Topic 7 - Corporate Rescue Mechanisms (JC) PDF
Topic 7 - Corporate Rescue Mechanisms (JC) PDF
Topic 7 - Corporate Rescue Mechanisms (JC) PDF
Corporate Rescue Mechanisms
- Restraining order
- Who may apply?
- Publication of restraining order
- Consequences of a restraining order
Scheme of Arrangement (“SA”)
1. Company faced with financial difficulties but has in fact good prospects.
2. Creditors may propose a Moratorium SA or a Compromise SA.
3. However, it might be difficult for getting all the creditors to agree to a particular SA.
4. An SA does not bind all the creditors unless they agree to it. So the scheme will be
derailed if anyone of them files a winding up petition against the company.
5. Hence, the CA 2016 provides for a statutory SA that will bind all creditors – Statutory
Scheme of Arrangement.
Statutory Scheme of Arrangement
[s366 – 369]
1. Definitions of ‘compromise’ and ‘arrangement’. – Sri Hartamas Development Sdn Bhd [1990] 2 MLJ 31
3. Who can propose for an SSA? – Re Kuala Lumpur Industries Bhd [1990] 1 MLJ 280
Statutory Scheme of Arrangement –
Court-ordered meeting
1. The Court may order a meeting if it is satisfied of the application under s366(1).
2. The meeting may be postponed? How does a proposed SA become binding upon all
the creditors, members, company or the liquidator and contributories, as the case
may be? Court may make alterations or impose conditions –
3. Can the Court refuse to order a meeting of creditors? – Sri Hartamas Development v
MBF Finance Bhd [1990] 2 MLJ 31
4. The Court Order under s366(3) becomes effective once it is made by the Court?
5. What are the requirements after the Court Order has been made under s366(3)?
Statutory Scheme of Arrangement –
Application by a liquidator/judicial manager
1. Application shall not be made if the company is insolvent,
and unable to pay its debt in full at any given time.
2. How does the Court exercise its discretion?
Sri Hartamas Development Sdn Bhd
Re Buildmat (Australia) Ltd (1983) 7 ACLR 944
3. Hence, s367(1) empowers the Court to appoint an approved
liquidator to assess the viability of the proposed SA.
Statutory Scheme of Arrangement –
Restraining Order
1. To ‘shield’ the company from any possible proceedings against it.
2. To restrain any action or proceeding against the company except by leave of the
Court – s368(1)
3. How long is the ‘protection’?
4. Can it be extended?
5. Who may apply?
6. What are the conditions to be fulfilled in making the application for a restraining
Re Lityan Holding Bhd [2007] 3 CLJ 554
Barakah Offshore Petroleum Bhd & Anor v Mersing Construction & Engineering Sdn Bhd &
Ors [2019] 1 LNS 551; [2019] MLJU 338
Statutory Scheme of Arrangement –
Restraining Order
7. The restraining order shall be publicised.
8. Consequences of a Restraining Order
Restrain further proceedings against the company
Prohibits the disposition of the company’s property
The appointment of nominee director
Reconstruction and Amalgamation [s370]
1. What is a reconstruction?
Brooklands Selangor Holdings Ltd v Inland Revenue Commission [1970] 2 All ER
Re South African Supply and Cold Storage Co Ltd [1904] 2 Ch 268
2. What is an amalgamation?
Re South African Supply and Cold Storage Co Ltd
Re Hayes’ Will Trust; Dobie and Others v Board of Governors of the National
Hospital and Others [1953] 2 All ER 1242
Corporate Voluntary Management (“CVM”)
[ss395 – 401]
1. What is a CVA?
similar with an SA
Different in term level of supervision
CVM – The Procedures
• Proposal for a CVM
1st • Who may propose?
• Submission of Proposal
• What are the documents needed?
2nd • Appointment of Nominee
Judicial Management (“JM”)
1. What is JM?
2. Who are excluded from being placed under JM?
3. Under what circumstances can a company be placed under
Re Genesis Technologies International (S) Pte Ltd [1994] 3 SLR 390
Deutsche Bank AG and Another v Asia Pulp & Paper Co Ltd [2003] 2 SLR 320;
[2003] SGCA 19
Re Cosmotron Electronics (Singapore) Pte Ltd [1989] 1 SLR 251
JM – The Procedures
Filing an • Nomination of Judicial Manager
Application • Moratorium
• Newspaper
• Company
Advertisement • Any other person
• Registrar
• Consequences of a JM Order
JM Order • Maniach Pte Ltd v L Capital
Jones Ltd [2016] 3 SLR 801
JM – After JM Order – Judicial Manager
1. What shall the Judicial Manager do?
2. What are the powers and duties of the Judicial Manager?
JM – After JM Order – the Company
1. Statement of Affairs
2. Statement of Proposals
3. Meeting of Creditors
Committee of Creditors
What if the proposal is approved?
What if the proposal is rejected?
JM – After JM Order – the Creditors and Members
JM – After JM Order –
Duty to Cooperate with the Judicial Manager
JM – After JM Order –
Inquiry into Company’s Dealings