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Wireless Sensor Networks Nodes Distributed in Shapes of Polygons for

Promote Distance, Time Delay and Optimization Energy Consumption via

Article  in  Computer Engineering & Information Technology · January 2017

DOI: 10.4172/2324-9307.1000174


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3 authors, including:

Asmaa Hamoodi Fatih Vehbi Celebi

Tikrit University Yıldırım Beyazıt Üniversitesi


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Wireless Sensor Networks Nodes Distributed in Shapes of Polygons for Promote Distance, Time Delay and Optimization Energy
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Hammoodi et al., J Comput Eng Inf Technol 2017, 6:3
DOI: 10.4172/2324-9307.1000178 Journal of Computer
Engineering & Information
Research Article a SciTechnol journal

begins. It follows the physical establishment of the channel and

Wireless Sensor Networks precedes normal information transfer.

Nodes Distributed in Shapes of The Handshaking process usually takes place to establish rules
for communication when a  computer  sets about communicating
Polygons for Promote Distance, with a foreign device. When a computer communicates with another
device like a modem, printer, or network server, it needs to handshake
Time Delay and Optimization with it to establish a connection. In our work, we used Handshaking
algorithm in communication for wireless sensors network nodes
Energy Consumption via via Bluetooth. We designed our system with eight wireless sensor

Bluetooth networks nodes (WSNs), each node connected with the followed node
formed a Nonagon Polygon shape, this shape implemented by using
Asmaa Salih Hammoodi1*, Fatih V. Celebi2 and Remzi Yildrim3 Arduino and MATLAB.
Then, we implemented a PEGASIS algorithm with the same eight
wireless sensor networks nodes, by calculation the energy, distance
Abstract and time delay comparing with Handshaking to present a difference
Recently, many algorithms have been developed, using software, and improved the best algorithm.
in the field of reducing time delay, optimizing energy or increasing
transmitter distance. This paper shows how to distribute a wireless Related Work
sensor networks nodes (WSNs) by use of geometric shapes
especially polygons. We presented link design in successive shapes A sensor network is a network of many smart devices, called
of polygons in a Handshaking and PEGASIS Algorithms for getting: nodes, which are spatially distributed to perform an application-
reduce delay time, Optimize Energy Consumption and Increase the oriented global task. The primary component of the network is the
transmitter distance for wireless sensor networks nodes (WSNs) sensor, essential for monitoring real world physical conditions or
through Bluetooth. In Handshake technique depends on inference variables such as temperature, humidity, presence (absence), sound,
engine during every cycle. Each session starts automatically from
intensity, vibration, pressure, motion, and pollutants, among others,
the first node to the last node depend on Bluetooth. Bluetooth
behaves in two modes, master radio and a slave radio, depends at different locations [3].
upon Bluetooth portrait’s if it’s in transmitter or receiver.To achieve
In a sttudy by Nizar et al. [2], deals with the matter of energy
improvement, we compared between Handshaking algorithm
and PEGASIS , to get optimize energy, reduced time delay, and consumption minimization to maximize the overall network lifespan.
distance will be increased among nodes and base station. A mathematical model for the lifetime of WSN is formulated based
on several parameters to find out the optimal solution of the energy
problem in the field of wireless sensor networks using the Modified
WSN; Energy consumption in WSNs; Handshaking algorithm; Particle Swarm Optimization (MPSO) and Ant Colony Optimization
Bluetooth; PEGASIS algorithm; Polygon (ACO) algorithms.

