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Rotary Screw Compressors

CSD(X) Series
With the world-renowned SIGMA PROFILE
Flow rate 1.1 to 17.5 m³/min, Pressure 5.5 to 15 bar

CSD / CSDX Series

CSD(X) – Even more efficient

KAESER KOMPRESSOREN pushes the boundaries of compressed air efficiency once again with its latest generation of
CSD(X) series rotary screw compressors. Not only do the further optimised CSD(X) compressors deliver more compressed
air for less energy, but they also combine ease of use and maintenance with exceptional versatility and environmentally
responsible design.

CSD(X) – Multiple savings Perfect partners

The newly refined CSD(X) systems save energy in multiple CSD(X) series rotary screw compressors are the perfect
ways: the compressor airends are equipped with the partners for high-efficiency industrial compressed air
further optimised SIGMA PROFILE rotors and are con- stations. The internal SIGMA CONTROL 2 compressor
trolled and monitored via the industrial-PC-based SIGMA controller offers various communication channels, which
CONTROL 2 compressor controller. This advanced con- allows seamless connection with advanced master con-
troller matches compressed air delivery to actual demand trollers, such as KAESER’s SIGMA AIR MANAGER, and
and uses dynamic control to keep costly idling time to an in-house centralised control systems. This enables simple
absolute minimum. setup and achieves unprecedented levels of efficiency.

Variable speed control with synchronous Electronic Thermo Management (ETM)

reluctance motor
Powered via an electric motor, the sensor-controlled
The new synchronous reluctance motor combines the ad- temperature control valve integrated into the cooling circuit
vantages of asynchronous and synchronous motors in one is the heart of the innovative Electronic Thermo Manage-
drive system. The motor contains no aluminium, copper or ment system. The new SIGMA CONTROL 2 compressor
costly rare earth magnets, which makes the drive durable controller monitors intake and compressor temperature in
and service-friendly. In addition, the functional principle order to prevent condensate formation, even with differ-
minimises motor heat losses resulting in significantly ing air humidity conditions. Moreover, the ETM system
lower bearing temperatures. This ensures significantly dynamically keeps fluid temperatures as low as possible
extended bearing and motor service life. In conjunction to deliver even greater energy efficiency. This system also
with the perfectly matched frequency converter, the enables end users to better adapt heat recovery systems
synchronous reluctance motor also delivers superior to suit their specific needs.
performance compared to an asynchronous motor when
it comes to losses, especially in the partial load range.

Why choose heat recovery?

The question should in fact be: Why not? Amazingly, up

Up to
to 100 % of the (electrical) energy input to a compressor
is converted into heat. Up to 96 % of this energy can be

96 %
recovered and reused for heating purposes. This not only
reduces primary energy consumption, but also improves
the overall operating energy balance.

usable for heating

Service-friendly design

Image: CSDX 140 SFC

CSD / CSDX Series

Uncompromising efficiency

Save energy with the SIGMA PROFILE SIGMA CONTROL 2: optimum efficiency
At the heart of every CSD(X) system lies a premium The internal SIGMA CONTROL 2 controller ensures
quality airend featuring KAESER’s SIGMA PROFILE efficient compressor system control, monitoring and doc-
rotors. Flow-optimised for impressive performance, these umentation at all times, whilst the large display and RFID
advanced rotors help KAESER CSD(X) systems set the reader provide clear communication and maximum securi-
highest standards for efficiency. ty. Last, but not least, variable interfaces enable seamless
networking capability and the SD card slot makes updates
quick and easy.

Tomorrow’s technology, today: IE4 motors Required temperature assured

KAESER is currently the only compressed air systems According to operating conditions, the innovative Elec-
provider to equip its compressors with super premium tronic Thermo Management (ETM) system dynamically
efficiency IE4 class motors as standard, thereby delivering controls fluid temperature to ensure safe prevention of
maximum performance and energy efficiency. condensation accumulation and also boosts energy effi-

CSD T / CSDX T Series

Premium compressed air quality with add-on

refrigeration dryer

Power consumption ▀ Power consumption: KAESER add-on dryer

(kW) ▀ Power consumption: Refrigeration dryer with continuous control
▀ Energy saving: KAESER add-on dryer


10 12 18 20 Time (min)

