What is the angle between planes p and q?
9.5.4 Summary
• While lines in R3 do not have a slope, like lines in R2 they can be char-
acterized by a point and a direction vector. Indeed, we define a line in
space to be the set of terminal points of vectors emanating from a given
point that are parallel to a fixed vector.
1. Rewrite the vector equation r(t) = (2 − 5t)i + (−1 − 3t)j + (−5 − 3t)k as
the corresponding parametric equations for the line.
x(t) =
y(t) =
z(t) =
2. Find the vector and parametric equations for the line through the point
P(3, -5, -1) and parallel to the vector 3i − 3j + 3k.
Vector Form: r = h , , -1 i + th , ,3i
Parametric form (parameter t, and passing through P when t = 0):
x = x(t) =
y = y(t) =
z = z(t) =
3. Consider the line which passes through the point P(4, 2, 4), and which is
parallel to the line x = 1 + 4t, y = 2 + 2t, z = 3 + 2t
Find the point of intersection of this new line with each of the coordinate
xy-plane: ( , , )
xz-plane: ( , , )
yz-plane: ( , , )
4. Find the point at which the line h5, −2, −2i + th−3, −3, 3i intersects the
plane −3x − y − 2z = 33.
( , , )
5. Find an equation of a plane containing the three points (-5, 5, 2), (0, 2,
-1), (0, 3, 1) in which the coefficient of x is -3.
= 0.
6. Find an equation for the plane containing the line in the xy-plane where
x = 2, and the line in the yz-plane where z = 3.
7. Find the angle in radians between the planes 3x + z = 1 and 3y + z = 1.
8. A store sells CDs at one price and DVDs at another price. The figure
below shows the revenue (in dollars) of the music store as a function of the
number, c, of CDs and the number, d, of DVDs that it sells. The values of the
revenue are shown on each line.
(Hint: for this problem there are many possible ways to estimate the requi-
site values; you should be able to find information from the figure that allows
you to give an answer that is essentially exact.)
(a) What is the price of a CD?
(b) What is the price of a DVD?
9. The table below gives the number of calories burned per minute for
someone roller-blading, as a function of the person’s weight in pounds and
speed in miles per hour [from the August 28,1994, issue of Parade Magazine].
calories burned per minute
weight\speed 8 9 10 11
120 4.2 5.8 7.4 8.9
140 5.1 6.7 8.3 9.9
160 6.1 7.7 9.2 10.8
180 7 8.6 10.2 11.7
200 7.9 9.5 11.1 12.6
(a) Suppose that a 160 lb person and a 180 person both go 10 miles, the
first at 11 mph and the second at 10 mph.
How many calories does the 160 lb person burn?
How many calories does the 180 lb person burn?
(b) We might also be interested in the number of calories each person burns
11. This exercise explores key relationships between a pair of lines. Consider
the following two lines: one with parametric equations x(s) = 4 − 2s, y(s) =
−2 + s, z(s) = 1 + 3s, and the other being the line through (−4, 2, 17) in the
direction v = h−2, 1, 5i.
a. Find a direction vector for the first line, which is given in parametric
b. Find parametric equations for the second line, written in terms of the
parameter t.
c. Show that the two lines intersect at a single point by finding the values of
s and t that result in the same point. Then find the point of intersection.
d. Find the acute angle formed where the two lines intersect, noting that this
angle will be given by the acute angle between their respective direction
e. Find an equation for the plane that contains both of the lines described
in this problem.
12. This exercise explores key relationships between a pair of planes. Con-
sider the following two planes: one with scalar equation 4x − 5y + z = −2, and
the other which passes through the points (1, 1, 1), (0, 1, −1), and (4, 2, −1).
a. Find a vector normal to the first plane.
b. Find a scalar equation for the second plane.
c. Find the angle between the planes, where the angle between them is
defined by the angle between their respective normal vectors.
d. Find a point that lies on both planes.
e. Since these two planes do not have parallel normal vectors, the planes
must intersect, and thus must intersect in a line. Observe that the line
of intersection lies in both planes, and thus the direction vector of the
line must be perpendicular to each of the respective normal vectors of
the two planes. Find a direction vector for the line of intersection for the
two planes.
13. In this problem, we explore how we can use what we know about vectors
and projections to find the distance from a point to a plane.
Let p be the plane with equation z = −4x + 3y + 4, and let Q = (4, −1, 8).
Motivating Questions
• What is a vector-valued function? What do we mean by the graph of a
vector-valued function?
• What is a parameterization of a curve in R2 ? In R3 ? What can the
parameterization of a curve can tell us?
• cos 3π 3π
4 , sin 4
• cos 4 , sin 4 , and
5π 5π
• cos 7π 7π
4 , sin 4
and thus we have three coordinate functions that enable us to represent the
curve. The variable t is called a parameter and the equations x = x(t), y = y(t),
and z = z(t) are called parametric equations (or a parameterization of the
curve). The function r whose output is the vector from the origin to a point
on the curve is defined by
Note that the input of r is the real-valued parameter t and the correspond-
ing output is vector hx(t), y(t), z(t)i. Such a function is called a vector-valued
function because each real number input generates a vector output. More
formally, we state the following definition.
Definition 9.6.2. A vector-valued function is a function whose input is a
real parameter t and whose output is a vector that depends on t. The graph of
a vector-valued function is the set of all terminal points of the output vectors
with their initial points at the origin.
Parametric equations for a curve are equations of the form
d. r(t) = ht2 sin(t) cos(t), 0.9t cos(t2 ), sin(t)i (Note that this defines a curve
in 3-space.)
e. Experiment with different formulas for x(t) and y(t) and ranges for t
to see what other interesting curves you can generate. Share your best
results with peers.
Recall from our earlier work that the traces and level curves of a function
are themselves curves in space. Thus, we may determine parameterizations for
them. For example, if z = f (x, y) = cos(x2 +y 2 ), the y = 1 trace of the function
is given by setting y = 1 and letting x be parameterized by the variable t; then,
the trace is the curve whose parameterization is ht, 1, cos(t2 + 1)i.
c. Find a parameterization for the level curve f (x, y) = 25. What type of
curve does this trace describe?
9.6.2 Summary
1. Find the domain of the vector function
r(t) = ln(13t), t + 16, √
17 − t
10. A bicycle wheel has radius R. Let P be a point on the spoke of a wheel
at a distance d from the center of the wheel. The wheel begins to roll to the
right along the the x-axis. The curve traced out by P is given by the following
parametric equations:
x = 14θ − 12 sin(θ)
y = 14 − 12 cos(θ)
What must we have for R and d?
R= d=
11. A standard parameterization for the unit circle is hcos(t), sin(t)i, for
0 ≤ t ≤ 2π.
a. Find a vector-valued function r that describes a point
traveling along
the unit circle so that at time t = 0 the point is at 22 , 22 and travels
clockwise along the circle as t increases.
b. Find a vector-valued function r that describes a point
traveling along
the unit circle so that at time t = 0 the point is at 22 , 22 and travels
counter-clockwise along the circle as t increases.
c. Find a vector-valued function r that describes a point
along the
unit circle so that at time t = 0 the point is at − 22 , 22 and travels
clockwise along the circle as t increases.
d. Find a vector-valued function r that describes a point traveling along
the unit circle so that at time t = 0 the point is at (0, 1) and makes one
complete revolution around the circle in the counter-clockwise direction
on the interval [0, π].
12. Let a and b be positive real numbers. You have probably seen the
2 2
equation (x−h)
a2 + (y−k)
b2 = 1 that generates an ellipse, centered at (h, k), with
a horizontal axis of length 2a and a vertical axis of length 2b.
a. Explain why the vector function r defined by r(t) = ha cos(t), b sin(t)i,
2 2
0 ≤ t ≤ 2π is one parameterization of the ellipse xa2 + yb2 = 1.
x2 y2
b. Find a parameterization of the ellipse 4 + 16 = 1 that is traversed
(x+3)2 (y−2)2
c. Find a parameterization of the ellipse 4 + 9 = 1.
d. Determine the x-y equation of the ellipse that is parameterized by
d. Use the traces and contours you’ve just investigated to create a wireframe
plot of the surface generated by z = f (x, y). In addition, write two
sentences to describe the characteristics of the surface.
15. For each of the following, describe the effect of the parameter s on the
parametric curve for t in the interval [0, 2π].
Motivating Questions
Preview Activity 9.7.1. Let r(t) = cos(t)i + sin(2t)j describe the path trav-
eled by an object at time t.
a. Use appropriate technology to help you sketch the graph of the vector-
valued function r, and then locate and label the point on the graph when
t = π.
c. Use your result from part (b) to compute r0 (π). Sketch this vector r0 (π)
as emanating from the point on the graph of r when t = π , and explain
what you think r0 (π) tells us about the object’s motion.
Activity 9.7.2. Let’s investigate how we can interpret the derivative r0 (t).
Let r be the vector-valued function whose graph is shown in Figure 9.7.2, and
let h be a scalar that represents a small change in time. The vector r(t) is the
blue vector in Figure 9.7.2 and r(t + h) is the green vector.
r(t + h)
b. Is r(t+h)−r(t)
h a vector or a scalar? Sketch a representative vector r(t+h)−r(t)
with h < 1 in Figure 9.7.2.
c. Think of r(t) as providing the position of an object moving along the
curve these vectors trace out. What do you think that the vector r(t+h)−r(t)
measures? Why? (Hint: You might think analogously about difference
quotients such as f (x+h)−f
or s(t+h)−s(t)
h from calculus I.)
r(t + h)
r(t + h)
r(t + h)
r(t + h) − r(t)
r0 (t) = lim
h→0 h
is the instantaneous rate of change of r(t) at time t (for those values of t for
which the limit exists), so r0 (t) = v(t) is the instantaneous velocity of the
object at time t. Furthermore, we can interpret the derivative r0 (t) as the
direction vector of the line tangent to the graph of r at the value t.
v(t + h) − v(t)
v0 (t) = r00 (t) = lim
h→0 h
is the instantaneous rate of change of the velocity of the object at time t,
for those values of t for which the limits exists, and thus v0 (t) = a(t) is the
acceleration of the moving object.
Note well: Both the velocity and acceleration are vector quantities: they
have magnitude and direction. By contrast, the magnitude of the velocity
vector, |v(t)|, which is the speed of the object at time t, is a scalar quantity.
r(t + h) − r(t)
r0 (t) = lim
h→0 h
[x(t + h) − x(t)]i + [y(t + h) − y(t)]j + [z(t + h) − z(t)]k
= lim
h→0 h
r(t) = x0 (t)i + y 0 (t)j + z 0 (t)k
for those values of t at which x, y, and z are differentiable.
Activity 9.7.3. For each of the following vector-valued functions, find r0 (t).
a. r(t) = hcos(t), t sin(t), ln(t)i.
b. r(t) = ht2 + 3t, e−2t , t2 +1
2. d
dt [f (t)r(t)] = f (t)r0 (t) + f 0 (t)r(t)
3. d
dt [r(t) · s(t)] = r0 (t) · s(t) + r(t) · s0 (t)
4. d
dt [r(t) × s(t)] = r0 (t) × s(t) + r(t) × s0 (t)
5. d
dt [r(f (t))] = f 0 (t)r0 (f (t)).
Note well. When applying these properties, use care to interpret the quan-
tities involved as either scalars or vectors. For example, r(t) · s(t) defines a
scalar function because we have taken the dot product of two vector-valued
functions. However, r(t) × s(t) defines a vector-valued function since we have
taken the cross product of two vector-valued functions.
Activity 9.7.4. The left side of Figure 9.7.4 shows the curve described by the
vector-valued function r defined by
1 2
r(t) = 2t − t + 1, t − 1 .
4 y 16
3 14
2 12
1 10
-4 -3 -2 -1 1 2 3 4
-1 6
-2 4
-3 2
-4 -3 -2 -1 1 2 3 4
c. Indicate on the left of Figure 9.7.4 the object’s position, velocity and
acceleration at the times t = 0, 2, 4. Draw the velocity and acceleration
vectors with their tails placed at the object’s position.
d. Recall that the speed is |v| = v · v. Find the object’s speed and graph
it as a function of time t on the right of Figure 9.7.4. When is the object’s
speed the slowest? When is the speed increasing? When is it decreasing?
e. What seems to be true about the angle between v and a when the speed
is at a minimum? What is the angle between v and a when the speed is
increasing? when the speed is decreasing?
f. Since the square root is an increasing function, we see that the speed
increases precisely when v · v is increasing. Use the product rule for the
dot product to express dt
(v·v) in terms of the velocity v and acceleration
a. Use this to explain why the speed is increasing when v · a > 0 and
decreasing when v · a < 0. Compare this to part (d).
|v(t)| = compv a.
L(t) = L0 + tu.
a. Determine the coordinates of the point on the curve traced out by r(t)
when t = π.
b. Find a direction vector for the line tangent to the graph of r at the point
where t = π.
c. Find the parametric equations of the line tangent to the graph of r when
t = π.
d. Sketch a plot of the curve r(t) and its tangent line near the point where
t = π. In addition, include a sketch of r0 (π). What is the important role
of r0 (π) in this activity?
We see that our work in Activity 9.7.5 can be generalized. Given a differ-
entiable vector-valued function r, the tangent line to the curve at the input
value a is given by
L(t) = r(a) + tr0 (a). (9.7.1)
Here we see that because the tangent line is determined entirely by a given
point and direction, the point is provided by the function r, evaluated at t = a,
while the direction is provided by the derivative, r0 , again evaluated at t = a.
Note how analogous the formula for L(t) is to the tangent line approximation
from single-variable calculus: in that context, for a given function y = f (x) at
a value x = a, we found that the tangent line can be expressed by the linear
function y = L(x) whose formula is
Equation (9.7.1) for the tangent line L(t) to the vector-valued function r(t)
is nearly identical. Indeed, because there are multiple parameterizations for a
single line, it is even possible to write the parameterization as
R0 (t) = r(t).
Activity 9.7.6. Suppose a moving object in space has its velocity given by
v(t) = (−2 sin(2t))i + (2 cos(t))j + 1 − k.
d. Finally, determine the vector equation for the tangent line, L(t), that is
tangent to the position curve at t = 1.
2 z
-2 -1 1
1 -1
Figure 9.7.6: The position graph for the function in Activity 9.7.6.
(x0 , y0 )
Figure 9.7.7: Projectile motion.
Assume we fire a projectile from a launcher and the only force acting on
the fired object is the force of gravity pulling down on the object. That is, we
assume no effect due to spin, wind, or air resistance. With these assumptions,
the motion of the object will be planar, so we can also assume that the motion
occurs in two-dimensional space. Suppose we launch the object from an initial
position (x0 , y0 ) at an angle θ with the positive x-axis as illustrated in Fig-
ure 9.7.7, and that we fire the object with an initial speed of v0 = |v(0)|, where
v(t) is the velocity vector of the object at time t. Assume g is the positive
constant acceleration force due to gravity, which acts to pull the fired object
toward the ground (in the negative y direction). Note particularly that there
is no external force acting on the object to move it in the x direction.
We first observe that since gravity only acts in the downward direction
and that the acceleration due to gravity is constant, the acceleration vector
is h0, −gi. That is, a(t) = h0, −gi. We may use this fact about acceleration,
together with the initial position and initial velocity in order to fully determine
the position r(t) of the object at time t. In Exercise 9.7.17, you can work
through the details to show that the following general formula holds.
The motion of a projectile.
If an object is launched from a point (x0 , y0 ) with initial velocity v0 at
an angle θ with the horizontal, then the position of the object at time
t is given by
D g E
r(t) = v0 cos(θ)t + x0 , − t2 + v0 sin(θ)t + y0 .
This assumes that the only force acting on the object is the acceleration g
due to gravity.
9.7.6 Summary
• If r is a vector-valued function, then the derivative of r is defined by
r(t + h) − r(t)
r0 (t) = lim
h→0 h
for those values of t at which the limit exists, and is computed compo-
nentwise by the formula
r0 (t) = x0 (t)i + y 0 (t)j + z 0 (t)k
for those values of t at which x, y, and z are differentiable, where r(t) =
x(t)i + y(t)j + z(t)k.
• The derivative r0 (t) of the vector-valued function r tells us the instanta-
neous rate of change of r with respect to time, t, which can be interpreted
as a direction vector for the line tangent to the graph of r at the point
r(t), or also as the instantaneous velocity of an object traveling along the
graph defined by r(t) at time t.
• An antiderivative of r is a vector-valued function R such that R0 (t) =
r(t). The indefinite integral r(t) dt of a vector-valued function r is the
1. If r(t) = cos(5t)i + sin(5t)j + 6tk, compute:
A. The velocity vector v(t) = i+ j+ k
B. The acceleration vector a(t) = i+ j+ k
Note: the coefficients in your answers must be entered in the form of ex-
pressions in the variable t; e.g. “5 cos(2t)”
2. Given that the acceleration vector is a (t) = (−16 cos (4t)) i+(−16 sin (4t)) j+
(−1t) k, the initial velocity is v (0) = i + k, and the initial position vector is
r (0) = i + j + k, compute:
A. The velocity vector v (t) = i+ j+ k
B. The position vector r (t) = i+ j+ k
Note: the coefficients in your answers must be entered in the form of ex-
pressions in the variable t; e.g. “5 cos(2t)”
3. R Evaluate
(ti + t2 j + t3 k)dt = i+ j+ k.
4. Find parametric equations for the tangent line at the point
(cos( −5π6 ), sin( 6 ), 6 ) on the curve x = cos t, y = sin t, z = t
−5π −5π
x(t) =
(Your line should be parametrized so that it passes through the given point
at t=0).
5. If r(t) = cos(−3t)i + sin(−3t)j − 2tk
compute r0 (t)= i+ j+ k
and r(t) dt=
i+ j+ k+C
with C a constant vector.
6. For the given position vectors r(t),
compute the (tangent) velocity vector r0 (t) for the given value of t .
A) Let r(t) = (cos 2t, sin 2t).
Then r0 ( π4 )= ( , )?
B) Let r(t) = (t , t ).
2 3
Then r0 (1)= ( , )?
C) Let r(t) = e2t i + e−t j + tk.
Then r0 (−5)= i+ j+ k?
7. Suppose ~r(t) = cos(πt) i + sin(πt) j + 3tk represents the position of a
particle on a helix, where z is the height of the particle.
(a) What is t when the particle has height 12?
(b) What is the velocity of the particle when its height is 12?
~v =
(c) When the particle has height 12, it leaves the helix and moves along
the tangent line at the constant velocity found in part (b). Find a vector
parametric equation for the position of the particle (in terms of the original
parameter t) as it moves along this tangent line.
L(t) =
8. Suppose the displacement of a particle in motion at time t is given by the
parametric equations
x(t) = (4t − 1) , y(t) = 4, z(t) = 768t4 − 256t3 .
(a) Find the speed of the particle when t = 3.
Speed =
(b) Find t when the particle is stationary.
[c1 (t) · c2 (t)] =
[c1 (t) × c2 (t)] = i+
11. A gun has a muzzle speed of 100 meters per second. What angle
of elevation should be used to hit an object 160 meters away? Neglect air
resistance and use g = 9.8 m/sec2 as the acceleration of gravity.
12. A child wanders slowly down a circular staircase from the top of a
tower. With x, y, z in feet and the origin at the base of the tower, her position
t minutes from the start is given by
b. Use the value of a you determined in (a) to find a vector form of the
tangent line to r(t) at the point where t = a.
c. Use the value of b you determined in (a) to find a vector form of the
tangent line to w(s) at the point where s = b.
d. Suppose that z = f (x, y) is a function that generates a surface in three-
dimensional space, and that the curves generated by r(t) and w(s) both
lie on this surface. Note particularly that the point of intersection you
found in (a) lies on this surface. In addition, observe that the two tangent
lines found in (b) and (c) both lie in the tangent plane to the surface at
the point of intersection. Use your preceding work to determine the
equation of this tangent plane.
17. In this exercise, we develop the formula for the position function of a
projectile that has been launched at an initial speed of |v0 | and a launch angle
of θ. Recall that a(t) = h0, −gi is the constant acceleration of the projectile at
any time t.
a. Find all velocity vectors for the given acceleration vector a. When
you anti-differentiate, remember that there is an arbitrary constant that
arises in each component.
b. Use the given information about initial speed and launch angle to find
v0 , the initial velocity of the projectile. You will want to write the vector
in terms of its components, which will involve sin(θ) and cos(θ).
c. Next, find the specific velocity vector function v for the projectile. That
is, combine your work in (a) and (b) in order to determine expressions
in terms of |v0 | and θ for the constants that arose when integrating.
d. Find all possible position vectors for the velocity vector v(t) you deter-
mined in (c).
e. Let r(t) denote the position vector function for the given projectile. Use
the fact that the object is fired from the position (x0 , y0 ) to show it
follows that
D g E
r(t) = |v0 | cos(θ)t + x0 , − t2 + |v0 | sin(θ)t + y0 .
18. A central force is one that acts on an object so that the force F is
parallel to the object’s position r. Since Newton’s Second Law says that an
object’s acceleration is proportional to the force exerted on it, the acceleration
a of an object moving under a central force will be parallel to its position r.
For instance, the Earth’s acceleration due to the gravitational force that the
sun exerts on the Earth is parallel to the Earth’s position vector as shown in
Figure 9.7.8.
b. Explain why L · r = 0.
c. Explain why we may conclude that the object is constrained to lie in the
plane passing through the origin and perpendicular to L.
Motivating Questions
Given a space curve, there are two natural geometric questions one might
ask: how long is the curve and how much does it bend? In this section, we
answer both questions by developing techniques for measuring the length of a
space curve as well as its curvature.
z z z
6 6 6
4 4 4
2 2 2
-1 -1 -1
y y y
-1 1 -1 1 -1 1
x x x
1 Estimate: 8.15 1 Estimate: 8.69 1 Estimate: 8.80
a. Write a formula for the length of the line segment that connects the
endpoints of the curve on the ith subinterval [ti−1 , ti ]. (This length is
our approximation of the length of the curve on this interval.)
b. Use your formula in part (a) to write a sum that adds all of the approx-
imations to the lengths on each subinterval.
c. What do we need to do with the sum in part (b) in order to obtain the
exact value of the length of the graph of r(t) on the interval [0, 2π]?
We now want to take the limit of this sum as n goes to infinity, but in
its present form it might be difficult to see how. We first introduce ∆t by
multiplying by ∆t
, and see that
n p
L≈ (x(ti ) − x(ti−1 ))2 + (y(ti ) − y(ti−1 ))2 + (z(ti ) − z(ti−1 ))2
n p
X ∆t
= (x(ti ) − x(ti−1 ))2 + (y(ti ) − y(ti−1 ))2 + (z(ti ) − z(ti−1 ))2
n p
X ∆t
= (x(ti ) − x(ti−1 ))2 + (y(ti ) − y(ti−1 ))2 + (z(ti ) − z(ti−1 ))2 p
To get the difference quotients under the radical, we use properties of the
square root function to see further that
X 1
L≈ [(x(ti ) − x(ti−1 ))2 + (y(ti ) − y(ti−1 ))2 + (z(ti ) − z(ti−1 )2 ] 2
n 2 2 2
X x(ti ) − x(ti−1 ) y(ti ) − y(ti−1 ) z(ti ) − z(ti−1 )
= + + ∆t.
∆t ∆t ∆t
z(ti ) − z(ti−1 )
z 0 (t) lim ,
∆t→0 ∆t
we see that
n 2 2 2
X x(ti ) − x(ti−1 ) y(ti ) − y(ti−1 ) z(ti ) − z(ti−1 )
lim + + ∆t
∆t ∆t ∆t
is equal to
Z b p
(x0 (t))2 + (y 0 (t))2 + (z 0 (t))2 dt.
|r0 (t)| =
(x0 (t))2 + (y 0 (t))2 + (z 0 (t))2 ,
Note that formula (9.8.1) applies to curves in any dimensional space. More-
over, this formula has a natural interpretation: if r(t) records the position of a
moving object, then r0 (t) is the object’s velocity and |r0 (t)| its speed. Formula
(9.8.1) says that we simply integrate the speed of an object traveling over the
curve to find the distance traveled by the object, which is the same as the
length of the curve, just as in one-variable calculus.
Activity 9.8.2. Here we calculate the arc length of two familiar curves.
b. Find the exact length of the spiral defined by r(t) = hcos(t), sin(t), ti on
the interval [0, 2π].
