HG G8 Module 5

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Homeroom Guidance
Quarter 2 – Module 5:

My Journey to a Stronger Me

NAME: ___________________________________
SECTION: _________________________________


Learning Objectives
At the end of this module, you are expected to:
1. describe life experiences that helped you develop your strengths;
2. enumerate ways on how to improve your strength and overcome your
weaknesses; and
3. appreciate the importance of discovering your strengths and
overcoming weaknesses in achieving academic success.

Period: Week 2 of 2nd Quarter

Suggested Total Time Allotment: 60 Minutes

Materials needed:

• clean sheet of paper

• crayons
• pencil


We learn from realities and experiences, whether they be bad or good. As we

experience ups and downs in life, we also discover our strengths and weaknesses
which are important to be successful in dealing with the challenges in life.
In this module you will examine your experiences that are valuable in realizing
your strengths and weaknesses. This kind of awareness contributes in your success
in life.

Let’s Try This
Suggested Time Allotment: 7 minutes

Copy and complete the table shown below. On the first column, list down top 3 of
your most memorable experiences in school or with your family. On the second
column, write down the strengths that you developed in each experience. After
completing the table, answer the processing questions on a sheet of paper. An
example has been provided as your guide.

Most Memorable Experience Strengths that I developed

Example: We were able to finish our Example: I was able to discover that I
project in EsP with high grades. am good at writing essays and poems
because of the experience.
1. 1.

2. 2.

3. 3.

Processing Questions:

1. How can you use those strengths to achieve your goals in studies?
2. What else would you like to develop as your strengths?

Let’s Explore This

Suggested Time Allotment: 15 minutes

Rate the statements that best describes you by checking the corresponding
box using the rating legend below. Write your answers on a sheet of paper,
including your responses to the Processing Questions.

5- Very true of me
4- True of me
3- Somewhat true of me
2- Somewhat untrue of me
1- Untrue of me

1 2 3 4 5

My Positive Characters….

1 I enjoy new experiences.

2 I am pleased with my own skill achievement.

3 I make good choices in the areas of my interest.

4 I am an independent teenager.

5 I make creative ideas happen.

6 I have a clear life direction.

7 I am hopeful and positive.

8 I take care of my self.

9 I am willing to ask for help when needed.

10 I recover well from challenges.

11 I share and cooperate with others.

12 I am affectionate.

13 I handle stress well.

14 I have a good sense of humor.

15 I am helpful.
* If you scored between 4-5 in a particular item, that is a strength; if your score is 1-2 that
could be something that you may want to improve, or a sort of your weakness.

Processing Questions:

1. What are your realizations about your strengths? About your weaknesses?
2. Can these strengths and weaknesses help you in facing the new normal?

Keep in Mind
Suggested Time Allotment: 10 minutes
Life experiences teach us lessons that lead us to better understand ourselves.
In the previous activities in this module, you may have some difficulty in determining
the specific life experience that made you realize your strengths and weaknesses.
That is completely normal. The value that you put in each experience definitely
impacts your personal journey to become a better person.

As you embark in this experience of discovering your strengths and
weaknesses, you may consider J.O.U.R.N.E.Y.

Join in different activities to connect and maintain healthy relationships.

Being with people who support you like your family and friends is an essential
factor that can lead to better experiences. This will help you in developing your
strengths and in overcoming your weaknesses. Do not hesitate to explore on
things that interests you especially those that will positively influence your
development as a person. (Just make sure that you also take in consideration
the health protocols during this pandemic.) You can:
• Enjoy the company of your siblings, parents and other family members
• Talk to your parents or trusted adults like Guidance Counselor about
your weakness and ask them to help you in overcoming these.

Observe. You can learn many things through observation. Try to observe yourself
when dealing with different situations as you use your strengths and
weaknesses. You may also get to learn as you observe the experiences of
others as they overcome their difficulties.

Understand. Understanding oneself, others, different situations and experiences is

an indicator of becoming reflective which is a strength of person who finds
meaning in every experience. This will aid you in making better decisions for
your studies and for your life.

Remember. Do not forget about the lessons you learned from different experiences.
Make sure that when you are faced with similar situations, you can always
look back and recall how you dealt with it in the past. By remembering, you
can plan ahead and avoid the same mistakes in the past.

Never stop. Continue discovering your potentials and in learning different ways on
how you can improve yourself and your decisions in the future. Your strengths
and weaknesses changes over time. It is important that you allow yourself to
continue despite difficulties.

Exercise regular routines that lead to the development of strengths and in

overcoming weaknesses. You can:
• List down your strengths and weaknesses; (things that you are good at or
the things that you would like to learn or explore)
• Set a specific time in a day for your personal development;
• Be patient in learning new things
• You may encounter failures or frustrations but you can always start anew.

Yearn to apply what you have learned in this lesson in your everyday life. You
• Share with your parents and other family members about this lesson. Your
family may be interested about your story, your triumphs and struggles
• Use this lesson in developing your academic and personal-social skills.
Your strengths and weaknesses can be a factor that can influence your
decisions in the future.

You Can Do It!

Suggested Time Allotment: 10 minutes

Think of a weakness that hindered you in achieving your academic goal when
you were still in elementary. Complete the table by answering the questions under
the second and third columns. Copy and answer this on a clean sheet of paper.

My Weakness when I Things that I have done to How can this help me
was in Elementary overcome my weakness. / in my current
What will I do to overcome my situation?

What I have learned

Suggested Time Allotment: 10 minutes

Make a symbol of your strength that you consider to be the most important one.
Do this on a sheet of paper.

Share your Thoughts & Feelings
Suggested Time Allotment: 8 minutes
Create a slogan that would best describe your journey in discovering your
strengths and weakness. Write this on a clean sheet of paper. You may follow the
sample shown below:


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