Energy-saving control Dual cooling

The integrated refrigeration dryer in CSD(X)-T units pro- Two independent fans and a separate enclosure assure
vides high-efficiency performance thanks to its energy- high thermal reserve for the integrated refrigeration dryer.
saving control. The dryer is therefore active only when This allows the required compressed air quality to be reli-
compressed air actually needs to be dried: this approach ably maintained at all times even at high ambient temper-
consequently achieves the required compressed air quality atures.
with maximum efficiency.

cool with
R- 513A
Dependable KAESER centrifugal separator Future-proof refrigerant
A KAESER centrifugal separator fitted with an electronic The new EU 517/2014 F-gases regulation is intended to
ECO-DRAIN condensate drain installed upstream from minimise emissions of fluorinated greenhouse gases and
the refrigeration dryer ensures that condensate is reliably therefore contribute to limiting global warming. KAESER’s
pre-separated and drained, even when ambient tempera- new T-systems are equipped with R-513A refrigerant,
tures and humidity are high. which has a very low GWP (Global Warming Potential)
value. This means that these efficient dryers will be
future-proof for their entire life cycle.

Image: CSD 105 T

High-efficiency drive system: Efficiency class IES2

< 20% losses

as benchmark IES2

± 20% benchmark IES1

> 20% losses
as benchmark IES0

Standard DIN-EN 50598 Maximum energy efficiency

The European eco-compatible design standard DIN-EN For the frequency-controlled packages in the CSD(X) se-
50598 defines the requirements for drive systems in ries, KAESER meets the IES2 system efficiency standard,
electrically driven production machines. This standard which is the highest possible class as per the EN 50598
specifies system efficiency, taking into account losses from standard. IES2 class drive systems operate with 20%
the motor and frequency converter. With 20% lower losses lower losses compared to the benchmark.
compared to the benchmark, KAESER systems meet this
standard with ease.

CSD (T) SFC / CSDX (T) SFC Series

Speed-controlled compressor with

synchronous reluctance motor

Precision pressure control Durable and service-friendly

The flow rate can be adjusted within the control range Durable and service-friendly: the rotors of the synchro-
according to pressure. Operating pressure is kept constant nous reluctance motor do not contain aluminium, copper
to within ±0.1 bar. This allows maximum pressure to be or rare earth magnetic materials. This therefore makes
reduced, thereby saving both energy and money. the bearings and rotors as easy to replace as those in
asynchronous motors. The functional principle keeps
heat losses to a minimum, resulting in significantly lower
bearing temperatures. This ensures extended bearing and
motor service life.

Separate SFC control cabinet EMC-certified

The SFC variable speed drive is housed in its own control It goes without saying that the SFC control cabinet and
cabinet to shield it from heat from the compressor. A SIGMA CONTROL 2 are tested and certified both as indi-
separate fan keeps operating temperatures in the optimum vidual components and as a system to EMC directive EN
range to ensure maximum performance and service life. 55011 for Class A1 industrial power supplies.

CSD (T) SFC / CSDX (T) SFC Series

Maximum efficiency with the frequency-

controlled synchronous reluctance motor

Efficient synchronous reluctance motor Combined with a high-performance frequency

This motor series combines the advantages of asynchro-
nous and synchronous motors in one drive system. The ro- The Siemens frequency converter has a control algorithm
tors do not use aluminium, copper or expensive rare earth adapted to the motor. With the fine-tuned combination of a
magnets. Instead they are made of electrical steel with a frequency converter and a synchronous reluctance motor,
specialised profile and arranged in series. This makes the KAESER achieves the top system efficiency class ‘IES2’
drive highly durable and service-friendly. as defined by the EN 50598 standard.

Flow rate (%)


Low magnetic
resistance 70


High magnetic
resistance 0






























































▬ Day 1 ▬ Day 2 ▬ Day 3 ▬ Day 4 ▬ Day 5 ▬ Day 6 ▬ Day 7 ▬ Day 8 ▬ Day 9 ▬ Day 10 ▬ Day 11

How the reluctance motor works Minimal operating costs – exceptional productivity
In a synchronous reluctance motor, the torque is generat- Considerable energy savings are made possible due to
ed by magnetic reluctance. The rotor has salient poles and significantly greater efficiency – especially in the partial
is made of a soft magnetic material, such as electric steel, load range – than comparable systems using asynchro-
which is highly permeable to magnetic fields. nous drive technology. The low moment of inertia of
synchronous reluctance motors allows high cycle rates,
thereby boosting machine and system productivity.