We can adapt the arc length formula to curves in 2-space that define y as
a function of x as the following activity shows.
a few different times t. Notice that the points are not equally spaced on the
A more natural parameter describing the points along the space curve is
the distance traveled s as we move along the parabola starting at the origin.
For instance, the right side of Figure 9.8.2 shows the points corresponding to
various values of s. We call this an arc length parametrization.
2 y 2 y
t =2.0
s =2.5
1 t =1.5 1 s =2.0
s =1.5
t =1.0
s =1.0
t =0.5 x s =0.5 x
t =0.0 1 2 s =0.0 1 2
which measures the length along the curve from r(a) to r(t).
The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus shows us that
= L0 (t) = (x0 (t))2 + (y 0 (t))2 + (z 0 (t))2 = |r0 (t)| (9.8.2)
and so Z t
L(t) = dt r(w) dw.
If we assume that r (t) is never 0, then L0 (t) > 0 for all t and s = L(t) is
always increasing. This should seem reasonable: unless we stop, the distance
traveled along the curve increases as we move along the curve.
Since s = L(t) is an increasing function, it is invertible, which means we
may view the time t as a function of the distance traveled; that is, we have
the relationship t = L−1 (s). We then obtain the arc length parametrization
by composing r(t) with t = L−1 (s) to obtain r(s). Let’s illustrate this with an
Example 9.8.3. Consider a circle of radius 5 in 2-space centered at the origin.
We know that we can parameterize this circle as
where t runs from 0 to 2π. We see that r0 (t) = h−5 sin(t), 5 cos(t)i, and hence
|r0 (t)| = 5. It then follows that
Z t Z t
s = L(t) = |r0 (w)| dw = 5 dw = 5t.
0 0
dr dr ds dr 0
= = |r (t)|,
dt ds dt ds
dr 1 dr
ds |r0 (t)| dt = 1,
which means that we move along the curve with unit speed when we parame-
terize by arc length. This is clearly seen in Example 9.8.3 where |r0 (s)| = 1. It
follows that the parameter s is the distance traveled along the curve, as shown
by: Z s Z s
L(s) = r(w) dw =
ds 1 dw = s.
0 0
√ √ √
2 8 3/2
r(s) = −2 + 4+s , −2 + 4 + s , 4 −2 + 4 + s .
9.8.3 Curvature
For a smooth space curve, the curvature measures how fast the curve is bending
or changing direction at a given point. For example, we expect that a line
should have zero curvature everywhere, while a circle (which is bending the
same at every point) should have constant curvature. Circles with larger radii
should have smaller curvatures.
To measure the curvature, we first need to describe the direction of the
curve at a point. We may do this using a continuously varying tangent vector
to the curve, as shown at left in Figure 9.8.5. The direction of the curve is
then determined by the angle φ each tangent vector makes with a horizontal
vector, as shown at right in Figure 9.8.5.
1 1
-2 -1 1 2 -2 -1 1 2
-1 -1
Informally speaking, the curvature will be the rate at which the angle φ
is changing as we move along the curve. Of course, this rate of change will
depend on how we move along the curve; if we move with a greater speed
along the curve, then φ will change more rapidly. This is why the speed limit
is sometimes lowered when we enter a curve on a highway. In other words, the
rate of change of φ will depend on the parametrization we use to describe the
space curve. To eliminate this dependence on the parametrization, we choose
to work with an arc length parametrization r(s), which means we move along
the curve with unit speed.
Using an arc length parametrization r(s), we define the tangent vector
T(s) = r0 (s), and note that |T(s)| = 1; that is, T(s) is a unit tangent vector.
We then have T(s) = hcos(φ(s)), sin(φ(s))i, which means that
dT dφ dφ dφ
= − sin(φ(s)) , cos(φ(s)) = h− sin(φ(s)), cos(φ(s))i .
ds ds ds ds
= |h− sin(φ(s)), cos(φ(s))i| dφ = dφ
ds ds ds
Activity 9.8.5.
a b
x(s) = x0 + √ s and y(s) = y0 + √ s
a2+ b2 a2 + b2
of a line. Use this information to explain why the curvature of a line is
0 everywhere.
Show that the curvature of this circle is the constant a1 . What can you
say about the relationship between the size of the radius of a circle and
the value of its curvature? Why does this make sense?
Activity 9.8.6. Use one of the two formulas for κ in terms of t to help you
answer the following questions.
x2 y2
a. The ellipse a2 + b2 = 1 has parameterization
Find the curvature of the ellipse. Assuming 0 < b < a, at what points
is the curvature the greatest and at what points is the curvature the
smallest? Does this agree with your intuition?
The curvature has another interpretation. Recall that the tangent line to a
curve at a point is the line that best approximates the curve at that point. The
curvature at a point on a curve describes the circle that best approximates the
curve at that point. Remembering that a circle of radius a has curvature 1/a,
then the circle that best approximates the curve near a point on a curve whose
curvature is κ has radius 1/κ and will be tangent to the tangent line at that
point and has its center on the concave side of the curve. This circle, called
the osculating circle of the curve at the point, is shown in Figure 9.8.7 for a
portion of a parabola.
4 y
-2 -1 1 2
9.8.4 Summary
• The integration process shows that the length L of a smooth curve defined
by r(t) on an interval [a, b] is
Z b
L= |r0 (t)| dt.
1. Find the length of the curve
x = t − 5, y = 5 + 4t, z = 2 + 2t,
for 4 ≤ t ≤ 6.
length =
(Think of second way that you could calculate this length, too, and see that
you get the same result.)
2. Consider the curve r = (e−3t cos(−4t), e−3t sin(−4t), e−3t ).
Compute the arclength function s(t): (with initial point t = 0).
3. Find the length of the given curve:
where −2 ≤ t ≤ 5.
4. Find the curvature of y = sin (−1x) at x = π4 .
5. Consider the path r(t) = (12t, 6t2 , 6 ln t) defined for t > 0.
Find the length of the curve between the points (12, 6, 0) and (24, 24, 6 ln(2)).
6. Find the curvature κ(t) of the curve r(t) = (1 sin t) i+(1 sin t) j+(4 cos t) k
7. A factory has a machine which bends wire at a rate of 6 unit(s) of
curvature per second. How long does it take to bend a straight wire into a
circle of radius 8?
8. Find the unit tangent vector at the indicated point of the vector function
12. Let y = f (x) define a curve in the plane. We can consider this curve as
a curve in three-space with z-coordinate 0.
a. Find a parameterization of the form r(t) = hx(t), y(t), z(t)i of the curve
y = f (x) in three-space.
a. Find a parameterization of the form r(t) = hx(t), y(t)i that traces the
curve y = 4x2 − x3 on the interval from x = −3 to x = 3.
a. Recall that the unit tangent vector, T(t), is the vector tangent to the
curve at time t that points in the direction of motion and has length 1.
Find T(t).
b. Explain why the fact that |T(t)| = 1 implies that T and T0 are orthogonal
vectors for every value of t. (Hint: note that T · T = |T|2 = 1, and
compute dtd
[T · T].)
c. For the given function r with unit tangent vector T(t) (from (a)), deter-
mine N(t) = |T01(t)| T0 (t).
d. What geometric properties does N(t) have? That is, how long is this
vector, and how is it situated in comparison to T(t)?
e. Let B(t) = T(t) × N(t), and compute B(t) in terms of your results in
(a) and (c).
f. What geometric properties does B(t) have? That is, how long is this
vector, and how is it situated in comparison to T(t) and N(t)?
g. Sketch a plot of the given helix, and compute and sketch T(π/2), N(π/2),
and B(π/2).
a. Explain why
|r0 (t)| = .
r0 (t)
b. Use the fact that T(t) = |r0 (t)| and |r0 (t)| = ds
dt to explain why
r0 (t) = T(t).
d2 s ds
r00 (t) = T(t) + T0 (t).
dt2 dt
Explain why
0 00 ds
r (t) × r (t) = (T(t) × T0 (t)).
|T0 (t)|
e. Finally, use the fact that κ = |r0 (t)| to verify that
16. In this exercise we explore how to find the osculating circle for a given
curve. As an example, we will use the curve defined by f (x) = x2 . Recall that
this curve can be parameterized by x(t) = t and y(t) = t2 .
b. To find the center of the osculating circle, we will want to find a vector
that points from a point on the curve to the center of the circle. Such a
vector will be orthogonal to the tangent vector at that point. Recall that
T(s) = hcos(φ(s)), sin(φ(s))i, where φ is the angle the tangent vector to
the curve makes with a horizontal vector. Use this fact to show that
T· = 0.
c. Find T at the point (1, 1) on the graph of f . Then find N at this same
point. How do you know you have the correct direction for N?
d. Which vector, in terms of ρ and N points from the point P to the point
C? Use this vector to explain why
γ = r + ρN,
where r = OP .
e. Finally, use the previous work to find the center of the osculating circle
for f at the point (1, 1). Draw pictures of the curve and the osculating
circle to verify your work.
Chapter 10
Derivatives of Multivariable
10.1 Limits
Motivating Questions
lim f (x) = L.
f (x) = 3 − x.
5 y
-3 -2 -1 1 2 3
Figure 10.1.2: The graph of f (x) = 3 − x.
c. Next, consider
g(x) = .
-1 1
1.5 y
1.5 y
0.5 1.0 1.5
f. Explain how your results in (e) are reflected in Figure 10.1.6. Compare
this limit to the limit in part (a). How are the limits similar and how are
they different?
g. Finally, consider
g(x, y) = ,
x2 + y2
which is not defined at (0, 0). Complete Table 10.1.7. Round to three
decinal places.
h. Explain how your results are reflected in Figure 10.1.8. Compare this
limit to the limit in part (b). How are the results similar and how are
they different?
-1 0 y 1
Figure 10.1.8: Left: The graph of g(x, y) = x2 +y 2 . Right: A contour plot.
Definition 10.1.9. Given a function f = f (x, y), we say that f has limit L
as (x, y) approaches (a, b) provided that we can make f (x, y) as close to L
as we like by taking (x, y) sufficiently close (but not equal) to (a, b). We write
lim f (x, y) = L.
-1 0 y 1
Figure 10.1.10: The graph of f (x, y) = √ .
x2 +y 2
a. Is f defined at the point (0, 0)? What, if anything, does this say about
whether f has a limit at the point (0, 0)?
b. Values of f (to three decimal places) at several points close to (0, 0) are
shown in Table 10.1.11.
Based on these calculations, state whether f has a limit at (0, 0) and give
an argument supporting your statement. (Hint: The blank spaces in the
table are there to help you see the patterns.)
d. What is the behavior of f along the line y = x when x > 0; that is, what
is the value of f (x, x) when x > 0? If we approach (0, 0) by moving along
the line y = x in the first quadrant (thus considering f (x, x) as x → 0+ ,
what value do we find as the limit?
Figure 10.1.12: Contour lines of f (x, y) = √ .
x2 +y 2
-1 1
x2 y
g(x, y) =
x4 + y 2
a. What is the behavior of g on the x-axis? That is, what is g(x, 0) and
what is the limit of g as (x, y) approaches (0, 0) along the x-axis?
b. What is the behavior of g on the y-axis? That is, what is g(0, y) and
what is the limit of g as (x, y) approaches (0, 0) along the y-axis?
c. What is the behavior of g on the line y = mx? That is, what is g(x, mx)
and what is the limit of g as (x, y) approaches (0, 0) along the line y =
d. Based on what you have seen so far, do you think lim(x,y)→(0,0) g(x, y)
exists? If so, what do you think its value is?
f. State whether the limit lim(x,y)→(0,0) g(x, y) exists or not and provide a
justification of your statement.
This activity shows that we need to be careful when studying the limit of
a two-variable functions by considering its behavior along different paths. If
we find two different paths that result in two different limits, then we may
conclude that the limit does not exist. However, we can never conclude that
the limit of a function exists only by considering its behavior along different
Generally speaking, concluding that a limit lim(x,y)→(a,b) f (x, y) exists re-
quires a more careful argument.
Example 10.1.14. Consider the function f defined by
x2 y 2
f (x, y) = .
x2 + y2
lim f (x, y) = 0,
x2 y 2
lim = 0.
(x,y)→(0,0) x2 + y 2
In spite of the fact that these two most recent examples illustrate some
of the complications that arise when studying limits of two-variable functions,
many of the properties that are familiar from our study of single variable
functions hold in precisely the same way.
10.1. LIMITS 107
Properties of Limits.
Let f = f (x, y) and g = g(x, y) be functions so that lim(x,y)→(a,b) f (x, y)
and lim(x,y)→(a,b) g(x, y) both exist. Then
lim f (x, y)
f (x, y) (x,y)→(a,b)
5. lim = if lim g(x, y) 6= 0.
(x,y)→(a,b) g(x, y) lim g(x, y) (x,y)→(a,b)
We can use these properties and results from single variable calculus to
verify that many limits exist. For example, these properties show that the
function f defined by
The reason for this is that polynomial functions of a single variable have
limits at every point.
10.1.2 Continuity
Recall that a function f of a single variable x is said to be continuous at x = a
provided that the following three conditions are satisfied:
1. f (a) exists,
2. limx→a f (x) exists, and
3. limx→a f (x) = f (a).
Using our understanding of limits of multivariable functions, we can define
continuity in the same way.
Definition 10.1.15. A function f = f (x, y) is continuous at the point (a, b)
provided that
1. f is defined at the point (a, b),
2. lim(x,y)→(a,b) f (x, y) exists, and
3. lim(x,y)→(a,b) f (x, y) = f (a, b).
For instance, we have seen that the function f defined by f (x, y) = 3x2 y 3 +
2xy 2 − 3x + 1 is continous at every point. And just as with single variable
functions, continuity has certain properties that are based on the properties of
Properties of continuity.
Let f and g be functions of two variables that are continuous at the
point (a, b). Then
1. cf is continuous at (a, b) for any scalar c
2. f + g is continuous at (a, b)
3. f − g is continuous at (a, b)
4. f g is continuous at (a, b)
5. g is continuous at (a, b) if g(a, b) 6= 0
Using these properties, we can apply results from single variable calculus to
decide about continuity of multivariable functions. For example, the coordinate
functions f and g defined by f (x, y) = x and g(x, y) = y are continuous
at every point. We can then use properties of continuity listed to conclude
that every polynomial function in x and y is continuous at every point. For
example, g(x, y) = x2 and h(x, y) = y 3 are continuous functions, so their
product f (x, y) = x2 y 3 is a continuous multivariable function.
10.1.3 Summary
• If (x, y) has two different limits as (x, y) approaches (a, b) along two
different paths, we can conclude that lim(x,y)→(a,b) f (x, y) does not exist.
1. Find the limits, if they exist, or type DNE for any which do not exist.
(x,y)→(0,0) x2 + y 2
(Be sure that you are able to explain why the results in (a) and (b) indicate
that f does not have a limit at (0,0)!
4. Find the limit, if it exists, or type N if it does not exist.
lim =
(x,y)→(0,0) 1x2 + 2y 2
5. Find the limit, if it exists, or type N if it does not exist.
(x + 16y)2
lim 2 =
(x,y)→(0,0) x2 + 16 y 2
6. Find the limit,
√ 2 if it2 exists, or type ’DNE’ if it does not exist.
lim e 2x +2y =
7. Find the limit, if it exists, or type N if it does not exist.
5xy + yz + 4xz
lim =
(x,y,z)→(0,0,0) 25x2 + y 2 + 16z 2
8. Find the limit, if it exists, or type N if it does not exist.
2 2
4zex +y
lim =
(x,y,z)→(5,4,1) 5x2 + 4y 2 + z 2
9. Find the limit (enter ’DNE’ if the limit does not exist)
Hint: rationalize the denominator.
(−2x2 − 2y 2 )
lim p
(x,y)→(0,0) (−2x2 − 2y 2 + 1) − 1
2x2 y
13. Consider the function h defined by h(x, y) = x4 +y 2 .
15. Use the properties of continuity to determine the set of points at which
each of the following functions is continuous. Justify your answers.
a. The function f defined by f (x, y) = x−y
b. The function g defined by g(x, y) = 1+ey
Motivating Questions
• How are the first-order partial derivatives of a function f of the indepen-
dent variables x and y defined?
• Given a function f of the independent variables x and y, what do the
first-order partial derivatives ∂f ∂f
∂x and ∂y tell us about f ?
1000 1000
f (t) g(r)
750 750
500 500
250 250
t r
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.10
Figure 10.2.1: Left: Graphs f (t) = M (0.03, t). Right: Graph g(r) = M (r, 4).
c. Find the instantaneous rate of change f 0 (4) and state the units on this
quantity. What information does f 0 (4) tell us about our car loan? What
information does f 0 (4) tell us about the graph you sketched in (b)?
x2 sin(2y)
f (x, y) = ,
which measures the range, or horizontal distance, in feet, traveled by a projec-
tile launched with an initial speed of x feet per second at an angle y radians
to the horizontal. The graph of this function is given again on the left in
Figure 10.2.2. Moreover, if we fix the angle y = 0.6, we may view the trace
f (x, 0.6) as a function of x alone, as seen at right in Figure 10.2.2.
z 1000
f (x, 0.6)
1000 800
y 150
1.5 100
50 200
50 100 150 200
x2 sin(2y)
Figure 10.2.2: Left: The trace of z = 32 with y = 0.6.
which gives the slope of the tangent line shown on the right of Figure 10.2.2.
Thinking of this derivative as an instantaneous rate of change implies that if
we increase the initial speed of the projectile by one foot per second, we expect
the horizontal distance traveled to increase by approximately 8.74 feet if we
hold the launch angle constant at 0.6 radians.
By holding y fixed and differentiating with respect to x, we obtain the first-
order partial derivative of f with respect to x. Denoting this partial derivative
as fx , we have seen that
f (a + h, b) − f (a, b)
fx (a, b) = lim ,
h→0 h
provided this limit exists.
In the same way, we may obtain a trace by setting, say, x = 150 as shown
in Figure 10.2.3.
z 1000
f (150, y)
1000 800
y 150
1.5 100
50 200
0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25
x2 sin(2y)
Figure 10.2.3: The trace of z = 32 with x = 150.
This gives
f (150, y) = sin(2y),
and therefore
d 1502
[f (150, y)] = cos(2y).
dy 16
If we evaluate this quantity at y = 0.6, we have
d 1502
[f (150, y)]|y=0.6 = cos(1.2) ≈ 509.5 feet per radian.
dy 16
Once again, the derivative gives the slope of the tangent line shown on the
right in Figure 10.2.3. Thinking of the derivative as an instantaneous rate of
change, we expect that the range of the projectile increases by 509.5 feet for
every radian we increase the launch angle y if we keep the initial speed of the
projectile constant at 150 feet per second.
By holding x fixed and differentiating with respect to y, we obtain the first-
order partial derivative of f with respect to y. As before, we denote this partial
derivative as fy and write
d f (150, 0.6 + h) − f (150, 0.6)
fy (150, 0.6) = f (150, y)|y=0.6 = lim .
dy h→0 h
As with the partial derivative with respect to x, we may express this quan-
tity more generally at an arbitrary point (a, b). To recap, we have now arrived
at the formal definition of the first-order partial derivatives of a function of
two variables.
Definition 10.2.4. The first-order partial derivatives of f with respect
to x and y at a point (a, b) are, respectively,
f (a + h, b) − f (a, b)
fx (a, b) = lim , and
h→0 h
f (a, b + h) − f (a, b)
fy (a, b) = lim ,
h→0 h
provided the limits exist.
Activity 10.2.2. Consider the function f defined by
xy 2
f (x, y) =
at the point (1, 2).
a. Write the trace f (x, 2) at the fixed value y = 2. On the left side of
Figure 10.2.5, draw the graph of the trace with y = 2 around the point
where x = 1, indicating the scale and labels on the axes. Also, sketch
the tangent line at the point x = 1.
xy 2
Figure 10.2.5: Traces of f (x, y) = x+1 .
b. Find the partial derivative fx (1, 2) and relate its value to the sketch you
just made.
c. Write the trace f (1, y) at the fixed value x = 1. On the right side of
Figure 10.2.5, draw the graph of the trace with x = 1 indicating the
scale and labels on the axes. Also, sketch the tangent line at the point
y = 2.
d. Find the partial derivative fy (1, 2) and relate its value to the sketch you
just made.
∂f ∂f
(a, b) = fx (a, b), and (a, b) = fy (a, b).
∂x ∂y
∂ ∂
(x) = 1 and (y) = 0.
∂x ∂x
To see the contrast between how we calculate single variable derivatives and
partial derivatives, and the difference between the notations dxd
[ ] and ∂x
[ ],
observe that
d d d d
[3x2 − 2x + 3] = 3 [x2 ] − 2 [x] + [3] = 3 · 2x − 2,
dx dx dx dx
∂ 2 ∂ ∂ ∂
and [x y − xy + 2y] = y [x2 ] − y [x] + [2y] = y · 2x − y
∂x ∂x ∂x ∂x
Thus, computing partial derivatives is straightforward: we use the standard
rules of single variable calculus, but do so while holding one (or more) of the
variables constant.
Activity 10.2.3.
xy 2
b. If f (x, y) = , find the partial derivatives fx and fy .
c. If g(r, s) = rs cos(r), find the partial derivatives gr and gs .
x2t z 3
e. Find all possible first-order partial derivatives of q(x, t, z) = .
1 + x2
z z
1500 1500
1000 1000
500 500
x x
200 200
y 150 y 150
1.5 100 1.5 100
1.0 50 1.0 50
0.5 0.5
0 0
a. Estimate the partial derivative wv (20, −10). What are the units on this
quantity and what does it mean? (Recall that we can estimate a partial
derivative of a single variable function f using the symmetric difference
quotient f (x+h)−f
for small values of h. A partial derivative is a
derivative of an appropriate trace.)
b. Estimate the partial derivative wT (20, −10). What are the units on this
quantity and what does it mean?
c. Use your results to estimate the wind chill w(18, −10). (Recall from single
variable calculus that for a function f of x, f (x + h) ≈ f (x) + hf 0 (x).)
d. Use your results to estimate the wind chill w(20, −12).
e. Consider how you might combine your previous results to estimate the
wind chill w(18, −12). Explain your process.
Activity 10.2.6. Shown below in Figure 10.2.8 is a contour plot of a function
f . The values of the function on a few of the contours are indicated to the left
of the figure.
3 y
-3 -2 -1 1 2 3
3 -1
5 -2
a. Estimate the partial derivative fx (−2, −1). (Hint: How can you find
values of f that are of the form f (−2 + h) and f (−2 − h) so that you can
use a symmetric difference quotient?)
g. Suppose you have a different function g, and you know that g(2, 2) = 4,
gx (2, 2) > 0, and gy (2, 2) > 0. Using this information, sketch a possibility
for the contour g(x, y) = 4 passing through (2, 2) on the left side of
Figure 10.2.9. Then include possible contours g(x, y) = 3 and g(x, y) = 5.
4 y 4 y
3 3
2 2
1 1
x x
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
h. Suppose you have yet another function h, and you know that h(2, 2) =
4, hx (2, 2) < 0, and hy (2, 2) > 0. Using this information, sketch a
possible contour h(x, y) = 4 passing through (2, 2) on the right side of
Figure 10.2.9. Then include possible contours h(x, y) = 3 and h(x, y) = 5.
10.2.4 Summary
∂f f (x + h, y) − f (x, y)
(x, y) = fx (x, y) = lim ,
∂x h→0 h
and the partial derivative of f with respect to y,
∂f f (x, y + h) − f (x, y)
(x, y) = fy (x, y) = lim ,
∂y h→0 h
where each partial derivative exists only at those points (x, y) for which
the limit exists.
1. Find the first partial derivatives of
2x − 3y
f (x, y) = at the point (x, y) = (2, 4).
2x + 3y
(2, 4) =
(2, 4) =
2. Find the first partial derivatives of f (x, y) = sin(x − y) at the point (-2,
A. fx (−2, −2) =
B. fy (−2, −2) =
3. Find the partial derivatives of the function
w = 5r2 + 9s2 + 2t2
∂r =
∂s =
∂t =
4. Suppose that f (x, y) is a smooth function and that its partial derivatives
have the values, fx (2, 2) = −5 and fy (2, 2) = −4. Given that f (2, 2) = 4,
use this information to estimate the value of f (3, 3). Note this is analogous to
finding the tangent line approximation to a function of one variable. In fancy
terms, it is the first Taylor approximation.