Introduction While Almajadub et al. [4] presents optimization techniques for

WSNs. the main goal is to minimize the power consumption and
Recently, the wireless sensor networks (WSNs) are composed of latency. They propose to use IRS protocol in WSN within a ZigBee
actuators for actuating task and sensors for sensing task. Most of the technique to discover information from unaware locations and
WSNs need actuators to respond quickly for the sensed events [1]. achieve efficiency of energy and sacrifices latency. Main idea is to
WSNs are widely used in the common fields of the current science life, support WSNs with both ZigBee technique and Increasing Ray Search
so they had a lot of interest concerning monitoring systems in science (IRS) protocol. In addition, they address the problem of efficient
researches, military, agricultural and astronomy … etc. The matter of
node placement for congestion control in WSNs. Thus, evaluate the
power is the most crucial issue in that field of work so that, many studies
performance of specific routing and some algorithms of congestion
discussed and treated the problem of the power consumption in different
control when wireless sensor nodes are deployed under different
approaches using different optimization algorithms [2].
placements of network.
In  information technology,  telecommunications, and related
fields,  Handshaking  is an automated process of negotiation that Furthermore, Lu et al. [5] reviews a series of recent advances in
dynamically sets parameters of a communications channel established real-time wireless sensor actuator networks (WSANs) for industrial
between two entities before normal communication over the channel control systems:
• real-time scheduling algorithms and analyses for WSANs;
• implementation and experimentation of industrial WSAN
*Corresponding author: Asmaa Salih Hammoodi, Department of Computer protocols;
engineering, Yildirim Beyazit University,Turkey, E-mail: [email protected]

Received: May 23, 2017 Accepted: June 14, 2017 Published: June 18, 2017 • cyber-physical co-design of wireless control systems that

All articles published in Journal of Computer Engineering & Information Technology are the property of SciTechnol, and is
International Publisher of Science, protected by copyright laws. Copyright © 2017, SciTechnol, All Rights Reserved.
Technology and Medicine
Citation: Hammoodi AS, Celebi F, Yildrim R (2017) Wireless Sensor Networks Nodes Distributed in Shapes of Polygons for Promote Distance, Time Delay
and Optimization Energy Consumption via Bluetooth. J Comput Eng Inf Technol 6:3.

doi: 10.4172/2324-9307.1000178

integrate wireless and control designs; and example, medium access control, routing, Quality of Service (QoS),
and network security. These communication techniques and protocols
• a wireless cyber-physical simulator for co-design and
provide a rich technological background for the design of wireless
evaluation of wireless control systems [6].
communication in WSNs.
This paper presents the study of Hierarchical-Based Routing
Today most conventional wireless networks use Radio Frequency
Protocols (HBRP) such as leach and PEGASIS protocol proposed
(RF) for communication, including microwave and millimeter wave.
for wireless sensor networks. Additionally, the paper includes the
The primary reason is that RF communication does not require a
comparison analysis of both protocols based on some parameter.
line of sight and provides omni -directional links. However, RF has
The main objective of hierarchical based routing is to maximize the
some limitations, for example, large radiators and low transmission
network lifetime. They are made a comparison between LEACH and
efficiencies, which make RF not the best communication medium
PEGASIS protocol.
for tiny energy - constrained sensor nodes. Another possible
Overview of Wireless Sensor Networks medium for communication in sensor networks is free - space
optical communication, which has many advantages over RF
Due to the dramatic increase in worldwide and digital electronic communication [8]. Bluetooth in our work represented the main
technology, wireless sensor network, which is considered one of wireless communication.
the most important technologies in the twenty-first century [7].
Enabled by recent advances in micro-electronic-mechanical systems Bluetooth
(MEMS) and wireless communication technologies, tiny, cheap, and A  Bluetooth device uses radio waves connected to a phone or