Your benefits at a glance:

Best system efficiency: IES2 as per EN 50598

Maximum energy efficiency throughout the

control range

Durable and service-friendly drive

Advanced drive technology

Minimal operating costs, high productivity and


Industrie 4.0 ready

Entire system EMC-certified





Applications for speed-controlled compressor High efficiency in partial load operation

systems with synchronous reluctance motor Synchronous reluctance motors achieve significantly better
A recent study shows that the typical compressed air con- efficiency in the partial load range than asynchronous
sumption profile is in the 30-70% range of the maximum. motors, for example. This allows savings of up to 10%
This is where a speed-controlled rotary screw compressor compared with conventional variable-speed systems.
with synchronous reluctance motor technology can display
its energy efficiency advantages in the partial load range
to the fullest.

CSD and CSDX Series – Water-cooled...

...with plate heat exchanger

Two copper-soldered stainless-steel plate-type heat

exchangers assure high cooling capacity thanks to the
corrugated plate design with excellent heat transmission
properties – the perfect choice for applications with clean
compressor cooling water.

...with shell and tube heat exchanger

Shell and tube heat exchangers made of copper-nickel In addition they are seawater-proof, which means that they
alloy (CuNi10Fe) have similar cooling performance to that are suitable for compressors used in maritime applica-
of plate-type heat exchangers, but are less susceptible tions. Moreover, they exhibit exceptionally low pressure
to contamination. The exchangeable inserts allow easy loss, which in turn saves energy and money.
cleaning or replacement in case of contamination.

25 %
ambient heat
100 %
total electrical power
25 %
consumption compressed
air energy

Approx. 5 %
heat dissipation
from the drive Approx. 2 %
motor heat dissipated
by the compressor
into the ambient air

Approx. 76 % Approx.
heat energy 15 % Approx. 2 %
recoverable heat remaining in the
heat energy
through compressed air
fluid cooling
compressed air

Approx. 96 %
recoverable heat energy

Savings calculation example for warm air heat recovery in terms of fuel oil
(CSDX 165)
Maximum available heat capacity: 101 kW
Fuel value per litre of fuel oil: 9.86 kWh/l
Fuel oil heating efficiency: 90% (0.9)
Price per litre of fuel oil: 0.60 €/l
101 kW x 2000 h per year
Cost saving: x 0.60 €/l = € 13,657 per year
0.9 x 9.86 kWh/l

Further information regarding heat recovery:


Heat recovery system

Cost-effective heating

Up to
96 %
usable for heating

Heat recovery is an all-round win Space heating with warm exhaust air
Amazingly, 100% of the electrical drive energy input to a It’s heating made easy: thanks to the high residual thrust
compressor is converted into heat energy. Of that heat, up radial fan, exhaust (warm) air can be easily ducted away
to 96% is available for heat recovery purposes. to spaces that require heating. This simple process is
Use this potential to your advantage! thermostatically controlled.

Up to

Process, heating and service water Clean hot water

Hot water, up to +70 °C, can be produced from reusa- If no other water circuit is interconnected, special fail-safe
ble compressor heat via PWT* heat exchanger systems. heat exchangers meet the highest demands for the purity
Please contact KAESER regarding higher temperature of the water being heated, as with cleaning water in the
requirements. food industry, for example.
optionally installed within the package

Heat recovery

Energy-saving, versatile and flexible

Required heating energy (%)

100 %

Jan Feb Mar April May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

PTG plate heat exchanger system Required heating energy year-round

PTG plate-type heat exchangers consist of a package It goes without saying that heating is necessary during the
of pressed copper-soldered stainless steel plates. They winter months. However, it is also required to a greater or
provide excellent heat exchange characteristics with an lesser extent at other times of the year, such as in spring
impressively compact design. PTGs can be integrated into and autumn. Heating energy is therefore actually required
existing hot water supply systems and are well-suited for year-round.
industrial applications.

Conserve energy resources Feed heat energy to a heating system

In view of steadily rising energy prices, energy conserva- Up to 76 percent of the original input electrical energy for
tion is not only important for the environment, but is also the compressor system can be recovered for use in hot
becoming an economic necessity. Heat recovered from water heating systems and service water installations. This
rotary screw compressors can be used not only for heating significantly reduces primary energy demand required for
purposes during the winter months, but can also be uti- heating purposes.
lised year-round in other processes.