Estimate of (integer value) f (2, 3)
Estimate of (integer value) f (3, 2)
Estimate of (integer value) f (3, 3)
5. The gas law for a fixed mass m of an ideal gas at absolute temperature
T , pressure P , and volume V is P V = mRT , where R is the gas constant.
Find the partial derivatives
∂P ∂V ∂T
= (an integer)
∂V ∂T ∂P
6. Find the first partial derivatives of f (x, y, z) = z arctan( xy ) at the point
(5, 5, 5).
A. ∂f
∂x (5, 5, 5) =
B. ∂f
∂y (5, 5, 5) =
C. ∂z (5, 5, 5) =
fx (x, y) =
fy (x, y) =
8. Let f (x, y) = e−5x sin(2y).
(a) Using difference quotients with ∆x = 0.1 and ∆y = 0.1, we estimate
fx (−2, 3) ≈
fy (−2, 3) ≈
(b) Using difference quotients with ∆x = 0.01 and ∆y = 0.01, we find
better estimates:
fx (−2, 3) ≈
fy (−2, 3) ≈
9. Determine the sign of fx and fy at each indicated point using the contour
diagram of f shown below. (The point P is that in the first quadrant, at a
positive x and y value; Q through T are located clockwise from P , so that Q
is at a positive x value and negative y, etc.)
(a) At point Q,
fx is ( positive negative) and
fy is ( positive negative) .
(b) At point R,
fx is ( positive negative) and
fy is ( positive negative) .
(c) At point S,
fx is ( positive negative) and
fy is ( positive negative) .
10. Your monthly car payment in dollars is P = f (P0 , t, r), where $P0 is the
amount you borrowed, t is the number of months it takes to pay off the loan,
and r percent is the interest rate.
(a) Is ∂P/∂t positive or negative? ( positive negative)
Suppose that your bank tells you that the magnitude of ∂P/∂t is 20.
What are the units of this value?
(For this problem, write our your units in full, writing dollars for $, months
for months, percent for %, etc. Note that fractional units generally have a
t = 14 t = 16 t = 18 t = 20 t = 22 t = 24
c=0 100 100 100 99 97 95
c=2 100 99 98 97 95 92
c=6 96 95 93 90 86 80
c = 15 96 93 82 70 58 36
T ↓\H → 70 75 80 85
90 106 109 112 115
92 112 115 119 123
94 118 122 127 132
96 125 130 135 141
a. State the limit definition of the value IT (94, 75). Then, estimate IT (94, 75),
and write one complete sentence that carefully explains the meaning of
this value, including its units.
b. State the limit definition of the value IH (94, 75). Then, estimate IH (94, 75),
and write one complete sentence that carefully explains the meaning of
this value, including its units.
c. Suppose you are given that IT (92, 80) = 3.75 and IH (92, 80) = 0.8.
Estimate the values of I(91, 80) and I(92, 78). Explain how the partial
derivatives are relevant to your thinking.
b. Explain as best you can in the context of kinetic energy what the partial
f (a + h, b) − f (a, b)
fx (a, b) = lim
h→0 h
tells us about kinetic energy.
d. Explain as best you can in the context of kinetic energy what the partial
f (a, b + h) − f (a, b)
fy (a, b) = lim
h→0 h
tells us about kinetic energy.
8 y
70 80
4 50 60
3 40
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
25xy + 25
C(x, y) = .
(x − 1)2 + (y − 1)2 + 1
a. Determine ∂C
∂x |(x,y) and ∂y |(x,y) .
b. If an ant is on the metal plate, standing at the point (2, 3), and starts
walking in the direction parallel to the positive y axis, at what rate will
the temperature the ant is experiencing change? Explain, and include
appropriate units.
b. Find parametric equations in R3 for the tangent line to the trace f (x, 1)
at x = 2.
c. Find parametric equations in R3 for the tangent line to the trace f (2, y)
at y = 1.
d. State respective direction vectors for the two lines determined in (b) and
e. Determine the equation of the plane that passes through the point (2, 1, f (2, 1))
whose normal vector is orthogonal to the direction vectors of the two lines
found in (b) and (c).
17. Recall from single variable calculus that, given the derivative of a sin-
gle variable function and an initial condition, we can integrate to find the
original function. We can sometimes use the same process for functions of
more than one variable. For example, suppose that a function f satisfies
fx (x, y) = cos(y)ex + 2x + y 2 , fy (x, y) = − sin(y)ex + 2xy + 3, and f (0, 0) = 5.
a. Find all possible functions f of x and y such that fx (x, y) = cos(y)ex +
2x + y 2 . Your function will have both x and y as independent variables
and may also contain summands that are functions of y alone.
b. Use the fact that fy (x, y) = − sin(y)ex + 2xy + 3 to determine any un-
known non-constant summands in your result from part (a).
c. Complete the problem by determining the specific function f that satis-
fies the given conditions.
Motivating Questions
• What do the second-order partial derivatives fxx , fyy , fxy , and fyx of a
function f tell us about the function’s behavior?
f 0 (x + h) − f 0 (x)
f 00 (x) = lim .
h→0 h
Preview Activity 10.3.1. Once again, let’s consider the function f defined
by f (x, y) = x sin(2y)
32 that measures a projectile’s range as a function of its
initial speed x and launch angle y. The graph of this function, including traces
with x = 150 and y = 0.6, is shown in Figure 10.3.1.
z z
1500 1500
1000 1000
500 500
x x
200 200
y 150 y 150
1.5 100 1.5 100
1.0 50 1.0 50
0.5 0.5
0 0
Figure 10.3.1: The distance function with traces x = 150 and y = 0.6.
b. Figure 10.3.2 shows the trace of f with y = 0.6 with three tangent lines
included. Explain how your result from part (b) of this preview activity
is reflected in this figure.
f (x, 0.6)
50 100 150 200
c. Determine the partial derivative fy , and then find the partial derivative
fyy = (fy )y . Evaluate fyy (150, 0.6).
f (150, y)
0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25
d. Figure 10.3.3 shows the trace f (150, y) and includes three tangent lines.
Explain how the value of fyy (150, 0.6) is reflected in this figure.
e. Because fx and fy are each functions of both x and y, they each have
two partial derivatives. Not only can we compute fxx = (fx )x , but also
fxy = (fx )y ; likewise, in addition to fyy = (fy )y , but also fyx = (fy )x .
For the range function f (x, y) = x sin(2y)
32 , use your earlier computations
of fx and fy to now determine fxy and fyx . Write one sentence to explain
how you calculated these “mixed” partial derivatives.
∂f ∂2f
• fyy = (fy )y = ∂
∂y ∂y = ∂y 2 ,
∂f ∂2f
• fxy = (fx )y = ∂
∂y ∂x = ∂y∂x ,
∂f ∂2f
• fyx = (fy )x = ∂
∂x ∂y = ∂x∂y .
The first two are called unmixed second-order partial derivatives while the
last two are called the mixed second-order partial derivatives.
One aspect of this notation can be a little confusing. The notation
∂ ∂f
∂y∂x ∂y ∂x
means that we first differentiate with respect to x and then with respect to y;
this can be expressed in the alternate notation fxy = (fx )y . However, to find
the second partial derivative
fyx = (fy )x
we first differentiate with respect to y and then x. This means that
∂2f ∂2f
= fxy , and = fyx .
∂y∂x ∂x∂y
Be sure to note carefully the difference between Leibniz notation and sub-
script notation and the order in which x and y appear in each. In addition,
remember that anytime we compute a partial derivative, we hold constant the
variable(s) other than the one we are differentiating with respect to.
Activity 10.3.2. Find all second order partial derivatives of the following
functions. For each partial derivative you calculate, state explicitly which
variable is being held constant.
a. f (x, y) = x2 y 3
b. f (x, y) = y cos(x)
c. g(s, t) = st3 + s4
d. How many second order partial derivatives does the function h defined
by h(x, y, z) = 9x9 z − xyz 9 + 9 have? Find hxz and hzx (you do not need
to find the other second order partial derivatives).
In Preview Activity 10.3.1 and Activity 10.3.2, you may have noticed that
the mixed second-order partial derivatives are equal. This observation holds
generally and is known as Clairaut’s Theorem.
Clairaut’s Theorem.
Let f be a function of several variables for which the partial derivatives
fxy and fyx are continuous near the point (a, b). Then
Recall from single variable calculus that the second derivative measures the
instantaneous rate of change of the derivative. This observation is the key to
understanding the meaning of the second-order partial derivatives.
z z z
6 6 6
4 4 4
2 2 2
-2 1 -2 1 -2 1
y -1 2 x y -1 2 x y -1 2 x
3 3 3
a. In Figure 10.3.5, we see the trace of f (x, y) = sin(x)e−y that has x held
constant with x = 1.75. We also see three different lines that are tangent
to the trace of f in the x direction at values of y that are increasing
from left to right in the figure. Write a couple of sentences that describe
whether the slope of the tangent lines to this curve increase or decrease as
y increases, and, after computing fyy (x, y), explain how this observation
is related to the value of fyy (1.75, y). Be sure to address the notion of
concavity in your response.(You need to be careful about the directions
in which x and y are increasing.)
z z z
6 6 6
4 4 4
2 2 2
-2 1 -2 1 -2 1
y -1 2 x y -1 2 x y -1 2 x
3 3 3
z z z
6 6 6
4 4 4
2 2 2
-2 1 -2 1 -2 1
y -1 2 x y -1 2 x y -1 2 x
3 3 3
c. Determine the formula for fxy (x, y), and hence evaluate fxy (1.75, −1.5).
How does this value compare with your observations in (b)?
d. We know that fxx (1.75, −1.5) measures the concavity of the y = −1.5
trace, and that fyy (1.75, −1.5) measures the concavity of the x = 1.75
trace. What do you think the quantity fxy (1.75, −1.5) measures?
e. On Figure 10.3.6, sketch the trace with y = −1.5, and sketch three tan-
gent lines whose slopes correspond to the value of fyx (x, −1.5) for three
different values of x, the middle of which is x = −1.5. Is fyx (1.75, −1.5)
positive or negative? Why? What does fyx (1.75, −1.5) measure?
a. Estimate the partial derivatives wT (20, −15), wT (20, −10), and wT (20, −5).
Use these results to estimate the second-order partial wT T (20, −10).
c. Estimate the partial derivatives wT (20, −10), wT (25, −10), and wT (15, −10),
and use your results to estimate the partial wT v (20, −10).
e. Write several sentences that explain what the values wT T (20, −10), wvv (20, −10),
and wT v (20, −10) indicate regarding the behavior of w(v, T ).
10.3.3 Summary
• The unmixed second-order partial derivatives, fxx and fyy , tell us about
the concavity of the traces. The mixed second-order partial derivatives,
fxy and fyx , tell us how the graph of f twists.
1. Calculate all four second-order partial derivatives of f (x, y) = 4x2 y+6xy 3 .
fxx (x, y) =
fxy (x, y) =
fyx (x, y) =
fyy (x, y) =
2. Find all the first and second order partial derivatives of f (x, y) =
5 sin(2x + y) − 8 cos(x − y).
A. ∂f
∂x = fx =
B. ∂f
∂y = fy =
C. ∂x2 = fxx =
D. ∂y 2 = fy y =
E. ∂x∂y = fy x =
F. ∂y∂x = fxy =
3. Find the partial derivatives of the function
f (x, y) = xye7y
fx (x, y) =
fy (x, y) =
fxy (x, y) =
fyx (x, y) =
4. Calculate all four second-order partial derivatives of f (x, y) = sin .
fxx (x, y) =
fxy (x, y) =
fyx (x, y) =
fyy (x, y) =
5. Given F (r, s, t) = −r 8s6 + 8t4 , compute:
Frst =
6. Calculate all four second-order partial derivatives and check that fxy =
fyx . Assume the variables are restricted to a domain on which the function is
f (x, y) = e2xy
fxx =
fyy =
fxy =
fyx =
∂ 2f
∂x∂y =
∂ 3f
∂x∂y∂x =
∂ 3f
∂x2 ∂y =
zyy = y
zyy = zxx
zyy = g(x)
zyy = 0
11. Shown in Figure 10.3.9 is a contour plot of a function f with the values
of f labeled on the contours. The point (2, 1) is highlighted in red.
2 4
f. Consider a function g of the variables x and y for which gx (2, 2) > 0 and
gxx (2, 2) < 0. Sketch possible behavior of some contours around (2, 2)
on the left axes in Figure 10.3.10.
4 y 4 y
3 3
2 2
1 1
x x
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
T ↓\H → 70 75 80 85
90 106 109 112 115
92 112 115 119 123
94 118 122 127 132
96 125 130 135 141
a. State the limit definition of the value IT T (94, 75). Then, estimate IT T (94, 75),
and write one complete sentence that carefully explains the meaning of
this value, including units.
b. State the limit definition of the value IHH (94, 75). Then, estimate IHH (94, 75),
and write one complete sentence that carefully explains the meaning of
this value, including units.
c. Finally, do likewise to estimate IHT (94, 75), and write a sentence to ex-
plain the meaning of the value you found.
13. The temperature on a heated metal plate positioned in the first quadrant
of the xy-plane is given by
C(x, y) = 25e−(x−1) .
c. What do the values in (b) suggest about the behavior of f near (0, 0)?
Plot a graph of f and compare what you see visually to what the values
d. Determine gx , gy , gxx , gyy , gxy , and gyx .
e. Evaluate each of the partial derivatives in (d) at the point (0, 0).
f. What do the values in (e) suggest about the behavior of g near (0, 0)?
Plot a graph of g and compare what you see visually to what the values
g. What do the functions f and g have in common at (0, 0)? What is
different? What do your observations tell you regarding the importance
of a certain second-order partial derivative?
Motivating Questions
One of the central concepts in single variable calculus is that the graph of
a differentiable function, when viewed on a very small scale, looks like a line.
We call this line the tangent line and measure its slope with the derivative. In
this section, we will extend this concept to functions of several variables.
Let’s see what happens when we look at the graph of a two-variable function
on a small scale. To begin, let’s consider the function f defined by
f (x, y) = 6 − − y2 ,
-2 y 2
We choose to study the behavior of this function near the point (x0 , y0 ) =
(1, 1). In particular, we wish to view the graph on an increasingly small scale
around this point, as shown in the two plots in Figure 10.4.2
6 6
4 4
z z
2 2
0 0.5
x x
0 y 2 0.5 y 1.5
0.5 y 1.5
In what follows, we will also use the important fact1 that the plane passing
through (x0 , y0 , z0 ) may be expressed in the form z = z0 + a(x − x0 ) + b(y − y0 ),
where a and b are constants.
Preview Activity 10.4.1. Let f (x, y) = 6 − x2 − y 2 , and let (x0 , y0 ) = (1, 1).
a. Evaluate f (x, y) = 6 − x2 − y 2 and its partial derivatives at (x0 , y0 ); that
is, find f (1, 1), fx (1, 1), and fy (1, 1).
1 As we saw in Section 9.5, the equation of a plane passing through the point (x , y , z )
0 0 0
may be written in the form A(x − x0 ) + B(y − y0 ) + C(z − z0 ) = 0. If the plane is not vertical,
then C 6= 0, and we can rearrange this and hence write C(z − z0 ) = −A(x − x0 ) − B(y − y0 )
and thus
z = z0 − (x − x0 ) − (y − y0 )
= z0 + a(x − x0 ) + b(y − y0 )
where a = −A/C and b = −B/C, respectively.
b. We know one point on the tangent plane; namely, the z-value of the
tangent plane agrees with the z-value on the graph of f (x, y) = 6− x2 −y 2
at the point (x0 , y0 ). In other words, both the tangent plane and the
graph of the function f contain the point (x0 , y0 , z0 ). Use this observation
to determine z0 in the expression z = z0 + a(x − x0 ) + b(y − y0 ).
c. Sketch the traces of f (x, y) = 6 − 2 − y 2 for y = y0 = 1 and x = x0 = 1
below in Figure 10.4.4.
5.0 5.0
z = f (x, 1) z = f (1, y)
4.5 4.5
x y
4.0 4.0
0.5 1.0 1.5 0.5 1.0 1.5
d. Determine the equation of the tangent line of the trace that you sketched
in the previous part with y = 1 (in the x direction) at the point x0 = 1.
6 6
4 4
z z
2 2
0.5 0.5
x x
0.5 y 1.5 0.5 y 1.5
e. Figure 10.4.5 shows the traces of the function and the traces of the tan-
gent plane. Explain how the tangent line of the trace of f , whose equation
you found in the last part of this activity, is related to the tangent plane.
How does this observation help you determine the constant a in the equa-
tion for the tangent plane z = z0 + a(x − x0 ) + b(y − y0 )? (Hint: How do
you think fx (x0 , y0 ) should be related to zx (x0 , y0 )?)
f. In a similar way to what you did in (d), determine the equation of the
tangent line of the trace with x = 1 at the point y0 = 1. Explain how
this tangent line is related to the tangent plane, and use this observation
to determine the constant b in the equation for the tangent plane z =
z0 + a(x − x0 ) + b(y − y0 ). (Hint: How do you think fy (x0 , y0 ) should be
related to zy (x0 , y0 )?)
If f is a function of the independent variables x and y and both fx
and fy exist and are continuous in an open disk containing the point
(x0 , y0 ), then f is differentiable at (x0 , y0 ).
Activity 10.4.2.
y y
y = L(x) y = L(x)
y = f (x) y = f (x)
x x
x0 x0
10.4.2 Linearization
In single variable calculus, an important use of the tangent line is to approx-
imate the value of a differentiable function. Near the point x0 , the tangent
line to the graph of f at x0 is close to the graph of f near x0 , as shown in
Figure 10.4.6.
In this single-variable setting, we let L denote the function whose graph is
the tangent line, and thus
Finally, note that f (x, y) ≈ L(x, y) for points near (x0 , y0 ). This is illus-
trated in Figure 10.4.7.
z = L(x, y)
z = f (x, y)
0.5 y 1.5
g(x, y) =
x2 + y2
at the point (1, 2). Then use the linearization to estimate the value of
g(0.8, 2.3).
Use the data to first estimate the appropriate partial derivatives, and
then find the linearization L(v, T ) at the point (20, −10). Finally, use
the linearization to estimate w(10, −10), w(20, −12), and w(18, −12).
Compare your results to what you obtained in Activity 10.2.5
2 4
10.4.3 Differentials
(x0 , y0 )
dx = ∆x
dy = ∆y (x, y)
Figure 10.4.10 illustrates this situation. Suppose we are at the point (x0 , y0 ),
and we know the value f (x0 , y0 ) of f at (x0 , y0 ). If we consider the displace-
ment h∆x, ∆yi to a new point (x, y) = (x0 + ∆x, y0 + ∆y), we would like to
know how much the function has changed. We denote this change by ∆f ,
∆f = f (x, y) − f (x0 , y0 ).
A simple way to estimate the change ∆f is to approximate it by df , which
represents the change in the linearization L(x, y) as we move from (x0 , y0 ) to
(x, y). This gives
∆f ≈ df = L(x, y) − f (x0 , y0 )
= [f (x0 , y0 ) + fx (x0 , y0 )(x − x0 ) + fy (x0 , y0 )(y − y0 )] − f (x0 , y0 )
= fx (x0 , y0 )∆x + fy (x0 , y0 )∆y.
A(x, y) = xy,
how much the area of a given manufactured rectangle could differ from the
perfect rectangle. We will estimate the uncertainty in the area using (10.4.2),
and find that
That is, we estimate that the area in our rectangles could be off by as much
as 10 square centimeters.
Activity 10.4.4. The questions in this activity explore the differential in sev-
eral different contexts.
a. Suppose that the elevation of a landscape is given by the function h,
where we additionally know that h(3, 1) = 4.35, hx (3, 1) = 0.27, and
hy (3, 1) = −0.19. Assume that x and y are measured in miles in the east-
erly and northerly directions, respectively, from some base point (0, 0).
Your GPS device says that you are currently at the point (3, 1). However,
you know that the coordinates are only accurate to within 0.2 units; that
is, dx = ∆x = 0.2 and dy = ∆y = 0.2. Estimate the uncertainty in your
elevation using differentials.
b. The pressure, volume, and temperature of an ideal gas are related by the
P = P (T, V ) = 8.31T /V,
where P is measured in kilopascals, V in liters, and T in kelvin. Find
the pressure when the volume is 12 liters and the temperature is 310 K.
Use differentials to estimate the change in the pressure when the volume
increases to 12.3 liters and the temperature decreases to 305 K.
c. Refer to Table 10.4.8, the table of values of the wind chill w(v, T ), in
degrees Fahrenheit, as a function of temperature, also in degrees Fahren-
heit, and wind speed, in miles per hour. Suppose your anemometer says
the wind is blowing at 25 miles per hour and your thermometer shows a
reading of −15◦ degrees. However, you know your thermometer is only
accurate to within 2◦ degrees and your anemometer is only accurate to
within 3 miles per hour. What is the wind chill based on your mea-
surements? Estimate the uncertainty in your measurement of the wind
10.4.4 Summary
• The tangent plane L(x, y) = f (x0 , y0 )+fx (x0 , y0 )(x−x0 )+fy (x0 , y0 )(y −
y0 ), when considered as a function, is called the linearization of a differ-
entiable function f at (x0 , y0 ) and may be used to estimate values of
f (x, y); that is, f (x, y) ≈ L(x, y) for points (x, y) near (x0 , y0 ).
1. Find the linearization L (x, y) of the function f (x, y) = 89 − 9x2 − 1y 2
at (3, −2).
L (x, y) =
Note: Your answer should be an expression in x and y; e.g. “3x - 5y + 9”
2. Find the equation of the tangent plane to the surface z = e3x/17 ln (3y)
at the point (3, 3, 3.731).
Note: Your answer should be an expression of x and y; e.g. “5x + 2y - 3”
3. A student was asked to find the equation of the tangent plane to the
surface z = x4 − y 5 at the point (x, y) = (2, 2). The student’s answer was
z = −16 + 4x3 (x − 2) − 5y 4 (y − 2).
(a) At a glance, how do you know this is wrong. What mistakes did the
student make? Select all that apply.
The -16 should not be in the answer. The answer is not a linear
function. The (x - 2) and (y - 2) should be x and y. The
partial derivatives were not evaluated a the point. All of the above
(b) Find the correct equation for the tangent plane.
4. (a) Check the local linearity of f (x, y) = ey sin(x) near x = 2.5, y = −1
by filling in the following table of values of f for x = 2.4, 2.5, 2.6 and y =
−1.1, −1, −0.9. Express values of f with 4 digits after the decimal point.
(b) Next, fill in the table for the values x = 2.49, 2.5, 2.51 and y =
−1.01, −1, −0.99, again showing 4 digits after the decimal point.
Notice if the two tables look nearly linear, and whether the second looks
more linear than the first (in particular, think about how you would decide if
they were linear, or if the one were more closely linear than the other).
(c) Give the local linearization of f (x, y) = ey sin(x) at (2.5, −1):
Using the second of your tables:
f (x, y) ≈
Using the fact that fx (x, y) = ey cos(x) and fy (x, y) = ey sin(x):
f (x, y) ≈
5. Suppose that z is a linear function of x and y with slope -4 in the x
direction and slope 1 in the y direction.
(a) A change of −0.4 in x and 0.2 in y produces what change in z?
change in z =
(b) If z = 7 when x = 3 and y = 5, what is the value of z when x = 2.9
and y = 5.1?
6. Find the differential of the function w = x3 sin(y 2 z 4 )
dw = dx+ dy+ dz
7. The dimensions of a closed rectangular box are measured as 70 cen-
timeters, 100 centimeters, and 100 centimeters, respectively, with the error in
each measurement at most .2 centimeters. Use differentials to estimate the
maximum error in calculating the surface area of the box.
square centimeters
8. One mole of ammonia gas is contained in a vessel which is capable of
changing its volume (a compartment sealed by a piston, for example). The
total energy U (in Joules) of the ammonia is a function of the volume V (in
cubic meters) of the container, and the temperature T (in degrees Kelvin) of
the gas. The differential dU is given by dU = 840dV + 27.32dT .