smart sensors deployed in a physical area and networked through computer. A Bluetooth product contains a tiny computer chip with
wireless links and the Internet provide unprecedented opportunities a Bluetooth radio and software that makes it easy to connect. When
for a variety of civilian and military applications. A large amount of two Bluetooth devices want to link with each other, they need to pair.
research activities has been carried out to explore and solve various Communication between Bluetooth devices happens over a short-
design and application issues, and significant advances have been range, this ad hoc network known as piconets. A piconet is a network
made in the development and deployment of WSNs [8]. of devices connected using Bluetooth technology. When a network
Applications of WSN is established, one device takes the role of the master while all the
other devices act as slaves. Piconets are established dynamically and
Wireless sensors have significant advantages over conventional automatically as Bluetooth devices enter and leave radio proximity.
wired sensors. They can not only reduce the cost and delay in Bluetooth radios are symmetric in that the same device may operate
deployment, but also be applied to any environment, especially as a master and the slave. In our work, we used HC-05 embedded
those in which conventional wired sensor networks are impossible Bluetooth serial communication module (can be short for module)
to be deployed, for example, inhospitable terrains, battle fields, outer have two work modes: order-response work mode and automatic
space, or deep oceans. WSNs were originally motivated by military connection work mode. And there are three work roles (Master,
applications, which range from large - scale acoustic surveillance Slave and Loopback) at the automatic connection work mode. When
systems for ocean surveillance to small networks of unattended the module is at the automatic connection work mode, it will follow
ground sensors for ground target detection. However, the availability the default way set lastly to transmit the data automatically. When
of low - cost sensors and wireless communication has promised the the module is at the order-response work mode, user can send the
development of a wide range of applications in both civilian and AT command to the module to set the control parameters and sent
military fields [8]. control order [9]. HC-05 is a MASTER/SLAVE module as shown in
Some of the important application domains of WSNs are listed Figure 1a. The HC-05 Bluetooth module and its siblings are by far the
below. most popular and inexpensive. It costs less than $10 on eBay and it’s
easy to implement.
• Military sensor networks
• Networks for detecting chemical, biological, radiological, The role of this module (master or slave) can be configured only
nuclear, and explosive material by AT COMMANDS. Bluetooth of base station start as the master
mode while Bluetooth of all other eight nodes behave as slaves.
• Environmental monitoring networks
• Traffic sensor networks Energy
• Surveillance applications The energy of sensor nodes is usually limited, and it is difficult to
• Parking systems in shopping malls and big markets [3]. supplement energy frequently. Multi-hop communication, which can
lead to unbalanced energy consumption in the whole network and
Wireless Communication Technology seriously affect the life cycle of wireless sensor network, is generally
Wireless communication is a key technology for enabling the used for infrastructure and testing linear network [8].
normal operation of a WSN. Wireless communication has been Energy consumption
extensively studied for conventional wireless networks in the last
couple of decades and significant advances have been obtained in The main objective of the routing protocols is efficient delivery
various aspects of wireless communication. At the physical layer, a of information between sensors and the sink. To this end, energy
variety of modulation, synchronization, and antenna techniques consumption is the main concern in the development of any routing
have been designed for different network scenarios and application protocol for WSNs. Because of the limited energy resources of sensor
requirements. At higher layers, efficient communication protocols nodes, data need to be delivered in the most energy-efficient manner
have been developed to address various networking issues, for without compromising the accuracy of the information content.