Complete unit Cooling
Ready-to-run, fully automatic, super-silenced, vibration Air-cooled; separate aluminium cooler for compressed air
damped, all panels powder coated. Suitable for use in and cooling fluid; radial fan with separate electric motor,
ambient temperatures up to +45 °C. Electronic Thermo Management (ETM).

Sound insulation Refrigeration dryer

Panels lined with laminated mineral wool. CFC-free, R-513A refrigerant, hermetically sealed refriger-
ant circuit, scroll refrigerant compressor with energy-sav-
ing shut-off feature, hot gas bypass control, electronic
Vibration damping condensate drain, upstream centrifugal separator.
Double insulated anti-vibration mounts using rubber
bonded metal elements.
Heat recovery (HR)
Airend Optionally available with integrated HR system (plate-type
heat exchanger).
Genuine KAESER single stage airend with energy-saving
SIGMA PROFILE and cooling fluid injection for optimised
rotor cooling. SIGMA CONTROL 2
“Traffic light” LED indicators show operational status at

Drive a glance, plain text display, 30 selectable languages,

soft-touch keys with icons, fully automated monitoring
1:1 direct drive, torsional-elastic coupling, without gearing. and control. Selection of Dual, Quadro, Vario, Dynamic
and continuous control as standard. Ethernet interface;
additional optional communications interfaces for: Profibus
Electric motor DP, Modbus, Profinet and Devicenet; SD card slot for data
Standard system with premium efficiency IE4 motor, qual- recording and updates; RFID reader, web server.
ity German manufacture, IP 55, ISO F class insulation for
additional reserve; PT 100 winding temperature sensor for
motor monitoring; externally lubricated bearings.

Optional SFC frequency converter SIGMA AIR MANAGER 4.0

The further-refined adaptive 3-Dadvanced Control
Synchronous reluctance motor, quality German manufac-
predictively calculates and compares various
ture, IP 55, with Siemens frequency converter; meets IES2
operating scenarios and selects the most efficient
system efficiency standard; externally lubricated bearings.
to suit the compressed air application’s specific
needs. The SIGMA AIR MANAGER 4.0 therefore
optimally adjusts flow rates and compressor energy
Electrical components consumption automatically in response to actual
IP 54 control cabinet, control transformer, Siemens fre- compressed air demand.
quency converter, floating contacts for ventilation systems. This powerful feature is made possible by the
integrated industrial PC with multi-core processor
in combination with the adaptive 3-Dadvanced Control.
Fluid and air flow Furthermore, the SIGMA NETWORK bus convert-
Dry air filter; pneumatic inlet and venting valve; cooling ers (SBC) provide a host of possibilities to enable
fluid reservoir with three-stage separator system; pressure the system to be individually tailored to meet exact
relief valve, minimum pressure check valve, Electronic user requirements. The SBC can be equipped with
Thermo Management (ETM) and ECO fluid filter in the digital and analogue input and output modules, as
cooling fluid circuit; fully piped connections, flexible line well as with SIGMA NETWORK ports, to enable
connections. seamless display of pressure, flow rate, pressure
dew point, power or alarm message information.

How it works
The air to be compressed passes through the intake filter (1) Intake filter
(1) and the inlet valve (2) into the SIGMA PROFILE com-
(2) Inlet valve
pressor airend (3). The compressor airend (3) is driven by
a high efficiency electric motor (4). The cooling oil injected (3) SIGMA PROFILE airend
for cooling purposes during the compression process is
(4) IE4 drive motor
re-separated from the air in the fluid separator tank (5).
The compressed air flows through the 2-stage oil separa- (5) Fluid separator tank
tor cartridge (6) and the minimum pressure check valve (7)
(6) Oil separator cartridge
into the compressed air aftercooler (8). Following cooling,
any accumulating condensate is removed from the com- (7) Minimum pressure check valve
pressed air by the integrated centrifugal separator (9) and
(8) Compressed air aftercooler
is then drained away from the machine via the installed
ECO-DRAIN (10) condensate drain. The condensate-free (9) KAESER centrifugal separator
compressed air then leaves the system at the compressed
(10) ECO-DRAIN condensate drain
air connection (11). The heat generated during the com-
pression process is removed from the cooling oil via the (11) Compressed air connection
fluid cooler (12) and dissipated into the environment with a
(12) Fluid cooler
separate fan with fan motor (13).
The cooling oil is then cleaned by the ECO fluid filter (14). (13) Fan motor
The Electronic Thermo Management system (15) ensures
(14) ECO fluid filter
lowest possible operating temperatures. The control
cabinet (16) houses the internal SIGMA CONTROL 2 (15) Electronic Thermo Management
compressor controller (17) and, depending on the machine
(16) Control cabinet with integrated SFC frequency
version, the star-delta starter or the frequency converter
(SFC). Some systems also feature an optional add-on
refrigeration dryer (18) that cools the the compressed air (17) SIGMA CONTROL 2 compressor controller
to +3 °C and thereby effectively removes all moisture.
(18) Add-on refrigeration dryer