(a) How does the energy change if the volume is held constant and the
temperature is increased slightly?
it decreases slightly
it increases slightly
(b) How does the energy change if the temperature is held constant and
the volume is decreased slightly?
it decreases slightly
it increases slightly
(c) Find the approximate change in energy if the gas is compressed by 450
cubic centimeters and heated by 3 degrees Kelvin.
Change in energy = .
Please include units in your answer.
9. An unevenly heated metal plate has temperature T (x, y) in degrees Cel-
sius at a point (x, y). If T (2, 1) = 140, Tx (2, 1) = 15, and Ty (2, 1) = −14,
estimate the temperature at the point (2.04, 0.98).
T (2.04, 0.98) ≈ .
Please include units in your answer.
10. Let f be the function defined by f (x, y) = 2x2 + 3y 3 .
a. Find the equation of the tangent plane to f at the point (1, 1).
b. Use the linearization to approximate the values of f at the points (1.1, 2.05)
and (1.3, 2.2).
c. Compare the approximations form part (b) to the exact values of f (1.1, 2.05)
and f (1.3, 2.2). Which approximation is more accurate. Explain why this
should be expected.
11. Let f be the function defined by f (x, y) = x1/3 y 1/3 , whose graph is
shown in Figure 10.4.12.
-1 0 y 1
a. Determine
f (0 + h, 0) − f (0, 0)
lim .
h→0 h
What does this limit tell us about fx (0, 0)?
b. Note that f (x, y) = f (y, x), and this symmetry implies that fx (0, 0) =
fy (0, 0). So both partial derivatives of f exist at (0, 0). A picture of the
surface defined by f near (0, 0) is shown in Figure 10.4.12. Based on this
picture, do you think f is locally linear at (0, 0)? Why?
12. Let g be a function that is differentiable at (−2, 5) and suppose that its
tangent plane at this point is given by z = −7 + 4(x + 2) − 3(y − 5).
a. Determine the values of g(−2, 5), gx (−2, 5), and gy (−2, 5). Write one
sentence to explain your thinking.
b. Estimate the value of g(−1.8, 4.7). Clearly show your work and thinking.
d. Suppose that another function h is also differentiable at (−2, 5), but that
its tangent plane at (−2, 5) is given by 3x + 2y − 4z = 9. Determine the
values of h(−2, 5), hx (−2, 5), and hy (−2, 5), and then estimate the value
of h(−1.8, 4.7). Clearly show your work and thinking.
13. In the following questions, we determine and apply the linearization for
several different functions.
T ↓\H → 70 75 80 85
90 106 109 112 115
92 112 115 119 123
94 118 122 127 132
96 125 130 135 141
Suppose you are given that IT (94, 75) = 3.75 and IH (94, 75) = 0.9. Use
this given information and one other value from the table to estimate
the value of I(93.1, 77) using the linearization at (94, 75). Using proper
terminology and notation, explain your work and thinking.
Use the differential to approximate how much more this vibrating string
is vertically displaced from its position at (a, b) = π4 , π3 if we decrease a
by 0.01 cm and increase the time by 0.1 seconds. Compare to the value
of f at the point π4 − 0.01, π3 + 0.1 .
E(x0 + h, y0 + k)
√ ,
h2 + k 2
has at limit of 0 at (h, k) = (0, 0), where E(x, y) = f (x, y) − L(x, y),
h = x − x0 , and k = y − y0 .
Show that for f (x, y) = |x| + |y|, the relative error at (x, y) = (0, 0) does
not have a limit at (h, k) = (0, 0), using L(x, y) as in part (b). So in this
case the relative error does show that f is not differentiable at the origin.
As we have seen, it is often difficult to verify a limit of a function at a
point, so this definition of differentibility can be hard to use.
Motivating Questions
• How can we use a tree diagram to guide us in applying the Chain Rule?
dz dy dz
dz = dx = dx
dy dx dx
and thus
dz dz dy
= .
dx dy dx
This most recent equation we call the Chain Rule.
In the case of a function f of two variables where z = f (x, y), it might be
that both x and y depend on another variable t. A change in t then produces
changes in both x and y, which then cause z to change. In this section we
will see how to find the change in z that is caused by a change in t, leading us
to multivariable versions of the Chain Rule involving both regular and partial
3 y z
1 2 3
Figure 10.5.1: Left: Your position in the plane. Right: The corresponding
10.5. THE CHAIN RULE 153
Preview Activity 10.5.1. Suppose you are driving around in the xy-plane
in such a way that your position r(t) at time t is given by function
b. Now we want to understand how the result from part (a) can be obtained
from T as a multivariable function. Recall from the previous section that
small changes in x and y produce a change in T that is approximated by
∆T ≈ Tx ∆x + Ty ∆y.
The Chain Rule tells us about the instantaneous rate of change of T , and
this can be found as
∆T Tx ∆x + Ty ∆y
lim = lim . (10.5.1)
∆t→0 ∆t ∆t→0 ∆t
dT ∂T dx ∂T dy
= + . (10.5.2)
dt ∂x dt ∂y dt
d. Compare the results of parts (a) and (c). Write a couple of sentences that
identify specifically how each term in (c) relates to a corresponding terms
in (a). This connection between parts (a) and (c) provides a multivariable
version of the Chain Rule.
∂z dx ∂z dy dz
dz = dt + dt = dt,
∂x dt ∂y dt dt
which is the Chain Rule in this particular context, as expressed in Equa-
tion (10.5.3).
Activity 10.5.2. In the following questions, we apply the Chain Rule in sev-
eral different contexts.
i. Use the Chain Rule to find the resulting instantaneous rate of change
dt .
ii. Substitute x(t) for x and y(t) for y in the rule for z to write z in
dt directly. Compare to the result of part
terms of t and calculate dz
ii. Suppose an ant is walking along the x-axis at the rate of 2 feet per
minute toward the origin. When the ant is at the point (2, 0), what
is the instantaneous rate of change in the temperature dT /dt that
the ant experiences. Include units on your response.
iii. Suppose instead that the ant walks along an ellipse with x = 6 cos(t)
and y = 3 sin(t), where t is measured in minutes. Find dT dt at t =
π/6, t = π/4, and t = π/3. What does this seem to tell you about
the path along which the ant is walking?
c. Suppose that you are walking along a surface whose elevation is given
by a function f . Furthermore, suppose that if you consider how your
location corresponds to points in the xy-plane, you know that when you
pass the point (2, 1), your velocity vector is v = h−1, 2i. If some contours
of f are as shown in Figure 10.5.2, estimate the rate of change df /dt when
you pass through (2, 1).
2 4
Up to this point, we have applied the Chain Rule to situations where we have
a function z of variables x and y, with both x and y depending on another
single quantity t. We may apply the Chain Rule, however, when x and y each
depend on more than one quantity, or when z is a function of more than two
variables. It can be challenging to keep track of all the dependencies among
the variables, and thus a tree diagram can be a useful tool to organize our
work. For example, suppose that z depends on x and y, and x and y both
depend on t. We may represent these relationships using the tree diagram
shown at left Figure 10.5.3. We place the dependent variable at the top of the
tree and connect it to the variables on which it depends one level below. We
then connect each of those variables to the variable on which each depends.
z z
∂z ∂z
∂x ∂y
x y x y
dx dy
dt dt
t t t t
To represent the Chain Rule, we label every edge of the diagram with the
appropriate derivative or partial derivative, as seen at right in Figure 10.5.3.
To calculate an overall derivative according to the Chain Rule, we construct
the product of the derivatives along all paths connecting the variables and then
add all of these products. For example, the diagram at right in Figure 10.5.3
illustrates the Chain Rule
dz ∂z dx ∂z dy
= + .
dt ∂x dt ∂y dt
Activity 10.5.3.
a. Figure 10.5.4 shows the tree diagram we construct when (a) z depends
on w, x, and y, (b) w, x, and y each depend on u and v, and (c) u and
v depend on t.
w x y
u v u v u v
t t t t t t
x = r cos(θ)
y = r sin(θ).
iii. Now suppose that r = 3 and θ = π/6. Find the values of x and y
that correspond to these given values of r and θ, and then use the
Chain Rule to find the value of the partial derivative ∂z
∂θ |(3, 6 ) .
10.5.3 Summary
df ∂f dx ∂f dy
= + .
dt ∂x dt ∂y dt
1. Use the chain rule to find dt ,
z = x2 y + xy 2 , x = 2 + t3 , y = −3 − t2
z = exy tan y, x = 5s + 3t, y =
x y
3. Suppose w = + , where
y z
x = e , y = 2 + sin (t), and z = 2 + cos (3t).
Note: You may want to use exp() for the exponential function. Your answer
should be an expression in x, y, z, and t; e.g. “3x - 4y”
B ) Use part A to evaluate dw dt when t = 0.
4. If z = (x + y) e and x = u2 + v 2 and y = u2 − v 2 , find the following
partial derivatives using the chain rule. Enter your answers as functions of u
and v.
5. If
z = sin x2 + y 2 ,
x = u cos(v) , y = u sin(v) ,
find ∂z/∂u and ∂z/∂v. The variables are restricted to domains on which the
functions are defined.
∂z/∂u =
∂z/∂v =
6. Let z = g(u, v, w) and u(r, s), v(r, s), w(r, s). How many terms are there
in the expression for ∂z/∂r?
7. Let W (s, t) = F (u(s, t), v(s, t)) where
u(1, 0) = −2, us (1, 0) = 5, ut (1, 0) = 4
v(1, 0) = 3, vs (1, 0) = −8, vt (1, 0) = 9
Fu (−2, 3) = 5, Fv (−2, 3) = 8
Ws (1, 0) = Wt (1, 0) =
8. The radius of a right circular cone is increasing at a rate of 4 inches per
second and its height is decreasing at a rate of 3 inches per second. At what
rate is the volume of the cone changing when the radius is 10 inches and the
height is 20 inches?
cubic inches per second
9. In a simple electric circuit, Ohm’s law states that V = IR, where V is the
voltage in volts, I is the current in amperes, and R is the resistance in ohms.
Assume that, as the battery wears out, the voltage decreases at 0.03 volts per
second and, as the resistor heats up, the resistance is increasing at 0.01 ohms
per second. When the resistance is 300 ohms and the current is 0.01 amperes,
at what rate is the current changing?
amperes per second
10. Suppose z = x sin y, x = 3s + 3t , y = 6st.
2 2 2
a. dt , if f (x, y) = 2x2 y, x = cos(t), and y = ln(t).
b. ∂w , if f (x, y) = 2x2 y, x = w + z 2 , and y = 2z+1
c. ∂v , if f (x, y, z) = 2x2 y + z 3 , x = u − v + 2w, y = w2v − u3 , and z = u2 − v
u = ex cos(y)
v = ex sin(y)
x = ρ sin(φ) cos(θ)
y = ρ sin(φ) sin(θ)
z = ρ cos(φ)
14. Suppose that the temperature on a metal plate is given by the function
T with
T (x, y) = 100 − (x2 + 4y 2 ),
where the temperature is measured in degrees Fahrenheit and x and y are each
measured in feet. Now suppose that an ant is walking on the metal plate in
such a way that it walks in a straight line from the point (1, 4) to the point
(5, 6).
a. Find parametric equations (x(t), y(t)) for the ant’s coordinates as it walks
the line from (1, 4) to (5, 6).
b. What can you say about dx
dt and dt for every value of t?
c. Determine the instantaneous rate of change in temperature with respect
to t that the ant is experiencing at the moment it is halfway from (1, 4)
to (5, 6), using your parametric equations for x and y. Include units on
your answer.
15. There are several proposed formulas to approximate the surface area of
the human body. One model1 uses the formula
17. The voltage V (in volts) across a circuit is given by Ohm’s Law: V = IR,
where I is the current (in amps) in the circuit and R is the resistance (in ohms).
Suppose we connect two resistors with resistances R1 and R2 in parallel as
shown in Figure 10.5.5. The total resistance R in the circuit is then given by
1 1 1
= + .
R R1 R2
Motivating Questions
• The partial derivatives of a function f tell us the rate of change of f in
the direction of the coordinate axes. How can we measure the rate of
change of f in other directions?
• What is the gradient of a function and what does it tell us?
6 y
1 2 3 4 5 6
Figure 10.6.1: A contour plot of f (x, y) = 30 − x2 − 21 y 2 .
a. Suppose that a person is walking due east, and thus parallel to the x-axis.
At what instantaneous rate is the temperature changing with respect to
x at the moment the walker passes the point (2, 1)? What are the units
on this rate of change?
b. Next, determine the instantaneous rate of change of temperature with
respect to distance at the point (2, 1) if the person is instead walking due
north. Again, include units on your result.
c. Now, rather than walking due east or due north, let’s suppose that the
person is walking with velocity given by the vector v = h3, 4i, where time
is measured in seconds. Note that the person’s speed is thus |v| = 5 feet
per second. Find parametric equations for the person’s path; that is,
parameterize the line through (2, 1) using the direction vector v = h3, 4i.
Let x(t) denote the x-coordinate of the line, and y(t) its y-coordinate.
Make sure your parameterization places the walker at the point (2, 1)
when t = 0.
d. With the parameterization in (c), we can now view the temperature f
as not only a function of x and y, but also of time, t. Hence, use the
chain rule to determine the value of df
dt t=0 . What are the units on your
answer? What is the practical meaning of this result?
x = x0 + u1 t and y = y0 + u2 t.
Observe that dx dt = u1 and dt = u2 for all values of t. Since u is a unit
vector, it follows that a point moving along this line moves one unit of distance
per one unit of time; that is, each single unit of time corresponds to movement
of a single unit of distance in that direction. This observation allows us to
use the Chain Rule to calculate the directional derivative, which measures the
instantaneous rate of change of f with respect to change in the direction u.
In particular, by the Chain Rule, it follows that
dx dy
Du f (x0 , y0 ) = fx (x0 , y0 ) +fy (x0 , y0 )
dt (x0 ,y0 ) dt (x0 ,y0 )
= fx (x0 , y0 )u1 + fy (x0 , y0 )u2 .
given by
Du f (x0 , y0 ) = fx (x0 , y0 )u1 + fy (x0 , y0 )u2 . (10.6.4)
Recalling that the dot product of two vectors v = hv1 , v2 i and u = hu1 , u2 i
is computed by
v · u = v1 u1 + v2 u2 ,
we see that we may recast Equation (10.6.4) in a way that has geometric
meaning. In particular, we see that Du f (x0 , y0 ) is the dot product of the
vector hfx (x0 , y0 ), fy (x0 , y0 )i and the vector u.
We call this vector formed by the partial derivatives of f the gradient of f
and denote it
∇f (x0 , y0 ) = hfx (x0 , y0 ), fy (x0 , y0 )i .
We read ∇f as “the gradient of f ,” “grad f ” or “del f ”.1 Notice that ∇f
varies from point to point, and also provides an alternate formulation of the
directional derivative.
The directional derivative and the gradient.
Given a differentiable function f = f (x, y) and a unit vector u =
hu1 , u2 i, we may compute Du f (x, y) by
4 y
-4 -3 -2 -1 1 2 3 4
-1 3 6 9
-2 -3
-3 -9
• (x0 , y0 ) = (2, 0)
• (x0 , y0 ) = (0, 2)
• (x0 , y0 ) = (2, 2)
• (x0 , y0 ) = (2, 1)
• (x0 , y0 ) = (−3, 2)
• (x0 , y0 ) = (−2, −4)
• (x0 , y0 ) = (0, 0)
y y y
∇f (x0 , y0 ) ∇f (x0 , y0 ) ∇f (x0 , y0 )
θ θ θ
(x0 , y0 ) (x0 , y0 ) u (x0 , y0 )
x x x
and therefore Du f (x0 , y0 ) > 0, as shown in the middle image in Figure 10.6.4.
This means that f is increasing in any direction where θ is acute. In a similar
way, when θ is an obtuse angle, then cos(θ) < 0 so Du f (x0 , y0 ) < 0, as seen
on the right in Figure 10.6.4. This means that f is decreasing in any direction
for which θ is obtuse.
Finally, as we can see in the following activity, we may also use the gradient
to determine the directions in which the function is increasing and decreasing
most rapidly.
a. Let θ be the angle between ∇f (x0 , y0 ) and u. Use the relationship be-
tween the dot product and the angle between two vectors to explain why
b. At the point (x0 , y0 ), the only quantity in Equation (10.6.6) that can
change is θ (which determines the direction u of travel). Explain why
θ = 0 makes the quantity
as large as possible.
e. State the unit vectors u and v (in terms of ∇f (x0 , y0 )) that provide
the directions of greatest increase and decrease for the function f at
the point (x0 , y0 ). What important assumption must we make regarding
∇f (x0 , y0 ) in order for these vectors to exist?
4 y
1 2 3 4
Figure 10.6.5: A plot for the gradient ∇f (1, 2).
b. Sketch the unit vector z = − √12 , − √12 on Figure 10.6.5 with its tail at
(1, 2). Now find the directional derivative Dz f (1, 2).
c. What is the slope of the graph of f in the direction z? What does the
sign of the directional derivative tell you?
d. Consider the vector v = h2, −1i and sketch v on Figure 10.6.5 with its
tail at (1, 2). Find a unit vector w pointing in the same direction of
v. Without computing Dw f (1, 2), what do you know about the sign of
this directional derivative? Now verify your observation by computing
Dw f (1, 2).
e. In which direction (that is, for what unit vector u) is Du f (1, 2) the
greatest? What is the slope of the graph in this direction?
g. Sketch two unit vectors u for which Du f (1, 2) = 0 and then find compo-
nent representations of these vectors.
h. Suppose you are standing at the point (3, 3). In which direction should
you move to cause f to increase as rapidly as possible? At what rate
does f increase in this direction?
10.6.6 Applications
The gradient finds many natural applications. For example, situations often
arise — for instance, constructing a road through the mountains or planning
the flow of water across a landscape — where we are interested in knowing the
direction in which a function is increasing or decreasing most rapidly.
For example, consider a two-dimensional version of how a heat-seeking mis-
sile might work.(This application is borrowed from United States Air Force
Academy Department of Mathematical Sciences.) Suppose that the tempera-
ture surrounding a fighter jet can be modeled by the function T defined by
T (x, y) = ,
1 + (x − 5)2 + 4(y − 2.5)2
where (x, y) is a point in the plane of the fighter jet and T (x, y) is measured
in degrees Celsius. Some contours and gradients ∇T are shown on the left in
Figure 10.6.6.
5 y 5 y
4 4
3 3
2 2
1 1
x x
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Figure 10.6.6: Contours and gradient for T (x, y) and the missile’s path.
A heat-seeking missile will always travel in the direction in which the tem-
perature increases most rapidly; that is, it will always travel in the direction
of the gradient ∇T . If a missile is fired from the point (2, 4), then its path will
be that shown on the right in Figure 10.6.6.
In the final activity of this section, we consider several questions related to
this context of a heat-seeking missile, and foreshadow some upcoming work in
Section 10.7.
Activity 10.6.6.
a. The temperature T (x, y) has its maximum value at the fighter jet’s loca-
tion. State the fighter jet’s location and explain how Figure 10.6.6 tells
you this.
10.6.7 Summary
Du f (x0 , y0 ) = ∇f (x0 , y0 ) · u.
1. Consider the function f (x, y, z) = xy + yz 2 + xz 3 .
Find the gradient of f :
h , , i
Find the gradient of f at the point (4, -1, -1).
h , , i
Find the rate√of change √ of the
√ function f at the point (4, -1,-1) in the
direction u = h1/ 51, −5/ 51, 5/ 51i.
2. If f (x, y) = 4x2 − 4y 2 , find the value of the directional derivative at the
point (3, −2) in the direction given by the angle θ = 2π 1 .
3. Find the directional derivative of f (x, y, z) = 2xy + z 2 at the point
(2, −3, −5) in the direction of the maximum rate of change of f .
fu (2, −3, −5) = Du f (2, −3, −5) =
4. The temperature at any point in the plane is given by T (x, y) = 2 .
x + y2 + 2
(a) What shape are the level curves of T ?
none of the above
(d) Suppose fx (a, b) and fy (a, b) both exist. Then there is always a direction
in which the rate of change of f at (a, b) is zero.
(f) If f (x, y) has fx (a, b) = 0 and fy (a, b) = 0 at the point (a, b), then f is
constant everywhere.
(h) The gradient vector ∇f (a, b) is tangent to the contour of f at (a, b).
11. Let E(x, y) = 1+(x−5)2100 +4(y−2.5)2 represent the elevation on a land mass
at location (x, y). Suppose that E, x, and y are all measured in meters.
b. Let u be a unit vector in the direction of h−4, 3i. Determine Du E(3, 4).
What is the practical meaning of Du E(3, 4) and what are its units?
e. At the point (3, 4), find a direction w in which the instantaneous rate of
change of E is 0.
12. Find all directions in which the directional derivative of f (x, y) = ye−xy
is 1 at the point (0, 2).
13. Find, if possible, a function f such that
∇f = sin(yz), xz cos(yz) + 2y, xy cos(yz) + .
b. Find the direction of greatest increase in f at the point (1, 2). Explain.
A graph of the surface defined by f is shown at left in Figure 10.6.7.
Illustrate this direction on the surface.
4 y
z 3
40 1
20 -4 -3 -2 -1 1 2 3 4
-4 -2
0 x
-4 -2 0 2 2
y -3
15. The properties of the gradient that we have observed for functions of
two variables also hold for functions of more variables. In this problem, we
consider a situation where there are three independent variables. Suppose
that the temperature in a region of space is described by
−y 2 −z 2
T (x, y, z) = 100e−x
b. In what direction from the point (1, 2, −1) would you move to cause the
temperature to decrease as quickly as possible?
d. Find a direction in which the temperature does not change at (1, 2, −1).
16. Figure 10.6.8 shows a plot of the gradient ∇f at several points for some
function f = f (x, y).
a. Consider each of the three indicated points, and draw, as best as you
can, the contour through that point.
b. Beginning at each point, draw a curve on which f is continually decreas-
10.7 Optimization
Motivating Questions
• How can we find the points at which f (x, y) has a local maximum or
• How can we determine whether critical points of f (x, y) are local maxima
or minima?
y = f (x)
b. In the same way, the trace given by holding x = x0 constant has a local
maximum at y = y0 . What does this say about the value of the partial
derivative fy (x0 , y0 )?
c. What may we now conclude about the gradient ∇f (x0 , y0 ) at the local
maximum? How is this consistent with the statement “f increases most
rapidly in the direction ∇f (x0 , y0 )?”
d. How will the tangent plane to the surface z = f (x, y) appear at the point
(x0 , y0 , f (x0 , y0 ))?
• An absolute minimum point is a point such that f (x, y) ≥ f (x0 , y0 ) for all
points (x, y) in the domain of f . The value of f at an absolute minimum
point is the maximum value of f .
We use the term extremum point to refer to any point (x0 , y0 ) at which f
has a local maximum or minimum. In addition, the function value f (x0 , y0 ) at
an extremum is called an extremal value. Figure 10.7.3 illustrates the graphs
of two functions that have an absolute maximum and minimum, respectively,
at the origin (x0 , y0 ) = (0, 0).
fx (x, y) = 0
fy (x, y) = 0.
Activity 10.7.2. Find the critical points of each of the following functions.
Then, using appropriate technology, plot the graphs of the surfaces near each
critical value and compare the graph to your work.
a. f (x, y) = 2 + x2 + y 2
b. f (x, y) = 2 + x2 − y 2
c. f (x, y) = 2x − x2 − 14 y 2
e. f (x, y) = 2xy − 4x + 2y − 3.
x y
Activity 10.7.3. Recall that the Second Derivative Test for single-variable
functions states that if x0 is a critical point of a function f so that f 0 (x0 ) = 0
and if f 00 (x0 ) exists, then
Our goal in this activity is to understand a similar test for classifying ex-
treme values of functions of two variables. Consider the following three func-
You can verify that each function has a critical point at the origin (0, 0). You
should check this.
x y
a. The graphs of these three functions are shown in Figure 10.7.6, with
z = 4 − x2 − y 2 at left, z = x2 + y 2 in the middle, and z = x2 − y 2 at
right. Use the graphs to decide if a function has a local maximimum,
local minimum, saddle point, or none of the above at the origin.
b. There is no single second derivative of a function of two variables, so we
consider a quantity that combines the second order partial derivatives.