Volume 6 • Issue 3 • 1000178 • Page 2 of 8 •

Citation: Hammoodi AS, Celebi F, Yildrim R (2017) Wireless Sensor Networks Nodes Distributed in Shapes of Polygons for Promote Distance, Time Delay
and Optimization Energy Consumption via Bluetooth. J Comput Eng Inf Technol 6:3.

doi: 10.4172/2324-9307.1000178

sends this message to the base station.

Data fusion: Data fusion techniques have been extensively
employed on multi-sensor environments with the aim of fusing and
aggregating data from different sensors; however, these techniques can
also be applied to other domains, such as text processing. The goal of
using data fusion in multi-sensor environments is to obtain a lower
detection error probability and a higher reliability by using data from
multiple distributed sources [11].
In this paper, the data fusion is represented in a simple frame. This
frame constructed as showed in Figure 2.
The objective of this frame is aggregate data from every node,
when the frame fills with data of all nodes, back message to the base
station (BS)
Figure 1a: Implemented Bluetooth and Arduino. In this work, in the base station (BS) which is represented by our
personal computer (PC), created the frame string by MATLAB, this
Hence, many conventional routing metrics such as the shortest string sends to all nodes one by one, the string is:
path algorithm may not be suitable. The major reasons of energy
Fprint f (serConn, ‘%s’, sprintf(‘N1, N2, N3, N4, N5, N6, N7,
consumption for routing in WSNs can be classified as follows:
Neighborhood discovery: Many routing protocols require each
The frame string fills with data from all eight nodes and saved in
node to exchange information between its neighbors. The information
to be exchanged can vary according to the routing techniques.
Connection methodology and information cycle within
Communication vs. computation: It is well known that
nodes: Sensor nodes in WSNs act group are very small devices
computation is much cheaper than communication in terms of
that communicate by using a wireless transmitter. These nodes are
energy consumption. Moreover, in WSNs, the goal is to deliver
cooperated autonomously to form a logical WSN network. Data
information instead of individual packets. Consequently, in addition
packets in this logical network are routed towards base-stations which
to the conventional packet switching techniques, computation should
are called management nodes or Sinks. These packets are routed by
also be integrated with routing to improve energy consumption.
the system of hop-by-hop [4].
As an example, data from multiple nodes can be aggregated into a
single packet to decrease the traffic volume without hampering the Base station (BS) configured as master get realization handshake:
information content. Similarly, computation at each relay node can be Base station (BS) Prepared an empty frame (data fusion) via MATLAB,
used to suppress redundant routing information [10]. it’s responsible to prepared connection and sends frame to each node,
Figure 3a show us BS. The linking process starts between a master base
Platform of Framework Description station (BS) and first node by sending a frame from BS to this node.
Hardware platform First node received the frame as shown in Figure 3c, starts to collect
the data then preparing the connection with second node. Update
This platform originates by connected Bluetooth with Arduino the frame with sensor data, disconnect the base station and reset,
to design a wireless sensor network node. Arduino is an open- moreover, check the second node to be linked to. Change the mode of
source electronics platform based on easy-to-use hardware and first node from the slave to master, the first node is in a master mode,
software. Arduino boards can read inputs - light on a sensor, a finger links the second node which is in a slave mode and Send frame from
on a button, or a Twitter message - and turn it into an output - first node to second node. Disconnect the previous node (first node)
activating a motor, turning on an LED, publishing something online.
We used our personal computer (PC) represents the Base Station (BS).
This base station connected with first node in successive method to
reach the eighth node. The eighth node back connected with base
station to recover the frame with a fill data. In Figure 1a 1b display
our connection of pin 34 of Bluetooth (BT) to the any digital pin of
Arduino also Powered the node to Initialize Each node as slave.
■■ Set digital pin which connect to pin 34 of BT to low//ground
■■ Delay about 1 second
■■ Set the digital pin to high // 5v
Software platform
In this part of the paper, we created our algorithms by a Graphic
User Interface (GUI) simulated in MATLAB. The aim of this operation
is make a frame sender to aggregate data from every node then it Figure 1b: Node hardware architecture in our work.

Volume 6 • Issue 3 • 1000178 • Page 3 of 8 •

Citation: Hammoodi AS, Celebi F, Yildrim R (2017) Wireless Sensor Networks Nodes Distributed in Shapes of Polygons for Promote Distance, Time Delay
and Optimization Energy Consumption via Bluetooth. J Comput Eng Inf Technol 6:3.

doi: 10.4172/2324-9307.1000178

Figure 2: Graphic User Interface (GUI).

Figure 3b: The base station of Handshake algorithm in slave mode.

Figure 3a: The base station of Handshake algorithm in master mode.

and reset, continue the operation with the second node change its
mode from slave to master and preparing links with third node which
is in a slave mode then send frame to the third node after collection
with the data of second, after that continue in the same sequence with
all other nodes fourth, five …. till eighth node. Before BS receives fill
frame, BS change modes from master to slave as in Figure 3b. The
frame fill with data of all nodes located in base station (BS), shown
Figure 3c: Fill the frame with data of first node.
in Figure 3d.
In our work, eight wireless sensors network nodes are connected
in Nonagon Polygon shape. Each node introduces Submit itself to the
next node for preparing connection. By using Arduino with Bluetooth
as shown in Figure 1a Start configuring the AT command for slave as
• Set the role as slave by write “AT+ROLE=0”
• Set the baud rate to compatible with others by
• Free the BT from any connection by write “AT+DISC”
• Set connection mode to only one connect by write

Implementation of Handshake Algorithm

We have developed a simulation of the proposed work in Figure 3d: Handshake algorithm in Nonagon Polygon with fill frame of all
MATLAB. The simulation allows us to judge the real-time behaviors of nodes data’s.

