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EXAM- Marketing-1

Marketing (Università Commerciale Luigi Bocconi)

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La resposta A es la bona a totes:

1-Who created jeans?


2-What differentiates Levis jeans from the rest?

a. The red label in the jeans

3-In what is based the marketing campaign of Levis for kids?

a. Durability

4-Which is the most important model of Levis?

a. 501

5-What is the biggest problem from LEVIS customers?

a. Find the correct jeans ("well-fit")

6. Marketing management is_______________

Answer: The science of choosing target markets and keeping customers by creating value.

7. The concept of philosophy holds that consumers will buy the product they are happy with?
Answer: Product

8. Total number of lines that compose in all?

Answer: width

9. With market specialization as a market targeting strategy the firm concentrates on selling many needs
of a particular consumer groups.

10. When companies search new ways to satisfy customers and look for a distinguished from other?
Answer: Augmented

11. Marketing research is the systematic design analysis collecting and recording on data.

12. If a questioner designer decides to use a scale that connects to bipolar worlds in witch the person
answering chooses one?
Semantic differences

13. When a marketing positioned in the middle market segment wants to introduce a lower price
Answer: This is an example of a downmarket stretching.

14. The selling concept is practiced most aggressively with unsucked goods, goods that buyers normally
don’t think like buying (funeral plots, encyclopedia, securities)

15. The decision of a individual to become a regular user?

Answer: Adaption

16. Respect to the sampling plan, with decisions?

Answer: Sampling procedure

17. The first step in the research process is to problem 2 research objectives

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18. In the BBC documentary MC?

Answer: Local

________ is defined as a social and managerial process by which individuals and organizations obtain
what they need and want through value creation and exchange.
A) Research
B) Innovation
C) Manufacturing
D) Marketing

________ are human needs that are shaped by culture and individual personality.
A) Necessities
B) Wants
C) Demands
D) Values

A/ an ________ is the set of actual and potential buyers of a product.

A) market
B) control group
C) subsidiary
D) focus group

Consumer research, product development, communication, distribution, pricing, and service are all core
________ activities.
A) positioning
B) marketing
C) outsourcing
D) productio
The art and science of choosing target markets and building profitable relationships with them is called
A) marketing management
B) positioning
C) marketing mix
D) market offering

Selecting which segments of a population to serve is called ________.

A) market segmentation
B) positioning
C) customization
D) target marketing

Which of the following marketing management concepts is most likely to lead to marketing myopia?
A) customer-driven marketing concept
B) customer-driving marketing concept
C) societal marketing concept
D) product concept

The set of marketing tools a firm uses to implement its marketing strategy is called the ________.
A) promotion mix
B) product mix

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C) marketing mix
D) market offering

The final step in the marketing process is ________.

A) capturing value from customers
B) creating customer delight
C) creating customer lifetime value
E) designing a customer-driven marketing strategy

Doing reference to the types of need:

A) there are five: stated, real, unstated, delight and secret.
B) there are three: stated, real, unstated.
C) there are three: real, delight and secret.
D) there are five: stated, expected, unexpected, unstated and delight.

________ is based on the development, design and implementation of marketing programs, processes
and activities that recognize the breadth and interdependences.
A) Internal Marketing
B)Marketing Mix
C)Value delivery
D)Holisitc Marketing
Doing reference to SWOT analysis:
A)There are external elements, strength and weakness, and internal elements, opportunity and threat.
B)There are internal elements, strength and weakness, and external elements, opportunity and
C) All the elements are internal: strength, weakness, opportunity and threat.
D)All the elements are external: strength, weakness, opportunity and threat.

________ is a set of procedures and sources that managers use to obtain every day information about
developments in the marketing environment.
A) modern marketing
B) collecting information process
C)marketing intelligence
D) information marketing system

According to Herzberg two factor theory:

A)behavior is guided by subconscious motivations
B)behavior is guided by motivating and factors
C) A and B are correct.
D) A,B and C are not correct.

___________is a spatial representation in which competing brands are plotted.

A) Positioning
B) Graphic
C) Perceptual map
D) Differentaton

Overpositioning or underpositioning are examples of:

a) A good positioning strategy
b) Positioning mistakes
c) Product benefits
d) Marketing intelligence

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What is a market broken down into?

a) Sections
b) Bits
c) Bytes
d) Segments

A Cash Cow is:

a) product which generates a significant amount of money for a company.
b) a product with a low market share and a low rate of growth.
c) A product that the company should liquidate unless it has a strategic purpose
d) A synonym for brand.