Let D = fxx fyy − fxy2
. Calculate D at the origin for each of the functions
f1 , f2 , and f3 . What difference do you notice between the values of D
when a function has a maximum or minimum value at the origin versus
when a function has a saddle point at the origin?
c. Now consider the cases where D > 0. It is in these cases that a function
has a local maximum or minimum at a point. What is necessary in these
cases is to find a condition that will distinguish between a maximum and
a minimum. In the cases where D > 0 at the origin, evaluate fxx (0, 0).
What value does fxx (0, 0) have when f has a local maximum value at
the origin? When f has a local minimum value at the origin? Explain
why. (Hint: This should look very similar to the Second Derivative Test
for functions of a single variable.) What would happen if we considered
the values of fyy (0, 0) instead?
Activity 10.7.3 provides the basic ideas for the Second Derivative Test for
functions of two variables.
Activity 10.7.4. Find the critical points of the following functions and use
the Second Derivative Test to classify the critical points.
a. f (x, y) = 3x3 + y 2 − 9x + 4y
b. f (x, y) = xy + 2
x + 4
c. f (x, y) = x3 + y 3 − 3xy.
The seller would like to set the prices p1 and p2 in order to maximize
revenue. We will assume that the seller meets the full demand for each product.
Thus, if we let R be the revenue obtained by selling q1 items of the first good
at price p1 per item and q2 items of the second good at price p2 per item, we
R = p1 q1 + p2 q2 .
We can then write the revenue as a function of just the two variables p1
and p2 by using Equations (10.7.1) and (10.7.2), giving us
10 20 30 40 20 10 0
p2 50 60 60 50 40 30 p1
a. Find all critical points of the revenue function, R. (Hint: You should
obtain a system of two equations in two unknowns which can be solved
by elimination or substitution.)
b. Apply the Second Derivative Test to determine the type of any critical
c. Where should the seller set the prices p1 and p2 to maximize the revenue?
The absolute extremes must occur at either a critical point in the interior
of R or at a boundary point of R. We therefore must test both possibilities,
as we demonstrate in the following example.
Example 10.7.8. Suppose the temperature T at each point on the circular
plate x2 + y 2 ≤ 1 is given by
T (x, y) = 2x2 + y 2 − y.
The domain R = {(x, y) : x2 + y 2 ≤ 1} is a closed and bounded region, as
shown on the left of Figure 10.7.9, so the Extreme Value Theorem assures us
that T has an absolute maximum and minimum on the plate. The graph of
T over its domain R is shown in Figure 10.7.9. We will find the hottest and
coldest points on the plate.
1.5 y
-1.5 -1.0 -0.5 0.5 1.0 1.5
-0.5 -1
0 0 x
y 1
To find the hottest and coldest point on the boundary, we look for the
critical points of this single-variable function on the interval 0 ≤ t ≤ 2π. We
= −4 cos(t) sin(t) + 2 cos(t) sin(t) − cos(t)
= −2 cos(t) sin(t) − cos(t) = cos(t)(−2 sin(t) − 1)
= 0.
This shows that we have critical points when cos(t) = 0 or sin(t) = −1/2.
This occurs when t = π/2, 3π/2, 7π/6, and 11π/6. Since we have x(t) = cos(t)
and y(t) = sin(t), the corresponding points are
√1) when
t = 2, (0, −1) when
t= 2 ,
π 3π
• (x, y) = (0, • (x, y) =
• (x, y) = 2 , − 2 when t =
3 1
6 .
• (x, y) = − 2 , − 2 when t =
3 1
6 .
These are the critical points of T on the boundary and so this collection of
points includes the hottest and coldest points on the boundary.
We now have a list of candidates for the hottest and coldest points: the
critical point in the interior of the disk and the critical points on the boundary.
We find the hottest and coldest points by evaluating the temperature at each
of these points, and find that
• T 0, 12 = −14 ,
• T
(0, 1) = 0, • T (0, −1) = 2,
√ √
• T − 23 , − 12 = 94 , • T − 23 , − 21 = 94 .
From this example, we see that we use the following procedure for deter-
mining the absolute maximum and absolute minimum of a function on a closed
and bounded domain.
• Find all critical points of the function in the interior of the domain.
• Find all the critical points of the function on the boundary of the domain.
Working on the boundary of the domain reduces this part of the problem
to one or more single variable optimization problems. Note that there
may be endpoints on portions of the boundary that need to be considered.
• The maximum value of the function is the largest value obtained in Step
3, and the minimum value of the function is the smallest value obtained
in Step 3.
y 5
1 2 2 1 x 0
y 3 3
3 -5 4
1 2 3 4
b. Parameterize the horizontal leg of the triangular domain, and find the
critical points of f on that leg. (Hint: You may need to consider end-
c. Parameterize the vertical leg of the triangular domain, and find the crit-
ical points of f on that leg. (Hint: You may need to consider endpoints.)
d. Parameterize the hypotenuse of the triangular domain, and find the crit-
ical points of f on the hypotenuse. (Hint: You may need to consider
10.7.4 Summary
• To find the extrema of a function f = f (x, y), we first find the critical
points, which are points where one of the partials of f fails to exist, or
where fx = 0 and fy = 0.
1. The function
k(x, y) = e−y cos(5x)
Find and classify all critical points of the function. If there are more blanks
than critical points, leave the remaining entries blank.
fx =
fy =
fxx =
fxy =
fyy =
There are several critical points to be listed. List them lexicograhically,
that is in ascending order by x-coordinates, and for equal x-coordinates in
ascending order by y-coordinates (e.g., (1,1), (2, -1), (2, 3) is a correct order)
The critical point with the smallest x-coordinate is
( , ) Classification:
(local minimum, local maximum, saddle point, cannot be determined)
The critical point with the next smallest x-coordinate is
( , ) Classification:
(local minimum, local maximum, saddle point, cannot be determined)
The critical point with the next smallest x-coordinate is
( , ) Classification:
(local minimum, local maximum, saddle point, cannot be determined)
The critical point with the next smallest x-coordinate is
( , ) Classification:
(local minimum, local maximum, saddle point, cannot be determined)
The critical point with the next smallest x-coordinate is
( , ) Classification:
(local minimum, local maximum, saddle point, cannot be determined)
3. Suppose f (x, y) = xy − ax − by.
(A) How many local minimum points does f have in R2 ? (The answer is
an integer).
(B) How many local maximum points does f have in R2 ?
(C) How many saddle points does f have in R2 ?
4. Let f (x, y) = 2/x + 3/y + 4x + 5y in the region R where x, y > 0.
Explain why f must have a global minimum at some point in R (note that
R is unbounded—how does this influence your explanation?). Then find the
global minimum.
minimum =
5. Each of the following functions has at most one critical point. Graph a
few level curves and a few gradients and, on this basis alone, decide whether
the critical point is a local maximum, a local minimum, a saddle point, or that
there is no critical point.
2 2
For f (x, y) = e−2x −3y , type of critical point: ( Local Maximum
Local Minimum Saddle Point No Critical Point)
2 2
For f (x, y) = e2x −3y , type of critical point: ( Local Maximum Lo-
cal Minimum Saddle Point No Critical Point)
For f (x, y) = 2x2 + 3y 2 + 1, type of critical point: ( Local Maximum
Local Minimum Saddle Point No Critical Point)
For f (x, y) = 2x2 + 3y + 1, type of critical point: ( Local Maximum
f (x, y) = 11 − 3x + 7y
on the closed triangular region with vertices (0, 0), (7, 0) and (7, 9).
List the maximum/minimum values as well as the point(s) at which they
occur. Ignore unneeded answer blanks.
Minimum value:
Occurs at ( , ) and ( , )
Maximum value:
Occurs at ( , ) and ( , )
7. Find the maximum and minimum values of f (x, y) = xy on the ellipse
6x2 + y 2 = 8.
maximum value =
minimum value =
8. Find A and B so that f (x, y) = x2 + Ax + y 2 + B has a local minimum
at the point (4, 0), with z-coordinate 25.
9. The contours of a function f are shown in the figure below.
For each of the points shown, indicate whether you think it is a local max-
imum, local minimum, saddle point, or none of these.
(a) Point P is ( a local maximum a local minimum a saddle
point none of these)
(b) Point Q is ( a local maximum a local minimum a saddle
point none of these)
(c) Point R is ( a local maximum a local minimum a saddle
point none of these)
(d) Point S is ( a local maximum a local minimum a saddle
point none of these)
10. Consider the three points (5, 4), (4, 3), and (9, 1).
(a) Supposed that at (5, 4), we know that fx = fy = 0 and fxx = 0, fyy > 0,
and fxy > 0. What can we conclude about the behavior of this function near
the point (5, 4)? ( (5,4) is a local maximum (5,4) is a local minimum
(5,4) is a saddle point (5,4) is a none of these)
(b) Supposed that at (4, 3), we know that fx = fy = 0 and fxx < 0, fyy = 0,
and fxy < 0. What can we conclude about the behavior of this function near
the point (4, 3)? ( (4,3) is a local maximum (4,3) is a local minimum
(4,3) is a saddle point (4,3) is a none of these)
(c) Supposed that at (9, 1), we know that fx = fy = 0 and fxx < 0, fyy = 0,
and fxy < 0. What can we conclude about the behavior of this function near
the point (9, 1)? ( (9,1) is a local maximum (9,1) is a local minimum
(9,1) is a saddle point (9,1) is a none of these)
Using this information, on a separate sheet of paper sketch a possible con-
tour diagram for f .
11. Find three positive real numbers whose sum is 5 and whose product is
a maximum.
Enter the three numbers separated by commas:
12. A closed rectangular box has volume 26 cm3 . What are the lengths of
the edges giving the minimum surface area?
lengths =
(Give the three lengths as a comma separated list.)
13. An open rectangular box has volume 30 cm3 . What are the lengths of
the edges giving the minimum surface area?
lengths =
(Give the three lengths as a comma separated list.)
14. What is the shortest distance from the surface xy + 6x + z 2 = 36 to the
distance =
15. Find the volume of the largest rectangular box with edges parallel to
the axes that can be inscribed in the ellipsoid
x2 y2 z2
+ + =1
25 1 16
Hint: By symmetry, you can restrict your attention to the first octant
(where x, y, z ≥ 0), and assume your volume has the form V = 8xyz. Then ar-
guing by symmetry, you need only look for points which achieve the maximum
which lie in the first octant.
Maximum volume:
16. Design a rectangular milk carton box of width w, length l, and height h
which holds 510 cm3 of milk. The sides of the box cost 3 cent/cm2 and the top
and bottom cost 5 cent/cm2 . Find the dimensions of the box that minimize
the total cost of materials used.
dimensions =
(Enter your answer as a comma separated list of lengths.)
17. Respond to each of the following prompts to solve the given optimization
a. Let f (x, y) = sin(x) + cos(y). Determine the absolute maximum and
minimum values of f . At what points do these extreme values occur?
b. For a certain differentiable function F of two variables x and y, its partial
derivatives are
Fx (x, y) = x2 − y − 4 and Fy (x, y) = −x + y − 2.
Find each of the critical points of F , and classify each as a local maxi-
mum, local minimum, or a saddle point.
c. Determine all critical points of T (x, y) = 48+3xy −x2 y −xy 2 and classify
each as a local maximum, local minimum, or saddle point.
d. Find and classify all critical points of g(x, y) = 2 + 3y 3 + 9y 2 − 3xy +
9y − 9x
−2y 2
e. Find and classify all critical points of z = f (x, y) = ye−x .
f. Determine the absolute maximum and absolute minimum of f (x, y) =
2+2x+2y −x2 −y 2 on the triangular plate in the first quadrant bounded
by the lines x = 0, y = 0, and y = 9 − x.
g. Determine the absolute maximum and absolute minimum of f (x, y) =
2 + 2x + 2y − x2 − y 2 over the closed disk of points (x, y) such that
(x − 1)2 + (y − 1)2 ≤ 1.
h. Find the point on the plane z = 6 − 3x − 2y that lies closest to the origin.
d. Find the dimensions that minimize the cost of a box. Be sure to verify
that you have a minimum cost.
21. A rectangular box with length x, width y, and height z is being built.
The box is positioned so that one corner is stationed at the origin and the box
lies in the first octant where x, y, and z are all positive. There is an added
constraint on how the box is constructed: it must fit underneath the plane
with equation x + 2y + 3z = 6. In fact, we will assume that the corner of the
box “opposite” the origin must actually lie on this plane. The basic problem is
to find the maximum volume of the box.
a. Sketch the plane x + 2y + 3z = 6, as well as a picture of a potential box.
Label everything appropriately.
b. Explain how you can use the fact that one corner of the box lies on the
plane to write the volume of the box as a function of x and y only. Do
so, and clearly show the formula you find for V (x, y).
c. Find all critical points of V . (Note that when finding the critical points,
it is essential that you factor first to make the algebra easier.)
d. Without considering the current applied nature of the function V , classify
each critical point you found above as a local maximum, local minimum,
or saddle point of V .
e. Determine the maximum volume of the box, justifying your answer com-
pletely with an appropriate discussion of the critical points of the func-
f. Now suppose that we instead stipulated that, while the vertex of the box
opposite the origin still had to lie on the plane, we were only going to
permit the sides of the box, x and y, to have values in a specified range
(given below). That is, we now want to find the maximum value of V on
the closed, bounded region
≤ x ≤ 1, 1 ≤ y ≤ 2.
Find the maximum volume of the box under this condition, justifying
your answer fully.
22. The airlines place restrictions on luggage that can be carried onto planes.
• A carry-on bag can weigh no more than 40 lbs.
• The length plus width plus height of a bag cannot exceed 45 inches.
• The bag must fit in an overhead bin.
Let x, y, and z be the length, width, and height (in inches) of a carry
on bag. In this problem we find the dimensions of the bag of largest volume,
V = xyz, that satisfies the second restriction. Assume that we use all 45 inches
to get a maximum volume. (Note that this bag of maximum volume might not
satisfy the third restriction.)
a. Write the volume V = V (x, y) as a function of just the two variables x
and y.
b. Explain why the domain over which V is defined is the triangular region
R with vertices (0,0), (45,0), and (0,45).
According to The Song of Insects by x y
G.W. Pierce (Harvard College Press, 20.0 88.6
1948) the sound of striped ground crick-
16.0 71.6
ets chirping, in number of chirps per
19.8 93.3
second, is related to the temperature.
So the number of chirps per second 18.4 84.3
could be a predictor of temperature. 17.1 80.6
The data Pierce collected is shown in 15.5 75.2
Table 10.7.11., where x is the (average) 14.7 69.7
number of chirps per second and y is 17.1 82.0
the temperature in degrees Fahrenheit. 15.4 69.4
A scatterplot of the data would show 16.2 83.3
that, while the relationship between x 15.0 79.6
and y is not exactly linear, it looks
17.2 82.6
to have a linear pattern. It could be
that the relationship is really linear but 16.0 80.6
experimental error causes the data to 17.0 83.5
be slightly inaccurate. Or perhaps the 14.4 76.3
data is not linear, but only approxi-
mately linear.
Table 10.7.11: Crickets chirping.
If we want to use the data to make predications, then we need to fit a curve
of some kind to the data. Since the cricket data appears roughly linear, we will
fit a linear function f of the form f (x) = mx + b to the data. We will do this in
such a way that we minimize the sums of the squares of the distances between
the y values of the data and the corresponding y values of the line defined
by f . This type of fit is called a least squares approximation. If the data is
represented by the points (x1 , y1 ), (x2 , y2 ), . . ., (xn , yn ), then the square of the
distance between yi and f (xi ) is (f (xi ) − yi )2 = (mxi + b − yi )2 . So our goal
is to minimize the sum of these squares, of minimize the function S defined by
S(m, b) = (mxi + b − yi )2 .
a. Calculate Sm and Sb .
b. Solve the system Sm (m, b) = 0 and Sb (m, b) = 0 to show that the critical
point satisfies
Pn Pn Pn
n ( i=1 xi yi ) − ( i=1 xi ) ( i=1 yi )
m= Pn Pn 2
n ( i=1 x2i ) − ( i=1 xi )
Pn Pn 2
P n Pn
( i=1 yi ) i=1 xi − ( i=1 xi ) ( i=1 xi yi )
b= Pn n 2 .
n ( i=1 x2i ) − ( i=1 xi )
Motivating Questions
• What geometric condition enables us to optimize a function f = f (x, y)
subject to a constraint given by g(x, y) = k, where k is a constant?
• How can we exploit this geometric condition to find the extreme values
of a function subject to a constraint?
120 y
20 D
1000 10000
B x
10 20 30 40
Figure 10.8.1: Contours of f and the constraint equation g(x, y) = 108.
120 y
10 20 30 40
Figure 10.8.2: Contours of f and the constraint contour.
To find this point where the graph of the constraint is tangent to a contour
of f , recall that ∇f is perpendicular to the contours of f and ∇g is perpen-
dicular to the contour of g. At such a point, the vectors ∇g and ∇f are
parallel, and thus we need to determine the points where this occurs. Recall
that two vectors are parallel if one is a nonzero scalar multiple of the other, so
we therefore look for values of a parameter λ that make
∇f = λ∇g. (10.8.1)
∇f = 2xyi + x2 j and ∇g = 4i + j,
4x + 2x = 108
x = 18.
Thus we have y = 2x = 36 and λ = x2 = 324 as another point to consider.
So the points at which the gradients of f and g are parallel, and thus at which
f may have a maximum or minimum subject to the constraint, are (0, 108) and
(18, 36). By evaluating the function f at these points, we see that we maximize
the volume when the length of the square end of the box is 18 inches and the
length is 36 inches, for a maximum volume of f (18, 36) = 11664 cubic inches.
Since f (0, 108) = 0, we obtain a minimum value at this point.
We summarize the process of Lagrange multipliers as follows.
Activity 10.8.2. A cylindrical soda can holds about 355 cc of liquid. In this
activity, we want to find the dimensions of such a can that will minimize the
surface area. For the sake of simplicity, assume the can is a perfect cylinder.
a. What are the variables in this problem? Based on the context, what
restriction(s), if any, are there on these variables?
b. What quantity do we want to optimize in this problem? What equation
describes the constraint? (You need to decide which of these functions
plays the role of f and which plays the role of g in our discussion of
Lagrange multipliers.)
c. Find λ and the values of your variables that satisfy Equation (10.8.1) in
the context of this problem.
d. Determine the dimensions of the pop can that give the desired solution
to this constrained optimization problem.
The method of Lagrange multipliers also works for functions of more than
two variables.
Activity 10.8.3. Use the method of Lagrange multipliers to find the dimen-
sions of the least expensive packing crate with a volume of 240 cubic feet when
the material for the top costs $2 per square foot, the bottom is $3 per square
foot and the sides are $1.50 per square foot.
The method of Lagrange multipliers also works for functions of three vari-
ables. That is, if we have a function f = f (x, y, z) that we want to optimize
subject to a constraint g(x, y, z) = k, the optimal point (x, y, z) lies on the
level surface S defined by the constraint g(x, y, z) = k. As we did in Preview
Activity 10.8.1, we can argue that the optimal value occurs at the level surface
f (x, y, z) = c that is tangent to S. Thus, the gradients of f and g are parallel
at this optimal point. So, just as in the two variable case, we can optimize
f = f (x, y, z) subject to the constraint g(x, y, z) = k by finding all points
(x, y, z) that satisfy ∇f = λ∇g and g(x, y, z) = k.
10.8.2 Summary
∇f = λ∇g.
1. Use Lagrange multipliers to find the maximum and minimum values of
f (x, y) = 3x − 2y subject to the constraint x2 + y 2 = 13, if such values exist.
maximum =
minimum =
(For either value, enter DNE if there is no such value.)
2. Use Lagrange multipliers to find the maximum and minimum values of
f (x, y) = x2 y + 3y 2 − y, subject to the constraint x2 + y 2 ≤ 38.3333333333333
maximum =
minimum =
(For either value, enter DNE if there is no such value.)
3. Find the absolute maximum and minimum of the function f (x, y) =
x2 + y 2 subject to the constraint x4 + y 4 = 10000.
As usual, ignore unneeded answer blanks, and list points in lexicographic
Absolute minimum value:
attained at ( , ), ( , ),
( , ), ( , ).
Absolute maximum value:
attained at ( , ), ( , ),
( , ), ( , ).
4. Find the absolute maximum and minimum of the function f (x, y) =
x2 − y 2 subject to the constraint x2 + y 2 = 1.
As usual, ignore unneeded answer blanks, and list points in lexicographic
Absolute minimum value:
attained at ( , ) and ( , ).
Absolute maximum value:
attained at ( , ) and ( , ).
5. Find the minimum distance from the point (1, 1, 15) to the paraboloid
given by the equation z = x2 + y 2 .
Minimum distance =
Note: If you need to find roots of a polynomial of degree ≥ 3, you may
want to use a calculator of computer to do so numerically. Also be sure that
you can give a geometric justification for your answer.
6. For each value of λ the function h(x, y) = x2 + y 2 − λ(2x + 6y − 16) has
a minimum value m(λ).
(a) Find m(λ)
m(λ) =
(Use the letter L for λ in your expression.)
(b) For which value of λ is m(λ) the largest, and what is that maximum
maximum m(λ) =
(c) Find the minimum value of f (x, y) = x2 + y 2 subject to the constraint
2x + 6y = 16 using the method of Lagrange multipliers and evaluate λ.
minimum f =
(How are these results related to your result in part (b)?)
where x is the dollar amount spent on labor and y the dollar amount spent on
equipment. Use the method of Lagrange multipliers to determine how much
should be spent on labor and how much on equipment to maximize productivity
if we have a total of $1.5 million dollars to invest in labor and equipment.
13. Use the method of Lagrange multipliers to find the point on the line
x − 2y = 5 that is closest to the point (1, 3). To do so, respond to the following
a. Write the function f = f (x, y) that measures the square of the distance
from (x, y) to (1, 3). (The extrema of this function are the same as the
extrema of the distance function, but f (x, y) is simpler to work with.)
c. Write the equations resulting from ∇f = λ∇g and the constraint. Find
all the points (x, y) satisfying these equations.
14. Apply the Method of Lagrange Multipliers solve each of the following
constrained optimization problems.
15. In this exercise we consider how to apply the Method of Lagrange Mul-
tipliers to optimize functions of three variable subject to two constraints. Sup-
pose we want to optimize f = f (x, y, z) subject to the constraints g(x, y, z) = c
and h(x, y, z) = k. Also suppose that the two level surfaces g(x, y, z) = c and
h(x, y, z) = k intersect at a curve C. The optimum point P = (x0 , y0 , z0 ) will
then lie on C.
∇f (x0 , y0 , z0 ) · r0 (t0 ) = 0,
∇g(x0 , y0 , z0 ) · r0 (t0 ) = 0, and
∇h(x0 , y0 , z0 ) · r0 (t0 ) = 0.
b. Assuming that ∇g(x0 , y0 , z0 ) and ∇h(x0 , y0 , z0 ) are nonzero and not par-
allel, explain why every point in the plane determined by ∇g(x0 , y0 , z0 )
and ∇h(x0 , y0 , z0 ) has the form s∇g(x0 , y0 , z0 ) + t∇h(x0 , y0 , z0 ) for some
scalars s and t.
c. Parts (a.) and (b.) show that there must exist scalars λ and µ such that
h(x, y, z) = k.
for x, y, z, λ, and µ.
Use this idea to find the maximum and minium values of f (x, y, z) =
x + 2y subject to the constraints y 2 + z 2 = 8 and x + y + z = 10.
df dg
=λ .
dc dc
= λ.
Conclude that λ tells us the rate of change of the function f as the
parameter c increases (or by approximately how much the optimal value
of the function f will change if we increase the value of c by 1 unit).
c. Suppose that λ = 324 at the point where the package described in Pre-
view Activity 10.8.1 has its maximum volume. Explain in context what
the value 324 tells us about the package.
d. Suppose that the maximum value of a function f = f (x, y) subject to
a constraint g(x, y) = 100 is 236. When using the method of Lagrange
multipliers and solving ∇f = λ∇g, we obtain a value of λ = 15 at this
maximum. Find an approximation to the maximum value of f subject
to the constraint g(x, y) = 98.
Chapter 11
Multiple Integrals
Motivating Questions
• What are two things the double integral of a function can tell us?