Volume 6 • Issue 3 • 1000178 • Page 4 of 8 •

Citation: Hammoodi AS, Celebi F, Yildrim R (2017) Wireless Sensor Networks Nodes Distributed in Shapes of Polygons for Promote Distance, Time Delay
and Optimization Energy Consumption via Bluetooth. J Comput Eng Inf Technol 6:3.

doi: 10.4172/2324-9307.1000178

the network nodes with the given algorithms as a basis for evaluating and forwards it to a nearby neighbor. It presents mechanisms that
performance enhancements by simulation. allow the variation of radio communications energy parameters
[10]. The PEGASIS scheme, depends upon a greedy chain formation
Pseudocode of handshake implements master and slave mode
While the greedy chain cannot always guarantee minimal energy
Input: msg[1,..,8] --> Empty frame for sensor value and connection consumption, the randomized leader selection does not consider the
path for each node node’s capability in being the leader, in terms of its energy content and
transmit distance [12].
Output: ETX and ERX 
In this work paper, we built a PEGASIS algorithm by eight
nodes, the base station (BS) connected with two chains to implement
exe_time=0.043; PEGASIS chains as shown in Figure 4. Base station linked with farthest
node in Bluetooth path (20 meters’) then connected with neighbors to
config node(i) as slave mode complete chain. We took this algorithm to compare with our proposal
role=0; Handshake algorithm, seeing benefits then inspire to improve which
algorithm we will used.
Implementation of PEGASIS algorithm
cmode=0; // connect to one BT
We have developed a simulation of the proposed work in
disconnect; MATLAB
slaveTime=exe_time * 4; // 4 number of commands Pseudocode of PEGASIS
config node(i) as master mode   Input: msg[1,..,8] --> Empty frame for sensor value and connection
role=1; path for each node

uart=9600;  nu=1,2,3,4   nd=5,6,7,8

cmode=0; // connect to one BT Output: ETX, ERX and Distance 

prepare link to next node;
config nu(i) and nd(i) as slave mode
masterTime=exe_time * 6; // 6 number of commands
while (i<9)
if i=8, node(i) connect to node (1);
cmode=0; // connect to one BT
node (i) connect to node(i+1);
update msg[i] with sensor value;
slaveTime=exe_time * 4; // 4 number of commands
calc ETX(msg), ERX(msg);
config node(i) as master mode  
send msg[1,..,8] to node (i+1);
Return ETX, ERX;
Figures 3a-3d display the result of handshake algorithm and
implement the nonagon shape.

PEGASIS Algorithm
PEGASIS chain construction is performed according to a greedy
algorithm, where nodes select their closest neighbors as next hops in
the chain. It is assumed that the nodes have a global knowledge of
the network and the chain construction starts from the nodes that
are farthest from the sink. Because of chain operation, instead of
maintaining cluster formation and membership, each node only keeps
track of its previous and next neighbor in the chain. Communication
in the chain is performed sequentially such that each node within a
chain aggregates data from its neighbor until all the data are aggregated
at one of the sensor nodes, i.e., chain leader. The chain leader controls
the communication order by passing a token among the nodes., a
chain is created so that each node receives aggregate information Figure 4: The Implementation of PEGASIS implementation.

Volume 6 • Issue 3 • 1000178 • Page 5 of 8 •

Citation: Hammoodi AS, Celebi F, Yildrim R (2017) Wireless Sensor Networks Nodes Distributed in Shapes of Polygons for Promote Distance, Time Delay
and Optimization Energy Consumption via Bluetooth. J Comput Eng Inf Technol 6:3.

doi: 10.4172/2324-9307.1000178

cmode=0; // connect to one BT
prepare link to next node;
masterTime=exe_time * 6; // 6 number of commands
while (i<5)
nu(i) and nd(i) connect to nu(i+1) and nd(i+1);
update msg[i] with sensor value;
calc ETX(msg), ERX(msg);
send msg[1,..,8] to nu(i+1) and to nd(i+1);
Distance = 20 meter;
Return ETX, ERX, Distance;

Required Performance Measurements Figure 5: The Implementation of Handshake Energy calculation.

