Stress: Team: Lizeth Natalia Bernal María Paula Diaz and Laura Pinilla Bello
Stress: Team: Lizeth Natalia Bernal María Paula Diaz and Laura Pinilla Bello
Stress: Team: Lizeth Natalia Bernal María Paula Diaz and Laura Pinilla Bello
Team: Lizeth Natalia Bernal María Paula Diaz and Laura Pinilla Bello
A. Work in pairs. Interview your partner on the top ten most stressful things in his or her life.
Write your partner's top ten answers below.
1. Quarantine.
2. Don’t get a job.
3. To be locked up with the same people.
4. Don’t have enough time to do something.
5. Don’t do assistantship fast.
6. Working under pressure.
7. being uncertain about the future.
8. Don’t have enough money.
9. Have a lot of homework.
10. Can’t see the people you love.
B. Join with another pair to make a group of four. Compare and discuss your answers and
up with the top five most stressful things for your group.
Write down your group's findings below. Number one is the most stressful thing and number
five is the least. Then, discuss and write down the cause or causes of each stressful thing.
Being uncertain about Because we can’t see how to be the future and can’t make
the future. projections.
Do not have enough Because in this situation the money is essential and we
money. have debts to pay.
Working under Because we need our own time to do well the things with
pressure. good attitude.
C. Conduct a survey on how to reduce stress and relaxation methods. Go around the class
and interview your classmates. You don't need to write down names. Just make a note of
whether each student you speak to is male or female and make notes on the way each
person reduces stress and how they relax.
Useful questions: What do you usually do when you get stressed? Why?
How do you reduce your stress level? Why?
What kinds of activities help you to reduce stress and relax? Why?
2. Don’t get a Stayed positive, keep calm, and search new ways to get money.
3. To be locked Take some times to be locked alone in a room, listened music
up with the and do things that make us happy, like paint or write.
same people.
4. Don’t have Stop for a moment and think about how much importance has
enough time to to do does things and make a schedule to organize the time.
do something.
5. Don’t do Stayed in calm and being positive, everything arrives us in the
assistantship moment that we needed.
6. Working under Try to don’t pay much attention to that and let know the people
pressure that you can do everything in your own time.
7. being Try to have your main busy, when we don’t have nothing to do,
uncertain we start to things a lot in the future and that’s not well for our
about the self.
8. Don’t have Think two times, if it is necessary to buy somethings, try to do
enough money. a plans for save money, look another ideas to get enough
money, most of the time we get stress for thing having nothing
make us less, but that it is not truth.
9. Have a lot of Think that all you do it’s for a reason, and you have to enjoy
homework. every step to achieve your goals.
10. Can’t see the Try to use the technology for have a video calls, to talk and
people you have fun with your family and friends.
D. Regroup into your original group of four. Read all the data and rank the findings into healthy
and unhealthy ways to reduce stress, e.g. meditation is healthy and eating chocolate is
Male Fema
Ra Healthy Unhealthy Healthy Unhealthy
E. Now, make a group poster showing the results of the class survey.