0 6
sized subintervals and the interval [c, d] into three evenly sized subintervals as
shown in Figure 11.1.2. As we did in Preview Activity 11.1.1, we will need
a method for identifying the endpoints of each subinterval and the resulting
a b
z z
z = f (x, y)
y y
x x
z z
y y
x x
ZZ n X
X m
f (x, y) dA = lim f (x∗ij , yij
) · ∆A.
R m,n→∞
j=1 i=1
Some textbooks use the notation R f (x, y) dA for a double integral. You
At the moment, there are two ways we can interpret the value of the double
• Suppose that f (x, y) assumes both positive and negatives values on the
rectangle R, as shown on the left of Figure 11.1.7. When constructing
a Riemann sum, for each i and j, the product f (x∗ij , yij ∗
) · ∆A can be
interpreted as a “signed” volume of a box with base area ∆A and “signed”
height f (x∗ij , yij
). Since f can have negative values, this “height” could
be negative. The sum
n X
X m
f (x∗ij , yij
) · ∆A
j=1 i=1
z = f (x, y)
We can then
RR realize the double integral R f (x, y) dA as a difference in
[1, 7] × [−2, 2]. Partition [1, 7] into 3 equal length subintervals and [−2, 2] into
2 equal length subintervals. A table of values of f at some points in R is given
in Table 11.1.8, and a graph of f with the indicated partitions is shown in
Figure 11.1.9.
−2 −1 0 1 2
√ √
1 0 √3 2 √3 0
2 0 √3 2 √3 0
3 0 √3 2 √3 0
4 0 1
√3 2 √3 0
5 0 √3 2 √3 0
6 0 √3 2 √3 0
7 0 3 2 3 0 5
-2 -1 0 1
Table 11.1.8: Table of values of Figure 11.1.9: Graph of f (x, y) =
f (x, y) = 4 − y 2 .
4 − y 2 on R.
a. Sketch the region R in the plane using the values in Table 11.1.8 as the
b. Calculate the double Riemann sum using the given partition of R and
the values of f in the upper right corner of each subrectangle.
c. Use geometry to calculate the exact value of R f (x, y) dA and compare
11.1.4 Summary
• With terms defined as in the Double Riemann Sum, the double integral
of f over R is
ZZ n X
X m
f (x, y) dA = lim f (x∗ij , yij
) · ∆A.
R m,n→∞
j=1 i=1
◦ The volume of the solids the graph of f bounds above the xy-plane
over the rectangle R minus the volume of the solids the graph of f
bounds below the xy-plane under the rectangle R;
◦ Dividing the double integral of f over R by the area of R gives us
the average value of the function f on R. If f (x, y) ≥ 0 on R, we
can interpret this average value of f on R as the height of the box
with base R that has the same volume as the volume of the surface
defined by f over R.
2. Consider the solid that lies above the square (in the xy-plane) R =
[0, 1] × [0, 1], and below the elliptic paraboloid z = 25 − x2 + xy − y 2 .
Estimate the volume by dividing R into 9 equal squares and choosing the
sample points to lie in the midpoints of each square.
3. Let R √be the rectangle with vertices (0, 0), (2, 0), (2, 2), and (0, 2) and let
f (x, y) = 3xy.
(a) Find reasonable upper and lower bounds for R f dA without subdivid-
ing R.
upper bound =
lower bound =
(b) Estimate R f dA three ways: by partitioning R into four subrectangles
underestimate: R f dA ≈
average: R f dA ≈
4. Using Riemann sums with four subdivisions in each direction, find upper
and lower bounds for the volume under the graph of f (x, y) = 1 + 2xy above
the rectangle R with 0 ≤ x ≤ 2, 0 ≤ y ≤ 4.
upper bound =
lower bound =
5. Consider the solid that lies above the square (in the xy-plane) R =
[0, 2] × [0, 2],
and below the elliptic paraboloid z = 49 − x2 − y 2 .
(A) Estimate the volume by dividing R into 4 equal squares and choosing
the sample points to lie in the lower left hand corners.
(B) Estimate the volume by dividing R into 4 equal squares and choosing
the sample points to lie in the upper right hand corners..
(C) What is the average of the two answers from (A) and (B)?
with two subintervals in each direction and choosing (x∗i , yj∗ ) to be the
point that lies in the upper right corner of each subrectangle.
13. Consider the box with a sloped top that is given by the following de-
scription: the base is the rectangle R = [0, 4] × [0, 3], while the top is given by
the plane z = p(x, y) = 20 − 2x − 3y.
a. Estimate the value of R p(x, y) dA by using a double Riemann sum
Motivating Questions
• How do we evaluate a double integral over a rectangle as an iterated
integral, and why does this process work?
y = 4 − x2
What is the geometric meaning of the value of A(x) relative to the surface
defined by f . (Hint: Think about the trace determined by the fixed
value of x, and consider how A(x) is related to the image at left in
Figure 11.2.2.)
z 25 z 25
20 20
15 15
10 10
5 5
-3 -3
-1 -1
1 x 1 x
-4 -2 0 y 2 -4 -2 0 y 2
Figure 11.2.2: Left: A cross section with fixed x. Right: A cross section
with fixed x and ∆x.
b. For a fixed value of x, say x∗i , what is the geometric meaning of A(x∗i ) ∆x?
(Hint: Consider how A(x∗i )∆x is related to the image at right in Fig-
ure 11.2.2.)
The function A = A(x) determines the value of the cross sectional area (by
area we mean “signed” area) in the y direction for the fixed value of x of the
solid bounded between the surface defined by f and the xy-plane.
The value of this cross sectional area is determined by the input x in A.
Since A is a function of x, it follows that we can integrate A with respect to
x. In doing so, we use a partition of [a, b] and make an approximation to the
integral given by
Z b Xm
A(x) dx ≈ A(x∗i )∆x,
a i=1
z 25 z 25 z 25
20 20 20
15 15 15
10 10 10
5 5 5
-3 -3 -3
-1 -1 -1
1 x 1 x 1 x
-4 2 0 y 2 -4 2 0 y 2 -4 2 0 y 2
where x∗i is any number in the subinterval [xi−1 , xi ]. Each term A(x∗i )∆x in
the sum represents an approximation of a fixed cross sectional slice of the sur-
face in the y direction with a fixed width of ∆x as illustrated in Figure 11.2.3.
We add the signed volumes of these slices as shown in the frames in Fig-
ure 11.2.3 to obtain an approximation of the total signed volume.
As we let the number of subintervals
Pm in the x direction approach infinity,
we can see that the Riemann sum i=1 A(x∗i )∆x approaches a limit and that
limit is the sum of signed volumes bounded by the function f on R. Therefore,
since A(x) is itself determined by an integral, we have
ZZ Z b Z b Z d !
f (x, y) dA = lim A(xi )∆x = A(x) dx = f (x, y) dy dx.
R m→∞ a a c
is called an iterated integral, and we see that each double integral may be
represented by two single integrals.
We made a choice to integrate first with respect to y. The same argu-
ment shows that we can also find the double integral as an iterated integral
integrating with respect to x first, or
ZZ Z d Z b ! Z dZ b
f (x, y) dA = f (x, y) dx dy = f (x, y) dx dy.
R c a c a
The fact that integrating in either order results in the same value is known
as Fubini’s Theorem.
Fubini’s Theorem.
If f = f (x, y) is a continuous function on a rectangle R = [a, b] × [c, d],
ZZ Z dZ b Z bZ d
f (x, y) dA = f (x, y) dx dy = f (x, y) dy dx.
R c a a c
Note that you will be integrating with respect to y, and holding x con-
stant. Your result should be a function of x only.
b. Next, use your result from (a) along with the Fundamental Theorem of
Calculus to determine the value of −3 A(x) dx.
c. What is the value of R f (x, y) dA? What are two different ways we
11.2.2 Summary
1. Evaluate the iterated integral 0 0
4x2 y 3 dxdy
2. Evaluate the iterated integral 1 1 (4x + y)−2 dydx
3. Find 0 4 (x + ln y) dydx
R 4 R 10
4. Find 1 4 xyex+y dydx
5. Calculate the double integral (4x + 2y + 8) dA where R is the region:
0 ≤ x ≤ 1, 0 ≤ y ≤ 2.
6. Calculate the double integral x cos(x + y) dA where R is the region:
0 ≤ x ≤ π3 , 0 ≤ y ≤ π2
7. Consider the solid that lies above the square (in the xy-plane) R =
[0, 2] × [0, 2],
and below the elliptic paraboloid z = 64 − x2 − 2y 2 .
(A) Estimate the volume by dividing R into 4 equal squares and choosing
the sample points to lie in the lower left hand corners.
(B) Estimate the volume by dividing R into 4 equal squares and choosing
the sample points to lie in the upper right hand corners..
(C) What is the average of the two answers from (A) and (B)?
(D) Using iterated integrals, compute the exact value of the volume.
Z 6 Z 4 ZZ
8. If f (x)dx = −2 and g(x)dx = −2, what is the value of f (x)g(y)dA
2 0 D
where D is the rectangle: 2 ≤ x ≤ 6, 0 ≤ y ≤ 4?
9. Find the average value of f (x, y) = 5x4 y 5 over the rectangle R with
vertices (−3, 0), (−3, 4), (3, 0), (3, 4).
Average value =
10. Find the average value of f (x, y) = 8ey x + ey over the rectangle
R = [0, 8] × [0, 3].
Average value =
11. Evaluate each of the following double or iterated integrals exactly.
R 3 R 5
a. 1 2 xy dy dx
R π/4 R π/3
b. 0 0
sin(x) cos(y) dx dy
R 1 R 1
c. 0 0
e−2x−3y dy dx
RR √
d. R
2x + 5y dA, where R = [0, 2] × [0, 3].
12. The temperature at any point on a metal plate in the xy plane is given
by T (x, y) = 100 − 4x2 − y 2 , where x and y are measured in inches and T in
degrees Celsius. Consider the portion of the plate that lies on the rectangular
region R = [1, 5] × [3, 6].
a. Write an iterated integral whose value represents the volume under the
surface T over the rectangle R.
b. Evaluate the iterated integral you determined in (a).
c. Find the area of the rectangle, R.
d. Determine the exact average temperature, TAVG(R) , over the region R.
13. Consider the box with a sloped top that is given by the following de-
scription: the base is the rectangle R = [1, 4] × [2, 5], while the top is given by
the plane z = p(x, y) = 30 − x − 2y.
a. Write an iterated integral whose value represents the volume under p
over the rectangle R.
b. Evaluate the iterated integral you determined in (a).
c. What is the exact average value of p over R?
d. If you wanted to build a rectangular box (with an identical base) that
has the same volume as the box with the sloped top described here, how
tall would the rectangular box have to be?
Motivating Questions
• How do we define a double integral over a non-rectangular region?
• What general form does an iterated integral over a non-rectangular region
c y
b y
0.5 1.0
Figure 11.3.1: Left: The tetrahedron T . Right: Projecting T onto the xy-
z = 1 − (x + y).
The issue that is new here is how we find the limits on the integrals;
note that the outer integral’s limits are in x, while the inner ones are in
y, since we have chosen dA = dy dx. To see the domain over which we
need to integrate, think of standing way above the tetrahedron looking
straight down on it, which means we are projecting the entire tetrahedron
onto the xy-plane. The resulting domain is the triangular region shown
at right in Figure 11.3.1. Explain why we can represent the triangular
region with the inequalities
(Hint: Consider the cross sectional slice shown at right in Figure 11.3.1.)
c. Explain why it makes sense to now write the volume integral in the form
Z x=? Z y=? Z x=1 Z y=1−x
1 − (x + y) dy dx = 1 − (x + y) dy dx.
x=? y=? x=0 y=0
and compare to your result from part (a). (As with iterated integrals
over rectangular regions, start with the inner integral.)
above the xy-plane over the rectangle R minus the volume of the solids
the graph of f bounds below the xy-plane under the rectangle R;
• A(R)
f (x, y) dA, where A(R) is the area of R tells us the average
value of the function f on R. If f (x, y) ≥ 0 on R, we can interpret this
average value of f on R as the height of the box with base R that has
the same volume as the volume of the surface defined by f over R.
2 y 2 y
1 R 1
x x
-2 -1 1 2 -2 -1 1 2
-1 -1
-2 -2
y, we have
ZZ Z y=d Z x=h2 (y)
f (x, y) dA = f (x, y) dx dy.
D y=c x=h1 (y)
3 y 3 y 3 y
2 D 2 D 2 D
1 1 1
x x x
1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3
Since we are integrating with respect to y first, the iterated integral has
the form ZZ Z x=b
x2 y dA = A(x) dx,
D x=a
hypotenuse connects the points (0,0) and (2,3) and hence has equation
y = 23 x. This gives the upper bound on y as g2 (x) = 23 x. The leftmost
vertical cross section is at x = 0 and the rightmost one is at x = 2, so we
have a = 0 and b = 2. Therefore,
ZZ Z x=2 Z y= 23 x
x2 y dA = x2 y dy dx.
D x=0 y=0
Since we are integrating with respect to x first, the iterated integral has
the form ZZ Z d
x2 y dA = A(y) dy,
D c
where A(y) is a cross sectional area of the solid in the x direction. Several
slices of the domain — perpendicular to the y-axis — are shown at right
in Figure 11.3.4. On a slice with fixed y value, the x values are bounded
below by the x coordinate on the hypotenuse of the right triangle and
above by 2. So h2 (y) = 2; to find h1 (y), we need to write the hypotenuse
as a function of y. Solving the earlier equation we have for the hypotenuse
(y = 23 x) for x gives us x = 32 y. This makes h1 (y) = 32 y. The lowest
horizontal cross section is at y = 0 and the uppermost one is at y = 3,
so we have c = 0 and d = 3. Therefore,
ZZ Z y=3 Z x=2
x2 y dA = x2 y dx dy.
D y=0 x=(2/3)y
8 8 4
= y − y dy
y=0 3 81
5 y=3
8y 8 y
= −
3 2 81 5 y=0
8 9 8 243
= −
3 2 81 5
= 12 −
= .
above the xy-plane over the closed, bounded region D minus the volume
of the solids the graph of f bounds below the xy-plane under the region
• A(D)
f (x, y) dA, where A(D) is the area of D tells us the average
value of the function f on D. If f (x, y) ≥ 0 on D, we can interpret
this average value of f on D as the height of the solid with base D and
constant cross-sectional area D that has the same volume as the volume
of the surface defined by f over D.
c. Evaluate the two iterated integrals from (a) and (b), and verify that they
produce the same value. Give at least one interpretation of the meaning
of your result.
R x=5 R y=x2
Activity 11.3.3. Consider the iterated integral x=3 y=−x
(4x + 10y) dy dx.
c. Evaluate one of the two iterated integrals above. Explain what the value
you obtained tells you.
d. Set up and evaluate a single definite integral to determine the exact area
of D, A(D).
a. Explain why we cannot find a simpleR antiderivative for ey with respect to
x=4 R y=2 y2
y, and thus are unable to evaluate x=0 y=x/2 e dy dx in the indicated
order using the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus.
2 R x=4 R y=2 2
b. Given that ey dA = ey dy dx, sketch the region of inte-
D x=0 y=x/2
gration, D.
e. What is the important lesson this activity offers regarding the order in
which we set up an iterated integral?
11.3.2 Summary
where g1 = g1 (x) and g2 = g2 (x) are functions of x only and the region
D is described by the inequalities g1 (x) ≤ y ≤ g2 (x) and a ≤ x ≤ b or
Z y=d Z x=h2 (y)
f (x, y) dx dy,
y=c x=h1 (y)
where h1 = h1 (y) and h2 = h2 (y) are functions of y only and the region
D is described by the inequalities h1 (y) ≤ x ≤ h2 (y) and c ≤ y ≤ d.
1. Evaluate the double integral I = xy dA where D is the triangular
region with vertices (0, 0), (1, 0), (0, 6).
2. Evaluate the double integral I = xy dA where D is the triangular
region with vertices (0, 0), (1, 0), (0, 4).
3. Evaluate the integral by reversing the order of integration.
R 1R 4 x2
0 4y
e dxdy =
4. Decide, without calculation, if each of the integrals below are positive,
negative, or zero. Let D be the region inside the unit circle centered at the
origin. Let T, B, R, and L denote the regions enclosed by the top half, the
bottom half, the right half, and the left half of unit circle, respectively.
(a) (y 3 + y 5 ) dA
(b) (y 3 + y 5 ) dA
(c) (y 3 + y 5 ) dA
(d) (y 3 + y 5 ) dA
(e) (y 3 + y 5 ) dA
2 2
5. The region W lies below the surface f (x, y) = 4e−(x−3) −y and above
the disk x2 + y 2 ≤ 36 in the xy-plane.
(a) Think about what the contours of f look like. You may want to use
f (x, y) = 1 as an example. Sketch a rough contour diagram on a separate sheet
of paper.
(b) Write an integral giving the area of the cross-section of W in the plane
x = 3. Rb
Area = a d ,
where a = and b =
(c) Use your work from (b) to write an iterated double integral giving the
volume of W , using the work from (b) to inform the construction of the inside
Volume = a c d d ,
where a = ,b= c= and d =
6. Set up a double integral in rectangular coordinates for calculating the
volume of the solid under the graph of the function f (x, y) = 29 − x2 − y 2 and
above the plane z = 4.
Instructions: Please enter the integrand in the first answer box. Depending
on the order of integration you choose, enter dx and dy in either order into
the second and third answer boxes with only one dx or dy in each box. Then,
enter the limits of integration.
7. Find the volume of the solid bounded by the planes x = 0, y = 0, z = 0,
and x + y + z = 7.
Z 7 Z √49−y
8. Consider the integral f (x, y)dxdy. If we change the order of
0 0
integration we obtain the sum of two integrals:
Z b Z g2 (x) Z d Z g4 (x)
f (x, y)dydx + f (x, y)dydx
a g1 (x) c g3 (x)
a= b=
g1 (x) = g2 (x) =
c= d=
g3 (x) = g4 (x) =
9. A pile of earth standing on flat ground has height 36 meters. The ground
is the xy-plane. The origin is directly below the top of the pile and the z-axis
is upward. The cross-section at height z is given by x2 + y 2 = 36 − z for
0 ≤ z ≤ 36, with x, y, and z in meters.
(a) What equation gives the edge of the base of the pile?
x2 + y 2 = 36
x + y = 36
x+y =6
x2 + y 2 = 6
None of the above
(b) What is the area of the base of the pile?
(c) What equation gives the cross-section of the pile with the plane z = 3?
x2 + y 2 = 33
x2 + y 2 = 3
x2 + y 2 = 33
x2 + y 2 = 9
None of the above
(d) What is the area of the cross-section z = 3 of the pile?
(e) What is A(z), the area of a horizontal cross-section at height z?
A(z) =
square meters
(f) Use your answer in part (e) to find the volume of the pile.
Volume =
cubic meters
10. Match the following integrals with the verbal descriptions of the solids
whose volumes they give. Put the letter of the verbal description to the left of
the corresponding integral.
Z 2Z 2 p
(a) 4 − y 2 dydx
0 −2
Z 1Z √
(b) 4x2 + 3y 2 dxdy
0 y2
Z 1Z 1−x2
(c) √ 1 − x2 − y 2 dydx
−1 − 1−x2
Z 2Z 4+ 4−x2
(d) 4x + 3y dydx
−2 4
1 1
Z √
Z 2 1−3y 2 p
(e) 1 − 4x2 − 3y 2 dxdy
0 0
R x=1 R y=x
a. x=0 y=x2
xy dy dx
R y=2 R x=0 √
b. y=0 x=− 4−y 2
xy dx dy
R x=1 R y=x1/4
c. x=0 y=x4
x + y dy dx
R y=2 R x=2y
d. y=0 x=y/2
x + y dx dy
12. The temperature at any point on a metal plate in the xy-plane is given
by T (x, y) = 100 − 4x2 − y 2 , where x and y are measured in inches and T in
degrees Celsius. Consider the portion of the plate that lies on the region D
that is the finite region that lies between the parabolas x = y 2 and x = 3−2y 2 .
13. Consider the solid that is given by the following description: the base is
the given region D, while the top is given by the surface z = p(x, y). In each
setting below, set up, but do not evaluate, an iterated integral whose value is
the exact volume of the solid. Include a labeled sketch of D in each case.
a. D is the interior of the quarter circle of radius 2, centered at the origin,
that lies in the second quadrant of the plane; p(x, y) = 16 − x2 − y 2 .
b. D is the finite region between the line y = x + 1 and the parabola y = x2 ;
p(x, y) = 10 − x − 2y.
c. D is the triangular region with vertices (1, 1), (2, 2), and (2, 3); p(x, y) =
e−xy .
d. D is the region bounded by the y-axis, y = 4 and x = y; p(x, y) =
1 + x2 + y 2 .
Z x=4 Z y=2
14. Consider the iterated integral I = √
cos(y 3 ) dy dx.
x=0 y= x
d. Determine the exact average value of cos(y 3 ) over the region D that is
determined by the iterated integral I.
Motivating Questions
• If we have a mass density function for a lamina (thin plate), how does a
double integral determine the mass of the lamina?
• How may a double integral be used to find the area between two curves?
• Given a mass density function on a lamina, how can we find the lamina’s
center of mass?
• What is a joint probability density function? How do we determine the
probability of an event if we know a probability density function?
11.4.1 Mass
Density is a measure of some quantity per unit area or volume. For example,
we can measure the human population density of some region as the number
of humans in that region divided by the area of that region. In physics, the
mass density of an object is the mass of the object per unit area or volume.
As suggested by Preview Activity 11.4.1, the following holds in general.
The mass of a lamina.
If δ(x, y) describes the density of a lamina defined by RR
a planar region
D, then the mass of D is given by the double integral D δ(x, y) dA.
3 y
-1 1 2 3 4
Figure 11.4.1: A half disk lamina.
11.4.2 Area
If we consider the situation where the mass-density distribution is constant,
we can also see how a double integral may be used to determine the area of
a region. Assuming that δ(x, y) = 1 over a closed bounded RR region D, where
the units of δ are “mass per unit of area,” it follows that D 1 dA is the mass
of the lamina. But since the density is constant, the numerical value of the
integral is simply the area.
As the following activity demonstrates, we can also see this fact by consid-
ering a three-dimensional solid whose height is always 1.
Activity 11.4.3. Suppose we want to find the area of the bounded region D
between the curves
y = 1 − x2 and y = x − 1.
2 y
-1 D 1 2 3
b. Evaluate the iterated integral from (a). What does the result tell you?
We now formally state the conclusion from our earlier discussion and Ac-
tivity 11.4.3.
The double integral and area.
Given a closed, bounded region D in the plane, the area of D, denoted
A(D), is given by the double integral
A(D) = 1 dA.
(x2 , y2 )
(x3 , y3 )
(x, y)
(x4 , y4 )
(x1 , y1 )
Each mass exerts a force (called a moment) around the lines x = x and
y = y that causes the system to tilt in the direction of the mass. These moments
are dependent on the mass and the distance from the given line. Let (x1 , y1 )
be the location of mass m1 , (x2 , y2 ) the location of mass m2 , etc. In order to
balance perfectly, the moments in the x direction and in the y direction must
be in equilibrium. We determine these moments and solve the resulting system
to find the equilibrium point (x, y) at the center of mass.
The force that mass m1 exerts to tilt the system from the line y = y is
m1 g(y − y1 ),
m2 g(y − y2 ).
In general, the force that mass mk exerts to tilt the system from the line
y = y is
mk g(y − yk ).
For the system to balance, we need the forces to sum to 0, so that
mk g(y − yk ) = 0.
The value Mx = k=1 mk yk is called the total moment with respect
to the x-axis; My = k=1 mk xk is the total moment with respect to the
y-axis. Hence, the respective quotients of the moments to the total mass, M ,
determines the center of mass of a point-mass system:
My Mx
(x, y) = , .
δ(x∗ij , yij
2 y
Figure 11.4.4: The lamina bounded by the x-axis and the lines x = 1 and
y = 2x in the first quadrant.
b. Assume the mass of the lamina is 14. Set up two iterated integrals that
represent the coordinates of the center of mass of the lamina.