In this section, we discuss the Implementations and results of
algorithms designed in WSN nodes within our proposed work. We
considered various scenarios of algorithms to achieve following:
To enhance the distance among base station (BS) to far nodes via
Bluetooth, making possible delivered data to BS in distance longer
than Bluetooth path. We connected our Handshake algorithm of
WSNs in a Nonagon (or enneagon) is a nine-sided polygon or 9-gon.
The diameter of a polygon is the largest distance between any
pair of  vertices. In other words, it’s length of the longest  polygon
diagonal (e.g., straight line segment joining two vertices) represents Table 1: Calculation of a regular nonagon (enneagon, 9 vertices) parameters.
the long distance among BT and nodes.
Nodes Distance in meters from base station
The configuration of WSNs nodes that implemented distribution Base Station 0
in a nonagon as Figure 5 shows. We took a side of nonagon equal to N1 20
20 meters’, this value represents, Bluetooth has a (10 meters’) path,
N2 37.588
with neighboring Bluetooth, the path become (20 meters’), this is the
N3 50.642
side of nonagon. In Table 1, we supposed that a regular nonagon with
20 meters’ side, by calculation we measured all diagonals and Hight N4 57.588
(h=56.713 meters’). Table 2 shows us the relation between distance N5 57.588
and nodes. N6 50.642
N7 37.588
Consumed energy
N8 20
We need to measure the total consumed energy in the network
in our two algorithms to distinguish the optimized one. In wireless Table 2: The Relationship between the distance and the nodes.
sensor networks nodes (WSN’s), Energy is the biggest constraint as follows:
for a WSN. In general, energy consumption in sensor nodes can be
categorized in three parts: For transmitter energy Etr and receiver Erx energy is

• energy for the sensor transducer, ETr(Ҡ; d) = ETx-elec(Ҡ) + ETx-amp(Ҡ; d)

• energy for communication among sensor nodes, and ETx(Ҡ; d) = Eelec * Ҡ + ϵamp * Ҡ * d2

• energy for microprocessor computation [13]. And Energy to receive message

According to the relevant study of wireless communication [7], ERx(Ҡ) = ERx-elec(Ҡ)

the energy consumption calculation formula of a network node ERx(Ҡ) = Eelec * Ҡ
transmitting bit to or receiving bit from another node has distance

Volume 6 • Issue 3 • 1000178 • Page 6 of 8 •

Citation: Hammoodi AS, Celebi F, Yildrim R (2017) Wireless Sensor Networks Nodes Distributed in Shapes of Polygons for Promote Distance, Time Delay
and Optimization Energy Consumption via Bluetooth. J Comput Eng Inf Technol 6:3.

doi: 10.4172/2324-9307.1000178

Eelec is the energy consumption of transmitting circuit, while Eamp Radio mode Energy Consumption
means the energy consumption of the transmitting amplifier. Where Transmitter Electronics (ETX-elec)
k the size of transmitting, or receiving data, d the distance between Receiver Electronics (ERX-elec) 50NJ/bit
the two nodes, [14] (ETX-elec= ERX-elec= Eelec)
Transmit Amplifier (ɛamp) 100p J/bit/m2
Table 3 shows the classical model with transmitter and receiver
Idle (Eidle) 40 N J/bit
energies values. We used these values for getting ERx and ETx.
Sleep 0
The Simulation Results Table 3: The classical energy consumption model.

Table 4 display the transmitter and receiver energies for all nodes
in a Handshaking algorithm and PEGASIS algorithm respectively, by
using the classical values of Table 3. In compensation of the parameters
Eamp, Eelec and k.
• The total transmitter energy 0.00010714 J/Bit while total
receiver energy is 9.92e-05 J/Bit in Handshake algorithm.
• The total transmitter energy 0.00010714 J/Bit while total
receiver energy is 9.92e-05 J/Bit in PEGASIS algorithm.
• The total time delay for transmitting a message of 8 bit is 6.64
second in Handshake algorithm.
• The total time delay for transmitting a message of 8 bit is 3.32
second in PEGASIS algorithm.