In the Jockey underwear ads using young people on the beach and the slogan, "Let 'em know you're
Jockey", the company is hoping to use __________ groups to influence consumer behavior.
a) useless
b) Family
c) Odd
d) reference

Which of the following activities does NOT involve marketing?

a) Buying a BigMac
b) Attending marketing class
c) Deciding how many hours to sleep
d) Selling a CD on eBay

By promoting perfume based on youth, style, and sex appeal, Calvin Klein is attempting to:

a) foster environmentally friendly marketing initiatives.

b) stimulate supply chain management cooperation.
c) increase the perceived value of their products.
d) avoid interference from the Federal Trade Commission

Henry Ford's statement, "Customers can have any color they want so long as it's black," typified
the____________ era of marketing.

a) Production
b) Sales
c) Marketing
d) state-of-the-art

Choose which of the following is an example of an impulse is good:

a) Cellphone
b) A novel
c) Batteries
d) Ink cartridges
Port Aventura or Tibidabo positioning itself not as a “recreational theme park” but as an “educational
institution” is an example of:

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a) Positioning through the product benefits

b) Positioning by benchmarking with the competition
c) A product class dissociation
d) Positioning by emphasizing on the product features

Take a look at the following perceptual map:

A company wants to buy 2 cars, the first one is a very expensive and conservative car (they value both
attributes equally). In the second one they decide that they need a sporty and cheap car (they value
sportiness more than cheapness). Which is the combination that better adjusts to this?
a) A Jaguar and a Porsche
b) A Lexus and a Honda
c) A Mercedes and a Mazda
d) A Mercedes and a Ford
People who are constantly looking for cellphone promotions and switch to different mobile network
operator every now and then are:
a) Shifting loyals
b) Switchers
c) Split loyals
d) Hard core

Which definition accords to FAD trend?

a. Changes that are slow to form but once established last for 7 – 10 years (or more)
b. Unpredictable, short-lived, and without social, economic, and political significance.
c. Offer a view of the future due to their momentum and durability.
d. Products that are always a trend.

When we reach a new market with our current product is called:

a. Diversification
b. Market penetration
c. Product development
d. Market development

Data generated by the company with the business is called:

a. Marketing research
b. Marketing intelligence
c. Internal records
d. Auto-marketing

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In the product levels, which is defined as elements that although aren’t necessary to satisfy what the
consumer need, if those attributes were not here, then the consumer would buy another brand.
a. Expected product
b. Core product
c. Generic
d. Augmented
In a sampling plan when all the population elements have the same probability to being chosen, is
a. Systematic
b. Stratified
c. Simple random
d. Quota

Regarding the Boston Group Matrix a cash cow is when:

a. Market growth is high and market share is low
b. Market growth is high and market share is high
c. Market growth is low and market share is low
d. Market growth is low and market share is high
When in a question they only give you 2 possible answers (YES/NO) which kind of question is:
a. Multiple choice
b. Likert scale
c. Dichotomus
d. Importance scale
Which is not a social factor?
a. Family
b. Personality
c. Social roles
d. Reference groups

How established the theory that Behaviour is guided by subconscious motivations?

a. Abraham Maslow
b. Sigmund Freud
c. Jordi Garolera
d. Frederick Herzberg

When we divide the market on variables such as age, family size, family life cycle, gender, income.. We
are doing:
a. Demographic segmentation
b. Geographic segmentation
c. Psychographic segmentation
d. Behavioural segmentation

According to the value chain (Michel Porter) model:

a) the value chain identifies 9 activities: 5 support activities and four primary activities.
b)a company is a collection of activities that are performed to design, produce, market,
deliver ans support ist products
c) A and B are correct
d) A B and C are not correct.