11.4.4 Probability
Calculating probabilities is a very important application of integration in the
physical, social, and life sciences. To understand the basics, consider the game
of darts in which a player throws a dart at a board and tries to hit a particular
target. Let us suppose that a dart board is in the form of a disk D with radius
10 inches. If we assume that a player throws a dart at random, and is not
aiming at any particular point, then it is equally probable that the dart will
strike any single point on the board. For instance, the probability that the dart
will strike a particular 1 square inch region is 100π
, or the ratio of the area
of the desired target to the total area of D (assuming that the dart thrower
always hits the board itself at some point). Similarly, the probability that the
dart strikes a point in the disk D3 of radius 3 inches is given by the area of D3
divided by the area of D. In other words, the probability that the dart strikes
the disk D3 is
9π 1
= dA.
100π D3 100π
The integrand, 100π
, may be thought of as a distribution function, describ-
ing how the dart strikes are distributed across the board. In this case the
distribution function is constant since we are assuming a uniform distribution,
but we can easily envision situations where the distribution function varies. For
example, if the player is fairly good and is aiming for the bulls eye (the center
of D), then the distribution function f could be skewed toward the center, say
+y 2 )
f (x, y) = Ke−(x
for some constant positive K. If we assume that the player is consistent enough
so that the dart always strikes the board, then the probability that the dart
strikes the board somewhere is 1, and the distribution function f will have to
satisfy1 ZZ
f (x, y) dA = 1.
For such a function f , the probability that the dart strikes in the disk D1
of radius 1 would be ZZ
f (x, y) dA.
Indeed, the probability that the dart strikes in any region R that lies within
D is given by ZZ
f (x, y) dA.
Note that it is possible that D could be an infinite region and the limits
on the integral in Equation (11.4.1) could be infinite. When we have such a
probability density function f = f (x, y), the probability that the point (x, y)
is in some region R contained in the domain D (the notation we use here is
“P ((x, y) ∈ R)”) is determined by
P ((x, y) ∈ R) = f (x, y) dA.
or that Z ∞ Z ∞
f (x, y) dy dx = 1.
0 0
b. Assume that the smoke detector fails only if both of the supplied compo-
nents fail. To determine the probability that a randomly selected detector
will fail within one year, we will need to determine the probability that
the life span of each component is between 0 and 1 years. Set up an
appropriate iterated integral, and evaluate the integral to determine the
c. What is the probability that a randomly chosen smoke detector will fail
between years 3 and 7?
11.4.5 Summary
• RR
The mass of a lamina D with a mass density function δ = δ(x, y) is
δ(x, y) dA.
• The area of a region D in the plane has the same numerical value as the
volume ofRRa solid of uniform height 1 and base D, so the area of D is
given by D 1 dA.
• The center of mass, (x, y), of a continuous lamina with a variable density
δ(x, y) is given by
xδ(x, y) dA yδ(x, y) dA
x = RR D
and y = RRD .
δ(x, y) dA D
δ(x, y) dA
1. The masses mi are located at the points Pi . Find the center of mass of
the system.
m1 = 1, m2 = 5, m3 = 9.
P1 = (−4, 6), P2 = (−6, 7), P3 = (−2, −4).
2. Find the centroid (x̄, ȳ) of the triangle with vertices at (0, 0), (1, 0), and
(0, 3).
3. Find the mass of the rectangular region 0 ≤ x ≤ 2, 0 ≤ y ≤ 4 with
density function ρ (x, y) = 4 − y.
4. Find the mass of the triangular region with vertices (0, 0), (3, 0), and (0,
1), with density function ρ (x, y) = x2 + y 2 .
5. A lamina occupies the region inside the circle x2 + y 2 = 10y but outside
the circle x2 + y 2 = 25. The density at each point is inversely proportional to
its distance from the orgin.
Where is the center of mass?
( , )
6. A sprinkler distributes water in a circular pattern, supplying water to a
depth of e−r feet per hour at a distance of r feet from the sprinkler.
A. What is the total amount of water supplied per hour inside of a circle
of radius 7?
f t3 per hour
B. What is the total amount of water that goes through the sprinkler per
f t3 per hour
7. Let p be the joint density function such that p(x, y) = 361
xy in R, the
rectangle 0 ≤ x ≤ 6, 0 ≤ y ≤ 2, and p(x, y) = 0 outside R. Find the fraction
of the population satisfying the constraint x + y ≤ 8
fraction =
8. A lamp has two bulbs, each of a type with an average lifetime of 12
hours. The probability density function for the lifetime of a bulb is f (t) =
1 −t/12
12 e , t ≥ 0.
What is the probability that both of the bulbs will fail within 2 hours?
9. For the following two functions p(x, y), check whether p is a joint density
function. Assume p(x, y) = 0 outside the region R.
(a) p(x, y) = 1, where R is 1 ≤ x ≤ 1.5, −1 ≤ y ≤ −0.5.
p(x, y) ( is a joint density function is not a joint density function)
(b) p(x, y) = 3, where R is 1 ≤ x ≤ 2, 2 ≤ y ≤ 5.
p(x, y) ( is a joint density function is not a joint density function)
Then, for the region R given by 0 ≤ x ≤ 2, 0 ≤ y ≤ 3, what constant
function p(x, y) is a joint density function?
p(x, y) =
10. Let x and y have joint density function
(x + 2y) for 0 ≤ x ≤ 1, 0 ≤ y ≤ 1,
p(x, y) = 3
0 otherwise.
a. Set up an iterated integral whose value is the mass of the plate. Include
a labeled sketch of the region of integration. Why did you choose the
order of integration you did?
b. Determine the mass of the plate.
c. Determine the exact center of mass of the plate. Draw and label the
point you find on your sketch from (a).
d. What is the average density of the plate? Include units on your answer.
13. Let x denote the time (in minutes) that a person spends waiting in a
checkout line at a grocery store and y the time (in minutes) that it takes to
check out. Suppose the joint probability density for x and y is
1 −x/4−y/2
f (x, y) = e .
a. What is the exact probability that a person spends between 0 to 5 minutes
waiting in line, and then 0 to 5 minutes waiting to check out?
b. Set up, but do not evaluate, an iterated integral whose value determines
the exact probability that a person spends at most 10 minutes total both
waiting in line and checking out at this grocery store.
c. Set up, but do not evaluate, an iterated integral expression whose value
determines the exact probability that a person spends at least 10 minutes
total both waiting in line and checking out, but not more than 20 minutes.
Motivating Questions
(a) The point P that lies 1 unit from the origin on the positive x-axis.
(b) The point Q that lies 2 units from the origin and such that OQ
makes an angle of π2 with the positive x-axis.
(c) The point R that lies 3 units from the origin such that OR makes
an angle of 2π
3 with the positive x-axis.
b. Part (a) indicates that the two pieces of information completely deter-
mine the location of a point: either the traditional (x, y) coordinates, or
alternately, the distance r from the point to the origin along with the
angle θ that the line through the origin and the point makes with the
positive x-axis. We write “(r, θ)” to denote the point’s location in its
polar coordinate representation. Find polar coordinates for the points
with the given rectangular coordinates.
i. (0, −1) ii. (−2, 0) iii. (−1, 1)
c. For each of the following points whose coordinates are given in polar
form, determine the rectangular coordinates of the point.
√ 5π
i. (5, π4 ) ii. (2, 5π
6 ) iii. ( 3, 3 )
P 3π/4 π/4
π 0
r y 1 2 3 4
5π/4 7π/4
Figure 11.5.1: The polar coordinates of a point and the polar coordinate
where D is the unit disk. While we cannot directly evaluate this integral in
rectangular coordinates, a change to polar coordinates will convert it to one
we can easily evaluate. ZZ
We have seen how to evaluate a double integral f (x, y) dA as an iter-
ated integral of the form
Z b Z g2 (x)
f (x, y) dy dx
a g1 (x)
i. Find the area of the annulus (the washer-like region) between ri and
ri+1 , as shown at right in Figure 11.5.2. This area will be in terms
of ri and ri+1 .
ii. Observe that the region R is only a portion of the annulus, so the
area ∆A of R is only a fraction of the area of the annulus. For
instance, if θi+1 − θi were π4 , then the resulting wedge would be
4 1
2π 8
of the entire annulus. In this more general context, using the wedge
between the two noted angles, what fraction of the area of the an-
nulus is the area ∆A?
iii. Write an expression for ∆A in terms of ri , ri+1 , θj , and θj+1 .
iv. Finally, write the area ∆A in terms of ri , ri+1 , ∆r, and ∆θ, where
each quantity appears only once in the expression. (Hint: Think
about how to factor a difference of squares.)
c. As we take the limit as ∆r and ∆θ go to 0, ∆r becomes dr, ∆θ becomes
dθ, and ∆A becomes dA, the area element. Using your work in (iv),
write dA in terms of r, dr, and dθ.
From the result of Activity 11.5.3, we see when we convert an integral from
rectangular coordinates to polar coordinates, we must not only convert x and
y to being in terms of r and θ, but we also have to change the area element
to dA = r dr dθ in polar coordinates. As we saw in Activity 11.5.3, the reason
the additional factor of r in the polar area element is due to the fact that
in polar coordinates, the cross sectional area element increases as r increases,
while the cross sectional area
RR element in rectangular coordinates is constant.
So, given a double integral D f (x, y) dA in rectangular coordinates, to write a
corresponding iterated integral in polar coordinates, we replace x with r cos(θ),
y with r sin(θ) and dA with r dr dθ. Of course, we need to describe the region
D in polar coordinates as well. To summarize:
Double integrals in polar coordinates.
The double integral f (x, y) dA in rectangular coordinates
RR be converted to a double integral in polar coordinates as
f (r cos(θ), r sin(θ)) r dr dθ.
2 2
Example 11.5.3.RRLet f (x, y) = ex +y on the disk D = {(x, y) : x2 + y 2 ≤ 1}.
We will evaluate D f (x, y) dA.
In rectangular coordinates the double integral D f (x, y) dA can be written
= (e − 1) dθ
2 θ=0
= (e − 1) dθ
2 θ=0
= (e − 1) [θ]
2 θ=0
= π(e − 1).
While there is no firm rule for when polar coordinates can or should be
used, they are a natural alternative anytime the domain of integration may be
psimply in polar form, and/or when the integrand involves expressions
such as x2 + y 2 .
Activity 11.5.4. Let f (x, y) = x + y and D = {(x, y) : x2 + y 2 ≤ 4}.
a. Sketch the region D and then write the double integral of f over D as
an iterated integral in rectangular coordinates.
b. Write the double integral of f over D as an iterated integral in polar
c. Evaluate one of the iterated integrals. Why is the final value you found
not surprising?
Activity 11.5.5. Consider the circle given by x2 + (y − 1)2 = 1 as shown in
Figure 11.5.4.
2 y
-1 1
a. Determine a polar curve in the form r = f (θ) that traces out the circle
x2 + (y − 1)2 = 1. (Hint: Recall that a circle centered at the origin of
radius r can be described by the equations x = r cos(θ) and y = r sin(θ).)
b. Find the exact average value of g(x, y) = x2 + y 2 over the interior of
11.5.3 Summary
dA = r dr dθ.
1. For each set of Polar coordinates, match the equivalent Cartesian coor-
2. (a) The Cartesian coordinates of a point are (−1, − 3).
(i) Find polar coordinates (r, θ) of the point, where r > 0 and 0 ≤ θ < 2π.
(ii) Find polar coordinates (r, θ) of the point, where r < 0 and 0 ≤ θ < 2π.
(b) The Cartesian coordinates of a point are (−2, 3).
(i) Find polar coordinates (r, θ) of the point, where r > 0 and 0 ≤ θ < 2π.
(ii) Find polar coordinates (r, θ) of the point, where r < 0 and 0 ≤ θ < 2π.
3. (a) You are given the point (1, π/2) in polar coordinates.
(i) Find another pair of polar coordinates for this point such that r > 0
and 2π ≤ θ < 4π.
(ii) Find another pair of polar coordinates for this point such that r < 0
and 0 ≤ θ < 2π.
(b) You are given the point (−2, π/4) in polar coordinates.
(i) Find another pair of polar coordinates for this point such that r > 0
7 sin θ + 43 cos θ
represents a line. Write this line in the given Cartesian form.
Note: Your answer should be a function of x .
6. Find a polar equation of the form r = f (θ) for the curve represented by
the Cartesian equation x = −y 2 .
Note: Since θ is not a symbol on your keyboard, use t in place of θ in your
7. By changing to polar coordinates, evaluate the integral
(x2 + y 2 )7/2 dxdy
and d√= ,
R 2Rx RbRd
0 −x
dy dx = a c
dr dt
= a
= .a
9. For each of the following, set up the integral of an arbitrary function
f (x, y) over the region in whichever of rectangular or polar coordinates is most
appropriate. (Use t for θ in your expressions.)
(a) The region
With a = ,b= ,
c= , and d = ,
integral = a c d d
(b) The region
With a = ,b= ,
c= , and d = ,
integral = a c d d
10. A Cartesian equation for the polar equation r = 3 can be written as:
x2 + y 2 =
11. Using polar coordinates, evaluate the integral which gives the area which
lies in the first quadrant between the circles x2 + y 2 = 64 and x2 − 8x + y 2 = 0.
12. (a) Graph r = 1/(5 cos θ) for −π/2 ≤ θ ≤ π/2 and r = 1. Then write
an iterated integral in polar coordinates representing the area inside the curve
r = 1 and to the right of r = 1/(5 cos θ). (Use t for θ in your work.)
With a = ,b= ,
c= , and d = ,
area = a c d d
(b) Evaluate your integral to find the area.
area =
13. Using polar coordinates, evaluate the integral sin(x2 +y 2 )dA where
R is the region 9 ≤ x2 + y 2 ≤ 81.
14. Sketch the region of integration for the following integral.
Z Z 5/ cos(θ)
f (r, θ) r dr dθ
0 0
The region of integration is bounded by
y = 0, x = 25 − y 2 , and y = 5
y = 0, y = 25 − x2 , and x = 5
y = 0, y = x, and y = 5
y = 0, y = x, and x = 5
15. Use the polar coordinates to find the volume of a sphere of radius 8.
2 2
16. Consider the solid under the graph of z = e−x −y above the disk
x2 + y 2 ≤ a2 , where a > 0.
(a) Set up the integral to find the volume of the solid.
Instructions: Please enter the integrand in the first answer box, typing
theta for θ. Depending on the order of integration you choose, enter dr and
dtheta in either order into the second and third answer boxes with only one dr
or dtheta in each box. Then, enter the limits of integration.
(b) Evaluate the integral and find the volume. Your answer will be in terms
of a.
Volume V =
(c) What does the volume approach as a → ∞?
lim V =
18. Let D be the region that lies inside the unit circle in the plane.
c. Find the exact center of mass of the lamina over the portion of D that
lies in the first quadrant and has its mass density distribution given by
δ(x, y) = 1. (Before making any calculations, where do you expect the
center of mass to lie? Why?)
d. Find the exact volume of the solid that lies under the surface z = 8 −
x2 − y 2 and over the unit disk, D.
R 3π/2 R 3
a. π 0
r3 dr dθ
R 2 R √1−(x−1)2 p
b. 0
√ x2 + y 2 dy dx
− 2
R π/2 R sin(θ) √
c. 0 0
r 1 − r2 dr dθ.
R √2/2 R √1−y2
d. 0 y
cos(x2 + y 2 ) dx dy.
Motivating Questions
We have now studied at length how curves in space can be defined para-
metrically by functions of the form r(t) = hx(t), y(t), z(t)i, and surfaces can be
represented by functions z = f (x, y). In what follows, we will see how we can
also define surfaces parametrically. A one-dimensional curve in space results
from a vector function that relies upon one parameter, so a two-dimensional
surface naturally involves the use of two parameters. If x = x(s, t), y = y(s, t),
and z = z(s, t) are functions of independent parameters s and t, then the
terminal points of all vectors of the form
form a surface in space. The equations x = x(s, t), y = y(s, t), and z = z(s, t)
are the parametric equations for the surface, or a parametrization of the surface.
In Preview Activity 11.6.1 we investigate how to parameterize a cylinder and
a cone.
Preview Activity 11.6.1. Recall the standard parameterization of the unit
circle that is given by
where 0 ≤ t ≤ 2π.
a. Determine a parameterization of the circle of radius 1 in R3 that has its
center at (0, 0, 1) and lies in the plane z = 1.
b. Determine a parameterization of the circle of radius 1 in 3-space that has
its center at (0, 0, −1) and lies in the plane z = −1.
c. Determine a parameterization of the circle of radius 1 in 3-space that has
its center at (0, 0, 5) and lies in the plane z = 5.
d. Taking into account your responses in (a), (b), and (c), describe the
graph that results from the set of parametric equations
In a single-variable setting, any function may have its graph expressed para-
metrically. For instance, given y = g(x), by considering the parameterization
ht, g(t)i (where t belongs to the domain of g), we generate the same curve.
What is more important is that certain curves that are not functions may
be represented parametrically; for instance, the circle (which cannot be rep-
resented by a single function) can be parameterized by hcos(t), sin(t)i, where
0 ≤ t ≤ 2π.
In the same way, in a two-variable setting, the surface z = f (x, y) may be
expressed parametrically by considering
where (s, t) varies over the entire domain of f . Therefore, any familiar surface
that we have studied so far can be generated as a parametric surface. But what
is more powerful is that there are surfaces that cannot be generated by a single
function z = f (x, y) (such as the unit sphere), but that can be represented
parametrically. We now consider an important example.
Example 11.6.1. Consider the torus (or doughnut) shown in Figure 11.6.2.
where 0 ≤ t ≤ 2π.
z z
Let’s focus our attention on one point on this circle, such as the indicated
point, which has coordinates (x(s), 0, z(s)) for a fixed value of the parameter
s. When this point is revolved about the z-axis, we obtain a circle contained
in a horizontal plane centered at (0, 0, z(s)) and having radius x(s), as shown
on the right of Figure 11.6.4. If we let t be the new parameter that generates
the circle for the rotation about the z-axis, this circle may be parametrized by
Now using our earlier parametric equations for x(s) and z(s) for the original
smaller circle, we have an overall parameterization of the torus given by
To trace out the entire torus, we require that the parameters vary through
the values 0 ≤ s ≤ 2π and 0 ≤ t ≤ 2π.
z z
In the usual way, we slice the domain into small rectangles. In particular,
we partition the interval [a, b] into m subintervals of length ∆s = b−a n and let
s0 , s1 , . . ., sm be the endpoints of these subintervals, where a = s0 < s1 <
s2 < · · · < sm = b. Also partition the interval [c, d] into n subintervals of equal
length ∆t = d−c n and let t0 , t1 , . . ., tn be the endpoints of these subintervals,
where c = t0 < t1 < t2 < · · · < tn = d. These two partitions create a partition
of the rectangle R = [a, b] × [c, d] in st-coordinates into mn sub-rectangles Rij
with opposite vertices (si−1 , tj−1 ) and (si , tj ) for i between 1 and m and j
between 1 and n. These rectangles all have equal area ∆A = ∆s · ∆t.
Now we want to think about the small piece of area on the surface itself
that lies above one of these small rectangles in the domain. Observe that if we
increase s by a small amount ∆s from the point (si−1 , tj−1 ) in the domain, then
r changes by approximately rs (si−1 , tj−1 )∆s. Similarly, if we increase t by a
small amount ∆t from the point (si−1 , tj−1 ), then r changes by approximately
rt (si−1 , tj−1 )∆t. So we can approximate the surface defined by r on the st-
rectangle [si−1 , si ] × [tj−1 , tj ] with the parallelogram determined by the vectors
rs (si−1 , tj−1 )∆s and rt (si−1 , tj−1 )∆t, as seen in Figure 11.6.6.
rt ∆t
rs ∆s
Say that the small parallelogram has area Sij . If we can find its area, then
all that remains is to sum the areas of all of the generated parallelograms and
take a limit. Recall from our earlier work in the course that given two vectors
u and v, the area of the parallelogram spanned by u and v is given by the
magnitude of their cross product, |u×v|. In the present context, it follows that
the area, Sij , of the parallelogram determined by the vectors rs (si−1 , tj−1 )∆s
and rt (si−1 , tj−1 )∆t is
where the latter equality holds from standard properties of the cross product
and length.
We sum the surface area approximations from Equation (11.6.1) over all
Taking the limit as m, n → ∞ shows that the surface area of the surface
defined by r over the domain D is given as follows.
Surface area.
Let r(s, t) = hx(s, t), y(s, t), z(s, t)i be a parameterization of a smooth
surface over a domain D. The area of the surface defined by r on D is
given by ZZ
S= |rs × rt | dA. (11.6.2)
Activity 11.6.3. Consider the cylinder with radius a and height h defined
parametrically by
r(s, t) = a cos(s)i + a sin(s)j + tk
for 0 ≤ s ≤ 2π and 0 ≤ t ≤ h, as shown in Figure 11.6.7.
c. Recall that one way to think about the surface area of a cylinder is to
cut the cylinder horizontally and find the perimeter of the resulting cross
sectional circle, then multiply by the height. Calculate the surface area
of the given cylinder using this alternate approach, and compare your
work in (b).
Activity 11.6.4. Let z = f (x, y) define a smooth surface, and consider the
corresponding parameterization r(s, t) = hs, t, f (s, t)i.
c. Observe that the surface of the solid describe in (b) is half of a circular
cylinder. Use the standard formula for the surface area of a cylinder to
calculate the surface area in a different way, and compare your result
from (b).
11.6.3 Summary
• If r(s, t) = hx(s, t), y(s, t), z(s, t)i describes a smooth surface in 3-space
on a domain D, then the area, S, of that surface is given by
S= |rs × rt | dA.
1. Consider the cone shown below.
If the height of the cone is 5 and the base radius is 2, write a parameteri-
zation of the cone in terms of r = s and θ = t.
x(s, t) = ,
y(s, t) = , and
z(s, t) = , with
≤s≤ and
≤t≤ .
2. Parameterize the plane through the point (−4, −5, −4) with the normal
vector h3, 4, −3i
~r(s, t) =
(Use s and t for the parameters in your parameterization, and enter your
vector as a single vector, with angle brackets: e.g., as <1 + s + t, s - t, 3 - t
3. Parameterize a vase formed by rotating the curve z = 6 x − 1, 1 ≤ x ≤ 5,
around the z-axis. Use s and t for your parameters.
x(s, t) = ,
y(s, t) = , and
z(s, t) = , with
≤s≤ and
4. Find parametric equations for the sphere centered at the origin and with
radius 5. Use the parameters s and t in your answer.
x(s, t) = ,
y(s, t) = , and
z(s, t) = , where
≤s≤ and
≤t≤ .
5. Find the surface area of that part of the plane 6x + 2y + z = 9 that lies
2 y2
inside the elliptic cylinder x25 + 100 =1
Surface Area =
7. Find the surface area of the part of the plane 4x + 2y + z = 2 that lies
inside the cylinder x2 + y 2 = 4.
8. Write down the iterated integral which expresses the surface area of
z = y 7 cos8 x over the triangle with vertices (-1,1), (1,1), (0,2):
Z b Z g(y) p
h(x, y) dxdy
a f (y)
f (y) =
g(y) =
h(x, y) =
x2 y2 z2
+ + = 1.
16 25 9
In Activity 11.6.2, we found that a parameterization of the sphere S of
radius R centered at the origin is
for − π2 ≤ s ≤ π
2 and 0 ≤ t ≤ 2π.
a. Let (x, y, z) be a point on the ellipsoid and let X = x4 , Y = y5 , and Z = z3 .
Show that (X, Y, Z) lies on the sphere S. Hence, find a parameterization
of S in terms of X, Y , and Z as functions of s and t.
b. Use the result of part (a) to find a parameterization of the ellipse in terms
of x, y, and z as functions of s and t. Check your parametrization by
substituting x, y, and z into the equation of the ellipsoid. Then check
your work by plotting the surface defined by your parameterization.
a. Set up an iterated integral whose value is the portion of the surface area of
a sphere of radius R that lies in the first octant (see the parameterization
you developed in Activity 11.6.2).
b. Then, evaluate the integral to calculate the surface area of this portion
of the sphere.
c. By what constant must you multiply the value determined in (b) in order
to find the total surface area of the entire sphere.
d. Finally, compare your result to the standard formula for the surface area
of sphere.
c. Evaluate the iterated integral to find a formula for the lateral surface
area of a cone of height h and base a.
Motivating Questions
• How are a triple Riemann sum and the corresponding triple integral of a
continuous function f = f (x, y, z) defined?
• What are two things the triple integral of a function can tell us?
fAVG(D) = f (x, y) dA,
A(D) D
Figure 11.7.1: A partitioned three-dimensional domain.