Comparing between Handshake Algorithm and

PEGASIS Algorithm
During execution two algorithms:
• The energy in Handshake algorithm and PEGASIS algorithm.
In Handshake, the total energy is the sum of all energies in
all nodes also in PEGASIS the total energy is the sum of all Table 4: Handshake algorithm energy.
energies in all nodes, so the energy consumption in the two
algorithms are same.
• The execution time in Handshake algorithm for sending
message from BS to all nodes is equal twice execution time
in PEGASIS algorithm. In PEGASIS the execution time
depending on the number of chains, but we must aware
of limit the augmentation in number of chains to prevent
• The distance among nodes and base station (BS) in a
Handshake algorithm become more than twice of the
Bluetooth path reaches 56.713 meters’, while in PEGASIS
algorithm the distance among nodes and a base station (BS) is
only the Bluetooth path reach 20 meters’.

Mechanism Reducing Time Delay, Increased Distance

and Optimize Energy in WSNs
According to simulations and comparison, a mechanism for
reducing time delay and increased distance with optimize energy for
communication WSNs via Bluetooth as follows:
We noted, from Handshaking with nonagon we can increased
distance, but the time delay is twice than the PEGASIS algorithm, Figure 6: Algorithm PEGASIS chains in a shape of polygon.
from PEGASIS algorithm, the distance is limited in Bluetooth path,
but time delay is half of Handshaking while the total energy is same in In this work, we have eight WSNs nodes, base station BS linked
all algorithms. For getting optimize distance and reduced time delay with two chains. Connection among BS with upper four WSNs nodes
we increate, The Improved Mechanism which is classified into two shape a pentagon upper chain, and BS connected with other four
chains but these chains are in a shape of polygons. WSNs nodes shape a pentagon lower chain.

Volume 6 • Issue 3 • 1000178 • Page 7 of 8 •

Citation: Hammoodi AS, Celebi F, Yildrim R (2017) Wireless Sensor Networks Nodes Distributed in Shapes of Polygons for Promote Distance, Time Delay
and Optimization Energy Consumption via Bluetooth. J Comput Eng Inf Technol 6:3.

doi: 10.4172/2324-9307.1000178

Implementation of Mechanism Reducing Time Delay, Conclusion

Increased Distance and Optimize Energy in WSNs In this paper, the main idea of using Handshake algorithm with
By implementation of all notes in section 10, the results we get: nonagon that performances of the schemes to which it is applied do
not deteriorate with increasing number of nodes, thus we can increase
The time delay reaches 332 second which is equal half time delay
in a Handshake algorithm. The distance from base station to node distance by taking decagon, hendecagon or (Undecagon), etc. Here,
2 and node 3 in the upper pentagon or from BS to node 6 and node implementation two platforms, hardware platform and software
7 in lower pentagon is 32.36 meters’, this distance implemented by platform. Hardware is connected by eight nodes in a Handshake
Pentagon Diameter (Regular Pentagon with 20 meters’ side for algorithm implementation, while software is implemented by creating
calculation a Diameter). Finally, the energy is same in all algorithms. message frame aggregate data from all nodes and saved in base
Figure 6 shows ours improved algorithm PEGASIS chains in a shape station. By comparing between Handshake algorithm and PEAGASIS
of polygon. algorithm, we ought to improve mechanism in a PEGASIS algorithm.
Pseudocode for PEGASIS chains in polygon shapes This is PEGASIS chains in polygon shapes. The shape of these chains
in polygons acquire optimize energy, good distance and optimize
Input: msg[1,..,8] --> Empty frame for sensor value and connection delay time. Finally, we can use this algorithm with any number of
path for each node WSNs node distributed regularly.
       nu=1,2,3,4   nd=5,6,7,8
Output: ETX, ERX and Distance,
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while (i<5)
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calc ETX(msg), ERX(msg);
send msg[1,..,8] to nu(i+1) and to nd(i+1);
Distance =32.36 meter
Return ETX, ERX, Distance;

Author Affiliation Top

Department of Computer Engineering, Yildirim Beyazit University,Turkey
Department of Electronic Engineering, Yildirim Beyazit University,Turkey and
College of Computer Science, University of Tikrit, Iraq
Department of Electronic Engineering, Yildirim Beyazit University, Turkey

Volume 6 • Issue 3 • 1000178 • Page 8 of 8 •

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