Technical specifications – CSD
Standard version

Working pressure Flow rate *) Max. operating Drive motor rated Dimensions Compressed Sound Mass
Model Overall package pressure power WxDxH air connection pressure
at working level **)
bar m³/min bar kW mm dB(A) kg

7.5 8.26 8.5

CSD 85 10 6.89 12 45 1760 x 1110 x 1900 G2 70 1250

13 5.50 15

7.5 10.14 8.5

CSD 105 10 8.18 12 55 1760 x 1110 x 1900 G2 71 1290

13 6.74 15

7.5 12.02 8.5

CSD 125 10 10.04 12 75 1760 x 1110 x 1900 G2 72 1320

13 8.06 15

SFC - Version with variable speed drive

Working pressure Flow rate *) Max. operating Drive motor rated Dimensions Compressed Sound Mass
Model Overall package pressure power WxDxH air connection pressure
at working level **)
bar m³/min bar kW mm dB(A) kg

7.5 1.99 - 8.37 8.5

CSD 85 SFC 10 1.49 - 7.21 12 45 1760 x 1110 x 1900 G2 72 1220

13 1.16 - 6.15 15

7.5 2.32 - 10.01 8.5

CSD 105 SFC 10 1.91 - 8.79 12 55 1760 x 1110 x 1900 G2 73 1280

13 1.39 - 7.41 15

7.5 2.90 - 12.22 8.5

CSD 125 SFC 10 2.22 - 10.74 12 75 1760 x 1110 x 1900 G2 74 1300

13 1.81 - 8.98 15

*) Flow rate complete system as per ISO 1217: 2009 Annex C/E: inlet pressure 1 bar (a), cooling and air inlet temperature +20 °C
**) Sound pressure level as per ISO 2151 and basic standard ISO 9614-2, tolerance: ±3 dB (A)

T - Version with integrated refrigeration dryer (Refrigerant****) R-513A)

Working Flow rate *) Max. Drive motor rated Refrigeration Dimensions Compressed Sound Mass
Model pressure Overall package operating power dryer power WxDxH air connection pressure
at working pressure consumption ***) level **)
bar m³/min bar kW mm dB(A) kg

7.5 8.26 8.5

CSD 85 T 10 6.89 12 45 0.92 2160 x 1110 x 1900 G2 70 1410

13 5.50 15

7.5 10.14 8.5

CSD 105 T 10 8.18 12 55 0.92 2160 x 1110 x 1900 G2 71 1450

13 6.74 15

7.5 12.02 8.5 1.30

CSD 125 T 10 10.04 12 75 2160 x 1110 x 1900 G2 72 1510

13 8.06 15

T SFC - Version with variable speed drive and integrated refrigeration dryer (Refrigerant****) R-513A)

Working Flow rate *) Max. operating Drive motor rated Refrigeration Dimensions Compressed Sound Mass
Model pressure Overall package pressure power dryer power WxDxH air connection pressure
at working consumption ***) level **)
bar m³/min bar kW mm dB(A) kg

7.5 1.99 - 8.37 8.5

CSD 85 T SFC 10 1.49 - 7.21 12 45 0.92 2160 x 1110 x 1900 G2 72 1380

13 1.16 - 6.15 15

7.5 2.32 - 10.01 8.5

CSD 105 T SFC 10 1.91 - 8.79 12 55 0.92 2160 x 1110 x 1900 G2 73 1440

13 1.39 - 7.41 15

75 2.9 - 12.22 8.5 1.30

CSD 125 T SFC 10 2.22 - 10.74 12 75 2160 x 1110 x 1900 G2 74 1490

13 1.81 - 8.98 15

***) Power consumption (kW) at ambient temperature +20 °C and 30 % relative humidity
****) Contains fluorinated greenhouse gases covered by the Kyoto Protocol: GWP 631, refrigerant charge 1.45 kg, CO2 equivalent 0.9 t
Only with CSD 125 T (T-SFC) with 8,5 bar overpressure: GWP 631, refrigerant charge 1.65 kg, CO2 equivalent 1.0 t

