Real 2 MCQs
Real 2 MCQs
Real 2 MCQs
1. If f 1 ( x ) ≤ f 2 ( x ) on [a, b], then
b b b b
b b
Uniform Convergence
∞ ∞
1. Series ∑ f n (x )converges uniformly on E, if ∑ M n converges such that
n =1 n =1
Muhammad Zain Ul Abidin Khan BS Mathematics 2017-2021
BSF1702379 Real Analysis-2
3. If a series ∑ f k ( x ) of continuous functions converges uniformly to S(x) then
k =1
S(x) is
(a)Continuous. (b)Integrable.
(c)Differentiable. (d)None of these.
4. If a series ∑ f k ( x ) of integrable functions converges uniformly to S(x) then
k =1
S(x) is
(a)Continuous. (b)Integrable.
(c)Differentiable. (d)None of these.
5. A sequence { f n ( x)} is uniformly Cauchy sequence if for ϵ > 0 and m, n ≥ N,
(a)|f n ( x ) −f ( x )|<ϵ (b)¿ f n ( x )−f ( x ) > ϵ
(c)|f m ( x ) −f n ( x )|<ϵ (d)|f m ( x ) −f n ( x )|>ϵ