According to modern marketing, the new 4 P’s are:

a) People, processes, promotion and performance
b) People promotion, performance and place

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c) Promotion, place, programs and processes

d) people, processes, programs and performance
-Doing reference to the marketing information system, what of the following are included in internal
a) The order to payment cycle
b)Sales information system
c) A and b are correct; C is false
d) B is correct but A and C are incorrect

A split loyal person is:

a)consumer who buy only one brand all the time
b) consumer who are loyal to two or three brands
c)consumer who show no loyalty to any bran
d) A, B and C are false.
According to the service quality model:
a)there are 6 gaps.
b) managers does not always perceive what the consumer want
c)one of the consumer worries is out of pocket costs
d) A, B and C are not correct

________is the added value endowed on products which may be reflected in the way consumer think,
feel and act with respect to the brand.
a) brand promise
c)Brand equity

The sales of a product increase a lot when:

a) innovators begin to buy the product
b) when we manage to allure the early adopters called first majority
c) the company begin to sell the product
d) when the laggards, who are potential buyers, begin to buy the product.

McDonald's serves McAloo Tikki Burger in India, McRice Burger in Malaysia, McOZ Burger in Australia,
Kiwi Burger in New Zealand, and McHuevo Burger in Uruguay and McSamurai Burger in Thailand. These
menu variations are examples of:
A) a combination of global and local marketing mix elements which has proved proofed to be

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B) Coping the same menu as the one there is the US.

C) a wrong marketing strategy.
E) wanting to show the world how fluent in other languages they are.

In the last few years we’ve witnessed that some Asian companies like Toyota have created other brands
to manufacture luxury cars. On the other hand, Mercedes has decided to create more affordable cars
without changing the brand name. According to experts:
a) Toyota’s strategy of using Lexus to manufacture luxury cars makes more sense in terms of
b) Mercedes’ strategy is the one that most marketing experts would recommend
c) They should never try to manufacture luxury cars whatever the circumstances
d) Mercedes will go bankrupt in less than 2 years

Imedio is a company that has several products. One of the products, “pegamento imedio” is not really
successful but they keep it because it is closely related with the brand. “Pegamento imedio” is a:
a) Star
b) Cash cow
c) Dog
d) Question mark

According to the 5 product levels, if we talk about a hotel the core product is:
a) The additional features the company has added to attract new users. For instance the warm
cookie they give to the customers.
b) The benefit that the users obtains. If we are talking about a hotel: A place to sleep and
c) The swimming pool and the other amenities
d) The potential improvements there could be.

Michel has a group of friends that he only sees during his summer holidays at his ranch in Montana.
These friends would be considered:
a) An aspirational group
b) A dissociative group
c) Family
d) A secondary membership group

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Look at the following image:

According to this, the chocolate brand that produces the highest quality at the highest price is:
a) Lindt
b) Green&Black’s
c) Ferrero Rocher
d) Cadbury

The __________ element of the marketing mix is demonstrated when a company places an ad in a
Newspaper or magazine.
b. price
c. promotion
d. place
e. process

The element of the marketing mix that describes a good, service, or idea to satisfy consumers’ needs is
known as
a. a product.
b. the price.
c. promotion.
d. the place or distribution.

One or more specific groups of potential consumers toward which an organization directs its marketing
program is referred to as a
a. mass market.
b. tangential market.
d. target market.
e. promotional market.

People with both the desire and ability to buy a specific offering are referred to as
a. shoppers
c. market
d. bazaar
e. emporium

All of the following are examples of products or services that satisfy a consumer need EXCEPT:
a. a pair of jeans.
b. an apple.
d. a luxury car.
e. a jacket.

What kinds of organizations engage in marketing?

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b. only very large and established for profit organizations

c. only Fortune 500 companies
d. every organization regardless of the kind
e. only the organization that wants to make a profit

Which of the following can be considered as a product mistake?:

a. Occasion
b. Overpositioning
c. Dissociation with the product class
d. “b” and “c” are correct

When there’s a product that consumer don’t think about, or that the consumer don’t know that exist
and in consequence you have to go after the buyer, we name it as:
a. Convenience product
b. Shopping
c. Unsought
d. Speciality

Add new items to the product line with the objective of offering more variety at the same consumer is
a. Filling
b. Pruning
c. Stretching
d. Varying

When you want a specific service because of the person that provides it it’s named:
a. Intangibility
b. Variability
c. Perishability
d. Inseparability

What we can do when the demand is low?

a. Share services
b. Differential pricing
c. Increase consumer participation
d. Part-time employees

The result of mixing low price with high promotion is:

a. Rapid skimming
b. Slow skimming
c. Rapid penetration

d. Slow penetration

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