Technical specifications – CSDX
Standard version

Working pressure Flow rate *) Max. operating Drive motor rated Dimensions Compressed Sound Mass
Model Overall package pressure power WxDxH air connection pressure
at working level **)
bar m³/min bar kW mm dB(A) kg

7.5 13.74 8.5

CSDX 140 10 11.83 12 75 2110 x 1290 x 1950 G2 71 1830

13 9.86 15

7.5 16.16 8.5

CSDX 165 10 13.53 12 90 2110 x 1290 x 1950 G2 72 1925

13 11.49 15

SFC - Version with variable speed drive

Working pressure Flow rate *) Max. operating Drive motor rated Dimensions Compressed Sound Mass
Model Overall package pressure power WxDxH air connection pressure
at working level **)
bar m³/min bar kW mm dB(A) kg

7.5 3.46 - 13.37 8.5

CSDX 140 SFC 10 2.82 - 11.60 10 75 2110 x 1290 x 1950 G2 72 1650

13 2.13 - 10.04 13

7.5 3.87 - 16.03 8.5

CSDX 165 SFC 10 3.34 - 13.91 12 90 2110 x 1290 x 1950 G2 73 1750

13 2.68 - 11.84 13

*) Flow rate complete system as per ISO 1217: 2009 Annex C/E: inlet pressure 1 bar (a), cooling and air inlet temperature +20 °C
**) Sound pressure level as per ISO 2151 and basic standard ISO 9614-2, tolerance: ±3 dB (A)

T - Version with integrated refrigeration dryer (Refrigerant****) R-513A)

Working Flow rate *) Max. operating Drive motor rated Refrigeration Dimensions Compressed Sound Mass
Model pressure Overall package pressure power dryer power WxDxH air connection pressure
at working consumption ***) level **)
bar m³/min bar kW mm dB(A) kg

7.5 13.74 8.5

CSDX 140 T 10 11.83 12 75 1.38 2510 x 1290 x 1950 G2 71 2045

13 9.86 15

7.5 16.16 8.5

CSDX 165 T 10 13.53 12 90 1.38 2510 x 1290 x 1950 G2 72 2140

13 11.49 15

T SFC - Version with variable speed drive and integrated refrigeration dryer (Refrigerant****) R-513A)

Working Flow rate *) Max. operating Drive motor rated Refrigeration Dimensions Compressed Sound Mass
Model pressure Overall package at pressure power dryer power WxDxH air connection pressure
working pressure consumption ***) level **)

bar m³/min bar kW mm dB(A) kg

7.5 3.46 - 13.37 8.5

CSDX 140 T SFC 10 2.82 - 11.6 12 75 1.38 2510 x 1290 x 1950 G2 72 1865

13 2.13 - 10.04 15

7.5 3.87 - 16.03 8.5

CSDX 165 T SFC 10 3.34 - 13.91 12 90 1.38 2510 x 1290 x 1950 G2 73 1965

13 2.68 - 11.84 15

***) Power consumption (kW) at ambient temperature +20 °C and 30 % relative humidity
****) Contains fluorinated greenhouse gases covered by the Kyoto Protocol: GWP 631, refrigerant charge 1.5 kg, CO2 equivalent 0.9 t

The world is our home
As one of the world’s largest compressed air system
providers and compressor manufacturers, KAESER
KOMPRESSOREN is represented throughout the world
by a comprehensive network of branches, subsidiary
companies and authorised partners in over 100 countries.

With innovative products and services, KAESER

KOMPRESSOREN’s experienced consultants and
engineers help customers to enhance their competitive
edge by working in close partnership to develop
progressive system concepts that continuously push the
boundaries of performance and compressed air efficiency.

Moreover, the decades of knowledge and expertise from

this industry-leading system provider are made available to
each and every customer via the KAESER group’s global
computer network.

These advantages, coupled with KAESER’s worldwide

service organisation, ensure that every product operates
at the peak of its performance at all times and provides
maximum availability.

P-651/28ED Specifications are subject to change without notice. .4/18

P.O. Box 2143 – 96410 Coburg – GERMANY – Tel +49 9561 640-0 – Fax +49 9561 640-130
e-mail: [email protected] – www.kaeser.com

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