Recall that if the density was constant, we could find the mass by multi-
plying the density and volume; since the density varies from point to point, we
will use the approach we did with two-variable lamina problems, and slice the
solid into small pieces on which the density is roughly constant.
Partition the interval [0, 4] into 2 subintervals of equal length, the interval
[0, 6] into 3 subintervals of equal length, and the interval [0, 8] into 2 subin-
tervals of equal length. This partitions the box B into sub-boxes as shown in
Figure 11.7.1.
b. The partitions of the intervals [0, 4], [0, 6] and [0, 8] partition the box B
into sub-boxes. How many sub-boxes are there? What is volume ∆V of
each sub-box?
c. Let Bijk denote the sub-box [xi−1 , xi ]×[yj−1 , yj ]×[zk−1 , zk ]. Say that we
choose a point (x∗ijk , yijk
∗ ∗
, zijk ) in the i, j, kth sub-box for each possible
combination of i, j, k. What is the meaning of δ(x∗ijk , yijk ∗ ∗
, zijk )? What
physical quantity will δ(xijk , yijk , zijk )∆V approximate?
∗ ∗ ∗
d. What final step(s) would it take to determine the exact mass of the piece
of granite?
• Let Bijk be the sub-box of B with opposite vertices (xi−1 , yj−1 , zk−1 )
and (xi , yj , zk ) for i between 1 and m, j between 1 and n, and k between
1 and `. The volume of each Bijk is ∆V = ∆x · ∆y · ∆z.
is the mass of B. Even more importantly, for any continuous function f over
the solid B, we can use a triple integral to determine the average value of
f over B, fAVG(B) . We note this generalization of our work with functions
of two variables along with several others in the following important boxed
information. Note that each of these quantities may actually be considered
over a general domain S in R3 , not simply a box, B.
• The triple integral ZZZ
V (S) = 1 dV
represents the volume of the solid S.
• The average value of the function f = f (x, y, x) over a solid domain S is
given by ZZZ
fAVG(S) = f (x, y, z) dV,
V (S) S
where V (S) is the volume of the solid S.
• The center of mass of the solid S with density δ = δ(x, y, z) is (x, y, z),
x δ(x, y, z) dV
x= ,
y δ(x, y, z) dV
y= ,
z δ(x, y, z) dV
z= ,
and M = δ(x, y, z) dV is the mass of the solid S.
4 y
-4 -2 2 4
-3 0 3
Note well: When setting up iterated integrals, the limits on a given variable
can be only in terms of the remaining variables. In addition, there are multiple
different ways we can choose to set up such an integral. For example, two pos-
sibilities for iterated integrals that represent a triple integral
f (x, y, z) dV
over a solid S are
R b R g (x) R h (x,y)
• a g12(x) h12(x,y) f (x, y, z) dz dy dx
R s R p2 (z) R q2 (x,z)
• r p1 (z) q1 (x,z)
f (x, y, z) dy dx dz
Example 11.7.5. Find the mass of the tetrahedron in the first octant bounded
by the coordinate planes and the plane x + 2y + 3z = 6 if the density at point
(x, y, z) is given by δ(x, y, z) = x + y + z. A picture of the solid tetrahedron is
shown at left in Figure 11.7.6.
z 6 y
y 2
x 2 4 6
x + 2y + 3z = 6;
x + 2y = 6.
The right image in Figure 11.7.6 shows the projection of the tetrahedron
onto the xy-plane.
If we choose to integrate with respect to y for the middle integral in the
iterated integral, then the lower limit on y is the x-axis and the upper limit
is the hypotenuse of the triangle. Note that the hypotenuse joins the points
(6, 0) and (0, 3) and so has equation y = 3 − 21 x. Thus, the bounds on y are
0 ≤ y ≤ 3 − 21 x. Finally, the x values run from 0 to 6, so the iterated integral
that gives the mass of the tetrahedron is
Z 6 Z 3−(1/2)x Z (1/3)(6−x−2y)
M= x + y + z dz dy dx. (11.7.2)
0 0 0
Activity 11.7.3. There are several other ways we could have set up the inte-
gral to give the mass of the tetrahedron in Example 11.7.5.
a. How many different iterated integrals could be set up that are equal to
the integral in Equation (11.7.2)?
z 2
0 x
-1 0 y 1
a. First, set up an iterated double integral to find the volume of the solid S
as a double integral of a solid under a surface. Then set up an iterated
triple integral that gives the volume of the solid S. You do not need to
evaluate either integral. Compare the two approaches.
b. Set up (but do not evaluate) iterated integral expressions that will tell us
the center of mass of S, if the density at point (x, y, z) is δ(x, y, z) = x2 +1.
c. Set up (but do not evaluate) an iterated integral to find the average
density on S using the density function from part (b).
d. Use technology appropriately to evaluate the iterated integrals you de-
termined in (a), (b), and (c); does the location you determined for the
center of mass make sense?
11.7.2 Summary
• Let f = f (x, y, z) be a continuous function on a box B = [a, b] × [c, d] ×
[r, s]. The triple integral of f over B is defined as
ZZZ Xm X n X l
f (x, y, z) dV = lim f (x∗ijk , yijk
∗ ∗
, zijk ) · ∆V,
B ∆V →0
i=1 j=1 k=1
where the triple Riemann sum is defined in the usual way. The definition
of the triple integral naturally extends to non-rectangular solid regions
fAVG(S) = f (x, y, z) dV,
V (S) S
1. Find the triple integral of the function f (x, y, z) = x3 cos(y + z) over the
cube 2 ≤ x ≤ 3, 0 ≤ y ≤ π, 0 ≤ z ≤ π.
2. Evaluate the triple integral
xyz dV
m m m
2 2 2 2
Ix = (y +z ) dV Iy = (x +z ) dV Iz = (x2 +y 2 ) dV
Use these definitions to find the moment of inertia about the z-axis of the
rectangular solid of mass 60 given by 0 ≤ x ≤ 4, 0 ≤ y ≤ 1, 0 ≤ z ≤ 5.
Ix =
Iy =
Iz =
8. Express the integral f (x, y, z)dV as an iterated integral in six dif-
ferent ways, where E is the solid bounded by z = 0, x = 0, z = y − 7x and
y = 28.
Z b Z g2 (x) Z h2 (x,y)
1. f (x, y, z)dzdydx
a g1 (x) h1 (x,y)
a= b=
g1 (x) = g2 (x) =
h1 (x, y) = h2 (x, y) =
Z b Z g2 (y) Z h2 (x,y)
2. f (x, y, z)dzdxdy
a g1 (y) h1 (x,y)
a= b=
g1 (y) = g2 (y) =
h1 (x, y) = h2 (x, y) =
Z b Z g2 (z) Z h2 (y,z)
3. f (x, y, z)dxdydz
a g1 (z) h1 (y,z)
a= b=
g1 (z) = g2 (z) =
h1 (y, z) = h2 (y, z) =
Z b Z g2 (y) Z h2 (y,z)
4. f (x, y, z)dxdzdy
a g1 (y) h1 (y,z)
a= b=
g1 (y) = g2 (y) =
h1 (y, z) = h2 (y, z) =
Z b Z g2 (x) Z h2 (x,z)
5. f (x, y, z)dydzdx
a g1 (x) h1 (x,z)
a= b=
g1 (x) = g2 (x) =
h1 (x, z) = h2 (x, z) =
Z b Z g2 (z) Z h2 (x,z)
6. f (x, y, z)dydxdz
a g1 (z) h1 (x,z)
a= b=
g1 (z) = g2 (z) =
h1 (x, z) = h2 (x, z) =
9. Calculate the volume under the elliptic paraboloid z = 4x2 + 7y 2 and
over the rectangle R = [−4, 4] × [−2, 2].
10. The motion of a solid object can be analyzed by thinking of the mass
as concentrated at a single point, the center of mass. If the object has density
ρ(x, y, z) at the point (x, y, z) and occupies a region W , then the coordinates
(x, y, z) of the center of mass are given by
1 1 1
x= xρ dV y = yρ dV z = zρ dV,
m W m W m W
Assume x, y, z are in cm. Let C be a solid conep with both height and
radius 1 and contained between the surfaces z = x2 + y 2 and z = 1. If C
has constant mass density of 1 g/cm3 , find the z-coordinate of C’s center of
(Include units.)
11. Without calculation, decide if each of the integrals
p below are positive,
negative, or zero. Let W be the solid bounded by z = x2 + y 2 and z = 2.
(a) (z − 2) dV
(b) z− x2 + y 2 dV
(c) e−xyz dV
12. Set up a triple integral to find the mass of the solid tetrahedron bounded
by the xy-plane, the yz-plane, the xz-plane, and the plane x/3 + y/2 + z/6 = 1,
if the density function is given by δ(x, y, z) = x + y. Write an iterated integral
in the form below to findZ theZ mass
Z of the solid.
f (x, y, z) dV = dz dy dx
with limits of integration
13. Consider the solid S that is bounded by the parabolic cylinder y = x2
and the planes z = 0 and z = 1 − y as shown in Figure 11.7.8.
x 1
a. Set up (but do not evaluate) an iterated integral that represents the mass
of S. Integrate first with respect to z, then y, then x. A picture of the
projection of S onto the xy-plane is shown at left in Figure 11.7.9.
b. Set up (but do not evaluate) an iterated integral that represents the mass
of S. In this case, integrate first with respect to y, then z, then x. A
picture of the projection of S onto the xz-plane is shown at center in
Figure 11.7.9.
c. Set up (but do not evaluate) an iterated integral that represents the mass
of S. For this integral, integrate first with respect to x, then y, then z.
A picture of the projection of S onto the yz-plane is shown at right in
Figure 11.7.9.
y z z
1.0 1.0 1.0
0.5 0.5
x x
-1 1 -1 1
0.5 1.0
14. This problem asks you to investigate the average value of some different
a. Set up, but do not evaluate, an iterated integral expression whose value
is the average sum of all real numbers x, y, and z that have the following
property: y is between 0 and 2, x is greater than or equal to 0 but cannot
exceed 2y, and z is greater than or equal to 0 but cannot exceed x + y.
b. Set up, but do not evaluate, an integral expression whose value represents
the average value of f (x, y, z) = x + y + z over the solid region in the first
octant bounded by the surface z = 4 − x − y 2 and the coordinate planes
x = 0, y = 0, z = 0.
c. How are the quantities in (a) and (b) similar? How are they different?
15. Consider the solid that lies between the paraboloids z = g(x, y) = x2 +y 2
and z = f (x, y) = 8 − 3x2 − 3y 2 .
b. Set up, but do not evaluate, an iterated integral expression whose value
determines the mass of the solid, integrating first with respect to z,
then y, then x. Assume the the solid’s density is given by δ(x, y, z) =
x2 +y 2 +z 2 +1 .
c. Set up, but do not evaluate, iterated integral expressions whose values
determine the mass of the solid using all possible remaining orders of
integration. Use δ(x, y, z) = x2 +y21+z2 +1 as the density of the solid.
d. Set up, but do not evaluate, iterated integral expressions whose values
determine the center of mass of the solid. Again, assume the the solid’s
density is given by δ(x, y, z) = x2 +y21+z2 +1 .
e. Which coordinates of the center of mass can you determine without eval-
uating any integral expression? Why?
Motivating Questions
• What are the cylindrical coordinates of a point, and how are they related
to Cartesian coordinates?
• What is the volume element in cylindrical coordinates? How does this
inform us about evaluating a triple integral as an iterated integral in
cylindrical coordinates?
• What are the spherical coordinates of a point, and how are they related
to Cartesian coordinates?
• What is the volume element in spherical coordinates? How does this
inform us about evaluating a triple integral as an iterated integral in
spherical coordinates?
z z
(ρ, θ, φ)
(r, θ, z)
z φ ρ
y y
θ r θ
x x
i. Find cylindrical
√ coordinates for the point whose Cartesian coordi-
nates are (−1, 3, 3). Draw a labeled picture illustrating all of the
ii. Find the Cartesian coordinates of the point whose cylindrical coor-
dinates are 2, 5π
4 , 1 . Draw a labeled picture illustrating all of the
i. What is the distance from P to the origin? Your result is the value
of ρ in the spherical coordinates of P .
ii. Determine the point that is the projection of P onto the xy-plane.
Then, use this projection to find the value of θ in the polar coor-
dinates of the projection of P that lies in the plane. Your result is
also the value of θ for the spherical coordinates of the point.
iii. Based on the illustration in Figure 11.8.1, how is the angle φ de-
termined by ρ and the z coordinate of P ? Use a well-chosen right
triangle to find the value of φ, which is the final component in the
spherical coordinates of P . Draw a carefully labeled picture that
clearly illustrates the values of ρ, θ, and φ in this example, along
with the original rectangular coordinates of P .
iv. Based on your responses to i., ii., and iii., if we are given the Carte-
sian coordinates (x, y, z) of a point Q, how are the values of ρ, θ,
and φ in the spherical coordinates of Q determined by x, y, and z?
Activity 11.8.2. In this activity, we graph some surfaces using cylindrical co-
ordinates. To improve your intuition and test your understanding, you should
first think about what each graph should look like before you plot it using
appropriate technology.
As the name and Activity 11.8.2 suggest, cylindrical coordinates are useful
for describing surfaces that are cylindrical in nature.
1 y
z 0.5
-1.0 -0.5 0.5 1.0
-1 0 1
Figure 11.8.3: The cylindrical cone r = 1 − z and its projection onto the
-2 0 2
11.8.4: A solid bounded by the cones z = x2 + y 2 and z = 4 −
x2 + y 2 .
ρ sin φ
(ρ, θ, φ)
φ ρ ρ cos φ
ρ sin φ
The example in Preview Activity 11.8.1 and Figure 11.8.5 suggest how to
convert between Cartesian and spherical coordinates.
Coverting between Cartesian and spherical coordinates.
Activity 11.8.5. In this activity, we graph some surfaces using spherical co-
ordinates. To improve your intuition and test your understanding, you should
first think about what each graph should look like before you plot it using
appropriate technology.
As the name and Activity 11.8.5 indicate, spherical coordinates are partic-
ularly useful for describing surfaces that are spherical in nature; they are also
convenient for working with certain conical surfaces.
_ _
∆V ≈ |P S| |P R| |P Q|,
where |P R| denotes the length of the circular arc from P to R.
z z
triple integral S
f (x, y, z) dV is converted to the integral
f (ρ sin(φ) cos(θ), ρ sin(φ) sin(θ), ρ cos(φ)) ρ2 sin(φ) dρ dφ dθ
in spherical coordinates.
The latter expression is an iterated integral in spherical coordinates.
Figure 11.8.7.
Figure 11.8.7: The solid cut from the sphere ρ = 2 by the cone φ = 4.
11.8.5 Summary
1. What are the rectangular coordinates of the point whose cylindrical
coordinates are
3 , z = −8) ?
(r = 5, θ = 3π
2. What are the rectangular coordinates of the point whose spherical coor-
dinates are
3, 13 π, 32 π ?
3. What are the cylindrical coordinates of the point whose spherical coordi-
nates are
6 ) ?
(3, −1, 2π
4. Find an equation for the paraboloid z = x2 + y 2 in spherical coordinates.
(Enter rho, phi and theta for ρ, φ and θ, respectively.)
5. Match the given equation with the verbal description of the surface:
A. Cone
B. Half plane
D. Plane
E. Circular Cylinder
F. Sphere
(a) r = 2 cos(θ)
(b) φ = π
(c) z = r2
(d) ρ cos(φ) = 4
(e) ρ = 2 cos(φ)
(f) ρ = 4
(g) θ = π
(h) r2 + z 2 = 16
(i) r = 4
6. Match the integrals with the type of coordinates which make them the
easiest to do. Put the letter of the coordinate system to the left of the number
of the integral.
(a) z 2 dV where E is: −2 ≤ z ≤ 2, 1 ≤ x2 + y 2 ≤ 2
(b) dV where E is: x2 + y 2 + z 2 ≤ 4, x ≥ 0, y ≥ 0, z ≥ 0
Z 1Z y2
(c) dx dy
0 0 x
(d) z dV where E is: 1 ≤ x ≤ 2, 3 ≤ y ≤ 4, 5 ≤ z ≤ 6
(e) dA where D is: x2 + y 2 ≤ 4
D x2 + y 2
A. cartesian coordinates
B. spherical coordinates
C. cylindrical coordinates
D. polar coordinates
7. Evaluate
the √
3Z 9−x2 Z 9−x2 −z 2
√ √ dy dz dx =
0 − 9−x2 − 9−x2 −z 2 (x2 + y 2 + z 2 )1/2
8. Use cylindrical coordinates to evaluate the triple integral
x2 + y 2 dV ,
where E is the solid bounded by the circular paraboloid z = 9 − 1 x2 + y 2
and z = 32 − 4 x + y .
2 2
δ = 1 + r g/cm3 .
13. Suppose f (x, y, z) = p and W is the bottom half of a
x2 + y 2 + z 2
sphere of radius 5. Enter ρ as rho, φ as phi, and θ as theta.
(a) As an iterated integral,
f dV = dρ dφ dθ
with limits of integration
(b) Evaluate the integral.
14. In each of the following questions, set up an iterated integral expression
whose value determines the desired result. Then, evaluate the integral first by
hand, and then using appropriate technology.
a. Find the volume of the “cap” cut from the solid sphere x2 + y 2 + z 2 = 4
by the plane z = 1, as well as the z-coordinate of its centroid.
b. Find the x-coordinate of the center of mass of the portion of the unit
sphere that lies in the first octant (i.e., where x, y, and z are all non-
negative). Assume that the density of the solid given by δ(x, y, z) =
1+x2 +y 2 +z 2 .
c. Find the volume of the solid bounded below by the xy-plane, on the sides
by the sphere ρ = 2, and above by the cone φ = π/3.
e. Find the volume of the solid that lies outside the sphere x2 + y 2 + z 2 = 1
and inside the sphere x2 + y 2 + z 2 = 2z.
R π/2 R π R 1
b. 0 0 0
ρ2 sin(φ) dρ dφ dθ
R 2π R 1 R 1
c. 0 0 r
r2 cos(θ) dz dr dθ
Motivating Questions
• What is a change of variables?
• What is the Jacobian, and how is it related to a change of variables?
The vertices of the polar rectangle P are transformed into the vertices of
a closed and bounded region P 0 in rectangular coordinates. If we view the
standard coordinate system as having the horizontal axis represent r and the
vertical axis represent θ, then the polar rectangle P appears to us at left in
Figure 11.9.1. The image P 0 of the polar rectangle P under the transformation
given by (11.9.2) is shown at right in Figure 11.9.1. We thus see that there is a
correspondence between a simple region (a traditional, right-angled rectangle)
and a more complicated region (a fraction of an annulus) under the function
T given by T (r, θ) = (r cos(θ), r sin(θ)).
θ y
2 2
1 P 1
r x
1 2 1 2
rectangle P 0 is given by r2 +r
2 ∆r∆θ. Therefore, as ∆r and ∆θ go to 0 this
Let’s see what happens to the rectangle T = [0, 1] × [1, 4] in the st-plane
under this change of variable.
b. Find the image of the st-vertex (0, 1) in the xy-plane. Likewise, find the
respective images of the other three vertices of the rectangle T : (0, 4),
(1, 1), and (1, 4).
Activity 11.9.2 presents the general idea of how a change of variables works.
We partition a rectangular domain in the st system into subrectangles. Let
T = [a, b]×[a+∆s, b+∆t] be one of these subrectangles. Then we transform this
into a region T 0 in the standard xy Cartesian coordinate system. The region T 0
is called the image of T ; the region T is the pre-image of T 0 . Although the sides
of this xy region T 0 aren’t necessarily straight (linear), we will approximate the
element of area dA for this region with the area of the parallelogram whose sides
are given by the vectors v and w, where v is the vector from (x(a, b), y(a, b))
to (x(a + ∆s, b), y(a + ∆s, b)), and w is the vector from (x(a, b), y(a, b)) to
(x(a, b + ∆t), y(a, b + ∆t)).
An example of an image T 0 in the xy-plane that results from a transforma-
tion of a rectangle T in the st-plane is shown in Figure 11.9.2.
t y
2 2
1 T 1
w v
s x
1 2 1 2
∂x ∂s ∂x ∂t
absolute value of ∂y ∂t is the area of the parallelogram determined by
∂s ∂t
the vectors v and w, and so the area element dA in xy-coordinates is also
represented by the area element ∂(s,t) ds dt in st-coordinates, and ∂(x,y)
∂(s,t) is
the factor by which the transformation magnifies area.
To summarize, the preceding change of variable formula that we have de-
rived now follows.
Change of Variables in a Double Integral.
Suppose a change of variables x = x(s, t) and y = y(s, t) transforms a
closed and bounded region R in the st-plane into a closed and bounded
region R0 in the xy-plane. Under modest conditions (that are studied
in advanced calculus), it follows that
∂(x, y)
f (x, y) dA = f (x(s, t), y(s, t)) ds dt.
R0 R ∂(s, t)
Activity 11.9.3. Find the Jacobian when changing from rectangular to polar
coordinates. That is, for the transformation given by x = r cos(θ), y = r sin(θ),
determine a simplified expression for the quantity
∂x ∂y ∂x ∂y
− .
∂r ∂θ ∂θ ∂r
What do you observe about your result? How is this connected to our
earlier work with double integrals in polar coordinates?
Activity 11.9.4. Let D0 be the region in the xy-plane bounded by the lines
y = 0, x = 0, and x + y = 1. We will evaluate the double integral
x + y(x − y)2 dA (11.9.4)
∂x ∂x ∂x
∂s ∂t ∂u
∂y ∂y ∂y .
∂s ∂t ∂u
∂z ∂z ∂z
∂s ∂t ∂u
(Recall that this determinant was introduced in Section 9.4.) That is, ∂(x,y,z)
is given by
∂x ∂y ∂z ∂y ∂z ∂x ∂y ∂z ∂y ∂z ∂x ∂y ∂z ∂y ∂z
− − − + − .
∂s ∂t ∂u ∂u ∂t ∂t ∂s ∂u ∂u ∂s ∂u ∂s ∂t ∂t ∂s
To summarize,
Activity 11.9.5. Find the Jacobian when changing from Cartesian to cylin-
drical coordinates. That is, for the transformation given by x = r cos(θ),
y = r sin(θ), and z = z, determine a simplified expression for the quantity
∂(x, y, z)
∂(r, θ, z)
What do you observe about your result? How is this connected to our
earlier work with triple integrals in cylindrial coordinates?
c. Use
RRR the transformation to perform a change of variables and evaluate
f (x, y, z) dV by evaluating
∂(x, y, z)
f (x(s, t, u), y(s, t, u), z(s, t, u))
ds dt du.
S ∂(s, t, u)
11.9.4 Summary
• The Jacobian is a scalar function that relates the area or volume element
in one coordinate system to the corresponding element in a new system
determined by a change of variables.
1. Find the absolute value of the Jacobian, ∂(x,y)
∂(s,t) , for the change of vari-
given by x = 7s + 5t, y = 8s + 6t
∂(s,t) =
2. Find the Jacobian. ∂(s,t,u) , where x = 4s−3t−2u, y = − (2s + t + 4u) , z =
4t − 4s + 4u.
∂(s,t,u) =
for the region R, the rectangle 0 ≤ x ≤ 40, 0 ≤ y ≤ 45 and the region T , the
square 0 ≤ s, t ≤ 1.
What is ∂(x,y) in this case?
∂(s,t) =
8. Find a number a RsoR that the change of variables s = x + ay, t = y
transforms the integral R
dx dy over the parallelogram R in the xy-plane
with vertices (0, 0), (22, 0), (−24, 14), (−2, 14) into an integral
∂(x, y)
ds dt
T ∂(s, t)
(x, y) = (0, 0), (8, 2), (10, 0), and (2, −2).
First find the magnitude of the Jacobian, ∂(x,y)
∂(s,t) = .
Then, with a = ,b= ,
c= , and d = ,
Rb Rd
) dt ds =
(x + y) dA = a c ( s+ t+
10. Let D0 be the region in the xy-plane that is the parallelogram with
vertices (3, 3), (4, 5), (5, 4), and (6, 6).
a. Sketch and label the region D0 in the xy-plane.
b. Consider the integral D0 (x + y) dA. Explain why this integral would